Reflection - MBA

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Becoming an entrepreneur requires a deep understanding of the business process. Even if you are just
starting out as a business owner or already a seasoned entrepreneur who wants to take your company
to the next level of growth – you need reports that provide data-driven answers to business questions
that help you make more informed business decisions. It is also important to use the best practices that
focus not only on what happened or what's happening but on why it's happening and what is likely to
happen in the future.

Being an MBA student & learning Financial Management gives me the opportunity to develop my skills
and assimilate in-depth knowledge of strategy and analysis techniques which are vital in all areas of
business operations. It’s a collaborative and enriching experience that gave me a deep understanding
that though the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are helpful, they offer only a
limited insight. On the other hand, Financial ratios go beyond the numbers to reveal how efficiently your
company is at funding itself, making a profit, growing through sales, and managing expenses. They can
also provide a warning sign that things aren’t working, letting business owners and managers know
when to make a change – to move from more reactive work because insightful predictions and analytics
are already provided that directly influence the business's direction.

In addition to this, the hands-on experience allows me to expand my knowledge base, widen my focus
to include strategic thinking and an overarching view of the business. Generally, the course made me go
through a phase of personal growth, adopt a work attitude of continuous learning flexible enough to
take on new and greater responsibilities.

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