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No. Transaksi : 109P240305159 Asal Ruangan : Rawat Jalan

Transaction No. Ordering Location
No. R.M : 1090240366 Tgl. Sampling : 05/03/2024
Medical Record Collection Date
Nama Pasien : Ny. RUSTANTI HARI PURWANI (P) Jam Sampling : 19:55
Patient Name Collection Time
Tgl. Lahir/Umur : 23/09/1986/ 37 Thn 5 Bln Tgl. Hasil : 05/03/2024
Date of Birth / Age Result Date
Dokter Pengirim : dr. Anna Fuji Rahimah, Sp.JP(K), FIHA Jam Hasil : 21:30
Ordered Doctor Result Time

Pemeriksaan Hasil Nilai Normal Satuan Keterangan

Investigation Result Normal Range Unit Comments

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) - LI 3.2 0.0-6.0 mg/l

null Arendra Rataniando


Penanggung Jawab:

dr. Irawan Sumantri, Sp.PK

User Tn. Arendra Rataniando, 009101006 Dicetak 05/03/2024 21:30

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