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Tensal verbs

A ) PART ONE: Simple Present: fill in the blanks with the simple present with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.

1. Karol (be,) _is_at home yesterday.

2. Joseph (worked) _works_ in the morning.
3. He _goes_( went) to bed very early.
4. Mary (played) _play_ the piano every day.
5. My friends always (eaten) _eat_ lunch at the cafeteria.
6. It (snow) _snow_ in the winter time in Canada.
7. He (brushed) _brush_ her teeth in the morning.
8. He (went ) _ goes_ to sleep at eight o’clock.
9- I _khew_ (know) Peter for a long time

10.My brother _buys_ (buy) a new motorbike. It looks great.

Present continuous. fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I _am wathching_ (watched) a reality show on TV.
2. My favourite team _are winning_ (won)!
3. Someone _are swimming_ (swam) in the sea.
4. Two people _are cooking_ (cooked) dinner on the beach.
5. We _are not waching_ (not watch) a soap opera.
6. I _am dont’nt _ (not do) my homework.
7. Mum _is to read_ (read) a magazine.
8. My brother _are not listen_ (not listen) to the radio.
9. Dad _is not cooking_ (not cook) dinner.
10. Tara _is to talk_ (talked) by phone

correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.- At last! I _have solved_ (solve) the problem.

2.- What _you doing_ recently? (you / do) Anything interesting?
3.- My brother _are buys_ (buy) a new motorbike. It looks great.
4.- _are You swimmng_ (you / swim)? Your hair looks wet.
5.- Oh, There you are! I _have been looking_ (look) for you everywhere.
6.- Sorry we are late. How long _are You waiting_ (you / wait)?
7.- I _have known_ (know) Peter for a long time
. 8.- My friends _are runing_ (run) for two hours already.
9..- I _have been understanding never_ (never / understand) Maths and Physics.
10.- The children are tired because they _are playing_ (play) all day.

B) PART TWO: Write the correct form of the past tenses verb (in brackets) to
complete each sentence:
EX: I drunk coffe milk in the morning. (to drink)

1 . Dan_left_ (leave) very early today.

2. Sam and Sue _bought_ (buying) a new house last month

3. I _visited_ (visiting) Germany the previous week.

4. You_played_ (playing) very well.

5 .They_foud_ (find) this book on their trip to Italy.

6. I _baked_ (bake) this cake by myself.

7. We _opened_ (opening) the store in 1987.

8. The rain finally _stoped_ (stop), and we_went_ (go) home.

9. She_planeed_ (plan) to come, but she (have)_sod_ some problems.

10. Kate_had_ (having) a big house, but she_sod_ (sell) it.

Past Progressive or Past Continuous Tense : Change the verb into the correct form
1. While you _were resting_ (rest), I (clean)_was cleaning_ the house.
2. While we (swim)_were swimming_, the other team_were running_ (run).
3. Jim (come)_was coming_ late to work.
4. Dorothy (smoke)_was smoking_ in the room.
5. Jack and Bob_were fighting_ (fight) about something.
6. These two_were chatting_ (chat).
7. Yesterday at 5 o'clock I _was eating_ (eat).
8. Last night, at 10 o'clock she (dance).
9.. Tim (cook)_was cooking_ while Susan_was watching_ (watch) TV
10. Barbara _was painting_ (paint), and Joe _was sleeping_ (sleep).
Complete the sentences with the past perfect of the verb in brackets.
1.Kevin_gone_ (go) home by the time I arrived.
2.Ethan suddenly realized that he_left_ (leave) his laptop on the train.
3.Mum was annoyed because I_cleaned_ (not clean) my room.
4. _studien_(they / study) English before they went to the USA?
5.We were hungry because _eaten_(not eat).
6.My phone didn't work because I (charge)_charged_ it.
7.Sally was embarrassed because she_forgot_ (forget) her dad's birthday
8. She (never be)_never been_ to the North Pole until 2002.
9.They (never fight) before they_moved_ (move) together.
10.He_never broken_ (never break) anything before he (start)_started_ to crawl

Change the verb into the correct form Past Perfect Progressive
1. She (want)_had been wanting_ to rest a bit because she _had been cleaning_(clean) the
whole day.
2. They _had been deciding_(decide) to break up because they (fight)_had been fighting_ for a
long time.
3. Alex (play)_had been cleaning_ golf for many years before he (retire)_had been retiring_.
4. Susan (be)_had been being_ hungry because she_had been fasting_(fast) the whole day.
5. They _had been jobbing_(jog) for a while before they (get)_had been getting_ tired.
6. I _had been waiting_(wait) for the bus for 10 minutes when it_had been arriving_(arrive).
7. They_had been chating_ (chat) for over 2 hours.
8. I (wait)_had been waiting_ there for ages.
9. Brianna _had been sitting_(sit) there for 20 minutes before the doctor _had been calling_(call)
her name.
10. You (work)_had been working_ there for several years before you _had been quitting_(quit)
your job.

C) PART THREE: Complete the sentences with simple future with the verbs in
1. Wait! I _will drive_ (to drive) you to the station.
2. The English lesson _star_ (to start) at 8:45.
3. Are you still writing your essay? If you _will finish_ (to finish) by 4pm, we can go for
a walk.
4. I _will see_ (to see) my mother in April.
5.Look at the clouds – it _will raing_ (to rain) in a few minutes.
6. The train _will arrive _ (to arrive) at 12:30.
7. We _will have_ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.
8. It _will snow_(to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.
9. On Friday at 8 o’clock I _will meet_ (to meet) my friend.
10. Paul _will fly_ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.

Make the future perfect. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in
1. We _will have looked_ (look) at houses for four
months next Tuesday.

2. We _will have done_ (not / do)this project for long

when the inspector arrives.

3. How long_will have workend_ (you / work) on this

project when it is finished?

4. _will have boungt_ (you / buy) clothes when I see you?

5. He _will have done_ (not / do) much work, so he’ll

be happy to start a new project.

6. How long _will have slept_ (the children / sleep) in

the living room when their new bedroom is ready?

7. How long _will have trained_ (he / train) when he

enters the competition?

8. _will have taken_ (you / take) exams the day we


9. I _will have answered_ (answer) students’ questions all

morning, so I’ll want a quiet lunch.

10. _will have travelled_ (they / travel) for long when they

Make the future perfect continuous. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the
verb in brackets

1. I _have been working_ (work) all weekend so I won’t be

energetic on Sunday night.

2. How long _have been waiting_ (you / wait) when you

finally get your exam results?

3. Julie _have been eating_ (not / eat) much, so we’ll need

to make sure she has a good meal when she arrives.

4. How long _have been planning_ (she / plan) to move

house when she finally moves?

5. _have been waiting_ (she / wait) long by the time we get


6. _have been playing_ (he / play) computer games for ten

hours when he finally stops?

7. They _have been studing_ (study) all day, so they’ll

want to go out in the evening.
8. They _have been staying_ (not / stay) in the hotel for
long when she arrives.

9. I _have been working_ (not / walk) when I meet you –

I’ll have been cycling.

10. She _have been playing_ (play) squash, so she won’t be

dressed up.

Future Continuos

Complete the sentences with to be going to and the verbs in brackets:

Example: We are going to cook (cook) dinner this evening.

1. Next summer, I (travel)_am goinig_ to England.

2. My sister María_is goinig to live_ (live) in Madrid.

3 They (play)_are goinig to play_ tennis this afternoon.

4. My father_is goinig to Buy _ (buy) a new car.

5. Susan and David (see)_are goining to see_ the film tonight.

6. I _am goinig to visit_(visit) the dentist tomorrow.

7.By the time we get home, they _are goinig to play_ (to play) football for 30 minutes.

8.In three years I _am goinig to live_ (to live) in a different country.

9.When you _are goinig to get_ (to get) off the train, I _am goinig_(to wait) for you by the

ticket machine.

10._are You goinig to take_ (to take) your children with you to France?

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