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Network Vulnerability Scanner Report


The Light Network Scanner only ran limited, version-based detection. Upgrade to run Deep scans that check for 20,000+ additional
vulnerabilities - with fewer False Positives.


Overall risk level: Risk ratings: Scan information:

Info High: 0 Start time: Jan 10, 2024 / 21:28:00
Medium: 0 Finish time: Jan 10, 2024 / 21:31:00

Low: 0 Scan duration: 3 min

Info: 2 Tests performed: 2/2

Scan status: Finished


 Scan coverage information

Port State Service Product Product Version

7 open echo

9 open discard

13 open daytime

21 open ftp

22 open ssh

23 open telnet

25 open smtp

26 open rsftp

37 open time

53 open domain

79 open finger

80 open http

81 open hosts2-ns

88 open kerberos-sec

106 open pop3pw

110 open pop3

111 open rpcbind

113 open ident

119 open nntp

135 open msrpc

139 open netbios-ssn

143 open imap

144 open news

179 open bgp

199 open smux

389 open ldap

427 open svrloc

443 open https

444 open snpp

445 open microsoft-ds

465 open tcpwrapped

513 open tcpwrapped

514 open tcpwrapped

515 open tcpwrapped

543 open tcpwrapped

544 open tcpwrapped

548 open tcpwrapped

554 open tcpwrapped

587 open tcpwrapped

631 open tcpwrapped

646 open tcpwrapped

873 open tcpwrapped

990 open tcpwrapped

993 open tcpwrapped

995 open tcpwrapped

1025 open tcpwrapped

1026 open tcpwrapped

1027 open tcpwrapped

1028 open tcpwrapped

1029 open tcpwrapped

1110 open tcpwrapped

1433 open tcpwrapped

1720 open tcpwrapped

1723 open tcpwrapped

1755 open tcpwrapped

1900 open tcpwrapped

2000 open tcpwrapped

2001 open tcpwrapped

2049 open tcpwrapped

2121 open tcpwrapped

2717 open tcpwrapped

3000 open tcpwrapped

3128 open tcpwrapped

3306 open tcpwrapped

3389 open tcpwrapped

3986 open tcpwrapped

4444 open tcpwrapped

4899 open tcpwrapped

5000 open tcpwrapped

5009 open tcpwrapped

5051 open tcpwrapped

5060 open tcpwrapped

5101 open tcpwrapped

5190 open tcpwrapped

5357 open tcpwrapped

5432 open tcpwrapped

5631 open tcpwrapped

5666 open tcpwrapped

5800 open tcpwrapped

5900 open tcpwrapped

5985 open tcpwrapped

5986 open tcpwrapped

6000 open tcpwrapped

6001 open tcpwrapped

6646 open tcpwrapped

7070 open tcpwrapped

8000 open tcpwrapped

8008 open tcpwrapped

8009 open tcpwrapped

8080 open tcpwrapped

8081 open tcpwrapped

8443 open tcpwrapped

8888 open tcpwrapped

9100 open jetdirect

9999 open tcpwrapped

10000 open tcpwrapped

32768 open tcpwrapped

49152 open tcpwrapped

49153 open tcpwrapped

49154 open tcpwrapped

 Nmap has discovered a total of 103 ports. In order to avoid overloading the report, only the first 100 ports are displayed.

 Details

Risk description:
The root cause of this behavior may be a firewall placed in front of your target.

We advise whitelisting our scanners' IPs or splitting the selected ports across multiple scans.

 A complete version-based scan has been performed across the target.

Scan coverage information

List of tests performed (2/2)

 Running port discovery phase...
 A complete version-based scan has been performed across the target.

Scan parameters
Preset: Custom
Scanning engines: Version_based
Check alive: True
Extensive modules: -
Protocol type: Tcp
Ports to scan: Top 100 ports


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