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An MMF Taboo Story

Natalie Knight
Copyright © 2023 by Natalie Knight
All rights reserved.
Cover Design by Cover Couture
Editing by Oopsie Daisy Edits
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author,
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

F*cked Playlist

Trigger Warning & Author Note

1. Vy
2. Ryker
3. Warren
4. Ryker
5. Vy
6. Warren
7. Vy
8. Warren
9. Vy

Thanks for Reading

Also By Natalie Knight
Drinkin Bout You- Ace Savage
Rock Bottom- Nothing, Nowhere
Sinners- Ari Abdul
Sleepless- Dutch Melrose
The Worst- Benny Mayne
Reasons- COTIS
Ms. Malibu- Benny Mayne
Parted Ways- Arizona Zervas
Obsessed- Zandros
Lights Out- Nbdy
Drowning- Dxvn
ARI-K Camp
The Best I Ever Had- Limi
Trigger Warning & Author Note

I really have no idea what to say here, except go in blind and enjoy the
ride. No, but seriously this was a fun story to write, and helped me clean
my palette after writing Pretty Lies. This is an MMF( not familiar?) The
male MMC’s touch.
What’s Inside:
Blood Incest( twin brothers and their sister)
Heavy degradation
Heavy praise
Ryker has a pierced tongue
Virgin heroine
No plot & all smut
Chapter 1


“S o you almost broke your neck?” Ashley asked through the speaker
of the phone
“Yeah, that’s why I don’t enjoy being a middle because we can
almost die,” I joked.
The summer air beat down on me as I drove down the street to my
house. Although my first year at university was thrilling, I was happy to be
home. My gym bag slid off the passenger seat as I slammed on the brakes,
exposing the blue and white lines of my cheer outfit. In the short few
seconds I had, I scooped it up, and tossed the bag into the backseat. I
attended one of the most prestigious universities in California and was
junior captain of the cheer team. It was everything my family wanted.
Everything my father wanted.
“Well, being a middle is safer than being on top because if you fall,
you’ll really be in big trouble,” she said, her lips smacking through the
speaker. “Are you almost home?”
“Yup.” I turned the corner, a row of large homes stretched down the
street and I slowed as I came up to the largest one on the block. Pebbled
rocks cracked under the pressure of the tires as I pulled up to the door and
my heart stopped in my chest.
“Vy? Vy?”
I turned off the engine. “Yeah, I’m here. I just pulled up. Can I call you
back later?”
Ashley agreed, and I shoved my phone into my back pocket as I
climbed out of my Jeep. I eyed the vintage Mustang in front of my me. The
afternoon sun highlighted the shiny black paint, and I let my eyes roam the
length of the muscle car. It belonged to the twins, and if their car was here,
so were they. I gathered my composure before opening the front door and
stepping inside. A gush of cool air swept over my heated skin and I closed
the door behind me. Random voices echoed from different corners of the
house, but my father’s voice was clear as day booming from his study.
Hushing over the marble flooring, my pulse mellowed out when I
breathed in the familiar aroma of Warren floating in the air. After all these
years, his signature still hadn’t changed. I felt giddy with excitement as I
started up the stairs, but my slow mellow pulse quickly turned into a
thumping rhythm in my throat as a strong leathery scent mixed with smoke
filled my lungs.
The goal—get to my room without running into the twins. I doubled my
speed as I climbed the stairs, and a wave of relief washed over me as I made
it to the top step, but the feeling was fleeting because once I turned the
corner, I slammed into a hard chest. A web of tattoos peeked from the
neckline of his soft V-neck t-shirt, and I lifted my eyes to meet dark-brown
ones. Ryker Lawson, aka the twin brother from hell.
“Sneaking in, baby sis?” He stalked forward, one large muscular arm
towering over me as he leaned into the wall.
His voice was low, deep and so different from what I remembered. I
swallowed and retreated a step, and he matched it with one foot forward
until my back met the wall, and his hard chest firmly pressed against mine.
“No,” I said, lifting my chin. “I don’t have to sneak into my home,
unlike you.” I folded my arms over my chest, very much aware I was
braless, and looked him dead in the eyes. “Mom, didn’t tell me you were
coming home.”
He parted his lips, just enough to let me sneak a peek at the metal
barbell in the middle of his tongue. “Surprise,” he said, a grin playing
across his mouth.
I didn’t know why, but after a few minutes of drowning in his
intoxicating leather scent, my chest was rising and falling much faster than
normal. He lifted his other arm, and I sliced my gaze to the thick vein
running the length of it. There was no denying the fact he’d gotten bigger.
Six years had come and gone, and I almost didn’t recognize the asshole
standing in front of me.
He lowered his gaze. “I didn’t sneak in either, baby sis.”
“Wait? What? You’re back?” My words came out pinched.
One of his shit-eating grins spread across his perfect face, and I rolled
my eyes. If they were back, I knew it was our mother’s blessing, because
our father couldn’t stand them. He said they were the equivalent of a shit
stain that wouldn’t wash out. Stubborn and a sight for sore eyes.
“Not happy?” he asked, amusement rolling off his tongue.
I shoved him forward, but it was useless. He held his stance, towering
over me like a skyscraper. Typical for him to let a grin play across his lips
as he watched me struggle. His appearance might have changed in the last
six years, but the asshole in him hadn’t budged.
“Fuck, I’m a little hurt that you’re not happy to see me, Vy.” He cocked
his head to the side and let a calloused finger slide down my cheek.
“Why would I be happy to see some loser delinquent? Don’t get too
comfortable. It’s only a matter of time before dad kicks you out like the
trash you are,” I deadpanned, locking my gaze with his.
“Just me? Warren went away too.” He retreated a step and pulled his
bottom lip between his teeth.
A beat of silence fell over us, my pulse erratic as I let the words float
between us. I had a soft spot for Warren, and I tried my hardest to hide it
from Ryker because he would just use it against me. The stillness between
us was suffocating, and I hated how he never looked away. He never had a
problem looking me in the eye and staring into my soul. It was
uncomfortable, yet titillating at the same time. I shoved him harder, this
time forcing him to lose his balance. I slipped through the opening, but his
hot breath was on my neck the moment I thought I was free.
In a blink of an eye, his large hand snaked around my ponytail, and I
succumbed to the power of his strength as he pulled me into his grasp. With
my face to the teal-colored wall, my hands bound and legs spread, my
muscles locked as his breath drifted along the back of my neck. But a surge
of electricity crackled down my spine, and I hated how it made me feel. I
hated how it ignited me. He was my brother, an asshole who went away for
six years for setting the athletic department at our private school on fire. He
was a delinquent psycho, and I hadn’t missed him one bit.
He breathed me in. “Did you forget, baby sis? Looks like you’ve gotten
comfortable here without us around, and your mouth has a mind of its
“I’m not the little sister you can push around and bully,” I said through
clenched teeth.
A merciless laugh peppered the air, and his lips grazed the shell of my
ear. “No? I find that hard to believe, given you’re the one pinned to the wall
with your legs spread.” He released my ponytail and let his hand wander
under my tank top. “Fuck, it’s been so long since I’ve been this close to a
I shuddered, feeling the swell of his hard cock pressing into my back,
and swallowed the whimper fighting to drip off my lips. The last thing I
needed was for Ryker to know that my body reacted to his touch. It would
just egg him on, and he wouldn’t think twice about forcing himself on me if
he knew it turned me on.
Our father’s voice boomed from the hallway below, and Ryker covered
my mouth.
“Shh, unless you want Daddy to catch you like this.” He groaned as he
inhaled, the tip of his lecherous tongue sliding inside my ear and then back
out. “I wonder what he would think if he found me playing with your tits or
your pussy.”
“This is wrong. Get off of me, Ryker,” I said, shoving my elbow into his
hard chest. “You’re sick.”
“Am I? Because if I’m sick, then you're sicker for secretly wanting it.
For wanting Warren.” He returned his hand to my ponytail and pulled.
“Looks like we’re just two sick fucks, baby sis.”
Caught in his grasp, he whipped me around and claimed my mouth, his
tongue sliding deeper, cutting off my air. It was wrong, sick, yet it
awakened my deepest desires. There was nothing sweet about it. He kissed
me as if he owned me and there was nothing I could do about it. His teeth
found my bottom lip, and he bit down, forcing a moan from my throat.
“Vy? Sweetheart?” our mother called from around the corner.
I pulled away, shoving Ryker in the opposite direction just as our mom
rounded the corner. Her warm eyes were glued to the phone in her hand,
and her mouth tipped in an O, her usual expression as she wrangled with
her thoughts. She stopped in her tracks when she met our gazes, and I
stilled my breath. My gaze sliced to Ryker’s, and I turned away the moment
an intoxicating grin spread across his lips.
“Oh, were you two—”
“No. We weren’t catching up. I was just telling him to move out of the
way because he’s taking up precious space,” I spat and folded my arms
across my chest.
Ryker shifted, his tongue gliding across his bottom lip as hunger
flooded behind his eyes. I started toward my room once the attention was
no longer on me. Mom loved the twins, and if it wasn’t for her killer
persuasive skills, they wouldn’t even be allowed twenty feet from the
house. But her secret weapon was changing my father’s mind, and I was
certain she was the only living person on earth who could.
As I inched closer to the door to my room, my mom called out, but I let
her voice evaporate into thin air and stepped inside. Exhausted from cheer
practice, and being fondled by my unhinged brother, I sank into the plush
fabric of my duvet and rested against the headboard. Then my phone
I’m bored. Call me back already.

“Sorry. My brothers are here. The crazy delinquent ones and—”

“Holy hell! Really? Did you know they were coming home?”
I stretched my legs and rested my head on the soft velvet headboard.
“Nope. Not a clue. My mom had to have known, but she didn’t say
“Lame,” she said, popping what was probably a bottle of classic Coca-
Cola. She loved the ones that came in the original glass bottle.
“Very. I spent twenty minutes dealing with Ryker. He looks so different
“I don’t know. Like, just better, I guess.” I pinched the fabric of the soft
duvet between my fingers, and let my gaze linger on the pile of white
envelopes hidden under my pillow.
The line went silent, and my pulse went jagged as I waited for her to
“Less scrawny?”
“Yea, lol. That’s it,” I said, a wave of relief rolling off my shoulders.
“Oh, maybe you can meet your letter lover now that your brothers are
back. You know, just in case the guy is a real-life Ted Bundy and all.”
“Sounds like an awful idea,” I joked and tugged the envelopes from
their hiding spot.
I opened the flap and retrieved the most recent one. I’d only told Ashley
a few details about my little pen pal. She thought he was a nice guy who
needed to man up and stop hiding behind sheets of paper like a weirdo, but
she had no idea the guy writing me letters was Warren. To the outside
world, I was the good girl. The obedient one who did as she was told, got
good grades, and made her father proud.
That was my role in this family, and my mother reminded me of it every
day. I had an image to uphold, and a reputation to abide by, but Warren saw
right through me. Like a moth to a flame, I gravitated toward him, opened
up to him and told him my deepest secrets, ones I had vowed to keep locked
away forever.
“Where did you meet him again? Tinder, or what?”
“Um, I think one of those. I can’t remember,” I lied.
Ashely was straighter than a needle, came from a conservative family
and lived to please her parents. If she knew Warren was my secret pen pal,
she would croak and die. I unfolded the letter on top, and tingles ran down
my spine as my eyes read the lines in front of me.

Tell me the things you think about when you touch

yourself at night. Do you wish you were being choked and
fucked raw? Are you a slut or a whore?

Sending handwritten letters was weird at first, but then it became as

normal as sending a text, except I had to wait three to four days, or
sometimes longer, to get a reply. I sliced my eyes to the date scribbled in
cursive. Three weeks ago, I peeled open this letter, desperate to read the
words inside. Now Warren was back, in the flesh, and he knew all my dirty
“I have to go,” I said as a knock sounded on the door and I shoved the
letters back under my pillow.
My mother stood in the doorway, looking like the perfect trophy wife
she was. A strained smile grasped at the corners of her lips, and I let my
shoulders slump as she walked toward the bed.
“Do I have to?” I whined, and pressed my hands into my lap.
“Yes. He’s a nice boy. He comes from wealth, and your father really—”
“What about what I want?” I deadpanned, cutting her off mid-sentence.
An exasperated huff fell off her lips. “Well, we don’t always get what
we want, sweetheart.” Her slim fingers smoothed the loose strands of hair
in front of my face. “You’re a Lawson first, remember that. Connor will be
here soon, so freshen up. I don’t want to hear your father’s mouth if he gets
wind that you’re not interested.”
“But I’m not.”
“And who would you rather be with? Do you have anyone suitable in
mind?” Her question hung in the air as she waited.
Warren. I let out a breath, tracing the design embedded in the duvet with
my finger.
Her cold fingers brushed my bangs. “Relationships don’t last forever,
sweetheart. Just be with Connor long enough to make your father happy.”
She turned on her heels and walked out the door.
Anything for father.
Chapter 2


I leaned into the wall. A halo of smoke created a veil around me and I
eyed my fucktard father. I fucking hated him. The way he walked
around like anyone gave a damn about the Lawson name. Newsflash—
only he gave a rat’s ass about his precious reputation. I let my head rest
against the wall and took another drag. He hated the smell of smoke, so I
made sure each puff that floated off my lips saturated the air. I wanted him
to smell it, to smell my existence since he tried so hard to erase Warren and
I over these past six years.
The door to my sister’s room opened and our mother came sauntering
out. She was a bigger fake than our asshole sperm donor, but her feelings
about us were real. She was fucked up in so many ways, but the love she
showed us was unmatched.
“Mommy,” I said as I slid down the wall until my ass rested on the soft
wooden floor.
Her signature scent made its way around my lungs as she towered over
me. Petite in stature, with a lean frame, and long honey locks that remained
in a French bun at all times.
“You know your father doesn’t like the smell of smoke.” She bent down
and snatched the bud from my fingers.
I lifted my chin and extended my legs through the opening between her
ankles, forcing them apart as I made myself comfortable. “Very much
aware, Mommy.”
An ambiguous expression etched its way into her features, and she lifted
the cig to her red-stained lips. Her disdain for our father’s rules and
expectations had taken their toll on her years ago, and she’d had a mental
breakdown that drove her into the arms of our uncle. I had my suspicions
about them, but it wasn’t confirmed until I caught them fucking like horny
teenagers on our father’s desk one night.
A normal son would have shut the door and ran to their room, but I
didn’t. Watching my mother get rammed by our low-life, shit uncle
unlocked something in me that should have stayed buried. Our gazes
connected through the veil of darkness as her whimpers and his rough
moans peppered the air. When I’d finally forced my legs to move in the
opposite direction, I closed the door to my father’s study, and beat my cock
that night to the sights and sounds engraved in my mind. I never forgot
them, and it fucked me up.
“Where’s Warren?” she asked, taking one last long puff before letting it
slip between her lips.
I shrugged. “Probably plotting our father’s death. I told him we should
just shoot him in the head, but he said that’s messy.” I rolled my eyes and
let my hands glide up her soft legs.
“No,” she scolded and pulled my fingers away from the soft fabric of
her panties. “We’re having a dinner tonight. I want you and Warren there,
and on your best behavior. Do you understand?”
I let my lips nip at the skin of her legs, my hands slowly returning to
their rightful place. “Whatever Mommy says,” I said as my tongue licked
the succulent skin.
Mommy was aware of the troubles plaguing my soul, and a small part
of her blamed herself for the sick things I wanted to do. She never told our
father, but she also never let me fuck her after watching her get railed that
night. Seeing our uncle fuck the shit out of her just egged me on, and I
desperately wanted a taste, but I understood why she stood her guard. What
would people think if they found out? The mother who fucked her son? Or
sons? Warren knew of the carnal rage brewing inside of me, and deep
down, I think he wanted to touch Mommy too.
“Ryker?” she hissed, annoyance hot on her tongue.
“Yes, Mother. I’ll be on my worst behavior. Promise.” A grin spread
across my lips before I let it slowly decay into nothing.
A low moan pushed past my lips as her fingers threaded through my
hair and she forced my chin upward, to meet her gaze.
“Also, Vy’s friend is coming over. Please behave yourself and don’t
embarrass your sister.”
“Who? What friend? Is it a guy?” I licked my lips and leaned back into
the wall.
“That’s none of your concern.”
“It’s a guy. What’s his name?” I asked, raising a brow.
Her mouth tightened, the decision of whether to tell me tormenting her
thoughts. “Connor,” she said. “He’s a good boy.”
“I’m a good boy.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
I folded my arms across my chest. “I can be a really good boy if you let
me.” I let my words drip off my lips and taint the air.
“Don’t fuck this up, Ryker. Connor is a good guy, and Vy’s a good girl.
Father thinks—”
“Father? Oh, so this was his idea? Well... Looks like Vy won’t be your
sweet little good girl for long.”
She folded her arms across her chest and gave me her best scold. I loved
it when she did that. It was cute, but Mommy had a backbone made of
butter. It was easily moldable, and melted often, with the right words.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
I rose to my feet, towering over her like a skyscraper. “It means I’m
going to fuck Vy since I can’t fuck you, and I’m going to make sure Father
hears her moans loud and clear.”
She stormed off, my promise trailing behind her as she disappeared
down the steps. I had a hunch to find Warren, but then Vy’s soft voice
seeped from under the door of her room. I crept forward, the soles of my
Air Jordans gliding across the wood floor. Words flowed from Vy’s lips in a
singsong, and I pressed my hand on the door. She hadn’t locked it. Perfect.
My presence went unnoticed as I stepped into the floral and pastel
bedroom. My eyes focused on the large bed and the crisp lilac duvet
covering the sheets. Too busy bopping her head from side to side as music
seeped into her ears, she didn’t see me cross the room to her bed. I never set
foot in Vy’s room, even before they sent me away. It reminded me of
something made for a little good girl princess. Full of pinks, purples, and
nauseating family photos of all five of us. If I ever got the chance to burn
down this house, this would be the room I’d start with.
She reappeared from the bathroom; her gaze fastened to her phone and
her bottom lip securely between her teeth. Fuck, I wanted to eat her up.
“Hey!” she spat, her frame going rigid as she eyed me.
“Hay’s for horses.” I lowered onto her bed and turned in her direction.
A stiff frown worked itself into her soft features, and it made my blood
sizzle. Seeing her upset did something to me. It released a blistering wave
of electricity that flowed through my veins. Maybe it was the fact that
everyone thought she was little miss perfect princess. A good girl, with a
perfect reputation.
“Get off my bed and get out. I don’t want to catch any of the diseases
you’ve brought back with you.”
Content in violating every ounce of her space, I got comfortable, and
leaned into the pillows. With my gaze directed at the ceiling, I lifted an arm
over my head and let my fingers drop into my hair. A faint smile pulled at
the corners of my lips as she huffed in frustration, and I tracked her
movements. Fuck, she looked different. She had wide hips, perky tits, and
juicy lips. A far cry from the Vy that I remembered when I left this house
six years ago. She wasn’t even legal when I left, but now she possessed a
body dying to be ruined, and fucked like the little hidden slut she was.
“Make me,” I said, meeting her gaze.
There it was, the hot flame that flickered in the back of her brown eyes,
proof that her good-girl shell was weakening the longer I remained in her
orbit. I wanted it to break and shatter to a million pieces because it would
piss my father off, and seeing him stroke out was high on my bucket list.
She stormed over toward the bed, her hand tight around the pink towel
covering her fuckable body. “Out.” She kicked my leg and then kicked the
other one.
I guess I could have pretended it hurt, but what would have been the fun
in that? I sat up, and she followed my movements, her head lifting to meet
my gaze. The twitch of her fingers let me know she had an itch to smack the
shit out of me, and she almost did. A low whimper dropped off her lips as I
applied pressure to her wrist and pulled her against me. Her feminine scent
had my cock rising to the occasion. It throbbed, needy for something wet
and tight like my sister’s pussy.
“Looks like you need to work on your speed, baby sis.”
She tried with her other hand, but once again, I grasped her wrist before
her slender fingers even reached my face. Now her wrist was bound to her
side, her movements constricted, with the towel covering her body slowly
slipping away.
I waited, my cock aching to be let free once the tip of my tongue flicked
her swollen nipples. Father kept the house frigid during the summer
months, and once the towel dropped to the floor, Vy’s body broke out in a
wave of goosebumps.
She squirmed, desperate to get out of my grip, but I held her tight. Her
hardened nipples made my mouth water, and I leaned forward. It didn’t
matter how hard she cried for me to let her go, because any lingering doubt
I had went out the window when a sweet moan fell off her lips.
“Liar,” I said, and flicked her nipple once more.
“Stop, this is—”
“You like it. I know you do. I know deep down you're a little slut who
wants to be pinned and fucked hard,” I said, interrupting her.
She froze, words danced on the tip of her tongue, daring to fall off the
edge of her lips.
I returned my tongue and enjoyed making her grasp within my hold.
With each flick to her nipple, her breathing labored and my cock throbbed.
As I sealed my lips around her tit, her bedroom door opened, but I refused
to stop and turn around.
“Warren…” she moaned out.
I lifted my mouth. “Attention whore.”
“I thought you were going to wait until she was asleep?” he joked and
walked over to the bed.
“Who said that was off the table?” I asked, my gaze tethered to Vy’s as I
let my words pepper the air.
“Perfect girl,” Warren cooed as he stood behind her. He pulled her hair
and placed a kiss on her forehead.
Warren and I were total opposites. He had a halo of good orbiting above
his head, and it didn’t matter how much I dragged him through the mud
with my shit, it still shined through.
But I didn’t have that. The day my father decided his reputation was
more important than the air I breathed dissolved any ounce of good
lingering in my bones.
“More like perfect slut. Is that cunt all wet now? Don’t lie either. We
both know you’re not some sweet little good girl.” I released my hands and
leaned back on my elbows.
Warren treated her like the gentle porcelain doll she claimed to be. His
hands found the slit of her pussy lips and he slipped a finger inside. I was
tempted to toss Vy on the bed and force my cock down her throat, but there
would be time for that.
“Sweet girl. Did Ryker do this?” he whispered as he eyed the wetness
on his digit.
She nodded, and Warren raised the finger to his mouth. A flicker of
desire spiraled in my core as I eyed his movements. He was just as fucked
up as me, and I couldn’t fight the joy I felt knowing that. A knock sounded
at the door, and Warren released Vy from his grasp.
“Yes?” she said and picked up her towel.
Cracking open the door, the maid handed her a garment bag. Examining
the piece, Vy nodded and shut the door behind her.
“What’s that for?” Warren asked, his brow raised.
“Our baby whore has a hot date with a fucking lame today,” I said.
Vy rolled her eyes and disappeared into her ensuite bathroom. Warren
met my gaze, and a sly grin spread across my lips. Without saying a word,
we both agreed that this date wasn’t going to happen.
Chapter 3


R yker had always been a fucking riot, so the fact that I walked in on
him with our sister’s tit in his mouth was no surprise. I found a
comfortable spot on the edge of Vy’s vanity and eyed my crazy-as-
fuck twin brother. To anyone who didn’t know our past, Ryker looked like a
normal asshole guy, but the darkness that stirred behind his wicked grin was
more sinister and fucked than anyone could imagine.
He shifted on the bed, and let himself get comfortable in the soft fabrics
that surrounded him. “What? I hate it when you look at me like that.”
“Like what?” I sliced my eyes around Vy’s room and let them rest on
the corkboard attached to a nearby wall.
“You know what the fuck I’m talking about.” He pulled his vape from
the pocket of his baggy cargo pants and pressed the tip to his lips. “That
damn face, the one where you regret being related to me.”
“I don’t regret—”
“Fuck you, asshole,” he deadpanned, and took a long drag. “Sentimental
“I’m not that damn soft.”
“You are, to her,” he said, switching the positions of his ankles. “But I
don’t blame you. You were her first kiss, and in return, she melted your
“Bullshit. You love her just as much as I do.” I snagged the strap to her
purse, dangling off the vanity chair, and unlatched it.
“True, I love her, but that doesn’t mean I won’t fuck her like I hate her.”
He crossed one ankle over the other, and let his fingers wander under
Vy’s pillow. I swallowed down the knot forming in my throat as his tatted
fingers paged through the letters. I clamped my teeth on my bottom lip and
chewed as a veil of silence draped over us. With my eyes stuck on the
corkboard of photos, I pretended to not notice the wicked smirk forming on
Ryker’s lips.
“When did you even have time to write this shit?” he asked, leaning
forward to focus on the letter in his hands.
I shrugged and fingered my pockets for the tiny bottle of liquor I always
carried around. Ryker hated being home, and I couldn’t imagine what it felt
like being in the presence of someone who turned their back on you when
you needed it most, but it was no cakewalk for me either. Ryker accepted
his demons, but I was still fighting mine. Everyone knew Ryker and I were
like day and night, and it was that difference that kept a flicker of hope lit in
our father’s eyes. I was the less fucked-up son, the moldable one. But shit
had hit the fan the day I sided with Ryker and helped him burn down our
school’s athletic department.
I helped Ryker, thinking that maybe if our father saw me standing by his
side, he would let down his shield for him, for us. He didn’t, and he showed
us the door with not an ounce of concern or hurt in his eyes.
“In our last letter, you told me you touched yourself at night, and that it
made you feel dirty. I like dirty. Can you be a good girl for me and touch
that virgin pussy after you get done reading this letter?” Ryker sliced his
gaze to mine and lifted a brow.
“Jealous?” I asked and shot back the liquor. It stung, but it numbed me
just enough.
I started writing to Vy the last year Ryker and I were in jail. I wanted to
get to know her, the real her, not the fake persona our family made her wear.
I stalked her on social media, but after a while, it became clear those
pictures and posts were just as staged. Ryker and Vy never got along, but I
had a soft spot for Vy. Not sure where it came from, but once I realized it, I
couldn’t let her go.
He balled the letter up and shot it at my face. “Never. I’m not you,
Warren. You coo and coddle Vy. I make her cry, and soon she’ll be crying as
I stuff my cock into that dirty anal hole of hers.”
“You better fucking lube that dick of yours.”
“Maybe, maybe not.” He held up another letter. “She likes it rough.”
I shook my head. “She thinks she likes it rough. Virgin pussy.
“Don’t deny her, bro. The little shit always gets what she wants, so let’s
give it to her. Virgin holes or not. I’ll make her take it, feel it, and like it.”
Ryker shoved the letters back under the pillows and flipped over on his
stomach. The water stopped, and we both cut our gaze to the bathroom
door. One thing about Vy, she took long-ass showers. Ryker and I always
joked that Vy would be the one to kill all the fish in the ocean because she
used so much damn water.
“When’s our next—”
The loud vibration of Vy’s phone on the vanity stole our attention. I
leaned over, eyeing the name that popped up on the screen. Connor.
“Who is it?”
I picked up the phone and showed Ryker the screen. He perked up,
rising off the bed and snatched the phone out of my hand. A smile wide
enough to cramp his cheeks split across his face and I scratched the edge of
my grin.
“Follow my lead,” he said before pressing the green Answer button.
He didn’t say anything at first, letting the static noise from the speaker
infiltrate the air.
“Hello? Vy?” Connor asked.
With his gaze affixed to mine, Ryker closed his eyes and parted his lips.
“Mmm, that’s it. Be my fucking cum guzzler.”
I egged him on as I filled the air with feminine-type moans while
rocking the vanity.
“Vy? Vy?”
Ryker held his tongue when the bathroom door swung open, and Vy
stepped out. Her succulent skin was damp, with the leftover scents of
innocence and cotton candy dripping off her. She thought nothing of our
frozen movements at first, until she looked down at Rykers hand.
“Hello?” Connor yelled through the speaker.
Ryker ended the call before Vy could get a word out, and she snatched
her phone out of his hand and stormed off toward her walk-in closet.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and fought back a laugh. “Damn, now
she’s really pissed off.”
“So? The shittier the attitude, the better the fuck,” he said, walking over
to Vy’s closet.
He stopped a few inches from the door, widening the crack with his
fingers. Vy’s naked back faced his front, and Ryker catcalled her with a
“I hate you,” she spat.
“Good. Now I won’t feel bad when I make your cunt my cocksleeve
while you sleep.”
He pressed a shoulder into the wall and forged a finger through the
photos on the corkboard besides him. “Eh, tell me something I don’t know,
baby sis.”
I walked up behind Ryker and inhaled his spicy scent. “Stop it. Punk.”
My lips brushed the shell of his ear.
He elbowed me in the gut, his defense mechanism whenever I got too
close and stirred up feelings he wanted to keep buried. Ryker swung both
ways, but the incident with his coach seven years ago was a wound that still
haunted him. He’d rather shove his cock in his sister, then open himself up
to me. I’d come close to breaking his shield, but it was never enough to
fully shatter it. I shoved him out of the way, grabbing his crotch as I walked
over the threshold, into Vy’s closet.
Swaddled in a soft towel, I eyed her movements as she shuffled through
a dresser that was taller than her. The edge of the towel slowly rose as she
stood on her toes, exposing the mounds of her ass. I didn’t think in six years
she would change much, but she did. Her face had remained innocent, but
her body was now built for sin. I crept forward, stopping inches from her,
and she whipped her head around. Her eyes softened at my presence, but
then they hardened once she got a whiff of Ryker leaning in the doorway.
“I hate him,” she whispered, her hands tight around the towel
concealing her body.
“I hate you too,” Ryker shot back
I stroked Vy’s cheek. “He doesn’t.”
“I need to get dressed.” Vy popped her hip and waited.
Ryker was the riot, Vy was the good girl, and I was the glue who held
all three of us together. I gave Ryker a look, and he gifted me with his
middle finger before walking away.
“Better?” I asked, tugging her towel away from her damp body. “Did
you like the way Ryker touched you?”
She held her tongue and sliced her gaze to the soft carpet.
“Tell me, princess. Did he make you wet?”
A flush of pink flashed across her cheeks, and I fought back the
salacious grin forcing its way past my lips.
“I liked it when he touched me. A lot,” she said, the words squeaking
past her pretty pout.
She rose to her toes, looking past my shoulder at the door. Fear and
excitement swirled behind her baby brown eyes. Those eyes were the
reason I kissed her the summer before they sent us away. Some asshole kid
stood her up for a movie date, and I hated witnessing the veil of sadness
that fell over her. Tasting her lips for the first time years ago sparked an
obsession, and I craved her in all the wrong ways. Our entire situation was
sick. Ryker wanted to screw the world. I wanted to fuck Ryker, and we both
wanted to taste Vy. Talk about a circus shit show.
“He knows about the letters,” I said, plucking the peach-colored panties
out of her hand.
“Oh.” She swallowed and followed my movements. “Does he know
I kneeled and waited for her to step into them. She had skin softer than
silk, and I fought hard to control my cock.
I met her gaze. “Yeah.” Sliding the panties up her silky legs, I grabbed a
handful of her ass, then rose to my feet. “He knows all your secrets, your
desires, and how you play with your pussy at night thinking about how bad
it will hurt the first time a guy breaks you in.”
Her spine clicked into place like a rod as my words tainted the air, and it
sent blood coursing through my veins. I ignored the ache in my jeans as her
lips parted to let the tip of her tongue slid across her bottom lip. I could take
her right here, right now, but Ryker and I made a promise before we
returned home that when it came time to take our sister, we would do it
“Will it hurt?”
“Do you want it to? Do you want it to be exactly like your fantasy?” I
stroked her cheek with my thumb, before sliding it between her lips. “Get
dressed, princess.”
I released her from my hold and kept my gaze glued to her body as she
moved around the closet. She chose a floral dress that stopped mid-thigh,
and slid her feet into a pair of ballet flats. Then she sat down at her vanity,
her fingers grazing the perfectly placed items. Before she could pick up the
hairbrush, I snatched it, and wrapped her soft tresses around my hand.
‘Who’s my beautiful girl?” I asked, running the brush through her hair.
I leaned in and drank up her sweet scent as it seized my lungs. “Who’s
Ryker’s pretty little whore?”
She paused, but only for a second. “Me.”
I placed the handle of the brush between my teeth and opened up the
cream-colored box to retrieve a hair tie. “Who’s going to get fucked in the
cunt and take it like a good girl?”
“M–me,” she stuttered.
“Fuck, look at you. The things you do to me when you look so perfect.”
I ran my fingers through her bangs and pinched a purple bow from a clear
container between my fingers. “Ryker’s going to ruin you,” I said and
clipped the bow into place.
Chapter 4


R ight when I was about to find some other shit to get into, Vy stepped
out looking like some sort of pure flower that was just freshly
plucked. I knew she couldn’t stand me. I didn’t blame her either. I
would hate someone who forced me to watch them cut off the heads of their
dolls, too. But her hatred toward me didn’t negate the fact that she wanted
me. The proof was in the letters. She dropped Warren’s hand and walked
over to her desk. Fuck, she smelled amazing. I hated it. I was tempted to
force her between my legs and pull her tits out of her cute-ass dress. I
tethered my gaze to the side of her face and enjoyed every second of her
ignoring me as if I didn’t exist.
“What’s that for?” I asked, taking a drag of my vape.
She rolled her eyes. “What does it look like, stupid?”
I passed a glance to Warren, who was intently focused on his phone. Vy
continued to pump some vanilla scented lotion into her hands before
slathering it over her arms.
“That’s a waste.” I rose from the corner of the desk and closed in on her.
“You’re going to be on your knees with my cock down your throat,
guzzling my cum soon. Right?”
She met my words with silence, but there was no doubt in my mind Vy’s
cunt was dripping wet as my promise filled her ears. I let my hands wander
to her thighs, and moaned into her ear when I felt her close them tighter.
Challenge accepted. She whimpered as I wiggled my hand between the
warmth of her honey thighs, at the exact moment Warren’s warm breath
made the hairs on the back of my neck stand.
“Be gentle with her,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.
He anchored his intoxicating gaze through the mirror across from all
three of us, and a bud of a smile lifted the corner of his mouth. I hated
myself even more for wanting him. I fucked with Vy for revenge, and
tormented Mommy for shits and giggles, but with Warren, there was no
fucking him and forgetting about it. My charred heart had one last beat, and
I refused to waste it on him. No matter what I did, and no matter who I
fucked, he was always there, waiting. The fucker had patience made of
“Why? You’re not going to be gentle with me. Remember?” My words
came out hot.
I leaned into Vy and bit the silky skin of her shoulder. She winced.
“Clear as day, baby bro. Don’t worry, I’ll let you take a breather when I
make that tight ass of yours my bitch. But in the meantime…” His hand
roamed down Vy’s thigh and found mine. “Don’t make our princess cry.”
Just because Warren came kicking and screaming out of our mommy’s
snatch first, he thought he had the right to call me baby bro. Fucker. I let go,
and Vy opened up to his touch. While his one hand played with her cunt, he
wrapped the other one around my throat and squeezed. The sensation of
nearly losing my breath set my pulse out of rhythm and he knew it. Bastard.
Vy moaned as Warren picked up the pace, his fingers sliding in and out of
her wet heat. Damn, I wanted to taste it. She always opened up to him, and
it low-key pissed me off. I closed my eyes as her strained moans draped
around us.
“I love it when you make those noises, princess,” he cooed at her,
egging her on.
I had a hunch to mock him, but then his lips found my ear, and he pulled
my earlobe between his teeth before letting it slip out. I pulled away,
fighting the urge to grab his hand and shove it down my pants for a quick
I snapped my head away. “I can’t wait to punch you in the throat.”
He let go of my throat and tangled his fingers in my hair with a tight
grip. “And I can’t wait to make you my fuck toy.”
Our father’s voice boomed from the hallway and we dispersed like
roaches before he swung Vy’s bedroom door open. Just staring at him made
me want to hurl and force him to lick it up. He came storming in, a distorted
look etched into his shit face. His mouth opened and then closed, lost for
words, as if he couldn’t fathom the thought of us conversing with our own
flesh and blood.
“Vy,” he stated.
Vy scurried across her room and stood by our father. A smidge of
contentment played across his face as he took her in, and I wanted to throat
punch the fucker.
“How does it feel to be Daddy’s favorite?” I mocked and took a puff
from my vape.
“Feels good being the sole inheritor. But you wouldn’t know anything
about that because your existence is worthless.” She twisted the strands of
her ponytail around her fingers and let the corner of her lip lift in a sneer.
I gave her a once-over and slid my tongue between my lips. “Run that
mouth while you can, pretty girl.”
His eyes tightened at the corners as he looked at me with disgust. I met
his expression with a wicked grin, and his jaw squared. He pretended he
had nothing to say to us, but Mommy told me otherwise. Ignoring us gave
him great pleasure, but it didn’t hurt us like he thought it did.
They trailed off in their own conversation, not caring about us listening
as we stood idle. Warren’s eyes stayed pinned to Vy’s fuckable body, and
my eyes were on our father. People used to tease, stating how we would
look like our father when we got older, and fuck was I glad that promise
didn’t come true. Warren and I were a spitting image of our mother, not our
asshole sperm donor.
Still focused on how much I wanted to put a bullet in his brain, he
cleared his throat but I ignored it as I let a drag of thick smoke pass through
my lips. He hated people who smoked, and the way his lip twitched with
each inhale made my little black heart beat with joy.
“Boys,” he said, before a heavy sigh weighed him down. “We’re hosting
a dinner tonight. Lots of important people and business acquaintances will
be in attendance.”
“Ooh, what fun, Daddy,” I joked as I passed a glance to Warren.
“Don’t fuck this up or—”
“Or what?” I asked, cutting him off. “Or you’ll banish us from the
house, only for Mommy to sneak us back in?” I stood and stalked over to
He towered over me, standing at six-feet-four inches, but it didn’t stop
me from looking him in the eyes. I fucking dared him to make another
empty threat.
“Don’t embarrass me or this family. You both have done enough of that
already. Dinner starts at 7 p.m. Dress business casual and not in whatever
the fuck you’re wearing.”
He looked us over, disappointed in the cargo grunge pants, oversized t-
shirts, and Air Jordans. He inhaled, checked his phone, and placed a tender
kiss on Vy’s forehead. Without saying a word, he turned his back to all three
of us and walked out the door. I crept forward, my breath hot on Vy’s neck,
and she spun around. A quiver rippled her spine as her gaze met the
undiluted smile plastered across my face, and it ignited my pulse. She
dropped one foot back, but I stalked forward.
“Warren,” she said, her words coated in uncertainty.
“Warren. Warren,” I mocked, in a mousy voice. “Warren told me all
your filthy fucking secrets. How much you want me to break in that virgin
cunt of yours.”
She turned on her heels to head toward the door, but Warren stopped her
and placed her back on his chest. Picking her up, he carried her to the plush
chair in front of her desk and dropped her in it. She tried to run, but Warren
pressed on the back, lifting it off the ground.
“I got something for that mouth of yours, baby sis.”
There was nowhere for our little slut sister to go. Warren’s hands
anchored the back of the chair, which put her body at my mercy. I forced
her legs further apart, tearing the floral fabric of her dress to expose her
“Warren,” she whined.
“Princess,” he said, a small smirk on his lips.
“Vyyyyy.” I hummed, leaning into her until our foreheads touched. “I
love when you look at me like that. So desperate for me to do all those
awful things to you.”
I took her mouth, and forced my tongue down her throat and she melted
into me, just as I expected. Every time she tried to breathe, I stole it, kissing
her harder and deeper only to break our contact to refuel my lungs. Her
chest rose and fell as I fisted two handfuls of her dress and tore the fabric. I
wanted her vulnerable and exposed to me. I wanted to make every single
fantasy in her letters a reality, but most of all, I wanted to ruin her.
Warren bent down and let his lips graze the shell of her ear. “Are you
going to be a good girl and let Ryker eat your pussy?”
A lump of air caught in her chest as I lowered to my knees, and she
moaned the instant the ball of my tongue ring teased her inner thigh.
“Yes,” she said breathlessly.
“Yes, what, princess? Look Ryker in the eye and tell him how you’re
going to be a good girl,” Warren said, stroking the bangs out of her face.
I removed her panties, and my mouth watered at the sight of her
untouched cunt and tight asshole. I extended my tongue, and let drops of
saliva fall off the tip and onto her sweet pussy. But I dared not flick the
swollen bud, not until she said the magic words I wanted to hear.
“Yes.” She swallowed. “I’m going to be a good girl and let Ryker eat
The sensation of my lips created a vacuum around her clit, cutting her
words short. Fuck, she tasted like pure heaven, so sweet and innocent. Her
moans peppered the air, and with each flick and suck of her clit, I became
more addicted to the taste. Her moans went from soft whimpers to full-
blown cries as I slid two fingers inside her heat.
Warren pulled on her ponytail, until he forced her eyes to meet his.
“Look at you. So damn perfect. You make my cock ache so bad. Are you
going to lick Ryker’s fingers clean when he’s all done with you?” he asked,
twirling her nipple between his fingers.
She tried to speak, but fumbled on her words, and nodded instead. The
way he spoke to her made a tingle shoot down my spine, and I flicked Vy’s
clit in a rapid rhythm that had her arching her back. I finger-fucked her
hard, and the sound of her wet pussy and my slurping peppering the air. I
was desperate for her to coat my tongue, but she also needed to be taught a
I brought all the way to the edge, then broke my seal the moment her
eyes dilated and her lips parted. “Tell me you deserve to come.”
“No… Please… Ryker…” Her words strained between her teeth.
“Please…please. I deserve to—”
“You don’t,” I said cutting off her sentence.
She moved her hand down to her cunt to try and finish the job, but I
stopped her. I hovered over her mouth, my lips stained with her juices and
breathed into her ear.
“Now you know the real difference between your brothers, baby sis.
Next time you’ll think twice about running that little cum-guzzling mouth
of yours.”
Her hooded eyes scanned my features, and I could have stolen her lips
once more, tainted them, but Warren was jonesing for a taste, and I didn’t
want to deny him the sacred juices fresh on my lips. With Vy weak between
us, I slipped my tongue past Warren’s lips. Fuck, I didn’t expect it to feel so
damn good. He kissed me back like he wouldn’t get the chance again and
made sure I remembered, breaking the skin on my bottom lip with his teeth.
Dickface. He threaded my hair, pulling on the strands as he went deeper, but
I broke it before he stole another breath. Warren had a way of making me
turn feral, and I didn’t have time for that shit. Our focus was Vy, and
carving a scar into her little perfect facade.
I licked away the blood pooling in the middle of my bottom lip and took
a few steps back to take in our porcelain perfect princess. Her legs trembled
as Warren lowered the feet of the chair to the carpet, and she placed her
hands over her exposed tits.
I lifted a brow, and pulled out my phone. Warren stood beside me, his
eyes fixated on our baby sis. I stalked forward, and rounded the back of the
chair. Before Vy could move I lowered my face besides her and dangled my
phone in front of us.
“Say, Daddy’s whore,” I said, and snapped a photo.
Warren eased in to stroke Vy’s cheek before placing a soft kiss on her
forehead. “Get dressed, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, get dressed. Don’t want to keep Connor waiting.” I bit Vy’s
shoulder hard enough to leave my mark and followed Warren to the door.
Chapter 5


O nce the door closed to my bedroom, I let out the breath lodged in my
lungs and stood. The floor-to-ceiling mirror in the corner captured
my reflection and I let my hands run down the now-tattered dress. I
looked like a used-and-abused rag doll. My bangs lay plastered across my
face with the bare threads of my panties tangled around one ankle. If my
father saw how I looked, he would disown me like he did the twins, but the
feelings overtaking my body were worth the risk.
Ryker stripped my nerves bare with his touch and sent a wave of
electricity shooting down my spine with his words. I liked it. A lot. To
everyone else, I was the good girl. The perfect Lawson who did as told and
made her father proud. But with Ryker, I was nothing more than flesh and
bone with a virgin heat he wanted to claim. He used my secrets against me,
and treated me like the slut I fantasied so much about. It turned me on.
I rummaged through the drawers in search of my vibrator, but couldn’t
find it. I needed to finish what Ryker started, desperate to catch the high
he’d snatched away. When I started writing to Warren and spilling my
deepest secrets to him about my fantasies, I never imagined it would feel
this good. My thoughts swarmed my brain like a runaway train as my
trembling fingers fumbled through the fabrics below my eyes. Frustrated,
and nearly on the verge of tears because my clit still throbbed, aching for
Ryker’s touch, I leaned into the wall and slid to the floor.
My fingers slipped between my thighs, and I drowned my lungs with a
sudden inhale. My folds were still wet and sensitive from being teased by
Ryker’s torturous, pierced tongue. Like an addict getting a fixed, my lids
floated downward, my thoughts going back to Ryker, back to his degrading
words that turned me on. Daddy’s whore. Cum guzzler. I repeated them in
silence as I worked my sensitive clit. It didn’t take long to reach the peak.
My spine snapped straight, the muscles in my legs seizing as I reached
ecstasy. I didn’t want it to end, but the tension bled from my posture as the
seconds passed, returning my breath to its normal rhythm.
I cleaned up, fixed my hair and put on a new dress. I looked in the
mirror and stared at the girl that everyone loved. The obedient girl who did
what was told. A good girl with no imperfections and a perfect reputation.
Pushing the plush chair back where it belonged, I slipped my feet into a pair
of sandals and headed downstairs. As I approached the bottom of the stairs,
the twins’ voices rounded the corner. From the sounds flowing through the
hallway, I knew they were giving Connor a hard time. I followed the noise
and halted my movements a few feet away. Hiding behind a wall,
sandwiched in a corner facing the twins and Connor, I leaned into it.
Connor struggled to snatch his phone as the twins played catch with it.
Seeing Connor standing among them, I noticed just how different he
looked. A halo of blond hair sat atop his head, with a part cutting down the
side. His lean figure filled out his jeans and blue polo shirt. I chewed on my
bottom lip as I watched, my gaze locking on Ryker. Even through his
oversized shirt, the web of tattoos that coated his skin peeked through the
light material.
Connor reached out his arm and tumbled to the floor in another failed
attempt to grab his phone. Ominous laughter filled the space, and my breath
hitched in my throat at the sight of Ryker’s lecherous tongue skating
between his lips. The day Warren kissed me, he stole my heart, but never in
a million years did I think Ryker would steal my soul. I hated him with
every fiber in my body growing up, but now I craved his torment, his touch,
and his words.
“Snail-dick loser,” Ryker said as he eyed Connor.
Connor brushed the knees of his jeans, his face now a bright shade of
red with a side of pissed off. Too consumed with the banter between Connor
and Warren, it wasn’t until Ryker’s strong arms wrapped around me, I
noticed his absence.
“What took you so long?” he whispered in my ear.
“It wasn’t that long,” I said, struggling to keep my composure.
A low chuckle dripped off his lips. “I think thirty-three minutes is a
pretty long time to change out of a dress.”
A beat of silence filled the small space, and he pressed his nose to my
neck and inhaled. “I bet you were playing with your jail pussy, weren’t
“No,” I deadpanned.
“No? Are you sure?” He loosened his grip and placed his hand over
mine. “Are you fucking positive?”
Without letting me say another word, he forced my hand to his nose,
and released a low growl. I guarded the moan threatening to erupt from my
throat and fought to pull my hand from his possessive grasp.
His hand skated around my throat, and he pressed his hard cock into my
ass. “I’m starting to think you like it when I have to correct your shit
“Maybe I do.” The words fell off my lips before I swallowed them back
More silence draped us, and I let out a breath when he tore his body
away from mine. But then my pulse went into overdrive as the slow rasp of
his zipper filled the space.
“Love it when I get to show off.” He hiked up my dress, pulled me from
the wall, and forced my legs apart with his foot. “When it comes to sluts
like yourself, I always come first.”
The cool air from the AC brushed past my exposed folds, and Ryker
lined himself up. I winced, and dug my fingers into the skin of his arms
when he pushed in the tip, but my cry for mercy fell on deaf ears. With each
inch, I pleaded, my cries increased, forcing him to cover my mouth to curb
my tongue.
“Crying won’t help, princess. I’m the one who loves to see you weep,
Unable to speak with my body bound to his, he nipped away at my
pureness with each stroke. The first thrust hurt, like ripping away a
bandage. My throat swelled, a cry teetering on my lips but never breaking
the barrier because of his hand pressed against my mouth. A canopy of
sounds from outside the cornered wall seeped in, and Ryker let a ragged
moan drape the air when he heard our father’s voice.
Curling his other hand around my throat, he breathed into my ear,
“Daddy’s so fucking close. I wonder if he can smell your wet cunt through
the wall.”
Terror licked at my heart as our father’s voice rounded the corner and he
came into view. With his back to the wall that concealed us, Connor walked
up beside him. Ryker didn’t let up, and he fucked me harder, like an
unhinged animal in heat. The stinging pain from the first thrust was long
gone, and my cries and pleas turned into moans of pleasure.
“Does my cock-craving whore like getting her hole stretched while
staring at her daddy?” he asked, increasing the pressure of the hand that
covered my mouth. “How does it feel to be leftovers for Connor? Because
that’s all you’ll be once I get done making you my broken fuck bunny.”
Droplets of sweat skipped down my back, and he plowed into me,
forcing a muffled moan from my lips. He pulled back, and then hammered
into me, repeating the movements as his breath seesawed over his teeth.
“Are you on the pill little fuck bunny?”
I shook my head, and a sinful chuckle peppered the air.
“Sucks to be you.”
I sucked in a sharp breath as he pressed into me, then clenched around
his cock. The warmth of his seed rushed into me like a broken dam. His
cock pulsed, and a restrained guttural moan broke past his lips. I locked my
gaze on our father and Connor as Ryker filled me up, and it ignited me.
They had no idea, and if they decided to turn around, they could easily find
out. It was exhilarating, hot, and so wrong. Ryker pulled out without
warning, and it left me empty after feeling so full.
“One hole filled, two more to go.” He dropped his hand from my
mouth, and released the one tight around my throat. “Here’s a little treat for
you. Open wide, my little cum junkie.”
I sucked in stuttered breaths as Ryker slid two fingers into my heat
before pushing them past my lips. A cocktail of salty tanginess danced on
my tongue as I sucked.
“Don’t run off; Warren and I aren’t done with you.”
With his words lingering in the air, he zipped up his pants and
disappeared from the corner, leaving me dripping wet, with his seed running
down my legs, engulfed in a hazy heat as I ached to be fucked again.
Chapter 6


R yker came strolling out toward the car with a shit-eating grin on his
face, and his bangs stuck to his forehead. I eyed his movements as he
opened the door and slid inside. Not saying a word as to why he
smelled like he just got done having a hot fuck.
“Are you going to tell me, or do I have to guess?” I asked, turning over
the engine.
He tilted his head and shrugged. “Nothing, bro. Just spent some time
dirtying up our little porcelain doll.”
A dull silence fell over us, and the engine purred in the background. My
phone dinged, and I swiped the screen.
“Can you fight, or are your legs too weak from turning our sister into
your personal cum dumpster?”
He gave a heavy-lidded gaze and slid his tongue across his bottom lip.
“Why so pissy?” The corner of his lip lifted, and he leaned in. “Are you
pissed because I fucked Vy before you, or mad because I fucked someone
else that wasn’t you?”
“Neither,” I deadpanned. “You want the details to the fight or what?”
He leaned his head against the headrest and blasted the cool air in his
direction. “Yeah, what’re the details?”
“Tag team, thirty-five grand, ten percent cut, and winner takes all.”
A man approached us a few days after we got out of jail about fighting
for money. Apparently, word got out that Ryker took the souls of men by
slamming there face into concrete so hard they died. After a few fights to
prove ourselves, no one but men with a death wish looked our way.
We ignored the man's advances at first, but Ryker was adamant about
having our own funds. Our father had dissolved our inheritance, and
anything we were supposed to have gotten now went to Vy and our mother.
Ryker refused to beg from our father and I refused to return home with my
tail between my legs. So we fought in underground matches and won every
single time. The pay was good, and the odds of getting caught were slim to
I put the car in drive and lifted off the break, but then stopped and
turned to face him. “Did you clean her up when you got done?”
A bud of a smirk chewed at his lips as he let my words linger between
us, and my cock throbbed just thinking about how badly I wanted to shove
it down his taut throat.
“Are you going to speak, or do I have to make you?” My words were
sharp and to the point.
He placed his hand on the back of my headrest and leaned over until his
lips were inches from mine. “Does it matter? Are you going to clean me up
when you bend me over and make me your two-hole fuck toy?”
The tension in the car was so thick I could hardly swallow the lump in
my throat. I wanted to smack and fuck Ryker at the same time. He was one
stubborn asshole, but fuck it fired me up, and the longer I had to wait for
him to come around, the harder it became to keep my cool. Asshole was
wearing me down.
“Depends on if you’re a good boy and swallow my cock.”
“Drive the fucking car, ass wipe, so we can fight and get back. Unless
you want Connor breathing down our girl’s neck.”
He eased off me and sank into the seat, eyes straight ahead as I started
down the driveway. We exchanged no words the entire ride, but there was
no denying the tension crackling down both our spines like a sheet of ice. A
line of men circled the brick building, and I pulled into the alley. Ryker
popped the glove compartment and tucked the Glock into the waist of his
pants. The fights took place in the worse part of the city, and we learned
early on, being unarmed was as good as being dead.
A canopy of scents strong enough to burn a hole in our lungs engulfed
us when we walked through the door. It was a smell we would never get
used to, no matter how many times we walked these dark halls. The guards
recognized us and opened the door that potentially led to our death. Taking
part in these fights was dangerous, and we’ve seen more men end their lives
in the ring than in jail. As we descended the stairs, the crowd raved, their
eyes focused on the fight in front of them. We checked in and then
disappeared behind the curtain.
Ryker tossed the small duffel on the chair and let out a breath.
“And you said I was pissy? Who’s the pissy one now?” I asked, pulling
my shirt over my head.
He mirrored my actions and removed his shirt to expose the web of
tattoos that canvassed his torso. Although we never lost a fight, this was the
hardest part for me. The thoughts of whether we would make it out alive
plagued me every fucking time. Ryker fought with the anger that consumed
him, which was dangerous. Ignoring me, he tipped his chin to the ceiling
and let the starch of his frame dissolve. In this moment, I took him in, my
eyes anchored to the column of his throat as it rippled with each swallow.
He lowered his head back to eye level, but I didn’t look away. Fuck, I
couldn’t look away.
“Let’s do this shit,” he said and tossed me a pair of studded leather
gloves and my Scream mask.
We wore the gloves to make our punches sting a little more, and the
masks to conceal our identity from the raging crowd on the other side of the
curtain. Something about the way he wore his mask made me want to fuck
him so hard it hurt. He waited for me to get my shit together, and I eyed the
corded muscles of his arms swelling up for a fight.
Once we stepped out from the other side of the curtain, a wave of
excitement filled the space from the crowd. We didn’t care for the attention,
but it came with the territory. With Ryker two feet ahead of me, I kept my
unrelenting gaze on the ring, the middle heavily stained with dry blood and
body fluids from past opponents. It tripped me up every time, but Ryker had
a way of pushing down my fear no matter who we faced in the ring. He had
a confidence about him that was unmatched when it came to kicking ass
and he wore it like a badge of honor.
Our opponent was a six foot five beast. Twice our size, with a scar that
spanned the length of his bloated face. The payout for this fight was larger
because it was two against one, and people paid top dollar to see the
outcome. Ryker circled him, taking calculated steps as we waited for the
bell to sound. He could take one look at a guy and expose their weakness.
Our beast followed Rykers’ movements, his brittle gaze shifting to keep up.
Ryker pressed his chest into my back and slipped his fingers through the
slits of mine. “Tire this fucker out for me.” His voice seeping through the
mask into my ear.
The warmth of his body sent a gimlet of fire down my spine. He moved
away and took refuge in one corner of the ring. Ryker’s punches were
deadly, but I had the foot work. I moved in swift motions that left our
Godzilla beast out of breath and stumbling after fifteen minutes of missed
punches. Even through the mask, I sensed the wicked grin sprouting on
Ryker’s face. He climbed the rope and placed his back to my front.
With five minutes left on the clock, I crept around the beast, my heart
pounding in my ears, and with one swift movement, I pushed my foot into
his back, forcing him forward. He stumbled right into Ryker’s trap and a
dry expression etched its way into his features as Ryker back flipped into
the air before landing on the fucker’s neck. He tumbled to the floor, and the
sound of his neck snapping reverberated around us.
“Team work makes the dream work.” Ryker joked and kicked the beast
once more.
“Come on. We have to go.” I deadpanned and grabbed Rykers’ hand.
We put on our shirts and obtained our payment. Everyone pushed us to
fight once more, offering us twice what we'd just gained, but we weren't
stupid. One fight drained all our strength, and we were sure to fail if we
stepped back into the ring before we had time to recover.
“Same time next week?” Ryker teased as we headed to the car.
I rolled my eyes and tossed our duffle in the trunk. “Let’s get back to
our sister. I’m sure she misses us.”
Chapter 7


I hated these dinners. It was just for show, so father could flaunt his life,
and show me off. Business partners dressed in casual clothing littered
the back patio. Conversations that I had no interest in being a part of
followed one right after the other in a never-ending cycle. Father took
Connor under his wing and introduced him as he made the rounds. I stood
idle as men old enough to be my father anchored their gaze to the lilac dress
covering my body.
Mother caught me standing awkwardly near a fountain and sauntered
over, drink in hand. “Sweetheart. Why don’t you go join your father?”
“I’ll rather not.” I peered over in my father’s direction and looked away
when Connor turned his head. “He has Connor. It’s okay. Where are the
“I’m not sure, but I know your father isn’t complaining about it.” She
took a sip and looked out into the crowd.
She started to say something else, but a guest sucked her into another
boring conversation. Time seemed to move at the speed of molasses, and
the only thing I could think about were the twins. I texted Warren, but he
didn’t reply.
They announced dinner, and a line of chefs with plates in their hands
entered the patio. Distracted by all the guests, I didn’t notice the twins until
the canopies of conversations evaporated into thin air. I almost didn’t
recognize them in the clothing that covered their bodies.
Heat curled down my spine as I sized them up. They both opted for
business casual, sporting dark-colored dress shirts and slacks. Connor
caught me foaming at the mouth, and I turned on my heels to take my place
at the table. Once everyone had taken their seats, conversations resumed,
with Connor focused on driving the point home that he was the son my
father never had.
“Well, at least one of the Lawson kids will have a bright future and a
normal life,” Connor spat, his mouth full of roasted chicken.
“You don’t know us at all if you think we’re normal. We’re the farthest
fucking thing from normal. Right Vy?” Warren asked as he jogged his
brows up his forehead.
My cheeks heated as the words peppered the air, and Ryker’s
unwavering grin made my pulse stagger as he anchored his gaze with mine.
I looked away, but the will to peek in his direction took hold of me after a
few seconds. Unhinged feral desire veiled his features, and it should have
had me running for the hills, but I wanted his touch more than anything. I
closed my legs, desperate to stop my hands from traveling to my heat. I ran
the fork through the pasta, ignoring Warren’s salacious gaze as well. No one
seemed to notice the twins and their strange actions. It was almost as if they
were invisible to the world.
“How you feeling Vy? Still sore?” Ryker teased.
I swallowed down the words sprouting on my tongue and sliced my
gaze to the remaining chicken and vegetables turning soggy on my plate.
Connor turned his attention toward me. “Sore?” He touched my bare
leg. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Yeah, Vy. What happened? Ryker told me you had a hard time walking
a couple of hours ago? Care to elaborate?” Warren chimed in, placing his
elbows on the table.
All eyes were on me as the rest of the guests caught wind of our
conversation. My lungs restricted, and my legs moved before I could tell
them to stop. I scurried back into the house and booked it for the kitchen. I
needed a cool glass of water and a minute to calm my nerves, especially the
ones zapping my clit.
The twins’ voices boomed into the hall outside the kitchen, interrupting
my moment of silence. I set my cup down and walked through the door to
find them in the hallway with Connor. Their conversations seized once they
caught wind of me, and Connor sliced his gaze from me to the marble floor.
“Princess,” Warren said, as he walked over.
“What’s going on?” I asked, my eyes cutting between the three of them.
“This fucktardo wants to fight me,” Ryker stated.
My spine stiffened, and I turned to face Connor. He didn’t say anything,
and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Because he needs—” Ryker started.
“Nothing. I just want to show this delinquent piece of trash that he can
get the shit beat out of him,” Connor deadpanned.
Ryker raised his chin to the cathedral ceiling, the corners of his mouth
stretching to show off a grid of perfect teeth. Something about witnessing
him grin was terrifying, yet titillated every nerve in my body.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, pretty boy.” He stalked forward,
coming toe to toe with Connor. “Didn’t your whore mother ever tell you to
never write checks your ass can’t cash?”
Connor’s face turned beet red, and he fired up. Gearing up to hit Ryker
right in the face, but Ryker caught his arm.
“This should be a cakewalk,” Warren teased, and leaned into me, not
giving a damn if Connor noticed.
Ryker lowered his arm slowly, and inched his face so close to Connor’s
that I thought he might kiss him, but then he tilted his head and let his
mouth hover over Connor’s ear. He spoke, whispering words that neither I
nor Warren could hear, but the look in Ryker’s dark-brown eyes as they
connected with mine hammered my bones.
I took a step back, and Warren wrapped his hand around my throat and
forced my gaze to his. “Are you still sore, baby girl?”
I processed the question and licked my lips. “Just a little. Why?”
Warren twirled my ponytail around his hand and inhaled. “Because
Ryker just made you the consolation prize, and you know he never loses a
Warren released his grip from my hair and grabbed my hand. We
followed Ryker to the other side of the house, the side that was under
maintenance and off-limits to guests and house staff. We stepped out into
the dark, with just a few streams of light coming from the floodlights
surrounding the construction equipment scattered throughout the space.
Rows of sweat dripped down my back, the summer air still humid and
insulting, even though the sun went down hours ago.
“Are you going to throw the first punch, or do I have to do all the work,
dipshit?” Ryker yelled.
Ryker peeled off his shirt, and my tongue swabbed nervously over my
bottom lip. I hadn’t seen Ryker shirtless since before they sent him away.
Corded muscles flexed, and I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I
followed his movements. His dress slacks sat low on his sculpted hips,
giving way to the perfectly carved V that stopped at the band of his boxers.
The twins never dressed the way father liked, but seeing them in dress pants
that fit snug around their legs was something I could have gotten used to.
Ryker paced back and forth as he waited for Connor to throw the first
punch, and my gaze dropped to his legs. Ryker was born bowlegged, but it
went unnoticed most of the time because he wore baggy cargo pants.
“I bet you fight like you fuck. Pathetic,” Warren shouted from behind
Connor turned around to say something, but a hard blow to his face cut
off his ability to speak. He tumbled backward, and Warren covered my eyes
as Ryker gifted him two more punches. I jumped with each blow, and then
silence fell over us. Warren removed his hands and my eyes met Ryker’s
large chest. Sandwiched between them, I craned my neck to look up at
Ryker, and the wolf’s smile bearing down on me. He grabbed my chin and
parted his lips, but Connor groaned from behind him, a string of curse
words following the irritated moan.
“Asshole. I want a do over,” Connor protested.
I rose to my toes and stole a glance over Ryker’s shoulder. A stream of
blood dripped down his nose and pooled with the blood oozing from his
bottom lip. He looked like someone beat his face to a pulp and then rolled
him around in the dirt.
Ryker rolled his eyes and jutted his chin in Connor’s direction. “Winner,
winner, chicken dinner, shit face. Not my problem you weren’t paying
attention.” He turned his attention back to me and anchored his gaze with
mine. “I won fair and square.”
Emotion welled in my throat and I forced the lump down. “What are
you going to do to me?” I whispered, secretly hoping he wouldn’t hear the
words falling off my lips.
“You’re asking the wrong twin, little cum muffin,” he said, stroking a
calloused knuckle down my cheek.
A murmur of a breath trickled into my ear, followed by a low growl.
“My turn, princess,” Warren said.
Warren pulled me along, leaving Ryker and Connor to deal with their feud.
I asked Warren what the issue was, but my question went unanswered.
Crossing the threshold back inside the house, Connor caught my glance, but
the call of my name in a singsong by Warren made me look away.
Sometimes I wondered if Connor knew this was all one big setup, all for the
love of money. He seemed to like and care about me genuinely, and it
sucked. I didn’t feel the same way about him. Not when my heart ached for
the twins, even though I knew we could never be more than a dirty secret
that was kept between us. Nothing more than secret fucks and stolen kisses.
Without realizing it, we were in Warren’s room, and I followed him like
a puppy, lost in my thoughts. When the twins had left, our father had their
rooms locked, for fear that a visitor would accidentally mistake one of the
doors for a bathroom or a spare bedroom. At the time, my feelings for
Ryker were nonexistent, but it stung not being able to bury myself in the
clothing that trapped Warren’s lingering scent. He smelled like cinnamon
with a hint of leather, a combo that I would give anything to bottle and keep
I looked around the room. Memories of when I used to hide in here to
escape Ryker’s tormenting wrath resurfaced.
“Sweet girl,” Warren called from the doorway of the bathroom, his
finger moving in a come here motion. “Clear your thoughts, kitten. I don’t
want you distracted when I’m balls-deep in your sweet pussy.”
He released the clip holding my hair in place, and my hair floated down
past my shoulders.
He walked behind me and stilled his movements. “Let’s make you all
pretty. I want to drink in your beautiful face before I make your eyes water
with my cock.”
Items from my vanity laid spread out on the marble bathroom sink.
Warren guided me straight to them, the swell of his cock pressing into my
ass as he leaned into me to pick up the hairbrush.
“Make that face fuckable for me.” He ran the brush through my thick
tresses. “Make Ryker wish he was the one breaking in your mouth and not
me,” he said, eyeing me in the mirror.
Only a few items of my makeup collection laid in front of me, the most
important ones. My dark eyeliner, blush, and peach lip gloss. He watched
me apply each item, and when I was all done, he picked up the large pink
hair bow and placed it at the base of my ponytail.
“Let me see.” He turned me around and ran a thumb over the corner of
my mouth before stealing a kiss. “Undress for me.” His words came out
I did as told, a wave of nervousness coming over me as he kept his gaze
glued to mine. I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to be with
Warren. Besides a few stolen kisses and lingering stares, we never went all
the way. He peeled off his shirt at the exact moment I let my dress float to
the floor. He and Ryker were built exactly the same, over six feet tall, with
ropes of lean muscle engraved into their chest, arms, and legs.
The twins were identical down to the last hair on their head, and even
our father had a hard time telling them apart, but I didn’t. It came down to
their smile. That was the telltale sign. Warren’s mouth always lifted at one
corner as it pulled into a slow smirk. A complete one-eighty from Ryker’s,
who bared his teeth as a grin more wicked than the Grinch’s split his face.
Warren toed out of his shoes and socks before stalking over to me, and I
had a hunch to cover myself, but his hand slinked around my wrist to stop
me. Ryker sent my pulse into overdrive because he awakened the dim fire
in my soul with his harsh words and rough touch, but Warren plucked at my
heartstrings. He was sweet, understanding, and praised me when I was a
good girl. His good girl.
Chapter 8


A s Vy lowered to her knees, Ryker came sauntering in and closed the

door behind him. He’d showered and changed. A pair of thin joggers
sat low on his hips, with no boxer band in sight. The bare soles of his
feet hushed across the carpet and he stood behind Vy, his eyes fixated on
my throbbing cock.
“Join our sister, baby bro,” I said, fisting my aching dick from base to
tip, inches from Vy’s pretty, plump lips.
He flicked up his middle finger as he lowered behind Vy, and I made
sure he witnessed the lecherous smirk sprouting on my lips.
Ryker wrapped one arm around Vy and used his other one to stroke her
soft hair. “What the fuck are you staring at?” he spat.
I stroked, and let my fingers run over the angry head of my flesh.
“Nothing.” I pushed my precum wet fingers past Vy’s lips. “Just admiring
my girl and my bitch on their knees. Together.”
“You have to fuck me to make me your bitch. Which you’ve never
I released my hand and threaded the soft strands of Vy’s hair. “Never
say never.”
He blew a glob of spit into the slits of his fingers, and Vy whimpered as
he played with her pussy. It turned me the fuck on, seeing him work her
heat like he owned it. I could have blown my load right here, but I had
plans to fill our baby sister up with my seed and make Ryker lick it up.
“Has my cum-chasing whore ever sucked a cock before?” he asked,
with his lip pressed to the shell of her ear.
She shook her head, and Ryker pinched one of her erect nipples between
his fingers.
“Baby’s first time. Maybe you should show her how it’s done,” I said.
“What makes you think I know how suck dick, fucker?”
I shrugged. “Just a hunch. Seeing how wide your mouth has gotten over
the years. I figured something had to be stretching it out.”
Ryker didn’t date, relationships didn’t appeal to him after getting his
heart broken by the one person he loved the most. He closed it up, but
fucked the pain away with girls, guys, and whoever else made his cock
throb. With one hand still tangled in Vy’s hair, I stepped forward and angled
the head of my flesh right in front of Ryker’s lips. I knew it pissed him off,
evident by the tight jaw silence he portrayed as the column of this throat
rippled with each swallow.
“Go on. Be a good boy and open that cum-catching trap of yours.”
He slapped my cock away and started to say something, but the
intrusion of my cock cut his words off as I pushed it past his lips. His throat
swelled up as I drove it farther inside, the wetness of his mouth making my
cock ache harder. I stroked Vy’s cheek as her she stared with wide eyes. She
looked so damn cute between Ryker’s legs as I hammered his throat.
Ryker choked and forced my dick out of his mouth. “I’m gonna whoop
your ass.” He paused, a forceful swallow working his throat as he struggled
to catch his breath.
“Doubt it. You’re pretty occupied. Ya know, on your knees and all.”
His tongue forged words, but once again they were cut off as I shoved
my flesh back where it belonged. I could have given him more time to catch
his breath, but I wasn’t in the giving mood.
“Taking notes, sweet girl?” I asked as I slid my thumb inside of her
I let her pacify it as I destroyed Ryker’s mouth. Gurgling sounds
followed by a long thick stream of drool oozed from his bottom lip as I fed
him my cock inch by inch. I made him take all of me, my gaze unyielding
as I slid a grin up one half of my face.
My grip on his strands tightened. “You want my load, baby bro?” I
teased and shoved my hips forward before pulling out.
“I’m—I’m gonna—I’m gonna fucking kill you.” He inhaled, eager to
fill his lungs with the air I deprived him of. His wet lips trembled, and a
row of fresh tears that teased the brim of his eyes rolled down his face.
“Don’t fucking close your eyes tonight, you bastard.”
“What year is it?” I mocked and jogged my eyebrows up my forehead.
“Fuck you,” he said, the curse hot on his tongue.
I couldn’t deny the zing of content I felt seeing him discombobulated
after working his mouth with no decorum. Sliding my thumb out of Vy’s
mouth, I clipped a finger under her chin and made her rise to her knees. She
looked so damn precious, with my wet cock dangling in front of her lips.
Eyes wide and foggy with nervousness.
Ryker leaned into Vy and slid a hand around her throat. “Part those lips,
slut. Warren’s cock is nice and wet for you.”
I guided my hot flesh past her plump lips, and a low moan dripped into
the air. Fuck, it was heaven. I wanted to rail her like I did with Ryker, but I
couldn’t. Not my sweet girl. I had to take it slow, and feed her my girth
slowly. Her lips made a vacuum around the tip and I nearly lost it. Ryker
brought his hands around and palmed her perky tits, twirling the nipples
between his fingers, and she jerked to the sensation. She was so small
between us, with me in front and Ryker on his knees behind her.
Ryker slid his pierced tongue between his lips and closed his eyes.
“Show Warren how much you want his attention, little fuck bunny.” He
spoke into her ear.
She opened up wider, and I pushed in. That sweet sound of my cock
cutting off her air made my balls tingle, and I lost all control. I shoved both
hands into her hair and rammed her little mouth as she suffocated on my
“Fucking hell, princess. You look so damn good with my dick in your
“Yeah, she does. Sucking your cock like the needy cum-loving whore
she is,” Ryker said, his voice hoarse and low.
It wasn’t long before the corners of her eyes stung with tears, and it only
took a few more hard pumps to make them fall over her fine lashes.
“Who’s my beautiful girl choking on my cock?” The pads of her fingers
pressed into the skin of my thigh as tears skipped down her cheeks. “I’m so
fucking proud of you. Look at you sucking me off like you were born to do
it. My good girl.”
I withdrew, and I throbbed at the sound of her hauling air into her lungs.
I loved choking her out, watching her struggle and wither as I held her
virgin gaze. The air percolated with undiluted lust, and my hunger for Vy
increased tenfold as a spark of worry swept over her features.
I extended my hand. “Don’t be scared. You know I’ll always treat you
like a princess.” I pulled her up and brought her fingers to my lips.
Ryker rose to his feet, the hunger in his eyes darker than mine, and
leaned in. “Yeah, pretty girl. Warren will treat you like a princess, but I’m
going to be the one to fuck you like a whore.”
Our words jellied her spine, and she nearly stumbled as I pulled her
toward my bed. Ryker had the pleasure of fucking her from behind, but I
wanted to look in her eyes when she felt my cock deep inside her. I wanted
to witness every single emotion sweeping over her face and engrave the
memory into my brain. Ryker stepped out of his joggers, the bulb of his
dick hot and dripping at the tip.
Carnal desire washed over me with an urge to taste the precum running
down his shaft, but I squashed my excitement instead. An unexpected yelp
pushed past Vy’s lips as Ryker lifted her into the air. He followed behind me
and I pulled back the sheets. Vy whimpered in Ryker’s arms, her folds
growing wetter by the second. I loved the way he held her. He had her
propped up on his shoulder with her legs pried open and pussy lips on
display. My palms burned hot as I stroked from base to tip.
“Give her to me,” I growled.
Ryker knew this fuck was mine since he went behind my back and took
what belonged to me. He lined up her slit with the head of my cock and
gently let her body fall. She resisted at first, her legs going rigid at the
sudden pressure.
“Warren…” she whimpered.
“Feeling full, baby girl?” I asked, slowly pressing her farther down on
my cock.
She nodded, shifting a little as her walls molded to me. She felt so
fucking good. So fucking wrong. Her innocence shined through as she sat
idle on my cock and warmed it up. I knew she didn’t know how to ride, but
I intended to do all the work for her.
Ryker climbed on the bed, and settled between my legs behind Vy. He
extended his tongue, licked his palm and stroked.
“Sweet girl. You ready to get the princess treatment?”
Ryker chuckled. “Don’t let her fool you. She craves the fuck-doll
treatment, too. Right, Vy?”
She didn’t answer, but pouted her sweet fucking lips instead. The hum
of the AC kicked on, and I was grateful for the added noise. I started
slowly, but that didn’t last long. Ryker pushed her down onto my chest, his
gaze rough as he ate up her wet hole. Sucking sounds surrounded us, a
sonnet of my fucking and his stroking. A sob wrenched from her throat, and
the sound just made me ram her harder. I felt like a monster with Ryker’s
gaze tethered to mine, not giving two fucks about Vy’s cries as I rearranged
her insides. But fuck, did it feel good.
“Are you going to take my load like a good girl?” I asked, running my
hand through her bangs.
She mumbled, unable to speak, and I slid my thumb between her lips.
The whites of her eyes appeared, and it sent me over the edge. She was on
the verge of reaching the peak and I tensed, every muscle in my body going
rigid as I lost control and let a hot steady stream of my seed fill her up. An
undiluted moan erupting from my throat broke the silence, followed by a
deeper moan from Ryker. He jerked off good and hard as he watched me
fuck Vy.
I withdrew slowly and lifted my eyes to meet Ryker’s. “Be a good boy
and clean up our girl.”
“Fuck me,” he blurted out.
“I will. But first stick that dirty tongue out and make it useful for once.”
The creases around his eyes tightened, sending a surge of pleasure
straight to my cock. Then he did as told, the metal ball of his piercing
tickling Vy’s clit as he lapped up the leftover juices from our carnal fuck.
“That’s my boy. Don’t forget to lick the tip of my dick.”
He met my words with the flash of his middle finger, and my burst of
deep laughter filled the space. He pretended he hated it, but I knew deep
down he didn’t. I stroked Vy’s back, and Ryker brought a warm towel from
the bathroom to press between her legs and clean her up.
“What time is it?” Ryker asked.
“Bed time,” I joked, checking my phone.
The time read 12:47 a.m. I placed Vy on the side of me and Ryker came
sauntering back out with a look on his face. We’ve never slept in the same
bed before, ever, so it was uncharted territory. I had a hunch he would walk
out and go to his room, but he let out a breath and got comfortable under the
sheets next to Vy.
“You still planning to murder me in my sleep, bro?” I killed the lights
and let darkness settle over us.
“Maybe. But if you start snoring, it’s a sure bet.”
Vy fell into a deep sleep, her light moans and mumbles peppering the air
as Ryker and I both lay wide awake in the darkness. Fighting with the
heavy lids of my eyes, I succumbed as the softness of Ryker’s lips fused
with mine.
“I fucking hate you,” he whispered, then lay back down on his side of
the bed.
I fucking love you.
Chapter 9


The Next Morning

L ances of sunlight peeked through the dark-colored curtains and I

peeled my eyes open. My fingers traced the thick veins of Warren’s
large arm, tight around my waist. Ryker lay on his stomach with his
arms above his head, facing Warren and I. I let my eyes trail the length of
his lean muscular body, and let my hands glide over the ropes of relaxed
muscle. His nostrils flared with a sudden inhale, and I stilled my
movements. Seeing Ryker like this, almost vulnerable, was something I
thought I would never witness.
I tangled my fingers in his thick tresses before letting them brush over
the curves of his face. His features seemed to soften, giving me a glimpse of
the guy behind the hard shell. The pads of my fingers stopped at his lips,
and I pulled my hand away as his mouth morphed into a sly grin. One look
from Ryker and my pulse went from calm to overdrive. He had that effect
on me.
“How’s my fuck bunny this morning?” His words came out thick and
low, as if swollen from thirst.
He turned over on his back, the sheets moving with him to expose the
raven-colored patch of hair inches from his cock. He let out a breath. The
bulge of his throat wrenched up, then down.
“Sore,” I muffled into the pillow.
“Sore,” he mocked in a high-pitched voice.
I rolled my eyes and hid the smile blooming on my lips. Only Ryker
mocked me with a ridiculous sounding girl voice all the time. He flexed his
hands, and I intertwined my fingers with his. Warren fucked me, made me
come and cradled me in his arms, a 360 difference from the way Ryker
handled me, but I craved both experiences.
“So, tell me, princess. Who fucks better?” he asked, raising a brow.
I buried my face in the pillow, desperate to avoid answering his
question. A whiff of his scent clung to my lungs as he shifted and threaded
his fingers through my hair.
“It’s a tie,” I said, my eyes fixated on the crumpled sheets.
“Bullshit.” He peeked his tongue out and let the bar of his piercing
scrape against his teeth. “Tell me, sweetness. Who made it hurt more?”
I let the question dangle in the air, but before I could answer, Warren
pressed his nose to the side of my face as a low moan seeped off his lips.
“No comment,” I said and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth.
“That a girl. Keep those lips sealed,” Warren teased before stealing my
Ryker rolled onto his back. ‘Ugh. Get a room.”
Warren teased and shoved his fist into Ryker’s side. With Warren’s arm
still around me, he playfully fought Ryker before taking his lips. Ryker
melted, but he refused to let his softness show for longer that a second. He
turned away defiantly and rolled out of bed.
“What now?” he asked and wiped away Warren’s kiss.
The question made Warren sit up, and I mirrored his actions. Ryker
checked his phone as a dull silence draped us, and Warren leaned back
against the headboard. Deep down, I knew we could never be, at least not in
this lifetime. I loved Warren, and Ryker was slowly growing on me, but we
were blood. There wasn’t an excuse good enough if people found out, and I
doubted father’s heart could survive such news.
“What do you mean? Vy’s ours. She belongs to us. Always.” Warren ran
a knuckle down my bare shoulder and eased in to kiss the soft skin.
Ryker shifted and stepped into his joggers. “Newsflash, fucker. Our
girl’s tight little cunt is promised to some lame dweeb named Connor.”
“Yeah, I know, asshole,” Warren shot back. “But she’s still ours.
Doesn’t matter who our father marries her off to.” He took my hand and
brought it to his lips.
The plan wasn’t perfect, but it was better than nothing. I needed them
both in my life. Connor was for show, but my heart lay with Warren, and
my soul burned for Ryker. A beat of silence passed between us, and we
listened as canopies of voices bounced off the walls in the hallway. It was
only a matter of time before Father would come looking for us, or me,
Ryker walked back over to the large bed, clipped a finger under my chin
and forced his tongue between my lips. “Princess.”
He climbed off the bed, shoved his phone into his pocket, and snuck
back to his room. Still cradled in Warren’s arms, I hated to leave his side,
but in the blink of an eye I found myself tiptoeing down the hall in the
hopes of not being seen. I slipped inside my room and let the breath I’d
been holding deflate in my chest. With my back to the door, I locked it and
let a smile bleed over my lips as thoughts about the future with the twins
crept into my soul. I knew now what some part of me had always known—
the three of us belonged together, in every way, forever.
Thanks for Reading

I know, it ended so quickly. The love/hate relationship with novellas. But I will be expanding on
Warren, Ryker and Vy’s relationship in a full length next year( please don’t be upset my fingers hurt
Any who I hope this little story gave you the palette cleanse you needed.
With so much love,

Instagram: @authornatalieknight
Facebook: Author Natalie Knight
TikTok: @authornatalieknight
Also By Natalie Knight

Bad Uncle
I should have known the buried emotions between us would come crawling to the surface the
moment Paisley walked up to my truck.
Our hug was longer than usual, our stare lingered for more than a few seconds, and my heart was
beating just a little bit too fast.
We had a nine-hour drive. Nine hours alone. Nine hours for me to try and keep it together although I
was desperately slipping as the seconds passed.
Paisley was off limits, forbidden, a big red f*cking nope, but damn; I’ve never been good about
following the rules, no matter the consequences.
Wanting her would mean tearing our family apart, but maybe loving the one woman I couldn’t stop
thinking about was worth the risk. Even if she was blood.

Pretty Lies
I’ve given up on a lot of things in my life. Hope, relationships, and myself.
But worst of all, I gave up on my little girl.
Too fucked to deal with the responsibility of raising a child, I ran out on her when she was just a
baby, leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves.
Over the years, I’ve made peace with that decision and learned to live with the devil that dances on
my shoulder.
But then I get a text. From her. From my Audrey.
I should ignore it, but I don’t. I respond. Then texting leads to more, and soon enough, I’m opening
doors that should’ve remained closed. I’ve got my eye on her now for all the wrong reasons and
everything is once again fucked.
Because the way I want Audrey is sick. Dirty. Sinful.
Yet, when she begs me to let her tag along on a road trip to California, I can’t say no. Not while my
mind says one thing and my body demands another.
The one woman I can never have.
My daughter.

The day Trenton Clayton's plane went down was the day he decided to make the jungle his new
Leaving behind the comforts of civilization. With a freshly wounded heart, he swore off the idea to
ever love again.
Four years came and gone, with no desire to leave behind his new home.
But when a pretty young thing stumbles into his territory he is forced to make a decision.
He can let the jungle swallow her up or attempt to save her.

Stalking Her: A Dark Romance( the complete series)

Dalia is the only one who can fix what’s broken in me. I knew it the moment I saw her.
That red hair, those wounded eyes, the irresistible curves…she’s perfect.
She will be mine.
But first, I have to get rid of her boyfriend.
Don’t feel sorry for him, though. He’s no hero. In truth, he’s a villain.
Good thing I’m better at it than he is.
Because Dalia needs rescuing as much as I do. One day, she’ll thank me for what I’m about to do.
Then she’ll give me everything…

Stonebridge Daddy Series( Kindle Unlimited)

Welcome to Stonebridge. A mini metropolitan city pipped with overly possessive daddies with a
penchant for showing praise and talking dirty. So if you love severe age gaps with powerful men
who will go to the ends of the earth to protect their curvy baby girls, then you’ve stopped in the right
town. So dive headfirst into this series and get ready to cleanse your palette with some much needed
hot and heavy romance. As always, HEA is guaranteed.

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