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Viankas 8th Grade Science Class

Week of March 5th -March 9 2024

Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

What is Science?
Branches of science
What is the Scientific Method?
Applying the scientific method to our daily lives
Science careers
10 common types of science and scientist

Materials:Materials: Teacher Supplemental material, Teacher Supplemental

Youtube video pencil, eraser, colored pencils, and sharpener

Block 1 - Class Development:

- Powerpoint presentation on the explanation of science
- Video on the branches of science and what they study?
- Powerpoint presentation on the scientific method.
- Watch a video on how we can use the scientific method in our daily lives
-Watch video on the different types of science careers
-Powerpoint presentation on 10 common types of science and scientist
-discuss with the class what they have learn after watch presentation and video
Friday, March 8th, 2024
What todays class will look like…
Scientific Theory and Law
Common Laboratory Equipment
Different stages of matter
What is a cell

Materials:Materials: Teacher Supplemental material, Teacher Supplemental

Youtube video, , pencil, eraser, colored pencils, and sharpener

Block 1 - Class Development:

- Powerpoint presentation on scientific theory and law, lecture on the complete
breakdown of the topic.
-Video explaining the name and the use of each laboratory equipment
- Video on the explanation and process of the different stages of matter.
- Watch a video on what a cell is and the importance of each cell in keeping our bodies
-Watch video on the process of mitosis
Assess Prior Knowledge 1 Day Science Probe: Soccer Ball Engage Encounter the
Phenomenon: What determines how far you can move a ball? Explore/ Explain 2
Days Explain the Phenomenon What causes motion? Investigation Rolling On
How are kinetic energy and mass related? LAB Mass Matters How are kinetic
energy and speed related? LAB Picking Up Speed Elaborate 0.5 Day A Closer
Look: Kinetic Energy Evaluate 0.5 Day Lesson Review STEM Module Project
Wednesday March 27, 2024
What todays class will look like…
Module 3 Electromagnetic Forces
Lesson 2 Electric Forces
Assess Prior Knowledge 1 Day Page Keeley Science Probe: Electric Charge
Engage Encounter the Phenomenon: Why does the balloon attract the water?
Explore/ Explain 3 Days Explain the Phenomenon How do electric charges
interact? LAB From Top to Bottom What determines the strength of an electric
field? LAB Paper Pickup What happens when electric fields interact?
Investigation Field Rings How do different materials hold electric charges?
Elaborate 0.5 Day How It Works: Van de Graaff Generator Evaluate 0.5 Day Lesson
Review STEM Module Project Planning

Classwork Grade: complete exercises on student book as we go along

Materials: Inspire Science Online Portal, pencil, sharpener, eraser, and colored pencils

Block 1 - Class Development:

- Powerpoint presentation on rock and fossil record

- what video on rock and fossil record
-Go over lesson and inquire about any questions or concerns from students
-Homework do lesson review in the portal

Wednesday March 13 , 2024

What todays class will look like…
Lesson 2: building a Timeline
Lesson Vocabulary
Assess Prior Knowledge
Explore/ Explain

Materials: Inspire Science Online Portal, pencil, sharpener, eraser, and colored pencils
Block 1 - Class Development:
--Vocabulary review, and learn unit vocabulary, say it, and repeat it. Go over the
meaning and look at the illustrations ancient very old disturb to change the position or
order of something disturbance formation formación something that is formed or
created form geology geología the science and study of the planet Earth geologic,
geologist horizontal horizontal flat and level horizontally, horizon uniform uniforme
staying the same all the time uniformly
-Assess Prior Knowledge Science Probe: How old is Earth?
-Engage Encounter the Phenomenon: How can the rock layers and geologic features in
this photo be used to sequence past geologic events?
- Explore/ Explain Explain the Phenomenon What is the basis for understanding Earth ́
-Investigation The Present Is the Key to the Past What is relative-age dating? • Layers
-Investigation Relatively Speaking What can the fossil record tell us about Earth
history? Investigation Clues to Earths Past • Investigation Reconstructing Past
-Video on what is a geologic timeline
-Video on brief history of geologic timeline
-Read as a class scientific text a relative time scale.

Friday , March 15th, 2024

What todays class will look like…

Review Lesson 1 and 2
Assessment Lesson 1
Assessment Lesson 2

Materials: Inspire Science Online Portal, pencil, sharpener, eraser, and colored pencils

Block 1 - Class Development:

--Complete Lesson 1 Review
-Complete assessment in the porta on Lesson 1
--Complete Lesson 2 Review
-Complete assessment in the porta on Lesson 2

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