Rough and Mean - Nina Sestina

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Rough and Mean

Nina Sestina

Rough and Mean

Nina Sestina
All Rights Reserved ©2023 Nina Sestina. First Printing: 2023.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior
written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses
permitted by copyright law.
Chapter 1 - Krissy
Chapter 2 - Rob
Chapter 3 - Krissy
Chapter 4 - Rob
Chapter 5 - Krissy
Chapter 6 - Rob
Chapter 7 - Krissy
Chapter 8 - Krissy
Chapter 1 - Krissy
My boyfriend Bill was a massive asshole, but he was also five years
older than me and had a nice car and an apartment that I could use to escape
from my house. I didn’t have a bad home life, but my stepdad Rob was
strict, and he didn’t like me hanging out with guys like Bill.

Luckily for me, he had a full time job and was the head coach of a
local MMA team. Rob was a former professional Thai boxing champion,
and he trained a group of about 20 guys who fought mixed martial arts. He
worked all day, and then went to the gym to train his guys. That gave me
plenty of free time to sneak around and do hoodrat stuff with my friends.

By the time I turned 18, I figured he would loosen up and give me

more freedom, but he only seemed to zero in on me even more. It’s funny
because I actually met Bill through his gym, as he trained there for a couple
months and we ran into each other at a cookout. Apparently he couldn’t
keep up with his gym dues and had a temper, the latter of which led to him
being knocked unconscious and kicked out of the gym.

“I can’t believe you’re seriously entertaining that loser. He can’t

protect you, I can guarantee you that much. Kid can’t fight a lick.” he said.

“Okay…You hate every guy I date though.”

“Because you don’t know how to vet for a good man, and you keep
choosing duds.” he said.

“Ugh. I’m not getting married, I’m just dating him.”

“You’ll marry him over my dead body. And the dead bodies of every
fighter in my gym. I just don’t understand why you’re wasting your time.”
he said. We were eating breakfast, and I was counting down the seconds
until he left for work and was off of my case.
“I’m just trying to have fun, I don’t see why that bothers you so

“It bothers me because you’re my stepdaughter, and it’s embarrassing

when you associate yourself with common street trash. But I can’t control
you, so do whatever you want, just don’t come crying to me when it
inevitably doesn’t work out.” he said.

“Fine. I won’t.” I said, turning my attention over to my phone. That’s

how it was with Rob ever since I started dating Bill, a lot of unnecessary
tension because he was thinking too far into things. I wasn’t going to fall in
love with him, and I knew exactly what I was doing. Bill gave me access to
freedom and fun, away from the arbitrary rules at my house.

It was a little bit sad, because it was such a stark change from the
relationship we’d had before. He always had his eye on me, and was
definitely the disciplinarian, but he always adored me before.
Chapter 2 - Rob
I wasn’t at home enough to keep my eye on her, and I knew it was a
lost cause anyway. She had some sort of a wild streak in her, and there was
nothing I could do about it. My only wish was that she could show some
level of taste when it came to the guys she dated.

Bill in particular really bothered me, because she wouldn’t have ever
met him if I didn’t let him train at our gym for a while. He seemed okay at
first, kind of hot headed but seemed to want to learn. It didn’t last long, as
his ego couldn’t handle losing, and he started taking it out on smaller
fighters and even the women at the gym.

I gave one of my more advanced students the greenlight on him, and

he was knocked cold unconscious before being kicked out of the gym. No
worries, he signed the waiver.

That was the last I’d ever see of him, or so I thought. I’m not even
sure how it happened, if they connected on social media or exchanged
numbers when they first met, or what, but suddenly he was dating my
stepdaughter Krissy.

It’s pretty much a standard trope about the protective stepdad,

cleaning his gun or whatever. This wasn’t what this was though, I’d have
loved it if she dated some nerdy guy with a head on his shoulders, or even a
rougher prize fighter if he was the right type of guy. Bill was the worst of
both worlds. A real world idiot and wannabe tough guy.

The dynamic of our relationship changed right away, especially

when she repeatedly broke curfew. Whenever the team had fights out of
state, I knew that she stayed over at his place. It disgusted me to the point
where I couldn’t be around her without poking at her, making fun of her
choice of a boyfriend.
At the end of the day, I still loved her and wasn’t going to change
that for something as petty as a younger woman making a bad dating
decision. But I did find it difficult, and told her repeatedly not to come to
me when it came crashing down, because I also repeatedly told you so.

“I know what I’m doing, daddy. It’s kind of offensive that you think
Bill is going to outsmart me, or take advantage of me somehow.” she said.
Krissy always had an attitude like that, of taking things head on and doing it
her way. This case was different, as she was in over her head. She was too
young and naive to understand that she was already being taken advantage
of simply by putting herself around him.

“I never said he could or would outsmart you, but you’re already

twenty points behind in the game of being taken advantage of.” I said,
trying not to get emotionally involved in the conversation.

“Really? Like how he lets me drive his car, and pays for

“He doesn’t pay for shit. He buys you McDonald’s and lets you
drive his twenty year old Honda? Sounds like you’ve got a great hustle
going on, Krissy.” I said.

“Okay, he buys me food and lets me hang out at his place. It’s fun.
How am I being taken advantage of?” she asked, growing exasperated. I
took a deep breath and swallowed my food.

“Krissy. You’re a gorgeous, intelligent young woman. He’s a loser

with zero chance of winning at the game of life. By wrapping you up in his
bullshit, and convincing you to spend time with him, he’s getting over on
you.” I said.

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“It will, Krissy. I’m done with this conversation. Do you,” I said,
rolling my eyes. I was sick of trying to explain it to her. He was nasty and
less than, and he had no business being in her presence. At the very best,
the only thing he could do for her is waste her time, give her a child that he
won’t be there for, take her innocence, and probably give her herpes. That’s
the best case scenario.

“Fine. We’ll see.” she said. I let her have the last word because I had
other things on my mind, and my beautiful stepdaughter being fucked by
the biggest loser to walk through my gym in years simply wasn’t something
I wanted to let occupy the space of my thoughts.

“I’m going to work. Have a good one.” I said.

“You too.”
Chapter 3 - Krissy
I should have fucking known. Everyone told me, but it took Bill
actually showing me what a giant piece of crap he was for me to get it. And
oh boy, did he make a scene when he finally decided to show his true

It started with a party at his place, with lots of slutty girls and alcohol.
I don’t drink, so I tried to just be a chaperone for a while. Then I noticed
Bill going into the bathroom with some random girl, and they locked the
door and wouldn’t let me in.

A couple of his friends assured me that nothing was going on and

took me outside for some fresh air. By the time I got back inside, Bill was
gone. He literally left his own party, and drove drunk to avoid having to
face me after he fucked a random girl in the bathroom.

That girl’s name was Heather, and she went crazy and kept asking
where Bill went. She locked herself in his room and said she wasn’t leaving
until he came back, talking about how he came inside her and she wasn’t on
birth control. It was wild.

I ended up crashing on the couch that night after being unable to get
a hold of him, and the next morning I woke up to find out that he’d gotten a
DUI after totaling his car and was in jail. He called me and begged me to
come up with bail money.

“Come on, baby. It was a mistake, it didn’t mean nothin’.” he said,

calling me collect from county jail.

“You know what doesn’t mean anything? You being in jail.” I said,
and hung up the phone. It was a strange feeling, my boyfriend had cheated
and we were no longer together, but I felt nothing except for stupid. I felt
dumb, but not hurt.

I kept the whole thing to myself, too embarrassed to even let Rob
know that we’d broken up. Bill got out a week later, and kept calling me
over and over until I blocked his number. Then he showed up at my house
in an Uber, begging for another chance.

“Why is he here?” he asked. It was Rob, and he didn’t look or sound


“He was just leaving.” I said, pointing for him to go.

“What’s going on?” Rob asked, putting his arm around me and
staring down Bill.

“We broke up after he cheated, got a DUI, and totaled his car. Now
he’s harassing and stalking me.” I said.

“No, no! I’m sorry, I’ll go.” Bill said, backing up as fast as Rob was
walking toward him.
Please!” he shouted, his voice going high before he turned and ran down the
street. It was a funny sight, watching a grown man sprinting out of fear of
another man. I won’t lie, it was kind of hot.

“Thank God. I knew it was only a matter of time before he fucked up,
I’m just glad you weren’t in the car with him.” Rob said, pulling me in for a
big hug and lifting me into the air.

“Yeah.” I sighed.

“Told ya so.”

“Oh hush!” I said, turning red as we exchanged smiles.

“I’m kidding. I’m just glad to have you back.” he wrapped his arm
around me and kissed me on the forehead before leading me back inside. It
was a big relief feeling myself back in his good graces.

Things became a little weird for me over the next few days, as I
suddenly saw Rob in an entirely new light. He was so manly, rough, and
sexy. Things I hadn’t really thought about before started popping into my
head, and it was impossible to deny that I’d developed an attraction towards

And since we’d been sort of fighting, I really missed him and wanted
his attention. I kind of pushed the thoughts out of my head at first, but there
was no stopping them from coming right back in. I had to think about it,
and the more I did, the hornier and more turned on I became.

My fascination with my stepfather was so new that it shocked me the

levels of arousal that I was able to experience simply by imagining him on
top of me, with his hard cock buried inside me and thrusting away. That
became the only fantasy I had, and I played it out over and over beneath my
sheets, knowing that he was sleeping just down the hallway.

It felt like an obsession, and I wondered if I was losing my mind.

There’s no way it was normal or right for me to be having those sorts of
feelings, for my stepdad of all people, and certainly, there’s no way he
shared those feelings or ever thought of me like that.
Chapter 4 - Rob
There aren’t words to describe the feeling of relief that washed over
me once I knew that little fucker was out of her life for good. It also made
me realize how much I’d missed her, and how I was wrong for treating her
so differently because of the guy she was dating. I knew all along that it
wouldn’t last, so I had no excuse for being so mean about it.

We had a busy fight week when she got home, so I only saw her here
and there, and I found myself craving some time with her to talk about
things. She kept wearing revealing outfits, as it was the middle of summer,
and I couldn’t help noticing what a gorgeous young woman she’d become.

“I miss you daddy, when can we spend some time together?” she
asked. I was sitting at the breakfast table, and she’d wrapped her arms
around my shoulders and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

“I know, baby. Soon. I’ll get a day off here eventually.” I said. Krissy
had a short silk robe on, and as she strode past me to the refrigerator, I
caught a glimpse of her asscheeks poking out from beneath it. “Mmm.” I
made the noise without realizing it, and my eyes moved down her legs to
her pretty little red toes. When she turned around, I could see her cleavage
in the middle and her nipples poking against the fabric.

“You better. I miss my daddy.” she said, casting me a look and biting
her lip. It felt as if the look she gave me actually hit me physically, and I
could feel blood rushing between my legs as I struggled not to stare at her

“I promise.” I said, taking a deep breath and sip of my coffee. Krissy

started messing around on her phone, and I couldn’t help stealing glances
every couple of seconds. “Well, I gotta go.”
“Awh, I wish you could stay home and cuddle with me all day.” she

“Oh yeah?” I asked, giving her a hug. She held on extra long, nestling
against me so I caught a whiff of her freshly shampooed hair.


“We’ll have to make that happen.” I said.


“Okay, baby. I gotta go. I love you.”

“I love you too.” she said, and blew me a kiss. I hopped into the car
and pulled out of the driveway to start my drive to work, but my head
wasn’t there at all. The only thing I could think about was how sexy Krissy
was, and how flirtatious she was being.

She wore revealing clothing here and there, like short shorts and tank
tops, but that was over the top. She was either completely nude beneath her
robe, or was wearing a pair of underwear and nothing else. It bothered me
how badly I wanted to know the answer.

I found myself thinking about her body, and what she looked like
naked. And worse. I thought about what she’d taste like, how her pussy
would feel squeezing my dick as it tried to take it.

Damn it, I gotta get that shit out of my head. She’s so sexy though,
fuck. Those perky nipples, that tight little ass… you know it’d be fucking
intense too, that girl is full of spunk and personality. The things I would do
to her…fuck.

I had a full on erection when I pulled into the parking lot, and had to
forcefully move my mind elsewhere to let it subside. It wasn’t something
I’d thought about before, but there was no putting that thought back where
it came from. There was no way for me to unrealize how gorgeous she was,
or how badly I wanted to spread her legs and make love to her.
Chapter 5 - Krissy
I pestered him daily about spending time with me, using every
opportunity available to flirt with him. As the days passed, my desires were
only growing. It’s what I wanted. And I was becoming more and more
convinced that he was harboring a similar level of tension.

It was the way we looked at each other, the way we talked. I became
openly affectionate towards him, and it felt so natural giving him a shoulder
rub or cuddling up next to him on the couch. Finally, the day came when he
had the entire day with nothing to do. I was supposed to grab food with my
friend Kimmy, but I canceled so that I could spend the day at home with

“I told you I’d get a day off eventually,” he said. I clapped my hands
excitedly, and asked what he had planned. “Just you, baby. That’s all I
wanna do today.”

“Movie day and cuddles?” I asked, crossing my fingers. That was the
way I saw it playing it when I fantasized, as I hoped cuddling with him
would make him realize that he wanted me too.

“Let’s do it.” he said.

“Living room or my room?”

“Let’s spend the day in your room.” he said. I smiled to myself, just
like I preferred. Even though I knew that it was highly unlikely anything
would actually happen, I couldn’t help being excited at even the tiny

Ever since I started crushing on my Stepdad, guys my age just seemed

boring and unattractive. I knew exactly what I wanted, and it just so
happened to be my own stepdad. I made popcorn, and gathered snacks, and
then met him in my room wearing a tiny pair of booty shorts and a white
cami with nothing underneath. I also put my hair into pigtails, which he
always complimented as being adorable.

“Refreshments are served!” I giggled, bouncing into my room and

joining him on the bed.

“Oh, wow. Check you out.” he said, looking at me instead of the

popcorn. “I’m just here for the sweets. Where are these cuddles I was

“Here, let me start the movie and turn off the lights.” I said, trying to
get everything in order.

“Shut and lock the door while you’re at it.” he said.

“Yes, daddy.” I said, feeling the butterflies in my stomach come alive

as I did as I was told. I turned the lock until it clicked, and then crawled into
bed with Rob knowing we were all alone and we had the entire day to do
whatever we wanted.
Chapter 6 - Rob
It felt like the call of a siren, even though you knew you weren’t
supposed to answer it, the call was far too alluring to ignore. There was an
obvious sense of flirtation and sexual tension in the way we’d been
interacting for weeks, and I knew damn well that we were playing with fire.
It didn’t come close to stopping me.

She put on some random scary movie that I had zero interest in, and
then cuddled up against me in the little spoon position. If I had any hope of
playing it coy or not showing my cards, it went right out the window as she
pressed her ass against my crotch.

“What’s this called again?”

“Lake Pain. It’s about a bunch of college students who go to stay at a

lake house…and then a monster killer thing I guess haunts them or
whatever.” she said.

“Of course it is.”

“Mmm…” she moaned, wiggling her ass back and forth as my cock
quickly filled with blood. We laid there for a few minutes as the opening
scene played through, and I found myself allowing my fingertips to grace
her thighs and her side. Once again, the outline of her nipples was clearly
visible through the fabric of her white shirt, and I found myself paying
more attention to the warmth and curves of her body, and of her breathing
than I did to the movie.

“Do you feel that?” I asked, growing too horny to control myself.

“What do you mean?”

“Nevermind.” I said, grinning. There was no way she didn’t feel it, as
she kept expertly grinding against it and keeping it at full attention. I waited
a few seconds before beginning to flex it.

“Oh, that?” she asked, turning her head in my direction.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, I can’t help it. Your ass is just right there.” I said.

“Oh, I don’t mind daddy. Do you want me to move?”

“No. I don’t mind it either. It’s just a little inappropriate.” I said.

“True, but I kind of like that. As long as we don’t tell anyone, I think
it’s fine.”

“I agree.” I said, allowing my fingertip to slip into her waistband.

“When did you get so damn cute?”

“I dunno.” she said. The movie was no longer the main attraction, as
she was now being very open in her rhythmic grinding against me.

“That feels so good.”

“I like feeling how hard it is.”

“Yeah?” I asked, taking her hand in mine and guiding it between my

legs. “Feel it.”

“Oh, wow. It’s so thick.”

“You can rub it if you want.” I said. Krissy turned and sat to face me.

“I’d really like that.” she said. I watched in a pure state of arousal as
my stepdaughter pulled my shorts and underwear off. “Oh my goodness,
daddy. Fuck.”
“Touch it.” I said, enjoying the look of shock on her face as she
slowly reached out to grab it. She giggled, her eyes glued to my erection as
her fingers wrapped around it.

“Oh, gosh. It’s so big.”

“It’s okay, baby. You can handle it.” I said.

“I can definitely handle it with my hands!” she said, gripping my

shaft with both hands and stroking up and down. “But I don’t know how
else I could handle it.”

“Fuck, baby. That’s amazing.” I moaned. Krissy leaned forward and

let a glob of saliva drip onto the head, and then spread it around with the tip
of her pointer finger. “Yes, baby.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Because it’s naughty?”

“No. Because I’ve wanted to do it for so long, and I didn’t think it

would ever happen.” she said. Hearing her say that turned me on beyond
belief, knowing that a much younger and desirable woman like her had the
same craving for me that I had for her.

“You’re such a good girl.”

“I know, daddy. But I was being bad when I dated Bill. I should have
listened, I shouldn’t have disobeyed you.” she said, spitting on it again
without breaking her rhythm.

“It’s okay, angel. I’m sorry that I was so mean to you.”

“No, daddy. That’s what I deserved. I can’t believe I gave my body

over to him, when I really should have been giving it to you. You deserve
me.” she said, her eyes welling up with tears.

“Baby, come here. I love you.” I said, pulling her into my arms. A
tear rolled down her cheek as our lips met, and a tongue filled passionate
round of kissing followed. It was like there weren’t words to describe the
way we were feeling, so we used our bodies instead.

“Be rough daddy, be mean to me. That’s what I deserve.” she said. I
knew right then that we were about to take things to another level, and that
there would be no going back from the passion and intimacy we were about
to share with each other.

Any part of my rational mind that wanted to interject was offline, and
it felt like an uncontrollable urge finally coming to fruition. As I ripped off
her clothes, I finally saw what she’d been hiding all along. Her creamy
white body was on full display, and I’ve never felt more of a need to
possess someone than in that moment.

“I’m going to make you my little slut. Do you understand?” I asked,

grabbing her by the hair and forcing her down on her back.

“Yes.” she whimpered.

“And from now on, you’re going to do exactly as I tell you.”

“Yes daddy.”

She would be worshiped, ravaged, and punished. I spread her legs

apart, and held her head in place by a handful of hair as my other hand
explored her tightness.

“You’re so wet for daddy, like a little slut.”

“Yes, daddy. I can’t help it, I just want your dick so badly.” she said.
Feeling her wet pussy made me somehow even harder, and I forced my
finger inside her before pulling it back out and making her taste it.

“That’s your sweet little pussy juice, Krissy. You only lick it up for
daddy, understand? No one else.”

“Yes daddy.”

As much as I wanted to enter her right away, I found myself climbing

on top of her and making her suck on my balls while laying on her back.

“Look into my eyes.” I said, watching her struggle with a mouthful of

testicles. She sucked and slurped eagerly, moaning and writhing as she
pleasured me. “Lower. Lick my asshole.”

“Mmmm….” she moaned, swirling her tongue around my hole before

burying it inside.

“Oh, shit.” I wasn’t sure what came over me, it was like going on full
autopilot. My sex life was very vanilla, but with Krissy I felt unhinged, like
I could do whatever I wanted to her, and she would eagerly accept it.
Chapter 7 - Krissy
Lying beneath him was like ecstasy, and everything I could have
hoped for and more. He was exactly the type of lover I craved, and it felt
natural submitting to his powerful sexual will.

I got on my knees behind him, pulled his cheeks apart as he

instructed, and continued eating his muscular ass. I’d never done that
before, or anything like it. No one had ever inspired that type of desire in
me, nor been in control enough to make it happen.

“Good little whore, just like that. You know how to be a dirty little
slut, don’t you? You know what daddy likes.”

“Mmm…” I moaned in approval, unable to speak because my tongue

was…busy. I licked his asshole, his taint, and his balls. He mounted my
face and choked with his thick cock, pulling my hair, plugging my nose,
and even spitting into my mouth.

“Open wide.” he said, letting a large string of viscous spit drip into
my mouth. I gargled and swirled it around, and used it as lube when he
pressed my head back down onto his girth. My pussy had never ached like
that before, begging for touch.

“Bend over the mattress. Pull your ass apart.”

“Yes daddy.” I said, squirming into position as he approached me

from behind. The movie played in the background, but it was nothing but

“So pretty. Look at that pretty little asshole.” he said, spitting on it

and rubbing it around with his fingertip. “I want to taste it.”
“Oh, shit!” my eyes bulged as his tongue found my ass. It tickled, and
felt amazing, and warm, all at the same time. I loved it. He continued
licking it while rubbing my clit with the pads of his fingers.

“You taste so good, baby.” he said. His tongue made squishing sounds
and his fingers sent pleasure chills through my entire body. I pushed up on
my tippy toes, wiggling my ass against his face as he feast on my flesh.

“You’re such an amazing lover.” I said.

“And you’re my little cumslut.”

“Yes daddy.” I said. He pulled my hair like a ponytail, forcing me to

look at him while he pressed his cock into my waiting wetness.

“Ughhhh…” he growled, entering me without protection.

“Daddy…” I winced, feeling myself stretch as he bottomed out inside

me. I’d never felt so full, and I began drooling as he pounded away.

“It’s so tight.”


“Good girl. Squeal for daddy, whimper for that cock.” his low voice
boomed through the room, and he showed me what experience was all
about. I’d never been spoken to like that, and his dirty talk turned me on
almost as much as being split in half and blown out from behind.


“Shake that pretty little ass. That’s mine now. No more running
around like a little whore, doing whatever you want. That’s over.”

“Yes, daddy.”
“Now you do whatever I want.”

“I’m yours, I belong to you.”

“I own your pussy.”

“Yes daddy!” I called out. His roughness was everything I’d ever
wanted, and he had the stamina to go with his big hard daddy dick.
Cumming over and over, completely helpless under his powerful thrusts
was all that I could do.

“I’m not pulling out. It’s mine.”

“Yes!” I screamed, digging my fingers into the sheets as I reached yet

another powerful climax.

“I’m gonna cum, Krissy. I’m fucking cumming!” his gruff voice
spoke directly into my ear, his hot breath sending more chills as his hard
cock pulsed inside me, pumping me full of hot sticky cum.

“Oh my God.” I sighed as the pace finally slowed, and my grip on the
sheets relinquished. Another wave of pleasure moved over me, this time in
the form of post coital bliss.
Chapter 8 - Krissy
The story ends predictably in a lot of ways. For one, after that day
Rob and I were inseparable, and we never kept our hands to ourselves.
People started figuring it out, it was too obvious for no one to notice.

If they couldn’t tell by the fact that we were oddly affectionate and
flirtatious, they definitely knew when my belly started to swell. I stopped
taking birth control at his request, and he finished almost exclusively inside

I was happy to let my stepdaddy breed me, as I knew that I was in the
most capable hands in the world. Giving him a baby was the least I could
do in exchange for what he gave me. Our relationship is incredible, and the
passion in the bedroom never dwindles.

All along, he was what I needed. A strong, powerful, protective,

loving, masculine older man who would take full control in the bedroom
and give it to me the way I liked it, rough and mean.
More by Nina Sestina…

Becoming His Naughty Girl

Jared and his wife Stephanie have a dead bedroom. It leads to them taking a break, and she goes to
stay in a hotel on the other side of town for the weekend.

While she's gone, Jared and his younger woman Allie have the whole house to themselves. Without
Stephanie's presence, their interactions take on a much more flirtatious vibe, and the attraction
between them becomes very evident.

He craves a younger woman, a good girl who will submit and do as she's told. Allie wants an older
man who will take charge and be in full control.

How long can they resist their impulses? And how far will they go in order to satiate their forbidden
He’s So Rough When He Takes It
Mila is ashamed about her secret lust for Ryan, but that doesn't stop the feelings from being real. She
knows it's forbidden, but their close proximity makes her crush impossible to ignore.

He's so big, strong, and manly. She just knows he'd be the aggressive type of lover that she craves.

Little does she know, Ryan has a dead bedroom and is on the verge of divorce. Mila is his obsession,
and he's the type to take what he wants.

When he's kicked out of his bedroom, Mila decides there's no reason he should be forced to sleep on
the uncomfortable couch when she has a perfectly good king size mattress in her room.

Once they're alone, in their underwear and sharing a bed, keeping their hands to themselves simply
isn't going to happen.

The Naughty Home Therapy Series

Getting it Out of Their Systems

Taboo Milf - Stepmilf Convinced by Therapist to Try out Her Younger Man

Taboo Milf - Stepmilf Convinced to Try Out Her Younger Man’s Big One
Relieving Forbidden Tension

The Taboo Escape Room

Taboo Stepmilf - Forbidden Incentives for her Younger Man

Taboo - Fertile Attraction

Taboo - Coming Into Her Room to Teach Her How

Taboo - Off Limits Indulgence

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