Life Sciences Grade 12 Nervous System

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MARKS: 60 APRIL 2024



1.1. Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the answer and write only the letter next to the question number.

1.1.1. The central nervous system is made up of the …

A. Autonomic and peripheral nervous systems.
B. Cranial and spinal nerves.
C. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
D. Brain and spinal cord

1.1.2. A patient experiences slight visual and speech disturbance after a serious
head injury. Which section of the brain has possibly been damaged?
A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Hypothalamus
D. Medulla oblongata

1.1.3. The myelin sheath …

A. Prevents dehydration of the axons.
B. Provides energy for the transmission of impulse.
C. Provides electrical insulation.
D. Maintains a lower temperature.

1.1.4. The synapse is a microscopic gap between a/an …

A. Cell body and the axon of one neuron.
B. Receptor and effector.
C. Axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron.
D. Axon of one neuron and the axon of another neuron.
1.2. Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions
1.2.1. The collective name for the membranes that protect the brain
1.2.2 The branch of the nervous system that consists of the cranial and spinal nerves
1.2.3 The branched outgrowth of a neuron that transmits nerve impulses to the cell
body of the same neuron
1.2.4. Converts stimulus into an impulse
1.2.5. Co-ordinates balance
1.2.6. A rapid involuntary response to stimulus
1.2.7. A disease of the brain that is characterised by memory loss and confusion


1.3. A boy steps on a nail and pulls his leg away suddenly. The diagram below shows
the pathway taken to create this reaction

1.3.1. Name the pathway represented by the diagram. (1)

1.3.2. Give ONE advantage of this type of reaction. (1)
1.3.3. Identify part:
a) B (1)
b) C (1)
c) E (1)
1.3.4 Give the LETTER and NAME of the neuron that transports impulses towards
the spinal cord. (2)
1.4. The diagram below shows parts of the human nervous system.

1.4.1. Give TWO reasons why humans need a nervous system. (2)
1.4.2 Give the LETTER and NAME of the part that has the following function:
a) Allows communication between cerebral hemispheres (2)
b) Controls reflex actions (2)

1.4.3 Explain each of the following observations by referring to the function and the
part of the brain indicated:

a) Damage to part labelled D results in death, even if all the other parts of the
brain and the body are functioning (2)
b) A blood clot in the right half of the part labelled A may result in paralysis in the
left arm (2)

1.5. The diagram below represents a reflex arc.
1.5.1. Write down, in the correct sequence, the LETTERS representing the neurons
that transmit impulses to the effector. (2)
1.5.2 State the significance of a reflex action. (1)
1.5.3 Give ONE example of an effector in a human body. (1)
1.5.4 Write down the LETTER and the NAME of the:
(a) Neuron located only in the brain or spinal cord (2)
(b) Part that represents a root of the spinal nerve (2)
(c) Neuron that is damaged when a person feels pain, but is unable to react (2)

2.1.1. State:
a) ONE reason why a synapse is significant (1)
b) The importance of the knee-jerk reaction (1)
2.1.2 Describe the pathway of the impulse in this reflex arc to bring about the knee-
jerk reaction. (5)

2.2. The diagram below represents part of the central nervous system of a human

2.2.1. Identify:
a) Part C (1)
b) Gland E (1)
2.2.2 Give the LETTER of the part that controls voluntary actions. (1)
2.2.3 Describe the location of the corpus callosum. (2)
2.2.4 A learner suffered a brain injury during a rugby match. He could still breathe
properly but he experienced occasional loss of memory and balance.

Explain why:

a) The learner could still breathe properly (2)

b) It is possible that the injury affected part B (2)
c) The hearing of the learner could also be affected because of the injury (2)


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