Agile Eeee

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Here is the finalized activity table with the sequence of activities in order for the

respective actors:

Actor: Student

1. Registers for the courses they are taking

2. Attend classes regularly
3. Participate in class discussions
4. Complete assignments
5. Ask questions to clarify concepts

Actor: Faculty

1. Prepare curriculum and week-by-week content

2. Explain weekly content with students
3. Facilitate in-class exercises and/or discussion sessions
4. Prepare assessments
5. Share assessments with students
6. Check assignments
7. Provide feedback on learning progress

Actor: Admin team

1. Develop course schedule

2. Assign appropriate faculty for each course
3. Process course registration
4. Assign classroom to respective courses
5. Prepare classroom logistics for effective learning
6. Process credit transfer application
Another process enhancement project that can improve the student learning

experience is to introduce a peer-to-peer mentoring program. This program will pair

experienced students with new students, providing them with guidance and

support throughout their academic journey. This will enhance the overall student

learning experience by improving student engagement, retention, and satisfaction.

The appropriate wastes from the student learning experience process include:

1. Overprocessing waste - Faculty preparing redundant or unnecessary

materials for the students.

2. Defects waste - Errors in content delivery or assessments.

3. Waiting waste - Students waiting for faculty feedback or guidance.

4. Transportation waste - Physical transportation of course materials.

5. Unused talent waste - Experienced students not being utilized to their full


6. Inventory waste - Redundant course materials or textbooks.

7. Overproduction waste - Printing unnecessary course materials or textbooks.

8. Motion waste - Students physically going to the faculty office to ask

questions or get feedback.

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