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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


A.Content Standard The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of
speech, and variations of language.
B.Performance The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes
Standard using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences.
C. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Define sensory imagery.
2. Identify the type of sensory imagery used in a sentence.
3.Appreciate the importance of sensory imagery.
MATERIALS Power Point Presentation, Visual aids, Box, Quiz worksheets and
Others (Laptop, Projector/TV)
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
• Greetings
“Good morning, class!” “Good morning, ma’am!”

• Prayer
“Let us all stand and pray. May I ask someone (Selecting student to lead the prayer)
to lead the prayer?”
• Classroom Management
“How are you this morning?” “We’re good ma’am!”
“That’s good to hear. Before you take your seat, (The students are picking up the pieces of
please make sure that your chairs are properly paper under their chair.)
aligned and kindly pick up the pieces of paper
under your chair.”
“You may take your seats.” “Thank you, ma’am.”

• Checking of Attendance
“Do we have absentees today? May I ask the (The class secretary will report the attendance)
secretary of the class to know who are absent
“None, ma’am.”
“I’m so glad that everyone is present today.”
⚫ Review
(The student will share what they learned from
“Alright, let’s review your previous lesson.” the previous topic. Students answer will vary
“That’s great, thank you!” according to their previous lesson.)
⚫ Motivation
“Before we proceed with our lesson for today,
let’s have a game first.”
This is entitled “What’s in the box?”.
(Each group will select their representative.)
“I need one representative from each group
here in front.”
(Group representatives will go in front.)
Representative from each group will stand
behind the box.
Each representative will be blindfolded.
They will insert their hand in the hole of the box.
They will only have 30 seconds to identify (Each representative will guess what’s in the
what’s inside the box. They can use all the box using their senses.)
senses EXCEPT sense of sight.
Note that, coaching is not allowed, or they will
be automatically get disqualified.
Object 1- Lato-Lato
Object 2- Jelly ace
Object 3- Sand paper
Object 4- Oregano leaves
(Each representative will write his/her answer
“After guessing what’s in the box you’ll write on the white board then show it to the class.)
your answers on the whiteboard then show it to
your classmates. Each representative will take
“Before we proceed with our lesson for today,
let’s have an activity first, we will call it,”
Sense It!

“I will divide the class into 2 groups. Each group

will receive an envelope that contains material
for the activity.”

“Each envelope contains a material with 5

sentences and paper strips that contains 5
senses- sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch.”

“Each group must identify the senses that are

shown in the sentences and paste them on the
box before each sentence. There are key words
(Students will go to their perspective group.)
that are underlined to guide them while

“Each group should also choose a reporter to

present their answers.”

“You’ll be given 3 minutes to answer.”

• Go to your group quietly.
• Form a circle.
• Minimize your voice while doing your
group activity.
• Do not hesitate to ask questions to your
• Be respectful. Be quiet while other
groups are presenting.
• You will be given only 3 minutes for this

After that, return to your seats properly.

D. ANALYSIS- Does It Makes Sense?

The group reporter will present their answers.
Group 1
1. The medicine tasted as bitter as ampalaya.
Answer: TASTE
2. Breath the scent of nice fresh air.
Answer: SMELL
3. She awoke to the chirping of birds.
4. The tree bark was rough against her skin.
Answer: TOUCH
5. The view from the mountain pass was
breathtaking with the sun’s rays turning the
valley into a gold paradise.
Answer: SIGHT
Group 2
1. Feel the breeze within your hair.
Answer: TOUCH
2. The house looks like frosted cake in winter.
Answer: SIGHT
3. I heard the boom of the blood-lust song and
a thighbone beating on a tin-pan gong.
4. The grill smoke carried the heavy meaty
scent of burgers.
Answer: SMELL
5. I love to roll frozen grapes around my mouth
before biting into their icy tartness.
Answer: TASTE
Guided Questions: (Students will raise their hand to answer)
“How did you find the activities?” “We find the activities interesting.”
“How are you able to picture the five (5) senses “I was able to picture the five senses because
in your mind by just reading the words?” of the descriptive language used.”
“With the activities that you just have presented, “Sensory Imagery is a descriptive language
how do you define sensory imagery?” used to appeal to a reader’s senses.”
“Now let’s define sensory imagery.”
Sensory Images or Imagery is the literary term
used for language and description that appeal
to our senses. Sensory imagery explores the
five human senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste
and touch.
Sensory imagery involves the use of descriptive
language to create mental images. It works by
engaging a reader’s five senses.
“Anyone from the class who can read, The

The Sight
(Student will read the definition.)
The sense of sight or also called Visual imagery
is what you can see, and includes visual
descriptions. Physical attributes including color,
size, shape, lightness and darkness, shadows
and shades.

The beacons of moonlight bathed the room in
ethereal light.

The Taste
The sense of taste or Gustatory Imagery is what
you can taste and includes flavors. This can
include the five basic tastes – sweet, salty,
bitter, sour, and umami as well as the textures
and sensations tied to the act of eating.

Miko loves to order sweet and sour pork at
Chowking, it’s his favorite.

“Can anyone give me another example?” “Her mouth watered as she bit into the sour,
peppery mango chow.”
The Touch
The sense of touch or Tactile Imagery is what
you can feel and includes textures and the
sensations a human being experiences when
touching something. Differences in temperature
is also part of tactile imagery.

The girl ran her hands on a soft satin fabric.

“Can anyone give me another example?” “As I tumbled down the hill, the loose rocks
raced alongside me, pricking my hands and
The Hearing face like a hundred tiny knives.”
The sense of hearing or Auditory Imagery is the
way things sound. Literary devices such as
onomatopoeia and alliteration can help create
sounds in writing.

The children were screaming and shouting in
the fields.
“The trees rustled as the wind whistled gently
“Can anyone give me another example?” through the leaves.”
“Let’s proceed with the sense of smell, can
anyone please read?”
The Smell
The sense of smell or Olfactory Imagery is one
of the most direct triggers of memory and
emotion, but can be difficult to write about.
(Student will read the definition.)
Since taste can and smell are so closely linked,
you’ll sometimes find the same words (such as
sweet) used to describe both. Simile is common
in olfactory imagery, because it allows writers to
compare a particular scent to common smells
like dirt, grass, or roses.

The fragrance of spring flowers made her
“None ma’am.”
“Any questions or clarifications?”
“Wonderful, Let’s proceed with your group

Directions: The students will be divided into 4 (Each group will select their representatives.)
Groups. Each group will select a representative
to pick between linguistic and acting
(Representatives will pick.)
In this activity, they will use sensory imagery in
any of the following: acting or writing a poem
(depending on what they have picked)

The students will create a 4-line poem using
sensory imagery.

The students will think of a scene where they
can use any of the sensory imagery. For
example: describe a certain place through
visual imagery, feeling or emotions toward a
person, taste of any dish that appealed to you,
smell of a dish, perfume, etc. or what they have
seen or heard from a scenario in their life.

• Go to your group quietly.
• Form a circle. (Students will go to their respective groups.)
• Minimize your voice while doing your
group activity.
• Do not hesitate to ask questions to your
• Be respectful. Be quiet while other
groups are performing.
• You will be given only 5 minutes for this
(Students will present their work.)
After that, return to your seats properly.

1. What are the five types of sensory imagery?
“The five types of sensory imagery are visual
2. How important is the use of sensory Imagery or sense of Sight, Olfactory Imagery
imagery? In our daily life? Cite an example. or sense of Smell, Gustatory Imagery or sense
of Taste, Auditory Imagery or sense of Hearing
3. How are you going to show appreciation in
and Tactile Imagery or sense of Touch ma’am”
the God-given gifts such as the completeness
of your sensory organs? (Students answer may vary.)
Very good!
Do you have any questions? “None ma’am.”

Test your Knowledge!
Directions: Read the following sentences. Determine if it is Tactile, Visual, Gustatory, Auditory,
and Olfactory.
_______________1.The salty flavor of salt water taffy was Carrie’s very favorite thing about
going to the beach for summer vacation.
_______________2.The air was filled with the smell of sulfur and the sound of gunfire.
_______________3.The night was black as ever, but bright stars lit up the sky.
_______________4. Anna, the minute she set her eyes on him, let, loose the scream of her life.
_______________5. She smelled as sweet as roses.
_______________6.She served the bland sea-shell pasta with the sweet mariana sauce.
_______________7.Sarah placed her bare hand on the cold snow.
_______________8. The familiar tang of his grandmothers cranberry sauce reminded him his
______________9.The rooster crowed at early dawn, a sign that it was the time to start the day.
_______________10.The feeling of a fuzzy blanket on a cold night is heaven.

Directions: In a ½ crosswise, create and write 10 sentences that shows each type of sensory

Prepared by:


Teacher I Applicant

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