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AdZU Senior High School

Instructional Delivery Framework

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This Interactive Learning Module for HUM 112: Contemporary Philippine Arts
from the Regions is aligned to the competencies of the K–12 Basic Education
Curriculum set by the Department of Education. This module is designed interactively
to cater to the needs and demands of the 21 -Century education.

The course, based on its curriculum guide, covers various contemporary arts
practices of the Zamboanga Peninsula. It aims to provide learners with a degree of
appreciation of a broad range of styles in the various disciplines of contemporary art.
In consideration of their elements and principles, we let our learners engage in an
integrative approach in studying arts. Through this subject, learners will broaden and
acquire the necessary creative tools and skills that open prospects in pursuing their
individual career goals and aspirations.

The course is divided into 4 units:

Unit 1 – Elements of Contemporary Arts;
Unit 2 – Contemporary Arts Found in the Philippines;
Unit 3 – Finding Local Materials in Creating Contemporary Arts; and
Unit 4 – Learning the Techniques in Creating Contemporary Arts.

At the end of the course, we envision our learners to be creative and to promote
the different arts essential to the celebration of our heritage found in our region.

To facilitate academic performance, Written Works (WW) are given to make

sure learners can express skills and content in written form. Performance Tasks (PT)
let learners translate knowledge and skills in diverse and real-life learning situations,
and finally, Quarterly Assessments (QA) will measure learning at the end of every

This Interactive Learning Module is collaboratively prepared by the Humanities

and Social Science instructors from the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Senior High
School for the school year 2020-2021.

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UNIT 3: LOCAL MATERIALS IN CONTEMPORARY ARTS ................................................................................. 5

I. CONTEXT ............................................................................................................................................... 6
II. EXPERIENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 6
A. Prelection .......................................................................................................................................... 6
B. Concept Notes................................................................................................................................... 7
C. Guided Practice ............................................................................................................................... 9
III. REFLECTION ................................................................................................................................... 11
IV. ACTION .............................................................................................................................................. 12
D. Closure ............................................................................................................................................ 13
V. EVALUATION..................................................................................................................................... 15
UNIT 4: TECHNIQUES IN CONTEMPORARY ARTS .......................................................................................... 18
I. CONTEXT ............................................................................................................................................. 19
II. EXPERIENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 19
A. Prelection ........................................................................................................................................ 19
B. Concept Notes................................................................................................................................. 21
C. Guided Practice ............................................................................................................................. 26
III. REFLECTION ................................................................................................................................... 28
IV. ACTION .............................................................................................................................................. 29
D. Closure ............................................................................................................................................ 32
V. EVALUATION..................................................................................................................................... 33
FINAL PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT .................................................................................... 33
ANSWER KEYS.............................................................................................................................................. 37
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 39

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Pre- assessment: Let’s Check What You Know about Unit 3

Instructions: Unscramble each jumbled arrangement of letters to form words related to the local
materials used in different contemporary arts. Careful, some of the jumbled letters are made up of
two words. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. IANPTBURSH ________________________

2. VCNAAS ________________________

3. WRRTEIYPET ________________________

4. EARPP ________________________

5. ENP ________________________

6. SNIRUTTNME ________________________

7. PNTAISLOI ________________________

8. TSNOE ________________________

9. MSCLUIASHTEE ________________________

10. CYRNOSA ________________________

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Main Idea

Artists used different local materials to beautify a piece of art.

Learning Competencies

At the end of the lesson, learners can:

a) discuss local materials used in creating art.

b) explicate the use of materials and the application of techniques.

Value Integration

A. Prelection
Instructions: Artists’ choice of material and the manner by which they use these materials are the heart of
making art, and these involve process and transformation. Identify and list down materials that are being used
in their artwork.


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In this lesson, we will learn that artists’ choice of material and the manner by which they use these
materials are at the heart of making art, and that these involve process and transformation. For
example, artists transform clay into pottery, as well as stone into a statue, bamboo into a nipa hut.

B. Concept Notes

Artists need physical materials to work on. They are the means by which artists make their feelings
or thoughts visible. Through them, they transform their idea or experience into something tangible
in order to be received by their audience, viewer, or listener.
In the past, materials for Filipino art forms were clearly defined: paper and pen or a typewriter for
the literary artist; paint, paper, or canvas for the visual artist; an instrument and/or a musical sheet
for the musician. Some art forms call for Western-made materials and tools that are expensive like
oil paints and brushes for the painter. Although some of them are still in use because they are part
of classical art forms, Filipino artists have devised alternative materials because they are part of

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classical art forms. Filipino artists have also rediscovered existing indigenous tools and instruments
for their use.

Materials for creating design come in two forms: support and medium.

Support may refer to the primary material of which the work of art is made (e.g., paper, canvas,
stone, textile) or the secondary material (e.g., paper glued or mounted on cardboard, textile over
wood). Medium stands for the substance applied to the support (e.g., crayon, paint, dye). For
example, in music composition and the literary arts, the support is the paper and the tangible medium
is ink.

When it comes to choosing their materials, Filipino contemporary artists do not conform to any fixed
standard. They know that they have many choices. They can just look around their surroundings and
find possibilities. For instance, some have found objects that can be used as materials for assemblage
and installation art and as musical instruments. The late Levi Celerio, National Artist for Music, was
fond of using leaf with his lips in humming musical tunes. During the Christmas season, children
sing Christmas carols with the help of their tin cans and sticks or stones.

Various musicians and bands have alternative materials today. A number of Filipino bands that play
with unconventional musical instruments, like bamboo, have emerged. One of them is the Band
Kawayan Pilipinas, formerly known as the PUP Banda Kawayan. Because of the band’s ingenuity,
their music is recognized, not only in the country but in other countries as well.

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C. Guided Practice

Instructions: Make a list of contemporary art pieces from lessons of Unit 1. Choose one that
combines several mediums.

Classify the whole project and each of the art works used in the project according to medium and
experience. Create a table by following this example on the MaARTe Ka.


Art Forms Medium How it is experienced? Meaning and context

Painting Canvass, Gouache Through an exhibit The artist claimed that he had a
during the HUM 112 “tremendous need for, shall I say
Culminating Activity the word – or religion’.

Sculpture Wood, Soapstone, Virtual (Internet) Simulacrum


Theater Script, Stage, Actual at Newport A musical based on the songs of

(Ang Production design Performing Arts Theater, the Eraserheads, nostalgia is
Huling El Philippines hard-baked into the entire outing.
Bimbo) It is itself about the rose-tinted
glasses that we put on when we
regard the past.

Project Name: ____________________

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Guide Questions:

1. Using your table as guide, explain how your understanding and experience of the work or
project changed your concept of art.

2. How are these new insights and experiences relevant to you own life? What new insights about
art can you apply to your life after viewing and interacting with contemporary art works?

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As an artist, it is important to preserve the local materials which contribute a big help to beautify a
piece of artwork. In the question below, write an essay or create a comic strip scenario that will
answer the question.

Guide Question: What can we do out of our local materials in our surroundings in order to achieve
the goal of preserving our community’s heritage?

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D. Closure
Instructions: Spot the five (5) local materials that you can see in this picture and answer the
following questions.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the different local materials present in the picture? Give a brief description of each


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2. List down at least 3 local materials that you can see in your surroundings. Provide the uses of
each material, then explain briefly how often you do or does your family use it.


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Instructions: Artists gather and prepare materials before they begin to create a beautiful artwork.
They make sure that their materials will contribute to making their work amazing. In your home,
collect materials that are present in your surroundings and take a picture of them. Paste them inside
the box below and provide a brief explanation of the materials that you’ve collected. These materials
will represent your choice of artwork from the GAMABA category which will be your Final
Performance task. Afterwards, answer the following questions.

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Guide Questions:

1. What are the materials that you will use in the artwork?

2. Were the materials used suited to the artwork? Why?


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3. Do you think the materials being used in your artwork can be classified into two forms? Why
or why not?

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Pre- assessment: Let’s Check What you Know about Unit 4

Instructions: Read each statement carefully and choose the BEST answer among the options given.
Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. It is the important part in creating a particular masterpiece.

a. Materials b. Canvass c. Technique

2. Maria is the most popular actress in her school because of her ability to enter into another character
and engage with an audience. In what Art Technique is Maria good?
a. Writing Technique b. Acting Technique c. Artistic Technique

3. Ateneo de Zamboanga University will celebrate Arts Month in the next 2 months. The Arts
organization has decided to conduct an audition for all in which they are going to show their talents
in singing and their skills in playing different kinds of instruments. What Art techniques is the
organization looking for?
a. Musical Technique b. Writing Technique c. Acting Technique

4. In writing technique, one of the skills in creating a good poem is _____________.

a. Good stage, screen or vocal presence.
b. Using concrete words instead of abstract words.
c. Visualize shapes and spatial relationships.

5. As an actor/actress, one of the processes to consider in creating a masterpiece is …

a. Rehearsal b. Free-writing pose c. Creating melodic ideas

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Main Idea

Different art forms have diverse techniques.

Learning Competencies

At the end of the lesson, learners can:

a) conceptualize contemporary art based on techniques and performance practices in their

b) apply artistic skills and techniques in the process of creation.
c) incorporate contemporary characteristics to one’s creation with attention to detail.
d) create the intended final product using appropriate materials for the best possible output.

Value Integration
Culture, Character

A. Prelection

Instructions: Replaced the word base on the image presented. Write the correct answer on the space

1. 2.

“They dzi et’al hearts” “Cool aged”

_________________ ____________

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3. 4.

“Shot doing” “Si lens”

____________ _________

5. 6.

“Si nema toe graph phi” “Ang girl”

______________ ____________

7. 8.

“Graph phi tea” “Edi thing”

_______________ ___________

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9. 10.

“Aye cone tack” “Mere roar


_______________ __________

This lesson supplies description of the techniques, media, and support of the object insofar as they
have to do with the creation of the work of art.

B. Concept Notes
Technique is the manner by which artists use and manipulate materials to achieve the desired formal
effect, and to communicate the desired concept, or meaning, according to his or her personal style.
The distinctive character or nature of the medium determines the technique. For example, stone is
chiseled, wood is carved, clay is modelled and shaped, metal is cast, and thread is woven.

Technique involves tools and technology, ranging from the most traditional (for example carving,
silkscreen, analog photography, and film making) to the most contemporary (digital photography,
digital filmmaking, music production, industrial design, and robotics).

Technique in the creation of arts can be defined in two ways: First, as the process or method that
makes use of the materials on hand; and second, as the skill of the artist to execute his or her work
and produce the effect he or she wants to achieve. It is a system in everything that artists do.

There are diverse techniques for different art forms.

A writing technique is the way a writer arranges words and thoughts to create moods or atmospheres,
or to evoke the feelings he or she wants to express. A musical technique is the way the musician
handles his or her instrument to interpret a musical composition and to express the feeling he or she

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wants to evoke. In visual design, the visual artist’s technique is his or her approach in using the
medium to come out with desired result.

In theater, an acting technique is the manner of using facial expressions, gestures, and body
movements to portray a character. A dance technique is the way of moving one’s body to express
an emotion or a desired state or condition.

Choreography Techniques

In choreography, the technique involves human movement and form within the elements of time,
space, and shape. It also involves energy in a nonverbal and emotional context.

There are two fundamental dance methods in choreography.

The first method is planned: The choreographer prescribes the movements and forms in detail,
giving little or no opportunity for the dancers to be creative.

The other methods is called improvisation: The choreographer allows the dancers freedom to
interpret the general instructions. This is oftentimes referred to as “interpretative dancing.”

Traditional techniques are still being used. These are mirroring, retrograde, canon, levels,
shadowing, and unison.

1. Mirroring – dancers face each other while doing the same steps
2. Retrogade – reverse performance of sequence of dance steps
3. Canon – dancers performing similar steps in a successive manner
4. Levels – varying positions of dancers
5. Shadowing – a dancer is standing behind another while doing the same steps
6. Unison – unanimous performance of steps

Some noted Filipino choreographers are National Artists Lucrecia R. Urtula of the Bayanihan Dance
Company, Leonor Orosa Goquinco of Filipinescas Dance Company, Ramon Obusan of the Folkloric

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group, Alice Reyes of Ballet Philippies; Agnes C. Locsin; Shirley Halili-Cruz; Basilio Esteban
Villaruz; the late Tony Fabella; and Edna Vida of Ballet Philippines.

Acting Techniques

Acting techniques deal with the characterization of the human experience. It is used to create a mood
and to heighten tension. It involves the coordination of facial expression, gesture, and speech to
produce the emotion or feeling called for in the part.

Actors have to learn basic acting techniques to be convincing in portraying the characters to the
audience. Some acting techniques are the following: learning the rhythm of one’s line, employing
word stress, and giving and receiving cues. Other techniques are “breathing life” into the character
and adding action to words to get the meaning across. Particular acting techniques deal with
movement, pace, pause, silence, voice, eye contact, physical contact, contrast, positioning, and

Both theater and film actors practice these techniques. However, there still may be slight differences
in some terms. For example, a theater actor must be more exaggerated in his movements to make
them visible to every spectator, whereas a film actor’s smallest movements and gestures can be seen
through tight shots and camera zooming.

Some examples of actors who are honoured by their passion in their art are the National Artists Daisy
Avellana and Fernando Poe, Jr.; Tony Award winner Lea Salonga; and international award winners
Nora Aunor and Gina Pareño.

In theater, an actor’s performance can also be attributed to the play’s director and playwright. The
director guides the actor in the accuracy of his or her movements and gestures on the stage. The
playwright, on the other hand, takes care of the lines that serve a vital role in a play. Acting is a part
that requires a three-person compact in theater.

Noted personalities in Philippine theater are directors Onofre Pagsanghan, Jose Estrella, Anton Juan,
Maribel Legarda, Nick Lizaso, Soxie Topacio, and the late Behn Cervantes. Some prized Filipino

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playwrights are Nicanor Tiongson who is also an art critic; Tony Perez; Paul Dumol; Bienvenido
Noriega Jr; Alberto S. Florentino; Rody Vera; and Jesus T. Peralta.

Literary Techniques

In modern Philippine literature, writers in all genres use English, Filipino, and the vernacular. Their
works mirror Philippine society and culture in a constantly changing environment that shows
patterns of contradictions (e.g., being a Filipino and dreaming of living abroad). However, they
acknowledge the historical background and historical traditions that have made Filipinos the way
they are, a people who are able to cope with the challenges of the world.

Like the other artists, contemporary Filipino writes are a socially committed group. Their writing
techniques put emphasis on fragmentation and paradox in the human experience, a feature of
postmodernism, which results in disorientation or confusion (e.g., a lack of unifying center, no father
image). Like the other arts, their writings are tools for questioning and expressing the human

They expose the plight of the marginalized in our society, the urban poor, the indigenous and the
ethnic communities. They depict diaspora or migration as a basic part of the Philippine experience.
They are gender-conscious. As in postmodernism, they show the breakdown of old barriers, between
Eastern and Western cultures, high and low cultures, and between men and women.

Techniques in Visual Design

In visual design, artists use their materials in various ways – A simple pencil can be used creatively
in different ways; a brush can be manipulated by the artists into any stroke they desire. Like the other
artists, they improvise, using traditional, non-traditional, innovative materials, and techniques for
their artwork.

Technique is personal – it is developed gradually; it cannot be done otherwise. Like the material,
artists make their technique work for them to produce certain effects they cannot reach by any other
means. Like the material, the technique is a means to achieve an end. Both materials and techniques
are the resources used in the creation of an artwork or production.
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Artworks and art productions are made up of different materials and techniques: traditional,
alternative, improvised, or avant-garde. Material is used to create an artwork while technique is the
method in which the materials are put together. By developing and experimenting their materials
and techniques, the artists develop their own style.

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C. Guided Practice
Instructions: Research about the different techniques mentioned in the previous section. Describe
and cite an example of techniques that are being used in writing, music, visual design, acting, and



Visual Design


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Guide Questions:

1. What have you learned after researching on these significant techniques in contemporary arts?


2. How did these make up the whole performance, movement, writing, and visual design?

3. As a student, how will you apply the different techniques in your own way?

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If you were given the chance to change any depiction of Philippine monument, painting, dance,
music, and film of your choice, what kind of performance, image or character would that be? How
are you going to change it? What materials and technique will you use? How will you put them

Write an essay or draw this new design with accompanying written explanation.


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D. Closure

Instructions: Each shape corresponds to the techniques in a specific art form. The STAR is

for Musical Technique, the HEART is for Acting Technique, SQUARE is for Writing

Technique and TRIANGLE is for Artists Technique. Choose the correct shape that
corresponds to the different techniques written below. Then color your answers according to the
two ways of technique.
RED - Process or Method

BLUE – Skill

_________1. Checkov Technique focuses on the imagination and inner and outer movements.
_________2. The first stage in making a music is song writing.
_________3. One of the techniques to be considered in this art form is the knowledge of the rules
of perspective.
_________4. In this art form, rhyming is the most obvious poetic technique used.
_________5. An actor/actress mystically becomes the character or tries to live the role in life
somehow literally.
_________6. Arranging is one of the techniques in making music.
_________7. Artists in this art form can incorporate a variety of different disciplines, including
drawing, painting and the like.
_________8. Organization is probably the most overlooked technique for music producers.
_________9. Memorizing the lines or script of each of the character.
_________10. It is the ability and knowledge of the composer used to create music.
_________11. In this art form, the choreographer allows the dancers freedom to interpret the general
_________12. Dry brushing technique tends to work best when applying light paint over dark areas.
_________13. One of the most important techniques in this art is the ability to enter into another
character and engage with an audience.
_________14. Retrogade is reverse performance of sequence of dance steps.
_________15. This technique called Galzing is used for intensifying shadows and modulating the

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You are a renowned contemporary artist in your City. The City government is planning to build its
local museum and invited you to create a creative contemporary art product integrating indigenous
and appropriate materials that can be found around your community. Your output will be placed in
that museum.

1. From the objectives, materials, and processes or procedures that you created and collected in your
Midterm Performance-Based Assessment, you’re now going to produce the output.
2. There should not be any augmented materials and procedures in your output. Follow what you
have written in your module.
3. Your output will be graded with the following criteria:


Contemporary Techniques – 30%

Appropriateness of materials used – 30%
Elements of Art – 20%
Principles of Art – 20%

4. Materials and processes or procedures must be well documented. You may opt to take a picture
and place it inside the box below or you may send it to your HUM 112 Instructor through his/her
preferred online platform.
5. Final output will be placed inside the box below or you may send it to your HUM 112 Instructor
through his/her preferred online platform.


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1. Paint Brush 1. Guitar

2. Canvas 2. Musical Notes
3. Typewriter 3. Canvas
4. Paper 4. Piano/Keyboard
5. Pen 5. Paint brushes and plate
6. Instrument
7. Oil Paints
8. Notes
9. Musical Sheet
10. Crayons


1. A 1. Digital Arts
2. B 2. Collage
3. A 3. Shadowing
4. B 4. Silence
5. A 5. Cinematography
6. Angry
7. Graffiti
8. Editing
9. Eye Contact
10. Mirroring

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10. STAR

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Angelita Benavides-Perez Angelita, M.A (2016). Philippines Contemporary Arts: Expressions
and Experimentations. Quezon City: Brilliant Creation Publishing, Inc

Mendez, Mario L. Jr (2016). Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Makati City: Diwa
Learning Systems Inc.

Ganzon, Carlo Luis (2018). Journey: Contemporary Arts of the Philippines. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House

Dreams/ Digital Art, Daniel Petrosyan,

How to find silence in an increasingly noisy world, Aytekin Tank (2019),
Learning Cinematography, 1 Narrative Fundamentals,

Angry face (2015), t


Graffiti Art, Scott H. Decker

What a Lack of eye contact says about you, According to Science (and How to fix it), Wanda

Dance Department, repetition, mirroring, reflection, shadowing, imagery, The University of Texas
at Austin,

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