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eUni v

KeyPe rsons
ImportantTopi cs
a)RoleofHol ySpi ri
b)Pionee rmi s
sionaryout r eac htone wfie l
onv ersi
communi ty.
C)SignificantPr oblemsConf li
ctbetwe e
nJ e
wsandGe nti
Jewisheleme nts
,t ri
alsbe foreJ ewsan dRomans ,c onf
onandGe nti
d)Ge ographicaladv anc es5s tagesthroughoutJ udeaGal il
eeandSamar a
Peterandt hebe ginni ngoft hechurchwi t
CH1;1- 2I nt
roduc ti
CH1;3- 11Chr ist'
sr esurrec ti
onMi n i
CH1;12- 26Wai ti
ngpe ri
odf orHolySpi r i
CH3;14;31He alingofl ameandr esultantarrestforPeterandJohn.
CH4;32- 5;11t hec ommuni t
yofgoo ds
CH6;1- 7Ar restandt hec hoos i
ngoft he7
CH8;1- 4Sc att
er i
ngofJ erus alembe l
ieve r
CH9;1- 31Saul 'sconve rsation
CH5;12- 42Ar re s
toft he12apos t
CH6: 8-7;60St e phensar res tandmar ty
r dom
CH8;5- 25Phi l
lip'sMi nistry
a)8;5-25i nSamar a

CH9;32- 11;18Pe t
e r'
smi nistr
yont heMe dit
ToAe ne asandDor cas
ToCor ne lius
CH11;19- 30Ne wGe nt i
lechur chi nAnt ioc h
CH12He rod' spresentationofc hur chandhi sde ath.
Paulandt hee xpans i
onoft hec hurchf romAnt i
ocht oRome
a.Thr ough outt her egionofPhr ygiaandGal atia
CH13- 14 Paul 's1s tmi s
sionar yjour ne y
CH15- 36 Paul 's2ndmi ssionar yjour ney
CH18;23- 21Paul 's3r dmi ssi
onar yj ourne y.
b.Ov ert oMac e
doni a
c.ToRomeCH21;17- 28
Paul '
si mpr i
s onme ntinJ erusalem
a.Ar res t21;17- 22,29
b.Tr ialbe for etheSanhe drin22;30- 23;11
c.Tr ans fert oCae sar e
aCH24- 26
Paul '
si mpr i
s onme ntinCae sareaCH24- 26
Trialbe for eFe l
Trialbe for eFe st
usCh25;1- 12
Hear ingbe for eFe st
usandAgr ippaCH25; 13-26
Voy aget oRome27;1- 28;15
2yrsunde rhous ear restinRome28;1 6- 31

emadeofwor dsofmanandwor dofGod.I thasmanywr i
tingonhumanr eas onandone
neEdi tor.Manwasr e s
pondingtohumanne edsandGods pe aking.Looki
ngatAc t
orically,Lukeistheonl yGe ntl
ewr i
terinthewhol ebibleoutofdi f
ntwr it
e r
LukeaDoc t
or , aGe nti
r,wr i
Theophilus( Mr.Godf riendly
)Re prese
ntative? I ndi
1.Twos e c
tionsPe t
ertoJ ews1- 12
PaultoGe nti
les 13- 28
2.ThreeSe c t
ions J erusal
em 1-7
Jude aandS amar i
Endsoft heEarth 11- 21
3.Fivese ct
ions Jews-Jerusale
m 6. 7
He ll
sandSamar i
tans9. 31
Ge nti
lesAnt i
och 12.24
Asia 12.24
Eur ope 16.5
Rome 19.20
Me dic alt e rmsar ec ommoni nLuk e 'swr itings;Godus edadoc tort onar rat et heBi rthofJ esus.
Mat the wt ellsoft heangl eofJ os eph' sandGe ne alogy ,thes pir i
tuall i
neofLuk et e l
lsoft he
Phy sicalGe ne alogyt hroughMar y ,b e caus eJ e choni ahwasc ur se dandt oldnooneofhi ss eed
Woul dge tt ot het hr one ,y etthati sJ o seph' slinef orJ esus .
Ge nt ile
Nat iv eofAnt ioc h.Fur the stnor the r lypl ac eofCanaan .As sume dt obet hepl ac ewhe ret he
prodi gals onwoul dgot os pendhi sr iche s,fort hec i
t ywasc ommonf ort hat .Ye t1s tGe nt il
Chur c hHi stor yandNi c knameChr isti
anwe rei nAnt i
oc h.
Tr av ele r
Ve rye xpe rienc e dwhohewe ntwi thPaul ." We ".Paulus ual lyt rav elledwi thLuk e .Al sohe
trav elle dwi thPauldur inghi ss ickj our ne ysandv oy age sofs hipwr ec ksfromCae sar eat oRome .
Dur inghi stwoy ear si nJ e rusal emhemus thav ewr i
t t
ent heGos pe l
saf t
ermak ingi nqui rie swith
Mar yandot he rsanddur inghi s2y e arsi nRomehemus thav ewr i
ttent heBook sofAc tsaf ter
conf r ont ingwi thPaulandot he rdi sc iple.Paul 'sme dicalat tendant .Mar yk e ptal lt hingsi nthe
he ar tandonl yope ne dt othef ami l
ydoc torLuk e.
Wr iter
Ex c ellents tyle ,goodv oc abul ar y.Ac t
si snol onge rbuts k ill
ful l
ywr ittentok e epy our e adi ngi t
Tookt imeonr es ear ch.
Ev ange lis t
Sal vat iono fs oul swasLuk ewasc ommonpur pos ei nwr itinghi sbook s.Hehasapar ticul ar
emphas i
sonGe ntilesashes ay s ,al lf l
e sh.Andt heHol ySpi ritpour eduponal lf le sh.Hei s
inte reste di nt hewhol eEc ume nis twhol eWor l
d,Luk ee cume ni cali nhi sappr oac h.
The ophi lus
Whywoul dLuk es pe nds omuc ht imewr itingt oonep er son?Whatwass pe cialaboutThe ophil
Fir sts pe c ulat ion:I twasamadeupname ,notani ndividual-Mr .Godf ri
e ndl y ,fi rsttitle
2nds pe cul ation:HEwasapubl ishe randwoul dqui c klys pr eadLuk e '
swr itingsf oral ltor ead.
3rds pe c ulat ionMos te x cellentme anshemus thav ebe ent ol awy er.Onewhowoul dde fe ndPaul
inhi str iali nRomeands one e dal lt hei nfor mat ionbe for ehewoul ds tandasanadv oc at e.So
Luk egav ehi mal lt hisi nfor mat ion.Pa ulandJ es ushass imi l
ar3t rialsandal lthe se,theRomans
foundnof aul twi tht he m,butt hepr e ssurec amef r omJ e ws .Soi twasbe fit
t ingf orPault oappe ar
be for eCae sari nRomewhe reJ ewswoul dnoti nte rf
e rewi thj usticeandPaul 'sl awy er,
The ophi lusne e dedac ompl etepi ctur eoft hes tor ybe f
or et rav ellingt oRome .Appar entt hebook
ist itl
e dAc tsoft heApos tles,buti tal lsumsupPaul '
sl ife.Whe nPaulappe ar sont hes ce ne,Pe te
disappe ar s,andwhe nPauli sdone ,t hebookc los eswhe nasPaulgoe stot rial .Ti mot hyand
Titusc ont aini nfor mat iona boutPault hatdoe snotf ithi sl ifebe for et hetrialbutaf ter;t he ref
Paulwast r iedi nRomeandac qui tte d.Paull onge dt or eac hSpai nandpl antac hur cht he re.So
afte rhi sf irs ttr ialandr eleasehemus thav egonet oS pai nandl at ergotr e-ar res tedand
be he ade d.
SoLuk ewr ot et os av ePaul '
sl ife,andt her ese arc hhemadehasf ur nishedt heChur c ht oda ywi th
infor mat ionwewoul dne verhav ek nown.Sot hebook sofAc tsl inks owe llt heGos pe lst ot he
letter s.Pau lgi v es3t e stimoni e si nt hi sbookwhi c hnoot he rApos tlesdoe s.Why ?Be caus ePaul
wasont r ialandne ede dt ode fendhi ms elf.Theque s
tionst hatt hel awy erwoul dne edans we rsso
ast ogi v ehi mt hei nf or mat ionher equi r edwe re,
1.Whos tar tedt hisne wr eligion?
2.Howdi dPaulc omet obei nv olv ed?
3.HowhasRomansaut hor itiesr eac tedt oi t
Andt hepubl i
cwoul dhav eal lthi si nfor mat ioni nCour tasPaulwi llbet r i
ed.Butt hankGodi t
hasr eac tedawi deaudi enc eoft hec hur c htoday .Luk eal sobe i
nganEv ange listinhi sownr ights
knewt hatt het rialwast obei nRome ,aGe ntilec ityandwhat eve rhappe nedi nRomei ts pre ad
soqui c klyt hr oughoutt heGe nt ilewor ld.
Chr i
stiani t
y ,NotPaul ,wasi nt rialf ort he1s ttimei nRomeands oLuk ene ede dal lhi sdat es,and
,r e adyandac cur at e ,towi nt hec as eandhedi dwon.
1.Pe terapos tle stot heJ ews ,andPaulapos tlest otheGe ntiles.
The r
e for eLuk ene ede dt os ayt hes amet hingsc onc erni ngt heabov et wot oav oi dt hebi gge st
temptat ionoft hee ar lyc hur chofs pl itti
ngi nto2c hur c he s,theJ ewi shc hur chandt heGe nti
Thes imi laritiesofPaulandPe te r,BOTH
1.Di dmi rac l
e s
2.Sawv i s
3.We r eHol ySpi ri
tf ille d
4.Madel ongs pe eche s
5.Pr eac hedt oGe ntile sandJ e ws
6.Pr eac hedwi thbol dne s s
7.Impr ison e dandmi rac ulous lyr e l
e a sed
8.Cas toutde mons
9.He al e dt hes icke xtr aor di nar yPe te r'
ss hadowandPaul 'sHank ies
10.Rai se dt hede ad
11.De cl are dj udgme ntonf al set eac he rs
12.Re fus edt obewor shi pe d
13.Di e di nRome
Thebookb ecome st heAc tsofPaulandPe t
e r
,k e epingt he mt oge the rtos avet hec hur ch.
2.TheBoo ki sdi vi
de di n3s e c t
ions :Luk ef ollowi ngt heGr eatCommi ssionor de r
.( Ac t
s6; 7, 9,31,
12;24,16; 15) .Andt hec hur chgr ewa nds pread.Thegr owt hands pr e
adoft hi sne wr eligionof
Chr i
stiani t
y .
Hebe gi nswi tht heUppe rr oomBapt ism.The nPe ter'
sSe rmonand3000s av edal ll anguag esand
Nat i
onsr epr ese nted.Thi swast he1s tke ye vent .Fol lowe dbywi dow’ scompl ai ntsandappo inted
De aconsi nSt e phenandhi sMar tyr do mandr ipple ds pr eadf urthe r.
Anothe rc ruc iale ve ntofPhi llipi nSa mar iaandagr eatr evi
v als pr eads.TheEt hiopi anEun uc h
wor l
dt ak est hegos pe lt oAFRI CA. Paulc ontinue st or ecor donl ythei mpor t ante v ent.Fr om
thatfol lowe dPe ter'sv isiont ok il
landEatbutt hec onv e r s
ationoft heGe ntil
e ,Cor nelius .
TheCounc i lofJ er
us al e moni ssueofh owGe nt il
eswoul dbes av ed.Di dt he yne edt obe c ome
Jewsf ir stornot ?Todaywewoul dal mos tas k,DoJ ewsne edt obe comeGe ntile sbe foret hey
becomeChr istians.
Imme di at er eac tioni st oc ompar et heMode rnc hur cht ot heonei nAc t
s.I thasi tsbadt hingsal s
Anani asandSaphi ra,Si monandSor ce r
e r.Gamal ielonl ys ai dle tuswai tands eet her esultsi fi
isofGod,but Paul ,as tude ntoft hi sPr ofessors aidhewoul dnotwai t,butk illandt ryt os top
thespr e adofChr istiani ty,whi c hhel atters pr eadmor et hanany onee lse.Paul 'sc onv ersionwas
aonet imeof f,notapat tern.Thes hak ingoft hebui ldingi napr ay erme e ti
ngal soanot he roneof f
event,notapat ternf orourpr ay erme etings .Ifat hi ngi sme ntione donc eandne ve ragai n
repe atedins c r
ipture ,t he nitc oul dbeunus ualandnotanor m.I fitisr e pe atedmor et hano nce
theni tbe come snor mal .Eg.Tongue soff ireonPe nt e cos tonlyhappe ne donc e ,buts peak i
ngi n
Tongue sre pe ated.Wat erBapt i
s mwasc ommon.
1.LI NK- Be twe enGos pe landEpi st
le s
*Bapt ismi nwat er
*Bapt ismi nSpi rit
*LawofMo ses
*Chur ch
2.MODEL- Mi ss ionar yManua l
*Badaswe llasgood
*Abnor malaswe llasNor mal
*Se ndApos t
*Re ac hCi ties
*Pr e ac hGos pe l
*Mak edi sciples
*Pl antc h ur ches
*Appoi ntEl ders -Mov eon!
Mos toftheEpi st
lesar eofPaulandy ouwoul dnotunde rs
tandt he mofwi thoutk nowl edgeo f
whoPauli s .Andhei sde scribe di nt hebookofAc t
s .TheNe wTe st
ame ntc annotbec ompl et
e l
unde r st
oodal sowi thoutt hisbookofAc ts.TheBapt is mi nwat eri sonl yf ullye x pl
aine di nAc ts.
Paulne verl ink edBapt ismwi thwat e r,buts aidwewe reBapt i
zedi ntoChr i
st'sde ath-gi vingas
theme aningofBapt ismi nHol ySpi ritorwat er .Paulhi mse l
fwasbapt ize dinbot h.Fr ee dom
fromt helegal i
smi sde al twi thi nt hec ouns elofJ erus ale m.Thec hurc h'si mageandf unc tions
canonl ybeunde rstoodf romt heAc ts .Thebookwaswr it
tenonl ocat ionLuk ewoul ds ay ,Iwas
there .Salvat ionise x pl aine di nAc ts
Nooneaf terPe ntec os tbe comeChr is ti
anwi thoutRe pe ntanc e,Wat e rBapt is
mandHol ySp irit
ling.Be forePe nt e cos tthe ywoul dhappe nofc our se .Andt hedoc trine soft heBi bl ei n
He br ewsar es ummar ize dande x plai ne di nAc ts -
Salv at ion,Bapt ism,l yingonofhands ,j udgme nt
etc .
Ac tslinkedbe t
we enGos pelsl andEpi stles.Paulpl ant e dc hur chesandl e ftthemt oe vange l
theirar eas,e venwi thoutami ssionar ySuppor tFund.TheBookofAc t
sgi vesust hepar tnert o
chur chgr owt h.Ear lyc hur chhi stor ygr owt h,mos ts ur pr i
singhowt he ydi ddoi t?
The ys entApos t
les,nott ok eept hebe stpe opl ewi t
hy ou.Whoms hal lwes end?
The yr eache dc i
ties,notv il
lage sbutk e yc enters .
The ypr eac he dthegos pe l.Tot heJ ewst heyquot eds c riptur e,butt oGe ntilesli keofAt he nst hey
look edar oundt hel ifes tylesofPol ythe istsandt henpr e sentedGodast heonl yGod,t heGo dnot
yetk nownandwhos eal tarnoty e tpu tupt ode alwi thc ur s
e se t
c .
The ymadeDi s
ciples .I nEphe susf rom12- 4pmdai lyf or2y ears,het aughtandmadedi sciples,
notr e l
o uspe ople .
The ypl antedc hurc he s.Mor ec hur che sandNe wConv er t
si ne verypl ac e .
The yappo int ede l
de r si ne ver yc hur chandmov edon!12mont hsol dChr istianswhowe reahe ad
ofot he r
swe r eappoi nte d.Nott hegr e yhai re d.Wear es os l
owt odayi nappoi nt i
nge lder s.The y
leftthepl ac eandmov edonasAPOS TLES! !!
Thec hurchwasMobi leandDy nami c .TheApos t
leswe ree it
he rs uppor tedbyt hene wc onve rt
andal soth eys uppor tedt hems e lve s.Godi samov er .

Jesus ? Hol ySpi rit? God?

TheKi ngd omofGod( Fat he r )
TheNameofJ esus,Thepowe roft he( Hol ySpi rit)
Ac tsofPe te randPaul ,theot herdi scipl e ss ilent.
For me rtreat i
s ewr ittenaboutwhatJ es usbe gant ot ea c handAc tsc anbet hewor ksofJ esu s
cont inue d.TheHol ys pi ritme ntione d40t ime si nt he1s t13c hapt ers ,soi tc anbet heAc tso ft
Hol ys pi ri
t.Godme nti
one dmor et i
me s ,s oc anbet hewor ksofGod.
The re f
or ei tist heAc tsofGodt hr oug hJ esusChr i
s tbyt heHol ys pir i
tthr ought heApos tles!
3f oc usesi nt hebookofAc tswe ret heKi ngdomofGo d,t heNameofJ es usandt hepowe ro ft
Hol ys pi ri
t-TheTr initar ianAPPROACH.
Re mappi ngt heApos t
le sc onv icti
onalwor ld:Thepr obl emofPaul 'sc onv ictionsaboutt he
Ge nt il
e s
The"Ge ntilisationoft heChr istiani t
yi .e.byt his( ne ologi s m)i sme antt hepr oc es sbywhi chthe
chur c hwast rans f
or me df romamov eme ntl ocat edmor eorl e sse nt i
r elywi thi ntheMul tifac et
Judai s
m,i nt oadi stantands epar at eGe ntiler e l
igi on.Thi spr oc esshashadi mpl icat ionsf orthe
histor yoft hec hur ch'sr elationswi thJ udai sm.Ani nte res tinGe ntilisationl e adst ot he
self-de scri
Ane wPar adi gmandane wpr obl em:An' par adi gms hi f
t' isunde rwaybe caus et heol d
frame wor ki snol onge rs atis factor yf ort her angeofr e levantobs er vations ,r esultingi nne w
que stionsa ndpr obl emse me r ging.Asane wf rame wo rkofunde r standi ngf or c esthec ons trualof
oldpr obl e
msandpl ace sf or me rlyi nn oc uousobs erv ationsi nne wandpe rple xingl ight .Pau lnot
ne ces s
ar il
yadv ocatingf oraTor ah- f
r eemi ss i
ont ot heGe ntiles,I srae lismuc hmor ec ent ral
cate gor yandc ame r af orPaule spe c iallyi nar easl ik e;
a)TheNat ur eandf unc tionofPaul 'sl a nguageof" J USTI FI CATI ONBYFAI TH"
b)TheNat ur eofPaul ’sc onv e rsi
one xpe rienc e,and
C)Thepl aceofRomans2wi thi tsi nsis tenc ei nt hee ve ntuals alv ationof" al lI srae l" .
*Gui lt
yandc onde mnat ionononeha we s.Ri ghte ous ne s sandJ us tif
ic ationont heot he r.Ho wc an
sinfulhumani t yfindac c ept anc ebe for ear ight eousGod?- byf aithac cept i
ngt heof ferf or
forgi vene s
smadepos si blebyal lowi ngBl ood/ wor kofChr ist
*The reforej us ti
ficat i
onbyf aithc ontr as tedt o" jus ti
f i
c ationbywor k s"-whi chi sac laimof
ac ceptanc ewi thGod,bas edonone 'sme ritor i
ousmor alac hie veme nt-AndJ udai smr e pr esents
thiswr ongwayt oj ustificat ion.The refor ePaul 'sc onc e rnwi thJ udai smi sac onc e rnwi t hth e
Conv er s
ionandc all-t r adi tionalappr oac he s;
*2nddi me ns ionoft hei nte rpr eti
v es hi ft-Paul '
sDamas cuse xpe rienc easat r ans it
ionf r omone
onc e nt er edont heTor ahandba s edonf undame nt aldi s
tinc tionbe twe enJ ewandGe n t
toanot he rwhi c ht hisdi st i
nc t i
onwast r ans ce nde dandr ende r
e ds e condar yanobs olete.Pa ul'
growi ngs our ceoft hef ai lur eofJ udai smgav ewayt ot hes adde nc onv ic t
ion-t hatt het ruthh ad
bee nfound.
Israelandt hec hur c h-TRADI TI ONALAPPROACHES,
See ninRomans2whe rePauls ur pr isingl ypr eser vesapl ac efort hes alv ationf or" ALLI SRAEL”
vs26.Si nc et ime sofJMar ty r,t hec hur chhass eeni t
se lfas' thet i
mes pi ritualI s r
ae l
'thes ol e
inhe r
itoroft hepr omi ses ,sc ript ure s,a ndt henameoft heOl dTe s
tame ntpe opl eofGodandt he
peopl ei nwhomt hel ineofs al vat i
onh is t
or ybe ginni ngwi thAbr ahamf oundi tsuni que
cont i
nuat ion
Rom2;26- Gal6; 16
FAI THANDWORKS;t owar dane wPar adi gm,
Chr istianS chol arss ympat he tict oJ udai smc ompl ainedt hatt hepopul arChr istiande pictionof
Judai sm,bas e dl ar ge l
yonPaul '
swaswr ong.TheTor ah,f arf rombe ingc ate gor ize doppos it
Gr ace ,wasGod' sgr aciousgi ftt oI srae l,t ober e ce i
ve dwi thj oy .TheTor ahi tse l
fwi t
hpr ov i
forr epe nt anc e,At one me ntandf or gi v
e ne s s-t hos ei gnor edbyPaul ,re cogni zedt her ealityofs i
andaf for de dt heme ansi tc oul dbede altwi thwi thint hec ov enant .
*The sec onc ludet hePaulmi sunde r s
toodJ udai sm
*Thel awi sf unc tioni ngwi thinac ov en ant alr e l
at ions hipbe twe e nGodandI srae l,ar elation
establis he dandmai ntaine dbyGod' sgr ac e,andt hel awonman' ss idehe lpst oaf firmand
mai ntai ni t.
Conv e rs ionandCal l:Towa rdaNe wPar adigm
Inol dpar adi gm,Paul '
sDamas c use xpe rienc eunde rstoodt obeac onv e rs i
onoutofJ udai s m,
withpar ticul ar isti
cdi stinc tionbe twe enJ e wandGe ntile snol onge rr ele vant .Butt hathi ms el
Paulhadane x pe rienc eoff r ustr ationwi thr epe att ot hel aw,i nwhi chPaulde s pair edofe very
achi e
v ingt her ight eous ne ssi tde mande d.Pr iort oDamas c us,Paulwasc ont inual lyandv ainl y
wr est
lingf orr ight eous ne ssbe f
or eGo dPhi l3; 6,Heboas tthatasaPhar iseehehadl ive d
irreproac habl yi nt hel aw-c irc umc isedt he8t hday .
Ifinhi sc onv er sione nc ount e rwi thCh ristPaulf oundwhathehads ear che df ori nv ainin
Judai sm,t h e ni tc oul dbee as ilybeas s ure dt hatJ e wishPARTI CULARI SM,wasoneoft het hings
tbe hi ndwhe nhel efttheone( Juda i sm)f ort heot her( Chr ist).
*Anyi mme di at ec hangei nhi sat ti
tude st owar dst heGe nt i
leswoul dhav ebe e nmor econt inge nt
resultoft hewayi nwhi chPaulpe rceiv edt hes ig.ofChr istwi thr e spe ctt ohi si nhe rit
edwo rl
unde rstandi ng.
*Thei mpl icat ionoft he" sol utionbe f
or epr obl em' wayofunde r st
andi ngPaul '
sc onv ersioni s
thatitc annol onge rbeas s ume dt hatt hee xpe rienc ewasi ne ss enc eandnotbot toma
conv ers at i
on,l aw,andGe nt ile;Thepr inc iplebywhi chI srae lhadl ive di ndomeawaywi ththe
abol i
tiono ft hel awandt hec allt ot hepagansar ec orr e cted,s incei nt hedi vinepl anr e veal e
dt o
Pault hehe athe nsdonote nt ert hec hu rc ht hrought hei nter me diar yofJ udai sm,butt hrought he
wide-ope ndoorofme r cy.Thewhol eofJ udai smi sobs ol ete.
.Thewor k soft hef les har eus ele ss
Thede at hofChr ists uppr ess est hel awi ni tse ntir ety.
Israelandt heChur ch:Towar daNe wPar adi gm.
PAUL' SAPOSTOLI CCALL;Thes truc tur eofPaul '
sc onv icti
onst obeanApos t l
e( J e
wi sh)t ot he
Ge ntiles .( Gal1; 15- 1)Themi ssiont ot heGe ntileso nl ymades ens esaf terthemi s si
ont oChr i
The refor ePaul 'ss tar t
ingpoi ntwasnott heGe ntilemi s sion,butt heChr i
s tce nte redmi ssiont o
theGe nt iles .TheDamas c use xpe rienc ebe come sf irsti nt hes hi ftinc onv ic ti
onc ente r
alter edas se ssme ntofJ e sus!
Paul '
sGe ntilemi ssiont obeac count e di nc onj unc ti
onwi tht woot he rf ounde rst hats tamme r ed
fromday sasaPhar i
s eeandape rs e
c ut or ;t her ear e
a)Hi sne wa sse ssme ntofChr istandhi ss alv i
ficf unc t
ionwass hape di nde cisionway sbyh ispre-
Damas cuspe rce ptionoft heKe r ygma ,i npar ticulart hatc hr istandTor ahr epr ese ntedme ntally
exc lusiveway sofde f
ini ngt hebounda ryoft hee l
e ctpe opl eofGod.
b)ASaPhar ise e,hehadhol dt ot hes tr inge ntv iewt hatonl yt hos eGe nt i
le swhoi nt hi sage
be camepr os ely t
e s-f ullme mbe rsoft hec ommuni tyoft hee l
e c t
-woul dhav eas hor ei nt heaget o
come .
Onl yapowe r fule xpe r i
e nc ewoul dc hangePaul 'spe rce ptionofJ e susChr istandpr oduc es uc ha
seismi cs hifti nhi sc onv ictionalwor ld.
PAUL' SAPOSTOLI CSELF- CONSCI OUSNESS- Todowi tht heGe ntilesandt he irpl ac ei n
salv ati
on,andwi thPaul 'sownr ole .
*Inhi sIsr ael-c e nt ere dc onc ept ionoft hemi ssion( Rom11: 11- 32) .Paular gue st hatt hef ailures
oft heGe nt il
e s' wi llbet het hingt ot rigge rt hef i
nals al vat i
onofal lIsr ael,I nt hei de aoff ullness,
Pauls awhi ms e l
faswor kingt owar dst hatGe nt il
ef ulfillme nt .(Rom11;25)
*J e wishwayofv iewi ngt hewor ld-wor ldl y,butPauls awi ti nt hebas i
cs ens eof" nat ions ".The
factr emai nst hatme ansnon- J e wt oPaulhadJ ewi s
hc rede nt ialshepr ese nte dtor ivalJ ewish
mi ssionar ies.( 2Cor .11; 21- 29, Phi l3; 4- 6) .Gal1; 13-14,Gal atianshav eal r eadyhe ar dt hi
story .
**HasGODREJ ECTEDI s rae l?Rom. 11
a)Anyr eje ctioni sonl ypar t i
al ,the rei sar e mnant .
b)Suc hr e j
e ctioni sonl yte mpor ar y-e v ent ual lyI sraelwi llbes av e d( 11;11- 32) .
*I nr espe c tto
a)Paulput shi ms elff or war dasane x e mpl ar yme mbe roft her emnant .
b)Pauli nhi sGe nt ilemi ss i
oni spl ayin gapr imar yrol e,thatwi llbr ingal mos tthee ve ntual
salv ati
onofI sr ae l
Paul '
sIsr ae l-c ent ere dc har ac ter- ofhi sApos tolicc ons cious ne ssr efle ct
e df irsti nGal at i
an s
1;15whe rehede scr i
be dhi sc onv e rsionasapr ophe ti
cc al l
-J er1; 4- 5,I s a49; 1- 6whi ch
de scribes ac ommi ss i
oni ngt hatbe g ini nt hewombandhast odowi ththeGe ntiles.
*Paul 'sApo stolicmi ss i
onasChr ist
'sAmbas sadorpr eac hingr e conc iliationt oGodi npl ace s
we reChr isthasnoty e tbe enpr eac hed.( 2Cor6; 2/I sa49; 8, 5; 18-20, 6; 1-2,I sa52; 15 ,7,
53; 1.
*2ndwes eePauli nr ol enotofaPr ophe t,butofapr ies t-s e tapar tGal1; 15.Cul ticl anguage
appl iedi nRom12; 1andhi mast hePr ies tofGoddoi ngPr i
e stlys erv ice.
*c f" TheGr ac egi v ent omebyGod, sot hatImi ghtb eaCul ticmi ni sterofJ e susChr isttot he
Ge nt i
les,doi ngPr ie stlys e r
v i
c eswi t
hr es pe ctt ot hegos pe lofGods ot hatt heof fer i
ngoft he
Ge nt i
lesmi g htbeac ce ptabl e,s anc ti
fie dbyt heHol ys pirit.
*Heal sor efer st hene wc ov er t
sast he" firstf ruits".Hes pok et oc hur c hatPhi lippiofhi sde ath
asa" l
ibat i
onbe i ngpowe r edout "ov e rt heApos t
ol i
cmi ni stryasa" fragr ant ”of fering,a
sac rifi
ceac c ept edbyGod4 :8.I n1Cor9; 13- 14hear gue sonapos tless uppor te di nt hewor kas
prie stinTe mpl e.
Ex plainingPaul 'sc onv i
c t
ion-Hehadbe e nc al l
e dt opl ayapr imar yr olei nt hemi ss i
ont o
Ge nt i
lesc onv er sionandur ge nc ywasne e de dbe caus etheGe ntiles alv ation,andwi ndowof
oppor t
uni tyf ort he mt obepar tofAbr aham' sfami lypr iort ot hePar ous i
a,woul dope nonl yfora
shor ttime .
Paulpe rc eiv edhi sowne xp erie nc eoft her i
s enChr istasagr andf oranapos tolicr ol
eone qual
termswi tht hos ewhowe reapos tlesbe forehi m.Butwhi lehei ns i
hei ns istso nUNI QUENESSofROLE.
Pe ter'sMi ni stry -Es t
abl ishe dthec hur c h-Ex pande dt hec hur ch
Paul 'sMi ni stry -Pr ogr essofChr istiani ty( f
irstmi ssionar yj our ne yJ e rus alemc ouncil,
sec ondl y,mi s s
ionar yJ our ne y,Thi rdl y,mi ssionar yj ou rne y,Paul 'sTr ial .
Chur chBe gi nnings : Ch r is
tiani tyf ound ed,or gani ze dands olve di t'
spr obl e ms
Communi tyofbe liever '
sf ai t
hi nt he
Ris enChr ist,Hol y
Spi rit Powe re nabl ingt he mt owi tne ss ,loveands e
Hol ySpi r i
t : Couns elorandGui de .Chr i
stiani t
yc ons ide redas
Supe rnat ural Chur chbe come smor eHol ySpi ritc ons c i
oust ha n
probl e mc ons ci
ous .
Chur chgr owt h : Jer usal em,Sy r ia,Af rica,As ia,Eur ope .39c itiesin30
Islandsorpr ovinc es.
Count ries : Hol ySp iritmov e me nt ,Ex citeme ntGr owt h.God
adde dt ot hec hur chdai l
and ort he ys atat
Apos tl
e 's Doc trine ,Fe llows hi ppe d,pr ay edt oge t
he r ,s har ed
Wi tne ssingMe thods :Pe ter ,JohnPhi llip,andBar nabasandot he rs
Wi thal l Pe rsonal ityt e sti
mony ,pr eac hing,de fens ebe for eaut hor iti
Whatwe BOLDNESS.Wi t
ne ssings trengt he nsf aith.I tisdoi ng
Oppos it
ion :I mpr isonme nt ,Be atings ,Pl ots,Ri ots -Pe rsecut edbybot h
Jews andGe nt iles.Oppos it
ionCATALYSEDs pr eadof
Chr i
stiani ty The yal lSEI ZEDoppor tuni tiest hatoppos itionbr ought
SaulofTar s us Thr ought hemi nistryofAnani asandt hes pons or shipofBar nabasgot
we lcome d
(9;1- 9) intot hefe llows hipan dt he ns e ntt oTar susf ors af ety.( 9;10- 30).
Bar nabasl at erwe nttoAnt ioc hwhe rehee nc our age dt hebe li
e ver sandal sot of indSaul .
(11; 20- 26) .
Topl eas eJ ewi shl eade rs,He rodj oine dint hepe r secutionoft heJ e rus alemChur c h,k i
Jame s( John' sbr other)andi mpr is
oni ngPe te r,whogotf ree dbyange landme tot he r
satJ .
Mar k'shous e
DrLuk es hiftsf ocusf romPe tert oPaul ,fromJ e rusal emt oAnt ioc hwhe r
commi ssione dbyt heAnt ioc hChur chf orami ssionar ytour .(13; 1- 3) .Wi thBar nabast ookt he
gos pe ltoCy pr usandS.Gal at iawi thgr e
ats uc c ess( 13; 14- 28)-TheJ e wish,Ge nt i
lec ont rov e
almos tte ari ngChur chas unde r- Re sulti
ngi nJ erus alemc ounc ilt or ul eGe ntile sr elationt oOl d
Te stame ntl aws .
Jame sr e solv edt hei s
sues endi ngme ssenge r stot heChur c h( 15; 1- 31) .
Afte rthec ounc il,PaulandSi laspr eache di nANTI OCH,l eftforSy riaandCe c ili
a,Bar nab as
andMar ks ai l
edf orCy prus .PaulandSi last rav elledt hr oughMac edoni aandAc hai a,
establ ishe dChur c hinPhi l
ippi ;The ssaloni ca,Be rea,Cor inthandEphe sus ,be for er etur ningt o
Ant ioc h.
On3r dj our ne y ,travelledt hr oughGa latia,Phr ygia,Mac edoni aandAc hai a,e nc our agi ngand
teac hingbe lieve rs(19; 1-21; 9).Fe ltc ompe lledt ogot oJ erus alem,t he ywar ne dofi mpr i
s onme nt
byAgabus .( 21; 10-12) .Ar re st
e dbyRomanc ommande r ,befor eJ e wi shSanhe drin,Be fore
Gov e rnorFe lix ,Fe s tus ,andAgr ippa.Heappe aledt oCae sar-shi p. He ldunde rhous ear re
s t
awai tingt r ial.( 28; 11- 31) .
Bloc ksSt e phe n:
a)St rengt he nsandac comp lishme nt-Oneoft hec hos e nDe ac ons ,k nownf ors upe rqual it
Chr ist,out s tandi ngl e ade r,Te ac he r,De bate r.(Fai t
h,wi sdom,gr ac e ,powe r.Hol ys pi r
prese nc ei nl ife ).1s ttogi v elifefort hegos pe l-f irstmar tyr.
b)Vi talSt at istic s-Chur chr espons i
bilities:De ac on-Fooddi stribut orst one edy
-Cont empor ar i
es :Paul ,Cai aphas ,Gamal iel,t
Apos tles .
Cf." Lor dJ es usr ec e ivedmys pir it
,donothol dthi ss inagai ns tthe m"ACTS ( 7; 59- 60)
Me ssiani c.
c)Ef fec t
sofhi sDe at h-Di rectlyori ndi rectlyt heby - produc t
sofhi sMar tyrdom;
1.Phi llip'sEv ange listTour -8;4-40
2.Paul ’s( Saul 's)c onv ersion-9; 1-30
3.Pe te r'
smi ssionar yTour . -9; 32 -11; 18
4.Thec hu rc hi nAnt ioc hi nSy riaf ou nde d-11; 19
Ear lyChur c hMi ssionar ies:Chur ch8; 4- 29; 14)
Philip - Ev ange listinSamar ia
Pe t
e randJ ohn - Vi site dNe wSamar iaChur ch.
SaulofTar sus - Capt ure dbyChr istonDamas c usRoad.
Pe t
e r - Le dt ooneof1s tGe ntilefami liest obe c
Chr istians .
Bar nabasandJ .Mar k -t oCy pr us.
Paul ,Si las,Ti mot hy ,Luk e-Fr omAnt ioc h,r e visit
e dChur c
he si nGal ati
a-1s tjour ne y
Mac edoni a,Ac hai a - 2ndj our ne y .
Apos tles -l eftAl exandr iaf orEphe sus ,taughtf ullgospel
byPr iscillaandAqui lla,pr eache di nAt hensandCor inth.
Paul ,Ti mo thy ,Er astus -Re visitc hur che si nGal atia,As ia,Mac edoni a,andAc haia,-
3rdj our ne y .
Bloc ksofPhi lip: Oneoft heDe aconsc hos e nbe camee vange listand1s ttravelli
mi s
s i
onar ie s.Goode xe ge sisofGos pel.Mas sr espons e sinSamar ia,mi r
ac less een.Hav e4
daught ers,al lpr ophe te sse s.Cont e mp o raries -Paul ,St ephe n,t heApos tl
Paul:Apos tlet oGe nti l
es .Wi tnes sedandappr ov edSt ephe n'ss toni ng.Tr ainedasPhar isee,
learne dt entmak ingt rade ,bor ni nTa rs us.
Cont empor ar ie s:Ganal iel,St ephe n, Apos tl
e s,Luk e,Bar nabas ,Ti mot hy( Phil1; 21-24) .
*DrLuk es howsnoawar ene s
sofanyPaul '
sl etter snote v enGal at iansor2Cor .
Whe ret hedi ffe ri nde tail,sugge stingt hatAc tswaswr ittenwe llbe for ethePaul inec orpuswas
assembl ed,orl etterwi de lyc irculat ed.
*Luk e'sf ailur et ome nt ionPaul '
sde athmaybeowi ngt ohi sde lic ac yint hismat ter.Heon ly
foreshadowsi ti nPaul 'sspe e c
ht oe lder sofEphe sas ,youwi l
ls eemyf acene veragai n"Ac ts
20;25, 20; 38)andi nPaul '
sr eac tiont opr ophe cyofAgabus ,"I 'mr eadynotonl yf or
impr isonme nt,bute v enf orde athi nJ erus alem"21; 13 .
*Wes e ctionsi nt he2ndpar tofAc tsfr om3r dpe rsont o1s tpe r sonpl ural(Ac ts16; 10- 17,
20;5- 15,21; 1- 8,27; 1- 28: 16) .
*Ov er295v e rs esoutof100i sgi veni nt hef ar mofSPEECHESorDI SCOURSEi .e al mo st1/3
ofAc ts.E. gRi senChr is ttoApos t
lesa ndDi scipl es .Pe terandc hoosingofMat thias.Petero ur
Pent ec os tofJ ew,Pe te ri nTe mpl eaf terhe al i
ngl ame .Et c.
*ThePe nt ecostEv e nt:Bapt ismi nt hes pirit.( 2;1- 13) .
*Thi sf eas tofwe e ksbe c ome sme mor abl e1s tpubl i
ce ve
nti nhi st
oryoft hec hur c h.
*Me mor abl efor;
a)Re c eptionoft hepr omi sesoft hef at he rand
b)Itwast he1s toppor tuni tythatt he1 2hadt oc onf r
o ntthe12Tr i
besofI srae li nanof fi
capac ityandbe arwi tne sst ot her i
s enChr isthav ingb eene mpowe r
edt odos o.
c)Thi sc on frontat iont ot he mgol denandal mos timpo rtant.
*DrLuk e,whowasnotpr ese ntonPe nte cos t,wr itesaboutt hi
soc c
as i
on.Paulwasal sonot
there ,butwasawar eoft heoc cas ion-Ye ts pe ak snotofanys i
gni f
icanceofPe ntecostinhi s
c our ses.
*J ohns peak soft her ec ept i
onoft heHol ys piritont h edayoft hedi scoveryoft hee mptyto mb.
20;22,asi fk nowsnot hi ngofPe ntec ost.
*Spi r it-" Ruac h" /wi ndGr e ekPne uma/ blowi ng/ br eathing.
*15c ount r iesme nt ione di nor de rfromEas ttoWe st,Romeme ntionedl astandCr etansan d
Arabsasa naf t
er thought .
*1s tmi r
ac leAc tsoft heAc ts-Tounge s,ot hert ounge s-" x
e nologia"i .
etounge soff orgiveness
notgl os si
tal i
a" ec stat ics pe ec h".
*Pe nt ecos t-Gi v ent hel awoft hes pi ritofl if
e .Suc cee dedt heFEASToft hePe nt ec
os tinOld
Testame ntwhe nl awwasgi ve nt oMo ses .
Peter 'sDi scour set oAs se mbl edI srae l2;14- 36
*St oodwi tht hee leve n- spee ch-The ologi c alme aningoft hee vent.
*(Apos t
olicpr eac hi ng)Ke rygmat icandChr is t
ol ogic alinc ontac t
*Endi ngwi thappe alf orr epe ntanc eandc onv e rsionandChr i
s tasMe ssi
ahandLor donly .
*Showsnode velope dThe ologyi fc ompar e dt oPaul '
sEpi st l
es.Thoughi tisLuc anThe ologyput
onPe ter'slips-e gi s sue sofChr ist'
si nc ar nat ionande qualitywi thdivinity
Reac ti ont oPe ter'sdi s cour s e.
Uni fiedc ommuni tyl ife:2; 42- 47
Peter 'smi rac l
ei nt heTe mpl e3: 1-11
PeterandJ ohnbe for eSanh e drin-l ifeandTr ial soft hepr imiti
v eJerusalemc ommuni t
1- 8; 4)


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