Questionnaire - English Teachers Fillable

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Full Name: Vianka Alessandra Gómez Ramos.

You would like to be called by (complete if it is different from your first name): Ms.
Gomez is fine, thank you.

Birthdate (dd/mm/yyyy): 09/07/1978

Phone Number (if your phone number is different for WhatsApp, add it as well and
specify): WhatsApp: 786-901-3533

Preferred email address:

Area of Residence (Ex. Bella Vista): Cerro Azul Panamá

Salary Range Expectation: 2000-3000 monthly but I am open for discussion.

illustrate your teaching philosophy,
● Carefully read each question.
experiences, and values.
● Type your responses directly into this ● If any question prompts additional
document or provide answers in a thoughts or ideas, you are welcome
separate document if preferred. to expand on your response for a
● Ensure your responses are clear, more comprehensive understanding.
concise, and well-organized. ● Ensure your contact information is
● Take the time to reflect on each accurate in case we need to reach
out for clarification or to schedule an
question and provide thoughtful
responses that showcase your
unique perspective and experiences. ● Your responses will be treated
● Feel free to share personal confidentially and used solely for the
purpose of evaluating your candidacy
anecdotes, stories, or examples that
for the English Teacher position.

Getting to Know You:

1. What inspired you to become an English teacher, and how has your personal
journey influenced your teaching philosophy? I went to live in the US at the age of
10 and I dif not speak the language. I was then bullied and discriminated against
by my fellow classmates. This inspired me to learn English and to teach others this
beautiful language. I was very traumatized by this bullying and it tested my
emotional well being and self esteem. Therefore, I made it a passion to teach

Teaching Style and Approach:

2. Describe your teaching style in three words. How do you create a positive and
dynamic learning environment for your students? I am a hands-on teacher that
understands that everyone learns at a different pace, and in a different manner.
Therefore, I would say my teaching style is dynamic, creative, and hands-on.

3. How do you ensure that your classroom is inclusive and supportive of students
with diverse abilities and backgrounds? Living in the US and being surrounded by
so many different cultures has taught me that inclusion and understanding of
others’ cultures and beliefs is of utmost importance. As a teacher we have to
approach wash students individually and respectfully and teach the classroom the
same level of inclusion and respect.

Memorable Teaching Moments:

4. Share a memorable experience or achievement from your teaching career that
has had a lasting impact on you. What did you learn from that experience? I was
teaching for a school that was in a very low income community, and I had a student
that was at a very low reading level and needed tutoring. Her reading was so poor
that she had failed the grade twice due to this. However, the family could not afford
the tutoring costs. Therefore, I volunteered to tutor the student for free everyday
after school. She was able to pass the grade with the help that I provided, and she
is now a college graduate.

Student Connection:
5. How do you establish a meaningful connection with your students? Can you
provide an example of a time when you felt a strong connection with a student?
With the child aforementioned, I was able to build a string connection that
continues to this day. I feel that there should never be favorites in a classroom,
because every child and every person is perfectly unique in all of their imperfect
ways. There is no such thing as the perfect student or child, so each child has
something special to bring into this world; or in this case a classroom. With that
being said, every child will bring joy and connection to every teacher in their own
unique way.

Creativity in the Classroom:

6. In what ways do you infuse creativity into your lessons to make the study of
English engaging and enjoyable for your students? With an ever changing world,
and the accessibility to information and technology that each student has,
maintaining a teaching environment that is unique, fun and creative is very
important. I like to bring real life scenarios into the classroom to keep the lessons

creative and engaging. Also keeping up with the latest trends and what the young
ones are into now a days keeps the attention of the children.

Teaching Experience:
7. Outline your relevant teaching experience, including the names of schools,
subjects taught, and the duration of each position. I have taught individually a child
with Autism for the past year or so. Emmanuel Christian School 2913-2021:
Special Needs Educator. Lincoln Marti Schools 2000-2013 Spanish and Art
Educator. Behavioral Assistant to Autistic Children: Positive Behavior Services
8. Briefly describe your teaching philosophy and approach to creating an engaging
and inclusive learning environment. I have my own teaching motto: “Teach every
child as if they were the only child in the world. Care for that child in an inclusive
and respectful manner. Make that child feel special and important each day.” I live
by teaching with inclusivity, respect and love.
9. Describe your approach to differentiated instruction. How do you modify your
teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning needs within the classroom?
As a teacher and with my experience with behavior. I can easily recognize the
learning patterns of each child. Therefore as an educator it is important to utilize all
if the teaching methods that are available for the benefit of each student.

Curriculum and Lesson Planning:

10. Describe your process for lesson planning and how you incorporate diverse
teaching methods to address different learning styles. I believe that creating IEPs
is very important, to better assess the needs of every student. Creating group
learning with small groups of students that can benefit from one another depending
on their learning style. Incorporate technology and project learning that go beyond
a poster board. Also, having a class discussion on the subject or lessons
important, so that students can gather the perspective of the lesson from each

Student Engagement and Assessment:

11. How do you ensure active student engagement in your classes? Provide
examples of activities or strategies you use. Class discussion, and group learning
is a way of allowing the students to engage. Creating groups based on how each
student can learn from each other, in terms of personality and learning patterns is
very important.

12. Describe your preferred methods of student assessment and how you provide
constructive feedback to promote student growth. If the institution allows it, I
believe alternative testing methods are incredibly beneficial. Oral exams, debates,
project testing, and research, are ways of testing that will allow for better
assessment of each student. Many students suffer anxiety when taking paper test
and fail not because they do not know the lesson but because their emotions take
the best of them.

Technology Integration:
13. How do you incorporate technology into your teaching methods? Provide
examples of any specific tools or platforms you have used. The use of tablets,
laptops and the limited use of phones are incredible methods that will benefit the
learning of each student. Ina world surrounded by technology, the responsible use
of social media can be a great tool for learning.

Classroom Management:
14. Share your approach to maintaining a positive and productive classroom
environment. How do you address behavioral challenges? Behavioral changes are
a part of teaching. However, I feel that if a positive teaching environment is always
established in a classroom the negative behaviors become minimal. Positive
reinforcement is key as well as setting expectations, acknowledging, and being
consistent is the key to a well managed classroom.
15. Share your approach to managing behavioral challenges, especially in the
context of students with special needs. First of all, de-escalating the situation would
be my first step. Getting to the students level and meeting eye to eye so the child
feels equal. Provide an alternative to the behavior and have a private conversation
with the child if need be.

Collaboration and Communication:

16. Collaboration with Colleagues: How do you collaborate with other teachers,
staff, and administrators to enhance the overall educational experience? I believe
that monthly or even weekly meetings are key in a teaching institution, to assess
the needs of each classroom and provide any assistance that any colleague may
17. How do you collaborate with special education staff to address the unique
needs of students with disabilities within the mainstream classroom? I have
incredible learning material, books and articles from psychology today and many
other arenas that may be of assistance to any of my colleagues. As well as, my

experience with special needs children is extensive, so I may be able to provide a
new approach or strategy that can help tremendously.
18. Communication with Parents: Describe your communication strategy for
keeping parents informed about students' progress and classroom activities. In the
past I have created Whatsapp grouos to keep the parents informed in anything
relevant to their child's education. Also email is an incredible tool, however, I
understand that not everyone is technically savvy. In addition, memos that can be
sent home to the parents with the students is a great tool, because not everyone
feels comfortable with being Ina chat group.
19. Parental Involvement: How do you encourage parental involvement in their
child's education, especially when it comes to supporting students with special
needs? Having one on one conversations with the parents, establishing parents
night or open house, using social media outlets that promote positive behavior and
parent involvement. As well as discussing with the parents the strategies used at
home and the ones used in the classroom to assess a more uniform method.
Children with special need and children in general need consistency in their lives.
Therefore, creating strategies that include teachers and parents will make for a
more positively reinforced environment for the child both at home and in the

Adaptability and Flexibility:

20. Adaptability: Provide an example of a situation where you had to adapt your
teaching methods to accommodate diverse student needs. I believe that in every
teaching situation I have had, I have had to accommodate the teaching methods to
address each student’s needs. Not one child is the same as the other, and each
child has their own method of learning and understanding. Therefore creating IEPs
for each student will address the strengths and areas of improvement in each child.

Professional Development:
21. Continuous Learning: How do you stay updated on the latest developments in
English education? Mention any workshops, conferences, or online courses you
have attended recently. I am an avid reader and Googler, as well as I have
subscriptions to many educational and psychology portals that allow me to stay
informed and grounded as an educator. There is information added every day on
teaching strategies, behavioral approaches, and child development that can keep
any educator updated and ready to take in the classroom each day
22. Special Education Training: Have you undertaken any specific training or
workshops related to teaching students with special needs? If yes, please provide

details. Yes, I have a Behavioral Assistant degree and certificate, as well as I have
worked with special needs children.

Professional Goals:
23. What are your short-term and long-term professional goals as an English
teacher? My short term goal is to find a teaching position that will be both fulfilling
and challenging. Also, I want the institution that I work for ti really care deeply for
the education and development of the children. As well as allow me to showcase
my skills and grow as a professional. My long term goal is to possibly open a
school that caters to children with special needs, specially those that are in the

Closing Reflection:
24. Reflect on a moment when you felt a true sense of accomplishment as a
teacher. What made that experience particularly rewarding for you? I was recently
a Behavioral Assistant for a family and I worked with them privately. They have
recently moved, due to the fact that the father is a Merchant Mariner, si his job
required the move. It was a true hoy for me to see the incredible development that
this child had un the short time that I was able to work with him. His behavior
improved tremendously, his ecolalia is almost nonexistent, and he has become
more verbal. Seeing this and knowing that I played a part in this is incredibly

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Your responses will help us assess your suitability for the English teacher
position at Colegio Bilingue Las Naciones.

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