No Man Is An Island

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Unit05: No Man Is An Island

1-Consider the title of the unit “ No Man is An Island “.Then, answer the questions

Note: prior to the intro, Teacher sent pictures(file) to sts on Messenger (an island in th middle of ocean-
picture2: A lonely man on an island)

1.What do the pictures represent?

2.What are the features of the object in picture 1?
3. Imagine yourself in the man’s place, can you live alone?Justify

4.Suppose you were ill or a tsunami hit the Island , what would you do?

5.So , what do you infer/understand from the title?


6-Here are some words from John Donne’s peom.Apply it to Algerian context and paraphrase them
“ Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.”
We , Algerians, are connected to one another, and this connection is crucial for the well-being and survival
of every individual. In Algeria, When you hear the announcement of a death , it is more than a passing
away of a person .It’s part of the world that disappeared and the remaining part is affected by such loss.
Algerian people should unite their efforts and help one another in joy and distress because no one can
overcome hardships alone
2--Look at the picture and answer the questions
Boumerdes (May,2003) Bab El Oued(November ,2001)

a- What do the pictures represent?

b-Are they natural or man-made disasters ?
c-What are the effects of such catastrophes ?
d-What do the authorities and citizens usually do after these disasters ?


e-How do we call this act ?

Activity 3: Classify the following disasters in the table
-Fire-Volcano eruption -Oil spills -Lanslide-Tornadoes -Plane crash – Tsunamis- Duststorm-Hurricanes -
Road/Train accidents- Gas explosion-Nuclear attacks-Water contamination-Biological attack-drought...

Natural disaster Man-made disaster

Unit 05: No Man Is An Island

Sequence: Discovering Language
Activity : Look at the symbols and pictures.Then,discuss the questions below.

a-What do the pictures represent ?


b-What are they?
c- Do people working for such organizations get paid?
d-Where do they work (find them)?
e-What are their main duties ?



II-Read the report and answer the activities that follow

“How Solidary Are Our pupils ?”

It is generally believed that young people today do not feel concerned about community issues. Adults are deeply
worried about the behaviour of kids today concerning problems such as floods , earthquakes and poverty. They
believe that that the youth have become less solidary and thoughtful about other people than their elders used to
be. Some adults said, “ young generations don’t care at all.” (1) . I asked the reporter of the School Magazine to
carry out” a survey on the spot” about solidarity among secondary school pupils to check out on these two
questions. Here are some of the questions the Magazine asked its informant and how they responded to
them .(§1)
The budding reporter wondered ,”have you helped other people in emergency situations?” (4). Surprisingly, sixty of
them said that they had given clothes(2) . No less than forty of them told me that they had felt deeply moved by
the images of the floods . Then, the reporter said , ‘’ What did you do to help the victims?”(3). Twenty of them
answered that they had offered money .Ten of them told the reporter that they had donated blood and worked
some days in charitable Association that helped poor citizens in their town .(§2)
The data gathered by the school Magazine reveal that our kids are more thoughtful and solidary than some
parents think .To close the report, the journalist said, “ Young generations had better make more efforts to assist
needy people (5)because they , themselves , will live through highly risky times and that in such times they will look
for someone to give them a hand too.(§3)
Activity 1: Choose the right answer
a-The report is about : a- the violence of youth b- solidarity of young people c- the laziness of young generations
b- The reporter : a- wasn’t surprised b- didn’t care c- was surprised by the results
c- The results of the survey :a- infirmed b-confirmed c- ignored the elders’ worries.
Activity02: answer this question according to the report
1-In which paragraph does the writer speak about his results and in which one does he give his
2- What word (part of speech) in §2 shows that the author didn’t expect such results?
Activity 1: Choose the right answer
Activity 03: match each word with its definition

informant Willingness to give help to needy people

soldarity A part of population/ group selected for questioning
sample A situation which poses risk and require attention
emergency A person asked to provide information about sthing

III-After reading: Reported Speech

A- Consider statement (1), then answer the questions
a-They said ,“ They don’t care at all..”
1-Which tense is the introductory verb? It is in the simple past
2-What do you notice about punctuation?
Intro verb , “................................................ .”
3-What are the words inside the quotation marks?
They are the speaker’s original words as they said them “word by words”
4-How do we call this speech? It’s called Direct Speech
B- Have look at statement (2): Sixty of them said that they had given clothes
1-what is the tense of the reporting verb? It’s the simple past
2-Is there punctuation? Why? No, there isn’t because the journalist is reporting the pupils’ words
3-Did he use the speakers’ original words ? what did he do?
No , he didn’t .He gave the general meaning of his statement
4-How do we call this speech/form ? We call it Reported speech
C-Imagine that your friend didn’t hear the adults’ words and asked you to report them to him .Report
-Some adults said that younger generations didn’t care at all.
1-Do you notice some changes ?
Yes, we omitted punctuation, added “that” + changed the tense(s) of the verb (s) to another tense
2-When do we do we change tenses ? Only when introductory verb is in the simple past.
Note : Most of the time the introductory verb(say/tell/ask..) is in the simple past.If it’s the case ,then we must
change things inside the quotation marks ( pronouns-tenses- time expressions.. See Tables)
II-QUESTIONS : Now ,consider questions (3)and (4)
A-”What did they do to ......victims ?” He asked .(3)...WH QUESTION
B-”Have you helped other people in .......sistuations ?” he wondered.(4)...YES OR NO QUESTION
a-What kind of questions are they (3) ? They are DIRECT questions
b-Which introductory /reporting verbs did he use ? which tense are they ?
He used verbs of inquiry “ask” and “ wonder “in the simple past
c- Report the the WH question
-He asked what they had done to help the victims .(indirect question)
What do you notice ?
1- When reporting wh questions we : 1-turn the verb” said” into a verb of inquiry(if we have an inquiry verb we
keep it): asked-wanted to know – wondered (in the simple past) 2- we repeat the question word ‘” why” 3-
The verb is put in the affirmative form ‘ they had done “( Question word(why)+ s+verb)
B- ”Have you helped other people in .......sistuations ?” he wondered.
b-He wondered if they had helped other people .....situations.
What do you notice ? When reporting yes or no questions we : 1-Turn the verb said into a verb of inquiry 2-
We must use if OR whether 3- Affirmative verb form (I had seen..)

III-Orders -Requests- Suggestions.. Have a look at statement (5)

the journalist said, “ Young people had better make more efforts to assist needy people”
a-Can we use “said “ to report the sentence? b-What can we do then?
In this example , we can’t use the verb”said”.As the reporting verb isn’t mentioned, we have to infer it from the
situation/ context
Report: a-The reporter advised young generations to make ..... people.
1-Positive request/ orders/suggestions ....are reported with a verb of command /order /suggestion /
advice..... +object +infinitive
2-Negative commands / orders/ suggestions /advice are reported with a verb of command/ suggestion/
advice ...+object+ not+ infinitive
Example:the red crescent doctor said,’’ Don’t drink this water “.Report: the doctor told us not to that water
The most common verbs are: order –tell- invite-offer- advise—suggest- threaten-warn- accuse-beg-admit-
deny .....Other verbs:She said, “ thank you”.....she thanked me “ congratulations”......she congratulated me “
I’m sorry”.....she apologized . ( some verbs can be followed by” ing “form= suggest-admit-deny..)
Table 1: Tenses
Direct speech Reported Speech
Simple present Simple past
Simple past Past perfect
Presnt perfect Past perfect
Future simple Conditional (would+verb)
Modals: can -may-must -shall Could-might-must / had to- *should
Table2: Time Expessions
Direct speech Reported speech
Today that day
Yesterday the day before
two days before
the day before yesterday

Tomorrow the next/following day

The day after tomorrow in two days time/ two days later
Next week/month/year .the following week/month/year
Last week/month/year .the previous/week/month/year
ago before
this (for time) that
this/that (adjectives) the
"Do you like this shirt?" he asked He asked if I liked the shirt.
There /place’s name if it’s known He told me he lived there
Here :He said, "I live here
Demonstratives : This /these That -the / those

Note 1- the introductory verb is sometimes in the present simple, present perfect....
Example: the teacher says,:”people don’t help one another today ” report:He says that people don’t help one
another today .
In this case we report the statement, changing everything inside the quotation marks according to
the rules except the tense and time expressions that don’t change

Note 2 : The form of the direct speech : 1-The man said ,”.................... .” 2-“............... , “ the man said
3-“................... ,” said Peter /Peter said ( inversion is possible when we have a name)
4- The man told me ,” solidarity is rare .......”/ “Solidarity is rare..... ,”the boy told me ( with told we must use
an object: told him/us/ them/Peter..)

Practice :
Activity1: Here are some quotes and poet’s words about disasters and help .Report them

1-John donne said, “Any man’s death diminishes me.”

He said......................................................................................................................

John D. Rockefeller said, ‘’ I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity’’

He said .................................................................................................................

3-Malcolm Turnbull said ,’. people can learn from every natural disaster so that they can respond to the
coming one better. ‘’

He said……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4-Leona Panetta said,’ natural disasters will be more frequent and devastating in the next decade. ‘’’
She said……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5- Chelsea Clinton said ,’’ I have seen people who have lost everything they loved to war, famine, and
natural disasters ‘’
She said............................................................................................................................................................
Activity2: Turn the following questions into reported speech
1 -The mayor said,’’ why do citizens blame us during every catastrophe?
2-‘’ How can a group of volunteers save thousands of refugees from certain death? The governor asked
3- The red crescent leader said,’’ Did you receive blankets, food and medicine?”
4-The fire brigade chief said, “ Are there any casualties here?”
5- The president wondered,” Has the solidarity caravan crossed the frontiers?
6-The Military man said, “Who gave the order to evacuate the refugee camp? ‘’
Activity3: Turn the following into Indirect speech
1-The red cross agent said,’’ citizens of all ages had better know the basic safety measures
2-The red cross man said,’’ Don’t switch on light after an earthquake
3-A victim of the earthquake said,’’ Let’s rite a complaint letter to the president.”
3-“.please, please doctor. Save my son ?” the father said
The father ..........................................................................................................................................
4- The Wali said ,” yes! Yes! , We mad a terrible mistake yesterday .”
The Wali ..........................................................................................................................................
5- “ We ‘re sorry about not being able to provide you with tents and water, “the responsible said to the
The responsible ..........................................................................................................................................

Activity 4 :Situation : ‘’A journalist interviewed a scientist about earthquakes .This the report of the
interview “.Re-write the interview using direct speech
The journalist asked the scientist if humans could predict earthquakes and the scientist replied by saying
that no one had ever predicted a major quake simply because they didn’t know how to .When the
journalist wondered if animals were able to do it, the expert replied that even though animals had weird
attitude prior to a quake , that change in behavior couldn’t be used to forsee earthquakes .
Then, the journalist suggested lubricating the fault with liquids ,But, the scientist said that it was a
dangerous act that might trigger a gigantic earthquake .After that, the journalist inquired if the multitude
of earthquakes was a pre-warning for the “big one .The scientist advised him not to think like that and
added that the increase in number of quakes had nothing to do with the occurrence of a large one. The
journalist inquired if humanity would witness the big one during that century and the expert suggested
finding solutions for smaller ones

Answer: Possible output

Journalist : Can humans predict earthquakes ?
Scientist : No one has ever predicted a major quake simply because they don’t know how to
Journalist : Are animals able to do it ?
scientist : Animals can have weird attitude prior to earthquake ,but this change in behavior cannot be
used to predict earthquakes .
Journalist : How about lubricating" The Fault” with liquids to prevent them?
Scientist: "Lubricating" faults with water or some other substance is a dangerous act that may trigger a
gigantic earthquake
Journalist : Is the multitude of earthquakes a pre-warning for the “big one “?
Scientist: You ‘d better not think like that. The increase in number of quakes has nothing to do with
the occurrence of a large one.
Journalist : Will humanity witness the big one during this century?
Scientist: Let’s first think about finding solutions for smaller ones
Students’ worksheet

Unit05: No Man Is An Island

1-Consider the title of the unit “ No Man is An Island “.Then, answer the questions

Note: prior to the intro, Teacher sent pictures(file) to sts on Messenger

Activity : Look at the symbols and pictures.Then,discuss the questions below
a-What do the pictures represent?
b-What are the features of the object in picture 1?
c-Imagine yourself in his place, can you live alone ?Justify

d-Suppose you were ill or a tsunami hit your Island , what would you do?

d-So , what do you infer/understand from the title?


6-Here are some words from John Donne’s peom.Apply to Algerian context and paraphrase them
“ Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.”
We , Algerians, are connected to one another, and this connection is crucial for the wellbeing and survival
of any individual. In Algeria, When you hear the announcement of a death , it is more than a passing away
of a person .It’s part of the world that disappeared and the remaining part is affected by such loss.
Algerian people should unite their efforts and help one another in joy and distress because no one can
overcome harships alone

2--Look at the picture and answer the questions

a- What do the pictures represent? ( Earthquake Boumerdes, Haiti..Floods(Bab El Oued et..)
b-Are they natural or man-made disasters ?
c-What are the effects of such catastrophes ?
d- What is the reaction of the authorities and people during these disasters ?


e-How do we call this act ?

Activity 3: Classify the following disasters in the table

-Fire-Volcano eruption -Oil spills -Lanslide-Tornadoes -Plane crash – Tsunamis- Duststorm-Hurricanes –

Road/Train accidents- Gas explosion-Nuclear attacks-Water contamination-Biological attack -drought...

Natural disaster Man-made disaster

Unit 05: No Man Is An Island

Sequence: Discovering Language
Activity : Look at the symbols and discuss the questions below.
a-What do the pictures represent ?

b-What are they?
c- Do people working for such organizations get paid?
d-Where do they work (find them)?
e-What are their main duties ?



II-Read the report and answer the activities that follow

“How Solidary are Our pupils ?”

We generally believe that young people today do not feel concerned about community issues. We are
deeply worried about the behavior of kids today concerning problems such as floods , earthquakes and
poverty. I think that the youth have become less solidary and thoughtful about other people than their
elders used to be. Some retirees said, “ young generations don’t care at all.” (1) . I asked the reporter of
the School Magazine to carry out” a survey on the spot” about solidarity among secondary school pupils
to check out on these two questions. Here are some of the questions the Magazine asked its informant
and how they responded to them .(§1)
The budding reporter wondered ,”have you helped other people in emergency situations?”(4).
Surprisingly, sixty of them said that they had given clothes(2) . No less than forty of them told him that
they had felt deeply moved by the images of the floods . Then, the reporter said , ‘’ what did you do to
help the victims?”(3). Twenty of them answered that they had offered money .Ten of them told the
reporter that they had donated blood and worked some days in charitable associations that help poor
citizens in their town .(§2)
The data gathered by the school Magazine reveal that our kids are more thoughtful and solidary than
some citizens think .To close the report, the journalist said, “ Young generations had better make more
efforts to assist needy people(5) because they , themselves , will live through highly risky times and that in
such times they will look for someone to give them a hand too.(§3)
Activity 1: Choose the right answer
a-The report is about : a- the violence of youth b- solidarity of young people c- the laziness of young generations
b- The reporter : a- wasn’t surprised b- didn’t care c- was surprised by the results
c- The results of the survey :a- infirmed b-confirmed c- ignored the elders’ worries.
Activity02: answer this question according to the report
1-In which paragraph does the writer speak about his results and in which one does he give his
2- What word (part of speech) in §2 shows that the author didn’t expect such results?
Activity 1: Choose the right answer
Activity 03: match each word with its definition
Informant Willingness to give help to needy people
Soldarity A part of population/ group selected for questioning
Sample A situation which poses risk and require attention
Emergency A person asked to provide information about sthing
III-After Reading: Reported Speech
A- Consider statement (1), then answer the questions
a-They said ,“ They don’t care at all..”
1-Which tense is the introductory verb? ....................................................................................
2-What do you notice about punctuation?
3-What are the words inside the quotation marks?
4-How do we call this speech? ................................................................................................
B- Have look at statement (2)
1-what is the tense of the reporting verb? .............................................................................................
2-Is there punctuation? Why? ......................................................................................................................
3-Did he use the speakers’ original words ? what did he do?
4-How do we call this speech? ...............................................................................................................
C-Imagine that your friend didn’t hear the adults’ words and asked you to report them to him .Report
1-Do you notice some changes ?
2-When do we do we change tenses ? .................................................................................................
Note : Most of the time the introductory verb(say/tell/ask..) is in the simple past.If it’s the case ,then we must
change things inside the quotation marks ( pronouns-tenses- time expressions.. See Tables)
II-QUESTIONS : Now ,consider questions (3)and (4)
”What did they do to ......victims ?” He asked .(3)...WH QUESTION
”Have you helped other people in .......sistuations ?” he wondered.(4)...YES OR NO QUESTION
What kind of questions are they (3) ? ......................................................................................................
Which introductory /reporting verbs did he use ? which tense are they ?
Report the the WH question
What do you notice ?

B- ”Have you helped other people in .......sistuations ?” he wondered
b- .......................................................................................................................................................................

What do you notice?...............................................................................................................................................


III-Orders -Requests- Suggestions.. Have a look at statement (5)
the journalist said, “ Young people had better make more efforts to assist needy people”
a-Can we use “said “ to report the sentence? b-What can we do then?
Report: ...............................................................................................................................................................
1-Positive request/ orders/suggestions ....are reported with a ................................................................

2-Negative commands / orders/ suggestions /advice are reported with .......................................................

Example:the red crescent doctor said,’’ Don’t take that road “.Report: .............................................................
The most common verbs are: order –tell- invite-offer- advise—suggest- threaten-warn- accuse-beg-admit-
deny .....Other verbs:She said, “ thank you”.....she thanked me “ congratulations”......she congratulated me “
I’m sorry”.....she apologized . some verbs can be followed by” ing “form= suggest-admit-deny..)
Note 1- the introductory verb is sometimes in the present simple, present perfect....
Example: the teacher says,:”people don’t help one another today ” report:He says that people don’t help one
another today .
In this case we report the statement, changing everything inside the quotation marks according to
the rules except the tense and time expressions that don’t change
Note 2 : The form of the direct speech : 1-The man said ,”.................... .” 2-“............... , “ the man said
3-“................... ,” said Peter /Peter said ( inversion is possible when we have a name)
4- The man told me ,” solidarity is rare .......”/ “Solidarity is rare..... ,”the boy told me ( with told we must use
an object: told him/us/ them/Peter..)
Table 1: Tenses
Direct speech Reported Speech
Simple present Simple past
Simple past Past perfect
Present perfect Past perfect
Future simple Conditional (would+verb)
Modals: can -may-must -shall Could-might-must / had to- *should
Table2: Time Expessions
Direct speech Reported speech
Today that day
Yesterday the day before
two days before
the day before yesterday

Tomorrow the next/following day

The day after tomorrow in two days time/ two days later
Next week/month/year .the following week/month/year
Last week/month/year .the previous/week/month/year
ago before
this (for time) that
this/that (adjectives) the
"Do you like this shirt?" he asked He asked if I liked the shirt.
There /place’s name if it’s known He told me he lived there
Here :He said, "I live here
Demonstratives : This /these That -the / those

Practice :

Activity1: Here are some quotes and poet’s words about disasters and help .Report them

1-John donne said, “Any man’s death diminishes me.”

He said......................................................................................................................

John D. Rockefeller said, ‘’ I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity’’

He said .................................................................................................................

3-Malcolm Turnbull said ,’People can learn from every natural disaster so that they can respond to the
coming one better.

He said……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4-Lona Panetta said,’ natural disasters will be more frequent and devastating in the next decade. ‘’’
She said……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5- Chelsea Clinton said ,’’ I have seen people who have lost everything they loved to war, famine, and
natural disasters ‘’
She said............................................................................................................................................................
Activity2: Turn the following questions into reported speech
1 -The mayor said,’’ why do citizens blame us during every catastrophe?
2-‘’ How can a group of volunteers save thousands of refugees from certain death? The governor asked
3- The red crescent leader said,’’ Did you receive blankets, food and medicine?”
4-The fire brigade chief said, “ Are there any casualties here?”
5- The president wondered,” Has the solidarity caravan crossed the frontiers?
6-The Military man said, “Who gave the order to evacuate the refugee camp? ‘’
Activity3: Turn the following into Indirect speech
1-The red cross agent said,’’ citizens of all ages had better know the basic safety measures
2-The red cross man said,’’ Don’t switch on light after an earthquake
3-A victim of the earthquake said,’’ Let’s rite a complaint letter to the president.”
3-“.please, please doctor. Save my son ?” the father said
The father ..........................................................................................................................................
4- The Wali said ,” yes! Yes! , We mad a terrible mistake yesterday .”
The Wali ..........................................................................................................................................
5- “ We ‘re sorry about not being able to provide you with tents and water, “the responsible said to the
The responsible ..........................................................................................................................................

Activity 4 :Situation : ‘’A journalist interviewed a scientist about earthquakes .This the report of the
interview “.Re-write the interview using direct speech

The journalist asked the scientist if humans could predict earthquakes and the scientist replied by saying
that no one had ever predicted a major quake simply because they didn’t know how to .When the
journalist wondered if animals were able to do it, the expert replied that even though animals had weird
attitude prior to a quake , that change in behavior couldn’t be used to forsee earthquakes .
Then, the journalist suggested lubricating the fault with liquids ,But, the scientist said that it was a
dangerous act that might trigger a gigantic earthquake .After that, the journalist inquired if the multitude
of earthquakes was a pre-warning for the “big one .The scientist advised him not to think like that and
added that the increase in number of quakes had nothing to do with the occurrence of a large one. The
journalist inquired if humanity would witness the big one during that century and the expert suggested
finding solutions for smaller ones

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