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Illicit Ties

A Deviant Desires Novella

Lily Black
Copyright © 2023 by Lily Black

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author,
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
For the girls who love the darkness as much as I do

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

About the Author
Chapter One

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D ark desires are like shadows, always lurking just beneath the surface,
waiting to be unleashed. That’s the sermon Father Evans preached this
morning, and I remind myself of those words as I sit in the backseat of our
car with my sister June, just a few inches away from me. The scent of her
floral perfume makes me want to lean in and run my tongue over the
exposed skin of her neck. Nobody can know the darkness that fills my
mind, the wickedness I fight every single day and night. The malice that
had me standing and exiting mid-sermon to rub one off to the thought of
fucking June on that altar in front of everyone. Her short pink skirt and
fitting white shirt did nothing to subdue me. I pumped my length violently
while the preacher talked about salvation through the speakers set up in the
bathroom, then I came all over the wall of the bathroom stall.
My dad says something to June, I don’t quite catch it, but it makes her
laugh, all whimsical like, and it is enough to have me straining in my jeans
This sick obsession with my sister has plagued me for years, and it’s
become madness.
You can’t touch her. It’s forbidden.
These cravings are borderline insane. Her laugh shouldn’t give me a
boner. I shouldn’t even notice the way her white shirt hugs her small tits so
perfectly, pushing her erect nipples, courtesy of the air-conditioning out. I
shouldn’t imagine fucking her tiny, perfect body into submission.
She’s a vision with hazel eyes and long dark hair I’ve imagined tugging
while I pound into her virgin cunt. At just five feet, she’s tiny compared to
my six feet two, which is part of the appeal. I love small girls, always have.
I push the thought away, feeling like shit. I thought going to college
would curb the lust, but it only made it worse. No matter how many girls I
fucked, and there were many, none compared to my June, and when she
turns to me, a small smile on her pouty pink lips, her eyes sparkling with
excitement over the week our dad has planned for us in the mountains, I
know I’m fucked, truly, catastrophically fucked. I tried everything to get out
of it, but this vacation is almost mandatory for my family.
“You kids excited about the trip. It’s so good having both my babies
home,” Mom says, turning to me. I smile. I am excited to be in the same
room with June again. Excited to sneak a peek at her, changing or walking
in mistakenly. I’m so hard right now. It’s fucking painful.
“I’m almost eighteen, Mom. Not a baby,” June laughs.
“It’s good to be home, Mom,” I say, clearing my throat.
“We’d do this more often if Heath didn’t think he is a big college man
now, hardly ever coming home,” June pouts. It’s the cutest thing. I have had
thoughts about that sweet mouth wrapped around my cock, as she chokes
and gags.
I don’t know when it happened-this sickness-this obsession. Maybe it
was how her thighs clung around my neck in the pool in a chicken fight or
the sight of her in a bikini for the first time. Maybe it’s those nights she sat
cuddled in my arms watching horror movies, climbing on my lap when she
was afraid, whatever caused it, I snapped, and the girl next to me became
the object of my every filthy, deviant desire.
“I’m here now, brat,” I say, punching her arm lightly. She hates that
nickname and sticks her tongue out at me, but that name is just another
coping mechanism. Brat is a substitute for all the other names I imagine
calling my sweet June.
“I can’t wait to go camping under the stars, make smores, and swim in
the lake.”
“It might be a little cold for the lake, June bug,” Dad chuckles.
“Oh, don’t be such a buzz kill, Daddy,” June says, changing the music
to some pop shit. I reach other and snatch her phone to change it back to
Imagine Dragons, and my hand brushes her thigh. She doesn’t seem to
notice when I let it linger on her soft flesh, but it’s like electricity coursing
through me. I’m hard as fuck, enough to notice, and I have to turn away
slightly. How the fuck am I going to spend the next week alone in the same
room with her, camping with her, and not be tempted to fuck her? It’s going
to be torture. I have to reel in my fucking sick thoughts. She’s my sister, for
fuck sake.

Our family cabin is nestled deep in the mountains, surrounded by towering

trees and stunning views of the valley below. It's a serene escape from the
chaos of everyday life, and I always look forward to our trips up here. The
air is chilly and crisp as we pull up to the cabin. I can see my breath in the
air as I step out of the car, shivering slightly in the cold. June shivers, but
she’s jumping up and down on the spot anyway, and her fucking skirt is not
doing me any favors. Thankfully she’ll be wearing pants soon, covering up
those milky thighs. Dad and I grab our bags, and we all make our way
The cabin is warm, cozy, and inviting, just like I remember, with a rustic
charm that feels like home. The living room is dominated by a large stone
fireplace, and comfortable couches and armchairs are arranged around it.
Dad and Mom bought it when they were just newlyweds. The kitchen is
small but always well-stocked, with everything we need to prepare meals
during our stay. Mom makes sure of that every year.
June and I head down the hallway to our room on the other side of the
cabin, away from our parents' room. As I got older, I realized why that is.
Far enough that we can’t hear them fucking. That was after one particularly
awkward night when I walked in on them going at it. Thankfully they didn’t
see me, but I saw enough to get rock hard, sporting a raging boner all the
way back to my room. Thinking back on that night, it hits me. It was when I
did it the first time, climbed into bed with June, and rubbed my tiny cock
against her until I wet myself. I was a fucking ten-year-old pervert.
“What are you thinking about?” Her voice drags me back to the present.
“Nothing,” I shake my head, hoping to clear those thoughts from my
June and I have a spacious bedroom with two double beds, one of
which, the sweet spot, is against the wall. Growing up, I got dibs on the bed
and let her sleep in it with me occasionally. I wonder if she’s still into that.
The thought of pressing my cock against her little ass is enough to set me
off again.
"I get the bed by the window!" June exclaims, playfully shoving me on
my chest as we eye the bed.
"No way, I’m older, so I get the sweet spot!" I retort, grinning from ear
to ear.
“By a year,” she laughs and nudges me in the rib with her elbow. She
heads for the bed, and I unintentionally grab her by the waist, spinning her
around and drawing her closer. Her eyes widen, and there’s a flash of
something I can’t quite read. She smells like vanilla, so innocent and sweet,
just waiting to be tarnished.
Her heaving chest and questioning tone have me letting her go quickly.
“Go ahead, brat,” I say, my voice hoarse.
She nods, clearing her throat, crossing the room, and setting her bag on
the bed. It was a bad fucking idea to keep watching because when she bends
over, I get the perfect view of her pert little ass, and I have to turn away.
This is going to be a long week.

In the tradition of this vacation, Dad makes spaghetti and meatballs on the
first night.
“June bug, no phones at the table.”
She places it face down on the table. Who the fuck was she chatting to?
Some fucking dickwad who wants to get into that sweet little pussy. A
dickwad like you. The reminder is sickening and sobering.
“Aria and her family will arrive at their cabin in three days. I can’t
Mom shakes her head. “The point of this trip is to connect with your
family, sweetheart. You see Aria every single day.”
“Mom, but—”
“Fine, one hang out. That’s it.”
The compromise has June doing a little shimmy.
“Will Tyler be there?” Mom asks, and by the flush on my sister's
cheeks, I put two and two together. She has a thing for Tyler Montgomery,
Aria’s twin brother. That little fucker. Has he touched her? My jaw clenches
“Mom, no…” June says, her whole face as red as a tomato. Our eyes
meet, and I look away. Why should I care who my sister likes or fucks?
“Come on now. We may be your parents, but we know a crush when we
see one,” Dad chuckles, and that is about all I can take.
“I’m going for a walk,” I say, standing. “Dinner was great, Dad.”
“Wear a jacket, honey. It’s cold out,” Mom says, still teasing June.
“You want some company?” June asks sweetly.
“No, brat. I need some air.”
Her face falls, but I don’t need her messing with my mind any more
than she already is.
I suck in a breath when I’m outside, walking down the gravel path that
leads away from the cabin, my hands shoved deep in my pockets. The air is
cold and crisp, and I can see my breath in the air. It's a relief to be away
from the confines of the cabin and the tension that had been building inside.
I'm not sure what's really bothering me. Maybe it's the fact that June is
growing older, and she’s so fucking beautiful. Guys like Tyler, they’re free
to touch the one fucking thing I can’t have, no matter how desperately I
want her.
At a clearing, I sit on a large boulder, trying to clear my mind. It's quiet
out here. The only sound is the rustling of leaves in the wind. I pull out a
cigarette and light it up, taking a long drag.
Then I hear footsteps approaching. I look up to see June walking toward
me in a puffy pink jacket,
"That shit is bad for you," she says, approaching and taking it from my
mouth, throwing it to the ground, and stamping on it. I tug her between my
legs by her waist, and she gasps. She’s fucking playing with fire. My hands
tremble just above her pert ass.
“Don’t do that again,” I say with a low growl.
She nods. Good girl.
I let her go, and she steps back into safer ground. "Mind if I sit with
“You will even if I tell you not to, brat.” She rolls her eyes and sits next
to me on the boulder. Her warmth against my side is comforting.
"I'm glad we're all here together," she says after a moment.
Yeah, you aren’t the one who will die of blue balls.
"You okay?" she asks. "Looks like you were upset earlier."
"I just needed some air. Fuck," I say with a low growl.
I need space from you.
I need to get you off my filthy mind.
“You don’t have to be an asshole,” she says softly, and I feel like shit.
“Sorry, I’m just wound up right now.” Thinking about pounding your
cunt and ruining you for every man.
We sit silently for a few minutes, just watching the trees sway in the
wind. It's a comfortable silence, the kind that comes from being around
someone you're close to. What will she do if I kiss her now? Stick my
tongue in her sweet mouth, I think as I glance at her. I look away and stuff
my hands in my pockets.
“So, you and Tyler?” I ask.
She laughs, “Mom and Dad think I like Tyler, but that is the furthest
thing on my mind. Let’s just say I’m one dick and two balls less than his
usual type.”
“Oh,” I say, relieved.
Eventually, June stands. "I’m heading back. I’m beat and cold. Don’t
stay out too long. You owe me a story."
“Aren’t you getting too old for that shit?”
She shakes her head. “Never. Your goofy horror stories are the best part
of the vacation.”
I watch as she makes her way back to the cabin. I need to get my fucked
up feelings in check. I don’t want to lose her, but the urge to mark her and
make her mine, and only mine, is so strong it’s almost suffocating. I’m ill, I
decide. A sick fucker who isn’t thinking straight.
Chapter Two


H eath hasn’t been back home for a few days, and I’ve already upset
him. My brother has this way of getting under my skin, and when he’s upset
with me, it’s like I can’t function. My chest aches, and it feels like I can’t
breathe. I just want to make it all better. Make him happy. Was he upset I
wanted to spend time with my friends? I won’t even see them if that’s it. I’ll
do anything to get back to the carefree us before things got complicated.
Something changed over the years. I undress in front of the full-length
mirror, taking a moment to examine myself. My long, curly hair is still
damp from the shower, and I run my fingers through it to help it dry faster.
My hands trail down my petite frame, over my pussy, too afraid to
masturbate. I haven’t even tried to, but when Heath is near, I get wet, and so
fucking turned on. There it is, my darkest, most wicked truth, and I’ve tried
hard to keep the world from knowing about it. If anyone did, they’d
probably lock me away and throw away the key. Still, I wonder what it
would be like to have him touch me. My friends have all lost their virginity
or at least been through a few bases, but I don’t feel that way about other
Heath is the only guy I want touching me. What the hell is wrong with
me? He’d be disgusted if he knew. I pull on a pair of boy shorts and a
hoodie, my mind still stuck on Heath even as I crawl into bed. I wait for
him as long as possible, but my eyes feel heavy and exhausted.

I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of soft grunting and
“Yeah, fuck,” Heath whispers, and when I open my eyes, he is standing
over my bed, pumping his very thick, very hard cock. It’s so big and angry
looking, and I have to quickly shut my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat,
realizing what’s happening. His head is thrown back, so he hasn’t seen me. I
try to ignore the sounds and the profanities he spews. It’s hot, so hot, and it
makes my pussy ache. I shouldn't be having these thoughts about my
brother. He shouldn’t be standing over my sleeping form, masturbating, and
calling me a sweet little slut. Is he drunk? There is no other explanation.
I want to look up and know what his face looks like when he finally
comes. The urge to watch him is so strong I have to think of something else.
Like the fucking curtains. My nipples press painfully against the fabric of
my hoodie.
After what feels like an eternity, the sound of wet flesh being pumped
finally stops, and he lets out a pained mewl. His breathing is ragged and
when I shift, he lets out a low growl.
“I know you’re awake, June. Fuck.”
I pull my blanket tighter around me, holding my breath, hoping he
doesn't say anything more, but he speaks up.
"I’m so fucking sorry," he mumbles, his voice barely audible in the dark
room. “I’m a monster to do what I did.”
"It's okay," I say, my voice coming out as a whisper before looking up at
him. He holds a sock, and I know he probably ejaculated in it.
There's a moment of silence before he speaks again. "I can sleep in the
living room if being here makes you uncomfortable. I just…" he trails off.
I shake my head. “Don’t,” I say too quickly. “It doesn’t make me
"Why the hell not?"
His voice is doing things to me that I can’t explain. The ache between
my legs grows impossibly excruciating. I want to reach down and touch
myself like all my friends tell me.
“I want you here,” I say, almost on a moan. “I want you to tell me why
you touched yourself while watching me. Why you called me your little
slut? Why I’m feeling this way?”
“Fuck, June, don’t tempt me.”
“Tempt you to do what?”
And then he’s climbing into bed with me, and I know it’s wrong, but I
want him to stay. His warmth engulfs me, and the scent of his freshly
washed hair makes me dizzy.
“It feels good to watch you sleep. You’re so beautiful. So fucking
perfect. I shouldn’t want to devour you, June. I shouldn’t even do these
things. But like this, it's different in the cover of night.”
I squirm at his words. “Why does that thought make me hurt so bad
between my legs?”
His jaw tenses. “Because you feel it too.”
“Heath, make it stop….’
“I can help, sweet girl,” he whispers. “Make you feel good.”
My heart races as he slides his hand under my hoodie, tracing circles
over my flat stomach. His touch sends shivers down my spine. As sick as
this is, I can't bring myself to stop him.
“But if we do this. It can’t go further than touching,” His voice is shaky.
“Or sucking,” he sucks on my neck, and I squeeze my thighs. My pussy is
soaking. I know about all this; felt tingles of it in the past, but the real thing
is mind-blowing. “I’m sick, June. The way I feel about you is sick.”
His fingers move lower, tracing circles over the fabric of my panties. I
bite my lip to stifle a moan, my body arching to meet his touch. My nipples
are painfully hard right now.
“Heath, it doesn’t feel sick,” I whisper; every nerve ending in my body
is alive, and his breath is hot against my ear.
"Let me make you feel good, sis," he whispers.
I nod, unable to form words as his fingers slip under the fabric of my
boy shorts. I fall back on my back, my heart pounding in my chest. His
touch alone sends sparks of pleasure through my whole body. My hips rise
instinctively to meet his touch, and I feel his hardness pressing against my
“Such a sweet little pussy, June.” He whispers, kissing my neck as he
continues to stroke me up and down my slit, spreading my wetness. “Spread
your legs for me.”
My thighs fall open, and he continues to work me to the brink of
madness. I feel myself getting closer to an orgasm, something I’ve never
experienced before. Something coveted. The faster he strokes me, the more
my body trembles with pleasure and need.
“You’re hurting because you need to be touched. And you’re soaking
wet because you’re enjoying this. That your sweet little pussy is begging to
be touched, licked, fucked, hurt in unimaginable ways.”
“Aah,” I moan, unable to focus on anything but his words, which sound
filthy yet enticing. I want him to keep touching me like this.
His cock grinds against my ass. “Has anyone touched you like this,
Junie? Have you touched yourself?”
“No,” I whisper, shuddering as he dry humps me harder and circles my
clit with his thick finger. “Just you. Only you.”
“Then we’re gonna keep it that way,” he says, thrusting a thick digit
inside my pussy while rubbing my clit. “I’m going to do awful things to
you, June, and you’ll enjoy every second.”
“Heath…I, it feels like…fuck,” I say through gritted teeth, uncertain if
I’m gonna wet myself.
“Let go, baby. Feel what I’m doing to your body; drip for me.”
And then I’m crying out, and his hand clasps over my mouth.
My underwear is soaking wet from where he’s rubbing himself against
me, and then it's over, and he's holding me in his arms as we both try to
catch our breath.
“That was…so good. It felt…amazing.” Wrong. Amazing. Wrong.
I know how wrong this is, but at this moment, I don't care. Not about
what our parents will think or anyone else. All that matters is the intense
pleasure Heath brought me. Something I know I’m going to chase over and
over again. I want him to teach me, to hurt me, to love me. To tear me apart
and put me back again.
He kisses me, bites my bottom lip, then pushes his tongue through my
lips, and unlike my first kiss with a boy at school, this kiss feels more. More
intense. More satisfying. Like my soul has found its match. The ache
between my thighs grows, and he doesn’t need to ask this time. He slips his
hand between my thighs again, massaging, then thrusting his finger in and
out of me until I’m panting and begging. To be fucked, to be used, to be
anything he needs. Then he rubs my sensitive clit until I’m moaning into his
mouth, my body convulsing beside him, desperate for more.
Chapter Three


T he sound of the shower has me sitting up in bed. Not my bed. Hers.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I crossed the line last night. Finger fucked
my sister like a fucking pervert, but fuck if I don’t want to do it again and
again. I knew she’d become an addiction. Now I’m an addict overnight.
All I can think about is how good it felt to run my fingers over her small
clit, hear her moan, and thrust her hips against me for more. This is a
dangerous game we’re playing.
Just then, she walks out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped
around her body. This isn’t unnatural, but my cock doesn’t get the memo.
She bites her lips when she notices my erection, tenting the blanket.
“Did I do that?”
I groan, sitting up, still covered by the blanket.
“How can you be so fucking innocent and so tempting all at once?”
She smirks. “Turn around. I need to change.”
I don’t. Instead, I relax and watch her fluffy white towel fall to the floor.
She is utter perfection. A tiny wet dream, and I couldn’t make myself look
away. I want to bend her over the fucking bed and tear into that pussy.
Patience, Heath. Reality, Heath.
“It aches again, worse than last night. Can you make it better, big
brother?” She runs her fingers over her slit. Little minx. Those fucking
words have me standing and crossing the room to lock the door.
“Get on the bed, little temptress, and let me show you how much better
I can make you feel.”
She does as I command and lies on the bed.
“Spread your legs wide,” I say, stalking across the room.
Her pretty pink pussy is dripping, and I can’t wait to lick every drop of
her. “We keep this between us, June. Nobody can know, so you have to be
so quiet for me.”
She nods, biting her lower lip, and she has no clue how innocent and
fucking perfect she is. I kneel between her legs and push her thighs toward
her head. I love how flexible she is and how every fold is exposed just for
me. I spread her pussy wide.
“This pussy is so perfect, sweet girl,” I say, and she flushes at the
“I’m gonna lick you so good, you’ll cry for more. But not a fucking
sound, or I’ll stop.”
I lick my lips as her juices continue to seep from her pussy. I dive in and
lick her from her asshole all the way to her clit, and she shudders and has to
bite her fist to keep from screaming.
“You don’t want mommy and daddy to hear you and come and find big
brother eating your cunt, June.”
I push my tongue into her tight little cunt, and she groans, bucking her
hips. Such a delicious fucking treat. My cock is weeping to be inside this
cunt, to break her, fuck her till she can’t breathe. But this will have to do.
She’s so tight my tongue can’t push all the way in.
“Oh, Heath, fuck, oh,” she moans, and I have to place a hand on her
mouth as I ravage her. Kissing her pussy, licking it, biting her sensitive nub.
She tenses beneath me, building toward her release, and I increase the pace
of my tongue, continuing my assault on her sweet cunt, determined to make
her come in my mouth, then lick her dry. I fuck her tight hole with my
tongue, my erection growing painfully. I want to fit my thick cock in her.
Fuck her till she screams. Her body tenses, and then she's screaming into
my hand as she climaxes, her pussy clenching around my tongue.
I slowly ease off, enjoying how she's still twitching from her orgasm. I
pull away, wiping my mouth and licking my lips.
“Good girl,” I whisper, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her pussy,
then go full tongue mode. She shudders, still sensitive. And then I sit back
on my haunches and free my cock. “I’m gonna come on you, June. Mark
you. Make you mine. Do you understand?”
She nods, resting on her elbows and biting her lips again.
I stroke my cock from the base to the tip, enjoying the sensation of my
own touch. I imagine myself positioned at June's entrance, pushing inside
her tight virgin cunt slowly.
“You want to be my cumslut, June?”
“Yes, please,” she moans.
I take her small hand and place it on my length. It’s so small she doesn’t
even get around. “Just move with me.”
Her touch has my orgasm building. When I open my eyes, June touches
herself, squeezing her tiny tit. “Come on me, Heath. Make me yours.”
That is all the incentive I need to release all over her stomach and small
tits, covering her in my hot seed.
“Beautiful,” I say, breathless, while I spread my cum all over her tits.
A knock at the door has me jumping back, suddenly realizing how
fucked up this is. I quickly grab a towel and wipe up and send June into the
bathroom. I unlock the door, hoping they don’t hear, and try to compose
myself as I hear it open.
"Hey, sleepyheads. Is everything okay in here? June at least is up at the
crack of dawn," Mom asks.
"Yeah, she probably overslept. I’ll be there in a sec. Mind if I crash
instead of going out on the lake today?" I say, trying to sound casual.
“Of course, it’s a vacation. Get all the R&R you need. Tell Junie she
owes us pancakes,” Mom says as she exits the room.
I hear the shower turn off, and June returns to the room, looking flushed
and completely embarrassed.
“This can’t happen again, June. I’m so sorry I let it get this far.”
“What are you talking about? We both wanted it. Right?”
“Well, that doesn’t make it right. Now get dressed. Mom is waiting for
I pull a T-shirt and hoodie and go to the kitchen, leaving a silent June
behind. The last thing I need is more temptation.

When they return from the lake, June is in a mood and doesn’t even greet
me before she’s locked herself in the room.
“What’s wrong with her?”
Dad sighs, “Her friends aren’t coming this year, so she’s a little peeved.
Doesn’t even want to drive down to the pub tonight, and you know she
loves karaoke.”
“Let me talk to her,” I offer.
Mom shakes her head. “You sure can try, but you know your sister.”
I knock at the door, and she screams, “What?”
“Can we talk, brat?”
There’s shuffling, and she opens the door. I enter and close it behind me.
“Stop calling me that,” she says, then plops herself on her bed.
“Are you really going to sulk in here all night? You never miss a
karaoke down the mountain.”
“Everything’s ruined,” she pouts.
“But is it?” I smirk, lurching for her and tickling her sides. She giggles,
squirming under my touch, and I can see her mood lifting already.
“Stop, stop!” she gasps between laughs.
“Are you coming or not?” I ask, still tickling her.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” she says, catching her breath. “But you owe
me a song dedication.”
“Deal,” I say, standing up and holding my hand to help her. “Let’s go,
“Stop calling me that,” she says again, but I can tell she’s already
feeling better.
I stand and offer her a hand.
“Thanks, Heath.” She looks up at me in a way that makes my chest
ache. I love this girl so fucking much.
“Anytime, brat,” I say, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. A
flush creep up her cheek, and I lower my hand. I need to maintain some
“Don’t do that,” she whispers.
“Do what?”
“Pull away like it never happened. Pretend you don’t want this too.”
This fucking girl.
I tug her hair back, and my lips crash onto hers, hard this time, with all
the pent-up hunger I have felt for years. Our tongues collide, and our
breaths mingle as I deepen the kiss. My need for June is second only to
breathing her in.
This is what I've been craving all along. The way her lips feel against
mine and her body fits perfectly against mine. It's like we were made for
each other. Born into this family for this alone.
I deepen the kiss, my hands roaming over her body, feeling every curve
and dip. She moans into my mouth, begging for more.
I break the kiss for a moment, panting and looking into her hazel eyes.
"I don't want to pull away," I whisper. "I want this. I want you."
She smiles at me, her eyes burning with lust and adoration. "I want you
too," she whispers before pulling me back for another kiss. And then our
parents' laughter in the living room drags me back to the present.
“We should go, but this isn’t over,” I say against her lips.
We join our parents in the living room. Dad has started a fire in the
fireplace, and the room is warm and cozy.
“Ready to sing your heart out, June?” Mom asks with a smile.
June grins back at her. The light in her eyes is brighter, and I love that I
made that happen. “You know it.”
The karaoke machine blasts "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi, and the
pub is filled with laughter and singing. My sister is on stage, belting out the
lyrics with her eyes closed and hands in the air. I'm sitting on the couch
with Dad, nursing a beer and watching her with a smile. There are few
things in life more beautiful than June singing her heart out. She’s tone-deaf
as fuck, but my girl is so free and contagious that she can draw a room of
people to herself.
Dad leans over and chuckles, "Your sister’s singing hasn’t improved
much, has it?"
I chuckle, and Mom smacks Dad on his arm. "Gregory, she's never been
As the song ends, June runs off the stage, beaming. "That was so much
fun!" she exclaims.
My mom claps her hands. "You were great, honey. Who's next?"
I stand. "I'll go," I say, and everyone seems to raise an eyebrow. I never
sing. June smiles widely.
I wave them off and grab the microphone, looking at the crowd. The
opening notes of "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond plays, and I feel a grin
spreading across my face. This is actually one of my favorites.
I close my eyes and let the music take over. The lyrics flow out of me
effortlessly, and I can feel the energy in the room growing. As I hit the
chorus, the crowd joins in, singing along at the top of their lungs. As the
song winds down, I take a bow and feel the rush of adrenaline and
satisfaction. The applause is deafening, and I feel slightly embarrassed.
As I make my way back to my seat, June squeals, hugging me. "I had no
idea you had such a great voice. Heath, you’ve been holding out on us."
“He really has. Boy, you belong on that stage,” Dad says. I shake my
head. I’ve never ever thought of pursuing music before. It’s just never been
in the plans.
The rest of the evening is filled with laughter and great food. June and I
hold each other’s gazes, something dangerous brewing the later it gets. My
hand rests on her thigh, rubbing small circles that make her flush. Even
though I said I wanted this to stop, I could only think about getting her in
bed again.
My hand moves higher on her thigh, my fingers tracing the edge of her
panties. I continue to talk to my father, laughing at some uncle joke he
makes. Heat emanates from her core, and I know she's desperate for a
release. Her breathing becomes shallow, and her cheeks flush with color,
but she bites her lip to stifle any sounds that might give us away.
“You okay, sweetheart? You look flushed,” Mom says.
“It’s just boiling in here,” she lies.
Mom and Dad talk about how the place does need better ventilation, so
I lean in close to her ear and whisper, "You’re gonna come right here, right
now. Like the good little slut, I know you are."
I slip my fingers beneath her panties and find her clit. I rub slow circles,
teasing her at first but then increasing the pressure and speed as her arousal
June's eyes flutter closed, and she bows her head, biting down on her lip
to stifle any sounds. Then, just as she's about to come, I pull my hand away.
Her eyes snap to mine. She is flushed and takes a large gulp of her soda.

Our parents are in bed and out for the night after too much wine. June and I
are in the den watching movies. I’m high on the fun night we had and her
intoxicating scent, so when she drops to her knees between my legs, as
fucking reckless as it is, I let her unzip my pants and pull out my already
hard cock.
“You’re huge,” she whispers, and I smirk, gripping her jaw and letting
her look up at me.
“And you’re gonna take every inch down your throat.”
She visibly gulps, which makes me laugh. “Princess, I’ll take it easy on
you…this time.”
She smiles and covers my tip with her mouth, then licks me like a
fucking lollypop. My precum paints her pretty lips, and I can’t see straight.
“Is this okay?”
“Fuck, you’re doing so good, baby,” I say, my fingers tangling in her
hair, tugging her forward, “Now open up a bit,” I say as I thrust deep into
her mouth. She can barely get me inside before she tears up. “Breathe, baby,
through your nose. Nice and slow.”
She gets the hang of it, bobbing on my cock so fucking beautifully, I
know she’s going to make me spray my load down her throat.
“Touch yourself, baby girl,” I say through gritted teeth, loving the
moniker. She’s my sweet baby girl.
Her hand slips into her sweatpants, and she moans around my cock.
“You are so perfect, June. So fucking beautiful with a mouth stuffed with
my fat cock.”
I grab her head, guiding her over my cock while she fingers her little
wet cunt. “I’m gonna come, and you’re gonna drink my milk like a good
She nods, and I use her to the brink of madness, thrusting into her
mouth almost violently. This is my girl.
“Do you like that, little cumslut?” I growl, and she nods, gagging, saliva
dripping from her mouth. Fucking exquisite. I’ve imagined this moment
many times, but it is nothing like being here, watching my baby sister gag
on my cock. And then I lift my hips and thrust into her one more time, and
I’m coming so hard I see stars.
“Drink my cum,” I hiss.
She licks every single drop, and I tug her up by her neck and press my
lips to hers, sucking on her lips, her tongue.
“Ride my finger,” I say through gritted teeth, and she straddles me, one
thick finger pressing into her tight little cunt. She moans but doesn’t cry
out, but I can tell the invasion is too much.
“Heath,” she moans softly, and I suck on her neck.
“Grind against me, like on rodeo. Do what makes you feel good.” And
then she’s moving, grinding against my hand, my finger inching deeper into
her. She is so tight I’m afraid she won’t even be able to take all of my cock.
I can feel the heat and wetness between her thighs as she moves against me.
I want to take her right here, right now, but I know I need to be patient. I
want to make her beg for it.
“That’s it, June,” I murmur, my other hand coming around to cup her
breast. “Let me feel you come.”
She moans, her hips rocking faster as she gets closer to the edge. I can
feel her walls clenching around my finger, her breath coming in short gasps.
“I’m gonna come,” she whispers, her nails digging into my back.
“Come for me,” I say, my mouth hot against her ear. And then she’s
coming apart, her body shaking as she rides out her orgasm. I keep moving
my hand, drawing out her pleasure as long as possible.
Finally, she collapses against me, her breathing ragged. I pull my hand
out of her and lick my fingers clean, savoring her taste.
“You’re amazing,” she murmurs, and I can feel the heat rising in my
“You are baby girl.”
I stand, cupping her ass to hold her against me and walking her to our
What I’d give to sink my cock in her pussy, stretch her wide, and make
her scream, but that takes time. She has to be ready, and I need to keep my
inner caveman in check.
Chapter Four


W e’re sitting under the stars, and I’m slightly tipsy from the sip of
bourbon he let me have. Our tradition is camping in the woods one night of
the vacation. Our parents use that time to reconnect and often spend the
night in the living room, in front of the fire. We’ve been doing this for
years, but tonight is different. I can feel it in the electricity that surges
between us.
As we crawl into our tent, I can't help but feel nervous. I've never had
sex and the thought of being so intimate with someone as experienced as
Heath scares me a little. I have seen the girls he’s dated, and I bet none of
them were as inexperienced as I am.
He pulls me close to him, his eyes dark with desire. "You look so
beautiful tonight, brat," he whispers, his breath hot against my neck. His
words send sparks right down to my core.
My heart racing when his lips press against mine, his hands unbuttoning
my jacket and pushing it off my shoulder. I need to give in to this moment.
This is Heath. He loves me. When we’re undressed, he latches onto my
nipple, sucking and nipping, while his other hand cups my pussy. “After
tonight, you’re mine, sweet June. Mine.”
I let out a moan when he sinks a finger into me, stretching me
gloriously. But I can’t seem to focus. Heath senses my hesitation and pulls
away, concern etched on his face. "You okay?"
I nod, and he cups my face. "We can stop if you aren’t into this?"
“I want this, but I don’t want you to treat me like some porcelain doll.”
My desire for him is stronger than my fear.
He presses his body against mine, his hands running over my curves as
he growls in my ear. “I never intended to, baby. I want to feel you come all
over my cock while I ram into you over and over again." His tongue pushes
past my lips as he explores my mouth. I gasp as his fingers seek my pussy
again, and this time he thrusts two fingers inside me. “I need to stretch you
a bit, baby. You are so fucking tight.”
“Heath,” I gasp when his digits enter me.
"You're so fucking wet for me," he whispers, his hot breath against my
ear. "You need me to pound this pussy hard? Don’t you?"
“Yes,” I moan, lost in him. “Fuck me, Heath. Hard.”
He kisses his way down my body, his lips lingering on every sensitive
spot before settling between my legs. He spreads me open with his hands,
exposing me completely to his hungry gaze.
"God, you're so beautiful," he murmurs before lowering his head and
devouring me with his mouth. His tongue flicks over my clit, sending jolts
of pleasure through me as he thrusts his fingers in and out of me. “So
beautiful spread out like this for me.”
I arch my back, my hands grabbing his hair as I ride the waves of
pleasure. "Yes, yes, oh god," I cry out, unable to contain the sensations
coursing through, but just as I’m about to come, he pulls away, a devilish
glint in his eye as he positions himself between my legs. "You’re coming on
my cock tonight, June."
And then he enters me with a force that takes my breath away. I grit my
teeth against the sharp, unfamiliar pain. He stays deep in me, barely
allowing me to adjust before he slides out and slams back in.
“So tight…fuck…” he growls. The pain and pleasure meld together in
an unfamiliar and exhilarating way, and I know I'm his in every way
“Good girl,” he says, wiping tears from my eyes.
He does this a few times, slamming in and out of me, stretching me,
kissing my lips, my cheek, my body rocks every time, and my pussy aches.
Then he’s thrusting in and out of me, his hips slamming into mine with
each powerful movement. And it feels so fucking good. His rhythm is
precise, calculated for my pleasure.
“Wrap your legs around me, baby,” he says, kissing my cheek, chin, and
neck. When I wrap my legs around him, it pulls him closer, and his cock
sinks in deeper, causing me to whimper and dig my nails into his back.
“Now move with me, sweet girl.”
I start to move, uncertain at first, but then I meet him thrust for thrust.
Sweat slicks our skin, and we’re panting. I never in a million years
imagined I’d be doing this with Heath, but I honestly can’t think of anyone
else I’d want to give myself to.
"Fuck, you feel so good, June," he groans, his eyes locked on mine as he
pounds into me. "I could stay inside you forever."
“I want you inside me, forever,” I whimper as my body shudders, my
pussy pulses, and my walls tighten around him. Heath senses my impending
release and increases the pace of his thrusts, pounding me into the ground
and driving me higher.
I shut my eyes, crying out his name as wave after wave of pleasure
crashes over me, my body convulsing as I come undone.
“You’re beautiful when you come,” Heath says, as his movements
become more frantic as he growls like a beast, riding out his orgasm.
Spilling his seed inside me.
“You’re mine, June. Mine,” he growls as his hot cum fills me. And I
know I am. I don’t want to be anyone’s but his. Not now, not ever.
I cup his face, and his forehead drops to mine. “I’m yours.”
Butterflies in my stomach when he pulls back and smiles down at me
like I’m his world.

I wake to the feel of Heath’s fingers in my pussy. I don’t know how long we
nodded off for. How his eyes roam over my body with unbridled hunger
sets my skin on fire. He leans down and captures my lips in a fierce kiss, his
tongue delving deep as he takes control of my body again.
“I need to be inside you again,” he says between kisses. “I don’t know
how long we have, but I want to fuck you so hard you can’t walk
Before I know it, Heath is flipping me onto my stomach and pulling me
up onto my hands and knees. He positions himself behind me, his hands
gripping my hips as he lines up his thick cock with my slick folds.
“I’m going to fuck you like I’ve always imagined, June.” His words
send shivers down my spine, and I brace myself for the impact, knowing
he's about to fuck me hard. Just the way I begged him to.
Heath slams into me, and I bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming,
still sensitive from his earlier invasion. His movements are rough and
unrelenting. His hand wraps around my neck, tight enough to make me
gasp. He pulls me against his chest, still thrusting in and out of me. His
other hand holds me against him, his fingers rubbing my clit, then invading
my pussy, curling inside me.
"You like that, don't you? You want me to fuck you hard and choke
you?" he growls into my ear.
"Yes, yes, fuck me harder," I moan, my body trembling as he pounds
into me. We’re like savage beasts as we move together. The sound of flesh
slapping against flesh and our ragged breaths are the only sounds as Heath
continues to thrust into me with a ferocity that borders on animalistic.
He whispers in my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine.
"You're mine, do you hear me? Mine to fuck, mine to pleasure, mine to use
however I want."
I moan in response, the words igniting a primal need within me. I want
him to take me, use me, and make me his in every way possible.
“So wet and ready, June.”
Heath’s grip on me tightens as he picks up the pace, his cock slamming
into me. He stretches me almost painfully, and I can feel the pressure
building within me, my body teetering on the brink of release.
Just as I think I can't take it anymore, Heath pulls out and flips me onto
my back. He spreads my legs wide and plunges back into me, his hand
grabbing my throat once more.
"Come on your big brother’s cock," he growls, his eyes locked on mine
as he continues to pound into me. “Show me how good I make you feel.”
“Oh, Heath…” I come apart beneath him, my body shaking as the
pleasure consumes me. Heath follows soon after, his grip on my throat
tightening as he chases his high, growling and panting. We collapse in a
heap on our sleeping bags, our bodies tangled together as we catch our
breath. He reaches between my thighs and massages me there, making sure
I keep every drop of cum inside me.
“I want to put baby inside you, June.”
I smirk and hide my face in the crook of his neck. I’ve been on birth
control for years, but I still love the thought of him putting a baby in me.
Chapter Five


F ucking June was so much better than I imagined, so I hate the fact that
even though I woke up with her in my arms, I’m riddled with guilt at the
sight of her innocent and sleeping. There is no doubt that we did something
wrong, illegal in fact, but how can I make myself believe that what we feel
isn’t real? I trace her face, pushing back her dark curtain of hair.
“Time to get dressed, sweet girl.”
She groans, and it’s the sexiest sound. “Do we have to?”
I kiss her forehead. Yeah, we do. They’ll come looking for us anytime
We’re not in our usual camping spot. I didn’t want to risk our parents
walking in on us, so we hiked further to a more secluded area.
June reaches for my cock playfully, and I have to bite back a growl. “I
need to feel you inside me, Heath. Just one more time.”
“June, you can’t say shit like that and not expect me to give you what
you want.”
Then she’s straddling me, and I can’t resist the pull between us. I cup
her small breasts, squeezing them. “Is that a no?” she bats her eyelids.
“You’re hard to say no to, brat,” I smirk.
“Then don’t. Make me come, please.”
I lift her onto my cock, and she moans when she sinks down on me inch
by inch. “I’m still sore. I love that you made me sore.” She throws her head
back, lost in the pleasure only my cock will ever give her.
“Ride me like you did my finger the other day,” I growl. “Take my seed,
baby girl.”
She nods, her eyes locked with mine, and begins to move. She grinds
against me, her hips rolling in a way that makes me forget everything
except the feel of her tight pussy gripping me. I grab her hips and urge her
on, wanting her to go faster and harder, wanting to feel her come apart on
top of me.
“That’s it, baby,” I growl, my fingers digging into her flesh as she
bounces up and down on my cock. “Take it all. Take everything I have to
give you.”
She moans in response, her body moving with an urgency that matches
mine. The need to release inside her is nearly overwhelming.
“Fuck,” I groan, my voice raw with desire. “I’m going to come.”
“Come inside me,” she whispers, her eyes locked with mine. “Fill me
up with your hot cum.”
That filthy fucking mouth. I stick two fingers in her mouth, and the
sight of her sucking my digits is all I need to come, and hard. I explode
inside her, my body shaking as I spill into her. She continues to move,
milking every last drop from me until we’re both spent and breathless.
“I love you,” I whisper, pressing a kiss to her forehead
“I love you too,” she murmurs, her voice soft. “But not like a brother,
Heath. Like more. I want to be your only girl.”
At that moment, I know there’s nothing in this world I won’t do for her.
“You are my only girl. Next year, when you’re in college, we’ll get an
apartment together, off campus, and we can just be us, June. If that’s what
you still want.” It’s been on my mind since I sank my cock into her. She’s
still an obsession, but we’re bound now.
“I like the sound of that. Us.”
I grip her neck, kissing her long and deep, running my hands through
her hair. “Us.”

Another girl’s shriek echoes through the trees as we walk into the cabin.
“Aria?” June looks at me, then sprints for the cabin where her best
friend and brother stand.
I can already feel my irritation rising at the thought of having to share
June with them.
June hugs Aria, and I take the opportunity to glare at Tyler. Tyler, the
dickwad, looks at June in a way that makes me want to rearrange his face. I
know I have nothing to be jealous about, but it doesn’t stop the ugly green
monster from rearing its head.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” June says excitedly. “This vacation
wouldn’t be the same without you guys.” June hugs Tyler, and I try not to
blow it out of proportion. No man should have his hands around my girl.
“Hey, man," I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Hey, Heath. Long time," he says, his eyes still on June. "Yo, June, you
look amazing."
I feel my hands balling into fists at my sides. What the hell? I thought
she wasn’t his type.
June flushes at his appraisal, making me want to strip her bare and
spank her ass so hard she can’t sit for days.
“I’m heading inside,” I say, not wanting to do something I’ll regret. I
know I'm being irrational, but I can't help how I feel about June.
I spend the rest of the day in the bedroom, watching June from the
window. Tyler openly flirts with her. Their laughter and conversation filter
in through my open window, and I eventually can’t stand it and join them
outside, beer in hand. I try to be polite to Aria, but my blood boils every
time Tyler looks at June. That guy is into my girl, and she is oblivious to it.
Or is she?
When they suggest we go to this bonfire in the woods, as unappealing
as it sounds, I am not letting June out of my sight.
I watch her dress in a woolen dress and leggings, admiring herself in the
mirror. “So, how do I look?”
“Like you’re trying too hard,” I snap.
“You heard me,” I say with a sneer. “Why are you trying to impress
“Excuse me?” June’s voice is incredulous.
“You heard me,” I repeat, my tone harsher this time. “I saw the way you
flirted with him all fucking day. Don’t think I didn’t notice. So much for
you not being his type.”
“You have some nerve,” she snaps back, her eyes blazing with anger.
“And even if he was checking me out, it’s not like it’s any of your
“It is my business,” I say firmly, stepping closer to her. “You’re mine,
June. And I don’t want any other guy touching you, let alone looking at
“That’s not how it works,” she says, her voice trembling with emotion.
“You don’t own me, Heath. You know what, maybe you shouldn’t come to
the bonfire tonight.”
“Fine,” I growl, getting in her face. She stands her ground, grabs her
coat, and storms out of the cabin. I should go after her. Drag her back by her
fucking hair, tie her to the bed, and show her what happens to bad little
Fuck, what am I thinking? I shouldn’t have said those things to her, but
my jealousy and possessiveness just boiled over. I’m drinking bourbon,
waiting up for her. My parents went to bed early. We leave early tomorrow.
I’m about to call her when I see her walking back with Tyler, and my anger
flares up again.
But then I see something that makes me pause. Tyler has his arm around
June’s waist, leaning in to kiss her. I don’t wait to see more but head to the
bedroom, seeing red, unable to think straight.
When she enters the room, I’m waiting for her, a leather belt in my
hand, and I know what to do.
June’s eyes widen when she sees me. “Heath, what are you-”
But I don’t let her finish. “Lock that door.”
It’s a command, and she obeys hesitantly.
“Come over here, little whore.”
I pull her over my lap, my erection pressing into her stomach. I bunch
her woolen dress up around her waist. Ripping off her leggings. “Bad sluts
need to be punished. And you’re going to shut the fuck up.”
“Please, Heath,” she begs, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
“Do you even know what you did, slut?” I ask, feeling pure rage
coursing through me. When she doesn’t answer, I smack her ass again,
loving the red tinge on her flesh. I don’t stop until her ass is bright red and
she’s sobbing uncontrollably. When she cries out loudly, I tug her by the
hair and throw her to the ground, slapping her across the face. “Not a
fucking sound.”
It feels too fucking good to hurt her. Her eyes widen, and she yelps at
the violence. But little sluts need to learn a lesson. Tears stream down her
face, and it is the most beautiful sight.
“Unzip my pants, little slut,” I growl, and when she gets on her knees to
do that. I take my length in my hands and smack her face with it.
I can see the hesitation in her eyes, but I know she’ll do whatever I tell
her to. She takes me into her mouth and sucks eagerly, her tongue swirling
around the head. I grab onto her hair, guiding her movements as she takes
me deeper and deeper, her lips stretched around my cock.
“You let him kiss you, slut?”
She shakes her head, and her denial of what I saw with my own eyes
makes me fuck her mouth the way sluts like her deserve to be fucked. Hard,
dirty, and fast. Until tears and saliva stream down her beautiful face. I
growl, feeling my balls tighten as I sink deeper down her throat.
I pull her up to her feet, pressing her back against the wall and lifting
her up. She wraps her legs around my waist, her pussy grinding against my
hard length.
“This is for me,” I whisper in her ear before pushing into her with one
swift thrust. She moans, gripping my shoulders as I start to move, each
thrust deeper and harder than the last. I feel her walls clenching around me,
her body shuddering, but I pull out and push her to the ground, coming all
over her face before she comes. She’s weeping now, sinking to the ground
in a puddle.
“I fucking hate you,” she hisses through gritted teeth as she stands and
makes her way into the bathroom.
What the fuck did I do?
Chapter Six


I s love supposed to hurt like a dagger in the chest? Heath is gone, and he
left a fucking broken soul. He tried to talk to me before he left, but I
couldn’t, not when the way he humiliated me was still so fresh. His calls
remain unanswered because I can’t bear the thought of hearing him on the
other end of the line and not begging him to come back home and make it
all better. I hate how much I wanted his punishment, how desperately I
wanted to make him happy, to make up for what I’d done or what he
perceived I’d done. Yes, Tyler tried to kiss me that weekend. Turns out he’s
into me and bisexual. But I didn’t let him. I moved away at the last second,
and he got my cheek. If Heath had the decency to wait and see what
actually happened, he’d have known that. Instead, he hurt me. But why the
fuck do I miss him so much? I want to drive a state over and beg him to
fuck me. Maybe I am just a filthy slut.
I slip into my floor-length silver dress, admiring myself in the full-
length mirror. My hair is swept up into an elegant bun, and I've gone with
bold makeup, red lips, and smoky eyes. Aria and I spent months planning
every detail, from our outfits, to going as each other’s dates. But my heart is
heavy, and there’s a lump in my throat.
"Wow. You look stunning," Aria says, walking into my room.
"Thanks, bestie. You look amazing, too," I reply, admiring her navy-
blue dress.
“There’s one thing missing,” she says, approaching and motioning for
me to smile.
I manage a small one, and we even snap a few selfies before heading
out. I can’t talk to anyone about my feelings, so all I can do is put on a
brave face.
The venue is breathtaking. It's held at a historic mansion transformed
into an event space. Chandeliers light up the grand ballroom, casting a
warm glow on the black and white marble floors. The walls are adorned
with vintage artwork and portraits of the mansion's former inhabitants.
The theme of the prom is "Midnight Masquerade," and the guests are all
wearing masks. I wear a silver and white feathered mask that matches my
dress, while Aria opts for a navy blue and gold mask that complements her
The DJ plays a mix of pop and dance music, and couples twirl around
the dance floor. I watch them enviously, wishing the only man I would ever
want to dance with was here. But I know how impossible that is.
Aria grabs my hand, “C’mon, June, let’s go dance!”
We join a group of friends and start dancing to the beat of the music. As
we dance, I try to push the thought of Heath out of my mind and enjoy the
After working up a thirst, I make my way to the punch bowl for a drink.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure in a black suit and matching
mask approaching me. The way he moves is familiar, and my heart skips a
beat. It can’t be.
“May I have this dance?” He asks, holding out his hand, and I nearly fall to
my knees.
“Shh,” he says. “I’m just a guy who wants to dance with you.”
I hesitate momentarily but give in, placing my hand in his and letting
him lead me to the dance floor. As we move to the music, I can't help but
feel light-headed that he’s here.
"Why’re you here?" I ask, finally breaking the silence.
He doesn't answer, but his grip on my waist tightens. I can feel the heat
emanating from his body, and how he moves against me makes my heart
race. “Just dance with me, baby girl.” I close my eyes and press my face
against his chest as we sway together. This feels so normal, like we’re just
two teenagers dancing at prom without a care.
The song ends, and he leans in, his lips brushing against my ear. "Meet
me in the garden maze," he whispers.
And with that, he disappears into the crowd, leaving me breathless.

I step into the maze, my heart racing with anticipation. "Heath," I whisper,
but there's no answer. I'm about to turn back when I feel a hand on my
shoulder. I spin around, and he stands before me without his mask.
"I'm fucking sorry, June," he says, grabbing my face. "I had to do
something drastic to get your attention because I can’t go another day
knowing you’re mad at me."
"You hurt me," I say, but his lips crash onto mine before I can say more.
I feel his tongue invading my mouth, taking control. I moan into the kiss,
my body responding to him like it always does. He pulls away and looks at
me, his eyes filled with hunger.
"I want you, June," he growls, pushing me against the hedge. “I want to
show you how good we are together.” His hands move down to my waist,
and he lifts me up, making me wrap my legs around him. I can feel his hard
cock pressing against me, and I know I want him just as badly. I am an
addict, and my brother is my drug of choice.
He kisses my neck, nipping at my skin with his teeth. I gasp when he
tugs down the front of my dress and covers one breast in his mouth, sucking
hard. I run my fingers through his hair, urging him on. “Fuck, I missed this.
I missed you,” I moan.
Suddenly, he spins us around and presses me against the hedge, his
hands gripping my hips tightly. He's fumbling with his pants, trying to get
them off. I reach down and help him, eager to feel him inside me again.
Finally, he's free and bunches up my dress, sipping my underwear off.
He takes a nipple in his mouth again, making me moan loudly. His hand
travels down my body, finding my already wet core. I gasp as he slips a
finger inside me and then another. He starts moving them in and out,
building me up.
"Please, Heath," I beg, my hips bucking against his hand.
He pulls his fingers out and positions himself at my entrance. He thrusts
into me hard. I scream, but he silences my mouth with his hand.
"We have to be quiet," he whispers in my ear. "Can't let anyone hear
He starts moving inside me, hitting all the right spots. I wrap my arms
around his neck and hold on tight, feeling an orgasm building inside me. He
slams me against the hedge harder, grunting with each movement. I'm on
the edge of orgasm, and suddenly he pulls out.
"Turn around," he commands, and I obey. He pushes me against the
hedge, my hands on the rough surface. I feel him enter me from behind, his
hands gripping my hips tightly. He's thrusting hard and fast, pounding into
me with all his strength. I let out a whimper, unable to hold back any longer.
He keeps moving, his cock hitting all the right spots, and I feel my
orgasm rip through me. I scream his name as I come, my body shaking with
pleasure. He follows soon after, grunting loudly as he spills inside me.
We stand there for a moment, panting, before he pulls out of me and
fixes his pants. I straighten my dress, my heart still racing.
"That was hot," he says, grinning at me.
I can only nod, still trying to catch my breath. “It was. Hot and so
He kisses me then, and I forget where we are for a moment. Lost and
madly in love with this broken boy.
"I'm sorry for what I did," Heath says when he breaks our kiss. “I just
can't stand the thought of losing you."
“You won’t. But I need to get back to the dance. Aria will worry. Are
you going to stay the weekend?”
“Do you want me to?”
I grin, biting my bottom lip. Our parents have given me the house for
the weekend, thinking I’m having a party. Aria thinks I’ll be away with my
parents. So now I have my brother to myself for a whole weekend.
I get on my tiptoes and kiss him. “Of course I do.”

“Sit on my face, June,” Heath’s voice is rough with desire as we lie naked
and wrapped in each other’s arms on the living room floor in front of the
fire after spending the entire night exploring each other’s bodies. The man
is still not satiated. He barely gave me a minute to shower before he sought
me out again.
I blush at the request, but the way Heath looks at me with such hunger
and need makes me ache for him. I straddle his face, my dripping pussy
hovering just above his mouth. I can feel his hot breath against my skin,
making me shiver with anticipation. I lower myself onto his face, feeling
his hot breath on my pussy. I gasp as his tongue sinks inside me, flicking
against my sensitive clit. The sensation is intense, and I grip the couch
cushions tightly as he devours me with his mouth.
Suddenly, his tongue dips lower, and I feel him exploring the tight ring
of muscles around my asshole. I moan loudly, the new sensation almost too
much to bear. He continues to alternate between my pussy and asshole. But
he doesn't stop there. His tongue darts inside, and I let out a scream, on the
brink of orgasm.
“Fuck!” I cry out when he suddenly stops and flips me onto my hands
and knees.
“I’m going to fill your ass tonight, baby girl.” He uses my own juices to
lube me up and slowly pushes a finger inside me.
“You won’t fit,” I cry out.
Heath chuckles darkly. “Oh, I’ll fit, June. Don’t worry about that.” He
adds another finger, stretching me out as I whimper in pleasure and a little
bit of pain. But Heath knows what he’s doing, and soon I beg for more.
“Please, Heath, I need you,” I moan, pushing back against his fingers.
He removes his fingers and lines up his cock with my tight asshole,
pushing in slowly but steadily. I gasp as he fills me completely, stretching
me out more than I thought was possible.
“Oh, fuck,” Heath groans, thrusting into me with abandon. He rubs my
clit, sending shivers down my spine.
I’m lost in a sea of pleasure, moaning and whimpering as he pounds
into me. I can feel my orgasm building, and Heath knows it too.
“Come for me, baby girl,” he growls, his fingers working me into a
frenzy. I cry out as my orgasm hits me hard, my body shaking with pleasure
as he pounds into me.
Finally, with a deep groan, he comes inside me, filling me with his hot
seed. We collapse onto the floor, spent and satisfied.
“Fuck, June,” he murmurs, kissing my shoulder. “I missed you so
He carries me to the shower when we’ve finished catching our breaths,
the warm water cascading over us. I wrap my arms around his neck as he
holds me close, our bodies slick with soap.
“I missed you too,” I admit, leaning in for a kiss. “I don’t know how to
live without you.”
His lips trail down my neck. “In a few months, we’ll be together. I’ll
make up for all the lost time, I promise. We just have to be careful.”
“Take me away, Heath, away from everything. Fill me with babies,” I
say, only half joking.
We spend the rest of the night in each other’s arms, making up for lost
time and exploring new boundaries. As we fall asleep, tangled up in each
other, I know that no matter what the future holds and even if we have to
hide our love forever, I want my life to be a mirror image of this night with

About the Author

Lily Black is an indie author who writes dark and deliciously taboo stories to feed your darkest most
deviant desires.
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