Kinkd Up - Tate Monroe

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Copyright © 2022 by Tate Monroe
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems,
without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief
quotations in a book review.

Created with Vellum
For the ones who like it kinky and were told they were
“I don’t feel that I need to explain my art to you,

1. Sadie
2. Evander
3. Sadie
4. Evander
5. Sadie
6. Evander
7. Sadie
8. Evander
9. Sadie
10. Evander
11. Sadie
12. Evander
13. Sadie
14. Evander
15. Sadie
16. Evander
17. Sadie
18. Sadie
19. Evander
20. Evander
21. Sadie
22. Evander
23. Sadie
24. Evander

Thank You!
About the Author
Also by Tate Monroe

**Content Tags**

Primal Play
Mild Choking
Mild Spanking

Hey Kinkers!

I have urges, needs, wants—whatever you want to label

them that society frowns on like they aren’t secretly
thinking of them as well. In some way, we all have a bit of
kink in us; spanking, choking, restraint, and cream pies are
all kinks and most of us engage in some form of them.
I have a secret. A big one. One that would make my
family and friends wonder how I could have possibly hidden
it from them for so long.
I am the owner and creator of the Kink’d Up website and
dating service. We just went live, and this has been my
biggest accomplishment to date.
Time to take all my blood, sweat, and tears that I’ve put
into this service and give it a whirl. Who better to test out
Kink’d Up than myself? I’m ready to get fucked and sucked
and maybe just find my happily ever after with my kinky
partner in crime.
I’m taking the reins on my life and proving that Kink’d
Up can be exactly what you need.


“You can do this, Sadie. Just suck it the fuck up and make
the profile,” I mumble to myself as some sort of pep talk.
My finger hovers over the button at the bottom of the
screen. I built this website; I know the ins and outs and yet
here I am still waffling over activation of my account and
testing out my service. My motto in life is ‘If you won’t test
it yourself then you have no business creating it!’ So here I
am, leaping into the unknown and hopefully finding my
kinky partner in crime as I like to call it.
“You got this, bitch!” I exclaim as I take my mouse and
hard click.
*Activation Complete*
Kink’d Up has been my heart and soul passion project
for years, and here I am at twenty-five seeing the fruits of
my labor. I’ve never been into vanilla sex. I’ve had it
obviously because let’s be honest most of us have, but I
want more.
The first time I felt a spanking during sex, I wanted it
harder. When a condom broke for the first time, and I felt
come pulsing deep in my pussy, I knew I would crave it all
the time. Gage, my friends-with-benefits hookup told me I
definitely had a breeding kink and that it’s pretty common.
I ache to be manhandled and bred. The feeling of my
insides being coated in warm, sticky fluid has my panties
damp just thinking about it. I want a man who is as much
into breeding as I am, because I have an insatiable thirst
for it. I want it to flow out of all of my holes.
“Fuck!” I exclaim as all the possibilities start cycling
through my head and my pussy is getting slicker. I can feel
the dampness of my panties sticking to my lips and I need
to press my thighs together to help alleviate some of the
pressure from the throbbing of my clit. I have admin work
to do, and I cannot afford to take a ten-minute break to rub
one out.
A window pops up on my left computer screen from the
group messaging system in place for my employees since
we all work remote.
“Hey S, have you seen the signup numbers since
midnight?” Jake or Jay Bird as I call him, my systems admin
manager pings me. He also happens to be my best friend of
the last five years or so since junior year of college.
I’ve purposely been avoiding looking at numbers
because what if it’s a flop? I don’t want or need that kind of
negativity taking hold of me on launch day, but if Jake is
messaging me, then I need to check it out. It’s like dangling
a carrot in front of my face, he knows I’m a numbers girl
and I won’t be able to resist.
I pull up the backend of the website to view our stats
and what I see has me crumbling into a heap on the floor.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” I repeat as I feel my hands shaking
and my palms getting slick with sweat. I didn’t anticipate
this. Why didn’t I anticipate this? Okay don’t freak out,
everything is fine. It’s fine. I repeat in my head over and
One-hundred-thousand active memberships. In twelve
fucking hours. I can’t believe it. I prepared for one-hundred
at most and hoped for one-thousand at best within the first
week of launch. I was not ready for this.
“Shit,” I mutter to myself as I realize that I need to
check and make sure my servers are handling the
membership capacity. There shouldn’t be an issue but my
irrational brain is taking over and making me second guess
all the work my team and I have done.
I’m going to need a drink before the day is over.


Fuck me, I am so sick and tired of this scene. I’m a thirty-

five-year-old man and still at the bar, thank fuck none of
these dipshits I call friends tried to drag me to a fucking
club. Clubs are for twenty-year-old fuckboys and girls who
care more about the newest Kardashian trend or whatever
the fuck drama is happening on the clock app.
I could be drinking this eight dollar fucking beer at
home watching UFC on my soft ass couch, instead I’m on
this fucking stool in the middle of the crowded bar. The
three musketeers of idiots I call friends try to relive their
college days of flirting and picking up women in bars.
“Jesus Fuck,” I sigh as I spot two girls at the bar who
look barely twenty-one sipping their fucking frozen
margaritas eyeing me like they want to make me the meat
in their blonde ass busty sandwich. I swear to god I hope
they don’t come over here, I don’t have the capacity to be
polite and let them down easily.
There’s nothing wrong with blonde or busty, hell or even
young as long as they are above twenty. I don’t mind an age
gap. The fucking margaritas they’re sipping on tell me all I
need to know, and while I love a good threesome, those two
scream vanilla. It’s gonna be a hard pass for me. I like kink
and I’m at the point in my life that I’d rather fuck my fist
than engage in meaningless, boring sex.
My biggest and most prominent kink is breeding. I love
the idea of rutting into my woman until I explode and coat
her insides with my come until it’s bulging around the thin
stretch of her lips, begging to be let out and the pressure to
be relieved. But finding someone compatible is damn near
impossible. Fuck, now my jeans are tight and my dick is
throbbing and wants a warm wet hole to sink in to. Fuck
my life.
I stand up and head to the bar so I can order a shot of
whiskey before I take my sorry ass home, since it looks like
the three dumbasses have found where they are sinking
tonight. Cade has a stacked platinum blonde plastered to
his front. Amir and Drew have a fucking fiery redhead
sandwiched and judging by the lack of hands I’m seeing,
they are tag teaming her tonight. I’m calling it now. Let’s
hope they wrap their shit up.
“Shot of whiskey, top-shelf,” I holler to the bartender as
he stops in front of me.
“On the house, bro. You look like you’ve had a fucking
night,” the bartender says.
“There’s nothing in here for me but this overpriced beer,
no offense.” I throw the shot back and tap my empty on the
sticky bar top. Sticky like my come when it starts to dry on
a freshly fucked pussy. Jesus, I gotta get laid soon.
The bartender looks me up and down as if I’m a prized
bull at auction and I can’t help but be flattered. I look good
and I don’t care if it’s a man or woman who notices. I’ve
got on jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and my work boots. I
have the calloused hands to back up my construction look.
“You look like you need something extra that you ain’t
about to find in here. You heard about that new website
that just went live three days ago? Kink’d Up?” he inquires
while I lift my eyebrow at him.
“Kink’d Up? Nah man, I haven’t. Websites and online
ain’t really my type of thing.” I shrug.
“The owner and creator is a woman, bro. She knows her
shit and look at this,” he says as he pulls his phone out of
his back pocket and shows me a blog post linked to the
website. Shit this woman is going to use the service herself
to provide firsthand experience in her product. Now that is
something I can respect. I scroll on the post and notice that
she’s anonymous and I feel a bit disappointed. I’d kill to
know what this woman looks like. Not only is she into kink,
but she’s got the brains to create this concept and put it
into motion.
I hand the bartender back his phone, nod my head at
him then pull out my phone to text the trio that I’m leaving
and remind them to not call me before 10am tomorrow. I’m
sleeping the fuck in on my Saturday.

I can’t stop thinking about the website that the bartender

from last night mentioned. I mean fuck, maybe I just need
to humble myself and try this online thing. What’s the
worst that could happen?
I’m sitting at my island counter and pull up the website.
Browsing what I can see without creating an account,
which isn’t a lot. I hover over the Start Kink’n signup
button before I say fuck it and hit enter.
Holy fuck, this is an intense signup. This lady really is
serious about this shit. I see pages of questions about a
variety of different kinks, information on what you’re
looking for: Relationship, Hookup Only, Hookup on the First
Date ‘leading to a possible relationship’. Okay this shit is
extensive, and I feel a small amount of hope in my chest
that I might actually find something that will work for me.
Fuck, where has this website been my whole damn adult
I complete my signup including verification of identity
and age. This is legit and I feel a sense of relief that it
requires verification. Kink with responsibility.
I get a notification about ten minutes later that I’ve been
approved to start looking at matches specifically tailored to
my wants/needs, and a thrill of excitement runs through
me. One of the main sticking points is that it only shows us
profiles of individuals that meet our same kinky interests.
No more having to small talk people just to find out we
don’t even want the same thing.
I start browsing profiles, reading their bios, their sub
kinks and looking at their pictures. I notice a small red set
of lips hanging off the envelope at the top right corner of
the website and click on it.
Damn I have a message already and while looking at her
profile, I find her beautiful and she has taste, I just don’t
feel a connection. I politely respond and let her know that I
just don’t feel like we would mesh, and I wish her luck.
Yea I know, a fucking gentleman. Until I’m not.
I go back to browsing and find myself clicking on a few
in my I’m interested tab and my mind drifts back to the
creator. I wonder what she looks like, but after a few more
profiles I run across one that stops me immediately.
She’s got dark hair and honey brown eyes with a full set
of red lips. She’s dressed in a plain black t-shirt, a woman
after my own closet I see. I glance up at her username and
it simply says Sadie. Her profile is simple and to the point.
She’s extremely into breeding and has some sub kinks that
I align with my own, and she’s looking for a hookup first
and then a relationship. She owns her own business and
wants to find her kinky partner in crime. Fuck me, this is
the one I want to get to know. I click interested and then
immediately hit the message icon. I’m going to shoot my
shot on this one. I feel it in my bones, this could be the
start of something amazing.


I spent all night checking and double checking every line of

my code because I can’t let go of control of my baby. This is
my business and my name on the line. Well, my business
name because let’s be honest, I’m operating under an
assumed name so no one I know finds out about this until
I’m good and ready. There is such a preconceived notion
about people with kinks and while this is the twenty-first
century, the world still does not see women business
owners the same as their male counterparts.
I’ve just finished my third cup of coffee and I’m about to
go throw on a hoodie and head out the door to head to the
office. I’m convinced that coffee is the lifeline of
programmers. My first stop is my local drive-thru coffee
shop Swerve n’ Sip for my one true love and weakness…
iced caramel coffee. I am a firm believer in supporting
small local businesses so while I could go one block away
and head to the giant well known coffee shop, I won’t. I
hear a notification ding and I pause at my laptop because I
only use this one for personal use, so I shouldn’t be getting
any notifications since everything is toggled to my do not
disturb setting. I glance and see it’s for Kink’d Up and my
brows furrow before realization spreads across my face and
I suck in a breath. Oh, it's for my profile.
Okay, Sadie. Get your shit together. Go get coffee then
come back and look. Coffee is your main priority right now.
Pep talk activated and I turn around and head out the door
and will myself not to check my account until I get back
home and settled. It can wait. My extra-large iced with a
double shot cannot.

I stare at my laptop and that cute set of red lips I set as the
notification icon when you have new messages and I’m
psyching myself up. I don’t know why I put my nerves
through this. I’ve had quite a few messages over the last
three days and honestly half of them I didn’t even bother
responding to. Just because I’m into kink doesn’t mean you
can come at me sexually at the first interaction. I knew it
would happen because it’s a given on any type of dating
website, so here I am opening my messages expecting the
The message in my inbox is someone with the username
War-rior, okayyyy I’ll bite because this should be
interesting, and I open the message.

Hello Sadie,

I am operating on the assumption that Sadie is your real

name and if it’s not, then disregard everything corny I say
that follows.

Did you know that Sadie means princess? And before you
assume I am going to make a joke about rescuing the
princess from the dragon… which I would because I am a
closet nerd and cornball; my real name is Evander and War-
rior was not very original for me to choose as a username
but I was skeptical going into this anyway.

So the princess and the warrior might just be an unlikely

match but your profile stopped me on my endless scrolling
and it wasn’t just because of your looks. I admire and
respect that you have your own business and that you’re
putting yourself out there taking life by the balls for what
you want.

Your bit about looking for your kinky partner in crime made
me smile because that’s the exact type of woman I’d like to
get to know.

I noticed that you mention you’d like a hookup first before a

possible relationship and I want to make it known that I’m
not looking to pump and dump. I’d like us to have an actual
date before anything intimate happens. Call me old-
fashioned if you like, but just because I have kinks doesn’t
mean I will disregard my respect for women and my own
code of ethics. And I’d really like to take you on a date,
Sadie, and have a conversation with you, even if nothing

If you’re interested in me or any of this, then I look forward

to hearing from you.


Wow. This is by far the most professional message I’ve

gotten from a potential match so far. I don’t even know
what to say following that message, so I go to view his
profile. I stop and I feel my core clench by the mere sight of
He’s tall, judging by the picture alone and his profile
confirms he’s six-four. He’s got dark brown hair and holy
fuck it’s the piercing green eyes that leave me checking for
actual drool. Green eyes are my weakness, and I have a
feeling looking into his could be my undoing.
I glance at his profile overall, clearly I know he’s into
breeding otherwise my system wouldn’t have matched us.
He’s in construction and owns his own business, and
immediately fantasies begin to cycle through my head
about him dirty from work and the feel of his calloused
hands running over my body. My needy little hole clenches
and flutters and I’ve never felt emptier than in this
“Holy fuck, this man can’t be real.” I exhale heavily just
from my wild imagination. My center is slick with need, and
I feel my asshole clenching from the feeling of my own
arousal coating it.
Okay Sadie. Play it cool. Respond to your warrior.
I just referred to him as my warrior. Oh, I’m so fucked. I
have got to get it together before I embarrass myself.

Dear Evander,

I just want to let you know that I appreciate the

professionalism and sincerity in your message. You
wouldn’t believe, or maybe you could, the number of
messages I’ve received that have been explicit in nature. As
if people with kinks are debased humans who only care
about sex.

Before we entertain a date, I’d like to talk with you more. I

get the sense that you’re not someone big into the internet
and online dating.

I’d like us to both be honest and open about our shared

kink, so we don’t waste either of our time. Plenty of people
can say they are into it, but as I’m sure you’ve experienced,
many are all talk and no action.

And I’m all action.

I look forward to hearing from you, Warrior.


I hit send and then close my laptop and hope my

forwardness doesn’t spook Evander, but I’ve never been
one to shy away from what I like and I’ll never dim myself
for anyone. Let’s hope he can appreciate that. The ball is in
his court.


Jesus this woman. She’s taking charge here and I have a

feeling it’s because she can sense my unease and hesitation
about online dating. I’m grateful for her ability to read the
situation and give me a sense of relief but also a blueprint
of how things should play out. I don’t believe in the notion
that women should be meek and quiet.
I can understand her desire to chat before having a date
and respect her decision, but I don’t fucking know how to
talk to women online and let’s be honest, my social
interactions aren’t great either. I read over her message
twice more and decide I better go make something to eat
and respond when my stomach isn’t growling and I’m on
the verge of turning into a hungry bear.
Yes, I’m a man that can cook. I don’t know why women
think it’s such a novelty to find a man who can and will
cook. The last thing I want to do most days after getting
home from my current job site is cook, but I’d rather make
a sandwich than hit a drive-thru. The majority of men these
days are glorified fuckboys who never grew up and are
always looking for the shortcut to life. I’ll never understand
this generation.

Dear Princess,
Let’s start off with your closing.
Bredfully. I both chuckled and was turned on. I like your
humor and straightforwardness.

I would agree with your sentiment of all talk and no follow

through, which is why I’m still single and relatively celibate
currently because I’m tired of the song and dance just to
culminate in disappointment. I feel like I’m just doing
myself a disservice.

I noticed that you mention on your profile that you’re in the

technology industry and you own your own company. That’s
very impressive to hold that accolade at your age. It speaks
about your drive and character. I’m sure you went over my
profile, so you already know I’m in construction and I also
have my own business. It’s small but mine and it's
something that I genuinely love.

Your side kinks have me intrigued and interested.

Particularly the spanking and choking. I’ve dabbled in
these, so to see someone with similar interests elicits hope
within me.
What is it about breeding that appeals to you most? I’ll
answer the question myself as well.

Breeding is primal, it’s one of our base instincts. But it’s so

much more.

The feel of being intimate with someone, feeding their

greedy, needy little hole with my hard and throbbing cock
and watching that pussy swallow it up, sets me on edge.
Rutting into you and feeling my balls heavy and swollen
with come, swinging and slapping against the soft flesh of
your ass knowing that soon I’ll unload my seed deep in your
warm pussy and paint your cervix with my sticky seed. My
come swimming and searching for its new home and taking
root deep in your belly. That feeling of a bond we’ve just
established is unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced.

Breeding is a gift that I would love to share with someone

who feels the same.

Joyfully Seeking to Breed,


I finish reading my newest message and before I can

doubt myself, I hit send and anticipate Sadie telling me to
fuck off. Writing that message has my dick hard and
straining against my sweats.
I leave my laptop on the counter and head to my
bedroom, stroking myself through the thin fabric to take
care of business before my dick falls off.
Me and my fist? We’re best friends these days, but
currently Sadie is taking center stage in the thoughts
flowing through my head as I shove my sweats and boxers
down and start stroking my hard dick from root to tip. I’m
already on edge so I know this won’t last long. I increase
my speed and tighten my fist picturing it’s my princess’
tight wet pussy gripping me so hard my eyes could cross. I
want to dump my load in her pussy and keep her stuffed
full of me.
“Fuck princess, you feel so good,” I shudder as I grip my
balls with my left hand. Fuck my balls feel huge, and they
ache. I could draw this out but I’m impatient and want to
come and shower so I can go check to see if my girl has
messaged me back.
I let my balls go and feel them swing, hitting my thighs
and then swing back like a pendulum before I take the
index finger of my left hand and gather the precome
leaking out of my dick.
With my finger covered, I trace my finger over the soft
flesh between my balls and ass and damn near fall over as
my knees weaken and my body shudders. My fucking
princess is all I can think about. I fucking want this woman
and I’ve never even met her.
A few strokes later and I feel myself coming all over my
fist and I cup my hand to collect all of me.
With my first two fingers, I scoop up some of my come
and reach around to play with my asshole. I’m spreading
my come all over my tight opening, feeling myself flutter as
I picture Sadie’s sweet fucking pussy. I slowly push my own
come past my ring of muscle and I feel my greedy hole suck
it up as if my ass itself wants to be bred by me. A substitute
to a pussy but my imagination is active and allows me to
play out my fantasies.
My right palm is covered in the rest of my come and I
spread it over my lower belly while still playing with my
tight hole.
“Fuck Sadie, I can’t wait to fuck my come into you,” I
growl as I slowly withdraw my fingers from my hole then
bring my hand to my mouth and lick whatever come is left
sticky and starting to dry.
Yea, I’m a kinky bastard and I make no apologies for
I walk to my bathroom to shower and clean up before I
allow myself to go check for any response.
I’m getting that date with her; she and I both deserve


I read Evander’s latest message and realize that if I’m not

careful, I am going to be fucked. In the good way but also
in the emotionally invested way.
Truly fucked.
Who is this man and where has he been hiding?
I reread his message, mouthing the words of why he
loves breeding so much and not only do I feel my pussy
spasm, but I feel the little strings in my chest tighten as
This is a man who gets it. He understands on the same
level the feelings that breeding bring forth, and it’s mind-
blowing that I found him. Or he found me technically.
Am I rushing if I reply to his message and ask for that
date now? Is it foolish of me? Or do I take this leap? Too
many questions and no one to help me decide. I suppose I
could ask Jay, but I don’t want to deal with his ribbing first.
My gut is telling me to take the plunge and let him know I
want that date now.
Fuck it. I’m doing this.

Dear Breeder Seeker,

I want to start off by saying holy hell. Your message caused
my body to respond in intense need, and you sir, are wholly
to blame.

Has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words?
Because you do. I get the feeling you’re a man of few words
but when you do speak, they hold a level of impact.

I’ll start by answering your question, then I have a serious

question of my own to pose.

You asked me what it is about breeding that appeals to me

most, and honestly, I feel like any subsequent answer will
be sorely lacking compared to your response, but I will try.
Breeding is your weight pressing down on me as you
destroy my holes with your thick, hard cock. Yes, my holes.
I want it all. I want to feel your come dripping out of my
pussy and my ass and have it smeared across my lips and
taste it in the back of my throat.

That moment when you lean heavily on me, and it feels

almost crushing and your cock swells and spasms and I can
feel each spurt shooting into me and causing my lower
belly to swell from fullness. I know I’ve done it. I’ve been
bred. I want to hold you into me as your seed coats every
inch of my insides and we are left panting and sweating.

I want to be bred by you, my warrior. How’s that for being


Now how about that date?

I shoot my message off to Evander and take a sip of
water to cool myself down. All of this is happening so fast,
but I suppose that’s the point. I wanted to test my
algorithm myself from a user standpoint and I’m getting
exactly what I wanted.
I want to go fuck myself on one of the dildos in my room,
but I’m going to show some real restraint here and wait for
Evander. I feel like a little torture will be welcome as I pull
my panties up through my pussy lips tight so I can feel my
throbbing clit. I move my tightly pulled panties back and
forth, edging myself with the damp fabric and letting my
needy little pussy flutter with nothing to grasp onto. This
pussy belongs to a warrior now, hopefully. I can’t wait.


After that last message from Sadie, I didn’t want to waste

any more time, so I asked for a date whenever our
schedules could line up. It just so happened to work out
quickly and here we are two nights later, about to meet
face to face for dinner.
I was prepared to go all out, but Sadie made it very
clear she was a laid-back jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, and
she didn’t want somewhere fancy where she would feel
uncomfortable. As soon as she said that, it was like another
tetris piece fell into place for me. As a tradesman I live in
work clothes and outside of work, my clothing choices don’t
differ much except for typically being cleaner.
So here I am, dressed in clean jeans and another black t-
shirt and a pair of black Timberland boots on my feet. I
head out the door after she finally agreed to let me pick her
up for our date. She put up a fight with me, firm in her
belief about how outdated it is. While I appreciate a
woman’s independence, it's important to me that I pick her
She’s as stubborn as the day is long, but so am I and I’ll
be damned if I meet up with my princess like two platonic
friends having a beer. Although there’s nothing wrong with
that and I’m down to do that in the future. I want to show
her the effort I’ll always put in for her if we click as much
as I think we will.

I pull up to Sadie’s house and nervously check my hair in

my truck’s mirror before stepping out and making my way
to the door.
I raise my hand and prepare to knock when the door is
flung open and damn…. I’m left speechless.
There’s my soon to be woman. I can feel it in my bones
and settling deep into my chest.
Sadie is standing there staring at me with such a look of
excitement on her face that it takes my breath away. I smile
at her and my eyes roam over her face then down her tight
body. My girl is tall at five-seven but shit that’s still short
compared to me. She’s got her long dark hair pulled up in a
cute little bun on top of her head, a black t-shirt straining
against her chest and a pair of denim shorts that barely
cover her ass. The shoes are what stop me in my tracks
though, as I glance down and see my girl wearing a pair of
all black, low top Converse.
Yea, this is the woman for me.
“Hey Princess, you ready for dinner?” I inquire as I look
back into her eyes and give her a slight smirk while she
looks me up and down.
“Hi, Evander!” she exhales softly like she can’t quite
catch her breath.
I reach out a hand to Sadie and she takes it while
closing her door gently behind her.
I lead her to my truck with my hand on the small of her
back just to feel the heat from her skin through her shirt.
It’s not enough contact, but it’s better than nothing.
I open her door and help her up into the cab of the truck
and notice her scoping out the interior. I’m not sure what
she expected to find but my truck is used but well kept.
There’s nothing for her to discover except maybe a tool belt
in the back that I haven’t put away.
“Thank you, Evander.” Sadie quips before her stomach
growls, and she looks around sheepishly while shrugging
her shoulders.
“C’mon princess, let’s go feed both of our beasts.” I
smile and wink and she blushes at my words as I close her
door and head to the driver’s side and start the engine so I
can pull away from the curb.


Evander is more than I could have imagined from his

pictures. The most shocking thing being his height, reading
and seeing are two different things and this man is tall.
Every delicious inch of him.
We’re in the middle of dinner now, where he listened
and took me to a casual restaurant so we can be
comfortable, eat food we enjoy and have good conversation.
I have no desire to feel stifled.
I excuse myself to go to the restroom and leave my
purse and phone behind, so he knows that I'm not bailing.
I’m just planning, because while Evander is a gentleman
and this evening has been amazing, I want it to end with us
doing filthy things to each other.
How the fuck am I supposed to convince my warrior!?!?!
I exit the restroom and head back to our table, just
casually looking at Evander and the energy he gives off.
He’s one helluva man.
I sit back down, and he smiles at me and I swear my
heart stops.
“Hey Princess,” he says in his deep gravelly voice, and I
feel shudders go up my spine.
“So Evander, I’m assertive as you well know so I’m just
going to come out with it,” I say as I look him in the eye.
He looks at me and waits for me to continue without
“This night has been amazing, I felt connected to you
before we even met, and I don’t want the night to end after
we leave here.” I exhale loudly at the end before rushing to
say, “Come home with me or take me home with you, I
don’t care which one, but I want to do filthy things to you
and I want filthy things done to me and I don’t want anyone
As I rush out the last of my words, I see his eyes widen
in surprise before slowly becoming hooded and his pupils
dilating. I can almost feel the heat radiating from him.
“Princess, I would be honored to take you home with me
and a fool to deny you and the connection we have,”
Evander says before stopping the server and letting her
know he’s ready for the check when she’s got a moment.
Not once did he look her over, and even I’m attracted to
her. His eyes and attention have never left me since he
picked me up. I don’t know everything but if I had to guess,
I’d say that meeting Evander was fate.


Fuck, I’m nervous. Is my house clean enough? Does it look

too much like a bachelor pad? Don’t fuck this up, Evander.
Sadie is the type of girl you’ve been waiting for, and I don’t
want to fuck it up. I want to breed with her.
Visions of dark-haired babies with hazel eyes start
running through my head and I let myself get lost a bit.
Breeding comes down to procreation. Breeding kink isn’t
about creating a child but indulging in the act that leads to
that. But fuck if I can’t stop thinking about pumping my
seed into Sadie and seeing my princess’s belly swell with
my baby.
Okay Evander, pull it together. It’s one night. Enjoy
yourself and make it good for your girl.
I push the thoughts of babies out of my head as we pull
up to my house and I pull into the driveway of my modest
I live in a three bedroom, two bath, two-story house. My
pride and joy is the reno I did on my kitchen and master
bathroom. I can’t wait to show my girl.
“Here we are Princess, let’s get inside,” I say while
hopping out of the truck and then start making my way to
the passenger side door.
Thank fuck she didn’t try to open the door herself as I
grab the handle and pull it open and gaze up at her. Fuck
she’s beautiful and I can’t get enough of her eyes.
She glances at me as I grab her waist before she hops
down from the cab and plants her cute feet right in front of
me. I squeeze her hips lightly before turning and guiding
her to my porch.
I can’t wait to see her in my domain, and as we walk
through the door and I see her standing there in my front
hallway, I just know she’s someone I want to see in my
home every day.
I am fucked for this girl.
“Your home is nothing like I expected,” Sadie says as we
walk through the hallway and bypass the kitchen. I lead her
into my living room, and we head to the couch to sit.
“I don’t know if I should be flattered or embarrassed
about that,” I answer as I drape my arm along the back of
my couch so I can play with the wisps of hair that hang off
her bun.
“Flattered, definitely. I wasn’t expecting a mess, I just
didn’t think you would have a larger home but it suits you
Evander,” Sadie says as she leans back and turns her head
to look at me.
“I’ve been thinking about you kissing me since dinner,
you wouldn’t leave a girl hanging would ya?” And no sooner
does she stop talking that I reach out and grab her chin
firmly in my hand and lean in to lick at the seam of her lips
demanding entrance to her mouth.
She opens and lets me in and as I kiss her, our tongues
battle for control and her hands come up to grip my shirt as
I rub my fingers softly over the pulse point in her throat. I
can feel her swallow and her pulse is beating erratically.
I pull away just so our lips are barely touching and
whisper, “Are you nervous, Princess?”
“Yes, but in the best way,” She whispers against my lips.
I kiss her again before tugging her up off the couch with
me and slowly peeling her shirt off and dropping it on the
coffee table.
I pull back to gaze upon my princess and I see her chest
heaving with her excitement and need, pushing her breasts
so they are straining against her dark purple lace bra.
I take one finger and run it over her collarbone before
dragging it down between the valley of her breasts, past
her navel until I reach the top of her shorts. She shudders
but remains still, letting me have my fill.
“You’re gorgeous, Sadie, so fucking gorgeous,” I say and
cup my hand on the part of her belly peeking out from her
shorts and rub my fingers back and forth on the soft skin.
My dick is so fucking hard I can barely think. I’m going
to prolong this moment for however long I can because this
woman, this fucking woman, I’m going to worship her
before I breed her.
I move my hand back up to dip my two fingers into the
cup of her bra and drag it down so her pert pink nipple
pops out. Her nipple is drawn taut, hard, and starting to
darken from her arousal. I fucking lick my lips before I lean
down and lightly lick then blow on the tip.
“Your nipples are supple like cherries Princess, I can’t
wait to taste how sweet your needy little pussy is,” I growl
before I latch on to her nipple and start rolling my tongue
over the tight bud as my left hand reaches around to undo
her bra. I need this damn thing off her.
I let off her right side with a pop then glance up at Sadie
under my lashes before I move to the left which is begging
for my attention. She’s got her head thrown back and her
eyes are half lidded with her hands in her hair.
“Evander please,” Sadie begs as I bite her other nipple
while plucking the right with my fingers.
Hearing her say my name so sweetly causes my chest to
tighten, and I waste no time in wrapping my arms around
my girl and throwing her over my shoulder. I wrap my arm
around her legs just under her ass before lifting my other
arm to give her a smack on her left cheek.
“Evander, put me down before you hurt yourself or drop
I chuckle because if she thinks either of those things are
happening then she hasn’t been paying attention.
“Baby, I haul wood, concrete, and tools that weigh more
than you. Trust me when I say there ain’t no way I’m
dropping you.”
Sadie wiggles, and I swear I hear a giggle escape out of
her. She wraps her arms around my waist and lets me
continue my trek to my bedroom.
This girl is going to be the death of me, but what a way
to go.


“I’m gonna breed you so fucking good Sadie,” I hear

Evander say as he lets me go to fall on his bed, my breasts
bouncing until I lay back. My nipples are hard peaks just
pointing up at him while he smirks.
Jackass knew what he was doing.
I think I’m losing my mind because I could have come
just from Evander sucking on my nipples. That’s something
that has never happened before. My panties are drenched
and uncomfortable, and I just know if I look down at the
denim area over my pussy it would be damp and darker
with my need.
He’s looking down on me and I feel small and helpless
under his gaze but also powerful and needy. Now this is a
man made for breeding. He looks like a god and as I slide
my gaze over him, I stop at the bulge pushing against his
jeans and he’s packing a Bad Dragon sized dick. I snort at
my corny thought and glance up, but he doesn’t comment.
I kick my shoes off and watch as Evander trails his
hands down my legs and back up until he reaches the
junction of my thighs and rubs the back of his knuckles
over the damp patch of my shorts.
“You’re making such a mess, Princess.” He smirks as he
inches up to flip the button undone.
I lift my hips so he can drag the offending item off and I
watch as he flings them across the room before he inhales
“You smell delicious Princess, and I can’t wait to have
you on my tongue, in the back of my throat,” he says as he
rubs up and down my slit through the cotton fabric of my
purple panties before he hooks a finger in the side and tugs
to expose my flesh to his eyes.
“Evander…” I moan before continuing, “Please, it’s not
fair and I want to see and touch you also,” as I reach up to
grip his shirt and tug.
He lets go of my panties and they snap back but the
edge is stuck between my pussy lips and the friction and
pressure it’s supplying is both welcome and a tease.
I press my thighs together and slowly get up on my
knees so I can touch him. I want skin to skin contact with
this man as I drag his t-shirt up before he grabs the back of
his neck and yanks it over his head.
Fuck me that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever
I move my hands to Evander’s belt and start undoing it
while looking up at him through my lashes and wetting my
lips. I need to feel his heavy length on my tongue and I
won’t be stopped as I drag the zipper down and unbutton
his jeans.
He watches as I do all the work, smirking, enjoying
seeing me on my knees in his bed. I can taste the heady
smell of his alpha pride in the air. I finally am able to tug
his jeans and boxers down his muscular thighs and holy
fuck his dick springs out and he’s been blessed.
The tip is red and swollen, angry at being ignored. The
two large veins running alongside of his shaft are
pulsating, waiting, and begging to release his come into my
holes and breed me like nature demands.
I lean down and run my tongue along the mushroom tip,
flicking my tongue into his slit. When I start licking down
one vein and up the other, Evander slides his hands into my
hair gripping me tightly but rubbing his thumb across my
forehead as if it says, ‘Good girl’.
“You feel so good Princess, but not tonight. I don’t
wanna come in your mouth. No, tonight I’m gonna fuck my
come into your greedy little fuck hole until I spill out of
you.” As soon as he says these words and calls my pussy a
little fuck hole, I feel a flood of wetness coat my thighs as
my pussy gets slicker than my panties can hold.
I pull myself off his cock and watch as Evander removes
his boots and the rest of his clothes and stands before me
bare and like the god he is. Tall. Intimidating. Virile. This is
my breeder, and I’m the luckiest fucking woman on Earth.
He leans over me, forcing me onto my back and with one
hand rips my panties from my body in a show of dominance
that is such a turn on.
He lowers himself down so he’s eye level with my pussy
and I can feel myself blush as he stares at me so intimately.
He runs his hands up my thighs until he reaches my
slick pussy and uses his thumbs to pull my lips back as if
opening the petals of a flower.
I feel my pussy clench and I know he can see my little
hole quivering in need with the way he’s got me open and
the smirk upon his lips.
He says nothing as he leans forward and swipes his
tongue from my slit to the hood of my throbbing clit before
enclosing his mouth on the nub and sucking.
My back bows up as he lets my lips go so they are
resting against his face as he starts devouring my cunt like
he’s starved.
I feel him circling my channel, teasing with his long
fingers, around and around, up and down, but never
dipping in.
“Please Evander, please, I need more. My pussy is so
empty. I need you to fill it,” I whine which causes him to
remove his mouth from my clit. Before I can even catch a
breath, I feel him slap my pussy with his hand, quick and
sharp so I feel a bite of pain and pleasure.
“You may be my Princess, but you’ll take what I give you
when I give it to you. This is my show,” he says as he
strokes my hair while gazing down on me.
I can feel his thick member against my legs and all I
want is him to plug me with it and fuck me like an animal
until I’m a sticky sobbing mess.
Sex has never been this good for me before and It’s
barely even begun.

I watch Sadie’s eyes dilate as my words wash over her and

I can’t help but feel a sense of pride that it’s me making
this woman pulsate with pleasure.
She squirms under my gaze, but I notice she hasn’t
opened her mouth to demand anything else from me. Such
a good princess I have. I should reward her and myself.
I lean over her and brace both of my arms on either side
of her head so I can look down at her while I let my dick
hang heavy between us, brushing against her sopping cunt
whenever I move even the slightest bit.
She reaches up and trails her hands over my chest and
stomach, and I swear nothing feels better than her hands
on me. The connection we have is almost frightening and
I'm willing to bet that once I sink into her wet heat, I will
never want to leave.
I move my right hand from near her head and lower it to
grip my cock firmly. I begin stroking the tip through the
soft petals of my princess before applying pressure to her
clit. I can feel my precome painting her clit and starting the
process of marking her as mine.
Sadie shifts subtly, thinking I won’t notice that she’s
trying to draw my cock inside her. I allow her to have her
little moment before I reach down and grip her pussy with
two fingers hooked into her channel and my thumb resting
on her clit.
“Behave, Princess.” I smirk as I tap her clit with my
thumb and then remove my fingers from her as her hole
desperately tries to cling to them.
I bring my digits up to my mouth and slowly ease my
tongue out and swirl around the tips of both and taste the
essence of my needy girl before offering them to her.
She opens her mouth and shyly sticks her tongue out to
lick along the seam of my fingers before smiling up at me.
“Kiss me please,” she whispers against my fingers and
fuck me if I’m going to deny my woman. I lean down and
press my mouth against her soft pillowy lips and feel her
sweet exhale. It’s as if kissing me is enough to make her
happy and that’s something I’ve never experienced with the
women from my past.
“You ready to get fucked, Princess?” I ask as I reach
down to drag my dick back through her folds before
stopping right at her entrance.
She nods and breathes out, “Yes Evander, I’m ready for
whatever you want to give me.”
There’s no condom barrier between us, I know she’s on
birth control because you don’t randomly play the breeding
game with someone and not protect yourself. She made
sure to bring that conversation about protection and test
results up before our date. But fuck me, I wouldn’t mind
putting my baby in her for real as I gaze down on her lying
on my dark sheets, her hair having fallen out of her bun.
There’s no way I can only have her once. She may not
know it yet, but I am going to do everything I can to
convince her to give me a shot. I slowly push my cock into
her folds and part them as I sink the head into her tight
passage and finally lay claim to Sadie as mine.

Evander has finally stopped teasing me and when I feel us

coming together, it’s like something clicks.
Have you ever felt an affinity to water, specifically the
ocean? The vast darkness that can consume you but
underneath it all is that sense of rightness, of tranquility.
That tranquility even in the face of the unknown is the
exact feeling that clicked into place.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, Princess,” Evander says as he
slowly pushes another inch of his cock in me. I probably
should have mentioned that the number of partners I’ve
had can be counted on one hand but now is not the time for
me to stick my foot in my mouth.
I feel my pussy clenching down on his dick inch by inch
until he is finally fully seated inside me, and I can feel his
balls resting against my ass. They feel so full and heavy,
and I can’t wait to feel them swinging and slapping me as
he fucks into me. I know he’s going slow now to ease into
our first time, but I feel the beast in him under the surface
waiting to be unleashed. I can see the veins in his forearm
and neck straining when I whisper, “Fuck me hard and
break me. Breed me. Fuck your baby into me.” Just like
that, all of his control breaks.
I feel his calloused fingertips suddenly on my throat just
casually wrapping to put a light pressure on either side of
my neck… this is exactly what I want. What I have needed
for so long. Not only the sex, but also the connection.
Everything is heightened and I can feel my pussy
tightening on his dick, holding him hostage on every drag
when he pulls out.
“Look at your cute little lips trying to stop me from
leaving, Princess. They are so pretty and pink, parted just
enough to see them straining around my dick. Look at us,
look at the way you grip me. You were made for my dick,
baby,” Evander says as he slows down until just the head of
him is in my pussy.
He pulls out completely and I can feel my center
grasping at him as a whine leaves my throat vibrating
against his hold.
“You’re a greedy fucking girl,” he says as he flips me
onto my front and pulls me back by my hips until I’m on all
fours and he’s behind me. He slightly leans over me, and I
feel his presence looming. I shiver as he runs the pads of
two of his fingers down my spine and then back up until
he’s gripping my neck again with just enough pressure to
let me know he’s always in control.
“You’re not fucking me hard enough, big man. I expect
bruises and soreness after you splatter all over my cervix.”
I say turning my head to smirk at him. I know good and
well I am enticing him with my filthy mouth.
I watch as he glares at me before he leans back, and I
feel him start to pull out again so I decide to further egg
him on.
“So are you going to fuck your come in me or do I need
to see about another man—” I start to question and before I
can finish, he enters me so forcefully that I feel myself
being driven into the bed as he starts fucking me
relentlessly, one hand still on my neck and the other
pushing against my lower back.
“The fuck you will, Princess. If you think now that I’ve
gotten a taste of this pussy, and felt it wrapped all around
me, that I’m going to let any other man touch you. Touch
what’s mine. You are delusional and make no mistake you
are fucking mine, Sadie,” he pants out and with each thrust
he has his heavy sack slapping my clit.
“You. Are. Mine,” he punctuates while taking his hand
off my neck to grab my hair and pull me back. He leans
over me, and I turn my head and he takes my mouth
forcefully in a punishing kiss.
“No one is touching you. No one is messaging you. You
wanted a hookup, you got one. Now I want you to hear me
and understand me when I say you’re mine. I want this. I
want you,” he breathes into my mouth and all I can do is
tense up for a moment before I relax and place a soft kiss
on his lips.
“I hear you, Evander. Does that make you mine?” I
“You’re goddamn right I’m yours, Princess,” he says
before he smacks my ass and pushes my face down into the
pillow. “Now let me breed my pussy, I want to see her
explode and then covered in my come more than once
tonight.” And with those words he pistons into my
quivering pussy and oh yea there’s those stars.

I’m so fucking gone for this woman.

“Fucccck, you feel so good, Princess. You feel like mine,”
I growl out as I fuck into Sadie’s pussy with an intensity I
didn’t think I would feel. My balls are heavy and with each
thrust I feel them swing and smack into her flesh.
I brace my arms on either side of her head and glance
down at my dick being swallowed whole by this tight pussy.
When I glance back up, I see Sadie leaning up and her
head is turned to watch me and the way she’s biting her
bottom lip has me wanting to pull it into my mouth and lave
it with my tongue.
“You like watching me fuck my baby into you, Princess?”
I moan out toward the end when I feel a gush of wetness
seep out as soon as the word baby reaches her ears.
Yea my Princess loves being bred and I’m just the man
for the job as she begins fucking me back. She starts
throwing her ass back onto my dick, matching my pace and
chasing both of our orgasms.
“Evander, please,” she whimpers out softly, on the edge
and ready to fucking come.
“I need your come. I need it deep in my pussy. Breed me
and mark me with your seed.”
I thrust three more times before I lock my arms around
Sadie’s shoulders and then still as my balls empty and I
shoot my come right into this begging cunt.
“Now you’re all full of me, Princess and you’re going to
fucking stay that way. Not a drop is to be wasted, you
understand me?” I say as I rub her clit between my two
fingers until she moans and drops her head to the bed. I
feel little aftershock flutters of her pussy sucking me
deeper into her and coating every inch of her walls and
A weird moment crosses my mind, knowing we are
playing safe but almost wishing we weren’t before I shake
my head and slowly pull out so I can see my come covered
cock part her and see her covered in me. My scent, my
essence, everything that makes me who I am. She looks
beautiful like this. Red and swollen pussy, pulsing, sticky
and wet. I’m all the way out now and I can see trickles of
my come slowly dripping down her folds. I reach out and
scoop what’s escaped and push it back into her warm hole
with my thumb and leave her plugged with some part of
I can still feel and see her body shake as she comes
down from the intense sex we just had, she’s in that
breeding head space and I need to make sure my princess
understands that she’s mine. I wasn’t just talking out of my
ass in the middle of sex.
“Princess, you took my cock so good. I’m so proud of
you,” I tell her as I stroke her hair and help her come back
to Earth.
She peeks up at me, smiling lazily, looking happy and
content and I know I’ve done my job right. She snuggles
into me, and finally I let my thumb pop out of her pussy. I
bring it up to trace that bottom lip she teased me with
earlier, smearing it with our combined juices before leaning
down and kissing her.
I taste us on her lips, and I’ve never felt more connected
to a woman than right now.
“I meant what I said, Sadie, about me and you. It’s
happening. I respect that you want to go slow but, I’m not
sharing you with anyone. We can go at your pace but make
no mistake, I will be the only one in, on, or around this
pussy.” As soon as I’m finished with my declaration, I pull
the covers of the bed over us, and I see her nod happily at
“I only want you, Evander, but thank you for respecting
my decision to go slow.”
“Of course, baby. Now get some sleep, you’re staying the
I feel her settle deep into my arms and bed, and with
that I close my eyes and hold her close for the night.

I slowly wake and feel a warm body pressed against my

own before my mind can catch up. Sadie. My sweet
princess is still here. I’m not gonna lie, I thought she might
try and bolt in the middle of the night. I just want to lay
here and soak up being in her presence. All the things I
have been missing came wrapped up in this beautiful
sarcastic package.
I check the time on my bedside table and see it’s just
barely seven in the morning so I’m in no rush to move or
wake her up. I decide to just lay here and rest in this
sleepy, half-awake state until she wakes up and I can
convince her to spend at least part of the day with me.

I slowly wake up feeling warmer than usual until my senses

come back to me and I realize that I’m at Evander’s house,
in his bed with the man himself. He’s still asleep so I feel
less shy about staring at him, the way his face is relaxed,
the steady rise and fall of his chest and the arm thrown
over me. Heavy but not uncomfortable.
This man surprised me from the very beginning, but my
god once we got back to his house everything that followed
is the exact reason I created Kink’d Up. I’m living my work,
my dream, and I just experienced the best sex of my life.
He knew my kinks; he knew what to do and how to do it.
He didn’t shame me or make me feel dirty or less than.
I know I shouldn’t have spent the night with my stance
on taking the relationship aspect slow. This feels intimate, I
mean hell it is intimate, but I can’t say that I’m upset about
that. This was some of the best sleep I’ve had since I first
decided to start my business and logged countless sleepless
nights ensuring every aspect was exactly what I needed.
“Good morning, Princess.”
I glance up from his chest to see Evander’s eyes open,
gazing at me with a softness I have not felt in a long time.
The crinkles on the sides of his eyes belay his own
happiness and I can’t help my own smile creeping on my
face. The sense of contentment washed over me and while I
could sit here and berate myself about sleeping over, the
fact remains that I have nothing to be upset about.
He stares at me waiting for a reply, and who am I to
deny him.
“Good morning!” I exclaim with way too much
enthusiasm as I feel his chest rumble with a chuckle.
“C’mon I want to make you breakfast and have been
dozing on and off waiting for my sleeping beauty to wake
up,” he says while rolling us off the bed and setting me on
my feet.
He lets me use the bathroom first and then after we
have both finished, we head to the kitchen.
I’m sitting on the bar stool at his island watching this
man cook for me and there are no words that convey the
feelings swirling around not only my head but my chest
also. He’s making me French toast. I can’t remember the
last time I’ve had French toast, and never made by a man.
“Sadie, hello earth to my Princess.” I hear and it knocks
me back onto this plane.
“Sorry, I was staring off into space just thinking about
what I need to get done today.”
“I’d like to spend the day with you, if you’re willing,”
Evander says while flipping a golden-brown piece of toast,
because of course he doesn’t burn any. Meanwhile, I always
burn at least the first two anytime I make them.
I run through my schedule in my head and there’s no
reason for me to say no. I have nothing pertinent
happening today and before I can catch myself I respond,
“The only thing I was going to do today was go to the
Match Mart and grab some new cabinet knobs for my
kitchen because the original ones that came with my house
have seen better days.”
“Why don’t we go together then but I’ll take you to
Boone’s Hardware, I need to pick up some more 4-gang
boxes for this side job I am helping a friend with and then I
want to take you somewhere.”
“Sounds good.” Then my stomach interrupts with a
grumble, and I hear Evander chuckle.
“Let me feed that beast, Princess. I can’t have my girl
going hungry.” Well fuck me, there he goes again making
me swoon like a high school girl all over again. I need to be
careful with this one; he’s got a magnetism about him and I
need to make sure I’m doing the right thing.

Who knew going on a day date to the fucking hardware

store would make my dick so hard. After stopping at
Sadie’s house so she could change her clothes and
watching her walk out in her cutoff shorts, gray tank top
and matching Chucks, I knew I was going to be battling
with my dick all fucking day. What I didn’t anticipate was
Sadie comfortably walking the aisles, grabbing items we
need before I watch her ponder for ten minutes over four
different types of knobs. We stop in the attached nursery,
and I watch her fucking bend over to inspect some plants
and flowers with her cheeks peeking out and good bye to
keeping my dick controlled.
“You should get one of these for your porch,” she says
pointing at some cactus looking plant.
“It’s a Prickly Pear cactus and it’s perfect for you and
your rough and gruff exterior.” The way her eyes shine, and
her smile is so wide, there is no way I would possibly tell
her no even though I know nothing about keeping a plant
“Pick me out the best one, Princess. I need something
for my porch and I like knowing you picked it out and then
let’s get going. I still have somewhere else I want to take
you.” I watch as her eyes widen just a fraction before she
smiles and squats back down to the cacti to look for the
best one for my house. She reaches for one in the back and
before she can topple over, I grab her hips and pull her up
and against me.
“Whoa,” slips out of her mouth and she pushes her plush
bottom against my lower body and puts her hands on my
arms that are now circling her waist, gripping her tight and
“Careful Princess, you almost fell over into these prickly
sonovabitches and that shit ain’t happening around me. Tell
me which one you want, and I’ll grab it then we can get
outta here.”
She points to one in the far back, and I let her go
reluctantly to grab it before taking her hand and walking to
the outdoor register.
“Thank you for catching me back there,” Sadie says
softly to me when we get to my truck in the parking lot and
as I open her door, my head turns to her, and I shoot her a
wink before grabbing her and dragging her the few feet to
me. I box her in between my body and the door then lean
down and drop the softest kiss on her lips before pulling
“Let’s go before I try to do filthy fucking things to you in
this parking lot,” I say with a lecherous grin on my face
before stepping back and lifting her into the cab and
closing the door.

We’re driving about twenty minutes outside of town to

reach the land I want to show Sadie. My hand hasn’t left
her thigh since we got into the truck and fuck it feels good.
The possessive hold I have on her calms the fire waging
war in my chest, and I know she likes it by the way her
hand lays over mine and her thighs are pressed tightly
together. I can smell her need in the air, and it goes
straight to my head, knowing I have as much of an effect on
her as she has on me brings me a sense of relief. It’s always
been either one or the other is more interested, more
invested, or more affected. I already know that I want to
lock this shit down with her, while I have to remind myself,
we’ve only gone on one fucking date officially.. I’ll give her
the space she needs to take it slow but I’m playing the long
game with this one.
I pull up to a plot of land on the outskirts of town limits
with a partial structure erected. I want her to see me, see
what I do, how I operate. The fact that I want to share parts
of myself with her already allows me to see that
subconsciously my intuition is leading me in the right
direction with this one.
“What is this place, Evander?”
“Well, it’s mine.” I pause glancing at her before opening
my door, “C’mon, let’s get outta the truck and I’ll explain.”
I walk around the front of my truck and open her door,
helping her down from where she sits and wrapping my
arm around her before walking us a few feet away from the
truck. My boots kick up dirt, but I pay it no mind. Dirty
boots are my standard.
“I just wanted to share with you what I do. This project
is personal though. This plot of land was my grandfather’s
and I bought it from him about five years ago and it’s just
been sitting here. About six months ago, I decided I wanted
to build a home here.” I stop and just take in the view.
“You built this? By yourself?”
“Yep, it’s nothing but bones right now with the
foundation and framing, but it’s all being done by me. It’ll
take me a while, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. A lot
of people don’t understand what it means to have your own
business, much less a business that requires manual labor.
It’s caused many issues before, so I wanted to bring you
here so you can see first-hand. It’s hard work; I come home
every day covered in dirt, sawdust, or plaster. My boots will
never be clean and my hands will never not be stained. I
work long hours, but I promise you if I want to be with
someone…” I trail off and cut my eyes to her figure. “I will
always make time for you and your needs. For dates, and
lounging. I just needed you to know that, and now I’ll shut
the fuck up before I scare you the hell away.”
Sadie steps away from me and then turns, slowly looking
all around before her final turn directly in my eyeline.
“Evander, while I appreciate all that, I want you to know
that I never once questioned whether you would be the
type to ghost me because of work. All of our previous talks
have shown me exactly what type of guy you are, and while
we obviously moved fast into sex, please know I did it with
my eyes wide open. All of this, you should be proud of. And
just think one day Prickly Pete will look good on your porch
I shake my head at her little speech and all I want to do
right now is rip her clothes off and rut her into the ground
surrounding my home and put a fucking baby in her belly.
So that’s what the fuck I’m going to do.
“Hey, Princess.” I watch as she tilts her head knowing
that there is more I want to say. “I’m gonna give you a head
start and once I catch you, I’m gonna fuck you in the dirt
surrounding my land and put a fucking baby deep in your
belly.” Sadie’s eyes fucking dilate, and I know she’s getting
wet already from my words alone.
“Run.” With that one word, she takes off to the left side
of my property where a crop of trees are lined up leading to
the back forty of the next property owner’s house.
I count to twenty before I turn and give chase because
with the way my dick is straining against my jeans, I don’t
have enough patience to drag this out.

As soon as I hear the word ‘run’ leave his mouth, I take off
toward the crop of trees I see. I can feel the adrenaline
pumping through my veins as my excitement and fear war
with each other. Both emotions swirl around, trying to
come out on top. Am I truly afraid? Of course not, but by
the very definition, when someone growls at you to run,
that natural fear kicks in and it’s licking at my heels. I can
feel my panties are already wet and the mental images of
Evander throwing me to the ground and fucking me hard
have me stumbling over sticks and clumps of dirt. I make it
to the tree line and don’t dare to turn around and lock eyes
with him. I can already feel his eyes watching me from his
position by the truck, and once he starts moving this way
and enters this wooded area, the game will truly begin.
I keep running and start dodging trees when I hear him
call out, “You’re going to need to run faster than that to
escape me, Princess.” I feel my knees slightly weaken when
he all but purrs the last part and a flood of endorphins hits
my system. Fuck, I’ve never really done primal play, but put
a checkmark next to a new kink unlocked because holy fuck
I am here for everything primal right now. Or maybe it’s
the person I’m with.
I decide to risk it and turn my head to look behind me
and see how much distance is between us and yelp when I
see that he only needs to take three strides to reach me. I
turn back around and barely make it five feet before I feel
his broad body upon my back forcing me down to the hard,
compact dirty ground. Before I can hit hard, he cages me in
his arms and braces the ground so that it doesn’t hurt and
all I feel is the wind rushing out of my lungs and the fear
tingling up my spine while my mind races trying to decide
what Evander is going to do next.
I don’t have to wait long because his warm breath is on
the back of my neck before he leans down and whispers
into my ear, “I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t move,
Princess.” I let out a whimper as my center clenches. I can
feel his weight pressing me into the ground as he sits on
my legs, and I hear the clink of metal against metal as he
undoes his belt. My mind is racing, wondering if we’re
going to be butt ass naked here in the woods or if he’s
going to rut into me with just his cock hanging out of his
jeans. I don’t have to wait long before he flips me over so
I’m facing him and see his thick cock and heavy sack
resting against the jeans he pushed down to strain against
his thighs. He shuffles up my body until he’s right in my
“How do we feel about choking on my cock, Sadie?”
“Yes, plea—” Before I can finish answering, Evander
shoves his heavy length straight between my lips and down
my throat. I can feel my gag reflex activating before I
swallow and maintain control. Tears pool in the corner of
my eyes as I look up at him. He looks down at me before
retracting his hips and sliding in and out of my mouth
slowly while rubbing the tears that leak down.
“Fuck, baby your mouth feels so good. Tap my thigh
three times if you need me to slow down or stop okay?” He
waits for me to nod my head in acquiescence before
grabbing the sides of my head and starting to piston in and
out of my mouth, throat fucking me until drool is leaking
out of my mouth and making a mess of the dirt beneath me.
He shoves in one final time, and I swallow the tip of him
down my throat and he pauses blocking my airway and I
have to remind myself to breathe through my nose when
the air in my lungs depletes.
I wonder how long he’s going to stay still deep in my
throat just letting me feel the heaviness of him on my
tongue and the weight of his balls resting on my chin. I
could make a dumbass joke right now but my center
throbs, reminding me how wet and horny I am. I want to
feel him bottom out in me and shoot his load to cover my
cervix. He slowly starts pulling out of my throat so I don’t
choke, and I feel the loss of him immensely.
“I love your throat, but you and I both know that me
sinking into your wet pussy is what we both want.”
I gaze down and watch as his dick leaves spit trails
down the front of my shirt and I’m oddly turned on by this.
He reaches the button on my shorts and with one hand has
it popped open and glances back at me. I know he’s waiting
for me to lift my hips so he can pull the denim down.
Once my shorts are off and all that remains covering me
is a scrap of black material you can call panties. I shiver,
not from cold but from anticipation.
I watch as his fingers trail back up my thighs, skipping
right over my pulsating center and he’s touching my hips
and drawing circles upon the soft skin there. He’s
worshiping me with his fingers, not sexually even though
the air around us is charged. He’s showing me a sensuality
I didn’t even know I was missing. His teasing is making me
whimper and strain against him, all it takes is for him to
slip down a few inches to give me some relief.
“Please touch me. Please. Please. Please.”
“I am touching you, so I fail to see the problem.” He
smirks at me when he hears a little grumble leave my
He finally takes pity on me. I watch as he softly strokes
just the tips of his fingers up and down my panty covered
slit still teasing me but finally in the area where I ache the
My stomach growls and Evander chuckles. “Let me feed
you Princess, I’ll fuck you into the dirt of my home next
He climbs off of me and reaches down with one hand to
haul me up off the ground. I pout because sex in the dirt
sounds like both dirty and fun, but as my stomach makes
noise I concede that I better eat soon.
I don’t think either one of us expected this to happen but
with Evander I can see it all play out. I can’t wait to keep
spending time with him and building upon the foundations
we’ve unexpectedly started to build.

Three Months Later

I let the three musketeers talk me into going to the bar
tonight because I’m tired of listening to them whine in our
group chat about never having time for them. Grown ass
men and because they haven’t seen me in two weeks
outside of work, they act like children.
I mean who can blame me for wanting to spend my
weekends wrapped up in Sadie? But they have a point, and
I need to make more time to exist outside the bubble that
Sadie and I have created the last three months. I can’t wait
for these assholes to get bitten by Cupid. Yea, bitten. I’ve
heard stories that Cupid was vicious.
“Bro, did you see this article?”
I glare at Cade before snatching his phone and my eyes
widen when I see it’s about Kink’d Up and there’s a picture
of my princess. Why is there a picture of Sadie? This
doesn’t make any sense.

Kink’d Up Owner and Creator Sadie Sullivan has just

opened up a whole New World.
What. The. Fuck. Sadie, my Sadie is the fucking owner. You
would think that would have come up over that last three
fucking months we’ve been seeing each other. Is this a
fucking joke? Am I a fucking joke? At the very least, a
fucking experiment. Jesus Fuck, I can’t even think straight.
I toss Cade his phone back and walk back to the bar.
“Double shot of Jack and keep ‘em coming.”
I groan when I see two of the dipshits I call my best
friends deposit themselves on either side of me like some
damn bookends. No idea where the third leg of this tripod
is but knowing him, he’s probably trying to be balls deep in
a group of girls. Here we go, either they’re gonna wanna
talk about it or they’re gonna wanna get drunk. At this
point in time, I’m only interested in getting fucking drunk.
We can rideshare the fuck home.
I’m about three drinks in and I’m tired of tweedledee
and tweedledum side eyeing me like I don’t notice. Their
concern is really touching but it’s getting on my damn
nerves. I only came out tonight because Sadie said she had
a work emergency. I need answers and now is as good a
time as any to get them.
I walk away from the bar. “I’ll be back, I’m gonna go
take a piss and get away from the stench of both of your
cologne. You two assholes need to scale back on that shit.”
As I walk away, I pull my phone out of my pocket and
fumble with the damn facial ID before it finally unlocks, and
I hit her contact to call her. Fuck the bathroom.
Ring Ring
Ring Ring
Ring Ring
“Hi, you’ve reached Sadie and I can’t-” I don’t even
bother letting the rest of her greeting play before hanging
up. It’s pointless to leave a voicemail because I’m getting a
hold of her before she would even listen to the damn thing.
Fuck it. I’ll text her, maybe she’ll answer that. Okay, I’ve
got to be smart about this. Act like nothing’s wrong.
Hey babe hope you’re able to figure the issue out at
work. Miss you
Yea, that’s good. She will have no idea that there’s
something wrong. Once she replies, I’ll demand answers on
why the fuck she kept this from me. I am in fucking deep
with this woman and I thought she felt the same way, but
clearly I was wrong. I hate being wrong. I read people well
so just how the fuck did I miss the mark on this one? I walk
back to the bar to tell the guys I’m getting the hell out of
here. I really don’t want to have this talk or confrontation
with Sadie in the middle of the bar in public.
“Hey I’m getting the fuck outta here and going home.
You two good to get home?” I look left and right to see how
inebriated they are and while their eyes are slightly glossy,
I can tell they are only tipsy like me.
“Yea bro, we’re good. We are gonna stay for a bit longer
and then we’ll ride share home. Call me tomorrow and we’ll
get breakfast. Cade’s off in the corner but we’ll make sure
he’s straight also,” Drew says, and I see Amir nod his head
in agreement before I turn around and head for the exit
pulling up the Gotta-Go app to order a ride home.

I’m just sitting down on the couch after getting home and
drinking some water when I feel my phone finally buzz and
it's a text.
Hey, warrior! Yep, I got the kinks all worked out on
this code that messed up and am finishing up soon.
Do you wanna have a sleepover?
Fuck, can I even do this? I think I have to; I deserve
answers and face to face is best.
Princess, come over.
I set my phone down and settle on the couch because I
know whatever happens next, nothing will be the same
again between Sadie and me.

It’s late as I pull up to Evander’s house, but honestly after

fixing the clusterfuck of a bug, there’s no other place I’d
rather be than here. I walk up to the door while shooting
him a quick text to let him know I’m on the porch. The door
opens, and I notice Evander has a small scowl on his face.
Something is wrong, I can feel the tension in the air and
the tightening around his eyes is unusual for him.
Evander is typically a stoic man, so scowls aren’t
unusual on his face. The lines of tension in his face are
bleeding into the surrounding atmosphere and I don’t know
what’s going on right now. Whatever it is, I know that it’s
not good.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” I can feel my
eyebrows bunch in worry while waiting for him to answer.
“We need to talk.” As soon as that phrase leaves his
mouth, I feel a lead ball drop into my stomach. Hearing
those words is never a good thing, and I’ve been waiting
for the other shoe to drop. He’s breaking up with me, I just
know it and I knew this would happen. Things were too
good to be true. My shitty luck strikes again. I don’t want
to do this.
“O—okay,” I say as I follow him into the living room, and
I notice he chooses to sit in the armchair instead of the
couch. He’s distancing himself from me, and I can’t figure
out why. He sounded fine when I texted him back, so what
happened in the hour it took me to wrap up work and pack
a bag to come over? It’s freaking two in the morning,
physically he’s fine, so what in the hell is going on?
“Were you ever going to tell me that your business is
Kink’d Up?” Fuck. How in the fuck does he know that?
“I—yes, eventually.” I want to ask how in the hell he
found out, but I know if that’s the first thing that comes out
of my mouth, whatever this is between us will be
completely destroyed. I… I think I am falling in love with
this man, so for once I need to put my attitude away and
deal with my shit like an adult.
“I always planned to tell you. I can promise you that. I’m
not sure how you found out, but I am sorry you had to hear
about it from someone other than me.”
“Cade saw a news article on the Stargasm website and I
found out in the middle of the bar tonight, Sadie. Do you
know how fucking hard it was to not lose my mind?”
That goddamn article. I fucking knew agreeing to do
that article would bite me in the ass, eventually. This is not
what I wanted.
“I never would have wanted you to find out this way,
Evander. I swear it. I didn’t even think about that article
reaching you and that’s my fuck up.”
“Am I an experiment for you?” he utters with this look of
disbelief on his face that causes the fissures in my heart to
continue splintering.
“Yes and no and let me explain before you flip out.”
“Fuck that, Sadie. That tells me all I need to know.
We’ve been together for three fucking months and not once
did you say anything. Not even a hint. A fucking experiment
until when? When time was up, what were you going to do?
Just discard me? I fucking love you and you don’t give a
fuck about me,” he growls that last part and I feel my soul
Tears are running down my face and I go to open my
mouth because I need to explain. He has to know the truth;
he has to believe me. I need him to believe me. He loves
me, fuck he really loves me.
“Get the fuck outta my house, Sadie. I don’t want to
hear any more bullshit out of your mouth. I thought I could
do this, that I could let you explain and get answers for
myself. But looking at you right now, there’s nothing I want
more than for you to get the fuck out. It’s over, we’re done.
Whatever you have to say doesn’t change a fucking thing.
You know trust and honesty above all else are the two most
important things to me.” He stands up from the chair and
turns his back on me before walking into the kitchen.
I grab my bag from the floor by my feet and slowly rise
to walk to the front door. I could stay, try and force him to
listen to me, but the haunted look in his eyes has me
tucking my tail between my legs and leaving. He deserves
so much more than what I’ve given him, and the least I can
do is honor his wishes and leave him alone.
I pause after opening the door and half stepping out
onto the porch. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, and for
what it’s worth, I felt myself falling in love with you also.
I’m so fucking sorry, Evander. I hope one day you can
forgive me and let me explain myself, but if that day never
comes I completely understand.” With that I finish walking
out and close the front door behind me before getting into
my car and driving away. Leaving my heart and soul on that
front porch next to that damn cactus we picked up from the
nursery months ago.

It’s been two fucking weeks without Evander, and I think

I’ve only showered three times and I can’t remember the
last time I ate anything. I feel myself snapping at my
employees with a hairpin trigger and if I don’t get my shit
together soon, I’m going to lose them to the competition. I
can’t afford to lose good employees, not with the way
membership has been steadily growing from month to
month. Numbers are continuing to rise, and I should feel
pride in that but everything has a sheen of gray over it and
life seems dull.
“Sadie, I love you like a sister but you stink and you’ve
been an asshole. Get the fuck up, wash your ass, fucking
eat something and either start moving the fuck on or make
a plan to get your man back,” Jay Bird quips from my office
He’s right and I hate admitting that, but I can’t sit here
and wallow my life away. I need to figure out what the fuck
I’m doing and go from here. I have, by most standards, a
successful life because my business is thriving. My
personal life meanwhile is a whole other story, but I have to
stop letting that bleed into the company.
“You’re right,” I utter and watch the smug look of
satisfaction cross his face before he turns and jaunts away
while whistling a tune that makes me want to gouge my ear
drums. Happy ass jackass.
I pull up my notes app on my computer and start writing
myself a list because bitches love lists. It’s me, I’m bitches
and right now organizing my life sounds a hell of a lot
better than snapping at someone else in my life.
Correction. Let me go shower first because my hair feels
disgusting and who doesn’t love freshly washed hair to feel
like a human again.

It’s been a few weeks and the Sadie shaped hole in my life
hasn’t shrunk and I don’t know what to think or how to
feel. After she left that night and I was able to process
some of my anger, I could see with an ounce of rationality
and my memory serves me a slice of pie when I remember
the bartender telling me about Kink’d Up. The blog post on
the website, the one I admired. Putting two and two
together gave me some context and I was able to
understand what she meant about yes and no in regards to
me being an experiment.
I love her, that’s not going to change. She’s the one if I
ever believed in that shit but the fucking betrayal, I feel is
like a flesh-eating disease just growing steadily over time.
I’ve been even more of a surly bastard, and I don’t know
how to quell the anger and hurt. Fuck me, I feel like I’ve
given up my balls admitting I’m hurt. She fucking hurt me,
and I don’t know how to move past it.
It takes everything in me to not reach out to her and
sometimes I wonder why she hasn’t tried to reach out to
me, and then I remember how things ended. One thing’s
for sure, Sadie is the type to honor people’s wishes and do
whatever is in someone else’s best interest. Selfless, that’s
one of the reasons I love her but, fuck she was so selfish
with this.
Hey shitheads let’s go out tonight. I’m ready to get
the fuck outta the house this weekend and unwind.
I shoot a group text to the guys because while going out
is the last fucking thing I actually want to do; I need to
start moving forward. This isn’t how I want to live my life
and while I thought I found what I was looking for in Sadie,
it was a bump in the road. It’s time for me to get over shit
and just be a semi asshole instead of a fucking bastard to
everyone around me.
Fuck yea! Can we use your sorrow to pick up
No, you fucking dipshit.
I shake my head at these idiots, but I feel a small smile
on my face at their antics. I couldn’t ask for better friends,
when I need them, they are there no matter what. That
kind of friendship is rare and while they annoy the fuck
outta me, their hearts are always in the right place.

We walk into Club Luxx, a newer bar that’s only been open
for about six months, but I’ve never frequented it,
assuming it was more along the lines of a techno club
which just isn’t my scene. As I glance around, I see it’s
more of a dark casual atmosphere while maintaining a
luxury quality that is evident by the lack of sticky floors and
gouged tabletops. Not a place I would normally go but they
are playing good music, the place is clean, and no one
seems to be fucking with anyone else. Yea, I can definitely
drink and enjoy myself here tonight.
“Fuck yea, I’m glad we came here tonight!” Cade
exclaims while eyeing up a pretty, tall brunette leaning
against the bar with a beer in her hand. She’s his type to a
T. If he can keep his foot out of his mouth long enough, he
might actually have a chance. As for me, I'm gonna sit my
ass at this table and drink.
“Are you just going to sit here all night and drink?” Amir
asks as he sits down across from me.
“That’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m not wallowing,
I just don’t feel like trying to pick up a chick right now. Just
let me have a drink and relax.”
Amir shakes his head before getting up and heading to
where Drew is talking to some redhead and who the hell
knows where Cade disappeared to, probably the bathroom
or the alley knowing him. I can’t help but think about Sadie
and despite everything that’s happened, it doesn’t stop the
ache of missing her. That’s something I just can’t turn off.
My mind wanders as I sip my whiskey before I see someone
slide into the chair next to me.
“Hi handsome, whatcha doin’ sitting here all by
I look over to my left to see a knockout blue-eyed
blonde. It feels wrong to be sitting with another woman,
and tonight is about moving on.
“I’m here with my buddies, but they all went in their
own directions once we walked in so I’m enjoying my drink
and holding down the table.” I know I should temper my
tone, but I can't help how gruff my voice is, I'm naturally a
fucking asshole. Something Sadie found endearing.
Goddamit Evander, stop fucking thinking about Sadie.
I hear the blondie making small talk, twirling the end of
her hair and generally being a typical woman prowling the
club. I don't know if she wants to fuck, have me buy her
drinks for the night, or both, but it's taking everything in
me to allow her in my bubble.
"Can I get another skinny rum and coke?" What the fuck
is a skinny rum and coke? I swear I don't know shit about
women anymore, but the bartender must know what she's
asking for because he sets about making it. Now I’m just
annoyed at this woman.
I watch as the bartender sets the drink down in front of
her and she glances at me clearly expecting me to pay. I
consider telling her to go fuck herself when a flash of a
brunette in a deep red dress catches my eye. I throw a
wave at the bartender letting him know to put it on my tab
before turning to Tits McGee.
"I'll be back, gotta take a piss before I leave a puddle
here for Brad to clean up." I'm not fucking coming back so I
gesture to Brad the bartender to close my tab. He brings
me my card and a slip to sign and snottily replies, "My
name is Tyler."
"That's great for you but Tyler the bartender doesn't
sound as good as Brad the bartender." I toss the pen down
and stalk off hoping to find the woman in the red dress. If
Titty Tanya and Bartender Brad held me up and Sadie got
away... I don't know what the fuck I'm thinking.
Part of me knows I shouldn't be thinking about her and
another part of me is desperately hoping it's her and that
it's some kind of sign from the universe. Either way, I'm
fucked as I continue glancing around. I've never known
Sadie to frequent a club, so I don't know why I think she'd
be here. Fuck I really do have to pee.
Walking toward the bathroom, I see the girl in the red
dress stopped in the hallway digging for something in her
clutch. I want to reach out and touch her shoulder but the
part of me that is thinking rationally reminds me that if it's
not her and if I touch a woman, I'm violating boundaries. I
choose to call out instead.
"Hmm sorry what?" Not Sadie asks because she glances
up at me and I realize while built the same and having the
almost exact shade of hair, this is not my princess.
"Sorry, I thought you were a woman I used to know."
Used to know? Could I sound more dramatic, it's only been
a few weeks.
"Oh. Well I'm sorry I'm not her but I hope you see her
again one day," she says walking off.
I mumble, "Yea me too."
I walk into the bathroom and use it as intended but
judging by the banging against one of the two stalls
someone is getting some action. I can’t help but feel a pang
of jealousy rush through me, not so much because they are
getting laid but because I should be wrapped up in Sadie
right now. I came here to escape sitting at home feeling sad
and pathetic, but what I’m realizing is that without her my
world is back to being shades of gray. With Sadie there was
color from her potted cacti, to her binge buying flowers for
her yard, and even her Chuck's in every fucking color
under the sun. I’m convinced she had them all.
I realize that I need to get the fuck outta this club as I
walk out of the bathroom. Realistically, I should find one of
the guys and let them know I’m leaving but I don’t want to
deal with their groans or jokes, so I reach into my pocket to
send a text before muting the chat and walking toward the
exit of Club Luxx.
As soon as I feel the fresh air, I remember that I didn't
drive and need to call for a ride.
"Fuck." I curse when I see the wait time is going to be
thirty minutes. Fucking Friday nights and shit.
Too much time on my hands has me on my phone
scrolling looking at anything and nothing at the same time
until an ad for Kink'd Up appears. I swear I can't fucking
escape it.
Because I think I’m a bit of a masochist, I click on the
fucking ad and to see if there’s anything on the website
about Sadie since she’s been outed. The bright vibrant
colors of the website are glaring at me as I lean against the
lamppost waiting on my ride. The scripty swirls of the name
on the header are just as whimsy as she was when she was
walking through the nursery. I feel an ache and I hate the
fact that I’m still so affected. I know society says I should
be all ‘macho’ but that shit is tiring. As a human, I’m
allowed to feel any emotion without having to define it as
being ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’.
My musing is stopped short by an alert on my phone
saying my driver is pulling up and I glance up and confirm
a car slowing to a stop in front of me. As I open the door,
the driver speaks, “Hey Evander, my name is Jake but
totally not from State Farm. How’s your night?”
I knew I should have fucking hit the silence option when
ordering this ride, but I was in too much of a hurry and now
I’m gonna have to be an ass to this guy. I let out a gruff
“Fine.” before turning my head to look out the window,
hopefully signaling to the guy to keep quiet and leave me
the hell alone.
A minute passes before I mutter, “Why the hell does it
smell like butterscotch in here?”
“That would have been my pudding from earlier. Doesn’t
it smell delicious? I have an extra in the little cooler up
here. Did you want it?” Fucking butterscotch pudding.
“I think I’ll pass,” I reply hoping this is the extent of our
conversation but I’m proven wrong not even seconds later.
“Okay but how was Club Luxx? I’ve never been there
myself but that’s mostly because I’m always working
between my regular job and then picking up these
rideshare shifts for a little extra play money.”
I continue staring out the window ignoring Jake not from
State Farm because I just fucking answered him about my
night, and I don’t want to chitchat about the fucking club.
“A quiet man, huh? I wonder what she sees in you.” I
sharply turn my head to look up front when I heard his
voice quietly utter that.
“What the hell did you say?” I demand of him because I
know what the fuck I heard but my mind can’t comprehend
how there could be a connection.
“I said I wonder what she sees in you because you have
the personality of a dried spaghetti noodle stuck to my
kitchen cupboard,” he barks out with sass and I for the life
of me can’t fucking figure out how the hell he knows Sadie
because that’s the only ‘she’ he could be referring to.
“How the fuck do you know Sadie?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, grumpy bear?” This fucking
dude is a smartass, and I don’t have a shred of patience to
deal with it.
I open my mouth to snap at him, but the chatterbox
doesn’t even let me utter a sound before he continues on, “I
work with Sadie, well for Sadie. Semantics. Whatever. I
work at Kink’d Up for my regular old job and I also happen
to be her best friend.”
I remember Sadie talking about her friend Jay Bird and
of course my luck has my driver being the one in the same.
I swear if it wasn’t for shitty luck, I’d have no luck at all.
“Jay Bird? What kind of fucking nickname is that
anyways?” Jake blushes before quipping back at me, “My
momma gave it to me when I was five and tried jumping off
the roof and it’s just stuck. Sadie met my momma a few
years ago and has been calling me that since.”
Shit, now I feel like a dick since I can tell his mom
means something to him. I rub the back of my neck twice
before speaking, “Look, I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean it like
that. I’m just in a perpetual shitty mood.”
“Yea no shit bro, with that crap ass attitude you have it’s
a wonder you even got Sadie’s attention past the first date.
There’s grumpy and then there’s you, a cross between
Eeyore and Red Forman.”
Well, I no longer feel shitty about being an asshole since
this fucker just sucker punched me. Like I don’t know that I
wasn’t good enough for Sadie. She was, without a doubt,
out of my league and Jake just had to rub salt in that
“I want to be a dick to you for that statement but let’s be
honest, Jay Bird,” I pause after saying his nickname with
part sarcasm and part disdain before continuing, “Sadie
and I, we never should have been. You’re right, I shouldn’t
have had her. She is way out of my league and part of me
can’t blame her for never telling me about her business.”
“Crap, you’re a real Debbie Downer man. Look, I was
just being a dick about the attention but I totally mean that
shit about Eeyore and Red Forman. You were good for her.
You made her happy, and before you scoff cause I can feel it
in the air, just listen. She was content with the launch of
the website, but she wasn’t happy. The last few months she
was different, and that was all because of you.”
I choose not to say anything because really, what the
hell can I say to that. Do I believe him? No but also, I don’t
know what she was like before me so my opinion is just
that… an opinion. Ten minutes of silence pass and we are
nearing my house before Jake decides to speak again.
“Look, I’m not going to pretend to know how you feel
about the situation and you have no reason to believe a
thing I say… but she didn’t do it with ill intentions and she
had planned on telling you. She’d been psyching herself up
for it for a few weeks before everything went down. She
was so afraid you’d react poorly and she was already head
over heels in love with you. She might not have realized it
herself but she was, still is. She’s hurting too, Evander. I’ll
get off my soapbox but don’t let her get away because
pretty soon I’m going to set her up with someone and help
her move on.”
I am too stunned to speak and moments later the car
comes to a stop in front of my house, and I wordlessly get
out and slam the car door. I move toward my porch when I
hear him yell out his window, “Nut up and go get the girl,
jackass!” before he screeches away. I don’t know how the
hell he’s got a 4.9-star rating with not only that attitude but
his fucking reckless driving.
I enter my house, passing the cactus on the porch with a
deep sigh. I throw my keys and phone on the kitchen island
before toeing off my boots, walking through the doorway
and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. I crack the
seal and let the cold water shock my throat and my system
before I toss the empty bottle into the recycling bin. I need
to take my ass to bed, there's too much on my mind to think
about anything rationally, but Jake’s words have been
repeating non-stop. I need sleep and a clearer head before
I fully process this shit.

Fuck me, it’s morning already. I don’t know what the birds
have to be so happy about and why the sun is so bright. I
keep bitching to myself until I realize it’s my own fault for
not shutting my blinds and I guess I left my window
cracked open about two inches also. I might as well get up
and grab coffee before figuring out what the hell I’m doing.
I walk downstairs and start the coffee pot when I hear
my doorbell. Who the hell is at my door at nine in the
morning on a Saturday? I wonder before I walk the few feet
from the kitchen and open the door. I spot a courier waiting
on my porch and he speaks before I can, “Mr. Evander
“Yeah, that’s me. Why?” I ask but he shoves a package
at me before walking away back to the car idling at the
I glance down at the nondescript brown package and
can’t decipher shit since everything is printed and there’s
nothing but my name across the front. Fuck it, I don’t have
anything else to lose so if its dog shit at least I’ll have an
excuse to fumigate the house.
I open the brown paper the box is wrapped in, and
notice the purple and black box underneath and I pull the
lid off the box to find a stack of letters. What the hell are
these? I lift the stack out of the box and untie the purple
ribbon. I glance down and all these letters are addressed to
me, and I’d know that handwriting from anywhere. Sadie.
Something catches my eye, and there are polaroid photos
at the bottom of the box, candid moments that Sadie
insisted on capturing while we were together.
Why did she send me these? Why now? Did she really
send these or was it Jake? I wouldn’t put it past him.
I take a deep breath before pulling the top letter off the
stack and opening the flap to retrieve the letter inside.

Dear Evander,
You just dropped me off at home after a weekend of fun.
You were not something I expected, and this weekend was
so much more than I anticipated.

I stop reading after the beginning because clearly this

was after our first weekend and part of me feels like this is
an invasion of privacy but a bigger part of me is saying that
she sent these, and I need to know what's in them.

One weekend is all it took. I have stars in my eyes and

butterflies in my belly over you. You made me feel. I don’t
even know how to properly explain it, but it felt like I’ve
just been on the surface treading water and floating, and
with you this week… I was diving in the deep. It’s sound
corny and stupid, but I am at a loss for words.
Your grumpy ass attitude is endearing, and I swear when I
got you to crack a smile it meant so much more to me. Not
to mention the intensity with which you stared at me as you
were coming deep inside me is something I will never be
able to get out of my head. It will forever live rent free.
Maybe one day in the future I'll tell you about this silly little
letter I wrote to you, and we’ll laugh over our pizza and
beer. Maybe.

I lower my hand to rest on my knee after I finish reading

and I loosen the strangled grip I have on this letter. I don’t
want to ruin it. Okay Evander, keep it the fuck together.
Take five minutes and then start reading the rest.
I get halfway through the stack of letters before
realizing that she wrote a letter after every time we were
together. She even has letters after those moments when
we only had twenty minutes to grab coffee or a quick lunch
between our work schedules. Jesus Fuck, how could I have
been so fucking blind. Someone who was using me as an
experiment would not have done all this. I don’t even finish
reading all the letters, they can wait. I need to shower and
then I need to go get my fucking woman.

I threw my list out the dang window when I sent those

letters to Evander. I never had the intention of doing that
until late last night when Jay texted me about Evander
being in his car. He just had to drop that he picked him up
from Club Luxx. I didn’t even get to finish my response
when Jake’s dots appeared, and he dropped the bombshell
that my warrior was a miserable ass grump and there’s
definitely no way he’s moving on.
Sending those letters first thing this morning is my ‘Hail
Mary’ and I can only hope it works because I don’t want to
let this man go. When my bratty best friend put me in my
place and made me really think about if the tables had been
turned, I realized that I needed to do one of those
meaningful gestures. The letters are some of the most
personal things I’ve ever written and sending those and
letting them go was not easy. Evander deserves to read all
the ways he makes me feel and how he changed my life.
My phone goes off and picking it up shows a notification
that the courier has successfully dropped the package off
and now it's just a waiting game. I’ll give him some time to
hopefully read, and then I’m showing up at that man’s door
and demanding we sit down and talk. There’s no way he’s
pushing me away again.
I decide to try and get some admin work done since
everything seems to be running smoothly on the backend,
but I can’t stop checking every minute expecting a massive
crash. I trust myself, but more importantly I trust the team
I have working for me and know the caliber of work they
produce. I sit down at my desk and decide to go over my
favorite thing, financials. While I am a numbers girl
obviously, these are not the kind of numbers I like looking
at and making decisions.

I can’t sit here anymore just staring off into the ether
watching the clock, wondering what Evander is doing so I
grab my key and head out the door. I’m showing up to his
house and his tall grumpy self is going to freaking listen to
As I start up my car, I start giving myself a pep talk
about how this is going to play out. The fifteen-minute drive
will give me enough time to run through everything I want
to say knowing that I will remember maybe half of it and be
able to articulate it.
Before I know it, I’m pulling up to his house and I get
out of my car. I walk up to his porch and knock on the door,
impatiently waiting for him to answer. As I stand here, my
nerves settle in and I start shuffling my feet and I glance
down to my left and the cactus we bought months ago is
staring at me. I feel my eyes water just a bit, looking at this
cactus and seeing that Evander has been taking care of it
has a wave of warmth going through me.
“Crap, I guess he’s not home. Where the hell could he
be?” I ask myself after another three minutes pass and
there’s no answer. I turn around and I guess if I had been
paying more attention, I would have noticed that his truck
isn’t in the driveway.
I head back to my car, and I don’t want to go home and
pathetically wait to hear from him. So I point my car to
head to SunValley Shopping Center so I can run some
errands and hopefully take my mind off everything if only
for a little while.

I pull up to Sadie’s place and notice the stillness

surrounding her house. She’s not fucking here and that
irritates my nerves. How the fuck am I supposed to sweep
in and grab my woman when I don’t even know where she
is. Logically, I know that I could have given her a call or
sent a text but I was trying to do the romantic John Hughes
shit. Christ, I’m starting to show my age again.
Where the fuck could she be? She never told me exactly
where her office is, so I have no way of being able to show
up unless I turn super stalker… unless I contact ol’ Jay
Bird. I pull up the Gotta-Go app and go to my history and
send Jake a text through the app.
Hey Jay Bird, I’m at Sadie’s house and she’s not
here. You want to be a decent dude and give me the
address of your office space?
Driver: I’m sorry the subscriber you are trying to
reach says go fuck yourself. Before you get worked
up, calm down, it's a joke you dick. She’s not at the
office, I’m here now. If I were you, I’d check the plant
You mean the nursery?
Driver: Is that what that place is called? Sure,
nursery. Whatever. Now quit texting me on here bro
unless you need a ride. Beep Beep.
I don’t even bother responding to him again because I
can feel my brain cells leaching out of my eyes from ‘plant
shop’. How the hell does this dude function? I can’t think
about it anymore because the man gave me the information
I needed, so now the question is whether she’s at the
nursery we visited together or somewhere else.
I decide to try the nursery attached to the hardware
store and if she’s not there, then I’ll try the next one in
town. One way or another, I’m finding my girl.

I pull up to the hardware store and spot Sadie’s car on the

left side of the parking lot. Even through everything, the
fact that I still intrinsically know my princess is just
another tally mark on why I need to help fix things between
us. We belong together and my typical guy bullshit is just
going to have to take a backseat.
Instead of entering the front sliding doors of Boone’s
Hardware, I veer slightly to the left and go through the side
entrance of the attached nursery. Finding Sadie in a
building full of plants sounds easy but I know from personal
experience that she flits about and gets lost in the flora. I’m
an impatient man, but I decide to just walk aisle by aisle
and let fate take the reins a bit. I’ll find her in the exact
spot I’m supposed to find her.
I walk past the cacti and flashes of that first visit go
through my head but instead of feeling a mixture of
sadness, anger, and regret, I smile faintly remembering
how cute she was getting excited over that prickly ass
cactus. Looking back now I can safely say that the cactus
was the start of when I started to truly fall for her. It
sounds ridiculous and if it was anyone else saying it, I
would scoff but having experienced it first-hand I have to
eat crow and admit I was fucking wrong for that mindset.
“Crappy Carl from Carlsbad!” I hear exclaimed from
what can only be fifteen feet away max, and I immediately
know it has to be my princess. No one else uses cuss
alliteration that I have ever met and while I find it
adorable. I know that not everyone does, especially if she
uses their name. I decide not to respond but I chuckle lowly
under my breath while walking to the beam of energy that
is Sadie Sullivan.
Rounding the next corner, I see her crouched down with
not only her bag and all its contents spilled out but also a
potted plant and its soil. I let my eyes linger and notice her
dark brown hair is haphazardly thrown into a bun on the
top of her head before I continue and see she’s wearing a
Swerve n’ Sip t-shirt and leggings. She’s my fucking dream
girl. I don’t have any flowery words to describe it, but this
woman is exactly everything I’ve always wanted.
“Hey, Princess. Looks like you could use a hand?”
Her head whips around and those honey eyes that I love
gazing into are burning into my skin. I see the skin around
her eyes has crinkled a bit since I spooked her, but her
mouth drops just a bit in shock when her brain catches up
with her eyes.
“Evander! Shit. Uhh Hi. What are you doing here?” She
asks while still staring up at me and before I answer her, I
reach my hand down to help her stand up.
“Looking for you, Sadie. I got your package and read
every last word. I went by your house.” A hint of a blush
tints her cheeks at my words before she shakes it off. My
girl can be sassy and I feel like she’s gearing up.
“Huh. I happened to stop waiting for your grumpy self to
get off your butt and make the move, so I went to YOUR
HOUSE. You weren’t home so you know my plant babies
are here to make me feel better, but how did you know I’d
be here?” She questions me and since I have every
intention of coming out of this the victor, I answer
“I assumed you would be at your office so I messaged
Jake on the Gotta-Go app asking for the address, and he
kindly inferred you were at a ‘plant shop’ which is irritating
in itself but we can discuss your friend’s vocabulary at a
later date. I took a wild guess and listened to my gut that
you would be here at this nursery.” I stop speaking before I
go off on even more of a ramble.
“I don’t even know what to say to that but here you are
so clearly we were meant to meet back up. Would you like
to talk with me?” I take two steps toward her and pinch a
section of her hair that’s fallen out of the hair tie and rub
the silky strand between my fingers.
“Yea, Princess, let's talk. Would you like to talk here or
somewhere private?”
She rolls her eyes at me before saying, “C’mon smart
ass. We can go to my house. I need coffee anyway for this.”
She grabs her bag and whatever contents that she hadn’t
picked up yet and slung the item over her shoulder.
“I’d say you can just follow me but with your stint as an
extra in The Fast and The Furious, we both know you’ll
beat me there so I’ll see you in a few minutes,” With that
sassy ass remark, she spins around and walks away from
me and heads to the exit. The mouth on that woman is
going to get her in trouble one day… in the very best ways.

I put on a brave face back there talking with Evander, but

inside my nerves are starting to take over. I have to remind
myself that no matter what I’ll be okay but the fact that he
searched me out gives me a sense of hope. A man who went
out of his way to find me since I wasn’t at home is not
typically the type of man that is going to talk it out with me
and then leave. I’m manifesting that at the end of our talk
we can find our footing and forge a new path together.
I get to my place and just like I predicted, Evander’s
truck is parked in front of my house because the man only
has one speed, fast. I take my time getting out of my car
and I glance at his truck before walking to my front door.
I’m looking for my keys in this damn bag of mine when I
hear Evander’s door slam shut and the sound of his boots
on the gravel pathway echo in my ears.
My fingers brush my keys and then I feel the heat of him
at my back, his eyes staring into the back of my head, and I
swear I can feel his breath on my neck. Opening my door, I
go to hold it open when he stops me and shakes his head,
“You know I’m not the man that will ever let you hold the
door open for me Sadie. Go inside and I’ll follow.”
I gesture to the couch with my hand before politely
asking, “I’m going to make a cup of coffee, do you want
some or water?”
“A bottle of water would be good but only if it’s regular
water. You know I hate that fizzy shit you drink that causes
bubbles to go up my nose.”
Shaking my head, I head toward the kitchen to quickly
make coffee and grab Evander his non-bubbly ass water. I
remember the first time I got him to drink it and he griped
about feeling bubbles in his nose for two hours and he
choked like a dick hit his tonsils.
I walk back toward the living room and see Evander on
his phone so I sit our drinks down on the table before
hesitating on where I should sit. I don’t have too long to
think about it before he catches my wrist with one of his
large, calloused hands and tugs me to sit down next to him
on the couch. He’s already put his phone down and has
angled his body to face me.
“Let me talk and say what I have to say.” I nod my head
in acquiescence.
“I was so fucking angry with you and then I was fucking
miserable. My friends will tell you I took asshole to a new
level, but I can recognize that it stems from the pain I was
in. Before I continue, I need to apologize for the way I
treated you that night when you showed up at my house
after I found out. I ambushed you, cut you off, and didn’t let
you explain a word. I was a fucking dick and I don’t want
you to forgive me for that. I need to earn that forgiveness.”
He takes a deep breath after what is probably the longest
I’ve ever heard him speak in one go.
“I should have let you explain, even if I didn’t think
anything you would say would make a difference. You
deserved to be able to tell your side of it. I saw that article
and it’s like tunnel vision set in and all I felt was betrayal
and like it was all a game. I realize you don’t owe me an
explanation now but I’m willing to listen to anything you
have to say.” I wait to see if he is finished,and after a
minute goes by, I realize the ball is now in my court.
“I’m not going to lie and say that your dismissal didn’t
hurt me because that would be false and I’m done hiding
anything. I will say that I did understand you lashing out
because once I put myself in your shoes I realized how I
would have felt. I never had any ill intentions, the whole
reason I built the website and started my company is
because I needed a place for people like me, like us. I
wanted it to work so badly for myself and I wanted to use
the website without anyone knowing I was the woman
behind it. I wanted you to want me for just regular Sadie.” I
feel myself getting emotional as the tears gather in my
eyes, but I blink them away.
“I always planned to tell you, I was convincing myself to
pull up my big girl panties and rip the band aid off. That
stupid ass article, I wasn’t even thinking when I did the
interview that you might see it before I could explain. That
was stupid on my part. I’m so sorry, Evander. You weren’t a
game. You are the real deal for me. I want you and I want
us. You’re the only person I truly feel gets me and all my
We stare at each other, assessing and analyzing without
speaking. He reaches out and hauls me into his lap so I’m
straddling him as he cups my face and leans in close. His
lips are just a breath away from my own when he whispers
into my mouth, “I forgive you, Princess and I don’t want to
go one more fucking day without you. You’re the water to
my prickly ass cactus.” I close the distance and when we
finally meet after weeks apart, I feel the stress leave my
It’s like we have both become unleashed now and I grind
down against the hardness I feel below me straining
against his jeans. A flood of wetness leaves me, and I can
feel my panties sticking to my lower lips. If I could crawl
into Evander and stay there I would.
I whimper, “Please Evander. I need to come. My pussy
has been aching for weeks.”
“You mean my pussy right, Princess? Or have you
already forgotten this pussy belongs to me hmm?” He asks
as he reaches a hand between us to cup the front of my
shorts roughly causing my panties to slip between my lips,
and with them pulled taut it both hurts and provides a
small amount of relief against the throbbing of my clit. I
rock back and forth trying to cause more friction in the
hope I can come.
“Yes, I’m sorry. Your pussy. Just please make me come. I
need you.” I see a glint in his eye and the devious ideas
swirling around in his head are so transparent. Before he
can tease me anymore, I decide two can play that game. I
stop gyrating and stand up and tilt my head looking at
Evander sitting on my couch. He no longer looks smug as
he watches me with eagle eyes. I drop to my knees and
reach for the button and zipper on his jeans. I undo the
clasp and slowly slide the teeth down before tugging his
jeans until he lifts up slightly and I can slide them down to
rest at his calves.
As soon as his clothing is removed, his hard cock springs
up and smacks his stomach leaving a trickle of clear
wetness there. I grip the base of his dick and lower myself
to smack the angry, red, swollen head against my tongue
while glancing up at Evander through my lashes. I feel him
tremble and he moans out, “Fuck, Princess. Are you gonna
play with it or are you gonna use that smart mouth for
I continue to tease him by running my tongue over the
slit at the tip and up and down the sides of his dick. I finally
trace the seam of his frenulum and then I suction my lips
on that sensitive tissue and suck just to watch him lose it.
Evander’s hands are clenching before he reaches down and
removes my hair from its tie and winds his hands in the
strands. The power I currently feel is intoxicating but my
own desires take over and I move my mouth to engulf as
much of him as I can until I feel him just at the back of my
mouth. The shudders of his body coupled with the moans
and ‘fucks’ leaving his mouth encourage me to continue
and I start bobbing up and down while twisting one hand
against the base of his dick. After a few passes, I pause
before breathing in deep and swallowing him until he hits
the back of my throat, and my gag reflex activates, creating
an iron grip on the tip of his cock. The hands in my hair
tighten to the point of pain but I’m oddly turned on by it.
“Such a good girl. I’m gonna fucking come soon if you
don’t stop.”
At his words, I stop working his dick at double speed
and with my left hand, I fondle his balls running my nails
over the soft flesh before gripping and tugging just enough
to push him over the edge and when I feel the heavy sack
draw up, I know that he’s about to come. I suck him as far
as I can into my throat and I feel my eyes watering before
he starts thrusting at a furious pace until he explodes.
“Fucccccccck. Swallow all of me Princess. Don’t waste a
drop. One way or another, my come is going to be in you.”
I swallow as much as I can, but I feel some slip out the
sides of my mouth and run down his semi hard length. I
slowly pull off him before licking up every drop that spilled
out and I run my tongue over my lips before smirking.
“Are we done playing games now, warrior?”

“Are we done playing games now, warrior?” She’s being a

brat right now, but I can’t help loving how playful she is
being. She’s relaxed and comfortable and just gave me one
of the best blowjobs of my life. I can’t find a single thing to
complain about.
“I find it real cute you think you’re in charge of anything
right now, beautiful but I do have to thank you for one
helluva job well done.” I lean forward on the couch and pull
her up from her knees and with her pussy level with my
face I can see the damp spot on her light denim shorts and
rub my thumb over the wet material.
“Take them off. Now.” I utter impatiently and while I
normally would just rip them off, I want her to choose this.
Choose me. It seems silly but my ego needs the serotonin
I watch as she wiggles out of her jean shorts and my
mouth waters watching as she peels her cute maroon
panties from her center, and I can see how sticky they are.
Once they reach her shorts on the ground, I bend down and
pick them up and bring them up to my nose.
“I’ll be keeping these. Now I want you to sit your fine
ass on this couch and let me watch you give yourself that
orgasm you were so desperately chasing earlier.”
I can tell she is processing my words and debating on
whether she should quip back, or do as I say before her
need to come dominates and she turns to sit her ass on the
couch spreading her legs and leaning against the arm. Her
center is glistening, and I can see her angry little bud
peeking out demanding attention. Before Sadie can do
anything else I lean over to her and reach for the hem of
her shirt and without needing a verbal command, she lifts
her arms so I can pull the material off. I pull the cups of the
matching bra down so her breasts are bare and there’s
something so indecent about her being completely bare on
this couch except for this scrap of material pushing her tits
up and out.
“Don’t even think about covering up or any other
bullshit idea going through your head. You’re gorgeous and
all fucking mine. Now play with that pretty pussy of mine
and make her come.”
Just like I knew she would, she listens and I watch as
she walks the fingers of one hand down her stomach, past
her hips until she reaches the soft hair covering the top of
her pubic. I love that she has the cute little strip of hair and
I watch as she tugs on it gently before moving her fingers
to give relief to her clit. Little whimpers escape her mouth
as she starts rubbing circles on the bundle of nerves
chasing an orgasm.
“Please Evander, it’s not enough. I need you in me. I
want you to fill me and put your baby in me,” Sadie begs.
“You’re not getting anything until after you come so I
suggest you use those fingers of yours and put in the work,
Princess. Show me how you get yourself off when you’re all
alone at night in your room.”
I expect her to whine and beg more but the urge to
come is stronger, and she chooses to take the fingers of her
other hand and trace around her opening. I watch as her
pussy flutters with her opening grasping for something and
getting no assistance until Sadie wastes no more time and
inches two fingers in her center. Her pussy is like a suction,
drawing those two fingers in and I watch as she starts
pumping them in and out. The obscene sounds her pussy
makes turns me on.
“Listen to that greedy wet little cunt. The filthy fucking
sounds she’s making as you fuck her. I should record this so
I can listen to your sloppy sounds on repeat, baby.” Fuck
I’m already almost completely hard again and it’s taking
every ounce of restraint I have to hold off on taking over.
Sadie picks up speed with her fingers and I watch as she
loses the ability to multitask with both, so I reach out and
take over rubbing her clit, applying just enough pressure
and then easing up to feather light circles.
“If you want me to breed you, then you need to be a
good girl right now, Princess and you need to gush all over
your hand. You know what to do. Don’t stop.”
“Mmmmhhmmppp. Please, please, please. I need to
come. Don’t stop.” I increase the pressure I apply while
watching as she twists her fingers and curls them upwards
while using her other hand to push down on the top of her
pubic area. I know what’s coming and so does she.
Tremors start moving throughout her body and I can see
the goosebumps appearing all over her flesh and with two
more pumps of her fingers I watch as she pushes them out
and a gush is released from her center. Her come is coating
not only her thighs but also the couch and it reached my
stomach. I’m so fucking hard I doubt there’s much blood
anywhere else in my body.
“Don’t you feel better now?” I ask her while staring at
her prone form.
“We are definitely going to need to get the couch steam
cleaned. Now clean up after yourself.”
Her eyes are heavy-lidded but at the snap of my words, I
see them widen before running her hands through the
sticky mess on her legs and I watch as she sits up and licks
the palm and each digit one by one. As soon as she’s done,
she leans over and runs that dangerous tongue over every
drop that landed on me.
I run my thumb over her plump shiny lips watching as
her dilated eyes track my every movement.
“I’m gonna fuck you over this couch in the next minute if
we don’t get up and move to the bed. I’m not opposed to
that but I wanna see you spread out for me.” I get off the
couch and kick my boots off so my clothes can pile on the
floor. I reach behind me and tug my shirt off and leave it on
the mixed pile of garments before picking Sadie up. She
wraps her legs around my waist, locking them behind my
lower back and my cock is nestled right between her folds.
Every step down the hallway has me sliding back and forth
allowing her to coat me in her juices.
We reach her bedroom, and I walk until I feel my knees
hit the edge of the bed and I toss Sadie down and watch
her bounce and let out this cute giggle.
I hover over her, just drinking her in. I’ve fucking missed
her more than I can describe. The way her hair is knotty
and spread out over the gray bedding has my heart beating
fast. This is what I want to see every day.
“Sadie, I want to say this so you take me seriously. I love
you woman. I’m fucking crazy about you and I don’t want to
go to bed another night without you. I don’t want to wake
up and not see you spread out like this in bed.”
“Oh Evander, I love you too. I want all of that also. Now
seal the deal and fuck meeee baby.” She drags out the end
as she pushes her lower body up to connect with mine.
“One more thing, move in with me. I don’t care who’s
house. I don’t care about how quickly it seems. I’m not
fucking letting you out of my sight again,” I demand,
purposely not asking. There’s no question I expect an
answer from because from this point forward we aren’t
spending time apart except for the necessities such as
“I should put up a fight, but I’m tired of being level-
headed. Yes, of course it’s yes.” With her words I capture
her lips drawing my tongue across the seam of her lips
before slamming into her hot wet heat. Her pretty pussy is
gripping me tighter than my fist and I swear if it wasn’t for
the look of euphoria on her face right now, I’d think she
was in pain from how tight she feels.
“Evander… why aren’t you moving?” she whispers to me
as I remain still with my dick sunk deep.
“I’m trying not to blow my fuckin load right now
Princess and embarrass myself.” As soon as the words
leave my mouth, I see Sadie grin and start squeezing her
pelvic muscles enticing a growl out of me, but I love how
comfortable she feels with me and that she can tease me. I
swear sex with my princess is never boring and this woman
constantly gives me as much push and pull as I give her.
I draw out all the way until the head of my cock is just
barely inside before retreating completely and grasping my
dick and using a downward force to smack the tip against
her throbbing clit. Watching the slap of sensitive skin
against each other already has my balls tensing up and I
reach down to give them a tug to ward off my orgasm.
“Want my baby, Princess? What will you do to have me
fill your womb up until it’s overflowing and there’s no way
you aren’t bred.”
I watch as a flash of defiance flashes through her eyes
before she responds, “Either you fuck me or I’ll be forced
to take matters into my own hand.”
Her words light me on fire and before I can even
register that she is goading me on purpose, I slam back
into her heat and grab a hold of her hips to hold her down.
The force of my thrusts cause the sounds of skin connecting
to echo throughout the room. I feel her getting wetter and
the sounds of our sex remind me of someone running in
fucking flip flops.
“Not. Fucking. Funny,” I exclaim at each particularly
hard thrust causing the headboard to hit the wall.
“No one will be fucking this pussy ever again. Not even
you unless by my command. Now take my cock like the
greedy girl you are. If you’re lucky, I’ll let you come before
She whimpers between trying to catch her breath and I
lean down to bite her left nipple and watch as her hands fly
up to grip my biceps. “Oww!”
“Get used to it, I’m just trying to toughen them up a
little before the babies get here.” My words have the
desired effect, and she clamps down harder than ever
before and if I didn’t know better, I’d think my dick was
being strangled to death.
“Come in me so I can make you a daddy.” Her words
have me thrusting two more times before I feel my orgasm
just on the horizon and settle my thumb on her bundle of
nerves and circle with hard pressure to get her across the
finish line.
“I’m gonna come and I want you to be a good girl and
keep it all in, do you understand me, Princess?” She nods
her head unable to form words but her grip tightens on
both my arms and my dick so I know she’s right there and I
give her the command.
“Fucking come with me baby, now!” and with a final
push inward as I feel her pussy trying to expel me with the
force of her orgasm. I come inside of her and give a few
shallow thrusts before slowly pulling out and watching as
her hole flutters all red and abused before our combined
fluid tries to escape.
“Lift,” I command as I pull a pillow under her ass tilting
her up. I fucking know she can’t get pregnant but the
thought of the fact that if it were a different circumstance,
we’d being doing this exact thing has me holding on to the
fantasy. I swipe the little bit coating the outside of her
lower lips and rub it across my mouth before leaning in and
kissing her so she can taste us.
“I love you and thank you for giving me another chance
after I messed up,” she tells me sleepily and I utter a
similar statement to her.
I roll off of her and watch as she struggles to keep her
eyes open. I pull the pillow from underneath her and pull
her into my arms.
“Sleep Princess, I’ll still be here in the morning. And
every morning after. I love you.” With a kiss to her forehead
we both let sleep take us.

The last two years have been a blessing and a curse for
Evander and I. Kink’d Up has grown from a small business
renting office space to now having our own full-blown office
building, we have expanded into another media platform
and have a video chat capability.
Sex and sexual proclivities are healthy and there is
nothing wrong with kink as long as it’s done between
consenting adults. Stressing that ADULT statement and
that’s why I’ve spent so much time and energy on vetting
verification of Kink’d Up members. The video platform has
become one of my most highly used features particularly
because it gives people the ability to test out their kinks
with potential matches while providing a safety net.
Meeting people is hard, exposing yourself and your kinks is
a delicate matter. What better way than to check the vibe
while face to face but not directly.
Meeting Evander on my own website still blows me
away. I hoped but never anticipated I would find someone
like him for myself. I was prepared to make my business my
partner, but my man swooped in and showed me that who I
am and what I want appeals to the right people. Person. I
can hear him growl in my head. Evander is very much
I had my birth control implant removed a few months
ago when Evander and I finally got settled into our
cohabitation and my business expansion. Every free
moment that we had was spent together working on the
house. I mostly kept Evander company and did little things
because me and power tools do not mix. We definitely
decided that I would have a bigger part in decorating after
I described my ideal home. Of course, Evander took my
dream home ideas and delivered. I was honestly blown
away when the house was all finished just a few months
ago. We decided that it was time to take our practice
breeding to a new level, and fuck it’s been more than I can
even imagine.

Evander is just getting home from a meeting where he bid

a massive project for his company. A million-dollar job and I
know he’s got it in the bag
As he walks in the door, I hear him say “What the fu—?”
as he sees a box on the counter with the Press Lube logo on
the side. “Princess, why the hell do we have a damn near
five-year supply of lube on the kitchen island?” As he
rounds the corner and finds me standing in the living room
“First of all, it’s not a five-year supply! Maybe a year and
they dropped it off at the office today when we had our ad
meeting,” I hhrmped at him.
“Secondly, I have something to tell you. I went to the
doctor to—” before I can even finish, Evander immediately
interrupts, “What’s wrong? Why didn’t you tell me? I
should have been there. Whatever it is, we'll handle it.” My
poor warrior, always jumping to the worst-case scenario.
“Everything is fine. I just needed a checkup and
everything looks good.” I say reassuring him since last
month I was having back-to-back migraines.
“Grab some lube and meet me in the bedroom.” I turn
and walk off down the hallway as I hear him drop his boots
in the entryway.
No sooner do I round the corner of the bedroom, here
comes my man down the hallway like a man on a mission to
get into my wet heat and make me a filthy dirty girl just
like how he loves me.
I squeal as he throws me onto the bed and I swear he
loves doing it solely for the fact that everything on me
jiggles, even the parts I not so secretly hope don’t.
He’s on me within seconds, and I feel the giant bottle of
lube bounce onto the bed down by my feet and I can’t be
bothered to care, because what I want from Evander today
is forefront in my mind.
“I want you to fuck me so hard and I want multiple loads
of your come in me until I’m so full that there’s no room for
your cock in my pussy anymore,” I say as I watch his eyes
glaze over while looking at me as if he’s watching the scene
play out in his head.
“Oh my Princess wants to get filthy,” he says as he leans
down and nips at my bottom lip.
“I want to be your come dumpster, Evander.” As I watch
the color darken in his eyes, I know that I have him exactly
where I want him and I’m ready for the ride we are about
to go on.

Hey Kinkers,
When I started out, it was only to be able to test the
algorithm in a real-world application when so many others
had failed me personally. I didn’t expect Evander but if I
had to choose which one I cherish more, it would be him
over my company. The type of man he is and the way he
anticipates my needs shows me that I deserve everything in
the world.
As I glance down at the plastic stick in my hand, I know
that I hold the next journey in our lives, and I wouldn’t
want to experience it with anyone else but him. Everyone’s
happily ever after looks different and to me, I got mine
when Evander came into my life. He’s my true North and I
wouldn’t want to do this thing called life with anyone else
behind me, in front of me, but most importantly beside me.
I know that he feels the same way, not so much in his words
but his actions.
Now, how the hell am I gonna tell the grump he’s gonna
be a dad?
Until next time Kinkers,

“Jackson, don’t you throw that shit at your sister,” I holler

at my four-year-old son as I see him streaking through the
living room with the remote like it's a boomerang headed
straight for my three-year-old daughter Seraphina. We
didn’t plan on having two kids back-to-back, but apparently,
we lapsed on birth control at some point so here we are.
It’s fucking eight in the morning and I was trying to let
Sadie sleep in because she’s been having a shit week of
sleep and these two terrors are not making it easy. I even
tried bribing them with chocolate chip pancakes and whip
cream which Sadie will maim me for if she finds out.
I love my kids and I never imagined I would be a good
dad but sometimes it would be great if they didn’t throw
everything within grasp like a frisbee through this house. I
wouldn’t trade it for the world but who would have thought
such a grumpy bastard like myself would have a wife and
two kids and two businesses. After Sadie and I got married,
I made her an owner of my business in case anything
happened to me. She protested that she didn’t need it, but
she was pregnant with Jackson, and it was the smartest
decision so she didn’t have to jump through any legal
hoops. About a year ago she insisted on bringing me in on
Kink’d Up which I vehemently protested but her business
has blown up so much from the small set up to a full
corporate one and she wanted to make sure that the
company could be left to the kids.
I hear a creak on the stairs and know that the kids woke
their mom up and roll my eyes because my plan was shot to
“Good morning, Princess.”
“Morning, my grumpy warrior. Thank you for keeping
the kids out of the room so I can get a little extra sleep.”
“I wish it had been more, Princess. I can take the kids
out today so you can nap. Do you have anything else you
need to get done today?” I just want to give her the world
but right now all she needs is rest. I feel useless and I know
that’s just my insecurities sitting on my shoulder.
“No babe, I’m good but we should cash in on that favor
the three musketeers owe us and have them watch the kids
next Friday night. I want to play.” She smirks while running
her eyes up and down my body.
“God I fucking love you, Sadie. I’ll text them and set it
up. I hope you’re ready to be devoured. I don’t know what I
did to deserve you, but I’m so glad you’re fucking mine.”
“And you are mine. Let’s get the kids ready and go buy a
new plant.” She walks off to her babies and they run to her
clamoring to both be on her lap.
Six years ago, I would not have pictured this but signing
up for that website after another shitty night at the bar was
hands down the best thing I ever did. No matter what has
been thrown at us, I choose her, and I’ll keep choosing her.

Thank you so much for reading!

If you loved this story please consider leaving a review, it

means the world to authors, big or small.

Did you love Jay Bird aka Jake Not From State Farm?

Jake’s book ‘Tied Up’ will be coming in 2023.

Rory - I have no words, but look I put something on

Amazon. I’m coming over for coffee! Thank you for always
reading my crap and helping me fix it.

KB - Thank you always jumping in and sprinting at odd

times for twenty minutes and letting me get my scenes

Jackie - Thank you for letting me steal Rory from you but
mostly all the forms, sheets, and docs you’ve made for her.
In the words of you, I DON’T KNOW SHIT ABOUT FUCK!
Also please be nice to me when you find out what Rory and
I did…

Shawna, Brittney, Stephanie - Thank you so much for

reading and helping me figure out what went where and if
it even made sense! Your comments were invaluable. You
are appreciated.

ARC Readers & Bookstagrammers - Thank you for sharing

my work and DM’n me. Commenting and just generally
being so freaking welcoming. Thank you for reading!

Chloe - I could fuck with you for eternity…. infinity

DRS - You Saved Me.

Tate Monroe is a thirty something year old ravenous reader who was
desperately seeking kinky books that were well written.
Tate resides on the West Coast and runs solely on coffee and tacos.
When she's not peddling smut you can find her working for 'The Man'.
Where kink and love collide. Tate will bring you your desires and always
supply you a kinky ever after.
Instagram: @authortatemonroe
Facebook: @authortatemonroe
Tik Tok: @authortatemonroe
Facebook Group: Hedonistic Heathens

Kink’d Up:
Tied Up Coming 2023

Collabs with Rory Ireland:

Our Illicit Desires Coming February 2023
No Crosses Count Coming Spring 2023

Check out our taboo/banned books here soon:

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