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Phase 1: Read a text aloud - Intonation and Pronunciation (2 mins)

In this part, candidates read the handout given by the teacher for two minutes. In the first minute,
candidates read silently, in the second minute candidates read the text out loud. Teacher will give the
score on intonation and pronunciation of candidates.

Phase 2: General questions - Fluency (3 mins)

Teacher will ask some questions to dialogue with candidates for 3 minutes. Teacher will score the
fluency of candidates.

(Teacher selects 3-4 of the following questions to ask the candidate)

- Can you introduce yourself? Where do you live now? What is your major/job? What are your
hobbies? Or What do you do in your free time?
- Do you like to travel? Where/Why do you like to travel?
- How long have you studied English? Why do you choose to learn English? What do you think about
Mai Lam Center?
- What would you do if you had a lot of money?
- Do you agree with the statement “travel broadens your mind”? Why?
- How important is “the first impression”?
- Have you ever used “white lie” in your life?

Phase 3: Topic - Task Response and Vocabulary (5 mins)

For this phase, teacher will be a partner in a discussion, or a character in a role-play based on the
topic the student draws randomly.
There are 8 topics as below and make sure all of the topics must be given.

1 & 2: Plan for a trip (discussion)
3 & 4: Check-in desk (role play// check-in staff - passenger)
5 & 6. At the customs (role play// security – passenger)
7 & 8: Shopping day (role play// shop assistant - customer)

Detail directions for each topic:

TOPIC 1 & 2: Plan for a trip (discussion in 5 minutes)
Teacher will discuss with student to make a plan for a trip.
Teacher asks some questions and student has to give suitable responses.
This is a discussion, so make sure the studnets can ask you some questions back.

Response and Vocabulary will be scored.

• Sample questions:
- Oh we have to make a travelling plan for our team. What can we do, is travelling to the beach is a
good idea?
- Where can we go? Do you have any ideas?What can we do there?

Instruction: Teacher will be a check-in staff. You are a passenger going through the check-in desk.
Teacher will ask you to do something and you have to give suitable responses.

(Teacher) Check-in staff: Morning, madam. May I see your passport, please?
(Student) Passenger: let student response
C.S.: What’s your name?
Passenger: …
C.S.: OK. Mr / Ms. …, travelling alone, right?
Passenger: …
C.S.: Fine. Do you have your booking confirmation?
Passenger: …
C.S.: Mm hm, that’s all fine. Do you have any luggage, other than this hand luggage?
Passenger: …
C.S.: On the scales, please.
Passenger: …
C.S.: OK, that’s just inside the permitted weight allowance
Passenger: …
C.S.: Now, would you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat?
Passenger: …
C.S.: Mm hm (typing). I can give you K3, on the aisle/by the window
Passenger: …
C.S.: There’s your boarding pass. Thank you.
Passenger: … (if any)

TEST 5&6: At the customs (role-play in 5 minutes)
Teacher will be a security at the customs. student is a passenger going through the immigration.
Teacher will ask student to do something and student has to give suitable responses.

(Teacher) Customs Officer: Good morning. Can I see your luggage?

(Student) Passenger: let student response
C.O.: Yes, that's all right. Have you got anything to declare?
Passenger: let student response
C.O.: What have you got?
Passenger: …
C.O.: How much whisky have you got?
Passenger: …
C.O.: That's all right. And how many cigarettes have you got?
Passenger: …
C.O.: Fine. What about perfume? Have you got any perfume?
Passenger: …
C.O.: Good. Open your case please.
Passenger: …
C.O.: Open your case, please. Open it now! Oh, dear! Look at this! You've got (see in the srudent's
C.O: You must leave them here or you can't go through the immigration.
Instruction: Teacher will be a shop assistant. You are a customer buying a shirt. Ask to buy a T-shirt
in your favorite color and size. Remember to pay for that shirt

(Teacher) Shop assistant: Can I help you?

(Student) Customer: I want to buy a T-shirt
Shop assistant: Which size do you want?
Customer: …
Shop assistant: OK, in this size, we’ve got black and red.
Customer: …?
Shop assistant: No, just black and red.
Customer: …
Shop assistant: You can try it on. The changing rooms are over there.
Shop assistant: Is it OK?
Customer: …
Shop assistant: That’s £10.95. Would you like to pay by credit card or by cash?
Customer: …
Shop assistant: OK, thanks, and here’s your receipt.
Customer: …

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