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Thank, you so much for accepting my friends request, I hope that we can be good friends and know

more about our self??

Thank you so much, my name is Kim Lee from USA, I am 34 years old, i am currently single, I am soldier
currently in International duty in Iraq .

And I have been here for almost 2 years.

where are you now? And

in what city are you?

are you in Seoul?

Well its nice to meet you, actually my mother is from Korea and my father is from California USA, but my
parents died when i was only 8 years old, they died in car accident and i was the only survival, i have no
siblings or relatives and that is why i grow up to be strong and became a soldier

i have been working as a soldier for almost 10 years of my life and i find it difficult to be a soldier.

I really hope that you will be a help to me because i want to resign from my work and live a civilian life.

My intention is to resign from my work and return back to Korea to establish myself as a Civilian and live
a civilian life, also to enable me find my cousin and my grandparents and families.

i am planning to resign from my work on March 2023, i hope you will be a help to me in order to
achieve my dream?
Ok, i really wish to have you as my good friend and also wish to entrust some precious item into your
care, please i need your attention for five minutes to discuss something important and see where the
future takes us.

There is something i want to discuss with you now.

Well, this request might meet you in utmost surprise but i ask for your understanding and i respectfully
insist for your kind cooperation and attention,

i am telling you this because i have no relative trusted enough to discuss this with

I really wish to have you as my good and trusted friend and also wish to entrust some item into your
care. it is big amount of money that i got separately from a mission we went few months ago.

i was working with red cross and we went for rescue in Damascus city where Iraq Taliban’s organizes
their self’s and we saw a huge amount of money on their possession, the money is too much and we
shared some between our self’s and take the rest into statement, we were 4 people that made the deal,
and i got my own share of seven million dollars.

the good news is that we are successful with that mission and i made a cash of seven million dollars out
of it ($ 7,000,000 USD) Because of my work and my position over here, i cannot put this money into my
bank account, because that is not part of my salary and United Nation will question me for it.

it was a great opportunity for me and i grab it, then i lodged the money in a consignment box and
deposited in a security company as family treasure, this security company is waiting for me to present
my relative who will receive the box on my behalf, the money is in a box and i deposited the box in
Security company here in Iraq.

After going through your profile

An recognizes you a gentle man

i decided to share this idea with you, The amount of seven Million dollars is lodged in a box and its
identified as family treasure, this box can be deliver to your door step through diplomat currier service,

the company does not know the content of the box, nobody knows the content of the box because its
family treasure and i am very sure that it will be moved to Korea successful as far as I did the right thing,
it is easy and safe.

i am asking for your attention and cooperation to stand as my receiver,

let me send the box to you in Korea it will arrive successful in Korea and diplomat will bring the box to
your house successful,

i need your help and assistance just to stand as my trusted friend, let me send the box to you and you
will keep it safe for me until i come to Korea

And I will be needing your

Full name:


Email address:

House address:

This details I will use it and register you as the receiver of my box.

Thank you for providing your information I will proceed immediately and make enquiry on how to send
the box to you in Korea

Please keep this conversations between me and you only because if you tell another person about this
they might get jealous.

I would not like to be disappointed be a man of your word once we do the right thing the box will be
delivered to you in Korea successful.
I will give you 30% of the money and I will take 70% of the money.

Hello dear I have made the enquiry and also register you as the receiver of the box

The good news is that the box has already departed from Iraq today I will also send you the air way bill
attached to it.

Important information you should also know is that there is a clearance charges applied which includes
the diplomat fee and the custom fee of 3, million won

This clearance fee will be paid by you when the box arrives in Korea. I hope you understand.

Please help me make the payment when the box arrived

I really need your help on this Deal

Thank you when the box arrives in Korea please follow the diplomat instruction and when you make the
payment send me the picture of the payment slip for confirmation.

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