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Mi mundo en otra lengua (modular).

1. - Which of the following is not a possessive pronoun?

Mine, yours, he, hers, his, ours, theirs

2. - Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun

‘’Today is Nancy’s birthday ____ is fifteen

3.-Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb to be

‘’Friday night its party time we ___ are very happy’’

4.-Read the following group of words when, where, what’s and who
Identify the function of the words in the group. We use them to:
Ask questions

5. - Complete the sentence with the correct demonstrative pronoun

‘’Who are ____ boys over there?’’
‘’They are your students’’

6. - Complete the sentence with the possessive pronoun

‘’We are an international school___ students are from different countries’’

7.-Read the next sentences

I’m a teacher
You are in class
Now, rephrase the sentences with their verbs in negative
I’m not a teacher you aren’t in class

8.-What is the correct question for the following sentence?

‘’ ____ are we going to go on vacation?
Because it’s summer

9. - Read the Word list

1. - above 4. - Messy
2. - White 5. - Young
3. - under 6. - President
Answer the question: What are the qualifying adjectives?
2, 4, 5

10. - Read the Word list and complete the sentence with the option that fits best:
They are words used to___
1. - red 4. - Beautiful

2. - sweet 5. - Stupid
3. - fresh 6. - Triangular
Describe objects people and someone’s feelings about something

11. - Match the type of person with the right possessive adjectives
1 a-b 2-c

12.- ¿Qué aplicabilidad tiene el inglés para expresar ideas acerca de tu vida cotidiana?
Tratas de aplicarlo en todas las áreas de tu entorno donde su uso sea posible

13.- ¿Cómo realizas la corrección ortográfica de las preguntas con’’Wh’’ en tus trabajos escritos?
Cotejas con tu material de apoyo las palabras con las que tienes dudas

14. - Choose the correct personal pronoun for the Word(s) in brackets in each sentence
1 they- 2-she 3-they 4-he

15. - Choose the correct personal pronoun

‘’Tom is playing basketball._____ is at school’’

16. - Choose the correct answer for the following question

Do you live in a house?
Yes I do

17. - Complete the conversation with the correct Words

1-can 2-can’t

18. - Choose the verb for the following sentence


19.-Look at the following picture and answer the question

Choose the option that best describes what Carolina’s is likes to do
Carolina’s like to dance in the party

20.-Whatquestion Word do you use to ask about someone’s age?


21. - Complete the following text

Use the following adverbs of time to fall-in the blanks so that the sentences make sense
1, 5, 2, 4, 3

22.-En un examen de colocación de inglés te preguntan cuáles son los usos de can y can’t en
diversas situaciones ¿Cómo consideras que serían tus respuestas?
c) usarías expresiones gramaticales y vocabulario preciso para expresar tus aptitudes de manera
oral o escrita

23.-Despues de leer un texto con preguntas con Wh, normalmente…

Tomas notas

24. - Punctuation marks are intentionally omitted in the following sentences
Which of them are questions?
1, 2, 4

25. - Choose the correct form of the verb to be for the following sentence
‘’Eduardo ___ a hard working person’’

26. - Choose the correct preposition of place: The circle is ___ the cube

27. - Choose a question Word for the following question

‘’____ can’t I get to the police station?’’

28. - Look at the picture below

Witch of the following statement are correct?
2, 4

29. - Choose what part of speechis underlined in the following sentence

‘’Mariana purs milk in to the glass

30.- Estando en la calle un turista ingles te pide ayuda para encontrar una dirección ¿Qué haces?
Das instrucciones para llegar al lugar conforme a las nociones gramaticales y en el vocabulario

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