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Abstract—More investors see the chance of using wind power, but there are problems. These include loss in bit like turning wind
energy and how much it can change from fast to slow winds. To fix these problems, it is important to improve the arrangement of wind
turbine generators in a place with many winds. This research looks at how to make an onshore wind farm in Touahar area near Taza,
Morocco better. The main goal is to make a plan that makes wind farm work better while thinking about rules and how the wind changes at
each place. Using a Genetic Algorithm with a continuous form, we build an optimization model to find the best placement of wind
turbines. This method works well when compared to the normal design setup of a wind farm. Then, the improved design is compared to a
layout with bigger turbines. Here, the size of each windmill depends on how wide its rotor blades are and how high they sit from the
ground. They also consider their rate or amount of electricity produced. The findings show that wind farms work better, but they make less
total power for the setup with big turbines. The study shows that larger wind turbines cost more for each unit of power compared to smaller

Keywords—Wind farm optimization -Genetic Algorithm -Onshore wind farm -Efficiency -Constraintsv -Cost analysis


This study underscores the increasing significance of wind power as an attractive investment for investors, acknowledging,
however, the challenges associated with wind energy conversion losses and the inherent variability in wind speed. The
optimization of wind turbine layout during the design phase emerges as a crucial strategy for mitigating these challenges. The
research, focused on the Touahar region near Taza in the Moroccan Kingdom, employs a Genetic Algorithm to develop an
optimized layout that maximizes wind farm efficiency within the constraints of available space and wind profile variability.
Comparative analyses reveal the superiority of the optimized layout over both regular and larger-turbine layouts in terms of
increased efficiency and reduced cost per unit power. The study contributes to the ongoing discourse on wind farm design
complexities, emphasizing the need for effective optimization strategies, especially as the trend leans toward deploying large
wind farms covering expansive geographic areas with substantial turbine fleets. Key aspects explored include wind farm
micrositing, wake effects, and the interplay between turbine layout, efficiency, and cost considerations.
Theoretical Background:
- Wind energy was discovered in the late 20th century and gained importance in the 21st century, primarily in European
- There are five factors to consider in understanding the significance of wind energy: limited fossil fuel reserves, the need
for greener and cleaner energy sources, wind potential, advancements in technology, and political support.
- The initial cost of wind energy was higher than fossil fuels, requiring government support for development and integration
with national grids.
- Wind energy is driven by environmental concerns, such as reducing CO2 emissions.
- The European Union set a goal for renewables to account for 20% of total energy consumption by 2020, with an expected
increase to 32% by 2030.
Modern Wind Turbines:
- Wind turbines convert wind into electric power.
- The most common design is the horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT), consisting of a rotor, drive train, generator, nacelle,
yaw system, foundation, tower, and controls.
- The rotor, drive train, and generator are essential components.


- Different types of generators are used, such as squirrel cage generators and doubly fed induction generators.
- The control system plays a crucial role in turbine functioning and power production.
- There are two main types of wind turbines: horizontal axis and vertical axis.
- Horizontal axis wind turbines are more common, while vertical axis wind turbines are less affected by changes in wind
Large Scale Systems:
- Wind turbine capacity has significantly increased in recent years, with larger machines offering higher power output and
lower costs.
- Challenges faced by wind turbine engineers include high failure rates, unbalanced fatigue loads, clearance maintenance,
vulnerability to wind changes, and logistics of large blades.
Wind Energy in Morocco:
- Morocco has made significant efforts to develop wind energy as part of its renewable energy plan.
- Numerous wind farms have been established across the country, taking advantage of its wind potential.
- Morocco aims to achieve 52% of installed electrical power from renewable sources by 2030.
- Wind energy accounts for 11% of total electrical capacity in Morocco as of 2018.
Wind Farms:
- A wind farm consists of multiple wind turbines connected to the national grid.
- It includes wind turbines, underground electrical wires, Layout using Enercon E- Enercon E-
electrical delivery stations, subterranean cables, and access 101 112/60.114
roads. Power Production 67,41 55,56
Efficiency (%) 79,72 91,37
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The main objective of this study is to optimize a wind farm area in a way that it will have a maximum power extraction of
wind with a lower cost, using the Genetic Algorithm as the optimization model.

Table 16. Comparison Between the Two Optimized Layouts.

The wake effect, which reduces the power production of wind turbines, is considered the most influential loss. Smart
micrositing of the wind farm is important to avoid the wake effects and locate turbines in high wind resource positions.
Figure 10 illustrates the wake effect that is produced between the upwind and downwind turbines.

F igure 10. Illustration O f the wake effect between U pwind and D ownwind turbines [64].

Designing the layout of the wind farm involves determining the best separation of each individual wind turbine to minimize
losses. The Wind Farm Design Layout Optimization (WFDLO) is used to maximize wind farm performance and reduce the
wake effect.
The computational wake models are accurate but have a high computational cost, so analytical wake models based on the
solution of wind speed velocity are suggested for the optimization process.

Figure 11. Diagrammatic representation of the Jensen wake model [56].

The Jensen wake model is commonly used in wind turbine wake modeling. The layout optimization takes into consideration
factors such as the inter-spacing between wind turbines, rotor diameter, and the number of wind turbines in the wind farm.
The power production of wind turbines is estimated based on the wind speed, efficiency factor, gearbox mechanical
efficiency, and generator efficiency. The cost of the wind farm is approximated based on the quantity of wind turbines.

5.1 Conclusions:
This research developed a MATLAB program for wind farm micrositing to optimize the placement of wind turbines for
maximum efficiency. The Touahar region in Morocco served as a realistic case study. The initial analysis involved
scrutinizing wind data to define the average wind speed at the hub height, a critical parameter for subsequent MATLAB
optimization. The emphasis was on practical wind farm planning, challenging conventional methods such as regular layouts.
The study highlighted the complexity of balancing turbine size, power output, capacity factor, efficiency, and cost per
kilowatt-hour. The optimization process demonstrated promising results, notably increasing wind farm efficiency.
Additionally, the study introduced a larger turbine to assess its impact on efficiency and power production. The findings
revealed a trade-off between efficiency and power production, indicating that turbine size alone does not dictate performance;
the number of units also plays a crucial role.
5.2 Recommendations:
The study suggests several avenues for further exploration and development in the MATLAB layout code:

Validation of Wake Models: Conduct a thorough validation and performance comparison of different wake models discussed
in Chapter 4. Utilize the wind farm's data for validation and evaluate their impact on findings through the layout code.
Adjustable Hub Height: Explore wind turbines with adjustable hub heights. While increasing hub height may enhance
efficiency, its potential impact on costs needs exploration.
Incorporate Y-Axis Wake Effects: Enhance the MATLAB code by incorporating the effects of wake on the y-axis, providing
a more comprehensive representation of wake dynamics.
Wind Direction Variation: In future studies, consider varying wind directions rather than assuming a fixed 0° direction to
capture the influence of different wind scenarios.
Terrain Considerations: Address the assumption of terrain characteristics, including surface roughness and topography.
Consider more accurate simulations, particularly for rugged terrains, to better account for their impact.
Trade-Off Analysis: Conduct in-depth investigations into the trade-offs between power output and wind farm costs
concerning design arrangements, providing valuable insights for future wind farm projects.

First and foremost, I would like to thank God for giving me the strength and opportunity to undertake this research study and
complete it satisfactorily.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor for the continuous support of my thesis study and related research,
for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge.
Besides my advisor, I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee for their insightful comments and encouragement,
but also for the hard questions which incentivized me to widen my research from various perspectives.
Finally, I would like to express my deep thanks to my family and friends. My deep appreciation goes also
to my parents
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Introduction of a genetic algorithm for optimizing wind turbine placement in large wind farms.

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Proposes a simple model for assessing cluster efficiency in wind energy.

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Utilizes ant colony algorithm for designing wind farm layouts.

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Introduces an improved formulation for optimizing wind turbine placement using mathematical models.

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Discusses wind farm micro-siting using Gaussian particle swarm optimization with a local search strategy.

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Introduces a multi-criteria decision analysis framework for micro-siting wind turbines.

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Explores linear and nonlinear models for wind resource assessment and micro-siting in complex terrains.

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A review of recent developments in the optimal wind turbine micro-siting problem.

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Reiteration of the optimization of wind turbine positioning in large wind farms using a genetic algorithm.

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Focuses on wind farm layout optimization based on numerical simulations.

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Explores the optimization of wind farm hub height for enhanced performance.

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Assesses the energy benefits of utilizing a wind turbine micro-siting model.

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