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Cell structure and function


Cell structure and function

Choose the best answer

1. The soluble part of cytoplasm is termed as (1 point)

� Cisternae
� Endocytosis
� Cytosol
� Bith A and B

2. Wof is most selender in structure (1 point)

� Microtubules
� Both A and B
� Intermediate filaments
� Microfilaments

3. Wof modifies proteins and lipids by adding carbohydrates (1 point)

� None of these
� Plasma membrane
� Golgi apparatus
� Polysome

4. Wof are colourless? (1 point)

� Chloroplasts
� Chromoplasts
� Leucoplasts
� None of these

5. A group of ribosomes attached to messenger RNA is known as (1 point)

� Lysosome
� Ribosomes
� Polysome

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Cell structure and function

� Nucleosomes

6. Detoxification pf harmful drugs with in cell is done by (1 point)

� Smooth surgace ER
� Nucleolus
� Ribosomes
� Food vacuole

7. In prokaryotic cell wall strengthening material is (1 point)

� Chitin
� Silica
� Peptidoglycan
� Cellulose

8. The inner membrane of mitochondria is foldedto form fingure like structure called (1 point)
� Cisternae
� Matrix
� Vesicle
� Cristae

9. Plastids are found in the (1 point)

� Animals
� Plants
� Animals and plants
� Viruses

10. Wof organelles is concerned with the cell secretion ? (1 point)

� Golgi apparatus
� Mitochondria
� Lysosomes
� Ribosomes

11. Plasma membrane is chemically composed of (1 point)

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Cell structure and function

� Lipids and carbohydrate

� Glycoprotein
� Phospholipids only
� Lipids and proteins

12. Interior of chloroplast is divided into heterogeneous structure , embedded in the matrux known (1 point)
� Cisternae
� Stroma
� Thylakoids
� Grana

13. Lipid syntheises/metabolism take place un wof organelle (1 point)

� Mitochondria
� Vacuoles
� Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
� Rough endoplasmic reticulum

14. Ribosomes exist in two , wither attached with RER or freely dispersed in (1 point)
� Cytoplasm
� Tonoplast
� Golgi bodies

15. Endoplasmic reticulum contains a system of flattened membrane bounded sacs whuch are (1 point)
named as
� Marks
� Tubules
� Cisternae
� Cristae

16. The simplest independent unit of life is known as (1 point)

� Chloroplast

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Cell structure and function

� Cell
� Bacterial colony

17. The model if plasma membrane suggests taht proteins are embedded in lipid bi layer (1 point)
� Uktra centrifuge
� Permeable
� Unit membrane
� Fluid mosaic

18. The function of nucleolus is to make (1 point)

� Chromosomes
� rDNA
� Ribosomes

19. Lipid metabolism is the function of (1 point)

� Mitochondria
� Sarcoplasmic reticulum

20. The enzymes kf lysosomes are synthesized on (1 point)

� Golgi apparatus
� Choloroplast

21. Centrioles are made up of microtubules (1 point)

� 27
� 12
� 9
� 3

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Cell structure and function

22. Wof structures is absent in higher plants and found in animal cells. (1 point)
� Centriole
� Cytoplasm
� Mitochondria
� Cytoskeleton

23. The soluble part of cytoplasm or flyid that remains when all the irganelles are removed is (1 point)
known as
� Gelatin material
� Cytosol
� Solution
� Cytoskeleton

24. The outer membrane of the nuclear envelope is at places continuous with the (1 point)
� Golgi apparatus
� Peroxisome
� Lysozymes
� Endoplasmic reticulum

25. The process by which unwanted structures within the cell are engulfed and digested with in (1 point)
lysosomes known as
� Hydrolysis
� Endocytosis
� Autophagy
� Exocytosis

26. Which bond is the potential source of chekical energy for cellular activities? (1 point)
� H-O
� C-H
� C-O
� C-N

27. Wof gives blue colour with iodine (1 point)

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Cell structure and function

� Glycogen
� Cellulose
� All of these
� Starch

28. The two strand in DNA coiled to each other (1 point)

� Both A and B
� Anti parallel
� Parallel
� None of these

29. Name of huamn tissue taht contain above 85 % water (1 point)

� Nerve cells
� Brain cells
� Bone cells
� None of these

30. Immediate source of energy for cellular metabolism is (1 point)

� Lipids
� Proteins
� Carbohydrates

31. Haemoglobin exhibits (1 point)

� Quaternary structure
� Tertiary structure
� Primary structure
� Secondary structure

32. Wof is a precirsor of steroid horomones ? (1 point)

� Sterol
� Amino acids
� Glycerol

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Cell structure and function

� Cholesterol

33. When an electron. Pair is shared between two atoms. (1 point)

� Two covalent bonds are formed
� Hydrogen bond is firmed
� Ionic bond is formed
� Single covalent bond is formed

34. The covalent bond formed between two Monosaccharides is called (1 point)
� Hydrogen bond
� Peptide bond
� Glycosidic bond
� Disulphite bond

35. The bond formed between glucose and fructose to form sucrose is (1 point)
� 1,4 glycosidic linkage
� 1,6 glycosidic linkage
� 1,2 glycosidic linkage
� 1,3 glycosidic linkage

36. In an amino acid in whuch R grp is H , its name will be (1 point)

� Valine
� Glycine
� Alanine
� Leucine

37. Fatty acid are the organic compounds containing hydrigen oxygen and one of the following (1 point)
� Sucrose
� Acyl
� -cooh
� Nh2

38. The combination of pentose sugar with a base result in a compund is known as (1 point)

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Cell structure and function

� Nucleoside
� Polynucleotude
� Nucleic acid
� Nucleotide

39. One of the pyrimindine bases, is absent in DNA (1 point)

� Adenine
� Uracil
� Thymine
� Cytosine

40. Wof are intermediate in respiration and photosynthesis both ? (1 point)

� Fructose and ribulose
� Glyceraldehyde , dihyroxy acetone
� Glucose , galactose
� Ribose, heptose

41. The rRNA is synthesized and stored in (1 point)

� Chromosomes
� Endoplasmic reticulum
� Golgi complex
� Nucleolus

42. Wof is peptide bond (1 point)

� C-O
� C
� C-P
� C-N

43. Wof is an unsaturated fatty acid ? (1 point)

� Palmitic acud
� Butyric acid
� Acetic acid

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Cell structure and function

� Oleic acid

44. Wof base pair is absent in DNA (1 point)

� T-a
� A-T
� A-U
� C-G

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