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Childs Nerv Syst



Hydrocephalus associated to congenital Zika syndrome: does

shunting improve clinical features?
Eduardo Jucá 1,2,3 & André Pessoa 2,4 & Erlane Ribeiro 2,3 & Rafaela Menezes 3 &
Saile Kerbage 2 & Thayse Lopes 3 & Luciano Pamplona Cavalcanti 5

Received: 9 October 2017 / Accepted: 16 October 2017

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract Conclusion This series points out the possibility of hyperten-

Purpose Congenital Zika syndrome (CZS) is a new entity sive hydrocephalus development in CZS patients. Affected
with little information about its course and natural history. It children may benefit from VP shunt insertion. These findings
is known that prenatal infection by Zika virus is associated to suggest a dual pathology association: fetal brain disruption
disrupted nervous system development, leading to typical and primary cortical malformation by the virus itself and hy-
neurological disabilities and deformities. Some children pres- pertensive hydrocephalus. This is already seen in some cases
ent progressive ventriculomegaly and hydrocephalus associ- of congenital rubella, toxoplasmosis, or cytomegalovirus-
ated to aggravation of seizures and neurological impairment. associated hydrocephalus.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the development of hy-
drocephalus and the impact of ventriculoperitoneal shunt in-
Keywords Zika virus . Microcephaly . Hydrocephalus .
sertion in the clinical condition of these children.
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Methods Data was obtained from chart review, direct inter-
views with patients’ parents, direct neurological examination,
and analysis of pre- and postoperative neuroimages.
Results A group of 115 patients had CZS diagnosis from Introduction
November 2015 to July 2017. Among them, 21 (18.3%) pa-
tients had ventricular enlargement noted on follow-up CT Congenital Zika syndrome (CZS) is a newly identified entity
scans. Six children (28.6%) underwent a ventriculoperitoneal provoked by infection by the Zika virus that affects children
shunt and all had some improvement after surgery concerning during fetal development by vertical transmission from infect-
either waking time during the day and better interaction. ed mothers. This virus, whose first descriptions point to an
Overall improvement was also noted in seizures. Spasticity origin in central African jungles, had already circulated in
decrease and more cervical control were also achieved. In the pacific islands leading to some isolated cases and limited
two out of six cases, a slight increase in parenchymal length outbreaks [1, 2]. It has arrived in Brazil probably in 2014,
could be noted on the CT scans. leading to a large amount of cases, mainly in the northeast
region of the country [3, 4].
Zika virus is transmitted via the bite of an infected Aedes
* Eduardo Jucá mosquito. In adults, it commonly leads to a self-limited febrile
eduardojuca@gmail.com disease associated to malaise, disseminated pain, and cutane-
ous rash, although many cases are asymptomatic. However,
Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil when the infection affects pregnant women, mainly in the first
Hospital Infantil Albert Sabin, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
trimester, the virus may pass through the placental barrier and
cause CZS, leading to dysregulation of genes involved in neu-
Centro Universitário Christus, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
ronal development and apoptosis, resulting in severe damage
Universidade Estadual do Ceará-UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil to the embryonic brain, fetal brain disruption, primary cortical
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil malformation, and microcephaly [5].
Childs Nerv Syst

Head circumference is usually under 32 cm at birth (− 2 Organization table for newborns delivered at term were used
SD, 31.5 cm for girls and 31.9 cm for boys on term), and the to analyze head circumference measures.
shape of the head is typically altered, with fall of the top of the CT scans were assessed focusing on ventricles’ size, pres-
skull and excess of skin in the front. Head computer tomog- ence of sulci and giri, existence of subdural spaces, and indi-
raphy (CT) scans show a characteristic pattern of brain atro- rect signs of intracranial hypertension. Evans’ index was not
phy, polymicrogyria, and spread calcifications (Fig. 1) [6–9]. used to analyze ventricles’ dimensions because the dispropor-
Neurological impairment is remarkable in these children, tional size and the distortion of ventricles morphology made
and consequently their development is severely delayed. the images not suitable to analysis by this index.
Many of the babies present epilepsy, with difficult seizures Parents were contacted to be informed and to sign the con-
control [10, 11]. sent form. The study was evaluated and approved by the re-
There is abundant literature concerning hydrocephalus in search ethics committee of the Hospital Infantil Albert Sabin
other congenital infections as toxoplasmosis [12–14] and cy- under process n° 56309716.6.0000.5049.
tomegalovirus [15, 16], but no sufficient data has been pub-
lished about hydrocephalus in the context of CZS. The aim of
this study is to report a series of patients with CZS submitted
to ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt to treat hydrocephalus,
discussing its consequences and the global physiopathological
A group of 115 patients is followed by the CZS task force.
process involved in the disease.
Twenty-one (18.3%) children presented a progressive enlarge-
ment of the ventricles noted on systematic follow up CT scans.
Among these, six patients (28.6%), four boys and two girls,
Methods presented, in addition to ventriculomegaly, an increase in fre-
quency and morbidity of seizures, drowsiness, or worsening
The present study is a descriptive cohort of patients presenting of neurological performance noted during rehabilitation ses-
CZS followed by a multidisciplinary team at the Hospital sions. These patients were submitted to surgical implantation
Infantil Albert Sabin (Fortaleza, Brazil), which is the reference of a VP shunt.
unit for the management of the disease in the state of Ceará, The chosen surgical technique was a classical VP shunt
northeast of Brazil, the most affected region in the world with standard pediatric medium opening pressure valve.
concerning CZS. As a whole, all operated patients showed clinical improve-
Data was collected from the specific CZS outpatient ser- ment after surgery. There was increase in daily waking hours
vice and from the pediatric neurosurgery unit from September and better eye contact. A general decrease in amount and
2016 to July 2017. Information was obtained from patients’ morbidity of seizures was observed. Regarding neurologic
charts, direct interviews with parents, neurological assess- examination, patients presented less spasticity and better cer-
ment, and neuroimage evaluation. A specific clinical form vical control. In two cases, a slight thickening of brain paren-
was used to obtain variables as age, gender, head circumfer- chyma was observed on CT scans.
ence (HC), gestational age, CT scan results, and neurological Clinical data are shown in Table 1. Patient 3 was submitted
examination. to emergency surgery, with no head circumference measure at
HC was monitored using an inelastic measuring tape pass- diagnosis. At birth, patient 4 had normal head circumference
ing at the glabella and at the external occipital prominence. according to gestational age.
Intergrowth table for preterm newborns and the World Health A concise description of each case is presented below:

Fig. 1 Clinical aspect of an infant with characteristic pattern of anomalies in congenital Zika syndrome. a Excessive scalp with folds. b Severe decrease
in cranial vault, irregularity of the skull, and collapse of the cranial bones with prominent occiput. c Craniofacial disproportion
Childs Nerv Syst

Table 1 Clinical data from 6 infants with congenital Zika infection and hydrocephalus

Patient/ Gender Gestational age Birth head HC—z Age of diagnosis of Corrected HC at the diagnosis HC—z score at
case in weeks at birth circumference scorea hydrocephalus age of hydrocephalus diagnosis of
(HC) in cm (month) hydrocephalusb

1 Male 39 27 − 4.81 9 8.8 40 − 3.91

2 Male 39 29 − 3.76 8 7.8 38.5 − 5.17
3 Female 40 27 − 4.82 13 13 NA NA
4 Female 26 21.5 − 1.51 15 11.8 41 − 2.82
5 Male 41 28 − 4.85 9 9.2 37 − 6.42
6 Male 40 30 − 3.19 13 13 40.5 − 4.91

NA not available
Standard deviations calculated using INTERGROWTH-21st Newborn Size Application Tool (https://intergrowth21.tghn.org/global-perinatal-package/
Standard deviations calculated using PediTools for World Health Organization growth standard for age 0–24 months (http://peditools.org/growthwho/

Case 1 the first trimester of pregnancy and serological tests per-

An 11-month-old boy was first evaluated at the outpa- formed during pregnancy and just after birth were posi-
tient service of the CZS task force at age 3 months. From tive. The baby was under anticonvulsive treatment since
the beginning, he presented hypertonia, hyperexcitability, the second semester of life and was referred from the
global hyperreflexia, and incomplete cervical control. countryside due to vomits and irritability starting 3 days
Primitive reflexes persisted along the months. CT scan before admission. CT scan showed very large ventricles
performed at age 6 days showed spread calcifications, and signs of intracranial hypertension. A VP shunt was
subcortical atrophy, and ventriculomegaly. At age inserted as emergency procedure. The patient had a good
6 months, he started to present seizures manifested by recovery, being discharged at the 3rd day post-op. At the
infantile spasms, which became more frequent at follow-up, there were less seizures and irritability, and no
8 months and followed by somnolence and irritability. vomits.
A new CT scan showed important increase of the ventric- Case 4
ular size. Decision was taken to perform a VP shunt, A 15-month-old girl was followed since age 1 month
which had no complications. The child was discharged with phenotypical and radiological aspects consistent
from hospital 3 days after surgery. At the first follow-up with CZS. She was admitted after exacerbation of sei-
consultation, there was an important decrease in seizure zures just after receiving pentavalent vaccine. During
frequency, improvement of interaction with the environ- hospital stay, a CT scan showed important ventricular
ment and more awareness. On clinical examination, the dilatation. Taking into account clinical aggravation and
patient was alert and had less global hypertonia. ventricular increase, a VP shunt was inserted without
Case 2 complications. The patient was discharged at 2nd postop-
An 8-month-old boy was initially evaluated at the 6th erative day. Two days later, she was readmitted due to a
day of life. Initial neurological assessment showed hyper- febrile state. Although a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) exam-
tonia, hyperreflexia, limb tremors, convergent strabis- ination was normal, antibiotics were maintained for
mus, and the typical CZS dimorphisms. CT scan at the 14 days. After 2 weeks at home in good condition, she
2nd week of life showed calcifications, global atrophy, was admitted for the 3rd time with marked respiratory
increase of the subarachnoid spaces, and cerebellar atro- distress and died after 19 days due to sepsis of pulmonary
phy. At age 8 months, he started to present spasms and origin.
irritability. A new CT scan showed important ventricular Case 5
increase. A VP shunt was inserted with no complications An 11-month-old boy presented with microcephaly,
and the patient was discharged at the 2nd postoperative arthrogryposis, craniofacial disproportion, hypertonia,
day. At 1-month follow-up, there was complete remission and hyperreflexia. Initial CT scan showed the typical fea-
of seizures and tremors, less irritability, more alertness, tures of CZS, including spread calcifications and
and better cervical control. polymicrogyria. At age 9 months, he started to present
Case 3 spasms and persistent irritability, with periods of drows-
A 14-month-old girl was previously known as having iness and stupor. Follow-up CT scan showed important
CZS. The mother had symptoms of mild Zika infection at ventricular enlargement and a thinner brain parenchyma.
Childs Nerv Syst

Fig. 2 Tomographical findings in a child with congenital Zika syndrome and progressive ventriculomegaly. a CT at diagnosis of congenital Zika
syndrome. b CT showing hypertensive hydrocephalus. c Post-op CT scan

Clinical and image association lead to insertion of a VP populations in Brazil. These characteristics have been already
shunt, which had no complications. He was discharged from described in literature and include microcephaly due to severe
hospital 3 days after surgery. At the 1-month follow-up brain damage and impaired neurological development [6–9].
consultation, seizures were controlled with anticonvulsants. Some of the individuals presented epilepsy with different
The child was alert and calm, interacting with the levels of severity [10, 11] and ophthalmologic abnormalities
examiners. as macular circumscribed chorioretinal atrophy, focal mottled
Case 6 retinal pigment epithelium, optic nerve pallor, early-onset stra-
A 14-month-old boy had phenotypical and radiologi- bismus, nystagmus, and low visual acuity [18, 19].
cal features consistent with CZS. At age 11 months, he Likewise, neuroimaging findings show a consistent homoge-
started with infantile spasms and worsening of dysphagia. neous pattern in the affected populations: cortico-subcortical at-
Follow-up CT scan showed global enlargement of the rophy, cortical malformation mainly polymicrogyria, subcortical
ventricles. After VP shunt insertion, the child had and basal ganglia calcification, ventriculomegaly, cerebellar al-
laryngospasm followed by a cardiac arrest. He was suc- terations, and subdural space enlargement (Fig. 2) [6–9, 17, 20].
cessfully reanimated and currently is in good general con- Given the recent onset of the outbreak, some complications
dition, with fewer seizures, less spasticity, and better so- are being detected and becoming part of the natural history of the
cial interaction. disease as the patients grow older. This has been observed in
cases of epilepsy and ventricular enlargement that are not detect-
ed immediately after birth but only around the end of the first
semester and the end of the 1st year of life, respectively.
Discussion During follow-up, some children presented remarkable ven-
tricular enlargement on CT scans. This was associated in most
As a recently described entity, CZS is imposing several difficul- cases with clinical aggravation manifested by drowsiness, apathy,
ties to the teams who care for these patients, given the lack of neurological deterioration, and epilepsy worsening. Although
established standards for treatment and the scarce literature [17]. ventricular increase has been usually ascribed to continuous brain
This study is one of the first efforts to report the development of damage, a few patients with these characteristics were submitted
hydrocephalus associated to CZS and its treatment with VP to VP shunt due to combined clinical and radiological worsening.
shunt. To our knowledge, there are no other series reported in As shown in Table 1, increase in HC is not a remarkable marker
the literature. for hydrocephalus decompensation in these cases.
The cohort of children with CZS in our service shares the The choice for VP shunt as treatment for hydrocephalus
same phenotypical and clinical features of other affected was based on the supposition of CSF flow disturbance, with
Childs Nerv Syst

no clear obstruction of its pathways, which leads us to classify needed to establish more accurate prognosis. Pediatric neuro-
the hydrocephalus as Bcommunicating^ [21–23]. Moreover, surgery services must be part of the management of this still
hydrocephalus in the context of CZS seems to appear a little obscure and challenging disease.
before or around the first year of life. In this age range, endo-
scopic treatment for hydrocephalus is known to have worse Compliance with ethical standards
results than VP shunts [21–23].
Conflict of interest All authors declare that there is no conflict of
Although one could argue that the increase of ventricular
interests to be disclosed.
volume might be due to continuous direct brain damage by the
virus leading to wider CSF spaces and ex-vacuum non-hyper-
tensive ventriculomegaly, the rapid enlargement of the ventri-
cles associated to clinical deterioration suggests hypertensive
hydrocephalus as part of the course of the disease in some
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