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Format of a WILL

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I, …………………….…….. (Name), S/O …………….. , age……..
years, usually residing at ………………………………..(Address), am
making this will out of my free volition being of sound mind and memory,
without any intimidation or undue influence. I hereby revoke any Will,
Codicil or testamentary deposition I may have made hitherto and state that
this Will made at………………… (Address) on……………………..
(Date) at ………… (Time), is to be my last Will.
A). I declare that I am the absolute owner of the properties mentioned in
this Will and entitled to make this Will.
I state that I am the owner and have absolute right, title and

interest on the following immovable properties. (i) {Specify the
address of all the immovable properties owned by you, with the
details like Area of the property, Schedule of the property
(Boundaries)} (ii) {In case you are the co-holder of the property
with other family members, furnish the full details of other co-
holders and their percentage of shares in the property}.
 I state that I have been maintaining the average cash balance in
hand or at home to the tune of Rs…. for the purpose of emergency
 I state that I have Bank deposits, Insurance, PPF account, mutual
funds, Jewellery, Shares, and D’mat account ( Name of the
Depository) in my individual name, the original
records,receipt,PPF passbook,Jewels etc are kept in the locker
No. , at ……………………. (Bank & Branch). The details of
above financial products are as under
B). I wish to direct the following special instructions to the executor of my
Will before commencing disposal of properties after my death.
 The cash balance in my possession and balance in SB account
No……… held in my name at …………….. Bank………….
Branch, at the time of my death, shall be set aside for the
following allocations.
 Any medical expenses that may be incurred on my illness at the
time of my death or for my funeral and related ceremonies shall
be met out of this money.
 All my debt, liabilities and monetary obligations including all
testamentary expenses, cost charges, expenses in respect to
Probate and other legal charges should be paid off by the executor
from this money.
 I bequeath the balance from this money after all payments and any
other residues to my wife Mrs. ………………………which she
shall use and enjoy at her free will.
C). It is my wish that all my properties, interests, and other rights in
following immovable properties should be distributed amongst my heirs
in the manner described below.
 I bequeath on my death the title interests and all other rights of the
Residential Property at…………………………….. (Fill in the
detail of the property)…. to my wife Ms.
…………………………… She shall enjoy absolute and
unqualified right over the property so received by her.
 I bequeath on my death the title interests and all other rights of the
Commercial Property at…………………………….. (Detail of
the property) to my only Son Mr.…………………………… He
shall enjoy absolute and unqualified right over the property so
received by him.
D). It is my wish that all my rights and interests in Gold and Jewelry
owned by me should be distributed amongst my heirs in the manner
described below.
 I bequeath on my death the following Gold /Silver
Jewelry……………………………………….. (Give the list of
jewelry/ornaments) to my wife Ms.…………………………… .
She shall enjoy absolute and unqualified right over the valuables
so received by her and have the right to utilize the same in any
manner as her own after my death.
 I bequeath on my death the following Gold /Silver
Jewelry……………………………………….. (Give the list of
jewelry/ornaments) to my daughter ……………………………
She shall enjoy absolute and unqualified right over the valuables
so received by her and have the right to have the right to utilize
the same in any manner as her own after my death.
 I bequeath on my death the following Gold /Silver
Jewelry……………………………………….. (Give the list of
jewelry/ornaments) to my daughter in law
…………………………… She shall enjoy absolute and
unqualified right over the valuables so received by her and have
the right to utilize the same in any manner as her own after my
 E) It is my wish that all my rights and interests in Bank deposits,
Insurance, PPF account, mutual funds, and Shares (the value of
which may appreciate/depreciate or be changed from time to time)
held in my name should be distributed amongst my heirs in the
manner described below.
 I bequeath on my death, the entire proceeds of bank deposits,
insurance claim, the balance in PPF account in my name at the
time of my death, to my wife Ms.…………………………… as
absolute beneficiary. I direct her to keep the fixed deposit of Rs.1
lakh each in the names of my minor grandchildren
Master…………S/O………and Baby……………d/o…….
…..from the above proceeds as my gift to them. The deposits
maintained in the name of minors may be operated by their
respective parent as natural guardians.
 I bequeath on my death the entire money from the proceeds of
Mutual Funds accounts and shares of different companies held in
my name to my son Mr..…………………………… He shall use
and enjoy absolute and unqualified right over the proceeds
received therefrom.
 I bequeath all the other residuary property, assets and other rights
whether or not existing at the time of my death to my wife Mrs.
F). In order to avoid any litigation amongst my heirs in respect of the
distribution of my assets after my death, I hereby appoint the following
two persons as Executor/ EExecutrix of my Will.
1. ______________________ (Name and Address) First Executor/
Executrix of this Will
2. _______________________ (Name and Address) Second
Executor / Executrix of this Will.
The First Executor Mr./MS……………………………………………
(Name) shall administer the distribution of my properties and if he/she is
unable to take up this responsibility, the Second
Executor……………………. (Name) shall administer the disbursement.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set and subscribed my hand and
signature on this……… ……………. day of …………… (Fill in, Month
& Year)
Date and time ………………………… Place:
Signed by Mr. …………………………. on his last will and testament, in
our presence
Witness (1)
I have witnessed and read the aforesaid will.
Signature of the Witnesses
Name & Address
Witness (2)
I have witnessed and read the aforesaid will.
Signature of the Witnesses
Name & Address
I have examined Mr. ……………………… on……… (The date of this
will), and wish to state that he appears to be in sound mind and sound
mental health at the time of making the above will.
Signature of the doctor
With Name & Address
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