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Mokkadem Mahfoud Secondary School Level: 2AS Common Streams

2023-2024 Duration: 2 hours

Second Term English Exam
Part One: Reading (15points)
Read the text carefully then do the activities that follow.
Robot technology has been growing in leaps and bounds over the past 60 years. No longer only the stuff of
science fiction, today’s robots are found in factories, hospitals, outer space, on the streets and even in our
homes. A robot is a machine that is guided by a computer. The word “robot” was coined in 1921 by Czech
writer Karel Čapek, who used the word to describe a fictional humanoid in his play called “R.U.R.”
(“Rossum’s Universal Robots”).
Robots have been around since ancient times, when automated devices called automatons were designed to
look and move like animals or people. These early robots were created to entertain. In 1956, the world’s first
industrial robot company was created, and the first digital, programmable robot was developed. Named
Unimate, this robot was purchased in 1960 by General Motors and used to lift hot metal parts.
Robots cannot think or make decisions; those with artificial intelligence have computers that are not
programmed to respond in a particular way. People sometimes attribute robots with emotions and intelligence.
If robots seem intelligent, emotional or capable of independent thought, it is only because that how they are
programmed to be.
There can be no question that robots are very useful. They can work in environments that are too toxic or too
dangerous for people. They can perform their jobs inside volcanoes, under the ocean or on Mars. They can do
repetitive work without getting tired or bored. They don’t need to eat or sleep and they don’t complain. Thus,
some people worry about the growing use of robots and the issue that they will create unemployment by
replacing man in many domains
.Adapted from the internet

A. Reading Comprehension:

1. The text is talking about:

a – Evolution of robots b– The development in technology c – The development in science
2. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false sentences.
a. Robots have the ability to think and feel.
b. Robots are invented only in recent years.
c. People are afraid that someday they will be replaced by robots.
3. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. When was the term robot first introduced?
b. Can Robots think or feel? Why?
c. Why are people worried about the rising use of robots?
4. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?
Who (1§) → .............................. They (3§) → ………....................…

5. Reorder the following ideas according to their appearance in the text.

a. Man can be replaced by Robots
b. The development of Robots over time
c. Robots can be programmed to be intelligent and emotional.
Text Exploration:
1-Find in the text the words that are close in meaning to:
a- unreal (1§)= ……………….. b- Joblessness (4§)=……………….
2-Find in the text the words that are opposites to:
A-modern (2§)≠………………… b-harmless (4§)≠……………………
3-Complete the following chart.
Verb Noun Adjective
to advance ……………………….. ………………………..
……………………… Discovery ………………………….
To create ………………………… ……………………………

4- Put the verbs between brackets in their correct forms.

a- If scientists (to invent) …………… various machines, the world (to be) …………… more developed.
b-If you (to mix) ……………… oxygen with hydrogen, you (to get) ………………… water.
c-What (to happen) ……………… to you if you (to touch) ………………… a wire of electricity?
5-rewrite sentence ‘A’ so it means the same as ‘’B
A- In the past Robots were created only for entertainment.
B- They …………………………………………………………
A- The first digital, programmable robot named Unimate was purchased in 1960 by General Motors
B- General Motors……………………………………………………………………………………………….
6-Circle the stressed syllable in the following words
mathematics - invention - electricity - physical
7- Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list.
Developed- shaped - dangerous -robots
A robot is not a new idea. Scientists……………… robots more than 60 years ago. For many years,
…………. have worked in factories. They do uninteresting jobs, such as packaging food or assembling cars.
They are often used to do …………………work as well. Most of these robots are like……………. machines;
they do not look like people
Part Two:
Choose one of the following topics
Topic one: In recent years, science has witnessed different advancements which have facilitated many things
for people. Using the following notes, write a composition of about 80 to 120 words in which you talk about
progress/development in science and its usefulness.

6. Science’s importance today/more laboratories

7. New discoveries and inventions
8. Life is easier/ transport/ housing/ medicines.
9. Technological development

Topic two: we cannot be healthy in an unhealthy environment. It is in our own best to preserve the natural
world as much as we can. Write an article about 80 to 120 words to your school magazine in which you shed
light on the different reasons why we should care about the environment.

“Don’t stress. Do your best. Forget the rest.”

Good luck

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