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Rejane da Silva Peixoto

STUDENT´S NAME: ______________________________________________________________

SCORE; ___/50

1  Listening1: Listen to a conversation. Choose the correct answers.

1 The man / woman is on business. R.: The Woman is on business.

2 The woman’s name is Caroline Maziq / Masid. R.: The woman’s name is Caroline Maziq
3 They are at a meeting / hotel. R.: They are at a hotel.
4 The woman hasn’t got her laptop / mobile phone. R.: The woman hasn’t got her mobile phone.
5 The time is 9.30 / 10.00. R.: The time is 10.00.

2 points for each correct answer 10

2  Listening 2: Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1 The small wallets are £16. __False

2 The man wants a small wallet. __False
3 The man wants an umbrella. __ True
4 The shop hasn’t got any umbrellas. __ True
5 The man buys a wallet for £19. __ True

2 points for each correct answer 10

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

apple Australia bus father friendly holiday next nurse Sunday watch

1 Susan lives in Sydney in Australia.

2 My husband and I are here on holiday.
3 His father is a teacher at my school.
4 Jan goes to work by bus.
5 I’m a nurse in a hospital.
6 The hotel is next to the cinema.
7 I have lunch at two o’clock every sunday.
8 Our neighbours have got a friendly dog.
9 After dinner I watch TV.
10 I’ve got an apple in my bag.
1 point for each correct answer 10

5 Read the text and answer the questions.

A Hello. What’s your name?

B I’m Devlet Boran.
A Are you here on business?
B No, I’m here to study Spanish. I’m only twenty.
A Where are you from?
B I’m from Assos. It’s a small town in Turkey. It’s nice, but it hasn’t got a university.
A Do you live here in Santander?
B Yes, I do. I live in a flat with two people, Marta and Alex. They’re nurses at Valdecilla Hospital.
A Is your flat near the hospital?
B Yes, but it isn’t near the university. We live at sixteen Gloria Street.
A Do you go to university by car?
B No, I don’t. Alex has got a car, but I haven’t. I usually go by bicycle, or by bus. I want to get a
motorbike, but I haven’t got the money.
1 What is the man’s first name? His first name is Devlet.
2 What’s his last name? His last name is Boran.
3 What’s his age? He has twenty years old.
4 What country is he from? He is from Turkey.
5 What’s his address? He lives at sixteen Gloria Street
6 What’s his job? He doesn’t have a job, because he is a student.
7 What transport does he use? He goes to university and bus.
1 point for each correct answer 8

5 Choose the correct options.

1 What is your phone number?

a How
b What
c Where
2 Is that your sister?
a that
b these
c he
3. Mathias and Max are engineers.
a are
b is
c be
4 Where is she from?
a she’s
b is she
c she is

5 Ishmael isn’t Russian. He is American.

a isn’t
b doesn’t
c don’t
6 A Are they students?
B No, they aren’t
a don’t
b doesn’t
c aren´t

2 points for each correct answer 1,2

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