Speaking 4eso

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✓ Individual video: between 2 and 5 minutes.

✓ Choose ONE of the topics (food and nutrition, travelling, mobile phones, fashion)
and answer to its questions.
✓ Give reasons and explain them, do not answer by saying: YES/NO. Talk and
✓ Deadline: 9 May (23:59h)
✓ Doubts: b.graumurcia@edu.gva.es

1. What is considered to be a 1. What is the longest time you have
balanced diet? Is it important? been away from home? Did you
2. What kind of food do you eat on a feel homesick?
daily basis? 2. How long should a vacation be?
3. How can people maintain a 3. When you travel, how do you
healthy diet on a tight budget? choose where to go?
4. What are the disadvantages of 4. What’s more important to you
eating fast food? Does it have any when you travel: comfort and
benefits? relaxation or stimulating new
5. What factors do you think that experiences?
influence people’s eating habits? 5. Do you like to try local foods when
6. Do you think schools should have you go somewhere? Why (not)?
cooking lessons for students? 6. Would you like to travel alone?
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of it?
1. Do you think you can live without a 1. Are you a fashionable person?
mobile phone? Explain why 2. How often do you go shopping for
2. What is the best age to get a clothes and shoes?
mobile phone? 3. Do you think we should have a
3. Is it safe for children to use a dress code for going to school?
mobile phone? 4. Do you think everybody has the
4. What is the longest time you’ve same style nowadays? Why?
been without your phone? How did 5. Do you follow influencers who
you feel? show different trends and buy
5. Should parents control their what they advertise?
children’s phones? 6. Do you prefer to buy cheap clothes
6. What do you think an addiction to of low quality to be trendy or better
mobile phone looks like? clothes even though they won’t be
trendy in a year?

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