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Received: 23 August 2023

| Revised: 8 November 2023

| Accepted: 31 December 2023

DOI: 10.1002/cam4.6931


Comprehensive analysis indicated that NDE1 is a potential

biomarker for pan-cancer and promotes bladder cancer

Peihan Wang | Jinzhuo Ning | Wu Chen | Fan Zou | Weimin Yu | Ting Rao |
Fan Cheng

Department of Urology, Hubei

International Scientific and Abstract
Technological Cooperation Base of Background: The nuclear distribution E homologue 1 (NDE1) is a crucial dy-
Immunotherapy, Renmin Hospital of
nein binding partner. The NDE1 protein has the potential to disrupt the normal
Wuhan University, Wuhan, P.R. China
functioning of centrosomes, leading to a compromised ability to generate spin-
Correspondence dles and ensure precise separation of chromosomes during cell division. The po-
Fan Cheng, Department of Urology,
Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University,
tential consequences of this phenomenon include genomic instability, malignant
Wuhan, Hubei 430000, P.R. China. transformation and the proliferation of neoplastic growths. However, studies ex-
Email: amining the connection between NDE1 and cancer is still very rare.
Funding information Methods: The expression level, prognostic impact, gene change, DNA methyla-
National Natural Science Foundation of tion, protein interaction, mRNA m6A modification, ceRNA network, associated
China, Grant/Award Number: 81870471
gene and function enrichment, and immune-related effects of NDE1 in pan-
cancer were examined using a range of online analytic tools and the R software
package. The CCK-8 test, transwell assay, scratch assay and colony formation
assay were used to confirm the effects of NDE1 on the proliferation, invasion and
metastasis of bladder cancer cells.
Results: Numerous tumour types have elevated NDE1, which is linked to a bad
prognosis. NDE1 is an excellent diagnostic tool for many different types of cancer.
Numerous malignancies have been linked to genetic changes in NDE1. NDE1
was connected to TMB, MSI, several immunological checkpoint genes and im-
mune cell infiltration. NDE1 is linked to a number of immunological subtypes.
NDE1 could affect how well immunotherapy works to treat different types of
cancer. NDE1 was mostly associated with cell cycle, chromosomal segregation,
DNA replication and mitotic segregation, according to GO and KEGG analyses.
NDE1 physically binds to PAFAH1B1 and DCTN1, respectively. The prolifera-
tion, invasion and metastasis of bladder cancer cells may be prevented by NDE1
knockdown. Furthermore, knockdown of NDE1 promoted the apoptosis of blad-
der cancer cells.

Peihan Wang and Jinzhuo Ning contributed equally to this work.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2024 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Cancer Medicine. 2024;13:e6931. | 1 of 22
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Conclusion: High expression of NDE1 is present in a variety of tumours, which is

linked to a bad prognosis for cancer. Knockdown of NDE1 inhibited the prolifera-
tion, invasion and metastasis of bladder cancer cells, and promoted the apoptosis.
For a number of malignancies, NDE1 may be a biomarker for immunotherapy
and prognosis.

bladder cancer, BLCA, immune, NDE1, pan-cancer

1 | I N T RO DU CT ION the assembly of a group of centrosome localisation pro-

teins, and incorrect expression of these proteins causes
Cytoplasmic dynein-1 (dynein) is involved in a diverse aberrant cell division. Additionally, the complex has the
array of functions, such as intracellular transportation of ability to interact with the cancer-related protein p78/
cargo, construction of the spindle apparatus and modula- MCRS1, which raises the risk of genetic malignant trans-
tion of several physiological and pathological processes. formation.15 Hence, it was postulated that NDE1 could
These processes include cell proliferation, cell cycle reg- be implicated in the pathogenesis and advancement of
ulation, signal transduction, inflammatory response and tumours.
immunological response.1,2 The predominant emphasis Studies examining the connection between NDE1
of previous studies investigating the relationship between and cancer are still very rare or even nonexistent. We
abnormal regulation of dynein activity and pathological investigated NDE1's expression level, prognostic impact,
situations has mostly centred on neurodegenerative ill- gene alteration, DNA methylation, protein interaction,
nesses, such as Parkinson's syndrome.3 Recent research m6A mRNA modification, ceRNA network, related gene
has shown that dynein plays a significant role in regulat- and function enrichment, and immune-related effects in
ing cellular proliferation and invasion, and its involvement pan-cancer. Furthermore, we corroborated a subset of
has been associated with the development and prognosis the findings from the bioinformatics analysis by exper-
of many tumours.4 For instance, some studies have dis- imental methods such as co-immunoprecipitation, re-
covered that dynein may influence the formation of mi- verse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
totic spindles, which may contribute to the development and other relevant techniques. In order to fill the re-
and malignant phenotype of colorectal cancer and cer- search gap pertaining to the impact of NDE1 on the gen-
vical cancer.5 According to Bartl et al., stabilising dynein esis and progression of cancer, our study also included
accelerated the growth of various tumours.6 Dynein cyto- experimental investigations aimed at elucidating the
plasmic heavy chain 1 has also been shown to be strongly role of NDE1 in facilitating the proliferation, migration
linked to hepatocellular carcinoma's poor prognosis and and invasion of bladder cancer cells. New targets for the
immune infiltration.7 prevention and treatment of numerous malignancies,
Dynein's full activity replies on its regulatory part- including bladder cancer, might be found as a result of
ners. For instance, in the past 10 years, it has been our investigation.
shown that Lis1, dynactin and a class of proteins known
as activation adapters are involved in the activation and
control of dynein.8 The internal retrograde movement 2 | METHODS AND MATERIAL S
of membrane organelles along the microtubule network
is regulated by dynein, together with its regulatory pro- 2.1 | Analysis of NDE1 expression level
teins NDE1/NDEL1 and Lis1.9 Dynein's major binding
partner, Nuclear Distribution E Homologue 1 (NDE1), is NDE1 expression levels in various human body tissues
involved in a number of physiological and pathological are examined using the GTEx, HPA and FANTOM5 three
processes, including the formation and evolution of the transcriptome research databases on the human protein
gyral cortex, brain inflammation and neurodegenerative mapping (THPA) online website (https://www.proteinatl
diseases.10–12 In several human tissues, the normalised expres-
Centrosome abnormalities may cause genomic insta- sion (NX) of NDE1 was estimated. The cancer genome
bility by altering chromosomal segregation during mito- atlas (TCGA) and genotype-organisation express (GTEx)
sis, which is directly associated with the development of tumour gene expression data were downloaded from the
cancer.13,14 According to one theory, NDE1 participates in UCSC Xena database (
| 3 of 22

ages/). R software (version 3.6.4) was used to visualise 2.6 | Examination of immune-related
the data, and a schematic diagram of NDE1 expression characteristics
in cancer and paired adjacent tissues was created. The
online sangerbox website ( From the TCGA database, we took the NDE1 expres-
was used to create violin plots showing NDE1 expression sion data, processed it using log2(X 1) and then took
levels in various malignancies. The violin diagram was the gene expression profile of each tumour included in
created after using the GEPIA2 portal to analyse the rela- the data. Using the Timer and Quantizeq methods of
tionship between NDE1 expression and the clinical stage the R package IOBR (version 0.99.9), respectively, im-
of the tumour. mune cell infiltration in NDE1 was assessed. We used
the corr.test function of the R package ‘psych’ (version
2.1.6) to compute the immune infiltration score. The
2.2 | Prognostic analysis plot(x, y) function was used to construct scatter plots in
order to more clearly illustrate the link between NDE1
The TCGA database's cancer survival data were ex- gene expression level and immune cell infiltration. The
amined using the GEPIA2 portal, and the correlations Immune Checkpoint Genes module of Sangerbox Online
between NDE1 and overall survival in various malignan- was then used to examine the link between NDE1 and
cies as well as between NDE1 and disease-free survival several immune checkpoint genes. Tumour purity sta-
were determined. Additionally, we established a Cox tistics for several tumours were previously summarised
proportional hazards regression mode using the coxph by Thorsson et al.16 The connection between tumour pu-
function of the R package ‘survival’ (version 3.2–7) and rity and NDE1 expression levels was then determined by
did statistical tests for prognostic significance using the integrating these data with NDE1 expression levels in
Logrank test. the relevant samples. The relationship between NDE1
expression levels and homologous recombination defi-
cit (HRD) was also examined. The impact of NDE1 on
2.3 | Receiver operator characteristic sensitivity to immunotherapy was examined using the
(ROC) curve illustration TISMO database. Additionally, the expression of NDE1
was examined to see whether it linked with MSI or TMB
The ‘pROC’ package of the R programme (v1.17.0.1) was using the R package ‘fmsb’. Additionally, we examined
used to compute and analyse the data, and the ‘ggplot2’ the connections between NDE1 and tumour immune
package was used to generate the ROC curve. The ex- subtypes and molecular subtypes using the TISIDB por-
pression data for NDE1 were obtained from the TCGA tal's ‘subtypes’ module. In addition, several immuno-
database. logical pathways and activities were linked to NDE1 by
KEGG and GO enrichment studies.

2.4 | Analysing genetic changes

2.7 | Analysis of the NDE1-related genes
We examined the location, kind and degree of DNA
methylation of NDE1 gene changes using the cbio- To locate and display the genes strongly associated with
portal platform ( and the NDE1, we obtained data from the GEPIA2 database and
UALCAN web portal ( the TIMER2 database. To investigate the biological roles
index.html/). of NDE1-related genes, investigations of the gene ontol-
ogy (GO) and the Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and
Genomes (KEGG) were carried out.
2.5 | Analysis of m6A modification and
protein interaction
2.8 | Construction of competing
NDE1 protein interaction with other proteins was ana- endogenous RNA(ceRNA) networks
lysed using the STRING portal (https://www.string-db.
org/), and the NDE1 m6A modification site in mRNA was To look for NDE1 upstream miRNAs, information was col-
predicted using the SRAMP prediction website (http:// lected from the miRDB, miRWalk, miRabel and TrgetScan Co-immunoprecipitation databases. The lncRNA/circRNA-miRNA-NDE1 regula-
assay was used to verify the direct interaction between tory network was built using the two miRNAs with the
proteins. highest TargetScan scores.
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2.9 | Culture of cells

TABLE 1 RT-PCR primer sequences.

Gene Primer sequences (5′-3′)

Procell Life Science and Technology sold the T24 and NDE1 F: TCAGTCCCCTCCCGATA
5637 cell lines for human bladder urothelial cancer. In 5A R: AGCTCATTCTCCGCTTCA
media, the T24 cell line was grown. In 1640 medium, the
5637 cell line was grown. 10% FBS (fetal bovine serum)
and standard concentration of penicillin/streptomycin
antibiotics were added to the medium.
2.13 | CCK-8 assay

2.10 | Small interfering RNA (siRNA) Cell growth was compared using the CCK-8 assay. 96-well
transfection plates with 100 L of medium per well were seeded with about
5103 cells per well. Each well received 10 g of the CCK-8 so-
The siRNA was ordered from Shanghai's OBiO lution, which was then added and incubated in the dark for
Technology. In order to silence NDE1, we created two 2 h before the absorbance was measured at 450 nm.
siRNA sequences. Following is a list of the siRNA se-
quences: si-NDE1#1, 5 -CGAUCAUGUCUCUCGAA
GACU-3 sense and 5 -UCUUCGAGAGACAUGAU 2.14 | Cell scratch assay
CGUG-3 antisense; si- NDE1#2, 5 -GCAGCUGCAAC
AAAUUGAAAC-3 sense and 5 -GCAGCUGCAACAAA In six-well plates, T24 and 5637 cells were expanded until
UUGAAAC-3 antisense. According to the manufacturer's they completely occupied the field of view (100 percent
recommendations, cells were split into one negative con- confluence). We scratched the cells in a straight line using
trol group and two knockdown groups before being tran- a sterile 200-∆L pipette tip. The scratch width was then
siently transfected with Lipofectamine 3000 in six-well measured under a microscope after 0 and 12 h, and the
plates with T24 and 5637 cells. The effectiveness of NDE1 results were then compared.
knockdown was evaluated using a western blot test.

2.15 | Transwell assay

2.11 | MicroRNA (miRNA) transfection
Using a polycarbonate membrane, we split the 24-well plate
The miRNA mimics and negative control mimics (NC into two upper and lower sections. The top layer received
mimics) was ordered from Wuhan Heyuan Biotechnology media without serum, while the bottom layer received
Co. LTD. Transfection was performed using Lipofectamine media containing 10% serum. In the top layer, cells were
2000 according to the manufacturer's protocol. Cells were sown and cultured for 24 h. The capacity of cell invasion and
treated by 48 h starvation for further analyses. migration was then examined by counting the number of
cells in the bottom layer after the cells had been fixed with
paraformaldehyde and stained with crystal violet solution.
2.12 | Quantitative real-time PCR

Total RNA was extracted from T24 cells using TRIzol 2.16 | Assay for colony development
Reagent (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA,
USA), and the RNA purity was determined using a DU800 After 7 days of culture, T24 and 5637 cells were transferred
UV/Vis Spectrophotometer (Beckman Coulter, CA, USA). with the medium onto six-well plates at a density of 500 cells
Subsequently, total cellular RNAs were reversed tran- per well, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 20 min, stained
scribed into cDNA using a reverse transcription reagent with 4% crystal violet dye and then counted by colonies.
kit (Toyobo, Osaka, Japan). Real-time quantitative PCR
was performed via an Applied Biosystems SYBR Green
Mix Kit and an ABI 7900 Real-Time PCR System (Applied 2.17 | Western blot analysis
Biosystems Life Technologies, Foster City, CA, USA). The
expression of NDE1 mRNA was normalised to GAPDH, A combination of protease, phosphatase inhibitor and
respectively. The relative amount of mRNA was calculated RIPA lysis solution was used to lyse T24 and 5637 cells.
using the 2-∆∆Ct method. The primer sequences used are Cellular proteins were isolated and then added to SDS-
shown in Table 1. PAGE gels for electrophoresis before being transferred to
| 5 of 22

PVDF membranes. According to the target protein's mo- analysis of NDE1 mRNA expression in TCGA and GEO
lecular weight, the primary antibody was added and incu- databases showed that NDE1 was highly expressed in
bated overnight, followed by the addition of the secondary 26 types of cancers (ALL, BRCA, CESC, CHOL, COAD,
antibody and a 2-h wait at room temperature before the COADREAD, ESCA, GBM, GBMLGG, HNSC, KIPAN,
photographs were taken. KIRC, KIRP, LAML, LGG, LIHC, LUAD, LUSC, OV,
and lowly expressed in three types of cancers (KICH,
2.18 | Co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) PRAD and THCA). The GEPIA2 portal examined the
association between NDE1 expression and tumour
T24 cells were first lysed using mild cell lysate under non- grade. While NDE1 expression was inversely con-
denaturing conditions, followed by addition of agarose nected with tumour grade in ESCA and OV, it was fa-
beads conjugated to the relevant antibody to the cell lysate vourably correlated with tumour stage in ACC, KICH,
and incubation. The precipitated proteins were eluted LIHC and PAAD (Figure 1D). In summary, it can be
using the eluate, and these proteins were identified and seen that NDE1 has a significantly increased level of
analysed by western blotting. expression in a majority of tumours, and its association
with the clinical stage of many malignancies has been
established by us.
2.19 | Flow cytometry analysis

For cell apoptosis analysis, cells were double-stained with 3.2 | Evaluation of NDE1's
Annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate and PI and tested prognostic relevance
using flow cytometry.
According to the median of NDE1 expression, the
tumour samples were divided into high- and low-
2.20 | Analytical statistics expression groups using the GEPIA2 database. A sur-
vival curve was then created to compare the overall
The R language and databases were used to automatically survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates. Low
analyse non-experimental data, whereas GraphPad Prism NDE1 groups were observed to have statistically supe-
9 was used to analyse experimental data. rior OS compared to high NDE1 groups in the follow-
ing studies: ACC, KICH, LGG, LIHC, LUAD, MESO and
PAAD (Figure 2B). The DFS of patients with low NDE1
3 | R E S U LTS expression was also superior to that of patients with
high NDE1 expression in the ACC, LGG, LIHC, LUSC,
3.1 | Analysis of NDE1 expression levels MESO and THCA, whereas the DFS of patients with high
in cancers NDE1 expression was superior to that of patients with
low NDE1 expression in the HNSC. Furthermore, we
It was discovered that the expression level of NDE1 noted that there was also a trend that lower NDE1 ex-
mRNA in healthy human subjects was low (NX 50) pression levels were associated with longer OS or DFS in
after using the Human Protein Atlas to examine the nor- patients with BLCA, CESC, COAD, DLBC, KICH, KIRP,
malised expression level of NDE1 in different tumour LUSC, PAAD, SARC and UVM, although no statistical
tissues and paracancerous tissues. NDE1 RNA has lit- significance was observed (Figure S1). Then, the coxph
tle tissue specificity, despite the fact that NDE1 expres- function of the R package survival (version 3.2–7) was
sion can be seen in the majority of tissues (NX 10 in used to establish Cox proportional hazards regression
most tissues) (Figure 1A). NDE1 was, however, shown mode to analyse the relationship between gene expres-
to be significantly expressed in the majority of malig- sion and OS in each tumour. The findings indicated that
nancies after examination of matched samples (can- elevated expression levels in 10 distinct tumour types
cer and paracancerous tissues) from the TCGA and (GBMLGG, LGG, LAML, KIPAN, LIHC, BLCA, MESO,
GEO databases. NDE1 was specifically shown to be PAAD, LAML, ACC and KICH) were associated with
substantially expressed in the following cancer spe- unfavourable prognosis. Conversely, reduced expression
cies in paired samples: BLCA, BRCA, CHOL, COAD, levels in two specific tumour types (ALL, READ) were
COADREAD, ESAD, ESCA, HNSC, KIRC, KIRP, linked to bad prognosis(Figure S2A). Additionally, when
LIHC, LUAD, LUSC, OSCC, READ and STAD, but was the progression-free interval and NDE1 expression were
only weakly expressed in PAAD (Figure 1B). Further examined, it was shown that the high levels of NDE1
6 of 22 |

F I G U R E 1 NDE1 expression levels in normal tissues and cancers. (A) Consensus normalised expression (NX) levels of NDE1 in dozens of
normal tissue types and blood cell types generated from three transcriptome datasets (GTEx, HPA and FANTOM5); (B) Pan-cancer differential
expression of NDE1 in paired tumour and adjacent normal tissues in indicated tumour types from TCGA database; (C) NDE1 mRNA
expression levels in different tumours and corresponding normal tissues obtained from TCGA and GTEx databases; (D) The correlation
between NDE1 expression and tumour stages in various tumours in TCGA datasets. *p 0.05; **p 0.01; ***p 0.001 and ****p 0.0001.
| 7 of 22

F I G U R E 2 Association of NDE1 with pan-cancer prognosis. (A, B) The correlation between NDE1 expression and overall survival (OS)
in various cancers in TCGA database; (C, D) The correlation between NDE1 expression and recurrence free survival (RFS) in various cancers
in TCGA database.

expression in eight different tumour types (GBMLGG, 3.3 | NDE1's diagnostic utility in a
LGG, LIHC, BLCA, MESO, PAAD, ACC and KICH) variety of malignancies
were associated with a poor prognosis (Figure S2B). In
summary, increased NDE1 expression is linked to a poor Using the R package ‘pROC’ (v1.17.0.1), ROC curves
prognosis in the majority of tumours. of NDE1 in various malignancies may be produced to
8 of 22 |

evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of NDE1 in pan- 3.5 | Examination of the relationship
cancer. The findings demonstrated that NDE1 was between NDE1 and the proteins that bind
a useful diagnostic tool for a number of malignan- to it
cies. The diagnostic accuracy is quantified using the
area under the curve (AUC). In six malignancies, in- Through STRING analysis, we identified a number of pro-
cluding CHOL (AUC 0.997), COAD (AUC 0.931), teins that are closely connected to the NDE1 interaction
COADREAD (AUC 0.923), HNSC (AUC 0.939), and that not only interact with NDE1 directly but also, to
LUSC (AUC 0.974) and OSCC (AUC 0.935), the AUC varying degrees, with other proteins. The 50 proteins that
of NDE1 was larger than 0.7 in 16 different forms of can- interact with NDE1 are shown in Figure 1, along with the
cer (Figure S3). connections between them based on how much they in-
teract with one another (Figure 4A). A core network of
NDE1 protein interactions was built using the top 18 pro-
3.4 | NDE1 genetic alteration and DNA teins (Figure 4B). Finally, we thoroughly examined the
methylation in pan-cancer interactions between DCTN1 and NDE1 and PAFAH1B1
with NDE1. NDE1, PAFAH1B1 and DCTN1 peptide chain
The location, nature and degree of DNA methyla- structures were predicted, and binding sites for the inter-
tion of NDE1 gene changes may be examined using actions were found (Figure 4C,D). To verify the above
the cBioPortal platform and the UALCAN web por- results, co-immunoprecipitation experiments were per-
tal. The most vulnerable NDE1 mutation locations are formed. Co-immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated
shown in Figure 3A. Deep deletions were the sort of ge- that NDE1 retrieved PAFAH1B1 and PAFAH1B1 re-
netic mutation that happened the least often in NDE1, trieved NDE1, which suggests that NDE1 and PAFAH1B1
as shown in Figure 3B, happening only in BLCA, OV, physically bind with each other (Figure 4G). Similarly,
LUAD and LUSC. But a number of malignancies often NDE1 and DCTN1 physically bind with each other, too
exhibit gene mutations and amplifications. The major- (Figure 4H). A previous study has shown that overexpres-
ity of the NDE1 gene modifications were shallow dele- sion of PAFAH1B1 is associated with poor prognosis of
tions, according to further investigation of the kinds of lung adenocarcinoma, and the underlying mechanism
mutations (Figure 3C). Furthermore, an examination may be to promote the migration and invasion of lung can-
was conducted to explore the correlation between ge- cer cells by disrupting the microtubule network.19 In addi-
netic alterations and the prognostic outcomes across tion, there is also a study showing that the expression level
various forms of cancer. The results of the study revealed of DCTN1 in colorectal cancer tissues is higher than that
that genetic modifications significantly enhanced the in adjacent tissues, which may be an oncogene in colorec-
prognosis-free survival of those diagnosed with cancer tal cancer.20 We also analysed the effects of PAFAH1B1
(Figure 3D). Additionally, growing research in recent and DCTN1 on OS in various cancers, and found that the
years has shown a strong link between DNA methyla- high expression of these two genes is associated with poor
tion and the development of cancer.17 DNA methylation prognosis of various cancers (Figure S4). Both PAFAH1B1
may play a significant role in the epigenetic regulation and DCTN1 are shown to promote cancer in specific can-
of cancer cell proliferation, invasion, differentiation cers, while NDE1 has mutual binding properties with
and death. The methylation status of several genes has PAFAH1B1 and DCTN1, respectively. This also seems to
emerged as a crucial prognostic indicator for tumour be a piece of evidence that NDE1 behaves as an oncogene
prognosis.18 DNA methylation may either promote or in pan-cancer.
prevent tumour development. Using the UALCAN web
portal, the methylation status of the NDE1 promoter re-
gion may be examined. The NDE1 promoter methylation 3.6 | The interactions of NDE1 with
level was considerably greater in BLCA, BRCA, HNSC, NDE1 mRNA's m6A modification
it was in normal tissues. The NDE1 promoter's meth- The most frequent internal post-transcriptional altera-
ylation level was considerably lower in COAD, ESCA, tion that determines the destiny of a eukaryotic mRNA
KIRC, LUSC, PAAD and SARC than it was in normal is called m6A.21 The dynamic, reversible alteration of
tissues (Figure 3E). More research is required to pin- RNA m6A is essential for the development and spread
point the specific impact of DNA methylation on NDE1 of tumours. Oncogene and tumour suppressor gene
expression levels in the aforementioned malignancies; m6A alteration research may provide fresh approaches
however, there may be a link between methylation levels to the detection and therapy of cancer.22 The m6A al-
and NDE1 expression levels. teration sites of NDE1 were examined via the SRAMP
| 9 of 22

F I G U R E 3 The genetic alteration and DNA modification character of NDE1; (A) The frequency and types of NDE1 somatic mutations
in pan-cancer; (B) Alteration frequency of NDE1 in pan-cancer; (C) The counts and types of NDE1 mutation in pan-cancer; (D) Effect of
NDE1 genetic alterations on progression-free survival in patients with cancer; (E) The DNA promotor methylation levels of NDE1 in various
cancers and normal tissues in TCGA database.

portal. There is a very strong probability that m6A may 3.7 | Genomic heterogeneity, immune
modify 15 of NDE1's functional regions. The five func- checkpoint gene analysis and immune
tional regions with the greatest confidence are shown in infiltration analysis
Figure 5B. Finally, we further analysed the m6A modi-
fier genes of NDE1 mRNA (Figure 5C). These findings We used the TIMER2 database and the QUANTISEQ
imply that m6A alterations may play a role in how NDE1 method, respectively, to conduct a correlation study be-
affects tumours. tween immune cell infiltration and NDE1 expression
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F I G U R E 4 Analysis of NDE1 and its binding proteins. (A) Interaction network between NDE1 and its binding proteins; (B) Core
interaction network of NDE1 and its binding proteins; (C–F) Peptide chain structures and interacting binding sites of NDE1, PAFAH1B1
and DCTN1; (G) Co-immunoprecipitation detected the interaction between NDE1 and PAFAN1B1 in T24 cells. The interaction between
NDE1 and PAFAN1B1 was confirmed by western blot. (H) Co-immunoprecipitation detected the interaction between NDE1 and DCTN1 in
T24 cells. The interaction between NDE1 and DCTN1 was confirmed by western blot.

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