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5/2/24, 10:19 PM Submissions - S-SCEN001TP_ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE_ BSA31_ 2nd Semester ( 2023-2024 ) - Quiz 1_Atmosphere, Clima…


S-SCEN001TP_ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE_ BSA31_ 2nd Semester ( 2023-2024 )

Module 08 (Week 10): Atmosphere and Climate Change

Quiz 1_Atmosphere, Climate Change, and Pollution

Here are your latest answers:

Question 1
Match the following description to its correct term (air quality index)

Response: Air quality is satisfactory and poses little or no risk. => US AQI Level Good

Response: General public will be noticeable affected. => US AQI Level Very Unhealthy

Response: Sensitive individual should avoid outdoor activities. => US AQI Level Moderate

Response: Increased likelihood of adverse effects and aggravation to the heart and lungs among general public. => US AQI Level Unhealthy

Correct answer: Air quality is satisfactory and poses little or no risk. => US AQI Level Good, General public will be noticeable affected. => US AQI Level Very
Unhealthy, Sensitive individual should avoid outdoor activities. => US AQI Level Moderate, Increased likelihood of adverse effects and aggravation to the heart and lungs
among general public. => US AQI Level Unhealthy

Score: 4 out of 4 Yes

Question 2
Match the following description to its correct term (greenhouse effect).

Response: less heat escapes into space => human enhanced greenhouse effect

Response: more heat escapes into space => natural greenhouse effect

Response: less re-emitted heat => natural greenhouse effect

Response: more re-emitted heat => human enhanced greenhouse effect

Response: more greenhouse gases => human enhanced greenhouse effect

Response: less greenhouse gases => natural greenhouse effect

Correct answer: less heat escapes into space => human enhanced greenhouse effect, more heat escapes into space => natural greenhouse effect, less re-emitted heat =>
natural greenhouse effect, more re-emitted heat => human enhanced greenhouse effect, more greenhouse gases => human enhanced greenhouse effect, less greenhouse gases
=> natural greenhouse effect

Score: 6 out of 6 Yes

Question 3
Match the following description to its correct term (Atmospheric layers).

Response: pressure is created by solar wind storms => exosphere

Response: contains the ozone layer => stratosphere

Response: coolest layer of the atmosphere => mesosphere

Response: appears meteorological phenomena => troposphere

Response: the hottest layer => thermosphere

Response: appear the Northern Lights => ionosphere

Correct answer: pressure is created by solar wind storms => exosphere, contains the ozone layer => stratosphere, coolest layer of the atmosphere => mesosphere, appears
meteorological phenomena => troposphere, the hottest layer => thermosphere, appear the Northern Lights => ionosphere

Score: 6 out of 6 Yes

Question 4
Match the following description to its correct term (factors affecting climate)

Response: continental drift => tectonic factors

Response: surface reflectivity => land and ocean factors 1/2
5/2/24, 10:19 PM Submissions - S-SCEN001TP_ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE_ BSA31_ 2nd Semester ( 2023-2024 ) - Quiz 1_Atmosphere, Clima…
Response: solar output => extraterrestrial factors

Response: atmospheric composition => atmospheric factors

Response: volcanic emissions => tectonic factors

Response: Earth-Sun geometry => extraterrestrial factors

Correct answer: continental drift => tectonic factors, surface reflectivity => land and ocean factors, solar output => extraterrestrial factors, atmospheric composition =>
atmospheric factors, volcanic emissions => tectonic factors, Earth-Sun geometry => extraterrestrial factors

Score: 6 out of 6 Yes 2/2

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