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1. After a tornado hit Oklahoma on 3.

The journey to Julio's grandparents' house

Saturday, more than 20,000 people were left typically took three hours by car. On this
without electricity hours after tornadoes occasion, he and his parents arrived earlier
began late Saturday night. The destruction than expected because traffic was --------
was -------- Sulphur, a town of about 5,000 Julio's father commented that this was one
people, where a tornado crumpled many of the benefits of leaving earlier, as they had
downtown buildings, tossed cars and buses, beaten the commuter rush.
and sheared the roofs off houses across a 15-
Which choice completes the text with the
block radius.
most logical and precise word or phrase?
Which choice completes the text with the
most precise word or phrase?
A. Bright
B. Weightless
A. Limited to
C. Heavy
B. Extensive in
D. Minimal
C. Conducive to
D. Extended in
4. "Your task will not be an easy one. Your
2. Will the government's embrace of more
enemy is well-trained, well-equipped, and
progressive policies help to calm its agitated
battle-hardened. He will fight -------." Kai
citizens? That is the question on the mind of
received the words from his sensei with
party leaders and political commentators
respect, but they were unnecessary: stories
alike, who agree that public outcry regarding
of his opponent's brutality in combat had
the old regime has reached a fever pitch.
reached the most remote corners of country.
As used in the text, what does the word
Which choice completes the text with the
"calm" most nearly mean?
most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Restrain
A. Ferociously
B. Soothe
B. Sternly
C. Sedate
C. Primitively
D. Sustain
D. Naturally
5. The telescope reveals to us in various 7. Studying late nineteenth- and early
parts of the heaven's luminous spiral clouds
twentieth-century artifacts from an
of matter, the spiral nebula, which appear to
be in rotation about a center. It is agricultural and domestic site in Texas,
__________ by many astronomers that the
Sun and its planets were once such a spiral, archaeologist Ayana O. Flewellen found that
and that their matter has undergone Black women employed as farm workers
concentration into its present form.
utilized hook-and-eye closures to fasten
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word? their clothes at the waist, giving themselves

(A) ordered a silhouette similar to the one that was

(B) supposed popular in contemporary fashion and

(C) undermined typically achieved through more restrictive

(D) required garments such as corsets. Flewellen argues

6. The rapidly rising river was another that this sartorial practice shows that these
element of danger. It was a fearful sight to women balanced hegemonic ideals of
see the __________ flood plunging by,
bearing great trees and logs of driftwood on femininity with the requirements of their
its muddy surface many feet above the physically demanding occupation.
Which choice best states the main purpose
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word? of the text?

(A) deceitful A. To evaluate a scholarly work that offers

(B) placid explanations for the impact of urban

(C) sluggish fashion ideals on Black female

(D) relentless farmworkers in late nineteenth- and

early twentieth-century Texas
B. To describe an unexpected discovery
that altered a researcher’s view of how
rapidly fashions among Black female
farmworkers in late nineteenth- and
early twentieth-century Texas changed
during the period
C. To summarize the findings of a study 8. Biologists have predicted that birds’
that explored factors influencing a feather structures vary with habitat
fashion practice among Black female temperature, but this hadn’t been tested in
farmworkers in late nineteenth- and mountain environments. Ornithologist Sahas
early twentieth-century Texas Barve studied feathers from 249 songbird
D. To discuss research that investigated the species inhabiting different elevations—and
ways in which Black female thus experiencing different temperatures—in
farmworkers in late nineteenth and early the Himalaya Mountains. He found that
twentieth-century Texas used fashion feathers of high-elevation species not only
practices to resist traditional gender have a greater proportion of warming downy
ideals sections to flat and smooth sections than do
feathers of low-elevation species, but high
elevation species’ feathers also tend to be
longer, providing a thicker layer of
Which choice best states the main idea of
the text?
A. Barve’s investigation shows that some
species of Himalayan songbirds have
evolved feathers that better regulate
body temperature than do the feathers of
other species, contradicting previous
B. The results of Barve’s study suggest that
the ability of birds to withstand cold
temperatures is determined more strongly by
feather length than feather structure,
challenging an established belief.
C. Barve found an association between the purpose their authors intended.
habitat temperature and feather structure B. It summarizes the history of a field of
among Himalayan songbirds, lending new thought by discussing two works and
support to a general prediction. then proposes a topic of further research
D. Barve discovered that songbirds have for specialists in that field.
adapted to their environment by growing C. It describes two influential works and
feathers without flat and smooth sections, then explains why one is more widely
complicating an earlier hypothesis. read than the other.
D. It provides a characterization about a
9. Works of moral philosophy, such as field of thought by noting two works in
Plato’s Republic or Aristotle’s Nicomachean it and then details a way in which some
Ethics, are partly concerned with how to live works in that field are more
a morally good life. But philosopher comprehensive than others.
Jonathan Barnes argues that works that
present a method of living such a life
without also supplying a motive are
inherently useful only to those already
wishing to be morally good—those with no
desire for moral goodness will not choose to
follow their rules. However, some works of
moral philosophy attempt to describe what
constitutes a morally good life while also
proposing reasons for living one.
Which choice best describes the overall
structure of the text?
A. It mentions two renowned works and
then claims that despite their popularity
it is impossible for these works to serve
11. Text 1 botanical principles and delve deeper into
10. Adapted from Langston Hughes' poem the mechanisms at play.
"Dreams," the following lines capture the Text 2
essence of the poem: Upon learning about the unconventional
"Hold fast to dreams, energy absorption in plants, experts in the
for when dreams go, field reacted with intrigue. However, it's
Life becomes a barren field of snow. important to note that these findings might
Let your dreams soar, not completely overturn existing theories
let them be your guide, about plant growth. The discovered
In them, endless possibilities reside." phenomenon seems to be specific to certain
What is the primary message conveyed in plant species and environmental conditions,
these lines? leaving room for further investigation into
A) Dreams are insignificant and should be the broader implications.
ignored. Considering the texts, what would the author
B) Snowy fields are more beautiful than of Text 2 most likely say about Text 1's
dreams. portrayal of the new plant behavior
C) Dreams are essential and offer limitless discovery?
potential. A) It is reasonable, given the comprehensive
D) Dreams are fleeting and should not be analysis of various plant species.
cherished. B) It is overly cautious, given the significant
In recent studies, scientists have uncovered a impact of the discovery on botanical
new type of plant behavior that challenges understanding.
traditional notions of growth. While most C) It is dismissive, overlooking the potential
plants rely on photosynthesis to obtain breakthrough highlighted in Text 1.
energy, these newly discovered plants D) It is exaggerated, considering the limited
appear to exhibit a unique form of energy scope of the observed phenomenon.
absorption. This phenomenon has prompted
researchers to reconsider established
12) equal amounts of time reading about each
B) Participants who were provided with a
ranking of the museums spent
disproportionately more time reading about
the British museum.
C) Participants who were provided with a
ranking of the museums spent the least
amount of time reading about the Natural
History Museum.
D) Participants who were not provided with
a ranking of the museums spent the most
time reading about the Victoria and Albert

Researchers recently conducted an

experiment to understand how we use
rankings to make decisions. They created a
fictitious travel website describing five
museums in London. Then, they invited two
groups of participants, who had never
visited the museums, to review the site and
select the museum they would be most
likely to visit. Meanwhile, the researchers
tracked the amount of time each participant
spent reading about each museum. For one
group, the website ranked each museum,
titling the page “The Top 5 Museums in
London.” For the other group, the museums
and their descriptions were not ranked. The
researchers concluded that when reviewing
ranked lists, we tend to focus on the top-
ranked option.
Which choice best describes data in the table
that support the researchers’ conclusion?
A) Participants who were not provided with
a ranking of the museums spent roughly
14. One of the challenges of studying
animal communication is that it can be
difficult to distinguish between meaningful
signals and random behavior. For example,
meerkats produce a variety of sounds,
including barks, whistles, and clicks.
Researchers have observed that meerkats
produce more alarm calls when they spot a
predator that poses a greater threat. This
suggests that the meerkat alarm calls
Two kinds of clamshell tools used by function as a communication system to warn
Neanderthals were dug up in a cave on the others of danger. However, it's also possible
western coast of Italy. Archaeologist Paola that the increased vocalization is simply a
Villa and her colleagues studied the tools byproduct of the heightened arousal state
and determined that Neanderthals either associated with a greater threat. To
collected clams that had washed onto the definitively demonstrate that meerkat calls
beach or harvested clams from the seafloor are a meaningful communication system,
and then sharpened the shells to make tools. researchers would ideally need to show
The highest number of tools made from that______
clamshells that were collected from the Which choice most logically completes the
beach was found at a depth of ______ text?
Which choice most effectively uses data A. the calls are produced only in response to
from the table to complete the text? predators and not other stimuli.
A) 5–6 meters below the surface. B. the calls trigger a specific behavioral
B) 4–5 meters below the surface. response in other meerkats, such as seeking
C) 3–4 meters below the surface.
C. the complexity of the calls increases with
D) 6–7 meters below the surface. the level of threat posed by the predator.
D. meerkats raised in isolation from other
meerkats still produce the same calls.
15. Many modern video game narratives
incorporate complex moral dilemmas that
16. Language is a complex system of
challenge players to make difficult choices.
communication that allows humans to
For example, in the game "The Witcher 3:
express thoughts and ideas. Languages
Wild Hunt," players control Geralt of Rivia,
evolve over time, with words and
a monster hunter forced to navigate a war-
grammatical structures changing in meaning
torn world. Throughout the game, Geralt
and usage. Linguists study these changes to
encounters situations where choosing one
understand the history and development of
course of action inevitably leads to negative
languages. The Great Vowel Shift is a well-
consequences for others. However, unlike
documented historical sound change that
traditional linear narratives, video games
occurred in the English language between
allow players to shape the story through
the 15th and 18th centuries. This shift
their choices, offering a sense of agency and
altered the pronunciation of many vowels.
moral responsibility. Consequently, ______
Which finding, if true, would most directly
Which choice most logically completes the
challenge the idea that the Great Vowel
Shift was a gradual and continuous process
A. video game narratives can be more of sound change?
engaging than those found in traditional
A. Analysis of historical texts reveals
novels or films due to their interactive
variations in vowel spelling from the period
of the Great Vowel Shift.
B. complex moral dilemmas are rarely
B. Studies show that some social classes
explored in other forms of media besides
adopted the new pronunciations associated
video games.
with the Great Vowel Shift earlier than
C. games like "The Witcher 3" are more others.
likely to appeal to adult audiences seeking
C. Modern dialects of English spoken in
mature storytelling experiences.
geographically isolated regions sometimes
D. some players might find the lack of a retain vowel sounds that were lost in
single, definitive ending in video games standard English during the Great Vowel
frustrating or unsatisfying. Shift.
D. Detailed phonetic descriptions of English
pronunciation from before and after the
Great Vowel Shift reveal significant
differences in vowel sounds.
17) In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. 19. Art historian Chika Okeke argues that
delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" Western art history has traditionally
speech during the March on Washington for privileged European and North American art
Jobs and Freedom. His powerful words and forms, neglecting the rich artistic traditions
his leadership in the civil rights ________ of Africa. This marginalization, Okeke
people around the world to strive for contends, has resulted in a narrow and
equality and justice. incomplete understanding of art history as a
whole. _____ paintings, sculptures, and
Which choice completes the text so that it
textiles produced in Africa throughout
conforms to the conventions of Standard
history encompass a vast array of styles,
techniques, and thematic concerns,
A) movement that inspired demanding a more prominent place in the
global art discourse.
B) movement, inspiring
Which choice completes the text with the
C) movement inspired most logical transition?
D) movement to inspire A. Moreover,
B. Also,
18) During a community gathering, a group C. Therefore,
of passionate environmentalists discussed
their concerns about deforestation and D. However,
wildlife conservation. In 1992, they came
together to establish Green Earth, an
_______ works to protect and preserve
natural habitats around the world.
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) organization
B) organization,
C) organization that
D) organization, which
20. The Babylonians developed a complex .22William Shakespeare is often misquoted,
system of mathematics that included but at other times, phrases are used in a
positional notation and a base-60 system. context very different from what they were
This system proved highly effective for intended to be. While “’now is the winter of
practical applications like astronomy, our ____ frequently used to mean a horrible
engineering, and commerce. _____ the time, it actually signals a time of change for
limitations of the clay tablets they used for the better in the drama “Richard III:’
writing hampered the development of
Which choice completes the text so that it
abstract mathematical concepts and the
Conforms to the conventions of Standard
creation of a more formal mathematical
A) discontent.”’ It is
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical transition to highlight the B) discontent,” is
downside of an otherwise beneficial
system? CJ discontent’: is

A. Therefore, DJ discontent” is

B. Correspondingly,
C. Nevertheless, .23Algeria marks its 53rd year of
independence this _______ bitter struggle
D. As a result, for freedom in the late 1950s and early
1960s became a central focus of the global
21.There’s nothing like homemade red Thai
movement against colonialism. It also
chili Paste to enliven a meal. Most cooks opt
Influenced the evolving forms of oppression
for store-bought Substitutes, however,
and resistance in apartheid South Africa.
because traditionally it takes over 30
minutes of grinding ingredients such as chili Which choice completes the text so that it
pepper, lemongrass, cilantro, _______ in a conforms to the conventions of Standard
mortar and pestle. English?
Which choice completes the text so that it A) month, the
Conforms to the conventions of Standard
English? B) month- the

A) Shallots and, lime C) month: the

B) shallots, and lime D) month. The

C) shallots, and lime,

D) shallots, and, lime
.24The second smallest country by area in .26While researching a topic, a student has
the world after Vatican City, Monaco is a taken the Following notes:
mere 2.1 square Kilometers. Most famous
•The African grey horn bill (Lophoceros
for the Monte Carlo Casino, _____ . In fact.
Nasutus) is a member of the Hornbill family
Monaco is a pioneer in marine conservation
of mainly tropical near-passerine birds
with one of the first protected marine areas
found in the Old World.
in the world.
•It is a widespread and common resident
Which choice completes the text so that it
Breeder in much of sub-Saharan Africa and
Conforms to the conventions of Standard
The southwest of the Arabian Peninsula.
•The African grey horn bill has escaped or
A) There is also an oceanographic
Been deliberately released into Florida,
museum in the Country which is world-
USA, But there is no evidence that the
population is breeding and may only persist
B) The country also is home to a world- due to continuing releases or escapes.
class Oceanographic museum.
•At 45- 51 cm (18- 20 in) in length, the
C) A world- class oceanographic African Grey hornbill is a large bird,
museum is also in the country although it is one of the smaller hombills.
D) A museum of oceanography which is •The African grey horn bill is widespread
world-class is also in the country over much of sub-Saharan Africa. It prefers
open Woodland and savannah.
The student wants to emphasize that it is
.25Environmentalists have been trying a
unlikely That the African grey hornbill will
variety of solutions to remove plastic waste
rapidly Multiply in Florida. Which choice
from the ocean. This serious problem will
most effectively Uses relevant information
not be resolved easily, though, because the
from the notes to Accomplish this goal’
removal of waste from the ocean is a much
slower process ______ the introduction of A) The African grey hornbill is a
new plastic pollution. smaller hornbill and is easier to hunt down
Which choice completes the text so that it B) It seems likely that the presence of
Conforms to the conventions of Standard the African Grey hornbill is due to a
English? deliberate release or Escape, with no proof
of breeding
A) as
C) The African grey hornbill is only
B) then
commonly Found in sub-Saharan Africa
C) than where the Climate is highly unlike Florida

D) to D) It is a tropical bird that is only

widespread in Open woodland and savannah
D) The Venus flytrap is a novelty plant that
is often kept as a curiosity, but establishing
.27While studying a specific species of
self-sustaining populations outside their
plant, a botany student has gathered the
native range is uncommon.
following information:
•The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is a
carnivorous plant native to subtropical
wetlands on the East Coast of the United
States, primarily in North and South
•It thrives in damp, acidic soils and requires
high humidity and plenty of sunlight to
•Venus flytraps are known for their unique
trapping mechanism, where their leaves snap
shut when triggered by prey, such as insects.
•Despite its native habitat, Venus flytraps
have been introduced to various parts of the
world as a novelty plant, but establishing
self-sustaining populations outside of their
native range is rare.
The student wants to emphasize the
difficulty of Venus flytraps establishing
themselves outside their native habitat.
Which choice effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish
this goal?
A) Venus flytraps require specific soil
conditions and sunlight, which may not be
readily available in other regions.
B) The trapping mechanism of Venus
flytraps is ineffective against larger prey,
limiting their ability to survive in new
C) Although Venus flytraps have been
introduced to different parts of the world,
they primarily thrive in subtropical wetlands
along the East Coast of the United States.
1. Non-chronological storytelling (where 3. Modern communication has evolved to
there is no time lined flow of events) is not the point that door-to-door mail delivery is
new to modern novels and films; in the practically ____________; that is, as out-of-
Odyssey, for example, Homer uses date as having your mail delivered today by
flashbacks to __________ earlier scenes in a mailman in a horse-drawn cart.
Odysseus’ adventures.
Which choice completes the text with the
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
most logical and precise word? (A) practical
(A) recount (B) unexpected
(B) reuse (C) obsolete
(C) reinstate (D) insular
(D) rescind
4. Poets use the beauty of nature and its
quickly changing seasons to make a
2. First Woman tells the tale of Callie
statement about the futility of protesting
Rodriguez, the first woman to explore the
change. They compare human lives to the
Moon. While Callie is a fictional character,
evanescence of spring, ___________ their
the first female astronaut and person of color
brief existences with the permanence of the
will soon set foot on the Moon — an historic
giant boulders that dot the vast landscape.
milestone and part of upcoming NASA
Artemis missions. Through a series of Which choice completes the text with the
graphic novels and digital platforms, First most logical and precise word or phrase?
Woman aims to ________ audiences and (A) opposing
inspire the next generation of explorers who
(B) contrasting
will return to the Moon.
(C) relating
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase? (D) observing

(A) anticipate
(B) captivate
(C) decimate
(D) peruse
5. Loss of forested areas poses an increasing
threat to the integrity of the nation’s natural
7. Believing that living in an impractical
resources. As these areas are fragmented and space can heighten awareness and even
disappear, so do the benefits they provide. improve health, conceptual artists Madeline
By providing economic incentives to Gins and Shusaku Arakawa designed an
landowners to keep their forests as forests, apartment building in Japan to be more
we can ___________ sustainable forest fanciful than functional. A kitchen counter is
management and support strong markets for chest-high on one side and knee-high on the
forest products. other; a ceiling has a door to nowhere. The
effect is disorienting but invigorating: after
Which choice completes the text with the four years there, filmmaker Nobu Yamaoka
most logical and precise word or phrase? reported significant health benefits.
(A) access
Which choice best states the main idea of
(B) determine the
(C) enrich text?
(D) encourage A. Although inhabiting a home surrounded
by fanciful features such as those designed
by Gins and Arakawa can be rejuvenating, it
is unsustainable.
6. The cane toad (Rhinella marina)
was--------- to South America but was B. Designing disorienting spaces like those
transported to Australia in 1935 in an in the Gins and Arakawa building is the
attempt to control the beetle infestations on most effective way to create a physically
sugarcane plantation. stimulating environment.
Which choice completes the text with the C. As a filmmaker, Yamaoka has long
most logical and precise word or phrase? supported the designs of conceptual artists
such as Gins and Arakawa.
A) innate
D. Although impractical, the design of the
B) congenita
apartment building by Gins and Arakawa
C) pandemic may improve the well-being of the
building’s residents.
D) endemic
8. Biologists have predicted that birds’ 9. The following text is adapted from
feather structures vary with habitat Johanna Spyri’s 1881 novel Heidi
temperature, but this hadn’t been tested in (translated by Elisabeth Stork in 1915).
mountain environments. Ornithologist Sahas Eight-year-old Heidi and her friend’s
Barve studied feathers from 249 songbird grandmother are looking at some illustrated
species inhabiting different elevations—and books. Heidi had come and was looking
thus experiencing different temperatures—in with wondering eyes at the splendid pictures
the Himalaya Mountains. He found that in the large books, that Grandmama was
feathers of high-elevation species not only showing her. Suddenly she screamed aloud,
have a greater proportion of warming downy for there on the picture she saw a peaceful
sections to flat and smooth sections than do flock grazing on a green pasture. In the
feathers of low-elevation species, but high middle a shepherd was standing, leaning on
elevation species’ feathers also tend to be his crook. The setting sun was shedding a
longer, providing a thicker layer of golden light over everything. With glowing
insulation. eyes Heidi devoured the scene.
Which choice best states the main idea of Which choice best states the main idea of
the text? the text?
A. Barve’s investigation shows that some A. Heidi is upset until she sees a serene
species of Himalayan songbirds have image of a pasture in one of Grandmama’s
evolved feathers that better regulate body books.
temperature than do the feathers of other
species, contradicting previous predictions. B. Heidi is delighted and fascinated by an
image she sees in one of Grandmama’s
B. Barve found an association between books.
habitat temperature and feather structure
among Himalayan songbirds, lending new C. Heidi is initially frightened by an image
support to a general prediction. in one of Grandmama’s books but quickly
comes to appreciate its beauty.
C. Barve discovered that songbirds have
adapted to their environment by growing D. Heidi is inspecting an image in one of
feathers without flat and smooth sections, Grandmama’s books because she has never
complicating an earlier hypothesis. seen a shepherd with his sheep before.
D. The results of Barve’s study suggest that
the ability of birds to withstand cold
temperatures is determined more strongly by
feather length than feather structure,
challenging an established belief.
10. In the poem "The Road Not Taken" by 11. Text 1
Robert Frost, the speaker reflects on a Conventional wisdom in the field of
choice they made in the past. psychology has long held that memories are
relatively stable over time, with minor
Which line from the poem best illustrates changes occurring due to the natural process
the speaker's rue of their decision? of forgetting. This idea formed the
A) "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—" foundation of many theories of memory
B) "Somewhere ages and ages hence"
Text 2
C) "And both that morning equally lay"
In a recent study published in 2022,
D) "I shall be telling this with a sigh" researchers challenged the traditional notion
of memory stability. They found that
memories can be highly malleable and
susceptible to alteration, even long after they
are initially formed. This discovery raises
questions about the accuracy of eyewitness
testimonies and the way memories are stored
and retrieved. Given the information
presented in the texts, how would the
researchers from Text 2 most likely respond
to the established psychological belief in
Text 1?
A) By emphasizing the importance of
natural forgetting processes in memory
B) By highlighting the limitations of their
own study and the need for further research.
C) By impugning the studies that support
memory mallability.
D) By contesting the idea of memory
stability and highlighting their findings of
memory Malleability.
D) Serbian and Spanish are spoken at
approximately the same rate, but Serbian
conveys information faster than Spanish

A group of researchers working in Europe,

Asia, and Oceania conducted a study to
determine how quickly different Eurasian
languages are typically spoken (in syllables
per second) and how much information they
can effectively convey (in bits per second).
They found that, although languages vary
widely in the speed at which they are
spoken, the amount of information
languages can effectively convey tends to
vary much less. Thus, they claim that two
languages with very different spoken rates
can nonetheless convey the same amount of
information in a given amount of time.
Which choice best describes data from the
table that support the researchers’ claim?
A) Among the five languages in the table,
Thai and Hungarian have the lowest rates of
speech and the lowest rates of information
B) Vietnamese conveys information at
approximately the same rate as Spanish
despite being spoken at a slower rate.
C) Among the five languages in the table,
the language that is spoken the fastest is also
the language that conveys information the
13) 14. During the early Renaissance, European
artists began to incorporate elements of
classical Greek and Roman sculpture into
their own works. However, unlike their
ancient predecessors, Renaissance sculptors
placed a much greater emphasis on realism
and anatomical accuracy. This focus on
realism is evident in the intricate details of
muscle structure and facial expressions
depicted in many Renaissance sculptures.
Consequently, ______
Which choice most logically completes the
In a survey of public perceptions of energy text?
use, researcher Shahzeen Attari and her A. the techniques used in classical Greek
team asked respondents to name the most and Roman sculpture were largely lost or
effective action ordinary people can take to abandoned during the Middle Ages.
conserve energy. The team categorized each
action as either an efficiency or a B. the study of human anatomy became a
curtailment and found that respondents more prominent field of study during the
tended to name curtailments more often than Renaissance.
they did efficiencies. For example, 19.6% of C. Renaissance sculptures were typically
respondents stated that the most effective smaller in scale compared to the
way to conserve energy is to turn off the monumental sculptures of classical
lights, while only ______ antiquity.
Which choice most effectively uses data D. the subject matter of Renaissance
from the table to complete the text? sculptures shifted away from mythological
A) 6.3% of respondents said it was most figures and towards more historical or
effective to use efficient cars or hybrids. religious themes.

B) 2.8% of respondents said it was most

effective to change the thermostat setting.
C) 12.9% of respondents said it was most
effective to use a bike or public
D) 3.6% of respondents said it was most
effective to use efficient light bulbs.
15. Chirality is a property of certain 16. Vaccines are a crucial tool in public
molecules where they exist in two mirror- health, providing protection against
image forms, like a right hand and a left infectious diseases. Vaccines work by
hand. These mirror images, known as exposing the body to a weakened or inactive
enantiomers, often have very different form of a virus or bacteria, stimulating the
chemical properties. In living organisms, immune system to develop antibodies that
biological processes typically rely on only can fight off future infections. However,
one specific enantiomer of a molecule. For some individuals experience adverse
example, all life on Earth utilizes the L- reactions to vaccines. Researchers are
enantiomer of the amino acid glycine in studying ways to improve vaccine safety and
protein synthesis. However, in rare efficacy.
instances, scientists have discovered
Which finding, if true, would most directly
organisms that can utilize both enantiomers
contribute to the development of safer and
of a particular molecule. This raises the
more effective vaccines?
question of why biological systems typically
exhibit such a strong preference for one A. Studies reveal a strong correlation
enantiomer over the other. Consequently, between the number of vaccine doses
______ received in childhood and the development
of certain autoimmune diseases later in life.
Which choice most logically completes the
text? B. Research indicates that individuals with a
history of allergies are less likely to develop
A. the phenomenon of biological chirality is
immunity from vaccines, potentially
well understood and no longer a topic of
increasing their susceptibility to infections.
scientific interest.
C. New vaccine delivery methods are
B. the initial selection of a specific
developed that allow for more targeted
enantiomer in early life forms must have
delivery of the vaccine antigen (the
been entirely random.
component that triggers the immune
C. the differences in chemical properties response) to specific immune cells.
between enantiomers are negligible for
D. Public health campaigns focus on
biological processes.
increasing vaccine hesitancy by highlighting
D. scientists are still searching for a the potential risks associated with
definitive explanation for the phenomenon vaccination.
of biological chirality.
17) Japanese origamist Akira Yoshizawa is
considered the grandmaster of origami,
19. In the study of animal behavior,
creating more than 50,000 models as well as
researchers have long debated the relative
wet-folding, the most well-known of his
importance of genetics and environmental
invented techniques. ________ dampening
influences on shaping an animal's behavior.
the paper before folding, leading to origami
_____ some argue that instincts and pre-
models with rounder and more sculpted
programmed behaviors are the primary
drivers, while others believe that learning
Which choice completes the text so that it and adaptation to the environment play a
conforms to the conventions of Standard more significant role. Charles Darwin,
English? however, proposed a more nuanced
A) It involves
Which choice completes the text with the
B) They involve
most logical transition?
C) One involves
A. Consequently,
D) These involve
B. As a result,
C. Conversely,
18) Chinese artist Xu Bing is known for his
D. Therefore,
art installations that showcase his
printmaking skills and his creative use of
languages and texts. His 1991 installation A
20. Virginia Woolf's novel To the
Book from the Sky, for example, consists of
Lighthouse employs a stream-of-
volumes and scrolls printed with characters
consciousness narrative style, following the
he invented, while his 2004 installation The
thoughts and memories of various
Glassy Surface of a _______ uses the text of
characters. This technique allows for a deep
Henry David Thoreau's Walden to create the
exploration of the characters' inner worlds
illusion of a lake.
but can be challenging for readers to follow
Which choice completes the text so that it the chronological flow of events. _____ the
conforms to the conventions of Standard fragmented structure reflects the characters'
English? grappling with loss, grief, and the passage of
A) Lake:
Which choice completes the text with the
B) Lake
most logical transition?
C) Lake,
A. Nevertheless,
D) Lake-
B. Consequently,
C. Moreover,
D. Therefore,
21To craft the perfect cup of chai tea, many .23To understand the Earth’s geological
enthusiasts prefer to blend their own spices history, scientists study various types of
instead of using pre-packaged mixes. rock formations, including sedimentary,
Traditionally, this process involves _______ metamorphic rocks.
combining ingredients such as cardamom,
Which choice completes the text so that it
cinnamon, cloves, _______ to achieve the
conforms to the conventions of Standard
desired flavor profile.
Which choice completes the text so that it
A) igneous, and
conforms to the conventions of Standard
English? B) igneous and,
A) ginger, and nutmeg C) igneous, and,
B) ginger and, nutmeg D) igneous and
C) ginger, and, nutmeg
D) ginger, and nutmeg, .24Volcanoes come in all sizes and shapes,
but they all fall into three basic structural
patterns known as cinder cone, _______
.22. A team of researchers from MIT shield formations.
discovered a new type of butterfly with
Which choice completes the text so that it
incredibly strong wings, capable of
Conforms to the conventions of Standard
withstanding winds exceeding 100 miles per
hour. This remarkable adaptation is
attributed to the unique composition of their A) composite (or stratovolcano), and
wings, which incorporate a previously
unknown biomaterial with exceptional B) composite, (or stratovolcano), and
strength, similar to ______ found in spider C) composite (or stratovolcano) and.
D) composite, (or stratovolcano) and,
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard
A. a protein: (fibroin)
B. a protein, (fibroin)
C. a protein, fibroin
D. a protein (fibroin)
.25 People in developed nations often take .26While researching a topic, a student has
water for _____ over 2 billion people in the taken the following notes:
world do not have access to safe drinking
•In 1971, experimental musician Pauline
water; 670 million People have no
Oliveros created Sonic Meditations.
handwashing facilities at all.
•Sonic Meditations is not music but rather a
Which choice completes the text so that it
series of sound-based exercises called
Conforms to the conventions of Standard
•Each meditation consists of instructions for
A) granted but;
participants to make, imagine, listen to, or
B) granted; but remember sounds.
C) granted, but •The instructions for Meditation V state,
“walk so silently that the bottoms of your
D) granted but
feet become ears.”
•Those for Meditation XVIII state, “listen to
a sound until you no longer recognize it.”
The student wants to provide an explanation
and an example of Oliveros’s Sonic
Meditations. Which choice most effectively
uses relevant information from the notes to
accomplish this goal?
A)Sonic Meditations is not music but rather
a series of sound-based meditations that
consist of instructions; Meditation XVIII,
for instance, instructs participants to “listen
to a sound until you no longer recognize it.
B)In 1971, Oliveros created Sonic
Meditations, a series of meditations that
consist of instructions for participants to
make, Imagine, listen to, or remember
C) “Walk so silently that the bottoms of
your feet become ears” is one example of
the instructions found in Oliveros’s Sonic
D) While both meditations consist of
instructions, Meditation XVIII instructs
participants to “listen,” whereas Meditation
V Instructs participants to “walk.”
.27While researching a topic, a student has
taken the following notes:
•British musicians John Lennon and Paul
McCartney shared writing credit for
numerous Beatles songs.
•Many Lennon-McCartney songs were
actually written by either Lennon or
McCartney, not by both.
•The exact authorship of specific parts of
many Beatles songs, such as the verse for
“In My Life,” is disputed.
•Mark Glickman, Jason Brown, and Ryan
Song used statistical methods to analyze the
musical content of Beatles Songs.
•They concluded that there is 18.9%
probability that McCartney wrote the verse
for “In My Life,” stating that the verse is
“consistent with Lennon’s songwriting
The student wants to make a generalization
about the kind of study conducted by
Glickman, Brown, and Song. Which choice
Most effectively uses relevant information
from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A. Based on statistical analysis, Glickman,
Brown, and Song claim that John Lennon
wrote the verse of “In My Life.”
B. There is only an 18.9% probability that
Paul McCartney wrote the verse for “In My
Life”; John Lennon is the more likely
C. It is likely that John Lennon, not Paul
McCartney, wrote the verse for “In My
D. Researchers have used statistical methods
to address questions of authorship within the
field of music.
1B 1A
2B 2B
3D 3C
4A 4B
5B 5D
6D 6D
7.C 7.D
8.C 8.B
9.D 9.B
10.C 10.D
11.D 11.D
12) B 12) B
13) C 13) D
14. B 14. B
15. A 15. D
16. D 16. C
17) C 17) A
18) C 18) B
19. D 19. C
20. C 20. A
21.B 21.A
22.D 22.D
23.D 23.A
24.B 24.A
25.C 25.C
26.C 26.A
27.D 27.D.

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