A Review of Preparation Methods of Porous Skin Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

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Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

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A review of preparation methods of porous skin tissue engineering scaffolds

Zefei Zhang, Yihua Feng *, Li Wang, Dongxue Liu, Changcai Qin, Yanbin Shi
Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Jinan 250353, China


Keywords: In recent years, preparation technology for tissue-engineered scaffolds has continuously improved; researchers
Skin tissue engineering can select suitable preparation methods according to the scaffold requirements. A skin-tissue scaffold must have a
Scaffold porous structure; the structure affects wound healing, hydrophilicity, the degradation rate, and the mechanical
Porous structure
properties of the scaffold, and acts as a nutrient and metabolites transportation channel for cell adhesion and
Preparation method
growth, new tissue regeneration providing the space environment. Technologies including solvent casting/par­
ticle leaching, freeze-drying, electrospinning, 3-D bioprinting, and gas foaming have been used to prepare porous
skin scaffolds. Preparation using these five methods is examined in this review. The optimization design and
application of these methods are introduced; the advantages and disadvantages, and the future prospects of these
methods are summarized.

1. Introduction shapes by accurately controlling the printing path [9], as shown in

Fig. 2. Cell alignment exhibited 4 different orientations in a single
Skin is the first barrier of protection and the organ most vulnerable to scaffold with 4 regions, separately. The proliferation speed of the cells in
injury. The skin includes the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tis­ small pores is 3 times that of the cells in large pores. Some studies have
sues[1], as shown in Fig. 1. Skin tissue engineering scaffolds are used to shown that scaffolds with 60–90% porosity are suitable for wound
guide skin repair when the skin is unable to repair itself. The main goal healing applications as they are capable of providing sufficient space for
of tissue engineering scaffolds is to repair and replicate damaged tissue cell activity, oxygen and nutrient exchange, and the production of a new
[2]. A suitable skin tissue-engineering scaffold must be able to support extracellular matrix (ECM)[10]. Both low- and high-porosity scaffolds
the growth of new tissue and provide the host cells with a living space support the early attachment, diffusion, and proliferation of primary
suitable for cell migration and growth. dermal fibroblasts, but only high-porosity scaffolds support the migra­
Studies have shown that an engineered scaffold with a structure tion and infiltration of active cells [11]. An increase in the porosity of
similar to that of the natural dermis is more suitable for wound healing the scaffold has a direct effect on the reduction in mechanical properties,
[3,4]. The overall structure and properties of porous materials largely therefore the balance between the porosity of the scaffold and the me­
depend on the preparation method; pore size, porosity, and pore inter­ chanical properties is crucial. Khajeh et al. prepared skin scaffolds with
connection play an indispensable role in tissue regeneration. A different porosity by varying the polymer concentration, the lower the
tissue-engineered scaffold should have a customized porous structure to porosity, the better the mechanical properties, as shown in Fig. 3 AC,
better adapt to cell proliferation and growth; the pore size affects the and the cell viability under different pores is shown in Fig. 3B [12].
growth of cells. The optimum pore size required for cell permeation Meng et al. designed a scaffold with adjustable mechanical properties by
varies by cell type, the optimal pore size for adult mammal skin regen­ controlling the porous structure of the scaffold [13]. For this purpose,
eration is 20–125 µm [5]. Larger pore sizes reduce intercellular in­ the skin scaffold should have mechanical properties similar to those
teractions and thus cell proliferation [6,7]. Inadequate pore size results found in native tissue. In this regard, the values of the tensile strengths,
in poor cell permeability, impeding the transport of nutrients and the Young’s modulus, and the elongation-to-break are the most impor­
metabolic waste and preventing the formation of blood vessels [8]. To tant parameters for assessing the suitability of the mechanical properties
evaluate the effect of pore size on the growth rate of cells, Xie et al. of the scaffold [14]. Although these values vary depending on the region
prepared several heterogeneous scaffolds with different pore sizes and of the native tissue, according to the literature, the tensile strength

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: 10431200071@stu.qlu.edu.cn (Z. Zhang), fyh@qlu.edu.cn (Y. Feng), wli@qlu.edu.cn (L. Wang), 10431200093@stu.qlu.edu.cn (D. Liu),
10431200044@stu.qlu.edu.cn (C. Qin), syb@qlu.edu.cn (Y. Shi).

Received 5 April 2022; Received in revised form 4 July 2022; Accepted 25 July 2022
Available online 26 July 2022
2352-4928/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

scaffolds with higher tensile strength and Young’s modulus will be more
stable in animal experiments. Researchers can change the porosity of the
scaffold to meet the mechanical property requirements [16]. Controlling
the porosity distribution over complex structures that produce func­
tional gradients, researchers can design optimal interconnect channels
based on functional gradients to enhance permeability and improve
fluid transport through the structure [17]. The size, geometry, direction,
interconnectivity, and surface chemistry of the channel determine the
nature of the nutrient flow. In addition, the interconnection of channels
assists in cell migration and tissue transport for endogenous growth.
Good connectivity allows fluid to be transported to deeper sides,
allowing biomaterials and trapped biomolecules to be released by
diffusion through these regions [18]. The porous structure of customized
scaffolds is important in building better human tissue engineering
Wound healing has four overlapping stages: hemostasis, inflamma­
Fig. 1. Skin structure. tion, proliferation and remodeling. The process of skin wound healing is
associated with a range of cellular responses, including coagulation,
between 5 and 40 MPa, the Young’s modulus between 4.5 and 25 MPa, platelet activation, macrophage infiltration, re-epithelialization and the
and the elongation-to-break between 35% and 120% seem to be formation of granulation tissue (composed of fibroblasts and blood
appropriate for skin scaffold [15]. In practice, tissue-engineered vessels)[19]. Tissue engineering biomaterials often cause an

Fig. 2. Characteristics of scaffolds with different pore sizes. (A) Rectangular heterostructure with fiber spacing of 100 µm, 200 µm, and 500 µm, and crossover angle
of 90◦ ; (B) Heterostructure of parallelogram with fiber spacing of 100 µm and 200 µm, and crossover angle of 45◦ ; (C) Triangular heterostructure with fiber spacing of
100 µm and 200 µm, and intersection angle of 60◦ ; (D) (i) Diagram of cell growth induced by different pore sizes; (ii) Human umbilical vein endothelial cells in
scaffolds 100 µm and 200 µm in diameter on day 1; (iii) Human umbilical vein endothelial cells in scaffold with diameters of 100 µm and 200 µm on day 7; the pore
area is filled, and the macropore area remains empty. All stands are printed in five layers. (iv) Cell proliferation in different aperture regions, counting cells in four
600 µm x 600-micron regions
Reproduced with permission from [9].

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 3. (A)The porosity of Polyurethane/Poly­

acrylic acid (PU/PAA), and PU/PAA nanofiber
containing different concentrations of Polox­
amer (POLO) (5, 10, and15 wt%). (B)Cell
viability of Polyurethane/Polyacrylic acid (PU/
PAA), and PU/PAA nanofiber containing
different concentrations of Poloxamer (POLO)
(5, 10,and 15 wt%). (C)The mechanical prop­
erties of Polyurethane/Polyacrylic acid (PU/
PAA), and PU/PAA nanofiber containing
different concentrations of Poloxamer (POLO)
(5, 10,and 15 wt%).
Reproduced with permission from [12].

inflammatory response known as a foreign body response (FBR), medi­ that pore size plays an important role in tissue engineering scaffold
ated by macrophages. Studies show that macrophages play a key role in design. Fibroblasts are the main cellular component of the dermis and
the success of tissue-engineered scaffold grafts[8]. Deonarine et al. the skin scaffold should promote adhesion, growth and migration of fi­
pointed out that macrophages in the early stages of skin wound healing broblasts, thereby promoting regeneration of the dermis and epidermis.
are of a mixed M1 and M2 phenotype while those that are M2 dominate Zhu et al. successfully prepared a microporous electrospinning scaffold.
in the later stages[20]. This transformation not only avoids tissue In vitro experiments showed a significant increase in human dermal fi­
damage caused by chronic inflammation, but also promotes the recon­ broblasts (HDF) on the macroporous scaffold, with HDFs growing into
struction of the surrounding tissue. Garg et al. obtained electrospinning the scaffold to a depth of more than 100 µm[22]. This microporous
scaffolds with different pore sizes and showed that macrophage infil­ scaffold promotes infiltration and proliferation of HDFs and is suitable
tration and the M2 phenotype can be significantly enhanced by culture for skin tissue engineering. RnjakKovacina et al. obtained low and high
on a macroporous scaffold with a thick fiber diameter[21], suggesting porosity synthetic human elastin scaffolds during electrospinning. The

Fig. 4. Appearance (A) and SEM photomicrographs (B–K) of cross-sections of four types of collagen porous scaffolds prepared with ice particulates with diameter
ranges of 150–250 µm (B, G), 250–355 µm (C, H), 355–425 µm (D, I), and 425–500 µm (E, J), and a control collagen porous scaffold prepared without ice particulates
(F, K) at low (B, C, D, E, F) and high (G, H, I, J, K) magnifications.
Reproduced with permission from [33].

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 5. Geometric accumulation of salt particles in polymer solutions of (A) conventional SCPL (no centrifugation) and (B) enhanced SCPL (centrifugation). Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) showed the morphology of the polyurethane scaffold prepared using the enhanced SCPL method. Different solvent evaporation methods
and solvents were used. The salt grain size was 212–295 µm: (C) dimethylformamide/THF (50:50) air-drying; (D) dimethylformamide/THF (50:50) freeze-drying; (E)
dioxane–air-drying; (F) dioxane–freeze-drying
Reproduced with permission from [37].

scaffolds persisted for at least 6 weeks in a mouse subcutaneous im­ packed with cells and more suitable for cell proliferation. Solvent cas­
plantation study with fibroblasts on the exterior and infiltrating, evi­ ting/particle leaching is a simple process that does not require special­
dence of scaffold remodeling including de novo collagen synthesis and ized equipment. Hu et al. used a particle leaching method with salt
early-stage angiogenesis[11]. For skin scaffolds with high porosity, particles and magnetic sugar particles as pore-forming agents to
intra scaffold activity, collagen deposition, cell migration and infiltra­ manufacture sheet scaffolds with a controllable size range; they reported
tion within the scaffold can be achieved, leading to skin regeneration. that the scaffolds had potential for pore-forming agent arrangement,
Therefore, designing a tissue-engineered scaffold that can use its porous pattern, and self-assembly [6]. High-porosity materials have difficulty
structure to modify the immune response and promote skin regeneration maintaining good mechanical properties; researchers have improved
is a promising strategy. membrane structure quality using different solvent systems or by adding
The effectiveness of tissue engineering scaffolds in tissue regenera­ useful compounds. For example, deacetylchitosaccharides dissolved in
tion depends mainly on the microstructure and morphology of the lactic acid are softer and more transparent than membranes dissolved in
porous structures (including porosity, pore size, pore shape, and in­ glacial acetic acid [34]. Addition of plasticizers such as glycerin, poly­
terconnections between pores) and the mechanical properties of the ethylene glycol, and sorbitol further improve the tensile strength and
scaffolds. After selection of appropriate materials, the first stage in tissue flexibility of the membrane, making it suitable for skin tissue engi­
engineering is the manufacture of porous three-dimensional scaffolds neering applications[35].
[23]. Skin scaffolds include a porous membrane, a spongy body, and a The thickness limits the application of porous scaffolds. Mikos et al.
non-woven fiber net; scaffolds with different morphologies have showed that solvent casting/particle leaching could only prepare ma­
different microstructures. Skin tissue-engineered scaffolds can be pre­ terials with a thickness of 3 mm [36]. Large scaffolds require multilayer
pared using different methods depending on their geometry, material, superposition, which is difficult to prepare directly. Particle leaching is
and microstructure requirements. Skin tissue engineering scaffolds with often difficult with thick or large volume materials. Considering the
porous structures have been constructed through solvent cas­ disconnection of internal pores and the presence of residual pores pro­
ting/particle leaching [24,25], freeze-drying [26], gas foaming [27], ducing particles inside the scaffold, Sin et al. developed an enhanced
electrostatic spinning[28], and 3-D bioprinting [29]. The following solvent casting/particle leaching method for preparing
sections describe how these five tissue-engineered scaffolds were pre­ three-dimensional porous polyurethane (PU) scaffolds for cardiac tissue
pared and how the researchers optimized the scaffold’s porous structure. engineering. The enhanced method combined the conventional solvent
casting/particle leaching method with centrifugal procedures [37], as
2. Solvent casting/particle leaching shown in Fig. 5. Centrifugation was used to improve the pore uniformity
and pore interconnection of the scaffolds. Porous structures in skin
The technique of preparing porous scaffolds by dissolving particles of tissue-engineered scaffolds can also be improved in this way. Chen et al.
different sizes and particle numbers is solvent casting/particle leaching. used PLA/polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) as raw materials for melt
Different materials have been used as pore-forming agents including blending, changing the blend ratio to improve the pore connectivity.
sodium chloride particles, sugar particles [6], ice particles [30], and PVP is water-soluble with little organic solvent residue; a small amount
paraffin microspheres [31]. of residual polymer in ethylene carbonate annealing treatment is not
Traditional solvent casting/particle leaching is a popular research harmful to the body and helps to coarsen the behavior and increase the
method that controls the pore size and porosity of porous structures by aperture [38]. Flaibani combined a solvent casting/salting method with
dissolving different sizes and numbers of particles [32]. Zhang et al. anti-solvent precipitation. Micro- and nanoscale pores were synthesized
accurately controlled the pore structure by changing the ice particle size as polymer scaffolds, contributing to transport between cells and
and freezing temperature, preparing four types of scaffolds with allowing control of the macropore size by changing the sodium chloride
different pore sizes [33], as shown in Fig. 4. In vitro experiments have crystal size, and allowing gas processing by changing the polymer pre­
shown that scaffolds with 150–250 µm pore size are more densely cipitation around the grain to improve the porosity [39]. Results from

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 6. (A) Percentage wound photographs and (B) wound size for control group, 2D mats and TNSs at various day intervals 0, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14 days. Data were
expressed as a percentage of the control value (mean ± SD).
Reproduced with permission from [45].

tests with mouse muscle cells show that the micro-nano porous scaffold aperture and gradient distribution [42]. Frank et al. applied a magnetic
promotes cell adhesion to the polymer wall and enhances cell migration field to the solution system during the freezing process to induce the
and growth inside the scaffold. growth direction of ice crystals to prepare directional porous scaffolds
Solvent casting/particle leaching technology controls the pore size [43]. Ghafari et al. prepared a double-layer skin scaffold with different
and porosity of the structure by dissolving different sizes and numbers of pores by controlling the polymer concentration to change the porosity
particles. However, it is difficult to select a particle size for high-porosity [44]. A lower polymer concentration results in higher porosity and
materials, and it is difficult to maintain good mechanical properties. larger pore size of the underlayer, which is similar to the dermis of the
Moreover, the scaffold thickness is limited, the pores in the scaffold are skin. A higher polymer concentration in the upper layer of the scaffold
not connected, and there are residual particles in the scaffold that pro­ results in lower porosity and smaller pore size, similar to the epidermal
duce pores that must be addressed by other means. For example, adding layer of the skin. Yu et al. used dispersive freeze-drying to prepare
centrifugal steps can improve the uniformity and interconnection of the graded porous nano-scaffolds, obtaining large pores up to 40–150 µm in
bracket, and annealing is helpful to increase the pore size. diameter, and in vivo experiments showed that the skin scaffolds
significantly promoted fibroblast migration and infiltration and faster
3. Freeze-drying wound recovery, as shown in Fig. 6 [45].
During the freezing process of water-soluble polymers, the size of ice
Freeze-drying method can avoid the disadvantages of limited thick­ crystals is closely related to the freezing temperature and freezing rate;
ness and unconnected pores of solvent casting/particle leaching. The thus, the freezing process determines the characteristics of the pores
freeze-drying method is commonly used in the preparation of scaffolds after freeze-drying[46]. Lower temperature and faster freezing rate
and porous membranes in tissue engineering. Porous membranes pre­ result in smaller pore sizes of scaffolds[47,48]. By changing the blending
pared using this method include collagen sponges, chitosan porous ratio and freezing temperature, Wang et al. showed a thin layer structure
scaffolds, and collagen–chitosan scaffolds, with high porosity and with many slender pores inside the scaffold at − 20 ℃. At lower tem­
adjustable pore size. Catanzano et al. produced highly porous inter­ peratures, the scaffold exhibited a more regular and uniform pore
connected alginate sponges with an average pore size of 300 µm through morphology, and more significant cell growth and proliferation[49].
freeze-drying [40]. In addition to adjusting the freezing rate and solution parameters,
The pore structure of freeze-dried scaffolds can be designed and crosslinking agents can also be used to enhance the material properties.
customized by controlling the formation of ice crystals during cooling. Fernandes-Silva prepared a sponge scaffold using marine collagen,
The size, distribution, shape, and density of ice crystals can be controlled which was freeze-dried, modified with Genipin, and foamed with
by changing the freezing parameters, which means that the pore size, hydrogel. The resulting scaffold had a highly porous and interconnected
gradient, shape, and porosity of the freeze-dried scaffolds can be structure [50]. Yang et al. successfully prepared a porous mixed scaffold
customized [41]. Pawelec et al. set different solution heights and limited using a freeze-drying method with mixed porous silk fibroin protein, silk
the temperature gradient to the axis of the solution to control the fibroin protein, and hyaluronic acid, reporting that the prepared scaffold

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 7. (A) Design a of gel/Chs sponge scaffold and SEM images of porous sponge scaffolds with different solution ratios (B) formulation Chs; (C) formulation Gel/Chs
37; (D) formulation Gel/Chs 55; (E) formulation Gel/Chs 73; (F) formulation Gel.
Reproduced with permission from [54].

had enhanced mechanical properties, an appropriate swelling ratio and Freeze-drying is also an important method for preparing porous
supported cell proliferation and adhesion conducive to wound healing sponge scaffolds. Yuan et al. loaded lithium chloride (LiCl) into a chi­
[51]. Ran et al. synthesized a porous chitosan sponge and impregnated it tosan (CHI) hydrogel and prepared a sterile biocompatible sponge
with porous aureus polysaccharides and silver nanoparticles. The in­ scaffold by freeze-drying [53]. Fig. 7 shows that porous sponge scaffolds
ternal pores were between 50 and 100 µm, with good expansion and prepared by freeze-drying with different solution ratios all have uniform
water retention to provide a moist environment for the wound. In the pore size, high porosity, high water absorption and retention capacity
wound healing test, the treatment group using sponge biomaterials and suitable degradation rates. The sponge scaffold can maintain its
showed better wound contraction and tissue growth than the control pore structure during the whole process, providing effective cell support
group, and good biocompatibility [52]. and attachment for skin wound healing [54].

Fig. 8. (A) Average pore diameter and porosity

as a function of depressurization rate in super­
critical conditions of 40 ◦ C and 125 bar; (B)
Effect of pressure and temperature on pore size
with constant depressurization rate of 2.5 bar/s
and soaking time of 4 h; (C) Effect of pressure
and temperature on porosity with constant
depressurization rate of 2.5 bar/s and soaking
time of 4 h; (D) Microstructure of cross-
sectioned PPC–starch–bioglass disk foamed at
30 ◦ C and 75 bar depressurized at 2.5 bar/s
after 4 h of soaking.
Reproduced with permission from [62].

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 9. Diagram and experimental configuration of electrospinning. (A) Comparison of polymer melt and polymer solution processes; (B) MEW device: (1) pneumatic
assisted feeding system; (2) electric heating system; (3) high-voltage power supply; (4) computer-aided removable collecting plate; (5) syringe with molten polymer
and tip with electrode; (C) Address code motion path diagram and deposition process of fiber structure; (D) Fibrous submicron fibers deposited alternately in 0◦ and
90◦ directions.
Reproduced with permission from [75].

Freeze-drying preparation of the scaffolding allows customization of carbonate starch-based scaffold in tissue engineering, optimizing the gas
the aperture, gradient, shape, and porosity; The porous structure of the foaming technique by adjusting parameters including pressure,
scaffold can be adjusted by changing the freeze-drying temperature, decompression rate, and temperature, effectively producing a porous
freezing speed, and polymer concentration. By designing the tempera­ structure with high pore interconnection and cell and tissue infiltration
ture gradient of the cooling model, the vertical gradient distribution of within the porous structure[62], as shown in Fig. 8. Ren et al. used
the pores can be made. The growth direction of ice crystals can be physical foaming technology with carbon dioxide as the foaming agent
induced by applying a magnetic field. The porous membrane porosity is and adjusted the initial film thickness, saturation pressure, and foaming
high, the pore size can be adjusted, and highly porous and inter­ temperature to adjust the cellular morphology of polylactic acid porous
connected scaffolds are possible. The disadvantages of limited thickness membranes. In mild conditions, polylactic acid porous films with highly
and unconnected pores of solvent casting/particle leaching are avoided. ordered straight channels and a porosity of approximately 72% were
However, the pore structure is irregular; the mold design can be used to obtained[63]. Chen et al. used gas foaming technology to improve the
control the heat transfer in the freeze-drying process to control the porosity and loosely stacked fibrous structure of an electrowoven scaf­
framework. fold with a larger pore size and a higher porosity and improved the
deposition of extracellular matrix components and the regeneration of
4. Gas foaming new blood vessels[64]. Zhang et al. developed a 3-D lamellar nanofiber
sponge. In the gas foaming process, the thickness and porosity of the
Gas foaming is a green, efficient, and environmentally friendly lamellar nanofiber structure can be finely controlled[58]. Hajiabbas
method for preparation of porous materials; CO2 and N2 are inexpensive et al. prepared a double-layer nanocomposite scaffold with reasonable
and readily available, with no residue after foaming[55]. This is a porosity and pore size by combining electrospinning, in situ gas foam­
popular method for producing 3-D porous scaffolds[56–58]. However, ing, in situ crosslinking, and freeze-drying[65]. Jing et al. used CO2
special defects are produced in CO2 foaming. Polymer materials such as foaming technology combined with wet electrospinning to produce
semi-crystalline or amorphous polymers always show a dense three-dimensional electrospinning scaffold. The extracellular matrix
non-foaming layer structure after preparation with microcellular was completely simulated, in the porosity and surface area, and in the
foaming technology [59,60]; it is difficult to meet the high porosity surface nanomorphology. 3T3 fibroblast cell culture results confirmed
requirements of scaffolds. that the cells interacted strongly with the 3D fluffy nanofibers and
Pressure, temperature, decompression rate, and immersion time can migrated into the inner area of the scaffolds rapidly. Moreover, human
be changed to control the aperture and distribution of the gas foam to fibroblast cell culture results confirmed further enhancement in cell
optimize the 3-D scaffold. Horta et al. controlled the internal porosity by attachment and proliferation on the fluffy shish-kebab structured
regulating the pressure and decompression time to form interconnected nanofibrous scaffolds[66], which indicates scaffold with similar tissue
pores[61]. Manavitehrani et al. studied the application of a propylene structure better promotes 3D tissue regeneration.

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 10. Schematic illustrates the design of the different pore structured PCL scaffolds: homogeneous pore size constructs of 250, 500, 750 µm;offset 30/70; offset
50/50; gradient pore structure. and SEM images of scaffolds with different porous structures (A) uniform pore sizes of 250 µm, (B)500 µm, and (C)750 µm; (D)Offset
30/70 with 150/30-micron pores; (E)Offset 50/50 with 250/250-micron pores; (F) Gradient pore structure (bottom: 250 µm, middle: 500 µm, top: 750 µm).
Reproduced with permission from [80].

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 11. Confocal microscope images and cross-section analysis of cells cultured (deposited) for 1 day on mesh sizes of (A, B) 100 µm; (C, D) 200 µm; (E, F) 300 µm
Reproduced with permission from [81].

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Gas foaming is a green, efficient, and environmentally friendly combined melt electrospinning with a programmable X–Y platform, The
porous material preparation method, which does not produce residual scaffolds obtained have a highly porous three-dimensional structure
pore-causing particles like solvent casting/particle leaching. Gas foam­ [72]. The features of the scaffolds including shape, pore size, porosity,
ing method can adjust the porous structure by adjusting the pressure, and mechanical properties can be controlled by the input parameters
decompression rate, temperature, and other parameters. But produces [79]. Hochleitner et al. used the melt electrospinning writing (MEW)
special defects in the foaming of polymer samples, which makes it device (Fig. 9B) to optimize the flow rate, spinneret diameter, voltage,
difficult to achieve high porosity. However, the combination of wet collector distance, and other parameters, and designed the print path
electrostatic spinning can achieve the desired pore structure. Therefore, (Fig. 9C) to directly prepare the coherent scaffold of the ultrafine [75].
This technology should be used in combination with other methods or as Abbasi et al. constructed scaffolds with different porous structures,
an auxiliary method. as shown in Fig. 10, and examined the effects of pore size, scaffold
migration, and gradient structure on the attachment, migration, and
5. Electrospinning proliferation of human osteoblasts. Among these scaffolds, the fibrous
offset scaffolds promoted osteoblast separation as a result of their large
Electrospinning is a widely used technique in many research fields, surface area to volume ratio. Scaffolds with uniform 250-micron pores
especially in the biomedical field[67]; it can produce fibers from milli­ showed the greatest attachment of osteoblasts, confirming the effect of
meters to nanometers in diameter. Electrospun nanofibers have a high porous tissue on the behavior of cells in the scaffold[80]. These effects
surface area to volume ratio and a swelling property[68], good for persist on skin cells.
wound healing. However, the fiber scaffold prepared by fused electrospinning
Electrospinning uses a strong electric field to process polymer solu­ exhibited obvious drooping behavior. Nguyen et al. proposed an
tions into thin and continuous polymer fibers similar in shape to natural experimental method known as the "beam bridge test" to determine the
extracellular matrix fibers to promote cell interactions and facilitate new drooping behavior of fused electrospinning microfibers. In fused elec­
tissue formation[69]. In solution electrospinning, nanofiber structures trospinning conditions, the maximum pitch size corresponding to the
are randomly arranged on the receiver. The electrospinning results are mesh size without drooping in the mesh pattern can be easily identified
closely related to a number of factors including polymer solution using the beam bridge test[81]. Droop information can be used to
properties (viscosity/concentration, conductivity, surface tension, and fabricate the lattice structure of microfibers with well-defined transverse
solvent), processing variables (electric field strength, solution feed rate, pores, and the prepared microfiber mesh structure can be successfully
distance between the spinning pore and the collecting device), and used as a matrix (or scaffold) for cell culture. Drooping of microfibers
environmental conditions (temperature and humidity)[70]. Zhang et al. and the mesh size of the grid pattern significantly affected cell growth,
found that there was a direct relationship between the fiber morphology as shown in Fig. 11; the crisscross area indicates excellent cell attach­
and the concentration change, and prepared a superfine gelatin (Gt) ment. These results showed that microfibers without droop exhibited
fiber[71]. The porous structure of the scaffold was a key factor affecting excellent cell attachment.
cell attachment. The electrospinning mesh showed excellent in vitro The precision with which a fused electrospun scaffold can be man­
compatibility, but its relatively small pore size did not allow cell ufactured is greatly influenced by the deposited pattern (including the
migration in the scaffold (the cell diameter (5–20 µm))[72]; other spacing between the fibers), the velocity of translation, and the accu­
methods were required to open the pore. Kim et al. prepared bimodal mulation of residual charges in the fibers. Greater understanding of how
scaffolds with small and large diameter elements through solution the viscous charged melt electrospinning jet interacts with the collector
electrospinning and melt electrospinning. The larger pore size was surface improves the accuracy and repeatability of fiber deposition [82].
randomly mixed in the composite structure, allowing free migration of Molten electrospinning has the potential to greatly advance the field of
cells [72]. Huang et al. prepared skin scaffolds with a gradient pore size tissue engineering. However, the complexity of the machine/software
by combining multi-step electrospinning with a low-temperature and the amount of time required to manufacture a melt-write scaffold
collection. They adjusted the gradient pore size by controlling the fila­ prevent widespread use[83].
ment concentration, electric field, flow rate, needle pitch, and collector Electrostatic spinning technology prepares fibers from millimeters to
temperature, and prepared skin scaffolds with a gradient pore structure nanometers in diameter, changing the polymer concentration, voltage
composed of small, medium, and large pores[73]. The optimum relative intensity, solution flow rate and so on can control the fiber diameter;
humidity of the large pore size fraction is 50%, which significantly im­ however, the pore size is too small and the pore structure is random.
proves the infiltration of cells into the scaffold. The medium pore size With melt electrostatic spinning, there is no solution solvent toxicity or
fraction is more favorable to cell proliferation than the large pore frac­ toxic accumulation, but the scope of application is narrow, there are
tion. The small pore size fraction has higher mechanical properties and high requirements for the spinning device, and the fiber is thick. Melt
inhibits surface cells. direct writing technology can be used to obtain scaffolds with specific
Replacing a polymer solution with a highly viscous and non- structures, allowing for a larger pore size more suitable for cell invasion
conductive polymer melt is a means of greatly reducing the surface and growth. Further research should improve the resolution of melt
charge density to suppress any bending instability experienced by the electrospinning to replicate the "fine" morphology of natural tissues.
melt jet [74] (Fig. 11A). The application range is narrower than solution
electrospinning; the requirements for spinning devices are greater and 6. 3-D bioprinting
the prepared fibers are coarse. Melt electrospinning is mainly used to
meet medical requirements and standards such as the absence of solvent 3-D printing technology has high intelligence, fast processing spe­
toxicity. Compared with traditional material preparation methods, ed, fine
Near-field direct writing technology addresses some of the limita­ structure, and good controllability[84–86]. 3-D printing of porous
tions of electrospinning[75–77]. Conventional electrospinning can only structures requires a CAD model to be designed in advance; the shape
produce a disordered fiber mass, and cannot obtain the scaffold of a characteristics, size, and porosity can be designed according to the re­
specific structure, as shown in Fig. 9. When the nozzle is close to the quirements of the designing software. 3-D bioprinting is an important
receiving device, the Taylor cone is suppressed, and a straight fiber can branch of 3-D printing technology, but involves additional complexities
be obtained. With the controllable motion of the three-dimensional including bio-inks, cell types, selection of bioactive molecules, and
moving platform, an orderly 3-D structure can be obtained [78]. Scaf­ technical challenges associated with the sensitivity of living cells and
fold products produced using this technique can have larger pore sizes complex tissue and organ structures[87]. The main types of bio-printing
and are more suitable for cell invasion and growth. Farrugia et al. are inkjet, micro-extrusion, and laser-assisted bio-printing[88], as

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 12. 3-D bio-printing technologies. (A)Laser auxiliary printer; (B)Inkjet bioprinter; (C)Micro-extrusion printer. In all three printers, precise control of the X-, Y-,
and Z-coordinates is maintained to create the required 3-D biological structures
Reproduced with permission from [89].

Fig. 13. 3-D bioprinting operation.

Reproduced with permission from [92].

shown in Fig. 12. 3-D bio-printing is a new technology that delivers cells printing suitability of bio-inks is determined by the rheological prop­
from polymer gels to full-thickness skin wounds. erties, cross-linking mechanism, and 3-D printing parameters[93]. The
The printing parameters must be strictly controlled during the deposition of bio-inks is controlled with micron-scale precision to form
printing process to obtain the best product. 3-D bioprinting parameters different tissue ultrastructures; 3-D bioprinting allows for an ideal
include extrusion pressure, nozzle diameter, dispensing speed, bio­ spatial distribution of cell-loaded scaffolds[94].
printing speed, and bio-fabrication time. Bio-fabrication time de­ Scaffolds prepared with 3-D bioprinting are similar in complexity
termines the embedding of cells in biological printing according to and heterogeneity to those found in natural tissues, and can be arranged
exposure time. The print speed strongly influences the structure of cell into 3-D structures with cells and soluble growth factors in bio-inks,
viability. The biological ink viscosity, the nozzle diameter and faster providing new opportunities for implant designs with tissue regenera­
printing speed combination that can be made in a shorter period of time tion functions[92]. Cubo et al. used extruded bioprinting to print
for load cell scaffolds by high resolution 3-D printing[90]. Bio­ bio-inks containing human plasma, human fibroblasts, and keratino­
printingoffers the ability to deliver cells in a fast, off-the-shelf manner, cytes. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that 3-D-printed skin
helping to quickly cover and close wounds [91]. The printing process is tissue is similar to human skin tissue[95]. 3-D bioprinting can accurately
illustrated in Fig. 13. print matrix materials and a variety of skin cells to the design position
Bioprinting of skin tissue depends on the bio-ink design, which through accurate positioning and transportation of living matter units
should support cellular compatibility and cellular function, and promote such as cells and extracellular matrix materials. The pipe network
production of new extracellular matrix components. The structure of the structure can realize the self-supply of nutrients and waste metabolism
skin tissue depends on the sequence of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and transportation of skin[95]. Biological 3-D printing technology pro­
embedded in the bio-ink in the layered structure. Bio-ink is a solution vides new options for precise bionic repair of skin defects[96,97]. Skin is
containing nutrients, matrix components, and cells. When developing a tissue composed of two layers, the dermis and epidermis. The dermis is
bio-inks for 3-D bioprinting, a number of factors should be considered to a thicker, lower layer with higher flexibility and porosity. The epidermis
balance printability and biocompatibility. As with biomaterial inks, the is a thin upper layer with low porosity, forming a protective barrier

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 14. (A, B) CAD images of native skin structure: the upper layer is dense and resembles the epidermis, and the lower porous layer resembles the dermis. (C) DLP-
based 3-D printing product showing the complex structure of upper and lower layers. The side view shows two layers of organization
Reproduced with permission from [98].

Fig. 15. (A) Skin defects divided into four groups: control group (untreated), hydrogel group, scaffold group, and FLS group; (B) Macro assessment was performed at
0 d, 4 d, 7 d, 14 d, and 21 d postoperatively; (C) Percentage of wound closure on day 4, 7, 14, and 21 post-operation. [98]
Reproduced with permission from [98].

against pathogenic microorganisms in the environment[44]. Functional printing with electrospinning to produce tissue-engineered scaffolds.
living skin (FLS) designed by Zhou et al. was composed of two layers Mori et al. produced composite hydrogels for tissue engineering with 3-
(Fig. 14): a dense upper layer mimicking the epidermal layer and a D printing and electrospinning[100]. The 3-D structure simulates the
porous lower layer mimicking the dermis, according to the physiological structure and properties of the natural skin extracellular matrix in detail,
structure of natural skin. A new method was developed to print FLS; it increasing cell proliferation.
was demonstrated that FLS has interconnected microchannels and 3-D printing, relative to all other techniques, has the obvious
excellent performance in promoting dermal regeneration[98]. In addi­ advantage that products can be designed with precise detail in terms of
tion, a highly porous and thick layer of scaffolding that mimics the the pore shape, arrangement, size, and structure, as the final pore
dermis absorbs wound exudates, reducing the risk of infection. The FLS structure is not dependent on an emulsion, fluid mechanics, thermody­
promotes skin regeneration by mimicking the physiological structure of namics (the matrix pore forming agent distribution), nor is it a random
natural skin(Fig. 15). Niu et al. constructed a porous gradient whole skin event (gas foaming and electrostatic spinning)[101]. Studies have
scaffold using bioprinting technology and tested the results using a shown that the 3-D printing process has few adverse effects on cell
porcine model, with controlled results demonstrating that the scaffold survival[102]. CAD can only design regular microporous structures,
group repaired without fibrosis and with complete regeneration of the whereas human tissue is irregular, with different porous structures in
epithelial layer[99]. different locations[103]. Due to large solid particles tend to clog printer
There is growing research on the combination of 3-D printing with nozzles, large aperture 3D bioprint brackets are challenging in practice
other manufacturing methods. Researchers have recently combined 3-D [104]. The field of 3-D printing is expanding; 3-D-printed scaffolds have

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Table 1
The influence of each parameter on pore structure.
The Parameter Influence Advantage Disadvantages Reference

Solvent Particle size Pore size is positively correlated The pore size and porosity of porous The internal pores of the scaffolds are [32,33,38,
casting/ with particle diameter structures are controlled by dissolving not connected and contain residual 108]
particle Number of The porosity is positively particles of different sizes and the pore-forming particles
leaching particles correlated with the number of number of particles
Freeze-drying The freezing Pore size is positively correlated The pore size, gradient, shape, and The pore structure is irregular [44,46–48,
temperature with temperature, the lower the porosity in the scaffold can be adjusted 51,107]
temperature, the more uniform the as needed
Freezing rate Pore diameter is negatively
correlated with freezing rate
Polymer Polymer concentration is
concentration negatively correlated with pore
size and porosity
Gas foaming Pressure Pore size is positively correlated The porous structure can be changed by There is a dense non-foaming cortex [55,59,60,
with pressure controlling the pressure and structure, pore formation is random 62]
Decompression Pore size and porosity are decompression rate, increasing the
rate negatively correlated with temperature to obtain a larger pore size.
decompression rate. CO2 has low cost, abundant source, and
temperature Pore size is positively correlated no residue after foaming
with temperature
Electrostatic polymer At too low a concentration, Electrospinning is a technique for The pore diameter of traditional [70–75,109]
spinning concentration microbeads or beaded nanofibers preparing millimeter-diameter to nano- electrospinning is too small and the
form. Too high a concentration scale fibers, preferably at a minimum porous structure is random, the
will block the flow of the solution flow rate to maintain a balance between application range of melt
through the tip the polymer solution and the new electrospinning is narrow, and the
Applied voltage Fiber diameter is negatively solution during jet formation. The spinning device is highly required.
correlated with voltage scaffolds prepared by melt
Solution flow rate Too low flow rate will lead to the electrospinning allow a larger aperture,
increase of pore size and fiber and the fibers prepared are thicker,
diameter, too high will lead to the which are more suitable for cell
formation of microbeads invasion and growth.
Needle to The diameter of nanofibers is
collector distance negatively correlated with
Ambient relative The pore size increased with
humidity(RH) the improvement of RH within a
suitable range
3-D bioprinting Nozzle diameter The print resolution is negatively High degree of intelligence, fast CAD can only design regular micropore [90,91,93,
correlated with nozzle diameter processing speed, fine structure, good structure, can not ensure that the pore 94,96,97,
The speedy The speedy gelatinization is control, allowing the printing of structure and real skin are completely 101–103]
gelatinization conducive to the rapid molding of biological materials in an automated consistent
the desired 3D scaffolds with high and reproducible manner with high
resolution resolution and accuracy
Bioprinting speed Fiber diameter is negatively
correlated with velocity
Bio-fabrication The exposure time of embedded
time cells under bio-printing conditions
is determined
Solution Too low, the structure tends to
concentration collapse; Too high, the printing
process will produce sliding

been used in clinical studies with varying degrees of success[105,106]. 7. Discussion

3-D bioprinting technology offers high intelligence, fast processing
speed, fine structure, and good controllability, allowing the printing of The number of cases of tissue or organ dysfunction or loss caused by
biological materials in an automatic and reproducible manner with high trauma and chronic diseases is increasing worldwide, and tissue engi­
resolution and accuracy, including complex 3-D structures with neering has unique advantages in repairing and treating such defects.
biomechanical heterogeneity. However, the development of functional Skin scaffolds grafting is a new skin repair technology. In the aspect of
3-D tissue constructs remains challenging, including the precise locali­ tissue engineering, tissue engineering scaffold is one of the focuses of
zation of different types of cells, growth factors, and biomaterials to tissue engineering research. It provides space and effective physical
simulate the microenvironment in vivo. Moreover, CAD can only design support for cell adhesion and growth and determines the structure and
regular microporous structures, and the porosity cannot be guaranteed shape of the target tissue or organ. At present, how to construct a three-
to match the porosity of the cells. The next step of research should focus dimensional scaffold for promoting cell invasion and skin tissue repair is
on optimizing the printing path and improving its accuracy to prepare still a hot issue in the field of tissue engineering.
scaffolds with complex textures. Scaffolds must have sufficient porosity, average pore size, and
interconnectivity[107]. The porosity allows cells to penetrate the 3-D
structure and promote tissue regeneration. Porous interconnections

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

Fig. 16. Summary of optimization design of various preparation methods.

ensure adequate diffusion of nutrients into the building body, and models) before they can enter clinical trials. At the same time, their
diffuse metabolic wastes out of the scaffold. The manufacturing pa­ physicochemical and biological properties such as in vivo degradability,
rameters are important in the preparation of tissue-engineered scaffolds. immunogenicity and pro-angiogenic activity need to be critically eval­
The influence of each parameter on pore structure is shown in Table 1. uated to meet the requirements for clinical application. With the prog­
Porous skin scaffolds are in a rapid development stage. Many im­ ress in the field of biomaterials and tissue engineering and
provements have been made in the preparation of porous skin scaffolds, multidisciplinary collaborative efforts, the preparation of porous skin
encouraging the rapid development of tissue engineering and regener­ scaffolds will continue to develop and innovate in the future. The con­
ative medicine, as shown in Fig. 16. Porous skin scafsfold are also facing struction of products with more complex structures and bionic skin
many challenges. First, the traditional manufacturing of functionally functions will further facilitate disease treatment and tissue regenera­
graded porous scaffolds has many problems, such as difficult control­ tion, and then promote the clinical medical practice.
lability of pores and mechanical properties, low precision, difficult Cellular infiltration is the key to replacing scaffolds with new tissues,
repetition, and so on. The mechanical properties of skin scaffolds are and as human physiological microenvironment is regulated by many
usually much higher than those of real skin tissue, which may lead to factors, the traditional preparation methods are not reproduce the dy­
mechanical biological mismatch. Due to scaffold degradation and long- namic microenvironment of natural tissue. The author predicts that the
term deformation in vivo, scaffolds may lose their mechanical properties preparation methods based on electrospinning and 3D printing tech­
before tissue regeneration and maturation, affecting wound healing nology will be more popular in the future. The use of electrostatic
outcomes. Therefore, future research should also focus on systematically spinning and 3-D bioprinting technologies allows for the synthesis of
investigating the dynamic relationship between scaffold degradation nanostructured scaffolds at both the molecular and atomic level, while
and mechanical properties to determine the optimal initial strength and allowing for precise control of the scaffold’s porous structure, facili­
further design the optimal porous structure. Secondly, it is difficult to tating the field of tissue engineering. In addition, multi-material bio­
compare those dressings from the aspect of wound recovery. The main printing is another promising solution for recreating the complex
reason is that those dressings with different structures could not meet composition, structure, and function of natural tissues. Integrating 3D
the requirements of different wounds at the same time, which requires printing technology with electrostatic spinning to prepare multi-
researchers to investigate the wound healing effect of dressings more material and multi-scale structures in a hybrid manner is an effective
specifically, instead of one wound model for all wounds[110]. Thirdly, it way to prepare porous skin scaffolds. At the same time, skin tissue en­
is still a challenge to regenerate skin with normal appearance and gineering scaffolds are modified using chemical cross-linking methods to
function[111]. Researchers should find a suitable preparation method to improve their properties in terms of morphology, mechanical strength,
adjust the porous structure of skin scaffolds to practical applications and surface wettability, compatibility, and biocompatibility.
combine bioactive molecules and biomaterials that promote tissue
regeneration to produce skin scaffolds that better meet expectations. 8. Conclusion
To facilitate the translation of these novel porous skin scaffolds from
the laboratory to the clinic, their safety and efficacy need to be further Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are emerging research
validated in a variety of large animal models (such as pig or monkey fields, including the use of different synthetic techniques and

Z. Zhang et al. Materials Today Communications 32 (2022) 104109

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