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BT-TOEIC450 (T357, 7h30-9h)

UNIT 05 - 06: Adjectives & Adverbs

Directions: In each question, you will be asked to review a statement that is missing a word or phrase.
Four answer choices will be provided for each statement. Select the best answer and mark the
corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

01. Ms. Maria Perreira is ------- responsible for 02. Whether it is ------- to register for a student
some of our company's most successful marketing discount card depends on the needs of the
campaigns. individual.
(A) large (A) necessary
(B) largely (B) necessarily
(C) largest (C) necessitate
(D) larger (D) necessity

03. Once you have your résumé with references 04. The journal is published every four months, and
and ----, please submit it to the Human Resources ------- available to other member societies under
Department on the 3rd floor. agreement of payment and publication.
(A) qualified (A) official
(B) qualifications (B) officials
(C) qualify (C) officially
(D) qualifying (D) officialize

05. Andrew Hartwell is ------- regarded by his 06. New department heads must attend meetings
employees because of his dedication and ------ in order to be exposed to new ideas from
experience. other team members.
(A) highly (A) frequent (adj)
(B) high (B) frequenting (Ving)
(C) highest (C) frequently (Adv)
(D) higher (D) frequency (N)

07. Last week's performance was judged to be a 08. The price of organic foods is expected to rise

BT-TOEIC450 (T357, 7h30-9h)

major ------- even though it received no local ------- over the next several years because of an
media coverage. increase in demand.
(A) success (N) (A) dramatize
(B) succeed (B) dramatically
(C) successful (C) dramatist
(D) successfulness (N) (D) dramatic

09. Belinda Mai proofread the company's financial 10. Gruber Electronics looked forward to the next
reports ------- before releasing them to the quarter -------- as analysts had predicted an increase
stockholders. in sales.
(A) care (A) optimist
(B) caring (B) optimism
(C) careful (C) optimistic
(D) carefully (D) optimistically

11. The business owner considered the terms of 12. Presenters are required to speak -------- so that
the rental contract ------- and decided to sign the every participant in the seminar can hear them.
lease. (A) instantly
(A) agreeable (B) increasingly
(B) agreed (C) loudly
(C) agree (D) actually
(D) agreement

13. Many highly ------- job seekers applied to fill 14. Peak Outdoor Inc. is so ------- in the waterproof
the open positions in the marketing department. performance of its jackets that it is offering a four-
year guarantee on its latest garments.
(A) qualified
(A) confident
(B) promotional
(B) confidently
(C) apparent
(C) confidential
(D) feasible
(D) confidence


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