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Manganese-derived partial density of states in Cd& „Mn„Te

L. Ley, M. Taniguchi, ' J. Cxhijsen, and R. L. Johnson
Max Plan-ck Inst-itut fii r Festkorperforschung, Heisenbergstrasse I, D 700-0 Stuttgart 80, Federal Republic of Germany
A. Fujimori
Rational Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Sakura mura-, Ãiihari gun-, Ibaraki 305, Japan
(Received 28 May 1986)
We have studied the contribution of Mn 3d states to the valence bands of Cdo 35Mno65Te by
means of the resonant enhancement of the Mn 3d photoionization cross section near the Mn
3p'3d ( P) core excitation (Ace=50 eV). The cross section of selected valence-band areas has a
characteristic resonance shape as a function of photon energy that is well described by a Fano-type
profile. From the strength of the resonance we conclude that there is appreciable hybridization with
Mn 3d states throughout the valence bands. In addition, a new interpretation of the photoemission
intensity with strong Mn 3d character that lies in the ionic gap of the CdTe valence bands is given.
Based on an analysis of the final-state structure in terms of a configuration-interaction calculation
performed on a Mn Te4 cluster, we ascribe these features between 5 and 9 eV binding energy to d
final states (satellites), whereas the photoemission between 0 and 5 eV is due to Mn 3d multiplets
where the d final state is screened by charge transfer from the Te-derived valence-band states.

I. INTRODUCTION many-body effect in which the 3p 3d core excitation de-

cays into the continuum state 3p 3d Ff (autoionization).
Cd „Mn Te belongs to a class of semiconductors
The process has been treated theoretically by Davis and
called semimagnetic because the replacement of the cation Feldkamp and it occurs in atomic' as well as metallic
with magnetic Mn [configuration 3p 3d ( S)] leads to a Mn. " The resonance has been observed for the Mn 3d
number of novel magneto-optical and magnetotransport states at 3.4 eV below the VBM in Cd& Mn Se by Fran-
phenomena. ' These effects derive from a hybridization coisi et al.
of the localized Mn 3d states in the high-spin S configu- The spectral dependence of the photoemission cross sec-
ration with the s-p band states of the crystal. In a recent tion near the resonance is determined by the interference
photoemission study we investigated the contribution of between the discrete autoionization transition and the con-
the Mn 3d states to the valence-band (VB) density of tinuum of the normal one-electron emission because both
states (DOS) in a series of Cd& „Mn„Te alloys lead, starting from the 3p 3d ground state, to the same
(0(x 65) and came to the following conclusion con- final state 3p 3d ef. The line shape of the resonance,
cerning the hybridization of the Mn 3d ( S) majority-spin I(co), follows the result first derived by Fano
manifold with the remainder of the band structure: The
combinations of the 3d states of a Mn
symmetry-adapted I(co) =ID(co) +I~R(co),
atom in a tetrahedral environment are E and T2, respec- 1+E2
tively. The E states do not hybridize strongly with the 5p where Io(co) is the 3d emission in the absence of the au-
states on the nearest-neighbor Te atoms on symmetry toionizing transition and Itch(co) is a noninterfering back-
grounds and give rise to a sharp peak 3.4 eV below the ground contribution. The asymmetry parameter q is
valence-band maximum (VBM). A similar feature at
comparable energies has been observed in Hg& „Mn„Se
and Cd& „Mn„Se. ' Utilizing the energy dependence of
determined by the magnitude and sign of the transition
and interaction matrix elements and E =(fico Eo)/I is
reduced energy expressed in terms of the energy Eo and
the partial photoionization cross sections of the atomic or- the width I of the resonance. Since only Mn 3d states are
bitals, we further deduced a nearly homogeneous contri- resonantly enhanced by this process, we shall estimate
bution of the remaining three states of T2 symmetry to their contribution to the VB DOS by comparing spectra
the top 5 eV of the VB DOS. Features between 5 and 8 taken on and off resonance. This has the advantage that
eV, i.e. , below the bottom of the VB DOS in pure CdTe the cross sections of the remaining valence states (Te
(excluding the Te 5s states at —10 eV) were also tentative- 5p; Cd 5p, 5s) (Ref. 13) do not vary appreciably over the
ly assigned to states with mixed Mn 3d — Te 5p character. small energy range of the resonance.
It is the purpose of the present paper to investigate the
degree of hybridization in Cdo 35Mno65Te further using II. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
resonant photoemission. The photoemission intensity of
Mn 3d — derived features in the VB DOS is resonantly The experiments were performed on the Flipper-II
enhanced for photon energies near the Mn 3p~3d core beamline at the storage ring DORIS (Doppel-Ring
excitation of about 50 eV. The resonant enhancement is a Speicheranlage), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron

35 2839 1987 The American Physical Society

LEY, ~ 35

d r the same conditions cis

escribed ear . Figu E, (eV
spectra o of Cdo. 35Mno Te for pho ton o energies
45.0 and 54.0 e . The intensities have been nor ormalized t
the monoc hromator outpu t ut.. ~e notice h ominent res-
onance o of the Mn 3 d(~) state~ 4 eV below tthee VBM 6.2
that reache sits ma™ jmum at a p hoton energy of 49 9 eV. a
The remaa»der of t he valence ban ds» a 1soo resonant y
enhanced, albeit t, o a lesser exten . yn particu lar,ar a set of
states shows up clear 1y between 5 annd 8 eV b'nding
in energy
near reso nance t h a t is undetec t ble off resonanc
nance. . These
w Mn-derive d states we referre d t earlier
z 35
The shape of the nance andd iits magni 't u de is best 2. 06 Q
studied in of o sta t-
ethep oo Vl
Q. 7
0 spectra ar resente 1 C:
b nds (identifie d b CFS C
) I pp Ef =16ev
The sspec
r ae orrected for var' Cl
and can UJ
p ' O
nance but a so I—
n Q
valence-ban d
and the n tation is app Vl

g 40 45 50 55 60
Te an d to M h' h
~ of Fig.. 2 The spectrum of Cdo. 35 PHOTON ENERGY (eV)
o. 6
obtained in the -final-state
' itial-state ectra of selected
(CIS)) sspect
trum an d that of atomicic Mnn is from Re . 14
Th d 1
h F fl ' the relevan t parameter q
b) Constant-fina -s
065Te va or absorption spec-
region of the Mn
trum in t h e re p~
g~ (eV)

3.0 between 47 and 50 eV ter is due to the Mn

core transi io different struc u
a 2.0 erent
e mu 1tiplets
ip of thee final 3p

tf) 0
I -S coupl
g. This transit
z, '
the interference pro
0.0 enhancement o h
the resonantnt en
C) ection.
V) 9.9
V) 3d bsorption ssp ectrum is seen too carry
Z 0. 35
LIJ 49.3

C) s in energy an d a 1 ht h
O 49.0 the r ave been discussed earlier.
e n a
CL 48.6 r tion t res
47. 8 p' p
475 e erforme wi
1=085eVa ow f instrumenta
I ~ I I ( I
V. The asymmetry p arameters q oobtained from
10 0 the fits are g'iven nex t to each spectrum
BlNDlNG ENERGY (eV) 5 and drop o
for E;(
values ag and magnitude e q uite we 11 w thth t
g n an
FIG 1 ence-band ssp ectra o f Cd o35 Te
35Mno65Te 0btained for
for photon energi ies near t e 'tation. whereas the wiidth o t h e resonance

from the CIS spectra of Cdo 35Mno 65Te is only about half fore subtract a spectrum recorded at the antiresonance
of what it is in Mn. (Ace =47. 83) fromone taken at 49.9 eV, i.e. , right on reso-
As intended, the fits do not cover the sharp resonances nance after the intensities of both spectra have been nor-
due to F and D final states that precede the main reso- malized to the monochromator output. The result shown
nance. Taking that into consideration, the experimental as curve c in Fig. 3 can be regarded as an estimate of the
CIS spectra are very well described by a single Fano pro- Mn 3d partial density of states. We find indeed appreci-
file for E; (3.
5 eV. For higher E; deviations occur in the able Mn 3d contributions throughout the valence band.
energy region below 45 eV as well as on the high-energy Since the Te 4d contribution disappears in the difference
side of the resonance. In particular, the low-energy part spectra, we realize that the new VB features extend down
of the spectra for E; 6. 2 eV becomes similar to the
Te 4d ~CB transitions (where CB denotes conduction
to about 9 eV binding energy. The Mn partial density of
states is superimposed on a background of inelastically
band) as seen in the CFS. A resonant enhancement of the scattered electrons which extends below 9 eV. Since these
Te5p, 5s — derived VB states can be excluded because no electrons originate from primary emission with Mn 3d
resonance is observed for this photon energy range in the character, they are also resonantly enhanced and are thus
CIS spectra corresponding to the topmost parts of the VB responsible for the Fano resonance at E; =12.4 eV in Fig.
(E; =0.7 and 1.4 eV) which have predominantly Te Sp 2.
character. ' Instead, we suggest that noncoherent, normal
Auger decay channels contribute increasingly to the CIS III. DISCUSSION
spectra as we move away from the top of the valence
bands and the shape of the CIS spectra approaches that of Our earlier interpretation of the photoemission spectra
the optical absorption. It should be emphasized, however, of Cd& „Mn Te was based on a one-electron description
in terms of a valence-band density of states of mixed
that even for E; =6.2 eV the CIS spectrum is mainly
of the Mn Mn 3d — Te 5p (Cd Ss, 5p) character. This picture is in
determined by the direct recombination
contrast to the case of MnO, for example, where the Mn
3p 3d ( P) resonance rather than by incoherent Auger de-
3 d contribution to the photoemission spectrum is
cay as judged by the weak contributions from the Te
4d~CB transitions around 44 eV and the other Mn governed by the multiplet structure of the Mn 3d final
state. ' Our argument was that the strong hybridization
3p 3d multiplets above 51 eV, as well as by the pro-
nounced asymmetry of the main resonance with a q value of the Mn 3d states with t2 symmetry with the Te 5p
not different from the remainder of the spectra. In addi- states on neighboring atoms reduces the correlation energy
tion, we find that the Mn M23M45M45 Auger emission sufficiently to allow a description in terms of band states.
is too weak to be observed even in spectra taken well
above the resonance. This indicates that the predominant
tions' '
In the meantime, a number of band-structure calcula-
have been performed, none of which reproduce
decay channel of the P excitation is by direct recombina- the additional states between 5 and 9 eV which are quite
tion (autoionization) rather than by Auger decay, con- prominent according to our present analysis. This has led
sistent with the fairly localized nature of the P excitation. us to reconsider the interpretation of the Mn 3d — derived
We realize our aim to deduce a measure of the Mn 3d photoemission spectrum in Cd& Mn Te.
contribution to the VB DOS of Cdo 35Mno 65Te in the fol- To this end we have performed a configuration-
lowing way. According to Fig. 2 the Mn contribution is interaction (CI) calculation on a model cluster, MnTe4
at its maximum on resonance at 49.9 eV and is at its following the similar calculations for nickel compounds
minimum at a photon energy only 2 eV lower. We there- by Fujimori, Minami, and Sugano. ' The model
represents a Mn + ion interacting with the filled Te 5p
band; the Coulomb and exchange interaction of Mn 3d
electrons are exactly treated while the Te 5p electrons are
Cd0.35 Mn0. 65Te assumed to be uncorrelated. The ground-state covalency
a hv=49, 92eV and the final-state charge transfer between Mn 3d and Te
Ul C14d
b: hv=47. 83 eV 5p (ligand) orbitals are treated on the same footing by
c: (aj — (b) considering CI between, e.g. , d" and d" +'L configura-
tions mediated by the d-1igand orbital hybridization.
Then the ground state with A ( S) symmetry is given by

LLJ (2)

and the final state with +'I symmetry by
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
FIG. 3. Valence-band spectra of Cdo 35Mno 65Te taken at 49.9 where L„and L denote E- and T2-symmetry ligand
(on resonance) and at 47.8 eV (antiresonance) photon energy. holes, respectively. The first term on the right-hand side
The difference spectrum is a measure of the Mn 3d partial den- of Eq. (2) [Eq. (3)] represents a purely ionic
sity of states. Mn + [Mn +] state and the second and third terms

represent states where one electron is transferred from the 6. Emission with Mn 3d character in the Te 5p VB re-
ligand to d orbitals. The multiplet splitting (or gion is due to one-electron Mn3d — Te5p hybridization
equivalently the Racah parameters) of free Mn ions' has and reflects the band density of states, as can be seen from
been used, and energy differences between configurations, the fact that the final-state configuration of this emission
E(d ~d L) and E(d L) (averaged over ~d or d, d, is almost purely d I, e and t 2 holes being screened by
d multiplets), have been treated as adjustable parameters. L„~e and L ~tz charge transfer, respectively, just as
The Mn3d — Te5p hybridization parameters (pdo) and in a one-electron hybridization picture. We note that the
(pd7r) were also allowed to vary with the constraint hybridization in the T2 final states is not necessarily
(pdo )/(pd~) = —2. 17 given by Harrison. Details of the much larger than that in the E final states as assumed by
calculations will be presented elsewhere. ' us earlier: the sharp 3.4-eV peak contains T2 emission,
The result is shown in Fig. 4, where one can see a and E-symmetry d-hole states are hybridizated appreci-
reasonable agreement between theory and experiment. ably in the satellite and Te 5p valence-band regions.
For the sake of comparison, the line spectrum has been The adjustable parameters are determined as
convoluted with Gaussian (representing instrumental E(d ~d L ) =3.5+1 eV, E(d ~d L ) = —4. 0+0. 3 eV,
broadening and finite bandwidth effects) and Lorentzian (pdo ) = —1.03+0.06 eV, and (pd~) =0.47+0. 03 eV.
(lifetime broadening which increases with increasing bind- These correspond to a Coulomb correlation energy U-8
ing energies) functions. A background of inelastically eV. The value for U is of the same order of magnitude as
scattered electrons has been added according to the usually assumed for Mott insulators such as MnO, CoO,
description of Ref. 23. It should be noted that the peak at and NiO. ' ' The present U is for bare d electrons while
3.4 eV is due mainly to a E final state produced by an U's obtained by Fazzio et al. include L~d charge-
electron emission, but there is also a Tz final state in the transfer effects and thus are much smaller. The number
same energy region. In addition, the 3.4-eV has predom- of Mn 3d electrons in the ground state is found to in-
inantly d L, final-state character originating from L~d crease from that of the purely ionic value 5, to 5. 1+0.05
charge-transfer screening of d-hole (d ) states. The satel- due to covalency, i.e. , from Mn + to Mn' +. Thus -0. 1
lite region (5 — 9 eV), on the contrary, is more d -like electron per Mn atom is transferred from the Te 5p VB to
without significant I, ~d
screening. The satellite consists the empty Mn 3d minority-spin band, resulting in a net
of E and T2 states separated by 0.8 eV, while two peaks polarization of the valence electrons in the vicinity of the
separated by )
1 eV are discernible in the spectra of Ref. Mn atom and consequently in the interesting magneto-
optical and magnetotransport properties. Also, superex-
change interactions between Mn ions which lead to anti-
ferromagnetic ordering are mediated by the same
Mn 3d — VB hybridization.
Ccl035 MrIP65Te



C The new photoemission results and their analysis as

presented here modify our earlier interpretation of the
U photoemission measurements of Cd& „Mn„Te. The spec-
C. I Theory
tral density between 5 and 9 eV is not part of the valence-
V) 5E band density of states as assumed earlier but represents a
2 ~~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ) ~
~ ~~~

satellite multiplet structure due to unscreened Mn 3d fi-

nal states. We confirm, however, the Mn3d —
5T2 5E 5E 5T
Te5p hy-
d5L {L~ = tp bridization which allows for sufficient screening of the 3d
excitations by I ~d charge transfer in the valence band.
In that sense we consider the spectral density between 0
d L{L() — and 5 eV binding energy to a good approximation a mea-
LU sure of the valence density of states.
D I Our results are in contrast to the case of Cd& Mn Se.
Franciosi et al. conclude that in this system only the
I peak at 3.4 eV binding energy has Mn 3d character and
that there is no evidence for d-p hybridization. In our
model for the electronic structure of Cd& Mn Te the de-


15 10 5 0 gree of Mn 3d — Te 5p hybridization depends aside from

BINDING ENERGY (eV} the orbital overlap — on the energy difference between the
two orbital energies after taking a 4-eV exchange splitting
FIG. 4. The Mn 3d — derived part of the photoemission spec- of the Mn 3d manifold into account. Using atomic term
trum of Cdp 35Mnp 65Te as derived in this figure is compared values this difference is -4 eV for Mn 3d and Te 5p and
with the result of a CI calculation for a MnTe4 cluster. The -3 eV for Mn 3d relative to Se 4p. We would therefore
multiplet lines have been lifetime and resolution broadened as expect appreciable hybridization also in Cd& „Mn„Se.
described in the text. On the bottom final states are decom- The Mn 3p 3d6( P) excitation appears to decay mainly
posed into the d and d L components. through autoionization, the process that leads to observed

valence band resonances. The normal Auger decay is critical reading of the manuscript, and to H. Kolln for
weak by comparison. technical support. One of us (M. T.) would like to thank
Professor M. Cardona for his hospitality and the Alex-
ACKNOWLEDCiMENTS ander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn, Germany) for
We are grateful to R. R. Galazka of the Institute of financial support. This project was partially financed by
Physics, Warsaw, and to J. K. Furdyna of Purdue Univer- the Bundesminister fiir Forschung und Technologie
sity for supplying the samples, to Professor Cardona for a (BMFT), Bonn, Germany.

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