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42 Story Collection
Nina Sestina

42 Story Collection
Nina Sestina
All Rights Reserved ©2023 Nina Sestina. First Printing: 2023.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior
written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses
permitted by copyright law.

All characters in this story are fictional, and 18 years of age and older.
Table of Contents
Her Stepdaddy’s Lap - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 1
Stepmom Convinced by Therapist To Try Out Her Stepson - Naughty Home
Therapy Volume 2
Stepmom Convinced to Try Out Her Stepson’s Big One - Naughty Home
Therapy Volume 3
Relieving Forbidden Tension (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy
Volume 4
Taboo Escape Room (Stepdad/SD, Stepmom/SS) - Naughty Home Therapy
Volume 5
Forbidden Incentives for her Stepson - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 6
Coming Into Her Room to Teach Her How (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home
Therapy Volume 7
Fertile Attraction (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 8
Stepmom Wants Her Younger Man - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 9
Off Limits Indulgence (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 10
Claiming Her Innocence (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume
Forbidden Obsession (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 12
Taking Her Over (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 13
Getting it Out of Their Systems (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy
Volume 14
Forbidden Intimacy (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 15
Stepmom’s Fertile Filling - Taboo Volume 1
Becoming His Naughty Girl (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 2
Rough and Mean (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 3
Her Younger Man (Cuckold) - Taboo Volume 4
Massive Morning Wood (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 5
Riding Her New Bull (Stepmom/SS, Cuckold) - Taboo Volume 6
Massive Temptation (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 7
Forbidden Curiosity (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 8
The Young Bull (Stepmom/SS, Cuckold) - Taboo Volume 9
Doing What His Wife Won’t Do (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 10
Quenching His Thirst (Stepdad/Stepdaughter, Lactation, Nursing) - Taboo
Volume 11
A Fertile Affair (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 12
Her New Playtoy (Stepmom/Stepson) - Taboo Volume 13
Servicing His Massive Morning Wood (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 14
Overflowing From The Tap (Lactation and Nursing) - Taboo Volume 15
Fertility Check (Stepdad/SD Breeding) - Taboo Volume 16
Pregnant by Her Stepson - Taboo Volume 17
Her Massive Taboo Temptation (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 18
Intimate Exploration (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 19
Oedipal Exploration (Stepmom/Stepdaughter Lactation and Nursing) -
Taboo Volume 20
His Massive Stick Shift (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 21
She Wants Way Older (Step-Grandpa/SGrandDaughter) - Taboo Volume 22
An Act of Jealousy (SDad/SD) - Taboo Volume 23
Oedipal Playtime (Stepmom/SD) - Taboo Volume 24
Stepping In For His Girlfriend (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 25
Releasing Pent Up Frustration (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 26
Impossible Temptation (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 27
Her Stepdaddy’s Lap - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 1

Willow was a holistic sex therapist who mostly worked with

couples. She’d always been a very sensual and sexual being, and so it was a
career path she naturally fell into. Once she fixed a couple of her friends’
sex lives just by giving a little hands on advice, she knew she’d found her
calling. And she was good at what she did.

She received a call from a woman named Shannon who said she
needed help at home. Her husband’s sex drive was off the charts in
comparison to hers, and she didn’t know what to do about it as it was
beginning to cause problems in her marriage. Willow chatted with her on
the phone for a few minutes to set up an appointment, but she preferred to
hear the details of what she’d be working with in person. She got a much
better feel for the situation that way.

Willow didn’t have an office, choosing instead to work exclusively

from her clients’ homes. She wanted them in a safe comfortable
environment, as she found people opened up easier sexually in their own

They set up the appointment, and Willow arrived 15 minutes early the
following day. It was a nice home, two levels with four bedrooms and a
well kept lawn. Shannon and her husband Brady were waiting for her at the
door. Willow immediately sensed a low grade tension between them,
something a little off about their body language. They weren’t affectionate,
but they were friendly. Willow brought some hummus and naan bread to
help break the ice, and Shannon brought a bottle of wine with three glasses.

“Will you be having a glass of wine with us tonight Willow?”

Shannon asked, as the three of them sat down on the couch.

“I’m fine thank you.” Willow smiled. She didn’t drink, but found it
helpful when her clients had a glass or two of wine, especially when they
first met. “So, what you explained to me on the phone was essentially that
you don’t have much of a sex drive, and your husband does?” she asked.

Things unfurled rapidly from there, with Shannon doing most of the
talking. They seemed to be on the same page, almost like an agree to
disagree situation. Shannon tried giving him morning handjobs to help keep
him satiated, but it wasn’t enough. The real problem, they said, is that it was
becoming a bigger and bigger issue in an otherwise happy marriage.

It was a productive first session, 45 minutes in and out. Willow gave

the first session free, using it to gather intel and prepare a plan of attack.
They exchanged pleasantries and hugs, and Willow got in her car and drove
home. She was pleased with how things had gone, but wasn’t sure what she
could do as a therapist. Shannon was rather clear that she wasn’t
particularly interested in sex at all, and once a week was her golden number.
No matter what type of sex they had once a week, that wouldn’t be enough
for Brady. They had mismatched libidos, practically sexually incompatible
in a long term relationship in Willow’s opinion.

Shannon called the next day to check in and schedule their next
session. She also dropped a bombshell. Shannon had an 18 year old
daughter named Lily who lived with them, and Shannon had snooped
through her diary and read things she found off putting and needed help
making sense of.
“Well, what was it?” Willow asked.

“I’d rather speak in person.” she said.

“Of course. I agree.” They met the following day, and the three of
them sat down in the same places as before. “So tell me, what was it you
found in Lily’s diary?” she asked. Brady’s eyes perked up at the mention of
it, as it was the first he’d heard about it.

“Yeah, what was in Lily’s diary?” he asked.

“Well, I found it yesterday and I wanted to bring it up here so I only

had to say it once.” Shannon said, wiggling with discomfort. “I was reading
through Lily’s diary, which I know I shouldn’t have done, but I found
something. It was like, really graphic details about…I guess you’d call them
fantasies. About my husband.” she said. Several seconds passed with
Willow and Brady in stunned silence. It was broken by the sound of the
door to the living room swinging open. It was Lily, and she had a big smile
on her face and was sucking on a lolly pop.

“Oh hey, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” she said,
prancing through the living room.

“It’s okay honey, but we do need some privacy.” Shannon said.

“Okay mom.” she said, before turning to look at Brady as she left the
room. “Hi daddy.”

“Hi baby.” he said. Willow couldn’t help noticing the sparkle in their
eyes when they looked at each other, the pep in their cadence. It was a stark
difference between the way Brady and Shannon were with each other.

“Anyway, yeah. Page after page after page, all just smut about
sucking Brady’s penis, or sitting in his lap and bouncing up and down on
him, all sorts of stuff like that.” she said.
“How did reading that make you feel?” Willow asked.

“Honestly, I dunno, it was weird. But I kept reading and I found

myself picturing them doing the things she was describing, and I felt myself
starting to get very aroused.” she said.

“And Brady, how does hearing that your stepdaughter has feelings
like that for you? That she has explicit sexual fantasies about you?” Willow
asked. His face bunched up and he looked immediately over to his wife,
who was waiting for his response.

“It’s fine baby, it’s therapy. Just tell the truth.” she said.

“I haven’t really had time to process it. I haven’t read it. I don’t know
what I think.” he said. Willow decided not to press any harder on the issue,
as she did find it a violation of Lily’s privacy that her mother had read
through her diary, but it was an interesting gem to add to the equation. The
rest of the session was standard, and Willow gave the couple some
suggestions that might spice up their love life. But she could see the passion
wasn’t really there, and she didn’t feel optimistic about their chances at
rekindling it.

Late that night, it hit Willow hard. She knew it was controversial, but
it would be mutually beneficial to all parties involved and might be the only
way to save their marriage. Willow phoned Shannon and asked if it might
be possible for her to speak to Lily.

“I’ll have to ask her, but if she agrees, that would be fine.”

“And Shannon? Would it be okay if I told her some of the things that
are going on in therapy? Nothing too specific, just kind of an overview of
why I’m here.”

“I trust your discretion. That would be fine.”

Lily was a very outgoing and agreeable person, and was willing to
meet up with Willow. Lily thought she was pretty, and liked the way she
dressed. Their session would be alone, away from Shannon and Brady.

They hit it off right away, talking about TV shows they both
happened to be watching and joking around. They both felt like friends
right away. Willow was there for a reason though, she wanted to see if
Lily’s fantasies were just fantasies, or something she’d consider actually
acting out.

“What do you think of your stepdad?” she asked.

“I don’t know, he’s really cool. I love him. What do you mean?” Lily

“I mean, just between the two of us, I would drop my panties for him
anytime. He’s hot.” Willow said. She wasn’t lying, she did find him very

“Oh my gosh.” Lily said, covering her mouth with both hands. “I
know. It’s awful. A bunch of my friends talk about trying to seduce him and
it drives me crazy.”

“Why does that drive you crazy?”

“I don’t know, jealousy I guess.”

“Jealousy?” Willow asked.

“Yeah. I want to be the one to seduce him.” she burst out laughing,
“I’m joking, but yeah. He is super hot. Don’t tell anyone I said that, please.
People would think it’s weird.” she said.

“Of course. I won’t tell anyone anything we say here, unless I

explicitly ask you for permission to do so.” Willow said.
“Okay. Thank you Willow.”

“Do you want to hear the dirt on your mom and Brady?” Willow
asked. “She told me it was okay to share some of the things we talk about in
therapy with you.”

“Ugh, sure.”

“Your stepdad apparently has a really high sex drive. Like he wants to
do it over and over, and your mom is more of a once a week type of
person.” she said. “And as a therapist, I just don’t know what to do about it
you know? Usually I would suggest sex games and kinky things to spice
them up, try to get them to open up about desires they’re keeping from each
other. Stuff like that. But with them, it’s just mismatched libidos, you
know? I always say that’s the one thing I can’t fix. But I’m gonna try.”

“Oh wow. That’s so sad. I had no idea.”

“Yeah. What about you Lil? If you had a partner you were super
attracted to, like your stepdad for instance, how many times a day would
you want to do it?” Willow asked.

“Uhm, geez. I guess, honestly, probably twice a day at least.

Sometimes more though.” she said.

“See! That’s what your stepdad needs. An appetite for him like you
have. I could make that work.” Willow said.

“Yeah. So what are you gonna do for them? I mean, if that’s okay to

“Absolutely. Well, I’ve been racking my brain on it and haven’t been

able to come up with anything. At the end of the day, Brady is going to be
sexually frustrated. He probably walks around all day with a heightened
sense of horniness and arousal because he isn’t having his needs met.”
“Really?” she asked.

“Oh absolutely. I bet he starts getting hard if you walk by wearing

something skimpy. A man’s urges can be really strong.”

“Did he say that happens?” she asked, eyes widening with hope.

“No. We haven’t discussed it. I’m just saying.”

“I don’t think so. I doubt he looks at me like that.” Lilly rolled her
eyes, expressing obvious frustration.

“I think you’d be surprised. He’s a man. It’s not as weird as you think.
Take you for instance. You obviously find him attractive, and I don’t think
it’s weird at all.”

“Really? You think?” she asked.

“I don’t know, I’d have to ask him.”

“Would you? Ask him?” Lilly asked, suddenly clutching her teddy

“If you want me to.”

“But like, don’t make it obvious. I don’t want him to know how I feel.
Or whatever.” she said. Willow grinned, feeling like she was passing notes
between classmates. Willow saw the way he looked at her, and already
knew how he actually felt. Getting him to admit it was another thing

“Of course. I’m very good at what I do.” she said. “One more thing,
and this is kind of petty and I want it to be off the books.”

“Have you ever seen his cock? Brady’s?” she asked. Lily turned red.

“A couple times.”


“It’s…it’s really nice.” she said, struggling to maintain confident eye


“You’re lucky. I wanna see it.” Willow said, trying to establish a very
open rapport about sex. “Have you seen it hard?” she asked, pressing the
issue. Lily sighed.

“Once. It was like a month ago.” she said.

“Oh my God. Please tell me.”

“Okay, but you can’t tell him this.”

“Of course baby. I just wanna know.” said Willow.

“Okay, so I was just going into his room to grab some sunscreen
because I was laying out. When I walked in, he was lying on his back with
VR glasses on, completely naked.”

“No fucking way.”

“I swear to God.”

“What did you do?”

“What do you think? I pulled out my cell phone and took a picture of
him and then got the hell out of there.”

“You have a picture of him naked?”

“No. I looked at it and masturbated, and then deleted it. I was too
scared to keep it on my phone.”

“Damn. I wish I could see it.” said Willow.

“It was amazing. So thick, and just like, manly.”

“Okay, that’s enough. This is making me horny as fuck, and I have to

stay professional with him.”

“Tell me about it. Not easy.” Lily said.

“Alright baby, it was so nice meeting you. Can we do this again?” she

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

Willow thought about her plan for a while after that, and considered
what might be the best ways to go about it. It was a delicate situation, but
the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. As long as Shannon
agreed to it, then they could stay together, his needs would be met, and Lily
would get a safe environment to take out all of her sexual urges with the
man they trusted most.

“I know it’s unconventional, but I really want you to consider it.”

Willow said, pitching the idea over the phone to Shannon. “Think about
why you were so turned on reading your daughter’s diary? The mere
thought of them doing it arouses you. It makes so much sense to me, but
obviously, the choice is yours. If you agree, I’ll bring it up to Brady during
our next session.

“I understand Willow, and I definitely need some time to think it over.

We’ve always been monogamous, but I’ve also seriously considered the
option of letting him have sex with other women but I never pulled the
trigger. I’m just not like you or him Willow, especially as I’ve gotten older.
I’m just not sexual. I want someone else to wear him out, I just want the
stability he provides and the love we share. I want things to work. It would
just be a lot, you know, turning my daughter over to him.”

“I understand, and I don’t mean to put a lot on you. It’s just an


“Thank you Willow, it’s an interesting idea. I’ll go for a walk later
and think about it.”

“Thank you Shannon, I’m really enjoying this and I hope we can
figure something out to help.” Willow said. Multiple seeds were planted,
but she had to get Shannon’s permission before she would tempt the easiest
of the 3, Brady.

Two days passed before Shannon reached out to Willow through text,
“I’m in.” Willow moved immediately for a private session with Brady so
she could pick his mind and see how he really felt. She wasn’t sure he could
be as purely honest with his wife around on these matters, and it would just
be easier to be one on one for the talk anyway. She also booked a private
session with Shannon, so they could discuss the details and framework they
would set to allow this to happen. She needed to know for sure that
Shannon was really in.

The first session was with Shannon, who seemed to have really
committed to Willow's course of action. She explained again how
mismatched libidos are a tricky problem to solve, and how the answer
seemed to be living right down the hallway and writing about it in her diary.

“Yeah. I mean, if she’s got that much built up tension for him, I don’t
know. She’s either gonna seduce him behind my back or go out and find
some random older man…I can’t even think about that. I much prefer this
option.” she said.

“I don’t think she’d ever seduce him behind your back. She loves you
too much. But I think she’ll gladly give into her temptations if her mother
gives her permission.”
“Yeah. Thank so much Willow, I would have never been able to
confront something like this on my own. My mind doesn’t even go there.
But now, I kind of feel more sexual. I want to know that Brady and Lil went
at it, I want to hear it. I don’t know why, maybe I’m perverse. It’s sexy to

The next session was with Brady, who Willow elected to tread more
lightly with out of the gate. They talked about how things were going at
work, how Willow’s suggestions had gone.

“It was definitely fun to get a little kinky with her, to tie her up and
blindfold her, and she seemed to really enjoy it…” he said, trailing off.


“But she still only wants to do it once or twice a week. I’m 43 years
old, I’m successful and married. I’m not supposed to be having sex once or
twice a week and sneaking off to the bathroom to jerk off. I just can’t do it.”
he said.

“I understand, it’s what I suspected would happen.” she said. “But I

do have one other option. It’s kind of unconventional though, just to warn

“That’s fine, I’m all ears. What is it?” he asked, lacing his fingers and
leaning forward.

“Let me preface this by saying that I’ve already run this by Shannon,
multiple times, and she’s 100% in if it’s something you’re interested in.”

“What is it?”

“Well, I’ve always said that mismatched libidos, in terms of bringing

people back in line sexually, is the most difficult problem to fix. Because
one or the other will have to make a sacrifice, and it won’t keep both people
happy.” she said, making her way around to the point. “But in this case,
there is a way that you could both maybe have your cake and eat it too.”

“I’m listening.”

“Lily.” Willow said, looking directly into Brady’s eyes.

“What about her?” he asked.

“Well, as you now know, she writes extensively about her very
explicit fantasies involving the two of you engaging in unprotected sex.”
she said, watching him squirm in his seat.

“Yeah, Shannon said some of it was pretty kinky too.” he said. “Still,
what about her? I don’t see how that is going to help my sex life.”

“Neither of you want to lose your marriage, but with mismatched

libidos there always has to be some sort of a compromise. And in the case,
in my opinion as a sex counselor, the obvious solution is to allow yourself
and Lily to engage in an intimate physical relationship.”

“Whoa. I don’t know about all that. Shannon said that would be

“She did. And Lily is young and seems to have a sex drive that’s on
par with yours.” Willow said. “Tell me Brady, no judgments, do you find
your stepdaughter attractive physically?” she asked. Brady considered the
question long and hard, displaying all sorts of fidgety and self soothing
body language. Willow already knew the answer, but it was important that
he could admit it to her, and to himself, and to his wife, and to Lily herself.
Or else none of Willow’s plan could come to fruition.

“She’s beautiful,” he said, finally opening up. “Gorgeous. I never let

myself think about that, but yes, absolutely.”
“Good. Because she feels quite strongly about you, and like I said,
even Shannon agreed. What woman would agree to let her own daughter
engage in something like this with her husband if she didn’t think it was the
best thing.”

“I didn’t think about it like that.”

“Think about it like this. You want more sex in your life, you said it
keeps you balanced and regulated.” she said.

“That’s correct.”

“Lily is right down the hall from your room every night. While you’re
trying to get your boner to go down and struggling to fall asleep,
disappointed yet again that you’re going to bed without sex, Lily is in her
bed, masturbating to thoughts of the two of you together. Whimpering the
word daddy under her breath so no one can hear while she orgasms thinking
about your cock.” she said.

“What about Lily? Have you talked to her about this?” he asked.

“Not directly, but I think she’ll be an easy sell. Especially once she’s
been given permission.” she said.

“Wow. You really are unorthodox. It sounds crazy, but it also kind of
makes sense.”

“And won’t it be nice? You won’t have to get divorced, or seek sex
elsewhere. And she is a little doll baby, you’re right about that. Doesn’t that
excite you?” she asked, trying to get him fully behind the idea.

“I mean, yeah. Like I said, I’ve never let myself think about it before.
I definitely never thought I’d be in bed with an 18 year old ever again.”

“I find it funny that you don’t say you never thought about it, you say
that you never let yourself think about it.” she said, forcing Brady to release
a nervous chuckle.

“Well, yeah. I mean, she’s so fucking hot. Honestly, what am I

supposed to do? But I love her, so much, and I just decided to push it away
because it wasn’t appropriate.”

“It is now Brady. It’s for the family.” she said. They shared a long
hug, and Willow imagined him giving the same hug and more to Lily. It
turned her on that they were going to go through with this, it was so hot, so
taboo. “I’m gonna chat with Lil before I head out. Is that okay?”

“Of course.” he said. Willow went down the hall, and knocked on her

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Willow.” she said. Lily opened the door right away, and let
her in.

“What’s up?” she asked. Willow grinned, and closed the door behind
them. “Well, you know how I was supposed to ask Brady if he liked you?”

“Oh my gosh, yes. What did he say? No, don't even tell me.”

“Settle down babers, it’s good news. Like really good.” she said. Lily
sat down on her mattress, eyes wide. “He said he thinks you’re beautiful, he
called you gorgeous, said you’re so fucking hot and that he has to fight
himself not to think about it.”

“No way. He did not say that, shut up.”

“I’m not kidding.” Willow said. Lilly immediately screamed into her
pillow with excitement, before springing to her feet and jumping up and
down. “Oh my gosh. I can’t believe he said that.”


“There’s something I need to talk to you about. Something I need to

ask you.”


“You know how I told you about how I was helping your mom and
Brady with their sex lives? And how it was a classic case of mismatched

“Yeah, I remember.” Lily said, cocking her head to the side.

“Well, I talked to your mother about this already, and I talked to

Brady, and they both agreed but only if you’re willing.” she said.

“Okay.” Lily said, her voice soft and low.

“The idea is that the only way to save their marriage is to take care of
Brady’s sexual needs, and Shannon isn’t interested in doing that. So when I
saw how much of a crush you obviously have on him, I had to run it by
Brady just in case he felt the same way. It was a long shot, but he did. He
was beaming when he spoke of you.”

“But what are you saying? I don’t understand.”

“They’re at a breaking point, and Brady deserves to have his sexual

needs met. Do you agree?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“Brady doesn’t have eyes for anyone else. He only wants you. And it
works out perfectly, he could come into your room every night and you two
could do your thing. You could show each other how much you love each
other, I think your relationship could benefit from that added intimate

“Wait, are you talking about me having sex with him?”

“I am.”

“Wouldn’t that make things weird with mom?” she asked.

“Of course not. She wouldn’t let anything come between you two,
especially not something that she wants. She actually told me thinking
about it turns her on. She wants it to be you.” said Willow.

“But…Like I want that, but it makes me feel so awkward. I don’t

think I could actually do it, I’ve never had sex before.”

“Well baby, it’s going to happen eventually. Would you rather it be

with some random guy when you’re 19 or 20, or with the man that you
can’t stop thinking about? The one you know will love you forever.”
Willow said.

“With Brady.”

“So what do you think? Are you in?” she asked. Lily thought about it
for a few seconds, and then smiled wide.

“Of course. I’d do anything for them.” she said.

“You’re lucky. I want to fuck him so bad, but only you get to do that
now.” Willow stood up, gave Lily a hug, and went home for the night. She
felt good about the plan, and found the whole context incredibly sexy.
Willow loved helping people release their inhibitions, she thought the
whole world should loosen up a bit. Explore taboos.

There was a final session with the whole family, where Shannon
drank some wine and they all talked about what was going to be taking
place. Talking about it made Lily feel more comfortable, and it made Brady
enter a level of horniness he wasn’t used to. He felt like he was going
through puberty, uncontrollably popping boners.

He couldn’t take his eyes off of Lily, nor could he believe how lucky
he was to have her in his life. He was in his forties, and there was a
beautiful 18 year old girl who was completely smitten with him, to the point
that she masturbated exclusively to fantasies revolving around him. He
looked up and down her fertile young body, so tiny and lean, and tight.
Supple little tits, gorgeous nipples he could only assume. The thoughts were
intrusive, and he struggled paying attention to the session.

Lily was starting to feel his eyes, and it was making her nervous and
giggly. He’d never looked at her like that before, like he was a hungry
animal and she was his delicious prey. She hoped that he would devour her,
defile her, and take her without protection. She wanted to kiss him, to suck
him, to feel him inside her. She wanted everything, to hear him grunting, on
top of her.

Willow could tell that it was more of a two person therapy session, as
Lily and Brady were bitten by the love bug and incapable of rational
thought outside of consummating their passion for each other. So she talked
to Shannon, and let the two of them sidebar until she felt that Shannon had
come to terms with everything and was still on board. Willow sensed no
hesitation on her part, and elected to change the environment.

“Thank you so much. This would have never crossed my mind, but
I’m perfectly okay with it. I’m just sick of the problems, I want solutions.”
Shannon said, giving Willow a hug before retiring to her room for the night.

“And then there were two. Let’s all go to your bedroom Lily. I have
some exercises for you two.” she said, taking them each by the hand and
leading them to what she hoped was the promised land. Willow closed the
door behind them as they entered the room, and instructed Brady to have a
seat on the edge of her mattress. She could feel the tension in the room, the
discomfort. It was beyond clear what they both wanted, but there was
already a pretty settled in dynamic to their relationship that certainly didn’t
include anything sexual.

“Okay.” he said, unsure of what was about to unfold.

“Now Lily, I want you to lay over his lap face down.” Willow said.

“Okay. How come?” she asked.

“Just trust me. There ya go.” Willow watched as Lily bent herself
over her stepdad’s knee, wearing a pair of short shorts.

“Now Brady, I want you to spank her as hard as you can. Don’t hold
back.” she said, staring him directly in the eye.

“Excuse me?” he asked, Lily’s eyes practically bulging out of her


“I’m kidding.” Willow said, drawing a roar of laughter between the

three of them. Once it died down, she continued. “But I’m only kinda
kidding. I do want you to spank her, very lightly.” she said.

“I don’t think I understand the point of this.”

“Because it’s playful. And silly. And it’ll help you two get more
comfortable in each other’s presence, touching each other in places you
haven’t touched each other before. Doesn’t she have a cute little booty?
Don’t you want to touch it?” she asked, slowing her cadence and lacing her
voice with sensuality.

“Well, I can’t argue with that.” he said, looking down over his
stepdaughter’s luscious body.

“You like it daddy?” Lily asked, slightly shaking her ass for him.
“Baby…” he said, looking down at her tight butt and thinking of all
the terrible things he wanted to do to her. Brady reached down to her
backside, letting his fingers sink into a fistful of firm flesh. “Wow.”

“I said spank, not fondle.” Willow said.

“Oh. I’m sorry.” he said, pulling his hand away.

“I’m kidding again. Go ahead, play with her butt.” she said. Brady
snorted, and looked down at Lily who was grinning at him.

“You’re so pretty baby. Do you care if I play with it?” he asked.

“Of course not daddy. I’m yours now.” she said. Lily was full blown
obsessed with him, and felt zero hesitation regarding what would take place
between them. She’d wanted it for so long, and now that she had permission
from a therapist, nothing was going to stop her. “That feels good.” she said,
as her much older stepfather explored her tush with his big strong hands.

“It’s soft and firm at the same time. I want to use it as a pillow.” he

“You can use it as a pillow anytime you want.” Lily said, relaxing
beneath his soothing touch. The two of them had only hugged and
exchanged quick pecks on the lips. This was something different entirely,
and Willow was pleased watching things unfold. Getting them comfortable
together wasn’t a challenge at all.

Shannon was oddly okay with what was happening, and didn’t want
to intrude on their special time, but at the same time she wanted to be a part
of it. So she placed herself on the other side of Lily’s wall in the guest
room, and put her ear up against it.

“I’ve never had a butt massage before.” Lily giggled. “I like it.” She
could feel herself getting wet, and her mind raced with intense sexual
thoughts. Brady could feel his cock filling up with blood, and felt
embarrassed that his stepdaughter might feel it. But that wasn’t enough to
stop him, as he couldn’t get enough of her tight young body in his hands.
He rubbed her lower back, gripping her tiny waist with both hands and
imagining how good it would feel being inside her.

“I will rub you anywhere baby, anytime.” he said, with one ass cheek
in each hand. He pulled her cheeks apart, and fought the urge to remove her
shorts. Willow let this go on for several minutes before adding additional

“This is so sweet. I wanted you to spank her, and here you are giving
her a massage. Too cute. You know what would make it feel better? If you
took your shorts off and let Brady use some lube on you.” said Willow. Lily
perked up, and looked back at Brady.

“Would that be okay? Can we do that?” she asked.

“Absolutely.” he said, much too turned on to deny her in any way.

“I want you to take them off of her though.” Willow said.

“Yes ma am.” Brady replied, allowing his fingers to slip inside of

Lily’s waistband.

“I have some baby oil.” Willow said, waiting for Brady to slide Lily’s
shorts down over her ass and down to her ankles before handing it over.

“This might be a little cold for a second.” he said, squeezing the bottle
and applying a liberal layer of oil to her backside. “Oh my God.” he said,
spreading it around and looking down at her exposed buttocks. It lit a fire
inside of him he couldn’t hide, staring at her young asshole and vagina.

“Oh daddy, I love this.” Lily said. She couldn’t remember being any
happier than right there in that moment with him.
“Baby…you’re so sexy. Such a woman.” he said. Willow could feel
herself getting turned on, seeing a loving older man finally giving into his
ultimate temptation.

“Daddy…” she said. Within moments, Lily was laying face down on
her bed, covered in oil with her stepdad’s hands all over her.

“Take this off,” he said, pulling her shirt up and over her head. She
wasn’t wearing a bra, and had tanlines where her bikini top usually rested.
“Baby.” he sighed, allowing his hands to move up and down her back.

“Turn over Lily. Let him rub your frontside.” Willow said, eager to
move them along. Lily did as she was told, exposing herself to her
stepfather entirely.

“Lil.” he said, instinctively reaching for her breasts. “Such pretty little
nipples.” he said, touching them with his thumbs and pointer fingers.

“They’re kinda small though.” Lily said, feeling a hint of self


“They’re gorgeous.”

“Really? You think so?” she asked, looking down at her breasts in a
new light. If Brady liked them, then she didn’t mind at all that they were
kind of small.

“Let me show you.” he said, leaning forward until his lips were
latched onto her nipple. He rolled his tongue gently around the tip, his cock
throbbing as he explored the body of the most off limits girl in his life.

“Oh my goodness.” she moaned, biting down on her lip and laying
her head back.
“My baby.” he said, spreading lube over her stomach and breasts.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

“Daddy…You’re the only man I ever want.” she said. Willow

watched the intensity of their eye contact as Brady leaned in for the first
real kiss. They’d exchanged pecks before, but this time it was carnal. They
were tasting each other, indulging their lust. “Mmm…”

“Lily, fuck I need you.” he said, taking off his shirt and then letting
his fingers move down between her legs.

“I’ve wanted you for so long daddy.” she said. His fingertips grazed
over her clit, and he watched his precious girl’s face fill up with pleasure.

“I need you Lily.” he said, pushing a single digit inside her.

“I love you.”

“I love you Lily, so much.” they kissed hungrily as Lily moaned

beneath his skillful touch. She was finally with her older man, living out the
scenario she’d fantasized about so many times before.

“I love you daddy.”

“I love you.” they repeated it back and forth, while Lily adjusted to
having his finger inside her. “You’re so wet and tight.” he said, amazed by
how small her vagina felt. It squeezed his finger tight, and he could imagine
what it would feel like to stuff his entire cock into her.

“I think you two have got it from here.” Willow said, standing to
show herself out. She wanted to masturbate and watch things unfold, but
she didn’t want to overstep her boundaries. It was their moment, and she
respected that.

“I want to taste you.” Brady said, lowering himself between her legs.
Lily looked down at Brady’s face between her thighs, and ran her fingers
through his hair as his lips grazed against her sex. “Such a pretty little
pussy.” he said, licking her clit.

“Dad…oh my God that feels amazing.” Lily was overwhelmed by the

novel sensation, and his tongue drove her deeper and deeper into a state of
pure bliss. “Daddy…please daddy, please. Please daddy.” she begged,
thrusting her hips against his face.

“You taste so good Lily.” he said, gasping a quick breath before

returning to what he was doing. Brady began to stroke his cock from
outside his gray sweatpants while he devoured his naughty little teenage
stepdaughter. He was alive again, and in his element. Lily was so beautiful,
so new and fresh for him. “I can’t believe we get to do this.”

“I know daddy, it’s so amazing.” Lily sucked her own thumb, biting
down on it as her stepdad’s warm tongue made her tingle with orgasm.
“Please don’t stop, please daddy.” she continued begging as her pleasure
reached a crescendo. Brady felt a great sense of accomplishment as his baby
girl came for his mouth. “Ugh, oh wow, oh my God.” she writhed
uncontrollably beneath him, gripping her sheets and forgetting to breathe.

“I want you now.” Brady said, crawling on top of her. Lily smiled,
still struggling to catch her breath. “Such a doll.”

“I want it too daddy.”

Brady removed his sweatpants, revealing a massive bulge in his white

boxer briefs. Lily studied his chiseled body, and watched in awe as his hard
cock flopped out from behind his waistband. She willingly spread her legs
for him.

“I want you so bad Lily,” he said. “You’re perfect.”

“I love you.” she said. Brady held her by the ankles, so her legs were
spread wide as he pressed himself up against her sex. Lily watched her
daddy’s big cock line up with her hole, and grimaced with discomfort as he
tried to work it inside her. “It’s so big.”

“It’s okay angel. I’ll be gentle at first.” he said.

“Thank you daddy.” she said. Lily trusted Brady with her life, her
heart, and most certainly, her vagina. He’d already proved his competency
with his mouth, and her mind was already blown. Mere days before, she’d
been awkwardly masturbating to him, feeling shame being in his presence
because it felt wrong to look at him in that light. Now her virgin pussy was
being plunged, stuffed full of her daddy’s big hard dick.

“Holy fuck Lily, it’s so tight. You’re gonna make me cum so hard.”
Brady grunted, looking down at the perfect teen pussy gripping his
throbbing cock. He couldn’t believe they were engaged in such a naughty
act, that he was allowed to satiate himself with the 18 year old girl down the
hall who meant the world to him.

“Daddy, I love it. I love your cock.” Lily whispered, fully immersed
in what was happening. Brady moved it in and out, each long stroke sent
her further into ecstacy. “Ugh, uhhhh….” Lily made sounds she’d never
heard herself make before, all involuntary.

“It’s so perfect.” Brady said, thrusting harder to see if she could take

“Oh my God!” Lily’s eyes widened, feeling her daddy’s pelvis collide
with hers as he filled her up entirely. “Hard daddy, hard like that.” she said,
reaching down to play with her clit as his thrusts reached a frantic rhythmic

“You like that baby?”

“Yes daddy. I love it.” she already felt like she was stuck in a loop of
constant orgasm, but could also feel it reaching a peak that was impossible
to explain. “Daddy…daddy I’m gonna cum.” she called out, unable to
control her body from exploding with pleasure.

“Baby! Me too.” Brady whimpered, struggling with all his might to

hold on. They weren’t using protection, and he knew he should pull out but
he simply couldn’t. She was his. And he had to claim her.

“Don’t stop daddy! Harder!” she was practically screaming,

completely unaware of anything besides her own satisfaction at that

Shannon was naked and soaking wet on the other side of the wall. She
could hear every whimper, every rhythmic slap. She could feel the walls
shaking, and hear her husband in a state of agony she hadn’t heard in years.
Her fingers were inserted deep inside herself, and her other hand was
furiously rubbing her clit. It wasn’t like her to be overtaken with arousal, to
let herself masturbate to something so dirty and wrong. But she loved it.

Lily and Brady kissed sloppily, drooling everywhere as they

swallowed each other's tongues. Brady hammered away as hard as he could,
feeling his tight teen daughter stretched beneath his throbbing girth.

“I’ve never had someone like you.” he grunted, realizing the words as
they left his mouth and his cock exploded inside of her fertile young vagina.

“I’m cumming!” they climaxed simultaneously, violating every

traditional aspect of their relationship in the most delectable way.

“Lily!” Brady moaned.

It wasn’t only two people climaxing at the same time. It was four.
Willow found her way into the guest room, and was sitting directly next to
Shannon with her pants around her ankle and playing with herself.

“Daddy. Thank you so much.” Lily said, wrapping her ankles around
his lower back and pulling him in for a kiss.
“You’re something else.”

“You’re my daddy.”

“And you’re my good girl.” Brady gripped her ass cheeks, still buried
deep inside her. The excess cum dripped down her thigh and onto Lily’s

Shannon and Willow sat next to each other panting in the other room.

“Was it just me, or was that the hottest thing ever?” Willow asked,
surprised by the power of her orgasm.

“Oh my God. Yes.” Shannon said, staring off a spot on the wall. She
hadn’t came like that in years. She didn’t need to see what happened, she
could feel it. Her husband had laid claim to her daughter in the most intense
of ways. And she was not only fine with it, she liked it.

Willow gave Ashley a hug, and went home for the night. Brady
cuddled with Lily until she fell asleep and then went back to the bedroom.
As much as he loved his Lily, he knew he needed to talk to his wife.

“Hi baby.” Shannon said, completely naked on the bed and waiting
for him.

“Hi baby.” he repeated, feeling himself grow hard at the sight of her.
“You look so good right now.”

That night was a major turning point for the whole family. Brady and
Shannon fucked all night, and they slept in the next morning as it was the
weekend. Nothing was awkward, and nothing was going to change. Lily
belonged to Brady, and they deepened their relationship by engaging in a
torrid sexual love affair. And Shannon was so turned on by what was
happening that it fixed their sex life.
Things had only started, but it was clear that there was a new energy
in the household. Shannon toyed with the idea of seducing Willow, while
Brady considered his responsibility as his step daughter’s first partner. He
wanted to introduce her to kink, to pleasures that were beyond her wildest

But in the meantime, all was well. They were all balanced, regulated,
and living a happy life. And they had Willow’s unusual approach to sex
therapy to thank for it.
Stepmom Convinced by Therapist To Try Out Her Stepson - Naughty Home

Therapy Volume 2

Chapter 1 - Sherry

Alexis had been a sex therapy patient of mine for almost a year. I also
worked from time to time with her 18 year old stepson Dillon. The gist of
Alexis’ dilemma was that she was no longer having sex at all with her
husband. She was no longer attracted to him, and he struggled severely with
erectile dysfunction, a result of his pornography addiction, poor diet, and

She wanted to have a meaningful sex life, and she was willing to do
that without her husband Philman. He wasn’t able to provide her with what
she wanted in the bedroom, and she wouldn’t have been interested anyway.
They’d been married for fifteen years and the marriage was as dead as their
bedroom. They stayed together because Philman wasn’t functional and
couldn’t survive on his own. He was also fairly wealthy, and Alexis wasn’t
interested in losing that stability and starting over at 40 years of age.

Her stepson Dillon also lived at home, and she definitely wouldn’t
go through with a divorce until Dillon had moved out. She was quite fond
of him, and would never leave him alone with his father.

We had in depth conversations about the type of sex she’d like to

have, and how she might go about getting it. She didn’t want to date
anyone, casually or seriously, and she wasn’t the type who could just go out
and hook up with randoms. She needed to know and care about the person
she was intimate with.

“I want it to be passionate, and full of lust. But also caring. And

explorative, and fun, and exciting. And I want it to be consistent, but I don’t
want things to turn into a relationship. I dunno, maybe I’m just fantasizing
and I don’t know what I want. I just know I’m horny all the time, and I
can’t go another day without doing something about it.” Alexis said.

“Well, you’re a very attractive woman, and you said your husband
doesn’t mind you sleeping with other men as long as you keep it to yourself
and don’t rub it in his face. Why haven’t you done something about it?” I

“Honestly, I just don’t have a person in mind. And like I said, I’m
not going out to a bar to meet some random guy or having one of my
friends set me up with their “eligible bachelor” friend. I don’t want to invest
a bunch of time in someone, I just want to jump right into the sack and let
loose. But I also can’t be comfortable with someone sexually until I’ve
invested a bunch of time into someone.” Alexis laughed in frustration,
burying her face in her hands.

“It makes sense though. Do you have an age range in mind? For
example, would you be interested in younger men?” I asked.

“Oh yeah.” Alexis said, perking up. “It’s kind of terrible actually,
but I kind of have a thing for younger guys.”

“How young?” I asked.

“Oh this is awful, don’t judge me. But I find myself fantasizing
about guys who are around my stepson’s age.” Alexis laughed again, this
time nervously.

“Oh I won’t judge. I like younger guys too, and between us, if I
didn’t work with Dillon professionally, I would probably be fucking him.” I
said, trying to move things in that direction. I had a very naughty idea, and
although it was quite unorthodox, I thought it would be the perfect solution
to Alexis’ problems.
“That’s terrible. But the same might be true if he weren’t my
stepson.” Alexis said.

“Isn’t he so hot? And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he’s

definitely got a big dick.”

“What? How do you know that?” she asked.

“Well I haven’t seen it or anything, but one day when he came in to

sit down on the couch, he was wearing white athletic shorts and I don’t
think he had any underwear on under them. Anyway, he kind of hopped his
way into the room and I couldn’t help noticing the big swinging bulge as he
plopped down on the couch.” I said.

“Oh wow. That only makes it worse.” she said.

“Do you ever fantasize about making love to him?”

“I try my hardest not to, but yes. I have.” she said. We’d spoken
openly about enough things regarding sex that she was fully open and
honest with me. She knew I wasn’t the one who was going to take a pious
stand or judge someone for their sexuality.

“Why do you try not to? It’s perfectly natural to think about men
you’re attracted to while you masturbate.”

“Well, yeah. And it is great when I let myself do it, the idea of
fucking him turns me on so much, but since I can’t, I’d rather not tease
myself and make it worse.” she said.

“So you really have a thing for him then huh?”

“I guess so. Again, it’s not something I let myself think about.
Whenever those thoughts pop into my head, I push them out and go about
my day.”
“That doesn’t sound healthy.” I said. “It’s better to explore the
thoughts caused by our natural attractions.”

“Yeah, and typically I’m that way. It’s just with Dillon, it’s different.
I care about him so much, he’s so good to me, he’s hot, he’s young, and I
know he’d be amazing in bed. And now you’re telling me has a big dick?
I’ve told you about his dad, he’s got to be a half inch from being legally
recognized as having a micropenis. “ she said. “It just feels wrong, it’s not
like he knows I look at him like that, and it’s not like he looks at me that
way. It just doesn’t seem fair to fantasize about someone off limits like that
and then act all normal in front of them like nothing is going on at all.”

“I understand completely. You respect him too much to masturbate

to him, because in your mind that’s dishonest?”

“Pretty much. But I have done it, multiple times. Sometimes I get so
horny I can’t control myself, and it’s always while I’m thinking about

“That sounds like a serious attraction. What if I told you there was a
way that you could tell him how you feel, fuck him whenever you wanted,
and never feel anymore guilt about masturbating to him?” I asked, ready to
unleash a plan I’d been working on for quite some time.

“Do tell.”

“Well, your husband already told you that he doesn’t care if you
sleep with other people as long as you don’t rub it in his face. And here’s
the bombshell, I’ve already spoke to Dillon about this.”

“Excuse me? You told him I’m attracted to him?” she shrieked, fear
gripping her face.

“No silly. You know I wouldn’t do that. But Dillon did bring up very
similar feelings to yours in one of our sessions, except honestly, I think he
might be even more attracted to you than you are to him.”
“Really?” she asked, her face widening with anticipation.

“He’s pretty open with me, and you’re all he wants to talk about in
regards to sex. He will ramble on and on just describing how beautiful you
are, how much he loves you, and all of the bad things he wants to do to you.
And I wouldn’t normally tell you this, and I haven’t for a long time, but in
our last session he told me that he doesn’t mind if I tell you about what he’s
said about you in therapy or how he feels about you.” I said.

“Why didn’t he say anything?”

“He wasn’t sure how it would go over. You’re technically married to

his father, you’re his stepmom, and he just didn’t want to offend you or
make you feel uncomfortable, but he said it’s getting to the point where he
can’t control himself anymore. He has to let you know how he feels. I think
by me relaying the information myself directly to you, and then if you’ll let
me do the same to him, it’ll go a long way towards making this thing

“Yeah, I felt the same way. I couldn’t act on anything because if he

wasn’t receptive, then I’d be the inappropriate one and in the wrong. And
he’s my stepson for crying out loud, these aren’t exactly normal

“So are you okay with me talking to him? As a sort of go between to

make you both more comfortable. I’d also love to have a quick little session
with the two of you at the same time.” I said.

“I don’t know…I mean, I’ve never thought of this as an actual

possibility. It was always just a fantasy that really turned me on. And don’t
get me wrong, the attraction is real. I just haven’t had time to consider
Dillon as a lover in real life. I’ve never actually been with a younger man
before, especially one who lives right down the hallway from me.” she said,
working her way through her thoughts as she spoke.
“It’s definitely a lot. But it’s also super hot, I’m jealous.” I said.


“Yeah. Classic stepmom stepson scenario, why do you think there’s

so much porn about it?” I asked.

“Oh boy. That’s embarrassing. I’ve actually watched a little of it

while thinking about Dillon. It’s kind of silly but I did enjoy it.” she said.

“Look, take your time and figure out what you want. But I will say
that I think you’ve suppressed these feelings for some time, at least to the
best of your ability, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot more pent up
sexual tension towards Dillon inside you than even you know.”

“I think you’re right. Even thinking about it now makes me happy, it

feels so right. I can’t even imagine how hot the sex would be, how good it
would feel to finally give in to him and let him ravage me. I had no idea
that he looked at me that way, I guess being so much older than him made
me feel like he wouldn’t be attracted to me.” Alexis said.

“Younger men love older women the same way we love them.” I
said. We spoke for a little while longer, and Alexis agreed that it would be
okay for me to talk to Dillon about their mutual attraction the following
Chapter 2 - Dillon

Sherry and I only had sessions once or twice a month, but it was
something I always looked forward to. It was nice having someone so open
to talk about sex with. At first I was very hesitant to speak with her, but
once I engaged in a couple casual conversations with her, I could tell she
was trustworthy and wasn’t judgemental.

My stepmother was one of her clients, and I didn’t know they were
talking about sex at first. I just thought she was a therapist. Anyway,
eventually I started talking with her because it just made sense to learn
more about sex as I was starting to experiment and experience it for myself.

It started slow, we talked about basic things like what I had done with
girls and things like that. Eventually I fully opened up, and Sherry liked to
ask a lot of questions and I always answered them as truthfully as I could.
I’m not sure how she picked up on it, but she was the one who initially
brought up my attraction to Alexis. We were talking about fantasy, and how
it’s perfectly natural and okay to fantasize about things.

“Have you ever had sexual fantasies about your mother, Alexis?” she

“Well, she’s like my mom, but technically still only my stepmom.” I


“Only? I think a stepmom is a lot like a real mom. Especially in your

case. The only difference is blood.”

“I agree.”

“So have you?” she asked. Sherry had a way of getting straight to the
point. She was incredibly open about sex and loved to pick my head about
my relationship with it. Even though I told her everything, and usually felt
no shame, this question made my face burn a little red.
“I have.” I said, staring down at the ground.

“It’s okay, I figured that you had.”

“You did?” I asked, confused by what tipped her off about my

obsession with my stepmother. Maybe it was more obvious than I thought.

“Your mother is gorgeous, she has a wonderful body and you’re very
close with her. I would almost be surprised if it hadn’t at least crossed your
mind.” she said.

“It’s done more than crossed my mind, it’s taken it over. Honestly,
99% of the time that I’m masturbating, I’m thinking exclusively about
Alexis.” I said.

“And what type of things do you think about?” she asked.

“All sorts of things. I think about her getting into the shower with me,
or me seeing her step out of the shower. I think about giving her foot rubs,
and full body massages. I think about eating her ass, and sucking on her
toes. I think about bending her over, I think about getting her pregnant. It
goes on and on.” I said. It was all true, and the rabbit hole went much

This became the main topic of conversation for the remainder of our
sessions, and it was something I could talk about for hours. The only
problem is it made me want her more, think about her more, and masturbate
more to her. It was getting out of hand, and I wasn’t sure what to do about
it. I definitely found other women attractive, but I wasn’t attracted to them
the same way I was to mom. She was so much classier, so much sexier, so
much more perfect for me.

I’d had a thing for older women even growing up, so it doesn’t
surprise me that I fell for her. It started the moment I first laid eyes on her, I
thought she was beautiful. And then when she ended up being an awesome
person as well, it was game over for me. I couldn’t help myself.
When Sherry asked to reschedule my session from two weeks away to
the following day, I didn’t think much of it. I figured it was something with
her schedule, and I agreed without giving it a second thought.

Everything started off normal in the session. Sherry preferred her

therapy in her client’s homes, as she felt that made them more comfortable.
She came into the living room, we said hello, made some small talk, and
then boom.

“Alexis told me that she has fantasized about having sex with you
before, multiple times, and that she has to fight the urge and try not to think
about it or else she would think about it all the time.” she said. I was
stunned, and didn’t have words to say. “The only reason she didn’t tell you
about her feelings is because she didn’t know if you’d be attracted to her,
because of her age.”

“That doesn’t bother me at all. I love older women.”

“I know. Anyway, she told me she wanted me to tell you how she
feels about you. And that if you’re comfortable with it, she wants to have a
session with all three of us where we talk about you two maybe having sex
for real.” she said. My heart was pounding, and I couldn’t believe what was

Alexis was my ultimate fantasy woman, something so desirable yet so

unattainable. There wasn’t anything in the world that I wanted more than
for her to be mine, and hearing that there was even the slightest possibility
that we could get together in real life was enough to send me to the moon
and back.

“Awesome.” I managed. Our session wrapped up quickly after that,

and the ball was in her court. We planned for another session the following
It was more difficult than usual being around Alexis after that session,
knowing that I wasn’t the only one harboring forbidden feelings. It felt like
our eye contact was more intense, like a literal tension in the air between us.
We ate dinner together, which dad skipped because he was already drunk
and in the basement. It made perfect sense, we could fuck in every room in
the house while he was passed out. Who cares? He was nothing but a loser

All I could think about that night was the following day. I knew for a
fact that Sherry had no problems bringing things to the forefront, and that
she would come right out about what was happening. I decided that I would
be as open as always, and hoped that Alexis really did have feelings for me
the way that Sherry said she did. I thought about what might happen next,
would we start with a kiss? Or a date? Or would we go straight to my room
or hers and attack each other? I had trouble falling asleep until I fantasized
about my stepmother and wanked one out. Once the demon of lust had left
my body temporarily, all was well and I fell asleep.
Chapter 3 - Alexis

The night before our threeway therapy session, I was all nerves. I
guess because I’d denied it to myself for so long, I was used to doing that.
And admitting the way I was actually feeling felt scary.

Having a secret crush on someone who should by all accounts be

completely off limits to you is one thing, admitting it to them with the
intention of acting on it is something entirely different. It was so nerve
racking to me that I could hardly sleep, but it wasn’t something I wanted to
back out of. On the contrary, I was looking forward to ripping that band aid
off and seeing what happened.

It helped that Sherry is so direct that it’s sometimes off putting,

especially with regards to relationships and sex. I knew that I wasn’t going
to have to stand up and give some lengthy explanation, Sherry knew how to
move things along the right way and I trusted that. Didn’t make me less
nervous though.

Something changed by the time I woke up. Any sense of reluctancy,

hesitance, or nervousness was gone, replaced with feelings of excitement
and independence. This was something I’d wanted for some time, and I was
at least going to try to get it. And if everything Sherry said was true, it
seemed very likely that it would happen.

Philman slept at his drinking buddy Vick’s house the night before.
They handled a handle as well as a case, and neither was in the state to
drink so they had a 50 year old man’s version of a sleepover. They both
probably passed out on the living room couches while Vick’s wife slept
alone. That was the typical scenario with those two idiots.

Sherry scheduled the session for 10 am. Dillon and I had breakfast
together, a simple eggs, bacon, peppers, onions, and cheese ensemble
stuffed inside a burrito. We exchanged glances, and small talk, but we
didn’t address the elephant in the room outside of googly eyeing each other
to death. The situation between us was obvious, but after all the time
passed, we were both perfectly willing to remain patient. We both knew it
wouldn’t be long, and I think we both knew that what was about to happen
was completely unstoppable.

Sherry showed up, and for the first time, both Dillon and I joined her
at the same time on the couches surrounding the living room coffee table. I
was no longer nervous, no longer ashamed of my feelings or even
uncomfortable with them in the slightest. All I could think about was
fucking my stepson.

“What’s up guys? You get some good sleep?” she asked, breaking the

“Yeah, I slept pretty well.” Dillon said.

“Me too.” I chimed in. From there, Sherry took over and did exactly
what I expected she would do, perfectly broke down and articulated the
entirety of the situation, making it impossible to deny.

“Could have been better if you shared the same bed though right?”
Sherry asked, grinning like the devil. Before either of us could answer, she
raised her hands to shush us. “Listen, I’ve been working with the two of
you for quite some time, and I slowly figured out the puzzle. You’ve both
expressed it to me in private, and given me permission to make that private
information public knowledge in regards to your personal relationship.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s beyond obvious.

Dillon. You’re a vibrant and virile young man who has sexual needs.
You want a woman you can explore with in the bedroom, you want sex and
to get to know women in general. And not just any woman, a very specific
and special woman.

Alexis, you’re beautiful and amazing, and you know exactly who and
what you want. Again, this is beyond obvious.
I understand that the nature of your relationship is a complicating
factor, but at a certain point you have to stand up for and take ownership of
your personal desires. There’s an age gap, you both know that, and you both
look at it as a turn on. There’s a taboo and forbidden aspect to following
through with your desires, and you both look at that as a turn on.

Dillon, you like older women, and you like women with pretty feet
and you want to suck on their toes. Alexis, you love having your toes
sucked on and body worship in general. And you want a younger man that
you’re comfortable with to have uninhibited sex with.

Again, this is beyond obvious. I understand why you haven’t acted on

this yet, and why I’m necessary here as the combustible element that sets
off this chain reaction. I didn’t come here today to ask you two a bunch of
questions you already know the answer to, I came here today to point out
that you both already know the answer to all of your questions.

Dillon, are you attracted to your stepmother? And in an ideal world,

would you like to explore a sexual relationship with her?” she asked.

“Yes.” he said without hesitation. This drew our eyes together, and he
addressed me directly for the first time regarding our unspoken
entanglement. “Alexis, you’re literally the most beautiful woman in the
world. I know I “shouldn’t say this”, but I was attracted to you from the
moment I met you, and the more I get to know you the more I find myself
thinking about you, and fantasizing about you. I know you’re my mom on
one level, but I don’t see any reason we couldn’t be lovers on another level.
I’m a man now, we can have a more complex relationship than before.” he
said, prompting me to jump in.

“I know baby, I just didn’t know how to go about it. I wanted to tell
you, or flirt with you, or something, but I love and respect you too much to
do anything to jeopardize our relationship.”

“I know mom. I feel the same way. But now that we both know, I
can’t go back to how things were before. I have to have you. I can’t explain
it but I have to.”

“I know Dillon. I have to have you too. We owe it to ourselves and

each other.” I said.
Chapter 4 - Sherry

“I know Dillon. I have to have you too. We owe it to ourselves and

each other.” Alexis said. It was all playing out exactly as I hoped, and I
knew the session was almost over. All of the cards were on the table, it was
my opportunity to throw out a call to action, and then get the hell out of the
way and let those cards on the table fall where they may.

“Look.” I said, quickly drawing both of their attention. “Beyond

obvious. As a person with intimate knowledge regarding both of your deep
seated desires to consumate this, and as your sex therapist, my immediate
and urgent suggestion would be to A) Remind you that you have the house
to yourselves tonight. And B) to urge you to go to whoever’s room has the
better bed, get naked, let Dillon rub you down completely naked, and see
what happens. I have another appointment at 1 pm, so I need to leave. I
trust that you two can handle it from here.”

“Yes ma am. Is that okay with you mom?” Dillon asked, addressing
Alexis directly. She smiled, and nodded.

“I could certainly use a massage. It’s been a while since I was

properly pleasured.”

“And that’s my cue. I’m gonna head out guys, please have fun. We’ll
reconvene about this at a later date.” I said, standing up to head out.

“Hey Sherry, thank you. You’re really good at what you do.” Dillon
said, expressing his gratitude. Every part of me wanted to stay and watch
things unfold between them, to masturbate in the corner while the ultimate
taboo was broken. But I knew to stay in my lane, and headed out with the
fully confident opinion that good things were going to happen for both of
them once they were alone.

And that’s what I did.
Chapter 5 - Alexis

It felt amazing airing out all of the very direct feelings Dillon
and I had been hiding from each other. When Sherry left, I wasn’t sure what
would happen. He was a younger man who had less experience, and I was
kind of set in my ways and trying to break out of them. It was easy to talk
about our mutual temptations in front of Sherry, but how would it go once
we were alone?

The moment she pulled out of our driveway and headed down the
road, we were once again all alone, and someone had to make a move.

“Glad that’s out of the way. You have the better bed, go up there and
get naked for me, I’ll go get the baby oil. This massage is long overdue.”
Dillon said.

“Yes sir.” I said, taken aback. I didn’t know he could be so bossy

and in control, which only turned me on more. I headed upstairs and got
into bed. That’s when it really hit me, this was really about to happen. I
tried to think of a reason why I should back out, a reason to put my foot
down and put a stop to it. But there were none. I wanted it, he wanted it,
and there was no reason for us not to let ourselves explore. I was still
flushing all of this out in my head when Dillon arrived holding a bottle of
baby oil.

“Why aren’t you naked?” he asked.

“Why aren’t you?”

“I think we can make a compromise here.” he said, pulling off his

shirt in one motion. “Your turn.”

“Okay.” I said, removing my shirt.

“The bra too.” he said. I raised an eyebrow, but did as I was told. I’d
never been naked in any way in front of Dillon, so I did feel a bit vulnerable
removing my bra and exposing my breasts to him. A smirk appeared on his
face and his eyes moved from my tits to my eyes as he lowered his shorts to
the floor and stepped out of them, leaving him in only his boxer briefs.
“Now the pants.”

“But I’m not wearing underwear. That’s not fair.” I said.

“Well, I wasn’t wearing a bra.” he said.

“And I took mine off.”

“Fair enough.” Dillon said, slipping his fingers inside his waistband
and pulling down his underwear. His cock was halfway between flaccid and
hard, and already thicker and longer than his father’s.

“Oh wow.” I said, quickly taking off my pants.

“Now lay down.”

“On my stomach or on my back?” I asked.

“Dealer’s choice. You’ll end up in both positions either way.” he

said. I decided to start by laying on my stomach, and Dillon quickly
followed me into the bed.

“Your ass is amazing.” he said, squeezing a liberal amount of oil

onto my lower back and buttocks, before spreading it all over with his
strong hands.

“Oh wow. I haven’t had a massage in forever.” I said, instantly

melting beneath his touch.

“Now that you’re mine, you’re going to get them all the time.” he
said. It didn’t take long for me to relax under his soothing touch, and he
worked his way from my lower back to my ass, spreading my cheeks apart
and telling me how pretty my pussy and asshole were. “It’s taking every
ounce of willpower that I have to not turn this into a purely tongue

“I certainly wouldn’t stop you if that’s what you wanted to do.”

“God damn. I have to.” he said, pulling my cheeks apart and

lowering his head down to my ass. “It’s so juicy and wet. I have to taste

“Ugh!” I squealed at the initial sensation of my stepson’s tongue

between my legs.

“Mmm…” he moaned, enthusiastically swirling his tongue between

my lips. “It’s so good.”

“Oh my God Dillon, don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.” I grunted, digging
my fingers into my sheets as pleasure overtook my body. It’d been such a
long time since I was with another man, with someone I was actually
attracted to and wanted to fuck.

“I won’t mommy, I’ll eat it everyday.”

“Good boy. Make mommy cum with your tongue.” I moaned. Dillon
slapped my ass and then flipped me over on my back, before continuing to
explore me with his skillful tongue. I was shocked that he was so good at
oral. There was no question that he knew exactly what he was doing, and
that he was absolutely enjoying himself. “Look how hard you are baby.” I
said, noticing that his dick was throbbing stiff.

“You turn me on more than anyone ever has. I want to feel inside
you so bad.” he said.

“Go ahead baby, fuck me. I want it too.”

“Not yet.” he said, inserting two fingers and continuing to lick my

clit. “I want you to cum on my face before you cum on my cock.”
“Yes sir.” I said, closing my eyes and laying back. I ran my fingers
through his hair and he sent chills up my spine. I arched against him,
getting closer with each passing minute. Dillon was fully committed to
finishing the job, and as much as I wanted to feel my son’s bare unprotected
flesh inside me, it felt too good to make him stop.

“Are you gonna cum for me baby?” he asked, relentlessly thrusting

his fingers in and out.

“Yes baby. I’m gonna cum for you.” I said, my leg shaking
uncontrollably as I teetered on the edge of an orgasmic explosion.

“I changed my mind. I want you to cum on my cock.” he said,

pulling my hips to his and pressing his erection between my lips.

“Okay baby. Anything you want.” I said.

“You’re such a good mommy.” he said, grabbing my chin and

kissing me deeply as his member stretched me upon entry.

“You’re such a dirty boy.”

“And I’m going to make you my dirty slut.” he said, bottoming out
inside me. “It’s so fucking tight, it feels like you’ve never had sex before.”

“Your father is just really tiny.” I said, realizing the coldness of the
words as they left my mouth.

“You only fuck your son’s cock now.” he said, leaning into the dirty
talk. What we were doing was so socially unacceptable, so taboo, that it
cranked the heat up to unbearable levels in an already scorching situation.

“Harder Dillon. Fuck mommy harder.” I whimpered, hanging on for

dear life as his powerful hips slammed against mine.
“You like when I fuck you hard?”

“I love it.” I said, squeezing down on his throbbing cock.

“It feels so fucking good.” he grunted, our bodies slapping

rhythmically at a fever pitch.

“Dillon, oh fuck. Dillon!” I called out, realizing I was fast

approaching a point of no return. “You’re gonna make me cum.”

“Cum for me Alexis. Cum all over your son’s hard cock.” he
grunted, fucking me even harder and sending ripples of pleasure throughout
my entire body.

“Your balls.” I moaned, feeling them slap against my ass with each
powerful deep thrust. “Dillon!”

“Good girl.” he said, slipping his thumb into my mouth as I

climaxed. It was an intense, powerful release of pleasure and tension that
had been building for way too long. The sensation built and built until it felt
like I might literally explode, and finally reached its peak as I slurped his
thumb pretending it was his dick. I could feel my energy drop off and a
euphoric wave washed over me.

“That was by far the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” he said, pulling
himself out from between my legs and mounting me. “Now I want to feel
your lips. Lick all of your sweet pussy juice off my cock.” he said.

“Anything you say Dillon. I’d do anything for you.” I said, opening
my mouth and wrapping my lips around the squishy bulbous tip of his cock.
We made eye contact as I pushed my throat deeper and deeper down his
shaft, and the only question that remained in my mind was why we hadn’t
done this sooner.
Chapter 6 - Dillon

I loved making her cum, almost as much as I loved watching her play
with her clit as she swallowed my member whole. None of the girls my age
could suck the way she did, and none of them made me want them in the
way she did.

Her tongue swirled and viscous saliva dripped down from my balls as
she worked me. She looked gorgeous with a mouthful of my balls, and she
was so submissive. I felt like nothing was off limits. I could say and do
anything I wanted to her, and it was clearly the start of an intense affair.

“I want to fuck you from behind as hard as I can. And I want to fill
you with my cum.” I said, flipping her over and admiring her thick perfect
ass. After all the years spent fantasizing about her, jerking off to her in the
shower, and sneaking peeks at her ass, tits, feet, whatever was available to
look at, I was finally where I wanted to be.

“Do it baby. I want it all inside me.” she said, getting on all fours and
looking back at me.

“You’re so gorgeous.” I said, taking hold of her hips with both hands
and pulling her down onto my cock. She was already soaking wet and I
slipped right inside, I honestly didn’t know my penis could get that hard and
all I could think about was how much I loved her and how much I wanted
to possess her. She was no longer just my stepmother or the woman of my
dreams, she was finally mine.

“Oh my God Dillon, it feels amazing.” she moaned, hearing her vocal
tone laced with sensuality and pleasure was enough to make me lose

“I love when you whimper and beg for me.” I said, pulling her against
my cock and bouncing her ass off of my pelvis as hard as I could. I wanted
her to know without a shadow of a doubt that there wasn’t a single woman
on the planet that I’d have rather been in bed with. She had to know how
powerful this feeling was.

“Please cum for me Dillon. I need it. I want it so bad.” she begged. I
grabbed her by the hair and lifted her head to mine so I could kiss her while
hitting it from behind. The entire time we’d been in bed had been a struggle
not to cum, and I was ready to let it loose inside her. I wanted to lay my
claim to her in the most primal way.

“Yeah? Is that what you want? You want your son’s cum to fill up
your tight little pussy?” I asked, edging closer with each thrust.

“Yes baby, cum inside mommy. Cum in your mommy’s pussy.”

“Fuck!” I called out, crossing my threshold for arousal and losing

total control. My balls tingle and my cock swelled inside her, exploding
with cum and a pleasure that is indescribable. In the seconds that followed,
I emptied years of built up tension into the woman of my dreams. “Oh my
God.” I sighed, slipping myself out from between her legs before I
collapsed on the mattress beside her.

“Holy fuck. Why didn’t we do that earlier?” she asked.

“Why didn’t we?” We laid in bed kissing, cuddling, and whispering

sweet nothings for hours before doing it again and again until we were both
so exhausted that we drifted off into sleep.

We’d crossed every line and completely changed the dynamic of a

long established relationship. There was no going back. We couldn’t unsee,
or unfeel what we’d experienced with each other that night.

It was the start of an intense love affair that was impossibly hot.
Neither of us ever slept alone again, and we made regular trips to the
bathroom together, to the laundry room, to her car or my pickup truck, my
room or hers, and anywhere else where the feeling might strike us. I never
knew such a powerful combination of lust and love existed, and I’m
eternally grateful knowing that it’s mine.
Stepmom Convinced to Try Out Her Stepson’s Big One - Naughty Home

Therapy Volume 3
Chapter One - Willow

I’d been working as Ariella’s sex therapist for some time. It was a
lot of the same old things over and over again, as her situation was fairly
simple. She was in her late thirties, and unhappily married to a retired man
with plenty of money and nothing else.

Her husband’s name was Ron, and he had erectile dysfunction and
refused to take viagra. On top of that, the erectile dysfunction was largely a
result of his pornography addiction. He was also an alcoholic with no plans
of seeking treatment. His life consisted of sitting in his room all day
drinking liquor and jerking off to porn until he passed out, only to wake
back up and do it again.

Obviously, he wasn’t there for her emotionally, and he wasn’t there

for his son in any way. Ariella didn’t want a divorce because she knew that
she would have to do everything anyway, and it would only result in her
having less money. She no longer loved Ron, and the feeling seemed to be
mutual. She’d even tried talking to him, and explained her feelings
regarding sex. She explained how it made her feel less desirable when he
chose porn and alcohol over sex with her.

“Then go fuck somebody else, I don’t care!” he screamed, using

every opportunity to blow up on her.

“Seriously? That’s your answer? For me to go fuck somebody else?”

“My dick don’t work anymore, what do you want from me? Just
leave me alone.” he said.
“So if I go fuck someone else, you’re not going to care? And you’re
okay with that?” she asked, unwilling to let him end the conversation
without further communication.

“I don’t care, and I’m okay with it. Just keep it to yourself, I don’t
wanna hear about it.” he said.

“Fine asshole. You won’t know shit.” she said, turning to walk out
of the room.
“No news is good news!” he quipped, taking a heavy swig of vodka
as she slammed the door on the way out. And that was that.

At the end of the day, Ariella still didn’t feel all that comfortable
taking a lover on the side. It still felt wrong, like she was cheating. I told her
to try another conversation with Ron, to make sure that he wasn’t speaking
in anger and that’s what he really wanted. So she did, and it went the same

I explained to her that their relationship obviously wasn’t healthy, and

that what he was doing wasn’t fair to her. Ariella was an attractive woman
who had a healthy sexual appetitie that she wanted to have engaged, and
Ron was not only unwilling to satisfy her, he was perfectly content letting
another man do it.

“Look, I understand your reasoning for not getting a divorce, and I’m
not going to try to convince you that it’s the best option. But as your sex
therapist, I have to encourage you to get out there and explore. You don’t
have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, but bottling up all this
tension and sexual energy isn’t going to work out.” I said. Ariella
understood, but wasn’t ready to take action.

Because of Ron’s complete absenteeism as a father, Ariella had to

take on a lot of responsibility in regards to his 18 year old son Kayson. As
far as she was concerned, he was the polar opposite of his father. Kayson
was fit, motivated, ambitious, handsome, and like all teenage boys, he was
insatiably horny, a fact she could verify by the pure volume of kleenex
tissues and lotion he went through without ever having so much as a cold.

Even though I was there as a sex therapist, she told me all about her
life. I knew very well of all the pressure she was under, and of the
responsibilities she’d taken on in Kayson’s life. One day, she came to me
with something new and unexpected.

Let me start by saying that I’d met Kayson myself. He was tall,
athletic, and popular. He also attended an all boys school, which no doubt
left him feeling extra horny because of the lack of women surrounding him
on a daily basis. But he seemed very happy at school, had lots of friends,
and had never experienced any type of bullying.

So when Ariella came to me and told me that Kayson was being

relentlessly teased by the other boys at school, I had to ask why.

“Well, this is kind of personal, but Ron has a tiny penis. Even when
we first got together and he didn’t have erectile dysfunction, he just had a
small penis.” she said.

“Okay, but what does that have to do with why Kayson is being
picked on?” I asked.

“Well, they started taking showers after gym class at school, and the
other boys started teasing him about the size of his penis.” she said.

“Oh, that’s awful. I’m sorry. That can’t be good for him, the poor
thing.” I said, immediately feeling empathy because Kayson was such a
sweet kid with a good heart. A part of me figured that he could deal with
the bullying himself, that he had a good head on his shoulders and enough
self esteem to get past it, but I still let Ariella know that it might be good to
let him know that penises come in all shapes and sizes, and that it really
didn’t matter all that much in the grand scheme of things.
Ariella agreed to have a talk with him, and at our next therapy
session, she brought a very different message.

“Apparently they weren’t making fun of how small it was, they were
making fun of him because his penis is way bigger than all of theirs.” she

“What? Really?” I asked.

“Yeah. I guess he has a really big penis, and now he feels self
conscious about it because the other guys are making fun of it.” she said.

“I’ve never even heard of that.”

“It’s an all boys school.”

“So they’re putting him down because they’re all secretly jealous he
has a big cock?” I asked. This made Ariella chuckle, and throw up her

“I guess so. Boys can be so cruel.” she said.

This got me thinking once our session ended. If Kayson was being
bullied because of his big cock, then we still owed it to him to explain what
was going on. Furthermore, Ariella had admitted to me on more than one
occasion that over the years she’d spent with Ron, she’d developed into
something of a size queen.

It made perfect sense to me. She had a non functioning tiny dick at
home who wouldn’t even try to please her, and she wanted something
adequate that desired her. It also brought up one other point, the fact that
Ariella was pretty sure Kayson was attracted to her. We’d talked about it
before. She couldn’t prove that he was the one stealing her panties, nor
could she prove that it was her he was fantasizing about when he watched
stepmom porn, but she did notice him checking out her feet around the
house, or staring at her whenever they were lounging out back at the family

Ariella rationalized it as the lack of girls at school, and by porn

putting fantasies like that in men’s heads in the first place. They weren’t
actually related, so she figured it was perfectly fine for him to harbor a little
crush on her.

In my opinion, he wasn’t the only one with a crush. I think she did a
good job of compartmentalizing the nature of their relationship, and of not
allowing herself to look at him that way, but she couldn’t help but swoon
over him whenever he came up in conversation.

I knew it probably wasn’t the most traditional solution, but all of the
components were there. Ariella wanted to have sex, and she had a fantasy
about sleeping with a man with a much larger penis than her husband. She
also had explicit permission to sleep with other men, so long as she kept it
to herself and didn’t tell Ron about the particulars.

Kayson went to an all boys school and didn’t have access to girls his
own age. He also obviously had a thing for older women, as he chose to
watch milf porn almost exclusively. And he was horny, and he lived right
down the hall from her. And with the bullies at school teasing him, he
needed to see that a real woman could appreciate his penis and that there
wasn’t anything wrong with it at all.

I’ve never been one to mince words or beat around the bush, so I
brought up my little proposition to Ariella during our next session. She
reacted as I thought she would, with reluctance and reasons why it was
inappropriate. So we went back and forth, talking about the pros and cons,
and rationalizing why it was a great idea. I wanted to ease her into the idea,
to make her at least legitimately consider it as an option. In my mind, it
could go a long way towards solving both of their problems.
Chapter 2 - Ariella

I was kind of taken aback when Willow brought it up. It wasn’t an

option I’d have thought she’d mention, not in a million years. It seemed

But at the same time, I couldn’t push it out of my head once she did.
I’m not sure if I’d been suppressing my feelings, ignoring them, or what,
but as soon as Kayson told me that he was being picked on because his
penis was so big, I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

It pissed me off that he was being picked on at all, because he didn’t

deserve it. He was amazing, and I know those little twerps were just mad
because he had something they all wanted so they chose to put him down
for it.

Willow and I spoke about it during session after session, with me

warming up to the idea more and more. Truthfully, I was way more into it
than I let on. Even though I felt very comfortable with Willow and felt like I
could tell her everything, this was just a bit different. This was my stepson.

“I think I kind of want to do it.” I said, finally coming clean on some

level about the way I was feeling.

“Good. I’ve really been hoping you’d come around to it.” she said.
“You two have such a good thing already, you love each other, and you both
want sex. I just see it as being a really wonderful thing for both of you.”

“But it’s so taboo. Like, I wouldn’t even be able to tell anyone. I just
feel irresponsible trying to seduce my stepson.”

“Do you know what’s irresponsible Ariella? Neglecting your wife

sexually, neglecting your son entirely, and jerking off all day while you
drink booze and don’t do anything. That’s irresponsible.” she said.

“I know.” I said, agreeing wholeheartedly with her statement.

“If this is something you want, and it’s something Kayson wants, then
it’s perfectly fine. You’re both consenting adults, and there’s obviously
something there worth exploring.” she said.

“What if I fall for him? Or he falls for me?” I asked.

“Then we’ll cross those bridges when we get to them.”

Willow and I spoke of things I could do to urge things along. Things

like wearing more revealing clothing around the house, and giving him little
back rubs and stuff. Anything to make us touching each other more of a
regular occurence. I sat and nodded, but couldn’t see myself actually doing
any of those things.

Until I got home and it was just the two of us alone at the house. Then
I found it quite comfortable, in fact, I’m not sure I could have stopped
myself if I wanted to. I could tell right away by the way he looked at me
that he wanted me, and it turned me on to be viewed in that way. It had been
a long time since someone had desired me like that.

Kayson seemed to pick up on it right away.
Chapter 3 - Kayson

I’d been obsessed with my stepmom for years, and there was nothing
I could do about it. No matter what I tried, there was no getting away from
it. She was constantly sunbathing by the pool, or wearing shorts around the
house. 99% of my fantasies were centered directly around her.

It didn’t hurt that she was cool as hell, funny, and always took the
time to actually listen to me unlike my drunk loser of a father. If it weren’t
for her, I really would have had no guidance at home. Ariella was the
epitome of a woman in my eyes, and the object of my desire.

At the end of the day, she was still my stepmom and I had too much
respect for her to soil our relationship by doing something stupid like
coming onto her or letting her know how I felt. It might have ruined what
we had, or at least made things awkward. Besides, stuff like that only
happened in porno, which is why I watched stepmom porn with women
who had a similar look to her.

I already didn’t like my dad. He was my example of what not to do,

and of who not to be. It made no sense, he was successful and a great father
when I was growing up, and then he started drinking and just gave up on
life. A part of me felt bad that he let himself fall so far because of
alcoholism, but he had plenty of motivation to turn things around. For one,
he had me. His own flesh and blood, his son. And if that weren’t enough of
a reason to turn things around, he had Ariella, the most beautiful and
amazing woman around.

That was always the thing that perplexed me the most. How the hell
did he have something so great and still choose porno and Vodka over here?
It made me mad, and most of all, it made me jealous. If Ariella had been
mine, I’d have treated her like the queen she was.

I’d met her therapist Willow a few times. I thought she was pretty,
and seemed very down to Earth. It wasn’t really my place to ask Ariella
what their sessions were about, but I assumed it had to do with my father,
which is why I found it strange when I found out that I’d been a topic of
discussion in a couple of their sessions.

“Hey baby.” Ariella said, peeking her head in my door.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I asked, quickly clicking out of my incognito

browsing tab. It was early in the morning, and she was kind of interrupting
my morning routine of hitting my boy. Luckily, I’d just gotten started and it
wasn't even hard yet.

“Can we talk real quick?” she said, strolling into my room wearing
only booty shorts and a wife beater.

“Yeah, sure.” I said, perking up at the sight of her. I always loved

seeing her in a bathing suit or shorts, because she wasn’t that revealing of a
dresser. It was the first time I’d seen her dressed this way, and I could see
the very clear outline of her nipples since she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“You know how the guys at school have been giving you a hard time,
calling you Donkey Dick and Horse Cock and all that?” she asked. I felt my
face flush with blood. I hadn’t even wanted to tell her about that in the first
place, but she could tell something had been bothering me and pulled it out
of me. I really didn’t have it in me to lie to her, and she was the only person
I felt comfortable talking to outside of my friends.

“Yeah. It’s no big deal, it doesn’t really bother me.”

“I understand. You’re a strong person. But still, I talked to my

therapist Willow about it a little, and I thought I should tell you what’s
going on with that.” she said.

“They’re just assholes.” I said.

“They’re jealous assholes.” she said.

“Yeah. They just wish they had bigger dicks, and they’re trying to
take it out on you.” she said.

“You really think that’s why?” I asked.

“Oh Kayson, I know that’s why.” she said, taking a seat on my bed
and scooting closer. I was still in my underwear, but I had the covers on up
to my waist. Ariella put her hand on my thigh, and I could feel the blood
instantly rushing to my penis. “A lot of women prefer it when a man is

“What about you?” I asked. It was a very inappropriate question to be

asking my stepmother, and I couldn’t believe the words came out of my
mouth. Ariella smirked, and looked down for a moment before answering.

“Well, to be honest, your father has a really small penis and ever since
we’ve been together I’ve been craving something more adequate.” she said.

“Oh.” I managed, my penis swelling with blood.

“Yeah. I don’t know, I’ve never been with a guy who had a big penis,
and it’s just something I’d really want to try out, you know?” she asked, her
hand rubbing circles on my thigh.

“Makes sense I guess.” I said, having no idea what to do other than

feel super embarrassed.

“Can I ask you a personal question?”


“Are you a virgin?” she asked.

“Yeah. I am. I go to an all boys school, so I don’t exactly have a lot of

options.” I said. I found admitting my virginity to her a lot less
embarrassing than talking about my penis.

“Yeah, that’s fine baby. I was just wondering. You know, Willow and
I were talking, about sex, and we decided that it’s time for me to find
another lover. Your dad said it was fine as long as I didn't tell him about it.”
she said.


“Yeah. That’s actually why I have a therapist, because your father and
I don’t have sex anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Well, your father has erectile dysfunction from all the drinking and
porn he watches. Plus, I’m not attracted to him anymore anyway.” she said,
her words were music to my ears.

“That makes sense. I don’t see why you stay with him.” I said.

“Because it would be messy, and I’m too old to start over.”

“You’re not too old Ariella, any man would be lucky to have you.”

“You’re sweet, but I don’t want any man. I want you Kayson.” she
said. I froze, and I felt like I might just explode right there in my underwear.
I was so turned on.

“Me?” I asked, proud that I managed to utter a word and not just stare
back at her with bug eyes.

“Yeah. I told you I want to try something bigger, plus you’re so

handsome, and sweet, and we love each other…” she spoke slowly,
caressing my thigh and sitting directly next to me. We’d never made such
intense eye contact, and I was so overwhelmed by what was happening that
I couldn’t think straight.
“I love you too Ariella. And you’re so beautiful.”

“Look, this has to be our little secret, but I can’t keep walking around
here acting like I’m not attracted to you. Are you attracted to me, Kayson?”
she asked.

“Yes. I’ve always been attracted to you.” I said, admitting the secret
I’d held onto for so long. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
everything was out on the table.

“Here baby, let mommy show you how much I love you.” she said,
pulling my covers away.
Chapter 4 - Ariella

Kayson made no attempt to stop me from pulling the covers away,

and the first thing I noticed was the massive bulge inside his white boxer

“Oh my God.” I said, eyeing his thick cock. He certainly wasn’t lying
when he told me he had the biggest one at school.

I’d spent weeks working up the courage to try seducing him. Willow
and I talked endlessly about it, and I spent every night fantasizing about my
forbidden fantasy coming to fruition. Any guilt that I’d been feeling about
sleeping with someone else was long gone, and I was ready to teach my
stepson the ropes.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked, full of hesitation.

“Kayson, you’re all I can think about. I want it so bad. Don’t you
want me too?” I asked, peering into his eyes and leaning forward.

“I do, but I don’t know how long I can last with you.” he said. I found
his lack of experience endearing, and wanted to instill him with proper

“How about this? This first time, I’ll just use my mouth and hands,
and you can cum as fast as you want. Then, when you’re ready to go again,
we can try to make it last longer. How does that sound?”

“That sounds good,” he said. “Can we kiss first?”

“Of course baby. From now on, you can kiss mommy whenever you
want.” I said, leaning him to feel his lips on mine. We’d exchanged little
pecks on the lips from time to time, but nothing like this.

“Mmm…” he moaned through our locked lips. My hand moved

instinctively between his legs, gripping his erection from outside of his
briefs and rubbing it up and down as our tongues swirled together
aggressively. The kiss reminded me of our age gap, and of how
inexperienced he was. There was a hunger to the way he kissed, a sloppy
aggressiveness that turned me on.

Before I knew what was happening, he was on top of me and my legs

were wrapped around him. He groped my breasts and kissed my neck, all
the while grinding on me as we continued making out. It’d been so long
since I’d experienced anything like this, it was the best foreplay I’d
experienced in years and we didn’t even touch each other's genitals.

“You taste so good,” he said. “I could kiss you all day.”

“You’re making me so wet.” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Here, let me show you.” I said, taking his hand and moving it down
between my legs. “See how wet it is? That’s because you’re turning me on.”
I whispered.

“It feels good.” he said.

“You’ll do more than feel it baby, but later. First I want to suck your
cock and make you cum for me.” I said, sitting up and laying him down on
his back.

“I can’t believe this is happening. I’ve thought about this so much.”

he said, posting up on his elbows and looking at me as I dropped down
between his legs. The truth is, I couldn’t believe it was happening either. I
was about to cheat on my husband with his son, who happened to be half
my age and twice the size of his dad. It shouldn’t have felt so good, so
gratifying, but it did.

“Me too baby. I need it.” I said, slipping my fingers in his waistband.
His cock made a dramatic flop as I removed his underwear, and I was
stunned by the size of it. Long, thick, and perfect. His balls were heavy and
swollen, I really couldn’t believe that thing had been hanging between his
legs all that time and I didn’t have a clue. It was the first time in my life that
I was thankful for teenage boys teasing and picking on each other. “It’s so
big Kayson.” I said, holding it at the base and looking it over.

“Do you like it?” he asked, his expression betraying that it was an
earnest question. He was so young and innocent, he had no clue what he

“I love it baby.” I said, feeling my mouth literally start to water. I

reached down between my legs, and gathered some of my own wetness on
my fingers to use as lubricant. “Can I suck on it?” I asked, slowly spreading
my wetness over his length with my fingers.

“Yes. I want you to so badly.” he said.

“Has a woman ever done anything like this to you?” I asked.


“Good boy. I want to be your first.” I said, placing kisses up and

down his massive cock.

“Me too. I’ve thought this so much.” he said.

“Just lay back and enjoy baby.” I said, slapping his dick against my
tongue and cheek. It really was a novelty, having such a big hard cock to
play with and enjoy. It’d been so long since I’d seen a cock actually grow
hard, let alone one of that size. I wanted to take my time, to worship it and
give Kayson a great first blowjob.

“I don’t think my dick has ever been this hard before.” he moaned as I
wrapped my lips around the tip, and ran my tongue along the soft
undershaft of his length. “Oh my God.” he grunted, his face swelling with
“Mmm…” I moaned, shoving it deeper and deeper into my throat. I’d
always felt like I was pretty good at blowjobs, but Kayson was a whole new
challenge. He was too big for me to swallow the whole thing, so I had to
use both hands to stroke the bottom.

“Are you okay?” he asked, hearing me gag repeatedly trying to take it

all in. With tears in my eyes, I looked up at him and smiled.

“Mommy loves your cock.” I said, letting the viscous spit drip down
my chin and all over his erection.

“That feels amazing. Even better than I could have ever dreamed.” he

“Your balls.” I said, slurping them while continuing to work his

length in both hands. I buried my face in them, licking and sucking. “Where
do you want to cum?” I asked, pulling my tits out of my tank top.

“In your mouth.” he said without hesitation.

“Good boy. Do you want mommy to swallow your cum?” I asked,

looking up at him from down between his legs. Kayson nodded, and we
both grinned at each other. “I want you cum for me baby. I want to taste
you. Are you gonna cum for mommy?”

“Yes. I’m so close.” he said, arching his back against me and shoving
it deeper down my throat. I could feel him swelling up, nearing orgasm as I
swallowed around him. “Fuck.” he grunted, seconds before his big cock
began spurting off inside my mouth.

“Mmm..” I moaned, watching with pride as my stepson blew his first

load into my mouth. Rope after rope of sweet, hot, sticky seed. “Mmm…”

“Fuck…” he sighed, his head collapsing onto his pillow with eyes
close. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me baby. I’ll do that anytime you want me
to.” I said, swallowing his cum in one gulp. Kayson ate a clean diet and had
no vices, and because of that his cum tasted absolutely delicious and I
wanted more.
Chapter 5 - Kayson

It was honestly the greatest moment in my life up until that point, and
for some reason, I fell asleep immediately after I came. Ariella crawled up
into my arms and put her head in the space between my jaw and collarbone.
It felt like a dream, and it lulled me to sleep in mere minutes.

When I woke up, I was alone and seriously considered the possibility
that it was a dream. But I was still naked, and the memory was too vivid. It
really happened.

“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” she said, appearing in my
door moments after I woke. Ariella looked gorgeous, and was wearing red
lingerie. As beautiful as I always thought she was, this was truly seeing her
in a new light.

“You’re so hot.” I said, looking her up and down. From her long
flowing hair to her pretty red toes, I was head over heels in love with my

“That was your freebie.” she said, crawling on top of me and

straddling my hips. “Now I want to feel your big cock inside me.”

“Anything for you.” I said, my cock stiffening at the mere mention of

feeling inside her pussy. Ariella spit on her hand, and rubbed it on my penis
before sliding her panties over to the side and sitting down on it nice and
slow. “Oh my God.”

“Yeah, that’s your pussy now baby.” she said, working her hips back
and forth as she slid down inch after inch.

“It’s so tight.”

“That’s because I’ve never had such a big cock in my pussy before.”
she said. “Nothing has ever filled me the way you do.” she moaned, sitting
all the way down onto me. I pulled her bra down and began kissing and
suckling at her nipples as bounced her ass on it. Every thrust was the most
pleasurable thing I’d ever experienced, and I was lost in a frenzy of lust. I
grabbed her perfect ass, and kissed her deeply. I worshiped her breasts, and
I hung on for dear life as she expertly twerked on my hard dick.

“I want to get on top of you.” I whispered, biting on her neck and

thrusting up from the bottom.

“Do it.” she whispered back, before flipping over onto her back and
spreading her legs.

“I can’t get over how gorgeous you are.” I said, looking down at her
perfect milf body as I climbed on top of her. “I can’t believe we are doing
this.” I said, rubbing the tip up and down against her sex.

“Don’t tease me baby. Mommy wants your big dick inside of her.”
she said. I loved the way she talked dirty, and the way she felt inside. It was
so wet and tight and perfect, there was no chance I’d ever get tired of
fucking her. She was my ultimate fantasy, and I was finally living out my

“I love you.” I whispered in her ear as I slid my member into her tight
wetness. It gripped my penis like nothing else, and I pushed it as deep as I

“Holy fuck Kayson. God damn I love your dick.” she whimpered. I
went slow at first, moving it in and out while staring at her pretty face.
“Harder baby. I want you to really fuck me.”

“What if I cum?” I asked.

“You better cum for me.” she said. I did as I was told, slamming my
hips against her harder and harder. She whimpered, yelled, and moaned as
my balls slapped against her ass with each powerful thrust. Ariella began to
rub her vagina while I fucked her, and I watched as her face swelled with
“Ugh! It feels so good.” I grunted. As my arousal neared its threshold,
I grabbed hold of her ankle and brought her foot to my face. I’d always
noticed and fantasized about her beautiful feet, and I could finally lick and
suck her toes like I’d always dreamed.

“That’s a good boy. Look at mommy while you worship her pretty
feet.” she said, drawing my eye contact. I hadn’t been sure how she’d take
to me licking her feet, so it made me feel better knowing she liked it.
Ariella continued playing with her clit while I took my time kissing on her
toes and licking her soles.

“They’re so pretty.” I said, rubbing her soles against my face.

“I’m going to cum Kayson, you’re gonna make mommy cum.” she
stared into my eyes and I thrust as hard as I could while she played with her
clit. “I’m gonna fucking cum…” she whimpered, which sent me over the
edge at the same time as her. I didn’t even think about pulling out, or the
fact that we were having unprotected sex.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh!” I grunted, reaching climax and pumping my

stepmother full of cum as we got off simultaneously. Her vocal tone and
feminine whimpers turned me on beyond belief, and soon we were panting
and staring into each other’s eyes.

“I haven’t cum like that in forever.” she said, running her fingers
through my hair.

“I’ve never cum like that.” I said. “Is it okay that I came inside of
you?” I asked.

“Of course baby. You can cum in mommy anytime you want.” she
Chapter 6 - Willow

When Ariella showed up at our session, I knew something had

happened. She had a different glow to her, and a whole different aura. She
usually dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but she showed up in a flowing
dress that accentuated her natural beauty.

“You look amazing.” I said.

“I feel even better.” she said, grinning uncontrollably.

“So? Did something happen?” I asked, fingers crossed that it was

what I thought it was.

“Kayson and I did it. We’re sort of a thing now.” she said.

“Oh my gosh. That’s incredible!” We jumped up and down like

teenagers, and of course, I made her spill all of the dirty details. It turned
me on hearing about their chemistry, about the taboo nature of what they
were doing, and of the obvious love they shared. She went on and on about
him, about how he’d given her a new lease on life and sex.

She wasn’t sure if the fire between them would lead to a relationship
or what, and she didn’t care. For the first time in a long time, she was
having awesome sex and mind blowing orgasms with someone she cared
for and was attracted to.

I had a glass of wine when she left our session, and touched myself
while fantasizing about the two of them together. At the end of the day,
bringing families closer was the reason I chose to go into my profession.
Relieving Forbidden Tension (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy

Volume 4

Chapter 1 - Willow

I’d been working with the Michaels family for some time when Kylie
had to move back home. She was 18 years old and had a 9 month old baby
boy named Jason. The family consisted of husband and wife Jackson and

Initially, they came to me regarding their sex life, as I am a sex

counselor. Once we became comfortable with each other, they started
seeking my advice on other areas of their life, particularly the broken bond
between Jackson and his stepdaughter Kylie.

Before her pregnancy they had been incredibly close, and they always
seemed to be cuddled up and smiling in family photos. Alicia described
them as inseparable. Kylie looked up to him and would tell him everything.
They had a natural way of communicating and got along famously.

That was until Kylie got pregnant at 17 by her then boyfriend Steve, a
boy Jackson had repeatedly warned her against seeing. In Jackson’s eyes,
Steve was a long way from becoming a man, and on the path to nowhere
fast. He couldn’t stand Steve, and couldn’t wrap his head around why his
stepdaughter would be interested in such a loser.

Jackson wouldn’t tell her to get an abortion, but he let her know in no
uncertain terms that Steve would make a terrible father, wouldn’t support
her emotionally or financially, and that the child would be a burden that she
had to take on.

“Look, I’ll always support you, but this is the worst possible way to
start off your life. You’ll never have stability if you go through with this.”
he said. Jackson thought about it long and hard, and tried to look at it from
every angle but he never wavered even slightly on his diagnosis. Steve had
a terminal lack of intelligence and ambition, and he would have to literally
win the lottery multiple times over in order to achieve an inkling of success.

Kylie decided to have the child, and couldn’t see why her stepdad was
so harsh with Steve. She was in love with him, and knew that other people
simply couldn’t understand what they had. They didn’t know how much
Steve cared for her, or the lengths he’d be willing to go to help support their
new family.

Steve got cold feet halfway through the pregnancy, and then got
arrested for his third marijuana possession and got sent to jail for 90 days.
He broke up with Kylie through a letter while serving his time.

Jackson was furious but not surprised. He tried not to tell Kylie ‘I told
you so’, but it was an urge he couldn’t resist. She had to understand why he
knew what was going to happen, and what to look for in men that could
predict their ability to provide financial and emotional support.

“For one, maybe don’t date guys whose dream is to be a rapper and
wear aluminum foil on their teeth.” he said, ranting about how obvious an
idiot he was. “Does he really think that’s going to be his career?” he thought
about it, and it made him laugh so hard that tears streamed down his eyes.
He wanted to kill that boy for what he’d done to his Kylie.

From then on, things deteriorated between Kylie and Jackson. The
once loving pair were at each other's throats constantly. Jackson didn’t
know how to deal with Kylie’s hormones, and neither did she. Jackson had
to fulfill all of the roles Steve would have been failing at, but he never felt
appreciated by Kylie.
This might be a good point to give some context here regarding the
marriage and love life of Jackson and Alicia. Alicia described herself as
“almost asexual”, while Jackson had a never ending sexual appetitie and
loved to be physically affectionate. Alicia wasn’t always that way, but as
she grew older, she became less and less interested in having sex or being
affectionate. She was a nurse who worked long hours, and preferred to sleep
when she wasn’t at the hospital.

Jackson worked from home designing websites and doing SEO for
other businesses. They came to me initially to help them sort out their
mismatched libidos, something I find to be the hardest individual thing to
fix between couples. Someone is always going to be left unhappy, there’s
really no fixing it. If the person with less of an appetite tries to satiate their
partner, they’ll end up being exhausted and hating sex even more. If the
person with the more dominant libido makes a compromise, they’re going
to end up horny and unsatisfied a large portion of the time.

The couple took this news in stride, and as we tried to work through
it, we realized it was even worse than they knew. Alicia considered once a
week too much, and would prefer once a month or less. Jackson thought 4
or 5 times a week was the minimum for him in an ideal partnership. Luckily
for them, Alicia had no sexual insecurities or jealousy, as she simply didn’t
care. She gave Jackson full permission to pursue outside sexual
relationships, but Jackson hadn’t actually followed through on it because he
just didn’t feel all that comfortable with it.

“I’m not as interested in having casual sex for the sake of it, I want
intimacy with someone I love and care for deeply.” he said.

Kylie eventually had the baby, and order was temporarily restored.
They were getting along a little better, and everyone could bond over the
fact they had a healthy, vibrant, beautiful bouncing baby boy. But soon
after, Steve reached out to Kylie and they met up in secret so he could meet
the baby. They continued this secret relationship and got back together
without telling anyone. Steve was squatting at a house his brother used to
rent, and it had no running water, heat, or electricity. She took the baby over
there all the time, and started to trust Steve to watch Jason for short periods
of time.

That’s when it happened. Kylie was out to go tanning and grab a

smoothie, her only real escapes from changing diapers, being nursed, and
the full time requirements of having a newborn. It was during one one of
these trips that Steve passed out on prescription drugs and overdosed while
Jason was left unattended. Kylie had to call the ambulance, and was so
distraught she called her stepdad and confessed everything.

Jackson was a mostly forgiving man, but found it incredibly hard to

accept this his stepdaughter was running around behind his back and putting
his step grandson in danger by leaving him unattended with the world’s
most incompetent boy. Steve recovered and was sent to rehab.

“Mark my words Kylie, that boy will flunk out of rehab. He’s
incapable of accomplishment. He’s allergic to ambition. And he’s fucking
up everything he touches is the best result he could ever hope for. You
should be ashamed of yourself!” he yelled, threatening to kick her out of the
house if she saw him again.

“You’re wrong about him dad, you’ve never given him a chance.”

“Even if I didn’t give him a chance, he’s still violated you multiple
times at this point. And look, if you wanna date idiots and run around
purposely ruining your life, fine, but don’t you dare run around and ruin
Jason’s life.” he said.

“Fuck you!” Kayen yelled back, feeling betrayed and left without
support when she needed it most. The incident with Steve convinced her
that he was unfit and that she should stay away from him, but she couldn’t
admit that while Jackson was being so mean. In her eyes, he was saying that
she put Jason in harm’s way on purpose, and that simply wasn’t true or an
acceptable thing for him to say to her.
Steve did drop out of rehab, almost immediately, and weaseled his
way back into Kylie’s life behind the scenes. She even let him see the baby.
Kylie wouldn’t leave Jason alone with him again, but he was still Jason’s
father and she had trouble telling him no about seeing his son. When
Jackson found out about what was going on, he kicked her out.

“You have one week.”

“Where am I supposed to go?”

“Call up your friends, figure it out. Find a place. I’ll give you $2,500
to start you out, but after that it’s on you. You need to get out in the real
world and break out of this little fantasy you’re living with no
consequences.” he said. Kylie rolled her eyes, but she knew he meant what
he said. She cried for three days before reaching out to find a place. None of
her friends were keen on living with a newborn, so she eventually moved in
with Steve after one last anger fueled argument with Jackson.

Kylie felt betrayed, and Jackson was angry and disappointed. He

loved Kylie with all of his heart and wanted good things for her. She was so
smart and talented, and to see her throwing her life away to be with
someone so far beneath her, while also having a child while she was so
young and incapable of supporting him, broke his heart into pieces. But he
believed in tough love, and wanted her to see what it was really like out
there. He had every intention of bringing her back to live with them after a
couple months, but he hadn’t counted on how large of a stake had been
driven between them.

He would never have sent her off if he’d known she was going to stay
with Steve, at a place he was squatting at with no utilities. He’d have let her
stay until she found something accomodating to her, but he didn’t know.
Kylie lied and said she was staying with her friend Sarah at an apartment
and would have her own room and bathroom. Jackson loved Sarah and
thought it was a perfect match. She was driven, worked two jobs, and had
always been a positive influence in Kylie’s life.
Kylie was too hurt to communicate with Jackson, too stubborn to
admit that she couldn’t find a place, and too mad not to blow things up on
her way out.

The living situation was a nightmare. Steve had become addicted to

pain pills and was high all the time. Luckily for Kylie, he slept most of the
day away. He didn’t help at all, and having no utilities and a newborn isn’t
an environment conducive to having a baby. As hard as it already was for
her having a newborn son and going through the process of motherhood for
the first time, living at that house made it ten times harder. Everything was
a production.

She had to buy gallons of water at a time, and didn’t even have a
microwave or stove at the house to make food. The gas station a mile down
the road let her use theirs without having to buy anything, so that’s how she
heated up her food. There was no washer or dryer, so she used the
laundromat. There was no running water, so she took showers with baby

After about a month of living that way, she finally broke down and
told her mom what was happening. Alicia grabbed Jackson right away, and
they rescued her from the house. Steve was at a friend’s getting high, or he
may have been outright bludgeoned to death by Jackson if he’d been
unlucky enough to be there when they picked her up.

Kylie was thankful to be home, to be able to shower and have home

cooked meals and be in the presence of love and stability. But she couldn’t
talk to Jackson, and that seemed fine by him. After a full week of this,
Alicia became concerned, and clued me into the entire situation. Her and I
spoke about it privately for weeks, and devised a plan that might save their
Chapter 2 - Kylie

By the end of the third week back home, I was madder than ever.
How could he not even have apologized? It was so disappointing. The man
I loved the most, who had always been there for me and had shown me
nothing but love, sent me away to live with a junkie who didn’t even have
water or electricity.

And he wouldn’t even look at me. Or speak to me. Or acknowledge

my presence. Still, I was happy to be home. The comforts are real,
especially when you have cockroaches and no air conditioning to compare
it to.

I don’t know if I was depressed, but I was certainly overwhelmed and

trying to process everything. Pretty much, I shut down and just focused all
of my time and energy into Jason. There was definitely an element of guilt
regarding what I’d put him through, and I never wanted to do wrong by him
again. At the same time, I was proud of myself for getting through it and
doing my best for him despite the circumstances. It was only for a month,
but it showed me that I could grit it out and grind my way through hard
times without completely folding. It also showed me that I needed help, and
that I was never going to get it through Steve. Which left me with Jackson,
but I was too hurt to communicate with him. The only thing I felt when I
thought about him was anger.

We even went to a family therapist a couple times, once with my

mom and Jackson and me, and once with only me and Jackson. We ran into
a lot of arguments, getting stuck on petty points, and neither person giving
up an inch or admitting wrong. It was a blame game of constant
misunderstanding, it was like a complex and confusing knot that leaves you
more frustrated each time you try to unravel it. The sessions got us nowhere
and if anything maybe left things more awkward. I felt like I tried to talk
and he wouldn’t hear me, and I had no intention of taking someone
seriously when they won’t even apologize for literally abandoning me by
kicking me out on the street with a newborn.
All I wanted was to yell at him, to punch him in the chest and ask him
how he could do that to me after saying he loved me so much? I wanted
him to apologize, and hug me and tell me that he would never do it again. I
wanted things to go back to normal, but I couldn’t let it go unless he
understood my side of what had happened. I didn’t want to fight or argue
anymore, I wanted it to be over.

I wished it never happened.
Chapter 3 - Jackson

The living situation when Kylie came home was tense to say the least.
We didn’t speak for weeks, and things only worsened between us when we
tried a family therapist. It was like there was a wall between us, and it was
too hard and stubborn to fall.

Every part of me wanted to make things right with her, but she had to
be willing to admit that some of her decisions were poor, and that she
couldn’t continue lying to me. It angered me that she lied about staying with
Sarah, and then blamed me because she went back with that drugged out
loser of a sperm donor.

I knew I was stubborn, and so was she. The possibility of us making

up and getting back to normal seemed slighter every day, and it was on my
mind at all times. I’d try convincing myself to simply forgive her, to try and
start new but when I saw her, I froze up.

Alicia noticed that carrying it around was starting to build up, to wear
on me. It was making me less happy, more irritable, and constantly on edge.
All I wanted was for things to get back to normal so I could be back in her
life, helping her raise my step grandson, and most of all laughing and
cuddling with the love of my life. Having our relationship so strained really
made me realize how important she was to me, and how much I relied on
her to keep me regulated.

It seemed hopeless. Everytime one of us tried to start a conversation,

it felt stiff and awkward. There was an underlying tension, an unspoken
resentment that ruined our ability to connect and communicate.

Eventually, Alicia told me that I needed to sit down with her and
Willow for one of our sex therapy sessions, but sex was the farthest thing
from my mind. I’d accepted that Alicia wasn’t interested in sex, and that I’d
have to get it elsewhere but it didn’t seem like the time to be worried about
that with everything that was going on.
Chapter 4 - Willow

Bringing families together is what I do best, and I had every intention

of making that happen with Jackson and Kylie. After speaking extensively
with Alicia, I had her full permission to try my unorthodox intervention.

When we started our therapy, I had Jackson and Alicia take a test to
figure out their love languages. Alicia’s were words of affirmation, gift
giving, and quality time. Jackson’s love language was physical touch. Once
I found out about the conundrum between Jackson and Kylie, I had Alicia
give the test to her daughter and report her findings back to me. It turned
out that Kylie’s love language was also touch.

Add in the factor that Alicia was perfectly okay with Jackson sleeping
with other women, and that Kylie was single and trying to get over Steve,
and Jackson wasn’t having his sexual needs met, I figured that the best way
for them to put everything behind them, relieve the tension that had built up
between them, and find a way to express themselves that was healthy and
would bring them back to a point of communication was to let them touch. I
had to provide an environment where they could use their physical touch to
show how much they loved each other.

Alicia and I went over multiple different plans that we thought might
end the way we wanted. The one we settled on was having them give each
other massages. It just seemed like the perfect act of service, and a great
way to literally relieve physical tension. We decided not to bring up sex or
push them in that direction, because it really wasn’t the point. If that
happened, it would just be an added bonus in that it would solve a lot of
other problems with one stone. We decided to let them rub each other down
and see what happened.

“This is crazy, but for some reason I think it’s going to work.” Alicia
said, shaking my hand on our final agreement to set them up to give each
other a massage.
“We’ll see, I don’t like to get my hopes up but I definitely have a lot
of hope for this.” The session was set up for the following day, and Alicia
let them both know that she wanted them to try therapy with each other one
more time. This elicited groans from both of them, but they reticently

It was only on rare occasions I hosted therapy at my private residence,

but this was one such occasion. I wanted the environment to be
comfortable, but outside of their home, with just the two of them and
myself. Alicia agreed to stay home. I had a yoga room and a large massage
table that I thought would make for the perfect setting. It was the most
peaceful room in my home, and I often meditated, did yoga, read, and took
naps there. Something about that room just put me in a peaceful state, and I
hoped the feng shui would affect them the same way.

They drove together and showed up at 8 pm like we’d planned. Alicia

said that she would watch the baby, and that the two of them had no
scheduled bedtime. I gave them both a hug, and then showed them around
my house. I’d met Kylie on multiple occasions in the past, and we had a
good rapport.

“I can’t believe you had a baby, you’re still so fit and toned.” I said,
admiring her young body's ability to bounce back so quickly from
pregnancy. You’d have never known by looking at her that she had a child,
and her firm buttocks were showcased by her white leggings. I wondered to
myself if Jackson had ever thought about her inappropriately, as there was
no denying she was a natural beauty.

“Thanks.” she said, blushing and looking down at the ground briefly.

“She’s always had a crazy metabolism.” Jackson said, trying to be

nice. I led them to my yoga room, and they both went wide eyed right away.

“I love this room, it’s so cozy.” Kylie said.

“Me too, we need this at our house.”

“Right? We do need a place to get away from all the chaos and relax
sometimes.” she said. I was happy to see them making small talk.

“Alright guys, there’s no need to beat around the bush here. You’ve
tried therapy multiple times, you’ve tried talking, and it doesn’t work for
you. That said, I would like to say a couple things, and if you don’t mind,
please don’t interrupt. These are just my opinions, and I’m not trying to
start a conversation here, I’m just stating my opinions and presenting you
both with an outside opinion. Is that okay?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Kylie said. Jackson nodded.

“You both love each other very much, you always have. The stress of
this pregnancy, and some failures in communication between the two of you
have led to this estranged relationship.

Kylie, you have every right to feel hurt about what happened. You
ended up in a very tough environment during a very vulnerable time. You
feel like you were abandoned in your time of need. This has all been very
hard on you, and you’ve handled it amicably. As someone from the outside
looking in, I’m very proud of the strength you’ve shown through all of this.

Jackson, you feel hurt because Kylie chose not to tell you about
continuing her relationship with Steve, letting him see Jason, and then
putting Jason in danger by leaving him in his care. Try to understand that no
matter what happens, Steve is still Jason’s father and that Kylie was dealing
with a lot of emotions and pressure at the time. She doesn’t have a history
of lying to you, and she only did so because she already knew how much
you didn’t like him, and that bringing it up would only lead to fights.

That said, here we are, and you’re both still relying on each other in a
lot of ways. You still love each other, you’re just mad and struggling to
communicate. Talking doesn’t seem to be the answer for either of you, at
least not right now. Alicia and I talked about this extensively, and we both
agree that you two were always so affectionate with each other, always
hugging and cuddling up to watch movies, and wrapping your arms around
each other.

You both have the love language of physical touch. So the exercise I
have planned for you today, is to give each other 30 minutes massages.
After all the years you’ve known each other, and all the love shared
between you, I think you can both agree that you’ve done enough for each
other that you both owe the other a half hour massage and to be in each
other’s presence without fighting.” I said, letting them know what was
about to go down.

“I don’t see how that’s going to help anything, but that’s fine. We’re
both here because mom wanted us to do this anyway.” Kylie said, crossing
her arms.

“Yeah, it’s only an hour. What can it really hurt?” he asked.

“Who goes first?” Kylie asked.

“You can go first. I mean, I’ll give the massage first.” Jackson said
before I had the chance to respond.
Chapter 5 - Kylie

I’d always thought that Willow had good vibes. She seemed
intelligent, successful, and down to Earth. I knew that she was one of mom
and dad’s therapists, but I’d never had a session with her before. It was
obvious to me that she really loved what she did, and that she didn’t do
anything for no reason. As strange as it seemed that she wanted us to give
massages to each other, I trusted her. I also wanted the tension to be gone,
and for things to be back to normal. Everyday it hurt more, and I really
started to miss Jackson.

It made me feel good that he offered to go first, because giving him a

massage before he gave me one would have been kind of awkward. He was
always such a gentleman though, it really didn’t surprise me.

“Okay, one second. Let me bring out the massage table.” Willow said,
dipping off behind the door to grab a large padded table. Jackson stepped up
and helped her carry it to the center of the room. “Let me grab a sheet to
drape over it.”

“Pretty fancy.” Jackson said. I watched as they pulled the sheet over
it, and then as Willow went and retrieved a large glass bowl full of clear
massage oil.

“Hey baby, are you wearing a bra?” Willow asked.

“Ugh, yeah. A sports bra.” I said.

“Perfect. Take your shirt off and then lie down on your stomach to
start. I’m going to have both of you do fifteen minutes on your stomach,
and then fifteen minutes on your back.” she said.

“Yes ma’am.” I said, pulling my t-shirt off over my head and laying
down on the massage table. I liked the fact that she was running things and
not making us talk about what had happened. “Should I take off my
“I think that would be best. Jackson, I want you to apply a layer of oil
that completely covers her back, buttocks, legs, and feet.” Willow said. I
was still getting used to the idea of what was about to happen when he
began rubbing the oil on my back. It was nice and warm, and felt amazing
as he spread it over my shoulder blades lower back.

“How’s that?” Jackson asked.

“It feels really good.”

“Okay, I want you to start on her upper back for about two minutes.
Let her settle into your touch. Kylie, I want you to focus entirely on your
breathing and the physical sensations of being touched.” Willow said.

I found it easy to relax under his touch. His big strong hands felt
familiar and welcome, and all of the stresses and tension quickly faded
away. “In through your nose, out through your mouth. Long, slow,
intentional breathing. Control the breath, control the mind.”

“You’re definitely a little tight on your shoulder, right here.” Jackson

said, using his thumb in a circular motion and zeroing directly onto one of
my high tension spots.

“Oh yes. That feels amazing.”

“Okay Jackson, move to her lower back.” Willow said. He did as he

was told, and I continued to relax further. After two minutes or so, she
moved him a bit lower. “I want you to massage her butt now. It’s a big
muscle, and it can be sensitive.” she said. I was wearing a pair of booty
shoots, but he didn’t hesitate to move his powerful hands down onto my

“You’re in such good shape Kylie. You make me want to start

working out again.”
“We should work out together. That’d be fun. I mean, if mom could
watch Jason.” I said.

“Yeah, I think that would be good for both of us.” he said, continuing
to dig his hands into my ass. I struggled to remember why I’d ever been
mad at him, everything felt so perfect in that moment.

“Kylie, would you mind if he removed your underwear? I really think

he could give you a better massage without the fabric getting in the way.”
Willow said.

“That’s fine.” I said, instinctively removing them myself.

“Sometimes I forget what a beautiful woman you’ve turned into.” he

said, seeing my bare ass for the first time. I’m not sure why, but I didn’t feel
embarrassed or awkward at all being exposed to him in that way.

“You’re sweet.” I said, closing my eyes.

“Pull her butt apart, really work your fingers into her glutes.” Willow
said, coaching him along. Steve never gave me massages, in fact it was the
first real massage I’d ever received outside of light back massages from
guys who were trying to flirt with me. There was soft ambient music
playing in the background, and all I felt was comfort. “Isn’t she gorgeous?”

“She really is.” Jackson said, no doubt staring down at my ass as his
fingers slid through my lubed up muscle. Knowing that my stepfather was
privy to a front row view of my anus and vagina had a much different effect
than I could have ever guessed. I’m not sure what it was, but I started to
feel myself becoming turned on by what was happening.

“I want you to move closer to her vagina. Don’t touch it, but massage
the areas directly surrounding it, including her inner thighs. Kylie, please
spread your legs slightly.”

“Is that okay with you baby?” Jackson asked.

“Yes daddy, it feels so good.” I said, the words leaving my mouth

“There you go, just like that. Show your stepdaughter how much you
love her.” Willow said. His fingers were incredibly close to my pussy, and I
could no longer control how turned on I was getting. I hadn’t had sex since
Jason was born, and all of the feelings of love I’d always had for Jackson
were coming up right then and there.

“Your skin is so soft Kylie.” he said, massaging my inner thigh and

making me crave something more. I knew my thoughts were inappropriate,
but it’s not like I hadn’t had them before. Jackson was the most important
and influential man in my life, and I’d never been able to stop myself from
fantasizing about him. Especially when I found out that my mother was
asexual, it felt like such a waste. Every fiber in my being wished we were
the same age, and in another circumstance, because he was so damn sexy to
me that I couldn’t even deny it to myself. And here we were, in the worst of
all the fights we’d ever had, and his fingers were so close to my sex that I
was dripping wet for his touch.

“We should do this more often. I love it.” I said, accidentally moaning
slightly. The horniness was beyond my control, and I felt guilty for having
such naughty thoughts.
Chapter 6 - Jackson

“Okay Kylie, I want you to turn over now.” Willow said. “And
Jackson, go ahead and take off your shirt and strip down to your underwear.
Your turn is coming up soon.”

“Yes ma’am.” I said, removing my shirt as Kylie turned over onto her
back. I was enjoying myself way more than I should have been, and felt
equally ashamed and turned on by what was happening. It had been a while
since my wife and I had been intimate, and it had been almost as long since
Kylie and I had enjoyed each other’s company. I missed our connection, I
missed her laugh, her mind, and I had to admit that I missed her touch.

I was wearing sweatpants and was grateful Willow hadn’t asked me to

remove them, because I was throbbing hard and couldn’t stop staring at
Kayden’s perfect little tightness. We’d always been affectionate, and I
won’t deny finding her attractive, but that was always where it’d stopped.
At my weakest I let myself masturbate while thinking about her, but
generally speaking I never even let myself think like that. Seeing her spread
out naked before me forced my hand, and made me realize what I’d been
suppressing all along. It wasn’t only that I found her attractive, I was
insanely attracted to her and wanted to do terrible, dirty things to her.

“Kylie, if this makes you uncomfortable you don’t have to do it. But I
think for us to have the most optimal massage, you should probably take off
your sports bra as well.” Willow said, speaking without hesitation and as
matter of fact as always. I raised my eyebrows, and looked over at Kayden
for her response.

“Okay. That's cool with you dad?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I said, like it was no big deal. Obviously, I hadn’t seen

Kayden’s breasts before, and hadn’t necessarily realized how much I
desired to see them until the possibility was laid out on the table. I watched
her reach down and remove her sports bra in one fell swoop, and as her
gorgeous tits plopped out and bounced before setting into place.
“They’re kind of sweaty.” she giggled, reminding me of a sound I’d
been sorely missing in my life. We’d always laughed so much together, but
it had been a while. I smiled and admired her breasts without shame.

“Oh wow. I’m super jelly.” Willow said. Kayden’s eyes flashed to

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Your tits. They’re effing amazing. You have, like, natural pornstar
breasts. They’re so round and perfectly shaped. You should have an Only
Fans for breast fetishists. Am I wrong Jackson?” Willow asked.

“Well I don’t know about the Only Fans, but yeah. Not to be weird or
anything, but you literally have the most aesthetically pleasing boobs I’ve
ever laid my eyes on.” I said, spurred on by my horniness to take chances.
It’d been so long since we were on the same page, and even though we
hadn’t worked through the issues directly, we were back on the same page
and I was loving every second of it.

“I missed you daddy. Now that we’re already doing this, let’s not
make it weird. Just get over here and oil up my boobies.” she said, grinning
like the devil. I smiled back, staring directly into her eyes.

As I rubbed a liberal excess of oil onto my Kayden’s tits, I thought

about all of the details I’d gotten wrong. It’s shameful to admit, but a part of
the reason I didn’t like Steve is because I didn’t like anyone putting their
dirty paws on my little girl. It was almost a foregone conclusion I wasn’t
going to like any of her boyfriends, but to be fair, he was especially bad.

To put it in plain terms, I was jealous that a low life do nothing loser
like Steve got to do naughty things with my stepdaughter, while I was at
home working my ass off and doing all of the right things and couldn’t
convince my wife to have sex with me more than twice a month. I knew
Kayden was similar to me, and probably had more sexual energy than she
knew what to do with.

My hands moved on autopilot, lathering the oil onto her supple

breasts. Her nipples were delectable, and I stared down at her with a hunger
I hadn’t felt since I could remember. They were so soft, pretty and suckable.
Even the simple act of my hands gliding over her tits was enough to give
my erection a pulse.
Chapter 7 - Kylie

As Jackson’s hands caressed my chest, I had completely forgotten

about what it felt like to hold a grudge against him. We were back where we
belonged, and it was easy to remember why we’d chosen each other like we
had. We were partners. Equal opposites.

“There ya go Jackson, don’t be shy.” Willow said, as Jackson fondled

me without hesitation. I had no idea our session would go like this, or that
I’d be feeling the way I was about him. Neither of us spoke for several
minutes, but we also didn’t break eye contact. The feeling between my legs
grew stronger, and something swept over me that I’d never experienced
before. I guess it was intense longing, or the feeling of being teased in an
excruciating way. All I wanted to do was give in, to let him take me and
pound all my stress away.

“So pretty.” he whispered, switching his eye contact to my chest.

“I want us to focus on body worship now, if that’s okay. Instead of

only using your hands to express yourself, I want you to use your mouth.”
Willow said.

“What do you mean?” I asked, posting up on my elbows. Willow had

both of our full attention.

“Well, there are a lot of sensations involved with touch, and the
mouth can elicit certain responses that hands may not be able to do. For
example, Jackson, I want you to gently kiss Kylie’s breasts. Kiss her
nipples, and all over the breast itself.” she said. Jackson leaned in, his lips
hovering mere inches from my breasts. I watched as he placed baby kisses
on my nipple, slowly circling it with soft pecks.

“It kind of tickles.” I said, unable to hide my smile.

“Now kiss her neck, but do it with a little more intensity. Some
sucking, and some tongue.” Willow said. Jackson followed his orders to a
tee, and I felt my entire body ache for him as his stubble tickled my neck
while he worshiped my neck. “How is that Kylie?”

“I like it.” I said.

“Okay Jackson, we need to even the playing field here. Kylie is

completely naked and vulnerable, but you’re still wearing sweatpants and

“You want me to take them off?” he asked. Willow nodded, and I

couldn’t help noticing the naughty grin forming at the corners of her mouth.
When Jackson lowered his pants, the first thing I noticed was his erection.
He was wearing white briefs, and his bulge was impossible to miss.

“Those as well.” she said. Jackson hesitated briefly, before sliding his
thumbs into his waistband to remove them. He was standing directly next to
the table, and I made no effort to conceal that I was watching as his hard
cock flopped out dramatically as he lowered and stepped out of his
underwear. “Now, I want you two to switch positions. Kylie, cover Jackson
with oil from his chest all the way down to his feet.”

“Ooh, my turn.” Jackson said. We’d never been naked in front of each
other, but it felt far more comfortable than I’d have imagined. It felt right to
be so close to him, to lather his muscled chest, shoulders, and arms with
baby oil. As I moved to his stomach, I wondered what I would do when I
got a little lower. Willow hadn’t had a problem with him rubbing my ass or
breasts, but we’d avoided my special spot so I figured maybe we’d do the

It was surreal, one minute we hadn’t spoken in a month, and the next
minute I was rubbing oil onto his stomach and staring at his hard cock.

“Your hands feel so good baby.” he said, watching intently as I spread

it around.
“They’re going to feel even better on the next spot. I know it’s kind of
personal, but I really think that you two need to get rid of the boundaries in
your relationship, as it only seems to be limiting its potential. There’s
nothing wrong with acting on what you really want, I think you’ll both
enjoy it if you spent some time focused on his penis.” Willow said. I
immediately looked at Jackson for permission.

“I’m fine with it if you are.” he said.

“Yeah, totally.” I said, trying to play it cool and act like what was
happening was perfectly normal.

“And Willow, remember what I said about the mouth okay? It can
elicit certain feelings and reactions that your hands may not be able to.” she

“Can I?” I asked, again looking to Jackson for reassurance. What we

were doing was crossing into very taboo territory, and once we started we
could never go back to having never touched each other in that way.

“Kylie, I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you the way I should have
been. There’s no excuse. It was a very stressful situation and I should have
been your rock.” he said, cupping my head and pulling me in close for a

“It’s okay daddy, I’m sorry too. I just want to forget all of it and go
back to how things were.” I said, feeling my eyes well up with tears.
Jackson kissed the top of my head, and then my forehead, and we locked

“I never want to make you cry baby. I’m so sorry, and I’ll spend the
rest of my life making up for it.” he said. This made me cry harder, and
wrap my arms around him for a tight hug.

“You’re so good to me. I forgive you.” I said, feeling awful for the
way I’d made him feel.
“We’re just two stubborn people, but I love you more than anything in
the world.” he said, and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

“I love you too daddy, so much.” I said, and kissed him back.

“So much.” he whispered, and kissed me a little harder.

“I want to show you.” I said, kissing him back harder.

“Show me baby.” he said, slipping a little bit of tongue into our next

“Show each other how much you love each other.” Willow said,
having taken a seat about ten feet away from what was happening.
Something came over both of us, and we started making out like we were
high school sweethearts having our first kiss.

We’d been affectionate with each other before, but nothing like this.
This was pent up tension, it was full of lust. It was full of emotion, and
love. It spoke of the unnecessary distance we’d allowed to creep in and
stand between us. It was make up sex and longing and finally giving in. I
knew that we were doing something most people would find unthinkable
and inappropriate, but I was way too swept up in what was happening to
think rationally.

My hand moved down between his legs, and I wrapped my fingers

around his throbbing dick. The lube made my hand slip up and down easily,
and I could feel the hot warmth of his flesh pulsing beneath my touch.

“Fuck.” he sighed, closing his eyes as I lowered myself down

between his legs.

“Show him Kylie, show him how much you mean to him.”
“It’s so hard.” I said, admiring him in all his glory. I’d never been so
aroused before, never wanted something so bad in my life. I leaned in close,
looking up and into his eyes as I kissed the tip and let my lips envelop him.

“Kylie.” he groaned. “That feels so good.” he ran his fingers through

my hair, and applied light pressure on the back of my head to spur me
along. He was much larger than Steve, and it was the first time I’d ever
truly desired sucking a cock.

“Mmm…” I moaned, swallowing around his thickness as I bobbed up

and down on him. I played with his balls while my tongue slid back and
forth on the underside of his dick. It made me gag a little, but I didn’t care.
My spit turned viscous, and I slobbered all over him while stroking him
with both hands and throating him at the same time. All of my inhibitions
were gone, and I was completely unaware we were being watched. Nothing
else mattered except for pleasuring him, showing him how much he really
meant to me.
Chapter 8 - Jackson

Her lips were soft and skillful, and I was in a state of agony that is
indescribable. Her mother never sucked with such enthusiasm, and it’d been
decades since a gorgeous younger woman had shown me such care.

“Kylie.” I said, repeating her name as slurped on my balls and jerked

my cock at a feverish pace. “Slow down baby, you’re going to make me

“I’m sorry.” she said, grinning and slowing her pace.

“Don’t be sorry baby.” I smiled back at her. “You’re perfect. You’re

so perfect.” Her doe eyes while she looked up at me with a mouth full of
my hard cock was enough to make me melt. I’d actually forgotten that I
could feel so much attraction towards someone, my level of arousal was
practically unbearable. The energy pulsing through my cock made it feel
like I would orgasm at any second, but somehow I hung on for dear life
because I so badly didn’t want it to end.

“I love you daddy.”

“I know you do baby, you’re such a good girl for me. I love you too
baby, endlessly.” I said, guiding her throat deeper with my hands.

“You’re doing such a great job Kylie, but I want this to provide
mutual satisfaction. Can you climb on top of daddy? Sit on his face and
suck it at the same time.” Willow said.

“Like 69?” Kylie asked, eliciting a small chuckle from Willow.

“Yes baby, like 69.” she said. I almost couldn’t believe what was
happening as I watched Kylie climb on top of me, her tight and fertile
young body eliciting primal responses that were beyond my control. Her ass
jiggled slightly as she settled into place, and I was no match against my
urge to taste her, to ravage her tightness with my mouth.
“Ugh.” Kylie moaned, the sound of her sensual tone only made me
want it more. It was so fresh and delicious, and I licked her with intense
fervor. Kylie began twerking her ass on my face, and I grabbed her cheeks
with both hands and spread them apart. “Mmm…” she moaned, still
relentlessly swallowing my dick. I did more than simply eat it, I savored it
and dug in like it was a meal prepared by a five star gourmet chef.

Being with Kylie was like entering a parallel universe where the only
law was copious amounts of pleasure. It was wildly forbidden, a sweet
taboo that I couldn’t have imagined I’d have the opportunity to indulge in
my lifetime. It was everything I needed, everything I’d been craving for so
long. It was beyond just a good fuck, I could literally feel the love between
us. It was true intimacy, and I knew we could never go back to not
expressing ourselves in that way.

“There’s one final part to this exercise, and we’re all adults here so I
think we know what it is. Who wants to be on top?” Willow asked, fully
immersed and watching us express our love.

“I do.” I said, pulling my face out from being buried in my

stepdaughter’s lap to volunteer. Without words, Kylie and I got into
position. She spread her legs apart and wrapped them around me to pull me
in tight.

“Should I grab you two a condom?” Willow asked.

“No.” Kylie quickly responded. “I want to feel your flesh inside me.”
she said.

“Okay baby.” I whispered, looking over her supple figure. Even the
act of looking at her was pleasurable, and put me in a heightened state. I
took a deep breath, trying to give my penis a small moment of respite so
that I didn’t cum instantly upon insertion. “I’ve never wanted someone like
I want you right now.” I whispered into her ear.
“Please fuck me daddy.” she whispered back, reaching down between
us and guiding my cock to her opening.

“You’re naughty. I thought you were my good girl.”

“I’m only naughty for you daddy.” she said, slipping the tip inside her
and flashing her doe eyes. “Oh my God.”

“Kylie.” I said, feeling how primed she was for me. It was so wet, and
it squeezed my flesh as I pressed myself inside her. “Perfect.”

“It’s so good. Why did we ever fight?” she asked, cupping my face in
her hands and looking into my eyes.

“I don’t know, baby. I just want to love you from now on.” I said,
thrusting into her tightness. “I love it so much.” I said, looking down
between us to watch my cock going in and out of her without protection.
We kissed deeply as the pace increased to the point where the sound of
rhythmic slapping and Kylie’s feminine whimpers were the only sounds in
the room. I noticed Willow touching herself in my peripherals, and couldn’t
blame her.

“I love your dick daddy. I love it and I need it.” she said. Seeing that
side of her opened up a whole pandora’s box.

“I need you.” I said, wrapping my fingers around her throat and

holding her softly. I loved hearing her dirty talk, and her agonizing
whimpers as I slammed my pelvis against her hips. It was a side of her I
needed to know, as I knew in that moment that I would forever crave to
possess her.
Chapter 9 - Kylie

I’d descended into a deranged state of mania where my entire body

surged with physical pleasure. Jackson’s heavy swinging balls collided
against my ass with each powerful thrust, and I found myself in a
submissive state of pure bliss.

This was nothing like I’d ever experienced sexually. Everything about
him was different than younger guys my age, and I was an instant addict for
his cock. He was bigger, more muscular, more dominant, confident,
competent, and in control. I’d never felt such comfort while lying beneath a
man, being ravaged by his hungry hips.

I crossed my peak several times, and lost count of how many times I
came on his bare cock.

“Harder.” I begged, knowing full well I couldn’t take it. It was all too
much, sensory overload in the best possible way. Any and all stress had
already been fucked away, and I was reduced to a giggly emotional ditz
who only wanted his cum inside me. “Please daddy, I want it so bad. Please
cum for me.”

“Kylie.” he grunted, his eyes bulging as his face twisted up in agony.

“I’m cumming.” he hitched, pushing himself deep inside me as he emptied
his seed.

“Daddy.” I whispered, holding him as he came inside of me.

“Kylie.” he said, taking a deep breath before kissing me softly.


“My Kylie.” he said, kissing my neck and leaving himself inside me.

“My daddy.” I said. We laid in that same position, staring into each
other's eyes and whispering sweet nothings for several minutes in post
coital bliss. My mind was completely blown, and I felt instantly bonded to
him in an eternal way that I couldn’t explain at the time. It felt stable, meant
to be, and unconditional. It felt like all the stories I’d heard of what love
could be.

“That was incredible guys, I’m really glad we tried this exercise.”
Willow said, speaking as softly as possible. “How do you feel? Do you
think this helped you come closer together?”

“Thank you so much.” I whispered, feeling my eyes again well up

with tears. “I missed him so much.”

“Baby, I’m back. I’m yours forever, I’ll never go away again. I’m so
sorry baby, I love you.” Jackson said, still inside me and clearly smitten.
He’d never looked at me the way he was before, no one had.

“I’m not mad at you anymore daddy, I just want to love you all the

“I know baby, we will. We’ll show each other everyday.” he said.
Chapter 10 - Willow

Watching Kylie and Jackson’s beautiful reunion with each other was
something I’ll never forget. The raw intensity and passion of the love they
felt for each other was obvious, and they acted it out in the way that best
suited them as individuals.

The session did more than bring them back together, it fixed a lot of
the problems that were on the outskirts. Alicia was happier having the
pressure of being expected to have sex lifted, and Jackson was elated to
have found his ideal sexual partner. Kylie got to explore her sexuality with
an older man who she was head over heels with, and felt comfortable again
in her living situation.

Jackson and Kylie became an item, and they were a passionate and
vibrant pair who exudes their love for each other at all times. Alicia is
happy that her girl is no longer involved with Steve, and has a loving and
trustworthy man to guide her. The family works like a well oiled machine,
and Jason has everything a little boy could ever ask for.

Alicia and I spoke at a recent session about the love life between
Jackson and Kylie. As a self proclaimed almost asexual, she doesn’t really
understand the way they feel about each other, but she knows how much it
fulfills both of them.

“It’s like they can’t even be in the same room with each other without
touching, and it always leads straight to the bedroom. You’d think my house
was haunted with how often the walls are shaking in my house.” she said,
chuckling to herself. “And they’re so loud, both of them. Fuck me daddy,
and cum on my cock. I hear it all. They really are like feral cats.”

“And that doesn’t bother you?”

“Not at all, I love it. Keeps Jackson regulated, he’s in such a stable
mood all the time now. I’ve never seen him or Kylie happier. And they
never fight, about anything. They’re such a good pair.”
The approach was unorthodox, certainly, but it worked. And that’s the
reason I do what I do, for happy endings like the Michaels family.
Taboo Escape Room (Stepdad/SD, Stepmom/SS) - Naughty Home
Therapy Volume 5

Chapter 1 - Willow

It didn’t take long working with the Johnson family before I

sta545rted to piece some things together. The family consisted of husband
and wife Dylan and Jess, as well as Jess’s daughter Lyla and Dylan’s son

They were a family of athletes. Jess played tennis in college and Lyla
was on her way toward doing the same. Dylan had played football in
college while Brad was a state champion wrestler with a full scholarship to
wrestle in college. To put it mildly, they were an extremely competitive and
physically fit group.

Dylan and Jess came to me initially to help them solve some issues in
the bedroom. They had a healthy sex life, but it was becoming too vanilla
for both of them and they wanted to spice things up a bit.

After a couple sessions, I started getting a clearer picture of what they

meant. I suggested roleplay, bondage, and other simple things that could
make their sex life fun. They took my advice and told me they enjoyed it,
but that they had other things in mind.

Jess wanted Dylan to sleep with other women. She loved the idea of
her man giving pleasure to someone else, and the thought of him lusting
after another woman turned her on. Dylan wasn’t sure how to feel about it,
and although he admitted that he found other women attractive and
wouldn’t mind acting on it, he didn’t feel ready to go through with

The way Dylan saw it, if he got to sleep with other women, then she
should get to do the same. The main difference between them was that
Dylan didn’t want to see it happening or even hear about it. He just wanted
her to have the option and ability to act on it, but her being with someone
else didn’t turn him on. As far as Jess was concerned, she wanted all the
gritty details. She wouldn’t even mind being in the same room with him
when it happened.

As was the case with many of my clients, Dylan and Jess started
opening up about things outside of the bedroom as well. They wanted their
family to be closer, and more affectionate. Jess had trouble connecting with
Brad, and Dylan wanted a deeper relationship with Lyla.

The reason they were struggling with that, in their eyes, was because
they really only connected and bonded over competition. Brad and Lyla
were constantly training, and competing in their respective sports. Jess was
still a very active tennis player, and Dylan coached football and basketball
at school. The Johnson’s were known for their athletic accomplishments,
and they found a way to turn everything into a competition.

They were all bursting with energy at all times, and they weren’t the
type of family who watched TV or had meals together. Brad followed a
strict diet and handled all of his own food prep, Dylan had no diet at all and
preferred to eat out for most of his meals while Jess and Lyla were both
vegan. They all maintained fairly rigid and disciplined schedules, and
bonding didn’t really fit into that.

Eventually, Dylan and Jess started bringing Brad and Lyla to sessions
so I could meet them. They were both very impressive for 18 year olds.
They were smart, vibrant, attractive, and extremely dedicated to their
sports. I couldn’t help noticing Brad’s bulging muscles or Lyla’s long,
sinewy legs. They certainly looked the part of soon to be college athletes.

After a while, I started developing a plan for them, a way to bring

them closer together. I spoke of this plan only to Jess, and asked that she
keep it a secret until I was ready to put it into action. She thought the idea
was genius, and couldn’t wait to try it out. Having her endorsement let me
focus entirely on building the perfect exercise for their family, which turned
out to be quite a project but well worth it.

Because the Johnson’s were so competitive, and that’s how they

bonded, I decided to set up a taboo escape room in my basement. The plan
was to pair Dylan with his stepdaughter Lyla, and Jess with her stepson
Brad on opposite sides of the puzzle.

I built the puzzle in my basement with the help of some friends, and
we pretty much made five square rooms that were all connected by doors
that would be locked. Each pair would start in the room farthest from the
other pair. The objective was to obtain a key from each room by completing
a naughty task with their partner, and then moving to the next room until
they met in the middle room, where they would use the keys they obtained
to unlock the final door. If either pair failed a task, they wouldn’t be able to
escape the room at the end. There was no room for error, in order for the
Johnson’s to win, they had to complete the task in all four rooms before
they secured their victory.

Two pairs, and two rooms each. All they had to do was complete the
tasks I’d prepared for them, and they’d be victorious. I didn’t tell Jess what
I had in store for the actual tasks, but I told her they were taboo and naughty
and that I thought completing the tasks would bring them closer together.

“It sounds so fun. We’ll rise to the occasion, I promise.” she said. We
scheduled a therapy session for the following weekend on a day when they
were all off.

Jess told her husband that they’d be taking on a custom escape room
made specifically for them. She told him about the teams, and the basic
setup. Dylan was excited, and called a quick family meeting to let everyone
know how important it was that they performed to the best of their ability.

“I see no reason we can’t conquer this. All I need is everyone’s word

that no matter what, we fully commit to the challenge.” he said. The whole
family agreed, and soon the morning of the challenge arrived.
Chapter 2 - Jess

The whole family knew that we were doing an escape room, but I was
the only one who understood the general direction the challenges would be
headed. Willow told me that we’d be doing very naughty things, and that
there’d be a whole new aspect to our family relationship once we’d

Everyone was excited, and I think they thought it might be mental

challenges like puzzles, or athletic challenges like climbing or throwing.
Lyla dressed in a tight pair of leggings, and a tank top over a sports bra. I
dressed similarly, while Dylan and Brad wore tanks and athletic shorts.
Willow was dressed in a flowing white dress, and smiled wide when she
saw us walking up to her front door.

“Greetings.” she said, stepping forward to give us all hugs and

welcome us to her home. “Today, as you know, you will be attempting to
complete a custom escape room. So down to the basement dungeon we go.”
she said. We followed her down to the basement, where we were
immediately split up into our teams. “Say goodbye, because once you split
up, you won’t see each other again until you’ve completed the challenges,
or failed the room.”

“That’s not going to happen.” Dylan said, grinning and giving

knuckles to me and Brad before sending us on our way. Dylan and Lyla
went into one room, and Brad and I were transported by Willow to another

“Okay, once you enter this room, you’re on your own. All of the
instructions will be provided to you. Good luck.” Willow said, opening the
door for Brad and I to step inside. It was a strange feeling hearing Willow
padlock the door behind us, especially knowing that Willow had something
naughty waiting for us. Brad seemed excited, while I was feeling nervous.

“Well, well, well…” Brad said, walking around and exploring the
makeshift room. The room was mostly empty. There was a TV mounted to
one wall, but it was off. There was also a chair with straps in the center of
the room, facing the television, and it had an envelope sitting in it. “I
assume these are the instructions.”

“Oh boy.” I said, walking up beside him as he opened up the

envelope. There was a piece of paper inside, and it contained the
instructions for our first challenge.

“Alright, it says; The female partner must tie the male partner to the
chair. Both wrists and both ankles must be firmly secured to the chair
before further instructions will be revealed.” he said.

“That’s all it says?” I asked.

“Yeah, that’s it. And it has instructions for how to tie the knots. Too
easy. Let’s go.” Brad said, taking a seat in the chair and putting his wrists
on the armrests. The chair itself was bolted to the ground in the middle of
the room.

“Okay, let’s see here. How to tie a bowline knot…” I read the
instructions out loud, and began trying to make sense of it.

“I think that part goes there.” Brad said, pointing with one hand as I
tried to secure the other. The knot was fairly simple, and I pulled it nice and
tight without cutting off the circulation in his arm. “Nice. One down.” he
said. I continued on tying the knots, until Brad was completely strapped to
the chair with no hope of escape.

“I guess if I ever have to torture someone, now I know how to tie

them up.” I said. “How do we figure out the next set of instructions?” I
asked, looking around for a clue.

“It said once I was tied up, the next set of instructions would be
revealed.” Brad said. It was at that moment we both heard the sound of a
motor whizzing, and a drone dropped down from the ceiling carrying a
small basket.
“I guess this is our next set of instructions.” I said, walking over to
look inside the basket. There were two items inside; another envelope, and
a bottle of baby oil. I ripped open the envelope, and opened up the piece of
paper. “Okay, it says, as soon as you finish reading these instructions, a
video will appear on the television and begin playing. The video is 8
minutes long. The female partner must remove the male’s partner’s pants,
and use her hands and/or mouth to try and make him cum before the man in
the video. If the video finishes before the male partner, you fail the
challenge.” I said, finishing the instructions.

“What?” Brad asked, squirming uncomfortably in his chair.

“Wow. This is pretty inappropriate.” I said, suddenly struck with the

reality that mine and Willow’s definitions of “naughty” were on different
ends of the spectrum. Before I had a chance to process what was happening,
a video appeared on the screen. It was a younger man tied to a chair in a
very similar way to how Brad was strapped to his chair, except that he was
completely naked.

“Is this fucking serious?” Brad asked, as shocked as I was by the

challenge at hand. A woman appeared in the video, and got down on her
hands and knees in front of him. We watched as she squeezed some oil onto
his penis, and began stroking his soft cock. It quickly grew hard in her
hand, and I realized that we were wasting precious time.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll do it.” I said.


“You know how much winning means to your father.” I said.

“He’s going to kill me.” he said.

“No he won’t. We’ve already talked about this, and he’s fine with it.”
“You’ve talked to dad about jacking me off?” he asked,

“No baby. We’ve talked about me being with other men, and he said
it’s fine as long as he doesn’t have to hear about it.”

“So we’re not gonna tell him?” he asked.

“No. That’s what he wanted. It’ll be fine.” I said.

“I don’t know, it seems wrong,” he said.

“These are the rules. If you don’t want to do it, we don’t have to, but
we’re going to lose on the very first challenge.” I said. “And we’re wasting

“Fuck. Okay, it’s fine. Let’s just do it.” he said.
Chapter 3 - Dylan

Lyla and I entered our room with no idea of what to expect. As soon
as we closed the door behind us, we could hear someone padlocking the
door. The room was empty outside of a high top table in the middle of the
room. It had a bowl of candy on it with an envelope inside the bowl.

“I’m so excited. I’ve always wanted to do one of these.” Lyla said,

skipping up to the table. She had her hair in pigtails, and looked adorable. I
was glad we finally had the chance to spend some quality bonding time
together alone.

“What’s in the bowl?” I asked, walking up behind her.

“Skittles.” she said, ripping the envelope open without hesitation.

“Ooh, it’s instructions.” she said, handing me the piece of paper.

“It says, this game has a time limit of 30 minutes. The goal of the
game is for player one to place ten skittles in their mouth, two of each color.
Player two will have to remove the skittles by color from the other player’s
mouth by color, with their tongue.” I said, pausing. “Wait, what?” I asked.

“Yeah I don’t get it. So I put two of each color skittle in my mouth,
then you take like the reds ones out first with your mouth?” she asked,
equally confused by the game.

“Let me just read the whole thing, then we’ll figure out what the hell
is going on.” I said. I’d been expecting something more along the lines of
rope climbing, or Survivor style endurance games. This sounded like a
drinking game for horny college kids.

“Yeah, good idea.”

“Okay, once you have successfully removed two skittles of the same
color, player two will eat said skittles before moving onto the next color. At
no point can a player use their hands outside of replacing skittles that may
fall to the floor during the game. Neither player is allowed to spit the
skittles into the other player’s mouth, and the lips and or tongue must
remain in direct contact while transferring skittles between the players’
mouths.” I said.

“That’s all it says?” she asked.

“Yeah. That’s it.” I said, flipping the paper over and checking the
envelope to ensure I wasn’t missing something. I felt my face turning red. I
knew that Lyla and I could complete the challenge, but should we? I knew
that I had permission to be with other women, and that Jess actually wanted
me to indulge myself sexually, but this seemed to be crossing a line. Lyla
was my stepdaughter, and although she’s gorgeous, she’s half my age, and
my stepdaughter.

“I guess it’s not so bad. We can definitely complete it.” she said. I
instantly felt my dick getting hard, as well as a wave of shame washing over
me. The rules of the game made me suddenly forced to confront the fact
that I found her incredibly attractive, and that there was nothing I could do
about it. Lyla was fit, with great legs and a tight ass. I loved her smile, and
her perfect little tits.

“I don’t know.” I said, still fighting the extreme reluctance I had in

regards to essentially making out with my stepdaughter.

“Daddy, look! The time has started.” Lyla said, pointing to a timer on
the wall that was ticking down from thirty minutes. I thought about what
Jess and Brad’s challenge might be, and how disappointed they’d be if I got
cold feet and didn’t complete my tasks.
Chapter 4 - Brad

It was impossible for me to process what was happening before Jess

was dropping down to her knees in front of me. The whole challenge threw
me off, and obviously wasn’t what I was expecting.

The truth is, the first thing I thought the very first time I laid eyes on
Jess, was that she was super sexy. Same thing with Lyla. They were
beautiful women, and it took everything in me not to spend all my time
fantasizing about my stepmom.

If it weren’t for the respect I had for my father, I wouldn’t have even
tried. There was no denying that she was attractive, and all my friends at
school constantly reminded me that one day, somehow, one of them was
going to fuck her.

“Okay Brad, I know this is kind of weird but let’s just get into it. I
need you to cum for me before this guy does, okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I got it.” I said, feeling my face flush red. The whole situation
was pretty overwhelming, but I wasn’t the type to turn down a challenge.
Especially when that challenge involved me getting jerked off by my hot

“I’m going to take your pants off, is that okay?” she asked. I nodded,
and watched as she laced her fingers inside of my waistband. I’d never been
tied up before, not to a chair, or anything else. I felt pretty vulnerable and
stuck as she slipped my pants down all the way to my ankles. “Oh wow.”

“What’s wrong? Am I supposed to be hard already?” I asked.

“No, no. It’s just, I didn’t expect you to be so, nevermind. It’s fine.”
she said, squeezing out a generous portion of lube onto my cock and balls.
Jess’s back was to the video, so only I could see it.
“I wish there was a timer on the video.” I said, noticing that the man
in the video was rock hard, and the woman in the video was stroking him
hard and fast. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed already, or if I could
cum quickly enough to beat the challenge.

“It’s fine, we can do this. I just need you to focus on me okay, relax
and let go. I don’t need you to show me how much stamina you have right
now, I need you to get really turned on and cum.” she said. Her feminine
voice put me at ease, and as her soft fingers wrapped around my dick, I
could instantly feel it filling up with blood.

“Okay Jess.” I said, admiring her beauty as her hand glided up and
down my length.

“How’s that?” she asked.

“It feels really good.” I said, watching her stare at my cock while
stroking it. It only took ten or fifteen seconds before I was throbbing hard.
This was a secret fantasy of mine, and it was like waking up in a dream
having her hands all over my shaft.

“What type of guy are you? A boob guy or an ass guy?”

“Both.” I said without thinking. I never understood why both wasn’t

an implied option for this line of questioning, as I simply couldn’t
discriminate against a nice ass or a great pair of boobs under any

“Alright, this is only because we’re doing this escape room and I need
you to cum. Don’t think this is about to be a regular thing.” she said,
reaching down to pull off her top in one motion.

“Okay.” I said, watching with wide eyes as she removed her sports
bra the same way. Her breasts flopped loose and bounced as they settled
into place, and I’m surprised I didn’t cum right then and there.
“How’s that?” she asked, cupping her breasts with one arm and
rubbing me with the other.

“They’re amazing.” I sighed. “You know Jess, I’ve always thought

you were really pretty.” I said, the words pouring out uncontrollably. She
tried to keep a straight face, but chuckled and turned away when I said it.

“You’re adorable Brad. I think you’re very handsome too. Let’s just
focus on the task at hand though, okay?” she asked, maintaining eye contact
while her hand continued churning. “Does that feel good baby?”

“It feels so good. So fucking good. I’m sorry I love it so much, I can’t
help it.” I moaned, unable to hide my feelings.

“Good boy. Look at me, look in my eyes. I want you to cum for me
Brad, I want you to cum for mommy.” she said, turning on her sensuality
and milking me for all I was worth. “Look, this is only because we’re in this
escape room. Don’t think that this is about to become a thing, but I’m going
to suck your dick so you can cum faster.” she said.

“That’s cool.” I said, pretending this sort of thing happened on the


“Is it?” she asked, rolling her eyes and opening her mouth to receive

“Very cool. This is definitely a cool mom move.” I said.

“Oh hush. Don’t tell your friends about this.” she said, giving me a
wink. It’s hard to explain, but that’s the moment it really became real to me.
She was still maintaining her role as “stepmom”, but she was also being
playful and on some level enjoying herself. It didn’t appear to be a chore for
her on any level.

“We need to go quick.” I said, realizing at least five minutes had

“We? Just stop talking, lay back, and enjoy the fact that I’m down on
my knees slurping your cock the way you wish the girls you age would do.”
she said, forcing her throat deep down onto my erection.

“Oh my God.” I whimpered, my eyes nearly rolling back in my head.

She was trying to suck my soul directly out of the tip of my dick, and there
was nothing I could do to stop her. “Jess!” I called out, feeling myself
getting close.

“We still have a couple minutes baby, enjoy yourself.” she said,
grinning like the devil as she took me balls into her mouth and continued to
stroke. “You’re such a good boy for mommy.” she said, swallowing around
a mouthful of my testicles.


“Yeah fuck. There’s literally zero chance I don’t make you cum in the
next thirty seconds.” she said, burying her face in my balls and applying a
level of suction I didn’t know existed.

“Jess, this is amazing.” I said, practically whimpering. I’d never had

an older, more experienced woman service me with such skill and
enthusiasm. “Please don’t stop.”

“Good boy.” she repeated, gagging herself and slobbering all over my
dick. She was so gorgeous that I couldn’t take it anymore, and I knew that it
was beyond my control whether I came in her mouth prematurely or not.
Nor did I care.

“Mommy…I’m gonna cum for you.” I groaned, arching against her

willing throat. Her tits were perfect, and I wanted nothing more than to
possess her the way my father did. I wanted her every morning, and for
lunch, and at night before I went to sleep.
“Do it. Cum for your mommy like a good boy.” she said, flashing her
doe eyes and begging me to cum. “I want it so bad, I want you to cum for
me.” as the words left her mouth, I crossed the threshold of what I was
capable of withstanding. My cock twitched, powerfully convulsing as it
launched cum from the tip.

“Jess.” I moaned her name, twisting in agony beneath her touch as I

pumped rope after rope of hot, sticky cum into her mouth. She smiled back
at me, letting it land on her face and in her mouth until I was finished. After
a healthy gulp, swallowing the portion of my cum that didn’t land on her
face, in her hair, or on her tits, she raised her hand for a high five.

“Oh yeah. I forgot you’re tied up. We did it!” she said, jumping up
and down to celebrate our victory. During the time it took her to untie my
wrists and ankles, the man in the video ejaculated.

We’d accomplished our mission. It was over. We’d won. It was time
to move onto the next challenge.
Chapter 5 - Lyla

I could tell that Dylan was hesitating, something he always told us not
to do when it came to competition. The challenge was a little weird, but I
didn’t think it was that big of a deal, so I started picking out two of each
color skittle.

“We have to, we’re wasting time.” I said, throwing all ten skittles into
my mouth. “Come here.”

“Fine.” he said, stepping in close to me. There was an awkward

moment where neither of us really knew how to proceed, but when the
timer ticked down to 28 minutes, I had to make a move.

“Let’s try transferring one skittle, then we’ll see what color it is and
we’ll try to find the other one and transfer it.” I said, holding the candy in
my cheek so I could talk.

“Okay.” he said, letting his hands move down to my hips as he leaned

in. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, and we accidentally transferred two
skittles. “What colors are they?” he asked, sticking his tongue out.

“One is red, the other is purple.” I said. Dylan placed his tongue on
mine, transferring one of the skittles back into my mouth. “Now you just
have a red one in there.” I said, opening my mouth so he could peer inside
to locate the other red.

“I see it, come here.” he said, grabbing hold of my face and sliding
his tongue into my mouth. Our saliva had already turned sweet, and his
tongue tasted delicious grazing against mine. We messed up again, and he
ended up with a red and a green in his mouth. “Dang it.” he said.

“This is kind of fun though.” I said, letting out a nervous giggle as we

tried again. Eventually, after a few minutes of essentially making out, we
successfully got two red skittles into his mouth.
“Yes!” he said, giving me a high five as he chewed and swallowed the
skittles. “Eight more to go.”

We continued with the game, and our sticky, viscous saliva started
getting everywhere. It dripped from the corners of our lips, and from my

“Here, I’ll get that.” Dylan said, slurping it up from my chin. The
nature of the game made me all hot and bothered, and soon we were
sneaking actual kisses into the challenge. His hands moved to my ass, and
we abandoned the game for a moment and simply savored each other's

I knew we should have stayed focused on the game, but he was such a
good kisser. We’d given each other innocent little kisses on the lips before,
but this was something entirely different. My stepdad was forcefully
pushing his tongue into my mouth, and we were exchanging a ton of spit.
Having candy in your mouth makes it water, especially when you aren’t
chewing it or swallowing the candy. Truthfully, it made what was
happening extremely hot, and I could feel myself getting wet for him.

“Skittles taste so good.” I giggled.

“They do.” he chuckled, going back in for more. I knew we had to

beat the game, but it was hard to focus on the actual challenge when I was
so caught up in kissing Dylan. We eventually got the green ones, which left
me with six skittles in my mouth and 15 minutes still on the board.
“Alright, let’s get serious.”

“Yes sir.” I said, standing on my tippy toes for another exchange of

tongues and saliva. Even though I wanted to win, I didn’t want to stop
kissing him. I knew it wouldn’t happen again, and that the challenge was
the only way we’d have ever reached that point in the first place.

“Mmm…” he moaned, eyes closed and kissing me deeply. We

weren’t even attempting to transfer skittles anymore, we were just making
out and fondling each other. Dylan’s strong hands dug into my ass cheeks,
exploring freely while our tongues rolled together.

I’d only ever kissed boys my age, never an older man. Dylan was
very attractive, and I understood exactly why my mother chose him in the
first place. One of the skittles slipped out of my mouth and hit the floor, it
was yellow. Dylan grabbed another one, and put it into my mouth, but he
left his finger in for a few seconds and I sucked on it while staring into his

“Let’s try again.” he whispered, pulling me in for another sloppy kiss.

There was no doubt in my mind that we were both very aroused by
participating in the game, I could hear it in the way we were breathing and
feel it in the way we touched.

“Two yellows!” I called out, noticing that the yellow skittles had
made their way into his mouth. There were still 8 minutes left, and we only
had two pairs remaining.

“This game isn’t so bad. We’ve got this.” he pulled me in close, and
caressed my hair gently while our tongues wrestled for skittles. It was much
easier with only four skittles in your mouth, but we weren’t in a hurry to
finish the game early. It wasn’t a time trial, all we had to do was complete
the task before the time ran out.

“Your mouth tastes so good.” I moaned, sucking the candy taste from
his lips.Dylan’s hands moved to my breasts, massaging them as his kisses
moved to my neck.

“You’re even sweeter than skittles.” he said, nibbling and suckling at

my neck. His stubble tickled, and sent a chill down my spine. He lifted my
sports bra, and lowered his kisses to my breast and nipple. I looked up at the
clock, and saw that we still had four minutes, plenty of time. I didn’t want
to stop him from where things were progressing. “So gorgeous.” he said,
flicking his tongue on the tip of my nipple.
“That feels really good.” I said, holding the back of his head as he
buried his face in my breasts.

“You know what else would feel really good?” he asked, guiding my
hand down to his crotch and placing it on him. My fingers instinctively
wrapped around it, rubbing it from the outside of his shorts.

“It’s so big.” I said, looking down to admire his heavy hanging bulge.

“I love when you touch it.” he sighed, his cock throbbing hard in my

“We should probably finish the game.” I whispered.

“Yeah, we still have one more room after this.” he said.

“I like this room though.”

“Me too baby.” he said, pulling my hand away from his cock and
leaning in for another kiss. I slipped two skittles into his mouth, and the
game was pretty much over. After he chewed up purple skittles, I only had
to transfer the two remaining orange skittles into his mouth.

“Last two.” I said, holding the skittles on top of my tongue and

slipping into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed, and that was that. And
we still had 90 seconds remaining.

“All we do is win, baby.” Dylan said, and wrapped me up in a big

hug. The timer stopped, and a small envelope appeared under the door we’d
first entered the room through.

“Here we go.” I said, bending over to pick it up and receiving a slap

on my ass.

“Good game.” Dylan smirked. “What’s it say?”

“Let me open it.” I said, tearing open the tiny envelope. It held a key,
and a small card reading ‘congratulations. One down, one to go.’

“Let’s do it.” Dylan said, taking the key and leading the way back
across the room to the other door. The key was a fit, and we stepped
through it and into our final challenge of the day.
Chapter 6 - Jess

I was still very turned on by what had just occurred between Brad and
I, but I chose not to say anything about it right away. I wasn’t even sure
how I should feel about it, especially about how much I enjoyed it. A key
appeared under the door, and we used it to step into our next and final

This room looked different from the first one, in that it had a large
empty bathtub in the center, with an envelope sitting on its edge. Next to the
bathtub was a wooden stool, with various cups of food. There was
chocolate, whipped cream, and what appeared to be strawberry syrup.

“This is interesting.” I said, crossing my arms and looking over the

set up. “I have no idea what this is about to be.”

“Yeah, I can’t even imagine.” Brad said, reaching down to take hold
of the envelope.

“Hey, before you open that, remember, this is the last room. Failure is
not an option, we have to do whatever the envelope says. You know there’s
no way your father and Lyla are going to fail their rooms.” I said, letting
him know that I was down for the cause, no matter what it was.

“Here goes nothing.” he said, opening the envelope and pulling out
the instructions. “Both players must remove all of their clothing before
entering the bathtub. The requirements for the game are simple, all of the
food on the stool must be consumed, but only after being applied and eaten
off the other player’s body.” he said, reading it through.

“That’s easy, it’s not even that much food.” I said.

“Yeah, this one doesn’t seem challenging at all.” he said, pausing to

look over the spread. “Okay, but only after being applied and eaten off the
other player’s body… players cannot eat food off of their own body, or
apply the food to their own body. The opposite player must apply the food
as well as consume it entirely off of the other player’s body.”

“Easy enough.”

“The rules for where the food must be applied are as follows; for the
female partner, food may be applied to the vagina, anus, breasts, and mouth.
The team can decide how they delegate how much food goes on which part
of the body, but all four body parts must be utilized.” he said, his eyes
widening as he realized what the challenge consisted of.

“Oh wow.” I said, covering my mouth. That was going a little far,
letting my stepson eat chocolate out of my anus? Licking syrup off of my
vagina? I couldn’t believe what I’d gotten myself into.

“Uhm, for the male partner, food may be applied to the penis,
testicles, and anus. Once again, all body parts must be utilized. The time
limit for this game will be 30 minutes, starting from the moment both
players enter the bathtub naked.” he said, looking up at me expectantly.
“Are we really gonna do this?”

“Yes we are. We didn’t come here to lose, sometimes you have to

make sacrifices in a family.” I said, starting the process of stripping down.
Sucking my own stepson’s cock had turned me on more than I cared to
admit, and the thought of him down between my legs, licking my ass and
vagina was too arousing for me to stand. “Don’t just stand there staring at
me, let’s go.” I said, stepping out of my leggings and tossing them to the

“Yes ma am.” Brad said, pulling his shirt up over his head without
pulling his eyes away from me.

“You’re just gonna keep staring at me?” I asked, smiling and shaking
my head.
“I can’t help it. You’re really hot.” he said. I found it cute that he kept
blushing, but continued to try flirting with me. We stripped down right in
front of each other, and made no attempt to hide the fact we were checking
each other out. “You have such a nice butt Jess.” he said, staring at it as I
stepped my leg over the tub.

“You have a nice cock.” I said, reaching down to take hold of it. We
both stepped into the bathtub, and the timer started immediately.
Chapter 7 - Dylan

The second room had a totally different setup than the first. There was
a large flatscreen TV mounted to the wall in front of a bed, with a timer
beside the TV that was off for the time being. Sitting on top of the mattress,
in the middle of the bed, was an envelope.

“Alright, let’s find out what they’ve got planned for us this time.”
Lyla said, plopping down on the bed and opening the envelope. “Both
players must remove all of their clothing and proceed to the bed.”

“Seriously?” I asked, realizing the nature of the challenges was not at

all what I’d anticipated. Lyla and I had already crossed some pretty serious
lines, and I could chalk it up to the temptation of the moment and over
indulging in the game that was set before us, but this was taking things
another step further.

“A video will appear on the television screen, and you must act out
everything that happens on screen. If one of the performers has a line of
dialogue, the corresponding player will have to say it to their partner. The
video is 25 minutes in length, and you must re-enact the scene in its
entirety, position for position and with the same rhythm as the video in
order to secure the final key.

If the male player ‘finishes’ before the male performer, the challenge
will end and you will not complete the task.” she said, finishing the
directions. We sat in silence for several seconds.

“What does it mean by 'finishes’?” I asked, at the same time the video
started to play. “No way.” I said, instantly recognizing that it was a
pornographic film.

“Oh, I guess she meant if you cum before he does.” Lyla said, making
the same realization.

“If this makes you uncomfortable, we don’t have to do it.” I said.

“I don’t want to lose daddy.” she said, perking up on the bed. I sat
down on the bed beside her.

“I know baby, me neither, but you know that this is an adult video
right? You know what we’re going to have to do to win this challenge?” I
asked, making sure she knew what she might be getting into.

“I’m not a virgin daddy, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s a little weird for
an escape room, but we promised we’d do whatever we have to do to beat
the challenges.” she said.

“I know, but we can’t undo this once we start.”

“I know, but this is what it is. I say we just try to enjoy ourselves, and
have fun with it. I know we can do this.” she said. I looked over at the
screen, and saw that the male performer was already laying naked beneath
the sheets.

“Okay, fuck. Let’s do it.” I said, stripping down in a hurry so we

didn’t lose right off the bat.

“Yay!” Lyla said, watching the video and waiting for her turn to jump
in. Once I was naked, I pulled the sheet over myself and laid on my side
like the man in the video.

“I think you’re supposed to get naked too.” I said. As the words left
my mouth, the female performer entered the bedroom with the man, and
was also completely nude.

“Yep. You’re right.” Lyla giggled, yanking her clothes off and
watching for further instruction. The male performer feigned sleep, while
the gorgeous younger woman crawled into bed with him.

“Oh my God.” I whispered under my breath, struck with the sudden

realization of what I was about to do. Knowing it was for the game made
me feel better, but it wasn’t the type of thing that happens everyday. I closed
my eyes, and tried to get into character. Lyla shook my shoulder.

“Daddy, I’m scared. Can I sleep with you?” Lyla asked, repeating the
line from the female performer.

“Yeah, that’s fine baby.” I said, as she nestled her ass against my
crotch. “Are you naked?” I asked.

“Yeah, just like you daddy.” Lyla said, laughing her way through her
line. Something about her put me at ease, the way she could just give into
things and have fun with it.

“Would you stop wiggling?” I asked, staring down at her ass grinding
against me.

“Why? Cause I’m gonna give you a boner?” she asked. The male
performer rolled his eyes, and I did the same thing. “It’s okay daddy, I know
how to make that go away.” Lyla said, pulling the sheet off and exposing
me to her. “Wow daddy, that’s the biggest boner I ever saw.” she said,
making the home alone face and mimicking the girl on screen.

“Oh my goodness.” I laughed, overwhelmed by the ridiculousness of

the situation. Lyla seemed fully relaxed, and giggled as she lowered herself
down between my legs.

“Do you want your stepdaughter to make you cum daddy?” she
asked, making devilish eye contact.

“Yeah baby, suck daddy’s dick like a good little slut.” It pained me to
say the words, but I managed to say it with a reasonably straight face. “Oh
fuck.” I moaned at the sensation of her soft wet lips wrapping around the
head of my cock. We turned slightly so we could both see the screen, and
Lyla expertly copied the sloppy blowjob that was taking place on screen.
“Guck, guck, guck, guck…” she even made the gagging sounds like
the girl on the video.
Chapter 8 - Brad

“Alright, I guess it’s gametime.” I said. “Do you want me to go first,

or you?”

“You’re a teenage boy, you’re the one with the insatiable appetite.”
Jess said, sitting down in the tub and draping her arms over the edge.
“Where do you want to start?”

“I guess we should start with your boobs.” I said, grabbing hold of the
chocolate and applying a layer to both of her breasts with my hands.

“Do you like them? My breasts?” she asked, looking up at me.

“They’re really nice, honestly.” I said, leaning in to lick the chocolate

syrup away from her nipples. It was the perfect opportunity for me to get it
out of my system, to kiss and suck and worship her succulent tits.
“Mmm…” I moaned, sucking on her nipples and making sure I got every

“Good boy, just like that.” she said, holding my head in her hands as I
suckled away. “Look at you, I didn’t think you’d get hard again so fast.” she
said, taking notice of my erection.

“I can’t help it. You’re so pretty.”

“And you’re so sweet. I’m glad we got this opportunity to bond this
way, we never get to do anything like this.” she said, reaching for the
whipped cream and squeezing some out onto the tip of my cock. “Ugh oh,
looks like I’ll have to suck it off.”

“Oh no.” I said, smiling as she leaned in with an open mouth to clean
off my penis.

“Let’s try some of this strawberry syrup.” she said, pouring some on
my cock and balls before diving in to clean it up.
“Mom.” I grunted, twitching with pleasure as she sucked the soul and
strawberry syrup out of my dick. “I want to try the strawberry syrup too.” I

“Let’s lay opposite directions so we can both keep going.” she said.
Jess laid down on her back, and I stepped over her so that my cock dangled
over her face. I applied a liberal amount of the strawberry syrup to her sex,
and began lapping it up enthusiastically.


“Fuck that feels good. Just like that Brad, don’t stop.” Jess moaned,
whimpering beneath my rhythmic touch.

“You taste so good.” I said, swirling my tongue all over her

sweetness. Jess buried her face in my balls, licking up and down between
them and my asshole. I made noises I didn’t know I could make as the tip of
her tongue flicked against my ass. The whole thing descended into
something of a feeding frenzy, a true feast. I squeezed whipped cream into
her ass and tried to make my face disappear between her cheeks. We
switched positions and took turns having fun with the challenge. Jess was
incredible, and gave better head than anyone I’d ever been with.

Within ten minutes, we had worked our way through most of the food
and it was obvious we were going to complete the challenge easily, but
neither of us wanted it to be over already.

“You know what we could do?” Jess asked. “We could put the rest on
my boobs and take our time.”

“Okay, that sounds good.” I said, pulling my face out from between
her cheeks. Jess laid down and spread her legs for more, and motioned for
me to get on top of her. I dumped what was left of the chocolate and
strawberry syrup onto her chest, and leaned forward to dig in. Jess reached
down between my legs, and began rubbing the tip of my cock up and down
on her pussy.

“Do you want to feel inside your mommy?” she asked, peering into
my eyes.

“Can we?”

“We can do whatever we want, baby. I want to make you cum one
more time.” she said, pressing me inside her tightness.

“Oh my God.” I moaned. My cock was already pulsing hard, and her
wet squeeze was nearly enough to make me explode inside her instantly.

“Good boy, just like that. Work that big dick in and out of mommy’s

“It’s so good.” I said, gripping her hips and pulling myself deeper
inside. “It’s so much better than girls my age.” I said, completely immersed
in the moment. The escape room had been so much more fun than I could
have ever expected, and I wondered if things would be different between us
once we’d escaped back home.

“Harder, like that. Keep going, I’m gonna cum.” she moaned. I
continued thrusting into her, and never stopped licking sweet syrup and
whipped cream from her chest as I did. Our bodies slapped together, and I
could feel my balls tightening up as I gave it to her as hard as I could.
“Fuck Brad, you’re gonna make mommy cum all over your dick.” she
began rubbing her clit with one hand, and supporting her breasts with the
other as I bottomed out inside her without protection. “Fuck!” she began to
quiver, and her breathing changed as she reached orgasm.

“Mmm…” I moaned, continuing to slurp away at the final little bits of

food right as I was crossing the edge myself. “Where do you want me to
cum?” I asked. Without hesitation, Jess pulled it out and got on her knees in
front of me, wrapping her lips around my dick as I came down her throat.
“Oh my God…” I sighed, and relaxed into the sensation of climaxing inside
of her mouth.

“Mmm…” Jess cooed, swallowing around my member and not

wasting a single drop of my cum. “Wow, that was really hot.” she said,
wiping a small amount of excess cum from her lip and sucking it off of her
finger. The time stopped, and another small key slid out from under the

“We did it.” I said.

“Yeah we did.”

We got dressed and then grabbed the key, inserting it together to open
the door.
Chapter 9 - Lyla

I couldn’t believe what we were doing. Making out had been

incredibly sexy, but sucking my stepdad’s cock and acting out a porno with
him was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. He had by far the biggest
cock I’d ever sucked on, and I couldn’t get enough of it. When the girl in
the video started sucking her stepdad’s balls, I did the same. And when she
got on all fours and begged him to fuck her from behind, I did the same.

“Please daddy, we won’t tell mommy. It’ll be our little secret.” I said,
wiggling my butt for him as he climbed into position behind me.

“Okay Anna. If this is what it takes to get you to sleep.” Dylan said,
repeating the fictional stepfather’s lines as he placed his manhood at my

“Please fuck me daddy, I want your big dick so bad.” I said, and then
squealed when he pressed it inside me. The girl in the video was very
enthusiastic, and I tried to match her energy while my actual stepdaddy put
both of his hands on my lower back and fucked me into oblivion. His
powerful hips slammed into me, and I dug both of my hands into the sheets
as he punished me with his hardness.

“You’re so much tighter than your mom.”

“And you’re so much bigger than the boys at school.” I said. The
video was very naughty, and I’d never talked to anyone so dirty during sex
before. But it was fun, just a harmless roleplay that added to the intensity of
what was already happening.

We went from doggystyle to reverse cowgirl, to cowgirl, to 69, back

to me sucking his cock, and ended up in missionary as the video neared its
end. I’d already came so many times I’d lost count, and found myself
actually falling in love with him as he drove his dick into my tightness
while holding my ankles up over my head.
“Tell daddy how much you want his cum?”

“I want it in me, daddy. I want your cum in my pussy.” I said,

repeating my line and watching excitedly to see if he would actually do it. I
was on birth control so it wasn’t that big of a deal, and if finishing inside
me was the difference between pass or fail for the challenge, I knew he
would do it.

“Fuck Lyla, I’m so close.” he held my ankles and stared into my eyes,
kissing me deeply as he emptied himself inside me. “Ughh…” he grunted,
and I could feel his throbbing cock pulse, pumping me full of sticky seed.

We were still cuddled up, with Dylan’s dick still resting inside me
when we both heard something slide under the door. It was the final key, we
did it!
Chapter 10 - Willow

I couldn’t have been more proud of the Johnson’s. They came

together, and came together hard, the way a family should.

Things really turned around after they successfully completed my

series of challenges. Lyla and Dylan were closer and more affectionate than
ever, and Jess found it painfully arousing that her husband and daughter
were engaged in a taboo affair.

For some reason, it didn’t bother Dylan at all what had happened
between his wife and son. He understood that Jess was an incredibly
attractive woman, figured it would be good for him to gain experience
under such a loving and skillful eye.

The whole family found it easier to loosen up, to just hang out and
spend quality time together following their intense session of family
bonding. Jess loved listening to her husband talk about how hot his first
time with Lyla was, and to hear them both moaning in the other room while
they went at it. It became a family tradition for Dylan to tuck Lyla into bed
and put her into sleep, and for Jess to give Brad a nice sloppy kiss
goodnight while she was buried under his sheet, with her head in his lap.
Forbidden Incentives for her Stepson - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 6

Chapter 1 - Willow

Faith and Jeff had come to me initially for help in the bedroom,
which wasn’t going well. Faith liked to dress up, look pretty, and be
worshiped and admired. Jeff liked missionary, and wasn’t particularly
interested in pleasing his wife.

It was a dire situation, as I could see Faith becoming more and more
frustrated. As for Jeff, no amount of talking or explanation seemed to get it
through his head that she wanted and needed more. He even frustrated me,
which isn’t the easiest thing to do. I really felt for Faith, because she was a
vibrant, loving, and beautiful woman stuck in a relationship with a
caveman. Jeff mostly stopped coming to therapy, while Faith seemed to
love having someone to vent to about her non existent sex life.

“He just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t care.” she said, throwing up her
arms. “I’m not that difficult Willow, I’m really not. I just want to doll
myself up for him and have some fun, but he’s allergic to foreplay. He
won’t even let me blow him. He only wants missionary, missionary,
missionary, and he has no stamina!”

“I know Faith, and I understand that it’s very frustrating.” I said. That
was pretty much the theme of our sessions, and I couldn’t seem to come up
with anything that would bring their dead bedroom back to life.

“At this point, I don’t even try anymore. I let him fuck me once every
couple of days just to keep him satiated, but I’m checked out. I hardly pay
attention while he’s on top of me.” she said.
Faith was also increasingly frustrated with her stepson Jared, who had
failed to graduate high school and was now failing summer school. He was
19 years old, and he didn’t have many chances left.

Jared spent his entire high school experience being grounded because
of poor grades, and because he couldn’t go out at night or even on
weekends, he also had no social life. No girls, no friends, no sports, no

“He sits in his room watching porn and playing video games. That’s
all he cares about.” Faith said, annoyed by Jeff’s approach to parenting.
“Grounded. That’s all he has to offer.”

“Well it doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe we should try another

approach.” I said.

“He needs motivation. He needs incentives, and structure. I honestly

think he does worse in school strictly because he’s grounded all the time.
There’s no light at the end of the tunnel for him, so he doesn’t even try.”
Faith said.

“And you said he doesn’t have a girlfriend?”

“A girlfriend? He doesn’t have any friends. And it’s not that he isn’t a
cool kid, he’s actually pretty smart and fun to be around. He’s funny. He
makes me laugh all the time, he’s just dejected and probably depressed.”
she said.

“Do you love and care about him?” I asked.

“Very much so. I think I care more about him succeeding at this point
than I care about my marriage.” Faith said. I could see the sadness in her
eyes, she wanted to do something, to help him out somehow and give him
some sort of reward system. “It’s punishment all the time, so there’s no
contrast. Jared doesn’t even know what it feels like to be praised or
complimented. It’s really sad.”
“That is very sad. And it doesn’t sound like it’s entirely his fault, I
think Jeff’s negligent parenting is holding him back from not just doing
well in school, but from enjoying his life.” I said.

“Bingo.” she said, throwing up her arms. “Same as our sex life. He
makes everything so dull and boring that it sucks the life out of whoever
he’s around.”

“I don’t disagree, but we can’t stand by and let Jared fail out of school
and become a loser just because his dad isn’t competent enough to help.
And we can’t let you simply give up your sexual desires because he’s too
much of a simpleton to explore them with you. I think I have a plan.” I said.

“I’m all ears.”

“Hear me out, because this is going to sound a little bit strange, but I
really think it’ll work for both of you.” I said, gathering my thoughts.
“Jared is 18 years old, so he’s really only interested in one thing.”

“And I think we both know what that is.” she said, rolling her eyes.
“He watches so much porn. I actually snuck into his room once to check his
browser history, and it was top to bottom porn. He seems to like older
women, it was all milf stuff. He even watches stepmom porn.”

“Interesting. That goes along perfectly with my little plan.” I said.

“How so?”

“We both know we aren’t going to convince Jeff to unground him, or

let him live a normal life or have any fun. But what we can do is provide
him with incentives that will motivate him to do well in summer school.” I

“Finally, someone who gets it. That’s what I’ve been saying. He
needs incentives, he needs the possibility of rewards and not just
punishments.” she said, leaning in and growing interested.

“I know this is kind of risque, but what do you think about giving him
handjobs for completing his homework?” I asked. Faith perked up, a little
taken back by my suggestion.

“Oh wow. Uhm, yeah I don’t think Jeff would like that.” she said.

“Of course he wouldn’t, but like I said, we can’t let Jared suffer and
abandon your sexual desires. Jared needs to interact with women, and to
develop sexually. Look Faith, you’re very attractive, and I’m positive that
you could motivate him if you reward him for good behavior.” I said.

“It just seems so inappropriate, like wouldn’t that be crossing a line?”

she asked.

“I think locking an 18 year old in his room for four years is crossing a
line. I think being such a selfish lover that your wife doesn’t enjoy her sex
life is crossing a line. I think helping motivate someone you care about,
while at the same time taking care of both of your needs is simply taking
action.” I said, standing behind my idea without backing down.

“True.” she said, pondering the idea for herself. “It would definitely
give him some motivation…” she said.

“And what about you? Would you enjoy dressing up for a younger
man who desires you? And engaging in foreplay like you’ve been craving?”
I asked.

“Well, yeah. Absolutely. And Jared is very attractive.” she said. “I’ve
just never thought about him like that, because he’s my stepson.”

“You aren’t technically related. It’s killing two birds with one stone. I
hate to say it, but I think Jeff is kind of a lost cause in the parental
department as well as in the bedroom. We’ve tried everything else, why not
give this a try?” I asked. A sly smile spread across Faith’s face.
“I’m going to think about it.” she said.

“Good. Let me know what you decide.” I said.

“Thank you Willow, you’re the best.” she said, standing up to give me
a hug. That marked the end of our session, and I crossed my fingers that
she’d make the right choice.
Chapter 2 - Faith

After my session with Willow, her naughty plan of action was all I
could think about. It made sense on so many levels, and to be honest, I was
completely into the idea. The only thing that prevented me from giving an
immediate yes was the fact I’d have to go behind my husband’s back in
order to put it into action.

After two days of considering what Willow had said, I decided I had
to ask Jeff about it. He seemed to uninterested in sex that I really didn’t
think it’d be that big of a deal, especially considering it would just be
handjobs. Plus, I figured he’d do whatever it took to ensure that his son
graduated from high school.

“No.” he said.

“But Jeff…”

“No!” he repeated, “It’s inappropriate. Besides, we can’t reward him

for having bad grades. It’s a hard fucking no from me.”

“So you’re just going to let him fail high school?” I asked, crossing
my arms.

“I’m not letting him do anything. If the kid is too damn stupid to
graduate high school, what am I supposed to do about it?” he asked,
completely serious. I rolled my eyes and walked away, and went to my
room and cried out of pure frustration. Why had I thought that he would
even consider it? He wouldn’t consider anything. He was stubborn and
stuck in his ways, and I was falling out of love with him.

The next morning, I woke up with a renewed energy. Sometimes, if

you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. I phoned Willow
from my car on the way to get my morning coffee.

“I’m in. I want to do it.” I said.

“Perfect. I think you and Jared will both end up being very happy
that you made this decision.” Willow said. And that was that, I was going to
motivate my stepson to graduate high school.

Jeff worked from 9 to 6 five days a week, and spent most of his free
time in our bedroom watching TV. That would leave me with plenty of time
to motivate Jared, but I wasn’t sure how to get the ball rolling. I mean, he
was my stepson so it wasn’t like I could just walk into his room and tell him
I’d give him a handjob if he finished his homework. Even though I was
dedicated to the plan and down for the cause, getting started was proving to
be difficult.

Jared and I had a good relationship, I think he felt more comfortable

talking to me than he did with his own father. And he liked to joke around
with me, so I thought maybe I could use that to my advantage but I needed
some ideas on how to go about it so I called Willow for advice.
Chapter 3 - Willow

I was ecstatic to hear that Faith wanted to follow through with my

plan. It also didn’t surprise me at all when she called me up for advice on
how to get things moving in that direction, as bringing it up could obviously
be a tad bit on the awkward side. It wasn’t everyday that a stepmother
propositioned her son for handjobs.

Instead of doing it over the phone, I asked her to bring Jared to our
session the following day. In my opinion, it would be a lot easier if I was
the facilitator. It would make everything seem official, and we’d have the
privacy of my home office to have our discussion. Jared was keen on
anything that got him out of the house, and happily rode along with Faith to
our session.

“Hello Jared, I’m Willow. I’ve heard a lot about you.” I said, shaking
his hand.

“Oh boy. I promise I’m not as bad as they make me seem.” he said,
smiling and looking me square in the eye. It struck me immediately how tall
and handsome he was, and how confident. I’d expected a hunched over,
awkward shut in after what he’d been put through.

“Willow and I wanted to talk to you about summer school. We think

we have a plan that might motivate you.” Faith said. They had a seat on the
small couch across from my desk.

“It’s not so much that I’m not motivated, it’s that I don’t care,” he

“And why’s that?” I asked.

“Because it doesn’t matter what I do, I’m still going to spend the rest
of the summer locked in my room. But once that’s over, and I officially
drop out, dip shit will kick me out of the house and then I can try to start my
own life.” he said.
“Jared, don’t call him that.” Faith said.

“Why not? He calls me worse things than that on the regular.” he said.
“Look, with all due respect, I’m in prison and I’m doing my time. It’s no
big deal, my sentence is almost over, but there’s no way in hell I’m about to
put any effort whatsoever into graduating high school.” he said.

“What do you plan to do for work once you move out?” I asked.

“I’m going to be a mechanic. I’ll start at the bottom, changing oil and
tires, and I’ll work my way up as I learn the trade.” he said.

“Okay, that’s good. You have a plan. But why not graduate high
school anyway?” I asked.

“Honestly, it takes a lot of effort to fail some of these classes. So it’s

not that I’m not putting any effort into this. But I wouldn’t want to risk
accidentally making dip shit proud.” he said.

“I take it you don’t like your father?” I asked.

“No one likes my father, not even Faith, whether she’ll admit that or
not,” he said.

“I understand. I can’t say I particularly care for him myself. That said,
not graduating from high school isn’t going to hurt him, it’s only going to
hurt you.” I said.

“I’ll get my GED as soon as I’m out of the house. High school isn’t
exactly rocket science, I’m not worried about it.” he said.

“Well, Faith and I had a plan we think you might be interested in.
Would you like to at least hear us out?” I asked.

“I’m aware that Jeff has kept you grounded for your entire four years
of high school, which has kept you from pursuing girls the way you’d
probably like to.”

“Facts.” he said. “That idiot thinks that locking me up in my room is

going to somehow convince me to do what he wants me to, when all he
really has to do is keep me some freedom.”

“I agree, but since we both know he isn’t going to give you freedom
or unground you until he kicks you out of the house, we figured we could
give you something to look forward to and motivate you to graduate high
school. That way, you won’t have to go get your GED when you’re living
on your own, you can just focus on work and making money.” I said.

“I’m listening.”

“First, let me ask you a question, and I need you to be honest with
me.” I said.

“Yes ma am.”

“If Faith weren’t your stepmother, would you find her attractive?”

“Faith is very attractive, I don’t care if she’s my stepmom or not.” he

said, looking me in the eye.

“Good. The plan is simple. Every night, as long as you finish your
homework, Faith is going to give you a handjob. If you don’t complete your
work, then she won’t. If you get a passing grade on a test, you’ll get a
handjob. And everytime you pass a class, you’ll get a handjob. How does
that sound?” I asked. Jared looked over at Faith and raised his eyebrows.

“Seriously?” he asked.

“Seriously.” she said.

“Holy shit, fuck yeah. Y’all about to see me make the damned honor
roll.” he shouted, standing up and holding up his hand for a high five which
I immediately took him up on. Faith rolled her eyes, but couldn’t stop

“This is the most excited I’ve seen you in a while.” she said.

“You have no idea. Can we go home? I have some work to do.” he

said, grinning like the devil and still standing up.

“Actually, before we do all that, I thought it might be a good idea if

she gave you your first reward right now, for accepting our challenge to
graduate high school.” I said. “That way you know what you’re working
for. I think it’ll be more motivating if we give you a little taste.”

“Right now? I’m so down.” he said.

“Yeah. Here, let me get you some lube.” I said, reaching into my desk
and passing it over to Faith. “Is that okay with you?” I asked.

“Yeah, absolutely.” she said.
Chapter 4 - Jared

When Faith asked me to accompany her to the therapy session, I

didn’t think twice. Getting out of the house was a rare occasion unless I was
going to class. Plus, I loved hanging out with her.

Willow was pretty and seemed cool enough, and I didn’t mind talking
to her. It took me a minute to realize that I was there to actually participate
in the session, and by the time she told me the actual reason, I felt like a kid
in a candy store.

Faith was a total babe and completely out of my dad’s league. Why
she decided to marry him in the first place was a complete and total head
scratcher to me, but I liked having such a sexy woman around the house.
Because I didn’t get to hang out with girls my age, she was kind of the only
woman in my life, which lead to me having a lot of pent up sexual tension
towards her.

She was pretty from head to toe, and I had trouble keeping her out of
my fantasies. Most of the porn I watched featured women her age, and who
had a similar look to her. I loved it when Faith would wear low cut shirts,
short shorts, or post her bare feet up on the table while we watched TV. The
thoughts that ran through my head whenever she was around were very
sexual, and I wanted nothing more than to make her mine.

When Willow and Faith told me that they thought it was a good idea
for her to give me a handjob right then and there, I was totally up for it.
There was no way I could say no. Willow handed Faith a bottle of lube.

“Go ahead and pull down your pants and underwear. I think we
should just go for it.” Willow said.

“Is that okay with you?” I asked, looking to my stepmother for

“Yes baby. I want to show you what you’ll be getting if you start
doing better in school.” she said. Faith looked gorgeous as usual, and wore
a dress that was low cut and showcased her perfect cleavage.

“Yes ma am.” I said, wasting no time in pulling down my pants and

underwear. My cock was already at half mast just from talking about getting
a handjob from her, and it flopped out from behind my waistband.

“Oh wow, you have a very nice cock.” Willow said, watching intently
from behind her desk. “Go ahead Faith, lube it up and play with it.”

“You ready?” Faith asked, squeezing the bottle onto my manhood.

“So ready.” I said, putting my arm around her as her fingers wrapped
around my cock. “Oh my God.” I moaned, feeling a woman’s hand on my
dick for the first time in my life.

“You’re so hard.” she said, stroking up and down, spreading the lube
all over my stiffening erection. “Does that feel good baby?”

“It feels so good mommy. Do you think I could see your tits?” I

“No, not this time.” Willow interjected. “This is only a practice run.
We can work things like that into the challenge as incentives. Maybe if you
get a C you’ll get a handjob, if you get a B you can get a handjob with tits,
and if you get an A maybe she’ll give you a fully nude handjob. Something
like that.”

“That’s fine. You’re just so pretty.” I said, staring at her cleavage as

she used both hands to pump. “God damn that feels good. I don’t think this
is going to last long.”

“That’s okay sweetheart, as long as you start doing better in school

we can do this all the time.” Faith said, looking into my eyes.
“I’ll start applying myself. I promise.” I said, struck with the sudden
urge to become a scholar.

“Massage his balls as well, Faith.” Willow said. Faith did as she was
told, and brought me to a state of arousal I didn’t know existed. I didn’t
want to cum because I didn’t want her to stop, but it was beyond my

“Mom, I’m getting close. You’re going to make me cum.”

“That’s okay baby, that’s what I want.” she said, rubbing my balls
with one hand and stroking feverishly with the other. “Give me your cum
baby. Shoot your load for mommy.” she said. Hearing her talk dirty was
enough to send me over to the edge, and within seconds I was gripping the
couch with both hands and hanging on for dear life.

“Oh my God, oh my God Faith.” I grunted, thrusting against her tight

squeeze as I felt myself crossing the point of no return. “Oh fuck…” I
sighed, feeling the pressure well up until it finally exploded.

“Oh wow, look at that!” Faith said, staring at my cock as I hot cum
spurted all over the place. “Good boy.” she said, finishing me off.

“Here are some tissues to clean up with.” Willow said, leaning over
the desk to pass them to Faith. I closed my eyes, and a smile spread over
my face. After all the years spent lusting after her, I’d finally gotten what
I’d always dreamed of. “Well, that went very well. And Jared, Faith and I
have high expectations of you. We want to see you succeed in school, so
please make us proud.”

“Yes ma am. I will.” I said, standing to pull up my boxers and pants.

We headed out shortly after, and we discussed the reward system on the
way home. I’ll put it this way, for the first time in my life I had every
intention of getting A’s on every assignment from there on out.
Chapter 5 - Faith

The very next day, Jared came to me with a stack of papers and
slapped them down in front of me.

“This is all of my homework from today, and all of the assignments I

didn’t complete for the whole quarter.” he said, crossing his arms. As I
leafed through the papers, I could tell he’d been up all night working. His
normally terrible handwriting looked perfect, and as I read over his answers
I couldn’t help thinking that this was A level schoolwork.

“Very impressive.” I said, genuinely surprised. I knew that he was

going to start working harder, but my goodness.

“Is this worth your boobs?” he asked, prompting me to chuckle.

“You really want to see them don’t you?” I asked.

“Yeah. I want to feel them too, and maybe suck on them.”

“Hey now, let’s go slowly. I’ll take them out this time, but we have to
wait until tonight when your father has fallen asleep.” I said.

“Yes ma am.” he said, collecting his papers and heading off to his

“This really was a great idea.” I said to myself, feeling proud that I
was the catalyst for his hard work. It turned me on knowing that he was that
attracted to me, that he viewed me in such a way that he would change his
behavior just for the chance to be with me.

My relationship with Jeff had only deteriorated, and I think because

of that I was much more open to the idea of pushing things further with
Jared. I’d been unsatisfied in the bedroom for so long, having something
new and exciting brought me back to life and made me horny beyond
By the time Jeff passed out, all I could think about was rewarding
Jared for his good behavior, and milking his hard young cock for all it was
worth. I took a shower, and put on one of my favorite form fitting dresses
before sneaking out of my room, down the hallway, and into Jared’s room.

“Damn mom, you look hot as fuck.” he said, his eyes lighting up at
the sight of me.

“Awh, thank you sweetheart.” I said. “I picked this dress for you
because it gives easy access to my boobs.” I said. The dress had spaghetti
straps, and I wasn’t wearing a bra underneath it.

“I’m so happy we’re doing this. I’ve never worked so hard at school
in my life.” he said.

“Here, lay down on your bed and relax.” I said.

“Yes ma am.” he hopped onto his bed, and scooted back and into

“Leave them on. I want to be the one to take them off this time.” I
said, stopping him from yanking off his athletic shorts and underwear in
one quick motion. I crawled into bed with him on my hands and knees, and
reached for his waistband. “Can I have a little kiss?” I asked, leaning in.
Without saying a word, he pressed his lips against mine.

“Mmm…” he moaned, kissing me hard and passionately. It wasn’t

what I was expecting, and things quickly progressed to heavy making out
and petting. Jared groped at my breasts, pulling the straps off of my
shoulders and exposing my breasts as our tongues swirled together.

“Okay, okay. Handjob, remember?” I asked, wiping the excess saliva

from my mouth before slipping my fingers back inside his waistband. I
slowly slid his shorts in underwear down his thighs and off of his ankles,
admiring his thick young cock.
“I’ve been waiting all day for this.” he said, laying back to enjoy his

“Me too baby.” I said, squeezing lotion onto my hands and applying it
to his shaft.

“They’re so nice.” he said, staring unabashedly at my breasts while I

jerked his cock.

“Thank you baby, you like them?”

“They’re perfect. Can I suck on your nipples?” he asked.

“Just for a second.” I said, unable to resist him. His enthusiasm was
contagious, and I pressed my chest against his face as he buried his face in
them and began kissing and licking all over them. His pure eagerness was
making me wet, and I felt the urge to rip my dress off and climb on top of
him. “Okay baby, okay. That’s enough for now.” I said, stopping him from
continuing as a way to restrain my growing arousal.

“I could worship your tits all day.” he said, his eyes never breaking
from them.

“You really like boobs don’t you?” I asked.

“Yeah.” he said. I pulled my dress down further, near my waist, and

told him to scoot to the edge of the bed.

“This is only because you did all that extra work for school and made
up your missed assignments, but I’m going to let you fuck my tits okay?” I

“Yeah, definitely. Thank you.” he said. I got down on my knees in

front of him, and pressed my tits around his cock and began moving them
up and down. “Oh my God. That’s so sexy.” he said, thrusting against my

“Yeah baby? You like fucking mommy’s tits?” I asked, watching his
expression turn to agony.

“I’ve thought about this for so long.” he moaned, his cock throbbing
between my breasts.

“Such a good boy.” I said. It didn’t take long until he was about to
cum, and I held my tits up for him to spray his juices all over.

“Fuck.” he grunted, shooting spurt after spurt of stickiness all over

my breasts. I was so turned on that I wanted to touch myself, but elected for
scooping his cum up in my fingers and eating it for him. He watched in
wide eyed wonder, smiling as I swallowed every last drop.

“Keep doing your homework baby, and there’s plenty more in store
for you.” I said, standing up and giving him a goodnight kiss before
returning down the hall to my bedroom.
Chapter 6 - Willow

I loved hearing all the dirty details about how well Jared was doing in
school. He was pretty far behind, but still had the chance to graduate as
long as he got all A’s and B’s, and miraculously, he was doing it.

Faith was like a new woman, and she lit up whenever she spoke of
Jared. It was easy to see that she was developing feelings for him, and I
couldn’t blame her. He was driven, and unlike his father, loved foreplay.

“Honestly Willow, I think I’m going to fuck him if he graduates.” she

said. “Everytime I give him a handjob, or let him fuck my tits, I go back to
bed so aroused and all I can think about is having his cock inside me.”

“I think that’s a fine prize for graduation. His turnaround is beyond

impressive.” I said, goading her on.

“Yeah, and it’ll be my reward as well for being such a good mommy.”
she said, getting into the naughtiness of her new role in Jared’s life. She
loved the taboo, the forbidden nature of what was taking place right down
the hall from her marital bed. “I don’t even have sex with Jeff anymore, and
I’m aching for it. But I’m only attracted to Jared now.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with that.” I said. Week after week, Jared
continued to excel, scoring A’s or high B’s on every homework assignment
and test. His grades kept coming up, until it was finals time. He needed B’s
at least across the board, and he would graduate.
Chapter 7 - Faith

By the time finals rolled around, I’d never rooted for anyone to do
well in school so badly in my entire life. I’d already laid it all on the line. If
he passed all of his classes and got his diploma, I would not only blow him,
I would let him fuck me. This ignited a fire in him that I’d never seen
before, and he studied at all hours of the night for weeks leading up to his

And he passed with flying colors, scoring straight A’s across the
board in the most spectacular academic turnaround I’d ever witnessed. It
would have been unbelievable had I not witnessed it myself, or known what
his hidden motivations were. Neither of us told Jeff about the turnaround, as
far as he knew, Jared was still screwing around and flunking out.

“I’m so proud of you.” I said, picking him up from school on his final
day. I kissed him on the mouth openly, I didn’t even care if any of the other
students, mothers, or teachers saw us making out in my car.

“I did it all for you mom. When we get home, I’m going to fuck the
shit out of you.” he said.

“Good boy. We have a solid hour before your father gets home, let’s
make the most of it.” I said, before hightailing it home. We practically
skipped inside, and went straight to my room. All of our extracurriculars
had taken place in his bedroom, but it was time to break in mine. No one
had had good sex in there for years, and I desparately needed it.
Chapter 8 - Jared

Faith walked straight toward the bed, yanking her shirt up over her
head and tossing it on the floor before jumping on her bed and turning
around to face me. All of my hard work had paid off, and it was time to
claim my prize. She was the perfect woman, the girl of my dreams, and I
was going to spread her legs and give her everything I had.

The idea of actually getting to fuck her had consumed me for the
entire semester. All of the handjobs and the tit fucking were amazing and
the best part of my day, but it left me wanting more. Specifically, to shove
my hard dick inside of her and pump away until I was filling her tight little

“Get your ass over here and fuck your mother.” she said, grinning and
motioning for me to approach. I stripped down as fast as I could and
jumped into bed with her, grabbing her face to kiss her as soon as I was
within arms reach.

“The hard work was so worth it.” I said, pulling off her shorts and
panties. Her vagina was freshly shaved, just for me, and I dropped down
between her legs to go down on her.

“Oh boy, okay. I like this.” she said, holding my head in place as I
licked her clit. A part of me was nervous about it being my first time having
sex, but I felt confident because we’d been gaining experience with each
other and I knew she wanted me too. It became increasingly obvious as our
tryst had evolved, the slutty, eager way she jerked my cock. The way she
feasted on my balls and swallowed my cum. The way she sometimes played
with her clit so she could cum at the same time as me.

“You taste amazing.” I grunted, lapping away relentlessly. She was

shaking uncontrollably, thrusting her pussy against my hungry mouth as I
suckled at her wetness.
“Jared, I can’t wait any longer. I need your dick in me.” she moaned. I
wasn’t one to ignore that call, and climbed on top of her, grabbing her by
the ankles and spreading her legs wide while looking down over my bounty.

“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.” I said.

“Show me.” she said, wrapping her feet around me and pulling me in
close. She was so wet that my dick slipped easily inside of her, her wet
tightness squeezing around me as a pleasure I’d never known overtook my

“Oh my God.” I moaned, pushing it in and out. Each thrust brought a

jolt of pleasure, and she pulled me towards her for deep kissing as we
grinded against each other. “It’s so fucking good.”

“Yeah it is baby, you deserve it. It’s all for you, fuck mommy’s pussy
until you cum.” she whimpered, staring into my eyes as I drove myself deep
into her. My pelvis collided against hers, causing her breasts to jiggle and
bounce for me, a sight that was nearly enough to make me cum, but I’d
waited too long to use my free pass for a quickie.

“Turn over.” I said. “I want to hit it from behind.”

“Yes sir! I like when you’re bossy.” she said, getting onto her hands
and knees and turning to watch me enter her. “Like that baby?”

“Just like that.” I said, entering her from behind. It was all so novel,
so new and arousing. I couldn’t get enough, and I wanted to knock her
socks off so that she would let me do it again.

“Good boy.” she moaned, burying her face in the pillow and
furiously rubbing her clit. “Jared.” she called out, turning again to look at
me. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop, I’m about to cum.”

“Me too.” I said, breathing deep and trying to hold off.

“Oh my God Jared, I’m cumming. Mommy is cumming on your
dick.” she whimpered, shaking uncontrollably on my hard cock. It felt so
good that it was unexplainable, and watching her orgasm turned me on
something fierce but I fought through it. I wasn’t ready for it to be over.
“Holy shit.” she said, panting as she came down.

“You still haven’t sucked it.” I said.

“Awh, baby. I’m sorry. I was just so excited to feel you inside me.”
she said, turning around and pushing me down on my back. “Let me suck
on it for you.”

“You’re beautiful Faith.” I said, unable to stop repeating the words

as she wrapped her perfect lips around my girth.

“Guck, guck, guck!” she shoved my length down her throat, gagging
and slobbering all over it without a hint of slowing down. She rested my
balls on her face, sucking on them while she stared up at me from down
between my legs. “Here, this is just for you. I’ve never done this for your
father.” she said, raising my legs and burying her face in my ass.

“Ughhh!” I squealed, shocked by the sensation of her tongue

rimming my asshole. I looked down at her, and was nearly overtaken with
lust. She’d descended into a state of pure slutty mania, and her tongue
rolled around my asshole while she continued stroking. “Stop, please stop.”
I said.

“I’m sorry baby, I thought you would like it.” she said.

“It feels incredible, but I’m about to cum. I don’t want to cum on
your face or tits, or on my stomach. I want to cum inside you.” I said.

“Awh, baby. I love you so much. Just lay back, let mommy ride your
dick until you cum.” she said, quickly climbing on top of me and inserting
me into her soaking hole.
“Faith, I love you too. I love you so much.” I said, holding her
asscheeks in both hands and pulling her down against me. Faith bounced up
and down on it, her bouncy tits right in my face. It was too much for me to
contain myself, and I knew it was time.

“Mommy loves your dick. Mommy loves your dick so much.” she
said, eyes closed and twerking her bubble.

“I’m going to cum.” I said.

“So am I.” she moaned. We climaxed simultaneously, and waves of

pleasure rippled through my entire body as my viscous load pumped inside
her. “Ughhh….”

“Fuck.” I loved watching her cum for me, shaking uncontrollably as

I gave her another orgasm. As soon as we’d finished, the reality of what
we’d done set in and a smile spread over both our faces as we kissed and
whispered sweet nothings. We were covered in sweat, and she was full of
my semen.

“What was that?” she asked, suddenly perking up. It was the front
door. My father was home. “Go, go to your room and I’ll take care of the
rest.” she said. I needed no further instruction, and grabbed my clothes off
the floor before sprinting to my room and shutting the door behind me.
Chapter 9 - Faith

I was able to pull the sheets off and stuff them in the bottom of a
hamper and hop in the shower before Jeff made it to our room. There was
nothing I could do to mask the scent of sex in the air, but he was too stupid
to notice it.

As the hot water poured over my body, I replayed our encounter

over in my head. It had been years since I’d experienced multiple orgasms,
and mind blowing sex that made me feel like a new person. Even though I’d
told Jared that it would be a one time thing, I knew beyond a shadow of a
doubt that it was only the beginning. I was addicted to him, and I would
need daily doses of his hard young cock for the foreseeable future.

Willow was the first person I called, and the only person I told about
what had happened. She was of course ecstatic that I’d had such a fantastic
experience, and encouraged me to continue exploring with Jared. We
screwed relentlessly, like breeding rabbits every day going forward. No
room in the house was off limits, nor was the car, or public restrooms, or
the movie theater. We were insatiable, and couldn’t seem to get enough of
each other.

Jeff never found out that Jared graduated high school, and kicked
him out of the house for flunking his way out of school. I filed for divorce
that very same day, and got a place with Jared so we could continue our
bond and live happily ever after, which to this day, we have.
Coming Into Her Room to Teach Her How (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home

Therapy Volume 7

Chapter 1 - Willow

I’d been working as the Bryant families’ sex therapist for some time
when Trish and her husband Noah reached their wits’ end with their
stepdaughter Jessica. She was getting decent grades, but she kept getting
caught with different boys in precarious situations.

Once, it was down on her knees in the boys locker room in front of
the varsity quarterback Matt Stefonicus. Somehow, she was only suspended
for one day by the male principal Mr. Ivonale.

Another time it was on the weekend, in the basement of an all boy

house party with a kid named Matt. Trish had figured out where she was
using her location, and burst into a room where her daughter was bent over
squealing as one of her friend’s boyfriends was taking her from behind.

“Mom, you’re so lame. We’re all 18, we wanna hook up. Who
cares?” she asked, fuming with attitude. Trish was an admitted pushover,
and wanted nothing to do with disciplining her daughter. Noah wanted to
take over punishments a long time ago, but was vetoed. Now that things had
gotten out of control, she wanted him to step in but he wasn’t interested.

“You let this go on for way too long, she’s an adult now. There’s
nothing I can do.” he said. I could practically sense his hostility toward her
for not allowing him to keep her in check before, and wanting him to take
over once the situation had reached a crisis point.

I made sure that Jessica was on birth control, and knew about using
protection. I suggested they scheduled her for monthly STD checks. They
passed on the information, but she was fairly flippant about it.
My job was supposed to be helping the couple enrich their sex lives,
but ended up being counseling them about what to do about Jessica. Every
session was sidetracked by their constant arguments and discussions about
her. From what I gathered, she was very sexually open, and promiscuous. In
their view, she was nothing but a two bit floozy.

The details went on and on, about them both catching her
masturbating, walking in on her fucking random guys they didn’t know, and
trying to meet up with older men she met through dating apps.

“Willow, I swear to God, I overheard her on the telephone with one

of her friends talking about how much she wanted to fuck her stepdad. My
husband. Noah!” she said. They were together when she brought it up in a
session, and apparently it was the first he’d heard of it.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes. I didn’t tell you because it made me uncomfortable, but yes.

And she went into vivid detail about how she wanted to suck the soul out of
your cock, ride you like a cowboy on a bucking bronco, and be bent over by
you and “fucked into oblivion like the whore I am”. Swear to God.” she
said. I couldn’t help noticing Noah’s expression as the words left her mouth.
It was one of intrigue, arousal, and surprise.

“What do you think about that, Noah? Knowing your step daughter
has intense sexual fantasies about you?” I asked, putting him on the spot.

“Uhm, well, this is the first I’ve heard about it.” he said, clearly
evading the question and at the same time turning the blame towards his
wife’s lack of communication. There was something there, something he
wasn’t comfortable with. And I’ve done this long enough to know roughly
what it was.

Jessica was as infamous for dressing in skimpy, barely there

clothing as she was for blowing varsity players in the parking lot. I’d seen
and met her myself, and there was no denying she was a drop dead
knockout. I decided to wait for a private session with him to delve deeper
into this, but I suspected she wasn’t the only one harboring forbidden

Especially when you consider the reasons the couple came to me in

the first place. Trish was extremely conservative sexually, and considered a
blowjob an annual birthday treat. She wanted sex to be quick and efficient,
as she considered it a way to release tension physically before getting on
with your day. It was something couples did, like masturbating except while
being together. For her, an ideal sexual partnership involved vanilla
missionary sex 2-3 times per week, never more and never less.

Noah loved having his dick sucked, and wanted to get rough and
nasty anytime anywhere. He liked kink, no matter what it was, and liked to
have long, drawn out sessions of making love. He was passionate and
loving, and had a sexual appetite that was impossible for Trish to satiate.

They loved each other and tried to compromise. They made the
agreement that Trish would give him handjobs any night she didn’t want to
have sex. This was a major improvement for them, especially from Noah’s
perspective but it was only a bandaid on a bigger problem. Mismatched

When it comes to providing sex therapy to married couples, I

always take the long approach and play the slow game. Life unfolds one
day at a time, very slowly, and scale is important. I never try to rush people
into things, or make one individual progress at a rate that isn’t comfortable
for them.

Still, I couldn’t help thinking that Jessica might be the missing link
that could fix both their marital problems, and their problems surrounding
Jessica’s wild lack of discipline.
Chapter 2 - Noah

Willow was a fantastic therapist, and her straightforward lines of

questioning always brought forth interesting and insightful conversation.
Sometimes all you need is a good listener who knows how to ask the right
questions, and it’ll lead to better communication. Trish and I benefited
greatly from having such a good catalyst to help us connect.

Almost all of our therapy sessions were had as a couple, but

sometimes Trish and I would schedule one on ones with Willow, and
sometimes she would suggest one on ones for certain things. I wasn’t sure
the reasoning behind it, but Willow scheduled one such session with me
after we found an empty Plan B package in Jessica’s trash can.

“Hey you.” Willow said, welcoming me into her beautiful home.

“Hi Willow.” I said, giving her a hug before following her into her
living room slash therapy room.

“I know I don’t set up a lot of one on ones, but I thought it was

necessary on this occasion.” she said.

“Okay, that’s fine. Is it about something in particular?” I asked.

“Well, it’s more about someone in particular than something. I wanted

to speak candidly with you about your step daughter Jessica.” she said.

“Okay, shoot.”

“We can both agree that her sexual habits are becoming concerning.
I’m a very open person sexually, and I have no problem with a teenage girl
having multiple partners, but the way she’s doing things is actually
dangerous on multiple levels. She’s risking STDs and pregnancy.” she said.

“I agree, it’s been out of control for some time. Between you and me,
I have a suspicion that she’s sexually active with her principal, but I have no
way of proving it.” I said.

“Well that’s another can of worms entirely.”

“True. We’ve talked to her about birth control, safe sex, and STDs.
She listens, but I don’t think she practices any of it. I know for a fact she
isn’t on birth control.” I said.

“Understood. There’s only so much you can do, at some point

responsibility comes down to the individual.” she said. “But, I wanted to
talk to you about something more specific. I wanted to talk to you about her
sexual fantasies surrounding you.” she said.

“Oh.” I said, feeling myself shut off a little right away. Ever since
Trish brought up Jessica’s little phone conversation, I’d had trouble not
thinking about it.

“Yeah, pretty intense. If your suspicions surrounding her school

principal are true, then she’s definitely into older men.” Willow said. “And
that could expose her to a whole extra layer of danger. Older men will take
advantage of her, because she’s quite the looker.”

“Yeah, as much as I don’t like the fact that she’s sleeping around so
haphazardly, I’d much rather it be with guys her age than older men.” I said.

“Tell me something Noah, and remember, this is a judgment free zone

and everything we talk about will be confidential.” she said.


“On a strictly physical level, do you find your stepdaughter

attractive?” she asked. I took a deep breath and exhaled, knowing it was
pointless to lie to my therapist.

“Honestly Willow, yes. I don’t know if it’s because of the way she
dresses, or her flirtatious demeanor, but I find Jessica very attractive.” I
said, feeling shame as the words left my mouth. It wasn’t something I had
any control over, or else I wouldn’t feel that way.

“It’s understandable. She’s a beautiful girl with a beautiful body.”

“Yeah. It’s obviously not something I’d ever act on.” I said.

“Have you ever fantasized about your stepdaughter sexually?” she

asked. I sighed again.

“I have.” I said.

“On multiple occasions?” she asked.


“Have you ever masturbated while thinking about her?” she asked.


“Would you care to expand on that? What is about her specifically

that turns you on?” she asked.

“Oh boy.” I said, running my fingers through my hair and taking

another deep breath. This was something I’d kept to myself for some time, a
secret little fantasy that I had no intentions of ever divulging.

“It’s fine, take your time. I’d really like to unpack this a little.” she

“For starters, like you said, just from a physical standpoint. She’s very
pretty, and the way she dresses, her perfect body is always on full display.”
I said, “she rarely wears a bra, and I can always see her perky little pierced
nipples poking through her shirt.”
“And being forced into such close proximity with a beautiful 18 year
old who loves to flaunt it has a certain effect on your biology. I understand.”
she said.

“Yeah, pretty much. I literally try not to look at her, but it’s difficult.”

“Of course, especially because she lives under the same roof as you.”
she said.

“Exactly. You should see what she wears around the house. A couple
days ago she walked past me in a thong and a tank top without a bra.”

“And how did that make you feel?” she asked.

“Like a pervert, honestly. I couldn’t pry my eyes away from her tight
ass, and she had like an exaggerated feminine walk so her ass swayed with
every step.” I said, feeling the blood rushing to my dick as I recalled it.

“You know she does that on purpose right?” she asked.

“I didn’t even think about it. She short circuits my brain sometimes.”
I said.

“You don’t have to feel perverted Noah, there’s no law against

looking at something you find desirable.”

“I know that, it’s just, I just wish she didn’t have that effect on me. I
feel helpless against it.” I said.

“Tell me, how pervasive are your fantasies about your stepdaughter?”
she asked.

“More pervasive than I care to admit.”

“Would you say she dominates your fantasies?” she asked.

“Most certainly. I think it’s the proximity, she’s always on my mind.
Plus, her mother and I are always stressed out by her and I think a part of
me wants to lock her in her room and handle all of her urges myself. I know
that’s awful, but it’s the way I feel sometimes.” I said. It felt good to have a
safe environment to let it all out, because there’s no way I’d ever talk about
that with anyone else.

“What about her personality, or attitude? Is there anything non

physical about her that brings out these urges in you?” she asked.

“Yeah. She has like an “I don’t give a fuck” attitude, and she’s so
confident about her body and sexuality. She knows she has an innate power
over men, and I think she gets off on it.” I said.

“And you like that?”

“I wouldn’t say I like it, but I’m helpless towards finding it attractive.
To put it bluntly, I know that she’s great in bed. She’s got this slutty thing
going on that’s the polar opposite of her mother, and it’s something I
crave.” I said.

“You wanted to instill discipline in her before, but not anymore. Why
is that?” she asked.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I was denied the opportunity
when it was still possible. Now she’s legally an adult, and completely out of
control. I can’t really ground her or discipline her because she’d just move
out with some dude. I should have been handed the reins on this a long time
ago, but now it’s too late.” I said.

“I think you’d be surprised. When young girls act out like this, it’s
typically because they’re craving discipline.” she said. “And I don’t think
it’s too late, but I do think you’ll have to take a much different approach
than you would have taken before.” she said.

“How so?”
“Well, like you said, she’s legally an adult now and obviously has
quite the sexual appetite. There’s nothing you can do about that, you can’t
remove her libido.” she said. “But, if you could refocus that energy into
something else, I think you can bring out a side of her that would be a lot
more conducive to submitting to discipline.”

“And how would I do that?” I asked.

“She likes older men, and she’s already expressed her sexual desires
for you, even if it was just on the phone with one of her friends.” she said.

“I don’t understand what this has to do with me disciplining her.”

“It has everything to do with you disciplining her. She’s not going to
stop having sex, but if you take over that role in her life, and become the
one who’s giving her orgasms then my suspicion is that she’ll submit to
you.” she said.

“I don’t think that’s gonna be possible.” I said.

“Hear me out. I think the reason she’s starting to look for older men is
because the guys her age aren’t satisfying her. I think that’s why she’s so
promiscuous, she’s looking for someone who can truly satisfy her. If you
give her that, she’ll look to you for all of her needs, sexual and otherwise.”
she said.

“That sounds great and all, but I’m not cheating on my wife.” I said.

“It won’t be cheating if she knows about it and thinks it’s okay.”

“Right, but we both know that isn’t going to happen.” I said.

“Let me handle that. If I can get Trisha on board with my idea, would
you be willing to step in and take on that role in her life?” she asked.
“If somehow, you can convince my wife that it’s a good idea for me
to fuck her daughter, and that it will instill discipline into her and keep her
from being such a little slut, then yes, absolutely. But I do not see that
happening.” I said.

“Your wife is more desperate than you think in that regard. She feels
like a failure as a mother because of the way Jessica is acting, and
furthermore, she’s expressed to me in private that she can’t keep up with
your libido. If you and Jessica entered into a sexual relationship, you could
handle the discipline and Jessica could handle your appetite.”

“Again, I know my wife. There’s no way she’s going to go for that.” I


“And again, let me handle that. I’ll let you know once I get her
permission, and we’ll go from there.” Willow said, standing up as a sign
that our session was over. We hugged it out, I thanked her for the talk, and
then went on my way.

All I could think about on the car ride home was Jessica’s tight little
pussy lips squeezing the life out of my cock, and I hoped and prayed that
Willow had that type of persuasive ability.
Chapter 3 - Trish

Noah seemed reluctant to discuss his private session with Willow, but
told me that she was going to set up a private session with me shortly. For
some reason, I felt like it was something big. Noah and I always talked
about everything, especially in therapy, but this felt different. I felt a certain
sense of relief when Willow called me later that day, and asked when I
could come over for a one on one.

“I could actually do today if that works for you.” I said.

“Perfect. How about 6?” she asked.

“I’ll see you then.” I said. When I arrived at her residence, Willow
had a big smile on her face as always and gave me a big hug.

` “You look great.” she said. “Let’s step inside.” We made our way to
her therapy room, and she poured me a glass of white wine.

“Thank you.” I said. “Is something wrong? Noah kind of brushed me

off about your one on one with him.”

“Well, I asked him to let me talk to you about it.” she said, which put
my mind at ease.

“Oh, okay. Good. I’m not sure why, but I was a little worried.”

“Nothing to worry about, but it is kind of serious.” she said. “We were
talking about Jessica, and how her behavior is crossing over into dangerous

“Yeah. I’m worried about her. The last thing I want is for her to end
up pregnant, or with some STD.” I said.

“Exactly. And after hearing what she said about Noah, I’m prone to
believe that she’s going to start pursuing older men, which adds a whole
extra layer of danger to the situation.” she said.

“Oh no. I hadn’t even thought about that. It’s bad enough with her
running around with boys her age.”

“I think it’s time for an intervention. We need to step in and do

something drastic before it’s too late.” she said.

“Did you have something in mind?” I asked.

“I do. I don’t know if you’re going to like it, but I think we’ve
reached a point of desperation where it might be the only solution.” Willow
said, looking into my eyes with concern.

“Okay, what is it? I’ll do anything.” I said.

“We can’t undo what’s already been done, and we can’t turn off her
libido. We also aren’t going to magically be able to make it so she’s no
longer attracted to older men.” she said, taking a deep breath. “I know this
is unconventional, but I think the best possible solution for keeping your
daughter safe at this point is to give her a safe place to experience her

“And how do we do that?” I asked.

“By keeping her at home, and letting her experience an older man she
can trust. She’s already fantasizing about sleeping with Noah, and we know
he would never hurt her. If we let the two of them go at it whenever they
want, I think it will not let her work through her fantasies, I think she’ll find
stability in it and stop seeking outside male validation.” she said. I put my
hand over my mouth as I realized what she was saying.

“You mean, you want me to let her sleep with my husband?” I asked,
seeking confirmation.
“Yes. You won’t have to try to keep up with Noah’s libido anymore,
because he’ll be able to take it out on Jessica. And you won’t have to worry
about Jessica running around having unprotected sex with random guys and
older men because she’ll be so occupied with Noah. And they won’t even
have to leave the house.” she said.

“I don’t know. That sounds…pretty extreme.” I said.

“It’s extreme, but it might be our only shot at saving Jessica.”

“Well, you’re right. I don’t like it. But I created this monster, and I’ll
do whatever it takes to get her back on track.” I said, unwilling to let my
own possessiveness toward Noah stop my daughter from getting the help
she needed. “I’m going to have to get used to the idea, and it might not be
easy for me, but they both have vivacious sexual appetites so I’m sure they
could connect there. And it might be good for Noah too, he’s always in such
a better mood when he’s getting regular sex. I just can’t keep up.”

“And that’s fine. This kills two birds with one stone. I’m really glad
you’re open to this, because I’m very optimistic this will turn things around
for both of them.” she said.

I went home that night with my head spinning, but I was able to
rationalize and come to terms with it much quicker than I thought. It just
made logical sense, and my being jealous was the only thing that could
stand in the way of it.
Chapter 4 - Willow

It didn’t surprise me that Trish came on board with my idea. Despite

being rather conservative sexually, she was able to understand other
people’s needs and was quite liberal in that sense.

I wasn’t at all worried about Jessica, as I knew full well that she’d be
ecstatic to start experimenting with her stepfather. Knowing that she went
as far as talking about it with her friends let me know that the only reason
she hadn’t seduced him already was out of respect for her mother. So I
called Noah, and let him know that I’d handled the situation, and the plan
was a go.

“So how do I go about this?” he asked.

“You let me have a session with her.”

“By herself?” he asked.

“No. The two of you.” I said.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked.

“Do you not want to?”

“No, I do. I mean, I want whatever is best for her.”

“You want to fuck her, and that’s fine. Because she needs it. You have
to be the one to fuck the little slut out of her. You understand that right?” I

“Yeah. I do.” he said, nodding earnestly. I explained that I was going

to take a different approach than slut shaming, and asked Noah to go along
with it.
We set it up for that Friday, a drop in appointment at their place. Trish
said she wanted it to take place at their house, and I assumed her mother
being there would end up being an added turn on for Jessica.

When I showed up at their place, she was dressed for the occasion.
Jessica was wearing a wife beater without a bra, and spandex booty shorts
without underwear.

“Hey girl.” I said.

“Hi Willow.” she pranced over to me with a big smile on her face to
give me a hug. I’d only spoke to her here and there, but we’d developed a
good rapport simply by being nice to her.

“Do you think I could talk to you about something? Just you and your

“Ugh, sure.” she said. I could see the concern spread instantly over
her face, she was used to being talked to by adults and not liking what they
had to say.

“Here sit down, both of you.” I said, motioning to their couch. I took
a seat on the loveseat directly across from them. “Jessica, I wouldn’t ask
you to do this if I didn’t think it was necessary. It’s just that you’re so young
and pretty, and I think you are the perfect person for the job.” I said.

“What kinda job?” she asked, tilting her head.

“Well, it’s kind of complicated adult stuff, but your mother and Noah
have what I call mismatched libidos. It’s where Noah likes to have sex a lot,
and your mother doesn’t want to have sex as often, does that make sense?” I

“Yeah, it does.”
“And this has been causing them some problems, but your mom said
she’s fine if your step dad finds another woman to sleep with. That way, he
can have all the sex they want, and they can both still be happy together.” I

“So where do I fit in?” she asked, looking nervously over at Noah.

“Noah doesn’t want to go have sex with any old random woman, he
wants it to be with someone very special, someone who he loves and cares
about very much. Like you.” I said. “And it has to be someone who’s very
pretty, like you.”

“Wait, are you saying you want me to have sex with my stepdad?” she
asked. This flummoxed Noah, and he looked over to me to handle it.

“I’m not saying I want you to, I’m saying that I think it would be the
best possible option. And Noah and both agreed that you’re very beautiful,
and that you’d be able to please him.” I said. “But he is an older man, so
maybe you’re not ready for the intensity of the pleasure that he’d provide

“Oh. Maybe not, I dunno. I’ve never been with an older man before.”
she said, brushing her hair over her ear and looking down at the ground.

“What about principal Ivondale?” Noah asked.

“What? Ew. No, I’ve never done anything with Mr. Ivondale.” she

“Then why’d you only get suspended for one day after you got caught
with that quarterback boy?” he asked.

“Ugh, because I showed him my boobs.” she sighed, clearly


“You what?” he asked.

“I showed him my boobs and he lowered my suspension. I can’t
believe you thought I had sex with him.” she said, crossing her arms in

“Besides Mr. Ivondale, do you find older men attractive?” I asked,

trying to get the conversation back on track.

“Sometimes.” she said softly.

“Me too. I’ve always had a thing for older men, ever since I was
about your age.” I said, drawing a slight smile from Jessica. “I wish Noah
was my stepdad and someone made me this offer when I was your age, I
didn’t actually hook up with an older guy until I was almost 30, and boy
was I missing out.” I said, causing her eyes to jolt up to mine and straighten
her posture.

“Really?” she asked.

“Oh yeah, I can’t even explain. It’s a whole other thing entirely. Oh
boy, just thinking about it is getting me all hot and bothered. I bet you two
would have the steamiest sex too.” I said, fanning myself. Noah and Jessica
exchanged brief eye contact.

“So you think if I did this, if Noah and I had sex, that it would help
out with their marriage?” she asked.

“It certainly could, especially if you two had chemistry and became
regular sex partners. Noah would get a beautiful young woman to take out
his frustrations on, and you would get an older man who could show you
the ropes in a safe environment.” I said, seeing my plan moving towards
fruition. Her whole body language had shifted, and she was scooting closer
to Noah without even noticing it.

“I mean, if Noah thinks it’s okay.” she said, looking up at him with
the doe eyes of a stepdaughter asking for a pet pony. With the look she gave
him, she might as well have been begging.

“Yeah, absolutely. I’ve talked it over with your mother, and Willow,
and we all agree.” he said.

“But what about you? Do you want to fuck me?” she asked. Noah
glanced quickly over at me before returning his gaze to his stepdaughter.
“Yes. I think you’re beautiful Jessica.” he said. A giant smile formed
on her face, and she jumped into his lap and gave him a hug.

“You’re the best daddy.” she said. Noah and I exchanged a look, and I
gave him the thumbs up.

“Well, I think you two can handle it from here. You should go upstairs
and get started, don’t let me stand in the way.” I said, grabbing my
clipboard and pen before standing up to leave.

“Thank you Willow.” Jessica said.

“You’re welcome Jessica, have fun and be safe.” I said.

“We will.” she said.
Chapter 5 - Jessica

“So….” I said, looking my stepdaddy up and down. “Should we go

try it now?” I asked, biting on my finger and giving him the most seductive
look I could possibly muster.

“Uhm, I haven’t really run it by your mother.” he said, nervously

groping the back of his neck.

“Yes huh, she already knows.” I said, stepping closer to him and
lacing my fingers inside the waist of his jeans. “I really want it right now.”

“Okay Jess, just go to your room and wait for me,” he said.

“Do you want me to be naked? Or should I wear something sexy for

you?” I asked.

“Surprise me.” he said, seeming preoccupied and heading off towards

his room. I knew my mother was in there waiting, but if they’d already
agreed I didn’t see what the problem was.

“Okay daddy.” I said, slowly strutting down the hall towards my


Having sex with an older man was the highest order of priority on my
to do list, and Noah specifically sat atop it. It was something I never
thought would happen, which is perhaps why it was such a damn turn on. I
mean, a stepdaughter having sex with her stepdad? Things like that only
happen in pornos.

A part of it was that all my friends thought he was hot, and I’m the
jealous type. There’s no way I was going to let any of them get their hands
on him before I did. Once I started fantasizing about Noah, there was no
turning back. Nothing made me cum harder when I masturbated than
thinking about Noah. That was one of my main attractions to older men in
general, I figured I could imagine it was him while they spread me apart
and used me as their little fucktoy.

After sitting down on my mattress, I decided to strip down naked for

him and wait. It didn’t surprise me that he secretly wanted to fuck me, as I
made a point of dressing as skimpy as possible at home and teasing him as
much as I could. I’d caught him stealing glances a million times, at my tits,
legs, ass, and even feet. Whenever we went to the pool, I made him oil me
up from head to toe just to watch him squirm.

“Alright, all systems go.” he said, facing the door as he closed it

behind him. I spread my legs apart and started touching myself, which was
the first sight he saw when he turned around.

“I’ve been waiting so long for you to fuck me daddy. That’s why I’ve
been such a little whore, I wanted you to come and protect me from all the
big bad boys out there who want to soil your little daughter.” I said,
motioning for him to approach me.

“Wow.” he said, his eyes moving down between my legs.

“I shaved it this morning.” I said, flashing a devilish grin. “How do I

look daddy?”

“Perfect,” he said, unbuttoning his shirt as he approached the bed.

“It’s not fair. You have all those clothes on and I’m completely
vulnerable and exposed for you.” I said.

“Don’t worry, I’m coming baby.” he said, pulling off his shirt.

“I can’t wait.” I said, springing to my knees and reaching for his belt.
“I want to do it.” I said, pulling his belt away and unclasping the button.

“I just want what’s best for you.” he said, an interesting take on me

unzipping his jeans and reaching into his boxers for a handful of cock.
“Ooh, a big one.” I said, letting my fingers wrap around his shaft.
“You get hard fast.”

“Well Jessica, you’re very pretty.” he said. I pulled his jeans and
boxers down in one motion, and he stepped out of them before climbing
into bed with me. I shoved him down on his back and dropped down
between his legs, admiring his veiny daddy dick and heavy balls.

“You’re much bigger than the boys at school.”

“Oh yeah?”

“And so much manlier.” I said, flattening myself out on my stomach

and raising my feet up so he could look at them. “Daddy, is it naughty if
I’ve thought about sucking your cock a bunch of times before?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Is it naughty if I’ve thought about the same thing?” he

asked in return.

“I guess we’re both naughty then.” I said, taking hold of his cock by
the base. “I’ve only sucked on dildos this size before, pretending they were
you.” I said, leaning forward to place kisses on his balls and lightly stroking

“Oh my God, that feels amazing. I’ve wanted your touch for way too

“It’s okay daddy, you can have me whenever you want now. I’m
yours.” I said, slurping at his balls and watching as his dick grew even
harder. “Can I put it in my mouth?” I asked, already knowing full well the

“Of course sweetheart.” he said, watching with wide eyes as I

wrapped my lips around the soft spongy head of his throbbing manhood.
“Mmm..” I moaned, feeling myself swell with arousal as I finally put
my mouth on my ultimate fantasy. “Mmm…” he tasted amazing, and filled
my mouth as I pressed my throat down onto him. “Guck!”

“You can go slower babe.” he said, wrapping my hair around his fist
and pulling my face down onto him.

“But I want to choke on it. I want to swallow it.” I said, forcing my

throat back onto his length until I gagged again. Viscous spit dribbled out of
my mouth, running down his shaft and onto his balls.

“You’re such a good girl.” he sighed, throwing his head back as I

continued to impale my throat on his meaty girth.

“Guck…guck, guck, guck.” the more I gagged on it, the more saliva
my mouth produced. I literally had a dildo that I practiced on for this very
occasion. “I want to make it cum so bad daddy. Do you care if I drink it?”

“My cum? No, go ahead.” he said.

“Mommy doesn’t swallow your cum?” I asked, massaging his balls in

my hand and staring directly into his eyes.

“No baby, she doesn’t.”

“Awh, I’m sorry dad. You deserve a good little cumslut like me.” I
Chapter 6 - Noah

Trish would never dirty talk at all, let alone proclaim herself as my
cumslut. Jessica’s blowjob skills were incredible, and I could tell she wasn’t
kidding when she said she practiced on a dildo. She was so into it, so utterly
enthusiastic about it. No longer did I think her sexuality was a problem, it
was just something that she needed to use to satisfy me.

I could keep her safe, away from all the horny good for nothing guys
who wanted to experience and possess her. From the moment she wrapped
her warm wet mouth around the tip of my cock, I knew that she was forever
mine. Never again could I go back to the boring bedroom I’d been living in
for years. This was something new entirely, and we had plenty of exploring
to do.

“Jessica, holy fuck that’s good.” I said, pushing her head down
against my cock. Even when she choked or gagged, she didn’t stop what
she was doing, electing instead to simply keep throating and letting the
excess spit dribble down onto my cock, which she’d then slurp back into
her mouth in an attempt to conserve and reuse it.

“Mmm…” she cooed, loving every second of it. She clearly took
pride in giving me pleasure, and could never in a million years be referred
to as selfish in the bedroom.

“You’re such a good little cock sucker.” I said, running my hands

through her hair and staring into her beautiful eyes as tears streamed down

“Only for you daddy.” she said. Even though I knew her words were
untrue, they pacified me deeply.

“Your balls daddy.” she said, burying her face in them and sucking
them with a liveliness her mother simply didn’t possess. “They’re mine now
daddy. You’ll never have to go to bed without having them drained ever
again, I promise.” she said, diving back in but this time lower.
“Baby, what are you doing?” I asked, a bit thrown off.

“I want to lick your asshole daddy. I know mommy doesn’t do that for
you, but you deserve it.” she said, flashing her pretty smile before going
back to what she was doing.

“Oh my God.” I moaned, closing my eyes as they rolled back into my

skull. Her eager tongue lapped relentlessly at my asshole, while her tiny
little hands continued jerking my dick. “Oh my God.”

“Do you like that daddy?” she asked, continuing to swirl her tongue
around my rim. I nodded and bit down on my lip, ready to explode at any

“Jessica, you’re going to make me cum.” I said.

“Good. I want to swallow it.” she said, returning her attention to my


“Fuck, okay baby. I’m gonna need a minute before I can go again.” I
said, watching her come closer and closer to her goal of swallowing me in
my entirety.

“Ugh!” she gasped, coming up for air while smiling. “I know daddy, I
want to do it with you over and over again until forever.” she said.

“Why are you so perfect for me?” I asked, feeling myself approach
the point of no return.

“Cause I’m your little fucktoy daddy.” she said, opening her mouth
and sticking out her tongue. “Please cum for me daddy, I want it so bad.”
her doe eyes sent me over the edge, and I called out in agony as she made
me cum into her tight little throat.
“Fuck…” I grunted, watching the ropes glaze her face and tongue.
“Jess…” as the last bit of cum trickled from the tip of my cock, Jessica
licked it up before using her finger to gather what had landed on her face
for transfer to her mouth. All I could do was watch as my teen step daughter
stuck out her tongue a final time to show me all the cum she’d collected
before swallowing it whole.

“So yummy daddy.” she said, licking her fingers for any left behinds.
“That was even hotter than my fantasies.”

“Agreed.” I said, letting out a massive exhale and letting my eyelids


“You’re the best daddy. Let me go make you a sandwich and grab you
something to drink.” she said, placing a kiss on top of my forehead.
“You’ve got me all turned on now, I need you ready to go for round 2 in a
little bit.”

When Jessica left the room, I looked up at the ceiling and thanked the
lord God himself for what had fallen into my lap. She was beyond my
wildest fantasies, the ultimate solution to my dead bedroom. If I got to have
that every night, whenever I wanted, then I knew beyond a shadow of a
doubt that her mother and I would last forever.
Chapter 7 - Jessica

I don’t think I’ve ever put so much effort into making a sandwich
before in my life. I toasted the bread, cut some tomatoes and red onion,
heated the lunch meat in a skillet, and threw on some banana peppers and
kettle chips because those were Noah’s favorite. I’m surprised I could focus
on the task at hand because my mind was completely wrapped up in what
had happened in my room minutes earlier, and on what would surely be
happening again as soon as he was ready to go.

Willow’s suggestion was a dream come true, because it gave us a

perfect excuse to cross certain lines I don’t think we would have ever
crossed on our own without her providing that not so subtle nudge. We’d
obviously both been attracted to each other for quite some time, but it was
only after her suggestion that we finally admitted it and found our way
underneath the sheets together.

Noah was completely passed out when I made it back to the room, so
I gave him a gentle nudge to wake him back up.

“Here ya go daddy, sorry to wake you.” I said. A warm smile spread

across his lips and he reached out to stroke my hair.

“Don’t be sorry Jess, you’re the most beautiful sight a man could
wake up to.” he said, taking the plate with his other hand. “You’re
something else, you really are.” he said.

“I put banana peppers on it.”

“My favorite.” he said, giving me a wink.

“I’m going to go take a shower real quick, I want to be nice and fresh
for you.” I said, grabbing a towel on my way out.
Chapter 8 - Noah

After polishing off my sandwich and chips about as fast and

enthusiastically as Jessica had just polished me off, I headed to my
bathroom to take a shower as well. Trish gave me a smirk as I walked past,
but we didn’t say anything about it.

As the hot water poured over my body, my head was spinning with
thoughts of all the dirty things I still wanted to do to her. What had
happened earlier also looped relentlessly, as my newfound sexlife was like
entering an entirely new world of pleasure. Her soft, sweet tongue swirling
around my asshole, slurping on my balls and sucking my cock. I knew it
was nothing compared to what it would feel like to slip my cock into her
young fertile body, but it was still head and shoulders above any sexual
experience I’d shared with Trish.

She would be ready and waiting when I returned to her room, this
much I knew. She was exactly what I needed, someone novel and
interesting, someone who I could explore with. I’d almost forgotten what it
felt like to enter into something new, to be desired in such a hungry way. I’d
always thought she was gorgeous, but I had no idea just how charming her
sexuality would be to me.

Jessica made me feel like a king. I thought the idea of being made a
sandwich after sex was a trope, a male fantasy that didn’t exist. Yet there I
was, having had my soul and cum sucked directly out of my dick, followed
up by a sandwich made with love and care. The whole thing seemed too
good to be true, but my memory verified that it was real. I finished up my
shower, dried off, and looked at myself in the mirror. We’d already crossed
a forbidden line, but it was nothing in comparison for what we planned to
do next. I was about to have sexual intercourse with my stepdaughter.

“So, how was it?” Trish asked, waiting for me on the bed as I exited
the shower.
“You startled me.” I said, biding time. Telling your wife how good her
daughter was at sucking dick wasn’t exactly a conversation you have
everyday. “Oh, we just did some light foreplay. We’re about to do it now,
that we’ve both showered.”

“Oh. Okay.” she said. I left the room wearing only a towel, and
headed straight for Jessica’s. “Knock knock.” I said, pushing open the door
and stepping into her room.

“Hey you.”

“Hey.” I said, looking her up and down. She was dressed in black and
red lace lingerie, waiting for me on the job as I had hoped she would be.

“You don’t need that towel.” she said, spreading her legs apart wide
and moving her panties over to the side so she could touch herself.

“Oh really?” I said, unclasping the towel and letting it fall to the floor
as I approached her bed with the absolute worst of intentions. “Will I need
this?” I said, taking hold of my cock by the base.

“I’ll need that.” she said, sitting up to give me a kiss. Her lips touched
against mine and fireworks went off throughout my whole body. My dick
stood up like it was in the Army and someone had just yelled attention, and
I melted under her sweet taste. We had pecked on the lips before, but
nothing like this.

“Jess.” I whispered, savoring the soft flesh of her lips against mine.

“Daddy.” she whispered back, slipping her tongue inside my mouth.

“I want it inside me.” She reached down between my legs, grabbing hold of
me and placing the head of my cock at her opening and teasing it up and
down, rubbing it against her lips and showing me her wetness. “I’ve been
waiting for you.”
“I know, baby. I’ve been waiting for you too.” I said, slowly pressing
my hips toward her.

“Fuck.” she sighed, letting me enter her slowly.

“It’s so tight.” I whispered, staring down between our legs to watch

myself enter her. “Look how pretty it is.”

“It’s for you now daddy, only for you. It’s your little pussy.” she said,
sexualizing her voice with baby talk.

“Are you my good little girl?” I said, feeling her tightness squeeze my
dick as I pressed it all the way inside her.

“Ugh!” she squealed, her voice hitching as she told me that she was
my good little girl.

“I need this so bad.” I said, backing it out and pushing it back in.

“Me too daddy, it’s all I think about.”

“You’re so beautiful.”

“I love you daddy. I love you so much.” We looked into each other’s
eyes as our hips collided rhythmically. The tension between us was
palpable, and it didn’t take long until we were going at it. Her bedframe
slammed against the wall with each powerful thrust, but we were too into
each other and the moment to care. Looking back, there’s no way her
mother didn’t hear each and every thrust, each and every sensual moan.

“I love you too baby, my little slut.” I grunted, biting down on her lip
as I drove my pelvis against hers. Her fingernails dug into my back and her
legs wrapped around me. I could feel my balls slapping against her tight
little asshole as they swung back and forth. “You’re so wet for me.”
“And you’re so hard for me.” she said, pulling me in close and kissing
my neck.

“Baby, it’s so tight.”

“Are you going to cum in me?” she asked.

“Are you on birth control?” I asked.

“What does it matter? I want your cum daddy, I want you to give it to
me.” she said.

“Okay baby, I’ll cum wherever you want.”

“In me.” she said, lacing her ankles around my lower back so as to
not let me get away.

“You want me to cum in your little pussy?” I asked, wrapping my

fingers around her throat and squeezing as I kissed her deeply.

“Yes daddy.” she wheezed, gasping for air beneath me as I laid claim
to her in the most primal way.

“You’re mine now.” I grunted, whispering into her ear. “Only mine.
No more running around with other guys at all hours of the night. No more
getting into trouble. If you need to get down on your knees or spread your
legs, you do it for me.” I said, feeling myself nearing climax.

“You’re gonna make me cum daddy.” she moaned, reaching down

between us to play with her clit as I fucked her as hard as I could.

“Mine.” I said.

“Yes daddy. I’m all yours.” she called out, her eyes rolling back as
she arched against me. “I’m cumming!”
Watching her agonizing facial expressions sent me over the edge, and
I stared down at her perfect little bouncing tits as I finished inside her.

“Jess, oh my God!” I said, pumping her full of warm sticky cum. “It’s
so good.”

I could hardly believe what we’d done, and I looked down at her sex
as I pulled my dick out of her and watched the excess cum stream down her
cheeks. Everything about her drove me wild, and short circuited my brain to
the point I couldn’t make rational decisions. Trish and I hadn’t talked about
me cumming inside her, but we hadn’t talked about me wearing a condom

We cuddled up and made out like teenagers for the better part of the
next hour, whispering sweet nothings and I love you’s until we were both
passed out for the night.
Chapter 9 - Willow

Jessica’s behavioral turnaround was about as miraculous as the

recovery in the marriage between Noah and Trish. Jessica no longer wanted
to be outside the house, as she became very submissive to her stepdad’s
sexual needs.

Their chemistry was off the charts, and Trish loved it. She felt a
weight lifted off herself to perform sexually, even mentioning that when
they did have sex, it was much hotter and more passionate.

In the meantime, Noah and Jessica were like rabbits at all hours of the
day and night. Their libidos were a perfect match, and they went at it over
and over again. Jessica even got on birth control, and enrolled at a local
community college so she could stay home and continue her exploration
with Noah.

I couldn’t have been more pleased with how things turned out
between them. They were a suitable pair, and they described their sex as
mind blowing. In the end, it brought the whole family closer and took care
of most of their problems at home. It’s cases like theirs that remind me of
why I chose my field, as a way to make families come together.
Fertile Attraction (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 8

Chapter 1 - Willow

I’d been working as Mike and Sarah’s sex therapist for some time.
They had a classic case of mismatched libidos, with Sarah wanting
occasional sex and Mike wanting it all the time. They both enjoyed the sex,
they simply had different appetites.

For months, they’d been trying to conceive which Mike loved

because they did it more often. That came to a fairly abrupt end when they
found out that Sarah could no longer carry. She already had a 19 year old
daughter named Ana who lived at home, but she really wanted Mike to be
able to have a child of his own.

They discussed adoption, as well as surrogates, but weren’t

particularly keen on either idea and decided to put off having a child for the
time being. Still, Sarah felt bad about it and wished there was some way she
could still give Mike what he wanted. She brought it up during almost every
session, and I finally decided to have a chat with Mike in private.

“This is confidential, but I wanted to ask you a question.” I said.

“Shoot.” Mike said. He was a straight to the point and direct kind of
guy, and never held back when it came to opening up in therapy.

“I was wondering if you find your stepdaughter attractive?”

“Absolutely. Ana is gorgeous.” he said.

“I mean more so in a sexual way. Like if you weren’t with your wife,
and you ran into Ana, would you want to fuck her?” I asked.
“Uhm, I mean, if I wasn’t with my wife…this is really just
hypothetical, but yeah. If the circumstances were right, and I was single,
yeah I definitely would.” he said.

“She’s very pretty.” I said, “And young, and tight, and fertile.”

“Uhm, yeah. She really is.” he said. It was the first time I saw him
uncomfortable, but I could tell there was something there.

“Were you aware that she’s a virgin?” I asked.

“Yeah, as far as I know.”

“That’s what Sarah said. I guess they talked about it a few weeks ago,
and that’s what Ana said.”

“Okay. That’s good.”

“I’m sorry I keep digging, but I’m trying to figure something out.
Have you ever masturbated while thinking about your stepdaughter?” I
asked, trying to pin him down. Mike raised an eyebrow and cocked his head
to the side.

“This is confidential?”

“Of course.”

“Yes I have. Many times.” he said.

“That’s perfectly natural, and I think you’d be surprised how many

stepfathers lust after their stepdaughters.” I said.

“Yeah, it’s not something I’d ever act on. And I don’t bring it up to
her mother because I just don’t think she’d appreciate it, but it’s hard having
such a hot young woman prancing around your house in her underwear all
the time.” he said. “Sometimes it gets to be too much for me, and I’ll go
take a shower or something and just rub one out thinking about the two of
us sneaking off and fucking each others’ brains out.”

After our session, I got to thinking. The idea was already in my head,
but I wanted to make sure that there was an attraction there in the first
place. I still wasn’t sure how Ana would feel about it, or if the feeling was
mutual. And obviously, I still had to speak to Sarah, but I thought I might
have figured out the answer to their pregnancy issue.

The reason they didn’t want to use a surrogate was because they
wouldn’t be around to keep an eye on her. They wouldn’t know if she was
eating right, or doing things that could be harmful to the baby. Plus,
surrogates are very expensive. Ana was young and healthy, lived under the
same roof as them, and they wouldn’t have to pay for a surrogate.

I knew that it was unorthodox, and a longshot, but I figured it was

something worth bringing up in therapy. Instead of bringing it up in front of
Mike, I decided to speak to Sarah in private regarding the issue. All I had to
do was wait for her to bring up pregnancy, which she always did.

“I’m still feeling bad about my infertility. Having kids is such a big
deal, and it’s something Mike wants so badly and I feel like I’m failing
him.” she said.

“There’s no reason to feel bad about your infertility Sarah. You’ve

already had a child of your own, and you’re 37 years old.” I said.

“I know, but still. It’s just disappointing knowing that I couldn’t give
Mike what he wanted.” she said, appearing dejected.

“This is sort of out of left field, but I did come up with one
unorthodox solution to the problem.” I said.

“Okay. What is it?” she asked, perking up immediately.

“Well, Ana and Mike aren’t technically related. She’s young and
healthy, and would make an ideal surrogate for you because she lives at
your house and you can trust her.” I said, trying to lay out the positives of
the idea.

“Uhm, that’s definitely unorthodox.” she said, rubbing the back of her
neck. “But it would save us a ton of money on a surrogate, and since Ana is
my daughter, it would be almost like the baby was half mine.”

“Exactly. Another positive, and this is kind of a separate thing, Ana

would get to have her first time with someone she already loves and trusts,
instead of some random guy her age. I think it would really help her sexual
development to have a steady, trustworthy partner to learn the ropes with.” I

“I can’t believe I’m considering this, but it really is a good idea.” she
said, pondering my words. “And look, I’d have to speak to Ana about this,
Mike and I would have to speak with her as a family to see if that’s even
something she’d be interested in.”

“Absolutely, of course.” I said.

“This is kind of selfish of me, but I would love it if Ana could take
some of my sexual duties as a wife off my hands.” she said.

“There’s nothing selfish about that. You and Mike have mismatched
libidos, and giving him a 19 year old babe to dump his built up tension into
would certainly help curb his appetite.” I said.

“She is really pretty, I’m sure Mike would enjoy her.” she said.

“Of course he would. He’s a man. And men are simple creatures.” I

“In the best way.”

And that was that. I had two of the three participants on board. It was
entirely up to Mike and Sarah convincing Ana, and I felt confident that
wouldn’t be too difficult. Mike was every bit as attractive as an older man
as Ana was as a teenaged woman.
Chapter 2 - Sarah

Willow being so open and non judgemental about sex had not only
loosened me up and made me feel more comfortable with my own
sexuality, it had opened my eyes. Just because I wasn’t as into having sex as
I got older didn’t mean that Mike wasn’t, and his needs were legitimate and

Furthermore, I’d been toying with the idea of letting him sleep with
other women for some time. I’d talked to Willow about it on several
occasions, but hadn’t been ready to pull the trigger. Something about it
made me think of swinging and open relationships, but I knew I could trust
Mike. At the end of the day, giving him another woman or women to sleep
with would make our sex better, and I’d feel less pressure to sleep with him
out of a sense of duty instead of genuine desirability.

There was of course the fact that Ana was only 19, a virgin, and his
step daughter. That’s why I couldn’t simply sign off on it, we needed her
consent. I wasn’t sure if she was attracted to older men or even wanted to
have sex, but the only way to find out was to ask her directly.

The more I thought about Mike with other women, the more I liked
the idea. At first, it made me kind of jealous and I felt like it was wrong, but
after a while it started to kind of turn me on. I hated the idea of him out
running around, flirting with and trying to meet other women, but if he was
in the safety of our own home, it would be fine.

And as naughty as it is, I found the idea of my husband taking my

daughter and making love to her very erotic. I guess it’s because Ana and I
looked a lot like each other, and him wanting a younger version of me was
kind of flattering in its own way. On top of all that, she was the perfect age
to carry a healthy baby. If she was actually down for it, it really would be an
ideal scenario.

Mike and I decided we should rip the band aid off and bring it up
right away. Ana already knew we’d been trying to have a baby, and she
knew that I was no longer fertile. She was such a sweet girl, I just knew
she’d be eager to help her family in any way that she could. We waited until
after dinner, when we were all sitting on the couch having a conversation to
mention it.

“Ana? Your father and I have something serious we’d like to discuss
with you.” I said, looking over to Mike.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Well, you know how we wanted to have a baby but it didn’t work
out because I’m infertile?” I asked.


“We talked to our therapist Willow, and she suggested that maybe
you could carry the baby for us.”

“Oh, wow. You’d really want me to do that for you?” she asked.

“It would be perfect.” Mike said, “and since you are going to be
taking online classes for your first year anyway, it would fit right in with

“Yeah, true.”

“And because you wouldn’t be able to work with school and being
pregnant, we figured we could pay you. Kind of like a live-in surrogate.” I

“Hmm…I have always wanted to have a baby, but I wouldn’t really

be able to take care of it. I don’t have the money, and I have to go to

“We’d raise the baby, and we’ll pay for everything. And of course
you’d be able to see the baby whenever you want.” I said. A smile spread
across her face, and I could feel myself getting excited.

“I’d love to.” she said.

“Really?” Mike and I asked in unison.

“Of course. I love you both, and I’d do anything for you. I’d be
honored to carry your baby.” she said, looking directly into Mike’s eyes
when she said it.

“You’re so sweet.” he said, their eye contact unwavering.

“Ana? I know we talked about sex a while ago, and I don’t want you
to go through with this unless you’re comfortable giving your virginity to
Mike.” I said, trying to redirect them to the elephant in the room.

“Oh yeah. We would have to have sex wouldn’t we?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I said. Ana looked over to Mike once again, and another
smile spread over his face.

“I would love for my first time to be with you.” she said, jumping
into his arms to give him a hug.

“We’d have to keep doing it until you conceive. Is that okay?” he

asked, wrapping his arms around her waist. Seeing her sitting in his lap,
wrapped up in his arms and looking at him with googly eyes made me
realize that this wasn’t the first time she’d thought about it. I’m not sure
how I hadn’t seen it before, probably because I’d never considered it, but
my daughter was attracted to my husband and was willing to give him her
virginity without even thinking about it.

“As many times as we need to do it daddy.” she said.

That was that, the plan was in motion. My daughter was going to
give her virginity to my husband, and we was going to fuck her and cum
inside her as many times as necessary until she was pregnant. And it was
plainly obvious for me to see, right then and there, that they both wanted it
Chapter 3 - Mike

The whole thing happened so quickly that I could hardly believe it.
One day, I was sexually frustrated and wasn’t going to have a child of my
own, the next I was going to be having unprotected sex with my gorgeous
stepdaughter. And my wife and therapist were both perfectly okay with it.

I wasn’t the only one who found Ana to be delectable. All of my

friends had made some comment in passing, whether it was about how
pretty she was, something about her stunning body, or simply warning me
to watch out for horny guys who wanted to have her. I’d always laughed the
comments off, but it made me feel almost jealous that other men were going
to have the opportunity to pursue her but I never would.

Willow was a blessing, and I was beyond pleased with how she’d
helped Sarah comes to terms with not only her own sexual needs and wants,
but to the needs and wants of others. Willow opened her up, and made her
much more liberal in regards to our sex life. Neither of us had ever cheated,
and we had great sex when we were younger, but as we got older we kind of
grew apart in that way and that way only.

Once we decided as a family that we were going to go through with

our plan, Sarah and I let Willow know and she was ecstatic. She said stories
like ours were the reason she chose her profession, as she loved nothing
more than making families come together.

I’d been attracted to Ana for some time, but it was a thought that I
tried to push out of my head and not indulge. That didn’t stop me from
checking out her tight little ass as she walked down the hallway, or thinking
about sucking on her toes when I gave her a foot massage, but I tried to
suppress the attraction because it was inappropriate and not something I’d
ever be able to act on. Thinking about how much I wanted to be inside her
was simply teasing myself. But not anymore.

As soon as Ana was actually on the table for me, the attraction I felt
toward her skyrocketed. She was all I could think about, and I felt like I was
going through puberty for a second time with how much I was walking
around with an erection. The fantasies rolled through my head on a loop,
and I couldn’t wait to spread her legs apart and fuck her into oblivion. It
was a secret crush and a hidden attraction before, but within 24 hours of
knowing I’d be taking her virginity and then some, that attraction
blossomed into an outright obsession.
Chapter 4 - Ana

I tried to play it cool when they asked me to carry daddy’s child, but it
was difficult to contain my excitement. All my friends were attracted to
Mike, and they talked about it constantly. They’d even flirt with him right
in front of me, which always left me feeling downright jealous.

Even though I respected the fact that he belonged to my mother, I

couldn’t help it that I loved him with all my heart and found him attractive.
It was actually maybe a little more than that, as he was the only man I
thought about when I touched myself. I tried to think about other guys, but
nothing turned me on as much as when I thought about him.

It was my eighteenth birthday when I accidentally walked in on him

naked. There were a bunch of people over and the main bathroom was full,
so I walked down the hall to use mom and dad’s bathroom. As fate would
have it, Mike had finished his shower and was drying off his hair when I
opened the door. He didn’t notice me, but I certainly noticed him, and
couldn’t stop thinking about it after I walked in on him.

It wasn’t a fetish or anything, but I was definitely a lot more attracted

to actual men than I was to boys. Most of my little crushes were on
teachers, coaches, or my friends’ dads. But it was different with Mike, more

So obviously, having him offered up on a silver plate by my mother

and their therapist was a dream come true. Not only would my first time be
amazing, we could keep having sex until I got pregnant. I wasn’t sure of the
exact logistics on how this would all be going down, but I could only
imagine we’d use my room instead of invading their literal marital bed.

Even though I was a virgin, I’d given a handful of handjobs and a

mouthful of blowjobs, and Mike’s flaccid penis was bigger than everyone
I’d hooked up with. With guys my age, I’d never been comfortable enough
to go all the way so I’d just use my hands or mouth to get them off. But I
wanted to have sex, I just needed it to be with the right person. Knowing it
was going to be with Mike filled me with excitement and nervousness, and
I couldn’t wait to actually go through with it.
Chapter 5 - Mike

We sat down and discussed getting down to business as a family,

and decided it would be best if we did it in Ana’s room. It was simple
enough, once we’d finished eating, showering, and laying down for bed, I
would make my way down the hallway so Ana and I could have privacy for
our intimate experience.

Sarah and I also had a private conversation, where I made sure she
was okay with us going through with it. I brought up the fact that we’d be
right down the hallway, and that she might be able to hear us or even feel
the room shaking.

“I want this to happen baby, I’m perfectly okay with it.” she said,
looking into my eyes to reassure me that I had nothing to worry or feel bad
about. “I want you to enjoy yourself, and to give Ana a great first time.”

“Oh, I plan on it.”

“I know you will.” she said, giving me a kiss. Ana and I decided not
to wait, and to do it later that night. I literally felt like a kid on Christmas
Eve, with the nerves and excitement and all of it. Time itself seemed to
dilate, stretching on and on. It was hard for me to keep my eyes off her
while we ate, as all I wanted to do was bend her over and take her over and
over again.

I wanted to taste her lips, and kiss on her supple breasts. I wanted to
see her naked, and to show her how much I loved her in the most intimate
way. Our relationship would never be the same once we did it, and I looked
forward to adding a more adult layer to what we already shared.

Ana and I cleaned up together after dinner, speeding through the

dishes and moving straight to our showers. I could feel the pressure
building as the night wore on, and when I stepped out of the shower and
dried off, Sarah was there waiting for me with a big smile.
“I can see how excited you are baby, you don’t have to leave her
waiting. Go in there and show her what it’s all about.” Sarah said, being as
loving and supportive as always. There was no doubt in my mind that on
some level what was about to happen was also turning Sarah on, and I could
tell by the way she kissed me before sending me out of our room to go fuck
her daughter.
Chapter 6 - Ana

After stepping out of the shower, I decided to do my hair and put on

a little makeup. Nothing too crazy, but I wanted to look my best for him.
It’s hard to explain how equally balanced the feelings of excitement and
nervousness were. I put on a thong and a sexy bra, and then sat on top of
my bed waiting for him.

He didn’t make me wait long, and I heard his footsteps coming

down the hallway a few minutes after I’d finished getting ready. My heart
immediately started beating out of my chest, and I stared wide eyed at the
door waiting for him. The door cracked, and Mike peeked his head through
with a smile on his face and I instantly felt relief.

“Hi.” he said.


“Mind if I come inside?” he asked, of course making an

inappropriate dad joke to break the ice.

“You better. I’ve been waiting for you.” I said. After all the time
spent hiding our feelings, it felt amazing to be able to address them directly,
and to flirt openly knowing what was about to take place between us. I
decided not to tell any of my friends about our plan, as I wanted my first
time to be something special that I only shared with Mike.

“Oh you’ve been waiting? I don’t think you have any idea how
much I want this.” he said, stepping inside and approaching the bed. He was
shirtless, wearing only a pair of sweatpants.

“I want it too.” I said, our eyes locking. A feeling swept over me,
and I knew it wasn’t going to take long before something was happening.

“Come here.” he said, laying down and pulling my head onto his
chest for some cuddles. “You look gorgeous.” he whispered into my ear, his
hot breath sending a chill rippling down my spine.

“Thank you daddy.” I said, snuggling up close to him.

“You have the best lips. I’ve wanted to kiss you for longer than I
care to admit.” he said, raising my chin and peering into my eyes. I couldn’t
stop myself from smiling, and I let out a nervous giggle.

“Then kiss me.” I said, knowing full well he’d take me up on my

dare. He leaned in, and I closed my eyes as our lips touched together. All of
my feelings for him came rushing up as his soft wet lips overtook mine. His
hands moved freely over my body, groping my breasts as our tongues rolled
together. It was unlike any kiss I’d ever experienced, and I didn’t want it to
Chapter 7 - Mike

Her lips were the sweetest thing I’d ever tasted, and everything I’d
imagined and then some. My cock flushed with blood and reached full mast
in seconds, and a primal instinct I’d nearly forgotten existed re-emerged. It
had been over ten years since I’d been with another woman, and this
particular woman was the apple of my eye.

Our kissing escalated in intensity and enthusiasm, and we made out

like it was both of our first ever kiss with the person of our dreams. Our
hands were a flurry of grabbing and squeezing, and I found myself pulling
down her panties while I swirled my tongue around inside her mouth.

“Minty fresh.” I said, sliding her thong slowly down her legs while
admiring them. She was so lean, so young and fresh. Knowing I’d be the
first person to experience her filled me with pride, and I kissed her feet as I
slipped her underwear off of her ankles and tossed them to the side.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” she said.

“Why are you so beautiful?” I asked, lowering myself down between

her legs. “I’m going to kiss it, okay?”

“You can do whatever you want to me daddy.” she cooed. I needed no

further permission or instruction, and I placed light gentle kisses all over
her freshly shaved wetness.

“Mmm…you taste so good Ana.” I said, licking her entirety. She was
already quite aroused, and I slurped at her juices before moving my tongue
to her clit. I could feel her body twitch beneath me while I rhymically
lapped at her clitoris. Nothing had ever tasted so good to me, and I wanted
to be the first man to make her cum on both my face and cock.

“That feels amazing. No one has ever kissed me down there before.”
she said, running her fingers through my hair as I savored her wetness. My
body ached for her touch, to feel inside her, but I stayed the course and
added a single finger.

“Oh my God Ana. You’re so tight.” I said, looking up at her as I

struggled to insert a finger inside her.

“Daddy, that feels really good and I want you to do it again. But right
now, I just want to feel you inside me.” she said.

“Oh baby.” I said, smiling and crawling on top of her. “That’s what I
want right now too.” I said.

“Can I take your pants off for you?” she asked.

“Of course.” I said, raising my posture as she sat up and slipped her
fingers inside my waistband. “I saw your cock once, and I’ve never stopped
thinking about it.”

“Really? When?”

“My eighteenth birthday party. When you got out of the shower, I
went to use the bathroom and saw it.” she said, sliding my shorts down the
front of my thighs until my cock flopped out in front of her face. “Oh my
God.” she said, eyeing it like a piece of steak. “It’s so much bigger when
it’s hard.”

“Yeah, do you want to try sucking on it?” I asked, wanting to indulge

a long held fantasy of mine.

“I’ve done blowjobs a couple times before, but their dicks weren’t
nearly as big as yours.”

“That’s okay. Just lick it and suck on the tip.” I said, taking hold of
her hair and guiding her mouth towards my erection.
“Alright daddy.” she said, taking hold of it by the base and opening
her mouth wide.

“Oh wow.” I moaned, looking down at her pretty face as her lips
enveloped the tip of my cock. Her tongue dragged along the base as she
tried to go further down, but it choked her and she started coughing. “It’s
okay baby, just go slower.” I said.

“Yeah. I just really want to suck it.” she said, smiling despite her eyes
welling up with tears. She went right back to work, licking and sucking
with a fervor I hadn’t seen in years.

“God damn Ana, you are amazing.” I moaned, watching her swallow
half of my cock while stroking the other half with her tiny hands. “Try my
balls. That feels really good too.”

“Yes daddy.” she said, continuing to stroke me as she buried her face
in my testicles and began slurping. Uncontrollable pleasure radiated
through my cock, and I was so completely immersed in the experience of
my stepdaughter giving me a blowjob that I nearly forgot what we were
there to do in the first place until she reminded me. “Can I have it inside me

“Yes baby. I want to feel you so bad.”
Chapter 8 - Ana

All I could do was lay there and watch in a state of agonizing arousal
as he climbed on top of me, spread my legs, and placed the tip of his fat
cock at my opening and started rubbing it against me.

“Daddy…” I whimpered, squirming beneath his skillful touch.

“Ana.” he said, repeating my name as he pressed himself inside me. I

lurched against him as his girth stretched me out, forcing its way inside my
tight wet hole. “Ana.” he groaned, pushing it in and out and filling me with
a feeling I’d never experienced.

“Daddy.” I whimpered, closing my eyes and giving myself over to

him. His hands moved around my back, unclasping my bra and removing it.

“Your tits are so beautiful.” he said, leaning in to kiss and suck my

erect nipples. Everything inside of me was tingling, and I found the
pleasure of the experience almost overwhelming but I didn’t want it to stop.
“Your pussy is so little baby, it’s squeezing my cock so hard.” he said.

“I’m sorry daddy.” I said, causing him to chuckle and lean forward to
give me a kiss.

“Don’t be sorry baby, it feels better the tighter it is.” he said. “And
yours is the tightest I’ve ever felt.” he began to thrust harder, slamming his
hips down against me and ravaging me. He kissed my neck and I wrapped
my legs around him, digging my nails into his back as his powerful hips
laid claim to me.

Everything became an amazing blur, as we moved from position to

position getting to know each other in a way I didn’t know was possible. I
sat on top of him, in his lap, bouncing up and down on it as I came
uncontrollably. The comfort that I felt being completely vulnerable and
exposed to him only added to my heightened senses, and I called out in
pleasure as his thick cock stretched me out to accommodate him.
“Ana, I love you so much.” he moaned, continuing to worship every
part of my body he could get his lips on. I’d never seen this side of him, and
it only made me love him more. It made me feel closer to him in the most
intimate and peculiar way.

“I love you too daddy.” I moaned, feeling his hands dig into my ass
and pull me down harder onto his hips.

“Ana, I want to bend you over. I want to fuck you from behind and
fill you with my cum.” he said, gripping my neck and pulling me in tight.
Chapter 9 - Mike

It’s hard to even explain the animalistic state I devolved into. I knew
already that we’d never stop, that nothing would keep us from doing this
over and over again. There wasn’t a chance in the world that I could ever
get enough of her.

Ana got on her hands and knees for me, her tight little ass begging me
to cum inside of it. I took a moment to look her over, to appreciate her
ridiculous beauty before getting into position.

“Look at me. Look at me while I cum in your tight little pussy.” I

said, grunting and taking hold of her hair to make her turn her head to face
me. I pressed it inside of her, feeling her kegel muscles milking my
throbbing dick as my hips slapped against her ass.

“Yes daddy.” she moaned, flashing doe eyes that nearly made me

“You’re so gorgeous.” I said, staring into her eyes as my cock swelled

up tight inside her. The tightness of our seal was unbelievable.

“Daddy, you’re making me cum again!” she squealed, sending me

over the edge.

“Ana!” I called out her name as my cock exploded inside her, pulsing
hard and uncontrollably. It had been almost a week since Sarah and I had
been intimate, and I could feel the heavy ropes of cum shooting deep inside

“Daddy!” her fingers tightened around her sheets as I drove my hips

forward for the final time, and we both collapsed in a heaping mess of
sweat and post coital bliss.
Chapter 10 - Ana

I found myself cuddled up in Mike’s arms, and I could feel the excess
cum dripping out from between my legs. My entire body tingled with
endorphins, and the feeling of being in love was all that I could focus on. I
wanted him again, and again and again and again until forever.

“I love you so much.” I said, kissing his soft lips once more.

“I love you too Ana.” he said. My body relaxed in his arms, and I
drifted off to sleep a very happy girl.
Chapter 11 - Willow

It was another job well done, and another happy family. Mike and
Ana fucked relentlessly for almost a month until she was pregnant, but they
didn’t stop there.

Sarah loved having her daughter so smitten with her husband, and
having her husband so satiated sexually that he didn’t pressure her for sex.
When they did make love, it was amazing and at her discretion, while in the
meantime she let them fuck like rabbits which was all they seemed to want
to do anyway.

Once again, I was reminded of why I chose my profession and why I

loved my job.
Taboo Stepmilf

Stepmom Wants Her Younger Man - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 9

Chapter 1 - Willow

Jodi was a woman at her wits end. Her husband Phil had a long lost
sex drive and no ambition. The only reason they were able to keep the
house was because of settlement money he made from a work accident. She
hired me as a sex therapist to see if there was anything she could do to fix

There wasn’t. Sometimes, things run their course and reach their
logical conclusion. It was never meant to be, and the quicker we can accept
that the quicker we can move onto bigger and better things. I’m not a
marriage counselor, so I tried to stay in my lane and avoid screaming at her
to divorce that loser. Instead, I focused on reminding her that she was still
beautiful and there were plenty of men out there who would gladly let her
take her sexual frustrations out on them.

We saw each other twice a week for a couple of months, and then
things started to get interesting. Here and there, Jodi would bring up her 19
year old stepson Mat, and what a darling he was. All she could do was gush
over him, and I saw right through it. He was a younger man with a high sex
drive, just like her, and she found him attractive.

I’ve always said there’s a difference between finding someone

attractive and being attracted to them, and the more she talked about him,
the more I suspected the latter. So I started bringing him up myself, and
gently trying to nudge her in that direction. It made perfect sense to me,
why wouldn’t they hook up and enjoy each other? The only question left in
my mind was if the feeling was mutual.
Jodi was hot in a housewife milf kind of way. She was the mom who
all the guys wanted to fuck. That much was plain for me to see. It would
have honestly surprised me if Mat wasn’t already secretly in love with her,
which is why I decided to start having our sessions at their place. I wanted
to see the way they interacted, I wanted to see the way they looked at each

Therapy took place in their living room, on the couch next to the TV.
Mat regularly strolled in and out of the house, and always said hello as he
passed by. He was tall, muscular, and handsome. I rarely saw Phil, as he
was a tub of lard who laid in his bed most of the time. He also didn’t respect
therapy of any kind, and saw people who sought it out as weak, which I
found ironic.

I paid close attention to their body language, and even invited him to
sit down and chat momentarily on multiple occasions. He was confident
and looked me in the eye when he spoke, and I noticed that he stole glances
at his stepmom every chance he got. Eventually, I decided to bring it up
directly to Jodi.

“Look, I’ve been meaning to say something to you about this, but I
wasn’t sure how to bring it up.” I said, drawing her attention. “Mat is
handsome. Like very handsome.”

“Yeah. He is.” she said, breaking eye contact and starting to blush.
That moment, I knew I had her.

“You’re attracted to him aren’t you?” I asked.

“What? No.” she said, almost reflexively.

“Well why the hell not?” I asked, letting out a chuckle. “Have you
noticed the way he looks at you? I bet he’s wasted so many clean socks and
tissues thinking about you.”

“Oh my gosh, Willow. You’re awful.” she said, still not coming clean.
“It’s pretty obvious.” I said, staring her down.

“Really? You think he’s attracted to me?” she asked.

“I do. You’ve seriously never thought about just going into his room,
getting naked, and jumping on top of him?” I asked.

“Where is all this coming from?” she asked.

“It just seems like the obvious solution to all of your woes. You want
meaningful, intimate sex with a man you care about. And he’s right there,
his name is Mat.” I said.

“He’s my stepson!”

“Perfect. You live in the same house, his room is right down the hall
from yours, and he’s 19 years old. You know it would make his day being
able to sleep with you. I guarantee all of his friends talk about wanting to do
it with you, it’d make him feel like the king of the world.” I said.

“I think you’re overreaching. There’s no way his friends want to sleep

with me, I’m an old lady.” she said.

“I’m not overreaching, you’re downplaying yourself. You’re 37, not

an old lady, and if you had any idea the amount of stepmom and milf porn
the average 19 year old consumes, I think you’d be surprised.” I said.

“But I couldn’t, it’d be wrong.”

“No it wouldn’t. The taboo nature of your relationship would only

make the sex better, and the resulting bond stronger. Look, I’m not telling
you what to do, I’m just saying if I were you, the answer would be pretty
obvious.” I said, leaving the ball in her court as I stood up to end the
“Wait. So, what if maybe I did want to test those boundaries, and see
where things went. How would I go about it?” she asked.

“Spend time with him, one on one time. Wear skimpy clothes around
him, flirt.” I said. “If you so much as rubbed his inner thigh and made
prolonged eye contact with him, it would be on. I’m telling you, I wish I
had a man who looked at me the way Mat looks at you.” I said.
Chapter 2 - Jodi

I can’t say I hadn’t thought about it before, but something about

Willow putting it in my head really made it hit home. She was my sex
therapist, and she was telling me to go for it. I thought that kind of thing
only took place in porno movies, but she assured me that stepmothers and
their stepsons going at it and exploring their sexuality together was far more
common than I’d have ever guessed.

And I was attracted to Mat. Very attracted to be more precise. He was

everything his father wasn’t; young, tall, handsome, vibrant, and full of
energy. On top of that, I knew he wouldn’t have any problems getting or
maintaining an erection. Not that it was all sexual with him, he was funny
and sweet, and I loved talking to him. The more I thought about it, the more
turned on I became, and the more sense it made for us to cross those
forbidden lines.

I guess I always told myself it was a harmless little crush that

wouldn’t lead anywhere, that there was nothing wrong with having naughty
fantasies in my head. Besides, he was my stepson, it wasn’t like I could
actually go through with it. Again, hearing your sex therapist tell you that
not only was it very much a possibility, but that it would enrich both of our
lives and if it was her, she would do it, put things into a whole new light.

The more time I spent with him after Willow brought it up, the more I
realized how perfect we were for each other. He didn’t look at me like I was
some old lady, he thought I was cool and respected how I felt about things.
Furthermore, I started to notice the way he looked at me. My stepson found
me attractive! I wondered how deep the rabbit hole went. Has he pictured
me naked before? Had he snuck into my room and sniffed my panties? Had
he ever thought about me while he masturbated?

Willow planted a seed that grew into a giant beanstalk. So I decided

to take her advice, and see where things lead. I started by switching up my
wardrobe at home. No more baggy sweatpants and oversized t-shirts.
Everything I wore, I wore with the sole purpose of making him notice my
body. I wanted him to be confronted with his attraction in the same way I
was being forced to confront my attraction towards him.

From there, I started setting up little quality time dates. We’d watch
movies in the living room, and go grab food together for lunch. Mat never
turned me down, not even close. He was excited to hang out with me, eager
even. After our first couple at home movie nights, I chose a scary movie
and introduced a blanket to the equation so we could cuddle up and eat
popcorn together.

“I always get so scared during scary movies, so be ready for me to

grab you and cuddle up.” I said, letting him know what I had planned
without really saying it.

“That’s fine.” he said, unable to hide a slight smile forming at the

corners of his mouth. The movie started, and for a while, it was business as
usual. Once the plot got moving and scary gotcha moments started
happening, I used them as an excuse to wrap my arms around his arm, and
eventually to lay my head on his chest.

“It’s so scary. How are you not afraid?” I asked.

“You’re adorable. It’s just a movie mom.” he said, throwing his arm
around me.

“Yeah, it still freaks me out. I’m glad you’re here to watch it with me.
You make me feel safe in your big strong arms.” I said, squeezing his bicep.
As the movie wore on, we grew more comfortable cuddling up with each
“Hey mom, I mean Jodi, would you want me to give you a massage?”
he asked.

“Are you serious? Who would say no to that?” I asked. Mat sat
behind me, straddling me with his legs and began to rub my shoulders and

“You’re a little tense.”

“I’m sure you can loosen me up with those manly hands of yours.” I
said, closing my eyes and focusing on the sensations. I wondered what else
he could do with them. And that’s when I felt it, because his legs were
sitting on the outside of mine, my ass was kind of pressed up against his
crotch. Mat was hard, and as I wiggled back and forth to make sure, I knew
I wasn’t mistaken. I’d given my stepson an erection, just from a little
physical contact and a back massage.

The movie ended, and we cleaned up our little mess of popcorn,

candy, and soda cans before heading off to our respective rooms for the
night. It wasn’t like anything really happened, but for some reason, that was
the night I knew we would take things further.
Chapter 3 - Willow

Once Jodi got the ball rolling, I knew we were within striking
distance. When she told me that he got an erection from giving her a fully
clothed back rub, there was no doubt he was attracted to her. Not that I ever
questioned that in the first place.

“I just don’t know how to escalate things any further. I don’t want to
make a move on him if it’s going to make him uncomfortable.” she said.

“I understand. And how do you feel about the situation? Are you
more comfortable with the idea of making love to your stepson?” I asked.

“I think so. At this point it isn’t even about comfort, it’s about
wanting. I want to fuck him so bad, I haven’t felt this way in forever.” she

“I have an idea. Let me have a chat with him. I’ll let him know that
his father has erectile dysfunction, and that he no longer desires sex. I’ll tell
him how much it’s hurting you, and how much pent of sexual frustration
you have.” I said.

“No, don’t do that.” she said, her eyes bulging with fear.

“Hear me out. I’ll suggest that you two have another movie night, but
this time it’ll be more along the lines of Netflix and chill. I’ll tell him just to
cuddle with you in his bed, and see what happens.” I said.

“Ooh, I like that.” she said.

“Tell him it’s hot in his room, and take off your pants. Be his little
spoon and rub your ass against his crotch until you know he’s turned on,
then maybe take notice of his erection, let him know it’s perfectly natural,
and just let things play out from there.” I said.
“Okay, I like this. Even if we don’t do anything crazy, it’ll move
things in the right direction.” she said.

“I agree.” I said, knowing full well things wouldn’t stop at light


The next time I came over for therapy, I asked Mat to join me once
I’d finished up with Jodi. That’s when I explained his father’s erectile
dysfunction, and the problems it was causing in their marriage.

“I wouldn’t tell you any of this if I didn’t think you could help.” I
said, giving him a stern look.

“How?” he asked.

“Well, she’s an adult woman with sexual needs that aren’t being met.”
I said. “And since your father can’t meet them and doesn’t want to, she’s
going to fill that need somewhere else. That’s where you come in. If you
don’t do it, someone else will, and it might rip apart their marriage, and
neither of us wants that.” I said.

“No, definitely not. But I can’t, she’s my stepmom.” he said.

“Jodi can’t stop talking about you during our sessions. She says she
loves spending time with you, and she’s become very taken by you.” I said.


“Yeah, she keeps talking about how handsome you are, how she loves
your muscles, and how she’d do anything to sleep with you. But she doesn’t
want to make you uncomfortable, that’s the only reason she hasn’t made a
move.” I said.

“Wow. I didn’t know any of this. I have noticed her being more
flirtatious though, like wearing revealing clothes around the house, and she
always wants to hang out now.” he said, contemplating my words.
“Are any of your friends attracted to her?” I asked.

“Ugh, yeah. I think all of my friends have said something about how
pretty she is at one point or another.”

“And do you agree? That she’s attractive I mean.”

“Uhm, I mean, she’s my stepmom and everything, but yeah.” he said,

clearly feeling embarrassed admitting it to a stranger.

“Well, we can get one of your friends to do it if you don’t want to, but
I think it would be way better for her if it was you. And she’s never
mentioned any of your friends, only you.” I said. “She’s an older woman, so
she already knows what she wants, and it’s you.”

“I dunno…It seems kind of inappropriate. What if she isn’t into it? I

don’t wanna get in trouble.” he said.

“Look Mat, I’m not telling you to sneak up behind her and whip your
dick out. What I’m suggesting is a more subtle approach. I was thinking
since you two already have movie date nights, why not have one in your
bedroom? Like Netflix and chill, and just see what happens.”

“Okay. Yeah, I could do that.” he said. “You think she’d be into it?”

“I’ve already told you Mat, she’s very attracted to you. It’s all she
talks about. I can’t go into too many details, but she fantasizes about doing
some very naughty things with you, things that girls your age wouldn’t even
know about.” I said.

“Oh. Wow. I guess I can try.”

“Yeah, just invite her to your room tonight to watch something on

Netflix. Even if nothing happens, you’ll still have a good time.”
“Facts. For sure I can do that.” he said. And with that, I was on my
Chapter 4 - Mat

Willow always seemed cool to me, but I had no idea that she was my
stepmom’s sex therapist. I also didn’t realize that my dad had erectile
dysfunction, but it didn’t really surprise me. All he did was eat like shit and
lay around in bed all day.

Jodi was my secret fantasy. It wasn’t something I could really talk to

my friends about, because I was scared of them making fun of me for
having a crush on my stepmom. They were all so immature and loud, I just
knew they’d make it a thing and probably out me to her. At the same time,
they talked relentlessly about how hot she was and how they all had plans
of eventually banging her.

I’ll never forget the time she took us all to the pool, and wore a very
revealing two piece. She looked amazing, and none of us could keep our
eyes off her. There’s no way she didn’t notice. That whole day was one non
stop conversation about how she was the hottest mom around. The word
milf was tossed around liberally, and every part of her body was objectified.
I tried my best to ignore and stay out of the conversations, but I was feeling
the same exact way.

It went beyond her looks for me though, as I spent time with her
almost every day. She was super chill, and I felt pretty comfortable talking
to her about almost everything. Still, I could never look at her without
naughty thoughts brewing in my head, and she was the star of most of my
fantasies. The things I wanted to do with her were x-rated, but I thought it
was nothing more than a fantasy. There’s no way anything would ever
happen between us.

That was until Willow told me about her feelings, and asked me to
pretty much try to seduce her. I’d have never actually made a move or even
thought about trying anything if she didn’t bring it up, but once I knew that
it was a possibility there was no turning back. We already watched movies
together alone, and Willow’s idea to host one of our movie nights in my
room was genius.
My room was pretty simple, and there was nowhere to sit or lay
except for my bed. Knowing that she harbored the same secret feelings as
me made it feel a lot more attainable, and it gave me a burst of confidence
that I couldn’t deny. Instead of treating her like an off limits woman, I was
going to start treating her like my woman.

“Hey mom, do you wanna watch a movie tonight?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure. What’d you have in mind?” she asked.

“Nothing in particular. I figured we could watch something in my

room, something on Netflix.” I said, feeling the blood rush to my face as the
words left my mouth.

“Oh, okay. Yeah, let’s do that.” she said.

“It’s a date.” I said, and scurried off to my room feeling awkward. I

felt like I wasn’t smooth or cool at all, but at least I got what I was after.
The rest of the day, our upcoming movie date was all I could think about. I
showered multiple times to make sure I was fresh and clean, and tried to
think of things to say that might lead to something happening. I desperately
wanted to kiss her.

My father joined us for dinner that night, which had become a rare
occasion. That made things a tad awkward for me, and I made sure not to
bring up the movie while he was sitting there. Once we’d finished eating, he
got up from the table without cleaning up and went back to his bedroom.

“Don’t worry, I’ll clean up. The food was fantastic.” I said, clearing
the table off and moving the dishes to the dishwasher.

“You’re so sweet.” she said.

“We’re still on for the movie tonight right?” I asked. Jodi smiled and
“Of course baby. I’ve been looking forward to it all day.”

“You can go relax or take a shower or whatever, I can handle the

clean up.” I said. Jodi strode towards me, and placed a kiss on my cheek.

“You’re really the best. Thank you. I’ll meet you in your room after I
shower?” she asked.

“Yeah, that’s cool.” I said, acting like it was no big deal. At the same
time, my heart was pounding at the proposition.
Chapter 5 - Jodi

Mat was extra sweet to me all day, and I found his attempts at
courting me adorable. I knew full well that he was put on by Willow, and I
had every intention of rewarding him for following through. I remembered
what Willow said about taking off my pants, and made sure to choose a
sexy thong to wear under my sweatpants. I checked in on Phil to make sure
he was asleep before tiptoeing down the hallway and walking into Mat’s

“Hey you.” I said, stepping out of my slippers.

“What’s up?” he said, giving me a nod and perking up.

“Not much. I’m kind of tired, I just want to cuddle up and watch a
movie.” I said, shutting the door behind me. “You don’t mind if I lock this
do you? I don’t want anyone to interrupt us.”

“Yeah, that’s cool.” he said.

“You pick something to watch?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s called Meat Truck. It’s a scary movie.” he said. I grinned
as I approached his bed, knowing he only chose that movie because I told
him horror movies scared me. It was the first time he’d ever picked
something in that genre, as he usually preferred slapstick comedies.

“Perfect. It’s kind of hot in here, I’m going to take these off.” I said,
facing away from him as I seductively pulled my sweatpants down to the
floor and stepped out of them. I made sure to stretch for a few seconds,
giving him ample opportunity to check out my ass.

“You have a really nice butt.” he blurted, which made me giggle.

“Thank you baby.”

“I don’t mean that in a weird way, it’s just like, really toned and nice.”
he said. I could tell that he was nervous, but I appreciated that he was going
for it.

“It’s fine baby, I understand. You have really nice muscles, and I
don’t mean that in a weird way.” I said. Mat hit play on the movie, and I
immediately laid down beside him, scooting into my spot as his little spoon.
“I’ve been waiting all day for this.”

“Me too.” he said, breathing heavily as I wiggled my ass against his


“It’s warm in here, do you mind taking off your shirt?” I asked.

“That’s fine.” he said, making it so. By the time the opening credits
had rolled, I could feel his erection pressed up against my ass. We laid in
silence for the next ten minutes or so, until I grabbed his hand and pulled it
over me.

“That’s better.” I said.

“You smell amazing,” he said.

“I think it’s my shampoo.”


“I’m going to take off my shirt.” I said, sitting up and starting the
process of removing it. “Oh wait, I’m not wearing a bra. That doesn’t
bother you does it?” I asked.

“Ugh, no. That’s cool.” he said. I removed my shirt and tossed it next
to his bed, turning to look him in the eyes.

“You said my ass was nice, what do you think about my boobs?” I
asked. His eyes moved down to my chest, and he licked his lips.
“They’re perfect.” he said.


“I mean, yeah. They’re really nice.” he said.

“You’re so sweet. You can touch them if you want.” I said, feeling
horny and confident.
Chapter 6 - Mat

I couldn’t believe what was happening. Everything Willow said had

been true, and my dick was so hard I think it had a pulse. My hands moved
instinctively to her chest, and I lightly groped her breasts.

“So soft.”

“Mat?” she asked, looking into my eyes.


“Do you think I’m pretty?”

“Honestly, I think you’re like the prettiest girl ever.” I said, unable to
stop staring at her tits.

“Then kiss me.” she said. It was by far the hottest moment of my life,
and I hesitated.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes baby.” she said. I leaned in slowly, still a bit weary of what was
taking place. When her soft lips touched against mine, I felt a tingle move
up my spine. “Mmm.” she moaned, kissing me back harder.

“You’re a really good kisser.” I said, leaning in for more. That was all
it took, a couple of kisses and all bets were off. All of the built up sexual
tension between us came pouring out, and I ended up on top of her with my
tongue swirling around hers.

“Why have we never done this before?” she asked.

“I have no idea.” I said, as her hand moved down between my legs

and grabbed hold of my dick through my shorts.
“It’s really hot in here, you should take these off too.” she said.

“Okay.” I said, reaching for my waistband and sliding my shorts and

underwear slowly down until my hard cock flopped out in front of her.

“Oh wow.” she said, taking hold of it and stroking it lightly as she got
onto her hands and knees in front of me. “It’s so hard.”

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” I said, watching as she parted her
lips and wrapped them around the head of my dick. “Oh my God.”

“Mmm…I love how hard you are for me.” she said. I couldn’t fathom
how a man could not be hard for her, and I knew it was my job to please her
in ways my father couldn’t. “Look at your balls.”

“Fuck.” I groaned, as Jodi began suckling my balls while playing with

my dick. It was the first time a woman’s mouth had been on my balls, and
pleasure moved through my entire body. “That feels so good.”

“I know baby, come here.” she said, falling back and laying down in
front of me. “I want you to kiss me down there too.”

“Yes ma am.” I said, dropping down between her legs. Jodi pulled her
thong off to the side, exposing her pretty little pussy to me for the first time.
I couldn’t wait to bury my face in her, to lick and suck her clit until she
came all over my face.

“Good boy.” she said, running her fingers through my hair while I
tasted her sweet wetness.

“I love it.” I said, inserting a finger slowly as my tongue lapped at her


“I love you.” she moaned, pressing my head down against her. “It’s
been so long baby, I need this.”
Jodi turned me on beyond what I knew was possible. No woman had
ever made me feel the way she did, and I couldn’t get enough of kissing and
licking her forbidden sex. She was so reactive to everything I did, and my
dick grew so hard that it almost hurt.

“I want you inside me.” she said, pulling me up towards her torso and
kissing me deeply. “I need it.”
Chapter 7 - Jodi

It was finally happening, my legs were spread wide and Mat was
rubbing his hard cock up and down against my opening.

“It’s so pretty.” he said, staring down between us as he pressed it


“Ugh!” I squealed as he entered me, pleasure rippling through me. It

had been too long since I’d had sex, too long since I’d been desired, and too
long since I felt a long hard penis stretching me out to accomodate it.
“Mat…You’re so much better than your father.”

“Oh my God.” he said, filling me up with his unprotected flesh. Right

down the hall from my sleeping husband, I was being fucked my 19 year
old stepson. At that moment, I couldn’t care less about my marriage vows.
The only thing that mattered was being ravaged by my off limits younger

“You feel so good.” I whimpered, reaching down between my legs to

play with my clitoris while he fucked me.

“I’ve wanted you for such a long time.” he said, holding a fistful of
my hair and raising my head so he could kiss my neck.

“Harder.” I begged, feeling myself swell up with pleasure. “Harder!” I

called out, my hips pinned to his mattress as he thrust faster and faster. Our
bodies slapped together, and I didn’t even care that he was giving me

“Fuck! It’s so good.” he moaned, driving his hips down against mine.

“Mat, Mat you’re going to make me cum.” I said, furiously rubbing

my clit as my climax approached like a freight train.
“Me too!” he called out, holding my ankles and driving himself as
deep as he could.

“Leave it in! Don’t you dare pull out.” I said, wrapping my legs
around his lower back and lacing my ankles to hold him in. “Fuck!” I
squealed like his personal whore as my entire body exploded with
agonizing pleasure. “Oh my God!”

“Jodi!” We grinded against each other, fighting to extract every ounce

of pleasure we could from each other. He stared into my eyes as he pumped
me full of his sticky virile cum, and I took every drop eagerly, milking his
dick with my kegel muscles.

We finally passed the crescendo, and the energy drained from us

simultaneously, the same way we’d orgasmed. His sheets were soaked with
sweat and the bodily fluids that were leaking down my inner thighs and ass.

“Such a good boy.” I said, wrapping my arms around him and kissing
the top of his head. Our heavy breathing was interrupted only by
intermittent kisses and the sweet nothings we whispered to each other.

“I love you so much Jodi. That was incredible.”

“Every night from now on.” I said. “Every night no matter what.”

“Every night.” he repeated, kissing me deeply. “Every night.”
Chapter 8 - Willow

My plan worked to perfection, and Jodi had no further need for me as

a sex therapist. Once they popped, the fun never stopped. I listened intently
to Jodi during our last session, as she gloated over what a fantastic lover her
stepson was becoming.

“It’s like he gets better every night, it’s completely changed my life. I
feel like a new woman.” she said. “I’m filing for divorce, and I think Mat
and I are going to start dating.”

It’s never my intention to ruin a happy marriage, but I have no

problem ending something that should have ended a long time ago. It
brought me immense joy knowing that I served as the catalyst for
something better, something more fulfilling for the both of them.
Off Limits Indulgence (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 10

Chapter 1 - Willow

The Jackson family consisted of husband Max, wife Patty, and Patty’s
daughter Remy. It was a quite unusual case for me, as I’m typically a sex
counselor for couples. Max and Patty came to me with quite an unusual
conundrum, and I found myself intrigued by their plight.

Max and Patty had a healthy albeit vanilla sex life, and they
considered themselves compatible from a sexual standpoint. They were
both perfectly content with their sex life, but there was one thing that was
starting to come between them.

Apparently, Max and his 19 year old stepdaughter Remy were

experiencing extreme sexual tension that was only building with each
passing day. This became increasingly obvious to Patty, who watched
silently as they made eyes at each other and spent more time together.

“I think it’s perfectly natural and it doesn’t bother me one bit. Remy
is a beautiful girl, and Max is a tall, handsome older man who treats her like
a princess. I’d almost be surprised if they weren’t attracted to each other.”
she said during one of our private sessions.

“So it doesn’t bother you in the slightest?” I asked, trying to wrap my

head around their situation.

“Not at all. I’m not the jealous type, and attraction is an impulse we
can’t control.” she said.
“Look, this isn’t the first case of a crush between a stepdad and his
stepdaughter that I’ve come across, but your stance on it might be the most
level headed and accepting that I’ve ever seen.” I said.

“Eh, what are you gonna do? You know how men are, they like what
they like. I’m 40 years old, and although we’ve been monogamous
throughout our fifteen years of marriage, I’m not opposed to letting him
sleep with another woman.” she said.

“Even if that woman is your daughter?” I asked.

“Oddly enough, I think it bothers me less that he’s attracted to her

than if it were another woman.”

“Please, expand on that.” I said, giving her my full and undivided


“Well, she’s my daughter and she looks just like me when I was her
age. It’s kind of flattering in that way.” she said. “And on top of that, I’d
much rather her sleep with Max than try to seduce one of her friends’ dads
or a teacher at school or something. I understand being attracted to older
men, I was the same way when I was younger.”

“Me too.” I said, “So what exactly do you want to do about this? Why
did you come to me?” I asked.

“I think something is going to happen between them, it seems

inevitable. I mean, you haven’t seen it but it’s very obvious the way they
feel about each other. I think the only reason they haven’t done anything yet
is because it would make them feel guilty. I think it would be much
healthier if we communicated as a family, set some ground rules, and let it
happen without driving a wedge between all of us.” she said.

“I understand, it’s always better to have an open line of

communication.” I said. “Have either of them admitted to their feelings? Or
is this just something you picked up on?”
“I asked Max about it directly, and he denied it at first. He said that he
found her attractive, but said it wasn’t anything more than that. I kept
pressing him, and he eventually admitted it.” she said.

“And what about Remy? Have you asked her about it?”

“I have. I told her that I wasn’t judging her, and that I didn’t care if
she found him attractive, but I needed to know. She came clean about it
right away, apologized and said she can’t help it but that she would never
do anything to hurt me. That’s why I called you, I want them to understand
that it’s not going to hurt me, that I think it’s fine. I think they’ll understand
if it’s coming from an actual sex therapist.” she said.

“Interesting. Well, I think that we should probably have them come

in, either together or separately, and try to get the ball rolling here. How
about Remy’s sexual experience, do you know if she’s a virgin?” I asked.

“She’s not technically a virgin, she’s had sex with two guys, once
each, and I’ve talked to her about it. She’s had about ten minutes of actual
sex, combined.” she said.

“I see, so she hasn’t had her first satisfactory experience yet?” I


“Yeah, I don’t think she really knows what real sex is like yet. And I
know Max would give her the time of her life, he’s a very sensual,
passionate lover. I think it’d be a great experience for her.”

“Well Patty, I think that’s everything I need to know for right now. I
really appreciate your honesty and candidness regarding the situation at
hand.” I said.

“No problem. I’m looking forward to rectifying it.” she said. “And
thank you for taking us on, I know this is kind of an unusual thing.”
“Of course. I love helping families come together.”
Chapter 2 - Max
My infatuation with my stepdaughter Remy started when she added
me on social media. I was looking through her pictures, and noticed what a
beautiful young woman she’d grown into. At first, I felt kind of weird
looking at her in that way, but I figured there was nothing wrong with
finding someone physically attractive.

Seeing her in bathing suits and short shorts was something I couldn’t
unsee, which caused me to start noticing her beauty in real life. Her room
was right down the hallway from ours, and knowing I lived with a total
knockout invaded my brain in a serious way. It became a preoccupation,
almost an obsession, and I couldn’t shake it.

What started as a harmless crush quickly evolved into full blown

fantasies, and I struggled making it through the day without picturing her
naked and thinking about making love to her. Every little thing about her
turned me on, from her pretty little toes to her perfect body and pretty face.
It’s hard to say how the actual flirtation started, but it was a two way street.

It’s one of those things, when you know, you know, and there was no
denying the chemistry between us. We’d always been close and had a
loving relationship, but it was always more along the lines of a standard
stepdad and stepdaughter relationship. That kind of fell by the wayside once
we started noticing each other in that way, and the entire dynamic of our
relationship changed. I felt powerless against my urges, and couldn’t stop
myself from teasing her and becoming more affectionate physically.

Remy ate it up, and seemed to thrive on the added element of

playfulness. The more we hung out one on one, the more things began to
escalate. Extended eye contact, light massages, and eventually cuddling. I’ll
never forget the first time she ‘accidentally’ touched my erection, or how
she continued touching it for several seconds with a full on grip of my cock
from outside of my shorts while staring into my eyes. I stood up quickly,
and headed to the bathroom to get rid of the demon. That was the first time
I masturbated thinking about her, and I couldn’t seem to think of anything
other than her from that point on.
My wife took immediate notice, and reveled in watching us in frisky
situations. I tried everything to stop myself from being so coy with her, but
again, it was beyond my control. The guilt that I harbored over my
forbidden feelings was significant, as I felt like a failure as both a husband
and man for being unable to repress my primal urges. It had been decades
since I had so many spontaneous boners, she made me feel young again in
an almost embarrassing way.

Patty eventually sat me down and brought it up, and I hate to admit
that I played it off like it was no big deal. I told her that I found her
attractive, because she was a very pretty girl, but that I wasn’t interested in
women her age. My wife saw right through it, and rolled her eyes openly at
my response which only made me feel worse. She was open and non
judgemental, and there was no reason for me to lie to her.

She brought it up again, and told me that she already knew the truth
and simply wanted to hear me admit to it. So I did. I told her everything,
from the fantasies to the time she rubbed my penis for a couple seconds.
Coming clean felt good and shameful simultaneously.

“Thank you for telling me the truth Max, it would have been
difficult for me to respect you if you wouldn’t admit to something so
obvious.” she said. “And in case you were wondering, she feels the same

“What do you mean? Have you talked to her about this?” I asked.

“Not yet, but I plan to. I’m not dumb Maximus, it’s written all over
both of your faces.” she said. “And honestly, I think we’re getting to that
point in our marriage where maybe we should open up the bedroom for this
particular case.”

“Excuse me?”
“I know you love me, and that your attraction to Remy is in no way
a violation of our love. It’s how you feel, and it’s how she feels. I don’t
want you two sneaking around, fighting off your urges because you feel like
it’s going to hurt me. I’m okay with it, and I see no reason that you two
shouldn’t indulge in the desire you feel for each other.” she said.

“But we can’t actually go through with anything Patty, she’s my

stepdaughter.” I said.

“You aren’t going to be able to ignore it forever. I’d rather we be

honest and open as a family.”

Hearing those words leave your wife’s mouth is an interesting pill to

swallow. I knew that she was an open minded person, but I never thought
she’d be so casual about her husband and daughter crossing those lines. I
didn’t know what to do with it honestly, as no matter what she said, it still
felt like a serious violation if we were to go through with it. I guess Patty
understood that, and that’s the reason she hired Willow to help bring Remy
and I together.
Chapter 3 - Remy

It shocked me when my mom confronted me about having a crush

on daddy. I didn’t realize how obvious we were, and looking back on our
behavior I guess I should have known that she’d notice. What shocked me
even more was how casual she was about it, like it didn’t bother her in the
slightest. My mom was huge on honesty, so I didn’t lie to her. To put it
bluntly, I was terrified when I told her.

She really didn’t seem to care, she thought it was cute and told me
not to feel guilty. Still, once I told her how I really felt, it made me feel
awkward around Max when she was around.

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly how it started, I just know that at some
point I realized that my stepdad was a total catch, and that I wanted him in
the worst way. All of the guys my age became boring and uninteresting in
comparison, and I couldn’t seem to prevent myself from falling further and
further for him.

I think we both knew that we were flirting with forbidden lines, and
that we were off limits to each other. On top of our already intense
connection, this only made things between us even hotter. Something about
it being forbidden made us both want each other more. Neither of us
admitted it to each other, as we didn’t have to.

Once we started cuddling, it became harder and harder to resist

going all the way. One time, I was sitting on his lap and realized that he was
hard, which turned me on way too much and I ended up making kind of a
move on him. I reached down between his legs and grabbed a hold of him,
and immediately realized how big and hard he was. Instead of stopping
myself, I wrapped my fingers around it and moved my hand up and down
his shaft. We looked into each other’s eyes, and I thought something was
going to happen until he abruptly stood up and walked down the hallway
into the bathroom. We never brought it up to each other, but it was the
single hottest moment of my life up until that point.
I’d recently found myself becoming attracted to men much older
than me, from coaches and teachers to my friends’ fathers. I never tried to
pursue them, it was kind of a fantasy that aroused me beyond belief. All I
thought about when I touched myself was older men, and once I realized
how much I liked Max, it was always him. He was kind of like the star of
all of my fantasies, and the tension built up until I could barely take it

Both of the guys’ I had slept with at that point were my age, and
terrible in bed. This only furthered my desire to sleep with Max, as he was
the one man who I knew would never disappoint me or let me down, and I
knew he wanted me too.

It was probably a month after I admitted to my mother that I was

attracted to Max when she told me she hired a sex therapist, and that she
wanted me to have a session with her. I couldn’t believe it, and felt like I
was in some sort of trouble. Like maybe my feelings really were out of line
and I needed professional help to flush them away.

“I’m not mad at you or Max, I just think it would do us all good if
you two would sit down with her and hear what she has to say. I’ve
scheduled a session for the two of you. Her name is Willow, and I think
you’ll like her a lot.” she said.

“I don’t know mom, talking to you about this is one thing, but
talking to a therapist? I don’t know. It seems weird.” I said. “Isn’t she going
to report us or something?”

“She’s not going to report you, baby.” mom said, having a chuckle
at my response. “I promise. Just sit down with her and your dad, talk things
out, and I think you’ll be very happy you did.” she said.

“Yes ma am.” I said, never one to disobey my mother’s commands.
Chapter 4 - Willow

Patty and I decided it would be best if we sat the two of them down
together and let them talk about their feelings in a private session, so we set
it up. They both agreed to attend, and I was very excited to see how things
unfolded once they were together in a judgment free zone, and forced to
confront the tension between them.

Sometimes I choose to have therapy sessions at the house of my

clients, because it tends to make things more comfortable for them, while
other times I have them over to my place. In this case, I chose their house
seeing as how that’s where I assumed their taboo trysts would be taking
place once they realized they were allowed to go through with them. Patty
elected to leave the house for a spa day so they could have the place to

“Hey guys.” I said, giving them both a big hug when they answered
the door. It was the first time I got to see them together, so I paid close
attention to their body language and how they acted around each other. My
main goal was to make them comfortable so they could speak freely
amongst themselves, as I suspected that would be the quickest way of
getting them together. “Well, I’ll get straight to the point of why I decided
to have this session with the two of you. It’s come to my attention that
there’s a bit of sexual tension and a whole bunch of chemistry between

“Well, yeah you could say that.” Max said, glancing over at Remy for

“Yeah.” she said, looking down at her feet.

“It’s okay. There’s really no reason to be shy about it, it’s perfectly
natural.” I said. “My only concern is that you both seem to be under the
impression that your feelings are wrong, but I don’t think that’s the case at
“I don’t think it’s so much that we think it’s wrong, it’s just that she’s
my stepdaughter and I’m her stepfather.” Max said.

“And I understand that. But I’ve talked to Patty extensively about

this, and I can assure you that both of us are okay with it, and we both think
it’s something you two should explore.” I said. “Remy, is it fair to say that
you have feelings for your stepfather Max?” I asked.

“Ugh, yeah. I’ve kind of had a crush on him for a while.” she said,
turning red as a beet and refusing to make eye contact.

“Baby, it’s okay. You don’t have to feel embarrassed.” I said. Max
scooted closer to her, and placed his hand on her thigh.

“I’d like to bring something up if you don’t mind. I heard there was a
time when Remy placed her hand on your private parts, and you left the
room and went to the bathroom. Is that true?”

“Yeah.” Remy said.

“Yes, that’s true,” said Max.

“If you’d known at that time that Patty was perfectly okay with that
sort of behavior, do you think you would have stayed and let her continue?”
I asked. Remy’s eyes finally moved from the ground, and locked on Max to
see what he had to say.

“Absolutely. It felt so good, and I didn’t want her to stop, but I also
didn’t want to do something that would jeopardize my marriage.” he said.

“And Remy, if Max would have taken his penis out of his shorts for
you, would you have liked to continue playing with it? And perhaps gone
even further?” I asked. She took a deep breath, looking at Max before
“Yeah. I think about that time a lot, and I really wish we hadn’t
stopped.” she said.

“And how does that make you feel Max? Is that a moment you two
would like to revisit?”

“I would love that.” he said, peering into her eager eyes.

“Me too.”

“Okay. Now that you both know you’re allowed to explore your
attraction, I’d like to recreate that moment. When it happened, you were
sitting on his lap, is that correct?” I asked.


“Okay, would you mind taking a seat on his lap?” I asked.

“Yes ma am.” she said, doing as she was told.

“Let’s change it up just a little bit, okay? This time, I want you to face
each other. So go ahead and turn around, I want you to straddle him and
look into his eyes.” I said.

“Okay.” Remy stood up, and turned to face her stepdad before
climbing up into his lap.

“Very good. Now Max, she’s less experienced than you so I want you
to take charge. Look into your stepdaughter’s eyes, and tell her that you’d
like to kiss her.” I said.

“Remy, is that okay? Can I kiss you?” he asked.

“Yes daddy.” she said, trying her best to fight the grin that was
forming at the corner of her mouth.
“Now, I don’t want you to kiss like a stepdad and stepdaughter, I want
you to kiss like lovers. You can start slow if you want, but I want there to be
plenty of tongue. Really get in there and show each other how much you
want each other.” I said, feeling myself becoming aroused as I watched
them getting more comfortable.
Chapter 5 - Remy

It felt amazing being back in his lap, with full permission to finally
give into the way I’d been feeling about him. I was really nervous, but at
the same time I trusted him with my life and I wanted nothing more than
what was taking place. Having Willow there to coach us along made it
easier as well.

I closed my eyes as he leaned in, pressing his soft lips against mine.
We gave each other a couple small pecks, which grew into longer soft

“There ya go. Very nice.” Willow said.

“You taste so good baby girl.” Max whispered, his hands moving to
my lower back.

“So do you.” I said, opening my eyes to look at him.

“More. Keep going, really indulge.” Willow said. Max took the lead,
and kissed me harder than before. I opened my mouth slightly to receive his
tongue, and could feel myself getting wet in my panties as our tongues
swirled together. He tasted so good, and his big strong hands moved down
to my ass.

“Mmm…” daddy moaned, sucking on my lower lip and letting his

kisses stray to my neck.

“There, just like that. Really take control, and show her how much
you love her.” Willow said. We’d repressed our feelings for so long that
everything came bubbling easily to the surface. Within seconds I forgot that
Willow was there watching us, as it felt like the two of us were alone in the
universe at that moment.

“Baby.” Max said, groping my breasts and nibbling on my earlobe. “I

love you so much.”
“I love you too daddy.” I said, instinctively reaching down between
his legs.

“Good girl.” he said, as I once again wrapped my fingers around his

hard dick. “You can take it out if you want.”

“Yes. Get down on your knees in front of him and remove his shorts
and underwear.” Willow said, reminding me of her presence. I could hardly
believe it was really happening, the thing I’d fantasized about for so long
was finally coming true. My fingers slipped inside his waistband, and he
raised his hips to allow me to slide them down in one motion down to his

“I’ve wanted this for such a long time.” Max said. I stared at his veiny
man cock, and took hold of him by the base.

“It’s really big.” I said, taken back by his manhood. I’d only been
with two guys, and neither of them was endowed the way he was.

“Rub it up and down. Explore him with your hands. Massage his
balls, and don’t forget to spit on it.” Willow said, giving me pointers.

“Listen to Willow baby.”

“Yes daddy.” I said, letting a glob of spit dribble from my mouth and
onto his erect penis. I spread the saliva along his length, using my other
hand to play with his balls as Willow had suggested.

“Oh my God.” Max sighed, closing his eyes and gripping the armrest
on our couch.

“You’re doing so good Remy, now open your mouth and wrap your
lips around the tip of his cock.” Willow said.
“Okay.” I said, parting my lips and placing them on his bulbous
mushroom head.

“Baby…” Max moaned, playing with my hair as I tried to swallow his


“You have such pretty eyes Remy, don’t forget to look up at him and
maintain eye contact why you give him a blowjob.” Willow said,
continuing her instruction. I’d sucked a dick before, but only for a minute
and I found it off putting. That wasn’t the case with Max, as I was much
more turned on and eager to please him. I tried my best to follow their
directions, and before I knew it I was stroking him as fast as I could with
my right hand, with my face buried in his testicles and slurping on his
heavy balls.

“You’re so good.” he said, staring at me like I was the most beautiful

girl in the world. It felt so right being down on my knees, slobbering and
bobbing up and down on my daddy’s big dick.

“If you two don’t mind, I’d like you to go to Remy’s room and
continue this without my guidance. I think you can take over from here
Max.” Willow said, standing up to leave. “I think this was a very fruitful
Chapter 6 - Max

As Willow was walking away, I mouthed the words “thank you”

before lifting Remy up into my arms and carrying her across the threshold
into her room.

“You’re so strong, daddy.” she said, right before I tossed her onto her
mattress and pulled my shirt off.

“And you’re so beautiful.” I said, crawling on top of her and pulling

her shirt up over her head and then moving to her shorts. “Why haven’t we
done this before?” I asked, smiling wide as I slid her panties off of her
ankles, exposing the prettiest little pussy I’ve ever seen. Remy was a sight
to behold, and somehow even more gorgeous than I ever could have
imagined. Her young body was firm and supple, and I couldn’t wait to fill
her up and feel inside her.

“I don’t know daddy, I’m just glad we get to do it now.”

“All the time. I want you all the time from now on.” I said, lifting her
foot to my mouth and kissing all over her soles, arches, and toes. “Why are
you so perfect?”

“That tickles.” she giggled as I sucked on each of her tiny little toes. I
smiled and spread her legs apart.

“I have to taste you.” I said, dropping down between her legs for a
closer look. Her scent was absolutely titillating and I couldn’t resist digging
right in.

“Ugh!” she squealed as my lips enveloped her clitoris, applying

suction as I dragged my tongue up and down against it. She was already
soaking wet, and I savored her taste as I finally gave into my forbidden
desires. For as long as I could remember, she was my ultimate off limits
fantasy, and being with her was an act I truly thought would never happen.
“Mmm…” I moaned, unable to get enough of her sweetness.

“Daddy, that feels so good.” she moaned, running her hands through
my hair as I feasted on her perfection. She was the first woman I’d been
with other than my wife in fifteen years, and easily the one I desired most.
There wasn’t a chance that there was a man in the world who was more
content to be doing what he was doing than I was as I swirled my tongue
around my stepdaughter’s wet tightness.

“I want you to cum for me baby.” I said, inserting a single digit inside
her and continuing to kiss all over her. Her sex squeezed my finger tight,
and I couldn’t even imagine how good it was going to feel to force my cock
inside of her tight little teen cunt.

“Don’t stop daddy, that feels way too good.”

“You have such a pretty little pussy.” I grunted, working my finger in

and out of her. I looked up at her to watch her facial expressions changing
as I licked her. She was so responsive to everything I did, so in the moment
and in the throws of passion. I could never love someone the way I loved
her, and I knew I’d never lust after someone with such voracity again.
Chapter 7 - Remy

No one had ever given me such overwhelming pleasure before, and

there was nothing I could do to stop myself from cumming all over my
daddy’s warm mouth and face.

“Daddy I’m cumming!” I called out, practically screaming. I was

completely unhinged, reduced to a state of pure bliss and sexual depravity
that I’d never experienced. My entire body tingled with waves of pleasure,
and his skillful tongue sent vibrations through my sex until I was panting
and drooling. “Oh my God.” I said, gasping for air once I remembered to
breathe. It was by far the most powerful orgasm I’d ever experienced, and
my entire body felt practically numb in the best possible way.

“That was so hot. Turn over for me.” he said, flipping me over with
ease and pulling my ass apart. “God damn you’re a babe. Look at you.”

“Oh my God daddy. That was incredible.” I said, catching my breath

and wiping the sweat from my forehead. Before I knew what was
happening, I felt the tip of his cock pressing up against my opening.

“I need it baby. I have to cum in your little pussy.” he said, forcing his
girth inside me.

“Ugh!” my breath hitched and I could feel his hot hard flesh
stretching me out to receive him. I made noises I’d never heard come out of
me, and before long he was thrusting deep and hard inside me. As great as
his mouth felt between my legs, it was nothing in comparison to his
bareback flesh taking me with powerful thrusts.

“It’s so fucking tight Remy, you’re going to milk the cum right out of
my dick.” he said, still pulling my cheeks apart as he shoved his dick in and
out of my hole. “I love it so much.” he grunted into my ear, grabbing me by
a handful of my hair and slamming his hips against my ass.
“You’re so big.” I whimpered, as tears streamed uncontrollably down
my cheeks. It felt so good and so painful at the same time, and I loved every
second of it. My headboard slammed rhythmically against the wall, and it
felt like the entire house was shaking as hard as my legs as he made his
cock disappear inside me over and over.

“Play with your pussy while daddy fucks you.” he said, commanding
me to masturbate at the same time he was fucking me.

“Yes daddy.” I moaned, already teetering on the edge of what I could

handle. As soon as I began rubbing my clit, I felt myself approaching
another climax. “Oh God…Oh my God daddy…”

“Good girl. Cum with me.” he said, his pace somehow kicking into
another gear. I hung on for dear life, pinned beneath him and being fucked
into oblivion. “Fuck!” we came together, reaching our peak simultaneously.
Neither of us thought about the fact that I wasn’t on the pill, or considered
the option of pulling out. His cock spasmed inside me, shooting me full of
his thick viscous load.

“Daddy.” I said, coming back down to Earth with a release of sexual

energy and tension that put me in a state of euphoria. Drool dripped from
the corner of my mouth as a smile spread across it, my eyes crossed and I
let out a giggle that was beyond my ability to control.

“My Remy.” he said, pulling it out and watching as his excess cum
spilled onto my sheets. I collapsed onto my stomach, and focused on the
sensation of his cum dripping out of me. There aren’t words to describe the
way I felt in that moment, and I laughed and cried at the same time. “Come
here baby.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too Remy. My good girl.” he wrapped me up in his arms,

putting my head on his chest and kissing my forehead over and over again
as he whispered sweet nothing into my ear until I was fast asleep.
Chapter 8 - Willow

I knew damn well what was going to happen after I left, and
apparently it happened and then some. Patty told me at our next session
how happy she was that everything was in its rightful place. She loved the
fact that her family was closer, her girl was happier, and her husband was
satiated in a way he never was before.

Luckily, Remy wasn’t pregnant and got on the pill soon after so that
they could leave it in and all of that. The two of them had mind blowing
sex, night after night, and became closer as a result. It didn’t in any way
affect the marriage or the family, in fact it somehow brought everything
closer together.

To this day I don’t know if I’ve ever had a more perfect scenario play
itself out as a therapist, and hearing the stories of how much better Patty
and Max’s life became once they made that concession, or how much more
fulfilled as a person Remy was after finally becoming one with her stepdad
in such a primal way only reminded me of why I loved helping families
come together in such an intimate way.
Claiming Her Innocence (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume


Chapter 1 - Willow

Noah and Agatha hired me as their sex counselor, but it wasn’t your
typical husband and wife case at all. Instead of hiring me to spice up their
sex life, or help them work through certain issues, they hired me to discuss
something unusual that was happening at home.

Agatha had a 19 year old daughter who lived at home named Zoey.
She was a virgin, and was openly attracted to her stepdad Noah. They tried
explaining to her that it wasn’t normal, or even right for her to harbor this
attraction, but she couldn’t understand why.

They told me all about Zoey, how she was one of the most popular
girls at school, a cheerleader, and an A student. She got along with
everyone, and was very outgoing. They said she never got into trouble, not
even a detention. She was very respectful towards adults, and all of the
teachers loved her. They went as far as describing her as “the perfect
daughter”. This was kind of confusing, as I expected her to be the
rebellious type who was acting out to get attention.

“It’s not that. She’s just, she’s very naive.” Agatha said.

“Yeah, she’s as innocent as a baby rabbit.” Noah said.

“Interesting. So where do you think this is coming from?” I asked.

“Well, she got a lot of attention at school from boys. She got asked to
every dance like 100 times, and guys were and are always pining for her.”
Agatha said. “But she isn’t interested. You know how boys are, they’re very
upfront and aggressive at that age, and I think it scares her.” Agatha said.
“Yeah, she’s never had a boyfriend. I don’t even think she’s ever
kissed a boy. It’s not that we sheltered her, she just kind of sheltered herself.
She was always more interested in getting good grades or pursuing her
hobbies than dating. And now, I think she’s a little behind in that area
because she has no experience.” Noah added.

“And I think she’s craving that, to gain experience. And she views
Noah as a safe, dependable, strong man. I think she wants that safety for her
first time. Like, an older man to experiment with.” she said.

“I mean, it makes sense on a certain level, but she’s nineteen years

old. Doesn’t she realize that sleeping with your stepfather isn’t exactly
tenable?” I asked, still trying to wrap my head around the situation.

“Like we said, she’s very naive. She’s a very smart girl, but she’s kind
of in the clouds, in her own world. She tends to get whatever she wants, and
I think it’s kind of skewed her version of reality.” Agatha said.

“Yeah, you’d almost have to meet her to understand. She’s like the
most positive, upbeat and cheerful person in the world, and I don’t think she
gets it that not everyone is like her.” Noah said.

“Fair enough. How did this come up? Like, what did she say to let
you know that she wanted to sleep with you?” I asked.

“Well, do you want to tell her?” Noah asked, defaulting to his wife
out of what I assumed was discomfort with the subject.

“Yeah. She writes, she’s a very talented writer. She wrote this story
about her giving her virginity to Noah, and she gave it to us to read. It was,
uhm, very explicit.” Agatha said.

“I see. Did you both read it?” I asked.

“Yeah. I read it first, then told Noah that he had to take a look at it.”
“And how did you feel about it?” I asked.

“It was off putting, and I really wasn’t sure what to think about it. I
just knew it was kind of strange for a 19 year old to be writing erotica about
her own stepdad, and then sharing it with us.” Agatha said.

“Noah?” I asked.

“Well, I didn’t even want to read it at first, after Agatha told me about
it. But, yeah, I felt kind of the same way. She’s a very good writer, honestly,
and she made everything seem so real. After reading it, I felt like it had
almost really happened.” he said.

“No judgment, and I need your honesty here, did reading the story
make you sexually aroused at all?” I asked.

“Very much so. Honestly. Like I said, she’s a very good writer.” he

“Yeah. I’m a big erotica reader myself, and the story definitely
pushed a lot of buttons for me.” Agatha added.

“Well, I’m glad you two are open and honest about this, I know it’s
kind of an unusual situation.” I said. “And is that all? Has she done or said
anything else indicating her sexual attraction towards Noah?”

“Well, yes. She’s quite open about it.” Agatha said. “She’ll make little
comments about how good they would be together, or how much fun it
would be to cuddle with him naked.”

“Yeah. Recently she said something about “blowjob practice”, and

how we could just do it at home whenever I wanted.” Noah said.

“Wow. So she is very upfront about her desires. And how have you
handled this? What do you say to her when she makes these kinds of
comments?” I asked.

“We tell her that it’s inappropriate, and that stepdads and
stepdaughters don’t have sex with each other!” Agatha said, throwing up
her hands. “But she doesn’t seem to get it.”

“She always starts trying to explain the reasons it would be a good

idea. Like, that I have more experience and could pass it onto her in a safe
environment. She says that she’d only be comfortable having her first time
with me. Or she’ll get extra flirty and say things like don’t you think I’m
pretty daddy? Or, wouldn’t you enjoy having sex with a younger girl once
in a while? Stuff like that.” Noah said.

“Does it turn you on when she asks you things like that?” I asked.
Noah instinctively looked over at his wife when I asked the question.

“I mean, Zoey is very pretty. But I’m a married man, and she’s my
stepdaughter.” he said. I didn’t press him any further, especially seeing how
he sidestepped the question. I figured that would be something best brought
up in private, after I had further processed the situation and had a better
handle on it.

“Okay then, that’s a lot to think about. Let’s meet up again tomorrow
after I’ve had time to think about this.” I said. We shook hands, and I stood
up and started collecting my things. We had the session in their living room,
and before I could leave, Zoey came prancing in.

“Hi. What’s your name?” she asked, flashing a big smile.

“I’m Willow.” I said.

“Hi Willow, I’m Zoey. You’re so pretty, I love your hair.” she said,
her eyes beaming with joy. She was tiny, beautiful, and charismatic. Her
smile lit up the room.
“Thank you, you’re very sweet.” I said. I headed out to my car, and
leafed through my notes before driving home. I had to figure out some way
to help them.
Chapter 2 - Zoey

I didn’t understand what the big deal was. Instead of slutting it up in

high school, I focused on making friends and getting good grades. All I
heard were horror stories from other girls about having bad sex, or being
taken advantage of, or pressured into doing things they weren’t ready for
with guys they weren’t interested in. That sounded awful and scary to me,
so I kept myself out of those situations.

That didn’t mean I wasn’t curious, or asexual or something like that. I

just wanted my first time to be special, and I didn’t want to rack up
experience one act at a time with a bunch of different guys. None of the
boys my age were all that special anyway, and I felt like I was too young to
get into a serious relationship.

That’s why it made so much sense for me to have my first time with
Noah. He taught me how to do almost everything, why was this so
different? I knew he thought I was pretty, he told me all the time, and I
knew he loved me, because he told me that all the time too. There just
weren’t any other guys I was interested in, and I thought it would be sweet
to give my virginity to the most important man in my life.

It wasn’t like I wanted to steal him from my mom and keep him, I just
kind of wanted to borrow him sometimes. The more I thought about it, the
more it turned me on. Something about older men tickled my fancy, and he
was the best man I knew. Plus he was tall, and sexy, and he had big manly

A part of me wished I had just dated someone my senior year so I

could get it out of the way, but that would have felt cheap to me. You only
get to lose your virginity once, and no one forgets their first time right?
Why couldn’t we do it for my birthday? Or Father's day? Or something like
that. It seemed like such a special occasion and I wanted it to be
But everytime I brought it up, mom kept telling me how it was wrong,
inappropriate, and all sorts of stuff like that. But I wasn’t hurting anyone,
and I can’t help who I find attractive. There’s nothing I could do to make it
go away, everytime I thought about sex or touched myself, thinking about
him was the only thing that turned me on. So many guys asked me out on
dates, and tried to get me to have sex with them, why was the one man that
I wanted to do that with considered off limits? It was super annoying, and
being told you can’t have what you want only makes you want it more.
Everyone knows that.
Chapter 3 - Willow

After a few more sessions with Noah and Agatha, I started to realize
they were both getting less uncomfortable with Zoey’s attraction to Noah.
Like she was wearing them down.

“It’s very sweet when you think about it, that she loves Noah so much
she wants to give him her virginity. That’s just the way she is, she wants it
to be special. She isn’t trying to be disrespectful or anything.” Agatha said.

“Yeah, her heart is in the right place. And it’s very flattering.” Noah
said. I hadn’t expected them to come around to the idea at all, but I found
that very promising. We’d hardly talked about their sex life, so I went down
that road and asked them to open up.

Agatha was conservative sexually, with what I would call a medium

or average sex drive. Typically, she wanted to have intercourse 1-2 times a
week, which is perfectly healthy. Noah was a lot more open minded, he
liked to watch porn while they had sex, he liked to roleplay, and have
Agatha dress up for him. He also had a much higher sex drive, and said in
an ideal world that he would have sex every single day, but that he was
content with his sex life.

“Do you find that you feel pent up or irritable when you aren’t having
daily sex? Anything like that?” I asked.

“Eh, a little. I’m definitely more regulated on days when I do have

sex.” he said.

“And Agatha, do you ever feel frustrated by the amount of sex he

wants to have?” I asked.

“I used to, but not anymore. We’ve kind of reached an unspoken

agreement where we have sex about once every 2-3 days.” she said.
“Well, I’m going to throw this out on the table. It’s something I’ve
been thinking about, and it’s entirely up to you if we do it or not. Okay?” I
asked. They both nodded in agreement. “It’s kind of unorthodox, but I think
this is a special case where it would work out for all parties involved.”

“Okay, we’re all ears.” Noah said, lacing his fingers and leaning

“I think that it’s going to be very difficult to get Zoey to shake the
feelings she has for Noah. I think it makes perfect sense in her head, and I
think she feels like it’s more of a bonding experience than an intimate one.
Normally, I wouldn’t even suggest this, but she’s so well adjusted and
bright. This is just my opinion, but I think the best route of action in this
case is to let her have what she wants.” I said.

“You mean, like let her have sex with my husband?” Agatha asked.

“Yes. And maybe don’t just jump right into it. Start with kissing,
maybe oral, and then have sex a few times just to get it out of her system
and give her the confidence of having some experience.” I said.

“Why can’t we just wait until she finds someone else she’s attracted
to? It’ll happen eventually.” Agatha said.

“You can. Like I said, you don’t have to do this. But in my opinion,
when you factor everything in, this could end up being a very positive
experience for the whole family.” I said.

“How so?” she asked, while Noah opted to sit back and listen.

“For one, it would be a safe environment with an experienced older

man who only has her best interests in mind. She would be giving her
virginity to Noah, while I think the other guys who want to be with her are
more interested in taking her virginity, if that makes sense.
Also, because of your mismatched libidos, it could take some
pressure off of you to have to have sex more frequently than you like, while
at the same time giving your husband a safe way to relieve his own sexual
energy. Noah and Zoey are both adults, and expressing their love on a
physical level might actually intensify their bond and bring them closer
together.” I said.

“I just, I mean, it doesn’t seem appropriate.” she said.

“It probably isn’t. It’s a very unorthodox approach to an unusual

problem, but I tend to value solutions that are effective, not necessarily
normal.” I said. “And Noah, the fact that Zoey is so fixated on it being you
and only you is actually a good sign. It’s a sign of trust and comfort.

Think about it. She was the most sought after girl in her school and
she hasn’t even kissed a boy yet. She hasn’t even been comfortable enough
with another guy to kiss them, yet she’s willing to give you her body and
virginity because she feels such an admiration for you.” I said. The couple
exchanged glances, and Agatha shrugged her shoulders.

“I mean, if Willow thinks it might work, I’m willing to try it.” she

“Really?” he asked. “I mean, yeah, we’ll have to think about it, but if
you think it would be effective.”

“I really do, and I’ve thought about this a lot. Believe it or not, it’s not
the first time something like this has come up in therapy before, and my
results with this technique have been impressive.” I said.

“Hmm…how would we do it? I mean, should they get a motel room

or something?” Agatha asked.

“They could, but I usually suggest these sorts of encounters take place
within the home. It makes them more comfortable and familiar. The
experience is really about bonding at the end of the day.” I said.
“Wow, I didn’t expect this, but you’re the expert.” she said.

“I’m going to need to talk to Zoey, is that okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, absolutely.” Noah said.

“But are you okay with this? I think you might be underthinking this,
you’re going to have to have sexual intercourse with Zoey. Your
stepdaughter.” Agatha said, turning the attention to Noah.

“You have been rather quiet about it.” I said.

“Well, it’s just, like you said, it’s kind of unorthodox,” he said.

“It is, but that isn’t really the question. We need to know that you’re
okay with having intimate sexual relations with Zoey?” I asked. Once
again, Noah’s first reaction was to look over at his wife. “Before you
answer, can I just say something?”

“Of course,” he said.

“It’s perfectly natural for her to be attracted to you, but it’s also
perfectly natural for you to find her attractive. She’s young, beautiful, and
the daughter of the woman you love.

And let’s be honest Noah, this is a free pass for you to sleep with a
gorgeous 19 year old woman who wants to give you her virginity,
something I assume doesn’t happen everyday for you.”

“No it doesn’t. I don’t give free passes, except in this case.” Agatha

“So what do you think? Are you willing to take your stepdaughter’s
virginity?” I asked.
“Yeah, absolutely. I’d do anything for Zoey.” Noah said, putting the
final stamp on the plan’s approval.

“Okay then, great. Let me talk to Zoey, and we’ll see if we can’t get
the ball rolling here.”

“Perfect. Thank you so much Willow, you’re great.” Agatha said.
Chapter 4 - Zoey

I had no idea what mom and Noah discussed with Willow at therapy,
it was none of my business, so I definitely had no clue what was coming
when I met up with her to talk. All I knew about Willow was that she was
really nice, and pretty, and that I loved her hair.

“Hey.” I said, plopping down on the couch in front of her.

“Hi Zoey.” Willow said. “I wanted to talk to you concerning your

relationship with Noah.”

“Oh, okay. What about?” I asked.

“Well, it’s been brought to my attention that you’ve been entertaining

the idea of having your first sexual experience with him. And you wrote an
erotic story about it, is that true?” she asked.

“Oh boy, that’s so embarrassing. I should have known it was about

this. Look, I get it, I’m not supposed to or whatever. They’ve already told
me.” I said, breaking eye contact to brush my hair behind my ear. I was
kind of sick of hearing about it, and talking to a therapist about it was

“It’s okay Zoey, it’s actually quite natural to find your stepdad
attractive.” she said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s actually why I wanted to talk to you. I know your parents
were concerned at first, and shut down your idea, but after discussing it
with me they’ve warmed up to the idea.” Willow said.

“No way. You’re lying.” I said, covering my mouth with both hands,
unable to hide my smile.
“I’m not. Your mother is okay with it now, and Noah said he’d be
honored to share your first time with you.” she said. “Now we just need to
make sure it’s still okay with you. Is that really something you’d be
interested in?”

“Oh my gosh, yes. One hundred percent yes!” I stood up, practically
squealing with excitement. I wanted my first time to be with my daddy
more than anything in the world, and I’d spent so much time thinking about
it that I just had to have it.

“I thought so. Well, that’s really all I needed to talk to you about.” she

“So wait, what’s going to happen now?” I asked.

“I’ll speak to your mom and Noah, and we’ll set something up.” she

“Wow, this is like the best news ever. Thank you so much, you’re the
best.” I said, jumping all the way into her arms for a hug. I sometimes have
trouble controlling my excitement, and I was so thankful that she talked
them into it.

“Not a problem. I love helping families come together.” she said.
Chapter 5 - Noah

Willow set up a private session with myself and Zoey, and I felt a bit
awkward sitting there with my stepdaughter knowing what the topic at hand
was going to be. Zoey, as always, was full of energy and excitement.

“So, I just wanted to have a quick little check in and chat with you
two before you lock yourselves in Zoey’s room.” Willow said, holding a
pen and clipboard.

“I’m so excited. I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Zoey said, smiling
and making eye contact with Willow.

“I’m excited for you. It’ll be a great first time, and an amazing
bonding experience for both of you.”

“Yeah, and I just can’t wait to see that side of him. He’s so quiet and
strong, I want to see him be naughty.” Zoey said, making eyes at me.

“You have been pretty quiet overall Noah. Now that you’re about to
have sex with your daughter, how do you feel?” Willow asked, turning all
of the room’s attention towards me.

“Excited, mostly. A bit apprehensive.” I said.

“Let’s not focus on that. Let’s focus on what you’re excited about.”

“Okay. Well, like you said, it will be a very intimate bonding

experience. And Zoey, you’re gorgeous. I’ve always thought that. So just in
terms of pure physical attraction, I’m excited for that. I mean, I haven’t
been with another woman in over a decade.” I said.

“So it’s kind of like your first time too. My first time having sex, and
your first time with another woman since you got married.” Zoey said,
scooting closer to me on the couch.
“Yeah, kind of.”

“So real quick, I just wanted to say a few things. One, have fun.”
Willow said.

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” Zoey said, rubbing her hand on

my thigh. She wasn’t shy or nervous at all, and I could feel the sexual
energy oozing off of her.

“And two, remember that this is a special occasion, it is her first time,
and try to make sure you don’t get too caught up in the moment. I want you
to kiss each other, deeply, and to be present for every second. Definitely do
some foreplay.” Willow said.

“Yeah, I really want to suck your dick.” Zoey said, giggling and
covering up her mouth. “Is that bad?”

“No, not at all. Are you okay with that dad?” Willow asked.

“Yeah. Absolutely.” I said, feeling sweat trickle down my neck.

Talking about it did make me uncomfortable, in large part because it made
me so aroused. It felt wrong, like we were about to do something that was
completely off limits.

“Start by kissing to get comfortable, maybe next you could let her
give you a blowjob for a while.” Willow said.

“I’ve been practicing.” Zoey blurted. “I mean, not on a real guy, but I
bought a dildo and I’ve been sucking on it every night.”

“That’s good. Listen, you two are obviously ready and willing. I just
wanted to check in real quick beforehand to make sure you were both still
on board. I think you two should go to Zoey’s room and get started, while I
have a one on one with Agatha.” Willow said.

“Okay. Let’s go daddy.” Zoey stood up, and grabbed me by the hand.
“Thank you Willow.” I said, before being lead away down the
hallway and towards the promised land of my stepdaughter’s bedroom.
Chapter 6 - Zoey

As soon as we closed the door behind us, I practically jumped on him.

I’d wanted to kiss Noah for so long, and I planted a big one right on his lips
as he lifted me up into his lap and sat down on my mattress.

“Hey.” he said, smiling and leaning in for another kiss.

“Hi.” I said. Feeling Noah’s soft lips pressed up against mine, and
tasting his saliva gave me a brand new feeling. It was kind of intoxicating,
and I wanted more.

“You’re so eager.” he said, his hands wrapping around me and

squeezing my ass.

“I just want you really bad.”

“I know. I love it.” he said, pulling my hips against him.

“Why do you taste so yummy?” I asked, grabbing his face and

forcefully kissing him.

“Because I made sure to brush my teeth and shower right before we

met with Willow.” he chuckled, and kissed me some more.

“Me too. You’re all I could think about from the moment I woke up.”

“Me too baby.” he said, slipping his tongue inside my mouth. “Ever
since I found out you wanted to give me your virginity, I’ve been thinking
about you nonstop.”

“You’re such a good kisser.” I said, completely unable to get enough

of his lips on mine. Our tongues swirled together, and we groped each other
freely until my hands were slipping inside the front of his pants. “Can I?” I
asked, looking into his eyes.
“Yes. You can do whatever you want Zoey.” he said, giving me full
permission to get on my knees in front of him and pull it out. Daddy never
could say no to me, and I could only assume that was about to get much

“Oh my gosh. I’ve never seen a real one before.” I said, unzipping
the front of his pants before pulling them down. He was wearing a pair of
boxer briefs, and I could see that he was already erect before I even took it

“Here you go, baby.” he said, sliding off his boxer briefs so his cock
flopped out in front of me.

“Ooh.” I said, squealing with delight. “It’s like a big lollipop.” I

wrapped my fingers around the base, admiring my daddy’s hard cock. It
was so thick, and all I wanted to do was put it in my mouth.

“Go slow at first. Kiss it, lick it, and then try sucking on it.” Noah

“Yes daddy.” I said, unable to pull my eyes away from it. His balls
were heavy, and I caressed them with one hand while placing kisses on the

“Good girl.” he moaned, letting his fingers run through my hair.

“Does that feel good daddy?” I asked, sticking out my tongue to lick
all the way up his shaft.

“You have no idea.”

“I want to put it in my mouth.” I said, opening wide and wrapping

my lips around him. His girth filled my mouth, and I treated it like I was
trying to consume a popsicle, to make it melt inside my mouth.
“Zoey…fuck.” he groaned, tossing his head back and pressing
gently on the back of my head. I’d watched plenty of blowjobs on pornsites
in the days leading up to this, and I knew just what he wanted me to do.
Chapter 7 - Noah

Looking down at my stepdaughter sucking the soul out of my cock

was so intensely arousing, that it took every ounce of my willpower not to
cum down her throat instantly. Her lips were wet and soft, and her innocent
doe eyes looking up at me for approval while she bobbed up and down was
an unbelievably aesthetically pleasing sight to behold.

“Zoey.” I moaned, unable to stop repeating her name. “It’s so good.”

“Mmm…” she cooed with satisfaction, obviously taking great pride

in the pleasure she was providing. It was almost hard to believe she’d never
done it before, especially as she swallowed it deeper and deeper. “Uhhh…”
she gasped, coming up for air with a smile on her face. Saliva dripped from
her lips down to her chin, and she wasted no time diving back down for

“Zoey, oh my God.” I said. She continued sucking, exploring the

entirety of my shaft and balls with her eager mouth. Her tongue rolled
around the tip, tickling nerve endings that I’d forgotten existed.

“Am I better than mommy?” she asked, looking up at me with wide


“Yes baby, so much better.” I said, pressing her head back down
onto my cock. Her mother rarely if ever went down on me, and never with
such enthusiasm.

Because of her inexperience, a part of me had assumed that maybe

she wouldn’t be any good in that department. I’d severely underestimated
how far pure eagerness and vigor will take you, and I had no idea she’d
been practicing for me until she brought it up in front of Willow.

It was overwhelming. Having my cock worshiped like that set a

completely new standard, and I knew that I could never go back to how
things were before. If it weren’t for my impending unstoppable climax, I
could have laid there for hours letting her suck me off. I twitched and
squirmed beneath her, savoring such an amazing experience. The sound of
Zoey giggling drew my attention, and I opened my eyes to see thick saliva
dripping from her chin as she buried her face in my balls and began lapping

“Mmm…” she moaned, enjoying every second of it.

“Zoey.” I said, pulling her head away from my dick. “You’re doing
amazing, but if you don’t stop I’m going to cum all over you.” I said, trying
to cut it off before I passed the point of no return.

“Can I do it again later, daddy?” she asked.

“Of course. Anytime you want.”

“So I guess I should get naked now, huh?” she asked, standing up
and pulling off her shirt.

“That would be ideal.” I said, sitting back on my elbows and

enjoying her little striptease. I hadn’t even stuck my cock inside of her and I
could already tell how much more adventurous and playful she was than her
mother. It’s difficult to explain how badly I wanted her, and watching her
bend over and slowly tease her thong down her thighs only made me want
her more.

“You like?” she asked, sashaying her hips from side to side.

“Baby.” I said, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her onto the
bed. “I need you.” I laid her flat on her stomach, and spread her asscheeks
apart, lustfully ogling her exposed labia and asshole. Just by looking at my
stepdaughter in such a vulnerable position, I was already going too far. “It’s
so tiny and fresh.”

“It’s for you daddy. I want you to show me what it feels like.” she
said. As much as I wanted to stick it inside and start fucking her right away,
my cock was still throbbing and way too close to orgasm for comfort.

“I want to taste you.” I said, bringing my face closer to her ass and
giving her cheeks baby kisses that made their way closer and closer to her
virgin teen pussy. I inhaled her scent, and was filled with the deepest desire
to tongue her little twat.

“Please lick it daddy.” she begged, poking her ass up in the air. It
was the perfect way for me to build my stamina back up while still enjoying
myself, and as soon as my lips touched down against her soaking wet
tightness, I became completely immersed in her.

“Mmm…” I moaned, slurping her wetness and savoring her taste on

my tongue. “You taste so sweet.”

“Daddy…daddy that feels so good.” she whimpered, pressing her

ass against my face.

“I have to taste all of you.” I said, slipping my pointer finger inside

her as my tongue strayed to her asshole. As I dragged the tip of my tongue
in circles around her, I realized I’d never rimmed her mother before. She
wouldn’t have been into it, and I never even tried. Her flesh was so
delicious, and it spurred a level of horniness inside of me that I didn’t know
was there.

“Daddy!” she squealed, turning her head to watch me eat her virgin
anus. There wasn’t one place I’d rather be, thing I’d rather be doing, or
person I’d rather be doing it with than right there with my face buried
between my stepdaughter’s supple young asscheeks.

Chapter 8 - Zoey

My fantasies about what would happen if daddy and I ever fucked

paled in comparison to the reality of feeling his tongue shoved inside my
asshole, while at the same time his manly finger moved in and out of me. It
was so sensitive, almost ticklish, but in the most amazing way.
“Dad? I think I’m gonna cum.” I said.

“Good girl.” he said, spitting on my hole and rubbing it in with his

tongue. It was incredibly intimate, and before experiencing something like
that you really have no idea what it would actually feel like. It's more than
just the physical sensations, it’s intimate vulnerability.

“Oh God…daddy don’t stop. Don’t stop licking it.” I moaned, feeling
myself fast approaching a powerful climax. “Oh fuck!”

“Mmm hmm…good girl.” he said, rubbing the pad of his finger in

circles on my clit until I was practically crying for him out of pure pleasure.

“Ughhh…oh. Oh, oh, daddy, fuck.” I buried my head in the pillow,

screaming out as pleasure rippled through me. My legs were twitching
uncontrollably, and all I could do was hang on for dear life as he gave me
the most insane orgasm I’d ever experienced.

“Come here, baby. I’m ready to fuck you.” he said, flipping me over
onto my back and scooting my to him.

“Oh my gosh, daddy. That was incredible.” I said, panting to catch

my breath. “I had no idea.”

“I love you so much Zoey.” he said, moving his hips to mind so that
his cock laid flat on my sex.

“I love you too daddy.” I whispered.

“I’m so glad we decided to do this.” he said, taking hold of his dick

and massaging the tip against my sex, teasing my nerves as he rubbed it on
my clit.

“I’ve wanted you for so long.”

“I know, baby, me too.” We locked lips, kissing sloppily as he pressed
his cock inside me. My breath hitched as he entered, tearing away my
hymen and forcefully taking me whole.


“Are you my good girl?” he asked.

“Yes daddy, I’m your good girl.” I said, oddly turned on each time he
called me that. His thick cock filled me up, stretching my first time hole to
accommodate his girth. I’d been told by my friends that it hurts during your
first time, but all I felt was an immense and overwhelming pleasure.

“Do you like that? Do you like taking my hard cock?” he asked,
holding my face and thrusting harder.

“I love it, I love your daddy dick.” I moaned.

“Good girl, keep talking. Tell me how much you love it, beg for
daddy’s dick.” he grunted. It was a side of him I’d never seen before, a
primal, almost animalistic side. I felt like I belonged to him, like he was
laying claim to me in the most forever type of way.

“Fuck me daddy, fuck me with your big hard daddy dick.” I moaned,
doing as I was told. There isn’t anything he could have demanded from me
that I wouldn’t have willingly done. All I wanted to do was make him

“That’s my good girl.” he moaned, our dirty talk and the sound of our
bodies slapping together filled the room. “I love your little pussy Zoey, it’s
so much tighter than mommy’s.”

“It’s for you daddy, I want to be your little slut.” I called out,
rubbing my clit while his powerful hips did all the work. “It’s so big
“That’s my good girl. Do you want my cum?” he asked, peering
deep into my eyes as his pelvis collided against mine.

“Yes daddy, give it to me.”

“You’re so fucking pretty.” he said, his fingers tightening around a

handful of my hair. “You’re my good girl.”

“I’m your good girl.” I repeated back, feeling myself nearing

another tidal wave of a climax. “Ugh!”

“Zoey!” Noah moaned, breaking the pace of his thrusts and shoving
it deep inside me in shorter, harder movements. “It’s so good…”

“Yes daddy, don’t stop.”
Chapter 9 - Noah

Everything that happened between us took place in what felt like a

blur, and before I knew it we were kissing softly in post-coital bliss, with
my cock still wedged inside of her. I hadn’t even thought about it, about the
fact she wasn’t on birth control, or the fact that I should pull out. Instead, I
emptied what felt like years of tension deep inside her without protection.

“That was amazing.” I said, kissing her neck and softly squeezing
her gorgeous little tits. There was a rush of emotions, and the realization
that our lust had completely short circuited my ability to make rational

“We have to do it again.” she said, looking up at me with longing in

her eyes.

“We will, baby, I promise.” I whispered, completely unsure of what

the future held between us. I wasn’t sure if her mother would be on board,
or what the procedure was for this sort of scenario. All I knew is that I
couldn’t go back to living a life where Zoey and I weren’t constantly going
at it. It was a possessive feeling, but it wasn’t going anywhere.

“Thank you so much. I’m so glad we got to share that moment


“Me too, my angel.” I said.

“Your good girl.” she said, correcting me.
Chapter 10 - Willow

Agatha and I were in the middle of a one on one session when all
hell seemed to break loose in the house. Sounds traveled easily through the
walls, and we heard every last second of it. I could tell that it made Agatha
intensely uncomfortable, so we ended up exiting the house and going for an
impromptu walk.

“I’ve never heard him talk like that, and I had no idea Zoey had that
in her.” she said. We talked it over, and I think being outdoors in the fresh
air did her good. “I guess I should just let them have their little thing, it
doesn’t really have anything to do with me.”

“It’s up to you, but I definitely think you’ll have to let it run its
course for a while. It’ll be good for both of them, I think.” I said.

“I agree. They’re such dirty talkers!” she said, smiling and

shrugging her shoulders. “They’ve always been great together, and I don’t
think it’ll have any effect on Noah and I’s relationship.”

“It doesn’t need to. They’re just the right partners to have mind
blowing sex, obviously.” I said.

“Tell me about it, the whole house was shaking.” she said.

After a few follow up visits, my services were no longer needed.

Noah and Zoey were thoroughly enmeshed in their erotic romance, while
Noah and Agatha never got along better. Agatha described it as a blessing
in disguise, for all of them. It was a wildly successful case to me, and I
couldn’t have been happier with how things ended up.

Forbidden Obsession (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 12

Chapter 1 - Willow

Johnny and Alexis hired me as their sex therapist because of several

issues in the bedroom. They’d been together for almost ten years, and
things were coming to a head. Johnny described himself as hyper sexual,
and said he would love to have sex three or four times a day in an ideal
scenario. Alexis’ libido was fairly average, but was dropping with each
passing year.

“Sex just isn’t that big of a deal to me.” she said. Try as she might to
satiate her husband, she found it overwhelming and simply couldn’t keep up
with him. “I’m tired, and I don’t know what to do.”

“I just need more. A lot more.” Johnny said, shrugging his

shoulders. “I love my wife, but I want to have sex more, and it isn’t
something I’m willing to compromise on, honestly.”

It was a classic case of severely mismatched libidos, and something

had to be done in order to save their marriage. Alexis didn’t love the idea of
bringing another woman into their bedroom, but she was open to it.

“If that’s what needs to happen, then so be it.” she said. I’d been
working with the couple for the better part of six months, and opening up
their marriage sexually had become the option that made the most sense.
Once it was on the table, Johnny was surprisingly the one who backed out.

“I’m not trying to find some random fuck buddy, or use dating
apps.” he said. “I already know who I want, but Alexis is against it.” he

“Hell yes I’m against it. That isn’t going to happen, she’s my
daughter!” she exclaimed. I tried to calm her down, and talk through things
rationally. The couple was split on their intentions, and neither seemed
willing to budge.
“So you find your step daughter attractive?” I asked. “What’s her

“Her name is Melissa, and she’s absolutely stunning,” he said.

“She’s who I want, and the only other woman I want.”

“You do understand why this might bother your wife?” I asked, not
used to a man being so forward in this particular regard.

“I get it, but at the same time, I don’t. She’s willing to let me sleep
with another woman, but not the woman I want to sleep with.” he said.

“He’s obsessed with her, and I find it a bit off putting.” she said.

“Why?” I asked, trying my best to understand both of their points of

view on the issue.

“Because she’s 19 years old, and he’s 39!” she said.

“You wanted me to have sex with that 20 year old who was talking
to us on Bender. Why is this different?” he asked.

“Because that girl wasn’t my daughter!” she said. I decided to put a

lid on it, as I thought it would be more productive to speak to them
privately in order to help them figure things out. The last thing I wanted
was for our therapy sessions to devolve into arguments and shouting
matches that only made them resent each other.
Chapter 2 - Alexis

I appreciated Willow for her open mindedness, and her willingness

to discuss otherwise taboo issues without a hint of judgment. If she weren’t
my therapist, I’d consider her a friend. She had a way of always making me
feel better about things with her balanced point of view on nuanced topics.

“Honestly, I want him to fuck other women. I want him to be happy,

and I know that sex is a big thing to him, but it’s not for me.” I said, starting
off our one on one session to discuss what was taking place between my
husband and I.

“I understand. I’m more concerned with a specific issue, his

relationship with your daughter Melissa.” she said.

“Their relationship is great, they’re completely smitten with each

other. But recently, I think things between them are crossing over into
inappropriate territory.” I said.

“How so?”

“Well, for one, he’s openly attracted to her. He’s told me this, and I
really didn’t find it that strange at first because she’s a beautiful girl. But
she seems to feel the same way, and they’ve just gotten…I don’t know how
to put it. They’ve become very flirtatious with each other.”

“Does this make you feel jealous?” Willow asked.

“Maybe, I don’t know. Like I said, I understand that he’s attracted to

other women, and more open than me sexually, but why her?” I asked.

“Well you just said that she’s beautiful.”

“Yeah, but it’s more than that. They love each other, and are very
close. I guess I just expected that these other women would come and go,
more like random hookups. This is very close to home for me, like literally,
she lives in our house and her bedroom is right down the hall from ours.” I

“I get it. And you’ve told Johnny about this?”

“Yes, but he won’t budge on it. I guess for him, he really doesn’t
like the idea of being with lots of other women, he’s closer in line with
monogamy, he just wants way more sex than I could ever keep up with.” I

“So outside of you, he really only has feelings for Melissa?”

“Correct. And I think a part of it is proximity, they’re always around

each other and they’ve developed this attraction towards each other.” I said.

“So she feels the same way?”

“I’m not sure, I’ve never talked to her about it, but it definitely
seems that way. It’s very obvious by the way they talk to each other, even
the way they look at each other.” I said.

“And this really bothers you?” she asked.

“Not really, I think it’s cute. But for them to actually start having
sex, or whatever, taking things to that next level, it’s difficult for me to wrap
my head around.” I said.

“This is perfectly understandable Alexis, most women would feel a

similar way. Would you say that this is something that’s completely off
limits to you? Like a boundary in the relationship that you won’t budge
on?” she asked.

“I don’t know. A part of me just wants to let them do it and get it out
of their systems, but a part of me feels like…I don’t know. Insecure maybe?
She’s like a younger prettier version of me, if Johnny starts sleeping with
her, I feel like he won’t need me anymore.” I said, coming to the realization
as the words left my mouth.

“Have you talked to Johnny about this?”

“No. I don’t even think I realized it until just now.” I said, feeling
like I had some thinking to do.

“Maybe you should.” she said.

“Thank you, Willow. Yeah, I think I need to talk to him. Maybe if I

get the right reassurance from him, I’ll feel better about it.” I said.
Chapter 3 - Johnny

My infatuation with Melissa started off as nothing more than finding

her attractive. I didn’t think much of it, as she was objectively gorgeous. It
was just my eyes taking notice.

Once Alexis and I began throwing around the idea of bringing

another woman into the bedroom, I naturally started thinking about Melissa
in that way. The first time I let my mind really go there was in the shower. It
was early in the morning and I was extra horny, so I started rubbing one out
and she popped into my head. I knew I shouldn’t be thinking about my
stepdaughter naked, or sucking my dick, or sitting down on my cock, but it
turned me on beyond belief.

After I came, I felt a tinge of shame but shook it off. Letting her
creep into my fantasies one time was something of a pandora’s box, and I
couldn’t seem to turn it off afterwards. Every time I saw her, it was the first
thing that popped into my mind.

Melissa had lots of pretty friends, and they came over all the time.
Some of them would openly flirt with me, but I could never see any of them
in the same light as her. There was just something about her that drove me
wild, and she pushed all the right buttons for me. On top of my intense
physical longing for her, she also happened to be someone I could actually
see myself dating if I were single.

Younger women generally weren’t my thing, but Melissa was the

exception to the rule. She had a way of making me laugh, and we clicked on
a level that I rarely encountered, especially with a 19 year old. Our
chemistry was undeniable, and there was nothing I could do to stop myself
from falling for her.

“Do you have a thing for Melissa?” Alexis asked, crossing her arms
and giving me the stink eye. She’d caught me checking out her ass and feet
one day in the kitchen, and I wasn’t one to lie to my wife.
“She’s really pretty, she reminds me of you.” I said.

“That’s really inappropriate.” she said.

“I know.” I said. We kind of left it at that, as it was the first time it

came up. Then we started getting messages on this dating app we shared,
where we were looking for a third. Some of the interested girls were around
Melissa’s age, and I wasn’t particularly interested.

“Why not? You don’t think she’s pretty?” Alexis asked, showing me
a 20 year old who seemed very into the idea of hooking up with me.

“She’s pretty.” I said.

“Then why aren’t you into it? I thought she’d be perfect.”

“I don’t know why. I’ll know when the right girl comes around.” I
said. As fate would have it, Melissa came striding into the room on cue,
dressed in a pair of short shorts that barely covered her ass. “Hey you.”

“Hi daddy.” she said, and gave me a big hug. She grabbed a sports
drink from the fridge, and went on her way.

“You’d be all over it if a girl who looked like Melissa sent us a

message, wouldn’t you?” Alexis asked.


“What do you mean maybe? I see the way you look at her.”

“I mean, if a girl who looked like Melissa messaged us, I might be

into it.” I said.

“What if it was actually Melissa?” she asked.

“Then I’d definitely be into it.” I said.

“You do know how weird that is, right?” she asked. I shrugged.

“Melissa is a babe, I don’t think it’s weird at all.”

“She’s your stepdaughter.”

“That makes it hotter. It’s just a fantasy, it’s not like anything is ever
going to happen between us.” I said.

“You think about her when you jerk off, don’t you?”

“Sometimes.” I said, unwilling to tell her that I didn’t think about

anyone else when I masturbated. It was always Melissa.

“Wow.” she said, and walked away. Alexis wasn’t one to really hold
onto a grudge, so I wasn’t too worried about it. I knew she preferred that I
was honest with her. As far as I was concerned, that was pretty much that. I
didn’t think it’d come up again.

Alexis seemed just as against the idea when it came up in therapy, but
I had to tell the truth and stick to my guns. What I wanted was more sex,
not necessarily to sleep with other women. Melissa was the only other girl I
had feelings for, and I saw no reason to be dishonest about that.

That’s why I was shocked when Alexis started playing with my dick
one night, and brought it up again.

“If I let you start sleeping with my daughter, you aren’t going to leave
me for her are you?” she asked.

“Baby, no. It’s not like that, I’d never leave you.” I said.


“Really. You’re my person. You know that.”

“I’ve been thinking about it, and I talked to Willow about it. It made
me realize that I was just kind of insecure, I guess because she’s my
daughter and I know how much you care about her.” she said, pulling my
shorts off and leaning in to start giving me a blowjob.

“That’s okay baby, but you have nothing to worry about.” I said,
getting hard as she wrapped her wet lips around the tip and looked up at me.

“It’s kind of hot actually. Thinking about you and Melissa having sex
in the other room.” she said. “Honestly, I think she’s just as into you as you
are into her.”

“Baby…” I moaned, looking down at her pretty face as she sucked on

my testicles. “I love when you do that.”

“Yeah daddy? You like when your little girl sucks on your big balls?”
she asked.

“Oh, wow. You are into this huh?” I asked. She smiled and nodded,
and proceeded to give me the best blowjob she’d given me in years while
calling me daddy. Melissa resembled her mother a lot, and the roleplay
made me cum so hard that I passed out seconds after I’d climaxed.
Chapter 4 - Willow

Alexis did a full 180 when it came to the way she felt about Johnny
and Melissa. All she needed was to come to terms with it, and receive a
little bit of validation and reassurance from her husband.

“I’m actually a lot more comfortable with this than I would have been
with him having sex with random people.” she said. “As awful as it sounds,
I’d rather keep it in the family.”

“That actually makes sense.” I said, unable to hide my joy at her

revelation. “I think this is really going to work out for all of you.”

“Me too.” Johnny said, wearing a look of pure happiness.

“I’m sorry I was so mean about it before. I shouldn’t have tried to

make you feel bad about being honest with me. You know how important
that is to me.” Alexis said.

“I know, baby,” he said. “I’m really glad you came around to the

“I know how much you want her, and I just want you to be happy.”
she said.

“So how do you want to go about this? There’s one more person we
need to bring into the fold here.” I said.

“I’m not sure, it’s not exactly the easiest thing to bring up.” Alexis
said. “But I know that she’s into him, they’re not exactly coy about it.”

“Is she here now?” I asked. We were in their living room, and I often
saw Melissa walking around the house during our sessions.

“Yeah, I think she’s in her room studying.” Johnny said.

“We could bring her in right now, I don’t mind talking to her.” I said.

“With us, or in private?” Alexis asked.

“I think it’d be best if everyone was involved in the conversation.” I


“Okay. I’ll go get her.” Alexis said, scurrying off to retrieve her

“Are you excited?” I asked.

“You have no idea.” he said.

“I think I have some idea.” I said, as eager as he was to get things

moving. Helping families come together is the reason I decided to pursue a
career in sex counseling. The idea of stepdads and stepdaughters, or
stepmoms and their sons facing their sexual attraction and relieving that
tension was something I found incredibly arousing. Melissa and her mother
appeared at the top of the stairs, walking down together. “They’re both so
beautiful.” I said.

“Tell me about it. I’m a very lucky man.”

“Yes you are.” I said, standing up to greet Melissa. “Hi, I’ve heard a
lot about you.”

“Hi Willow, my parents adore you.” she said, taking a seat on the
couch between Johnny and Alexis. “So what’s up?” she asked, her face
bright and full of youthful exuberance.

“Well, as you know, I’m your parents’ sex counselor.” I said. “And
it’s come to my attention that you have developed a bit of a crush on your
“Uhm, well, I don’t know. Kind of.” she said, flushing red and
looking at the floor.

“It’s okay, it’s perfectly natural. Johnny feels the same way.” I said,
trying to assure her that we weren’t there to judge her.

“Oh.” she said, looking over at her mother.

“It’s okay baby.” Alexis said.

“I’m going to get straight to the point. Johnny has a very high sex
drive, so he and your mother agreed to let him sleep with other women, but
he only wants one other woman, and it’s you.” I said.

“Really?” she asked, turning her head to make eye contact with

“Really. You’re so beautiful, and I love you more than anything.” he

said. Melissa was still red, but a wide smile broke out across her face.

“Thank you daddy.” she said.

“Can you tell me what it is that you like about your stepdad?” I asked,
trying to get her talking so she could loosen up a bit. It was plain to see that
she was shy about her feelings, and not as comfortable talking about the

“Uhm, he’s just really sweet. And he’s really nice to me, and we get
along so well.” she said.

“And how about you Johnny? Tell Melissa why you’re so attracted to
her.” I said. He turned towards her, and took her hands in his.

“You’re so beautiful, intelligent, and talented, and did I mention

beautiful?” he asked. “You’re funny, and you always put me in the best
“Daddy…” she said, unable to maintain eye contact. She also
couldn’t stop grinning.

“We really think that it could improve your parents’ marriage if you
two expressed your feelings for each other in an intimate way.” I said. “Is
that something you’d be willing to do?”

“Yes.” she said, biting her lip. “As long as it’s okay with mom.”

“Yes baby, I don’t want you two to have to pretend that you don’t
want to be with each other. I want you to be comfortable being affectionate,
and I don’t want you to have to hide it.” Alexis said.

“This is wonderful. I’m really happy for you two.” I said. “I can tell
that you’re nervous Melissa.”

“Yeah.” she said.

“So I want you two to do a little exercise, to help you both feel
comfortable with this.” I said. Alexis stood up, and gave Melissa a kiss on
the forehead.

“I love you baby. I’m gonna go to the other room, have fun okay?”

“Okay mom. I love you too.” Melissa said. Alexis left the room,
leaving just the three of us in the living room.

“Have you had sex before?” I asked.

“Yeah, a couple times.” she said.

“Good. Let’s start by having you sit in Johnny’s lap.” I said. “Straddle
him, like this.” I said, helping get her into position. “There you go. Now,
look into each other’s eyes.”
“You’re so pretty.” Johnny said, wrapping his arms around her waist
so his hands were resting on her lower back.

“Okay. Now Melissa, I want you to close your eyes and relax. Johnny,
I want you to kiss her. Not like an innocent little baby kiss. Kiss her the way
you’ve been wanting to kiss her.” I said, sitting back to enjoy the show.

“Yes ma am.” he said, brushing her hair out of her face before leaning
Chapter 5 - Melissa

Everything happened so fast that my head was spinning. One minute,

I thought my crush on my stepdad was a secret that I’d take with me to my
grave, the next minute I was sitting on his lap with my eyes closed in
anticipation of our first kiss.

I pursed my lips as I felt him leaning in, his hands moving down to
my ass as his soft flesh touched against mine. We started slowly, with a few
little pecks, and I could feel myself getting wet as my ultimate taboo
fantasy came true. His wet lips tasted incredible, and practically melted
against mine.

“Mmm…” he moaned, sucking on my bottom lip as his hands freely

groped my backside. “Baby, you have the softest lips.” he said.

“No, you do.” I said, opening my eyes momentarily before kissing

him back even harder.

“There you go, really explore each other’s mouths.” Willow said,
urging us to continue. Not that we needed any further encouragement,
nothing could have stopped us once we started, and our kisses grew hungry
and more intense.

“I needed this.” Johnny said, slipping his tongue into my mouth and
swirling it around. “You’re such a little sweetie.”

“More tongue.” Willow instructed, reminding me of her presence. It

didn’t bother me at all that she was watching, as it felt like we were the only
two people in the whole wide world. Johnny was an even better kisser than
I could have imagined, and he was finally mine. After all the time spent
fantasizing about him, it was actually happening. “Lick each other's
tongues, like that. Very good. Isn’t that nice?”

“It’s so good.” he said, licking and slurping at my lips. Saliva dribbled

down my chin, as our passionate kissing grew sloppier and wet. It turned
me on beyond belief, and I would have drank his saliva if he asked me to.

“You’re like, a really good kisser. Like, really good.” I said, wiping
the spit from my chin before going back in for more.

“Johnny, would you like it if Melissa sucked your penis?” Willow


“I would love that.” he said, looking directly into my eyes.

“Take it out for her.” she said. “Melissa, go ahead and remove your
shirt and bra.” I did as I was told, pulling my shirt over my head. Johnny
reached around and unclasped my bra, letting it fall to the floor as his eyes
moved to my exposed breasts.

“Wow. Such gorgeous tits.” he said, feeling me up and leaning

forward to suck on my nipples.

“That feels really good.” I said, giggling as a slight tickle moved

through me.

“You two are adorable, I can literally feel the chemistry between
you.” Willow said. “Johnny, go ahead and take it out. Get down on your
knees for daddy Melissa.”

“Yes ma am.” I dismounted him, and watched as he took off his shirt
and began untying the knot in the front of his sweatpants. His chiseled body
was so manly, and I’d always thought he looked way better shirtless than
any of the guys my age. As nice as his torso was, his lower half was even
more impressive.

“Oh wow, look at that.” Willow said, gasping at the sight of his erect
cock. Johnny grinned, and I eagerly got down on my knees for him. “What
do you think Melissa?”

“It’s really big.” I said, looking at my stepdad’s hard dick.

“Go ahead, play with it a little. Spit on it so it’s nice and wet.” she

“I think I can do that.” I said, wrapping my fingers around his girth

and leaning forward. My mouth was already watering, and I let a liberal
amount of spit drool out onto his shaft.

“Baby, that already feels amazing.” he said, as I moved my hand up

and down to spread it around.
Chapter 6 - Johnny

It’s impossible to explain how sweet it is getting something you

want as badly as I wanted Melissa. My dick was so hard that it had a pulse
when she wrapped her soft wet lips around it, and her doe eyes looking up
at me was perhaps the single most arousing sight I could possibly imagine.

“Jesus Christ.” I moaned, as her head bobbed up and down in my

lap. I looked over at Willow, and we exchanged smiles.

“I think he really likes that.” she said. “Do you like sucking your
daddy’s dick?”

“Yes. So much.” she replied, as her viscous spit dripped down my


“Don’t forget to suck on his testicles as well.” Willow said,

coaching her through the process.

“Yes ma am.” she said, lifting my dick and enthusiastically burying

her face in my balls.

“Oh my God Melissa, that is incredible.” I said, guiding her head

with a handful of her hair.

“Melissa, will you take off your shorts and underwear as well? I’d
like you to sit on his lap again.” Willow said. I watched, mesmerized, as my
stepdaughter stood up and slowly teased her shorts and underwear down her

“So perfect.” I said, watching her pretty little feet step out of them.
“Come here baby.”

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” she said, climbing into my lap
once again.
“I want you to sit down on his cock, and try to take the whole
thing.” Willow said. I couldn’t help noticing the seductive look on her face
as she coached my daughter to have unprotected sex with me. “This is
really hot, I’m sorry. I’m trying to remain professional, but my goodness.”

“Are you ready baby?” I asked, holding myself by the base as she
wiggled into place on top of me. I watched as the tip of my cock parted her
tight little lips, penetrating her for the first time. “Fuck.” it felt so good,
beyond my wildest imagination.

“Daddy.” she whimpered, moving her feet on top of my thighs as

she settled down onto it. “It’s really big.”

“Does it feel good?” Willow asked.

“Yes.” she said, as I grabbed her ass with both hands to force myself
deeper into her tightness.

“Melissa. You have such a tight little pussy.” I whispered, kissing

her neck and using her ass as a handle, moving her up and down my length.

“It feels so good.” she whispered back, tossing her head back as I
nibbled on the soft flesh below her ear.

“I know, baby. I know.”

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” she cooed.

“Me too, baby.” her pelvis muscles squeezed to no end, and my

arousal was such that I might explode inside her at any moment.

“Look into each other’s eyes.” Willow said. We locked into a stare,
with Melissa riding me rhythmically. The intensity of what was occurring
was overwhelming, and I noticed how alluring her tits were as they bounced
naturally when I thrust against her.
“I think I’m going to cum.” she said, with such an innocent look on
her face.

“That’s my good girl, you can cum for me baby.” I said. Melissa
tucked her face in the crevice between my chin and collarbone, whimpering
as I thrust hard against her, bouncing her up and down in my lap. “Good

“Daddy…it feels so good.”

“Baby. I love you so much.” I said, sending her to a powerful climax

on top of my bucking hips.

“I love you too.” she said, her weight collapsing onto me.

“Lay her down on her back Johnny.” Willow said. “It’s your turn to
finish.” I lifted her up into my arms, and gently laid her down on her back.

“That felt so good.” she said, panting and taking deep breaths. “Oh
my God.”

“That was so sexy.” I said, spreading her legs and placing my hips
against hers. I rubbed my cock back and forth on her sex, gliding on her
wetness. “You’re soaked.” I said, slipping back inside her.

“Oh my God, daddy.”

“You’re so tight.” I said, increasing the pace with each thrust. Waves
of pleasure rippled through my entire body, and I could feel myself getting
closer and closer. I held her by the ankles, kissing and sucking on her toes
as I slammed myself deep into her body. “Fuck, baby. It’s so fucking good.”
I called out, rubbing her soles against my face as I neared completion.

“Daddy! I’m cumming again!” she whined, playing with her clit. I
was going to pull out, but knowing she was right there with me made me
“Oh my God!” I grunted, cumming inside her. “Oh my God!”


I could feel all of the build up, all of the tension, and every rope of
my sticky cum being released inside her. We locked lips, kissing
passionately as we rode out a tidal wave of pure agonizing pleasure.

“How was that?” Willow asked, standing and picking up her


“Amazing.” Melissa said, staring directly into my eyes. “Better than

my fantasies.”

“I think my work here is done. You two have a good night.” Willow
said, packing up her things and heading out.

“I love you so much Melissa.”

“I love you too daddy.”
Chapter 7 - Willow

The first encounter between Johnny and Melissa was perhaps the
sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed. The pure lust between them was palpable,
and their love for each other was on full display. I knew they wouldn’t need
any more help from me, nor guidance. They had the type of natural
chemistry that people dreamed of, the type that most would envy.

Alexis was very happy to have someone to split the load with, so to
speak, and she loved how happy it made Johnny being able to express his
love to Melissa in a physical way. Melissa was smitten as could be, and
received an introduction to her sexuality that was priceless.
Taking Her Over (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 13

Chapter 1 - Willow

When I started working with Cassandra and Ryan, it was to help them
resolve their sexual issues. To put it in plain terms, Ryan had a significantly
higher sex drive than Cassandra, and he didn’t feel that he was having
enough sex. He also complained about her lack of foreplay.

Cassandra confessed that she was kind of a prude when it came to her
sexuality. She didn’t enjoy giving or receiving oral, and she also felt
uncomfortable in most sex positions. Her favorite was missionary, but she
could occasionally be talked into getting on top.

“She’s just not adventurous, at all. I can’t go down on her, I can’t eat
her ass, I can’t cum on her face, or in her mouth, or hell, even on her tits or
ass.” he said, venting his frustrations.

“I like it when you cum on my stomach.” she said.

“She won’t even let me cum inside her, and I’m her husband!”

“It feels gross. I don’t like it.” she said.

“It’s the same vanilla sex, over and over. And it’s become
monotonous, boring even. I love my wife to death, and we get along
famously, but I am unfulfilled sexually, and it’s getting worse over time.” he

As our sessions continued, Cassandra and I developed a good rapport.

She was open and honest about her lack of sex drive, but she was hilarious
and was a great sport about everything.
“I tried watching porn the other day.” she said, laughing at her own
expense. “I felt so bad for the girl being choked by that giant cock, literally
coughing and gagging up spit on it, I had to turn it off.”

“Porn can be a little extreme.” I said.

“It’s all extreme to me. I think I’m one notch under being asexual.”
she said.

“That’s fine. Pornography isn’t for everybody.” she said.

“Well, it’s definitely for Ryan, and my daughter Alexis. I was

snooping through her laptop, and, it’s terrible I know, but she watches all
sorts of bizarre stuff.” she said.

“Like what?” I asked.

“Well, maybe it’s not that bizarre to you. But videos where the guy is
licking the girl’s butthole, and the other way around. And weird roleplays,
like teacher-student, stepdad and stepdaughter, all sorts of stuff like that.
Why do they all have such big penises in porn? It freaks me out.” she said,
fully aware that she was the only one appalled by such things. “I feel kind
of bad actually, because Ryan has a really large penis, and most girls would
like that, but I can’t stand it.”

“Really? Why don’t you like his penis?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t so much so I don’t like it, I mean, it’s a penis, and I

don’t necessarily hate penises. It’s just too big for me, it hurts to take it and
I definitely don’t want to suck on it. It’s huge.” she said. I scribbled on my
notepad, taking notes.

“Is that weird?” she asked, covering her mouth and laughing with
“Not necessarily. You’re just not that sexual of a person, admittedly
so.” I said. It was always nice to have therapy with couples, but I also
enjoyed having one on ones with my clients, as I felt I could learn more
about them as individuals that way. “You understand that Ryan is a very
sexual person, with an above average libido, correct?”

“I do. And I wish I could get freaky with him, and let him lick my
butthole and cum in my eye or whatever, but I’m just not like that.” she

“What would you think about Ryan having sex with someone else? I
only ask because you two get along so well, and have such a healthy
marriage outside of the bedroom. Maybe if he could get his rocks off with
someone else, it would take that pressure off of you.” I said, trying to offer
a solution to their obvious incompatibility in the bedroom.

“I would love that. Oh my gosh, you have no idea. I don’t wanna

watch them or anything, or hear about it, but I would love that.” she said.

“Have you ever brought that up to him?” I asked.

“No, I usually don’t even think about sex like that. But my
stepdaughter Alexis, she’s been hooking up with random guys that she
meets on the internet for “casual sex”, whatever that means, and it has me
really worried. She’s going to end up pregnant, or with AIDS.” she said.
“I’d love it if Ryan could just take over for those other guys, and they could
have all the casual sex they wanted and I could be left alone.”

“Tell me more about Alexis.” I said.

“She’s great. Super pretty, like gorgeous, and such a sweetheart. But
she’s 19 years old, and horny all the time. You know how they are at that
age, and I just worry about her. Not all men have good intentions, and she’s
taking so many risks by meeting up with them for sex.”
“I understand completely, that is risky behavior. Do you know if she
uses protection?” I asked.
“I’m not sure. She isn’t very excited to talk to me about sex, and to be
honest, I’m not really the person to give her sex talks anyway. I really think
it would be best if Ryan took that role over in her life, then they could both
get what they want and I wouldn’t have to deal with it.” she said.

“That’s very interesting Cassandra, and I actually think it’s a great

idea. Would you be open to discussing this with him in therapy tomorrow?”
I asked.

“Absolutely. That’d be great.”

“Perfect. Let’s do that.” I said.
Chapter 2 - Ryan

When we went to therapy that day, I figured it was going to be the

same old, same old. I would voice my grievances about the lack of sex, the
lack of variety, and the boring staleness of it all, and then my wife would
complain that she just isn’t that sexual, and isn’t into any of the things I’m

I loved my wife with all of my heart, but I couldn’t deny that our
mediocre at best sex life was driving a wedge between us. It made me more
irritable when I was around her, and I felt like it stemmed from me not
being regulated sexually, and the slow creeping resentment I was starting to

“So, Cassandra and I were talking, and we had kind of an unusual

way of perhaps solving your problems in the bedroom.” Willow said,
catching my attention immediately. I crossed my fingers, hoping and
praying that their solution involved blowjobs.

“Okay, let’s hear it.” I said.

“First off, are you aware of your stepdaughter’s recent interest in

casual sex?” she asked. I furrowed my brow, remembering the last time I
confronted her about it.

“I am.” I said. Something about Alexis meeting up with guys she met
on the internet made my blood boil.

“Does this concern you at all?”

“Oh yeah. I don’t think she understands the potential consequences of

her behavior. Pregnancy, STDs, or even rape. I think it’s the worst idea in
the world to meet someone under the context of hooking up.” I said. “And
honestly, it makes my protective instincts kick in. I want to grab her, throw
her over my shoulder, and then lock her in her bedroom.”
“Well, that might not be the most effective method.”

“I know, I wouldn’t actually do that, but it’s what I want to do. You
should have seen this last guy, he had tattoos on his face, and piercings
everywhere, and a silly sideways hat. He must have been 25 years old.
There’s no way he has a job. The thought that he may have soiled my
beautiful princess with his grubby paws isn’t even something I can think
about.” he said, going off on a classic dad tangent.

“Okay, so hear me out. What if, and try to stay with me here, you took
over for her in that department?” Willow asked.

“In what department? What do you mean?”

“Well, you aren’t having sex as often as you’d like, and Alexis is
having casual sex with strangers which is worrying both of you. What if
you stepped in for the strangers? That way, you could both get the sex
you’re after in a much safer environment.” she said, with a completely
straight face. Naturally, I looked over at my wife and gave her a look.

“It’s okay baby, it was my idea.” she said.

“You want me to sleep with Alexis?” I asked, completely stunned by

what was happening.

“Yeah. I bet she would give you all the blowjobs you want, and she’d
even let you lick her butthole.” Cassandra said, smiling innocently.

“Alexis is my stepdaughter.” I said, feeling like I was the only person

in the room who hadn’t lost my mind. “And I hate when you say that. Just
say rimming, or eating ass, you always say licking a butthole.”

“It is licking a butthole!” Cassandra exclaimed, treating it all like a

big joke.
“Baby, whatever. I don’t think it’s realistic or appropriate for me to
have sex with my stepdaughter, nor do I think she’d be interested.” I said,
rationalizing what I thought was obvious.

“I think you’d be surprised.” Willow said. “But if you aren’t attracted

to her, and don’t think she could satisfy you sexually, then it’s really a moot

“I didn’t say I wasn’t attracted to her.”

“So you do find her attractive?” Willow asked.

“I mean, yeah, she’s objectively a beautiful girl.” I said, feeling weird

about saying that out loud.

“Okay, sure. What about subjectively, do you personally find your

stepdaughter sexually attractive?” Willow asked. From anyone else it would
have been an insane question, but Willow was a sex therapist, and she never
beat around the bush, not even in the slightest.

“Yes. She’s very pretty.” I said.

“Can you elaborate a little? What about her, specifically, do you find
attractive?” she asked, continuing her line of questioning.

“Uhm, her face. Her lips, her eyes. Her legs, her personality, her sense
of humor.” I said,

“What about her ass? Or her tits?” Willow asked.

“Is this appropriate to be talking about?” I asked, feeling extra

uncomfortable because my wife was sitting right next to me.

“This is therapy Ryan, nothing is off limits. It’s all about the truth,
and trying to make progress.” she said.
“It’s fine, honey. Go ahead.” Cassandra said. She seemed blissfully
unaware of the fact that this whole conversation would be seen as strange
by anyone on the outside.

“Okay. Uhm, yeah. She has a great ass, and I’m sure her tits are very
nice.” I said, wiggling with discomfort in my seat.

“That’s great. Perfect. So if this becomes a real possibility, would this

be something you’d be interested in?” she asked.

“With all due respect, I see almost zero chance that Alexis is gonna
want to have sex with her 40 year old stepfather.” I said.

“Fair enough, but we’ll let her make that decision. My question is
would you be interested if it was a real possibility? Because I think it would
make her safer, and I think it could resolve a lot of the intimacy issues
between you and your wife.” Willow said.

“I’ll have to think about it.” I said.

“That’s fair. I’ll get back to you on that.” she said.

Following the session, I was forced to think about my stepdaughter as

a woman for the first time. I had to think about her as a potential sexual
partner. I found myself scrolling through her social media feed, and being
struck by the realization of just how damn pretty she really was. She had the
cutest smile, and such an incredible body.

“Good lord.” I said, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair. It

was a photo of Alexis’s feet after she got a pedicure and french tips. She
had the prettiest little toes, and it made me remember the time I tried
sucking on Cassandra’s toes and got kicked in the face. Cassandra thought
that feet were gross, and was intensely uncomfortable with them being
licked or kissed or sucked on in any way.
For the next several days, Alexis was all I could think about. It
brought me a great deal of shame exploring these feelings, but I couldn’t
seem to push her out of my head. I thought about her perfect young body,
and of all the naughty things I wanted to do to her. It became increasingly
obvious that if it was a real possibility, I would definitely be interested.
There’s no chance I could have said no to her.

Chapter 3 - Cassandra

I couldn’t help being excited about the possibility of pawning off my

sexual duties to my stepdaughter. The two things I spent the most time
worrying about were Alexis getting an STD, or pregnant, or hurt in some
way by the guys she was sleeping with, and my inability to please Ryan
sexually. This solution would kill both birds with a single stone.

He didn’t seem particularly keen about discussing it outside of

therapy, and I could see that he simply wasn’t comfortable talking about it. I
think it made him feel like he was being inappropriate, and I don’t think he
realized that I didn’t care if he was attracted to her. It would actually worry
me a little if he wasn’t.

Willow wanted to talk to Alexis about it, and I agreed to let her set up
a one on one session with her to discuss it. But I’m not the most patient, so I
barged into her room and blurted out our intentions the day before she was
scheduled to meet with Willow.

“Hey Alexis, instead of having intercourse with guys from that dating
app, what if you stayed home and had intercourse with Ryan instead?” I

“You mean dad?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah. Wouldn’t that be great?” I asked, trying to sell her on the idea.

“Uhm, wouldn’t that be cheating?” she asked.

“Not if I let him do it.” I said.

“Why do you want me to have sex with dad?” she asked.

“Because I don’t wanna have sex with him.” I said, realizing it wasn’t
the best sales pitch as the words left my mouth.

“Why not?” she asked.

“I just don’t like sex, and his penis is too big. It hurts.”

“Oh my gosh, mom. This is so weird, I can’t even talk about this with
you.” she said, waving me off and putting her headphones in.

“Alexis, come on. Just have sex with your stepdad instead, you’ll be
so much safer.”

“Mom! You’re so awkward, get out of my room!”

“Okay, okay. It was just a question.” I said, raising my hands and

backing my way out of her room. “Maybe I should have just waited for
Willow.” I told myself, before returning to my day. I just hoped that I didn’t
scare her away.
Chapter 4 - Alexis

I didn’t know what to expect when I sat down with Willow, but I
suspected it had something to do with my mom’s weird little outburst from
the day before.

“Hello Alexis.” she said, smiling wide and motioning for me to have
a seat on our couch. “You’re even prettier than I imagined.”

“Thank you.” I said, feeling a bit shy about my first therapy session.
All I knew about her was that she was a sex counselor, and that she’d been
working with my parents for some time.

“I assume you’re wondering why I asked to meet with you.”

“Yeah, a little.” I said.

“Your mother told me she’s worried about you.” she said.

“Because I have sex? Look, I always use a condom, I’m on birth

control, and I like having sex. Is it really that weird?” I asked.

“No, not at all. And I’m glad to hear that you’re being safe, that was
her main concern.” Willow said. “I’m not here to judge you, and I’m a lot
more sexually open and adventurous than your mom.”

“That’s not really saying much.” I said, giving her a little grin.

“You’re not wrong. Anyway, that was the first thing. I wanted to do a
little wellness check, and make sure you were using protection and birth

“Yes ma am. There’s no way I’d have sex with a guy from a dating
app without using a condom.” I said.
“Smart. You never know what STDs are lurking around the corner.”
she said.

“Was that all?” I asked.

“No. There’s something else.” she said. “And it might sound a little
strange at first, but hear me out.”


“The reason Ryan and your mom hired me in the first place was
because he has a high sex drive, and she doesn’t. She really isn’t a very
sexual person at all, and it’s leaving him very frustrated sexually and
causing issues between them.” she said.
“That makes sense. I think sex grosses her out.” I said.

“She certainly has very conservative views in regards to sexual

activity.” she said. “My idea is simple. If it’s something you’d be interested
in, I think it would be a much safer environment for you to experiment and
have guilt free sex in your own home, with Ryan, instead of finding various
partners online.” she said.

“That’s what mom said. Why does everyone want me to have sex
with my stepdad?” I asked, feeling defensive and nervous.

“Sex with an older man can be very rewarding, trust me. But also, it
would make him feel a lot better. Imagine being with someone who you’re
completely in love with but who can’t satisfy you in bed. It can really wear
on you over time.” she said.

“I understand, but he’s my stepdad.” I said.

“Cassandra brought it to my attention that you watch stepdad porn, is

that true?” she asked.
“No. I mean, yeah, sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I want to have
sex with my actual stepdad.” I said.

“I understand, I watch it too and I don’t even have a stepdad.” she

said, shrugging her shoulders. “So you never think about Ryan while you’re
watching that type of pornography?”

“No, never. It’s just a fantasy. Not about Ryan, or anyone in


“I see. The whole dynamic is very sexy, I understand. The age gap,
the protectiveness, the closeness, the potential jealousy, the taboo. I
completely understand.” she said. “Do you find yourself attracted to older

“I like guys who are a little bit older, like 24 or 25. They’re better at
sex.” I said.

“What’s the oldest man you’ve had sex with?”


“You’re right, older guys are better at sex. Ryan is 40.” she said.

“I know that.” I said.

“So no part of you is interested at all in having sex with your stepdad?
If that was a real option, which it is.” she said.

“What do you mean? Mom was saying something about this. Does
Ryan know you’re asking me about this?” I asked.

“Not really. We discussed it with him, and he said he finds you very
attractive. He said you have great lips and eyes. He even said you have a
great ass, and a good personality.” she said. Hearing that Ryan had said
those things about me made me want to give him a hug and thank him, he
was so sweet.

“So he wants to have sex with me?” I asked.

“Well, he said he’d have to think about it. He said you’re gorgeous,
but he seems a little hesitant because of the nature of your relationship.” she
said. “But it doesn’t matter what he thinks if you aren’t interested. So I
should let them know that it’s off the table? That you have no interest in
sleeping with him?” she asked.

“Well, I didn’t say that.” I said.

“Okay. So the question is simple, in order to help your parents

marriage, and to help Ryan feel more satisfied, would you be willing to start
having sex with him instead of the guys you meet on dating apps?” she

“I don’t know. I don’t think I should have sex with my stepdad.” I


“I’ve had multiple clients who slept with their stepfathers, and the
results were amazing.” she said.


“Yeah. I think it’s because of the comfort, and with the stepdad
being more experienced and giving her mind blowing sex that she’s never
even experienced before. That, mixed with the fact they already really love
each other, which always makes sex better and more fulfilling. And it’s at
home, so they’re really relaxed and not sketched out about anything. It
makes sense really.” she said. “But that’s fine. If you don’t think you should
do it, then you shouldn’t do it. I’ll let them know you aren’t interested.”
Willow said.
“Can I tell you something?” I asked, feeling bad about being
dishonest with her. “I lied earlier, about the stepdad porn thing. I do think
about him, that’s the only reason I watch those.” I said, coming clean.

“That’s perfectly fine, Alexis. I understand that it isn’t easy talking

about our sexual desires and fantasies, especially with a stranger. You told
me the truth, and that’s all that matters.” she said. “So is it only during that
type of pornography that you fantasize about him? Or do you find yourself
feeling attracted to him in real life as well?” she asked. Something about
her loosened me up, she was very good at making you feel comfortable and
I kind of dropped the guard I’d been holding up. She hit the nail on the
head, the only reason I wasn’t coming clean with her, or myself for that
matter, about my feelings, was because I was scared of what other people
might think.

“I’m very attracted to him.” I said, softly. “He’s so perfect, and sexy.
And I know that my mom can’t take care of him, and that makes me want
him so much more. I want to give him what she can’t, and I want him to
give me what these other guys are lacking.”

“What have your sexual experiences been like so far? If you don’t
mind me asking.”

“Oof. They range from really bad, to kind of okay.” I said.

“I’ve heard it all. Shoot.”

“Alright. I’ve only had sex with a few people, despite what my mom
might have you believe. The first was this guy Steve that I went to school
with, he had a really weird penis, and he kept trying to shove his fingers in
my mouth during sex, I wasn’t comfortable with him at all. It was awkward,
but luckily, it was also very quick.” I said, recalling the unfortunate

“Hold old was he?”

“Steve was 18 at the time, we both were.”

“Makes sense.’

“Then Mikey, he was the 26 year old. He was the best. He just didn’t
make it awkward, and lasted long enough that I could make myself cum.” I
said. “The other two guys were pretty bad. One had a really tiny penis, and
he kept asking me to tell him how big his cock was, and it just made no
sense. Like, I didn’t even care that it was small, but him being so insecure
about it that he wanted me to lie to him made kind of ruined it for me. Or
maybe he did think it was big, I don’t know. But it wasn’t.

Anyway, I kind of laughed at him when he kept saying it, “tell me

how much you love my big dick”, it just made me laugh. I wasn’t trying to
be mean, it was unintentional. It just struck me as funny at the time.” I said.

“Oh my gosh, you poor girl. I’m so sorry.” Willow said, having a
laugh at my expense.

“It doesn’t stop there. After I laughed, it turned soft and got even
smaller. So I was pretty turned off at that point, but I felt bad for him, so I
tried sucking it to get him hard again but he was I think psyched out at that
point.” I said, recalling the folly.

“And you said there was one more?” she asked.

“Harold. He was super nice, and cool, kind of geeky, but we got along
great. Then once we started having sex, he just clammed up and laid there. I
stayed on top the whole time, and he just stared at me. He didn’t thrust, he
didn’t grab my ass, or tits, or kiss me. He just looked at me, so I closed my
eyes and tried playing with my clit but I could still feel him staring at me.”

“Oh no.” Willow said, her eyes betraying her deep level of empathy
for my situation.
“Oh yeah, so I opened my eyes and he was still staring at me. So I
grabbed his hands and put them on my tits, to try to make him do
something, but he just left them there. He maybe squeezed a tiny bit, but he
just left them on my tits the whole rest of the time. And when he was about
to cum, he said “get off me I’m gonna cum!”, then just laid there jerking off
and cumming all over himself. It was weird. I didn’t enjoy it.” I said,
realizing how lame my sexual history was.

“You’re building quite the resume.” Willow said, thoroughly amused

by my plight. “I have a weird feeling that Ryan would blow them all out of
the water.”

“I know he would.” I said.

“So it sounds like maybe you would be interested in this

arrangement.” she said.

“I just don’t want to come between them, or hurt my mom, or

anything like that.” I said. If I was going to start sleeping with Ryan, there
would be nothing casual about it.

“I completely understand, but this was actually her idea. That’s why I
ran over all the scenarios with her, to make sure she was okay with the
proposition of her daughter sleeping with her husband. It’s kind of an
unusual scenario, but sometimes there’s a weirdly shaped puzzle piece that
fits just right.” she said. “So you aren’t going to hurt her, to the contrary,
you’re actually going to be relieving her of a lot of stress.”

“That’s the part I don’t really understand.”

“Ryan is a lot more like you. He likes sex, he wants to have good sex,
it’s just something that keeps him regulated. It’s perfectly normal. It’s also
perfectly normal to have a lower than average sex drive, and have a more
conservative attitude toward it. In their case, she feels bad for not keeping
him satisfied, and she’d absolutely love it if you could come in and take that
place over for her. And it would make your dad so happy.” she said. “So
you can release any feelings or guilt, or inhibitions, and just go explore with
Ryan and figure out what you like, and learn more about what good sex is

“That would be amazing, and it sounds like a great time. But it’s so
personal. He knows me so well.” I said, hesitant with the idea because it
would be a much more intensely intimate experience than what I was used

“And you know that he would never hurt you. You know how much
he loves you. And you know you can trust him.” she said.

“Yeah. I think I wanna do it.” I said.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yeah. I want to.”

“Perfect. We’ll have to set up a little playdate for the two of you.” she

After the session, it became so real. We were no longer in a perfectly

safe therapy room, I was back in the real world where choices have
consequences. I was going to engage in an intimate relationship with the
most forbidden man in my life, and it was the most arousing thought I’d
ever encountered in my life.
Chapter 5 - Ryan

I hadn’t gotten back to Willow with my answer, but it was impossible

to deny. The only reason I wouldn’t go through with it would be out of a
feeling of guilt towards my wife. But it was her idea, and she was on board
with it. So I had to be honest with myself, and admit that I wanted her more
than anyone else in the world.

Willow informed us that Alexis was also on board with the idea, and
that she seemed very excited to go through with it.

“So, do you want to do it Ryan? Do you want to fuck your

stepdaughter?” Willow asked, knowing full well the answer to her question.

“I do.” I said. And that was that, Willow set up a little meeting for the
two of us the following day at our house. She assured me that it would only
take a couple of minutes, and then we’d be free to have our fun and do our

“Aren’t you excited baby? I am.” Cassandra said, bristling with joy.

“Yeah, baby. Me too.” I said. She had no idea how excited I really
was. It was all I could think about. Once the proposition was on the table so
to speak, being around her was almost excruciating. Her body was so
supple, so lean and delectable.

The next day, I was all nerves and horniness. I kept picturing Alexis
naked, with her legs spread apart beneath me. I imagined her wrapping her
ankles around my back, holding me against her while I did the unthinkable.
Our session was scheduled for 12:30, and we both knew what it was about.
Still, we didn’t talk about it, and mostly kept to ourselves while it
approached. It almost reminded me of a wedding day, where you aren’t
supposed to see your bride.

We did see each other though, a couple times, briefly. The first time
was in the kitchen, and I couldn’t help checking out her tight little ass in her
tiny shorts as she reached for a glass from the cupboard. The second time
was in the living room. I was passing through, and she was laying on the
couch watching television.

“Hey daddy.” she said, shifting her stare to mine.

“Hey you.” I said, offering a slight smile. My palms were sweating,

as I couldn’t wait to get my hands all over her. She would be all mine. No
more random dating app hookups, just me laying claim to her, over and
over again.

12:30 finally rolled around, and Cassandra gave me a kiss on the lips
before locking herself up in our room to give us privacy. Alexis’s room was
right down the hallway from ours, and I wondered if she might be able to
hear us if things became intense between us, as I heavily suspected they

“Knock her dead, baby.” Cassandra said.

“I don’t really think that applies to this particular situation.” I said.

“Well, whatever. Break a leg! Or an arm. Or whatever. Just have fun.”

I couldn’t help smiling at her weirdness, appreciative of the act she was
about to let me commit. Alexis was already waiting on the couch when
Willow arrived, so I greeted her and let her in.

“Alexis!” Willow said, giving her a big hug as soon as she saw her.
“Okay you two, go ahead and take a seat.”

“Yes ma am.” Alexis said, sitting directly next to me. Her thigh
pressed up against mine, and I could immediately feel my body reacting to
her physical touch.

“I’m sure you both know why we’re here.” she said.

“Yeah.” Alexis said through a giggle.

“I just wanted to start the process off, to make it perhaps less
awkward at first.” Willow said. “I see that you’re sitting very close to each
other, that’s a good start. You feel comfortable with each other.”

“Yeah, definitely.” Alexis said, turning her head and looking into my
eyes. It was like a lightning bolt of attraction, making eye contact while she
was so close to me.

“One hundred percent.” I said, staring into her beautiful eyes. Even
something so simple, maintaining eye contact for such a long time, was new
for us.

“You want to kiss her, don’t you Ryan?”

“I do.” I said, without hesitation.

“Then go ahead. Do it.” Willow said. It was like she was playing a
video game, as soon as she pressed the button, I performed the action. Her
soft lips melted against mine, the sweet taste of her wet flesh invading me.
My hand moved instinctively behind her ear, holding her head as we kissed
with a passionate hunger that made me swell with arousal. She was
everything I wanted, everything I was missing in my life.

“Mmm.” I moaned, slipping my tongue between her lips. “Alexis.” I

said, pulling her in for more.

“Mmm.” she moaned back, as our kiss broke into an impromptu

makeout session.

“Look at the chemistry between you two. Good lord, someone get
mama a fan.” Willow said, watching our display play out and pretending to
fan herself. “Alright, my work is almost done here. One more thing, and I
have to say this because I’m your sex counselor, but one of Ryan’s main
complaints in his sex life is that he doesn’t get blowjobs. Alexis, would you
be willing to get down on your knees for daddy, and use your mouth to
show him how much you love him?” she asked.

“Yes.” Alexis said, breaking our kiss and nodding. I watched as she
slowly dropped down onto the floor in front of the couch, and reached for
the front of my pants.

“There you go. Take it out, and kiss on it a little. He deserves it.”

“Yeah, you really do.” Alexis said, unbuttoning my pants and then
unzipping them.

“Here, let me help.” I said, raising my hips and pulling my pants and
underwear down to my knees in one motion.

“Oh my goodness. Willow, do you see this?” she said, making the
home alone face and looking over to Willow.

“I do. Your mother told me he had a very large penis, and she wasn’t
lying.” Willow said.

“Oh my gosh. Daddy, if you saw the other guys I’ve been with, you
would laugh at them.” Alexis said, covering her mouth and admiring my
hard dick.

“You could tell him how much you love his big cock and mean it, no
laughing involved.” Willow said.

“No kidding.” Alexis said, wrapping her fingers around the base of
my shaft and holding it. “It’s so big.”

“You have a full sized lollipop to explore my love, I’m going to

leave you to it. I think you can handle it from here.” Willow said, flashing
me a knowing look before standing up and showing herself out, leaving
Alexis in front of me on her knees, holding my cock and looking into my
“You like blowjobs huh?” she asked, giving me a wink while slowly
moving her hand up and down.

“Of course I do, especially from really pretty girls.” I said, brushing
her hair out of her face.

“Are you ready?” she asked, leaning closer.

“I’m so ready for you.” I said. Alexis parted her lips slightly, and
pressed her lips against the head, delivering soft, wet kisses all over it.

“It’s so nice.” she whispered, letting saliva drip in a strand from her
mouth onto the tip of my cock.

“There you go baby, get it nice and wet.” I said.

“Of course, daddy. Only the best for you.” she said, rubbing it in
with the pads of her fingers. “He’s so hard. I think he wants to be sucked.”

“I think he does.” I said, watching as she parted her lips further,

wrapping them around the tip and working her way down. “Oh my God.” I
sighed, feeling the sensation of a warm mouth suctioning my hard dick.
“Oh my God.” I repeated, overwhelmed by pleasure. I couldn’t take my
eyes off of her, her innocent eyes looking up at me with a mouthful of cock.

“Mmm.” she moaned, sliding her tongue along the bottom of my

shaft. She was eager and enthusiastic, pushing her throat deeper and deeper
with each consecutive head bob. All I could do was lay back and enjoy,
admiring her beauty and delicate touch.
Chapter 6 - Alexis

It was difficult if not impossible to break eye contact with him while
I sucked and slurped on his throbbing hard flesh. I could feel the wetness
dripping between my legs, soaking my panties in anticipation of what
would come later.

I wasn’t at all surprised that mom didn’t like giving blowjobs. She
was averse to most forms of physical affection. I’d only given a few
blowjobs before, but never to a gorgeous cock like his. His heavy balls
hung beneath his manhood, calling out at me that they wanted to join the
fun. Knowing that he was more experienced, I wanted to impress him. I
wanted him to enjoy his time with me, so I lifted up his cock and leaned in
for a taste of his testicles.

“Alexis.” he said my name, eyes closed and head thrown back in

pleasure. It pleased me to see how much he liked it, and I eagerly continued
servicing him. As I continued exploring him with my mouth, my saliva
turned viscous and I drooled all over him. My mouth was literally watering
for his luscious dick. “That’s so fucking good.”

“You like it when I suck on it daddy?” I asked, flashing my best doe

eyes and looking at him wearing a grin.

“You look so gorgeous with it in your mouth.” he said, holding me

by the sides of my head and guiding back and forth, sending his erection
deeper and deeper down my throat. “Oh my God.”

“Guck, guck, guck…” my throat made funny squishing noises as his

length slid down my gullet. I swallowed around him, savoring the taste of
his warm flesh in my mouth.

“Alexis. I need you. I need to feel inside you.” Ryan said, standing
and pulling up his pants in a rush. “Your room.” he said, scooping me up
into his arms before bustling me down the hallway and through my
“You’re so muscley.” I said, squeezing his arms and checking out
his bulging muscles. He was so much manlier than any of the boys I’d been
with, and I couldn’t wait to feel him.

“You’re a doll.” he said, giving me a few kisses before tossing me

onto my bed like a ragdoll. “And now you’re all mine.” he pulled his shirt
up over his head, and began taking off his bottoms. I did the same, stripping
down like it was a time trial for the olympics. “You’re too fucking
adorable.” he climbed into bed with me, and crawled into my waiting arms
with more kisses. Our tongues swirled together as he laid me down onto my

“I’m so happy we’re doing this.” I said, spreading my legs wide and
holding them that way while he brought his hips up to mine. He put his
cock on top of my opening, laying it flat on my stomach. It reached all the
way to my belly button,

“We’re going to have so much fun together.” he said, looking down

at my naked body beneath him. “So much fun.” he said, rubbing his fingers
against my labia and up to my clit, drawing little circles with the pad of his

“So much fun.” I repeated back to him.

“I want to be inside you so fucking bad you don’t even know.” he

said, staring down between our legs. “But I have to taste you first.” he
dropped down between my legs, hooking his arms underneath my

“Mom doesn’t let you do this either, does she?”

“Nope, and I love doing it.” he said. “You have such an incredible
little body, I want to worship you.”
“Ugh!” I squealed the moment his lips found my clit, as he pressed
his soft lips against it and started making out with my lady parts. Every
swirl of his tongue and kiss of his lips made me swell further with pleasure.

“Mmm…” he moaned, raising up momentarily to look into my eyes.

“You taste so good.” he dove back down like he was bobbing for apples,
adding a finger for good measure. I squirmed uncontrollably beneath him,
as agonizing pleasure rippled through my entire body. Willow was right,
and he hadn’t even stuck it inside me yet.
Chapter 7 - Ryan

Her taste was beyond sweet, the flavor of her wet flesh. My cock
was already hard, but sucking on her fresh little pussy gave it a pulse. It’d
been way too long since I’d been able to indulge on a woman orally, and I
couldn’t get enough. I poured all of my frustration out on her, worshiping
her body with my mouth in a primal, hungry type of way. I pulled her
cheeks apart, letting my tongue stray to her asshole.

“Mmm…” I moaned, dragging the tip of my tongue in circles

around her anus.

“Daddy.” she whimpered, holding my head with both hands and

pressing her face down against me while simultaneously thrusting her hips
into my face. “I’m gonna cum.” the words left her mouth flatly, with a
matter of fact tone. I continued switching back and forth between her holes,
unwilling to stop until my stepdaughter was cumming on my face.


“Daddy!” she called out, her toes flexing and curling as her leg
shook uncontrollably. I continued licking her clit, shifting my eyes to see
her face full of agony as I made her climax with my tongue and finger. “Oh
my God.” her eyes popped open, and she rubbed her slicked her hair back
with her hand, panting for breath. “Oh my God. I’ve never cum like that.”
she said, gasping for breath.

“That’s my good girl.” I said, crawling on my hands and knees back

into position.

“Kiss me.” she said, pulling me against her and shoving her tongue
into my mouth. We kissed with passion and fervor, an aspect of sex I was
sorely missing. Her feminine embrace filled me with a level of desire that
had been left untapped for far too long.
“Baby.” I whispered, as she reached down between her legs and
took hold of my dick, moving the tip to her entrance and teasing me by
rubbing it up and down against her lips. “Give it to me. I need it.”

“Yes daddy.” she said, inserting the tip. Her tightness squeezed my
cock as I slowly thrust my hips against her, taking her an inch at a time until
we were impaled together.

“It’s so little.” I said, shocked by her squeeze.

“But I’m all wet for you, I think you can make it fit.” she smirked,
and bit down on my lower lip as I pushed it all the way in. With each
subsequent thrust, I could feel her walls spreading to accommodate me. It
was a fantasy level of tightness, and felt even better than I dreamed.

“Oh my God.” I said, laying flat on top of her and sliding both
hands under her hips, gripping both of her firm cheeks and driving my hips
against hers.

“Daddy…” she whimpered, saying it over and over again as the

pace of our hips increased. Her bed started rocking, squeaking and
slamming into the wall. “Harder.”

“God damn.” I said, the sound of our bodies slapping rhythmically

together invading the room. “Wrap your legs around me baby, hold on.”
Chapter 8 - Alexis

It was completely different lying beneath Ryan than it was with

other guys. Not only was his cock twice the size of theirs, I felt so much
more open and free with him. My other experiences had been in cars,
futons, and basement couches. Being in my own room, ankles laced around
his lower back as he pounded me into oblivion was beyond my wildest
dreams. I felt like I was in a porno.

“Baby, turn over. Get on your hands and knees.” he said, raising my
torso and flipping me over for himself.

“Oh, okay.” I said, poking my butt up in the air for me.

“Look at that, good lord. It’s so tight and pretty.” he said, slapping
my ass before putting it inside.

“Ugh!” I squealed. Ryan pressed my head into the pillow, pinning

me down as he fed me long strokes of hard dick.

“That’s my good girl.” he grunted, really giving it to me. I dug my

fingers into the sheets, and held on for dear life. “You want it harder baby?”
he asked.

“Yes daddy, fuck me. I want you to fuck me as hard as you can
daddy.” I moaned, his hand pressed against my cheek as I lay helplessly
beneath him, enjoying every second.

“Good girl. You’re gonna make me cum, you know that?”

“Please daddy, please cum for me.”

“I want you to cum with me. Play with your clit while I fuck you,
and cum for me like a good little girl.” he said, his entire tone becoming
more aggressive. He drove his hips into me, and I posted one hand against
my headboard to hold me in place while reaching down between my legs
with the other to do as I was told.

“Harder.” I begged, unsure I could handle anything rougher.

“You have such a perfect little pussy.” he groaned, holding my hips

with both hands and pulling me against him with each powerful thrust. I
could feel his hardness turn puffy, swelling up somehow even bigger inside
me as he approached his climax. “Look at me, I want to see your face when
I cum inside you.”

“I love you daddy.” I said, looking directly into his eyes. The
intensity of the moment sent me over the edge, his hard dick forcing me to
orgasm. “Ugh!” I rubbed furiously at my clit, as every nerve danced with

“Fuck!” he called out, leaving his raw flesh deep inside as he

emptied himself in me. “Alexis…fuck…”

We collapsed onto the bed, spinning in post coital bliss and finding
ourselves wrapped up in the tightest of cuddles. I wrapped my arm around
him and laid my head on his chest, settling into the most comfortable
position in the world. I never wanted him to leave my side, and I never
wanted him to feel frustrated again. My body was his to plunder, to use as
he pleased. I felt like I belonged to him in the most special way.

“I love you so much.” he said, kissing my forehead and rocking me

in his muscular arms. “So much.”

“I love you too daddy.”
Chapter 9 - Willow

I knew before I left that they were going to go at it like rabbits, and
apparently that’s exactly what happened. And it didn’t stop there. Cassandra
was almost as happy about it as they were, and beamed with joy when she
spoke of their connection.

“They are always doing it. I bet they lick each other’s butts, and all
of it. I’m so proud of them.” she said, happy to have her man satiated and
her daughter out of the way of any potential danger.

Alexis and Ryan were obviously smitten, and took every

opportunity to showcase their connection. They were affectionate to the
point of making me jealous, and I took that as a sign that things were
working out great.

It was another successful outcome, another reason for me to

continue my work of helping families come together.
Getting it Out of Their Systems (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy

Volume 14

Chapter 1 - Willow

The situation that unfolded between Riley and her stepfather Jason
was unexpected, as I’d been seeing them as clients for over a year when
their initial attraction flared up. Apparently, there was some sort of social
media trend going around where stepdaughters tried to seduce their
stepfathers in one way or another, it even had a dance.

She came to me first, to spill the beans about how she’d been feeling.
I could tell she was struggling to come to terms with and process it, and was
working through it as she poured her heart out to me.

“It’s called like, seduce your stepzaddy, and there’s a dance and it’s a
whole thing.” she said.

“Do you mean girls are actually doing this in real life?” I asked,
unsure if it was real or just a dance that she was referring to.

“I think so. I think one girl made a video of it and put it on her Fans
Only.” she said.

“Oh, wow.” I said.

“Anyway, I never even thought about this before, but it made me

realize that Jason is really attractive.” she said.

“Well, that’s objectively true. He’s very good looking.” I said.

“Yeah, but…I don’t know, I feel weird saying this.”

“Riley, it’s fine. It’s perfectly natural to feel an attraction to your

stepdad.” I said, trying to ease her in.

“Really? I was starting to think I was crazy, or that something was

wrong with me.”

“No, not at all. Why do you think this has become a trend in the first
place?” I asked. “Think about it, he’s your main authority figure, he’s
nurturing, loving, caring, and he also happens to be quite easy on the eyes.”

“That makes me feel better. But still, I’m having, like, pretty intense
fantasies about him.” she said.

“And how long has this been going on for?” I asked.

“Honestly, like a solid month now. And I thought I could just kind of
masturbate the fantasy out of my head, but it keeps getting stronger. I can’t
even masturbate anymore unless I’m thinking about him.” she said.

“That’s normal as well, love. You just realized your feelings for him,
and now it’s grown into an intense infatuation. That’s how it goes.” I said.

“It makes me feel weird. Like, fantasizing relentlessly about my own

dad? Why is it so hot?”

“What turns each of us on is different, but there’s also the forbidden

element. The taboo, stepdads are not normally supposed to be fucking their
stepdaughters. That sort of thing turns me on too.” I said.

We continued talking about their relationship and the way she felt
about it until her anxiety about the situation finally settled down. Talking
about it really seemed to help her process things, and I was glad she was
coming to terms with it.
“Do you think he ever…like, looks at me in that way too?” she asked.

“Hmm, it wouldn’t surprise me but I can’t say for sure.” I said.

“Because I know him and mom are having troubles in the bedroom,
and that she doesn’t take care of him the way he wants her to.” Riley said,
twiddling her thumbs.

“Have they told you this?” I asked.

“Not directly, but I’ve overheard them talking about it quite a few
times. Once, I even heard her tell him that he could have sex with other
women.” she said.

“I can’t really disclose the things we talk about in therapy, but that’s
true.” I said.

“Is it selfish of me to want to be the other woman? I don’t want to

take him away from her, I just want to be able to experience him that way. I
want to be the one he goes to to get what he wants.” she said.

“I wouldn’t say it’s selfish, no. And honestly, it’s not a bad idea. It
would allow you to express yourself to him intimately, and would relieve
his frustrations in the bedroom.” I said. A direct, hands on physical
approach always seemed to work well in these types of scenarios.

“Really?” she asked.

“Why not? As long as he wanted it too.” I said. Riley let out a sigh.
“What is it?”

“It’s just, I’m too scared to ask him. There’s no way I could bring that
up to him. No way.” she said.

“Would you like me to do it?” I asked. “It’ll be discreet and during a

“Would you? I don’t know how else to do it.”

“I’ll talk to him.” I said.

It was an interesting turn of events, and I was excited to facilitate

such an intense encounter. The variables were all in place. The thing with
Anna, Jason’s wife, was that she didn’t want to know about it. She was
perfectly fine with him sleeping with other women, so long as it wasn’t
thrown in her face.

So I decided to speak privately with Jason, at my house. It was

typically for special occasions that I brought client overs, but I wanted the
full privacy my home afforded.

“Hey Willow.” he said, giving me a hug before stepping inside. We

sat down across from each other, on either side of my coffee table.

“How have you been since the last time I saw you?” I asked.

“I’ve been good. Staying busy.”

“That’s good. Look, I brought you here to discuss some feelings that
Riley has been having lately.” I said.

“Okay. What’s up? Is she okay?” he asked.

“Oh, yes. She’s fine. But in regards to her issue, I think you’re the
only one who can really help her resolve it. Maybe resolve isn’t the right
word, you’re the only one who can help her release it.” I said.

“I’m all ears.”

“Apparently, there’s some sort of internet trend going around where

stepdaughters are trying to seduce their stepfathers.” I said.
“Uhm, okay?”

“Kids these days, there’s certainly such a thing as too much internet.”
I said, having a chuckle to lighten the mood. Jason cracked a smile.

“You’re not wrong.” he said.

“Riley saw the trend, and it seems to have awakened some feelings.
Feelings for you.” I said.

“Wait, you mean like…what kind of feelings?” he asked.

“Feelings like attraction, intense sexual fantasies, and a desire to have

sexual experiences with you.” I said.

“She said that?” he asked.

“She told me all about her feelings, and they were quite explicit.” I

“So what do you want me to do? Tell her that it’s inappropriate, and
that it’s not okay to think of me like that?” he asked.

“Well, no. Unless that’s really how you feel. I thought that it seemed
like a perfect solution to your current bedroom conundrums.” I said.

“What do you mean? Like, actually sleeping with Riley?” he asked.

“I think it would be good for both of you.”

“How so?” he asked.

“Well, she’s very attracted to you and I think the sex would fulfill
her. And Jason, you can’t possibly tell me that you don’t also find Riley
attractive.” I said, peering at him over my glasses.
“She is very pretty,” he said.

“You can handle this however you see fit, but it seems like a great
opportunity for you to bond around the house.” I said.


“We could even have a session with the three of us, and I could
guide you through a series of exercises to help you two ease into each
other.” I said, chewing at the tip of my pen through habit.

“That would be good. Yeah.” he said.

“Well, I hate to bring you out here just for that, but I’m really happy
with how this went. I think you’ll be very satisfied with your decision.” I
said, standing up to end the session. That was all I needed to hear, they were
both on board.
Chapter 2 - Jason

My mini session with Willow was a lot. It was all I could think about
afterwards, and I decided to go on a hike through one of my favorite local
trails. After speaking to someone else about it, it felt like a real possibility,
and a tempting one.

Riley was outrightly hot, albeit too young for me and the daughter of
my wife. It was all very improbable, if not closer to impossible for us to
ever be together. It was off limits, we weren’t even supposed to let thoughts
like that invade our minds.

For the most part, I hadn’t. But I couldn’t deny certain moments,
inconspicuous happenings that caught my attention. Things like seeing her
breasts plop out from behind her tank top when she changed into her bikini,
or a poolside selfie of freshly painted toes and tanned legs. Whenever I’d
been confronted with a feeling like that, I’d always turned away from it and
refused to revisit it. It wasn’t something I thought about, I did it

I realized rather quickly that I’d been bottling it up, ignoring

something that was clearly there. The more I walked, the naughtier my
thoughts turned. What if we did it? What if we simply let go and went crazy
on each other a few times to get it out of our systems?

My mind conjured images of her tanned legs and exposed buttocks. I

wondered what she felt like, how tight her lips would grip my hard cock
when I pressed it inside her.

“Fuck.” I whispered, realizing I’d gotten lost in my thoughts and was

sporting a full erection. It was an abnormal level of arousal for me to be
experiencing, and it caught me off guard.

I tried walking it off, thinking about other things, but it had a

powerful hold on me. Riley was delectable, with such a supple young body.
I knew that Anne would be okay with it as long as we kept it under wraps,
which only made the desire more real. Riley was there for the taking, all I
had to do was act.

As badly as I wanted her, I had to get my head on somewhat straight

so I could think rationally. That’s what the walk was supposed to do for me,
but no dice.

The thought popped casually in and out of my head for the next
several hours, until Riley arrived home from the movies with friends. As
soon as I laid eyes on her, wearing a form fitting dress that showed off her
legs, the thought was firmly planted at the forefront of my attention.

“Hey.” I said, smiling wide at the sight of her. “You look great in that

“Oh, thank you.” she said, fidgeting at my compliment. I couldn’t

help noticing her blush, it’s why she turned away slightly, to try and hide it.

“But you look good in everything.” I said, stepping closer and placing
my hand on her lower back.

“Why are you so good to me?” she asked, looking into my eyes.

“Because I love you so much.” I said, seeing her in a completely new


“I love you too daddy.” she said, laying her head against my chest.
The scent of her hair made her touch more real, and I wanted to kiss her
right then and there, to take her to my bedroom and lay claim to her over
and over. It was a level of lust I couldn’t remember ever experiencing, like a
primal instinct taking over.

Things were difficult for me at home that day, being around my wife
and Riley at the same time while all I could think about were the things I
wanted to do with Riley without our clothes on. I wanted to sneak her off
into her bedroom and bend her over her bed, to cover her mouth so her
mother wouldn’t hear her screaming for my cock as I relieved all of the
tensions that were driving me crazy.

“Willow said she wants to see the two of us for a session tomorrow.”
Riley said, interrupting me from a fantasy involving my face buried
between her ass cheeks.

“Oh, yeah.” I said.

“Do you know what it’s about?” she asked.

“Ugh, not really. No.” I said, sipping at my hot tea.

“Hmm…I’m kinda nervous, that’s all.” she said.

“Don’t be. It’s nothing bad.”

“How do you know?” she asked, causing me to smirk.

“Well, I spoke with her a little bit about it during my last session with

“Can you tell me what it’s about?” she asked.

“It’s kind of personal. I think we should be alone when we speak

about it.” I said.

“Oh. Okay.” she said.

We never got the chance, as our session was scheduled for 10 in the
morning the following day.

Chapter 3 - Riley
I couldn’t help tossing and turning all night. It was becoming more
and more of a regular occurrence. Falling in love with my step dad didn’t
exactly make my life easier. Parts of me felt guilty about harboring the
feelings, and another part of me wanted to climb on top of him and sit down
on his hard cock and let him use me however he pleased.

All I could think about was my last conversation with Willow, how
I’d opened up to her about my feelings. Not only that, I kept replaying how
I’d asked her to bring it up to Jason because I was too scared. That had to
be what our session would be about, and I wondered how he’d taken the
news that I was attracted to him.

He’d been extra affectionate since his session with Willow, but I had
no idea what to expect. Were they going to sit me down and give me a
talking to about my inappropriate feelings? It was enough to keep me up
half the night, alternating between masturbating to thoughts of Jason and I
finally giving in, and feeling nervous about the following day.

“I just want to take my daddy’s dick…is that so bad?” I whispered

into my pillow as a wave of pleasure washed over me. Nothing had ever
overtaken me so completely, the constant thoughts of having intercourse
with Jason.

The next morning came bright and early, and I headed straight to the
shower. My thoughts were all over the place, which was nice because it
allowed me to meander through my morning routine.

“Do you need a ride to Willow’s?” Jason asked, rapping his knuckles
against my bathroom door.

“Ugh, no thanks. I’ll drive myself.”

“Okay, baby. I’ll see you there. I love you.”

“I love you too.” I said, noticing that my heart rate had increased just
from talking to him for a few seconds. I had no idea what was in store for
me, but I was ready to get it over with.

Chapter 4 - Willow

It’d been a while since I’d had something like this happen at my
home, although it certainly wasn’t the first time. The more time that went
on, the more that people seemed to accept it as a natural and healthy
practice between consenting adults. My job as a therapist was simply to
assist them in actualizing the desires they already felt towards each other.

Jason arrived first, and I welcomed him into my living room and
offered a few refreshments.

“I think she was running a little late.” he said, munching at a pretzel.

“That’s okay. You’re my only appointment today.” I said, taking note

of the fact he dressed up for the occasion. Jason normally dressed very
casually at therapy sessions, but on this occasion he chose to wear slacks
and a button up shirt with dress shoes and a belt.

“That’s just how she is.”

“You look very nice today.” I said.

“Oh. Thank you. It’s a special occasion, thought I should look my

best.” he said. Jason seemed to understand what would be happening, and I
wondered if the same could be said for Riley. “She just texted me. She’s
pulling in.”

“Oh, perfect.” I said. “Will you let her in for me? I’m going to freshen
up before we start.”
“Yeah. Absolutely.” he said. I admired his firm buttocks as he walked
through the corridor to answer my front door before disappearing to the
nearest powder room. I wondered how things might go, if I would
encounter hesitance from them or if they would dive right in. They were
waiting for me on the couch, side by side when I returned.

“Riley, hey. How are you?” I asked.

“I’m well, and yourself?”

“Very excited. Thank you both for coming.” I said. We all took a seat,
and I decided to get things moving right away. “You’re probably both
wondering why I scheduled this session today, and it’s because I think
there’s something we need to discuss.”

“Okay.” Jason said, placing his hand on Riley’s thigh.

“I’ve spoken to both of you about this in a one on one setting, but it’s
really something that needs to be out in the open. Now I understand why
this isn’t an easy subject to breach, but that’s what this session is for.

Let me start by saying that what you’re both feeling is completely

natural, and you aren’t the first stepfather and stepdaughter pair that have
come to me with the exact same situation.” I said, taking my time to ease
our way into things. “Jason, you’ve indicated that you find Riley very
attractive physically, and Riley, you’ve indicated that you’re experiencing
feelings of lust towards your stepfather. Is that fair to say?”

“Yes.” said Jason.

“Yeah.” Riley said, her eyes darting to the ground as the words left
her mouth.

“Good. Now that we’ve got that out there, I’d like to ask you both
some questions, just so you can both get a better feel of how to navigate
your new found attraction.
“Jason, can you just describe some of the feelings you’ve been
experiencing towards Riley?” I asked, hoping to loosen the mood and get
the two of them to start talking.

“Okay. Sure.” he said, turning slightly to face Riley. “Well, Riley, the
more I’m around you, the more I’ve noticed what a beautiful woman you
are. And as a man, it’s brought up some very intense cravings inside of me.”

“Cravings?” she asked.

“Yes, cravings. Everytime I see you, I want to pull you against me,
and kiss you, and undress you, and kiss you some more.”

“Oh, wow.” she said, her eyes lighting up. Jason took her hands into
his, and looked into her eyes.

“And what about you Riley? Have you experienced anything


“I have. It’s kind of hard to explain, just, like, you’re kind of exactly
what I want in a man.” she said.

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, he’s tall, handsome, mature, and he’s always been there for

“And I always will,” he said.

“Oh wow. I can feel the chemistry coming off of you two.” I said,
allowing them both to release some tension through laughter. Their body
language was obvious, it wasn’t possible for them to get any closer to each
other physically but they were somehow still doing it.

“Yeah. That’s what makes it so hard, like, around the house.” she
“I know, we just need a private place where we can sneak away and
get it out of our systems.” Jason said, making firm eye contact with his
younger stepdaughter.

“Well, I’m glad to provide that place.” I said, standing up with my

clipboard. “And I don’t know if it’s something you can get out of your
system, but it’s certainly my opinion that it would be a very healthy release
and a great bonding experience if you two just gave in to the way you’re

“I’d really like that.” Jason said. Seeing the way they looked at each
other turned me on, their attraction was so obvious it was palpable and there
was nothing they could do to hide it.

“I have a couple exercises that might be able to help things move

along in that direction, would you like to try one out?” I asked.


“Yes.” said Riley.

“Alright, this first one is called not spanking.”

“Not spanking?” Jason asked.

“Correct. Riley, it worked out perfectly that you’re wearing a skirt.

Could you bend over Jason’s knee? Just lay across his thighs, just like that.”
I said, helping her into position. Jason’s hands moved up instinctively,
careful not to touch her inappropriately. If only he knew what I had in store
for them.

“Now what?” he asked.

“Now I want you to gently raise her skirt, and have a peek at what’s
underneath. Instead of a punishment, this is a reward. Tell her how pretty
her body is, and what a good girl she’s been.” I said.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, go ahead.” I said. Jason reached down slowly and took hold of
the white cloth, moving it towards her lower back and exposing her

“What do you think of her panties? And of her body?” I asked,

prodding him along.

“Very cute little panties.” he said, sliding his finger inside the leg hole
and allowing his finger to graze over the skin of her backside. “And such a
perfect little ass.”

“Go ahead and rub it, and don’t be afraid to feel between her legs.” I
said. Riley was biting her lower lip, her face flushing red as Jason began
caressing her cheeks.

“That’s my good girl.” he said, grabbing firm handfuls of her butt.

“Can I take these off?”

“Of course, daddy. Anything you say.” she cooed, raising her feet as
he slid her panties down her thighs and over her calves.

“Even your toes are pretty.” he said, admiring them as he removed her

“Smell them.” I said.

“I don’t know if-”

“Go ahead, smell them.” I said, interrupting his protest. He placed

them on his face and inhaled. “How do they smell?”

“Really good, actually.” he said, inhaling again.

“See if she’s wet for you.” I said. Jason paused momentarily,
admiring Riley’s forbidden temple. His hand moved slowly between her
legs, and her soft whimpers quickly followed.


“That’s my good girl, nice and wet for me.” he said, allowing his
fingers to enter her deeper.

“Taste her wetness. Taste your little girl’s pussy juices.” I said, feeling
my own arousal overtake me.

“Mmm…” he said, licking his own fingers clean before going back in
for more.

“Are you erect Mr. Jefferson?” I asked, causing his eyes to lock onto

“I am.”

“Then take it out, she’s been such a good girl. Don’t you think she
deserves something yummy to suck on?”

“I think she does.” he said. Riley dropped to her knees in front of him
as he removed his belt and unzipped his pants. It was the same moment I
finally gave in and allowed my own hand to enter the front of my pants
when it flopped out, impressively thick and hard.

“Show him what a good little slut you are for daddy.”

“Yes ma am.” she said, eyes wide as she took hold of Jason’s dick.
Chapter 5 - Jason

Things had escalated so quickly that it was surreal. I knew it was

happening, but it felt almost like I was watching it unfold in a dream.

“Can I daddy?” she asked, holding my shaft at the base and looking
up at me with the most tempting doe eyes. There isn’t anything she could
have asked me in that moment that I could have said no to.

“Yes, baby. Go ahead.” I said.

“Show him what you’re willing to do for him, show him that you’re
what he needs.” Willow said. She took a very hands on approach to what
was happening, and I appreciated her directness.

“Oh my God, Riley. Why haven’t we done this before?” I moaned,

looking down at her beautiful face with a mouthful of my cock.

“Mmm…mmm…mmm…” she bobbed her head up and down,

fondling my balls while her tongue dragged along the bottom of my shaft.

“You are way too good at that.” I said, unbuttoning my shirt while
watching her swallow me.

“Look your daddy in the eyes,” said Willow, prompting immediate

eye contact from my Riley.

“Good girl.” I said, removing my shirt and laying it on the armrest

of the couch next to me.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Riley said, taking a breath and
smiling up at me. There was saliva dripping down her chin, but she didn’t
seem to mind as she opened up for more.

“So good.”
“It feels good doesn’t it? And natural. I want you to express your
love physically, in an intimate way. The reason you’re so attracted to each
other is because you’re so compatible. You adore each other and have
similar libidos.” Willow said, explaining her side of the story while I
struggled to focus because of the mouth wrapped around and slurping at the
head of my dick.

“I agree.” I managed grunting, as Riley blew me away with her

eagerness while worshiping my cock.

“Your balls.” she said, lifting my penis and rubbing her face in my
testicles. “Mmm…”

“Oh, fuck.” I moaned, as she began washing them with her tongue. I
couldn’t remember being so aroused, my erection felt so hard it might erupt
at any moment.

“Get naked you two. Both of you.” she said. “Riley, I want you to sit
in your daddy’s lap okay? I want you to ride his big dick until he’s
exploding inside you.”

“Okay, I’d like that.” Riley said. She was so innocent so pure, so
willing and eager to serve my needs. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was,
and I watched with growing anticipation as she pulled her shirt up over her
head, revealing her gorgeous tits.

“Oh, wow. Baby.” I said, eyeing her chest hungrily. “Come here.”

“Hang on, daddy. Let me get naked first.” she said, making eyes and
grinning uncontrollably as she approached.

“There ya go, good girl. Climb up into daddy’s lap and show him
how much you love him.”

“Come here.” I said, patting my thigh.

“Yes daddy.” her sweet voice whispered, as she hiked her leg over
my hips and settled into position. Her body called out to me in an
impossible way, filling me with the desire to possess her.

“You’re very hard Mr. Jefferson.” Willow said, walking around

behind Riley.

“She turns me on so much.” I said, kissing on Riley’s perky nipples

as she reached around to put me inside her.

“Once you do this, you can never go back to how it was before. You
can never go back to not knowing how good it’s going to feel.” Willow

“I know, but I want it.” Riley said, pushing the head of my cock
inside her as she sat down onto it.

“Ugh…” I let out a long sigh, savoring the sensation of her tightness
squeezing down on me. “Oh my God.”

“How is that Mr. Jefferson? Can you get used to the way that feels?”

“You have no idea, Willow. It’s perfect.” I said, gripping Riley’s

cheeks with both hands and pulling her down onto my hips. “Good girl.”

“Why is it so good, daddy?” she asked, before kissing me with a

fiery passion.

“Mmm…” I moaned, our tongues swirling around each other in

circles while she bounced up and down on me.

“Do I feel good daddy? Better than mommy?”

“Baby.” I said, pulling her face close to mine. “This has to be our
secret, but it’s so much better. I need it baby, I need you. All the time.”
“I need you too.”
Chapter 6 - Riley

The waves of pleasure rippling through me were continuous and

uncontrollable. It was almost like blacking out but in the best imaginable

“Why is it so good?” I asked, chills traveling freely through my spine.

“Because I love you so much.” he said, bouncing me on his powerful


“I can’t believe we’re actually doing it.” I said, leaning in for another

“I know, baby.” he said, his soft lips pressing into mine. “You’re my

“You keep making me cum, daddy.” I said, as he hoisted me into the

air with each thrust.

“I like it when my good girl cums for me.”

“Me too.” I said, biting my thumb. I’d only been with two other guys
before, and had experienced nothing like the pleasure he gave to me. In a
lot of ways, it was simply a matter of pure attraction. None of them could
match up to the way I felt about him.

“I think it’s daddy’s turn to cum.” said Willow, by now bottomless

and shamelessly pleasuring herself at the sight of our lovemaking. It was
easy to forget she was there, as I was so immersed in what was taking place.
“Bend her over the couch.”
“I think I like that idea.” he said, lifting me off of him.

“Over the armrest, dear.” she said, as I did as I was told. Jason
scooted close from behind, rubbing his hard cock up and down against my

“You feel so good, Riley. You’re exactly what I’ve been needing.” he
said, pushing himself inside.

“Daddy.” I sighed, exhaling as he worked it in and out. He placed his

hand at the base of my head, forcing it down so he could thrust harder.

“There ya go, Mr. Jefferson. Show her who she belongs to, show her
how to be a good slut for you.” said Willow, violently strumming herself
with a look of agonizing pleasure strewn across her face.

“Ugh!” I called out, being fucked like never before. Jason was very
strong, and his hips slammed against my ass over and over. I could feel his
balls slapping against me, and the harder he went, the more overwhelming
the pleasure became.

“Fuck, baby. You have such a tight little pussy, you’re gonna make
me cum.” the sound of our flesh slapping together filled the air, as the
rhythmic pumping reached a fever pitch.

“I can’t stop cumming daddy!” I moaned, writhing beneath him as he

worked towards climax.

“Riley…oh fuck. I can’t pull out baby, I have to cum inside you.”

“Yes daddy, please cum in me.” We peaked at the same moment. I

could feel his hard flesh pulsing in me, pumping me full of warm cum. It
was the single most erotic moment of my life, knowing the risk we were
“Oh my God, baby. I love you so much.” he pushed his hips forward,
leaving himself deep inside as he contracted again and again. The tension
finally broke, it was over. We’d done the unthinkable, and we loved every
moment of it.

I laid down in his arms on the couch while Willow put her clothes
back on.

“Wow. I didn’t even know it could be like that.” I said, looking up at


“We have a very special connection,” he said.

“That was really good.” I said, giggling. Euphoria overtook me, and
I whispered sweet nothings with my head laid on his chest enjoying the post
coital bliss. I knew it was a day I’d never forget.

Chapter 7 - Willow

I didn’t typically masturbate to completion while watching clients

fornicate, but I made a special exception for Jason and Riley. Because it
was really turning me on.

As one might expect, doing it once, or twice, or three times, or even

five times in one day on several occasions, the two of them didn’t seem
capable of ‘getting it out of their systems’.
They craved each other at all hours, often disappearing into odd
rooms for quickies and random makeout sessions. Their favorite was the
risk of not using protection or pulling out. Despite knowing the risks, they
didn’t care. It felt better and was part of the fun, besides, they could get
through anything together.

Eventually, Riley developed a small but undeniable baby bump. Anne

came to terms with it after already having strong suspicions. It wasn’t
something that really bothered her. She made Jason agree to only Riley and
no one else, which he did happily, and that was that. Happily ever after.
Forbidden Intimacy (Stepdad/SD) - Naughty Home Therapy Volume 15

Chapter 1 - Willow

The case of Bradley and Zoey reminded me of other cases, but it was
also unique and unusual. It was Bradley’s wife Barbara who reached out to
me, and that’s who I had the initial consultation with.

After introducing ourselves, we sat down in my living room over

coffee and discussed her reasons for reaching out.

“It’s just getting out of hand between them.” she said.

“Between your husband, and your stepdaughter Zoey?” I asked,

making sure I was understanding the context.

“Yes. It’s been going on for a while.” she said.

“How long, would you say?” I asked, picking up my pen to jot down
the pertinent information.

“Six months. Maybe longer.”

“And what does their behavior consist of?” I asked.

“Well, I mean, I thought I was paranoid at first, but they just started
spending a lot of time together.”

“And that’s unusual?”

“Well, no. Not really. It’s just…you just kind of know. They started
hanging out back by the pool all the time, especially when I wasn’t there.
And they just go to public places that are kind of secluded, if that makes
sense. They go to movie theaters, parks, and swimming pools. They go
hiking a lot.”

“Is there anything else? Have you noticed them becoming more
affectionate physically? Or being flirtatious?”

“Oh my God.” she said, throwing up her hands. “It doesn’t stop.”

“Give me some examples.”

“Okay, so the other day I looked out the back window, and Zoey was
lying on her stomach with her bathing suit top untied, and he was lotioning
her back. They didn’t know I saw them, and let’s just say it went on much
longer than it needed to, and extended to areas she absolutely didn’t need
help applying lotion.” she said.

“Alright. Anything else?”

“Hugs that go on too long, back rubs, he rubs her feet all the time.
They don’t know I caught them doing this either, but one time I came
downstairs late one night for a glass of water, and they were in the living
room watching a movie. I took a little peak and she was literally sitting in
his lap.” she said.

“I see. Have you ever witnessed them engaging in more overt sexual
acts? Like kissing, or touching each other’s genitals?” I asked.

“No. I don’t think they’ve actually done anything.”

“So you don’t have anything to really confirm that they’re into each
other?” I asked.

“Actually, yes. I do. It happened a few days ago, honestly it’s why
I’m here. Bradley took a much longer than usual shower in the morning
before leaving for work. I went into the bathroom after him to retrieve the
laundry, and stuffed into the middle of the hamper was a pair of Zoey’s
panties.” she said.

“Is there any logical explanation of how they ended up there?” I


“Maybe, maybe not, but the only logical explanation as to why they
were caked with an absolutely massive load of fresh cum is because he’s
fantasizing about his stepdaughter.”

“I understand. I wasn’t trying to press you, I just wanted to know

what I was dealing with here.”

“I can’t take it anymore, watching them fight their urges and try to
play it coy when it’s so obvious.”

“And you believe she feels the same type of attraction towards

“Yes. I’m not proud of this, but I snooped through her text messages
looking for evidence she was having an affair with him, and she speaks
pretty openly about it with her best friend Lola. I actually screenshotted all
of the text messages, I can send them to you if you want.” she said.

“I see, send them over to my email. What do you think needs to be

done to rectify the situation?” I asked.

“They need to give in and get it over with. Go crazy on each other
until they get it out of their systems.” she said. It wasn’t at all what I was
expecting to hear, and I’d never been approached by a married woman
trying to get their husband and daughter into therapy for the sole purpose of
letting them go at it.

“What if that happened? Would it bother you?”

“I mean, I don’t truly know because it hasn’t happened. I’d prefer to
let you handle it, so I didn’t have to see it directly or hear all the details. I
just want to get it over with, because it’s going to happen eventually, one
way or the other.” she said.

“So you’d prefer to stay in the dark concerning the specifics, but
you’re okay with them exploring their attraction in an intimate setting?” I

“Yes, exactly. I’m convinced that the only reason they haven’t already
had sex is because they think I have no idea what’s going on and that it
would drive a wedge between all of us.” she said.

“Would it?”

“For heaven’s sake, no. I’m 54 years old, I don’t have time for all
that. I just want them to admit their feelings, know that it’s okay with me,
and act on them however they see fit.” she said.

“Hmm…okay. I’ll have to talk to them, but I think I understand the

situation.” I said. “But I have your permission to tell them that they have
your blessing?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Okay. It was very nice meeting you Barbara, I’ll get on it right

“You too. Thank you so much, I’ve heard about what you do, and I
just knew you would be able to help me solve this problem.” she said.

“I’ll do my best. Have a good day Barbara.”

It was certainly an interesting case, with the wife reaching out to me

to help facilitate a sexual relationship between her 50 year old husband and
her 20 year old daughter. Just thinking about it made me too aroused to
remain professional, and I began snooping through Zoey’s text messages
almost as soon as Barbara left my home.

The conversations between Zoey and Lola were quite interesting. I

got the idea they were the naughty girls in their group, the ones who were
extra boy crazy and thought about things like hooking up with their

LOLA: Is it bad that I want to fuck your stepdad?

ZOEY: I mean, I can’t judge you. I’d fuck him too.
LOLA: You would not.
ZOEY: I so would. He’s the only person I think about when I
LOLA: The only person?
ZOEY: Like 99% of the time. It’s kind of concerning, whenever I’m
at my horniest, Bradley is the only man I can think about.

That was a conversation that took place in March, by June things had
escalated quite severely.

LOLA: Are you guys still flirting a lot?

ZOEY: Oh my God, it’s literally driving me to a point of insanity. We
watched a scary movie last night, and we were kind of cuddling, then out of
nowhere he just lifts me up into his lap.
LOLA: No way.
ZOEY: Yeah, it was the hottest thing ever. I got so horny, and then he
got a boner and I started grinding on it. Kind of, like just enough to be able
to play it off if I needed to.
LOLA: Holy shit, Zoey. What happened?
ZOEY: Well, he put his hands on my hips and started moving them
back and forth on him, and then we heard a noise and just froze. I think my
mom might have seen us, but we kind of just stopped after that.
LOLA: Did she say anything?
LOLA: Probably didn’t see you then.
ZOEY: It felt so big, though.
LOLA: You’re so lucky. You’re going to fuck him eventually, you
know that right?
ZOEY: God I hope so, but it feels like impossible you know?
LOLA: Hold out hope, girl. One of us needs to fuck an older man.
ZOEY: Right? Do you think it’d be weird if I called him daddy during
LOLA: If you fuck him and you don’t call him daddy, I’ll be so
disappointed in you.

My consultation with Barbara took place two days following this

conversation. Judging by what I was reading, they were headed toward
crossing taboo lines whether I intervened or not. Luckily, I did have
something to bring to the table. I was the only one who could give them the
permission they both needed before going all the way.
Chapter 2 - Bradley

I thought it was kind of strange that Barbara signed me and Zoey up

for a therapy session, but I was feeling so guilty about the feelings I’d been
harboring for Zoey that I wasn’t in a position to turn it down.

The therapist’s name was Willow, and she insisted on reaching out for
a one on one facetime call before we met up for our session. I’m not a big
therapy guy, so I wasn’t particularly keen on it, but I answered her call

“Hi Willow, I’m Bradley.” I said, sitting in my office with the door
closed. I didn’t have any real work to do until almost noon, so I figured
knocking out the introduction call while on company time made the most
logistical sense.

“Oh, hi.” she said, smiling wide. I grinned back at her, pleasantly
surprised by her beauty and demeanor. “I’m Willow, as you know, and I just
really like to reach out to clients before meeting with them. I think it helps
develop rapport.”

“Absolutely, so is there anything specific that I should be looking

forward to? Barbara told me she hired you, but she didn’t tell me why.” I

“Oh, well, I’d really prefer to discuss specifics during our session, but
Barbara noticed how close you and Zoey have grown recently, and believes
there are aspects of your relationship that should be further delved into, and
possibly explored.” she said.

“Awesome. Do we have an appointment already set up?” I asked.

Willow dressed in business casual, but more of a slutty halloween version. I
can’t say it made me less excited about meeting her in person.

“I’m going to do my call with Zoey, and then I’ll reach out to both of
you in a group text with some available dates and times. You two can
discuss which date works the best for you, and we’ll get you booked.” she
said. I was trying to focus on her words, but her sensual tone and overt
cleavage proved a challenging distraction.

“Okay, Willow. It was very nice meeting you.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” she said, placing both hands over the
center of chest, pressing down on her breasts and staring back into my eyes.
I know it was just a facetime call and she was a professional, but if I didn’t
know any better I’d have thought she was trying to seduce me through the

“Have a good one. I’ll see you soon.”

“Goodbye, Bradley.” she said.

I thought briefly about what the therapy might consist of, but drifted
quickly back to thinking about how sexy Willow was. Was she just like
that? Some sort of sensual siren who walked around unintentionally
arousing random male patients? Or was there some intention there? Either
way, it didn’t really matter. If I had to go to therapy, it might as well be with
a woman who was as easy on the eyes and charming as Willow.
She texted me a half hour later with the available dates and times.
Chapter 3 - Zoey

Bradley and I drove together to Willow’s home for our first session.
We made small talk but mostly listened to the radio. I don’t think either one
of us knew what to expect, but I really liked Willow after meeting her on
Facetime. She was really pretty, and I kind of just naturally connected with
her and felt comfortable talking to her.

We showed up at her beautiful home, and after giving us a brief tour,

Bradley and I took a seat on her couch. Willow had a certain way about her,
and we got right down to it.

“I really just want to get to know how you two are together. I’ve
spoken extensively with Barbara about this, but I’d like to hear from the
two of you how you feel about each other.” she said, causing my eyes to
dart momentarily in his direction. “Bradley, let’s start with you. What do
you love about Zoey?”

“Oh, well, for starters, she’s beautiful.” he said, forcing me to smile. I

loved hearing him compliment me. “And has the best personality, she’s so
fun to be around.”

“I agree, Bradley. She is very beautiful. You’re a very lucky man.”

she said, tapping her lip with her pen and looking back and forth at the two
of us. “Tell me your five favorite things about Zoey. About her beauty, I

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Like you said, Zoey is a very beautiful young woman. Tell me your
three favorite things about her body.” she said. I was starting to feel
anxious, and looked over at Bradley for his response.

“Her smile. I really like her smile.” he said, causing it to emerge.

“So her mouth. Good.”

“Uhm, she’s just very pretty. Seeing her face makes me light up.” he

“She does have a very pretty face, but we’ll count that with mouth.
Two more.” she said.

“Oh. I’m not really sure what I should say.”

“Really?” Willow asked, cackling. “Zoey, will you stand up for me?”

“Sure.” I said, slowly standing up.

“Now spin around in a circle for your stepdad.” she said. It felt kind
of awkward, spinning around while my stepdad and therapist looked me
over. “Such a cute little butt, breasts, toned legs, arched feet, and pretty
little toes. Do you have anymore answers now dad?”

“She does have a cute little butt.” he said.

“Very cute.” Willow said.

“Thank you.” I said, almost inaudibly.

“Tits, feet, legs? What else?” she asked.

“I don’t know if this is appropriate, but sure. Tits, ass. Final answers.”
he said. I could tell that Bradley wasn’t really sure where to go with it, but it
still felt nice hearing him say he liked my ass and tits.

“Very good, Bradley. That’s all I was looking for. I’m really trying to
get you two to take your relationship to the next level, you know? Add in a
more adult, we’ll say intimate element.”

“I see.” Bradley said.

“So now that we’ve identified the things you find most beautiful
about your stepdaughter, I’d like to do an exercise so you can further
explore.” Willow said.

“Alright.” he said, looking into her eyes. I was kind of confused by

what was happening, but was paying very close attention to everything that
she said. Willow stood up, and strode around the living room.

“I’d like to give the two of you a little context, so you can understand
the expectations of our therapy here today. Barbara is well aware that the
two of you are attracted to each other, and whether you’ve admitted that
openly to each other isn’t the point.

Barbara wants the attraction between you two to be explored in a safe

environment, with full permission to do whatever feels natural and
pleasurable, without fear of being judged.” she said. I could feel my blood
pressure rise and my palms start to sweat.

“Barbara said that?” Bradley asked, breaking the silence.

“She did. She seemed quite excited at the idea of you two finally
getting it out of your systems.” Willow said. I’d never been in a situation
like that, and even though everything she said about me being very attracted
to Bradley, hearing that mother knew and was okay with it came as a
complete shock.

Chapter 4 - Bradley

“That's the entire reason she hired me, Bradley. She saw you two
falling for each other, and started being bothered by it, especially after she
saw Zoey sitting in your lap on the couch while you thought she was asleep
upstairs.” she said. It was a lot to process.

“I see.” I said.

“What’s the exercise?” Zoey asked, breaking her silence.

“You wanna try it?” Willow asked. Zoey seemed excited, and just like
that, we were moving on. I was too lost in thought while Willow explained
the exercise to pay attention, as I kept imagining my wife allowing me to
pursue my interest in her daughter. It seemed surreal, and I couldn’t believe

“Okay, so should I strip down now?” Zoey asked. Her words snapped
me back to attention.

“Yes, go ahead. I’ll do the same.” Willow said. I watched in awe as

both women began removing articles of clothing.

“I’m sorry, I kind of zoned out. How does the exercise work?” I
asked. They both giggled.

“We got it.” Willow said, letting her button up shirt slide down her
arms and exposing the lacy red bra I’d been sneaking peeks at throughout
the session. “Zoey, be a dear and grab the blindfold. It’s in that top drawer

“Yes ma am.”

“Blindfold?” I asked, softly enough that neither of them heard me. I

glanced back and forth as they stripped all the way down to their underwear
and panties. I thanked my lucky stars that Zoey was wearing a thong, and I
ogled her perfect ass as she retrieved a blindfold before approaching me.

“Ready?” she asked, smiling and excited.

“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” I said. As soon as my vision was

gone, the intensity skyrocketed. I could feel the girls sitting down beside me
on the couch, running their hands along my back and through my hair. I
tried to think about other things, but the blood was already flowing to my
“Okay, you have to try both, and then guess which one is your
stepdaughter. Okay?” Willow asked.

“Let’s go.” I said.

“Both hands, right here.” Willow said. One of them grabbed my

hands, and placed them on their breasts.

“Oh, wow. We’re really doing this, huh?” I asked, happily groping
away at a nice pair of breasts.

“That’s pair 1. Now try pair number 2.” Willow said. They had very
similarly sized breasts, but I knew that the first pair was Willow because of
her lacy bra, which made it all the more fun as I dug my fingers into what I
already knew were Zoey’s breasts. It didn’t hurt that she let out a little sigh
when I grabbed hold of them.

“Hmm… This is harder than I thought.” I said, no longer concerned

with the fact that I was aroused. There was no reason for me to have to feel
bad about being aroused, because I was simply doing what my therapist
asked me to do.

“Let’s give him one more feel, with the tops off.” Willow said. This
was getting better and better, and it was easy to give myself over to her
kinky little game knowing that I was finally allowed to explore my
attraction towards Zoey. And if Willow wanted to play too, then it only
added to the fun.
Chapter 5 - Zoey
I couldn’t have been more thankful for Willow’s presence. She was so
confident and playful, plus she had more experience and was willing to
guide me along. I found myself having fun with it, and I didn’t even feel
strange taking my top off in front of her.

“Okay, this is pair number one.” Willow said, pressing her chest out
in front of my stepdad. It was really hot seeing him smiling, playing with
her gorgeous breasts. Willow then shoved her tits in his face, and I watched
as things became a little less innocent.

“Mmm… very nice.” he said, his voice low and gruff. His lips were
wrapped around one of her nipples, kissing and sucking as he pressed them
against his face. It made me jealous, but also very turned on. I wanted him
to be doing that to me. Willow stepped away, ending his turn with her.

“And this is pair number two.” she said. I stepped forward nervously,
realizing that the game was heading in a very adult direction. I wondered if
he already knew which pair was which, and if he’d be as enthusiastic with

I took him by the wrists, and guided his hands to my naked breasts. It
was difficult to control my breathing, especially when he leaned forward
and latched on.

“Oh, wow. They’re so perfect, and suckable.” he said, burying his

face between them. I looked over at Willow and tried not to start laughing.

“Ugh!” I hitched, letting out a little squeal. His tongue was flicking
against the tip of my nipple, and no one had ever done that before. It felt so
good. Willow grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me away. As soon as we
were a few feet apart, I wanted his lips back where they belonged.

“Alright, which pair of breasts belonged to Zoey?” Willow asked.

“Okay, I think I know this one. Pair 2.” he said.

“Yes!” Willow exclaimed, throwing up her arms. “That’s one point. If
you get the next two right, you win the grand prize.”

“Okay. I’m definitely enjoying the game so far” he said.

“You can take a quick peek.” Willow said, throwing her arm around
me. Bradley pulled up his blindfold, and you could see it in his eyes that he
liked what he saw. It felt like he was staring directly at me.

“I can’t believe we just did that.” he said, grinning.

“Yeah.” I said, feeling a tad sheepish. We’d certainly flirted and

pushed the envelope before, but he hadn’t seen or sucked on my nipples
before.” and after a couple seconds she made him put it back down.

“That was the warm up round. These next two rounds will be a little
more…uhm, intense. And intimate.” she said.

“Sounds good to me.” Bradley said, obviously enjoying himself.
Chapter 6 - Bradley

It honestly felt like a wet dream, something I could only dream of and
eventually wake up from. I was already throbbing hard from sucking on
Zoey and Willow’s tits, and seeing them together was a turn on in itself.

“Okay, this time it’s the booty.” Willow said. All you get to do is
squeeze, pull the cheeks apart, sniff, and lick. You’ll have thirty seconds
with each ass, and then you’ll have to decide which one is your

“Is that okay with you, sweetie?” I asked, realizing that we were
going from Spring Break Girls Gone Wild level of lewdness, straight to
XXX porno.

“Yeah, daddy. I think it’ll be fun.” she said. Her voice sounded so
sweet and agreeable, and it kind of hit me right then that she probably had a
very submissive nature, unlike her mother, which was something that I was
very much craving.

This time, it was Zoey who stepped forward first. I could tell as
soon as I ran my fingers along the waistband of her thong. That’s when I
realized that Willow wasn’t trying to hide who it was, and that the point of
the game wasn’t truly for me to guess which woman I was exploring, it was
purely for the exploration itself.

By allowing me to know who it was while still being blindfolded, it

added a sort of faux anonymity to the game that allowed us both to easily
transition into what was happening.

“Jesus, baby. I don’t know which one of you this is, but you smell
magnificent.” I said, rubbing my nose against my stepdaughter’s pussy and
gripping her soft cheeks. Thirty seconds isn’t a lot of time, so I pulled her
thong to the side and dove right in.
“Ugh!” she squeaked once again, unable to contain her pleasure. I
already knew it was her, but hearing her little whimper sneak out only made
it hotter.

“Mmm…” I moaned, letting her know that I was enjoying her taste
as I lapped away at her hole. Barbara wouldn’t let me near her asshole, nor
did she keep it groomed. Zoey had a delicious bare asshole, and I forced my
tongue as deep as I could until Willow alerted us that thirty seconds had

“You can either guess now, if you think you know who it is, or you
can try ass number two.” she said. I couldn’t help grinning, as I felt like we
both knew perfectly well what was going on.

“I think I’ll try ass number two.” I said, “Just to make sure.”

“Okay.” she said. Seconds later, my face had disappeared in her

cheeks, and she was pressing back against me. I wanted to pull my cock
out, and start playing with it because I was so turned on that the pressure
was becoming too much to take.

“Mmm…” I grunted, grabbing her ass with both hands and making
my tongue firm as I worked it in and out.

I couldn’t believe that my wife signed me up for such ridiculous

therapy, and it tasted so sweet because it was my stepdaughter and my sexy
new counselor. I felt my inhibitions fading away, blindfolded and eating
another woman’s ass in front of my own stepdaughter. The thirty seconds
went by too fast, and I had to wipe the saliva from my chin as she stepped

“Okay, Bradley. What’s your guess?” Willow asked.

“The first one. That was my baby.” I said. They both erupted, and I
heard them high five as I pulled off my blindfold. They were both shaking
their asses for me, and I wondered if I’d maybe gotten in a fatal car crash on
the way to the session, and was actually enjoying my first experience in

“Two points.” Willow said.

“You two are both adorable.” I said, unable to contain my infatuation.

Chapter 7 - Zoey

“Thanks daddy.” I said, looking down at the ground. I loved what we

were doing, but it was all happening so fast. It was exactly what I wanted to
happen, but it was a lot to process.

“Put the blindfold back on, we have one last test.” Willow said. She
was having so much fun that it was contagious, and Bradley did what she
said and slipped his blindfold back over his eyes.
“What’s this one?” he asked.

“Well, for this one, we’re gonna need to take this out.” she said,
letting her hand move down to his crotch. It felt very odd seeing another
woman grabbing hold of my stepdad in that way, but he didn’t seem to
mind at all. “Oh, wow. You’re already hard.”

“These games have been pretty arousing.” he said.

“Do you agree, Zoey? Did it turn you on having your daddy lick your
ass?” she asked. I let out a nervous chuckle, and nodded.

“Yeah. It felt really good.” I said.

“So the last game is going to be the mouth game. Zoey and I are
going to take turns sucking your cock, and you have to guess which one is
your stepdaughter.”

“Got it.” he said, putting up no resistance whatsoever. Willow pulled

his pants down to his ankles, and his massive dick flopped out.

“Have you ever seen your daddy’s dick before?” Willow asked,
taking hold of it by the base and admiring it.

“No.” I said, instinctively dropping to my knees beside her. Bradley

sat down on the sofa, and we crowded down by his knees. “It’s really big.”

“Yeah it is, such a nice cock. Here, let me lube it up.”

“Okay.” I said, watching as she gathered her saliva and allowed it to

ooze from her lips onto his swollen head.

“Wetter is always better. Then spread it around.” she said, using the
pad of her pointer finger to gently spread her sticky saliva all over his
pulsing head.
“It’s so hard.” I said, still shocked at the size of my stepfather’s manly

“He’s very turned on.” she said, spitting on it some more and
allowing her fingers to wrap around his shaft.

“Oh my God.” he said, his voice deep and scruffy. My mouth was
practically watering, and I wanted nothing more than to dive down onto it
as deep as I could.

“Can I play with it?” I asked, causing daddy to break a smile.

“Please, baby. I’ve been wanting you to play with it for so long.” he
said. We’d spent so much time dancing around the issue, and with my
mother’s permission, there was no longer anything standing in the way.

“Go ahead, hold it.” Willow said. I reached out and took hold of his
spit soaked erection, and naturally began stroking up and down.

“Wow.” I said. “It’s so warm.”

“Zoey, that’s perfect.” he grunted, thrusting back and forth against our

“Do you like your stepfather’s cock?” Willow asked. Her playful face
had changed, and she looked at me like she wanted to eat me.

“I like it a lot.” I said. Even though it was true, it felt so dirty

admitting it to a practical stranger.

“You’ve fantasized about it before, haven’t you?” she asked.

“So many times.” I said, almost whining. His cock made squishing
sounds as I rubbed it, and Willow leaned forward to add more saliva to the
“Okay, Bradley. This is mouth number one.” she said, staring into my
eyes. She pointed at me, and motioned toward his dick. I nodded, pulled my
hair back, and took a deep breath. It was finally happening, I was going to
suck my stepdad’s cock.

Willow held him by the base, holding it straight up in the air as I

leaned in closer. I flicked my tongue against the tip, and then began kissing
it softly, teasing until they were wrapped around it.

“Oh my God, that’s it. Just like that.” he said. Willow slowly stroked
the bottom half of his shaft while I focused on his soft, puffy, mushroom
head. I tried being quiet, but I got too into the moment and let out a little

“Mmmnn.” I smiled, and continued making out with the head of his
penis. It felt so right, like it’s what he and I should have been doing all
along. Silently, Willow pulled my lips away, and replaced her hand with

“Okay, daddy. This is mouth number two.” she said, and immediately
began swallowing him.

“Fuck.” he grunted as she took almost his entire length down her
throat, and left it there while he pushed her head down onto his lap. She
gagged but continued throating him, and when she finally pulled away to
gasp for air, there were slimy strands of viscous spit connecting her lips to
his cock.

I couldn’t stand idly by while she blew him, and I leaned in to kiss,
lick, and suck on his balls.

“It’s so good.” I loved hearing him moan, and seeing such an intimate
side of him. I couldn’t have been more thankful that my mom gave us her
blessing, as it was an experience I craved deeply.
Chapter 8 - Bradley

They went back and forth on my cock, and it was easy to tell them
apart even with the blindfold on. Willow was very experienced, with a
talented throat and she liked it rough. Zoey was still learning, and preferred
to slowly tease and worship me.

After years of only getting occasional, half assed blowjobs from my

wife, the two of them taking turns fighting for my cock was much needed.
Willow coughed up so much spit, and Zoey eagerly slurped it up and
recycled it over my head.

Following four or five rounds of back and forth, Willow remembered

that we were supposed to be doing an exercise.

“Okay, daddy. Which mouth do you think belonged to your

stepdaughter, one or two?” she asked.

“First, let me see that they were both very talented mouths.” I said,
grinning. “Zoey was number one.”

“3 for 3!” Willow said, as I removed the blindfold and saw my

stepdaughter’s pretty face dripping with spit.
“Come here.” I said, pulling her up into my lap and giving her a big
kiss. Her mouth was warm and wet, and I finally got to kiss her the way I’d
been craving.

“I was going to say that you win Zoey as your prize, but it seems like
you two already figured that out.” Willow said. She helped me remove my
shirt, and things unfolded seamlessly from there.

“You’re so beautiful.” I whispered, kissing and sucking on her bottom

lip. She was like a rich dessert, and I had a throbbing craving for her

“I love you, daddy. I’m so glad we get to do this.”

“I love you too, baby.”

“Sit down on it, there you go.” Willow said, holding my cock and
lining it up with her opening.

“Oh my God.” I said, feeling the wet sensation of her squeezing

tightness as it swallowed my cock.

“Oh my gosh. It feels amazing.” she moaned. Her perky little tits
were right in my face, and I couldn’t resist worshiping them as she slowly
rode me. Willow dropped down onto her knees, and began massaging my

“Fuck.” I grunted. It was the best sensation I could possibly imagine,

and I felt like I might erupt inside her at any given moment.

“Do you like feeling that big daddy dick inside you, baby?” Willow
whispered, assisting her as she began bouncing up and down on it.

“I love it.” she said, wincing in pleasure. I let my fingers sink into the
soft flesh of her supple ass, pulling her down onto me while she grinded.
“Fuck her, Bradley. Fuck your daughter’s tiny little pussy.” Willow
said. Things got pretty out of control from there, and I ended up fucking
Willow bareback in the missionary position while my stepdaughter
straddled her face.

“That feels so good, Willow.” she moaned. Seeing my stepdaughter

rubbing her pussy all over another gorgeous woman drove me wild, and I
realized what I’d been missing by us not taking things to an intimate level.

My wife was right, we both really needed this.

“Harder, daddy. Fuck me harder.” Willow called out, begging for me

to continue slamming my meat hammer deep into her soft little twat. I
thumbed her clit furiously, and sucked on her red painted toes until I
thought I couldn’t hold out any longer.

“Oh my God!”

“I’m cumming!” she screamed, gyrating beneath me. I stared down at

Zoey’s ass, with her pink little pussy lips peeking out, and felt the deep
need to finish inside her.

“Come here, baby.” I said. “Bend over this armrest.”

“I want to see you cum for her.” Willow said, still rubbing herself and
watching the show. I bent Zoey over the couch, and slapped her pale ass. It
was so desirable, and I buried my face in it once more just for the taste.

“Mmm hmm….baby. It’s so yummy.”

“I love your tongue, daddy.”

“Yeah? What else do you love?” I asked, pressing my fingertip inside

her asshole.

“My daddy’s cock.”

“Do you want daddy’s cum?” I asked. She turned and bit her lip,
nodding. “Good girl.” I continued licking her anus, spitting and trying to get
it as lubed up as possible.

“Are you gonna fuck my ass?”

“Yes, baby. I have to cum inside of you, and it’s the only way you
won’t get pregnant.” I said, standing behind her.

“Okay, daddy. I’ve never done it before.”

“Just relax, baby.” I said, spitting a final time on the head of my cock
before pressing it against her virgin asshole. I could hear her struggling with
her breath as I shoved it inside.

“Ugh!” she winced, but eventually relaxed enough that I could bottom
out inside her. After several slow minutes of watching my cock disappear
down her tunnel and re-emerge over and over, I began increasing the pace.

“That’s my little anal slut.” I said, gripping her hips and pumping into

“Yes daddy, use my ass. It’s yours.” she whimpered, digging her
fingers into the couch. The sound of my pelvis slamming rhythmically
against her asscheeks filled the room, and I glanced over occasionally to
look at Willow.

“It’s so little baby, you’re gonna make me cum.”

“Please, daddy. Please give me your cum. I want it so bad.” hearing

those words leave my sweet stepdaughter’s mouth was too much, and I
found myself quickly speeding towards climax.

“I love you, Zoey. Fuck. Daddy’s gonna cum.”

“Yes, daddy. Give me your hot sticky cum. I want all of it.” she
whispered, whimpering as I impaled her on my erupting cock.

“Baby! Oh fuck…God damn!” I could feel myself unloading inside

her, ejaculating harder than I could remember directly into my
stepdaughter’s forbidden hole.
Chapter 9 - Barbara

All I can say is that I wish I’d have called Willow sooner. It had been
driving me insane, seeing my husband gushing over a woman less than half
his age, and my daughter at that. But I understood.

I thought about it for a while, and the idea began turning me on. It
only made sense that they could act on their obvious desires, and it
surprised me how easily I accepted it once it happened.

Nothing really changed except that we were all more carefree at the
house. I’d gotten older and couldn’t fully keep up with his libido anymore,
so whenever I wasn’t in the mood, he’d go upstairs and have a young and
eager woman waiting for him.

The way they went at it reminded me of when we were much

younger. Over and over, sometimes for hours. At first, they remained pretty
sneaky and tried to only do it when I wasn’t around, but I talked to Bradley
about it and let him know that I was really okay with it.

After that, they made no effort to conceal their torrid love affair. They
cuddled, often naked, on the couch or in her room, or even in ours. Zoey
would sometimes sneak into our room while I was asleep and give him
head, or climb up into his lap and bounce up and down on his cock.

I woke up to them going at it a few times, and it never bothered me.

I was happy to have some relief from my duties as a wife, and I was happy
that they got to explore and deepen their relationship. Besides, she did all
sorts of things for him that I had no interest in doing. Whatever makes
them happy.

Stepmom’s Fertile Filling - Taboo Volume 1

Chapter 1 - Mona

As I got older, my sex drive increased in what seemed to be exactly as

much as my husband’s sex drive decreased. He was ten years older than me,
and the fire between us in the bedroom seemed long over. Phil was a wet
match, he couldn’t even get hard for me without taking a blue pill.

It wasn’t that bad at first, but the more time that passed, the more my
desire to express myself sexually grew. I wasn’t used to walking around
being horny at all hours of the day, with no one to relieve it with.

“Phil, we need to talk about our sex life.” I said, finally deciding to
address it head on.

“Yeah, I know. I’ve been meaning to say something to you about it.”
he said, which kind of surprised me.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. Look, baby, I’m getting older. I don’t mind having sex every
once in a while, but it’s just not that high on my list of priorities these
days.” he said.

“What about kids? You promised me a baby.” I said, not at all

satisfied with his answer or attitude. Phil let out a long sigh, and buried his
face in his hands.

“You know that my sperm count is too low.” he said.

“Yeah, I do. And the doctor said that if you would eat healthier and
exercise, you could bring them up. But all you do is sit on your ass.”

“Oh, is that all I do Mona? Is that all I fucking do?” he asked, getting
angry and snapping at me.
“I don’t know what all you do, Phil. I just know what you aren’t
doing. You aren’t pleasing me, you aren’t fucking me, and you damn sure
aren’t getting me pregnant.” I said, pounding my hand on the kitchen table.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want you to want to fuck me. I want to have a fulfilling sex life.” I
said, expressing my growing frustration.

“Okay, how about we start setting a day each week where we have

“Set aside a day each week to have sex? Wow, Phil. That sounds so
hot.” I said, rolling my eyes. “Just forget it. I’ll buy a fucking vibrator.”

“Yeah, yeah. Fuck off.”

Our first attempt at communication didn’t go well. The problem was

simple, our libidos were completely mismatched and he wasn’t the least bit
interested in making any changes to rectify the situation. Something had to

While we were sorting it out, my mind started being invaded by

naughty thoughts that had never crossed my mind before. Phil’s son Jeremy
had been lifting weights for a couple of months, and the results were
starting to show. I think it was a matter of proximity, at least at first. I was
always around him, so he kind of became the person I started feeling
attracted to and fantasizing about.

Jeremy was 19, full of energy and raging hormones. I couldn’t help
wondering how high his sex drive was, or how hard fucking hard his cock
would get while masturbating. It didn’t seem fair that my stepson had all
this excess sexual energy that was wasted on his hand and some Jergens,
and I had the same surplus of energy waiting to be expressed.
The solution seemed so obvious, but it wasn’t realistic. That didn’t
stop me from considering it, or cumming over and over again on my
vibrator thinking about it. The whole scenario turned me on, even just
thinking about it. It was so arousing that I didn’t know what to do with
myself, and the more I fantasized about it, the more I wanted to make it a
Chapter 2 - Phil

It wasn’t an easy thing to come to terms with, no longer being able to

satisfy your wife sexually. Mona was way too gorgeous to be stuck in a
dead bedroom, and I knew it. There were plenty of other men who were
capable and willing, and she deserved to get the pleasure she craved.

Letting her sleep with other men wasn’t something I’d ever
considered, but it seemed like the only answer. I didn’t have the sex drive I
used to have, plus I was so out of shape that having vigorous sex made me
feel like I was going to suffer a massive heart attack. I didn’t have the
discipline or motivation to get into shape, and I kind of transitioned over to
watching porn to handle my own needs.

I started watching clips of cuckolding, and cheating wives. It shocked

me how much it turned me on, and it helped me come to grips with my
reality. The reason I enjoyed it is because of how much pleasure the women
seemed to receive from their new partner. I enjoyed it because deep down I
was a cuck, and preferred to have a superior bull satiate the needs of my
partner because I wasn’t any good at sex myself.

Watching a fantasy scenario on a tiny screen is different than

experiencing it in real life, and I thought about the feelings of jealousy and
shame I might encounter knowing my wife was out being fucked by a
superior alpha type of man. It wasn’t easy to admit to myself, but proved
even harder to bring up to Mona in real life.

It was getting obvious how much she needed sex. She started dressing
sexier, and doing yoga around the house to try and relieve the stress.
Eventually, I knew that she would find another man to please her. It made
more sense for me to at least give her permission, so I retained some small
level of control.

After failing to bring it up for what felt like the millionth time, I
finally decided to write her a letter explaining the way I felt. Writing out the
words felt shameful, especially considering I was too much of a wimp to
say it to her face. She’d been my wife for almost ten years, and I was still
too much of a coward to tell her how I felt.

I explained everything, from my inability to maintain an erection to

how difficult it was becoming physically for me to exert myself. I told her
that I still found her beautiful, and wanted her to experience all the pleasure
she could handle. I also confessed that I’d been fantasizing about her being
fucked by another man, including another man getting her pregnant. It
turned me on, and I didn’t hold back. I admitted that I was a cuckold and a
coward, and that I’d never be able to please her sexually. After signing my
name, I placed the letter in an envelope and put it on her pillow.

When I returned home from work that day, Mona was holding the
letter in her hand and waiting for me.

“I got your letter.” she said, staring at me with cold eyes.

“Yeah? What do you think?”

“Well, I definitely need to have sex, and if you don’t wanna do it, this
is the only answer.” she said.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought.”

“I see that. I’m gonna be honest with you, Phil, I’m fully on board
with this, but it’s kind of disappointing and a major turn off. After reading
that letter, I don’t think I could ever be attracted to you sexually again.” she


“Yeah, oh.” she said. “Is that fine with you? Knowing that your wife
doesn’t want to fuck you again, ever?”

“I mean, it’s not fine. But I understand.” I said. She rolled her eyes,
and looked at me with a look of disgust I’d never seen her display before. “I
could help you out with finding a bull.”

“I don’t need help. I already have someone in mind.” she said,

walking out of the room. I followed behind her, feeling like I was in trouble
or had done something wrong.

“You already know who you want your bull to be?” I asked. She
stopped walking away, crossed her arms, and turned to face me.

“Yes. I want a younger man, someone with a surplus of sexual energy

and a hard dick.”

“Okay, cool. I’m okay with that.”

“I want someone who is around all the time, so I can get fucked
whenever I want.” she said.

“Uhm, okay. Who did you have in mind?” I asked.

“First off, I don’t want you to ask me about the details, and I’m not
going to let you watch or any of that weird cuck stuff.”

“Okay baby, that’s fine.” I said, desperately trying to appease her. All
I wanted was for her to be happy, and to have the pressure of performing
sexually taken off of my shoulders.

“And I want my bull to be Jeremy.”

“My son Jeremy?”

“I don’t know any other Jeremys.” she said. A weird sick feeling
struck me, and I felt my face going white.

“Oh. I’m pretty sure he’s a virgin.” I said, nervously trying to change
her mind. “Wouldn’t you rather have someone with some experience?”
“No. I want Jeremy.”

“Oh. Isn’t that kind of inappropriate?”

“It’ll be fine. You’ve seen the way he looks at me, we’ll have a blast

“Mona, I don’t know about this.” I said, trying to veto the whole

“Look, this is about me, and what I want, correct?”


“I want Jeremy’s hard young cock inside me, fucking me over and
over again until I’m pregnant.” she said. She stared directly into my eyes,
and I could see there was no changing her mind. Any respect she once had
for me was gone. My wife was going to sleep with my son, and there was
nothing I could do about it.

“Okay.” I said, thoroughly defeated. That was that, her mind was
made up. I was going to be a cuckold, and my son was going to take over
for me in the bedroom.
Chapter 3 - Mona
It was the latest in a long display of pathetic moments for Phil. He
was no longer the man I married, life had gotten the better of him and he’d
literally turned into a cuckold. Not wanting to fuck your own wife is the
sign of a truly broken man. The icing on the cake was that he couldn’t even
speak for himself, he had to write me a letter.

Reading his sexual letter of resignation flipped a switch inside me. I’d
spent the past few months practically begging him to fuck me, and he
wasn’t even willing to try. Seeing that side of him turned me off completely,
while at the same time empowered me in a serious way.

It was my life, and my pleasure. I desired a partner who wanted to be

intimate, and that’s what I was going to get. As much as I toyed with the
fantasy of sleeping with my stepson, that’s all it was, a hot fantasy. The
taboo of it turned me on to no end. It wasn’t until I read the letter that I
decided to go through with it.

I knew it wouldn’t be a difficult proposition, convincing a 19 year old

who found me attractive to sleep with me in his own bed. He’d always had
eyes for me, and despite trying his best to keep it under wraps, it was
obvious. I’d even noticed my dirty underwear disappearing from the
hamper and then mysteriously reappearing a few hours later. I never
brought it up, as I found it kind of sexy in a dirty way. I found it kind of

As soon as I made the decision to take my sex life into my own

hands, I decided to put the pressure on him right away to see how he
handled it. The idea of flirting with someone new, seducing a younger man
and teaching him how to fuck was exhilarating, and I flushed with

The first order of business was casting Phil out of the bedroom. If he
didn’t want to have sex with me, he could sleep on the couch by himself.
He didn’t even fight me on it, and moved his pillow and blanket to the
living room right away. Next up was dressing in the skimpiest clothes I
owned, and flaunting myself a little bit for my potential bull.

I really can’t believe I’m going to do this. It’s so naughty. God I hope
this goes well, it’ll be so much fun if he’s receptive. I wonder if his father
will hear us? A million thoughts ran through my head while I slipped into a
tiny pair of form fitting yoga shorts that didn’t cover my entire ass, paired
with a white tank top. No bra. This should get his attention.

Jeremy was upstairs in his room, probably playing video games. I

wanted to start making it obvious that I was available, and so horny that I
was practically in heat. He needed to get used to seeing my body, and
looking at me in that way. He had to know that I wanted him.

“Hey love.” I said, appearing in his door feeling next to naked. He

was wearing gaming headphones, but his eyes bulged at the sight of me and
a smile spread across his face.

“What’s up?”

“Not much, I was just thinking about you.” I said, giggling. “Did you
need me to do any laundry? Are you hungry? I could make you a

“Oh, uhm, yeah sure.”

“To which one?”

“Both.” he said.

“You’re too cute. I’ll be right back.” I said, bending over at the waist
to pick up his laundry, before walking slowly out of his room to give him
time to check me out. I went into the living room and dropped the hamper
on the floor. “Start this laundry before you go to work.”
“Okay, honey.” he said. I ignored him, and went to work in the
kitchen. I toasted the bread, and added fresh sliced tomatoes, spinach, and
red onions to spice it up a bit.

“Are you hungry?” I asked, calling out.

“Ugh, yeah.”

“Okay, I’ll leave the sandwich stuff out.” I walked right past Phil on
the couch, carrying a sandwich I made for his son.

“Thanks,” he said.

Over the next couple days, I made myself very available to Jeremy. I
started spending more and more time in his room, watching him play video
games and hanging out. He ate it up, and he lit up whenever I was around.

“You’re getting so manly and strong.” I said, shamelessly

complimenting him as an excuse to touch his arms and shoulders.

“Thanks, I’m working really hard to put on muscle.”

“I can see that.” I said. “You’re so driven, I love it. I think a lot of
girls will like that about you.”

“Well, go ahead and tell them that.” he said, laughing.

“I think I’ll keep it a secret.” I said, scooting closer to him until our
legs were touching. There was no doubt he was attracted to me, but I could
tell he was still uncomfortable with my sudden outburst of affection. He
seemed almost nervous, and I realized it was because he didn’t want his dad
to see us and take it the wrong way. So I started closing and locking the
door behind me.

“Are you talking to any cute girls?” I asked, having ordered a pizza
and brought it into his room.
“Not really. I was trying to get with this girl Sierra, but she started
dating a 25 year old.” he said.

“Awh, I’m sorry. You should hook up with an older woman to get
back at her.”

“Mona, if I had the ability to hook up with some hot older woman, I
wouldn’t be sitting here playing video games right now,” he said.

“What if I told you that you do have the ability to hook up with an
older woman?” I asked, letting my hands graze over his thigh.

“What do you mean? How?”

“I know a certain older woman that’s definitely interested in you.” I

said. “And her husband gave her permission to take another lover.”

“That sounds intimidating. Honestly, I’m a virgin.”

“Well, don’t you want to learn how to have sex and please a
woman?” I asked.

“Of course. But I don’t wanna go to some woman’s house, and her
husband is there, or whatever. That’s just kind of awkward.” he said,
laughing at the thought.

“But you would hook up with an older woman?”

“Definitely. I love older women, I just don’t even know how to go

about talking to them. I feel like we wouldn’t have anything in common,
and they just wouldn’t be into someone my age.” he said.

“Well, I’m older than you and we always have great conversations.”

“And I happen to know that some older women are turned on by the
idea of sleeping with a younger man.” I said.

“Please introduce me to these women,” he said. Jeremy had a good

sense of humor, and a healthy sense of himself despite his age. “Why do
you think that older women want to sleep with younger men? Because I
know that I want to sleep with older women too, but I don’t understand

“There’s lots of reasons. There’s kind of a naughty element to the

age gap, and to maybe teaching a younger man or him learning about sex
through you.” I said.

“Yeah, I think part of it for me is just like, older women seem like
they’d have more experience and would already know what they want.”

“Do you think that would be comforting? An older woman guiding

you through the process?” I asked.

“Yeah, for sure. I mean, ideally.”

“I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with you these past few days. I
didn’t realize we had such good chemistry.”

“Yeah. It has been fun.”

“I’m gonna go take a hot bath, did you notice that your father is
sleeping on the couch now?” I asked.

“Yeah, what’s up with that? Are you two fighting or something?” he


“No, it’s just our new agreement. We aren’t going to be sleeping

together anymore, and he gave me permission to find a new lover.” I said,
on my way out the door. I smirked to myself, wondering what thoughts
were brewing in Jeremy’s mind after I left.
Chapter 4 - Jeremy

My head was practically spinning as I replayed our conversation over

and over again. My cock was throbbing hard in my pants just from thinking
about the possibility of losing my virginity to my stepmom.

“There’s no way that’s what she meant.” I told myself, unable to

comprehend what had taken place. I paced around my room, hoping and
praying that she was talking about herself when she said she knew an older
woman who was interested.

I’d had a secret crush on Mona from the moment I laid my eyes on
her. She seemed out of his league to me, but I loved that he married her
because it meant I got to spend time with her and always be around a
gorgeous woman. Everything about her was sexy to me, from her perfect
little toes to her round ass and perfect tits to her stunning smile. She was a
goddess as far as I was concerned, and I couldn’t even count how many
times I’d jerked off fantasizing about her.

That would be so amazing, to be able to fuck Mona. Good lord, I can’t

even imagine. I bet it feels so good to be inside her pussy. Fuck that’s hot. I
would literally do anything to be able to fuck her. I bet she is amazing in
bed, she’s so outgoing and fun. It would be so perfect, and we could do it all
the time. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather fuck for my first time.

I couldn’t get my erection to go down, and my thoughts kept drifting

to a naked Mona relaxing in the bath tub right down the hall. She wasn’t
going to fuck my dad anymore, and she wanted a new lover. It had to be
me. I had to convince her.

She’d been extra flirtatious around me for days, and had taken to
wearing the sluttiest clothes imaginable. Seeing her dressed like that drove
me wild, and filled me with a building tension that could only be relieved
temporarily in the shower. Why did I have to have such a hot stepmom? It
was a blessing and a curse.
My phone buzzed. It was a text from Mona, with a picture of her toes
poking out of the water, followed by a message.

MONA: Just finished my bath, come lay down with me?

JEREMY: I’ll be right there.

After I pressed send, an anxious energy moved through me and I

walked down the hallway towards her room on complete autopilot. When I
entered the room, she was laying on her bed wearing only a white towel.

“Close the door behind you.” she said. I did as I was told, and
walked over to the bed and had a seat. “So, we’re in quite the predicament

“How so?”

“Well, I’m looking for a younger man to take over as my lover, and
to get me pregnant. And you’re looking for an experienced older woman to
show you the ropes. If only there were some sort of an obvious solution to
our conundrum.” she said, letting her hand move up my thigh.

“What are you doing?” I asked, as her hand moved to my crotch.

“Oh, nothing. Just looking for something to play with.” she said,
grabbing my dick from the outside of my sweatpants. “Oh, wow. I think I
found it.”

“That feels so good.” I said, as her hand stroked up and down.

“Yeah? Can I take it out and kiss on it?” she asked.

“Yes.” I said, completely unable to resist her.

“Here, let me take this off.” Mona unclasped her towel, allowing it
to fall to the bed. “What do you think?” she asked, pressing her breasts
together with her arms and shaking them back and forth.
“They’re gorgeous.” I said, staring at her perfect chest. I’d wanted to
see her naked for so long, and it was even better than I could have ever

“Good boy. Do you want to suck on mommy’s nipples?” she asked.

I didn’t even respond, I instinctively leaned forward. “That’s a good boy.”

“Mmm…” I moaned, kissing and licking her perky tips.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” she asked. I looked up at her, and

“I love it.”

“Call me mommy.” she said, pulling my face against hers for a

sloppy kiss. Her tongue swirled around inside my mouth, and I felt like I
might climax in my pants. It was surreal, and I couldn’t believe it was
happening. Her fingers slipped inside my waistband, pulling my sweats
down until my cock flopped out. “Oh, wow. Look how hard it is.”

“Oh my God.” I said, watching as my naked stepmother lowered

herself to her knees beside the bed.

“Do you want mommy to kiss it for you?” she asked.


“Say it.”

“Please mommy.” I said, feeling embarrassed but too horny to

refuse her.

“Has a girl ever sucked on it for you before?” she asked.

“No.” I said, staring back at her in awe of her beauty. She was so
much more desirable than any other woman I knew, and she was holding
my cock in her hands.

“Let mommy show you how good it feels.” she said, parting her lips
and placing soft kisses on the tip. She caressed my balls and licked my

“Oh my gosh.” I said, feeling the pulse throb through my erection.

“I love how hard you are for me. Your cock is so much nicer than
your fathers.” she said, wrapping her lips around the tip, and flicking her
tongue against it.

“Ugh…” I sighed, unable to pry my eyes from her face. She had
never looked more beautiful than down on her knees, kissing all over my

“That’s mommy’s good boy.” she said, opening her mouth and
swallowing deeper.


“Guck, guck, guck.” her throat made squishing sounds as she forced
her throat down onto me.

“Mona…” I said her name, over and over as she enthusiastically

worshiped my cock. Before that moment, I didn’t know that such pleasure
existed. After years of fantasizing about her, it was finally happening. My
stepmom was slobbering all over my cock, and there was no way I could
last much longer without exploding.

“Ahhh…” she gasped for breath, smiling as saliva dripped from her
chin. “I haven’t had a big hard cock in my mouth in ages.”

“Mona, I’m going to cum if you don’t stop.” I said.

“I know, baby. I want it. I want you to cum for me, and I want to
swallow it.” she said.


“I love your balls.” she said, stroking my dick as she buried her face
in them.

“Fuck.” her mouth provided suction to my testicles, making popping

sounds as she alternated back and forth between them.

“They’re so swollen and full. Don’t worry baby, mommy will drain
them for you.” she said.

“Yes, mommy. Please make me cum.” I said, practically

whimpering. She had me so close to the edge that it was almost painful.

“I only drink your cum now, Jeremy. Only yours.” she said, spitting
on my cock and then slurping it off. “I love your cock so much.”

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum, Mona. I’m gonna cum.” my cock flushed
with pressure, and pleasure built up inside me towards a powerful

“Mmm…mmm…mmm…” she moaned while sucking and stroking

in unison, sloppily stimulating me to orgasm.

“Oh, fuck.” I gripped her by the hair, seizing repeatedly as I erupted

inside her mouth.

“Mmm!” she squealed with delight as it flexed in her mouth,

spitting hot cum.

“Oh my God.” I arched against her, forcing my cock almost down

her throat as I peaked. I saw stars, and my toes flexed and curled
uncontrollably. It was the greatest moment of my life.

Mona slid her mouth off of my cock without spilling the cum, tilting
her head back and gurgling. I watched her little show, until she took a hard
gulp and swallowed it all down before letting out a feminine giggle.

“I haven’t done that in a while.” she said.

“I’ve never done that.”

“How was it?” she asked, grinning and crawling into bed with me.

“Amazing.” I said, feeling a tiredness wash over me. She put her
head on my chest, and I held her close to me. She was the most beautiful
and perfect woman in the world, and she was all mine.

“The next time you cum, I want it to be inside me.”

“Why are you so sexy?” I asked, peering into her eyes.

“You’re the sexy one.” she said, placing her hand on my cock. “I
can’t wait for you to fuck me.”
“Come here.” I said, leaning in for a kiss. Her soft hands wrapped
around my shaft, bringing it eagerly back to life.

“Oh wow, already?” she asked, grinning. “I’m not used to this.”
Mona climbed up into my lap, and reached between her legs to take hold of
my cock. “Sucking your cock made me so horny.”

“It’s so wet.” I said, as she rubbed the head back and forth between
her lips.

“What can I say? Watching you cum made mommy all wet inside.”
she said, sinking her weight down onto me.
“Ugh.” I grunted as my cock entered a woman for the first time. Her
warm tightness squeezed my cock like nothing ever had before, swallowing
my entire cock. “Oh my God.”

“How is it, baby?” she asked, her tits dangling in my face.

“It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt.”

“Good boy, you like fucking your mommy’s pussy?” she asked.

“I do.” I said, growing more aroused by her dirty talking the more
she did it.

“Good boy, fuck mommy. Fuck your mommy’s pussy and make her
cum for your big cock.”

“Mona, it’s so good. It’s so fucking good.” I said, squeezing and

kissing her breasts as they bounced in my face. She grinded against me,
back and forth really fast. She moaned and squealed, rocking the bed while
riding me. I was way too immersed in what was happening to consider the
potential ramifications of what we were doing, all I cared about was
continuing to fuck my stepmom.
Chapter 5 - Mona
It’d been so long since I’d felt the exhilaration of a new partner, and
his young cock stayed so hard for me.

“It’s so big.” I moaned, settled into my spot. Jeremy’s dick hit spots
his father’s never could, and I found it easy to climax for him.

“It feels so good.” he said, his hands gripping firm handfuls of my

ass, pulling me down onto him.

“I’m gonna cum, Jeremy. Mommy’s gonna cum.”

“Fuck, me too.”

“Good boy, cum for your mommy. Cum inside my pussy.” I

shouted, unconcerned if my husband could hear us or not. “Fuck!”

“I’m so close, I can’t stop it.”

“Ugh!” I began rubbing my clit as hard as I could, peaking at the

exact same time that he began pulsing inside me.

“Mona….” he placed his face between my tits, holding onto me

tightly as his cock flexed ropes of cum.

“That’s so good.” I sighed, focusing on the sensation of his

throbbing erection.

“Holy shit.”

“We’re gonna have so much fun together. Why haven’t we done this
before?” I asked, being playful.

“I’ve fantasized about it before.” he said.

“I know. You used my dirty panties to help make you cum.” I said,
grinning. He let out a gasp of laughter, and covered up his face with his

“I did. All the time. While we’re at it, I’ve masturbated while
looking at your bikini pics on Insta too.” he said.

“That’s so adorable. I love it.” I said, stepping off of him. “Oh my

goodness, Jeremy. It’s so much.”

“Yeah, I made a mess.” he said, watching as huge globs of excess

cum dribbled onto my sheets.

“That’s so hot. Your father never came like that.” I said, scurrying
off to find a towel. My body tingled and I felt euphoric. This was exactly
what I was missing.

Over the next few days, we rarely left the bedroom except to grab
our delivery food. My passion was completely reignited by him, and I
became more addicted to his touch with each passing day. He made me feel
young again, and playful.

I gave him every first I could think of. He licked my asshole, sucked
on my toes, and ate my pussy. We came in every position I could think of,
and engaged in all sorts of kinky dirty talk. Our main kink was not wasting
his cum, as every drop went directly in my pussy.

Naturally, we settled into the new dynamic and became very

affectionate whether we were making love or not. For all intents and
purposes, we were a couple, and he was the new man of the house.

I of course became pregnant, and we decided we would tell

everyone that Phil was the father of the child. Accepting defeat as always,
and too cowardly to face the shame of his existence, Phil accepted these
terms without hesitation. In his mind, it was a win. People would think that
he had gotten me pregnant, and was a virile man, instead of the truth, that
he was impotent and being cucked by his own son, in his own household.
Becoming His Naughty Girl (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 2

Chapter 1 - Allie

“What’s been going on with you and mom?” I asked, applying

sunscreen on my legs out back by the pool.

“What do you mean?”

“It just seems like you two are very distant lately.”

“You noticed that, huh?” Jared asked.

“It’s pretty obvious. What happened?”

“Your mother and I are taking a break,” he said. “It may be

permanent, I’m not sure.”

“Oh. Wow.”

“Yeah. We’ve been struggling for a while, but things finally came to a
head.” he said, cracking open a hard seltzer. The sun was shining, and we
had the whole house to ourselves for the weekend, as my mother was
staying at a hotel on the other side of town after saying she needed space.

“I don’t mean to pry, but what is it?”

“Sex.” he said, taking a sip. I couldn’t see his eyes behind his dark
sunglasses, and I was surprised to hear it.

“Yep. I don’t want to go into too many details here, but your mother
is pretty vanilla, which is fine, but as I get older, I just need a woman who is
dirtier, and kinkier than she is in the bedroom.” he said.

“Oh.” I said, grabbing my lemonade and pulling from the straw. It

wasn’t exactly the conversation I had in mind, but I found it very
interesting. “Like, how so?”

“Allie. Are you sure you want to talk about this?” he asked.

“I don’t mind.” I said. Jared was my secret crush and forbidden

temptation. No one, including him, had any idea just how badly I wanted

“Your mother is very attractive, I enjoy sleeping with her, but she’s so
dull. She just lays there on the bottom, nearly silent, and she rarely gives me
head. Even when she does suck on it, it’s so half assed and unenthusiastic
that I could fall asleep.” he said. He stared off into the distance as he spoke,
completely detached from what he was saying.

“Did you try talking to her?”

“I did. We spoke about it multiple times, but every time I tried to

spice up the bedroom, she would freak out and then get super awkward
about it. We agreed to take a break, and stop sleeping together.”

“Oh my gosh. I didn’t realize you guys were having so many


“It is what it is. We tried, and I guess our mismatched desires are
irreconcilable.” he said. I could tell he’d thought about it a lot, and had
already come to terms with the situation.

“So what’s gonna happen?” I asked, realizing that divorce might be

on the table. Jared lowered his glasses, and smiled at me.
“What’s gonna happen is, I’m gonna drink a bunch of these seltzers,
and spend my day with my favorite girl in the world.” he said.

“You’re too sweet.” I said, feeling myself blush. My head was racing
with the new developments, and I couldn’t stop poking around. “Do you
think you might get divorced?”

“I’d rather not, and your mother feels the same way. Honestly, I think
I’m just gonna find a side girl and take the guest room over.” he said,
having another sip. “I love that bathing suit by the way, I’ve never seen you
wear it before.”

“Oh, thanks. It’s new.” I said, looking down at my tanned body in my

new purple bikini. It was a lot more revealing than the rest of my
swimwear, and I’d picked it out specifically to wear around the house.

“It looks good on you.”

“Don’t you think mom is gonna get mad if you have a side chick

“Nope. We already talked about it.”

“Really? You’re lying.”

“She said she can’t please me sexually, so I’m free to find someone
who can.” he said. “And I have every intention of doing exactly that. I
haven’t had great sex or a good blowjob in so fucking long.”

“Well, if she doesn’t care then I guess go for it. Do you have anyone
in mind?” I asked.

“No. I’m thinking of someone younger though, someone who I can

coach into being my naughty girl.”

“Oh.” I said, feeling a tinge of jealousy. It was the job I wanted, and I
wished there was an official application I could submit.
“It’s hot out here. I’m gonna hop in.” he said, removing his sunglasses
and standing up beside me. “You coming?”

“I think I’ll wait a minute.”

“Suit yourself.” he said, before performing a cannonball into the pull.

“Well, well, well…” I said, sucking the bottom out of my glass of

lemonade and thinking about all the dirty possibilities. I would gladly be the
dirty girl he wanted, and I would eagerly submit to any demand that he
could possibly muster.

I watched him swim for the next couple minutes, fantasizing about
what could happen if only he could see me in the same light that I saw him
Chapter 2 - Jason

It was a major load off my mind when Stephanie decided to stay at a

hotel for the weekend. Instantly, I felt relaxed and at home. I didn’t have
any work to do, and my plans consisted entirely of getting drunk and
hanging out at home.

The best part was having my stepdaughter Allie there to keep me

company. Being alone in a house makes me stir crazy, but Allie’s presence
was more than enough to keep me sane. On top of that, she also kept me in
a constant state of horniness.

Allie was an absolute doll and I wished there was a law that stated she
had to wear a skimpy bikini at all times. My goodness, she was delectable
in every way, from her head to her tiny little painted toes.

We’d always been close, and it didn’t surprise me that she elected to
stay home and keep me company. Her mother was almost always home, so
it was a rare chance for us to spend some time together alone. And I have to
say, it changed the dynamic quite a bit.

I was moving through seltzers, and our conversation was flowing. I

felt so free with her, all alone at the house. It was something I could
definitely see myself getting used to. Seeing Allie prancing around in her
bikini, so care free and full of youthful exuberance made me feel a bit
younger myself, and I started thinking that maybe I would have a chance
with her.

It wasn’t my proudest thought, but it wasn’t the first time it crossed

my mind. I couldn’t help myself, the way she dressed sometimes left little
to the imagination, and my attraction to her was an impulse I had no control

As soon as her mother was out of the house, our interactions picked
up a more flirtatious undertone, and I enjoyed every second of it. I could
stare at her for hours, especially in a bikini, and having her laugh at all my
jokes and rub my arms made it even more enjoyable.

“Can I ask you a question?” she asked, breaking away from her
playful demeanor and turning more serious.

“What’s up?”
“What exactly did you mean when you said that you needed a
naughtier girl? I just don’t want to have this happen to me someday.”

“Oh, baby. That will never happen with you.” I said, scanning her up
and down from behind my shades. My dick was getting hard, and my buzz
was kicking in.

“Daddy…please tell me.”

“Fine. For starters, she treated blowjobs like some kind of chore. She
made such a big deal out of it that I couldn’t even enjoy it. And she was
quiet, unenthusiastic, just boring and monotonous.” I said, quickly falling
into a rant.

“What should she have done instead? To make you happy.”

“Eye contact while she’s blowing me. Dirty talk. Get into it and
actually enjoy herself.” I said. “And it’s more than just oral, she just had a
bad attitude about it like it was this huge inconvenience.”

“Did you ask her about it?”

“Yeah. She just doesn’t have much of a libido, and she said she
doesn’t like degrading herself.” I said.

“Degrading herself?”

“Yeah. Look, I shouldn’t even be saying this, but what I want is a

little slut all for myself. I want a girl who is eager, willing, and submissive.
A girl who doesn’t mind getting sloppy with it while she blows me, let’s me
fuck her face, eat her ass, lick her toes, just all the naughty things I want to
do.” I said, spilling my guts to my 19 year old stepdaughter. It was far
different from any conversation we’d had before, but I felt perfectly
comfortable talking to her.

“Wow. That’s hot.” she said, wiggling around in her sun chair.

“Oh yeah?” I asked, having a chuckle and a big gulp of black cherry

“Yeah. I’ve only been with two guys, but they didn’t take charge and
it was awful. I just want a guy who knows what he wants and is willing to
take it.” she said. I could tell she was a bit uncomfortable, but I appreciated
her for opening up.

“Maybe we could have a stepdad and stepdaughter with benefits

situation, that would solve both of our problems.” I said. As soon as the
joke left my mouth, I knew that I shouldn’t have said it.

“Really?” she asked, perking up. It wasn’t the way I expected it to

land, but I couldn’t squander the opportunity.

“Why not?” I asked, grinning. I would take this little bit as far as she
was willing to.

“Uhm, I mean, yeah. As long as mom doesn’t find out, I don’t see
why we couldn’t.” she said. It was a moment of clarity for me, as it was
written all over her face and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it before.

“It will be our secret.” I said, trying not to over commit as I was still
gauging her reaction. Suddenly, her erect nipples caught my attention and it
felt like my senses were heightened. It was such a deep and dark fantasy of
mine, something I never thought would come to the surface.
“Okay.” she said, brushing her hair behind her ears and giggling
nervously. I saw my shot, and I didn’t hesitate. I grabbed her by the waist,
and lifted her up into my arms for a kiss. It went perfectly, as she wrapped
her little ankles around me and shoved her tongue into my throat.

“Mmm…you taste so good sweetheart.” I said. As I carried her away

from the pool and inside, I knew that we were about to cross lines that
couldn’t be uncrossed. I was going to have my way with my stepdaughter,
and she was going to let me do whatever I wanted to her.
Chapter 3 - Allie

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” I said, giggling through our kisses
as his stubble tickled me. I felt so weightless in his big strong arms, and as
he carried me into his bedroom, I realized what was about to happen.

My stepdad was about to fuck me into oblivion, and all I could do

was hang on for dear life and enjoy the ride. He was in his early forties, and
had been having sex longer for longer than I’d been alive.

“I know, I’ve thought about this so many times.” he said, dropping me

down on his bed.

“Me too.” I admitted.

“Are you gonna be my naughty girl?” he asked, standing at the foot of

the bed and removing his trunks.

“Yes daddy.” I said, my eyes bulging at the sight of his semi hard
cock. I covered my mouth instinctively, and tried prying my eyes away but
kept looking back at it. I’d never seen a real man’s cock before, with all the
hair, veins, and swollen balls.

“You like?” he asked, taking hold of himself with one hand and
grabbing hold of my hair with the other.

“It’s gorgeous.” I said, surprised by my own word choice.

“Show me that you can be naughty. I want you to keep going no

matter what, okay? Even if you choke, or gag, and even if there’s spit
dripping from your chin.” he said, tightening his fist around my hair. I
looked up at him smiling, letting my eyes go crossed and sticking out my

“Yes daddy.”
“Good. You’re gonna be daddy’s cock slut from now on, do you
understand?” he asked. I nodded, trying to wrap my lips around his cock.

“Yes daddy.”

“Only mine. Do you understand?”

“Yes daddy, please let me suck it. You’re making me so horny.” I

moaned, surprising myself with how eager I was.

“Good slut.” he said, pressing my head down onto him. I opened wide
and began swallowing around his flesh. It tasted amazing, and I swirled my
tongue around him. “Oh my God…I knew your mouth would feel perfect.”


“Deeper…hold it.”

“Guck!” I coughed uncontrollably, but he held my head in place. His

puffy, bulbous head poked against the back of my throat, and I couldn’t stop
coughing up onto it. I wanted to please him. It turned me on being used so
rough, even though it was very uncomfortable.

“Breathe…good slut. Now more.” he said, shoving me back down

onto his cock. He used my throat like it was a fucktoy, and I found myself
getting more and more turned on as he used me. If it was anyone else, I
couldn’t have let them treat me that way, but seeing that primal side of him
made me melt.

“Uhhhh!” I gasped for air at every chance, and paid no mind to the
globs of viscous spit that were dripping from my chin.

“Do you wanna suck daddy’s balls?” he asked. I raised my eyes to

meet his, and wiped my mouth.
“Please, daddy.” I said. Jason crawled into bed with me, and laid
down on his back.

“Lay on your stomach between my legs,” he said.

“Yes sir.” I said, taking pleasure in doing as I was told. I hadn’t been
able to put my finger on exactly why I hadn’t enjoyed my sexual
experiences up until that point, and it became abundantly clear as I buried
my face in my step father’s testicles.

What I needed was a masculine, dominant, alpha figure like my

stepdad. I needed a man who would take control, and tell me what to do.
Submitting to his desires brought out a side of myself I didn’t know existed,
and I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying the taste of sweaty balls as
I munched away.

“Lower,” he said, pushing my head down.

“Your ass?” I asked. Instead of answering verbally, he lifted his legs

and shoved my face into it. I hesitated slightly, but found myself sticking
out my tongue until I made contact.

“Lick it harder. Bury your face. Show me what a good little slut you
can be.” he said. It was hairy and definitely new for me, but I gave in
because I was so aroused.

“Mmm…” I moaned, stroking his cock and eating his ass.

“Oh my God. Your mother would never do this for me.” he said.

“I like it. It’s hot.” I said.

“Oh yeah?” he asked, and popped up on his hands and knees. “Show
me how much you like it.”
“Yes daddy.” I said. It was strange seeing a man in front of me on his
hands and knees, but I approached and pulled his ass apart.

“I’ve been dreaming of a younger slut like you, Allie. You have no
idea.” he said, moaning as I stuck my tongue in and out of his asshole. It
was by far the most disgusting thing I’d ever done sexually, but for some
reason it made me so horny that I couldn’t control myself.

“Mmm…I’ll do anything for my daddy.” I said, spitting in his hole

and spreading it around with the tip of my tongue.

“That’s so good, baby. Reach around and stroke it.”

“Yes daddy.” I said. His cock was still dripping with spit, and my
hand slipped up and down his length. My nose was buried so deep in his ass
that I had to breathe through my mouth, but I continued lapping away like
the submissive slut that I was.

“My turn.” he said.

“What do you mean?” I asked, noticing how swollen and wet my lips

“I want to taste my little girl’s asshole. I want to worship it.”

“Oh.” I said, feeling myself turn shy. I’d never been exposed to
someone like that, especially my stepdad.

“Hands and knees.”

“Should I take off my bottoms?”

“No. I’ll do it.”
Chapter 4 - Jared

I’d been married to Stephanie for almost 11 years, and she’d never
eaten my ass or given me a blowjob half as fulfilling as what Allie gave me
the very first time we got our hands on each other. I know that what we did
was terrible, but it was also beyond our control.

What I needed, she had. And what she craved, I was willing to give
her. Our closeness and the natural love we’d developed for each other came
pouring out, and we got to show each other how much we cared about each
other in the most intimate way. She let me do things no stepdad should ever
do to his stepdaughter, and I knew right away that we were going to have
quite a fling.

I pulled her bikini bottoms to the side, slipping my finger inside her
soaking wet tightness as I placed my lips between her ass cheeks.

“It’s so cute.” I said, tonguing her asshole gently.

“Ooh!” she squealed, gripping the sheets as I increased the pace. My

cock was so fucking hard that I couldn’t indulge as much as I wanted. After
getting a solid taste of her asshole and pussy, I knew that I had to feel inside

“Spread your legs.” I said, mounting her in the missionary position. I

brought her feet to my face, rubbing her soles on my face as I licked and
sucked her toes. “Perfect.”

“Oh, daddy. That feels so good.” she said, her eyes full of wonder as
she watched her old man’s tongue swirling around her adorable little toes.

“I need your pussy, baby. I need it so bad.”

“It’s your pussy, now daddy. Only yours.”

“Good girl.” I whispered, bringing the tip to her opening and rubbing
it up and down against her. My heart was pounding as I pressed it inside her
without protection. “Oh my God…holy fuck, Allie. You feel like a virgin.”


“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. It’s just a lot bigger than I’m used to.”

“You’ll get used to me, baby. You’re gonna take my cock every night
from now on.” I said, burying it deep inside her cunt. It was so fresh, and
wet, and warm and inviting. “Holy fuck.”

“Oh my God, daddy. Harder.”

“Play with your clit. I want you to cum.” I said, holding her by the
ankles and driving my hips against her pelvis.

“Your balls….oh my God.” her soft voice and feminine vocal tone
echoed through the room, whimpers and moans that were like music to my

“Oh, baby. I love it so much, I love your tight little pussy.” I grunted,
kissing her so deep that I was slobbering into her mouth. I held her head
with both hands, forcing my tongue deeper into her mouth.

“I love you, daddy. I love you so much!” she called out, rubbing her
clit as fast as she could while I pounded her harder and harder.

“I’m gonna cum so hard for you, Allie.”

“In me, I want it.”

“I love you.” I said, pressing my lips to hers. I bottomed out inside

her, jack hammering so hard that my balls were slapping against her as hard
as our bodies were colliding. My headboard hadn’t slammed into the wall
like that in nearly a decade.

“Daddy, I’m cumming….” she whimpered, her face twisting up with

pleasure as she writhed beneath me. Her breathing changed and she grinded
against me from the bottom, her sweet voice echoing out in agony.

“Fuck, baby. I’m gonna cum.” seeing her enter that state, watching
my stepdaughter cum for my cock while her perky tits bounced beneath my
thrusts was too much to handle. It was the single most erotic thing I’d ever
seen, and I can’t put into words how powerful my building orgasm was.

It was as if the taboo nature of the situation itself made me cum

harder. There was so much context between us, so many reasons we
shouldn’t be laying naked in the same bed, saying filthy things to each other
while I drained my balls in her fertile young pussy.

“Oh my God.” I sighed, feeling my cock pulse inside her. I hadn’t

cum in days, and I could feel her filling up with each hard rope of hot sticky

Chapter 5 - Allie

A wave of emotions washed over me, and I wrapped my legs around

his waist and pulled him in deeper. Even though he’d already pumped me
full of cum, I didn’t want him to take it out.

“I love you so much, Allie. Such a good girl.”

“You mean naughty, right?”

“That’s exactly what I mean.” he said, grinding slowly against me as
we kissed in post coital bliss. Our making out must have awoken him,
because moments later we were right back to full on fucking.

“How are you still hard?” I asked, lifting my legs up by my head.

“Because I can’t get enough of you.” he said, “Turn over. I want to

look at that pretty little booty.”

“Yes sir.” I said, still breathing heavily but eager to continue. I

couldn’t help thinking about how I was in my step dad and mom’s marital
bed, and that I was face down ass up begging him to drill me with his big
daddy dick. I should have felt guilty, or ashamed, but instead I only felt an
overwhelming pleasure, something addicting that I had never experienced.

“God damn, baby. It’s so yummy, I just want to fuck it, and then eat
it, and then fuck it some more.” he said, giving my butt cheek a hard slap
before pulling me into him.

“Oh!” I squealed as he entered me, and I could feel myself stretching

to take him. He felt even bigger going from behind, and I made
unintelligible noises and dug my fingers into the sheets as he drove himself
into me harder and harder until we were both climaxing again. I could feel
the sweat dripping off of him onto my back, his strong fingers digging into
my flesh as he once again came inside me without protection.

“Jesus Christ, Allie. You are exactly what I’ve been missing in my

“It’s mutual.” I said, stretching out. “Trust me.”
Chapter 6 - Jared

Once I’d tasted her sweetness, there was no turning back. I’d
expected us to continue fooling around, but I didn’t realize how intense our
bond would grow. And quickly.

It was more than hooking up four or five times a day, it was the long
conversations, the flirting, the affection, the love. It was the real thing, and
as much as I tried denying it to myself because of how messy I knew it was
going to end up being, I knew it right away.

Stephanie and I spoke over dinner, and I explained that I no longer

had any interest in continuing with our marriage. She agreed, and said she
realized how much things needed to end between us during her weekend

“I slept with someone.” she said. I perked up, and shrugged.

“That’s fine. I understand.” I said, unwilling to give up my little

secret. It was best that she didn’t know or find out about the kinky
unfolding relationship I was engaging in with her daughter.

Unfortunately, the break couldn’t be quite that clean. Allie got

pregnant within a few months of our fling, and soon we were going to
doctors and preparing for a child. We kept it away from her for as long as
possible, but she eventually pieced it together and went ballistic. Cooler
heads prevailed, we finalized our divorce, and we all moved on with life.

Allie and I now have two kids, and are happily married. Stephanie
will always give me the stink eye, but over the years she has mostly let it
Rough and Mean (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 3
Chapter 1 - Krissy

My boyfriend Bill was a massive asshole, but he was also five years
older than me and had a nice car and an apartment that I could use to escape
from my house. I didn’t have a bad home life, but my stepdad Rob was
strict, and he didn’t like me hanging out with guys like Bill.

Luckily for me, he had a full time job and was the head coach of a
local MMA team. Rob was a former professional Thai boxing champion,
and he trained a group of about 20 guys who fought mixed martial arts. He
worked all day, and then went to the gym to train his guys. That gave me
plenty of free time to sneak around and do hoodrat stuff with my friends.

By the time I turned 18, I figured he would loosen up and give me

more freedom, but he only seemed to zero in on me even more. It’s funny
because I actually met Bill through his gym, as he trained there for a couple
months and we ran into each other at a cookout. Apparently he couldn’t
keep up with his gym dues and had a temper, the latter of which led to him
being knocked unconscious and kicked out of the gym.

“I can’t believe you’re seriously entertaining that loser. He can’t

protect you, I can guarantee you that much. Kid can’t fight a lick.” he said.

“Okay…You hate every guy I date though.”

“Because you don’t know how to vet for a good man, and you keep
choosing duds.” he said.

“Ugh. I’m not getting married, I’m just dating him.”

“You’ll marry him over my dead body. And the dead bodies of every
fighter in my gym. I just don’t understand why you’re wasting your time.”
he said. We were eating breakfast, and I was counting down the seconds
until he left for work and was off of my case.

“I’m just trying to have fun, I don’t see why that bothers you so

“It bothers me because you’re my stepdaughter, and it’s embarrassing

when you associate yourself with common street trash. But I can’t control
you, so do whatever you want, just don’t come crying to me when it
inevitably doesn’t work out.” he said.

“Fine. I won’t.” I said, turning my attention over to my phone. That’s

how it was with Rob ever since I started dating Bill, a lot of unnecessary
tension because he was thinking too far into things. I wasn’t going to fall in
love with him, and I knew exactly what I was doing. Bill gave me access to
freedom and fun, away from the arbitrary rules at my house.

It was a little bit sad, because it was such a stark change from the
relationship we’d had before. He always had his eye on me, and was
definitely the disciplinarian, but he always adored me before.
Chapter 2 - Rob

I wasn’t at home enough to keep my eye on her, and I knew it was a

lost cause anyway. She had some sort of a wild streak in her, and there was
nothing I could do about it. My only wish was that she could show some
level of taste when it came to the guys she dated.

Bill in particular really bothered me, because she wouldn’t have ever
met him if I didn’t let him train at our gym for a while. He seemed okay at
first, kind of hot headed but seemed to want to learn. It didn’t last long, as
his ego couldn’t handle losing, and he started taking it out on smaller
fighters and even the women at the gym.

I gave one of my more advanced students the greenlight on him, and

he was knocked cold unconscious before being kicked out of the gym. No
worries, he signed the waiver.

That was the last I’d ever see of him, or so I thought. I’m not even
sure how it happened, if they connected on social media or exchanged
numbers when they first met, or what, but suddenly he was dating my
stepdaughter Krissy.

It’s pretty much a standard trope about the protective stepdad,

cleaning his gun or whatever. This wasn’t what this was though, I’d have
loved it if she dated some nerdy guy with a head on his shoulders, or even a
rougher prize fighter if he was the right type of guy. Bill was the worst of
both worlds. A real world idiot and wannabe tough guy.

The dynamic of our relationship changed right away, especially

when she repeatedly broke curfew. Whenever the team had fights out of
state, I knew that she stayed over at his place. It disgusted me to the point
where I couldn’t be around her without poking at her, making fun of her
choice of a boyfriend.
At the end of the day, I still loved her and wasn’t going to change
that for something as petty as a younger woman making a bad dating
decision. But I did find it difficult, and told her repeatedly not to come to
me when it came crashing down, because I also repeatedly told you so.

“I know what I’m doing, daddy. It’s kind of offensive that you think
Bill is going to outsmart me, or take advantage of me somehow.” she said.
Krissy always had an attitude like that, of taking things head on and doing it
her way. This case was different, as she was in over her head. She was too
young and naive to understand that she was already being taken advantage
of simply by putting herself around him.

“I never said he could or would outsmart you, but you’re already

twenty points behind in the game of being taken advantage of.” I said,
trying not to get emotionally involved in the conversation.

“Really? Like how he lets me drive his car, and pays for

“He doesn’t pay for shit. He buys you McDonald’s and lets you
drive his twenty year old Honda? Sounds like you’ve got a great hustle
going on, Krissy.” I said.

“Okay, he buys me food and lets me hang out at his place. It’s fun.
How am I being taken advantage of?” she asked, growing exasperated. I
took a deep breath and swallowed my food.

“Krissy. You’re a gorgeous, intelligent young woman. He’s a loser

with zero chance of winning at the game of life. By wrapping you up in his
bullshit, and convincing you to spend time with him, he’s getting over on
you.” I said.

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“It will, Krissy. I’m done with this conversation. Do you,” I said,
rolling my eyes. I was sick of trying to explain it to her. He was nasty and
less than, and he had no business being in her presence. At the very best,
the only thing he could do for her is waste her time, give her a child that he
won’t be there for, take her innocence, and probably give her herpes. That’s
the best case scenario.

“Fine. We’ll see.” she said. I let her have the last word because I had
other things on my mind, and my beautiful stepdaughter being fucked by
the biggest loser to walk through my gym in years simply wasn’t something
I wanted to let occupy the space of my thoughts.

“I’m going to work. Have a good one.” I said.

“You too.”
Chapter 3 - Krissy

I should have fucking known. Everyone told me, but it took Bill
actually showing me what a giant piece of crap he was for me to get it. And
oh boy, did he make a scene when he finally decided to show his true

It started with a party at his place, with lots of slutty girls and alcohol.
I don’t drink, so I tried to just be a chaperone for a while. Then I noticed
Bill going into the bathroom with some random girl, and they locked the
door and wouldn’t let me in.

A couple of his friends assured me that nothing was going on and

took me outside for some fresh air. By the time I got back inside, Bill was
gone. He literally left his own party, and drove drunk to avoid having to
face me after he fucked a random girl in the bathroom.

That girl’s name was Heather, and she went crazy and kept asking
where Bill went. She locked herself in his room and said she wasn’t leaving
until he came back, talking about how he came inside her and she wasn’t on
birth control. It was wild.

I ended up crashing on the couch that night after being unable to get
a hold of him, and the next morning I woke up to find out that he’d gotten a
DUI after totaling his car and was in jail. He called me and begged me to
come up with bail money.

“Come on, baby. It was a mistake, it didn’t mean nothin’.” he said,

calling me collect from county jail.

“You know what doesn’t mean anything? You being in jail.” I said,
and hung up the phone. It was a strange feeling, my boyfriend had cheated
and we were no longer together, but I felt nothing except for stupid. I felt
dumb, but not hurt.
I kept the whole thing to myself, too embarrassed to even let Rob
know that we’d broken up. Bill got out a week later, and kept calling me
over and over until I blocked his number. Then he showed up at my house
in an Uber, begging for another chance.

“Why is he here?” he asked. It was Rob, and he didn’t look or sound


“He was just leaving.” I said, pointing for him to go.

“What’s going on?” Rob asked, putting his arm around me and
staring down Bill.

“We broke up after he cheated, got a DUI, and totaled his car. Now
he’s harassing and stalking me.” I said.

“No, no! I’m sorry, I’ll go.” Bill said, backing up as fast as Rob was
walking toward him.
Please!” he shouted, his voice going high before he turned and ran down the
street. It was a funny sight, watching a grown man sprinting out of fear of
another man. I won’t lie, it was kind of hot.

“Thank God. I knew it was only a matter of time before he fucked up,
I’m just glad you weren’t in the car with him.” Rob said, pulling me in for a
big hug and lifting me into the air.

“Yeah.” I sighed.

“Told ya so.”

“Oh hush!” I said, turning red as we exchanged smiles.

“I’m kidding. I’m just glad to have you back.” he wrapped his arm
around me and kissed me on the forehead before leading me back inside. It
was a big relief feeling myself back in his good graces.
Things became a little weird for me over the next few days, as I
suddenly saw Rob in an entirely new light. He was so manly, rough, and
sexy. Things I hadn’t really thought about before started popping into my
head, and it was impossible to deny that I’d developed an attraction towards

And since we’d been sort of fighting, I really missed him and wanted
his attention. I kind of pushed the thoughts out of my head at first, but there
was no stopping them from coming right back in. I had to think about it,
and the more I did, the hornier and more turned on I became.

My fascination with my stepfather was so new that it shocked me the

levels of arousal that I was able to experience simply by imagining him on
top of me, with his hard cock buried inside me and thrusting away. That
became the only fantasy I had, and I played it out over and over beneath my
sheets, knowing that he was sleeping just down the hallway.

It felt like an obsession, and I wondered if I was losing my mind.

There’s no way it was normal or right for me to be having those sorts of
feelings, for my stepdad of all people, and certainly, there’s no way he
shared those feelings or ever thought of me like that.
Chapter 4 - Rob

There aren’t words to describe the feeling of relief that washed over
me once I knew that little fucker was out of her life for good. It also made
me realize how much I’d missed her, and how I was wrong for treating her
so differently because of the guy she was dating. I knew all along that it
wouldn’t last, so I had no excuse for being so mean about it.

We had a busy fight week when she got home, so I only saw her here
and there, and I found myself craving some time with her to talk about
things. She kept wearing revealing outfits, as it was the middle of summer,
and I couldn’t help noticing what a gorgeous young woman she’d become.

“I miss you daddy, when can we spend some time together?” she
asked. I was sitting at the breakfast table, and she’d wrapped her arms
around my shoulders and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

“I know, baby. Soon. I’ll get a day off here eventually.” I said. Krissy
had a short silk robe on, and as she strode past me to the refrigerator, I
caught a glimpse of her asscheeks poking out from beneath it. “Mmm.” I
made the noise without realizing it, and my eyes moved down her legs to
her pretty little red toes. When she turned around, I could see her cleavage
in the middle and her nipples poking against the fabric.

“You better. I miss my daddy.” she said, casting me a look and biting
her lip. It felt as if the look she gave me actually hit me physically, and I
could feel blood rushing between my legs as I struggled not to stare at her

“I promise.” I said, taking a deep breath and sip of my coffee. Krissy

started messing around on her phone, and I couldn’t help stealing glances
every couple of seconds. “Well, I gotta go.”

“Awh, I wish you could stay home and cuddle with me all day.” she
“Oh yeah?” I asked, giving her a hug. She held on extra long, nestling
against me so I caught a whiff of her freshly shampooed hair.


“We’ll have to make that happen.” I said.


“Okay, baby. I gotta go. I love you.”

“I love you too.” she said, and blew me a kiss. I hopped into the car
and pulled out of the driveway to start my drive to work, but my head
wasn’t there at all. The only thing I could think about was how sexy Krissy
was, and how flirtatious she was being.

She wore revealing clothing here and there, like short shorts and tank
tops, but that was over the top. She was either completely nude beneath her
robe, or was wearing a pair of underwear and nothing else. It bothered me
how badly I wanted to know the answer.

I found myself thinking about her body, and what she looked like
naked. And worse. I thought about what she’d taste like, how her pussy
would feel squeezing my dick as it tried to take it.

Damn it, I gotta get that shit out of my head. She’s so sexy though,
fuck. Those perky nipples, that tight little ass… you know it’d be fucking
intense too, that girl is full of spunk and personality. The things I would do
to her…fuck.

I had a full on erection when I pulled into the parking lot, and had to
forcefully move my mind elsewhere to let it subside. It wasn’t something
I’d thought about before, but there was no putting that thought back where
it came from. There was no way for me to unrealize how gorgeous she was,
or how badly I wanted to spread her legs and make love to her.
Chapter 5 - Krissy

I pestered him daily about spending time with me, using every
opportunity available to flirt with him. As the days passed, my desires were
only growing. It’s what I wanted. And I was becoming more and more
convinced that he was harboring a similar level of tension.

It was the way we looked at each other, the way we talked. I became
openly affectionate towards him, and it felt so natural giving him a shoulder
rub or cuddling up next to him on the couch. Finally, the day came when he
had the entire day with nothing to do. I was supposed to grab food with my
friend Kimmy, but I canceled so that I could spend the day at home with

“I told you I’d get a day off eventually,” he said. I clapped my hands
excitedly, and asked what he had planned. “Just you, baby. That’s all I
wanna do today.”

“Movie day and cuddles?” I asked, crossing my fingers. That was the
way I saw it playing it when I fantasized, as I hoped cuddling with him
would make him realize that he wanted me too.

“Let’s do it.” he said.

“Living room or my room?”

“Let’s spend the day in your room.” he said. I smiled to myself, just
like I preferred. Even though I knew that it was highly unlikely anything
would actually happen, I couldn’t help being excited at even the tiny

Ever since I started crushing on my Stepdad, guys my age just seemed

boring and unattractive. I knew exactly what I wanted, and it just so
happened to be my own stepdad. I made popcorn, and gathered snacks, and
then met him in my room wearing a tiny pair of booty shorts and a white
cami with nothing underneath. I also put my hair into pigtails, which he
always complimented as being adorable.

“Refreshments are served!” I giggled, bouncing into my room and

joining him on the bed.

“Oh, wow. Check you out.” he said, looking at me instead of the

popcorn. “I’m just here for the sweets. Where are these cuddles I was

“Here, let me start the movie and turn off the lights.” I said, trying to
get everything in order.

“Shut and lock the door while you’re at it.” he said.

“Yes, daddy.” I said, feeling the butterflies in my stomach come alive

as I did as I was told. I turned the lock until it clicked, and then crawled into
bed with Rob knowing we were all alone and we had the entire day to do
whatever we wanted.
Chapter 6 - Rob

It felt like the call of a siren, even though you knew you weren’t
supposed to answer it, the call was far too alluring to ignore. There was an
obvious sense of flirtation and sexual tension in the way we’d been
interacting for weeks, and I knew damn well that we were playing with fire.
It didn’t come close to stopping me.

She put on some random scary movie that I had zero interest in, and
then cuddled up against me in the little spoon position. If I had any hope of
playing it coy or not showing my cards, it went right out the window as she
pressed her ass against my crotch.

“What’s this called again?”

“Lake Pain. It’s about a bunch of college students who go to stay at a

lake house…and then a monster killer thing I guess haunts them or
whatever.” she said.

“Of course it is.”

“Mmm…” she moaned, wiggling her ass back and forth as my cock
quickly filled with blood. We laid there for a few minutes as the opening
scene played through, and I found myself allowing my fingertips to grace
her thighs and her side. Once again, the outline of her nipples was clearly
visible through the fabric of her white shirt, and I found myself paying
more attention to the warmth and curves of her body, and of her breathing
than I did to the movie.

“Do you feel that?” I asked, growing too horny to control myself.

“What do you mean?”

“Nevermind.” I said, grinning. There was no way she didn’t feel it, as
she kept expertly grinding against it and keeping it at full attention. I waited
a few seconds before beginning to flex it.
“Oh, that?” she asked, turning her head in my direction.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, I can’t help it. Your ass is just right there.” I said.

“Oh, I don’t mind daddy. Do you want me to move?”

“No. I don’t mind it either. It’s just a little inappropriate.” I said.

“True, but I kind of like that. As long as we don’t tell anyone, I think
it’s fine.”

“I agree.” I said, allowing my fingertip to slip into her waistband.

“When did you get so damn cute?”

“I dunno.” she said. The movie was no longer the main attraction, as
she was now being very open in her rhythmic grinding against me.

“That feels so good.”

“I like feeling how hard it is.”

“Yeah?” I asked, taking her hand in mine and guiding it between my

legs. “Feel it.”

“Oh, wow. It’s so thick.”

“You can rub it if you want.” I said. Krissy turned and sat to face me.

“I’d really like that.” she said. I watched in a pure state of arousal as
my stepdaughter pulled my shorts and underwear off. “Oh my goodness,
daddy. Fuck.”

“Touch it.” I said, enjoying the look of shock on her face as she
slowly reached out to grab it. She giggled, her eyes glued to my erection as
her fingers wrapped around it.
“Oh, gosh. It’s so big.”

“It’s okay, baby. You can handle it.” I said.

“I can definitely handle it with my hands!” she said, gripping my

shaft with both hands and stroking up and down. “But I don’t know how
else I could handle it.”

“Fuck, baby. That’s amazing.” I moaned. Krissy leaned forward and

let a glob of saliva drip onto the head, and then spread it around with the tip
of her pointer finger. “Yes, baby.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Because it’s naughty?”

“No. Because I’ve wanted to do it for so long, and I didn’t think it

would ever happen.” she said. Hearing her say that turned me on beyond
belief, knowing that a much younger and desirable woman like her had the
same craving for me that I had for her.

“You’re such a good girl.”

“I know, daddy. But I was being bad when I dated Bill. I should have
listened, I shouldn’t have disobeyed you.” she said, spitting on it again
without breaking her rhythm.

“It’s okay, angel. I’m sorry that I was so mean to you.”

“No, daddy. That’s what I deserved. I can’t believe I gave my body

over to him, when I really should have been giving it to you. You deserve
me.” she said, her eyes welling up with tears.

“Baby, come here. I love you.” I said, pulling her into my arms. A
tear rolled down her cheek as our lips met, and a tongue filled passionate
round of kissing followed. It was like there weren’t words to describe the
way we were feeling, so we used our bodies instead.

“Be rough daddy, be mean to me. That’s what I deserve.” she said. I
knew right then that we were about to take things to another level, and that
there would be no going back from the passion and intimacy we were about
to share with each other.

Any part of my rational mind that wanted to interject was offline, and
it felt like an uncontrollable urge finally coming to fruition. As I ripped off
her clothes, I finally saw what she’d been hiding all along. Her creamy
white body was on full display, and I’ve never felt more of a need to
possess someone than in that moment.

“I’m going to make you my little slut. Do you understand?” I asked,

grabbing her by the hair and forcing her down on her back.

“Yes.” she whimpered.

“And from now on, you’re going to do exactly as I tell you.”

“Yes daddy.”

She would be worshiped, ravaged, and punished. I spread her legs

apart, and held her head in place by a handful of hair as my other hand
explored her tightness.

“You’re so wet for daddy, like a little slut.”

“Yes, daddy. I can’t help it, I just want your dick so badly.” she said.
Feeling her wet pussy made me somehow even harder, and I forced my
finger inside her before pulling it back out and making her taste it.

“That’s your sweet little pussy juice, Krissy. You only lick it up for
daddy, understand? No one else.”
“Yes daddy.”

As much as I wanted to enter her right away, I found myself climbing

on top of her and making her suck on my balls while laying on her back.

“Look into my eyes.” I said, watching her struggle with a mouthful of

testicles. She sucked and slurped eagerly, moaning and writhing as she
pleasured me. “Lower. Lick my asshole.”

“Mmmm….” she moaned, swirling her tongue around my hole before

burying it inside.

“Oh, shit.” I wasn’t sure what came over me, it was like going on full
autopilot. My sex life was very vanilla, but with Krissy I felt unhinged, like
I could do whatever I wanted to her, and she would eagerly accept it.

Chapter 7 - Krissy

Lying beneath him was like ecstasy, and everything I could have
hoped for and more. He was exactly the type of lover I craved, and it felt
natural submitting to his powerful sexual will.

I got on my knees behind him, pulled his cheeks apart as he

instructed, and continued eating his muscular ass. I’d never done that
before, or anything like it. No one had ever inspired that type of desire in
me, nor been in control enough to make it happen.

“Good little whore, just like that. You know how to be a dirty little
slut, don’t you? You know what daddy likes.”

“Mmm…” I moaned in approval, unable to speak because my tongue

was…busy. I licked his asshole, his taint, and his balls. He mounted my
face and choked with his thick cock, pulling my hair, plugging my nose,
and even spitting into my mouth.
“Open wide.” he said, letting a large string of viscous spit drip into
my mouth. I gargled and swirled it around, and used it as lube when he
pressed my head back down onto his girth. My pussy had never ached like
that before, begging for touch.

“Bend over the mattress. Pull your ass apart.”

“Yes daddy.” I said, squirming into position as he approached me

from behind. The movie played in the background, but it was nothing but

“So pretty. Look at that pretty little asshole.” he said, spitting on it

and rubbing it around with his fingertip. “I want to taste it.”

“Oh, shit!” my eyes bulged as his tongue found my ass. It tickled, and
felt amazing, and warm, all at the same time. I loved it. He continued
licking it while rubbing my clit with the pads of his fingers.

“You taste so good, baby.” he said. His tongue made squishing sounds
and his fingers sent pleasure chills through my entire body. I pushed up on
my tippy toes, wiggling my ass against his face as he feast on my flesh.

“You’re such an amazing lover.” I said.

“And you’re my little cumslut.”

“Yes daddy.” I said. He pulled my hair like a ponytail, forcing me to

look at him while he pressed his cock into my waiting wetness.

“Ughhhh…” he growled, entering me without protection.

“Daddy…” I winced, feeling myself stretch as he bottomed out inside

me. I’d never felt so full, and I began drooling as he pounded away.

“It’s so tight.”

“Good girl. Squeal for daddy, whimper for that cock.” his low voice
boomed through the room, and he showed me what experience was all
about. I’d never been spoken to like that, and his dirty talk turned me on
almost as much as being split in half and blown out from behind.


“Shake that pretty little ass. That’s mine now. No more running
around like a little whore, doing whatever you want. That’s over.”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Now you do whatever I want.”

“I’m yours, I belong to you.”

“I own your pussy.”

“Yes daddy!” I called out. His roughness was everything I’d ever
wanted, and he had the stamina to go with his big hard daddy dick.
Cumming over and over, completely helpless under his powerful thrusts
was all that I could do.

“I’m not pulling out. It’s mine.”

“Yes!” I screamed, digging my fingers into the sheets as I reached yet

another powerful climax.

“I’m gonna cum, Krissy. I’m fucking cumming!” his gruff voice
spoke directly into my ear, his hot breath sending more chills as his hard
cock pulsed inside me, pumping me full of hot sticky cum.

“Oh my God.” I sighed as the pace finally slowed, and my grip on the
sheets relinquished. Another wave of pleasure moved over me, this time in
the form of post coital bliss.

Chapter 8 - Krissy

The story ends predictably in a lot of ways. For one, after that day
Rob and I were inseparable, and we never kept our hands to ourselves.
People started figuring it out, it was too obvious for no one to notice.

If they couldn’t tell by the fact that we were oddly affectionate and
flirtatious, they definitely knew when my belly started to swell. I stopped
taking birth control at his request, and he finished almost exclusively inside

I was happy to let my stepdaddy breed me, as I knew that I was in the
most capable hands in the world. Giving him a baby was the least I could
do in exchange for what he gave me. Our relationship is incredible, and the
passion in the bedroom never dwindles.

All along, he was what I needed. A strong, powerful, protective,

loving, masculine older man who would take full control in the bedroom
and give it to me the way I liked it, rough and mean.
Her Younger Man (Cuckold) - Taboo Volume 4

Chapter 1 - Jodi
My husband had lost his sex drive, and it usually didn’t work even
when he wanted it to. It had happened too many times, we’d start kissing or
fooling around, he’d get half hard, and then it would lay back down the
minute we tried going further.

It always bothered me, but I tried to be understanding. He used Viagra

on special occasions, but was limp other than that. A lot of it was his diet,
and the fact that he’d let himself go. In two years, he’d put on 40 pounds
and he was already a little overweight before that. His blood pressure was
high, and he was on heart medication.

Phillip was ten years older than me at 55, but I didn’t expect my sex
life to end so soon or suddenly. I also didn’t expect new urges to rush to the
surface, especially the more that I had to handle my own needs.

It started with fantasizing while touching myself, and I knew it was

wrong, but it turned me on so much that I couldn’t help myself. I got a little
carried away, and came so hard that I nearly passed out.

“Holy fuck. Why was that so hot?” I asked myself, panting heavily. I
felt embarrassment sweep over me, knowing that I’d just cum while
thinking about cheating with my stepson Mike. I pushed it out of my head
and went on with my day, but that was only the beginning.

I found myself noticing younger men while out at the grocery store,
and whenever I wore a low cut dress or something a little bit revealing, they
seemed to notice me too. The idea of a younger, strong, virile man having
his way with me turned me on to no end. I wanted a man who could go over
and over, and fuck me hard and senseless.
Phillip worked 12 hour shifts at a car shop, and Mike had graduated
and was off for the summer. That left Mike and I around each other way too
often, and the proximity made me lust for him more and more.

Mike was everything Phil wasn’t. Phillip’s ex was a two sport

collegiate athlete, so even though Mike was short and unathletic, Mike was
all of six feet two inches and 200 pounds of pure muscle. He did more
testosterone than he knew what to do with, and his trash can was always
filled with cum and lotion soaked tissues. There would always be a few
sticking to the bottom of the can when I emptied it out.

Like I said, I tried pushing it out of my head and ignoring it, but it
wouldn’t go away. It was getting stronger, and so were the graphic images I
imagined in my head. I’d been married for 7 years, and had grown
accustomed to his small penis and lack of performance, but a new curiosity
was born.

I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but I had to talk to him about
some sort of an arrangement. I was way too young to go the rest of my life
without a steady sex life, and it was clear that he wasn’t the one who was
going to give it to me. Phillip is even tempered, and a bit of a pushover, but
it went even better than I expected when I mentioned it.

“You mean, like, another lover?” he asked, trying to figure out what I
was asking him.

“Maybe. I’ve just had such strong swings in my libido lately, I want it
all the time.” I said.

“I’m sorry, Jodi. I just don’t have the desire to keep up.”

“I know, baby. I’m not mad at you, but I have to do something. I’m so
horny that I’m going crazy.”

“I understand. Well, I’m perfectly fine with a hotwife sort of

situation.” he said.

“Yeah. If I can’t do it, we should bring someone else in to handle it.”

he said.

“And that’s okay with you?”

“Yes, baby. I’m 55, I’ve got nothing left to prove or be jealous about.
It’s kind of hot, actually, the idea of another man fucking my wife, giving
her pleasure and making her cum in ways that I can’t even fathom.” he said.

“Mike. I didn’t expect this.”

“I wouldn’t have brought it up, but I’ve actually thought about it a lot
before.” he said.

“Oh, really?” I asked, having a bit of a giggle at the proposition of

indulging my craving for young cock. “Do tell…”

“You know how I’ve been having erectile dysfunction issues?

Sometimes I think about someone else stepping in while I sit there trying to
get it to work, and he just absolutely wears you out right in front of me and
then cums inside you.” he said. It was almost shocking hearing the words
leave his mouth, but it turned me on immensely.

“Oh, wow. That’s so hot.” I said. We were sitting in bed, and I could
feel myself getting moist.

“I think I’d rather not watch, in real life, but I’d love to hear about it.”

“That won’t be a problem at all.”

“Do you have anyone in mind? As the bull?” he asked.

“I dunno, not really.” I said, not quite ready to divulge my other
secret. He’d already agreed to let me sleep with someone else, I didn’t want
to blow it by telling him that I couldn’t stop thinking about his son’s cock.

“Any preferences?” he asked.

“Someone younger.” I said. “Tall. Muscular. Handsome. With a sex

drive for days.”

“I don’t think you’ll have any issues finding an eager young bull to
stuff you full of cock.” he said.

“So you’re sure about this?” I asked.

“Absolutely. I can’t handle the anxiety of trying to keep you satisfied,

it would actually be a relief to hand those duties off to someone younger
and more capable.” he said.

“Any ground rules?”

“No. Just do as you please, and feel free to tell me the details.” he


“And I’d rather not have to see it, so if you’re ever hooking up in the
bedroom, could you put a tie on the door or something to let me know?”

“Of course, baby. Thank you so much, I feel better already.” I said.
We hugged and kissed, and he continued getting ready for work. My gears
were turning, and even though I had permission to sleep with any man I
chose, there was really only one person on my mind.
Chapter 2 - Mike

I noticed Jodi acting kind of different toward me, sort of flirting and
getting more touchy feely around the house. At first I thought it was all in
my head, and that I was reading too far into it. There was no freaking way
that my 45 year old stepmother was actually coming onto me.

That said, I loved the extra attention. Whenever she was around, I
tried to keep our conversations going so I could keep staring at her. My dad
hit way out of his league when he landed her, and I was becoming more and
more attracted to her.

The whole milf thing was kind of my thing, but in real life, I froze up
around older women and found myself treating them very respectfully but
unable to flirt. I would have done anything to hook up with an experienced
older woman, and Jodi would have been perfect.

She started wearing shorter shorts, more revealing shirts, and finding
reasons to touch me. I loved her shoulder rubs, and whenever she finished I
always had to go to my room to rub one out. I’d been attracted to older
women before, but this was more intense than anything that had ever
happened to me.

I became fully fixated on her, to the point that it was making me

question my sanity. She was all I could think about, and I jerked off
thinking about her exclusively at least 3 or 4 times a day. At my most horny,
I’d even sneak into her room and steal a pair of her dirty panties to sniff and
jerk off with.

Seeing her naked was my secret obsession, but I could never get a
glimpse. My favorite thing in the world was when she wore a bikini,
because I could gawk at her from behind dark sunglasses and really ogle
her. Jodi always painted her nails red, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of
them. There was something about an older woman’s body that drove me
wild, and she was an extreme example of that for me.
I figured that a large part of what made the idea of fucking my own
stepmom so hot was that it was not only taboo and wrong, but it was also
feeling more and more like a legitimate possibility.

Even though I thought about her constantly, I obviously kept it to

myself. No one knew that the star of all of my fantasies lived right down the
hallway from me. When she flirted, I told myself that she was just being
nice, but it didn’t take long before her escalation crossed lines that made me
know for certain that she was thinking about it too. I was watching
highlights and eating a bowl of cereal, dad had just left the house for work,
and Jodi strolled into the living room wearing a black silky robe.

“Can I ask your opinion on something?” she asked.

“Yeah, sure.” I said, moving my eyes from the television to meet hers.
Instantly I felt the attraction, as she was barefoot and I could see her thighs.

“It’s kind of skimpy, but we’re both adults.” she said, untying her belt
and letting the robe slide down her shoulders and onto the floor. My eyes
bulged and my cock instantly swelled with blood. “What do you think?” she
asked, spinning slowly in a full circle to showcase her perfect ass in a tiny
little purple thong that split her tanned cheeks.

“Uhm. It looks great.” I said. She smiled, and pressed her breasts
together with her arms.

“Is it sexy?” she asked, strutting her stuff confidently. She looked
absolutely stunning, but the massive onslaught of blood flowing to my
penis was making me embarrassed.

“Definitely. It looks great on you.” I said, unable to pry my eyes from

the tan lines in her asscrack and beneath her cheeks.

“So if I crawled into bed with you wearing only this, you wouldn’t
kick me out?” she asked, stepping closer and standing directly in front of
“No way.” I said, smiling. It felt surreal, and it only intensified when
she straddled me and sat down on my lap.

“What about the top? Does it make my tits look alright?” she asked,
slipping her fingers inside the bikini straps and sliding them down her
shoulders. I nodded, and she leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. “I
love you.”

“I love you too.” I said, praying to God that she didn’t feel my

“Here, you can feel them.” she said, letting her top fall and exposing
her breasts.

“Mom, we shouldn’t be doing this.” I said, still with her weight

sinking down onto me.

“It’s okay, baby. I have permission.” she said, wrapping her arms
around my neck and pressing her tits against my face. “Do you think
they’re pretty?”

“They’re amazing.” I said, unable to fight my natural urges any

longer. My stepmom was grinding on my throbbing hard cock, and I
wrapped my lips around her nipples and sucked while squeezing them with
both hands.

“Good boy. I knew you would like mommy’s nipples.”

“They’re so suckable.” I moaned, alternating between her tits. I knew

what we were doing was wrong, but I didn’t have the willpower to stop
myself from worshiping her breasts.

“Ooh! That kind of tickles.” she cooed, reaching down and grabbing
my cock from outside of my shorts. “Oh, wow. You really like this outfit,
“It’s you, Jodi. I’ve wanted you for so long.” I said, so aroused that I
blurted my secret out loud.

“Oh, really? That’s awfully naughty of you, Mike. To think about

your mommy like that.” she said, leaning in for a sloppy wet kiss. Things
got out of control quickly from there, and the next thing I knew, Jodi was
pulling my shorts down to my ankles and getting on her knees in between
my legs.

“Are you sure about this? Isn’t he gonna be mad?” I asked, freaking
out at the last minute.

“Your father is my cuck.” she said, smiling at the sight of my cock as

she took hold of it. “Wow. It’s so much bigger than his.”

“That feels so good.” I said. Jodi spit on the head of my dick, and
slowly rubbed it in with the pad of her finger. “Fuck.”

“Look at those balls. Big and full, ready to pump me full of sticky
cum.” she said, dirty talking as she throated my cock.

“Oh my God!” I called out. It was the single hottest moment of my

life, and I was fighting as hard as I could not to explode in her mouth.

“I need this, baby.” she said, slapping my dick against her tongue. “I
need that big cock in me.”

“You’re so beautiful.”

“Mmmm….” she moaned, swallowing my length entirely. It was by

far the best blowjob I’d ever had, and her constant dirty talk was turning me
on so much that I didn’t think I’d last five minutes. “I know it’s wrong, but I
can’t help it. I need my son’s big dick.”
“Jodi, fuck. That’s so good.” I moaned, running my fingers through
her hair as she slobbered and gagged on my dick.

“Call me mommy.” she said, a strand of viscous spit connecting her

lips to my cock.
Chapter 3 - Jodi

I had been slowly working up towards seducing him for quite some
time, but it surprised me how aggressive I became once I couldn’t take it
anymore. As soon as Phil left the house for work, I put on a purple micro
bikini that I bought specifically for the occasion.

The moment I saw his thick, veiny cock I lost complete self control. It
was all such a blur, I just remember how big it felt in my mouth while I
gave him the sloppiest, nastiest blowjob I’d ever given.

It was like all of the pent up tension came out in that moment, and I
got so lost in what I was doing that it felt like a state of mania.

“Ughh!” I gasped, taking a big breath while continuing to stroke it. I

looked up into his eyes, and smiled. “Mommy loves your big cock.”

“I love you.” he grunted. “I’m so close.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Good boy. Give it to me, mommy wants that

“Oh my God.” he called out, shoving my head deep into his lap. I
relaxed my throat, letting the tip slide down as he reached climax inside my

“Mmm…” I squealed, holding my breath as he creampied my throat.

“Oh my God…” he sighed, finally relenting. I slipped carefully off of

his cock, making sure not to spill a drop of his seed. “That was so hot.”

I opened my mouth, showing him the pool of semen he’d deposited

onto my tongue. I gargled it for a few seconds, and then swallowed it down
the hatch.

“Wow. Not bad.” I said.

“You are amazing.”

I texted Phillip, and told him that I just sucked off the biggest cock I’d
ever seen and swallowed the cum. He was very excited, and I gave him all
the dirty details without telling him who it was. He told me that he was
happy for me before returning to work.

Sucking my stepson’s cock felt so wrong, but I knew that I wasn’t

going to be able to stop doing it. He turned me on so much more than his
father, and I couldn’t wait to spend more and more intimate time with him.
Mike not only had a significantly larger member than his dad, he also had a
much higher sex drive.

“Hey you.” he said, appearing in my door frame wearing only a pair

of boxer briefs. His physique was ripped and muscular, the polar opposite
of what I was used to.

“Hi.” I said, still naked beneath my robe.

“You went down on me, I feel like I need to return the favor.”

“Oh. I’ll never say no to that, baby.” I said, perking up. It was so
exciting having a virile younger man, and a new lover to explore. Mike
crawled into bed and down between my legs, diving straight in without
another word.


“Oh, wow. Oh my goodness, Mike.” I whimpered and squealed

uncontrollably beneath his expert tongue. Mike knew precisely what he was
doing, fingering me hard and fast while licking my clit and worshiping my
pussy like a starving man eating his first meal in weeks. It was the pure
desire in the way he licked and sucked on it, the enthusiasm. There was no
doubt in my mind that he was just as into me as I was into him, and I
couldn’t believe we hadn’t crossed these boundaries sooner.
“You taste so good.” he pressed apart my inner thighs, shoving his
tongue inside me and slurping at my wetness. I put my hands in his hair,
forcing his face down into me and grinding against him.

“That’s amazing, Mike. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” I begged and
pleaded, completely smitten with the way my new lover pleasured me. I
could tell that he loved eating pussy, and I knew that I’d be riding his face
non stop from that moment forward.

“Mmm…” he grunted and moaned, rubbing his face in it and lapping

it up rhythmically. All of the tension, the wanting, the need to be touched
like that, it all exploded through me as he drove me over the edge.

“Baby! Fuck. Mommy’s gonna cum, you’re gonna make your

mommy cum!” I called out, shocking myself with the vulgar dirty talk that I
was perfectly comfortable exchanging with him.

“I love my mommy’s pussy, it tastes so fucking good.” his face

remained buried while I came so hard that I was seeing stars. We started
cuddling after, and I could taste myself on him when we made out. My
orgasm was so powerful that it made me slap happy, and I found myself
laughing in his arms for no reason at all.
Chapter 4 - Mike

My chin was still drenched from her wetness and we were kissing
deeply when I ended up on top of her. I was throbbing hard, and once she
removed my boxers it just sort of happened.

“I have to feel that thing inside me.” she said, pulling on it gently and
caressing my balls. “Look at how fucking thick it is.”

“I’ve wanted this for so long.”

“Me too, baby. I fucking need it.” she whispered. We kissed and she
guided it to her opening.

“It’s so wet.” I said, sliding inside of my stepmother’s tightness.


“Oh my God.” she laced her ankles around my lower back, and I
quickly increased the pace until our bodies were slapping together. “Your

“It’s so tiny. I can feel it squeezing me.” I said, looking down between
us to watch myself disappear inside of her. I loved that she was fully
shaved, and watched her tits bounce with each forward thrust.

“Holy fuck, Mike. I’m gonna cum.” she said. I continued driving
myself into her, harder and harder as she cried out beneath me. I realized
right as she started cumming that I was in my father’s marital bed, fucking
his wife so hard that my balls were clapping against her ass. “I’m

“I love your pussy. I love it so much.” I grunted, feeling her pelvis

muscles clench on my bareback dick. Jodi was out of breath, squirming
back and forth in pleasure even though I was no longer thrusting.
“I’ve never cum like that, Mike.” she said, running her fingernails
down the front of her neck and chest. “I didn’t realize how much I liked big

“Well, it’s all yours now.” I said.

“I wanna ride it. I want to bounce up and down on my stepson’s

cock.” she said.

“You’re so naughty. I love it.” I said. Jodi climbed into my lap, and
sat down onto me.

“God damn.” she sighed, grinding faster and faster. “I feel like I’m
impaled on it.”

“Yeah? You like that?” I asked, gripping her ass and watching her
breasts bounce. “You like riding your son’s cock?”

“Yes, baby. I love it. You’re such a better lover. You’re so much
better.” her cries were deranged, and she rode my cock so perfectly that I
couldn’t hold out.

“You’re gonna make me cum.”

“That’s what I want, baby. I need that cum in my pussy.” she said. I
pulled her cheeks apart with both hands, digging my fingers into her soft
flesh as I thrust hard from the bottom. “Oh, fuck. Baby. I’m going to cum
again, mommy’s gonna cum all over your cock!”

We climaxed together, groping and kissing as we blasted off to

oblivion. To say that it was intense would be an understatement, and it was
by far the most passionate and pleasurable experience of my life. Jodi laid
on top of me, leaving me inside her for several minutes before finally
sliding off of my cum soaked penis.
“That was incredible.” I said, staring at the ceiling and suddenly quite
satisfied with my life. It was better than I could have ever imagined, and I
knew that I was already addicted to her.

Chapter 5 - Jodi

By the end of our first day together, I was physically exhausted and
emotionally drained. He’d unlocked a dormant cock lust that I didn’t know
resided inside me, and I found myself running our rendezvous through my
head over and over until I fell asleep much earlier than usual.

Phillip arrived home later that night, but I never even noticed him
coming to bed. The next day, before he left for work, I told him all about
what had happened, and how mind blowing the sex was.
“Was he big?”

“Oh, he’s massive. That was the best part, I turned into such a slut
when I saw his dick.” I said.


“Yeah, it just came out. I completely lost all of my self control, and I
just started throating him like a deranged nymphomaniac. And the dirty
talk, I’ve never heard myself say things like that.”

“Do you think it could turn into a regular thing?”

“Oh yeah. It definitely will. I kind of feel almost, I don’t know, like,
pair bonded with him already. It feels like he owns me, like I’m his piece of
pussy to use however he wants.” I said. It felt good to get it off my chest,
and share the experience, but I really wanted to tell him who it was. “I
almost came as soon as he stuck it inside me. I could feel myself stretching
to accommodate him, and I’ve never felt so full before. He hit spots that
just sent me into spontaneous waves of orgasm.”
“Sounds like you found your bull,” he said.

“Yeah.” I said. Phillip went to work, and Mike and I went at it all day
long. I took a selfie of myself holding his cock over my face, and another
once he’d finished all over my face and tits.

“Jesus, baby. His cock is massive, and that’s so much cum. I love it.”
he said.

“Yeah, it’s so fun sucking on his big banana. I love how hard and long
he can fuck too, his stamina is unreal.” I said.

“What’s his name? Do I know him?” he asked.

“His name is Mike.”
Chapter 6 - Phillip

It was a little strange, knowing that my wife was hooking up with

another man and that he was pleasing her in such significant ways. The way
she talked about him, about the sex, and his cock, I’d never heard her talk
about sex like that.

Still, it was very sexy hearing about how unhinged she became, and
how hard she came for him over and over again. We spoke about the details
through texts and calls during my breaks, and I really started to like hearing
about it.

When she sent me photos of her holding his enormous penis, it

became a lot more real. It had to be nine or ten inches long, and it made me
feel insecure and inadequate.

I was happy she found the younger stud she’d been looking for, but I
was honestly surprised by just how much it all turned her on. I didn’t know
that she had such a thing for bigger dick, or that she had been repressing
herself for so long by sleeping with me.

Then I found out who it was, and it was a total game changer. It
wasn’t some random guy she met at the grocery store or on a dating app, it
was my own son Mike. When she first told me, I think I turned white. I
snuck off to the bathroom, and actually cried a little out of pure shame and

I knew that he was hung like a horse, but it wasn’t something I let
myself think about. It was obvious whenever he wore sweatpants or shorts,
but I never thought that my own wife would not only take notice, but lust
over my son’s endowment.

There was nothing I could do, especially after hearing how addicted
she was to being blown out by him. They were going to continue either
way, so the best thing I could do was be happy for them. At the end of the
day, it didn’t change anything between my wife and I.
It took some getting used to, having my wife sleep in my son’s room,
or even worse, sleeping on the couch while I could hear them upstairs in our
bed going at it. The way she screamed while he fucked her, and the way the
house shook, it was just hard getting used to.

Eventually, I was proud of him. Proud that it was my own seed that
conquered my wife and pleased her sexually. It made a huge difference in
her mood, even though it was the complete end of our sex life. She never
touched me again, which I didn’t love but also accepted.

Over the years, she truly became his. I was nothing but a provider and
companion, and Mike was the one who made her cum so hard that she made
animal sounds and unintelligible groans for. She spoke so highly about him,
and his big cock and all the things he liked to do to her with it.

Jodi ate my son’s asshole, and worshiped his body, and even gave her
ass to him for the first time even though I’d expressed interest in it for years
and been denied.

“I don’t know, baby. I just can’t control myself with him, I can’t tell
him no.” she said. And that’s pretty much it. That’s how I became a lifetime
cuckold to my own stepson.

Massive Morning Wood (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 5

Chapter 1 - Julia
It all happened so suddenly and out of nowhere. I literally had no idea
the Pandora’s box that I was about to open when I strolled into my stepson
Josh’s bedroom early one morning to retrieve his laundry.

I had my headphones in, and walked in real quick to snag his laundry
hamper like I’d done so many times before. This time, however, Josh was
sleeping naked, and his sheets were positioned in such a way that he was
fully exposed. I didn’t realize this right when I walked in, but as I grabbed
his dirty laundry I glanced over at him.

It’s hard to explain the shock it sent through me, or how I felt in the
most pleasurable way. Josh was fully erect, asleep, and just so happened to
have the most massive cock I’d ever set my eyes on.

I stood frozen in shock for a couple of seconds, staring at it with my

jaw hanging open wide enough to catch flies. I looked it up and down,
reflexively observing it and trying to process what I was seeing. My
husband Philbert was kind of on the smaller side, and Josh absolutely
dwarfed him down there. He was literally twice as long, and twice as thick.

My heart started pounding so fast that I could hear it in my ears, and I

felt myself becoming aroused at a level that made me uncomfortable.

Leave. Just leave, Julia. Get out of here and pretend it never
happened. But I couldn’t pry my eyes away from it, and it was obvious that
he was dead asleep. It was so long, thick, and veiny. It was the manliest
penis I’d ever laid my eyes on, and I wanted to suck it so badly that my
mouth watered spontaneously.

“Fuck.” I whispered, mouthing the words as I built up the courage to

take a closer look. Josh was snoring, and clearly out cold. His cock
remained hard as a rock, and I couldn’t stop looking at it.

I didn’t consider myself a size queen or anything like that, and I’d
watched enough porn to have seen similar sized cocks, but encountering it
in real life was something else entirely. This wasn’t some random dick on
the internet, it was attached to my fucking stepson.

My head was spinning and my thoughts raced even faster. All I

remember is the deep desire to have it inside my mouth or my pussy, and
not caring which but having a preference for feeling it inside me. This was
all so new, and I’d never even looked at him in that way at all.

Before leaving, I pulled out my cell phone and snapped a couple of

photos. One was strictly of his cock, and the other was with my forearm
laid next to it for scale. When I stepped out of his room and closed the door,
I was covered with a thin layer of sweat and couldn’t stop thinking about
what I’d seen.

I tried pushing it out of my head and going about my day, but it was
plastered in my mind. I had no idea, and finding out like that had serious
effects on my libido. He woke up a few hours later and came downstairs for
breakfast. It was the middle of summer and he spent most of his time at
home while his dad was at work. I thought it was easy to compartmentalize,
to brush it off and continue on with business as usual.

But I was wrong. Being around him after seeing it left my head
spinning, and I felt so awkward and nervous around him. No longer was I
twice his age and in a position of authority, it felt more like he was the guy I
had a secret crush on and being around him made me physically wet and
eager in a way I’d never experienced.

After burying the experience deep down inside for a couple of days, I
reached out to my friends because I could tell that it wasn’t going away. I
couldn’t unsee it, and I was having trouble keeping my composure.

I waited until a girl’s night out at the bar, and slowly eased my way
into it conversationally. We were all a bit tipsy, and once I spilled the beans
and told the story, they all wanted to see the photos. So I showed them, and
their reactions were unanimously the same as mine. They all wanted to line
up to take a ride.
“How have you not seduced him yet?” Ashley said, giggling
uncontrollably and zooming in and out on the photo so many times that it
became a bit off putting for me.

“I just found out.” I said.

“So you are going to seduce him? You just haven’t yet?” she asked.

“It’s so girthy. And look at his balls, my goodness.” Cara said,

unintentionally biting her lip as she spoke.

A part of me wanted it all to blow over, for my friends to not make a

big deal out of it and life to simply go on as normal. Showing them had the
opposite effect, and they were all encouraging me to do something about it.

“He’s my stepson!” I said, trying to be rational.

“Sure, but I’ll have him calling me mommy while he splits me in half
from behind by the end of the week if you don’t claim it.” Cara said.

“Yeah. If you don’t do it, I will.” Shelly said. They all had the same
advice, telling me to start dressing more provocatively, complimenting him,
and trying to seduce him.

“Young guys are easy. Hell, all guys are easy. At least in this case you
have a reason to push the envelope.”

“Yeah. A really, really big reason.” Shelly said, knocking back her
shot of whiskey in one gulp without a chaser.
Chapter 2 - Josh

It was completely surreal. My stepmom Julia always liked me, but she
was pretty strict and only seemed to care about me doing well in school and
not getting into trouble.

The change was so random, and there was no denying the difference
in the way she started treating me. She smiled more, stared into my eyes
with unrelenting eye contact, finding reasons to touch me while dressed in
more and more provocative clothing.

I felt pretty conflicted about it, because she was married to my dad,
and was technically my stepmom. On the other hand, Julia was absolutely
gorgeous and I couldn’t deny that I’d always been outright attracted to her.

My feelings for her only intensified once she started being

flirtatious. I loved being around her, listening to her sexy voice and
checking out her body. There was something extra hot about her being
almost twenty years older than me. I’d never been with an older woman,
someone beautiful and experienced like Julia.

Her behavior didn’t change when dad was around, and that always
made me feel extra uncomfortable. I would glance over in his direction
while she rubbed my shoulders and gave me compliments, but he never
seemed to take notice or care.

I spent a lot of time at home, alone with Julia. Most of the time we’d
do our own thing, but with each passing day we were hanging out more.
Her smile was infectious, and I found myself opening up and joking around
with her more.

“Can I have a hug?” she asked. It was no big deal, and I took her
into my arms without hesitation. But it didn’t stop, we just stood there in
each other’s arms, holding on. There were no words, just the sounds of each
other breathing as my hands slowly made their way down to her lower
“Mmm…” I sighed unintentionally, inhaling her scent and feeling
the blood rush to my penis as she took hold of my hands and moved them
down to her ass. We locked eyes.

“I like this.” she said.

“Me too.” I said. I broke the hug not because I wanted to, but
because I was nervous that I was going to poke her with my boner. The
moment was extremely hot, but I found myself getting out of there and
going straight to the bathroom.

It was becoming apparent to me that things were escalating between

us, and I wondered how far things might go. It made me feel shameful,
harboring such a deep lust for my own stepmother. Why did the one older
woman who I was obsessed with just so happen to also be my dad’s wife. It
felt wrong, but it didn’t stop me from falling more and more in love with

“I really liked hugging you the other day.” Julia said. We were alone
and eating scrambled eggs at the dining room table. I smiled, and took a
drink of orange juice.

“Yeah. It was nice.”

“I like being affectionate with you. I’m glad that our relationship is
heading more in that direction.” she said, giggling. Julia had a way of
captivating me with every word. The way her face lit up when she spoke, I
could stare at her all day long.

“Me too.”

“I’m not sure what it is, but I feel so comfortable around you.
Maybe I just feel safe, because you’re so big.” she said. We started eating
on opposite sides of the table, but she kind of just kept scooting closer until
she was right next to me. “We should cuddle after breakfast. Wouldn’t that
be fun?”

“Uhm, yeah. Sure.” I said. Her hand was on my thigh, inching closer
and closer to my dick as she rubbed my leg in a circular motion.

“I think it’ll feel so good. Me and you, all snuggled up and alone.”
she whispered, running her fingers through my hair. I was so turned on that
I thought I might cum in my pants, and it felt like something was really
going to happen.

“Yeah. Maybe we could watch a movie or something.” I said. My

heart was pounding, and I was honestly pretty nervous. We’d obviously
never cuddled before. I was 19 years old and it was inappropriate as hell,
but that didn’t stop me from wanting to do it.

“Or maybe we could make a movie.” she said, gathering her plate
and taking it to the sink. “I’ll be upstairs in bed waiting for you. Come up
when you finish eating.”

“Okay, yeah.” I shoveled a couple of bites into my mouth, and

realized that the same issue was going to happen again. I was definitely
going to get a boner, and she was going to know it if we were spooning,
especially with how freely she was starting to let her hands explore down in
that area.

Chapter 3 - Julia

I didn’t expect it to come up around Philbert, but we were having

drinks with Ashley and her husband when she blurted something about how
big Josh’s dick was.

So then I had to explain the whole story about accidentally walking

in on it, and then admit that I’d snapped a photo because someone else
needed to see it. Luckily, everyone was in a great mood and it went over
very well.

“Do you still have the picture?” Philbert asked.

“No, I deleted it.” I said, lying through my teeth. I’d deleted it from
my phone, but had a backup saved for when I was horny and needed
someone to get me in the mood to masturbate.

“I have it.” Ashley said, chiming in once again. She went through
her phone and found it, and then showed it to both of our husbands.

“Jesus. I guess that sort of thing skips a generation or something.”

Philbert laughed, shaking his head. “I wish I had a dick like that.”

It kind of blew over and we moved onto other topics, but Philbert
brought it up on the way home.

“I can’t believe you took pictures of it.” he said.

“Yeah, I shouldn’t have. It was just kind of shocking.”

“I’ve noticed the way you act around him, and I wondered what was
going on, but now I know. You found out about his big cock and now you
act like a school girl with a crush whenever you’re around him.” he said. I
felt my face turning red, and wished that Ashley hadn’t opened her big

“No, it isn’t like that-”

“It’s fine, Julia. At least it makes sense now.” he said, putting his
hand on my thigh as we turned onto our block. “It’s sexy. If it’s really
something you want to explore, I wouldn’t care.”

“What do you mean?”

“Look, don’t be coy Julia. You light up around him now, it’s beyond
obvious. You act like a cat in heat whenever he’s around, and now I know
why. You’re cock crazed for your own stepson. It will be much better and
easier if you don’t fight it and pretend that you don’t want him. It’s going to
happen either way with how you’re acting, just give into it.”

“Okay.” I said, softly. It wasn’t at all something I expected to hear,

and it made me feel bad for being so obvious. It was never my intention to
develop such an unhealthy attraction to Josh, but I knew that Philbert was
right. I was always pushing the boundaries behind his back, it was better for
me to just be open and honest about what was happening.

“I didn’t realize you had a thing for big dicks.” he said.

“Neither did I, honestly. But once I saw it, it’s hard to explain. I just
knew that I wanted to worship it.” I said.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” he said, reaching down between his legs to adjust
himself in his pants. I was scared for him to find out when Ashley brought
it up, I figured it would anger him and make me possessive and jealous. It
seemed to be doing quite the opposite.

“Oh, yeah?” I asked, reaching down to unbuckle his pants. He

pulled into the driveway, and pulled them all the way down. He was already

“I love it. I just want you to have as much pleasure as possible, and
thinking about you with a younger man, sucking on a big fat dick like that.
It definitely turns me on.” he said. I leaned down into his lap, blowing him
in the car for the first time in years.

“I want you to be his little cockslut. I want you to milk it over and
over, and ride it until he’s exploding inside you.” he said, pushing my head
down into his lap.

“Yeah, baby? You want your wife to lose control of herself and
submit to your son’s big dick?” I asked, stroking him faster and faster.

“Oh my God, yes. Yes, baby. I want you to fuck my son. I want you
to impale yourself on his cock, and cum for him while bouncing on it.”

“Mmm…” I moaned, while Philbert climaxed inside my mouth. I

spit his cum out on the ground beside the car, and we went inside to go to
sleep. My mind was racing, alive with the possibility of what was going to
happen. No more sneaking around, fighting my urges. I had full permission
to go after what I wanted, and I didn’t plan on waiting.
Chapter 4 - Josh

I had already showered, but I went to the bathroom so I could brush

my teeth. I wanted my breath to be fresh in case anything happened while
we cuddled. I’d fantasized about kissing Julia many times before, about
seeing her naked and sleeping with her.

She wasn’t just some typical girl my age, where it was no big deal. I
lived with her, for one, and she was my stepmom, but she was also a
gorgeous milf and kind of my dream girl. I was all nerves as I walked down
the hallway toward her room, and I took a deep breath before entering.

“There you are. Come here, I’m chilly. I need a big strong man body
to warm me up.” she said. Julia was lying beneath the covers, and as I
approached her bed, she lifted the comforter for me to slide in. She was
wearing lingerie, and I took off my shirt before hopping in with her.

“Oh.” I said, as she turned around and backed her ass up against my

“I wanna be your little spoon.” she said, wiggling her butt and making
me swell with arousal.

“No movie?” I asked, noticing that the TV was off.

“We don’t need that. We’ll find ways to entertain ourselves.” she said.
With the way she was grinding against me, I knew that she could feel how
hard I was. I hadn’t expected her to be quite so aggressive, but I was loving
every second of it.

“That feels good.” I said.

“It’s supposed to.” she giggled. “Maybe you could take off your
“Only if you do it too.” I said. We both removed our bottoms and got
back into the same position. Feeling her bare flesh against me made me
somehow even harder, and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been that turned
on in my life.

“Oh, wow. Is that really you?” she asked, rolling over to face me.

“Yeah.” I said, as she slowly peeled the blanket away to have a look
for herself.

“Oh my God. Josh.” she put her hand over her mouth, staring at my
cock and then looking back up at me. “It’s huge.”

“Do you like it?” I asked.

“Like it? I fucking love it. I need a cock like this in my life.” she
reached out and took hold of it, wrapping her soft fingers around it with
both hands.

“Oh my God.” I moaned, watching as my gorgeous lingerie clad

stepmother began jerking me off while staring at my dick with her tongue
hanging out.

“I have to ride it.” she said. I’d only been with a few other girls, and
they were all terrified of my penis. I ended up having to fuck them with half
of my dick, which was fine, it still felt good, but Julia was the first woman
who showed an outright enthusiasm when she saw it. I could tell it turned
her on that I was bigger.

“I won’t stop you.” I said, smiling. Her hands felt as incredible as her
tits looked peeking out from behind her bra.

“But first, I’m going to suck the soul out of it.” Julia laid flat on her
stomach, positioning herself between my legs. She removed her bra, and I
finally got to see her suckable nipples. It was the most beautiful sight I’d
ever seen, my stepmom laying between my legs and worshiping my cock
like there was no tomorrow.

“Oh my God.” I said, over and over. It was all I could manage to say,
as the way she sucked me was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. She
was like a pornstar, hungrily throating and stroking and pleasuring me in
ways I didn’t know existed.

“Mommy loves your cock.” she said, letting her slobber ooze all over
my dick.

“That’s so good, Julia. Don’t stop.”

“Oh, I won’t.” she said, “Grab my hair, you can fuck my face if you

“Ugh, okay.” I grabbed a fistful of her hair, using it as a handle to

make her bob up and down on my dick. I literally couldn’t believe it, how
skilled and sexy she was. There was simply no comparison between her and
the girls my age.

She was completely unhinged, like she was actually receiving

physical pleasure from blowing me. She slapped my cock against her
tongue and across her face, moaning and slurping in the sloppiest display of
oral worship that I could possibly imagine.

“It’s so much bigger than your father’s.”

“Fuck.” I groaned. I’m not sure why, but hearing her talk about how
big it was was turning me on more and more as we went along. Usually, the
girl was silent and went until I was able to cum. With Julia, she seemed to
get nastier and dirtier the more that she sucked it, and I had to continuously
fight the overwhelming urge to explode inside her mouth.
Chapter 5 - Julia

Something came over me in the bedroom with Josh that day, and a
side of myself that I didn’t know existed emerged. I think that a part of it
was the existing dynamic of our relationship. I was his stepmother, much
older than him, but also very comfortable with him. And obviously, quite

I thought of myself as being decent at performing oral sex, it just

wasn’t something I actually enjoyed doing. It was more of a favor, or a
treat. Not with Josh. I was shocked by how much it was turning me on, and
how much I was enjoying it.

The whole thing was taboo and wrong, but so satisfying and right at
the same time. Having a new lover, one that I was comfortable with and had
full permission to be with, knowing that all of my friends wanted him but I
was the one who got to have him.

“It’s so big, I love it.” I said, burying my face in his balls while
looking up at his pole. I was incredibly wet and ready to take him, but I
couldn’t stop playing with it.

“You’re so good, Julia. So good.” he said, tossing his head back in

pleasure. I wrapped my wet lips around his bulbous tip, gently massaging
him and looking into his eyes.

“Call me mommy.” I said, pulling away and climbing up into his lap.
I couldn’t wait to lay beneath him, to spread my legs and feel his weight on
top of me, but first I wanted to mount him and impale myself on him. I
wanted my tits in his face and his cock deep inside me.

“Okay, mommy. That’s kind of hot.” he said. The truth is that I was
completely out of control. It was all just happening, and all I could do was
enjoy it. It was a level of desire that took me over, and turned me into a
cock crazed whore for my own stepson.

“Oh my goodness, Josh. Fuck.” I said, sitting down onto the tip,
trying to adjust to his size. It helped that I was a geyser of self lubrication,
and I felt myself stretching for his girth as I sank down onto it.

“Baby…it’s perfect.” he said, gripping my ass and pulling me down

onto him.

“Wow. Your cock.” I said, savoring the new sensations. I’d never felt
so full, and as I bounced up and down on him I felt him hitting spots inside
me that had never been explored.
“God damn.” he said, pulling me closer and kissing all over my tits.
I’d forgotten how eager younger men could be, and it turned me on how
mystified he was with my tits.

“You like sucking your mommy’s tits?”

“So much.” he said, looking up at me while latched onto my nipple

and gripping my breasts with both hands.

“Have you been with an older woman before?” I asked, grinding back
and forth and realizing how soaking wet I was.

“No. But I’ve thought about you before. So many times.”

“That’s so sexy. What did you fantasize about?” I asked.

“About seeing you naked, and sucking your tits. I always fantasized
about giving you a massage, covering you in oil and kissing every inch of
your body.” he said. We settled into a steady pace, alternating between
kissing passionately and talking about how much we both wanted to fuck
each other.

“You hit all the right spots, baby. I’ll let you give me a full body
massage anytime you want.”

“I’m going to do such naughty things to you.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

“I’m going to eat your asshole, and suck on your toes, and I’m going
to rest my balls on your face and make you suck them while I jerk off. And
then I’m going to fuck your face while you lay upside down.”

“Such a naughty boy. I didn’t know my stepson was lusting after me.”
“I didn’t know my sexy stepmom wanted me either, but here we are.”
he said. We stared into each other’s eyes, deep kissing while waves of
pleasure rippled through me. It felt so different with him, so much more
exciting. I came easily for him, over and over again.

“Oh my God. I need you on top now.” I said.

“Yes ma am.” he said, flipping me over onto my back and pushing my

ankles up by my head before entering me.

“Ugh!” I squealed as he shoved it inside, moaning uncontrollably as

his powerful hips took hold. I was out of breath from riding him and
orgasming so hard, but there was no break in the intensity whatsoever.

“I love it.” he said. His cock was so hard, and it was at that moment I
realized the risk we were taking by doing it without protection. I wasn’t on
birth control, and my husband just pulled out when we had sex.

“What do you love, baby?”

“I love your pussy. I love your pussy.” he grunted, thrusting harder

and harder. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.” I said, completely caught up in the heat of the

“I love you, Julia.”

“I love you too, Josh.”

“I’m gonna cum. Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” he said. I wrapped my legs
around his lower back, squeezing tightly.

“In me. Cum in me.” I said, also wrapping my arms around him. His
balls slapped rhythmically against my ass as he arrived at his climax.
“I’m cumming!” he said, right as I felt it begin to pulse inside me. I’d
already cum multiple times and didn’t feel close, but seeing him enter that
state of ecstasy brought me instantly back to the brink and over the edge.

He was so much larger and harder than I was used to, and I could
feel every sticky shot of hot cum that he pumped into me. I couldn’t believe
how hard I came at his will, and squeezed onto him for dear life while
seeing stars.

“Cum in me. Oh my God.” I said, transported to another universe as

he continued thrusting.

“Fuck.” he said, panting as he finally stopped. He left it deep inside of

me, kissing my neck and whispering that he was in love with me.
Chapter 6 - Josh

The next few days were a complete blur. My entire existence fixated
on my obsession with her, and we consummated our new bond again and
again. I’d never had sex like that, with a woman so beautiful and charming,
and perfect.

We didn’t talk about the ramifications at first, about how serious what
we were entering into actually was. My dad was okay with it, so I knew it
was something I had to pursue. Even though I was young, I wanted
something serious and committed with a great woman. There was no way I
could pass her up.

I came into her every single time, and relished the sensation of her
pelvic muscles gripping me as I filled her. She was practically obsessed
with my cock, and worshiped it endlessly in the same way I did with her
entire body.

She let me give her the nude full body massage I’d fantasized about
endlessly, and the experience blew my mind. We became more and more,
until there was no denying it. She’d lay her head in my lap, playing with my
cock from the outside of my shorts as we watched TV. Dad paid no
attention, and went about his life as usual.

They were still married, and I think they had sex a few times after her
and I started hooking up, but I decided to put an end to that and ask her to
officially be mine. She agreed, talked to him, and that’s how it became. I
was too possessive of her to let anyone else near her, and I became her true
alpha bull when I got her pregnant.

She was 38, but after talking to doctors they said she was good to go.
Everything went great, and now we have a child together. The whole thing
is out of the ordinary, but it’s how things happened, and I couldn’t be
happier with how it all turned out.
Riding Her New Bull (Stepmom/SS, Cuckold) - Taboo Volume 6

Chapter 1 - Lena

It wasn’t the first time I’d caught my husband Lee texting younger
women from work. He always used the same excuses, that he was just
helping her out because she was new, or that she was going through a lot,
and he was just trying to be there for her.

We’d been married for 10 years, and he’d been flirting with other
women and trying to get laid even though he was married for all ten.
Enough was enough, and I decided to hit him where it hurt.

“What are you doing?” I asked. It was late, and he was crawling into

“I’m exhausted. I’m gonna crash out a little early.” he said.

“That’s fine, but not in here.”

“What do you mean?”

“Take your pillow, and go sleep on the couch.”

“What? No. This is my house-”

“It’s our house, Lee, and this is our marital bed. You obviously don’t
respect it, so neither will I.” I said, crossing my arms.

“Fucking hell, Lena. It’s not like we have sex anyway, I just want to
go to sleep.”
“Then go to the fucking couch, Lee. I’m done.”

“Fine.” he said, doing an exaggerated eye roll as he gathered up his

pillow and blanket. “Can’t even sleep in my own bed, in the house I pay the
bills for.”

“You’re lucky I don’t divorce your nasty ass. And hell no we don’t
have sex, I could never degrade myself again by letting you defile me for
thirty seconds with your tiny little dick.” I said, letting my emotions get the
better of me.

“It wasn’t so little when we first started dating,” he said.

“Yes it was, Lee. I just hadn’t realized it was attached to an asshole.”
Chapter 2 - Lee

I couldn’t believe my wife, and wondered what had gotten into her as
I fell asleep on the couch that first night. She had freaked out about what
she considered to be inappropriate relationships that I had with women at
the office before, and I assumed it would blow over like the rest of the

“The couch again?” asked Nate, my 19 year old son.

“Yep.” I sighed.

“Sucks to be you.” he said, chuckling as he walked right past me and

towards his bedroom.

“Watch it.” I said. He ignored me, and I shook my head. My home life
was out of control, and I needed to put things back to the way they were
supposed to be.

I’d always wanted Nate to move out when he turned 18, but it was
always Lena who made excuses for him and found reasons for him to stay.
Nate made plenty of money to get his own place, but because he was going
to school and making good money online, she convinced me to let him stay
and save up.

But I was finished with that. Nate ate more than any human should,
and I could hardly keep up with groceries. When I demanded he chip in for
food, Lena stepped in and calmed me down. It only got worse from there, as
he purchased a very nice car, while I was still driving my 20 year old
Toyota. It was bullshit.

“No.” he said, after I asked him if I could at least take it for a drive.
“Absolutely not.”

“Are you serious? You’re gonna live in my house, rent free, eating all
my damn groceries, but I can’t drive your car?” I asked.
“Exactly. Do something about it.” he said, stepping up to me and
looking me dead in the eye. Nate was three inches taller than me, and built
like a shit brickhouse. I’d never really thought about it before, but when he
stood eye to eye with me, it became clear.

“Fine. I’m gonna need you out as soon as possible. You’re an adult,
you need to get your own place.” I said. I could hear him snickering as I
walked away and it made my blood boil, but he was twenty five years
younger than me and I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to put his hands on me.

He and I had never really gotten along, and he held it against me that
I had cheated on his mother and ruined the marriage. I told him that I was
sorry, and to get over it, but he never came around.

By the time a week had passed of me sleeping on the couch, Nate was
practically pointing and laughing at me. Everytime he passed by me on the
couch, he had something smart to say. If I responded, he would escalate
under the thinly veiled threat of physical violence, and I would let it go. No
use in getting beaten up in my own home.
Chapter 3 - Lena

Even after banishing him to the couch, Lee never made a real attempt
to apologize for his behavior. He seemed to think that he was allowed to do
whatever he wanted, and that there would be no repercussions.

Sleeping alone was new for me, and as I started to take care of my
own sexual needs, new desires came rushing to the surface. It became
crystal clear that our marriage was over. I no longer respected him or felt
any attraction whatsoever towards my husband. The only time he was
included in my fantasies were when I imagined making him watch while
another man took me over and over.

I found myself becoming more sexually aware throughout the day,

and couldn’t help noticing how attractive Nate was. The idea of having a
strictly physical relationship with a younger man had already been floating
around in my head, as I wanted to have guilt free sex with someone eager
and who could perform.

It felt so forbidden and taboo. Even though he was only my stepson,

knowing how wrong it was, for some reason, it made the fantasy even
hotter. And that’s all it was, at first. A fantasy.

But it didn’t stop there, mostly because we were in such close

proximity all the time. I saw him working out in the backyard, coming
home shirtless and covered in sweat after a long run during the sun’s peak
hours. He was so muscular, and lean. Nate was everything his father wasn’t,
and I knew there would be no better revenge than seducing him.

I wondered if it was possible, if he found me attractive or ever looked

at me in that light. We were always friendly, but there was never any
flirtation or inappropriate behavior. Still, he was a young man, bursting at
the seams with testosterone and eager for experience. The more I thought
about it, the more explicit my fantasies became, and the more attraction I
experienced towards him in real life.
At a certain point I decided for sure that I was going to cuck my
husband, whether he liked it or not. I wasn’t going to run it by him, and let
him watch or take any sort of perverse enjoyment in it. I was simply going
to choose a superior lover, someone who could handle my needs and make
me cum in ways that Lee could never fathom.

The more I thought about laying naked beneath my stepson, staring

into his eyes and talking dirty while he buried his cock deep inside me, the
less I could resist him. The physical attraction and fantasies led to a real
infatuation, and I started dressing to impress while around the house and
engaging him more in conversation.

This only made it worse, and harder to control myself. When I wore
low cut shirts, or dresses, his eyes would always scan all over me. It was
adorable to watch, seeing him struggling not to check me out and failing
every time. I think Lee started taking notice, because I would catch him
kind of perked up in the living room, listening to every word we said.

It was extra funny because Nate was doing so well in life, and Lee
was financing it. Lee talked non stop about how his son was a do nothing
freeloader who was in for a rude awakening once he was out in the real
world. I saw something different, I saw a father who was scared to watch
his 19 year old son surpass him at such a young age. In fact, I believed that
he already had.

Lee made marginally more money than Nate, but Nate was in school
and worked for himself, while Lee worked long hours for an asshole boss
that he hated, doing a job he had no passion for. Nate was disciplined, and
fit, while Lee was impulsive and getting fatter by the year.

I couldn’t unsee it. My stepson was the far better man, and the
closer he and I became, the less reasons I could see for us to not give in and
go crazy on each other.
Chapter 4 - Nate

I masturbated to Lena so much that my dick was starting to lose

feeling. It was all I could do to stave off the intense craving she spurred
within me. And I knew it wasn’t all in my head, there were too many signs.

Once dad started sleeping on the couch, she started acting differently
towards me. It started with the way she dressed, which I was a huge fan of.
She started wearing sports bras, low cut blouses, wearing short shorts and
going barefoot all the time. She got manicures and pedicures, and started
wearing toe rings and sort of flaunting herself.

As if that wasn’t enough to keep my dick at a constant state of

hardness, she also started looking deep into my eyes while we spoke, and
added a sensual undertone to her voice. It was mesmerizing, and made me
realize how much sexier older women could really be. I was attracted to
plenty of girls, but none of them filled me with as much pure sexual desire
as she did. In plain terms, I wanted to violate her in the worst ways

Knowing how my dad treated her, and how much it would piss him
off if I stuck my dick inside his wife, gave the idea of hooking up with my
stepmom an extra boost of hotness. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to
be inside her.

I considered myself pretty good with girls, but I was really having
trouble flirting with her. It still felt like she was my stepmom and there was
a certain way I was supposed to act around her.

That’s why I’m thankful that she made it easy on me. Dad was at
work and I’d just finished up my online classes for the day. I liked to get a
meal in and maybe a workout before I switched over to work mode. Lena
was in the kitchen, barefoot and wearing a short, floral patterned summer

“Hi baby.” she said, flashing her perfect smile.

“Hey Lena.” I said, noticing her cleavage before opening the fridge.

“I have some leftover eggs and bacon if you want it.” she said. I
perked up, hungry but not in the mood to cook.

“You’re the best.” I said. I sat down at the table with my over-easy
eggs and bacon, and Lena sat down directly beside me.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something. I’m sure you’ve
noticed your dad sleeping on the couch for the past few weeks.” she said,
causing me to laugh and almost choke on my eggs.

“Yeah, I keep teasing him about it and he gets madder and madder.” I
said, shaking my head at the fond memories of him pointing and yelling
after I instigated him.

“I’ve noticed.” she said, smiling at his expense. “You know how he is
with other women, I finally put my foot down and I’ve decided that he
won’t be joining me in the bedroom ever again. It grosses me out even
thinking about sleeping with him now. Ick.”

“Yeah, I get it. He’s getting worse the older he gets, I’m surprised you
haven’t already left him. You’re pretty far out of his league.” I said, always
happy to pile more shit onto him.

“Thank you, sweetheart.” she said, wrapping her arm around me and
placing a soft kiss on my cheek. Being so close to her made my blood turn
hot, and naughty thoughts danced in my mind. “How are the eggs?”

“Amazing. They’re giving me life.”

“Anyway, I haven’t decided if I’m going to leave him or not. I’ll

probably wait until you move out, because there’s no way I could live here
alone with him.” she said. Her fingers sank into my upper back, slowly
massaging as she spoke.
“I wouldn’t blame you.”

“In the meantime, I’ve been having to take care of my own sexual
needs. It just isn’t the same when you do it by yourself, you know?” she

“Oh. Yeah.”

“So I’m going to take a lover. And I don’t want to make you
uncomfortable, but I can’t stop thinking about how much I want it to be
Chapter 5 - Lena

Nate was surprised when I told him that I found him very attractive,
and that I was interested in taking our relationship to a more intimate level.

“I mean, honestly Lena, I’ve always thought you were gorgeous.”

“You’re sweet.”

“What about dad? Are we just gonna keep it a secret?” he asked.

“We don’t have to go and tell him, but if he finds out he finds out. I
have a feeling we aren’t gonna be able to keep it a secret.” I said. I let my
hand move to his thigh, and inched it closer and closer to his cock.

“I’m fine with that. I don’t give a fuck if he knows.”

“It might be hotter if he found out. I want him to have to sit in it, to
know what it feels like.”

“I wanna know what you feel like.” he said, grinning. I loved the way
he looked at me, the way he flirted with confidence once he knew we were
a real possibility. All of the tension I’d been feeling was real, and he felt it

“Then take me upstairs. Do whatever you want with me.” I said. Nate
shook his head, unable to pry the grin from his face.

“Yes ma am.” He stood from the table, offering his hand. As soon as I
was on my feet, I was hoisted back off of them and into his arms. “To the

“Oh, wow. I like this.” I said, staring up at him starry eyed as he

effortlessly carried me up the stairs. It already felt exciting being in
someone else’s arms, especially someone so tall and strong.
“So do I. You make me so horny that I can’t stand it.” he said, kicking
open my door before heaving me onto the bed and descending on top of me.

“I know the feeling.” I said, as his lips found mine. We clumsily

fought to remove each other’s clothing while kissing deeply. A chill moved
through my body as he pulled my shorts and underwear off of my ankles,
leaving me exposed to him for the first time.

“I need it.” he said, hooking his arms beneath my legs and lowering
his head between them. “I have to taste you.” he spit onto his fingers, and
began spreading it over my clit and lips.

“Oh my God.” I sighed, reacting to the sensation of finally being

touched by my forbidden stepson.

“Mmm…” he moaned, his expert tongue lapping against my clit as he

removed his shorts and underwear.

“Don’t stop, baby. That’s so good.” I placed my hand on top of his

head, pressing it down onto me. He was so enthusiastic, and eager to please
me. And he was way better at oral than his father, something that became
apparent within seconds.

“It’s so sweet. I love the way you taste.” he said, slipping one of his
thick fingers inside me while continuing to pleasure me with his tongue.

“I love your mouth.”

“Come here. I need to be inside you.”

“Yes sir.” I said, reaching down to grab his member as he moved into
missionary. “Oh my God, Nate.”

“What?” he asked. I covered my mouth and giggled, unable to pry my

eyes off of it.
“It’s huge.” I said. Nate looked down at his own cock, holding it by
the base, and slapped it several times against my sex.

“Do you like it?”

“It’s perfect. I had no idea.” I said, still gasping at the massive

erection before me. He was at least double the size of his father, with big
swollen balls and a mushroom head that was practically calling out to be in
my mouth.

“Dad isn’t big?” he asked. I laughed again, and used my fingers to

show him how long Lee actually was.

“Damn. That sucks.”

“Yeah, for him. But now I get to be stretched out and filled by a real
man.” I said.

“Do you think you can take it?” he asked, whispering into my ear and
kissing my neck as he pressed it inside.

“I think you can make me take it.” I whispered, enjoying every

second of our dirty tease. Sex with Lee was monotonous, boring, and
unsatisfying. This was fresh, new and captivating.
“You feel so tight, like a virgin.” he grunted, forcing it in. I could feel
my walls spreading for him as he entered, filling me like no man ever had

“Oh my God, Nate. It’s so big. I love it.”

“Good girl.” he said, grabbing my neck and forcing an aggressive

kiss. He worked it slowly in and out at first, but quickly increased the pace
until his piston hips were impaling me on his rod.

“Oh, fuck. Nate. Oh my God.” I called out, digging my nails into his
back as he laid claim to me.
“I love your pussy, Lena. It’s so fucking good.” he moaned, almost
begging while his balls collided against my ass. I could feel the tears of
wetness streaming down onto the sheets, and I held on for dear life until he
was sending me over the edge in a way I had no control over.

“I’m so close, baby. I’m gonna cum.” I said, looking into his eyes. He
fucked me even harder, driving his massiveness deep inside me and hitting
spots that left me seeing stars. My toes flexed and curled, and I mumbled
over and over that I loved him as he bottomed out.

“Fuck.” he grunted. “I’m not pulling out.”

I was deep in my own orgasm when I realized what was happening.

My stepson’s fat cock was pulsing inside me, pumping me full of his young
and virile seed. I hadn’t even thought about using protection, but feeling his
hot sticky cum being dumped into me only made my orgasm more

“Lena, fuck. It’s mine. That’s my pussy.”

“Yeah it is. Good boy.” I said, looking down between us and watching
his cock contract inside me. His breath was heavy, and his chiseled abs
became more defined each time he exhaled. “God you’re hot.”

“You too, mommy.” he said, snickering as he gave me a sloppy

tongue kiss.

“I don’t think you have any idea how badly I needed that.” I said.

“Well, we can do it all the time now.”

“And we will. I cannot wait to suck that cock of yours.” I said. It was
so fun being naughty with him, finally breaking out of my old boring
patterns and settling into something that actually turned me on.
Chapter 6 - Lee

I grew used to the couch, but was so horny that I had trouble sleeping.
Trying to masturbate with no privacy is awful, and most nights I’d just fall
asleep frustrated.

Once we stopped sleeping together, I noticed how gorgeous my wife

was and how much I wanted to sleep with her again. None of the girls at
work were accepting of my advances, and the dating apps weren’t going
well either.

It was late one night, and I heard a squeaking noise coming from
upstairs. At first I thought I was hearing things, but it didn’t stop. I got up
from the couch, and tiptoed up the stairs. The noises were coming from our
bedroom, and the squeaking was the bed frame rocking back and forth.

“Hey! What’s going on in there?” I asked, banging on the door. If she

was fucking another man, I was going to absolutely lose it.
“Fuck off! Go back to your couch and jerk off!” she yelled back. I
grabbed the door, but it was locked. The noises continued, and I could hear
clearly that she was being fucked. “Harder! Fuck me harder with that big

“Hey! Let me in!” I began knocking hard on the door. My heart was
pounding so fast that my head started to spin. “I’ll kick this door in!”

“Go ahead. I’ll call the fucking cops!” she shouted back. I heard male
laughter in the background, and I went red and started kicking holes in the
wall all the way down the hallway and then went back down the stairs.

The sounds continued, and I could hear her squealing and screaming
like a whore.

“I love that big fat cock. It’s so much bigger than my husband!”

Suddenly, my anger gave way to a sick feeling in my stomach, and I

ran to the bathroom to throw up. I didn’t make it all the way, and spewed all
over the place. The bathroom vent only amplified the sound, and I could
hear her begging him to cum inside her.

“Breed me! Give me a baby, I need your alpha seed.”

I went for a walk, and tried to shake the image of another man in bed
with my woman out of my head but simply couldn’t. I’d cheated on her a
fair share of times, but only then did I truly understand why she got so
angry with me. I slid my wedding ring off of my finger and slipped it into
my pocket. It didn’t feel right. I felt ashamed.

The worst part is that I knew it was over. The way she called out for
him in agonizing pleasure, the dirty talk, it was all for him. I was never
privy to a version of her that was so uninhibited and unhinged. I decided
that night that I would leave, go get a weekly hotel or something while I
figured things out. But I didn’t leave right away, I stayed for weeks,
listening to the shenanigans upstairs.
It made me very paranoid, and insecure. What little confidence I had
was shot, especially when I heard her screaming for how big his cock was.
Sometimes I’d sit outside their door, listening as closely as I could while
masturbating. That made me ashamed too, as I’d become a pathetic cuck
who had to sit outside of his own bedroom and listen to the sound of
another man’s balls clapping against my wife’s ass in order to cum.

I tried being nice to her, but she was so dismissive of me. And my son
thought it was funny, and he continued becoming more and more
successful. Eventually, I finally bit the bullet and moved out. It was
destroying my sanity, living there.

All I could do was sit and think at the hotel, and wonder who the man
was that was taking my wife to such great sexual heights. There were never
any cars at our house, and I never heard the man enter or leave. That’s when
it hit me, and that sick feeling returned. She was fucking my son Nate. It all
came together, and I couldn’t believe it. She filed for divorce a few days
Chapter 7 - Lena

It was a non-stop affair, and our obsession with each other grew with
each passing day.

“You’re tight like a virgin because you’ve never had a cock like this
in you before.” he said, looking down at my ass as he hit it from behind.

“Yes, baby. I need you to stretch me, and fill me.”

“I can’t wait to get you pregnant.”

“I know, baby.”

“Grab your ankles.” he grunted. I did as I was told, taking his hard
pounding with submissive pleasure. He had the hardest cock, and could
pound away for as long as he pleased. Sometimes he could stay hard after
cumming, and go another round without taking a break.

“Do it, baby. Cum in me.” I shouted, begging. I’d learned what he
liked, and he liked being in control of a cock crazed slut, which just so
happens to be exactly what he brought out of me.

“Fuck!” he held my lower back with both hands, leaving his bareback
cock inside me as he erupted for the third time that day. I gasped for air and
collapsed flat on the mattress, a reflexive smile spreading across my face as
I squeezed the excess cum out with my tightness.

“Why are you so good in bed?”

“You’re my muse.” he said, pulling me close and making me his little

spoon. “You make me wanna fuck all day, and all night. I want my cock to
live inside you.”

“That tickles.” I said, reacting to his stubble.

“You like it.” he whispered.

“I know.”

“You know what I like?”

“What?” I asked.

“I like when you suck my cock.” he said. I turned my head to look at

him, and then wiggled my butt to see if he was still hard.

“Oh my gosh. You’re bad.” I said, always impressed with his ability
to go over and over again. After years of mediocre sex with a smaller penis
lacking stamina, it was very addicting to be with such a virile young man.

“You don’t even have to move.” he said, mounting me and crawling

his knees up under my armpits.

“Oh yeah?” I asked. He pinned my wrists to the mattress, and dangled

his cock and balls over my face.

“Do it.”

“Yes sir.” I said, opening wide to suck on his heavy hangers. I’d never
been much of an oral girl before him, but he made me go crazy for him. I
loved doing dirty, nasty things I’d never done before with Nate.

“My ass.” he said. Lee wouldn’t have believed I did it, because he
tried to get me to do it for him so many times and I always said no, using
the excuse that it wasn’t personal, I wouldn’t do that to any man.

“Mmm…” I moaned, proving myself a liar as I swirled my tongue

around his brown hole.

“Sloppy, lots of spit. You know how I like it.” he said, pressing his
weight down onto my face.
“Give me that cock, I want it so bad.”

“Here, baby. You can always have this.” he said, pushing my throat
down onto it. “Eyes.”

I looked up at him, and let him fuck my face as he pleased, stroking

and slurping like my life depended on it, until he put me down on my knees
and told me to open my mouth.

“Good slut, catch it all.” he said, aiming the tip into my mouth as he
ejaculated. I maintained eye contact, allowing a pool of semen to form on
my tongue. “Swallow.”

“Mmm…” I gulped it down, and then licked the excess from the
corners of my mouth.

“I love it when you do that.”

Chapter 8 - Lee

Lena eventually came to her senses, and made me an offer that would
allow for us to avoid divorce. I was so broken at that point, that I started
crying on the other end of the phone as she explained what needed to
happen for me to move back in.

For one, there would be no more sex at the house between her and I. I
would have to remain monogamous and faithful to her, but she would be
allowed to sleep with Nate and pursue a romantic relationship with him. It
wasn’t my ideal scenario, but I accepted it without hesitation.

It took some getting used to, moving into my son’s old room while he
moved into the master. I bought a pair of noise canceling headphones so
that I could sleep peacefully, because they seemed to go at it multiple times
a night.
I became fairly numb to it over time, and accepted that I didn’t
have a choice in the matter and that it was my best available option. That’s
how we live to this day, the only difference being that I have to take care of
their two children a lot of the time while they work. It’s rewarding, and I
couldn’t be happier that my wife didn’t leave me and my family could stay
Massive Temptation (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 7

Chapter 1 - Melany

My sex life really started fizzling out with my husband Frank when I
was 45, and I decided to bring it up to him. The conversation didn’t go at all
as I planned, and instead of trying to find new ways to spice things up, he
pretty much conceded that his sex drive was dwindling and that he couldn’t
keep up.

So that was fun. We still had sex, but there was no passion or fire. It
was the same old vanilla sex, and it simply didn’t arouse me anymore. I
would furiously rub my clit and try to orgasm, but it wasn’t happening. I
started taking care of my own needs in private, because I didn’t want to tell
Frank that his performance wasn’t up to par.

I drunkenly brought it up a second time, trying desperately to rekindle

something with him sexually. He responded with the same defeated tone,
saying he could maybe try Viagra.

“That could be fun. Get it nice and hard, then I could take it for a
ride.” I said, wine drunk and giggling. I was horny, and I wanted something
to happen.

“Yeah. You know Melany, I was thinking, it seems like you’re having
kind of a sexual awakening at the same time I’m headed off to sexual
hibernation.” he said. They were the least sexy words that had ever left his
mouth. “Maybe it would be prudent for you to seek out other arrangements,
maybe another lover with more of a libido.”

“Maybe it would be prudent?” I asked, taken back.

“Yeah. I don’t feel like I can really satisfy you, but you’re so
beautiful, I’m sure there are tons of guys out there who would love to have
a run at you.” he said.

“A run at me?” I asked, feeling anger well up inside me. “So that’s
what you want? You want me to fuck other guys and explore myself outside
of our marriage?”

“I mean, it seems like a good solution.”

“Fine, Frank. I’ll figure it out myself.” I said, gulping down what
remained of my red wine and heading off to bed. I had started the night
wanting sex, but ended it wanting to disappear.

How could my husband be so passive and weak? I never even

considered the possibility of sleeping with someone else, yet there he was,
throwing in the towel before the game even started and suggesting it for me.

Still, I pondered over what he had said. If he was giving me

permission, then I figured I should at least consider it. That just isn’t what I
wanted, who wants to go through a hoe phase at 45? I would need sex
however, and I began going through all the men I knew in my head, trying
to figure out if I knew anyone who would be a match.

The few single men that I knew were fat slobs with nothing going for
them, friends of Frank. Most of the guys I knew were married, and I had no
intention of going the homewrecker route. Swinging sounded gross and
exhausting. I didn’t want to sleep with a stranger, I wanted it to be with
someone I cared about.
Chapter 2 - Colt

As soon as summer started, my obsession with my stepmom Melany

picked right back up where it had left off. It made me feel kind of bad, but I
absolutely couldn’t help myself. She had it all, and I had trouble not openly
staring at her around the house.

I was 19 and had the whole summer to do whatever I wanted before

starting college. My friends were always wanting to go hang out and chase
girls, which I enjoy doing, but the woman that I really wanted was already
living in my house.

Dad went to work early and came home late, leaving the two of us
with plenty of alone time each and every day. For the longest time, I tried
pushing the feelings out of my head and pretending they didn’t exist. After
all, she was my stepmom and I shouldn’t have even thought about her like

But it wouldn’t go away. Everytime my dick got hard, no matter what

caused it, my thoughts would move immediately back to the object of my
infatuation. She drove me wild without even meaning to, she could have
started wearing a black polyester burka around the house and I’ll have still
found her attractive.

I had this sort of recurring fantasy of hooking up with an older

woman, but this went even deeper than that. Melany was thick, with a
womanly body that none of the girls my age could match. Her ass was a big
fat bubble, with tits to match, and the most beautiful smile.

Before spending time with Melany, I never noticed a woman’s feet

in a sexual way, but after seeing her flaunt her red toenails and toe rings
while sunbathing, I wanted to put all ten of them in my mouth at the same

I was eventually able to justify it to myself, that it wasn’t my fault

that I found her so alluring. She was my dream girl, and the ultimate fantasy
woman for someone in my position. It would be wrong to have sex with my
own stepmother, but that only made me want to do it more, especially once
the desire got out of control.

“Hey Melany. I like your toes.” I said, having decided to start

complimenting her and trying to see if there was any potential of us
hooking up.

“Excuse me?” she asked, furrowing her brows.

“The color, I mean. It’s very pretty, it suits you.” I said, using the
opportunity to check out her toesies.

“Oh. Thank you, Colt. I got them done this morning.”

“Red is the sexiest color for toe nail polish, in my opinion.” I said. I
was watching TV in the living room, and she was just passing through.

“Okay, then.” she said, smiling before she left the room. I couldn’t
tell how it went, but I planned to keep making comments and trying to let
her know that I was available if she was interested.
Chapter 3 - Melany

The timing couldn’t have been worse, or better, depending on how

you looked at it. Right as I was starting to entertain the idea of another man,
my stepson Colt started coming onto me.

It started with some bizarre compliments, about my toe nail polish,

and then how tight fitting jeans looked really good on me because of my
“body type”.

“What body type?” I asked, unsure of how to take what he was


“You know, luscious and curvy, the whole package.” he said. I rolled
my eyes, but it made me blush hearing someone describe me in that way.
My husband hadn’t looked at me like that, really lusted after me in quite
some time.

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Colt was confident and aggressive, and super obvious about what he
wanted. He’d always been popular with the girls because he was tall,
handsome, athletic, and ripped to the bone. He was too young for me and
my stepson, so obviously I’d never let that thought enter my head before,
but being flirted with constantly will make you consider options you hadn’t
considered before.

I found it flattering that a 19 year old had eyes for me, but it wasn’t
something I was going to pursue. The compliments continued, and I started
to look forward to running into him around the house. It became a little
game, and I can’t say that I didn’t participate.

Colt pretty much stopped wearing shirts, choosing instead to walk

around the house in athletic shorts. His body was so muscular, so much
more manly than most guys his age. For my part, I started wearing camis
and tank tops, sometimes without a bra. Once I knew that he liked my toes,
socks were off the menu as well.

It was all of the standard things, and it was so exciting that I kept
getting lost in it even after telling myself to cut things off. One of us had to
stop escalating things, or someone was going to happen that we couldn’t
take back.

Colt became very handsy with me, putting his arm around me, giving
me little shoulder rubs, and asking for hugs which went on for way too long
and left me hot and bothered. The eye contact, my God. It only intensified
the longer we maintained it, and it was almost like he was beaming me with
sexual energy because I always felt my temperature and heart rate

The good thing about all of this was that Colt and I were getting
closer, more and more comfortable with each other. He made me laugh, and
I liked his exuberance and confident demeanor. He was a breath of fresh air,
even if our unspoken flirtation was reprehensible.

I started feeling bad about it, having this kind of secretive type of
flirtatious relationship with my own step son behind my husband’s back. It
was time to end it, and to stop rewarding his behavior with positive
reinforcement. At least that’s what I told myself.

What happened next was a complete and total accident, and had a
similar effect on me as stepping on a landmine. It was a normal day, nice
and sunny out, and Colt was returning from his afternoon run as per usual.

I watched him approaching from the window, eyeing his sweaty,

muscular younger body as he approached the front door. Once he was
inside, I saw something bouncing around in the front of his shorts and
instinctively grabbed it.

“What is that?” I asked, taking firm hold. As soon as I grabbed it, I

realized my obvious mistake. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Colt.”
“It’s fine,” he said, letting out a thunderous laugh.

“I thought you stuffed something in there.” I said, full of shock and

embarrassment and trying to explain my actions. “I didn’t think there was
any way that it was your…you know.”

“That’s funny,” he said.

“Colt, I’m really sorry.” I said, trying my hardest not to look back
down at it.

“It’s fine, I don’t mind at all. You can play with it whenever you
want.” he said. I could literally feel the heat coming off of his body, and my
head was spinning. Instinctively, I looked back down at it.

“That’s real?” I asked. My face must have been completely flushed,

because he kept grinning and watching my reactions.

“Yeah, look.” he said, making the tent in his shorts jump two times.

“Colt!” I squealed, looking away only to look right back down at it.

“I’m not wearing underwear.”

“I can see that. Why is it hard?” I asked, covering my mouth and

forcing myself to look away.

“Honestly, I got kind of bored on my run, and I started thinking about

you for the last half mile,” he said. “So in a way, you inspired this.”

“Do you wanna see it?”

“No. I want you to go take a shower, and make it go away.” I said.

“It’d be a lot easier if you came and helped me make it go away.”

“Colt. Stop.” I said. I could hear my pulse in my ears and was
becoming too aroused for my own comfort level.

“I’m sorry, mom. I’ll go take a shower.”

“Thank you.” I said, right as he yanked his shorts down to his ankles
and stepped out of them, exposing the single largest cock I’d ever seen in
person before walking down the hall towards the bathroom.

I didn’t say a word, I simply stood and watched. By the time he was
out of sight, I could feel my own wetness seeping into the front of my
Chapter 4 - Colt

When I closed the door to the bathroom behind me, I let out a massive
exhale. I probably shouldn’t have dropped my shorts in front of her, but it
was such a turn on seeing her so flustered by the size of my cock.

After showering, I went looking through the house until I spotted her
drinking some tea on the back porch. The last thing I wanted was for things
to become awkward between us, so I wanted to talk to her.

“Hey.” I said. She gave me a look as she took a sip of her tea.


“I’m sorry about that earlier, I shouldn’t have done it.” I said.

“It was very inappropriate, but I understand why you did it.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. You were horny, and I’ve been flirting with you a lot lately.”
she said. Melany didn’t seem as playful, or flirtatious as usual. “It’s as much
my fault as yours.”

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just feel bad about the way we’ve been acting.”

“Why? We haven’t done anything wrong.” I said. It wasn’t a

conversation I wanted to have, as I didn’t want our unspoken bond to come
to an end.

“That depends on how you look at it, I guess. It’s just a lot for me to
process.” she said, finally looking up from her cup of tea. “Your father gave
me permission to sleep with another man, and ever since then, you and I
have been getting closer and closer to crossing that line.”
“I didn’t realize.”

“Attraction is an impulse we can’t control. There’s no use denying it.”

“I would never. I can’t help it, but I know it’s real.” I said, feeling the
butterflies in my stomach go into overdrive.

“I don’t want to be weird, but do you think I could see it again?” she
asked, giggling and lacing her voice with sensuality.

“Ugh, yeah. Sure. If you want.”

“I do.” she said.

“Alright.” I stood up, and looked around to make sure none of our
neighbors could see me before pulling my waistband down until it flopped

“Jesus Christ, Colt. I literally thought you were trying to be funny

and stuffed something in your shorts.”

“Oh. Is that why you grabbed it? I was so confused.”

“Yeah, it was an awkward, confusing moment.” she said. We shared

a laugh, and then she asked me if she could touch it.

“I told you Melany, you can play with it whenever you want.” I said.
Having it out in front of her was turning me on, and he was slowly growing
larger as she wrapped her fingers around it.

“Oh my gosh. I can’t believe this.” Melany said, taking hold of it

with both hands and stroking it up and down. It always felt good when a
woman gave it a tug, but the pleasure was intensified by the fact that it was
Melany. “This is so bad, I feel naughty.”
“That feels so good, mommy. Don’t stop.”

“Mommy? You hardly ever call me that.” she said, continuing to

jerk it.

“Will you spit on it?” I asked. Melany smirked, and relinquished my

cock from her hands.

“I will, but we should probably go inside first.”

“Yes ma am.” I said, snapping back to the reality that we were

technically in our backyard, and that we were also technically stepson and
stepmother. I clumsily pulled my shorts back up and followed her inside.
Chapter 5 - Melany

There was no turning back, and I held his hand as I dragged him into
my bedroom. It wasn’t my fault that my husband could no longer satisfy me
sexually, nor was it my fault that he suggested I find another lover. And it
most definitely wasn’t my fault that my stepson was massively endowed,
and every bit as into me as I was into him.

At least that’s what I told myself as I wrapped my legs around his

waist when he lifted me up into his arms. He was bigger and stronger than
my husband, that was clear from the moment he grabbed hold of me.

“Take it off.” he said, grunting in between deep, tongue filled kisses.

He yanked and pulled at my clothes, tearing them off as we aggressively
made out on my marital bed. My head was spinning, and I was running
completely on arousal and instinct.

“Baby!” I squealed, as my stepson slipped my lace underwear down

to my ankles, only to begin kissing and licking my feet before removing

“I have to. They’re so pretty.” he said. It kind of tickled, but I had

zero issues with being worshiped.

“It just tickles, that’s all. I’ll let you suck on my toes anytime, baby.”
I said, looking down at the massive tent bulge in his gray shorts. “You
should let that monster free.” I said, motioning down with my eyes.

“What are you gonna do for me if I take it out?” he asked, still

rubbing my sole against the side of his face.

“I’ll pretend that it’s a lollipop, and I’m a naughty girl with a really
bad sweet tooth.” I said, biting my lip as he reached into his waistband to
pull it out.
“Here’s your sucker.” he said, slapping his engorged thickness
against the palm of his hand.

“I have strawberry lube.” I said, suddenly remembering the flavored

lubricant I bought to use with Frank. That never happened, but it was the
perfect opportunity to use it.

“Get it.” he said. I fumbled through my drawer until I found it, and
then crawled over to him and applied a liberal amount over the top of his
hard flesh.

“It looks so yummy.” I said, eyeing his glistening cock and slowly
spreading the lube around with the pad of my finger. His bulbous
mushroom head was so fat that I had to open my jaw to swallow it, but it
was well worth the effort.

“Oh my God.” he said, tossing back his head and grabbing the back
of mine. Colt pressed my throat down onto his immense member, thrusting
and commanding me to look him in the eyes while I sucked.

“Yes sir.” I said, eagerly slurping down as much of his cock as I

could handle. It had been so long since I’d been with someone else, I’d
forgotten how exciting it could be being taken control of.

“My balls. Give them a good tongue washing.” he said, grunting. I

loved seeing the dominant side of him emerge, and I did exactly as I was
told and filled my mouth with his giant testicles. I could taste the sweat as I
swirled them around in my mouth. “Good girl.”

“Mmm…your balls, Colt. They’re so big.”

“Bury your face in them, show me what a slut you are for that big
dick.” he said. Colt was very attractive, but hearing him dirty talking as he
took exactly what he wanted only made him sexier.

Chapter 6 - Colt

There aren’t words to describe the satisfaction of finally stuffing my

hard cock inside of her tight little cunt. She was dripping wet by the time I
stuck it in, and she moaned like a whore for every hard thrust.

“Oh! Oh! Wow, Colt. It’s so good.” she moaned, staring into my eyes
as I buried my bareback pipe harder and harder.

“Beg for it. Show me how much you love taking your stepson’s
cock.” I said, taking firm hold of her throat, choking and kissing her at the
same time. Her legs were up on my shoulders, and her pretty feet bounced
helplessly as I pounded away.
“I love it, Colt. I love your cock. I’ll be your cockslut, baby.
Whenever you want me.”

“Good girl. Are you gonna be a good little slut for this cock?” I
asked, practically barking. I’d never felt such palpable lust, and it sort of
unleashed an animal inside me that I didn’t know existed.

“Oh my gosh, Colt. Don’t stop. I’m so close. I’m so fucking close!”
she called out, whimpering uncontrollably as she squirted all over my hard
dick. Seeing her in such pleasure sent me over the edge, and within seconds
we were climaxing together.

“Melany, fuck.” I grunted, pumping her full of sticky cum and forcing
my tongue into her mouth. “Ugh!”

“Baby…” she said, still writhing beneath me. “Fuck.”

“Holy shit.”

“I haven’t cum that hard in decades.” she said, breathing heavily and
staring up at the ceiling. I smiled, and a feeling of pride moved through me.

“I don’t wanna take it out.” I said, still looking down at her perfect
tits. I’d fantasized about that moment for so long, and it was easy to savor
her beauty.

“Leave it in. I don’t mind.”

“I’m not gonna be able to stop now, Mel. I need it.”

“Good. I don’t want that dick anywhere except deep inside me.” she
Chapter 7 - Frank

Obviously, I was shocked to find out that my wife had taken my son
as her new lover. I hadn’t even considered it as a possibility, and I wondered
how it came about.

“We started flirting about the same time you told me that I could seek
other arrangements, and one thing led to another, then I ended up grabbing
his cock, and things just got out of control after that.” she said, being totally
honest about what had happened.

“Wow. Did you enjoy it?” I asked, unsure of what else to say.

“It was incredible. Mind blowing actually, I practically couldn’t stop

cumming.” she said. I could see it in her eyes that she was smitten with
him, and that she wasn’t lying about the quality of the sex.

“Maybe I don’t need all the details.” I said.

“Are you mad at me? Is this okay?” she asked, her eyes pleading. I

“I’m not mad. I told you to find someone who could please you, and
if Colt is the man who does that, then so be it.” I said. I’ll admit that it
didn’t feel great, and I’d rather she chose someone else, but it was what it
was. Plus, I could tell by the way she talked about it that it was too late.
There was nothing I could do to stop my wife from frantically and
enthusiastically fucking my son, over and over again.

There was no reason to lie to myself about it, especially after I told
her to seek out another man. So I accepted it, and tried my best to avoid
seeing it with my own two eyes. Every once in a while I would hear them,
going at it like animals. I couldn’t handle that, it was too graphic and
emotional, but I would simply go for a walk whenever I heard her making
strange noises that she never made for me.
I tried not to think about the fact that she was completely uninhibited
with him, and did dirty things that she had never done with me before. The
worst part was that her and I no longer slept together once they started
fucking, as she preferred cuddling with him and having sex with him over

Chapter 8 - Melany
I came clean right away about what happened between Colt and I,
and I felt much better going forward with our relationship once Frank knew
outright what was happening under his own roof.

Once I started sleeping with Colt, we became almost inseparable.

The attraction, the bonding that takes place from having such intense
orgasms together and being so intimate, I ended up falling in love with him.

It was a complete sexual awakening and for me, like a rebirth. I

embraced my naughty side, and gave in to the fact that I loved being
dominated by my dominant, hung, younger stepson. I still got to have the
stability of my marriage, with the addition of excitement in the bedroom
with a new partner as well as the companionship we provided each other.

Colt went off to college, but we decided to remain exclusive. I

didn’t want anything else, and neither did he. It’s a perfect arrangement, and
it’s kept me happy ever since the first time I spread my legs and let him
bury his python inside me.
Forbidden Curiosity (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 8

Chapter 1 - Madison

It was the summer following graduation, and I was on a big

environmental kick. Save the bees, save the turtles, save the planet. I even
convinced some of my friends to go out collecting trash with me, which
ended up being a really fun and all day adventure. When I got home, my
stepdad Seth was getting ready for a shower.

“Hey you.” he said, standing in my doorway without a shirt on.

“Hi.” I said, smiling uncontrollably at the sight of his muscular

body. It wasn’t easy having a hot stepdad.

“How was it? Did you save the planet?” he asked.

“We’re off to a good start. I smell like actual garbage though.” I


“I’m about to hop in the shower, you can take one after me.”

“What if we showered together? It could save a lot of water.” I said,

blurting it without even thinking about what that would entail. My head was
just in conservation mode, and it seemed like an easy water saving hack.

“Yeah, I guess it would. You want to?”

“Heck yeah, let’s do it.” I said. That’s when it hit me, that unless we
wore bathing suits or something, we were going to be naked together.

I went into my room to grab a change of underwear, and noticed

how fast my heart was beating. The truth is, I had a huge crush on my
stepdad and I couldn’t make it go away.

“Fudge. Why did I have to open my mouth?” I whispered to myself,

suddenly beyond nervous. I slowly tiptoed down the hallway, and when I
got to the bathroom, Seth was already in the shower.

“There you are.” he said, peeking his head around the curtain.
“Hurry up and hop in, we’re wasting water.”

“Ugh, okay. Yeah.” I said, frozen in place. I felt like my entire face
was flushing red, but I made myself remove my clothes to get in with him. I
felt so exposed and vulnerable, that I covered my breasts with one arm and
my sex with the other.
Chapter 2 - Seth

Madison was adorable, and I always thought that I’d have pursued her
romantically in another timeline. She was so dang sweet, always trying to
save the world and do the right thing. I loved that about her, her optimism
and exuberant spirit.

She was also a bit naive, which is typical for a 19 year old, but I
almost couldn’t believe it when she suggested we shower together to save
water. Was she coming onto me? Or did she just not realize how wildly
inappropriate it would be for us to shower together?

I went along with it, thinking that she wouldn’t actually go through
with it.

“I didn’t really think this through, I’m kind of embarrassed.” she said,
covering herself as she slinked into the shower to join me.

“It’s okay, angel. It’s perfectly natural, we’ll get used to it if we start
doing this to help save water.” I said.

“Yeah.” she said, softly as I scooted past her so she could get in the
water. I looked down at her supple ass, and instantly felt my biological
reactions kicking in.

“You’re so pretty, baby.” I said, lathering up her back with body



“I’m gonna get your butt.” I said, allowing my fingers to go lower.

She didn’t protest, so I began groping her with both hands.

“Kind of tickles.” she said, letting out a giggle before turning to face
me. Her tits were so perky, and her nipples were practically calling out to
me to be sucked on.
“See, it’s not so bad taking a shower together, huh?”

“No. I like it.” she said, letting her gaze drift down between my legs.
“I’ve never seen one before.”

“Oh, really? You can inspect it if you want.” I said, eager to see how
far she would let things go between us.

“Is it getting hard?”

“Yeah, a little.” I said, taking it by the base and slapping it against my

leg. “You’re very beautiful, Madison. I can’t help it.”

“Oh. Even though I’m your stepdaughter?”

“My body doesn’t seem to care.” I said. “Do you wanna touch it?”

“Yeah.” she said, slowly reaching her hand out. “But we shouldn’t. I
don’t think we should.”

“Okay, baby. You don’t have to, I just figured you might want to play
with it a little since you’ve never seen one before.” I said, my cock sticking
straight out and fully erect. Madison kept looking down at it, and biting her
lip, but she stayed strong.

“I’m gonna wash it a little, is that okay?” I asked, squeezing a line of

soap down the length of my penis. Madison nodded, making no effort to
conceal the fact that she was staring at it.

“I can’t believe how much bigger it gets.” she said. I rubbed up and
down, spreading the soap and openly stroking myself in front of her. “Wow.
This is making me feel funny.”

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked.

“No, but I think my body doesn’t care that you’re my stepdad either.”

“Are you getting aroused?” I asked.

“Yes. I do wanna play with it, but it doesn’t seem right.” she said.

“That’s okay, honey. You don’t have to do anything you aren’t

comfortable with.”

“But I think it’d be okay if I just watched.” she said. She was so hot,
and my mind was short circuiting because she was turning me on so much.

“Okay, you can watch. But if I do it with this soap, it’s going to
burn. How about we get out of the shower and we can go to my room, then
you can watch me play with it.” I said, still rubbing myself.

“Yeah, okay daddy.” she said. We quickly finished our shower, and
toweled each other off before moving straight into the bedroom.
Chapter 3 - Madison
It felt like I was hypnotized by my own arousal. I knew that we were
going way too far, but I wanted to watch him masturbate so badly that I
went along with it anyway.

Seth sat down on the bed, and poured lube all over his penis and balls.
I climbed into bed with him, and removed my towel so that he could look at
my body while he touched himself.

“You’re so sexy, baby. I love your nipples.” he said, his big daddy
balls bouncing because he was stroking it so hard.

“Daddy, I’m so turned on.” I said, practically whimpering. I didn’t

know what to do with myself, but I felt like I might explode from the inside

“That’s natural, baby. It’s okay. Go ahead and touch yourself, we’ll do
it together.” he said.

“Okay, daddy.” I said, spreading my legs. “Are you sure this isn’t

“I’m touching myself, and you’re touching yourself. What’s bad

about that?” he asked. His logic made sense, and we scooted closer and
closer to each other as we masturbated.

“I want to see it cum.” I said, staring at his long, veiny shaft. It was
all shiny because of the lube, and I kept picturing all the nasty things I
wanted to do to my stepdad in that naughty moment.

“Yeah? You wanna see daddy cum?” he asked, getting up onto his

“Yes, daddy. I want to see it.” I said, rubbing my clit faster and faster
to match his pace.
“I’m gonna let it shoot all over you.” he said, grunting. I’d never been
in such a charged situation, and I couldn’t believe how much it was
intensifying my pleasure.

“Yes, daddy. Cum for me.”

“You’re such a good girl, Madison. I love you.” he said, standing over
me while I touched myself.

“I love you, daddy.”

“Oh, fuck, baby. I’m gonna cum, Madison. I’m gonna cum for you.”
he moaned, tilting his head back as his cock erupted, shooting heavy ropes
of hot sticky cum across my stomach and tits.

“Wow, daddy. It’s so much.”

“Ugh!” he moaned as an errant shot of cum landed on my chin. “Oh

my God.”

“Oh fudge, daddy. It feels so good.” I reached climax almost instantly

after he came on me. I called out loudly, whimpering and making funny
noises that just came out of me.

It was the most erotic moment of my life, and I knew that I needed
more. There was no way I could go back to not taking showers with him,
and I knew that eventually I wanted to be the one making him cum.

“I haven’t cum that hard in forever.” he said, laying down beside me.
“Thank you, baby. I needed that.”

“It was really fun. I liked it.” I said, smiling. It felt so right, doing that
with him, and then cuddling with him. I ran my fingertip through his cum,
spreading it across my tits.
“I’ll cum for you anytime, Madison.” he said, kissing me on the
forehead. I felt so much closer to him already, and I loved exploring that
side of myself with him. He was the only person I was comfortable with
like that.

Chapter 4 - Seth

Madison was like my own personal Pandora’s box, and I think we

both knew as we cuddled after that first little playtime that it wasn’t a box
we’d ever be able to close. We went too far, and there was no way to go
back to not knowing how much we wanted each other.

I learned that she was a virgin, and that masturbating in front of me

was the farthest she’d ever gone with a boy. It was almost hard to believe,
because she was so gorgeous that I knew all the guys were trying to get
with her. But she was innocent, and naive, and it made sense when she told
me that she was just too nervous to become intimate with someone.
“Have you kissed before?”

“Yes, daddy. I’ve made out with boyfriends before.” she said.

“We should kiss.” I said, unable to resist escalating.

“That would be nice.”

“I’ve always wanted to kiss you. Like, really kiss you.” I said, pulling
her into me. “Such pretty lips.” It was an instant explosion of fireworks
when her soft lips touched mine, and our tongues swirled endlessly in each
other’s mouths as we moved right back to the bedroom.

“You’re a really good kisser.” she said, biting her lip as I removed her

“This time, I want us to touch each other.” I said, climbing on top of

her so that my cock dangled over her face.

“I want that too, but I’ve never done this.” she said,

“Just pretend you’re making out with it, kiss on it, lick it, and suck on
my balls.” I said, taking a handful of her hair as I lowered my balls into her
waiting mouth.

She looked so gorgeous, burying her sweet face in my crotch and

slurping away eagerly. I dipped my swollen cockhead into her mouth,
pushing it slowly deeper into her throat.

“Like that?” she asked.

“Yes, baby. You’re doing so good.” I moaned, grinding on my

stepdaughter’s face. It had been way too long since I’d had a new lover, and
I couldn’t think of a single woman that I desired more.
“Mmm…” she moaned, touching herself as she used her daddy’s dick
as a lollipop.

“Good girl, I’m so proud of you.”

“Mmm… I like it, daddy. I like making you feel good.” she said.

“You know what I really want?” I asked.

“What daddy?”

“I want you to lick my ass.”

“Really? Okay. I’ll do that for you.” she said, her eyes full of sweet
intentions. I had a feeling she had a submissive nature, but I had no idea
how deep that went until she was tongue fucking my ass.

“Oh my God. Don’t stop, baby. Fuck.” I moaned, burying my face in

the pillow with my ass up in the air.

“This is so naughty.” she said, giggling as she pulled my ass apart and
dove back in for more. Her warm tongue moved in rhythmic circles,
rimming my ass perfectly.

“Reach around and stroke it for me.” I said, gripping the sheets as she
made it so. “Good girl. That’s what I like.”

“Mmm…I want to make you cum.”

“Then don’t stop.” I moaned, pressing my ass back against her face. It
felt better than I imagined, and I couldn’t believe it was finally happening.
“Your mother would never do this for me.”

“I’ll do anything you say, daddy. I promise.” she said, alternating

between my ass and balls and stroking me at the same time.
“You’re such a good girl, Madison. I want to cum in your mouth this
time. I want you to drink it.” I said, groaning and getting closer to the edge.

“Yes, daddy. Please let me swallow your cum.”

“Look up at me while you suck on it.” I said, putting her on her knees
and standing in front of her. As much as I didn’t want her to stop tossing
me, I knew that I had to deposit my load directly into that pretty little mouth
of hers.


“Suck on my balls, stroke it with both hands.”

“Yes daddy.” she moaned, sticking out her tongue in anticipation of

her sticky reward.

“Oh, God. Madison. Here it comes, I can’t stop it.” I said, taking hold
of myself to finish. She was shockingly submissive, and jiggled her tits
while taking every drop of semen directly on her tongue. She looked up at
me with doe eyes, waiting until I told her before swallowing.

“Mmm…I didn’t know it would taste so yummy.”

“That’s your new snack, baby. You can have some whenever you’d
Chapter 5 - Madison
It was all so new, and intense. Even though I’d been crushing on him
forever, it was different once things actually started happening between us.
It was such a new world, and a stark contrast to the way we usually were
with each other.

I found it impossibly intoxicating, getting to know his dirty desires

and being the one to fulfill them. I knew it was wrong, but it turned me on
so much knowing that I would be the one he came to when he wanted
certain things, the things that my mother wouldn’t do for him.

The next couple of days were a blur, and I became a complete slut for
him in every way. Pleasing him was all I could think about, and he
introduced me to new sensations everytime he got his hands on me.

It was early in the morning, and my mom had just left for work. I was
still laying in bed when he came into my room, and pretty much attacked

“Take these off. I have to taste you.” he said, literally tearing my

panties because he removed them so roughly.

“Oh!” I squealed. “Okay.”

“I’ve been thinking about it all morning, my cock has been throbbing
for you for hours now. I thought she would never leave.” he said, spreading
my legs and frantically lapping away at my sex.

“Oh! Fudge. Daddy, oh wow. Fudge.” I said, squirming beneath him.

It was the first time that a man’s tongue had been down there, and it
absolutely blew me away the type of pleasure he gave me with his mouth.

“Madison, you have the sweetest little pussy. It’s so yummy.” he said,
flicking my clit with the end of his tongue and sending chills of pleasure
rippling through me. I grinded against his face and played with his hair,
pushing him down onto me.
“It feels so good, daddy. I love it.” I had trouble controlling my
breathing, and I thrashed around uncontrollably beneath him. He was too
strong, and pinned me to the mattress, forcing me to orgasm on his face
over and over again until I was exhausted.

“That was incredible.” I said, breathing heavily. My whole body felt

relaxed, and we started cuddling right after.

“Here.” he said, moving his hand down to his cock. “You’re gonna
need a snack to regain your strength.”

“Yes daddy.” I said, dropping down to blow him dutifully. I loved

giving him head, especially when he came into my mouth and made me
swallow it. It turned me on being used, and told what to do by such a
strong, manly man.

“You get better and better at that.” he said, complimenting me after

I’d swallowed my protein for the morning.

“Thank you daddy. I just wanna make you happy.”

“I know, angel. I love you so much.” he said, kissing my neck. “You

know what would make me the happiest man in the world?”


“If you gave me your virginity,” he said. I was already thinking about
it, and was kind of surprised he hadn’t already laid claim to me fully.

“I would love that.” I said.

“Such a good girl. Let’s do it tonight.”
Chapter 6 - Seth

We’d already crossed so many lines, our lust fueled escapades were
so intense and fulfilling that it overrode my ability to think rationally. We
were going too far, performing nasty acts that I didn’t even do with my wife
or previous lovers.

It was an undeniable chemistry, and the passion was endless. We went

to see a movie that day, and then had dinner and went to the park. As soon
as we got back home, I was going to plunder her tight little virgin teen
pussy. I had already kissed it, licked, sucked it, and swallowed her wetness.
It was time for me to take it, and officially make her mine.

The fact that she was only 19 didn’t bother me, as there was such a
solid foundation of love between us. She trusted me deeply, and had always
respected me. It may have been a very unconventional way of finding a
partner, but there was no denying that’s where things were headed.

Our bond was already deep, but I knew how much more serious it’d
become once I took her virginity. I didn’t have any issues in the erection
department, but decided to pop a pill on the way home anyway just to make
it super hard. I wanted to fuck her completely senseless for her first time,
and to make her so addicted to me that she’d never think about another man
for the rest of her life.

Madison took a shower and changed into a pair of lingerie that I’d
picked out for the occasion, and then came to my room.

“Check you out. You look beautiful, Madison.” I said, standing to

greet her. We both knew what we were there for, and we wasted no time
getting started. “I love when you sit in my lap.”

“Me too. I want you to be on top for my first time, but I can’t wait to
ride you in this position.” she said. I couldn’t slow down, and started
kissing her and groping her breasts.
“I’ll bounce you up and down on it, and look into your eyes and tell
you how much I love you.” I whispered, unclasping her bra and removing

“I’m so glad it’s you.”

“I know. You’re so pure.” I said, leaning in to suck on her erect

nipple. Madison grinded against me, rubbing her genitals on mine over my
boxer briefs.

“I love you.”

“I love you.” I said. I grabbed two handfuls of her ass, and lifted her
up and then laid her down. “Take these off.”

“Yes sir.” she said, grinning as she removed her panties.

“I could stare at you naked all day.” I said.

“If we lived alone, you could.”

“Baby, it’s so pretty. I’m gonna miss your cute little hymen.” I said.

“It’s yours now, daddy. You have to make me lose it.”

“It’s going to feel so good, your tight little pussy squeezing on my

cock.” I said, massaging her clit with the pads of my fingers.

“I love when you touch me.”

“It’s already so wet.” I said.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day. I could hardly even focus on
the movie.” she said.
“This time you don’t have to swallow my cum. At least not with your
mouth.” I said.

“You’re gonna do it inside?”

“I have to.”

“That’s what I want too. I want to feel it.” she said. I removed my
underwear, and could feel the pill making it extra hard. “It’s so big.”

“I’ll go slow. At first.” I said, pulling her over to me by her ankles.

“Such a doll.”

“I’ll be anything you want me to be, daddy.” she said, looking up at

me with the most angelic look in her eyes. Her body was so supple, so
unspoiled and untouched. It was mine to lay claim to.

“Oh, baby.” I said, rubbing my cockhead against her virgin pussy. She
was a dessert of epic proportions, and I didn’t think I’d ever get such a
wonderful young gift at 40 years of age.

She winced as I started pressing it in. She was very tight, and I had to
force my way through.

“It’s okay, baby. You can take it.”

“Yes, daddy. It hurts, but I want it.” she moaned, pressing herself
against me and biting her lip.

“There ya go, fuck. It’s so tiny, Madison.” I said.

“It’s your tiny hole, daddy. Only yours.”

“I know, angel. You’re such a good girl for your daddy.” I moaned,
unable to break eye contact with her as I worked it in and out. She began
bleeding lightly once I bottomed out inside her, but it felt so fucking good
that neither of us cared.

“It’s so big.”

“I love it, Madison. It’s mine. I love that little virgin pussy.” I said,
overtaken with desire. Once I was buried inside her, it was like entering a
new level of paradise. She was sopping wet, so tight that she could have
milked the cum out of me simply by flexing her pelvic muscles.

“Oh my goodness.”

“So pretty.” I said, watching the way her gorgeous little tits bounced
when I slammed it into her. “They’re so pretty.”
Chapter 7 - Madison

I’d never been handled like that, or felt something so warm and hard
inside my body. Daddy hit spots that I didn’t know existed, and had me
cumming all over his cock within minutes.

“I love when you grab me like that.” I grunted, staring down between
my own legs and watching his bareback cock penetrate me again and again.
Seth had one hand around my throat, and the other held my hair in a

“Look at me.” he said, before spitting into my mouth. “My little


“Yes, daddy. Only for you.”

“Only for me!” he repeated, grunting and moaning more and more.
“That’s my good little girl, my little slut. You only do these things with

“Yes. Only you.” I gasped, as he choked me harder as he approached

climax. “I want it. Please, daddy.”

“In you.”

“Yes!” I called out.

“Baby girl, fuck. Daddy’s right there, I’m so close.” It was so hot
seeing him lose control of himself, and seeing such an intimate and
possessive side of him. It was so hot that as soon as I felt his meat stuck
pumping me full of hot baby juice, I peaked along with him.

We kissed deeply, grinding and moaning in a battle to extract every

last bit of pleasure we could take from each other. The next thing I
remember is Seth pulling it out of me, and scooping up the excess cum and
feeding it to me.
I was in such a manic state of arousal that I slurped it off of his
fingers without hesitation, reaching down between my legs to gather more.

“So much cum.” I said, giggling as I proudly ate it in front of him.

“Good girl, I love watching you defile yourself for me.” he said,
raising my foot to his mouth and kissing my toes.

“I’ll never say no to you, daddy. I’ll do anything you tell me.”

“Yeah you will. I’m going to corrupt you so badly, you’re going to be
my perfect little submissive cumslut.” he said, worshiping my toes.

“Yes sir.”
Chapter 8 - Seth

The way we bonded was unlike anything I’d ever experienced, and I
found myself getting lost in the act of falling in love with her. Truly, I didn’t
know I could love someone so effortlessly and completely, and helping her
bring out her inner slut was an impossibly fun mission to undertake.

Madison was as submissive as they came, and seemed to derive

pleasure from giving me pleasure. She was everything I’d ever dreamed of
in the sack, and as a woman. The closeness made denying it impossible, and
soon we were a couple.

We got our own place across town, and settled into life with our
steamy new relationship dynamic. She was so gorgeous, being with her
brought me back to life and I knew I had to start a family with her. It wasn’t
difficult, considering that she was ripe and fertile, not on birth control, and
loved it when I came inside her.

We talked about it often, about how she was going to get pregnant. In
the heat of passion, she would say things like “Breed my little fuckhole,
daddy”, and “Fill me with sticky baby juice”. The level of sexual
satisfaction and satiation that she gave me led to a massive increase in my
libido. Madison and I would often fuck for hours, sometimes slow and
romantic and sensual, other times with an almost violent urgency.

It didn’t take long, we were officially together for about three months
when we found out that she was pregnant. That was five years ago, and
we’re still happily together with a second child on the way.
The Young Bull (Stepmom/SS, Cuckold) - Taboo Volume 9
Chapter 1 - Lisa

I noticed that something was going on with my husband when he

started paying me less attention, and stopped initiating sex. After a week or
so, the signs kept adding up and I suspected an affair.

Alex isn’t the brightest man, and is a terrible liar. He also uses the
same password for everything, and I was easily able to get into his phone
while he was in the shower. What I found while snooping shocked me, and
filled me with a seething anger.

He was sending dick pics and sexting with girls from some stupid
dating app. The more I looked through his phone, the more I found. He was
paying for tons of Fans Only subscriptions, and porn sites, and even paying
for features on his little dating apps.

It would be an understatement if I said that I went ballistic. I stormed

into the bathroom screaming, and threw his brand new EyePhone into the

“We’re done! You baby dicked fuck face!” I screamed, shoving my

finger into his chest.

“Lisa, what are you talking about?”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, mocking him in an obnoxious

tone. If I had a toaster, I would have plugged it in and threw it in the shower
with him. “I saw your little dating apps, and how much money you’re
wasting on e-girls.”

“Lisa, it’s not what you think.” he said, grabbing his towel and
following me dripping out of the bathroom and down the hallway.
“You sent dick pics!”

“Baby, I’m sorry.”

“No. You don’t get to call me that anymore. Go jerk off to internet
girls and pay for dating apps. You’re never going to touch me again, I
promise you that.” I said.

“Lisa, I admit it. It was wrong.”

“No shit dumbass! How would you feel if I did that? And I can
promise you I wouldn’t have to go simping to get random guys to wanna
fuck me.”

“What can I do? Please, baby. Don’t do this.”

“I’m not fucking kidding, Alex. Stop calling me baby.” I said,

fighting the urge to slap him across the face. Ten years of marriage, and he
was out looking for any random side ass that he could possibly find.

“Just tell me what I can do. Let me show you how sorry I am.” he
said, pleading. It was a very ugly look on him, and I felt what little respect I
had for him fading away as he started crying like an adolescent child.

“Stop fucking crying, for one. Jesus Christ, you cheated on me! And
there’s nothing you can do, there’s something you could have done, and it’s
called not fucking cheating on me!” I screamed.

“I didn’t have sex with anyone else.” he said, somehow thinking that
justified his behavior.

“I’m not surprised. You’re not gonna be having sex with me anymore,
so you should probably figure that out.” I said, scoffing and walking away.
I didn’t care that he didn’t physically cheat on me. He would have if
he could have, that much I know for sure. He did manage to ruin all trust
and stomp out any active attraction I was able to feel for him.

Things got ugly for the next couple days. Alex slept on the couch, and
I completely ignored him. I didn’t make him food, or do his laundry, or his
dishes. At the same time, I catered heavily to my stepson Jack, going out of
my way to make sure that all of his needs were met. I wanted Alex to see it
right in front of his face, and to be reminded of what he was missing.

Instead of my anger cooling down, it only seemed to spike every time

I saw him. I thought about all of the time wasted, and of the superior men I
could have chosen instead of him. It angered me to no end that he just
thought he could go to whatever he wanted, say sorry when he got caught,
and that was going to be that.

Jack started catching my attention, there’s no other way to put it. He

was 19 years old, tall, muscular, and handsome. The more I thought about
it, the more perfect I realized that he was for me. I wanted to fuck someone
who would really drive the point home to Alex how much he betrayed me,
and the longer Alex and I went without having sex, the hotter my stepson
Chapter 2 - Jack

It took me a minute to figure out what was going on. My stepmom

Lisa had always been very sweet and kind to me, but this was something
else entirely. She kept coming into my room, doing my laundry, and
bringing me breakfast in bed. It was awesome, honestly, especially because
she was absolutely gorgeous and I loved the attention.

When I saw that my dad had slept on the couch for over a week
straight, and noticed that they hadn’t so much as said a word to each other, I
decided to ask him what happened.

“I messed up, man. I did something wrong.” he said.

“Like, how wrong?” I asked.

“She caught me on dating apps, and she figured out that I have a
bunch of Fans Only subscriptions.” he said.

“What? Are you serious?”

“Yeah.” he said, looking down at the ground and sounding defeated.

“Why would you do that? Lisa is amazing.”

“I know. I fucked up, it was a weak moment.”

“A weak moment? How long have you been on dating sites? And
paying for Fans Only?” I asked, shocked by what I was hearing. It made no
sense, my dad was pudgy, didn’t have much charisma, and should have
been happy to have a woman who was way out of his league.

“A couple years.”

“Jesus, dude. That’s messed up.”

“I know.” he said.

“Are you off of them now? Did you cancel your subscriptions?”

“Well, I did at first, but she isn’t taking care of my needs anymore.”

“Wow. You’re a real piece of work. I hope she cheats on you.” I said,
and walked away. I was very loyal to Lisa, as she’d always been nothing
but an angel to me. Plus I had a crush on her, but I tried to not let myself
think about that because she was married to my dad and I knew I shouldn’t
let myself think about her in that way.

Once I found out what my dad had done, I completely took her side.
That poor woman, giving herself to him for a decade while he’s sneaking
around behind her back. All that I could do was shake my head, and be as
nice to Lisa as humanly possible.

Chapter 3 - Lisa

By the time Jack approached me and told me that he was completely

on my side in regards to what happened with his father, I’d already become
madly attracted to him.

“It’s not your fault, baby. I don’t want you to have to feel bad about
his actions.” I said.
“I know, I just don’t want you to think I condone his behavior in any
way. It’s embarrassing, because I’m not that kind of person.” he said.

“I know, Jack. You’re so much better than him.” I said. “Come here.”
I gave him a great big hug, and made sure to wrap my arms over his so that
my breasts were right in his face. I held on longer than I should, kissing the
top of his head and inhaling his manly scent.

“Thanks. I just wanted to let you know.”

“I appreciate it. I love you.” I said, staring into his eyes.

“I love you too.” he said. Jack turned and left my room, but that’s
when it really hit me.

Holy fuck. My heart is pounding. He’s so delicious, I have to. It’s too

My anger towards Alex wasn’t going anywhere, and I couldn’t think

of a hotter revenge than mounting my stepson and taking out all of my pent
up sexual frustrations out on his young hard cock. Not only that, I had every
intention of doing it in my own marital bed.

I went for a long walk and cleared my head, and looked at my

situation from the calmest perspective possible. There was no denying that
my marriage was over, as I couldn’t and wouldn’t be with someone that I
have no respect for. Add in the lack of attraction, and there was no way
around it. We were done.

I was also horny, and needed an outlet to satiate my own needs. Jack
was the only person I wanted, and it worked out since he not only lived in
the same house as me, but he was also the very person who Alex would
least want me to fuck.
Even though Jack was my stepson, he had also slowly become the
man of the house. He wasn’t lazy, and was always going the extra mile to
make sure my life was easier. I started pampering him to make Alex
jealous, but when Jack started pampering me back, I did it as part of our
developing relationship.

The thing is, even outside of him being a perfect tool for revenge, he
really was an absolute catch. If I was going to date a younger man, I would
surely have chosen him. He had so much going for him, so much promise,
ambition, and drive. It didn’t hurt one bit that he also happened to be built
like a God and charming to boot.

All of the girls his age had little crushes on him, and I could see why.
I’d been so focused on making my marriage work that I never saw him in
that way, besides, he was so much younger. But seeing my own husband
reverting to teenage behaviors and laziness made me see the manly qualities
in my younger stepson. And given the entire context of the situation, I was
quite set on seducing him.

Chapter 4 - Alex

I started drinking hard liquor again, because I couldn’t take it. I

couldn’t take it knowing that it was over with Lisa, and that I’d very likely
never get another woman again. Even if I did, she would pale in comparison
to the girl of my dreams.

Everyone had always wanted her, she just had that special way about
her, and that combined with her stunning looks made her an impossible
catch. She was so good to me, for so long, even through my struggles.
It became clear that things were not only over, but that she resented
me on a deep level. Lisa started openly flirting with my son Jack, right in
front of my face. Jack was as mad at me as she was, and had no problems
flirting right back. At first I told myself that it was in my head, but the signs
started adding up.

She dressed differently around the house, more provocatively, and

was always finding stupid excuses to put her hands on him.

“You’re so muscular, my goodness.” she said, ogling him like a piece

of meat. I remember when she used to give me compliments, but my
physique was never anything like his. Jack worked out relentlessly, and ate
very clean. He was a disciplined person in general, but especially about his
physical health.

She gave him hugs almost every time she saw him, and I could feel
my jealousy rising each time she pressed her luscious breasts against his
face. Jack seemed to relish the hugs, smiling wide and burying his face in

It only got worse, as they started doing everything together while I

withered away on the couch. I had some money in savings, and started
looking at weekly hotels. It seemed inevitable that she would leave me, and
I’d be on my way out anyway.
In the meantime, I could only watch as my wife and son became
almost like a couple. They ate together, worked out together, watched
movies together, and were always in each other’s vicinity chatting it up and
smiling. It made me sick to my stomach, and full of regret. So I poured in a
bunch of tequila, cashed in on my three weeks of vacation, and went on a

“Clean this nasty mess up. What the fuck? It’s a pig’s sty in here.”
Lisa shouted, waking me from a stupor. They were the first words she’d
spoken to me in over a week, and I found myself stumbling around trying to
clean my living area, and apologizing profusely.
“I’m sorry, Lisa. I fell asleep.”

“Yeah, after drinking two thirds of a bottle of damned Tequila. Get it

together, dude, or get out.”

I cleaned the area up as best as I could, and then chugged some water
to help relieve my headache. I realized that if she kicked me out, I’d be a
completely broken and useless man. Maybe she would never look at me the
same way again, but I really wanted to at least be able to live at my own
Chapter 5 - Jack

The level of affection that Lisa and I displayed increased by the day,
until the point that we were no longer uncomfortable with pretty much
cuddling up right in front of my dad. He wasn’t going to say anything, nor
would it have been a good idea.

We hadn’t spoken about the attraction, although it was obvious. No

two people spend as much time together as we did, laughing, and feeling
alive, unless there’s a strong chemistry brewing right beneath it.

It came so naturally with us, just vibing and working as a team. We

would cook together, eat, and then clean up together, enjoying every
moment. I started to fantasize about it finally happening, and obsess over
every inch of her body. I’d never wanted someone in such a powerful way,
and I was trying to remain patient but I knew I had to make my move.

Luckily, I didn’t even have to. Lisa strode into the living room
wearing booty shorts and a tank top, and plopped herself right down in my
lap. It was noon and I was watching an episode of Family Guy, with my dad
passed out on the other couch not ten feet away.

“Hey you.” I said, looking down at her plump breasts and then into
her eyes.

“You know, I’ve been thinking…”

“Oh yeah? About what?”

“About you, Jack.” she said. I felt my cock stiffen right away, as there
was no mistaking her tone. Lisa straddled me with her tits dangling my
face, and I peeked over to see that dad was still passed out. There was an
empty tequila bottle on the coffee table in front of him, along with a
sprinkling of orange Cheeto dust that also coated the outline of his mouth. It
was a pathetic sight, and I turned my attention back where it belonged.
“I’ve been thinking about you too, Lisa.” I said. She inhaled sharply,
and leaned in and began kissing my neck and ear while grinding against me.
It was a side of her I hadn’t seen, but the side I’d been craving to know.

“You’re so much better than him, Jack. I want you to take me from
him, and make me yours.” she whispered, gently running the tip of her
tongue along my inner ear. A chill moved through me and she isolated my
cock with her ass, grinding on it perfectly.

“Only mine?” I asked, staring into her eyes for confirmation.

“Only yours.” she said, the only words I needed to hear.

“Come here.” I said, grabbing her face and pulling her in for an
aggressive kiss.

“Mmm…baby.” she moaned, raising her chin so I could taste the flesh
of her neck.

“I’ve wanted you for so long.” I said, groping her ass and breasts in a
frenzy, forcing my tongue into her mouth and savoring her taste.

“Me too, baby. I know we shouldn’t be doing this, but I don’t care.
You’re the one I want.” she said, removing her tank top and then unclasping
her bra. Her enormous tits were suddenly in my mouth, and I was so hard
that I was throbbing in my shorts.

“I know. I don’t care either, I want to fuck you so bad.” I said, pulling
my pants and underwear down without removing my lips from her perfect,
suckable nipple. “Your tits are gorgeous.”

“Thank you, baby.” she giggled, pressing my face into them. “Here, I
won’t be needing these.” I watched as my beautiful stepmother stood up,
and slipped out of her shorts and underwear before dropping down on her
knees in front of me.
“Right here?” I asked, shocked at her brazenness. She smiled, and
pulled my shorts and underwear down to my ankles.

“Oh, wow. Good boy.” she said, eyes wide at the sight of my erection.
She looked over at my dad, and then back at my cock. “You’re much bigger
than what I’m used to.” she said, motioning to my passed out idiot of a

“That feels so good. I’ve been needing you to touch it for so long.” I
said, moaning as she stroked it up and down in her soft feminine hands.

“Oh, it’s a mutual feeling.” she said, using both hands. I distinctly
remember looking down at her jerking me off, and noticing that she was
still wearing her wedding ring.

“Lisa…” I grunted as she dove her mouth onto my cock. I writhed

uncontrollably beneath her, scared I might cum in less than ten seconds. She
devoured my cock, gagging and forcing it deeper and deeper. “Oh my

“Mmm…I love it.” she said, slapping it against her face and looking
up at me. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, my own stepmom down on
her knees, worshiping my cock.

“Fuck. That is so good.” I said, running my fingers through her hair

and savoring every second.

“Mmm…” she moaned, letting out a little giggle. “Mommy loves

your cock.”

“I love you, Lisa.” I said, forcing her deeper. No one had ever sucked
me with such an eager intensity, it felt so amazing that it was almost too
much. The slurping, the spitting, urgently gagging herself again and again.

“Mmmm!” she moaned, rubbing her pussy while throating me. She
switched over to my balls, rubbing her face in them and cleaning them with
her tongue.

“I had no idea you were so talented.” I said, smirking down at her. I

can’t put into words how much it turned me on seeing her in a cock crazed

“What can I say? You bring out my inner slut. Speaking of which…”
she said, standing once again and mounting me on the couch. “I need it in
me. And don’t you dare take it out, not even when you cum.”

“Okay. I won’t.” I said, as she pressed me inside her and sat down on

“Oh, wow. I like that.” she said. My face was already in between her
tits, licking away. Lisa rode up and down on it, and I couldn’t pry my eyes
from her perfect bouncing breasts.

“They’re so perfect.” I said, latching onto one of her nipples.

“Thank you, baby. They’re all yours now.” she said, looking over at
my dad. I hadn’t realized, but he was slowly waking up but hadn’t yet
noticed what we were doing. My instinct was to freeze initially, but Lisa
only increased her pace on top.

“You make me so hard.” I said, gripping her ass with both hands and
pulling her down onto me.

“You’re so big. I love it, Jack. I love your cock.” Lisa was practically
screaming, and it seemed to get her off knowing that he was becoming
aware. He definitely saw us, but continued halfway pretending to be asleep.

I didn’t care if he saw or didn’t, she was mine, and that was
something he was just going to have to come to terms with. Her pussy was
so wet, and gripped my shaft with incredible tightness.

“I’m so close, baby.” I said, looking up at her face.

“Good boy. Do it. Cum for mommy.” Hearing Lisa say that sent me
over the edge, and I erupted inside of her soft pussy, grunting and making
animal sounds that I didn’t know I could make. We started making out
hungrily, greedily fighting to steal more pleasure from each other.
Chapter 6 - Alex

There aren’t words for the way my soul died that day, or for the
humiliation and shame that crept through me when I woke to see my wife
on her knees in front of my son. I was so hungover, and it was so
unexpected, all I could do was pretend to be asleep while they continued.

Jack had an enormous penis in comparison to mine, and watching her

violently choke herself on his meat stick spurred sorts of jealousy and
insecurity. That’s the moment I really knew it was over, that I’d never have
her again.

Then she climbed on top of him, and rode his big dick like she was
the star of the fucking rodeo. The most embarrassing part was how hard my
cock became, watching my wife be impaled by my own son and seeing first
hand how much she was enjoying it.

The things she said to him, openly disrespecting me and telling him
how much bigger and harder his cock was, how she loved being a slut for
him, it killed me inside because I knew that it was not only true, but that I
was the cause.

I never even got laid on those dating apps, not once. It was a huge
waste of time and money, and in the end the only thing it got me was my
wife being split in half by a superior man right in front of my eyes. And I
was too scared to do anything about it. Jack was huge, and had a bit of a
meanstreak in him. I couldn’t beat him in a fight on my best day, and I was
in the midst of one of my worst.

After he came inside her, they eventually went on about their

business. I went straight to the bathroom and vomited, and then showered
and cried. I couldn’t shake the image of my wife looking up at him, her
mouth stuffed full of cock with slobber dribbling from her chin.

Lisa never fucked me like that. She didn’t talk dirty like that to me,
and she never complimented my dick the way she did with him. It was like
watching a completely different woman, a woman who I desired deeply.

It wasn’t an easy thing to come to terms with, that my own son had
stolen my wife and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. In the end, it
was all my fault and I couldn’t blame either of them. He was a good man,
and a catch, so was she. I’m the one who blew it, my only chance to be with
such an amazing woman.

She told me that day, about what had happened, and told me that she
had every intention of continuing to let him fuck her brains out. She was so
mean about the way she told me, repeatedly putting me down and telling
me that she didn’t realize how poor my sexual performance was until she
felt him inside her, making her cum uncontrollably and hitting spots that my
little dick could never hope to reach.

I continued to spiral, but eventually pulled myself out of it. I grew

used to the sounds of their lovemaking, of bodies slapping together for an
hour straight, of my wife’s voice calling out in agonizing pleasure, saying
the dirtiest things that a person could ever say.

I got back to work, and chose to focus on providing the best life I
could for them while they explored their new found love. I couldn’t leave, it
wasn’t even really an option. Without them, I was nothing. So I accepted it,
and even gave my blessing.

That was five years ago, and their passion hasn’t dwindled. They’re
engaged, and both doing so well financially because I still pay all of the
bills. It isn’t easy being cucked by your own son, and having to see and hear
him giving her pleasures that you could never provide, but life goes on. I’m
happy with my decision to stay, to remain a married cuck instead of a single
loser forever.

Doing What His Wife Won’t Do (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 10

Chapter 1 - Malice

My wife Amanda had all but completely lost her sex drive, and it was
killing me. We’d always had an active and enjoyable sex life, but things
changed, and I found myself hornier than I could remember.

` We talked about it a few times, and I could see it in her eyes that she
simply didn’t have it in her to keep up with me anymore. She told me she
would try giving me more handjobs, but it really never materialized.

By the third or fourth time I brought it up, I could tell she was sick of
hearing about it. Things got kind of heated, and she told me that I needed to
go find a younger woman to fuck so that I could satiate myself.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“I’m serious, Malice. You obviously need a lot more sex than I do.
I’m 51 years old, and I don’t care anymore.” she said.

“You don’t care if I sleep with other women?” I asked, wanting to

make things very clear on that point.

“No. I don’t. I mean, I want you to be happy.” she said.

“Okay, baby.” I said. It was kind of a strange way to end an argument,

but I was happy that she was at least giving me an out. There was no way
that I could survive much longer having so little sex.

That’s when things started to happen that I truly did not expect.
Apparently, my 19 year old stepdaughter Ashley overheard us fighting, and
she approached me while I was alone in my study to talk about it.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean for you to hear that.” I said.

“It’s okay, daddy. I don’t mind.”

“I just don’t want you to worry about anything with your mother and
I. We’re fine.” I said, trying to reassure her.

“I understand, it just made me sad hearing that she isn’t taking care of
you anymore.” she said, taking a seat and rolling her chair over beside
mine. “You’re such an attractive man, there are so many girls out there who
would do anything you told them to do.”

“Ashley.” I said, noticing her tone, and the way she was looking at
me. “I’m your stepdad.”

“True, but if you wanted to, you could just be my daddy.”

“Ashley, don’t talk to me like that.” I said, giving her a stern look
even though I instantly felt myself becoming aroused. I’d never seen her
look at me like that, and it was a look of pure seduction.

“I’m sorry, daddy.” she said, grinning. “I just figured since I’m 19
now, maybe we could take our relationship to a more intimate level.”

“That’s inappropriate. You know that.”

“That only makes it hotter, don’t you think?” she asked. I didn’t
respond, and she began caressing my thigh. “I mean, she did say that you
need to find a younger woman, like me, right?”

“She did.” I said, allowing her hand to move closer to my crotch and
looking into her eyes. I could feel my urges kicking in, and realized how
badly I wanted her.

“It’s kind of perfect. I’ve been wanting an older man with more
experience to teach me how to be a good little whore.” she said, gripping
my cock from the outside of my shorts.

“Ashley.” I said.
“It’s really big. And hard.” she said, covering her mouth and giggling.

“Close the door.”

“Yes, daddy.” she said, standing up and turning slowly to close the
door behind her. Her mother was somewhere in the house, and even though
I had permission to sleep with another woman, I didn’t want her to see that
the woman I chose was her daughter.

Chapter 2 - Ashley

I’d always had a crush on him, and when I heard my mother tell him
that she wanted him to find a younger woman to have sex with, I almost
interrupted them and volunteered on the spot.

Instead, I waited 20 minutes and then went and told him myself. I was
technically still a virgin, and my fantasies about Malice were vivid and
intense. He was the sole reason that I was into older guys, and the reason
guys my age simply weren’t attractive to me.

It was easier than I could have ever imagined, getting him to let me
get down on my knees in front of him, and play with his big daddy dick.
Even though no one had been inside me, I’d given enough blowjobs that I
felt quite comfortable showing off for him.
“Ashley, fuck that’s good.” he said, letting me slobber and gag on his
manhood. I made eye contact, smiling up at him while my tongue swirled
around the tip.

“You can fuck my face, daddy.” I said. Malice raised an eyebrow and
smirked before taking hold of my head, and forcing it down into his lap.

“I didn’t realize what a little slut you were.” he grunted, thrusting

against my throat. No one had ever done that to me before, and it turned me
on just like I knew that it would.

“Guck! Guck! Guck!” the squishing sound of his cock sliding down
my throat filled the room, and my spit turned viscous and got all over

“Are you my good girl?” he asked, looking down at me. I nodded and
smiled as saliva dripped from my chin. “Come here.”

“Mmm…” I moaned as he lifted me up into his arms and started

kissing me deeply. It was exactly what I’d always wanted to happen, to give
myself over to him completely in the most intimate and forbidden way. I
wanted to struggle beneath him as he forced me to take his cock, and to let
him hate fuck me and degrade me.

“I have to taste that pretty little cunt of yours.” he said, and bent me
over his desk. Malice pulled my cheeks apart with both hands, and before I
realized what he was about to do, I felt his warm tongue stroking my

“Ugh!” I squealed uncontrollably as my stepfather fingered me with

two of his thick sausages while eating my ass like it was made out of
strawberries. “Oh my God.” it was the most intense pleasure I’d ever
experienced, and it was only heightened by how naughty and wrong it was.

I loved the way he manhandled me, slapping my ass and feasting on

my pussy. His fingers went so deep that I started crying, but I begged him to

“Good little slut, that’s right. That’s how you cum for daddy.” he
grunted in my ear, before removing his fingers and forcing me back onto
my knees. “I need you to show me that you can follow directions, and do
exactly as you’re told.”

“Yes, daddy. I’ll do anything you say.”

“Spread my cheeks apart, and make out with my asshole while you
stroke my cock.” he said, turning and sticking his hairy ass right in my face.
I didn’t hesitate, as I was so eager to show him that I could be his personal
little fuck toy.

“Mmm…” I moaned, spitting shoving my tongue inside his anus. It

felt dirty, and gross, and wrong, but that didn’t stop it from turning me on
beyond belief.

“Yes, baby. Use your tongue, fuck yes.” he moaned, reaching behind
himself and forcing my face into his cheeks.


“Your mother never did this for me.”


“Keep licking. God damn Ashley, you’re a perfect little whore.”

“Only for daddy.” I said, gasping for air. It was the first time I’d ever
done it, but I had thought about doing it before, specifically to him.
Chapter 3 - Malice

I would have never guessed in a million years that my stepdaughter

was in love with me, or that she’d be such a good submissive little whore.

“Get on my lap. I want you to sit on it.” I said, holding my erection by

the base and wagging it back and forth as she climbed onto me.

“I’ve thought about this so many times.” she said, taking hold of my
cock and rubbing against her sopping wet tightness.

“Ashley…it’s so little.” I said, gripping her ass and pulling her against
me, forcing my cock to split her virgin little pussy in half.

“Ugh!” she called out, whimpering as I buried my hard dick in her

tight little cunt.

“Holy fuck.” I couldn’t believe that it was happening, that I was

inside of my stepdaughter without a condom.

“I want it, daddy. I want it so bad.”

“I know, baby. Ride that daddy dick like a good girl.” I said, amazed
by how tight and wet she was for me. I was almost fifty years old, and there
I was with a 19 year old goddess bouncing on my cock.

There aren’t words to explain the intensity that erupted inside my

study that day. It was the most forbidden act imaginable, but we couldn’t
control ourselves. The temptation was far too sweet, and we made out
sloppily while I slammed my dick into her.

“Oh my God, daddy! Fuck me! Harder…I need it. I need it daddy!”
she screamed, completely unhinged and without a care in the world of
whether we got caught or not. We ended up on the ground, fucking like
“I love your little virgin pussy, baby. I love it so much.” I grunted,
pushing her ankles behind her head and pounding her as hard as I could.

“I love your dick, daddy. It’s so big and hard for me.”

“Just for you, baby. My good girl.” I said, sucking on her toe and
watching her perky little tits bounce with each hard thrust.

“Please don’t pull out, daddy. Please give it to me.” she begged,
looking up at me with the most adorable doe eyes. I could never say no to
her, and this case was no different.

“Ashley, baby. I’m gonna cum.”

“Yes, daddy! Give me that hot sticky cum. I need it.”

“Ashley!” I called out as I climaxed, thrusting deep and hard as I

emptied my nutsack into her fertile tightness. It was so soft, and I knew that
I would never be able to keep my hands off of her from that moment

Chapter 4 - Amanda

I tried not to think about whether or not Malice was out sleeping with
other women. It really didn’t bother me too much, I just kind of wanted it to
take place away from me.

There were times when he would randomly go missing, and he started

closing the door to his study and locking it, which he never did before. At
first, I figured that maybe he was just masturbating and wanted privacy, but
over time I realized that wasn’t the case at all.

I heard whimpers one day, and I snuck up to his door. It sounded like
he was watching porn, and the actress was kind of over the top. That’s when
I recognized her voice, and his.

“No way.” I said, shaking my head.

“I love you, daddy. I love the way your big cock feels inside me.” she
said, the words were clear as day. I instantly put it together, and stayed there
by the door listening to them as they went at it.

“Oh my God.” I mouthed the words, shocked by what was taking

place in my own home.

“Spit in my mouth, daddy. I want to drink it.” she said. I literally

heard him spitting, and that’s when I had to step away. It was too intense,
too dirty and kinky. It hit me kind of hard, that he was getting exactly what
he wanted and so was she.

I ended up going for a long drive, trying to process it all. I am the one
who gave him permission, and told him to seek a younger woman, but I
didn’t realize that he wouldn’t even have to leave the house to make that

It made some sense, as Ashley was always flirting with older men,
and right at the age where she was really discovering her sexuality. Her
dirty talk echoed in my mind, forcing me to picture graphic images of the
things they were doing.

There was no way I was going to tell anyone about it, and I knew that
I had to come to terms with it. I wondered if he would tell me about it, or if
they’d just sneak around. They certainly weren’t being all that sneaky when
I overheard them, especially with the way that Ashley was screaming.
The most embarrassing part was how much it turned me on, knowing
that my husband was dominating my daughter in the most degrading ways.
Spitting in her mouth? Is that really the sort of thing he was into?
Chapter 5 - Ashley

Even though I’d always had a thing for him, I didn’t realize how deep
it went until he took my virginity. No one had ever brought that side out of
me, and I loved his rough and dirty style of sex.

After that first time, we completely consumed each other. It felt

unhealthy, like an obsession, but neither of us could stop ourselves from
doing it over and over again. He was so big and strong, so dominant and in
control. And I loved submitting to him, doing whatever he said and
showing him what a shameless slut I was willing to be for him.

It was all so new, and everyday brought novel experiences like eating
his ass with my hands cuffed behind my back, or scooping his cum out of
my pussy and eating it just to entertain him. Daddy loved getting cock,
balls, and asshole worshiped, and I was eager to please him.

He even made me lay on my back, and then sat on my face and

grinded his balls and ass all over my face while I tongue fucked his hole
and sucked on his hangers. He choked me, spanked me, gagged me with his
fingers, and slapped my tits and pussy. Each time we slept together, the
intensity seemed to rise.

The days started blending together. Daddy started giving me an

allowance so that I didn’t have to work, so I quit my job and became his full
time slut. We never felt guilty or bad about what we were doing, because
even though we weren’t being out and open about it, we also weren’t really
hiding it.

Things got kind of awkward, because we all knew about it but it was
never actually addressed. Malice and I just started locking ourselves in his
study, or my room, or the bathroom, or whatever room was free at the time.
“Your mother is out for a few hours, go to my room.” he said,
popping his head into my door. It was the only room in the house we hadn’t
fucked in, and I guess he wanted to violate the sanctity of his marital bed
with me, which I found both flattering and hot.
“Yes, daddy.” I said, cheering up at the possibility of what he might
do to me in his bed. It didn’t take me long to strip down and sprint down the
hallway, where Malice was waiting for me in nothing but a white pair of
boxer briefs.

“There’s my little slut. I woke up so horny, and I cannot get you out
of my head.” he said, slipping his fingers into his waistband and removing
his underwear as I approached.

“Oh wow, I can see that.” I said, taking notice of his erection. Malice
took hold of himself by the base, stroking it up and down until my mouth
was replacing his hand.

“Good girl, such an eager little cock sucker.” I felt the size of his hand
cover the back of my head, and I opened wider as he pressed my throat
down onto him. I’d learned to love worshiping my stepdad’s manly cock,
and doing everything that I could to give him pleasure.

“Guck, guck, guck…”

“Eyes. Put your feet up too, baby.” he said. I did as I was told,
opening wide and pressing my face into his sack.

“That’s why you’re mine now, Ashley. She never used to treat me like
this.” he said. As per usual, it didn’t take long until he was lifting me up
into his arms and putting me into another position, this time 69 so that he
could taste me too.

“You’re the best daddy, I love the way you kiss on it.” I moaned,
slowly grinding my pussy against his mouth and tongue. I’d grown more
and more used to being intimate with him, and our bond continued growing
each time he got his hands on me.

“Sit on my face, baby. All the way. Make yourself cum for me.”
“Yes daddy.” I said, closing my eyes and bouncing it on his face.

“So wet…” he moaned. I sat all the way so I could really focus on
orgasm, and he tongue fucked me patiently until I was arriving at oblivion.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!”

“Mmm…” he moaned, pulling me down onto his face as I came all

over it.
Chapter 6 - Malice

Everytime we were alone, being inside her was all I could think
about. I couldn’t remember feeling such powerful waves of passion and
lust, and it felt like I was finally, for the first time in my life, getting exactly
what I wanted in the bedroom.

Ashley was panting after riding my face to orgasm, and I gave her a
couple of seconds to catch her breath while I bent her over the edge of my
mattress, and stood behind her.

“I’m going to fuck you harder than you’ve ever been fucked Ashley,
and then I’m going to fill your tight little pussy with so much cum that it’s
leaking down your legs.” I said, pulling her cheeks apart and slapping her
ass. Her body was so supple and inviting, so fucking desirable. It brought
out the absolute worst in me, and I lived for the times we got to express the
desires we spurred in each other.

“Please, please do it, daddy.” she whimpered, her voice soft. I

rubbed my cockhead up and down in a paintbrush motion until her softness
swallowed me.

“It’s so tiny, baby. I love it.”

“I know, daddy. It’s yours.”

“Yeah it is. My little pussy.” I said, gripping her cheeks tight as I

pushed it in and out, increasing the pace until she was digging into the
sheets and screaming.

“Oh! Fuck, daddy. Oh!” she called out, as I ravaged her harder and
harder. I loved watching her struggle to take it, knowing that she would let
me do absolutely anything I could dream up.

“Tell me you love me. Tell me you want my babies.”

“I love you, daddy. Please fill me, fill me so I get pregnant for you.”
she said, whisper begging and turning her head so she could look into my
eyes. She was such a good girl, and took direction much better than her
mother ever did. “Please daddy, breed me. I want your hot sticky cum to
make me pregnant.”

“Fuck, baby.” I said, so turned on by what she was saying that I was
closer to orgasm than I should have been. “Fuck.”

I deepened my breathing and tried to extend myself, but all I could

think about was how big of a risk we were taking. Even though it was dirty
talk to turn us on, the possibility was one hundred percent real. Ashley was
19 years old, and wasn’t on birth control. I’d already filled her with
probably 20 loads and she was at a very fertile age.

It wasn’t something I set out to do, impregnating my own

stepdaughter, but in the midst of our torrid love affair I realized it’s what I

“Baby!” I grunted, feeling my balls tingle as I crossed the threshold.

“Ashley, baby, fuck. I love you.”

“I love you too, daddy.” she sighed, smiling as I finished inside her.
Every orgasm with Ashley seemed more intense than the last, and I nearly
collapsed on top of her.

“You make me see stars.” I said, pulling myself out of her.

“I love it when you cum in me.” she said.

“Me too, baby.”

Chapter 7 - Amanda
We all knew that I knew, but it didn’t come out in the open until I
found out that Ashley was pregnant. It was absolutely shocking, but there
was nothing I could do about it.

By that time, the two of them were practically a couple. Malice and I
still made love occasionally, which was way more intense than it was before
because a part of me was kind of subconsciously competing with her.

I wasn’t going to eat his ass, but I finally gave him mine. I’m not sure
what it was all about, if I was trying to win him back or what, but I
eventually realized that he was going to keep both of us, and that’s just the
way it was.

“I really want you to be in the child’s life.” Malice said, putting his
hand on my shoulder. We’d been together too long, and loved each other
too much. I wasn’t going anywhere.

“Of course.”

Throughout her pregnancy, I found myself embracing our very

unconventional relationship. Even while she was carrying, Malice couldn’t
seem to get enough of her. He told me how he loved being able to have a
child later in life, and I couldn’t disagree. I was looking forward to it too.

It was a lot to process, and I constantly found myself thinking about

what a wild change of dynamics had taken place in our household, but I
also thought about the many benefits. It kept us all together, and I no longer
had to worry about what type of guys Ashley was going to be out running
around with.

The baby came in June, a beautiful, bouncing baby boy like Malice
had always wanted. I know it isn’t intuitive, but we’ve never been happier.
Quenching His Thirst (Stepdad/Stepdaughter, Lactation, Nursing) - Taboo

Volume 11
Chapter 1 - Alissa

It took three months before I realized I was pregnant, and then I kept
it hidden for another three months. I was only 19 at the time, and it was the
middle of summer, so it wasn’t exactly an easy task.

Still, I kept wearing baggy clothes and trying to pretend that I wasn’t
going to eventually have to answer to my own reality. Keeping it hidden
kept my mind occupied, distracted from dealing with what was coming.

I wasn’t as scared of telling my stepdad Jared, because I knew that he

was forgiving and wouldn’t cast any judgements. Truth be told, I considered
pulling him aside and telling him very early on in the pregnancy, but I
decided against it because I was so scared of my mother finding out.

There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Jared would have my back. He

was kind of like my prototype of a perfect man, and I found myself
crushing on him constantly despite the obviously forbidden dynamic of our
relationship. Just because it could never happen didn’t mean that I couldn’t
think about it, and it certainly didn’t make me any less attracted to him.

The hardest part wasn’t hiding my stomach, which was definitely

growing but not as noticeable as what was happening to my tits. It might
have been easier had I already had large breasts, but I was on the smaller
side of a c-cup before my pregnancy, and by six months I was bursting out
of double D’s.

Only two of my closest friends knew what was happening. I told the
guy who got me pregnant, but he dropped out of school a few months later
and disappeared. My mother and stepdad Jared were both concerned about
me, mostly because I couldn’t help treating them differently and being
scarce around the house.

In my mind, the best way to hide my pregnancy was to stay out of

plain sight. We usually did things together as a family, like going to the
pool, or the park, but it was way too hot out for me to dress in my baggy
clothes so I had to turn them down everytime.

I’m not even sure what my plan was, to wait until the baby was
already here and then hope that he was so cute that they couldn’t be mad at
me. My best friend Shannon had a car and drove me to all of my doctor’s
appointments, and I put my address down as her house so any mail went her
way. She was a life saver.

By seven months, my breasts didn’t even look recognizable anymore.

They were almost comically large, and bouncy, and full of pressure. I could
see the veins being pressed against my skin because they were so engorged,
and my nipples were extra sensitive to the touch.

I knew that it was just my body getting ready for the baby, but that
did nothing to help provide relief from the constant, aching pressure of
lactating so much. My bras always had wet spots in them from where
droplets had found their way out throughout the day, but I had no idea what
to do about it.
Chapter 2 - Jared

It was late at night, and my wife Sarah was already passed out for the
night. I was finishing up some work on my computer, about to join her,
when my stepdaughter Alissa appeared in the door frame of my study.

“Daddy?” she asked, her eyes full of worry. I took off my glasses, and
gave her my attention. “We need to talk.”

“Okay, baby. About what?”

“I’m just gonna close this.” she said, pulling shut the door behind her.
We’d had plenty of conversations in my study, but it was the first time she’d
ever felt the need for privacy.

“What is it honey?” I asked. Instead of responding with words, she

untied her robe, and exposed her pregnant body to me. Her stomach was
round, and her breasts were pretty much exploding out of her bra.

“Alissa… How far along are you?” I asked, coming to the sudden
realization that this was very serious.

“7 months.”

“Golly.” I said, running my hand through my hair and taking another

look at her stomach. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I was scared. The baby’s dad is a big loser, and he dropped out, and I
can’t get a hold of him.” she said, her eyes welling up with tears.

“Come here.” I said, pulling her in for a hug. “Have you been to the

“Yeah. Shannon has been taking me.”

“Do you know the sex?”

“It’s a boy.” she said, sniffling.

“Wow. And everything’s good? There are no complications?” I asked.

“He’s very healthy.” she said, avoiding eye contact.

“Well, then. I guess we’ll tell your mother in the morning, no need to
wake her.” I said, noticing that it was almost midnight.

“You’re not mad?”

“No, baby. Not at all. I wish you would have told us, but let’s just go
from here.” I said, unsure of what else to say. I knew that her mother may
have a different take on it, but I had every intention of being there for her
for the final few months of her pregnancy, especially considering she’d had
to do it all alone until that point.

“Daddy?” she asked, looking up at me with doe eyes.


“My boobs. They hurt so bad.”

“That’s from the milk, baby.” I said, unintentionally glancing at her

enormous round cleavage. I’d never really looked at her in that way, as a
woman, but it was quite literally shoved in my face and I couldn’t say that
she didn’t look beautiful.

“I know, but I can’t sleep. They’re like, throbbing.” she said, further
parting her robe and grabbing hold of her own tits with both hands.

“I’m sorry, honey.”

“Can you help me?” she asked.

“What do you mean?”

“They’re overflowing, daddy, and I need relief.” she said, looking

into my eyes. I somehow knew by the way she was looking at me exactly
what she was asking, and I felt my dick growing hard in my pants at the

“I don’t think we should, Alissa. It’s inappropriate. Let’s just wait

until the morning, and we’ll figure something out.” I said, fighting my urges
and trying to remain rational.

“I can’t wait that long, daddy, look.” she said, her face twisting up
with emotion as she unclasped her bra from the front before completely
exposing her massive, cream filled milkers.

“Alissa.” I sighed, staring directly at my stepdaughter’s enormous,

perfect breasts. It was surreal, as I had no clue that she had suck suckable
nipples. The pregnancy had certainly done her well in that department, and
it short circuited every rational aspect of my brain.

“Please, daddy. I just need you to suck on them for a little while, to
help relieve the pressure.” she said, begging with her eyes.

“If I do this, it has to be our secret. We tell no one.” I said.

“I promise. Thank you so much, daddy.” she said, smiling wide.

“And just this once.” I said, holding up my finger and being stern.

“Thank you. I love you so much.” she said.

“I love you too, baby.” I said, unsure of how to proceed. Alissa let
her robe fall to the floor, and she was only wearing a lacy thong beneath it.
My draw must have dropped, because her beauty so far exceeded anything I
could have imagined.
“Sit down. I’ll straddle you.” she said, backing me up to my chair.
As soon as she was on top of me, I knew that we were going way too far
and crossing lines that couldn’t be uncrossed. My hands moved
instinctively to her breasts, and I began massaging them and gently
pinching her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.

“Are you ready?” I asked. Alissa placed her hands on top of mine,
and bit down on her lip.

“Yes, daddy.” she said, her voice as soft and sweet as she was. I was
fully erect as she straddled my hips, but there was nothing I could do about
that. “Here.” she said, lifting one of her breasts and dangling it directly in
front of my lips.
Chapter 3 - Alissa

Not to sound cliche, but it all just sort of happened out of nowhere. I
knew that I needed to tell someone, and I knew that it was him, and my
breasts really were under an immense amount of pressure, but I didn’t plan
for things to go the way they did.

When I went to talk to him, I kind of went on autopilot and the next
thing that I knew, I was straddling him in my underwear. And to make
matters better, he didn’t hesitate at all to latch on.

“Mmm…” his voice was deep when he moaned, and the sensation of
his warm lips wrapped around my swollen nipple sent a wave of pleasure
rippling through my body. I couldn’t believe what we were doing.

As soon as he started suckling at my nipple, things became very real.

For one, my body started reacting in a way I’d never experienced before,
even while I was with other guys. It was just so different, knowing that the
man suckling at my nipple was my stepfather and we loved each other
deeper than anyone I’d been with.

“They’re so gorgeous.” he said, groping my breasts as he suckled for


“That feels amazing, daddy.” I whispered, closing my eyes and

relaxing into the sensation. It was so new, and I could feel the milk flowing
as he pulled harder and harder.

“Mmm… I didn’t think it would taste so sweet.” he said, stopping

momentarily before switching nipples and going back in for more. My body
ached more and more for him, until I was unintentionally grinding against
his lap because I was so horny.

“I needed this so badly.” I said, isolating his hard cock between my

“This is so bad, Liss. We shouldn’t be doing this.” he said, his head in
my chest as he pressed my tits against the sides of his face.

“Thank you, daddy. You’re the only person I wanted.”

“I’ve never been able to say no to you, Alissa.”

He continued squeezing my tits, feeding like there was no tomorrow.

My nipples grew puffy and swollen, sensitive to his skillful touch. The milk
flowed freely, and dripped down his chin as he relentlessly breastfed on my
pregnant milkers.

“Why does it feel so good?” I asked, shocked by the immense waves

of pleasure rippling through me. I’d never thought of my breasts as
erogenous zones, but the feeling of my stepdad’s warm tongue rolling in
circles around the tips was pleasurable to no end.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s perfectly natural to get aroused in a situation like
this, just let yourself enjoy it.” he said.

“Are you enjoying it?” I asked.

“Here, feel for yourself.” Jared said, taking my hand in his and slowly
reaching it down between his legs until I was wrapping my fingers around
his hard cock from the outside of his sweatpants.

“Oh.” I said, letting out a squeal. Things were going even further,
well beyond what I could have ever possibly imagined.

“Take it out,” he said, shoving my hand behind his waistband. I got

down on my knees, and helped him out of his pants and underwear. “Do
you like that?” he asked, proudly holding himself by the base.

“It’s really, yeah.” I said, giggling at the sight of his fat daddy dick. I
should have known he’d be bigger than the guys I’d been with.
“Show me.” he said. I gulped, looking down at the throbbing man
cock in front of me. My mouth was practically watering, and I was so
aroused that my thoughts were purely lust driven.

I could hear my own pulse as I leaned forward to do the

unthinkable. The worst part was how badly I wanted it, as every fiber in my
being was screaming at me to defile myself for him, to do anything he told
me and worship his cock like it was the last one on Earth.
Chapter 4 - Jared

I nearly erupted in her mouth the moment her pretty little lips were
wrapped around the tip of my cock. It was an intense arousal, and I couldn’t
remember the last time that I was as hard as in that moment.

It was all of it. The dirty, taboo nature of it. We shouldn’t be

engaging in those types of acts, plain and simple, yet there we were,
surrendering ourselves completely to our own selfish, lust driven desires. It
may have been forbidden fruit, but that only made it taste sweeter.

“Good girl.” I said, ogling my gorgeous stepdaughter with a

mouthful of my hard dick. She sucked and stroked eagerly, maintaining eye
contact as she rubbed her soft tongue all up and down my shaft.

“It’s so big and hard.” she moaned, trying to take more of my length
until she gagged on it. Even then, she only smiled and returned to
pleasuring me. I took hold of the back of her head, guiding her on a steady
rhythm and throwing my head back in ecstasy.

“I love the way your mouth feels on my cock.” I said, thrusting

against her soft throat. Her viscous spit drooled down to my balls, and I
couldn’t help thinking that she was much better at oral than her mother. It
was so exciting and new, and I couldn’t get enough.

“I want your cum.” she said, looking up at me with doe eyes and
stroking hard with both hands.

“Fuck, baby.” I said, standing up in front of her. I grabbed her head

and held it firmly in place, fucking her face like the good little whore that
she was for me. “You want it?”

“Guck, guck, guck.”

“Open.” I said, pulling out and stroking myself to climax and

releasing it all across her pretty face and perfect, swollen breasts.
“Oh!” she squealed, smiling wide as I painted her chest and face.

“Good girl.” I let the last drops fall onto her tongue, looking down at
my pregnant, cum covered stepdaughter and realizing what I’d just done.

“Mmm…yummy.” she said, scooping up globs with her fingers and

shoving them into her mouth. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing, that
Alissa was such a naughty, kinky little slut.

“You’re too cute.” I said, watching with pride as she consumed every
drop of evidence that I’d just blown a massive load across her face and
naked torso.

“I just wanna be your good girl.” she said, grinning like the devil. It
was too late, we could never go back to the way things were before, and
there was no way in hell that I would ever be able to look at her without
thinking of her in this new light.
Chapter 5 - Alissa

It was supposed to be a one time thing, but I couldn’t stop thinking

about him from the moment we started crossing lines. It was kind of
confusing, because it felt like more than simply wanting to hook up with
him, it was deeper.

I knew we shared a platonic love for each other, but the addition of
intimacy really blurred things and I found myself wanting to be with him
for real. I couldn’t help it, he was so perfect, and everything I wanted.

He became my personal breast pump, and would gladly feed anytime

I stuck my tits in his face. We did all of our feedings naked, and I would sit
in his lap and ride his cock as hard as I could while he drank my creamy
white milk.

“It tastes so good Alissa. I can’t get enough.” he said, pinching both
of my nipples and spraying milk across his face. It seemed like things got
kinkier with each passing day, to the point that he was drinking from my tit
until his mouth was full, and then spitting it into my mouth.

“It’s not bad.” I said, after having gulped down a mouthful of my own
breast milk for the first time.

“I want to see your tits covered in your own milk.” he said, lifting me
up into his powerful arms and laying me down on my back in the center of
my bed. “Spread your legs.”

“Yes sir.” I said, fully content with letting him take charge of our
naughty encounters. We were definitely getting lost in it, so caught up that
it was almost like being in a separate world. When we were together, there
was no one else in the world.

“You have the most gorgeous tits, Alissa.” he said, massaging them in
a circular motion before isolating my nipples between his thumbs and
forefingers and squeezing until errant strands of milk were streaming
everywhere. “That’s so hot.”

“It feels amazing. Thank you so much, daddy. Thank you for milking
me.” I said, watching as thick cream oozed down my breasts.

“I love you Alissa, I love you so fucking much.” he said, filling me

with his hard cock.

“That’s what I love daddy, I love your big dick inside me.”

“That’s my good girl. Touch yourself for daddy, play with that little
clit.” he said, grunting and thrusting harder. “You’re always so wet for me.”

“No one can turn me on like you, I’m obsessed with it.” I moaned,
furiously rubbing my clit and watching as my tightness swallowed his cock.

“I’m gonna cum in your little pussy, do you like that?”

“Please, daddy.” I begged, letting him worship and ravage my body. It

felt more and more like I was his possession, and I easily submitted to his
dominance. “Your balls.” I called out, feeling them slap against me with
each powerful hip thrust.

“Your pussy is so much better than your mom’s.” he said, kissing me

deeply and burying his manhood in me. His hips were like pistons, and our
bodies slapped together at a frantic pace.

“I love you.” I whimpered, growing close to orgasm. Everything

about the way he fucked me turned me on. He was strong, and in control,
and rough about the way he took it.

“Look at that milk, it just keeps on flowing.” he said, mauling my

breasts in his powerful hands and forcing the milk to spray out. “It’s so
much.” he said, leaning in to lick the excess from my tits while continuing
to force more cream to come forth.
“Daddy…don’t stop…fuck….don’t stop…please, fuck me hard,
daddy.” I could cum for his cock at will, again and again with mind blowing
orgasms that left my brain completely offline.

“Alissa, fuck. I love when you cum for me. You’re such a good girl.”
he moaned. I could always hear it in his voice when he was about to cum,
something about the way he breathed, and the way he gripped my body.

“Daddy!” I screamed, seeing stars as he pounded away, his cock

pulsing and pumping me full of his warm sticky seed.

We cuddled in post coital bliss, and he continued to lick up the milk

that was all over my breasts and pregnant stomach.

“I love cumming in that little pussy.” he said, pulling his dick out of
me and watching cum dribble out. “I wish you would have come to me
before you were pregnant.”

“Me too. You have no idea. I would love to have your babies.” I said,
realizing as the words left my mouth just how true they were. We started
kissing, and he whispered into my ear.

“Maybe after this one, we can have one of our own.”

“Daddy…that’s so hot. Don’t say that.” I said, feeling myself want

more of him.

“But it’s what I want.” he whispered back. His cock somehow

remained hard, and he pushed it back in and fucked me to another orgasm. I
was not only addicted to the sex, I was falling in love with my stepdad.
Chapter 6 - Jared

My relationship with Alissa devolved into a constant fuck fest.

Honestly, it became a blur. All I needed was to be in her physical presence
and I was raring to go. It was like a re-birth, and it put a lot of things into
perspective for me.

Being with Alissa made me realize how dead my marriage and

bedroom had become, and on a deeper level, how full of resentment and
boredom. I no longer loved my wife, probably hadn’t for some time. It was
an accident, but it happened. It was more than just that I just loved burying
my cock in her, and worshiping her massive pregnant tits and extracting
every droplet of her delicious nectar, she made me feel alive again.

It was a surprisingly easy decision to go all in for her. It was too late,
the passion was too strong, and I couldn’t imagine my life if I wasn’t
actively with my new woman. It was a lot to process, and I was constantly
blinded by the intensity of the sex.

I knew that she was going to have a newborn baby very soon, and that
she would be relying almost entirely on me for support. It didn’t bother me
in the least, and I looked forward to it. On top of that, I had every intention
of putting another one in her as soon as humanly possible.

Instead of continuing with the ruse, I pulled all the triggers at the
same time and got the ball moving in the direction I knew it would
eventually need to go. Divorce lawyer, new apartment, and I told my wife
that Alissa was pregnant before I moved out. It made the most sense, to let
her know and let them figure all that out while I was out of the picture.

Alissa was too pregnant to help me move, but she came along anyway
to see the new place. The whole plan involved her moving out as well, and
in with me.

“I love it.” she said, taking a look at the empty space. It was a large 2
bedroom apartment with two bathrooms, and I planned on it being
temporary. That said, it was a luxury apartment and by no means cheap. It
was the perfect place for us to start our little family.

We ended up purchasing a breast pump, but it never seemed to get

any use. It was always my lips on her nipples, drinking it straight from the
tap. It wasn’t a kink that I really thought about before, but I was thoroughly
turned on by the fact she was pregnant. It allowed me to cum inside her tiny
little pussy anytime I wanted without any risk, as well as feasting on the
most delicious treat I’d ever come across, my stepdaughter’s luscious,
creamy, titty milk.
A Fertile Affair (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 12
Chapter 1 - Chloe

There were a lot of reasons I felt the way I did about Steve, even
though I knew I shouldn’t have a crush on him. That didn’t stop my body
from reacting whenever he was around, or my mind from fantasizing
endlessly about the awful things I wanted him to do to me.

Steve had married my mom a few years before, so he was technically

my stepdad. He was tall, handsome, muscular, funny, and successful. And a
lot older than me, which I found to be a massive turn on. Maybe I had
daddy issues, because I always found myself drawn to men who were older
than me. Or much older than me, like in this case.

I was 19 and he was 42. And he was married to mom, which made
him my stepdad, so it was completely off limits and forbidden, not even
something that should ever have crossed my mind. But it did, and nothing
had ever gripped me with such a powerful hold of arousal.

The forced proximity didn’t help. He worked from home, and my

mom spent most days out gallivanting around town, shopping, going to
spas, that sort of thing. It was the middle of summer and I had just
graduated a month and a half before. It’s hard enough having a crush on
someone who is totally out of reach, but imagine having to live with that

The more I tried not to think about it, the more intense my infatuation
grew. It just felt so good to indulge the fantasy, and he was all that I could
think about when I pleasured myself. It was kind of pathetic, I thought, that
I stayed home most days instead of going out just so I could be around him.
Instead of dating other boys, I laid in bed thinking about my own stepdad.
My friends all agreed with me, and would flirt with him relentlessly
whenever they were around. It’s why I tried to meet them out instead of
having them over, as it made me feel extreme jealousy whenever they
started doting over him.

“He’s so hot, Chloe. I wish I had a stepdad like that.” said Janet, my
busty redhead friend who had no problem voicing her opinion, or
shamelessly flirting. Steve seemed to enjoy it, and I hated watching them
stare into each other’s eyes, making small talk and thinking they were being

I knew that she would drop down on her knees, or spread her legs for
him if he so much as asked. It bothered me because she was attractive, and I
could tell he thought so too. I figured nothing would actually happen, but I
did my best to keep them away from each other anyway.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t seem to bring myself to flirt with

him. It felt inappropriate, and I never felt comfortable coming onto older
men. I didn’t want to make him feel disrespected, I didn’t want the
rejection, and I definitely didn’t want to make my home life awkward

Steve was always friendly with me, playful even, but it never seemed
to cross any lines or have anything behind it. We enjoyed each other’s
company, but I don’t think he looked at me in that way at all. It became a
bit depressing, knowing that I would never get what I really wanted when it
came to him.
Chapter 2 - Steve

My marriage wasn’t fulfilling me, and hadn’t been for some time.
Candace was just much more of an airhead than I could have ever
imagined, and her sex drive dropped way off once we were married.

All she wanted to do was run around with her friends and spend
money in the most frivolous ways. Fancy dinners, drinks, spa days,
shopping, and that was all day everyday. When she was at home, she would
binge watch reality television and take excessively long naps in the middle
of the day.

It was more than just her lack of discipline and wasteful lifestyle, she
simply lacked depth. We couldn’t talk about anything, and her sense of
humor was so vanilla that even my most basic jokes would rub her the
wrong way. Simply put, it wasn’t any fun being with her, and it wasn’t
working out.

Instead of filing for divorce, I buried myself in my work, and pretty

much started focusing on myself. Candace didn’t even notice the change in
me, because she was always out anyway. I think that’s what she wanted
though, just a successful man who could fund her lifestyle and be reliable.
She didn’t need connection the way that I did, or sex.

Luckily, her daughter Chloe was loads of fun. She was always in a
good mood, always seemed genuinely happy to see me and talk to me, and
just had a way about her that made me feel better about things. She was
awesome, and beautiful, and the further Candace and I drifted apart, the
more that I really started noticing the latter.

Chloe would bring her friends over sometimes, and I couldn’t help
noticing that a lot of them would flirt with me, and not only that, but Chloe
hated it. I didn’t want to read too far into it, as it made sense for a 19 year
old girl to not want her friends flirting with their stepdad, but this seemed
different. I’d never even considered it before, that maybe Chloe had a little
crush on me or something. I mean, I was definitely attracted to girls around
her age, so it wouldn’t be shocking if the reverse were also true. Still, I put
it out of my head at first. It wasn’t an appropriate thing for me to be
thinking about.

Candace and I had sex maybe once a week, often less. This left
feeling hornier and hornier, until I could no longer control the impulse of
attraction that I felt for Chloe. She was so damn cute, so supple, and tiny. I
loved how petite she was, and couldn’t imagine how impossibly tight her
pussy would feel squeezing my cock.

It was overwhelming, and I found myself lubed up in the shower

trying my hardest to relieve the feelings of lust that were taking over. The
more I thought about it, the more I wanted her. Even alone in the shower,
jerking off, I came so fucking hard thinking about us doing the unthinkable.
I wanted her in my bones, to bend her over and take out all of my sexual
frustrations in the most forbidden ways possible.
Chapter 3 - Chloe

It happened very suddenly, but I noticed a stark change in Steve. I

remember sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal, flipping through reels
on my phone. Steve joined me for breakfast, and when I looked up at him to
say hello, his eye contact kind of shocked me.

“Hey you.” he said, grinning. I broke my eyes away from his, and felt
my face turning red. It’s hard to explain, but he’d never looked at me like
that. I found myself nervously fidgeting, and I kept glancing over at him.

“Are you working today?” I asked, trying to make small talk.

“Probably, but I’m thinking about maybe taking the day off,” he said.

“Really? You never do that.”

“Yeah, I’m just a little worn out. Your mother and I haven’t been
getting along, for a while now, and I dunno, I just need a day to relax.”

“Oh.” I said, kind of surprised to hear him say that. I never really
thought about it, how their marriage was going but I was intrigued. “I’m
sorry about you and mom, I hope it gets better.”

“Eh, it is what it is. Some people just aren’t made to be together.” he

said. I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I shrugged.

“Well, what are you going to do on your day off?” I asked.

“I’m not sure yet, probably watch some movies and lay around
honestly. I’d love for you to join me, if you don’t have anything else going
on.” he said, again staring directly into my eyes.

“No. I mean, yeah. I’d love to hang out.” I said, struggling through
my words.
“We don’t spend enough alone time together. I’d like to change that.”

“Okay, yeah. I agree.” I said, eagerly going along with every word.

“How about I make some popcorn, and then me and you cuddle up on
the couch and watch a movie?” he asked.

“Sounds good.” I said. Steve went to the cabinet to get the snacks
ready, and I took off back to my room.

Oh my gosh, what is going on? He did say cuddles, he definitely said

that. He’s never said anything like that, and the way he keeps looking at me.

I hopped in the shower, my mind racing with thoughts and emotions

while I quickly gave my legs and pubic area a once-over with the razor. I
knew that I was reading too far into things, but I wanted to smell nice and
be prepared for anything.
Chapter 4 - Steve

I’d already made up my mind that I wanted her, and it became more
and more obvious that she wanted me too. I was patiently waiting on the
couch shirtless, with fresh popcorn when she strode into the living room to
join me in a tiny little pair of gray shorts.

“You’re so pretty, Chloe. It’s not even fair.” I said, motioning for her
to join me on the couch.

“Thanks.” she said, softly. I put my arm around her, and pulled her in
close as I started the movie. We sat in relative silence for the first ten
minutes or so, and we slowly settled into her laying her head on my chest.
Her hair smelled so good, and I felt the blood rushing to my cock almost

“We should cuddle more often.” I whispered into her ear, placing a
soft kiss on her cheek.

“Yeah. It’s nice.” she said. I let my hand slide down to her lower
back, inching it lower until it rested firmly on her buttocks.

“Have I ever told you what a cute little booty you have?” I asked,
letting my fingers sink into her flesh.

“Daddy.” she said, giggling nervously.

“You do.” I said. We continued watching the movie, and I massaged

her ass without any resistance.

“Do you really think that you and mom aren’t meant to be together?”
she asked, looking up at me.

“Yeah. It’s just not there. We both tried, there’s just no connection.
Our sex life is awful.” I said, still caressing her perfect supple asscheek. It
felt so good finally getting my hands on it after watching it sway back and
forth with each step, day after day.

“So are you going to get divorced?” she asked.

“I don’t know, honey. Maybe we will, or maybe we’ll just keep living
like this. It’s not so bad, other than not having my needs met.”

“I see. Well, I’m sorry it isn’t working out.”

“It’s fine baby. It’s worth it because I got to meet you.” I said, kissing
her neck.

“You’re so good to me, daddy. I don’t deserve you.” she whispered,

our eyes locking.

“Yes you do, baby.” I said. Chloe sat up, and I leaned in for a kiss.
The moment her soft lips touched mine, fireworks went off and it was on.
Chapter 5 - Chloe

There aren’t even words to describe it. The moment he kissed me, I
felt like I lost all inhibitions and was transported to another world entirely.
It was so visceral, and real, my ultimate fantasy was happening and I didn’t
even have time to process it.

Steve bent me over the armrest of the couch, and literally ripped my
shorts in half and buried his tongue in my ass.

“Ugh!” I squealed and squirmed, but he held me in place with his

strong hands, spreading my cheeks as he feasted on my body. His tongue
knew all the right spots, and sent novel sensations spiraling through me.

“Mmm…baby. You taste so good.” he moaned, eagerly lapping away

at my virgin asshole. No one had ever touched it, let alone hungrily licked

“Oh! That’s amazing.” my brain felt like it was short circuiting, and I
became lost in the physical pleasure he was giving me with his skillful
tongue. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced, and I nearly passed out
because I literally forgot to breathe.

“Look at that pretty little asshole, so tight and yummy for daddy.” he
grunted, slapping my ass and rubbing my pussy with his meaty fingers.

“Oh my God.” I whined, hanging on for dear life as he explored my


“So much tighter than your mother.” he said, slipping one finger
inside. “That little cunt is gonna feel so good when it’s gripping my cock.”

“We’re gonna have sex?” I asked, my eyes wide. It was all happening
so fast. Of course it’s what I wanted, I already knew that, but this was all so
far fetched. There was simply no way it was actually happening.
“We might have sex later, but right now, I’m just going to fuck you
senseless.” Steve said, pulling down his pants and letting his massive
erection spring loose. I’d only been with one other guy before, and Steve
made him look like a ring pop.

“Oh my gosh.” I said, biting my lip as he approached me with cock in

hand. It was so big, and I couldn’t imagine it somehow fitting inside of my

“It’s okay, baby. You’re gonna love it.” he said, rubbing the head up
and down against my wet lips. “Ohhhh….fuck.”

“Daddy.” I squealed, digging my fingers into the couch pillow that I

was clutching.

“Holy fuck, Chloe. You feel like a virgin.” he said, pushing himself
deeper. I winced in pain, feeling my walls spread to accommodate his
significant girth.


“Good girl.” he said, taking hold of my ponytail and pulling it until I

was looking up at him. He worked it in and out, going deeper with each
stroke. All that I could do was hold on and take it. “That’s what daddy likes,
who’s my good girl?”

“I am.” I whimpered. Steve squeezed my face and began licking my

lips before spitting into my mouth. I’d never had sex like that before, and I
found myself becoming so turned on by being treated that way that I felt
like I might just explode into spontaneous orgasm.

“That’s my little whore. Look at that tight little pussy swallowing my

cock.” Steve grunted, thrusting harder and harder. He squeezed my hair in
his hand, and my jaw with the other. It felt like I was impaled on him, but it
felt so good.

“You like when daddy fucks it hard?” he asked, his voice mean and
directly in my ear.

“Yes daddy!” I whimpered, a tear streaming down my face as his

balls collided rhythmically with my pussy. “I’m gonna cum.” I said, my
voice strained because he was squeezing my neck and making it difficult to

“Good girl. Cum for daddy’s dick. I wanna see you cum all over this
cock.” he said, going somehow even harder until I was seeing stars, and he
was grunting like an animal as his bareback cock erupted with warm jizz
inside me.

“Ughhhhh….” I moaned, unable to form anything more than

unintelligible noises as I did exactly as he told me.

“So good.” he sighed, finally relinquishing his pressure and grip. His
cock was still pulsing here and there, further filling me with his hot sticky
cum. I panted for air, still unable to process what had taken place. A smile
spread across my face, and I felt euphoria rush over me.

“I love you.”
Chapter 6 - Steve

We didn’t finish the movie, electing instead to take things to the

shower, and then my room, and then finally hers. I couldn’t get enough, and
each time I grabbed hold of her the feelings became more intense.

We were naked in her bed, Chloe was bouncing on top of me and I

was groping her perfect young tits when we heard the door. It was Candace,
but I was too close to orgasm to stop for that.

“It’s mom.” Chloe whispered. I grabbed her ass with both hands and
pulled her deeper, thrusting hard and fast from the bottom.

“I don’t care.” I said, continuing until I was again emptying my nut

inside her. Luckily, her mother didn’t make her way up until a couple
minutes later, and I’d already put my clothes back on but was still sitting on
Chloe’s mattress with her in the room.

“What are you two up to?” Candace asked, removing her sunglasses.

“I was just taking a break from work, and we started talking.” I said.

“Why is your hair all messy? And why are you both sweating?” she
asked. I looked over at Chloe, and made a face.

“I just woke up from a nap.”

“Yeah, and I forgot to turn on the AC this morning.” I said. Candace

looked puzzled, but didn’t question it.

“Oh, okay. Well, I’m about to go pick up Diane, we’re going for
happy hour drinks with Alice and Kristin.” she said, prancing off like
nothing had happened. Chloe and I exchanged smiles, and went about our
It was a lot of that over the next several weeks, Chloe and I sneaking
around and fucking like rabbits right under her nose.
Chapter 7 - Candace

There seemed to be some sort of funny business going on between my

husband and my daughter Chloe, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. They
became so affectionate with each other out of nowhere, and where I could
find one of them, I was always sure to stumble across the other.

I found it inappropriate the way she would sit on his lap, and
bouncing up and down on him while the blankets covered them made me
suspicious. I wondered all the time what they might be doing, and why they
were always together and alone.

It was almost midnight, and my friend Brooke had dropped me off

from the bar. After having a few too many drinks, I found myself struggling
up the stairs. That’s when I heard it, the sounds of my daughter moaning at
the top of her lungs, screaming out in pleasure.

“She must have a boy over.” I said, inching my way up the stairs.

“Cum in me daddy, please.” she called out, begging.

“Oh my.” I giggled to myself, shaking my head.

“We shouldn’t, baby. You’re gonna get pregnant.” the male voice
said, stopping me in my tracks. The voice sounded familiar.

“Please, daddy. I don’t care.”

“Fuck, Chloe. I can never tell you no!” he screamed. That’s when I
finally pieced it all together, it was Steve, my husband, and they were in bed
together. I pressed my ear to the door, and listened to their vile dirty talk as
he emptied his seed inside her.

“I love feeling your hot sticky cum in my pussy, daddy.” she said,
sending shockwaves through my body. It was the last thing I’d have ever
imagined, that the two of them would fall for each other and enter into an
explicit affair.

I was too drunk to deal with it that night, and when I made it back to
bed, I passed out. When I woke back up in the morning, I was still alone. I
snuck down the hallway, and slowly opened Chloe’s door. They didn’t hear
me, but it was quite the sight I walked in on.

Steve was asleep, fully erect and uncovered. Chloe was also naked,
except her head was in his lap, almost like she was using his cock as a
pillow. I expected anger to ring through me, instead of snuck back into my
room to masturbate. Once I’d finished, I felt ashamed that it turned me on,
and the anger finally showed up.

I was in the kitchen doing dishes when the two of them came
downstairs to join me, equally disheveled and completely shameless about
their debauchery.

“Hey mom.”

“I didn’t think you were coming last night.” Steve said, striding past
me to grab a box of cereal.

“Yeah, I didn’t hear you.” Chloe said.

“Yeah, well, I heard you.” I said, rolling my eyes. Every part of me

wanted to confront them, but I ended up leaving the room because I
couldn’t stand knowing what had taken place between them. It would be
days later when I had a moment alone with Steve, and he didn’t hesitate to
tell the truth.

“I’m sorry, Candance, neither of us planned for this to happen.” he


“How long has this been going on?”

“A little over a month, at this point,” he said.

“Are you going to stop?” I asked, fairly certain I already knew the

“No. I can’t.” he said. That’s when I knew my marriage was over, and
that there was no stopping them from doing whatever they wanted to do.
Chapter 8 - Chloe

I really didn’t think she’d ever find out, but I felt a lot better once she
did. Steve and I were sleeping together multiple times a day, without using
protection, and on top of that, we were falling in love. It felt wrong
sneaking around, keeping the way we felt about each other to ourselves.

“She knows,” he said, shrugging.

“You told her?”

“Yeah, it needed to happen.”

“How’d she take it?” I asked, wondering if things would be awkward

between us going forward.

“Better than you’d think. She practically walked in on us five times

though, she had to know.” he said.


“Remember when you were laying flat on your stomach, completely

naked and I was inside you?” he asked.

“Then I pulled the blanket over us, right in front of her, and we
convinced her that we were doing nude yoga because it helped me get more
flexible? Yeah, I remember.” I said, reflecting fondly on the odd memory.

“We should do that again. I love how tight you feel in that position.”

“Daddy! She’s right downstairs.” I said, feeling myself turn red. We’d
always been brazen before, but it felt extra naughty considering she’d just
found out about us, and was still at home.

“You’re right. I’ll lock the door.” he said, making it so. I could never
resist him, and would start becoming aroused at his slightest mention of
taking me. He knew I wasn’t on birth control, and I wanted nothing more
than to let him fill my body again and again with his hard, bareback cock,
finishing each time deep inside until I was carrying his child.

“Like this?” I asked, sliding my underwear down past my ankles and

wiggling my ass in the air.

“Perfect.” he climbed into bed with me, rubbing his cockhead against
my wetness until I was swallowing him. “I have to get you pregnant.”

“Yes.” I whispered, begging as he buried his manhood deep and hard.

He pinned my hips to the mattress, taking me with an urgency that made the
entire room shake.

“Do you like that, baby? Tell me how much you like feeling it inside
you.” he grunted, and I couldn’t help thinking that he wanted her to hear us.

“I love it, daddy. I love it so much.” I cried out, brought quickly to the
edge by the pure intensity of our interaction. I laid flat, taking his length
with each powerful thrust until I was calling out like an animal.

“Good girl, cum for daddy’s dick.” he grunted, grinding hard and fast
as I spasmed beneath him. Whenever I came, he was close behind, and
within seconds I could hear his breathing pattern change as he pulsed in my
pussy, pumping me once again full of his sticky white cum. “Fuck.”

Things progressed quickly from that day forward. Mom was okay
with not getting a divorce. She said she didn’t want to date anyone else and
would rather keep her house. It seemed like a bad idea, like it might get
tense, but it worked out perfectly, especially once she found out that I was
pregnant and was giving her her first grandchild.
Her New Playtoy (Stepmom/Stepson) - Taboo Volume 13

Chapter 1 - Kaleb

I usually stayed in my room until noon. It was summertime, and I

had zero responsibilities other than sleeping in, having fun, and trying to get
laid. It was nice that school was finally over, but I wasn’t really sure what I
planned on doing with my life. I also wasn’t particularly concerned with
any of that, as losing my virginity seemed far more important.

There were a couple girls my age who I thought I had a shot with, and
I was doing what I could to put myself in a position where they might want
to have sex with me. Unfortunately, I was kind of having trouble staying
motivated to chase them, because I was very preoccupied with a woman
who was completely out of my league.

Aubrey was the type of woman I’d spent most of my life fantasizing
about, and somehow she’d married my father a couple years prior. I’d
always had a thing for older women, and she was 20 years older than me
and gorgeous. It drove me crazy knowing that my dad got to have her,
especially when he was so much older than her. Aubrey and my father had
the same age gap as her and I, which for some reason made me feel like it
might be possible for something to happen between us.

Anyway, it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world, living down the
hallway from your dream woman and watching her go to bed with your
father every night. I tried fighting my urges, but there was nothing I could
do. She made me so horny that I couldn’t control myself, and I would
regularly sneak into her room to sniff her dirty panties while jerking off.

It made me feel ashamed every time, but I kept coming back for
more. She was all that I could think about, and no matter how many times I
relieved myself while thinking about her, I still wanted her for real. Aubrey
was so friendly, and I just wanted to stare into her eyes and admire her
perfection from head to toe.

Aubrey knew that she was attractive and had no problem flaunting it. She
would lay out in the backyard in her skimpy two piece bikinis, the sun
beating down on her shapely exposed buns.

Holy shit, she’s wearing that purple thong again. Fuck that’s hot. Her
ass is amazing, so much fatter and thicker than the girls my age. I wish I
could just bury my face in it, and lick her asshole for hours. I know she
tastes so good.

I spent what felt like days at a time sporting a full erection. No

woman had ever turned me on so much, and my desire for her was
bordering on obsession. It felt like she was aware of the way I felt about
her, even though she never said anything about it directly.

It was the way she looked at me, the amused grin she would flash in
my direction after bending over right in front of me, or her going out of her
way to give me quick little shoulder rubs. I told myself that I was reading
too far into things, and that I was so into the idea of fucking her that I was
just fitting her actions into my fantasy.

Come on, dude. She’s your stepmom. You’ve gotta stop fantasizing
about eating her ass, and licking her toes, and God damn, here she comes.
Fuck, she painted her toes red again. So sexy.

“Hey love.” she said, joining me on the couch.

“Hi Aubrey.”

“Whatcha watchin’?” she asked, full of pep and feminine energy. She
brought me immediately to life whenever she was around.

“Ugh, just doom scrolling reels.” I said, taking a quick peek at her
“Oh. Mind if I join you?” she asked.

“Not at all.” I said. I found myself staring into her eyes, but pulled
away as soon as I realized my mistake and went back to scrolling. Aubrey
giggled, and I felt myself turning red as she scooted away, and placed both
of her feet in my lap.

I was completely unsure of what to do, and froze while my cock filled
with blood. Aubrey wiggled her toes, which pulled at my peripherals. As
much as I loved having her gorgeous feet in my lap, I was also terrified that
she was going to graze up against my boner and freak out.

Think of other shit, dude. Think of other shit. My mind tried to fight
it, but it was impossible. Aubrey was so stunning, with her tanned legs
poking out from her daisy dukes.

“We should do something fun today.” Aubrey said, moving her feet
around in my lap. I was so hard that it was throbbing, and nervously

“Yeah, I’m down.” I said, feeling her big toe drag directly across my
cock. We made eye contact, and a grin formed at the corner of her mouth.

“I’m really tight right now, I think I need someone big and strong like
you to stretch me out.” she said, now openly massaging my cock with her
foot and staring into my eyes.

“Okay.” I managed to say. My mouth was completely dry and I felt

like I was getting light headed.

“Good boy. Your father never stretches me out anymore.” she said,
continuing to rub my cock. It felt so good, and I knew that I would cum in
my pants if she didn’t stop. “Let me go get changed into something more
comfortable. I’ll be right back.”
“Okay.” I said, and watched as she stood up in front of me and
walked away. Her ass swayed perfectly with each step, and as soon as she
was out of sight I ran to my room. I was harder than I’d ever been, and
more aroused. The thoughts were fresh in my mind, and I pictured covering
her freshly painted feet with the ropes of my hot sticky cum as I shot it into
the toilet.

Jesus Christ. I couldn’t remember cumming that hard before, and it

literally felt like my head was spinning. I knew that my feelings were
unhealthy, but there was nothing I could do to press the thoughts out of my

Chapter 2 - Aubrey

Kaleb was so naive that it was endearing. Everything he did was so

obvious, from checking me out, to getting erections whenever I was around,
all the way to not deleting his internet browser history.

It made me chuckle when I saw what he was trying to do. All of his
searches were stepmom and stepson videos, and he would enter physical
descriptions of me alongside his search terms. He was looking for actresses
that resembled me, doing scenes that mimicked our actual situation. At first,
I thought it was adorable and didn’t think much else of it other than that.

While this was going on, his father Phil was having all sorts of issues.
He couldn’t get it up, and didn’t have a sex drive or the energy for sex after
he finished work. He was 20 years older than me, so it was something I
kind of expected, but it was a much bigger turn off than I could have
possibly imagined before encountering it for real.

His penis looked sucked in, and it was impossibly small. He

convinced me to try sucking on it one time, to try and get it hard, and it
was the most awkward oral experience I’ve ever gone through. He was
never large to begin with, but once his erectile dysfunction set in, it
practically looked like a ring pop.

Phil tried Viagra to very little avail. Sometimes, it would garner

enough blood flow to make it resemble a regular penis, but he was so
sensitive that he would cum almost instantly and was never fully hard. We
stopped having sex and didn’t talk about it. I just went on with life, but it
wasn’t long before I found myself getting horny.

That’s when I started noticing how big Kaleb’s cock was. It required
very little for me to get him hard, even bending over with a lower cut shirt
would do it. I caught him trying to adjust it a couple of times, and with my
libido in full swing, I wanted to play with it.

He was kind of shy when it came down to it, especially when I flirted
more aggressively. It turned me on at the same time, the idea of seducing
this younger little big cocked Bambi.

The hornier I became, the more forward my flirtation grew.

Eventually, it boiled over to the point that I was rubbing his cock over his
shorts with both feet, staring into his eyes. He still didn’t really say
anything about it, and I planned on taking advantage of it.
I wasn’t sure if I was ready to cheat on my husband with my stepson,
but I knew that I was ready to cum, and to have some fun. Once he let me
touch his cock with my feet, I made him agree to stretch me out.

I got completely naked and stepped into a pair of tight white leggings,
and then threw on a black tank top without a bra. My plan was to tease him,
to make him want so bad that he could feel his cock pulsing in his ears. I
wanted him to pass out from arousal, or erupt in his pants, whichever came

His father had already left for work, so we had the whole house to
ourselves. I didn’t even feel bad, it wasn’t my fault that my husband had a
limp dick and no interest in changing his lifestyle to be more conducive
towards sex. At the end of the day, I had needs that weren’t being met. To
top it all off, my husband’s son had so much testosterone that he didn’t
know what to do with it, and a big old dick that was being completely
neglected. It was the perfect solution to our unfortunate conundrum.

“You ready?” I asked, biting my lip and entering the room. His eyes
bulged, scanning slowly from my feet all the way up to my eyes, pausing
several times between.

“Yeah. Totally.” he said, unable to fight the wide smile from

spreading across his face. I dropped down on my knees in front of him, and
looked up at him with innocent eyes.

“I’m gonna do some stretches on all fours. I need you behind me.” I
said, running my finger along his thigh. Kaleb moved quickly into position,
and I told him to hold my hips with both hands.

“Like this?”

“Yeah, just bring your pelvis all the way to my backside. There you
go.” I said, wiggling my ass against his crotch. “Oh, wow.”

“You’re already hard.” I said, giggling.

“I’m sorry!” he blurted, releasing my hips and backing away.

“No, baby, it’s fine. Come here. Get back into position. It’s perfectly
natural.” I said, reassuring him that it was okay. He approached cautiously,
and settled back into position. “You’re 19 Kaleb, I don’t expect you to have
any control over that.”

“Yeah, it’s just embarrassing,” he said.

“Do you think I’m pretty?” I asked, extending my arms and stretching
my lower back. I wanted him to see first hand what it would look like if he
were lucky enough to go from behind.

“Yes. You’re very pretty Aubrey.”

“Awh, you’re so sweet.” I said. Even though my plan was to torment

him, it was working both ways as I continued to caress his hardness with
my ass. “Does that feel good?”

“It does.”

“You can grind against me, that’s perfectly okay. Work your hips a
little.” I said, feeling my arousal taking over.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, baby. I want to make you feel good.” I said.

“It feels really good.”

“That’s good, baby. Here, let me pull these down a little.” I said,
pulling my waistband until my ass plopped out. “Keep going.”
“It’s so perfect.”

“You’ve thought about it before, haven’t you?” I asked, looking back

at him with pride. His eyes and mouth were wide, staring down at my ass
and grinding against it.

“So many times. I can’t help it. You’re so sexy.”

“Good boy. It’s always good to tell the truth.” I said, shocked by my
own lewd behavior.

“I think about you when I masturbate, you’re all I can think about.”
he said.

“Good boy, rub your cock on mommy’s ass.” I said, reaching down
between my own legs. I was soaking wet, and I could feel myself losing

“Are you sure this is okay?” he asked.

“Yes, baby. Just do as mommy tells you, and it’ll be our little secret.

“Okay.” he said, letting out a nervous chuckle.

“Lay down on your back.” I said, pulling my pants back up.

“On my back? Okay.” Kaleb said, eagerly getting into position. His
athletic shorts did little to hide the massive tent he was pitching, and I
climbed on top of him in a makeshift 69.

“Mmm…baby. I don’t think you understand how much you’re turning

me on right now.”

“Really?” he asked.
“Really. Your father has erectile dysfunction and can no longer please
me sexually. It’s making me horny all the time, and I have no one to take
care of my needs.” I said, sinking my hips down until my vagina was
directly in front of his face.


“I need a good boy who can keep a secret and do what he’s told.” I
said, grinding my pussy against his face. Kaleb didn’t resist, electing
instead to lay there and enjoy it.

“I can do that,” he said.

“Oh yeah?” I asked, leaning forward and gently placing my teeth

around the tip of his tent.

“Oh my God.” he moaned. I took hold of him by the base, and began
stroking his shaft gently and slowly, up and down from outside of his

“Do you like when mommy plays with it?”

“So much.” he moaned, arching his hips and pressing his crotch into
my face. I knew that we were crossing lines, but it was too exciting for me
to control myself.
Chapter 3 - Kaleb

I deeply inhaled her scent, grabbing her asscheeks with both hands
and pulling her down onto me. It was a familiar scent but so much more
exhilarating with Aubrey actually on top of me.

“We shouldn’t be doing this, it feels wrong.” Aubrey said, releasing

my cock and sitting up on top of me. I didn’t dare move, cherishing every
second of being suffocated by her sweet vagina and leggings.

“I don’t care.” I said, rubbing my face on it.

“Neither do I.” she said. “You’ve been such a good boy for mommy
today, do you think you deserve to cum?”

“Please. I need it so bad.” I moaned. I was completely under her

control, as the whole situation was completely surreal and hotter than
anything I’d ever experienced.

Aubrey was the first woman to play with my dick like that, and even
though it was over the shorts, her mouth was the first to make contact with
my cockhead. Aubrey laughed viscerally, and slipped her fingers inside my
waistband and removed my shorts. I lifted my ass to assist her, and as soon
as it popped loose, she wrapped her lips around it.

“Mmm…” she moaned, working her head up and down my cock. It

was the most intense pleasure I’d ever felt, and I was already throbbing
hard when she wrapped her warm wet lips around me.

“Aubrey…” I moaned, reminding myself to breathe as I felt myself

quickly approaching release. “It’s so good.”

“Mmm hmm…good boy. Mommy loves sucking that big hard cock
of yours.” she said, stopping momentarily to make eye contact before
diving back down for more. I couldn’t take it, the overwhelming pleasure
had me burying my face in my stepmother, sniffing like a pervert as I
whimpered beneath her.

“Please, mommy. Please don’t stop.” I begged, struggling to hold on

as she slobbered and expertly swallowed my dick.

“Cum for me, baby. Mommy wants your cum.” she said, the hottest
string of words that is forever burned into my mind.

“Ugh!” I called out, gripping the carpet and bucking against her
warm throat as I erupted inside her mouth. “Ohhhh…” I sighed, as my
vision turned black and filled with stars.

“Mmmm!” she stroked the bottom portion of my cock, milking me

relentlessly onto her waiting tongue. She giggled and held back her head,
slowly spinning around so I could see her mouth completely full of my

“You’re so gorgeous.” I said, watching in awe as she sent the whole

mouthful down the hatch with one gulp.

“Your father can’t cum like that.” she said, scooping a little from the
corner of her mouth and sucking it off her finger.

I guess that was all the stretching she had in store, because she left
without saying another word. It felt like a dream, like I wasn’t sure if it had
happened even though it was the single greatest moment of my life.

It was a complete shock, and I went to the bathroom to take a

shower and replay the encounter in my head. I had so many questions. Why
did she do that? Would she be doing it again? All I knew was that I could
die happy, as a gorgeous woman had just blown me to completion, and
happily swallowed my seed like it was the sweet nectar of Gods.

I just got a blowjob from my hot stepmom. How many guys can say
that? A feeling of pride moved over me, and the thought of Aubrey with a
mouthful of my cock brought me right back to being hard.
Chapter 4 - Aubrey

I thought that teasing him would be enough, but I lost control and
made him cum. Not only that, I did it with my mouth. And swallowed.
Those were things I wouldn’t even do for my husband. His father.

What had I allowed to happen? And why was it turning me on so

much? I laid down in bed, and slipped off my leggings and began to touch
myself. It had been ages since I felt such powerful urges, but masturbating
wasn’t visceral enough.

Kaleb had a powerful sex drive, and a massive cock in comparison to

his father’s limp pecker. I wanted to feel his excitement and desire when he
shoved himself into my wetness, and I wanted to feel him stretch me as he
bottomed out over and over again.

“Fuck. Why do I want to fuck my own stepson so badly?” I moaned,

furiously rubbing my own clit. It wouldn’t be difficult for me to cum to
thoughts of him, but it wouldn’t give me the satisfaction I so desperately

Instead of letting myself orgasm, I put a pair of silk panties on despite

how wet my pussy was, then threw on my matching silk robe and went
tiptoeing down the hallway to see what Kaleb was up to. My mind was
racing with horny thoughts, and I kept telling myself to go back to my room
and finish myself off but I couldn’t seem to resist the pull of temptation.

“Hey you.” I said, spotting him as he exited his bathroom wearing a

pair of boxer briefs.

“Hi Aubrey.” he said, flashing a smile.

“That was really fun, what we did earlier.”

“Yeah. It was.” he said, staring back at me. I untied the belt on my

robe, let it fall to the floor, and then crawled into his bed. Kaleb followed
behind me.

“I need you Kaleb. Sucking your dick made me so horny that I can’t
control myself.” I said, spreading my legs as he got on top of me.

“I’ve always wanted to kiss you.” he said, leaning in.

“Finally.” I whispered, pressing my lips against his. What we were

doing was practically unthinkable, a stepmother and her much younger,
teenaged son in bed together, making out, removing each other’s clothes.

“Your lips are amazing.” he whispered, letting his kisses stray to my

neck as he groped my breasts. “You’re so perfect.” I tugged at his
waistband, letting him know what I really wanted.

“I want to feel you in me, Kaleb.”

“Me too. I want you so bad.” he said, fumbling around in a rushed

attempt to remove his underwear. I slipped my underwear off onto one of
my ankles, and dangled it in front of him.

“Take it off with your teeth.” I said, grinning. Kaleb did as he was
told, and then grabbed my ankles and slid me to him.

“I’ve never done this before.” he said, holding himself by the base
and staring down between us.

“Really? That’s hot.” I said, reaching down to replace his hand with
mine. I rubbed his bulbous, swollen head up and down against my pussy,
spreading my wetness and teasing myself.

“It’s so wet,” he said.

“I love how hard your cock gets, baby. This is exactly what I’ve been
craving.” I pressed the tip inside me, and gasped as he pressed it deep.
“Oh my God!” he called out as he entered me, quickly taking over
and humping away like an animal.

“Good boy, so enthusiastic.” I said, giggling.

“It’s so good. I love it.” Kaleb moaned, burying his face in my tits as
he plundered away. It was so much larger than his father’s, and so much

“Just like that, baby, don’t stop. Fuck mommy hard.” I said, watching
as his big young cock disappeared inside me again and again. His thrusts
were powerful, and his fat balls slapped rhythmically against my ass.

“Fuck that’s good.” he whispered, staring into my eyes. I stared back

at him, and began sucking on his finger while he fucked me.

“I want your cum, son. I want you to fill me.” I said, placing the
bottoms of my feet against his ass and pulling him deeper.

“You’re so pretty, mom.” he said, kissing me with a passion I forgot

existed. Our tongues rolled together, and he pinned me to the mattress and
fucked me so hard that I was seeing stars. “I love the way your perfect tits
bounce while I fuck you.”

“Kaleb!” I yelled his name, and furiously rubbed my clit as his raw
hard flesh sent me over the edge. “I’m cumming….I’m cumming for your
big cock.”

“You’re so hot.” he grunted, mashing my tightness harder and harder

while I climaxed on my stepson’s cock. Seeing his stepmother reach orgasm
beneath his powerful cock must have turned him on as much as it did me,
because he started making unintelligible animal sounds as he finished inside

“Baby! Oh my God.” I wrapped my legs around his waist, and let him
dump his hot sticky load in my waiting pussy.
There was a moment of clarity for both of us when we finished, and
we looked into each other’s eyes knowing that there was no going back.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have cum inside you.” he said, sliding himself
out from my sex.

“No. I wanted it.” I said, and reached down between my legs to scoop
up his fresh semen. Kaleb watched in awe as I slurped it off of my
fingertips while staring into his eyes.

That was the start of a very raunchy affair, where we did whatever we
pleased to each other whenever we wanted. Phil was too naive to ever
figure it out on his own, but we stopped having sex completely and he gave
me permission to seek out another lover. Little did he know, I already had,
and the man who replaced him was his very own son.
Servicing His Massive Morning Wood (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 14
Chapter 1 - Kate

Things were out of control at home, and I was absolutely at my wit’s

end. My husband Lee kept drinking more and more, missing work, and
putting the onus of cleaning and taking care of the house on me while I tried
to make ends’ meet. To make it worse, his 19 year old son Danny was doing
whatever he wanted and getting into trouble.

This went on for months, and I tried talking to Lee about it on several
occasions but he just blew me off. The man I had married was no longer
there, in his place was a weak and timid man who didn’t even have the balls
to discipline his own son.

The only time he actually opened his mouth to stand up for himself
was following a month of us not sleeping together, and he arrogantly
decided to “put his foot down” on the subject. I went ballistic, and banished
him to the couch.

“I’m not going to have sex with a man I’m not attracted to, Lee.” I

“I’m your husband! You’ll do as you’re told.” he said, staring back at

me with anger in his drunken eyes. I outright laughed at him, daring him to
do something about it.

“Jerk your little baby dick off on the couch, cause it’s not coming
anywhere near me.”

“Fine. Fuck you. I don’t need you.” he mumbled, before collapsing

onto the couch. It was 2 pm on a Saturday, and he was already piss drunk. I
rolled my eyes, and went about my day while he slept it off.
Meanwhile, my stepson Danny had just decided to wake up and was
digging through the fridge looking for breakfast.

“Hey Kate! Is there any food in this house?” he asked, shouting into
the living room.

“Go get some yourself!” I screamed, already completely on edge. I

headed for my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I needed a moment
alone in a hot bubble bath.

There were so many stressors going on, and I just wanted to

disappear. This wasn’t the life I signed up for. My husband was failing me
in every way, and he’d become so terrible in bed that I couldn’t imagine
having sex with him again. The truth is, I’d completely lost my respect for

His son Danny wasn’t that bad, he was just a little on the lazy side
and had zero structure in his life. He was taller and more muscular than
Lee, and I think that made him scared of his own son to the point that he
refused to discipline him in any way. I couldn’t really blame Danny for his
behavior, because at least he held a job and treated me with respect. More
than I could say for his father.

I was ruminating on these issues when I heard knocking at my door. I

popped up to make sure I was hearing right, and that’s when Danny’s voice
cut through the silence.

“Hey mom? Kate?”

“I’m in here. What do you need?” I asked, my voice laced with stress.

“I’m gonna go grab breakfast from Waffle Mansion, do you want

anything?” he asked. I felt my anger subside, and a smile spread across my
face. I was very hungry, but didn’t feel like cleaning our mess of a kitchen
to make food.
“Please.” I said, letting out a sigh. Danny appeared in the bathroom
door frame, which was fine because there were plenty of bubbles to cover
my exposed body. “I’m sorry about being short, baby, your father is just
stressing me out.”

“I know. He’s a fucking turd. What did you want me to get you?” he
asked. It was kind of odd hearing him talk about his dad like that, but I
wasn’t going to argue.

“Bacon, eggs, sausage, hashbrowns.” I said, listing all the foods that
sounded good. Danny let out a chuckle, and nodded his head.

“I’ll hook it up.”

“I have cash in my purse.” I said, interjecting before he left.

“It’s on me.”

“Thank you, Danny. You’re the best.” I said.

“Hey, it’s the least I can do to repay you.” he said, smiling wide.

“Repay me for what?” I asked, confused. He smiled wider, and

pointed at my chest. When I looked down, I saw that the bubbles on my
chest had washed away, and my breasts were completely exposed.

“Don’t worry, they look incredible.” he said, reaching down to adjust

himself. I quickly covered myself with my arm, and felt my face flushing

“Get out of here.” I said, shooing him away and trying not to smile.

“Yes ma am. I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you.” I said. As soon as he left, I felt a wave of

embarrassment wash over me for being so careless. It was the first time
he’d seen me like that, and I couldn’t believe I’d allowed it to happen.

Chapter 2 - Danny

I couldn’t have been more disappointed or embarrassed by my

father’s actions. The same man who always told me to work hard, and treat
women right, and all that jazz, was acting as almost a caricature of what not
to do.

It made no sense, especially considering that he was married to a

woman as gorgeous and amazing as Kate. Why would he choose to become
a complete loser out of nowhere, when he had the most motivating piece of
ass I’d ever seen right there for the taking? It pissed me off, but there was
no talking to him.

He treated me like I was a child, even though I was being respectful

and trying to give him good advice. It was obvious that he needed it,
because there was no way he was seeing himself the way that we were, or
else he wouldn’t be acting that way. The funny thing is that he would get
mad at me for talking to him like a man, then treat me like a child and try to
intimidate me, then when I would buck up to him, he cowered.

By the time she booted his ass out of the bedroom, I found it funny
watching his downfall. If he wanted to act like a little kid, then that’s how
he was going to be treated.
I mentioned how pretty Kate was, but words can’t do her justice. I’d
always tried my best to keep my eyes off of her, but there was no ignoring
her beauty. It wasn’t easy living with a woman who was your ultimate
fantasy, and having to act like it was no big deal. But she was my father’s
wife, and my stepmother, so I kept my little perversions to myself.

I’d done an alright job of keeping it under wraps, but the day I saw
her tits, all bets were off. She was stressed to the max, they weren’t having
sex, and I was bursting with constant levels of extreme horniness. There
was no reason that I couldn’t flirt a little, and find out if I had some chance
with her.

The whole ride on the way to pick up breakfast, her perfect, luscious
tits were all I could think about. I’d been with a handful of girls who were
my age, and they were all skinny with small, underdeveloped breasts. I’d
never seen breasts with such teardrop shape, such heaviness in the way they
hung. And her nipples, they were perky and suckable in a way that filled me
with hunger.

“Can I get some extra syrup?” I asked, picking up the food and
signing my name on the receipt. I was so lost in thought about my
stepmother’s gorgeous tits that I didn’t even notice the pretty girl at the
register until I was turning to walk away.

Get yourself together, she’s your stepmom. I can’t get this fucking
erection to go down, though.

Kate and I shared breakfast when I got home, while my drunken

father was snoring the day away on the couch.

“Thank you so much, Danny. I didn’t want to cook, the kitchen is

such a mess.”

“Hey, don’t mention it. I know you’re under a lot of stress right now,
with dad, and everything. I can’t believe he’s treating you like this, you’re
amazing.” I said, placing my hand on her shoulder and looking into her

“Thank you.” she said, placing her hand on mine.

“You’re so pretty.” I said, causing her to look away. “I’m sorry. I

shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, you’re fine. I’m the one who gave you a peep show.” she said,
smiling and brushing her hair behind her ear. We shared a laugh, and made
small talk while we finished up our food.

Kate picked up our trash and threw it away, and moved into the
kitchen. I followed her, too horny not to press my luck a little. I placed my
hands on her hips from behind, and when she didn’t pull away, I whispered
into her ear.

“Go relax, you deserve it. I’ll take care of the kitchen.” I said, making
sure my lips grazed her inner ear. She giggled, and I felt the blood rushing
between my legs and she pressed her ass against my crotch.

“Really? Thank you, Danny. Why are you so good to me?” she asked,
turning in my arms to look up at me.

“Because I love you, and I’d do anything for you.” I said, mesmerized
by her eyes and feminine charm.

“Such a good boy. Good boys like you get rewarded.” she said,
pulling me in for a hug and nestling her face in my chest. I inhaled the scent
of her shampoo and felt every primal instinct inside me kick on. I wanted
her more than I wanted anyone else in the world.

When she walked out of the kitchen, I was left with a big mess and a
throbbing boner. Still, I eagerly washed the dishes and wiped everything
down until it was perfect. If my dad was going to make a fool of himself, I
was going to show her how a real man went about his business.
Chapter 3 - Kate

Danny stepped up in a big way and got me through what could have
been a period of depression. He picked up all of the slack for everything
that I simply didn’t have the energy to do.

Lee laid on the couch, Danny cooked, cleaned, and pitched in on bills.
I found myself relying on him emotionally, and I found talking to him
uplifting and fun. He had such an upbeat energy, and he always put me in a
better mood.

We talked about my relationship with his father, and mostly agreed on

everything. We worried that he was going to lose his job, and neither of us
had any interest in taking care of him.

“If he loses his job and doesn’t get his shit together, I’m kicking him
out.” I said. It felt good having someone to talk to who really knew what
was going on, and I don’t know what I would have done without him.

He really impressed me, because I’d always thought of him as a

typical, lazy, 19 year old who only thought about sex and couldn’t focus on
anything. It was such a nice surprise finding out that he was mature, level
headed, and capable of taking on responsibility.

I knew Danny was attracted to me. He kept things mostly coy, but he
would occasionally slip up and give me a compliment that was
inappropriate, and his eyes were constantly scanning my body. Watching
my marriage fall apart while not having sex and being stressed out left me
equal parts horny and lonely, and I’ll admit that I took a great deal of joy in
turning on my stepson simply by dressing in skimpy clothes and being

Danny brought me back to life, and I hardly noticed my husband

anymore because I became so enamored by him.

I guess it all started when I realized that I liked the attention, and
started dressing more provocatively around him. He took notice, and
showed a sort of aggressive restraint that I enjoyed. He made no effort to
conceal the way he looked at me, and playfully flirted non stop.

As soon as I admitted it to myself, I couldn’t unsee it. My husband

and I were over as far as I was concerned, and despite our 20 year age
difference, my sights were set on the most off limits younger man in my
life, Danny.

Sleeping alone made it apparent that I wanted him, as he was the only
thing I thought about while touching myself and using my vibrator.

“Danny…fuck.” I whimpered, alone in my bed while he was right

down the hall, undoubtedly just as horny as I was. He was so virile and
athletic, it was a stark difference to what I was used to with his chubby, out
of breath father.

I woke up early one morning to go for a jog, and saw Lee sitting on
the couch in a drunken stupor, staring at an empty screen. He didn’t notice
me, even after I stopped and waved my hand.

“You need help.” I said. He shrugged, and I left to start my three mile
run. It was the last time I thought about him or gave a crap.

From that day forward, I decided that I would start returning the favor
to Danny for everything he’d helped me with. Lord knows, that house
would have fallen apart if it weren’t for him.
“You cooked all of this for me?” he asked, after I called him
downstairs for a romantic candlelit dinner.

“I did. You’ve helped me out so much recently, it was the least I could
do.” I said, biting my lip at the sight of his chiseled arms as he sat down

“It looks amazing.” he said, eyeing his food before looking up at me.
“And so do you.”

“Oh, hush.” I said, waving him off and taking a seat.

“I’m serious, Kate. You don’t understand, you’re so pretty it’s not

“I’m twice your age.”

“You think that doesn’t turn me on?” he asked, taking a bite of steak
and staring into my eyes. Pretending we weren’t into each other was
wearing thin, and we both knew it. It was only a matter of time before
temptation got the better of us, especially as we teased and tempted fate by
spending all of our free time together.

“Let’s just focus on the food.” I said, maintaining eye contact. His
presence had a powerful effect on me, and I found myself giggling while we
spoke for no reason at all.

We shared an inappropriately long hug after dinner, and he placed a

small kiss on my neck that sent chills running down my spine, but that was
all that came of it, other than my panties being wet once more with no one
to take it out on.

I tossed and turned that night, fighting the urge to get up and go to
Danny’s bedroom to jump on top of him.
Eventually, I passed out, and woke up early the next morning. I was
still in my panties and a t-shirt when I crept into Danny’s room, and went
over to his hamper to collect his dirty laundry. He really deserved to be
pampered, and I wanted to make his life as easy as possible.

“That’s a sight I could get used to.” he said, his voice startling me.

“You scared me.” I said, straightening my posture at the way he was

looking at me.

“Such a nice booty. It’s not fair.” he said, grinning. I glanced over at
his open door, and felt myself getting nervous.

“Don’t say that. I’m your stepmother.” I said, resorting to old


“What are you doing?”

“I was just gathering laundry. I want to help you out.” I said, trying
to regain my composure. Danny was shirtless and covered only by his white

“You know what would really help me out?” he asked.

“What baby?” I asked, completely unprepared for what came next.

Danny smiled, and removed the sheet in one motion, displaying the largest
cock I’d ever seen, hard as a rock. I opened my mouth to speak, but no
words came out. All I could do was stare at it.

“You turn me on so much, Kate. I’m always like this because of

you, it gets so hard that it throbs, and it’s driving me insane.” he said, taking
hold of himself by the base and wagging it back and forth.

“Danny.” I said, covering my mouth and watching it sway like a

pendulum. My mind was blanking, and my mouth was somehow watering
and dry at the same time.
“Please, mom. Just this once, I need relief.” he said, continuing to
shake it. A part of me wanted to run out of there, to take a moment to clear
my head and catch my breath. I couldn’t believe it. Instead, I walked slowly
over to his door, closing it and locking it so no one could see what was
about to happen.
Chapter 4 - Danny

“That was very naughty of you, Danny. You shouldn’t have done that.
I’m your stepmother.” she said, biting the tip of her finger and staring
directly at my cock.

“I couldn’t help it. Only you can make it go away.”

“Jesus Christ, it’s massive. I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Kate
said, climbing into bed with me. “Rub it some more. I want to see you do

“You like watching me stroke it?” I asked, happy to oblige her


“I had no idea.” she said, giggling. “You’re twice the size of your

“You’re so sexy.” I said, feeling my desire for her burning like a fire
inside my loins. I began stroking harder, up and down with both hands.

“Your balls.” she whispered, trailing off. Kate laid down on her
stomach, burying her face in my testicles without hesitation.

“Kate…” I said her name over and over while she bobbed for
testicles, slurping and sucking enthusiastically. She made popping sounds
with her mouth, slobbering all over me.

“Mmm…You poor thing. You’ve been in your room hiding this big
dick from mommy this whole time?”

“You’re all I can think about.” I said, looking down at my stepmother

with a faceful of my balls.

“Me too, baby.” she said, replacing my hands with hers.

“Oh my God.” I sighed, finally experiencing her touch. I watched in
awe as she parted her lips, wrapping them around my cockhead and
throating up and down.

“Mmmm….fuck.” she gasped, wiping spit from the corner of her

mouth before going back in for more. I’d gotten plenty of blowjobs before,
but nothing like this. She was depraved, and worshiped my cock in a
desperate, unhinged way.

“That’s so good.”

“Yeah, you like that, baby? You like when mommy sucks that big
dick?” she asked, gasping for air and slapping my cock against her soft

“I love it.”

“I love it, too, baby. Mommy loves your fat cock.”

“Oh my God.” I moaned, arching against her.

“Here, fuck mommy’s face.” she said, taking both of my hands and
placing them on the back of her head.

“Ok.” I said, hearing those words for the first time in my life. I started
slowly, but as I realized that she could take it, I ended up climbing on top of
her, pinning her head to the mattress while I humped her throat like it was a

“Guck! Guck! Guck!” her throat bulged as she swallowed me whole.

It felt so good taking control of her, watching the tears stream down her
cheeks while I defiled her.

“Good girl. I like that.” I grunted, staring into her beautiful eyes.
“Guckkkhh…” she coughed, slobbering viscous drool all over my
shaft and using her hands to spread it around.

“I need it, Kate. I have to fuck you.”

“Please. I need it, baby. It’s been so long.” she said, literally begging
as she removed her panties and got on all fours in front of me. I slapped her
plump mommy ass, staring down at the tan line of her thong, and grabbed a
fistful of her t-shirt.
Chapter 5 - Kate

The way I came unglued for him was shocking. I went from being
embarrassed by the sight of his cock, to telling him to fuck my face, to
bending over in his bed and begging for his cock in the matter of minutes.

All of the built up tension came rushing out in one very passionate
and dirty encounter. I may not have been proud of it at the time, but there
was nothing I wanted more than to take a pounding from my stepson’s
enormous manhood.

“I’ve jerked off to your ass so many times, Kate.” he said, rubbing his
puffy cockhead against my soaking wet opening.

“Do it for real.” I whimpered, letting him enter me without protection.

“Oh my God.”

“Fuck, baby. It’s so tight.” he said, gripping my hips with both hands
and pulling me against him. It felt like he impaled me, and my eyes rolled
back as he bottomed out inside me hard and fast.

“Holy fuck, Danny. It’s huge.”

“You’re so tiny, mom. I love it. I love fucking you.”

“It’s yours now, baby. You earned it.” I squealed, lost in the moment.

“My pussy.” he grunted, hitting it so hard that it sounded like he was

rhythmically slapping my ass.

“I’m yours, baby. It’s your pussy.”

“That’s my little slut. Only for me.”

“Yes. I’m yours. Only yours.” my mind was spinning and I was
seeing stars. Danny was so thick, and each thrust went so deep that it hit
spots I didn’t know existed.

“You’re so wet for me.” he said, flattening me out and fucking me


“I can’t stop cumming!” I called out, struggling to breathe. I could

feel myself squirting all over his big cock, and his bulbous mushroom head
kept slamming into the spot that set me loose.

“Good girl, cum for me. Cum for that cock.” he grunted, gripping my
hair and driving himself deep. My fingers gripped the sheets, I bit down on
the pillow, and lost track of time and space.

I can’t begin to recall the dirty nothings we exchanged while in the

throes of ecstasy, I just remember orgasm after orgasm rolling over me, and
months of pent of tension being fucked out of me.

I was laying on my back, laying nearly limp beneath him as he

pounded away when he called out that he was cumming. My legs wrapped
instinctively around his waist, and we kissed deeply while his monster cock
pumped over and over, filling me with hot sticky cum.
Chapter 6 - Lee

I didn’t even fight them when they told me to get out of the house.
My boss had called moments earlier, letting me know that I no longer had a
job. He’d called my wife first, and she told my son.

They’d been fucking for some time. I knew because I could hear them
going at it all the time, but I didn’t have the courage to bring it up. Truth be
told, it was my fault. As much as I wanted to play the victim, and say how
they’d both betrayed me, I knew it was all my fault.

My wife was a beautiful woman, and I couldn’t blame my son for

falling for her charm. Especially when he was forced to take care of her.
Living in such close quarters with someone of the opposite sex, living so
closely that it was practically like they were dating would take a toll on

I should have been there. I shouldn’t have been drinking, wasting

away. My buddy had an apartment across time, and let me use his spare
room while I got back on my feet. Being served divorce papers a few
months later hurt, but not as bad as knowing that they were officially
dating. I’d been replaced, and I couldn’t even be mad about it.
Overflowing From The Tap (Lactation and Nursing) - Taboo Volume 15

Chapter 1 - Madison
It was exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time, getting huge
breasts out of nowhere. I was 19 and had always had a smaller chest, but
after I started taking a medication that was supposed to help strengthen my
bones, my tits exploded.

Imagine being a B cup your entire life, and then being a double D a
month later. At first, I didn’t even have a bra that could contain them, so I
wore a baggy sweatshirt to hide them and bought proper fitting bras. Those
lasted a couple weeks, and then I was bursting out of those too.

“What is going on?” I asked myself, naked in my bathroom in front of

the mirror. They were so heavy and swollen, and I could see veins pressing
against my skin. My nipples were also swollen, puffy and sensitive. And

After spending another $150 bras, this time E cups, I started noticing
the way men were looking at me. I wasn’t even wearing low cut shirts or
anything, but it was so obvious that men were breaking their necks for a
glimpse at me. I wasn’t used to it, and didn’t know what to think about.

It really made me feel self conscious and sexy at the same time,
spotting men at the grocery store with their wives, completely unable to
control themselves around me. I’d always had a thing for older men, but
this was the first time they were really paying attention to me. It didn’t
seem to matter the age of the man, they were all eager to stare at my
growing melons.

Even though I showed them off in form fitting t-shirts when I went
out, I kept them covered at home. My mom noticed anyway, and made a
comment about them.
“You didn’t get those things from me.” she said, chuckling.

“They won’t stop growing.” I said, glad that she broke the ice on the

“I can see that. They’re ridiculous.”

“I’m an E cup, mom. An E cup.” I said. Right as the words left my

mouth, my stepdad Brett entered the kitchen.

“Do you see this, Brett? Madison is an E cup now.” mom said, not
shy at all about pointing them out.

“Hmm…when did that happen?” he asked, sipping his coffee and

looking me up and down.

“Uhm, I don’t know. They just started growing out of nowhere a

couple months ago.” I said, a bit off put by being the center of attention.

“Well, they’re definitely huge,” he said.

“You better watch out, sweetie. Your stepdad was quite the boob man
before he and I got together.” mom said, lightly punching him in the arm.

“I was not.”

“You so were. Every girl you dated before me had huge boobs.”

“Well, yeah. You’re not wrong.” he said. I decided it was time to get
out of there, and snuck out with my bowl of cereal. That was the first day
that my boobs started hurting. It was a strange sensation, like a pressure that
needed relief. I figured it was because they were so heavy, and my body
wasn’t used to them.

Over the next few days, the pressure continued to build. My boobs
were somehow growing larger still, and I was starting to panic. What if they
just kept growing forever? I liked having bigger breasts, but it was getting
out of hand.

It was late at night, and I was tossing and turning uncontrollably. It

felt like they had a pulse, and they were so sensitive that it was actually
turning me on. I found myself naked under my sheets, masturbating and
gently massaging my breasts. That’s when my nipples started leaking, a wet
creamy substance.

“I’m lactating.” I said, sitting up to make sure. I squeezed my right

nipple, and milk sprayed out in little strands. I tasted it to make sure, and
there was no mistaking it. My breasts were producing milk, which made
zero sense because I was a virgin. There was no possible way that I was

Suddenly lactating after having developed massive melons out of

nowhere was enough to induce a near panic attack. I threw on my robe and
went downstairs. Mom was already asleep, but Brett was still working at his
laptop in the study. I wasn’t sure what I was going to tell him, but I needed
help to figure out what was going on, and how to fix it.

Chapter 2 - Brett

Madison transformed so quickly that it caught me by surprise. One

day, she was my pretty 19 year old stepdaughter, the next day she was a
gorgeous and busty woman who turned heads everywhere she went.

It was like being tested in the most extreme way, and I couldn’t keep
my eyes off of her. She was exactly my type, and her perfect, natural tits
were much larger than any woman I’d been with.

She didn’t wear shirts with cleavage or show them off, but they were
so big that she couldn’t hide them. I found myself fantasizing about what
she’d look like in a bikini, and I told myself to knock it off.

Her mother wasn’t a particularly chesty woman, so it came as a

surprise when Madison developed so quickly and in such a major way. It
wasn’t like she had regular big boobs, they were absolutely enormous.

I found it difficult to maintain eye contact with her, as her chest was
always pulling at my peripherals. Madison became more comfortable with
them, one might even say confident. Instead of trying to keep them hidden,
she started wearing form fitting and lower cut tops.

As much as I’d been trying not to check her out, or look at her in that
way, it became impossible. Madison would bounce around the house, and
wear the skimpiest clothes. I’d already given in to my more depraved
thoughts, masturbating furiously in the shower with only one thing on my
mind. I knew it was wrong, but it felt like the only way I could deal with it.

I’ll never forget the first time I gave in to my intrusive sexual

fantasies regarding her, as I reached a level of arousal and orgasm that I
didn’t know was possible. The entire shower wall was caked and dripping
with my load, and I stood there panting seeing stars.

“Why was that so hot?” I asked, still half hard in the shower. Why
was I so fucking turned on by my stepdaughter?

It only got worse from there, especially because she seemed to enjoy
flaunting them to me. She’d stare into my eyes with unwavering eye
contact, with no bra and a low cut shirt. It made me feel ashamed at how
easily she could stir up an erection, and I was constantly trying to keep it

I even thought about her while I fucked my wife, as messed up as that

is, I couldn’t help it. She was the object of my obsession and all that I could
think about. My wife had gorgeous little tits, but I wanted the real thing. I
wanted my stepdaughter’s soft, luscious tits pressed against my face. I
wanted to play with her nipples, and worship her tits like no one ever had

There was no way anything would ever happen between us, that much
I knew. Madison was a stunning, desirable 19 year old woman with plenty
of options. She couldn’t walk down the street without a man breaking his
neck trying to stare at her. There was no way that I could ever resist her, but
I also would never do anything to make her feel uncomfortable. As long as
she didn’t come on to me, everything would remain platonic. She didn’t
strike me as the type who’d be into guys 25 years older than her, so I
figured that I was safe.

What I didn’t count on was her coming into my den well after
midnight wearing only a skimpy silk robe that barely covered her ass, and
confessing that her breasts were full of pressure and that she was lactating.

“I’m really scared, daddy. They hurt and I don’t know what to do.”
she said, speaking softly and looking at me with doe eyes. Her robe was
parted in the middle, and I could see the outline of her breasts perfectly.

“You said they’re lactating?” I asked, taken aback and trying to get
my wits.

“Yes. I squeezed my nipple earlier, and it was definitely milk that

came out.”

“I don’t understand. You’re not pregnant, are you?” I asked.

“No, daddy. I’m a virgin.” she said. I was trying to deal with the
situation at hand, but her supple young body and heaving breasts were
making it difficult to focus on anything else.

“I can’t think of what else could cause you to be lactating. You don’t
think it’s that bone medication, do you?” I asked. I was just throwing it out
there, but her eyes lit up.

“Oh my gosh, daddy. You’re a genius. My boobs started growing as

soon as I started taking it.”

“Let’s look it up.” I got on my computer, and Madison chose for some
reason to sit on my lap while we looked up the medication. I certainly
didn’t mind, but I was fearful that she’d feel my boner and freak out.

“That’s it, right there.” she said, pointing to the link. She read the side
effects out loud, squirming in my lap and stimulating my cock perfectly. It
felt almost like she was doing it on purpose, and although it wasn’t
mentioned, I knew that she had to feel it.

“Are you wearing anything under there?” I asked, peeking down the
front of her robe at her perky nipples. They were even more glorious than I
could have imagined, a perfectly suckable areola.

“No. I was naked in bed when I realized that I was lactating.” she
said. “It scared me.”

Madison sat in my lap and discovered that it was her medication that
was causing the lactation. It only happened to 2 or 3 out of 100 women, and
she was one of them.

“Are you gonna stop taking it?”

“Honestly, I don’t want to. I like having bigger boobs, I just can’t
handle the constant throbbing pressure.” she said, grabbing her chest and
squeezing with both hands. My mouth was literally watering, and it seemed
too obvious what needed to happen.

“Madison. I think I know what we need to do to make them feel

better, I just don’t know if you’re going to wanna go through with it.”

“I’ll do anything daddy, please just make it stop.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yes. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.”

Chapter 3 - Madison

It was a major relief to discover the reason behind my lactation, but

the pressure was still very real.

“Let me close the door.” Brett said. “We’re gonna have to keep this
between the two of us.”

“Okay. What is it, daddy? What do we have to do to make them feel

better?” I asked.

“Well, I think that the reason they’re so sore is because you're

producing all this milk, and it’s pretty much so full that it’s overflowing. In
order to relieve the pressure, someone needs to drink your milk.” he said,
having locked the door and returned to his office chair.

“Oh. That makes sense.” I said, biting my lip. I knew exactly what he
was saying, as I’d already been thinking it.

“I think if I do ten or fifteen minutes per breast, you’ll feel a whole lot
better.” he said, patting his thigh for me to come and sit on his lap again.
Even though it’s what I wanted, I hesitated because of how intimate it
would be.

“I’m scared.”

“It’s okay, baby. It’ll feel good.”

“I know, it’s just, I dunno. No one’s ever seen my boobs before, and
isn’t it kind of inappropriate?” I asked, looking to him for answers that
could make me feel better about it.
“We’re both adults, Madison. They’re just breasts. I want to help
you.” he said, standing up and opening his arms for a hug.

“I know, daddy. It just seems like a naughty thing for us to be doing

with each other.”

“Yeah, but we’re not doing it for naughty reasons. We’re doing it so
you can feel better.” he said.

“I understand. But daddy, earlier when I was sitting in your lap, I

could feel that you had a boner.”

“Yeah, I did. I couldn’t help it, sweetheart. You’re a beautiful woman,

and feeling your body on mine made me feel good.” he said, letting his
hands move to my lower back.

“Really? It made me feel good too. I’ve never felt one before.”

“Awh, you’re so sweet Maddy. Look, it’ll be our little secret, and I
think it’ll make us both feel good if we do this.”

“Okay.” I said, grinning slightly at the proposition. It felt so surreal,

and I kind of just went with the flow even though I couldn’t believe it was
happening. I climbed into his lap, straddling his hips so that my chest was
positioned directly in front of his face.

“Let’s untie this.” he said, reaching down to undo the belt of my robe.
I was aroused to the point that I was shaking, and I felt embarrassed by how
wet I was getting.
“Okay.” Brett pulled my robe apart, exposing my breasts.

“Oh, wow. Baby, they’re gorgeous.” he said, groping my tits with

both hands. “So suckable.” he leaned in, kissing my nipple gently while
caressing my breast.

“That feels good.” I whispered.

“Okay, baby. I’m gonna start breastfeeding now. Just try to relax and
enjoy it.” he said, looking up at me.

“Okay, daddy. I will.” I said, feeling the nervous anticipation build.

It wasn’t what I expected, the sensation of his warm lips wrapping around
my nipple and sucking. “Ooh!”

“Mmm hmmm…” he moaned as he attacked my boobs with hunger.

I found myself grinding in his lap while his tongue explored my breasts,
squeezing and worshiping in a frenzy.

“I like it, daddy. It feels so good.” I moaned uncontrollably,

humping his erection while he feasted on my tits. The milk flowed freely
and he had no problem making a mess.

“They’re so perfect, Maddy. I love your tits.” he groaned, pinching

my nipples and spraying milk into his waiting mouth.

“Thank you so much, daddy. It feels so good.”

“My good girl. Daddy loves your titties, baby.” he said, grabbing
two handfuls of my ass and moving my hips against his erection while
creamy white milk glowed down his gullet.

“I love you, daddy. I love you so much.” I moaned, pressing my

chest against his hungry mouth.

“It tastes so good. You have the sweetest milk.” he said, pausing to
look into my eyes. “You’re making my dick so hard right now.”

“I’m sorry, daddy.”

“It’s okay, angel. It’s just a lot of pressure, kind of like how your
boobs feel.” he said.
“Do you want me to suck on it? To relieve the pressure?” I asked,
eager to service him. It was the hottest moment of my life, and the arousal
was short circuiting my ability to make even semi rational decisions.

“You’re such a good girl, Madison. Get down on your knees.” he

said. I did as I was told, and the next thing I knew, his massive cock was
flopping out in front of my face. I giggled at the sight of it, shocked by the
sight of my first erect penis.

“It’s huge!” I squealed, covering my mouth. I had never done

anything sexually, and I was suddenly face to face with my stepdad’s
enormous, manly dick.

“Just pretend it’s a lollipop. Try sucking on the tip.” he said, placing
his hand on my head. “You can touch it.”

“Okay.” I said, reaching out and slowly wrapping my fingers around

it. He was so thick that my fingers could barely wrap all the way around,
and his flesh was surprisingly warm.

“Open your mouth.” he said, making a ponytail out of my hair and

using it as a handle to push my head down into his lap. I wrapped my lips
around the tip like he said, but struggled as he forced me down deeper.
Chapter 4 - Brett
Sucking on my stepdaughter’s massive, milky tits made me harder
than I thought possible. I’d never wanted anyone more, and I lost control of
myself in the midst of passionately worshiping her perfect milkers.

“Good girl, look up at me while you suck on it.” I said, guiding her
with a handful of hair. I could tell it was her first time, and found it sexy
and endearing watching her struggle.

“Ugh!” she gasped, looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

“You’re doing so good, baby.” I said. Madison smiled, and

enthusiastically continued. I knew what we were doing was wrong, but it
felt so damn good.


“Suck on my balls, too.”

“Will that help you feel better?”

“Yes, baby. It’ll make me feel so good.” I said, watching my beautiful

girl lean in to slurp on my testicles. “Keep stroking it, good girl.”


“You’re such a good girl. I love the way you suck it.”

“Daddy?” she asked, pausing to look up at me with doe eyes.


“This is making me have a bunch of pressure in my pussy.” she said,

furrowing her brow.
“Come here, baby. I know what to do for that.” I said, pulling her
back into my lap.

“What daddy?”

“I have to put my cock inside your pussy, that’s the only way that
we’ll both relieve all the pressure.” I said. “Trust me, it’s going to feel so

“Okay, daddy. I trust you.” she said. I took hold of myself by the base,
rubbing it against her wetness.

“Oh my God, baby. You’re so wet.”

“I know, daddy. This is making me so horny, I can’t control it.”

“I know, sweetheart. It’s perfectly natural, when two adults love each
other like we do, sometimes we have to use our bodies to show each other
how much we love each other.” I said, forcing the tip inside and breaking
through her hymen.

“Ouch.” her fingernails dug into the back of my neck, but she
continued trying to sit on it. “It’s so big.”

“You’re so tight Madison, that feels amazing.” I said, pulling down on

her hips and splitting her tightness in half.

“Oh, wow. Oh my gosh, daddy. That feels so good.”

“Yeah? You like the way my cock feels inside you?” I asked,
whispering harshly into her ear. “Give me a kiss.”

“I love it so much.” she whined. Everything about her was driving me

insane, and I kissed her deeply while bouncing her in my lap. Her tits were
so bouncy, and I found myself latching onto her nipple and drinking milk
while fucking her. My head was spinning with emotions and pleasure, and I
couldn’t get enough of her nectar.

“You’re so beautiful. I love the way they bounce while you ride me.”
I said, in awe of her incredible body.

“Daddy, I’m gonna cum. Oh fuck.” she tossed back her head, and
started touching her clit and grinding really fast.

“Cum for my dick, baby. Good girl. Cum for that daddy dick.” I
reached around her back and pulled her hair, forcing her to arch her back so
that I could suck her nipples while she squirted all over my cock.

“Oh my God! Yes!”

“Mmm…” her milk flowed into my mouth while she spasmed in my

lap. Her warm wetness dripped onto my balls, and she buried her head in
my neck after she climaxed.

“Oh my gosh. That was amazing.” she said.

“You’re perfect, Madison. You’re so little and tight.” I said, lifting her
up into my arms and standing up. “Lay down on your back. It’s my turn to

Chapter 5 - Madison
Daddy laid me down on the carpet, kissing and sucking on my tits as
he entered me with his hard cock. I was seeing stars, and giggling
uncontrollably in a state of mania as he began thrusting.

“I love your tight little pussy.” he said, grabbing me by the throat

and spitting a mouthful of my own breast milk into my mouth. “Drink it.”

“Yes sir.” I said, struggling to swallow because he was squeezing

my neck. My slap happy state left quickly as he began powerfully fucking
me, lifting my ankles up by my hair and impaling me on his cock.
“Good girl. Take that dick.” he grunted, turning almost mean as he
punished my virgin sex. It was pain and pleasure wrapped up in one, and I
didn’t want him to stop. I could feel his soft balls slapping against my ass,
and the primal hunger in deep grunting.

“Daddy, fuck. It’s so big.”

“Yeah, good girl. You love your daddy’s dick, don’t you?” he asked,
pressing his thumb inside of my mouth.

“Yes. I love it daddy, I love your big cock.”

“Good girl. Look at those titties, so perfect.” he slapped my breasts,

again and again while holding both my ankles with one hand. “Pinch your
nipples. Make the milk squirt out while I cum inside you.”

“Yes, daddy.” I said, eager to submit and please him. I did what he
told me, and milk dribbled out onto my breasts as he fucked me harder and

“I love you, Madison. I love you so much.” he said, becoming

frantic as he approached his climax. I held on for dear life as he slammed
his hips against mine, forcing his fat cock deeper and deeper. “I’m

“Oh! Fuck.” I could feel his penis erupting inside me, pulsing again
and again and oozing thick ropes of hot sticky cum deep inside my fertile
pussy. I’d been a virgin moments earlier, and wasn’t on birth control.

“Thank you so much, baby.”

“Thank you, daddy. I feel so much better now.”

“Me too, sweetheart. Me too. You were such a good girl.” he said,
slowly backing his cock out of me. There was so much cum, and it dripped
onto the carpet. “We made a mess.” he said, smiling with his cock in hand.
“You’re such a babe.”

“Thank you.” I said, suddenly feeling shy and exposed. We put our
clothes back on, and Brett followed me back to my room for some cuddles.
We ended up making out, and then continued exploring the naughty new
dynamic of our relationship.

He loved milking me, and worshiping my breasts. Things were

nonstop between us after that day, and I found myself falling in love with
him instantly. I felt so happy that I got to have sex with and explore with an
older, more experienced man who I knew loved me more than anything in
the world. I continued taking the medication, and Brett was always there to
drink my milk straight from the tap whenever the pressure got to be too

Fertility Check (Stepdad/SD Breeding) - Taboo Volume 16

Chapter 1 - Alina

It was the middle of summer and I had zero responsibilities. I’d

worked all through the year and saved up every penny, so I didn’t even have
to work to make it through until college. Most of my time was spent going
to the pool with friends, shopping, and chasing boys.

I’d been meticulously planning my summer for the entire year, and
it was panning out even better than I could have imagined. My main issue
was with boys, as the ones who were chasing me weren’t really my type.
They were nice guys, and attractive, but they seemed so immature and wild.

My mind was set on finding an older man, but it wasn’t as easy as I

thought. I matched with lots of hot older guys on dating apps, but I wasn’t
really comfortable going out and meeting someone 10 or 15 years older
than me by myself. It just felt kind of slimy. Other than that, I was having
the time of my life.

Things had grown tense at home since I turned 18. My mother and
stepdad Matt didn’t seem to be getting along, and they were both concerned
that I’d become sexually active. Maybe they thought I was out running
around, fucking every guy in sight, but that wasn’t the case. I’d only been
with one guy, and we had only slept together a handful of times.

Truthfully, it was very disappointing. It was always awkward, and

he didn’t last very long, and there was no foreplay or chemistry between us.
It felt mechanical, and he’d failed to make me cum every single time. We
stopped talking eventually, as the whole experience turned me off.

“You’re going to get pregnant, Alina.” my mother said, bringing it

up every chance she got.

“Mom. I’m not.” I said.

“I’m telling you, with how much you run around, not being on birth
control, it’s gonna happen.” she gave me a glare, trying to show me that she
was serious.

“Okay, mom.” I said. She was about to leave for work anyway, and I
was going to the pool in a few hours. Matt came into the kitchen soon after
mom pulled out of the driveway.

“Hey you.” he said, getting his iced coffee from the fridge and
taking a seat across from me.

“Hey.” I said, lighting up at the sight of my shirtless stepfather. Matt

worked out all the time, and was tall and covered with tattoos. If only he
didn’t belong to my mother, the things I would have let that man do to me.

“Did your mother talk to you this morning?”

“A little. She was kind of in and out.” I said.

“We were just worried about you. You’re not on birth control, and
we just want you to be safe out there.” he said, peering over his cup at me.

“I don’t know what you two think I’m doing, but I’m not just willy
nilly having sex with random guys.” I said, feeling a bit defensive.

“I didn’t say that, Alina. Look, pregnancy is a real risk, and the
repercussions are very serious. I’d love to have a child of my own, and I’d
love to be a grandpa someday, but I don’t want to see you end up with some
deadbeat loser who isn’t going to be there for you.” he said. There was
something about Matt that made me take everything he said very seriously.

“I don’t want that either.” I said.

“What about children? Do you want to be a mother?” he asked.

“Yeah. I’d like to have at least one, probably more.” I said. Being a
mother was something I’d wanted my entire life, but I was going to wait
until I found the right man before I did all of that.

“That’s good, baby. I think you’re suited for it.” he said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Absolutely. You’re healthy, fun to be around, sweet, and full of

love. You’ll make a great mother.” he said. It felt good hearing his praises,
and I couldn’t help checking him out while he told me what a good mom I
would be someday.

“Thank you. That’s really nice.”

Talking to both of them about pregnancy kind of got in my head,

and I started thinking about it seriously. I was enrolled for college and
planned to get at least an associate’s degree, but pregnancy did feel like a
real thing.

As much as I wanted to have a baby, I wanted to wait until I could

get myself into a stable position financially, and I obviously needed to find
a serious partner before I could have a child. It definitely got me thinking

It also made me think about Matt, as I found it kind of strange to

hear that he would love to have a child of his own, because my mother was
42 and couldn’t have kids anymore.

The more I thought about it, the more it turned me on. The idea of me
acting as a surrogate for him, of letting him fuck me raw and finish inside
me. I just knew that he’d be incredible in bed, and would make such a
fantastic lover. It got me hot and bothered just thinking about it.

It was kind of weird, having a crush on your stepdad, but I couldn’t

help it. He was everything I wanted in a man, and I knew he would never
do anything to hurt me. I wasn’t the only one, as all of my friends shared
the same general feeling about him, that they wanted him to bend them
over, tear off their panties, and give them babies.
Chapter 2 - Blair

I completely understood where my husband was coming from, but

there was nothing I could do about it. I’d already talked to my doctor, and
we’d tried, I simply couldn’t get pregnant or carry another child at my age.

Matt was 40 years old and wanted a child of his own, and I was the
only thing standing in his way. We loved each other dearly, but we were
getting older, and I had to be realistic about things.

We weren’t necessarily fighting per se, but it was definitely a point of

contingency in our marriage that was coming up more and more frequently.
We’d only been married for 3 years, and I could only wish that we’d met
and gotten together sooner.

He was the best man, and I would have gladly given him as many
children as he wanted if only I could. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option
for me and we had to figure something out. The more time that passed, the
more I could see it wearing on him and it tore me apart.

It all kind of clicked together in my head in an instant, like an aha

moment that fit together like the last two pieces of a puzzle. It wasn’t an
easy thing for me to think about, but it was such a convenient option that
killed two birds with one stone.

At the same time that Matt and I were having our saga surrounding
children, my daughter Alina had become sexually active and seemed to be
out running around at all hours of the day and night. She said that she didn’t
want to take birth control because of the side effects, and that she’d be
Her problem was that as a 19 year old woman, she didn’t fully
understand sex and its nuances. She didn’t understand how it can change
things, and how quickly the pull out method can fail in the moment. I tried
warning her about the potential dangers, but she always dismissed me and
went about her day.

It’s awful to assume that your daughter is going to end up getting

pregnant, but that’s kind of how I saw it happening. Alina was not only
naive, she was also beautiful. I could only imagine how many guys were
after her at any given moment.

Anyway, I figured it made more sense for Alina to have a child with a
man she could trust, one who would love her unconditionally and be there
emotionally and financially to support her child. Matt ran his own business
and worked mostly from home, and if they did have a child together, Alina
would still be able to go to college.

That all sounded perfect in theory, but there was obviously a lot more
to unpack. I had to get over the thought of sharing my husband with another
woman, my daughter, and allowing him to impregnate her. We’d always
been monogamous, and sharing him wasn’t something high on my to do
list. At the same time, I was getting older, sex wasn’t as big of a deal to me,
and I was certain I could get over it.

Besides, Matt was a handful in the bedroom and I had trouble keeping
up. If he had it his way, we’d have been fucking multiple times a day, seven
days a week. If I could get over being jealous, it might be nice to have
another woman to split the load of keeping him satisfied with.

I knew it would be kind of an awkward subject to breach, but Matt

was a man at the end of the day, and there’s no way he couldn’t be talked
into breeding a gorgeous nineteen year old if he had his wife’s blessing.
And as for Alina, I’d overheard her talking on the phone with one of her
friends about how attractive she found Matt.
They were both talking about it, going back and forth talking about
how he was so much sexier than all the other dads, and how they’d have
both willingly spread their legs for him. At the time it made me mad, but I
decided to let it go because it was their private conversation and I didn’t
think anything would actually come of it.

“I can’t believe I’m considering this…” I said. After ruminating on

it for a couple weeks, I decided to at least bring it up and see what they
thought about it.

Chapter 3 - Matt
To describe the conversation as shocking would be an
understatement. Even though it was really happening, I couldn’t believe it.

“Are you serious? Me and Alina?” I asked, repeating it back even

though she was quite specific.

“Yes. Why not? It’s perfect.” she said.

“She’s your daughter, and my stepdaughter.” I said.

“Exactly, your stepdaughter. You both want kids, and you know that if
she gets pregnant by someone else, that we’re gonna end up having to raise
it like our own anyway.” she said, looking into my eyes with sincerity.

“I know, but, it wouldn’t bother you?”

“I’ve thought about it a lot, and it’s something I’m going to have to
get over. It’s not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.” she said.

“What about Alina? I don’t think she’s gonna be too keen on the idea
of being bred by her stepfather.”

“I think you’ll be surprised.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Alina and all of her friends have a crush on you. I overheard her
talking about it not too long ago, about how she’d “let you do awful things
to her”.”

“Really? Wow.” I said, sitting back in my chair. It was early in the

morning, and Alina was still passed out upstairs.

“Think about it, okay? I have to go.” Blair said, leaning in to give me
a peck on the lips before leaving for work.
“Okay, baby. I love you.”

It was a lot to think about, and I never thought in a million years that
type of option would be put in front of me. Alina was beautiful, there was
no denying that. I’d never let myself think about her like that, since she was
my stepdaughter, but there were times when it was impossible not to notice.

My dick started getting hard just thinking about it, which made me
feel dirty so I went upstairs to take a shower. I wanted a child badly, and
having my gorgeous stepdaughter offered up a silver platter made it all the
more tempting. I couldn’t believe that Blair was okay with it, and actively
trying to set it up.

“Fuck.” I whispered, unable to push the thoughts of Alina’s naked,

fertile body out of my mind.

I should not be thinking about her like this. Fuck. I bet it’s so fucking
tiny and tight. Her body is ridiculous, those pretty little toes. Fuck.

The water poured over my body as I fantasized about stripping her

down, kissing all over her and then pumping her full of cum. I thought of
how pretty she would look with a mouthful of my cock, looking up at me
with doe eyes from her knees.

It felt so wrong, but it made me horny like an animal and I couldn’t

help jerking one out in the shower. It was the first time I’d ever thought
about her like that, and I could hardly believe how hot it was.

I came so fucking hard that I nearly passed out in the shower, and in
that moment I knew that I’d been repressing my attraction for her. There’s
no other reason that the mere thought of her could turn me on in such a
powerful way.
Chapter 4 - Alina

I woke up pretty late, a little past eleven. I checked my phone, and

saw that I had a series of text messages from mom.

“Ugh. It’s too early for this.” I said, electing not to read them right
away. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and then hopped in the
shower to try and wake myself up.

By the time I finished my morning routine, I picked up my phone and

read through the messages.

“No way. Oh my God.” I said, placing my hand over my mouth. I

immediately shut my bedroom door, and read the messages back over to
make sure I understood them correctly.
My mom wanted me to fuck my stepdad, as many times as it took for
me to get pregnant. She told me that it was a more stable option than getting
pregnant by a guy my age, because Matt was already successful and had
already proved himself as being reliable.

Oh my gosh, this is crazy. I wasn’t even planning on getting pregnant

this early, but why not? This is perfect. And it’s Matt! My dream man. I
can’t say no to this.

My mother also explained that she’d overheard me talking to one of

my friends on the phone about how badly I wanted him, and that there was
no use in denying it or using it as an excuse.

I responded quickly, saying how I thought it was a great idea, and

thanking her for being willing to let me do this for Matt.

MOM: You’re making the right decision. You’re going to have a lot
of fun with him, trust me.

I was just sitting on my bed, texting with my mom, but my heart was
pounding in my chest and my hands were getting clammy. I’d spent so
much time being attracted to him, playing it coy and pretending it wasn’t
so. It felt surreal, like my ultimate fantasy coming to life.

It was still nerve wracking like crazy. Matt and I were home alone,
and I could only assume he’d already agreed to it. We’d known each other
for years, and the dynamic of our relationship was so set in place. I
wondered how we’d transition from that to a more intimate setting.

As much as I wanted him to storm in my room and bend me over, I

found myself too scared to go downstairs and face him. I did my makeup
and hair instead, and slipped into something that I thought might catch his
Mom was surprisingly cool about it, and I found comfort in texting
back and forth with each other.

MOM: Go downstairs in your underwear, and just walk past him. See
what he does.
ALINA: I can’t do that!
MOM: Baby, if you’re gonna get pregnant by him, you’re gonna have
to do a whole lot more than that.
ALINA: It’s so scary. I’ve only been with one person.
MOM: Awh, don’t worry. Matt knows what he’s doing.
ALINA: I’m wearing a white tank top and little boy shorts.
MOM: That’s good. Are you wearing a bra?
ALINA: Yeah.
MOM: Take it off and go say hi to your daddy for me.
ALINA: Ugh. Fine. Might as well get it over with.
MOM: You don’t have to pretend you aren’t looking forward to it. Go
have fun. Make a baby.
Chapter 5 - Matt

The whole thing went from idea to reality much quicker than I
anticipated. One day I was jerking off in the shower to the novel idea of
breeding my stepdaughter, and the next morning she was prancing around
the house with her nipples poking through her tank top and her asscheeks
spilling out of her undersized shorts.

Blair had been unusually chatty over text all morning, telling me that
I deserved my fertile young prize, and telling me to let loose and have fun
with Alina. I knew that it was on as soon as she came downstairs, as she
was all made up and never dressed like that.

“Hi Alina.” I said, standing to approach her in the living room.

“Hi daddy.” she said, staring into my eyes and extra upbeat.

“Why do you look so pretty today?” I asked, surprising myself with

how easily I could transition into hunting mode.

“I was just nervous to come downstairs, with the whole baby thing.
We just haven’t really talked about it.” she said, becoming shy and looking
down at the floor in front of us.

“Come here, baby. Give me a hug.” I said, stepping forward and

wrapping her tiny body up in my arms. Holding her against me made my
body react, and the blood rushed between my legs as I inhaled the scent of
her shampoo.
“Are you sure you want it to be me?” she asked, looking up at me.

“Of course, baby. I think it’s a great idea.”

“Right? I know it’s kind of…uhm, unconventional, but I think it’ll

work for us.”

“Yeah. I think it will.” I said, running my fingers through her hair.

We’d never held a hug for so long, and all I could think about was taking
her right then and there. “You’re gonna make such a good mom.”

“When do you wanna start? I mean, you know, trying?” she asked. I
let my hands slide down to her ass, gripping both of her supple cheeks in
my hands. She smiled.

“You’re so beautiful, Alina. You have no idea what you do to me.” I

said, leaning in to kiss her gently on the lips.

“You’re so sweet.” she whispered, kissing me back. Right there in the

living room, we started going at it. It was like an explosion of pressure that
had been building for longer than we knew. The attraction was intense, and
we rolled around on the ground making out, ripping off each other’s clothes
in a mad race to where we both wanted to be.

“Mmm…look at that pretty little pussy.” I said, tossing her panties to

the side. She was completely shaven, and it looked so tight that I had to
taste it.

“Oh my God!” she squealed as I buried my face in her, lapping and

licking away at her wetness.

“You taste so good.” I said, pushing her thighs apart and forcing my
tongue inside her.

“That…feels…so good.”
“Mmm…” I moaned, completely lost in what was happening. I
wasn’t even thinking about getting her pregnant, or our agreement with her
mother, all I was thinking about was laying claim to her bare flesh.

“Daddy…” she whimpered, squirming beneath me as my tongue

found her asshole. I told her to hold up her legs and continued to feast, my
face covered in my stepdaughter’s juices as licked her asshole and tongued
her clit.

“I have to fuck you. I have to feel inside you.” I grunted, pulling off
my boxer briefs and climbing into position on top of her.

“I’ve thought about this so many times.” she said, looking into my
eyes. I leaned in to kiss her, to suck her tongue and kiss her neck. She
reached down between my legs, tugging on my cock and sending sensations
rippling through me that made me need her. “You’re huge, daddy.”

“It will fit.” I said, taking hold of myself and teasing at her entrance.
“You’re gorgeous, baby.”

“I love you, daddy.”

“I love you too, Alina. So much.” I said, pushing the tip inside her. It
was impossibly tight, and I moaned as I entered her deeper. Her fingernails
dug into my back, and she bit down on my shoulder as I worked it in and

“Ugh!” she grunted, trying her best to receive me.

“It’s so tiny, baby. I love it.” I said, posturing up on top of her and
bottoming out. Her eyes were full of tears, and I leaned in to reassure her.
“You’re doing so good, baby.”

“It’s so good, daddy. You’re so much bigger than Jeff.” she said,
which caused me to chuckle with pride as I impaled her with my cock.
Chapter 6 - Alina

It was mind blowing from the moment his tongue slipped inside my
mouth. No one had ever eaten my pussy like that, and his tongue circling
my asshole made me shiver from the inside.

He was so much more dominant and in control than Jeff, and in the
heat of the moment I think I even mentioned how much bigger his dick was.
Having a grown man on top of me, using me as he pleased, made me realize
what I’d been missing.

We fucked like wild animals on the rug in the living room. Seeing that
side of Matt kept me in a manic state of arousal, and I felt myself squirting
all over his massive dick over and over.

“Good girl, cum for daddy’s dick.” he grunted, holding my face and
spitting into my mouth. Anyone else would have been slapped, but I
accepted it eagerly.

“I can’t stop….cumming.” I gasped for air as he drove his hard dick

into me, slamming his hips down onto me in such a powerful way that I felt
completely helpless. I wasn’t even on the same planet anymore, and I
melted into a limp mess of pure pleasure.

“I’m so close, baby. I’m going to fill you up.”

“Yes! Please, daddy. Please do it. Cum in me.”

“Yeah? You want daddy’s cum inside you?”

“Yes, daddy. Make me pregnant.”

“Good girl.” he grunted, grinding against me in a mad frenzy. “Fuck!”

“Oh my God.” I cried, hanging on for dear life as he erupted inside

me. It was the first time that I felt a man pumping inside me, dumping his
hot sticky load into my vagina.

“Alina…fuck.” he sighed, and a smile spread across his face. “You’re


“That was amazing. I lost count of how many times I came.” I said,
staring up at the ceiling fan as Matt pulled himself out of me. He lifted my
legs in the air, and made me hold them so that none of the cum would spill

“Good girl.” he said, looking me over in the most intimate way. Being
so exposed made me feel vulnerable, but also protected, like I was now his
property. The intensity of the bonding is unexplainable, and our relationship
was instantly forever changed.

Even after mom got home, we were affectionate in a way that neither
of us seemed able to control. I just didn’t feel right unless we were
touching, and flirting, and staring into each other’s eyes.

I overheard Matt fighting with my mom about it, how she didn’t
expect us to “fall in love with each other.” I thought about it, and wondered
if she was right. Was I really falling in love with my stepdad? Maybe we
were getting in deeper than we could have ever realized.

The days that followed are a blur, and can only be described as a
breeding fuckfest. Again and again, on the couch, in my bed, in their
marital bed, in the laundry room, the shower, even in the car. We were
insatiable for each other, and never wasted a drop of cum.

“You’re my fertile little princess. Daddy’s gonna put a baby in you.”

he whispered in my ear. I was riding him cowgirl style in my bedroom
while mom was in the bath. We used every opportunity to get our hands on
each other, and it was only a matter of time.

We waited a few months, even though I was completely certain that I

was already pregnant. It was easier for me to not say anything, so that Matt
and I could continue breeding. When I finally took the test, it came back as
expected. I was pregnant.

Mom came around to the bonding between Matt and I, and decided to
share him with me completely going forward. We all talked about it, and
even though it was unconventional, we all agreed that it worked for us.

She took him at night, and I had him all day. Life was easy being
pregnant, as he absolutely spoiled and pampered me every chance that he
got. And the sex still hasn’t slowed down, not in the least. I think he likes
being able to fuck and cum inside of his fertile little princess whenever he
Pregnant by Her Stepson - Taboo Volume 17

Chapter One - Luna

My husband Rick was pushing for another baby, but I wasn’t having
it. It isn’t that I didn’t want one, but at 38, I knew it would be my last, and I
had no intentions of rewarding Rick with that.

To put it simply, Rick was a creep. He flirted endlessly with girls at

work who were half his age, and would have no doubt cheated on me if he
had the chance. It was to the point where I wasn’t even suspicious anymore,
I just knew that he wasn’t worth it.

We had sex once in a blue moon, only when I couldn’t take it

anymore. I loved rejecting him, turning away and not responding to his
advances when I knew how badly he wanted it. Rick was a simple man, and
so he was easy to punish.

The fighting was getting worse by the day, because he wanted a baby
but I refused to have sex with him. There was no way I was letting his dirty
dick anywhere near my vagina without a condom on it. Besides, I had no
respect for him and didn’t feel the slightest bit of attraction to him. That
was long gone, and my mind had moved onto other things.

For one, I was preparing my exit strategy. I needed a place to go, and
money in the bank for when I initiated the divorce. The house was in both
of our names, and I suspected that he would settle with me no matter my

In the meantime, I found myself extra horny and falling in love with
my stepson Bryce. A part of it was the proximity, sure, but he was hot as
hell and a far superior version of his father.
Bryce was incredibly charming, and despite only being 19 years old,
was tall and well muscled with a full beard. He was a man in every way,
and spent most of his time outdoors, where he was a foreman for a large
landscaping company. The sad part is that he already made more money
than his dad, who worked at a hardware store as a low level manager.

Rick was out of shape to the point that his naked body was funny
looking, and struggled to last more than a few minutes in the bedroom, and
even still was fully exhausted from a few minutes of output. Bryce worked
10 and 12 hour days in the blistering heat, and still found time to go to the

Once I mentally checked out of my marriage, Bryce became

impossible to ignore. His body, his smile, the way that he outright adored
me. We rarely spoke about it, but he hated the way his father treated me,
and had slipped up on multiple occasions saying how much better he would
treat me, and how he wished that it could be him instead of his father.

I always deflected in those scenarios, as I didn’t want to lead him on

or put unhealthy ideas into his head. Still, it was clear as day that he found
me attractive, and he really had no problem checking me out in plain view,
and even complimenting me in borderline inappropriate ways.

“You’re body is made for bikinis, Luna.” he once said, during a

family outing to a public pool. His father didn’t hear him, so I ignored the
comment. “I wish the girls at school were built more like you.”

“Bryce. Stop it.” I hissed, with Rick still painfully unaware of his

“Sorry. You just look really good, that’s all.” he said, staring at my

“Thanks. Put sunscreen on.” I said, trying to stay in stepmom mode

and change the subject. There was another time that he said something
about my toe ring, and how my feet looked so pretty when I painted my
nails red.

He knew exactly what he was doing, as I found it much harder to

resist his flirtation when we were alone. In public, I treated his forwardness
as a nuisance, but in private, I indulged him playfully.

“You shouldn’t dress like that in front of me, I’m full of hormones.”
he said. We were relaxing in the basement, and I was wearing a short little
floral patterned summer dress.

“What are you saying?” I asked, grinning back at him.

“You wouldn’t want to carry the guilt of having given your stepson an
erection, would you?” he asked.

“There’s nothing I can do about where your blood flows, Bryce.” I

said, rolling my eyes.

“It’s your legs. And the tanlines. So sexy.”

“Don’t talk about me like that, I’m your stepmother.” I said, locked in
his stare.

“I think that makes it hotter. It’s forbidden. We’re not supposed to feel
like this towards each other.” he said, causing me to laugh.

“Are you sure you don’t just have an Oedipus Complex?” I asked.

“If I do, you gave it to me.”

So yeah, things were getting out of line with us. We regularly crossed
lines but never got physical. The longer we kept up the dance, the more
turned on I became and the more I wanted to commit the ultimate taboo.
Not having sex didn’t help either, as I was constantly left in a state of
unsatisfied horniness. I found myself planning something naughty,
something I really wanted but wasn’t sure I could go through with.

What if I had a baby with Bryce? Rick would never know the
difference, and it could be our little secret. I was instantly sprung by the
idea of letting him get me pregnant, and carrying his child instead of his

That fantasy carried me down a deep and depraved rabbit hole that
left me shoving my dildo in my pussy, and moaning my own stepson’s
name into the pillow again and again. It was almost an obsession, and being
in his physical presence became almost tortuous. It was so obvious that we
wanted each other, and eventually I couldn’t take it anymore.

Enough was enough. My marriage was over and I was going to end it,
but I wasn’t going to wait for Bryce. It was time for me to get what I
wanted, and to pay Rick back for all the years he wronged me.

Chapter 2 - Bryce

I made sure that Luna was well aware of my affinity for her, and had
no problem pushing the boundaries because I knew it was the only way to
get her attention. She needed to snap out of it, and realize that my dad was a
complete and total loser who didn’t even care about her.

It made no sense to me, how a man like that could get so lucky and
still blow it in such a colossal way. Luna caught my eye from the moment
he introduced me to her, and I remember thinking about the awful things I
would do in order to get my hands on her.

Everything about her was perfect to me, and I couldn’t get enough of
being around her. It was like the most intense crush I’ve ever had, and
somehow I just knew that she felt the same. Even if she didn’t feel the same
as me, she at least entertained it.

There was no real threat from my dad, so I went after her every
chance I got. I spent money on her, got her gifts, and even bought her a lacy
pair of lingerie and left it on her bed ‘anonymously’, even though we both
knew damn well who put it there.

I was talking to a few girls my age, but they just paled in comparison
to Luna and because of that, they couldn’t keep my interest. All I wanted to
do was steal her away, keep her as my own, and breed her. My dad never
shut up about having a baby with her, but it was very apparent she wasn’t

That’s where I saw my spot. The idea of them even having sex at all
pissed me off, and I knew it was time for me to step in and take over before
he could hurt her any worse.

After months and months of shameless flirting, we’d developed a

rapport that was completely different from how we acted in public. We eye
fucked each other non stop, and found any reason at all to be in around each

It was always so sexually charged, and I’d never experienced

anything like it before. My cock would get completely hard, and it wouldn’t
go down for anything. Being around her was like a drug, but I knew that
there was so much more for us to explore. There was a side of her that I
hadn’t seen before, a side I was trying desperately to get her to show me.

I needed intimacy with her. We needed to give in to our most primal

temptations, and release the tension that hung thick in the air between us. I
felt like an animal in heat in her presence, throbbing hard and unable to stop
noticing every sexy little detail about her. Her lips were full and soft, and I
felt pulled towards them the closer she was.

Luna knew full well how I felt about her, but she was still holding
back a little. It was ultimately up to her, and I was just waiting for her to let
me know.

My infatuation with her was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

She was all I could think about, and no woman came close to her for me.
Girls my age didn’t have bodies like hers, and my mouth watered at the
sight of her curves. I loved watching her pull up her jeans, showcasing her
thick mommy ass.

I thought about laying her down on her stomach, completely naked

with her ass in the air, and doing things for her that were unspeakable. She
was a goddess, and she brought out a depraved side of me that lusted for her
flesh in an insane way. I wanted to make out with her asshole, and worship
the soles of her feet, and fuck her soft throat, and take her without

It was maddening, knowing what I wanted to do to her. I wanted to

possess her, to make her beg for my cum and carry my baby. I wanted to
violate her, to make her do the same unthinkable things to me that I would
do to her.
Chapter 3 - Luna

It finally happened, I snapped. Rick hadn’t come home, and the next
morning I received a call from the police station. It was Rick, he got a DUI
and wanted me to bail him out. We hadn’t spoken in days, and I laughed in
his face. It was nine in the morning, and I had the day off.

The sexual tension between Bryce and myself was off the charts. It
was a fire that could not be fought, and it only grew hotter with each
passing day. I couldn’t fucking take it anymore, I needed his cock. I needed
to be fucked, bent over and taken by a young and virile man who would
love and cherish me.

I felt like a woman possessed, a nympho in heat with only one thing
on her mind. Bryce was taking a bath when I barged in on him, but he
didn’t seem to mind my presence.

“What’s up?” he asked, arms draped over the edge of his large tub.
There were enough bubbles that I couldn’t see anything, but that didn’t stop
me from peeking.

“Oh nothing. Your dad’s in jail.”

“Jail? For what?” he asked.


“Jesus Christ. Fuck him. When is he gonna grow up?”

“I think this one proves that he never will. He’s like a child, Bryce.
But I need a man. A man like you.” I said, untying my robe and letting it
fall to the floor. His eyes lit up at the sight of my naked body, and I climbed
into the tub with him.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Luna. For so long.”

“I know, baby. I’m sorry I made you wait.”

“It’s okay. Come here.” he said, pulling me onto him. I immediately

felt his cock against my ass, and reached down instinctively to grab hold.

“Oh, wow. Why didn’t you tell me sooner that you had such a big
cock?” I asked, grinning and leaning in for a kiss.

“I wanted you to find out for yourself.” he whispered back, slipping

his tongue inside my mouth. He was an excellent kisser, well worth the
“Seriously, Bryce. You’re fucking huge.” I said, chuckling to myself
at my good fortune. I assumed sons took after their fathers in that regard,
but that certainly wasn’t the case here.

“Show me how much you like it.” he said, pulling himself up on the
side of the tub so that his enormous manhood flopped out dramatically in
my face.

“Yes sir.” I exclaimed, giggling. I couldn’t remember the last time I

felt so giddy, and I eagerly dove onto his cock and began sucking him off

“Oh my God. Yes. Finally.” he moaned, placing his hand on the back
of my head and assisting me to go deeper. “Please suck on my balls, Luna. I
need it.”

“Anything you say, sir.” I said, doing as I was told. It was nice
actually having respect and an intense physical attraction to my partner, as
compared to what I was used to. Bryce’s manhood dwarfed and humiliated
his father, and I found it exhilarating to explore such an impressive, manly
cock with my mouth.

It had been so long since I’d had a new lover, and Bryce was far
exceeding all expectations. My only worries with him were that he might be
timid, or not know what he was doing, or worse yet, be hung like his father.
None were the case, and he had no problems communicating exactly what
he liked.

“Look up at me. Show me those pretty eyes.” he said, staring into me.
“I’ve always wanted to see how sexy you would look with a mouthful of
my cock.”

“You’re such a dirty boy. I love it.” I said, stroking his fat cock and
focusing on his puffy mushroom head.

“Spit on it. Good girl.” he said, looking down at me with a twinkle in

his eye. “So fucking hot. I’m going to fuck the ever living shit out of you.”

“Oh yeah? Show me.” I said, turned on to the point that it was

“Okay. Come here. Let me show you how a naughty boy fucks his
mommy.” he said, grabbing me by the hair and leading me out of the
bathroom and taking me to the edge of his bed, forcefully bending me over
it and giving my ass a dominant slap.

“Oh!” I squealed, still soaking wet from the bath. He gripped my hair
by a handful, and slapped me again.

“It’s so nice, Luna. Such a bubble butt.” he said, squeezing my cheek

with one hand and spreading it apart. “I’m going to take that little asshole
too, but not right now.”

“Whatever you want.” I said, pinned to the mattress with my ass

exposed. He spanked me once more, gripping my cheek as hard as he could.

“That’s a mommy ass right there. Such a fucking woman.” he said.

“Put your hands behind your back.”

“What?” I asked, turning my head to face him. He was yanking the

pillowcase off his pillow, and repeated his order.
“I said put your hands behind your back. You don’t need to be in
control for this.” he said.

“Oh.” he grabbed my arms, and made a knot that tied my hands

together, behind my back.

“I’m not pulling out, Luna.” he said, teasing the tip of his cock at my
entrance. It felt so good that I felt a tingle run down my inner thigh.

“I know.” I said, focusing on the sensation of his bareback cock

entering my pussy.

“So wet. You’ve wanted this cock for a long time, haven’t you?”

“Yes!” I called out, as he grabbed up my hair again and began

thumping. “Fuck.”

“It’s so perfect, Luna. So fucking perfect.” he said, settling into a

rhythm. It took a moment getting used to his size, as he stretched my walls
to make me accommodate him.

“Oh my God, Bryce. I love it.”

“What do you love? Say it.” he grunted, pinning my wrists to my

back with one hand and pulling my hair with the other. I felt impaled
against him, and bounced helplessly beneath his powerful hips.

“I love your cock. I love it so much.” The angle he entered me made

him feel too big to fit, but he kept bottoming out. Tears streamed down my
face as he punished me, filling me with pleasure that I didn’t know existed.

“Say you want my baby. Tell me to breed you.” he said, much more
forceful and kinky than I could have ever imagined he’d be.

“I want your babies, Bryce. I want you to own me.”

“Good girl. Your ass is so fucking thick. I can’t wait to shove my dick
in your asshole and make you squeal like a little whore.” he said, somehow
increasing his pace. I was making sounds that I’d never made, and feeling
sensations deep in my body that no one had ever shown me.

“It’s so deep.” I tried squirming beneath him, but he was so strong

and intent on holding me in place that it was no use. All I could do was lay
beneath him, taking his brutal pounding and squirting all over his cock.

“I knew your pussy would be amazing. I have to own you now, Luna.
I’ll never get enough of it.”

“Ugh! Fuck.” he was so rough and dirty, it kept me in a state of such

arousal that my orgasms rolled over and over. I felt lost in another world,
and completely under his control. I could feel his sweat dripping onto my
back, and he continuously slapped and grabbed at my cheeks.

He eventually pulled out, and pulled my cheeks apart with both

hands. Without warning, he buried his face in my ass and began lapping
away at my asshole. It was such a novel sensation that I bucked against
him, but was unable to move an inch under his powerful hold.

“Ughhh!” he made me moan and squeal, spitting on my asshole and

forcing his fingers inside.

“I bet you don’t let him do this to you.” he said, forcing his thumb
deep in me. The tears continued streaming down my face when he climbed
on top of me, fucking my face with my hands still tied behind my back.

“Guck! Guck!” I choked and coughed up slobber all over his shaft,
unable to prevent myself from making a mess all over his comforter.

“Good girl, look up at me while you throat it.” he said, holding my

head in place with both hands. There were times I couldn’t breathe, and
stared up at him as I started losing consciousness. I didn’t care, and gladly
submitted myself to him.

“I want your cum.” I said, realizing how deranged my voice sounded

saying it. I think I was light headed or euphoric, because I started giggling
as he untied my hands and threw me down onto my back.

“I want to look in your eyes while I breed you.” he said, climbing on

top and looking down at my body. “Such a babe, you don’t even

“I’m so glad it’s you, Bryce.” I said, watching as he inserted his

enormous penis inside me again.

“God damn, that’s good.” I said, finally with a free hand to play with
my clit. I was already so orgasmic that it started immediately, and didn’t
seem to end while he shoved my ankles behind my head and fucked me

“Mmm hmmm…” he moaned, sucking my toes, and nipples, and

thrusting harder and faster until his bed was slamming into the wall. If
anyone heard us, they’d have probably called the cops.

“Yes, baby. Do it.” I begged, right as he released himself inside me. I

smiled watching him seize on top of me, grunting as he left it in, erupting
with a geyser of hot sticky cum.
Chapter 4 - Bryce

We laid in bed for at least an hour, cuddling in mostly silence.

Kissing, tasting each other, talking about the future. It’s funny how quickly
something can happen, especially when it’s so long in the making.

Dad ended up making bail later that night, and went straight to the bar
before showing up drunk in a cab. He didn’t have the money to get his car
out of impound, or pay his own bail, but he had just enough money to get

Luna wasted no time moving forward. She filed for divorce by that
weekend, and let him know up front what was going to happen. He was
going to move out, and he was going to settle with the first offer she made

“What about my son?” he asked, lucky I wasn’t there.

“Don’t worry about Bryce, he’s more of a man than you’ll ever be.”
she said. He stayed at an extended stay across town, and picked up a second
job. The whole time he was gone, we fucked like rabbits.

I did things that a gentleman can’t talk about, and then some, and then
some more. It wasn’t long before she was pregnant. Things moved quickly
in court, and dad settled with her first offer like she told him to. It was a raw
deal for him, as he completely lost the house and still owed alimony.

It all worked out, as I took over where he left off and gave my new
woman a baby.
Her Massive Taboo Temptation (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 18

Chapter 1 - Tiffany

I was still settling into married life when summer rolled around.
Hubert and I had been together for almost three years, married for one. He
was a nice guy, but I couldn’t help feeling like I made a mistake in marrying

Hubert was 55, 15 years my senior and with more health problems
than I realized before we married. We didn’t live together before tying the
knot, so it was a culture shock going from seeing him a few times a week to
living with him full time.

Even though he was quite wealthy, I chose to work anyway just to

get out of the house. I couldn’t shake the feeling it wasn’t going to work out
with us. He put on his best face while we were doing, but seeing his flabby
body in tight, white, pee stained underwear really turned me off in an
indescribable way.

Luckily, we never had much sex anyway. It was more like a platonic
thing, with little bursts of romance here and there. Marrying him made
sense at the time, as I was 40 and not getting any younger. He gave me a lot
of financial stability, but the lack of attraction was a real thing.

Hubert had a 21 year old son named Adam in college, and he’d be
staying with us for the summer. I’d never met him before, but I’d seen
pictures, and he was very handsome. I wasn’t sure what to think about him
living with us, but I figured it couldn’t be much worse than being stuck in
that house alone with Hubert.

I stopped wanting to share a bed with him at all, and he agreed to

start sleeping in the guest room. He would still want to get frisky now and
again, but I told him I was taking a break from sex and would only give him

It was weird. Everytime. His penis was so shriveled and small, and
it took forever to get hard. Most of the time it would get about half hard,
where it was still bendy, but he would still cum. Even though it was just a
few little globs of cum on my hand, I still took a shower after every
unfortunate encounter.
Chapter 2 - Adam

I’d pretty much forgotten that my dad got married. I was in school at
the time, skipped the wedding, and didn’t really think about it again after
that. So it was a pretty big shock when I pulled into the driveway and saw a
beautiful woman in the front yard, watering the garden.

“Oh hi. You must be Adam.” she said, smiling wide. I smiled right
back at her, ogling her tremendous curves in her tight fitting summer dress.

“Yeah.” I said, struggling to remember her name.

“Tiffany.” she said, extending her hand. I stared into her beautiful
eyes as I took her soft, tiny hand into mine.

“You’re very pretty.” I said, the words leaving my mouth before I

could even think about it. She giggled, and I held onto her hand.

“Thank you. Your dad is in his study.”

“Cool. I like your dress.” I said, stepping past her to go inside.

“Thank you, Adam. Do you need any help with your bags?”

“No, I can handle it. Thank you though. It’ll be nice having a
beautiful woman around the house.” I said, laying it on thick. She was way
too attractive for my dad, and I instantly wanted to do bad things to her.

Tiffany went about her business, but I had serious trouble keeping my
eyes off her, or staying away from her. I said hello to my dad, and then
found myself hanging out in the kitchen while she prepared lunch. It was a
great excuse to sit in the barstool behind her, checking out her bubble butt. I
really couldn’t believe my dad had managed to convince a woman of her
age and beauty to marry his old ass.
She seemed sweet, and was friendly and easy to talk to. Not that she
needed to do much to impress me, as I was smitten from the moment I laid
my eyes on her. It felt kind of messed up, ogling my new stepmom, but I
couldn’t help it.

Tiffany made me a sandwich with chips, and then sauntered upstairs

to feed my father. I wondered to myself if they had sex, or if he could even
get it up without Viagra. Just being in her presence made me horny, and
after bringing all of my bags upstairs, I decided to take a shower and rub
one out.

Tiffany was fresh in my mind, and I thought about ripping her dress
apart and burying my face in her ass while I glazed the wall with two days
worth of built up semen.

“Fuck. Why was that so hot?” I asked, smiling to myself in the

shower with my dick in my hand. I’d only known the woman for all of
fifteen minutes, and I was already jerking off to her. How the fuck was I
going to survive an entire summer in the same house with that goddess?

Chapter 3 - Tiffany

Hubert was retired, but spent most of his time alone in his study with
the door shut, reading and pondering, as he liked to say. The addition of
Adam made a huge difference around the house, as he was very helpful and
loved assisting me with chores.
It also drove home how incompatible Hubert and I really were. I had
better conversations, and more fun with Adam. He was playful and
attractive, interesting and full of energy. We connected with such ease,
whereas I struggled to hold a conversation with Hubert. All that he talked
about was what he was currently reading.

There was more to it than conversation, and connection. I also found

myself drawn towards Adam in an inappropriate way. The only reason I
could ignore it at all was because he was my husband’s son, and technically
my stepson. But I couldn’t fight it off for long, as the feelings were so
obvious and real.

It didn’t help matters that Adam was very flirtatious, and didn’t seem
to care at all that I was married to his father. The way that he looked at me
made me feel desired in a way that Hubert never could. It was hot, exciting,
and new.

There was no way of fully hiding my attraction, even though I tried.

Whenever he complimented me, or flirted, I brushed it off and remained
very casual. I loved it though, being on the receiving end of his young and
primal desire.

Still, it was always surface level between us. He found me attractive

and liked to flirt with me and stare at my ass, while I enjoyed his witty
banter and being around such a virile man. It was more comforting to me
than anything, kind of a little escape from my mundane reality.

It felt like a secret little fantasy, something I could indulge by slightly

dipping my toe in the pool, but while still maintaining full control of the
situation. Nothing was going to happen between us. There was no way I
was going to hook up with a 21 year old, six months into my marriage.

And it all remained in control, until Adam returned home from a long
run in the blistering heat. I saw him approaching the house, and admired his
muscular torso and six pack abs. He was shirtless and drenched in sweat,
and had still had his headphones in when I opened the front door for him.

“Hey.” he said, pulling out one of his buds and smiling.

“It’s too hot out there to be going for a run.” I said, noticing the
massive bulge in his sweat soaked white shorts as he entered the house. It
was so eye-catching that I did a double, and then a triple take. I told myself
that couldn’t be his cock, there was no way he was that big when he wasn’t
even hard.

“I love running in the heat. It’s more challenging.”

“Yeah, right. That makes sense.” I said, completely distracted and

unable to pry my attention away from it. There was a very clear outline of
his penis that was bulging out of his shorts, and it was short circuiting my

“I need to take a shower, though. You should join me.” he said, hands
on his hips and proudly displaying his bulge without shame. There was no
way he was wearing underwear, and I realized that he didn’t mind showing
it off.

“Yeah, that’s fine. Go ahead.” I said, eliciting his laughter.

“You seem distracted, like you have something big on your mind.” he
said, snapping me out of it. When I raised my eyes, his were waiting for me,
and he wore a devilish grin.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just noticed how sweaty you are, you should go
shower up.” I said, feeling myself turn red as I was clearly caught.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. We could save water if you shower with
“Adam, stop it.” I said, letting out nervous tension by laughing
awkwardly. “Go take a shower, I’ll get you a snack ready.”

“Alright. Thanks Tiff.” he said, adjusting his crotch in a clear attempt

to make me look at it again. As soon as he left the kitchen, I put my hand
over my chest and took a deep breath.

“Holy cow. That’s the biggest cock I’ve ever seen.” I whispered,
shocked by the visceral reaction I was having to my own stepson. My heart
was pounding, and I was hot and bothered by the whole exchange. He was
so much taller than my husband, and way manlier below the waist.

“Hey baby. How’s your day?” Hubert asked, walking slowly into the

“Oh. It’s good. I’m about to make a sandwich for Adam, did you want
one?” I asked.

“No, I’m fine sweetheart. My appetite isn’t what it used to be.”

I expected to shake the encounter from my head and go about life as

usual, but I was so turned on by him that our close proximity became a
painful tease. Adam rarely wore a shirt, and he certainly never wore
underwear over his mid thigh length shorts.

His endowment was impressive, and he wasn’t bashful about it at all.

I wasn’t sure if he was actively showing off, or if he simply didn’t care if
people saw how big his dick was. It was constantly on my mind, and I
found myself fantasizing about seeing it for real.

I’d never been with a man who was hung like that, and I hadn’t even
seen it hard. My mouth watered thinking about finally giving in, dropping
down on my knees in front of him and worshiping his monster of a cock. I
thought about sitting on it, and the spots he could hit inside me.
“Fuck. This is unhealthy, girl. You’ve gotta get this under control.” I
said, panting in my bed and seeing stars. It was the second time that day
that I’d snuck off to my room to masturbate, my arousal triggered by my
stepson’s enormous bulge in a pair of gray sweatpants.

I saw him from my window, jumping rope in nothing but a pair of

sweatpants. His cock and balls flopped around freely, bouncing up and
down dramatically because of the sheer weight. I couldn’t believe that he
was so huge, and I found myself becoming extremely obsessed with
servicing his massive hard dick.

Chapter 4 - Adam

It made less and less sense to me, how or why they were married.
They barely spoke to each other, and slept in separate beds. Being around
her was one of the most frustrating things I’d ever experienced, as it made
my balls tingle and cock grow so hard that it developed a pulse.

I’d been infatuated before, but this was something else. She seemed
custom built to the specifications of my ultimate fantasy. Everything about
her called out to me, from her sparkling eyes, bouncy tits, bubble butt, and
pretty little toes. I hadn’t been with an older woman before, but she made
me crave her so badly that I could feel it in my bones.

It felt like being tortured, having to sleep right down the hallway
jerking off while thinking of all the things I wanted to do to her while I
knew she was alone in her room and not being pleased sexually.
Things changed once she saw my cock. It was hilarious, watching this
beautiful older woman who had been so okay with ignoring my advances
completely change. Her eyes went wide, and she looked down between my
legs like ten times while fumbling over her words.

From that day forward, I refused to wear a shirt or underwear around

her, and chose to wear shorts with inseams so short that my cock would
poke out from the leg holes. She practically melted around me, and I don’t
even think she realized it. Her voice grew softer, and she kind of gravitated
to whatever part of the house I was in.

I made a habit of letting my cock and or balls hang out of the leg of
my shorts, spreading my legs wide and pretending to read a book while she
was across from me on the couch. It was so easy to catch her checking me
out, like she couldn’t stop herself.
Knowing that she was watching turned me on, and my cock would
often grow hard for her while she pretended she wasn’t looking at it. I
enjoyed the feeling of power, and had no problem standing up in front of
her with a full erection, pitching a tent that was ridiculous and daring her to
say something about it. She never did, but she became less and less shy
about staring at it.

One time she was literally just staring at it, so I started shaking it and
acting like I was adjusting myself. She looked up and made eye contact, and
then went right back to staring at it and biting her lip. It was so fucking hot,
but she wouldn’t make a move.

My balls increased in size just from being bricked up all the time, and
I felt like I could cum 5 or 6 times a day and it still wasn’t enough to keep
me drained. The tension around the house was unbelievable, and it was all I
could think about.

I decided to push the envelope, and started limping around the house,
pretending that I’d hurt my quad muscle. I waited until dad finished
breakfast and went to his study, and then sat down on the couch wearing
white shorts and nothing else. When she walked into the living room, I was
holding my quad and started complaining.

“What happened?” Tiffany asked, her voice full of concern as she sat
down beside me. She was wearing a low cut white shirt that showed off her
gorgeous tits, and I felt my blood flowing immediately.

“I think I pulled my quad on my run earlier.” I said, holding it with

both hands.

“Oh, no, baby. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Could you maybe just rub it? I think a good deep tissue
massage will make it feel better.” I said.

“Of course, baby. If you think it’ll help.” she said, looking down at
my leg. I had already strategically put my penis in that leg of my shorts.
“Do you want to go upstairs? You could lay in your bed.”

“No. I can barely walk. Let’s just do it here.” I said, pretending to


“Okay. Okay.” she said, dropping to her knees on the rug in front of
the couch and placing both hands on my thigh and rubbing.

“Can you use baby oil? It really helps.”

“Okay. Let me go grab some.” she said, hopping up at my request and

scurrying off to the bathroom to retrieve the oil. I was going to put her to
the test. If she didn’t want to take things any further, then we didn’t have to,
but I couldn’t fight the feeling that she was every bit as attracted to me as I
was to her.

I knew she wasn’t satisfied sexually, and neither was I. The constant
tension wasn’t in my imagination, it was real. There was no reason that we
couldn’t have a little fun together.
“Thank you so much, Tiff. You’re really the best. I don’t deserve to
have such a beautiful, loving, submissive stepmom.” I said, admiring her
beauty as she dropped into a low squat, squeezing the baby oil onto my
thigh and spreading it around.

“Oh, you’re welcome. And you don’t have to flatter me.” she said.

“I’m serious. I had no idea my dad married such an incredible

woman. I hope I find someone like you someday. Someone who looks like
you, with a sexy voice and perfect body, who makes the most delicious
sandwiches.” I said, watching her realize that I wasn’t wearing underwear,
and my cock was hardening and poking out of my shorts.
Chapter 5 - Tiffany

When Adam said he pulled his thigh muscle, I became worried for
him and quickly moved into nurse mode. Then I was squeezing baby oil
onto his muscular leg, and rubbing his thigh.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. By the

time I realized that his massive cock was in clear view, it was too late. I was
already down on my knees, with my hands as lubed as his leg.

It was so big that there was no way to avoid touching it, and I
continuously grazed it with my hand until he was fully erect. My mind was
spinning and I felt myself getting wet in my pants. I kept looking around,
pretending not to notice as I tried focusing on his thigh.

“How’s that?” I asked, looking up at him to avoid staring at his dick.

“So good, baby. Don’t stop.” he said, eyes closed and moaning. My
heart fluttered, and I snuck at another peek at it. It had to be ten or eleven
inches, and thicker than my wrist.

“Okay. I just want to make it feel better.” I said, speaking on autopilot

as my mind was flooded with nothing but horrible urges.

“Here, let me hike my shorts up a little so you can really get in there.”
he said, pulling up the leg of his shorts so that his entire cock and heavy
balls flopped out. “Sorry about that, you don’t mind, do you?”

“Oh, uhm, no, but I don’t think it’s appropriate. Your father is right
upstairs, he could come down at any moment.” I said.
“I understand, but it’s so much pressure. I could really use the relief.”
he said, taking my hand and placing it on his cock. I looked up at him
frozen, but my fingers naturally wrapped around it even though my hand
wasn’t big enough to fit all the way around.

“We really shouldn’t.”

“I know, but I want you so bad. Can you just play with it a little?” he
asked. My heart was racing, and every part of me wanted to just say yes and
start sucking his cock.

“Fine, but just this once. And just a handjob. That’s all.” I said,
making my voice stern.

“Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I need this.”

“You’re welcome.” I whispered, finally feasting my eyes on the bitch

breaker that hung between my stepson’s legs. His balls were massive too,
and I couldn’t wrap my head around how hung he was. Slowly, I moved my
hand up his oily shaft and onto his bulbous mushroom head, spreading the
oil around.

“Can you use both hands?” he asked.

“I think I’m gonna have to.” I said, giggling as I took hold with both
hands. Even though my husband was right upstairs, I didn’t care. The only
thing on my mind was finally getting the chance to worship the biggest dick
I’d ever seen.

“Oh my God. You’re so hot.” he said, grunting as I stroked him up

and down. His balls were so big that they bounced as I tugged, and made
me smile uncontrollably.

“It’s so big.” I giggled, taking the chance to spread the oil onto his
balls. We were making a mess all over the couch, but I was in such a cock
crazed state that I simply squeezed more oil onto him after he removed his

“Do you like it?” he asked, holding himself by the base and wagging
it back and forth. I couldn’t stop giggling, or lusting over his size.

“I love it. It’s fucking massive.”

“You should kiss it.” he said, grinning back at me. There was nothing
he could have told me to do that I wouldn’t have done in that moment, and
without hesitation, I was bobbing for apples, alternating between his cock
and balls.


“Holy fuck, Tiff. Yes.” he grunted, pushing my head down into his
lap. I opened my mouth as wide as I could, but could only get maybe
halfway down his length. His thickness was so immense that I couldn’t take
it any further, and I gagged and slobbered all over it.

“I love it, Adam. I love sucking your big dick.” I gasped, diving back
on for more and reaching into my shorts to touch my pussy. I was so turned
on that I blacked out, and didn’t think again about the fact that I was
cheating on my husband in a common area of the house.

“Take off your shorts. I want you to sit on it.” he said. Again, I did as
I was told without even considering the repercussions. Adam helped me
strip down, groping and kissing my breasts as I climbed naked into his lap.

“This is so bad. I can’t believe we’re doing this.” I said, reaching

down between my legs to grab hold of his python.

“I can’t stop myself from thinking about you, Tiff. I don’t know why
I’m so obsessed with you, I can’t help it.” he said, kissing my neck as I sat
down on his puffy cockhead.
“Oh, wow. Oh my God, Adam. Your cock is too much.” I said,
rubbing it around my opening, trying to adjust to his girth. He was lubed up
and I was soaking wet, but it was so fat that it was still hard to take.

“Ugh. It’s so tight, Tiffany.” Adam grabbed my ass with both hands,
pulling me down onto him.

“Ahh!” I squealed as I became impaled on his massive member. It felt

like it would split me in half, but felt so good that I forced through the pain,
bouncing up and down with my tits in his face.

“I love your nipples, mom. They’re so suckable.” he said, latching on

and rolling his tongue around my areola.

“You’re so bad.” I said. Adam squeezed baby oil onto my tits and ass,
further ruining the couch as we became depraved degenerates for each
other. Adam brought out the animal in me, and I made grunting noises I
didn’t know I could make while he punished me with his incredible dick.

“I love it, Tiffany. I love fucking your pussy.” he said, assisting me

up and down with his hands. “Kiss me.”

The moment our lips touched, the passion came out. I didn’t even
realize how sex starved I’d become over the years with Hubert, or how
much I needed it until I was lost in the throes of ecstasy, whimpering with
no regard for being heard while I came all over my stepson’s throbbing
bareback erection.

He bent me over the armrest of the couch, pulling my hair and

slapping my ass while he thrusted hard and fast into me. He hit spots so
deep they made my head spin, and I kept forgetting to breathe because it
was so good.

I’d spent my entire sex life having sex, but this was getting railed.
He bent me over like a cat in heat and fucked me senseless, with no regard
for my comfort in the process. I was literally drooling, with my eyes rolling
back into my head without a worry or care in the world.

We ended up in the missionary position, kissing deeply and telling

each other “I love you” while staring into each other’s eyes, over and over.
It’s all such a blur, and I have no idea how long we went at it. I just
remember one orgasm after another, so many that they started to meld
together into one big orgasmic fuckfest.

“I’m so close, Tiffany. I’m gonna cum.”

“Don’t pull out!” I exclaimed, wrapping my ankles around his lower


“It’s so wet.” he called out right as he exploded inside me, his

enormous girth pulsating as it erupted with the heaviest load of cum

“Oh my God.” I smiled, savoring the sensation of his bare flesh

flexing and oozing in my pussy. With each hard thrust, he shoved his semen
deeper. I wasn’t on birth control, and thought briefly about the possibility of
pregnancy as he collapsed on top of me.

Reality came rushing back in, and I felt extremely vulnerable being
butt naked in the living room, covered in oil with my naked 21 year old

“We have to clean this up.” I said, picking up pillows, and my own
clothes in a panic. Adam sat naked on the couch, his post-cum cock still
dangling halfway to his knees, watching me run around the living room
trying to make it look normal again.

I threw all the cushions into my car, took a shower, and then took
them to the dry cleaner. I felt guilty about what I’d done, but I felt so
relaxed because I’d never cum so hard, so many times in my life.
There was no way I wouldn’t do it again. I couldn’t resist it, and
there was no way I could turn him down. All Adam had to do was pull out
that massive cock of his, and I’d be down on my knees, submitting to his

Luckily, Hubert figured out what was going on and pulled me aside
to discuss it. He didn’t seem to mind, and told me that he’d always viewed
our relationship as more of a platonic partnership, where I offered
companionship and company. He did enjoy getting his rocks off from time
to time, but it was the least of his worries.

I was surprised he took it so well, and that he wasn’t mad at me or

his son for our infidelity. That led to the most mind blowing summer of my
life, where I did every vile sexual act that Adam and I could dream up. We
became so close that it felt like we were dating, and even after he went back
to school, he always took the time to come visit us, and to relentlessly fuck
me into oblivion during every visit.
Intimate Exploration (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 19

Chapter 1 - Kali
It was way earlier in the morning than I was used to being awake, but
I had to pee and then went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. My eyes
were blurry, and I squinted to see that the clock read 5:57.

Mom left for work at 5:30, and I think Nick usually got up around 7.

“Good Lord. Why am I awake?” I dragged my feet along the floor,

walking down the hallway. I had to pass their room on the way, and noticed
the door was hanging wide open. I’m not sure why, but I stopped to look

I froze in silence at the sight of my stepdad completely exposed,

laying on the bed and furiously stroking his lotion covered cock. His eyes
were locked on the screen of his cellphone, and I was too scared to move an

“Oh, yeah. That’s daddy’s good girl.” he grunted, jerking his

enormous cock up and down. My heart raced and I couldn’t take my eyes
off of it. I’ll never forget the squishing sound of lotion, or how his balls
bounced up and down as he masturbated.

I’d never seen a cock like his. It was so big, hairy, and veiny. The few
guys I’d seen were completely shaven, with regular sized dicks as opposed
to the monster that he was pleasuring.

I slid back slowly until I was out of view, but stayed at the door frame
listening to his guttural moans. I’d always harbored a bit of a secret crush
on him, but this really set it off.

“Good girl, open wide. Yeah…” his voice grew desperate and low,
and I peeked around the corner right in time to see him using both hands on
his enormous cock as it erupted with hot, sticky cum.

“Ugh.” My breath hitched as he bucked against his lubed up hands,

with thick ropes of semen spurting off into the air and falling on his
stomach. My head was spinning, and I could feel an unbelievable pressure
rushing between my legs. I wanted to climb into bed with him, and lick up
every drop.

“Fuck.” he sighed, collapsing onto his back and breathing deeply. I

couldn’t sneak past his door, it was too risky, so I backed away and went
out into the living room and laid down on the couch.

It was the single hottest thing I’d ever seen, and it made me feel a
level of lust that was unexplainable. It pounded between my legs, begging
for a pressure that only my daddy’s dick could relieve.

I pulled a cover over me, embarrassed by my own uncontrollable

wetness. I’d always been attracted to Nick, but seeing his fat cock spit up
all that delicious cum sent me spiraling. I didn’t even care that he was my
stepdad, it didn’t matter. I felt the way I felt, and there was no going back to
the way it was before.

I set my alarm much earlier the following morning, and was privy to
the same show. Every morning, right after my mother left for work, Nick
would apply a liberal amount of lotion or lube, and shamelessly beat his big
cock off until he was making a mess all over himself.

It was kind of like Pavlog’s dog in that I started waking up on my

own, anticipating the reward of watching my stepdad play with the biggest
daddy dick I’d ever seen.

My fantasies became more and more depraved, and it reached the

point where Nick was the only man I thought about while I masturbated. It
made me feel awkward around him, like I was guilty and doing something
It made me paranoid, and I worried that he would figure out my little
routine. He started being more affectionate, pulling me in for random hugs,
and looking at me in a way he hadn’t before. It’s hard to explain, and I told
myself it was all in my head, but I started to feel like I was going crazy.

I was 19 years old, and all I could think about was spreading my legs
and letting my stepdad fuck me silly. It wasn’t healthy, and the tension I felt
towards him was becoming unbearable.
Chapter 2 - Nick
My sex life was non-existent, as my wife Alice was getting older and
didn’t have the same libido she did when we were younger. We talked about
it a couple times, and she agreed to make more of an effort to keep me
satiated, but she also said that she wouldn’t mind if I slept with other

Hearing that definitely surprised me, as it was a complete 180 from

her views when we first got married. We’d gotten older, though, and it
made sense that she wasn’t quite as jealous when it came to that sort of
thing. Her only caveat was that she didn’t want it thrown in her face, as
long as she didn’t have to see it or hear about it, she was fine with me doing
as I pleased sexually.

I had a daily morning ritual of masturbation, shower, then breakfast.

That’s how I started my day. Alice was out the door by 530, and by 545 I
was squirting lotion onto my cock and disappearing into a world of fantasy.

Alice didn’t close our door when she left for work, and I was too lazy
to get up and close it. Besides, my stepdaughter Kali didn’t normally wake
up until at least 830, which left me plenty of time alone to rub one out and
move on with my day while she was still fast asleep.

She was 19 years old, and a stunning woman in her own right. It
wasn’t easy seeing the woman she grew into, especially because of how she
loved to show off her amazing body. I tried ignoring her beauty, and putting
it out of my mind since it was so inappropriate, but my body betrayed me.

My dick didn’t care at all that she was my stepdaughter, and if

anything, it was a fact that only made it seem more forbidden and sexy. I
loved it when Kali wore short shorts, or low cut shirts without a bra so I
could sneak a peek at her gorgeous little tits when she bent over.
She got her nipples pierced when she turned 18, and kept it a secret
until I saw them poking through her t-shirt.

“Those are cute.” I said, causing her head to snap in my direction.

“What do you mean?”

“The piercings. They look good.” I said, giving her the eye and
letting her know that I knew.

“I was gonna tell you, daddy. It’s just an awkward thing to bring
up.” she said, pleading with me and trying to stay out of trouble. I just
smiled, and shook my head.

“It’s fine, baby. I like them.”

“Really?” she asked, glancing down at her chest. “Oh. I guess I

should have worn a bra.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I said. Kali turned bright red, and we
changed the subject. She had no idea how hot the nipple piercings were to
me, or how much lust I had to repress being in her presence.

As pretty as she was, it wasn’t all that difficult to keep it under

wraps. She was less than half my age, and outside of an occasional fantasy
involving her laying naked beneath me, I was able to mostly keep it out of
my head.

That all changed when I noticed that she’d developed her own
morning routine, and that it involved sneaking out of her room as soon as
Alice left for work, and then standing by my door while I masturbated.

I wasn’t sure if it was in my head or not, because I swore I heard her

feet shuffling away from my door after I’d finished but couldn’t be sure. So
I started paying attention, and sure enough, Kali was there every morning.

Knowing that my stepdaughter was watching me touch myself

added a massive erotic element to my morning routine, and I found myself
edging for longer and longer, thinking about how turned on she must be if
she did that every morning.
My favorite part was cumming everywhere, moaning loudly so I
knew she could hear me. After a couple of days, I started moaning her
name, trying to let her know that she wasn’t the only one with a naughty
little secret.

The whole thing was surreal, and surprised me because I never

thought that a 19 year old stunner like Kali would ever be sexually attracted
to a 45 year old man. It was bad enough that I wanted to fuck my
stepdaughter, but it seemed that she wanted to fuck me too, or at the very
least, she enjoyed watching me perform solo.

It made me realize the power I held over her, and had probably held
all along. I had no way of knowing how long she’d wanted me, but it
became apparent when we spoke that she was smitten just like me.

Her eyes lit up whenever I spoke, and she laughed at any cheesy
joke that I made. She also dressed more provocatively when it was just the
two of us alone at home, and her eye contact lingered until I broke away.
Once I knew she was watching me, I would stare back into her eyes, and we
smirk at each other in a knowing way.

Things didn’t really progress from there, I just started being more
playful and flirtatious with her, testing the waters to see how she reacted.
Her bright eyes and constant giggles gave me confidence, and I started
giving her compliments that a stepdad probably shouldn’t give to his

“You shouldn’t be allowed to wear those shorts, Kali.”

“How come?”

“Because your ass looks perfect in them. You’re going to cause a car
accident.” I said. Kali giggled, and looked away.

“Oh, daddy.”
I stopped watching porn while I masturbated, because knowing that
Kali was hiding right outside my door frame was more than enough to send
me over the edge with powerful orgasms. The heightened arousal was
addicting, and I couldn’t imagine going back to jerking off without my
secret admirer.

The longer this went on, the more comfortable I became flirting
with her, and the more she flirted back. She even started doing yoga in the
living room while I was watching TV, the perfect excuse for her to strip
down to almost nothing and flaunt her delectable young body.

By this point, my little crush had grown into a full grown obsession.
All I could think about was fucking my daughter, worshiping her supple
body and putting her bendy legs behind her head while I came inside her

It was more than a purely physical attraction, it was coupled with

the truth that we both wanted it. She wasn’t just some random pretty girl,
either, she was a developing woman who I loved more than anything. The
line between platonic love and pure lust was blurring, and I knew that we
were both feeling it.

There became a lingering sort of want between us, and we slowly

broke down the walls that were keeping us apart. Aside from the flirting,
the way she dressed, and the fact that I masturbated for her every morning,
we were also finding reasons to be more affectionate.

Even something as simple as hugs would turn into standing cuddle

sessions. As soon as we started touching each other, the tension between us
became unbearable, and I knew it was only a matter of time before it boiled

It was a Friday morning, and Alice had just headed out the door for
work when I heard Kali familiar footsteps coming down the hallway. I
pretended to close my eyes, staring at the door until she passed by, and then
I removed my pants, and made sure that the comforter was out of the way
so that she had a full view of what I was about to do for her.

I started like normal, growing hard in my own hand while I thought

about Kali sitting against the wall, playing with her tight little teen pussy.
My heart was pounding and I was very turned on, but I found myself
craving more. That’s when I finally decided to make a move, and I quietly
stood up and tiptoed to the door completely naked.

“Kali. Come in here.” I said, making my voice stern. She jumped

when she saw me, and her head went straight to the ground as she stood and
followed me into my room. I closed the door behind her, making no effort
to cover myself.

“I’m sorry.” she whispered.

“Don’t be. I know that you watch me every morning, I’ve known for
a while now.” I said. Kali sat down at the edge of my mattress, but wouldn’t
look up at me or respond. I took a deep breath, and sat down beside her.

“I’m sorry, daddy. It was an accident, I was just walking by and I

saw you.”

“And then you came back, day after day.”

“Yeah.” she said, her voice soft and defeated, full of shame.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s perfectly natural for a girl your age to be
interested in sex.” I said, putting my arm around her. She glanced quickly at
my cock, and then back down at the floor in front of her. “Does it turn you
on when you watch me play with it?”

“Yeah.” she said, a smirk appearing at the corner of her lips.

“It turns me on when you watch. I always cum way harder when I
know you’re watching me.” I said, leaning in to give her a peck on the
cheek. She was still in her panties and sports bra, and my cock was still
fully erect.

“It’s embarrassing. You knew the whole time? Why didn’t you say
something earlier?” she asked.

“I wasn’t sure what to say at first. I just knew that it turned me on

having you watch me, and I didn’t want to spoil the fun so I kept letting it
happen.” I said. “You’re very pretty, Kali. It’s easy to cum for you.”

“Can I still watch?” she asked, looking up at me with doe eyes. I

smiled, and slid back in my bed.

“Of course, baby.”

Chapter 3 - Kali

I didn’t move at first, only turned my head to watch him. It was

different being so close, sitting in bed with my naked stepfather while he
squeezed a bottle of baby oil onto his manhood right in front of me.

“You should take your bra off for me.” he said, turning his attention to
me as he started to rub himself. I was already turned on, but very nervous
about what was happening. I removed my bra.

“This is really naughty.” I said, struggling to make eye contact with

him. I’d just been caught watching him masturbate, and I still felt like I was
in trouble even though it clearly wasn’t the case.

“We aren’t even touching each other. It’s fine.” he said, smiling.
“Your tits are even more gorgeous than I imagined. Your piercings are

“Thank you.” I said, grinning and starting to feel more comfortable

with what we were doing. I pressed my chest out, showing off my tits for
him while he stroked it up and down.

“You have no idea how cute you are. It isn’t even fair.” he said.

“Could I maybe try it?” I asked, blurting my impulse.

“Come here, Kali. Of course you can play with it.” he said, taking
both of my hands in his as I scooted closer to him.

“It’s so big.” I said, letting him place my hands on his enormous

penis. I remember how warm it was, and how it felt like holding a flesh

“Good girl. Just like that.” he said, groaning as I massaged the tip of
his dick. It was absolutely massive, and my hands barely fit around it. His
cockhead was like a soft mushroom, and he shook with pleasure when I
focused on it

“How is it so huge?” I asked, staring at it as I double handed him.

“Do you like it?” he asked, brushing my hair behind my ear and

“I love it, daddy.” I said, looking into his eyes.

“Come here. Give me a kiss.” he said, leaning in. His lips pressed
against mine, and I was seeing stars as our tongues swirled together. I
entered a heightened state, and fully entered the moment as he slid my
panties down to my ankles and laid me down on his bed.

“I’m scared.” I said, lying beneath him with my legs spread apart.

“Why baby?” he asked.

“Because it’s really big.” I said.

“It’s okay angel, I think you’re gonna like the way it feels.” he laid
me flat, kissing my neck and massaging my clit with the pad of his thumb.
“So wet.”

“That feels really good.”

“Yeah? You like when daddy touches your little pussy?”

“Yes, daddy. I like it a lot.”

“Good girl. I like it too, baby. It’s so pretty.” he whispered, his hot
breath sending a chill down my spine as he inserted one of his thick fingers,
and then another.

“Ugh!” I squealed as he shoved them inside, working them in and out,

faster and faster. “Oh my God.”

“That’s my baby. I want you to cum for me.” he said, his voice deep
and growly. Nick knew exactly what he was doing, and brought me to the
edge of climax with ease. It was such an erotic moment, squirting all over
my stepdad’s sausage fingers as he expertly fingered me to orgasm.

“Oh my gosh, yes. Don’t stop, daddy. Fuck. I’m cumming!” I called
out, grinding against his fingers and letting the wave of pleasure move
through me.

“That was so hot, Kali. You are so gorgeous.” he said, lifting my legs
so that my ankles were beside my head. I was still panting, soaking in the
post-orgasm bliss when he began rubbing his bulbous cockhead up and
down like a paintbrush over my pussy.

“That feels good.” I whispered, closing my eyes and preparing for


“Here, put your ankles behind your head.” he said, making it so.
“Open your eyes. I want to see the look on your face when I put my cock
inside you.”

“Yes sir.” I said instinctively, looking into his eyes. I felt so

uninhibited, like we were simultaneously let out of a cage and finally
allowed to indulge our forbidden love. Nick held himself by the base, and
forced his massive tip into my tightness. “Oh! Wow. That’s big.” my eyes
bulged and I gripped the sheets, scared to take anymore.

“Oh my God, Kali. You feel like a virgin.” he said, stretching my

walls as he thrust into me. It was overwhelming being stuffed so full of
cock, and the pleasure his bareback cock provided was unlike anything I’d
ever experienced.

“I love it, daddy. Don’t stop.” I begged, struggling to take him but
loving every second. Nick took long, hard strokes, hitting spots that
triggered nerves that had never been touched before.

“That’s my good girl. You have such a perfect pussy, baby. I’ve
wanted this for so long.” he said, kissing and sucking my nipples while
slamming his hips against mine.

“Daddy…Your balls.” I moaned, feeling them slap against me as he

pounded away. I’d never been fucked like that, by a cock like that, with a
man I had such deep love for. It was intoxicating in an unbelievable way,
and tears streamed down my face while I came all over his daddy dick.

“You’re so wet, Kali. It feels amazing.” he said, staring down at me,

making my little tits bounce under the immense power of his hips.

He flipped me over, and he felt somehow even larger from that angle.
I shuddered and shrieked, squealing like his little whore as he used me as he
pleased for his own pleasure. We both knew what we were doing was
wrong, but our inability to control ourselves only seemed to make it feel
“Ride it. I want you to sit on it.” Nick said, pulling me onto his lap. I
was exhausted, and so wet that there was a massive wet spot where he’d
fucked me in the missionary position.

“Oh my God. Fuck.” I said, sinking down onto his fat cock. He held
my hips, thrusting from the bottom and bouncing me on his dick.

“There you go, ride that dick.” he said, pulling me closer for a sloppy,
tongue filled kiss. “Keep going, Kali. That tight little pussy is gonna
squeeze the cum out of me.”

“Yes, daddy. I want it.”

“I love you Kali, so much.”

“I love you, daddy. I love your dick.” My body swelled again with
pressure, and we reached climax at the same time.

“Fuck!” Nick called out, thrusting hard as his flesh pulsed, filling me
with his sticky seed.

We kept kissing, groping, and making love even after he came. We

went slowly, saying I love you’s and exploring the new intimate dynamic of
our relationship.

Nick took his time, kissing my breasts, and stomach, and sucking on
my toes. He worshiped my entire body, culminating in me laying face down
with my ass in the air while he made out with my asshole. It was by far the
most mind blowing experience of my life, and I can’t put into words how
intensely bonded I felt afterwards.

He was the only one I wanted, and I would never be able to see him
the way I used to again. Not that I needed to, as fucking each other’s brains
out became a daily ritual. Even when mom didn’t have work, we’d sneak
off to the bathroom, or the basement, or wherever we had to in order to
indulge ourselves. That day was the start of a long and fulfilling aspect of
our secret love for each other.
Oedipal Exploration (Stepmom/Stepdaughter Lactation and Nursing) -
Taboo Volume 20

Chapter 1 - Hannah

I grew up hearing compliments about my stepmother Angela’s

beauty. She was absolutely stunning, and people had no problem letting her
know it. They even complimented her to me. Guys my age talked non stop
about how hot she was, making lewd comments about her curvaceous body.
Little did they know, I felt the same way.

I really started to notice it after I turned eighteen. That’s when I

encountered my first sparks of curiosity regarding women, and Angela in
particular. At the time I considered myself completely straight, but my new
feelings were making me question that in a major way.

Angela’s body type drove men and women crazy. She was curvy
and thick, big and little in all the right places. Everyone wanted a piece. Her
breasts were something else, the biggest natural titties I’d ever seen.
Angela was blessed, the total package from head to toe. Tiny ankles and tan
thighs, and she had no problems showing herself off.

She was in her early forties but could pass for much younger. Tight
fitting dresses were her favorite, and anything low cut. Her fashion sense
was great, and she always looked her best. Sometimes I wondered if she
knew how to pick the right clothes to showcase her body, or if her body just
made all clothes look amazing.

We didn’t have the same genes as we weren’t related. I was petite and
skinny, naturally flat chested. My fascination started with jealousy. After
seeing the way everyone treated her and the interest she garnered I wanted
what she had. Big boobs, the curvy figure. I had a big enough butt for my
size, so most of my envy centered around her breasts.
This led to my noticing, staring at, and otherwise fantasizing about
them all the time. They were real so I knew that they would be soft. I
craved to touch them, or see them fully exposed. Angela wasn’t shy but she
always covered up on the rare occasions she was semi nude in my presence.
That desire made me notice other breasts as well, and want to experience
them for myself.

Angela married my dad Ken when I was young, and I never knew my
real mom. Angela was the only woman who had ever served that role for
me, and I couldn’t ask for someone better. She was fun, loved to talk, and
was always there to listen. If I took an interest in something, she did too.

We went shopping and talked about boys, and she always gave the
most heartfelt advice. Our closeness made my feelings even stranger to me.
It was foreign to me thinking about a woman sexually, and the fact that it
was my stepmother Angela only made it more confusing. But I couldn’t
help it, my body didn’t discriminate against her for being my stepmom, and
the feelings wouldn’t go away.

I couldn’t deny my growing lust for her. I fantasized about Angela

pulling them out and shaking them in my face, and telling me to kiss all
over them, and suck on her nipples. I thought about covering her chest in
oil, and massaging her breasts.

I remember the first time I let my thoughts really cross the line, the
first time I masturbated thinking about my stepmommy. I could hardly
believe how intense my body reacted, the arousal was absolutely
maddening, and I came harder than I ever had.

As soon as I started thinking about her like that, she was all I could
think about. I laid in bed, naked under my sheets writhing in pleasure under
my own fingers, thinking about Angela’s massive tits dangling in my face,
letting me latch onto her suckable nipples. I got off so easily when I thought
about her, and they were earth shattering orgasms.
“Wow.” I muttered under my breath, exhausted from the quick
session. Usually once and that was it, I would be asleep, but thoughts of
Angela kept me going. I was already wet from having gotten off, and I
spread it around my sex with thoughts of her fingers in place of mine.

“Oh yes, mommy.” I whimpered, so soft I could hardly hear it myself.

She could never find out, but it turned me on saying something so dirty out
loud. I knew she would be a magnificent lover, patient and caring.
Submitting to her would be easy, as it was in her nature to take over
anyway. Her kisses would move slowly up my stomach, onto my breasts
and neck, teasing as she finally brought her lips to mine. As I pictured how
things might play out, I found myself becoming more aware of all the subtle
sensations in my body.

I didn’t know if Angela was interested in girls. Not an easy topic of

conversation to breach with your stepmother. I pretended she was for my
fantasy, and barreled to another quaking orgasm.

“Ugh!” I whimpered, louder than I would have liked. My entire body

seized, and I forgot to breathe. My fingers were soaked and I was seeing
stars, overtaken from nowhere. I laid in my mess of wetness, too tired to do
anything other than lay in my own bliss.

When I woke the following morning, I was still naked. Thoughts of

Angela were the first that entered my mind. I felt naughty, and ashamed for
what I’d done. I shouldn’t have thought of her like that, it was terrible, but I
couldn’t deny the pleasure it provided

My body felt refreshed, like I’d rested for days. I checked my

phone, it was late. The alarm had been on silent and I overslept, not that I
had anything to do. Dad would already be at work, leaving Angela and I
alone together at home.

I showered and made myself look presentable before sauntering out

into the living area to see what was going on for the day. Angela was sitting
with her legs crossed, sipping her morning coffee.

“Hey Hannah” she said. I stared back at her, checking out her tanned
thighs. She was only wearing a skimpy silk robe, with nothing underneath.
It was white, and too small to contain her breasts, which were busting out
despite her belt being tied properly.

“Good morning.” I said, pretending to be sleepier than I really was.

“Want some coffee?” She asked. I could hardly look her in the eye
knowing how hard I’d cum for her the night before. If only I knew how
much further the fantasies would go in the coming days. My infatuation
became an obsession, and being around her left me in a constant state of

I would find myself turned on to the point of zoning out and staring,
looking her up and down. It was important that I kept the thoughts and
feelings to myself. I loved Angela and my dad very much, and would never
do anything to jeopardize that. My fantasy world remained internal, a secret
little place I went to every night to relieve the day’s tension. I thought I did
a good job keeping the secret, but I may have been wrong.

Angela was keen, apt to pick up on subtle cues after a lifetime of

being checked out and lusted after. One day, she poked her head through my
door, and then knocked to get my attention.

“Can we talk?” She asked, entering before I could respond.

“Sure.” I crossed my legs beneath me, eager to hear what she had to

“I’m gonna get straight to the point.” she said. I felt a lump forming
in my stomach. I was always concerned about being found out, that she
would somehow know my deep secret. “I’m pregnant.”
“Oh.” I said, smiling with relief. “That’s great. Congratulations!”
Angela smiled back, and had a seat on the edge of the bed. Her arms
pressed against the outside of her breasts, squeezing them together and
making them even more tantalizing than usual.

“Yep. I’m already six weeks along.” she said. I couldn’t tell by
looking at her. We talked a little, and she told me about some of her plans
for pregnancy before changing the subject and asking if there were any cute
boys at school who had my attention.

“No, not really.” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

“Be patient. Someone will come along.” she said, putting her hand
on my shoulder and looking into my eyes. Angela kissed me on the
forehead, and headed out. I stared at her ass as she walked away, her thick
round cheeks swaying perfectly with each swaying step.
Chapter 2 - Hannah
My thoughts shifted to her pregnant body. I couldn’t imagine how
large her breasts would be when they filled up with milk. Her ass would
grow, and so would my cravings to taste her flesh. It had been her breasts
that drew my initial interest, but everything about her was what kept me
coming back for more.

Even my pornography habits changed, and I started watching women

make love to each other. I specifically looked for videos with an older
woman, preferably with a similar body type to my stepmom.

Then I found videos that were stepmother and stepdaughter themed.

I would play out the scenarios in my head, pretending it was Angela and
myself. I loved seeing the dynamic of a girl my age having her first
experience with a woman she trusted so much. I would zero in on videos
where the older actress was built in a similar way to Angela. My favorite
parts of the scenes were the sensual parts, where the younger woman
worshiped her stepmother’s breasts, kissing and licking her erect nipples.

I also loved the idea of rimming Angela. Seeing those lucky actresses
licking beautiful assholes turned me on, and made me want to do that with
my mommy. It wasn’t fair that I didn’t get to experience that, and it made
me jealous.

The scenes where the older woman took control made the most
sense to me. The pace would start slow, and escalate to deep, sensual
kissing. The type I wanted to try with Angela. Her lips were soft, and I
cherished even the baby kisses she gave me. They were always covered in
gloss, looking extra plump and inviting. I entertained thoughts of sucking
the moisture from them, and going back and forth feeding each other our

I helped out as much as I could with Angela, and we grew really close
during her pregnancy. There were no signs of her body changing until about
four months in. She was as gorgeous a pregnant woman I had ever seen. All
of her fat concentrated in the right areas, hips, ass, and tits, and she wore it
incredibly well. Especially her breasts, which grew so large that they were
almost comical. She still squeezed into some of the same shirts, which
caused them to spill out everywhere. I had zero problems with her wearing
them, and tried to be secretive about my opportunity to admire them.

I can’t be sure what gave me away. Maybe it was as simple as the

way I looked at her, or perhaps she stumbled upon my undeleted search
history. I was incredibly embarrassed when she brought it up, despite her
being as sweet and gentle as possible.

“I notice you watch a lot of porn with older women.” she said,
straight to the point as always. We were out shopping and I felt my face go
red immediately. I had never been so embarrassed, I wanted to run away.


“It’s okay Hannah.” she said, placing her hand on my shoulder. Her
voice dropped down to a whisper. “It’s our little secret.” I felt my body
starting to sweat. I hadn’t been expecting to be confronted at the mall about
my bi-sexual curiosity. She left it alone until we got to the car, where we
resumed the conversation. I was every bit as uncomfortable as in the store,
and had trouble opening up.

“I like girls too.” she said, stopping at a red light.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah.” she said. A smirk appeared on her lips. “Women are

beautiful. It’s mostly younger girls that turn me on, actually. Girls about
your age.” she said, glancing over at me.

“Oh.” I stammered, my mind going blank. I told her it had only been
recently that I started to think about women, being completely honest
except that I omitted the minor detail that my entire curiosity could be
traced directly to her.
“What is it about women that turns you on?” she asked.

“I like big boobs.” I admitted.

“I noticed. All of the lactation videos you watch.” she said. I

blushed red, having hoped she hadn’t seen those. Another thing that could
be traced back to her. Her pregnancy had piqued my interest, and brought
my browsing to pregnant women. I loved the thought of suckling at her

“Yeah. I like the idea of body worship, and that’s my favorite part.”

“I've actually known for a while. I talked to your dad about it a few
days ago” she said. Her words came as a shock, and I felt myself start to
panic. I could have broke down and cried right then and there. I didn’t want
him to know, or her for that matter.

“I’m sorry.”

“Relax, baby. We’re all adults, it’s perfectly okay.” she said, her
simple words gave me comfort. “There’s a reason I brought it up. I’ve been
wanting to have another experience with a girl. It’s been a really long time.
Ken is okay with it, but we’ve had trouble finding the right person. Since
you seem to have a lot of the same kinks as me, I thought it might work

“You mean, me and you?” I asked, completely thrown off by her

sudden proposal. It was surreal hearing the woman everyone desired, my
goddess stepmother, offering herself to me in such a casual way. I couldn’t
stop blushing, Angela was the woman of my dreams, and knew about all of
my desires and fantasies.

“Yeah. We could start slow. And I’m lactating like crazy, you would
like that. Your dad can barely keep up.” I couldn’t believe my ears. My
ultimate fantasy was coming to life, and my head was spinning.
“Okay.” I said, feeling like a dork. I was intimidated and
overwhelmed. She was the star of my fantasies but encountering her in real
life was another endeavor. We got home and the day went on normally, like
we hadn’t talked about having sex a few hours prior. I started questioning
my own reality. Did I remember things correctly? Was it a real

Luckily for me, Angela wasn’t shy, and followed up that night when
she appeared in my door wearing nothing but her silky white robe.

“Come in.” I said, looking her up and down as she entered. She was
so easy on the eyes, and at five months pregnant, she was somehow even
hotter than before. The thin fabric concealed only parts of her breasts, and
her hard nipples poked through the silky robe.

“I wanted to talk about our conversation earlier, and see if you were
interested. I don’t want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
She sat down on my bed, and one of her nipples peeked out from behind the
robe. Her areolas were large and round, swollen and suckable like nothing
I’d ever seen.

“I’m not uncomfortable. I would be honored.” I said, feeling again

like a dork with regards to my word choice. Angela chuckled, and scooted

“You’re so beautiful.” She said, pushing a strand of my hair over my

ear. I gazed back into her eyes, noticing all the details that made her so
pretty. Her lips called out to me, but I fought the urge to lean in and kiss her.

“Thank you.” I muttered. My heart rate was quickening as I was

unsure of what to do.

“I’ve actually thought about you a lot before.” She said, looking me
over with confidence. I straightened up my own posture, and hoped the dim
lighting of my room would hide my reddening cheeks.
“Really?” I asked, struck with a sudden burst of confidence. How
could such a beautiful woman even consider me, her average little
stepdaughter? Even without being touched, I could feel myself getting wet
by the intensity of her mere presence.

“I’ve thought about you too.” I said, without making eye contact. “A

“That’s so hot.” She adjusted her angle, and put her arm around me.
With her other hand she pulled her robe apart, fully exposing her chest. My
mouth went dry, and my mind went blank.

“They’re beautiful.” I said, wide eyed and mesmerized by her heavy

hanging milkers.

“I’d love it if you did some breastfeeding right now, they’re full of
pressure and I could use the relief.” she said. Her voice was soft and
sensual, and she pressed her chest out, putting her perfect rack on full

“Ugh. Yeah. Are you sure that’s okay?” I asked, unable to believe
my situation.

“I think it’s more than okay, Hannah. I want it so badly, don’t you?”
she asked, removing her robe completely and spreading her legs. She
motioned for me to approach her, and pulled my head to hers for an
aggressive kiss.

It was like fireworks went off in my head, and she placed my hands
on her breasts as she explored my mouth with her tongue. She was the
sweetest tasting kiss I’d ever had, and I groped her soft breasts with both

“Suck on mommy’s nipple, baby. Drink my milk like a good little

girl.” she said, pressing my head into her chest. It was really happening. My
hands were trembling and everything slowed down. My tongue circled her
nipple, and I kissed the tip before latching on.

“Mmm.” I moaned, tasting her flesh as my fingers sank into her

milk laden breasts, assisting the flow of her sweet nectar.

“Hannah.” Angela, arching her back and granting me full access to

the most flawless pair of udders I could imagine. She grabbed my head with
both hands, holding in place while I suckled down her cream. It tasted so
amazing that I couldn’t get enough.

Her breasts were so massive that I could make my head disappear

between them, and I enthusiastically alternated back and forth between
them. My hands were small in comparison to her tits, but I used them to
further coax the milk toward the tip of her soft nipples.

“Good girl. Your lips feel so good baby.” Her eyes were closed, and
she tossed back her head. I couldn’t get enough of her breasts, or of seeing
her in such pleasure. After all the time spent wanting to worship them, they
were finally in my mouth.

“I love them.” I gasped, noticing how milk and saliva covered

they’d become. My door was still wide open, and I wondered what would
happen if my father were to walk past.

White milk gushed straight from her into my mouth, filling it

quickly. The sweetness flowed, and I took another hard swallow. Her milk
was delicious, fresh and warm, and drinking it made my pussy wet.

“Awh, baby. You’re such a sweetie” she said, and ran her hands
through my scalp while I suckled away. My lips found a strong suction, and
I hollowed my cheeks with each gulp of fresh breast milk.

“It tastes so good mommy.” I said, and then dove back to her
swollen nipple. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d called her that, but
saying it felt so right.
“Drink mommy’s milk, that’s my good girl.” I looked up at her
grinning, as milk spilled down my chin. There were white droplets of
residue dotting her enormous tits, which served as a great excuse to kiss
them all over.

They were still visibly engorged, ready to be tended. Her body was
divine in the dim lighting, her ample curves showcased by the shadows. I
climbed on top of her as she laid down on her back, again burying my face
between her massive tits and pressing them against my face. I worked my
fingers through the fat of her breasts while my lips alternated between
nipples, licking, sucking, nibbling gently. They were delicious and made me
feel insatiable, like a deranged starving girl who subsisted entirely on

. I pinched her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, forcing

her milk to spray out in so many little strands.

“I like having them pinched and chewed on.” she said, releasing a
naughty giggle. I was mesmerized with that side of her. Everything about
her was adorable, her dimples when she smiled, and the way her pretty toes
flexed and curled while I gnawed on her chewy nipples.

“You’re so perfect, mommy.”

“I love you so much.” she said, pushing my head down lower. My

kisses strayed south, to her baby bump and down further, until I was kissing
past her belly button. I inhaled her scent and rubbed my mouth against her
wetness, instantly enamored by her taste.

“Oh, yes. You’re doing so good, baby. Please don’t stop.” she said.
Her hand took hold of my hair, forcing my face deep into her sex. She was
in full control, and grinded herself against my face until she was writhing
beneath me.
“I won’t, mommy. I’ll never stop.” I whimpered. It felt so natural
submitting to her, falling back on our established relationship dynamic. My
lips were still warm and wet with milk and her wetness when she pulled me
toward her to taste for herself with a sloppy kiss.

“Mmm hmmm.” She moaned, as we went back and forth attacking

each other’s faces with our tongues. Our lips mashed together in a
passionate, hungry embrace. I felt her fingertips gliding down my back,
lower until she grabbed two handfuls of my ass and pulled me to her.

“I love your booty.” She said.

“I love your everything.” I said.

“Such a good girl.” she said, grabbing me by the chin and looking
into my eyes.

“Only for you mommy.” I was uninhibited, completely comfortable

showing her my true self. She guided me back to her breasts.

“You’re not finished yet.” she said. I kissed and licked in a frenzy of
lust, eventually settling back on one of her nipples for more cream.

My interest in nursing was novel, but actually experiencing it only

cemented it as a personal favorite kink. The taste was too sweet, too
delicious, and the act of extracting it from Angela’s heaving pregnant
breasts was far too enjoyable to ever go back to not doing. I squeezed and
kneaded, sucking down every bit of milk that I could.

We laughed when I let out a sudden burp, a clear signal my meal

was going well.

“I never thought that I would say this, but that burp was kinda hot.”
she said. “Lay back. I want to watch you touch yourself.” I could feel her
attention shift to my body. “Let me take off your clothes.”
“Anything you say.” I said, raising my arms to help her remove my
shirt. Angela dug her fingers into my waistband next, yanking them off in
one motion.

“Oh, wow. Look at you. So tiny, and supple, and tight.”

“Like this?” I asked, moving my fingers down between my legs.

Being naked in front of her felt natural, and I didn’t even think about it as I
started touching myself.

“Just like that. Mommy’s good girl.” Angela laid down directly
beside me, touching herself alongside me. Her fingers rubbed in a rhythmic
circle against her clit, and I watched her boobs jiggle in place. “Does that
feel good?”

“Yes. It feels so good.” I whimpered, watching her breasts bounce as

she went harder. Angela sat up slightly, leaning over and placing soft kisses
on my neck, and whispering into my ear.
“Cum for mommy. I want to see you in agony.”

“Angela.” I whimpered, her words only adding to my extreme


“Call me mommy.” she whispered, her voice growing deeper.

“Mommy.” I whimpered. My fingers were locked on my clit and it

felt so good touching myself in her presence. I closed my eyes and settled
in. “Ugh.”

“Are you hungry, Hannah?” She asked.

“Yes mommy.” I said, licking my lips and watching as she leaned

over me, dangling her boobs in front of my waiting mouth.

“That’s so good, baby. You have no idea how much I need this.” She
said when my lips latched on. The flow kicked in right away, and my mouth
filled with her nectar.

“Mmm.” I swallowed hard, working for more. I took a moment to run

the tip of my tongue in a few circles around her areola, teasing her for more.

“I still want you to cum for me.” Her fingers replaced mine, expertly
massaging my little pussy. “Touch me.” My hand found her as well, and we
fingered each other while her milk flowed down into my stomach one hard
swallow at a time.

“I love you mommy.” I said, looking over at her with a mouthful her

“I love you too, Hannah.” She said, climbing on top of me. “I love
how wet you get.”

“Only you can make me wet like that.” I whimpered, amazed by her
expert touch. She worked her fingers deep and fast, and I could feel myself
squirting all over her digits.

“Don’t you wanna cum for mommy? Don’t you wanna make me
happy?” she asked intensely, dirty talking as she fingered me to orgasm.

“Oh, God. Angela…Angela!” I called out as pleasure overtook me,

riding her fingers and grinding as my head became euphoric. I was still
writhing on the mattress when she pulled her fingers out of me, licking my
juices clean off of them.

“That was too sexy.” she said.

“That was…wow. I’ve never cum like that before.” I said, panting.
Angela smiled with pride, climbing her hips up my torso until she straddled
my face.

“Do you wanna taste mommy down there?” she asked.

“Please mommy.” I begged as Angela sank her weight onto me,
humping my face in a frenzy of lust. Her pussy tasted shower-fresh and
delicious, and I pressed my tongue deep inside, slurping at her wetness.

“Yeah, eat that pussy like a good little slut.” She held my head in
place by a handful of my hair, riding my face for pleasure.

“Mmm…Harder mommy. Sit on my face.” I continued begging, and

she thrust her hips down against my mouth.

“I want you to eat my ass, Hannah. Lick mommy’s cunt and

asshole.” she moaned, tossing back her head and pinching her own nipples.
Milk drizzled out, flowing down her chest and stomach while she pressed
her anus against my mouth.

“Mmm…” I moaned with approval, taking great joy in pleasuring


“Come here.” She gave simple commands, and I followed her

without question. Angela laid down flat, and pulled her cheeks apart. “Eat
it.” She barked, making her fat ass jiggle to tease me as I turned over and
climbed into position.

“Yes mommy.” I dove in with an open mouth, and showed her how
depraved of a little slut that I could be for her.

“Oh, yes. Fuck, baby. That’s what mommy likes, keep doing that.
I’m gonna make you do this all the time.” She said, using her hand to bury
my face deeper. My entire face was covered with saliva and other juices,
but I didn’t care at all. I would gladly humiliate myself for her, or carry out
any depraved act that she could think up.

“Mmm!” I moaned, hardly able to breath because I was smothering

myself in her big, juicy ass.

“Mommy’s little slut!”

“Yes, mommy. I love you.” I said, gasping for air before diving back
in for more.

I was covered in a thin layer of sweat as we alternated positions,

exploring each other’s bodies in the most intimate and primal way. I was
literally in love with everything about her, as even the aroma of her sweat
turned me on.

“More.” I said, latching back onto her nipple to drink while I rubbed
her swollen clit. I was on top, and tried to replicate the technique she’d
used on me earlier.

“Don’t stop, Hannah. Right there. Keep doing that and drinking my
milk, you’re going to make me cum.” she said, looking into my eyes with a
stern look.

“I love sucking your big titties mommy.”

“Good girl. Tell me how good it tastes.” she moaned, her voice
strained. Angela was so wet and soft inside, and I could feel her pelvic
muscles clenching around my fingers as she called out.

“So good.”

“Let’s cum together.” Angela said, pulling me close and reaching

down between my legs. “Kiss me.” her touch sent chills running through
my entire body, and I knew it wouldn’t take much. Angela was a goddess,
and could have finished me off whenever she pleased.

“Mommy.” I hitched, biting down on my lip, trying to keep up the

rhythm with my hand.

“Cum baby. Cum for mommy.” she said, kissing my neck and
bringing me right to climax.I was seeing stars, seizing in place while trying
to continue rubbing her. My senses shut down, and Angela grinded against
me until she was screaming along with me.

“Ugh!” I arched my back, and sucked in for air. “Oh my God!”

“I’m cumming, Hannah. I’m cumming for you…” Angela’s voice

was so sexy when she came that it intensified my orgasm, and we became a
mess of sweaty flesh and pussy juices.

I crawled immediately into her arms, laying my head on her perfect

pillows in post coital bliss. I felt bonded to her like never before, and I
never wanted to leave her arms when they wrapped around me.
“Thank you, mommy. That was so good.” I said, nestling against her
and suckling for more milk.
“Thank you, baby. I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.”

“Can we do it again sometime?” I asked, looking up at her with

anticipation. Angela stroked my hair, and smiled, looking down at me with
her tit in my mouth.
“Of course, baby. I’m not gonna stop lactating anytime soon, and
there’s no one I’d rather let worship my naked body.”
We laid in bed cuddling for a while, and eventually my dad stepped
in the room and saw us naked together.
“My girls.” he said, looking over at us with pride. “I’m about to make
burgers. Who wants cheese?” he asked.
“I think I’ve had enough dairy for today, no cheese for me.” I said.
That day was the start of a lot of intimate fun times with Angela. Her
beauty never faded for me, and each time we laid down together was more
exhilarating than the last. Our sex life blossomed, and so did our bond.
His Massive Stick Shift (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 21

Chapter 1 - Cassie

My husband and I had grown apart over the years, and it came down
to resentment and incompatibility. Your partner is supposed to be your best
friend, but he made everything adversarial, especially when he was

Things were great when we first got together, because we were

younger and had no responsibilities. Bill had a son from a previous
relationship, Tim, but he only had him every other weekend.

All we did was hang out with friends, drink, and party. It felt like
summer all the time, being with Bill, and we were always at a lake, a
campsite, or a cookout. He was outgoing and fun, and great to drink with.
We fell in love and got married. I started trying to get serious about life in
my early thirties, but he was the same old Bill.

I didn’t mind at first, because he held down the fort and made just
enough money to get us by while I went to school. We rented a trailer, but
we kept it clean and made it into our home. I considered it temporary, and
Bill would nod along while I talked about eventually buying our own house
and having kids, but he didn’t seem motivated by it.

Because he wasn’t. He wasn’t motivated by it at all. By the time I

turned 35 and graduated, he was 38 and jobless. The party was over, as all
of our friends had moved on with life, or moved, or gone to jail, or
whatever. Bill was still there, every night in his own mind, poisoning
himself with 10 or 12 light beers a night, and wasting away.

All of my friends told me to leave him, that he was going nowhere

fast and that it would eventually get ugly. Looking back, I’m not sure why I
stayed other than my being so busy. I was always running around, or
studying, or working.

Long story short, Bill’s drinking became a 7 day a week habit, and he
spent his entire day recovering from his hangover just to magically come
alive again around 5 or 6 to do it again. The only time we had fun together
was when I would drink with him, and he was a great drinking buddy, but I
needed more from my husband. I wanted a child of my own, and time was
not on my side.

My first focus was getting a real job, and settling into life as an actual
adult. Being married to an alcoholic man-child is actually pretty expensive,
as well as emotionally taxing.

I think I subconsciously became a bit of a workaholic as a way to

avoid being at home, and facing my own harsh reality. It felt so much
lighter, and more tolerable being at work, mingling with my friends who
had actual goals and aspirations. It made me realize that I had been
depressed for a while, and that it wasn’t going to work out with Bill.

That’s when his outbursts started. I’m not sure why, but he became
an angry drunk out of nowhere, screaming and cursing with no way of
bringing him back down. He was belligerent, and physically threatening.
Nothing he said made any sense, and he was very accusatory, rambling
about me cheating on him and all sorts of stuff.

The way he treated me while he was blacked out was the last straw,
and I lost any and all attraction to him. The love was gone, and it surprised
me how sudden my feelings for him completely vanished. Before I was able
to hire a divorce lawyer, he told me at the last minute that his son Tim
would be staying with us for the summer.

“Absolutely not, what are you talking about?” I asked, already fed
up with him. He barely worked, and was already costing me money. There
was no way in Hades that his son would be moving into our already
cramped trailer.

“Listen, it’s just for a few months before he starts college. I owe

“You haven’t seen Tim in years, and you owe Tammy five grand in
back child support! Don’t try and act like you’re some great father to him.
Who’s gonna feed him? Who’s gonna pay for him?” I asked, getting heated.

“Cassie, I know. Tim has money, it won’t cost you anything.

Apparently he runs an online business that’s pretty profitable, and he
already has an interview for a seasonal landscaping job, so he won’t even be
here most of the time.” he said, trying to convince me to let his son crash on
our couch.

“If he has money, why can’t he just get a hotel?”

“He could, but he’s trying to save up. He wants to buy a house.
Look, I haven’t been a good father to him, we both know that, but he called
and asked me for a favor. He isn’t looking for handouts, he just needs a
place to lay his head. I’m surprised he reached out to me at all, please don’t
make me let him down again.” he said.
“Don’t put anything on me, Bill. I’m so done with you, I don’t think
you understand. I’ll let him stay here, because I can’t hold my anger
towards you against him, and if what you’re saying about him is true, then
he deserves at least that from you. But only for the summer, and as soon as
he leaves we’re getting divorced.” I said, finally letting it all out.

It had been years, years of neglect and laziness and alcoholism.

Years of doing nothing. Bill didn’t even apologize, or offer to change, or
make any attempt to keep our marriage together. He accepted what I said,
and thanked me for letting Tim stay at our house.

“Jesus Christ.” I said, lighting up a cigarette for the first time in

years. “Such a waste of time.” it drove me insane that I let him drag me
down, that he didn’t love me enough to get up off of his ass and help me
build something great. I was way too old to still be renting a trailer, and I
just needed to get away from him and start taking steps forward.

Before that, he had one more burdensome thing to unload on me,

letting his 19 year old son crash on our couch, and live in our house. And of
course, in typical Bill fashion, he let me know what was happening less
than 24 hours from the time Tim was set to arrive.
Chapter 2 - Tim

I had no idea what to expect while on the drive over there. All I knew
was I had a couple months to make money before I started college, which
would take up a big chunk of my time.

A lot of my income was passive, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t
still a lot of work that went into maintaining and growing it. I figured I
could put my foot down on the gas and work a full time job, and it would
put me way ahead of my peers going into my freshman year.

Dad was kind of a loser as far as I was concerned, and I didn’t really
care for him. He was very flaky, and was always missing weekends and
falling behind on child support. All he did besides drink was make our lives
harder, and I hated watching my mother struggle with bills while he sat in a
trailer and drank himself silly. That’s why I cut off all communication with
him when I was 14.

My mom moved across the country as soon as I graduated high

school, which left me with a little bit of a gap to fill before I could move
into the dorms. Instead of wasting thousands of dollars to rent an apartment
or extended stay, I reached out to dad to try and get a favor out of him.

I’d met Cassie when I was younger, and always found her very
likable. And honestly, at that age, I had a big crush on her. It still surprised
me that a woman as gorgeous as her ended up with my dad. I didn’t know
much about her, but I could only assume she was a mess if she was still
with him.

It wasn’t an ideal situation, but I had no problem putting myself into

uncomfortable situations for the long term good. I had no plans of spending
much time there, but it would save me so much money by not having to get
my own place.

“Oof.” I said, looking over the trailer as I pulled into the driveway. It
looked the same as before, except the stack of beer cans had become
concerningly large. “Here we go.”

“Hi Tim! How was the trip?” she asked. It was Cassie, and she was
even hotter than I remembered.

“Cassie.” I said, dropping my bags and opening my arms to receive

her. She practically jumped into my arms, and the scent of her hair and soft
breasts pressing against me spurred a visceral reaction. “How have you

“I’m doing well. You’re so tall now, and handsome!” she said,
grabbing my bicep and giving it a squeeze.

“Oh, thanks.” I said, breaking away from her eye contact. I really
underestimated how attractive she was, and it was kind of overwhelming.

“Seriously, you grew into quite a man.” she said, crossing her arms
and looking me over. I could feel my face burning red, but I liked the

“Too bad you’re married.” I said, trying to make a joke.

“Not for long. I won’t get into it, but your father and I are getting
divorced after the summer. Just so you’re aware of all the pertinent

“Oh. I’m not surprised. What was it? The drinking?” I asked, taking a
quick peek over at the trailer to make sure he wasn’t around.

“Don’t worry, he isn’t here. He’s out fishing with his friends,
probably piss drunk by now. And yeah, the drinking is a lot of it. He just
doesn’t care, he has no ambition, he’s lazy. Ew, I don’t even want to think
about him. Is this your truck?”

“Yeah, that’s my baby. I paid way too much for her, but it was my
first big purchase. I’m proud of it.” I said, looking over my prized

“You should be, it’s huge. Is it a stick shift?”

“Yeah, why? You know how to drive stick?” I asked.

“No, but I know how to ride it.” she said. That’s your dad’s car,
over there.” she pointed to a rusted out, piece of shit with a donut on the
front driver side. “He never got it fixed after his last DUI.”

“Damn. What’s wrong with him?”

“I don’t know, but he certainly turned out a hell of a man in you. How
old are you now?”

“I’m 19.”

“Wow. Very impressive.” she said. We kept smiling at each other, and
she was standing really close. I didn’t want to mistake her friendliness as
flirtation, but I also wouldn’t mind it at all if she was.

I grabbed my bags, and she led me to the front door. I couldn’t pry my
eyes from her perfect ass, which was showcased by her daisy dukes and
swayed beautifully with every step. Staying over there no longer felt like a
jail sentence, not at all. In fact, I was suddenly very excited for it.

Chapter 3 - Cassie

There aren’t any words for how I felt when I saw Tim. He was so tall,
muscular, and handsome. Even though he was only 19, he had a manly way
about him. A focus, and masculinity that he exuded.
I kind of felt embarrassed leading him inside, even though I’d cleaned
up as best I could while his dad was out gallivanting around. Tim was
confident but soft spoken, and seemed thankful to have the old couch to
sleep on.

My mind instantly went to kicking Bill out and making him sleep on
the couch, and inviting Tim to share my bed, and letting whatever happens
happen. I wasn’t prepared for getting butterflies in my stomach, or being
thankful that Bill was out of the house for the day. Realistically, he’d end up
camping there and wouldn’t be back until late the next day.

“So, tell me about yourself. I haven’t seen you in years, I hardly

recognize you.” I said, taking a seat right next to him. Something about him
made me feel all girly and submissive, and I felt magnetically drawn to his

“Well, I took a year off after high school because my dropshipping

business was doing pretty well, which, that’s most of my income now. Mom
just moved out west, so I needed a place to stay until I start college.” he

“Wow, is that how you bought your truck? From the dropshipping
business?” I asked.

“Kind of. I was landscaping full time my senior year, I did a program
where you could get high school credit for working, and I saved up every
penny. I put fifteen thousand down on it just from that. I didn’t start
dropshipping until a little later.” he said.

“And what are you going to school for?” I asked.

“Business. I want to run my own landscaping business, and I want to

know how to do everything right.” he said. I was googly eyed, and beyond
impressed by the mature, driven man before me.
“I wish your dad was more like you.” I said, the words leaving my
mouth before I could think them over.

“Cassie, you seem like such a cool person. You deserve better.”

“I know. I got my degree, I have a good job, I just need to cut him
out of my life.” I said.

“Good for you. I’m sorry he’s such a loser, trust me, I know. It sucks
having him in your life. He’s so unreliable.” he said.

“It’s gotten even worse. He used to be fun, but he’s lost that twinkle
in his eye. I don’t know how to explain it, but he’s not even really there
anymore.” I said, saying it out loud for the first time.

“So what are your plans? For after you divorce him?”

“I want to buy a house. I have decent credit, but I have no savings. I

might just get a cheap apartment and start saving up.” I said, hearing myself
say what lay ahead of me sounded daunting. “I just feel so behind. I wanted
to have kids by now, a family, and a house. I have none of it.”

“It’s not your fault, Cassie. He’s an alcoholic. You need to get away
from him, it’s toxic. You’ll be fine once you’re away from him. I promise.”
he said, wrapping his arm around me.

We moved onto brighter topics, and ended up talking long into the
night. We had an undeniable connection, and I found myself laughing so
hard I was crying on multiple occasions. I tried to ignore the attraction, and
treat him platonically, but it felt so natural flirting with him, and being

I learned a lot about Tim, and it made me jealous of whoever he

ended up with. He was so driven, and meticulous about everything. It made
perfect sense that he was already successful, and he struck me as the type
who was going to go very far in life. He was the polar opposite of his father,
and far superior.

Tim wanted to take a shower that night, so I got him a towel and
showed him to the bathroom. I was still passing time in the living room
when he finished, and came prancing out with only a towel on.

“I’m sorry. I forgot to take a change of clothes.” he said, bending

over his bag and rummaging for clothes.

“Oh, you’re fine.” I said, ogling his muscular arms and taking the
opportunity to check him out. Seeing him in a state of undress made my
heart rush.

That’s when it happened. His towel was too small, and fell off of
him while he was looking for clothes, unveiling the largest flaccid penis I’d
ever seen in my life. It all happened in a flash, but I was staring right at it as
he grabbed the towel and covered up.

“Jesus, I’m sorry Cassie.” he said, grabbing his shorts and scurrying
off out of the room. My eyes were wide, and I covered my mouth.

The first thing I thought was that he certainly didn’t get that from
his father, the second was a flood of all the dirty things I wanted to do to
him. While Tim was changing in the bathroom, I reached down between my
legs because I was so turned on, and felt how fucking wet I was.

It’s not like I wasn’t already inappropriately attracted to him, but

that sent it over the edge. He was completely shaven down there, and he
was almost comically endowed.

I wasn’t a size queen or anything, but it was so massive that I

wanted to try it out. I wanted to play with it, and make it erupt with cum. It
made me feel dirty how much it was turning me on, and how I couldn’t get
it out of my head. I’d never seen such a big penis, and it filled me with
curiosity and desire.
I was still hot and bothered when he came back out, still shirtless
but this time wearing a pair of athletic shorts. My gaze drifted down
between his legs, gawking at his impressive bulge.

We shared a brief conversation, but I was too distracted to pay

attention. I wasn’t used to someone holding such power over me, and it
made me very dreamy. He seemed so right, like he was the type to take
control and bend me over the bed, slap my ass and punish me with his huge

I went to bed in such a state of arousal that I couldn’t fall asleep

without masturbating several times. Knowing that he was right out there on
my couch, and that we were all alone in the house made it hotter, and I
came harder than I had in years thinking about my stepson’s big fat dick.
Chapter 4 - Tim

It was nice spending the day with Cassie. I hadn’t had sex in weeks,
and I couldn’t get over how charming and beautiful she was. I found her
presence intoxicating, and could stare at her all day.

She was also very friendly, and I was picking up very clear signals
that she wanted me. Besides being endlessly interested in anything I had to
say, she was quick to giggle, and exceedingly helpful. Even though I was on
a couch in a trailer, I felt like a king with the way she treated me.

Every couple hours, she’d prepare me a snack, and she was so

attentive. Her eye contact was intense, and turned me on beyond belief.
We’d sit there talking, staring into each other’s eyes, and I would have a
boner the entire time that I absolutely could not shake. It had been a long
time since a woman had that type of effect on me, and I couldn’t get enough
of it.

Eventually, my dad got dropped off in a beat up old pickup truck.

When he came in the front door, his eyes were glassy and he smelled like a
pile of assholes.

“Gross, Bill. Take a fucking shower.” Cassie said, showing him a

disdain I hadn’t seen her display before.

“I will, you fucking…” That’s when he fell, flat on his face onto the
hardwood. Cassie and I looked at each other, and burst out laughing at the
same time. His nose was busted, and he was bleeding as he stumbled into
the bathroom.
“My goodness. You need to divorce him, ASAP.” I said. His drinking
really had gotten worse since I cut him out of my life, and it kind of
surprised me. I started my landscaping job in the morning, so I wasn’t
around the house as much for the next week.

The highlights of every day was the small window of time I spent
with Cassie in the morning, and the time I spent with her after work before
bed. Dad and I didn’t really speak, and he sat out back on the porch all night
drinking beers so he didn’t really bother us.

It was obvious to both of us that we had chemistry, and a physical

attraction, and a growing connection. After a couple weeks of shameless
flirtation, and realizing that her marriage was over, and having no respect
for my dad, I decided to make a move.

I was fresh out of the shower and dad was out back drinking beer.
Cassie came into the living room and sat down next to me on the couch.
She looked so gorgeous in her low cut nightgown, and I felt the blood
flowing to my cock almost instantly.

“Cassie, you have no idea how pretty you are.” I said, placing my
hand on her inner thigh. She smirked, and looked into my eyes. I leaned
forward slowly, and when she didn’t pull away, I committed and finally got
to taste her lips.

“Mmm…” she moaned, kissing me back harder. Our lips parted and
she took my tongue into her mouth. My hand moved closer to her crotch,
and she grabbed hold of my cock from the outside of my shorts.

“You taste amazing.” I whispered. She started stroking it, and the
tension we’d been suppressing finally started to boil.

“We shouldn’t do this.” she said, still rubbing me.

“But it feels so good.”

“I know. It’s all I think about.”

“Me too.” I said, leaning in to kiss her again, and groping her chest
while kissing her deeply. I didn’t even care that my dad was out back. I
wanted her, and I had no problem taking what I wanted and claiming it as

“Tim…fuck that feels good.” she said, as I rubbed her pussy over her
panties. “We have to stop.”

“But I don’t want to.”

“Neither do I.” she whispered, closing her eyes. My cock was

throbbing hard, and it felt so good finally having her hands on it.

“I can’t wait to feel inside you.”

“If I can even take it. You’re huge.” she said, having a little chuckle.
“Remember when your towel fell off?”

“Yeah. Did you see it? I thought I covered up pretty quickly.” I said,
remembering that first night.

“Oh, I saw it.” she said, looking down at the tent I was pitching in my
tents. “And I wanna see it again.” Cassie slipped her fingers inside my
waistband, and pulled it away so that she could look at it.

“Baby…you’re killing me.” I said, flexing it to make it jump.

“Wow. That is ridiculous.” she said, grabbing me at the base and

leaning in to place a little kiss on the head.

“Please, Cassie. I want it so bad.”

“It’s making my mouth water just looking at it. You’re so much

bigger than your father.” she said, kissing it some more. Her soft, wet lips
felt amazing, and she kissed all the way from the tip down to my balls.

“That feels so good.” I said, pulling my shorts down to give her full

“Look at that.” she said, holding it by the base and making it swing
back and forth. “It’s so heavy, and thick.”

“You look so pretty right now.” I said. Cassie slid off of the couch,
getting down on her knees in front of me. That’s when the back door swung
open, and my father came walking out into the living room. He paused
when he saw us, and it felt like he was staring at my cock.

“Dude, we’re busy. Get out of here.” I said. Cassie released my cock
and stood up, refusing to make eye contact with him.

“What in the hell is this?” he asked, taking a wobbly step forward. I

pulled my shorts back up, but was still hard and pitching a massive tent.

“Boy, you better get out of my house before I whip your ass.” he said,
pointing at the door. I took one step forward, and launched my right hand
into his jaw. He was out cold, and I dragged him by his feet into his
bedroom and closed the door. Cassie was still standing there when I came

“Where were we?” I asked. She smiled, and walked over to me,
dropping down on her knees and pulling down my pants.

“I think we were right here.” she said, looking up at me with a

mouthful of cock.
Chapter 6 - Cassie
Bill’s name wasn’t even on the rental agreement, so I don’t know
where he got off trying to kick Tim out, but threatening him with physical
violence proved to be a poor decision.
I’d been a little hesitant when we first started kissing, but I kind of
lost my mind for his cock when he started touching me down there. Once
Bill was unconscious, I wanted to reward Tim for being so good to me by
sucking the soul out of his cock.

I was already smitten with Tim, so it was a long time coming when I
finally wrapped my lips around his meaty manhood. From the moment he
arrived, I found myself drawn to him in a powerful way.

“You have the best lips.” he said, looking down at me and running his
fingers through my hair. It had been a long time since I got down on my
knees for someone, and his huge dick brought out a depraved side of me.

“Guck! Guck!” I stared up at him submissively, forcing my throat to

swallow as much of his thick cock as possible.

“Cassie, God damn. Where have you been all my life?” he asked,
taking hold of my hair and shoving my throat down onto him. I willingly
choked myself for him, repeatedly plunging it deeper and activating my gag

“It’s so big.” I smiled, and wiped the saliva from my chin.

“Take this off. I want to see you.” he said, reaching down to assist in
removing my nightgown.

“We should go to the bedroom.”

“Yeah. We should.” he said, offering me his hand. He hoisted me into

the air, and carried me romantically across the threshold of my room,
stepping over his unconscious father before tossing me onto the bed and
jumping in after me.

“This is so naughty. I love it.” I said, grinning ear to ear. It had been a
while since something went my way, and I couldn’t have been more
thankful for his arrival, even if it was just for a good fuck. I’d been missing
that too.

“In your marital bed.” he said, sliding my panties down my thighs.

“With your husband’s son.”

“My young bull.” I said, giggling.

“You better watch out. This young bull will steal you away, and breed
you like his little whore.” he said, resting his nose against mine and lining
up his cockhead without even touching it.

“Please do.” I whispered back. We started kissing at the same time he

entered me, shoving my wet pussy full of more hard dick than I’d ever

“Oh my God, yes. This is what I’ve been wanting.” he grunted,

ravaging me and impaling me beneath him.

“It’s so big, Tim.”

“And you’re so little. You haven’t had a big dick inside you before,
have you?” he asked, bottoming out hard, causing spontaneous, high
pitched squeals to exit me.

“No.” I said, staring down between my own legs and watching his
massive member disappear inside me. It was so big, watching him take me
turned me on and made me want to take it harder.

“You feel so good, Cassie. I need this all the time. I want to keep it.”
he said, holding me by the ankles while he fed me his dick. He was hitting
spots I never imagined, and I completely forgot that his father was still in
the room, laying on the floor.

“Oh, Tim. Don’t stop.”

“I won’t. I’m never gonna stop fucking you.” he said, kissing my
soles and sucking my toes. It was so exhilarating being with someone new,
someone young and virile, and attractive.

“Tim…your balls.” I moaned, my eyes rolling back as I

uncontrollably squirted all over his big dick. “Oh my God.”

“Good girl, I like that. You can squirt all over my cock anytime you
want, mom.” he said, whispering directly into my ear. His father wasn’t
kinky at all, and refused to engage in even the most vanilla of roleplays.

“Mommy loves your cock, son. It’s so much bigger than your
father’s.” I whispered back, lying helplessly beneath him as his powerful
hips laid claim to me. I’d forgotten how intense that a younger man’s libido
could be, and how good it felt to be fucked that hard.

“Yeah? You like taking your son’s cock?”


“Do you want me to breed you mommy? Do you want to have my


“Yes! Fuck, Tim. I’m cumming!” I called out, brought easily to the
edge by our dirty exchange. It was so sexy, so freeing being with someone
you really connect with. I was seeing stars and smiling with euphoria as I
came harder than ever.

“Good girl, cum for me.” he continued pumping throughout my

climax, slowing down at the perfect time and switching over to worshiping
my breasts while giving me a chance to catch my breath.

“My goodness. That was so hot.”

“Yeah it was. I love watching you cum.” he said, squeezing my breast

and sucking on my nipple.
“Wow. I needed this.”

“Turn around. I’ll show you what you need.” he said, directing me to
the next position. I got on my hands and knees in front of him, unsure if I
had the stamina to keep up with him.

“Oh, wow. Oh my God Tim.” I said, my eyes bulging as he entered

me from behind. It felt enormous from that angle, and I could hardly
believe I was taking him. Feeling his hot flesh inside me brought me back
to life, and I dug my fingers into the sheets as he slammed his hips against
my ass.

“You look so good, Cassie.” he said, gripping my hips with both

hands and pumping away. I couldn’t believe his stamina, and quickly settled
into being relentlessly railed.

“I love it. Mommy loves your cock.” I said, in so much pleasure that
tears were streaming down my face. If someone can fuck you so good that
you fall in love with them, this what that fucking for me.

“I’m gonna cum, mom. I’m gonna cum in your pussy.” he said, his
voice stressed as he pressed it deep and pulled me against him.

“Yes. Do it baby, get me pregnant.” I said, half playing a role, and

half completely serious. His cock was so big that it pressed against my
walls, stretching me so that it could fit. When it started pulsing, I could feel

“Ugh! Ugh! Fuck…” he seized on top of me, pumping me full of his

hot sticky cum. I was so turned on by feeling him cum that I came with
him, and by the time it was over, we were in each other’s arms, making out
in silence while cum dripped out of me.

His father never woke up, or if he did, was too scared and simply
pretended to be asleep. Things moved very quickly after that, to the point
that it felt like a fairytale. Tim signed a lease for an apartment, and told me
that I was moving in with him because I was his now.

I couldn’t resist him, and did as I was told. He got things moving with
the divorce lawyer, and by the time we moved in, I already had the feeling I
was pregnant. He asked me to be his girlfriend, and I couldn’t believe how
much of a difference I noticed in myself.

Right away, I started working out again, and laughing, and feeling
like myself. The divorce moved quickly, and Bill got kicked out of the
trailer. Tim and I split the rent like adults, and it actually saved him money
from what he was going to spend on the dorms.

The divorce was quick and painless, and I was officially pregnant by
the day it became official. When I asked Tim about our age difference, he
told me that he only wanted two. So as long as I was willing to pop them
out back to back, then I was perfect for him.

I would have done anything for him, including giving him free use of
my body whenever he wanted it. If he wanted babies, that’s what I would
give him.

That was a year ago, and that second baby is on its way.
She Wants Way Older (Step-Grandpa/SGrandDaughter) - Taboo

Volume 22

Chapter 1 - Larry

I’d never been more proud of my son Eric than when he married
Alicia. They were so in love, and she was so far out of his league, and I was
just really happy for him. He’d been through a lot in life, and I was glad to
see him succeed.

Alicia was a wonderful woman, sweet as can be, and pretty as a

peach. My son was a lucky man, and I knew he understood the
responsibility he was taking on. As much as I tried to simply enjoy the
reception, I kept noticing Alicia’s daughter Jessa making eyes at me from
across the room.

She was only 18 years old, while I was coming up fast on 60. I can’t
deny that I found her attractive, and that might be putting it lightly. Jessa
was eye-catching, and even at my age, she brought out a lustful side of me.

We’d only just met at the wedding, but I was smitten as soon as I laid
my eyes on her. She was long and supple, with bright eyes and a gorgeous
smile. Her body was tight and awakened me in a primal way.

There wasn’t much to it, just a handshake and a quick hello, but
something about the interaction stuck with me. She stared into my eyes, and
bit her lip in the most provocative way. She was the most desirable girl in
the room and she knew it, and for some reason she kept looking over at me.

I tried to think platonic thoughts, but all I could picture was her down
on her knees, looking up at me with a mouthful of cock. It was wrong for
me to think about her like that, especially considering that the moment her
mother married my son, she became my step granddaughter. But my body
didn’t seem to care, and I had to sneakily adjust myself to hide my

I’d just returned from the bar with a whiskey on the rocks, and was
people-watching by myself when she came up and sat down next to me.

“Hi Larry. I’m Alicia’s daughter, Jessa. We met earlier.” she said,
cheerful and full of pep.

“I remember dear, how are you?” I asked, admiring her youthful


“I’m doing well, I was just a little lonely and saw you sitting over
here by yourself. I figured you wouldn’t mind if I joined you.” she said.

“Well, I’m honored to have such a pretty young thing to keep me

company.” I said, unable to resist a little harmless flirting. She smiled, and
maintained strong eye contact.

“You’re sweet. Was your wife not able to make it?” she asked.

“Ugh, no. She passed away.”

“Oh. I’m so sorry.” she said, placing her hand over her chest.

“It’s okay, dear. It was a long time ago.” I said, trying to remind
myself that she was technically my step granddaughter.

“So we’re both single.” she said, giggling playfully and causing the
thought to slip from my mind.

“I guess so.”

“We should sneak off and do something naughty.” she said, placing
her hand on my thigh under the table. I took a quick look around to see if
anyone was looking before responding.

“What’d you have in mind?” I asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. Is it true that you’ll be staying over at our house
tonight?” she asked. I hadn’t even thought about it, but she lived with her
mom, which meant she’d be there too.

“That’s right. I’m staying in the guest room.” I said.

“That’s right across the hall from my bedroom.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, and I hate sleeping alone. Maybe after my parents go to bed, I

can sneak over to yours so we can cuddle.” she said, started to massage my
thigh. Jessa was coming on strong, and I wasn’t used to such a younger
woman being so forward with me.

“I don’t think my son, or your mother would approve of that.” I said,

forcing an awkward smile. I could feel myself entering quicksand, and my
dick was getting harder by the second. It had been a long time since I’d had
a shot with a girl as young and beautiful as Jessa.

“No, they wouldn’t. That’s why we wouldn’t tell them.” she said.
“Besides, I’m not talking about doing anything inappropriate. You’re my
grandpa now, we should be allowed to snuggle together naked.”

“Oh, so we’re gonna be naked cuddling now, huh?” I asked, my dick

growing fully erect. There were people huddled up all over the place, but it
felt like her and I were alone in our own little world.

“Of course. I wouldn’t want to wear clothes with my sexy grandpa.”

“Step Grandpa.” I said, correcting her.

“Whatever. I’m gonna be your favorite. You’re gonna spoil me, and
I’m gonna spoil you.” she said.

“How so?” I asked, growing increasingly interested in what she had

to say.

“Well, if you get me what I want, then I’ll do anything.” she said,
speaking slowly and putting emphasis on the word anything.

“You’re a naughty little thing.” I said, freely scanning her cleavage.

Her skin was soft and fair, and I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into her.

“I am, but don’t tell anyone. It can be our little secret.” she said,
grinning like the devil. She was going to be a handful, and a lot of fun, I
could already tell. Girls like her usually came with their fair share of
trouble, and I couldn’t help considering all the possible ramifications if
anything were to actually happen with us.

“Hey you two, I was looking for you Jess. I want to dance with you.”
Alicia said, appearing out of nowhere.

“Hi mommy. I was just talking to Grandpa Larry.” she said, sliding
her hand off of my thigh and standing to hug her mother.

“I’m sorry to steal her away.” Alicia said.

“She’s yours, I’m just thankful she graced me with her presence.” I
said, choosing not to stand because of the visceral reaction I was having to
her daughter. I watched as the two women walked away, shaking my head
at what had taken place.

In a few hours, we’d all be back at the house for the night. Alicia and
my son were drinking pretty heavily, and would be passed out hard as soon
as they made it to their bedroom. I was on my first whiskey, and decided to
make it my last just in case Jessa was as serious about seducing me as she
The rest of the night went well, and Jessa stayed mostly occupied
with her mother and other guests. She joined her parents in an Uber home,
and I drove myself. I had a flight the next day at five in the afternoon, but
would be staying at my son’s until then. I hoped and prayed throughout the
entire drive that things would get interesting that night.
Chapter 2 - Jessa

Eric was all the way passed out for the entire ride, and mom wasn’t
far behind him. The driver was a nice older woman, and I was just praying
that neither of them threw up in her car.

Larry hadn’t yet arrived when the Uber dropped us off, so I had to
heavily assist both of them in staying on their feet and getting to their
bedroom. I thanked our driver profusely, and then ran to my bedroom so I
could shower before he got there.

I was still drying off when I heard knocking at the front door. They
weren’t going to get it, and it was obviously Larry, so I went to let him in
wearing only a towel.

“Hey.” I said, smiling as I opened the door. I loved how tall and
handsome he was, and how sharply he dressed at the wedding.

“Oh, wow. Hey there nurse.” he said, winking.

“Mom and Eric are passed out in their room.” I said, closing the door
behind him.

“Well, I like your outfit. It could do without the towel though.”

“Don’t worry, I plan on unveiling the birthday suit in just a minute. I

wanted to get showered up for you.” I said, loving how confident and
aggressive he was. Guys my age had none of his charm or rugged

“Baby, I’d eat you whole even if you were covered in mud.” he said,
following behind me as I led him to his room.

“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be in a little while.” I said, strolling

back across the hall to give him a minute to settle in.
I’d had a thing for much older men for a while, but had never found
the right person. I remember seeing pictures of Eric’s dad on social media
and getting the biggest lady boner. He was exactly my type, the older daddy
that I’d always dreamed of.

When I found out that he was going to stay the night with us after the
wedding, I knew that I had to seduce him. Once we met face to face, it
came very naturally. The attraction was mutual, and we had a great
chemistry. I’d been planning the whole thing for months, and everything
was falling perfectly into place.

It turned me on how into it he was. My biggest fear was that he just

wasn’t into it, or found it inappropriate. He seemed like as big of a pervert
as me, and I could tell right away that we’d get along just fine. I loved the
way he looked at me, I could practically feel his desire in his stare.

The waiting was over, I was finally going to indulge my ultimate

fantasy. It was even hotter because he was now my step grandpa, which was
naughty and forbidden in and of itself. There was also a forty year age gap
between us, and the risk of getting caught. No one would approve of our
tryst, so we’d have to keep it between us.
Chapter 3 - Larry

The first thing I did was check to make sure that Eric and Alicia were
really asleep, and there was no question about it. The reality of the situation
was hitting home, and I went to the bathroom to look at myself in the

Is this really happening? You should put your foot down, and tell her
no, and go to sleep, and leave on your flight tomorrow with a clear
conscience knowing you didn’t cross any forbidden lines.

But she’s the hottest piece of ass I’ve seen in decades. A woman hasn’t
made me hard in my pants like that in years, and I don’t have it in me to tell
her no. I need it, and I’ll regret it every day if I go home without wearing
her out.

There was no use in trying to fight it. She had me from the moment
she looked into my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I stripped down to my underwear, turned off the light, and got into
bed. There was still plenty of ambient light in the room, and I waited
patiently to see if she’d really show up. It didn’t take long, and sure enough,
Jessa appeared in my doorway wearing a skimpy little pair of thong
underwear with a lacy bra.

“I’m gonna lock it.” she said, closing my door behind her and
clicking the lock into place before prancing up to the edge of my bed.

“You look incredible.” I said.

“You like?” she asked, biting her finger and giving me a full 360. Her
ass was a perfect little bubble, and I could feel my arousal kicking on as she
showed off her supple flesh.

“More than like. I think I’m in love.” I said, causing her to smile
“I think I love you too. Can I cuddle with you?” she asked.

“Of course.” I said, opening the blanket so she could crawl in. Jessa
backed her ass right up into my crotch, wiggling around to get comfortable.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

“I’ve always had a thing for much older men, but you’re going to be
my first.”

“Your first older man?”

“No. My first. I’m a virgin.”

“You are not.” I said, taken back by her confession.

“Yes I am. I’ve been saving myself for someone special. Do you
wanna see my hymen?” she asked. I nodded, and she reached under the
covers and removed her thong, tossing it against my face playfully before
she got out from under the covers, spread her legs, and then spread her lips
so I could see.

“Oh, wow. That’s beautiful.” I said, completely in awe of the gift she
was offering me. Sure enough, her hymen was fully intact and she wanted
me to take it.

“Larry? Is it okay if I call you daddy?” she asked, rubbing herself and
flashing her doe eyes.

“Of course, sweetheart.” I said, reaching down to take hold of my

erection. My heart was racing, and I crawled on top of her to take a closer
look. She was so wet that it was shiny, and I leaned in to inhale her scent.
“So pretty.”
“Will you kiss it?” she asked, her voice soft and hesitant.

“You want daddy to kiss your pretty little pussy?” I asked, looking
into her eyes.

“Yes, daddy. I want you to make me feel good.”

“You’re such a good girl. Of course I’ll kiss on it for you.” I said,
leaning in to taste her. It felt surreal, burying my face into a clean shaven,
19 year old virgin pussy. She tasted incredible, and I lost myself in the act
of worshiping her ripe flesh.

“Oh my God, daddy. Your mouth is amazing.” she moaned, her

sensual vocal tone spurred me on. Jessa was so sweet and tiny, and I held
her hips in place with both hands while tonguing her swollen clit.

“Mmm…so good.”

“You’re so good.” she said, grinding against me. She placed her hands
on the back of my head, pressing my face into her. She tasted sweeter than
dessert, and was very reactive to my touch.

“I can’t wait to feel your virgin pussy squeezing my dick.” I said,

continuing to lick her clit until she was seizing beneath me, calling out so
loud that I thought she would wake them.

“Oh, yes! Fuck, daddy. I’m cumming, fuck. You’re making me cum.”
she writhed around in pleasure, a sight so arousing that I removed my
underwear and climbed on top of her with my mouth still covered in her

“I have to fuck you.” I said, leaning in to kiss her. She kissed me back
hungrily, greedily licking her own wetness of my lips and tongue. Jessa
reached down and took hold of my cock. She paused, and looked down
between us.
“Oh my God, daddy!” she practically squealed, covering her mouth
and letting out a hearty chuckle.


“You’re fucking huge. Holy shit. I didn’t know you had a 10 inch
dick.” she said, truly in awe of my endowment. I smiled with pride, and
held it by the base to show it off to her.

“You like it?” I asked, reveling in her reaction. She nodded, still
unable to wipe the shit eating grin from her face. Her eyes remained fixed
in place, admiring it with reverence.

“Daddy. I love it. I love your cock.” she said, pushing me back and
getting on her hands and knees in front of me. She took hold of it and
looked up at me. “Please, daddy. Please let me suck it.”

She kissed it with her soft, wet lips, up and down my shaft until she
was stroking me and sucking my balls. It had been years and years since I’d
had a blowjob, and much longer since I received one like this.

“Mmm…” she moaned, eagerly throating me and clearly enjoying

herself. She used her viscous spit as lube, and used her hands and mouth in
perfect unison.

“You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth.” I said, thrusting

against her as she bobbed her head. “You better let me fuck you before you
make me cum.”

“Good idea. I want it in me.” she said, grinning and falling onto her

“You’re awfully good at that for a virgin.” I said, taking the brief
pause in action to try and regain some stamina. My cock was throbbing
with arousal, and she could have made me cum at any moment.
“Well, you can give a couple guys head and still be a virgin.” she

“This is so bad. I can’t believe we’re really doing this.” I said, getting
into the missionary position. Jessa held her legs apart, making eye contact
while submitting herself to me.

“It’s yours daddy. Take it.”

“Oh, I will, sweetheart.” I said, laying my hard cock against her

opening. “I’ll try to be gentle at first.”

“Don’t be. I want you to take it.” she said, giving me a devious glare.
Chapter 4 - Jessa

It might sound fucked up to some people, but I couldn’t think of a

better way of losing my virginity than on my mother’s wedding night, in the
guest room, with my 59 year old step grandfather.

His body was impressively muscled for his age, and he was blessed
with a horsecock that had no problems getting or staying hard. It felt like a
fantasy coming true, and when I told him to take it, he did exactly that.

“Ugh!” I squealed as he placed one hand around my throat, squeezing

as he forced his cock through my hymen. “Ah!”

“Be quiet. Just take it.” he said, his voice changing from earlier.
“Good girl, take daddy’s dick.”

“Ugh! Fuck.” I thrashed beneath him, fighting for breath and gasping
to make noise. His girth made me struggle to take him even though I was
sopping wet.

“You’re so tight, baby. My little virgin slut.” he said, destroying my

hymen with his massive pole. “That’s a good girl, let your pussy swallow
that daddy dick.”

“Ugh.” he was much stronger than me, and stared down between us
watching himself disappear inside me. I was bleeding a little, but settled
quickly into his grinding.

“Oh my God. I love it.” he said, placing his hand over my mouth to
keep my quiet as he forced his hips against me. It was so big that he
stretched my walls, hitting spots that made me see stars when he bottomed

“Ugh! Ugh!” my muted squeals were the only sounds that escaped, as
I lay helpless beneath him while he aggressively took my virginity.
“Such a perfect little pussy. You’re mine now, baby. You’ll always be
mine.” he whispered into my ear, groping my breasts and kissing my neck
while he fucked me. It wasn’t long before I felt myself squirt all over his
cock, and he pulled it out to watch me gush.

“Oh my gosh.” I said, looking down at the mess as he stuffed himself

back inside and did it again. It was just so massive, every stroke was
making me squirt and the orgasms came one after another.

“Yeah, you like cumming for daddy’s dick, don’t you baby?” he
asked, continuing to fuck me harder and harder. He lengthened his thrusts,
going faster until our bodies were making slapping sounds together.

“I love your dick, daddy. I love it.” I called out for him the moment
he took his hand off my mouth, screaming loudly in unhinged pleasure. He
covered my mouth right away, using his other hand to squeeze my breast
while he sucked on my nipple.

He told me to shut up, then flipped me over onto my stomach and

started eating my ass. I was in another world, more aroused than I knew
possible and hyper orgasmic. He was an old pervert who knew exactly what
he wanted, and had no problem letting his dirty side loose for a chance to
take my virginity and give me the experience of a lifetime.

His tongue made me writhe in pleasure, and he seemed to be enjoying

it as much as I was. He fucked my asshole with the tip of his tongue,
practically making out with my forbidden hole before climbing on top of
me and entering me from behind.

“Oh wow. That feels perfect.” I said, feeling him rearrange my

insides. Being fucked by Larry was like being impaled by a python, and he
gripped both of my hips and pulled me against him while thrusting. “Ugh!
“You’re gonna make me cum, Jessa.” he said, bouncing me on his
dick like a fucktoy. He grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling it and forcing
me to look back at him while he fucked me.

“Please cum in my pussy, daddy. Please. I want it in me.” I said,

begging him to give up all of his ambitions and do the unthinkable.

“Jessa, baby. Fuck.” he stared into my eyes as he climaxed, leaving

it in and fucking me hard as his hard cock pulsed inside me, pumping full of
his hot sticky cum. It was a moment of pure lust and intensity, and we
collapsed onto my bed afterwards and finally got around to those cuddles
we promised each other.

We did it two more times that night, with Larry finishing inside me
each time. In between sessions we explored each other’s bodies and kissed,
giving each other massages and doing naughty things together. I couldn’t
get enough of him, and I’m pretty sure the feeling was mutual.

By the third time we did it, we were looking into each other’s eyes
and saying I love you openly. I never expected such an amazing connection
with my first partner, or to have my ultimate fantasy realized so quickly.

I finally went back to my bedroom, and slept in late the following

morning. We hung out a little as a family, with Larry and I exchanging
knowing glances from time to time. When mom and Eric went out for
lunch, we went to my room and fucked each others brains out.

He left later that day, but he took down my phone number and
promised we would stay in touch. We did, and he even made a secret trip
back down to see me, where he stayed in a hotel so I could sneak over for
more naughty fun.

It wasn’t until months later that I discovered I was pregnant. I gave

him virginity, and now I’m going to give him a baby. We’ve been
discussing it in depth, and he’s going to move me in with him by the end of
the month. I’m very excited, and completely in love. I always wanted a
much older man, and now I was going to spend my life with him.
An Act of Jealousy (SDad/SD) - Taboo Volume 23

Chapter 1 - Molly

My summer was going great, and I spent most of my time lounging

out back by the pool. I usually had a couple of friends over, and my mom
was finally letting me invite boys over when she wasn’t home.

The only thing that was throwing off my vibe was Tiffany. I didn’t
like her, and never had, but we ran in very similar friend groups and
somehow she managed to start coming over to use my pool.

Her and I rarely spoke, but once Jessica invited her over to my pool,
she started being a little kiss ass and trying to be all nice to me out of
nowhere. My disdain for Tiffany started a year prior, when she made out
with my then boyfriend Steven even though she knew we were dating.

It was the start of a bitter rivalry, and I always hoped that something
terrible would happen to her. I didn’t want to be killed or anything, but
paralyzed by a train or something similar would suffice.
Tiffany kept coming over, and it was starting to piss me off. I told
Jessica not to invite her again, but she had a special way of including
herself in other people’s plans, probably because no one ever invited her to
do anything.

Even with her unwanted presence, I was so happy to finally have the
pool installed, and to have my house be the hangout spot for all of my
friends over the summer.

My stepdad Evan cooked on the grill almost every night after he’d
finished working upstairs. He was a fantastic cook, and he fed all of my
friends like we were kings and queens. Everyone liked him because he was
funny, and easy to talk to. My friends liked him because he was tall,
muscular, and handsome.

Not that I can exclude myself from that. I tried not to have feelings
for him, as it made no sense and was completely off limits, but I couldn’t
help it. There was no man who I’d have rather dated than my own stepdad,
and the more time I spent around him the more I fell in love with him. That
was a secret of course, and I didn’t even tell most of my friends about my
forbidden lust.

The only person who knew was my mom. That may sound extra
weird, but we told each other everything and I had to get it off my chest so I
confessed it to her. She laughed it off, and found it adorable.

“It’s not as unusual as you’d think, baby. He’s very handsome, and
lots of girls your age develop crushes on older men. I know I did.” she said.

“But my stepdad?”

“He isn’t your real father. He’s someone you look up to, he’s the
strongest male authority figure in your life. I can’t blame you, Molly, I
obviously fell for him too.” she said.
“So it doesn’t bother you?” I asked.

“Not at all.”

“Please don’t tell him.” I said, suddenly worried.

“I won’t, but I think he’d find it rather flattering.” she said, giving me
a wink. “But your secret is safe with me. Don’t worry.”
Chapter 2 - Evan
It was a blast having Molly and her friends hanging out around the
house during the summer. It kept them out of trouble, or at least within an
eyeshot, and being around all of those gorgeous younger women in bikinis
kept me feeling young.

I’ll admit to checking out their tight little asses, and even flirting
harmlessly with her friends from time to time. It’s not like I actually
planned for anything inappropriate to happen.

It was getting late on a Saturday night, and my wife Alicia had

already gone to bed for the night. Molly and a couple of her friends were
still hanging around out back, listening to music and staying up late.

I’d just finished pissing, and as I opened the bathroom door, one of
Molly’s friends appeared and shoved me back inside, closing the door
behind her and dropping to her knees with a mischievous grin.

“I won’t tell anyone, Mr. Thompson. I promise.” she said,

aggressively lacing her fingers inside my waistband. I’d spoken to the girl a
few times before, but couldn’t even remember her name.

“We can’t do this.” I said, grabbing my waistband to stop her. The girl
was very pretty, and looked up at me with pleading eyes.

“Please…I really want to.” she said, grabbing a handful of my junk

from the outside of my trunks. It felt amazing, and the blood started flowing
immediately. I looked into her eyes, and didn’t stop her from proceeding to
pull down my trunks.

“Oh my God.” I said, eyes bulging as she impaled her throat on my

cock. I could feel myself growing erect in her mouth as she eagerly sucked
my cock.

“Mmm…” she moaned, smiling around a mouthful of my dick. It felt

so good, and she was so hot, but it felt like a very careless thing. My
stepdaughter could walk in on us, or any of her other friends.

“That’s so good.” I whispered, turning on the fan to try and drone out
the sloppy sounds of her mouth and throat. My head was spinning, it all
happened so fast and she was sucking the soul of my dick.

“Thanks daddy.” she said, lifting my cock and burying her face in my

“Fuck.” I grunted, putting both of my palms on the counter of the

sink. The girl looked up at me with wide, bright eyes as she jerked and
sucked in perfect unison. “What’s your name again?”

“Tiffany.” she said, grinning. The name sounded familiar, like maybe
I’d heard Molly talk about her before, but it didn’t really ring a bell.

“Tiffany, that’s right. You’re really cute, Tiffany.” I said, running my

fingers through her hair. I couldn’t believe that an 18 year old girl was
sucking my dick, and my brain was short circuiting well past the point of
being able to make rational decisions.

A few moments later, I told her that I was going to cum, and she
jerked me off into her wide open mouth, letting my semen pool up on her
tongue until she shook out the last drop.

“Jesus Christ.” I said, taking a deep breath. Tiffany casually

swallowed the entire load, and then stood back up.

“Thank you, daddy. We should do that again sometime.”

“Yeah. Definitely.” I said. She left the bathroom, and I closed the door
and hopped in the shower. I replayed the incident several times over in my
head, and still couldn’t believe it. It felt surreal, like something out of a
While it was definitely out of the blue, I definitely enjoyed it and
didn’t think too much more of it. I didn’t see her again for the next couple
days, and I kind of wrote it off as a one time thing and pushed it out of my
Chapter 3 - Molly

It was a day like any other, and I was having a couple friends over
later that night. I’d been kind of talking to this guy named Brett, and he was
supposed to be coming over for the first time so I was really excited.

While I was still in the process of making plans, Jessica informed me

that we needed to talk immediately, and that she was on her way. The only
detail she would give me is that it involved Tiffany, which was enough to
get my interest.

I could tell how serious she was from the moment I let her in. We
went out back by the pool so that we could be alone, and that’s when she
told me.

“Okay, so remember that night Tiffany came over last week?” she

“You mean when she stayed until like 11, and then just randomly left
without saying anything? Yeah, I remember.” I said, rolling my eyes as I
recalled her last visit.

“Well, I think she hooked up with your dad before she left. That’s
what she’s been telling everyone.” Jessica said, looking at me with deadly
serious eyes.

“What? How? No. That didn’t happen.” I said, my brain struggling to

process the words that left her mouth.

“Remember when she disappeared for a while? And then we heard

her car pulling away?” she asked, forcing me to ponder that night’s events.
“She said your dad was in the bathroom, and she walked in and locked the
door, and then she said that he let her blow him, and that she swallowed his
“There’s no way, Jess. That…that didn’t happen.” I said, trying my
best to appear calm and collect when all I wanted to do was scream. That
stupid whore, I knew I should have kicked her out of my house the first
time I saw her.

“I just wanted to let you know what she’s saying.”

“Did you talk to her?” I asked.

“Yeah. I heard it from Liz, and I called Jessica right away to ask her
what had happened. She didn’t deny it. She said he had a really big dick,
and that she was going to fuck him next time she came over.” she said. My
heart was already racing, but that made me see red.

“Tell her to come over right now! I’m gonna beat that whore’s ass!” I
screamed, losing my cool in a serious way.


“Call her right now!” I screamed. It was so emotional that it

overwhelmed me, and I ran inside and went straight to my room and started
crying. It made me feel sick to my stomach, imagining Tiffany on her knees
in front of Evan. I kept telling myself it wasn’t true, but the whole story
checked out.

I’d actually noticed them talking a few times, and it made me feel
angry but I had decided to let it go. I knew that she was common street
trash, but even for her, that was going too far.

It took about 30 minutes of screaming and crying into a pillow to feel

somewhat normal again, and I asked Jessica to leave so I could figure out
what was happening. There were so many thoughts swirling around my
head that I didn’t know what to do.
Mom was already at work, but Evan was upstairs in his study,
working from his computer. As much as I wanted to pretend it wasn’t true,
and make it all go away, I had to find out if she was lying or telling the
truth. I had to talk to Evan.

I was running on a mixture of anger, jealousy, and adrenaline when I

banged on his door and stormed into his study.

“Molly? What’s up?” he asked, startled by my aggressive entrance. I

felt tears welling up in my eyes before I even said a word.

“Did you?” I asked, feeling my face tighten up with emotion.

“Did I do what?” he asked, his voice full of concern as he approached

me. I backed away from him, unwilling to accept his hug.

“Did you let Tiffany give you a blowjob?” I asked, sobbing as I asked
the question. His face fell, and he cocked his head to the side. “Why,
daddy? Why would you let her do that?”

“Baby, it just sort of happened. She was really aggressive.” he said,

trying again to reach out for me.

“I hate her, daddy. I hate her so much. Why her? If you wanted your
dick sucked that badly, you could have just asked me. You know I’d do
anything for you.” I said, speaking way too fast and hyperventilating.

“Molly, I’m sorry.” he said, finally grabbing a hold of me and pulling

me into him. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Well you did.” I said, squeezing his muscular torso and burying my
face in his chest.

“Shh…it’s okay sweetheart.” he said, kissing my forehead and wiping

away my tears. “I didn’t know you hated her, baby. I promise I won’t let it
happen again.”
“It’s not that, daddy.” I said, sniffling like crazy. He handed me a
tissue, and I blew my nose while continuing to cry. It felt like my whole
world had come crashing down onto me.

“What is it, sweetheart?”

“It just makes me really angry, and jealous.” I said.

“Jealous?” he asked.

“Yes, daddy. You should have come to me! Not her.”

“Molly, I didn’t go to your friend and ask her to blow me. She
cornered me in the bathroom, and pretty much force fed herself my dick.”
he said. Hearing the details only made me feel ill, and full of anger.

“Still, you should have pushed her away and made her stop. It’s not
fair that fucking Tiffany of all people got to suck your dick, and you’re my
stepdad, and I don’t even get to do that.” I said, realizing I may have said a
little too much.

“Wait. Molly, I don’t understand. You’re not mad because of what I

did, you’re mad because it was her instead of you?” he asked, furrowing his

“Yes, daddy. Everyone knows I have a crush on you, even mom. And
then you go and hook up with the person I hate the most right in my face.” I
said, feeling a warm tear stream down my cheek. The whole thing was
turning embarrassing, and I was starting to wish I never found out about it.

“I didn’t know, Molly. Come here, baby. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll
never do anything like that again, I promise.” he said, wrapping me in his
muscular arms for another hug. It always felt good when we embraced, and
I wished I could stay there forever.
Chapter 4 - Evan

Alicia knew what had happened with me and Tiffany right away, but I
didn’t expect it to get back to Molly. I called her after Molly’s little blowup.
At the time that the oral occurred, it seemed like the girl was just horny, and
in need of giving a random blowjob. Apparently it was more than that.

Alicia told me all about the history between Molly and Tiffany, and
let me know that I was going to have to do something to make it up to

“She told me she had a crush on me, and that you were aware of it.” I
said, trying to make sense of it all. Alicia smiled, and nodded.

“Yeah. She’s been smitten with you for quite some time.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.

“Because I told her that I wouldn’t tell you. I thought it was cute.” she

“Well, I wish I would have known.” I said.

“Well, now you do.”

“Should I let her blow me? I don’t understand the protocol here.”

“If you let her blow you, then you’re just going to have done the same
thing with her that you did with Tiffany. Molly is going to want more. She’s
gonna want you to make her feel special. She’s going to want you to go all
the way with you.” she said.

“Alright.” I said, pondering my predicament. “And you’re okay with

“You know I don’t care, baby. Just make things right with Molly.” she

I made myself a hot bath, something I hadn’t done in a while. There

was a lot to think about, and I wanted to figure out how I was going to
make it up to her.

Once I was soaking in the hot water, I felt my mind start to let go and
relax. Thoughts of my stepdaughter entered my mind, and I could hear my
pulse under the water as I thought about the encounter I had with Tiffany,
only if it had happened with Molly instead.

The level of arousal I experienced was shocking, and I had to pull

myself out of the fantasy several times because it was so intense. I’d always
thought Molly was a babe, but I didn’t really think about it like that because
she’s my stepdaughter.

It turned me on so much knowing that she already had a thing for me,
and that it was serious enough that she told her mother about it. My cock
was throbbing hard, but I forced myself not to masturbate, and continued
following my thoughts.

As soon as I let myself view her in that way, it was like opening the
floodgates of attraction. She really did look like a spitting image of her
mother at the same age, and the possibility of laying her down and making
love to her was a completely different level of arousal than what I was used

It made me happy that Tiffany sucked me off, because I don’t know if

it would have come up otherwise. She was a pretty girl, in the same way
that all 19 year olds in bikinis are attractive, but she was just another face in
the crowd as far as I was concerned. I’d have picked Molly over her 6 days
a week, and twice on Sunday.

The pressure between my legs became too much, and I could hardly
fight my growing urge to relieve it. I thought about Molly’s toned legs,
tanned from long days spent out by the pool. I thought about the perfect
bubble shape of her tight little ass, and of how small her waist was.

Knowing she was mine for the taking woke up my inner animal, and I
didn’t even use soap before toweling off. I couldn’t wait a second longer, or
stop myself from going to her. It was more than wanting, it felt like a primal
need. It killed me that she thought for even one second that I didn’t put her
above all else, especially her forgettable friend Tiffany.

Chapter 5 - Molly

I canceled the get together at my place, and told my friends and Brett
that I wasn’t feeling well. It was just kind of a bummer. I already knew that
I was never going to actually get the chance to be with my stepdad, but it
was my little fantasy and it gave me comfort.

Tiffany of all people, of course, was there to ruin that for me. I
shouldn’t have ever let her near him, or inside my house.

I turned on the television, and put on a reality dating show full of

good looking 20 somethings. All I wanted to do was turn off my mind, zone
out, and not think about Tiffany sucking my stepdad’s dick.

She really was awful. Why even come over, just to do that? I’d been
swooning over him for longer than I cared to admit, and I had never seen
his dick. Hearing Jessica say that Tiffany said it was big made me so angry.
I’d never been in a fist fight before, but I was seriously considering hunting
her down.

The dating show was making me feel worse. I didn’t even have any
interest in Brett anymore, he was just someone fun to pass the time with. He
wasn’t who I truly wanted. I finished the first episode, and for some reason
continued watching.

Evan usually knocked before entering, but he opened my door and

came storming in without any notice, startling me so bad that I dropped the

“Fuck!” I squealed, looking at him with wide eyes. That’s when I

noticed that he was shirtless, and wearing only a white bath towel.

“Baby, I can’t stop thinking about you. I’m so sorry.”

“Daddy, it’s fine. I forgive you.” I said, glancing down at the

noticeable bulge in his towel.

“Thank you, baby. But I need you to understand something.” he said,

stepping closer until he was directly in front of me. I looked up into his
eyes, and he placed his hands on my shoulders.
“What is it?”

“I didn’t know, Molly. I didn’t know you felt the way you did. If I
knew, that never would have happened. I just can’t have you thinking for
one second that I think she compares to you. She doesn’t. And I’m kicking
myself now, because if I knew that you had feelings for me, then I’d have
already been all over you.”

“Daddy…” I said, cooing at his romantic words. “Really?”

“Baby, please let me make it up to you. Let me show you how much
you mean to me.” he said, reaching down to undo his towel, letting it fall to
the floor.

“Oh!” I gasped at the sight of his enormous endowment. Tiffany

hadn’t been kidding, had perhaps even downplayed it by saying he had a
‘big dick’.

“Molly, lay down. I want to kiss you all over.” he said, grabbing me
by the waist and easily hoisting me into the air. I smiled uncontrollably as
he brought me to my bed, setting me down gently.

“Are we really gonna do this?” I asked, completely blown away by

what was happening.

“We have to, baby. I have to show you how much I love you.” he
said, leaning in for our first real kiss. His lips were soft, and I was seeing
fireworks as our tongues slipped inside each other’s mouths.

“Mmm…” I moaned as he groped my breasts, and raised my arms as

he removed my shirt. The kisses were hungry, and aggressive, full of
passion and lust. Evan ripped off my bottoms, pulling my underwear right
along with them.
“Oh, baby. Look at you.” he said, spreading my legs apart and
looking down at my sex. It felt strange being naked in front of him, but I
liked it. “Will you let daddy kiss it?” he asked.

“Yes, daddy.” I said, softly, looking down at him as he placed his

mouth on my pussy.

“Ugh!” I hitched, immediately shaking with pleasure as he made out

with my clit. It felt so good that my head was spinning, and I writhed
beneath him, calling out and grinding against his face. He made me
helpless, uncontrollably horny.

You taste so good, sweetheart.” he said, looking up at me with a

mouthful. His powerful tongue flicked rhythmically against my clit, sucking
and massaging until I was cumming on his face.

“Oh God.” my leg started shaking, and a waterfall erupted.

“Mmm hmm.” he groaned, taking hard swallows of my juices. It was

the first time I’d ever squirted, and I would have been embarrassed if it
weren’t for his enthusiastic, deviant reaction.

“Daddy…Oh my God!” I squealed, feeling the intense warmth as I

leaked all over my comforter while he continued worshiping my pussy with
his tongue. It felt like all of my nerves were tingling with happiness, and I
gasped for air after forgetting to breathe.

“That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Evan said, climbing on
top of me and kissing my neck. I felt his cockhead poke against me, and I
felt a craving like nothing before.

“That felt so good. I’ve never…done that.” I said, grinning.

“I want to feel inside you, Molly.”

“I want that too.” I said, feeling self consciousness wash over me. I
wanted to be good enough for him, and to make him forget about Tiffany
forever. Evan took hold of his erection, and began slapping it against my
sex, rubbing it around.

“You’re so wet, baby. I love it.” he said. I looked down at his gigantic
penis, my mouth watering for it as he pressed it against me.


“Wow, baby. You’re really little.” he said, rubbing it around some

more and pressing his cockhead inside.

“Oh…it’s big.” I said, flinching from his girth.

“Molly, you feel like a virgin.” he said, grunting and forcing it deeper.
He was so hard, I could feel myself stretching as he penetrated my walls. I
closed my eyes, and hung on for dear life as he impaled me. “Fuuuhhhck.”

“It hurts daddy. It’s too big.” I said, wincing beneath him.

“Do you want me to take it out?”

“No, daddy. I want you to take it. And don’t stop no matter what.” I
said, wrapping my legs around him and forcing him deeper.

“Good girl.” he whispered, lacing an arm around my back and lifting

me up while he fucked me. He bounced me with ease on his dick, kissing
all over my tits and grunting as I bit down on my lower lip.

“Ugh…oh, God. Oh God. Ugh…ahh..” I whimpered and thrashed

beneath him, but he held me in place and bottomed out harder and harder,
slamming his hips against me until my mind was melting. The pain of
taking his enormous dick gave way to pure pleasure, and he was hitting
spots inside me that triggered the most insane pleasures.
“I’m gonna cum Molly. It’s so tight.” he said, slipping his thumb
inside my mouth and staring into my eyes. “I love the way your tits bounce
when I fuck you.”

“Daddy…your balls.” I felt my eyes rolling back into my head as he

laid claim to me, going limp as another powerful wave of pleasure came
over me. “Don’t pull out.” I gasped, begging. It felt so fucking good that I
became unhinged, like a junkie who craved for her daddy’s cock.

“I won’t baby. I love you so much. I love you so much, Molly.” he

said, becoming desperate and frantic as he arrived, still hammering away
until he erupted with cum inside me.

I made sounds but couldn’t speak, and savored the novel sensation of
a fat bareback cock pulsing inside me, shooting me full of hot, sticky, baby

“Oh my God. I came so hard I almost passed out. Why haven’t we

done that before?” he asked, panting and dripping sweat all over me. He did
all the work, but it felt like I got all of the reward.

“I lost count of how many times I came.” I said, smiling at the

thought as euphoria took me over. He fucked me so hard that there was
blood on his cock, and I wasn’t on my period. His size would take some
getting used to, but he’d already short circuited my brain and turned me into
his cock crazed maniac.

There’s no way to describe how seriously we bonded. There was so

much love behind it, so much pent up tension that needed to be released.
We violated the line of platonic love, letting it blend in the most beautiful

Nothing changed around the house, we still functioned the same way
as a family, except that I was no longer out chasing boys because I already
had a man. Mom had no problem sharing, and it found it adorable how we
fell for each other, and how we went at it like rabbits.
It came as no surprise that I became pregnant soon after, and am
expecting in the springtime.
Oedipal Playtime (Stepmom/SD) - Taboo Volume 24

Chapter 1 - Kiara

It was the first day of summer and they were already fighting. Fiona
had caught my dad sending inappropriate text messages to a female co-
worker. This wasn’t the first time, but it still caused tension between them
and at the house.

My dad had pretty much proven himself a scumbag by this point, and
I was completely on her side on all of it. Even after getting caught, again
and again, and apologizing, and promising it wouldn’t happen again, he still
refused to control himself.

We had an alright relationship, but he’d also cheated on my biological

mother and his pattern of disrespecting women, and his own family had
worn thin with me. I was 19 and still lived at home, and the only way I
tolerated it was because I also got to live with Fiona.

She was great, in so many ways I can’t even list them all. Fiona made
sure that the needs of all the people she loved were met, and would go out
of her way to help keep you on the right track. She was also the most fun
person to talk to, and always had me cracking up and gossiping about the
most random things.

It made me wonder how they ever got together in the first place, with
him being such a stick in the mud. Anyway, Fiona made me feel like the
most special person in the world, and she was my best friend, and I had a
massive secret crush on her.

Fiona had curves for days, and was so beautiful that she made my
mouth water. She wore long flowing dresses that showed off her figure, and
everyone who saw her took notice. She had a way of always looking
different, and finding new ways to showcase her beauty.
It didn’t help my relationship with dad, knowing that he got to be
with her even though he mistreated her constantly, of being jealous of my
own father because I thought his wife would be better off with me. He
didn’t help it either, by running around town with random women and
missing work on a regular basis. Skipping out on and bouncing around jobs
was almost a sport to him, and he played almost year round.

My favorite thing about Fiona was probably her energy, the way she
took control of people and situations and made things were in her favor. I
always admired her, and fell more in love with her over time.

We spent so much time together, just hanging out. Breakfast, working

out, shopping, going to thrift stores. I spent way more time with her than
dad, I only wished that our time together included intimacy.

I wasn’t really dating at the time, in large part due to my infatuation

with my stepmother. There were a couple of guys who were interested in
me, but I was blowing them off because it was more fun to stay home and
hang out with her. I knew that I needed to stop living in my little fantasy
world, and that it was never going to happen with her, but the attraction was
so powerful that there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

Chapter 2 - Fiona

I was sitting on the back porch overlooking the pool, smoking a

cigarette under the blistering sun. My hands were shaking, but I was trying
not to think about it.

We’d been at each other’s throats since I could remember, but I was
finally done. I could feel it in my bones. Phillip hadn’t turned out to be the
man I thought he could be, settling instead for the lower end of mediocrity.

At its core, it was the infidelity, and the destruction of trust and
connection it caused. It was also the instability, his complete and total lack
of ambition. I lost respect for him, started resenting him, and then stayed
with him for another year anyway.

Divorce sounded like fun, like a way to escape and start something
new. As much as I’d grown to despise Phillip, I still liked my life. There
was just one thing that was out of place. I needed him gone, and I needed
Kiara to slide into his place.

Kiara was Phillip’s daughter, and the main reason I hadn’t already
pulled the trigger on divorce. The last thing I wanted was to lose her, as
she’d become my rock while my relationship fell apart. It was a strange
thing, becoming best friends with your stepdaughter, and then realizing how
cute she is, and then not being able to unrealize it.

I felt bad at first, because the physical attraction became so strong that
at times I felt that I was being inappropriate, or coming on too strong. It
wasn’t that I was trying to flirt with her, it just kept coming out because it’s
what was on my mind.

“Your legs, baby.” I said, unable to even pretend to be subtle about it.
She was trying on a pair of jean shorts so short that they hardly reached her
thigh, and I was suffering from a sudden onset lady-boner.

“What do you think?” she asked, turning around and standing on her
tippy toes. I was too busy staring at flesh to pay attention to the shorts, but I
answered anyway.

“They look great.” I ended up buying her the shorts.

There were so many little things that happened between us, so many
moments where I wanted to make a move on her so badly. I felt like it was
mutual, but we never talked about it directly. It was more in the way we
looked at each other, how we always found reasons to spend time together.

We were both open about liking girls, and joked that we were worse
than guys when it came to our habit of gazing. It was something fun to talk
about, how pretty other girls were. And we told each other too, and not just
in a you-go-girl way.

“You have the prettiest feet, Kiara. Such perfect toes.” I said,
checking her out by the pool. I couldn’t help complimenting her, as she was
such a delightful piece of eye candy.

“Me? No, my toes are long and funny looking. I wish I had toes like
yours.” she said.

“Ew, no. My toes are stubby.” I said.

“I like yours. They’re cute.”

Applying sunscreen was my ritualistic way of constantly getting my

hands on her. We both loved to stay tan, and we had a pool, so naturally we
spent a lot of time laying out. Lathering each other up was the main reason I
suspected that I wasn’t the only one who was suffering from inappropriate
lust syndrome.

For one, we applied sunscreen to parts of each other’s bodies that

didn’t require another person’s assistance. I regularly massaged lotion onto
her feet, legs, and chest. She did the same for me, often spending an
inordinate amount of time on my ass.

“You’ve been down there a while.” I once joked, with Kiara

crouching behind me, going to town on my ass cheeks with both hands and
my booty right in her face.
“You’re sweaty, it won’t rub all the way in.”

“I’m just kidding, baby. I don’t mind at all. Take your time.” I said,
shaking my hips in place so that my butt jiggled.

“Mom! It makes you look like a stripper when you do that.” she said.

“You don’t like it?” I asked, continuing to shake it and bending over
at the waist to push it against her face.

“Mom!” She squealed, laughing but leaving her face in my ass. “It
does look nice. And it smells good.”

“I showered before I came out here.” I said, disappointed that she was
standing back up.

“My dad doesn’t know how lucky he is.” she said.

“I haven’t slept with your father in over six months. If he’s getting
lucky, it isn’t with me.” I said. Kiara laid down her towel and had a seat
next to me on her lounge chair.

“Good. He doesn’t deserve you.” I handed her a bottle of green tea

from the cooler, admiring her the way her tits stood up all perky in the new
bathing suit I’d ordered her online.

“You look so good in that bikini. I don’t even think I’d want you
wearing it out in public.” I said.

“It is very tiny. And yeah, I don’t think I’d ever wear a thong bikini
out in public.” she said.

“I just wanted to be able to stare at your cute little butt.” I said,

looking into her eyes through my sunglasses. Kiara let out a giggle, the
same way she always did when I flirted with her.
“Is that why you got this for me?” she asked, biting her lip and being

“Maybe.” I said, hiding my grin behind my green tea.

“Ugh. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, sweetheart. My cutie pie.” I didn’t want to ruin the
mood, but I knew I had to tell her that I was going to leave her dad. I wasn’t
fully sure of my exit strategy, but I’d been keeping it bottled up and I had to
tell her.

“Do you ever feel like we’re dating?” she asked, flashing her doe eyes
and shrinking down.

“What do you mean honey?”

“I dunno. Sometimes it feels like dad is just kind of there, you know?
Taking up space and breathing valuable air, and me and you are the real
couple who keeps everything taken care of. We do everything together, the
only thing we don’t do is…you know.”

“Make love?” I asked, feeling a little too turned on to bring up my

impending divorce.


“Maybe we should. Neither of us is having sex right now anyway, it’d

be nice to be intimate with someone.” I said, throwing it out there.

“Yeah. It would.” she said, so softly it was almost inaudible.

“I haven’t been with a girl in such a long time.”

“I’ve never been with a girl, not really. I’ve made out and stuff, but
that’s it.” she said.

“That’s so hot. I’d love to let you use my body for experimentation, if
you wouldn’t mind hooking up with an old woman.” I said, pushing it to see
how far she’d let it go.

“Really?” she asked, her eyes lighting up. My heart was racing as I
realized how sincere she was.

“I mean, why not? You’re so pretty Kiara, I’d do such naughty things
to you.” I said, feeling my arousal reach a point that it was diminishing my

“Wow. Is it hot out here, or is it just me?” she asked, using her hand
to fan herself off.

“It’s really hot out here, but it could be even hotter if we took it

“Fiona, are you being serious?” she asked.

“Only if you are.”

“What about my dad?”

“What about him? I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that, baby.
I’m getting a divorce, and I want you to come with me.” I said, blurting it
out at the worst possible moment. Her face sank.

“Wow. I mean, I knew this was going to happen eventually.” she said,
pondering the colossal bomb I’d so casually dropped on her. “I’d love to
come with you. Just the two of us?”

“Just the two of us.” I said. I expected her to be happy, but she buried
her face in her hands instead, and started sobbing. “Kiara. Come here, baby.
Come here.”

“I’m sorry.” she said, sniffling as she climbed on my lap and into my
arms. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“No. I’m not upset. I’m happy. This is what I’ve always wanted.” she
said. “You deserve so much better than him. You deserve to be treated like a
queen, because you’re a goddess.”

“Oh, baby. You’re so sweet. I thought you were sad.” I said, laying
my forehead against hers. I hated seeing her cry, even if they were tears of
Chapter 3 - Kiara

I went from being very turned on sexually to crying in the matter of a

few seconds. It was such a long time coming, and I always knew that once
she made the decision to leave him, that they would be over.

It was still emotional. I knew that it meant one of them would be

leaving the house, and that things would be changing. Still, it needed to
happen because she deserved better.

“You’re sure I can come with you? I’d really love that.” I said,
wishing I had a tissue.

“Kiara, I don’t think you fully understood what I was saying. I’m
leaving Phillip to be with you.” she said. It took me a moment to process
her words, and before I could, her sweet lips were pressed against mine, and
I found myself straddling her as we made out in the backyard.

“Yes.” I said between kisses, finally able to really kiss her. It was
better than I imagined, and I started grinding against her without even

“Baby. Your lips…”

“I love you.” I whispered, kissing her back. Her lips were wet, and
she pressed her tongue inside my mouth, sending chills up my spine that
made me want to be touched down below. It’s almost surreal when you get
exactly what you want.

“I love you.” she said, running her hand through my hair and looking
into my eyes. “It’s been so hard pretending not to want you.”
“Mommy.” I said, knowing the torture of our lingering tension all too

“I’m so glad we can finally be together.” she said, grabbing hold of

my breasts with both hands.

“Me too. It’s so freeing, even sitting in your lap like this. It feels
right.” I said.

“I don’t think you understand how much time I’ve spent fantasizing
about you.”

“I think you’d be surprised. I take extra long showers because I can’t

stop thinking about you.” I said, leaning in so our lips were less than an
inch apart.

“That’s so hot. I want to watch you play with yourself in the shower.”

“You don’t have to watch, mommy.” I said, feeling extra naughty

calling her that since our relationship was escalating towards intimacy at a
hundred miles per hour.

“I need you naked.”

“Is dad home?” I asked.

“He’s out fishing, so probably at some whore’s house.”

“Do you wanna do it in your bed?” I asked, it being a long standing

fantasy of mine for us to make love in her marital bed. Also, her bed was
much larger.

“Come on.” she said, taking my hand and leading me inside without
hesitation. I walked slightly in front of her, and she slapped my ass before
we entered the room.
Chapter 4 - Fiona

It felt so wrong climbing into my bed with Kiara, and slowly

removing the bikini I bought her while kissing up her thigh, and on her
stomach. She was so young and unblemished, and my lust for her was

“That feels so good.” she sighed, closing her eyes and relaxing
beneath my touch. The tension between us had simmered for long enough,
and we were finally at home, naked and alone together.

“I’ve wanted to kiss on your toes for so long.” I whispered, holding

her foot in front of my face with her thong hanging from her ankle. “So

“No one’s ever done that to me.” she said, as I began pressing my lips
against her soles, placing kisses all the way up to her candy red painted big
toe. “It kind of tickles. But I like it.”

“Good. I’m going to do all sorts of things to you that no one’s ever
done.” I said, taking her big toe into my mouth.

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

“Hmm…has anyone ever licked your asshole?” I asked, running my

tongue over all over her toes.

“No.” she said, staring down at me as I worshiped her feet.

“Then turn over.” I said, causing her to giggle nervously.

“Okay.” she said, every bit as submissive as I’d expected her to be.
She was still wearing her bikini top, and I untied it before pulling her
cheeks apart.
“Oh wow. Even your butthole is cute.” I said, snorting with laughter.
It really was a beautiful, tightly puckered little pink hole. Kiara giggled,
reaching back to pull her butt apart further.

“I wouldn’t let anyone else do this.” she said, looking back at me as I

positioned myself so my head was down by her ass.

“You better not. This is my booty now.” I said, squeezing her cheeks
and making them jiggle. “You have the best butt.”

“No I don’t. You have the best butt, it’s so big and round, and juicy.
Mine is too little.” she said.

“No, it’s perfect. So supple, and firm, and tight, and soft…” I trailed
off as I pressed my nose between her cheeks, flicking my tongue against it
softly at first, and then breaking out into a full on makeout session with her

“Oh my God!” Kiara gripped the sheets and called out, writhing
beneath me as I indulged myself in her flesh. I love body worship, and I’d
spent so much time lusting after her that it gave me pleasure going down on


“Yes, mommy. Don’t stop. That’s so good.” she moaned, sticking her
ass up in the air and pressing it back against my face while I kissed it.

“Mmm…” my mouth watered and I let my saliva drip out onto her
asshole, using my finger to spread it around.

“I like it when you do that mommy. I really like it.” she said, speaking
softly and lost in pleasure.

“Good girl. Do mommy a favor, reach down between your legs with
one hand, and play with your clit while I lick it.” I said.
“Yes, mommy.” she whispered back, doing exactly as she was told. I
continued sloppily tongue fucking her hole, slapping her tight little ass on
occasion so I could hear her squeal.

“You’re a good little girl, Kiara. You didn’t do anything wrong.

Mommy just loves spanking your ass.” I said, letting her know that it was
more for my enjoyment than her punishment.

“Ugh!” she squealed, as her tanned ass started turning red. “Yes

“Let me taste you down there. Turn over.” I said. Kiara rolled over
and spread her legs wide, showcasing her incredible flexibility by letting
her legs hang in a split while holding her heels.

“Like this?” she asked, grinning.

“You’re so flexible, baby. I’ll put that to good use once I start tying
you up.”

“You’re gonna tie me up?” she asked.

“Once we get to our new place, yes. I can’t have you running away on
me.” I said, inserting my finger into her immense wetness. “Oh, wow.
You’re really turned on.”

“You’ve been my secret crush since I was 18.” she said, looking at me
with a fondness that I could get used to.

“I’m more than your crush now. You are my girlfriend, aren’t you?” I
asked, working two fingers in and out of her pussy and reveling in the
intensity of our eye contact. She was so much more present than Phillip in
the bedroom, and infinitely more aesthetically pleasing.

“Yes, mommy. I want to be your girlfriend.”

“Good, baby. You’re my girlfriend, and I’m your girlfriend.” I said,
baby talking as I lowered myself to taste her.

“Oh my God.” she whimpered beneath my touch, and I gave her clit
the same treatment I’d given her backside, thoroughly worshiping and
giving every square inch of her a tongue cleaning.

“You taste so good, Kiara. I’m gonna eat you all the time.” I said,
looking up at her, watching her face twist up with pleasure as I rubbed my
tongue all over her clit.

“Whenever you want. I’m yours, mommy. I could never say no to


“Good girl. Do you like it when mommy kisses your pussy? Does it
feel good?” I asked, making eye contact with her from down between her
legs. She nodded, her eyes practically begging me to continue.

“I love it. It makes me feel so good.” she let me take full control, and
became adorably infantile while I explored her body with my mouth.
Everything about her was so new and attractive, and all of the bottled up
love I had for her came pouring out in what can only be described as a fully
body tongue worship session.

“Mommy? I want to taste you too.” she said. I’d been so focused on
pleasuring her that I didn’t realize how aroused I’d become, and could feel
the wet warmth dripping down my inner thigh as I climbed on top of her in

“There you go, baby. Give mommy naughty kisses.” I said, twerking
right in her face. Even though I had an idea of how much she was into me, I
didn’t truly know until we were in bed together. Our love came pouring out,
and it made me realize what a deep and strong foundation we’d built for a
“Oh my gosh. This is heaven.” she said, rubbing her face in my pussy
as I dragged it over her mouth.

“Yeah it is.” I grunted, sinking my weight down onto her eager

mouth. Her touch was magical, and she let me grind on her face until we
were both cumming at the same time.

Chapter 5 - Kiara

Being with Fiona was mind blowing, as in, I came so many times that
I lost count and it felt like my brain was actually melting inside my head.

It was a state I’d never entered before, completely uninhibited and

fully comfortable in my own skin. I know it sounds cheesy, but it felt like
we became one being while we were intimate.

“I love you so much.” I said, laying my head on her breasts and

looking up into her eyes.

“I love you too, Kiara.” she said. We laid in post-coital bliss for a
while, and for the first time in a long time, everything felt like it was falling
right into place.
The sheets were soaked with various juices, and we continued adding
to the filth. We’d known each other for so long, but the sex was so new, and
added another layer of depth to our bond.

“Put your legs up, behind your head. I told you I would put that
flexibility to use.” she said, assisting me in sticking my legs behind my
head. Fiona spit on my pussy, and began fingering me, slowly at first, but
faster and faster.

With her other hand, she stuck her fingers in my mouth, and made me
look into her eyes while forcing me to orgasm.

“Good girl, cum for mommy. Do as you’re told, my little mommy’s

girl.” she talked dirty and easily sent me over the edge, furiously rubbing
my clit with her thumb as warm wetness erupted from inside me. I forgot to
breathe and started seeing stars, and climaxed so hard that I was drooling.

I fell asleep afterwards, so exhausted that I napped for hours. From

that moment forward, things were different. Fiona took charge of the house,
and filed for divorce from my dad. He tried to plead with her at first, to give
him another chance, but not even he bought it by that point.

Thankfully, he decided not to put up anymore of a fight, and moved in

with his buddy James about twenty minutes across town. Fiona and I were
like old lovers right away, and the comfort level between us was so nice that
I wanted to keep it forever.

Everyday seemed better than the last, and we existed in such perfect
harmony that it would have been boring if not for the constant, hungry,
animalistic sex. I didn’t know what kink was when Fiona and I started
dating, but I consider myself a bratty submissive with the best mommy dom
in the world. As long as I do what she says, I get what I want. And I
wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world.
Stepping In For His Girlfriend (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 25

Chapter 1 - Macy

It was already frustrating having a dead bedroom and loveless

marriage, but it was even worse having to hear younger women getting their
brains fucked out from across the hall. My husband Philbert had developed
ED, and with the poor health of his heart, the doctor suggested he abstain
from sexual intercourse.

So I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling while the entire house shook
under the pressure of my stepson Spencer’s powerful hips. There was no
doubt in my mind that he was a fantastic lover, as the girl on the receiving
end was always screaming with delight.

Philbert wore headphones so that he didn’t have to listen, but refused

to do anything about Spencer having girls over almost every night of the
week. He was 22 years old and still living at home, rent free and out of
control. No matter what I said to Philbert, he never did anything. I think he
was afraid of his own son.

Spencer was much taller than Philbert, muscular and standing

somewhere around six four. He’d been a good student and highly sought
after athlete, but eschewed college and athletics for what he called
entrepreneurship. He was handsome and charismatic, and definitely

Girls loved him, and he always had a steady rotation of beautiful girls
coming over to the house, bringing him food and fawning all over him. At
the end of the night, they’d go back with him to the bedroom, and I’d have
to lie there next to my limp husband, wishing it was me.

Honestly, I didn’t like him at first. I found Spencer very physically

attractive, but he was so cocky and self obsessed. He hadn’t made a great
impression when I met him, which was at Philbert and I’s wedding. He
looked me up and down, making no attempt to hide the fact that he was
checking me out, and licking his chops like I was a piece of meat instead of
his soon to be stepmother.

His striking good looks caught my attention, but he was so forward

and aggressive that it turned me off. He joked about how I was too pretty
for his dad, and made several sexually charged comments about what he’d
like to do to my ass.

I was unimpressed that he was still living at home, and once we were
all living together, I started inquiring about his day to day activities. I found
out that he was doing tattoos illegally, out of his bedroom, and was booking
his clients through social media.

A large chunk of the clients were female, and I suspect that many of
them used alternative methods to pay for their ink. Spencer was a talented
illustrator, and his tattoos looked good, but I didn’t like that he was using
our house as a tattoo shop.

“If you ever want a tattoo, I’ll do it for free.” he said, always trying to
get me to let him tattoo me.

“I’m not really a tattoo type of person.” I said.

“I understand. It’s just that, as an artist, I’m very attracted to you as a

canvas.” he said.

“Oh, Spencer.” I said, rolling my eyes and walking away. At the time
I still found him juvenile, and immature. He started growing on me over
time though, and I had to admit that he was pretty hard working when he
wasn’t sleeping in or fucking random girls.

It wasn’t long after that Philbert went limp, and received the
diagnosis that he wasn’t healthy enough to even have sex. Suddenly, I
wasn’t getting any, and Spencer’s flirtation was the only sexual stimulus in
my life.

Chapter 2 - Spencer

It was nice living with Macy. She was a great cook, and kept the
house clean. There were times I thought she overstepped her boundaries, as
far as asking how much I contributed to rent and things like that.
“I live here strictly so I can save money. It’s a sacrifice.” I said,
trying to explain it to her.

“Wow. You think living here for free, eating all of our food, and
having girls over every night while you hoard your entire income is a
sacrifice?” she asked, scoffing at my contributions to the house.

“I don’t eat all your food. My girls keep me fed.” I said, patting my
stomach and looking over the tower of Uber Eats containers in the corner,
contributed by various generous women.

“Do you even make any money? Or do you just trade tattoos for
blowjobs?” she asked, standing in my room and showing the audacity to
cross her arms across her chest as if there was anything wrong with my

“I don’t trade tattoos for blowjobs. Both are done willingly, and for
free.” I said.

“Sure. You didn’t answer my question.”

“If you saw my bank account, you’d shit yourself.” I said, smiling
wide and looking proudly at my room, thinking of the kingdom I’d created
for myself at such a young age.

“I don’t believe you. I’d be willing to bet you have less than five
thousand dollars in your bank account right now.” she said. It was a great
feeling, knowing that you’re right.

“I’ll take that bet. If I have less than five thousand dollars in my bank
account, I’ll give you five thousand dollars. And if I have more, you get
down on your knees and start sucking.” I said, crossing my arms right back
at her from the comfort of my king sized bed.

“Show me.”
“Alright. This is gonna be so satisfying, here, let me bring it up.” I
said, grabbing my phone and signing into my banking app. “I have a lot of
money wrapped up in transit right now, and PayPal, but this is my main

“Oh, wow. Jesus, a hundred and thirty thousand dollars!?” she asked,
shrieking. There was an anger in her tone, and I was surprised by her
reaction. “What in the actual fuck?”

“Are you good?” I asked, staring blankly at her as she stomped

around, muttering under her breath.

“Your father and I both have full time jobs, and we’re living paycheck
to paycheck.”

“I could take a look at your finances, help you cut back on spending a
little.” I said, offering my services.

“Excuse me? You’re gonna help us with our finances? You don’t have
any expenses because you’re leeching off of us! That’s it! That’s your
whole secret to success. You leech off of other people and save all of your

“Well, whatever it is, it’s working better for me than whatever you’re
doing.” I said, returning my attention to my banking app. That money was
burning a hole in my pocket, and I’d been wanting to make a spontaneous
major purchase soon anyway.

“Spencer, I hate you. You’re nothing but a little piss ant.” she said,
causing me to frown at her.

“Come on, Macy. Insults? You’re better than that.” I said, having a
chuckle as she stormed out of my room. I found out while snooping through
their bathroom that my father was diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, and
her reaction made a little more sense after that.
It couldn’t have been a great feeling, getting married and your
husband immediately losing his libido. And then on top of it, having to live
with his handsome, independent, successful son while you’re living
paycheck to paycheck. Harsh times, but you have to live with your own

I couldn’t have been happier, and loved having Macy around the
house to ogle and admire. Once I knew that he couldn’t dick her down
anymore, I started turning up the pressure on her.

There were plenty of girls my age coming in and out of my bedroom,

but they were all kind of similar. I didn’t have any older women, and Macy
was so sexy that it wasn’t fair.
I’m not sure why, but I was way more attracted to her than any of
the girls that I was fucking at the time. She drove me wild, just looking at
her made the blood start flowing to my cock.

My dad was a pushover, and a huge turd. He should have been

flushed a long time ago, but the heart pills kept him plugging along for no
obvious reason at all. I liked having him around, because he paid my bills
and kept the kitchen full of snacks. His continued, labored living was
saving me so much money it was unbelievable.

It was only a matter of time before she came around. She just needed
to loosen up, and come to terms with the idea of leaving her impotent
husband for his virile younger son.
Chapter 3 - Macy

By the time the one month anniversary of not having sex rolled
around, I felt like I was going to go crazy and kill someone. I had an above
average appetite as it was, but being completely unstimulated was driving
me crazy. I had to masturbate before going to the grocery store because I
couldn’t even be around dick shaped food without getting horny.

That’s when my disdain for Spencer began to dissipate. I lost all

attraction to his father, and it made it difficult for me to respect him. He
worked, ate, and slept. It was like he’d lost his testosterone, and everything
that made him a man.

I was so angry when I found out how much Spencer had in savings,
because I was so sick of living paycheck to paycheck with only a couple
thousand in savings. It made me jealous, and eventually resentful of
Philbert for not being more successful. He was almost 50 years old and he
was still living so close to the edge financially. We needed to have what
Spencer had in savings, that’s what we were working towards.

Living in the same house as Spencer wasn’t easy. The forced

proximity to someone so physically attractive while you can’t have sex is
torture, especially when you can hear the girls he’s with cumming over and
over again.

Spencer’s arrogance and attitude started being funny to me, and I

found myself giggling at his jokes and finding reasons to be in his presence.
He started seeming fun, and dangerous, and superior to his father in every
way. He seemed too young for me to consider seriously, but he also seemed
very fun in the bedroom, which was what I needed.

It wasn’t even noon, and I was using a Swoofer on the hardwood

floor when I noticed Spencer’s door was open. I figured he was awake, and
kept mopping right into his bedroom with my headphones on.
Movement on his bed drew my attention, and I looked up to the sight
of my naked and erect stepson, lubed up and jerking away.

“Ahhh!” I screamed, yanking out my headphones in a tizzy. “What

are you doing?”

“I’m masturbating. You don’t have to leave, it’ll actually help me

finish if you stay.” he said, still stroking his enormous cock. I covered my
mouth when I saw how big it was, and struggled to pull my eyes away from

“Close the door if you’re gonna do that.”

“Why?” he asked, completely unshaken by the incident. He was still

rubbing himself, looking back at me like it was a perfectly normal

“So this doesn’t happen.”

“But I like this.”

“I’m leaving.” I said.

“Please don’t. Seriously, can you look at something for me?” he


“What are you talking about?” I asked, freezing in place. He didn’t

even cover it up, and I couldn’t help ogling his incredible endowment.

“It’s like, I dunno, a little lump in my testicle. I just wanted to see if

someone else could feel it.” he said.

“Can’t you have one of your girlfriends check it for you?” I asked.

“Macy, seriously. I’m not as comfortable with them as I am with you.

Just see if you can feel it.” he said, looking into my eyes.
“Ugh, fine. Let’s make it quick.” I said, taking a seat on his bed
beside him. I looked down at his girthy, veiny man-cock, and then at his
huge, swollen balls.

“Sorry about all the lube.” he said, taking my hand in his and guiding
it to his testicle.

“It’s okay.” I said, feeling closely for a lump.

“Gentle, just massage right there,” he said.

“Okay…I don’t feel it yet.” I said, exploring his entire testicle. I was
trying to be professional about it, but seeing his manhood was very
arousing. “I don’t feel anything. It feels normal.”

“I know. I just wanted you to play with my balls.” he said. I can’t

comment on what happened right after, I just remember seeing red and
attacking. When I woke from my blackout, Spencer was on top of me,
holding me by my wrists, and pinning me to his bed, still completely naked.

“Get off me!” I screeched, thrashing beneath him helplessly. Spencer

smiled, looking down at me.

“It was just a joke, Macy. Settle down.” he said, finally releasing me.

“You’re a piss ant!” I said, pointing at him as I said it. I stormed out
of his bedroom, and spent the rest of the day thinking about his cock.
Chapter 4 - Spencer

As soon as Macy saw my cock, she started acting differently. All of a

sudden, she struck up conversations with the girls I’d bring over, inserting
himself into my life more and more.

It was obvious that she wanted me, that her marriage to my father was
sorely lacking, and she knew that I could provide all of the things he
couldn’t. And I wanted her too, as I’d develop a bit of an unhealthy
infatuation with her ever since we began living together.

There was a lot to like about her, and I found her more charming with
each passing day. I’d always wanted to fuck an older woman, but getting
head from my old science teacher out behind the bar was as close as I’d
gotten, and that was just to say I did it.
I actually wanted Macy more than I’d wanted another woman before
in my life. The hardest part was waiting, because I knew she wanted me too
but it just wasn’t happening.

“You know, it’d be perfectly understandable if you felt the need to

cheat on dad with me since his penis doesn’t get hard anymore. I really
wouldn’t blame you.” I said, strolling shirtless and freeballing in my
athletic shorts into the kitchen.

“Spencer, do you ever stop? You know that I’m not going to do that.”
she said, pouring herself a cup of hot tea.

“You look great, Macy. Your body is incredible. It’s really a shame
that no one gets to worship it properly.”

“Thanks, Spencer. Don’t you have a slew of 20 year old whores that
you should be texting?” she asked, getting feisty.

“Well, yes, I do, but I’d drop them all for you.” I said, grabbing a mug
and stealing some of her hot water.

“You would not.”

“Trust me, I would.” I said, adding some sugar and two tea bags.

“And why would you do that? Just to sleep with an old woman?”

“You’re not old Macy, you’re sexy. None of the girls I fuck are built
like you.” I said, taking the opportunity to look at her freshly pedicured

“Don’t look at my feet, you pervert.” she said, turning around.

“Fine, I’ll look at your ass. Such a perfect bubble.” I said, watching as
she walked out of the kitchen. I couldn’t tell if I was wearing her down or
just wearing her out. Even if I couldn’t have her, that wasn’t going to stop
me from wanting her.

I kept trying with Macy, going as far as walking around the house
completely naked right in front of her when dad wasn’t there, but I was
getting nowhere. Her loyalty was respectable, but I wished it would wane.

Most of my income was split between two sources, tattoos and

commissioned art pieces. Things were really picking up in the tattoo
department, and I found myself booked months in advance and having to
cut down on tattooing in exchange for sexual favors in lieu of paying
clients. I was getting a lot of commissions too, so I found myself working
all day and night trying to keep up.

I had to cut most of the girls out of my life, and settled on a pretty
redhead named Layla to make my girlfriend. The decision was kind of
arbitrary, to be honest. I needed to pick one of the girls to keep around, and
she was the newest and most exciting at the time.

Macy noticed that she was the only one visiting the house besides
clients, and surprised me by being kind of nasty towards her but only when
I wasn’t around.

“Your stepmom is a bitch.” Layla said, returning to my bedroom

from the bathroom.

“Hey, watch it.” I said, having grown fond of Macy and still
harboring a massive crush on her.

“She called me by the wrong name again, and when I introduced

myself, she told me not to waste my time because it wouldn’t be long
before I was replaced by another girl.” she said, thoroughly offended.
Hearing it made me laugh out loud, which only made her angrier.

“Dude, I’m playing Madden. This is a ranked game.” I said, raising

my voice.
“You don’t even care that your stepmom is talking to me like that?”

“It’s third down! I’m trying to win a game here!” I yelled, losing my
cool. I couldn’t have given half a fuck about her little mama drama, I was
on a 9 game winning streak and about to extend it to 10. The last thing I
needed from my girlfriend was distractions, pulling me away from being
the best that I could be.

“Oh my God. Play your little fucking video game and ignore your
girlfriend. Real cool Spencer.” she said. I really thought about pausing the
game, and chasing her down to reassure her, but I burst through the line on
a very risky draw play on third and ten, and I was back in business. I
completely forgot about her, and only remembered when she texted me ten
minutes later.

Before I could respond, there was a knock at my door.

“What?” I yelled.

“It’s me. Can I come in?” she asked. It was Macy, and I told her to
come in. Layla told me that she wasn’t okay being second fiddle to video
games, and that she was disappointed.

“What’s up?” I asked, my head buried in my phone as I typed a

hasty response.

SPENCER: Try being a supportive girlfriend for once. I’m

celebrating my 10th straight victory without you right now, not exactly how
I planned on spending my Friday night.

“I don’t care for that girl, not one bit.” she said.

“Layla? That’s my girlfriend.” I said, choosing it as the perfect

opportunity to break the news. Macy’s face was priceless.
“Girlfriend?” she asked, uncrossing her arms and putting them on
her hips.

“Yeah. I’m really busy with work, so I decided to become a one

woman man.” I said.
LAYLA: I’m sorry baby. Your mom was just really rude, and it had
me super flustered. Can I come back over?
SPENCER: I’ll forgive you if you bring Bamboo Express. I want
orange chicken with fried rice and lo-mein.

“Spencer. Are you listening?” Macy asked, standing over me.

“I’m sorry, I was giving Layla my food order.” I said, returning my

attention over to Macy.

“I don’t think she’s right for you, and I don’t want her over here
anymore.” she said.

“Well that’s too bad. She’s getting food and coming over now.”

“Spencer, no.” she said.

“Macy, I’m sorry. I’m a man, I have needs. I need to eat, and I need
to have lots of sex to stay regulated.”

“I have needs too, Spencer.” she yelled, interrupting me.


“I’m sorry. I’m just frustrated with your father. It’s not your fault.”
she said, taking a deep sigh.

“Why don’t you like Layla? She seems nice enough.”

“I just noticed that she’s been over here a lot.” Macy said, closing
my door behind her and sitting down on one of my gaming chairs. “I’ve
been meaning to talk to you.”

SPENCER: Get an extra order of chicken

“What’s up?” I asked, noticing that she seemed down. It wasn’t like
her to open up, so I turned off the sound on my phone and gave her my full
attention. “I love that shirt on you, by the way.”

“Thanks, sweetie.” she said, looking down at her own cleavage

before continuing. “Your father’s ED has taken a major toll on our
marriage, and on me. I can’t even think straight lately, and I feel like this
whole thing is going to fall apart if something doesn’t change.”

“I understand. You’re way too hot for him anyway.” I said.

“Thank you.” she said without expression. “I don’t want to cheat on

your father, but I have to have intimacy. It’s driving me insane, and I’m
going to snap eventually and fuck someone else.”

“Just don’t tell him. It isn’t your fault that he can’t fuck you
anymore, that’s his fault.” I said, encouraging her to do what came

“I don’t want to go out and sleep with random men.” she said, her
voice flat. I hadn’t been following her up until that point, and then it kind of

“Me?” I asked, grinning like the devil as I realized what she was
saying. “I’d love to.”

“That’s what I was thinking. I mean, you’re very attractive, and you
obviously have a lot of sexual energy.”

“I’m going to wear you out, Macy. I’ve been fantasizing about you
since the first time I saw you. At the wedding.” I said, feeling my body
come alive. Suddenly, I was standing in front of her, and she was looking up
into my eyes.

“We have to be discreet.” she said, placing her hand on my chest to

stop me from leaning in to kiss her.

“That’s fine. I won’t tell anyone.”

“I’m serious. This has to stay between the two of us.” she said, still
wearing her serious face.

“Macy, I’ll do anything you tell me to. Just let me have you.” I said,
salivating at the opportunity. There was so much built up tension, and I’d
spilled so many loads in the shower thinking about my stepmother that I
couldn’t wait to get on top of her. She smiled, and sat down on my bed.

“I thought you were so hot when I first saw you, but then you came
on so strong, and it was my wedding day! So I just wrote you off, and
thought you were immature.” she said.

“I kind of thought you were prudish.” I said.

“Oh hush.” she said, playfully swatting my arm as I sat down next to

“And I got so mad when I saw how much money you were making.”
she said, chuckling to herself. “I couldn’t stand you, but I also couldn’t stop
being attracted to you. The more you pissed me off, the more I wanted to
take it out on you in the bedroom.”

“Remember when you called me a piss ant?” I asked, laughing at our

rocky start.

“I’ve called you that several times.”

“Yeah. I’ve always had a thing for older women, physically, but
you’re the first woman that I’ve really wanted in a deep way.” I said.

“But isn’t that just physical?”

“No. Not with you. We live together, Macy. I get to see how you
really are, and you’re exactly the type of woman I wanna end up with.”

“End up with? I don’t think that you’re even close to being ready for
anything like that.” she said.

“I just haven’t been presented with a woman worth investing forever

in.” I said, laying it on thick and staring into her eyes.

“You think you’re slick.” she said, pursing her lips. They were so
soft and full, and I’d already had to wait way too long for my chance to
taste them.

Knock! Knock! And in came Layla. I’d never been so unhappy to

see a woman who was bringing me sex and food, but she barged in right as
I was leaning in.

“Hey.” I said, realizing that my hand was still resting on Macy’s

bare thigh.

“What’s going on?” Layla asked, becoming stiff and uncomfortable.

“We were just talking. I’ll leave you two alone. Nice seeing you
Lyla.” Macy said, flashing me a look of disapproval before exiting my

“Did you hear that? She’s doing it on purpose now.”

“What are you talking about?”

“My name. She said it wrong again.”

“No she didn’t.”

“She said fucking Lyla.”

“Oh, whatever. Hand me the orange chicken.” I said, the smell of the
food overriding my ability to care about her current grievance.

“You need to stop letting her talk to me like that.”

“Give it time. I’m sure she’ll come around.” I said, digging into my
noodles and chicken. “So good!”

“Spencer. Will you talk to her? Tell her how cool I am or something,
so that she’ll lay off.”

“Uhm, only if you give me head while I eat this food.” I said,
shoveling in another bite. Her face twisted with displeasure.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah. I’ll put in a good word for you if you go down on me. I’m
really horny.” I said. Layla was the agreeable type, and dropped down on
her knees and started sucking like a good girl. I knew that I had picked her
for a reason.

“Are you seriously eating right now?” she asked, looking up at me as

I crammed more food in my mouth.

“Yeah. Chicken and head, it’s my favorite.” I said, shrugging.

“You’re gross.” she said, diving back down onto me. I instantly
started imagining that it was Macy, and felt my arousal kick into overdrive.

“Yeah, swallow that dick.” I said, pushing her head down into my lap.
She gagged and pulled away, wiping the excess spit from her mouth and
looking back at me horrified. “What?”

“Don’t do that.” she said.

“Don’t do what?”

“Push my head down like that. I’m not a pornstar.” she said, turning
away from me.

“Baby, I’m sorry. Come on.” I said.

“Maybe later. I don’t feel like it anymore.” she said, pouting.

“Jesus, fine.” I said, pulling up my shorts. “I have to go to the

Chapter 5 - Macy
I don’t know exactly what I expected, but I kind of thought he was
going to kick her out and hook up with me. Once I left his room, I waited
by the door to listen in. It was obvious right away that he didn’t respect her,
she was just an easy girl who couldn’t resist him.

When she started sucking his dick, I felt myself turn green with envy.
I started sweating, and fought the urge to barge in and kick her out of my
house. Listening to how casual he was with her turned me on, and I wanted
to have that type of relationship with him.

Seeing how jealous it made me showed me how far I’d let my

attraction take me. I’d crossed so many lines already, and I felt like a whole
new person. I started watching cuckold porn, and stepmom stepson videos
to satiate my urges. Instead of quelling them, it only made them worse.

I wasn’t even sure how long it had been, maybe a couple of months.
Night after night of hearing women howl for him, all while laying next to
his lazy bones father who couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger trying to
pleasure me. Not that it was an option, I’d already told him that I was okay
with not having sex, and he could die if he did.
When Spencer came out of his room it startled me, and scared him
even worse.

“What are you doing?” he whispered, pulling his door closed behind

“I was waiting for you.”

“Why? I told you Layla was coming over, and that she had food.”

“I know, I was hoping you’d kick her out.” I said.

“Why would I do that?”

“Well, for starters I have no problem with you pushing my head down
in your lap.” I said, reaching down between his legs and grabbing his cock
for the first time.

“Okay. Now we’re talking.” he said, leading me away from his

bedroom and down the hallway toward the kitchen.

“But only if you break up with her and kick her out.”

“Look, I have no problem kicking her out tonight if something is

gonna happen between you and me, because like I said, you’re my number
one. But I’m not going to break up with her for a blowjob.” he said, always
cocky and willing to fight for every inch.

“How can I be your number one if you have a girlfriend?” I asked.

“Look, I like to have cum four or five times a day. I need at least a
couple girls to keep up with that.”

“I can make you cum five times a day. And I promise you’ll enjoy it a
whole lot more than whatever misses “don’t push down on my head” in
there is doing for you.” I said, dead set on getting that girl out of his life.

“You really don’t like her, do you?” he asked. “She told me to talk to
you, to put in a good word so you’ll stop being mean to her.”

“Not gonna happen. I’ll run her off myself if I have to. She isn’t right
for you.”

“You’re right for me, but you’re already married.” he said.

“You don’t wanna date me.”

“Bullshit. If you’re loyal to me, and fuck me all the time, I’ll date
you. I’ll break up with her and make her leave the house right now if you’ll
be my girlfriend.” he said, standing tall and looking me in the eye.

“How’s that going to work? With me being married.” I asked.

“Obviously, you’re going to cuck my dad, and we’re going to have an

affair.” he said, unflinching at the daunting proposition.

“That’s really what you want?” I asked.

“Yes. And it’s the only way I’m sending Layla out of here.”

“You don’t have a problem cucking your dad?” I asked, trying to

make sure he understood how serious of a venture we were thinking about
entering into.

“Macy, I’d love to be your alpha bull, and let him be the beta cuck
little bitch that he is. You’re what I want, and he’s already failed the
assignment. He should thank me for stepping in, taking his wife, and
fucking you into oblivion.” He said, quite undeterred by betraying his dad.

“Okay. I’m in. Go. Kick that little bitch out of my house.” I said,
calling his bluff to see if he was as serious as he was talking. Spencer
smiled, and jutted down the hallway and into his room. I didn’t hear
everything, but he made me proud. He was too good to be hanging around
her anyway, and he told her that they were through several times as he
escorted her out the front door.
He was as happy as I’d ever seen a man when he returned, jumping
around in celebration as he approached me. I didn’t realize how badly he’d
been wanting me.

“She left the food! She totally forgot about it when I started telling
her not to contact me again for any reason.” his eyes shined bright and he
smiled wide, more concerned with the leftover chinese than with the girl
who he’d ended his relationship with moments earlier.

“That’s great, Spencer.” I said, rethinking my idea of being his


“She didn’t even touch hers. It’s so much food. Do you wanna come
to my room?” he asked.

“Sure.” I shrugged, and followed behind him. He was so tall and full
of energy, it was kind of cute. He belched obnoxiously as we entered his
room, and he laid down on his mattress and removed his shorts and

“Will you give me head while I finish my food?” he asked. I smiled,

and climbed into bed with him. He may have been rough around the edges,
but I couldn’t say no to an aggressive, masculine man with a cock like his. I
was far too sex deprived and horny.

I’d already come to terms with the fact I would be cheating on my

husband, and all I wanted was to descend into arousal, and give myself over
to a man who knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it. At that
moment, Spencer was exactly what I wanted.
Chapter 6 - Spencer
I couldn’t fucking believe it when she laid her head down by my
cock, taking hold of it by the base and shaking it back and forth admiring it.
It was surreal, the fantasy I’d played out in my head so many times was
coming true.

My attempt to further tease her paid off big time, and I set my food
down right away. I glanced over at my door, hanging wide open and smiled.
Hopefully pops didn’t stroll down the hallway, or he’d be subjected to quite
a sight.

“Spencer, you’re huge.” she said, inspecting it like it was a one of a

kind specimen.

“You already knew that.” I said, making a mental note of how pretty
she looked slapping my cock against her face.

“Oh my God, and it’s so hard.” she said, rubbing her lips against it. I
could see her horniness in her eyes when she looked up at me.

“We shouldn’t be wearing any clothes. That’s against the rules for this
sort of thing.” I said, removing my shirt. Macy frowned, but followed my
orders and began stripping down.

“I haven’t had sex in months.” she said, stepping out of her panties.

“God damn.” I said, looking her up and down. Her body was
heavenly, everything I’d hoped for and more.

“Not bad for a stepmom, eh?”

“So luscious. Jesus Christ, I need to fuck you.” I said, perking up like
crazy as she laid down on her stomach between my legs.

“Oh, you will. Just let me suck on this big cock first.”
“Don’t forget my balls.” I said, chiming in to make sure she knew
what I liked. “And put your feet up.”

“Anything else, King Spencer?” she asked, my cockhead resting

inches from her succulent lips.

“No, but I love the moniker. Suck off your king, lowly peasant
woman.” I said, taking hold of her hair and testing her claim that she didn’t
mind if I pressed her down into my lap.

“Yes your majesty.” she said, eagerly swallowing my girth and

massaging my balls. The pleasure took over my body, and I bucked against
her, holding her head in place by her hair.

“Oh my God!” I moaned, amazed by her ability to swallow cock. No

girl my age had been able to handle it like that, and she smiled around it,
drooling and giggling like a deranged nympho.

“Mmm…” she moaned, my dick still wedged deep in her throat.

“I think I’m in love with you.” I said, staring into her soulless eyes,
streaming with black tears of mascara as she stared back at me without

“Uhhhh….” she gasped for air, finally pulling me from the

squeezing grip of her throat. I grabbed hold of her head with both hands,
forcing her back down for another round.

“That’s so good.” I grunted, grinding slightly against her as waves

of pleasure rippled through me. It felt amazing, finally being throated all the
way. She gagged herself willingly, spitting up viscous spit and slurping it
off of my shaft, only to recycle it again.

“I love it, Spencer. It’s so fat and long.” she exclaimed, before
diving back down for more. I’d never experienced a blowjob like that, and
her pretty little feet swayed in the air while she buried her face in my balls,
slurping and sucking.

“I want you to sit on it. I want to grab your ass while you ride my
dick.” I said, knowing that I couldn’t handle much more of her skilled
mouth before erupting. There was no way I was letting her out of that room
without fucking the ever living shit out of her.
Chapter 7 - Macy

It’s insane how long term deprivation can intensify your arousal. My
legs were shaking as I climbed up onto his lap, squatting down to take his
throbbing monster. I hadn’t so much as touched myself, and I was already
leaking like a broken faucet as I split my lips with his bulbous mushroom

“Oh, Spencer. That’s what mommy needs.” I said, biting down into
the soft flesh of my lower lip as he pierced me. He was easily twice the size
of his father, and I could feel my tightness being stretched to accommodate

“You’re so wet, baby.” he said, taking two firm handfuls of ass and
pulling down until my hips felt his.

“Wow. Oh my God.” I said, sitting down on his dick and grinding

back and forth. His massive, hot flesh hit spots deep inside me, and I
bounced up and down on it while trying not to scream too loudly.

“Your ass is perfect.” he said, slapping it harder and harder, and

thrusting against me from the bottom. I’d never been so thoroughly filled,
and he had the stamina to match his enormity.

“Spencer! Yes! Harder!” I called out, completely unhinged and in a

state of cock crazed mania. It felt so good being impaled on him, and I
began squirting and cumming uncontrollably while he spanked my ass and
talked dirty in my ear.

“You’re already addicted, aren’t you? You love taking that big dick,
admit it.” he whispered, his hot breath sending chills up and down my

“It’s so good.” I whimpered, suddenly remembering that his door was

wide open.
“You’re going to be my little cockslut. My perfect little hotwife who
does exactly what I tell her to do, who lets her alpha bull breed her tight
pussy whenever he wants.” he said, his voice gruff and raw. I could feel his
swollen balls, bouncing so hard that they slapped my asshole violently
while he held me in place and thrusted furiously. “Say it.”

“I’m your little cockslut…” I said, struggling to speak as I was in so

much pleasure.

“Good girl. And are you gonna get pregnant with my cum?”

“Yes. I’ll do anything to please you.” I said, swelling with pleasure as

his dick sent me spiraling to another powerful climax. “Spencer!” I called
out his name, seeing stars and hanging on for dear life as he continued to
pound me.

“Say it.”

“I want your baby. I want you to breed me.” I said, breathing heavily
and still shaking from the thunderous orgasm he’d dished out with his
strong hips.

“Good. My turn to get on top.” he said, pushing me off of him. “No,

turn over. On your hands and knees.”

“Yes sir.” I said softly, getting into position. Spencer wasted no time
in mounting me, and pulled my hips down against his as he entered me.

“I’m going to fill you up.” he said, holding my hips and increasing his
pace until I was digging into the sheets, trying desperately to hold myself in
place while he jackhammered me from behind.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” I squealed like some sort of an animal, unable to

repress the sounds from leaving me. I’d never been fucked with such
powerful intensity, and his massive member made it almost unbearable.
“Oh, fuck. Oh fuck. Macy, I’m gonna cum. I’m going to cum inside
your pussy.” he said, practically shouting as he left his bareback dick inside
me, shoving it deep and letting it erupt without protection.

“Ugh!” I was already so orgasmic that I came again, at the same time
that he bred me with his sticky seed.
Chapter 8 - Philbert

My headphones were on and I was listening to a book on tape about

the benefits of combining veganism and pacifism when I heard a strange
knocking in the background. I paused the recording, and listened closer.

“What might that be?” I asked aloud, before going to investigate for
myself. It was late afternoon, and I wondered what all the commotion was. I
followed the sounds down the hallway, and recognized my wife’s shrieking

My stomach dropped when I looked in my son’s bedroom. Macy was

on top of him, bouncing up and down while he held her by the throat,
gasping the dirtiest talk I’d ever heard while he split her in half without a
condom on. I froze, and a sick feeling washed over me.

I stood there in silence for several minutes, watching them go at it.

The sheer size of his cock made me feel inadequate and insecure, and the
way she whimpered and squealed for him was unlike any reaction she’d
ever given to me.

They weren’t just having sex, they were passionately fucking in the
most hungry way. If my dick still worked, it would have certainly become
hard. Instead, I snuck away in fear, pretending I hadn’t seen anything. Once
they started, it didn’t stop, and I would regularly listen by the door to hear
how much pleasure Spencer was giving her.

Once I accepted my position as a cuck, it actually made me feel good

in a way, that at least my wife got to experience such mind blowing sexual
pleasure, and that it was my own son who was lucky enough to provide it to

The quality of my own life suffered because of it, once they kicked
me out of my bedroom and made me sleep in Spencer’s old bed. He still
kept his room, but allowed me to sleep there during the night.
Macy became pregnant, and I had to sit there and smile while they
became a happy, affectionate couple and had my grandson. They’re still
together now, and are moving out soon into the new house that Spencer
saved up for and bought. I couldn’t be prouder.

Releasing Pent Up Frustration (Stepmom/SS) - Taboo Volume 26

Chapter 1 - Melanie

It was a complete turn around out of nowhere. My husband Steve had

become a born again Christian overnight, and was making all sorts of
changes in the way we lived.

We started going to church, which wasn’t bad, but Steve acted like he
was some holier than thou saint. He was being phony, and I could only
assume he was going through some sort of mid life crisis. I tried being
supportive, until he refused to go down on me because he said it “didn’t feel
right in his relationship with the lord”.

Of course, like all hypocrites, he still wanted me to blow him. He said

it wasn’t unnatural for a woman to perform oral sex on her husband,
because it was a submissive act, but it was immoral for a man to put his
mouth on his wife’s vagina.

And all butt stuff was out, no more eating ass for Christian Steve. Oh,
but it was still okay for me to insert a finger in his ass while jerking him off
because “It isn’t sodomy for a wife to digitally penetrate her husband”, and
because it’s a womanly act of service to intensify her husband’s orgasms.

The whole thing was baffling, and I felt like I lost my husband. Sex
became monotonous, and fully committed the missionary position. Steve
said that we weren’t meant to have sex in positions where the man is behind
his wife, because it could lead to temptation towards anal sex.

Cowgirl was out too, because the man couldn’t lay beneath his wife. I
found his bible based obsession with sex off putting, along with his entire
new persona. He started acting like a pastor, and going out of his way to be
overly polite to everyone.

A couple months of this left me near insanity. I was no longer

attracted to my husband, hornier than I’d been in years, to the point that I
couldn’t stop checking out and flirting with my stepson Kaleb.

Kaleb seemed put off by his father’s change as well, and we spoke
about it several times. We were equally baffled by it, but promised to have
each other’s backs if he completely lost his mind.

It was just the three of us living at the house, and I started to depend
on Kaleb more and more while my husband spent all day reading the bible,
praying, and ranting about sinners. He seemed particularly incensed by
those who were tempted by the flesh, constantly hammering in points about
sexual impurity.

I had to make sure that Steve was out of the house if I wanted to
masturbate, and I hid my toys in a locked fire safe to ensure he didn’t
stumble across them. Steve wanted to have sex less and less, and eventually,
went celibate in an attempt to purify himself sexually.

Kaleb stepped up around the house, taking over the responsibilities

that used to be his father’s. He helped clean, cooked, pitched in with bills,
and fixed whatever broke around the house. I couldn’t help feeling a little
attracted to him, even if he was half my age and my own stepson.

The less we had sex, the more I wanted it, and the more obvious it
became that I’d settled for the inferior man in the family. When Kaleb
walked around the house with his shirt off, it was enough to drive me crazy.

Whenever I cleaned his room, I’d come across so many crusted over
tissues that he’d obviously used to clean himself up after jacking off. He
was 19, and overflowing with excess sexual energy. He was also very
muscular, as he was continuously lifting weights. It made me wish that we
could have an arrangement where we satiated each other’s needs, it would
make perfect sense considering his father no longer wanted to handle mine.

I knew things were getting out of control once I started actively

fantasizing about my stepson, and of all the things I’d let him do to me. I
hadn’t been fucked in months, and even before that my husband wasn’t
going down on me. I needed it badly, and I knew that Kaleb could give me
what I craved.

But he was my stepson, and I didn’t know how to go about it. The last
thing I wanted to do was make him feel uncomfortable, or ruin our
relationship. He was just so manly and attractive for his age, and I needed
someone to be intimate with. I wanted it to be him.

I decided to wear skimpier clothes around him, and find reasons to be

close to him, and touch him, and try to let him know that I really
appreciated him. If his father was going to neglect me for Jesus, then I
would neglect him for his own son.
Chapter 2 - Kaleb

Melanie was wearing a crop top without a bra, and I was struggling to
stay focused on the conversation. We were talking about the sexual
abstinence pamphlet my dad had authored, printed up, and was planning to
pass out downtown, but all I saw were my stepmother’s erect nipples
poking out from her shirt.

“I can’t believe he really wants me to go downtown with him to pass

these out. It’s so embarrassing.” she said, looking over the pamphlet while I
gazed at her perfect breasts.

“Yeah, I know.” I said. Things had been different with her lately, and I
suspected it had to do with my father’s plan to purify himself through an
abstinence cleanse. He’d been going for months, getting crazier with each
passing day.

“Listen to this, Masturbation is ungodly, and those who commit such

devious acts will only stoke the flames of their sinful lust.” she said, reading
an excerpt from his newest creation.

“Oh, no. Watch out Melanie, I stoked the flames of my sinful lust
earlier in the shower.” I said, getting a quick chuckle from her before she
continued complaining. It was beyond obvious that they weren’t working
out, and that she was starting to break down.

“So he can’t eat my pussy, can’t lick my ass, can’t fuck me in any
position except missionary, but not at all right now because he’s abstinent,
and I’m not allowed to pleasure myself in the meantime?” she asked,
throwing up her hands in frustration.

“Wait, is that true? He can’t go down on you?” I asked. It was weird

talking like that to her, but she’s the one who brought it up.

“Yeah, he said it’s not right because the man and the woman, I don’t
even know, some psycho babble bullshit that he misinterpreted from the
bible.” she said, shaking her head. She’d been wearing less and less clothes
around the house, and I was pretty sure she’d been flirting with me.

“Hey Kaleb, did you wanna take a ride downtown to help me pass
these out?” dad asked, popping in from out of nowhere holding a stack of
his pamphlets.

“Oh, no. I’m sorry, I would, I just need to stay home and…pray.” I
said, going with the excuse he was most likely to accept.

“That’s good. Melanie? Are you sure you don’t wanna come out and
help spread the word?” he asked, looking over at her with hopeful eyes.

“No, Steve. I’m gonna stay home and pray too. Kaleb and I might
even pray together.” she said, her voice thick with sarcasm that he didn’t
pick up on.

“Alright, great. I love that. My family, coming together in Christ.” he

said. “Welp, I gotta head out.”

“Bye dad.” I said, smiling at Melanie as he headed out. She was so

damn pretty, and knowing that she was deprived of sex made me want her
even more.

“Can you believe that? What kind of man won’t go down on his
wife?” she asked, going right back to our previous conversation.

“I don’t know, that’s crazy. Especially with you.” I said, the words
slipping out.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you know. You’re so pretty, who wouldn’t want to go down

on you?” I asked, burying myself deeper. Melanie was so hot that
sometimes I got nervous around her, especially when she wasn’t wearing a
bra and had her tits on full display.
“I dunno, Kaleb. Would you?” she asked, grinning at my awkward

“Of course. If you weren’t my mom. Stepmom. If you weren’t my

stepmom, then I totally would.” I said, feeling the pressure building in my
face as I stumbled once more. I needed a mulligan, or a pause button so I
could get it together.

“You’re adorable. I’m starting to wish you weren’t my stepson.” she

said, having a nice little laugh at my expense. “Would you really? If you
weren’t my stepson, I mean.”

“Wow. It’s kind of hard to think about, since you are my stepmom.”

“Try to think about it. If we were just hanging out right now, and I
took off my shorts and panties and spread my legs, then asked you to come
eat it, would you?” she asked, practically seducing me with the way she was
looking at me alone.

“Yeah. I would.” I said, looking back into her eyes. There was no
need to think about it, I knew it was true.

“I like that.” she said, biting her lip. I felt myself starting to get hard
in my pants. “I like it, but it’s naughty. We shouldn’t talk about stuff like
that.” Melanie stood up, gave me a final hard look in the eyes, and left the

“God damn, she’s hot.” I whispered, adjusting my erection. I’d

always found her attractive, but ever since she started being all flirtatious
with me, it was kicked into overdrive.

Everyday, Melanie found some way of getting me hard. I could tell by

how aware of me she was. Whenever my dad left the house, she’d strip
down to practically nothing and start doing randomly sexy yoga, watching
me watch her.
It was maddening in the best imaginable way. I looked forward to
being teased, to being made so hard that my cock literally had a pulse.
Whenever I talked to dad, I made sure to let him know that I admired what
he was doing in regards to abstinence, and to keep it up.

“I just want to be an example,” he said.

“We need more men like you, sacrificing for the community.” I said.
It wasn’t long before Melanie was openly talking about sex with me, and
how much she missed it, and how much she wanted it.

“God, I just wish he would at least eat my pussy. Finger me.

Something. I feel like I can’t even masturbate anymore, like I have to be
sneaky so he doesn’t catch me.” she said. I was really starting to feel bad
for her, because it was obviously turning her into a mess.

It wasn’t right, putting someone you love through such a sudden

change without even being there for them. Melanie didn’t know what to
feel, she just knew that her husband suddenly wasn’t interested in being
intimate with her, and that her needs were no longer being taken care of.

Living with dad wasn’t easy, because all he talked about was the
bible, mostly complaining about how no one lived by it. Melanie and I both
loved when he would leave, because we could finally put our feet up and

Melanie felt abandoned and I didn’t blame her, and this went on long
enough that she confessed to me that she was no longer attracted to him,
and that she’d started having fantasies about another man.

I couldn’t help falling in love with her, and wanting to be the man she
replaced my dad with. As wrong as it was, I thought that she was worth it.
Melanie was only in her mid thirties, ten years younger than my dad. She
was the most gorgeous woman I knew, and living in such close quarters had
led to me falling for her.
Melanie leaned on me emotionally, and flirted, and talked endlessly
about how much she needed sex. It made me horny on a deep level, like
nothing I’d ever experienced. She became all I could think about, and she
graduated from being my infatuation to my obsession.

Chapter 3 - Melanie

I finally reached a complete snapping point. I’d had enough of laying

in bed next to my husband, unable to fall asleep because I was so horny that
all I could think about was getting railed by his son.

This was his fault. He’s the one who didn’t want to please me, so I
decided to find someone who would. And he just so happened to live right
down the hall.

Kaleb and I had grown very close since Steve decided to go full on
Christian crusader. We kind of had the same feeling about it, we were both
Christians but thought that he was taking everything way too far.
Steve became physically and emotionally absent, forcing Kaleb and
I to pick things up and keep the household running smoothly. I had to rely
on Kaleb emotionally, as a friend, and as a partner. The only thing we didn’t
do is have sex, but we were flirting more and more with that temptation.

I’d picked up yoga as a hobby, almost entirely to entice and arouse

my stepson. It was interesting to see how much the lack of sex was
affecting me, as I was literally picking up new hobbies to distract myself,
and to win my new lover.

I hate to say it, but I saw it coming way before it ever happened.
There was a void that wasn’t being filled, and the longer he left it
unsatiated, the more untamed it became. I tried fighting it, ignoring my
urges and waiting, but I knew that if Steve didn’t snap out of it, I was going
to cheat on him with his own son.

Kaleb was an impressive young man, as well as being much taller

and more muscular than his dad. A lot of it was physical, with him, at first.
The idea of being with such a strong man turned me on, especially a
younger man with an endless appetite for sex.

There was something about the energy of a virile young man, and it
made me feel young again seeing him lust after me. I convinced him to
assist in my stretching, and he placed his pelvis directly against mine,
pressing his weight down to extend my leg. It had been months since I’d
had sex, and weeks since I’d given myself an orgasm.

Feeling the warmth of his muscular body against me, his strength as
he stretched me out. I could feel his semi erect cock pressing against my
pussy, and my arousal became so intense that I was nervous it would look
like I peed myself.

Somehow, I mustered the self control to cut it off after we finished

the stretch, even though every fiber in my being was screaming at me to
escalate things further. My feelings for Kaleb grew to the point of being
unhealthy, and he turned me on so much that I couldn’t separate the line
between the platonic love that I was supposed to feel for him, and the raw
sexual desire he inspired in me.

There was a point where I no longer cared, where it felt like I was
already a single woman in some ways. I knew I had to get a divorce, and
figure a lot of things out, but I was going to start by taking out all of my
pent up sexual frustrations on Kaleb’s hard cock.

Steve was only working 25 hours a week and spending the rest of his
time reading the bible, and “doing research” into conspiracy theories
involving some sort of secret cabal. I waited until he was out for the day,
and entered Kaleb’s room wearing nothing but a bra and panties.

“Hey.” he said, looking me up and down. Our coy flirtation had gone
on long enough, and we both knew what was going on.

“Hey. Remember when I asked you if you would eat my pussy if I

wasn’t your stepmom? And you said yes.”

“Yeah, I remember.” he said, sitting up in bed and tossing his phone


“Well, now that your dad doesn’t have sex with me anymore, I need
someone to be intimate with.” I said, having a seat at the edge of his
mattress. Kaleb’s eyes lit up, and he smiled.

“Yeah?” he asked, scooting closer to me.

“I want it to be you.” I said, feeling a bit embarrassed having to admit

it. “You make me feel good, like I’m still pretty and desirable.”

“You’re beautiful, Melanie. I’ve wanted you for so long.” he said,

leaning in so that his lips lingered in front of mine.

“I’m so sorry for making you wait.”

As soon as we started kissing, things got out of control. Our hands got
involved, and our tongues were rolling together, and clothes started coming
off. You could feel the tension between us, as there was a rushed and
passionate overtone in the way we touched.

“They’re so perfect.” he said, pulling my bra away and bringing his

lips to my nipple as he groped with both hands. “You drive me crazy with

“Oh, Kaleb. This is so wrong.” I said, closing my eyes and savoring

the sensation of his flesh on mine. Kaleb removed his shirt and shorts,
leaving only a pair of boxer briefs separating me from his penis.

“I know, but I can’t help it. My cock doesn’t care that you’re my
stepmom.” he said, kissing up my chest until he found my neck, nibbling
aggressively enough to send chills down my spine.

I grabbed his face and wrapped my legs around him, grinding

desperately as our tongues fought for position. There was a hunger in the
way he attacked my body, ravishing and worshiping everything about me.
The heat that emanated between us spoke of long building tension, and
inappropriate desire coming to fruition.

The next thing that I knew, Kaleb was sliding my panties off of my
ankles, and burying his face in my pussy.

“Oh my God.” I said, my body being incredibly sensitive to his touch.

It had been such a long time, and what we were doing was so wrong.

“Mmm…Mmm…Hmmm…” he hummed as his tongue circled

around my clit, sending jolts of pure pleasure radiating through me.

“Kaleb!” I called out his name, shocked by the intensity of the

feelings his mouth was giving me. “Oh, wow, baby. You’re really good.”
“You’re so wet, Melanie.” he said, pausing only for the words to
leave his mouth.

“I’m so turned on, Kaleb. I want you so much.”

“How do you taste so good? I love it.” he said, hooking his arms
under my legs and tonguing me like a starving man.

“Kaleb, oh fuck. Don’t stop!” I squealed, writhing uncontrollably

beneath him as his skillful tongue brought me easily to climax.


“I’m cumming, Kaleb. I’m cumming…” I grabbed his hair with both
hands, pressing his face down into my sex as I grinded against his soft
mouth. It was a thunderous explosion that made my body shake, and I could
feel the wet warmth squirting onto his face.

Going from zero stimulation for months to having a new partner

rhythmically tonguing my pussy until I came all over his face was intense,
and I was seeing stars and panting for breath when he removed his boxers
and told me to get on all fours.

“Okay. Wow.” I said, getting into position. The reality of what we

were doing set in, and I hate to admit that it turned me on knowing that I
was disrespecting my marriage in the ultimate way.

“I can’t believe we’re really doing this.” he said, rubbing his bareback
cockhead against my pussy. I bit down on my lip, whimpering as he entered


“Oh my God Melanie. It’s so tiny, it’s squeezing my dick.” he said,

bottoming out inside me. I shuddered with pleasure, clenching around his
unprotected flesh. His father would have fainted if he saw his son fucking
his wife from behind.

“It’s so big, Kaleb.” I said, digging my fingers into his sheets as he

worked himself in and out. He was larger than his father, and everything I’d
been craving and more. “Oh, wow.”

“Melanie, fuck. You’re so sexy.” he said, holding my hips and

bouncing me on his hard dick.

“Kaleb…I can’t stop. I can’t stop…” I’d never been so fucking

sensitive before. Just having his cock inside me was enough to send me
spiraling towards another release. It felt amazing, finally taking my
stepson’s virile young cock.

“Melanie! Oh God…” he called out, fucking me harder until I was

drooling, giggling mindlessly as he powered through my orgasm.

“Your cock…”

“I’m cumming!” he said, far too late to pull out. I felt his cock
contracting, spasming inside me as it erupted with hot sticky cum, pumping
me full while I moaned for him to fill me.

Words can’t describe how much he satisfied me, or how bonded I felt
to him immediately afterwards. It was like he replaced his father that
quickly, in one carnal act of pure depravity.
Chapter 4 - Kaleb
I heard the front door. It had to be my dad, home early for some
reason and with the worst timing imaginable. Melanie and I had just
finished fucking each other’s brains out, and we were both still completely

We were in my room, and Melanie grabbed her clothes and sprinted

out of there. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I put my shorts back on, sprayed
some cologne, and hoped for the best. I was sitting on my bed, pretending
to play video games when he popped his head in.

“Have you seen my megaphone?” he asked. “I totally forgot it.”

“Oh, uhm, no dad. Haven’t seen it.” I said. He went about his
business, and I saw his car pulling out of the driveway about ten minutes
later. I ran to Melanie’s room, where she let out a hearty laugh.

“I just jumped in the shower, I had to. I was leaking cum

everywhere.” she said.

“Crisis averted, I guess.” I said. “That was amazing, by the way.”

“Yeah it was. I didn’t realize you were so good in the bedroom.”

“We’re just getting started. That was only round 1.” I said.

It turned out that I wasn’t wrong, and we entered into a non-stop,

passion filled affair. While dad was out trying to convince other people to
give up sex, we were naked in his bed, covered in sweat and doing the

I’d only been with a couple girls before, and she blew them all away.
She knew exactly what she wanted, and I gave it to her with enthusiasm.
Dad’s shameful attitude towards sex made her want to be nasty for me,
something I took full advantage of.
We did it all, and seemed to fall further for each other with each
passing day. In the bathroom, the laundry room, my bed, hers, nowhere was
off limits. She let me eat her ass, suck her toes, and take her asshole. I
couldn’t help falling in love with her, but she kept trying to keep things
casual and secret.

After months of constant, passion fueled sex, she told me that she was
pregnant. I’d been saving up money for years, and offered to get us an
apartment so we could get out of the house.

It must have been the ticket she was waiting for, because we were
moving out and into our own new place within the month. Dad was
blindsided, and convinced himself that the baby arrived via immaculate

We’re expecting in a few months, and have settled into our new
relationship. Dad eventually came to terms with everything, and begged
Melanie not to divorce him. She’s going to wait until after the baby is born
to go through with it, so he’ll at least get to still be her cuckold for a little
while longer.
Impossible Temptation (Stepdad/SD) - Taboo Volume 27

Chapter 1 - Michael

I married Sylvia, went on our honeymoon, and then we finally got her
moved into my place. We’d only been living together for a couple of
months when summer rolled around, and her college freshman daughter
arrived for the summer.

She’d been abroad for the wedding, and we didn’t formally meet
until she showed up at my house in an Uber. Sylvia and I were waiting in
the driveway, and I felt my eyes bulge when she got out of the vehicle.

“Baby! Hi!” Sylvia exclaimed, running up to give her daughter a

hug. I stayed back and took her in, even though I’d seen pictures of her and
knew that she was beautiful, seeing her in person was another thing entirely.

“You must be Ela?” I asked, smiling and extending my hand.

“I am. And you must be Michael.” she said, opening her arms and
bypassing my handshake.

“I am.” I said, inhaling her scent as I wrapped my arms around her

soft body.

We went inside, and I helped her carry her bags to her bedroom. I
followed her up the stairs, and couldn’t believe what a perfect bubble butt
she had. It stayed with every step, her cheeks bursting out from the legs of
her undersized shorts.

“Thank you so much. I can’t wait to get to know you over the
summer.” she said, jumping into my arms for another hug. I could feel
myself turning hard, and adjusted myself as I walked away.
We had a swimming pool out back, and I was already looking
forward to the first time she put on a bikini and went for a swim. Her body
was so tempting, such amazing curves on such a perky young woman.

There was zero chance that I wasn’t going to check her out every
chance I got, but she was my new stepdaughter, and I had no intentions of
doing anything inappropriate. I felt the same way that she did, I was looking
forward to getting to know her and spending time with her for the next
couple months.

Chapter 2 - Ela

It didn’t surprise me at all that mom had remarried while I was

abroad. She didn’t like being alone, and only dated seriously. Michael made
for her third marriage, and I was happy as long as she was.

She usually dated tall, skinny, nerdy guys. That’s what I expected
when I showed up at her new house. Instead, I was greeted by Michael, a
shockingly handsome and well muscled older man.

He was exactly my type, and I started feeling bad about how attracted
to him I was almost right away. I couldn’t help it, he was the masculine
daddy I’d been craving, and searching for in my life.

Mom was pretty shallow, and typically married for money. It was no
different with Michael, and she spent most of her days out on the town,
shopping on his dime. This left me home alone all the time with Michael,
and I could tell within the first couple days that there was no way I was
going to be able to resist him.

We got along famously, and I found him easy to flirt and converse
with. I liked his discipline, the way he went from task to task throughout the
day, always accomplishing something. Sometimes, I would watch him work
out and fantasize about what it would be like if I were dating him instead of
my mom.

I couldn’t help noticing that he checked me out, and was always

casting glances in my direction when we were close by. We already had
kind of a playful relationship, especially when mom wasn’t around, but I
decided to press things a little more by complimenting him.

He’d finished his workout in the living room, and was dripping sweat
and shirtless when he strolled into the kitchen for a glass of water. I’d been
admiring him, and followed right behind him.

“Your arms are so muscular.” I said, sliding up beside him and

grabbing hold of his bicep while he scanned the contents of the refrigerator.

“Thank you.” he said, smiling.

“We should work out together sometime.” I said, following him
around the kitchen in a daze of arousal.

“I’d like that. How about tomorrow?” he asked.

“It’s a date.” I said, giggling.

“You’re way too cute, you know that?”

“Oh am I?” I asked, looking into his eyes.

“You are. It’s not even fair.” he said, taking a swig of his water bottle.
We stood in front of each other, gazing into each other’s eyes for a few
seconds too long, and Michael reached out and brushed my hair over my

“Tomorrow. I’m gonna hold you to that.” I said.

I made sure to shower, shave, and wear my skimpiest workout clothes

the following day. Michael wore athletic shorts and no shirt as per usual,
and we started by doing a warmup of jumping jacks and mountain climbers.

It was a pretty standard workout, lots of situps, squats, and pushups,

but it was more fun because we were doing it together. Having a crush on
your stepdad puts you in a strange fantasy land, and I tried not to look too
far into things because I wanted them to be true, but I felt like a mutual
attraction was simmering between us, and it was confirmed when we did
our “cool down”, which involved partner stretches and lots of touching.

Michael was sweating on me as he pressed my leg up by my head, his

pelvis resting between my legs.

“Deeper?” he asked, his face resting a few inches from mine while he
looked into my eyes.

“Yes daddy.” I said, the words leaving my mouth automatically.

“Daddy, huh? You’ve never called me that before.”

“I’m sorry, is that weird?” I asked, thoroughly embarrassed by my


“No, I like it. It’s cute.” he said, his crotch nestling against me. Being
so close to him filled me with butterflies and naughty feelings, and I hoped
that he didn’t notice how wet I was getting.

“Right there.” I said, reaching my limit.

“Deep breaths, slow and controlled.” he said, counting me down

before switching legs. It was such an intimate stretch, and I was completely
mesmerized by the sexual tension that I was feeling. I couldn’t be sure if I
was imagining it or not, but I knew for a fact that my mother would not
have liked what we were doing.

A stepfather and his stepdaughter wearing next to nothing, practically

grinding together and staring into each other’s eyes, so close that I could
feel his breathing, and smell his scent. All I could think about was kissing
him, or how good it would feel if he fucked me in that same position.

We finished up, and I realized he hadn’t done the same cool down
stretches as me. He did simple, touch your toes type of static stretches, but
made me do a series of partner stretches that left us in precarious situations.

It left me wanting more, and wondering if he was harboring the same

feelings that I was. All I knew was that I had to shower right after we
worked out, not only to wash up but to relieve myself of the forbidden
pressure between my legs.

“I can’t believe this. I’m in love with my stepdad.” I said out loud, in
the safety of the bathroom with the water droning me out. As soon as I
started thinking about him in that way, I became incredibly aroused, and
came so hard I was seeing stars.
My crush on my stepdad had grown and grown since the day we met,
but it was getting out of control. I was sneaking away to masturbate while
thinking about him exclusively, and I knew that it wasn’t right but I
couldn’t help it. He was the one I wanted, and I didn’t care what lines we
had to cross in order to make it happen.

Chapter 3 - Michael

I was having enough trouble restraining myself around her as it was,

and then Ela decided to start tanning out back, completely nude. She
strutted through the house in her bikini, which was already tiny and
revealing, and then went outside to lay out.

Ten minutes later, she was oiled up and naked, laying on her back so
that her perfect tits were on full display. I watched from behind the curtain
of the window, feeling myself become erect.

Ela became the object of my obsession, and I couldn’t even think

about sex without thinking about her. She was 19 years old, while I was
coming up on 45, but that didn’t seem to bother her. The way she looked
into my eyes without breaking eye contact, the way she bit her lip when she
looked at me, the way she found excuses to give me compliments and touch

Working out together proved to be the perfect way for us to ease into
each other. It allowed us to be in close proximity for long periods of time,
touching, complementing, and admiring. Ela wore sports bras and skin tight
yoga shorts while we worked out, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.

There were times when I had to extend one of our rest periods so that
I could wait for the blood to flow away from my cock. It made me feel like
a teenager again, hiding my constant boners that were all caused by the
same girl.

To say that I wanted to fuck her would be an understatement. You can

only be around someone so long, being that attracted to them, and you can
only masturbate while thinking about your stepdaughter so many times
before you want it to happen for real. That’s where I was at with her, losing
my mind with arousal and in desperate need of satiating it.

Seeing her naked made me snap. Her body was so supple and firm, so
pure and untouched. I didn’t care about the implications or consequences,
she was like a drug that short circuited my brain. I couldn’t think rationally
around her, as my thinking was too clouded by lust and desire.

“You shouldn’t go out there. Just leave her alone, let her tan in
peace.” I said, while going through my drawer and pulling out my swim
trunks. Knowing she was in my backyard, sunbathing without any clothes
on was too much of a temptation for me to resist.

I slipped into my swim trunks, lathered myself up with sunscreen, and

then went out back to try my luck. Worst case scenario, I’d get an up close
and personal look at the most beautiful girl I knew.

I looked over at her from behind my dark tinted lenses, and she
glanced over at me too, with a big smile on her face as I approached.

“Hi, daddy!” she said, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand.

“I like your bathing suit.” I said, deciding not to tip toe around her
“It’s my birthday suit. And I’m glad you like it.” she said, doing a
little pose in her reclining chair.

“It’s gorgeous, can I see the back?” I asked, laying my towel on the
chair next to hers.

“Sure, but this has to be our little secret.” she said.

“I’ll keep a secret with you.”

“Good. I knew I could trust you.” she said, rolling over onto her
stomach so that her ass was within grabbing distance.

“Jesus Christ, Ela. That’s ridiculous.” I said, removing my sunglasses

to take it in.

“What? You like my booty?” she asked.

“It’s such a juicy bubble. I want to eat it.”

“Oh, wow, daddy. Is it hot out here or is it just me?”

“You knew exactly what you were doing when you decided to get
naked in the backyard.” I said.

“I was hoping you’d follow me out here.”

“I didn’t follow you. I just wanted to catch some rays.” I said,

grinning because we both knew it was a lie.

“Well, now that you’re out here, I do need to reapply.” Ela said,
reaching under her chair and pulling out the bottle of baby oil.

“I’d love to volunteer my services to that cause.” I said, taking hold of

the bottle and standing over her. Her skin was warm from the sun, tanned
and soft. I squeezed out a liberal amount of oil, dripping it from the top of
her back all the way down to her ass.

“I wonder what mom would think, if she saw us out here doing this.”

“Luckily, she doesn’t get off of work until six.” I said, spreading the
lotion into her back while staring at her succulent peach. She was a vision
of sexuality, and my weakness in every way.

“We can get off before then.” she said, giggling as I spread the oil on
her soft skin.

“Ela, baby. This isn’t fair.” I said, allowing my fingers to move down
to her ass, digging them into her soft flesh and squeezing.

“What isn’t fair about it?” she asked through laughter, looking back at
me batting her eyelashes.

“I just love it, that’s all. To answer your question from earlier.” I said.
Ela started shaking it in place, making it jiggle and sending a jolt of
electricity straight to my cock.

“How about that? Do you like when I make it bounce?”

“You’re a very naughty girl, Ela.” I said.

“You’re the one rubbing oil onto your stepdaughter’s bare ass.” she

“Ela, I’m warning you. Your cuteness is too much. It isn’t fair.” I said,
feeling myself throb in my swimming trunks. I spread her cheeks while
rubbing, eyeing her tightly puckered brown hole and pussy.

I moved down to her thighs, calves, ankles, and her tiny little
feminine feet. She had amazing arches, and adorable little toes. I rubbed oil
onto all of them, and it felt like my erection might actually rip straight
through my shorts. I couldn’t remember another time in my life that I was
so turned on. I finished applying the oil, and then sat back down pitching
the world’s most obvious tent.

“You know what actually isn’t fair?” she asked, sitting up.

“What’s that?”

“I’m not wearing any clothes, but you are. That isn’t fair.”

“Oh, Ela. That isn’t going to work on me.” I said, waving off her little
idea before it got going.

“Awh, you’re no fun. Please? I’d feel so much more comfortable if

we were naked together.” she said, pulling at my heartstrings.

“Nah.” I said, crossing my arms and hard lining it.

“Fine. I guess I’ll have to make it even then, and put some clothes
back on so that we match.” she said, being playful but standing up like she
was serious.

“Come on, don’t do that.”

“It’s up to you, daddy.” she said, giving me her most seductive stare. I
glanced down at her tight little pussy lips, and knew that I couldn’t say no
to her.

“Fine. But this stays between us.” I said, raising my finger.

“Of course. It’ll be our little secret.”

Chapter 4 - Ela

I couldn’t believe what was happening. We’d been coy and overt
about our flirtation, but never really breached the subject. This was
different. It was way too naughty to deny, and he finally addressed his
attraction outright.

“Come on. It’s not a big deal, we’re both adults.” I said, angling
myself toward him so that I had the best possible view.

“I hope you can forgive me for being a little excited down there.”

“Really? I hardly even noticed.” I said, rolling my eyes. He chuckled,

and slowly pulled down his trunks until I could see his shaft. It was
impressively thick, and he just kept pulling down. It finally sprung loose
dramatically, swinging up and down before settling.

“It’s a little hard.” he said, letting it stand tall.

“There’s nothing little about it. God damn, daddy.” I said, unable to
restrain my excitement. It was unlike the cocks I’d seen before, with
bulging veins that ran all the way up his massive shaft, and a giant
mushroom head that called out to my mouth.

“I’m glad you approve.” he said, being modest about his incredible

“It’s really big.” I said, covering my mouth and giggling. I was

already practically in love with him, but seeing his enormous manhood
made me turn red with embarrassment.

“We’re just two adults, out here sunbathing naked. Not a big deal.” he
said, throwing it back at me. He looked down at himself, flexing and
making it jump.

“Not fair!” I squealed, feeling my mouth water. He was everything I

wanted, and even though I felt bad about going after him, I had to have him.

“What’s wrong, baby? Did you maybe want to rub some oil on it?”
He asked, taking hold of it by the base and gently massaging it. That’s when
I noticed how big his balls were, and how they hung differently than the
guys my age that I’d been with.

“Yes.” I said, reflexively grabbing the bottle and crouching in front of

him. I squeezed the oil onto his cock, which remained fully hard and stared
back at me. My heart was racing, and I looked up at him before grabbing
hold of it.

“We’re taking things pretty far, sweetheart. Once we do this, we can’t

go back.” he said.

“I know. I want it. I want you.” I said, taking hold of his slippery
cock, jerking it up and down as he leaned in to kiss me. We were outside by
the pool, and even though we had a privacy fence, we certainly weren’t in

“Mmm…” he moaned through our locked lips, massaging my breasts

and kissing me deeply. Our tongues swirled together, and I became too
aroused to control myself.

“This is wrong, but I can’t stop myself.” I said, stroking my stepdad’s

dick with both hands and looking into his eyes.

“It’s only between us, Ela. No one else needs to know.” he said,
running his fingers through my hair and staring into my eyes.

“I know, daddy. It’s only for us to know. This is just for us.”

“Yes, baby. Just me and you.” he took hold of my hair, and guided my
mouth down to his cock. I parted my lips to receive him, wrapping them
around his bulbous tip.

“It’s so wrong.” I said, rubbing my tongue in circles around his

cockhead, swallowing deeper. I’d never wanted to suck someone’s cock so
badly, and I eagerly forced myself down onto his big dick.
“My balls.” he moaned. I continued stroking his oiled up manhood
and buried my face in his testicles, licking and slurping away. “Good girl.
That’s what I need.”

“Mmm…” I moaned. Sucking Michael’s hard cock turned me on, and

I was so wet that I thought I was going to leave a pool on the concrete
underneath me.

“Come here. Sit on it.” he said, pulling me into his lap and grabbing
my face for another aggressive kiss. I suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed,
and pulled away.

“Let’s go inside. I want you to bend me over my bed and punish me.”
I said.

“Let’s go.”

Chapter 5 - Michael

Experiencing her was like heaven on Earth, and I completely lost

myself in her beauty and youth. I held her ankles in my hands, pounding
away with a vigor that she ignited, her supple breasts bouncing in rhythm
with my thrusting hips.

I can’t describe how alive she made me feel, or how sweet her
forbidden lips tasted. I kissed her neck, and sucked on her nipples in a
frenzy of lust that had been building from the moment we locked eyes.
“Harder, daddy. Fuck.” she whimpered. I loved her voice, the soft
feminine way she moaned while I slammed my hips down against her.

“It’s so tight, Ela. I love it.” I said, looking down between us to watch
my cock envelop her.

“Your balls, daddy. I’m gonna cum!” she called out, writhing beneath
me while I licked and sucked her toes, feeding her my cock one hard thrust
at a time.

“Good girl.” I said, looking down at my beautiful prize. I bottomed

out again and again, and she was so sensitive that she squirted again and
again. “I love that baby, it’s so warm.”

“I can’t stop cumming, daddy.” she said, rubbing her clit while I
buried my hard cock deep inside of her softness.

“Turn over. I want to look at that perfect bubble while I fuck it.” I
said, forcefully turning her onto her stomach. Her ass was a sight to behold,
and I’d already lost any semblance of self control.

“Woah! Daddy…oh my God.”

“Mmm… hmmm… Good girl.” I moaned, stuffing my nose in her

asscrack and making out with her asshole.


“Mmm…” I had to worship her, to taste her succulent flesh in the

most forbidden way. She tasted fresh, and my cock pulsed with arousal as I
feasted on her backside.

“Oh my God.” she gasped as I grabbed hold of her hips, sliding her to
the corner of the bed.
“As you asked, my lady.” I said, giving her perfect tanned ass a hard

“Ooh!” she squealed, looking back at me with a deranged look in her

eyes. It was at that moment, as I shoved my unprotected cock back into her
tight little cunt, that I realized I may have a bigger issue than simply being
attracted to my stepdaughter.

“Baby. You’re so much better than your mother.” I said, grabbing the
back of her neck and pinning her flat to the mattress. I realized it was more
than lust, and I told her while I took out all of the frustrations that had been
building between us. “I love you, Ela. I love you so much.”

“Yes! Oh, God. I love your cock, daddy. I love it so much.” she
moaned. I didn’t know until I was inside her how dirty and depraved she
was, how perfectly suited she was for me.

“Such a pretty little pussy.” I said, holding both of her wrists behind
her back and making her take it.

“Please cum for me. I want it.” she said, begging. “Please, daddy.”

“I’m not pulling out.”

“Do it. Cum in me.”

“Fuck!” I grunted, fucking her like a jackhammer until I erupted

inside her. We crossed every line and broke every rule, but it felt so
magnetic that it couldn’t be stopped.

“Oh my God…” Ela said, laying helpless beneath me while I filled

her fertile body with seed. It felt like waves of pleasure rolling over me, the
most intense orgasm I could remember.

We laid next to each other in bed, her on her stomach and me on my

back, catching our breath in silence, contemplating what we’d just done.
“I’ve never cum like that before.” she said, breaking the silence.

“It was incredible. Something about you just made it spectacular, it

felt like we were on a drug.” I said.

“If that was a drug, I want to be your junkie.”

We cuddled and kissed, and then took a shower together. It was nice
connecting with someone new, but I wasn’t sure how things were going to
play out. I couldn’t imagine keeping the lie going, or being able to keep my
hands off of Ela.

She told me that her mother didn’t care if I cheated, that her last
husband cheated all the time, and that she didn’t leave him until he started
going broke.

“Once she saw that it was sinking, she jumped ship.” she said. What
Sylvia valued was money, stability, appearances, and on some level,

Once we got our hands on each other, it was a non-stop, action filled
affair all throughout the summer. We were like animals, passionately
ravaging each other every chance we got. It was mind blowing, and by far
the best sex I’d ever had.

Ela finally left to go back to college, leaving a strange void in my life.

I was used to our cuddles, our dates, and the sex. It already felt like we were
a couple, like we were more married than me and my wife even though
we’d only known each other for three months.

She called about a month after she left, in a panic and crying over the
phone. She’d taken a pregnancy test, and I was the only person she’d been
with. It was mine, and she wanted to keep it. I didn’t know what to say, but
knew that I was in love with her and had to do right by her and the baby,
even if it meant hurting Sylvia.
Ela convinced her mother that she was pregnant by a boy at school,
which gave me time to get everything in order before filing for divorce. Ela
and I are now living together, and she’s due at the end of the month.

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