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Enterprise agility and


Allan Thomson

An Overview
December 2018
1 Introduction 03

2 Challenges for today’s organizations 03

3 What is the difference between Agile and agile? 06

4 What is enterprise agility and why do we need it? 07

5 How AgileSHIFT can enable enterprise agility 08

6 Conclusions 10

7 References 11

8 About the author 11

9 About AXELOS 12

10 Trade marks and statements 12

02 Enterprise agility and AgileSHIFT AXELOS.COM

1. Introduction
Technological innovations over the last few decades have made markets much more dynamic and
volatile. If organizations wish to survive and thrive in this rapidly changing environment they need to
be responsive to change by demonstrating enterprise agility. This paper explores what enterprise agility
is and offers a summary of how the AXELOS product AgileSHIFT™ can offer valuable guidance and
support in this area.

2. Challenges for today’s organizations

Today’s organizations face several challenges:

1. The increasing pace of change

2. The increasing role of technology
3. Disruptors


Organizations have always been affected by dynamic, diverse and sometimes conflicting changes in
society. According to the PESTLE analysis1 these include:

zz Technological innovations
zz Geopolitical instability within existing and new markets
zz Changes in the global economic landscape
zz Changes in social demographics
zz Working practices (for example outsourcing, partnerships and mergers)
zz Changes in legal and regulatory requirements
zz For the public sector: change of government and/or policies.

In recent times the extent of change has been so significant that many large and mature organizations have
been seriously disrupted or even eclipsed. Organizations naturally want to maintain stability, but many are
uncertain how to respond to change because the new environment is so complex and ambiguous.


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Digital technology now touches everything we do and has become one of the leading causes of change in
the world. Events such as economic growth and recession, globalization, political upheaval and behavioural
and cultural changes could not have taken place on their current scale without it.

The increasing influence of technology has had a significant effect on the relationship between the
customer and the supplier. This shift in the relationship dynamics has been described in certain circles
as a move into ‘the age of the customer’2. Customers now have access to goods and services 24/7; they
can research information online about alternative products from competitors and gain advice about which
services to use. Websites and social networks allow customers to view the thoughts and opinions of
influencers within the sector and to post their own reviews.

Now more than ever organizations need to develop closer, more interactive relationships with their
customers to create a deeper sense of brand loyalty. They can record and respond to customers’ current
preferences and predict future needs through reviews and discussion forums. In this context, data
management and the use of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important.

As well as affecting the customer and supplier relationship, the rise of technology has impacted the way
organizations function. It has resulted in a ‘tech-shift’ comprising three distinct yet overlapping phases:

zz Tech-supported: this refers to activities that were previously manual, but which can now be carried out with computer-
based support. For example, using digital instead of paper systems for banking transactions.
zz Tech-enabled: this refers to previously manual activities that have now been improved by automation. For example,
customers can now use apps instead of physically going to their local bank branch to perform daily banking activities.
zz Tech-centric: this refers to activities that would not exist without technology. For example, the introduction of the many
forms of artificial intelligence (AI) and the growth of distributed ledger technologies like blockchain.

It is important for organizations to understand tech-shift and to utilize technology to be more efficient,
deliver better value to customers and remain competitive.


04 Enterprise agility and AgileSHIFT AXELOS.COM

As well as being threatened by changes in society and technology, organizations can also be challenged
by disruptors in their market. Disruptor companies change the way in which a market operates and
may create a new market in the process. Disruptors uproot established ways of working and can even
change how we think and behave. They can be new entrants to existing markets or current operators
with an innovative new offering. Disruptors don’t just meet customers’ current needs but also anticipate
their unstated and future needs. By doing so they can enter a market and rapidly displace established
organizations. Disruptors are therefore one of the main reasons organizations need enterprise agility.

Those who seek to disrupt, whether they are individuals or corporate-led, are enabled by several factors,

zz The gig economy, characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelancers, as opposed to permanent roles
zz Remote working enabled by technology and not requiring the physical co-location of workers
zz Cloud storage and processing provide a cost-effective solution for new entrants
zz Online platforms allow small organizations to appear more successful and experienced through smart design and branding
of their online presence
zz Inefficient markets where there is a large gap between what is being offered and what the customer requires or wants,
even if they don’t know what they want yet.

To counter the effects of disruption, the development of enterprise agility is a key element within an
organization. Disruption can happen very quickly so agility needs to be present at all levels and in
all functions of an organization, even in its supply chain. All teams, whether they be project based or
operational, must develop agility so that they fully play their part in the transformational change of the
organization. This is necessary so that the organization can respond in the most effective way to the
disruption and create an environment and a culture that is responsive to all forms of change.

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3. What is the difference between Agile and agile?
‘Agile’ is an umbrella term for a collection of frameworks and techniques that enable teams and individuals
to work through collaboration, prioritization, timeboxing and iterative and incremental delivery. There are
several specific frameworks that are classed as Agile, and these include Scrum, XP and Kanban.

Agile applies to ways of working that focus on user and customer value and are defined by the following:

zz Delivery oriented: suited for the delivery of products, services and change
zz Iterative: they encourage regular delivery of value, review, feedback and redefinition of the deliverable/output, service or
zz Incremental: they feature stepwise delivery of product, service or change
zz Time and cost-driven: they flex scope of delivery so that time and cost remains fixed
zz Simple processes: they have reduced governance in favour of flexibility and speed.

Agile also promotes a responsive, flexible and adaptable mindset and way of working.


There are certain behaviours that need to be adopted and demonstrated for Agile to operate in the
most effective way across the organization. In AgileSHIFT this is termed ‘agile’ with a lower case ‘a’ to
differentiate it from any one framework. These behaviours include:

zz Transparency
zz Collaboration
zz Rich communication
zz Self-organization
zz Exploration

All of the above not only lead to project success but are also vital contributors to happier teams, increased
employee contentment and, therefore, higher client satisfaction.

06 Enterprise agility and AgileSHIFT AXELOS.COM

4. What is enterprise agility and why do we need it?
Enterprise agility is the ability to move and adapt quickly across the whole organization in response to
shifting customer and market needs. To do this, organizations need to leverage their technology, people and
assets. While agile is mostly concerned with how an organization delivers its products and services and
implements change, enterprise agility is an organization-wide mindset. Agility must be present not only in
the delivery parts of the organization but also in all parts that support those who deliver.

To survive in the current context of rapid change, technological advances and disruptors, organizations
must be able to react to change quickly, which may mean that they need to transform how they
operate. Embarking on a transformation is a major undertaking and requires both top-down and bottom-
up organizational commitment. In most instances, it requires a change in the overall mindset of the
organization. Transformation is hard but it is also necessary for organizations to survive and thrive. Through
enabling the whole organization to learn and understand the value and benefits of agility coupled with
where and how it should be adopted, the organization can transform.

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5. How AgileSHIFT can enable enterprise agility
AgileSHIFT3 is the latest AXELOS guidance, training and certification programme to prepare every single
person in an organization for transformational change. It is an enterprise solution which provides insights
into organizations’ need to transform and offers a simple framework to support a shift towards enterprise

AgileSHIFT is composed of the following elements:

zz AgileSHIFT and the wider organization — how all parts of the enterprise must be in strategic alignment to ensure
successful transformation
zz The AgileSHIFT principles — a set of fundamental rules that guide an organization in all circumstances
zz The AgileSHIFT practices — a set of practical approaches that will bring real benefits to any team wishing to work in more
agile ways
zz The AgileSHIFT delivery approach, comprising:
zz Three key roles — the AgileSHIFT team, the AgileSHIFT coach and the AgileSHIFT sponsor, and guidance on how a
team can perform more effectively
zz The AgileSHIFT workflow — describes a cycle of iterative steps, with further detailed information about the specific
actions to be taken in each AgileSHIFT iteration
zz An AgileSHIFT iteration — a detailed look at the activities within an iteration
zz Tools and techniques that can be used as appropriate to help any AgileSHIFT initiative.

Figure 5.1 AgileSHIFT framework


08 Enterprise agility and AgileSHIFT AXELOS.COM

AgileSHIFT supports people and organizations through transformational change by creating an environment
of enterprise agility. It encourages all areas of an organization to embrace agile ways of working wherever
appropriate and offers a simple, flexible delivery framework with specific roles. AgileSHIFT drives a culture
of enterprise agility and does this by understanding and adopting agile ways of working across the entire
organization, instead of just adopting an Agile method or tool. It has an emphasis on front line and back
office support teams who are often on the ‘receiving end’ of transformational initiatives.

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6. Conclusions
For an organization to keep up with societal, technological, market and customer relationship changes it

zz Encourage a ‘survive, compete and thrive’ attitude in its personnel through buy-in of enterprise agility at all levels
zz Enhance its governance, controls and processes to get closer to its expectations
zz Embrace a range of new approaches in the way teams work together, such as by adopting AgileSHIFT principles, practices
and roles.

AgileSHIFT offers a lightweight framework that is easy to tailor to each organization’s needs and provides
practical tools to help organizations embrace enterprise agility, remain competitive and thrive in today’s
rapidly changing context.

10 Enterprise agility and AgileSHIFT AXELOS.COM

7. References
1. [Accessed 26 November 2018]

ready/#444712ff119a [Accessed 26 November 2018]

3. [Accessed 26 November 2018]

4. AXELOS (2018) AgileSHIFT, TSO, London

8. About the author

Allan Thomson has over 25 years’ project and programme experience. He has worked with
companies such as British Gas and BP in Customer Relationship Programme Management
and Risk Programme Management respectively. He joined AXELOS in 2014 and has acted
as a Programme Manager and SME (Subject Matter Expert) for PRINCE2 Agile, and as
an SME on the PRINCE2 2017 update. He is presently a PPM (Project and Programme
Management) Product Ambassador.

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9. About AXELOS
AXELOS is a joint venture company co-owned by the UK Government’s Cabinet Office and
Capita plc.

It is responsible for developing, enhancing and promoting a number of best practice

methodologies used globally by professionals working primarily in project, programme and
portfolio management, IT service management and cyber resilience.

The methodologies, including ITIL®, PRINCE2®, PRINCE2 Agile®, MSP®, RESILIA® and its
newest addition AgileSHIFT™ are adopted in more than 150 countries to improve employees’
skills, knowledge and competence in order to make both individuals and organizations work
more effectively.

In addition to globally recognized qualifications, AXELOS equips professionals with a wide

range of content, templates and toolkits through the CPD aligned My AXELOS and our online
community of practitioners and experts.

Visit for the latest news about how AXELOS is ‘Making organizations
more effective’ and registration details to join AXELOS’ online community. If you have specific
queries, requests or would like to be added to the AXELOS mailing list please contact

10. Trade marks and statements

AXELOS®, the AXELOS swirl logo®, ITIL®, PRINCE2®, PRINCE2 Agile®, MSP®, M_o_R®,
P3M3®, P3O®, MoP®, MoV®, RESILIA® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited.
AgileSHIFT™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2018.

Image credits ©: p.1 (front cover) berkozel; p.3 Robert Daly; p.4 Hero Images; p.5
PeopleImages; p.6 10’000 Hours; p.7 Hero Images; p.9 kupicoo

Reuse of any content in this Overview is permitted solely in accordance with the permission
terms at

A copy of these terms can be provided on application to AXELOS at

This Overview should not be taken as constituting advice of any sort and no liability is accepted
for any loss resulting from or use of or reliance on its content. While every effort is made to
ensure the accuracy and reliability of information, AXELOS cannot accept responsibility for
errors, omissions or inaccuracies. Content, diagrams, logos and jackets are correct at time of
going to press but may be subject to change without notice.

Sourced and published on

AXELOS.COM Enterprise agility and AgileSHIFT 12

About this Overview
This paper explains why organizations need
enterprise agility and shows how AgileSHIFT™ can
support them.


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