Folk Arts of Ilocos and Coldellera Region

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Within a 60-minutes class, 90 percent of Grade 7 will be able to:

a) Identify the different folk arts of Ilocos Region and Cordillera Autonomous Region;
b) Draw a tattoo art and create a mat using cut outs magazines and papers; and
c) Value the Folk Arts of the following Regions


A. Topic: The Folk Arts of Ilocos Region and Coldellera Autonomous Region, Cagayan Valley
and Central Luzon
B. Value Focus: Value the Philippine Arts and Cultures
C. Materials: Manila Papers, Cut out magazines and papers, Laptop, Markers
D. Reference: Music and Arts Learner’s Materials



A. Pre activity
1. Prayer
 Please lead the prayer  The chosen student will
lead the prayer
 Thank you so much
2. Greetings
 Good afternoon  Good afternoon Sir and
everyone good afternoon
3. Motivation
 Describe the picture
(Teacher will present a
picture of a Drawing and
 Where do you think is  Students will raise their
the drawing class? hands
 Yes?  Student will answer
 Next is this….
(Teacher will present a
picture of a folk people)
Who can describe?  It shows folk people in
 Then I have here a map the mountain
(teacher will show a
picture of Luzon map)
What is the name of this  It shows the map of
place showed in the Luzon
 So base on the following
pictures and description,  Our lesson for today is
what do you think our folk art of Luzon
lesson for today?
 Very Good!
4. Presentation
 Our lesson for today is
The folk Arts of Ilocos
Region and Cordillera
Autonomous Region
(Teacher will paste the
Topic in the black board)  Students will raise their
 Our lesson for today is
The Folk Arts of Ilocos
Region and Cordillera
B. Activity Proper Region
(Establish classroom rules)
 This will be the
classrooms criteria for
our activity this
1. Observe silence – 3
2. Don’t room around –
3 points
3. Cooperate with the
group mates – 4
In total of 10 points
for you activity score
 And if there is a question,
just raise your hands
 Is that all clear class?
(Teacher will post the  Yes Sir!
classroom rules criteria in
the blackboard
 So let us divide the class
in to three groups
 I need you to count off
from 1 to 3, so let’s start  1, 2, 3,1,2,3 so on…..
from this line….
 Very good!
 So each group need to
choose a leader, a
secretary and a reporter
 So the group 1 will be in
the area, group 2 will be
here and the group 3 will (Students are going to
be on this area their respective area)
 Please be silent, you may
go now to your
respective group
(Kit will be distribute to the group)
 The instruction are
written in the activity
 After that, you need to
record the data and
answer the following
 Question number 1 will
be answered by group 1
and question number 2
will be answered by
group 2 and question
number 3 will be
answered by the group 3
 Each group will be given 5
minutes to answer the
questions, and after that
you need to paste your
work in the blackboard
 Is that all clear class?
 So your time starts now!
C. Post activity  Yes Sir!

1. What are the different

places can be found in
the Region of Ilocos,
Cordillera Administrative
Region, Cagayan Valley
and Central Luzon?
(Classify the places
according to the Regions)
2. What are the three types
of art element and
principle used by Regions
in weaving and
designing? Explain each
3. What is the rule of folk
arts in the community?
The folk arts of Ilocos Region and Coldellera
Autonomous Region, Cagayan Valley and
Central Luzon

 Let us go now to Ilocos  Students will raise their

Region hands
 Please kindly read  Illocanos are among the
largest ethno-linguistic
 Yes? group in the Philippines.
Illocanos are highly
influence by Christianity.
It is evident with several
old Spanish churches
found across the region
and the old houses built
during the colonial times.

 And this are the other

information about Ilocos
Region –the form of art, folk
arts and element of art used
 The principal dialect of the
province is Ilocano
representing about 95% of
total population
 Their artifacts called or  Students are raising their
Inabel hands
 So please read the definition  Inabel is an especial
of Inabel fabric made from cotton
 Yes? which undergo
painstaking or binatbatan
or beating of the cotton
balls using bamboo stick
in the first stage.
 Traditionally the fabrics
are dyed from the sap of
black plum called sagut
that are abundant in
Mangaldan in

 Very good!
 So the weaving tradition is
called panagabel – it is the
oldest Ilocanos tradition that
they have inherited from
their ancestors
 At the same time, there is
main ingredients this loom
weaving: which will be,  The main ingredients in
 Kindly read…. loom weaving is tilar,
sinulid and pasensya
( Patience)
 Very good  Student will raise the
 So why do you think one of hand and answer:
the main ingredients of loom Base in the picture its it
weaving is pasensya or need more time to make
patience? and difficult to do so we
need to have patience to
make the Inabel possible

 Base in the given sample of

pictures the principle of art
they are using is geometric
 So now let us go to the one of
the province in Ilocos Region
which is Pangasenan
 Pangasenan language is
 The form of art they are using
are mat weaving and basket
making made up of bamboo
 For example is the Bolinao
mat  Bolinao is mat made
 Please read the definition of from buri
 So this is the sample of
(teacher will present a
2nd is basket made up of
This is an example of a basket
made of bamboo
(teacher will present a
Base in the given sample of
pictures the principle of art
they are using is geometric
 Now let us go to Cordillera
Administrative Region
 The first province is the  Students will raise their
Benguet hands
 Please read  It is the home of
 Yes? Coldilleran – politically
term for Igorts

 So class, igorots are hillside

dwellers. That is why most of
them are farmers and their
artistic expressions are
related to farming
 For example is the Tinalik
baskets  Tinalik is a basket made
 Please read what is Tinalik of ratan
 This is a sample of Tinalik
(teacher will show pictures)
 Igorots are also famous
because of their terraces
carved out of the mountain –
example is the rice terraces
 Now let us go now to Kalinga Purpose
 People of Kalinga are great
weavers. Their cloth weaving
and basketry are the finest
products in the region.
 Form of art is weaving and
basket making
 Kalinga textile please read  (Student B) kalinga textile
Student B uses indigenous raw
 The principle of art use is materials like banana,
geometric patterns as well as cogon, abaca and
anthropomorphic design – maguey and braid them
plants, animals, persons and with cotton textile.
nature design
 So this is the example of
Kalinga cloth
 (teacher will present a
sample of pictures)
 Let us go now to Ifugao
 So what are the form of art of
ifugao please read student A.  The form of art of Ifugao
are weaving, basket
 So for weaving they are making and amulets
famous for a loincloth called
 Please read what is Ikat
Student C  Indonesian term which
mean to bind together,
characterized by
diamond stripes and
 So that’s mean that the white read stripes
ifugao uses geometric design
in their art work
 Next for of art is the Amulets
or Lingling-o or dinumug
 Amulets that are made of
beads, gold, bronze and other
materials. Ling ling-o or
dinumug used for fertility
symbols and word around the
(teacher will show the sample
 Now let us go to Mountain
 Known for hunging coffins
and mummified bodies
 (teacher will show a pictures)
 The form of art is tattoos
 Please read about tattoos
 Tattoo art is another
form of art in Mountain
province. For them,
tattoo is part of clothing
 So this are the sample of and is considered
tattoos in mountain province decoration.
( teacher will show pictures)
 At the same time there also
known for weaving
 Their cloth fabric are used for
blanket and clothing called
 Now let us go to Abra
 Original settlers of abra are
the ancestors of bontocs and
 The form of art is weaving
with embroideries in the
 So now let us go to the next
Region which is Cagayan
 Cagayan valley is famous
because of the longest river
in the country – the Cagayan
 So now let us discussed the
folk arts of the provinces in
Cagayan Valley
 First is in batanes
 Pleased read Student E
 (Student E) Ivatans are
the people living in the
Batanes, they are often
visited by typhoons that
is why most of their
houses are made up of
 So class this will be the
sample of houses in Batanes
(teacher will show pictures)
Ivatan women wear a head
gear called vakul.
 Vakul is a clothing to protect
them from the heat of the
sun and during rainy season.
It is made up of abaca fiber.
 Now let us travel to Nueva
 Gaddangs of nueva Viscaya
are known for their crafts and
 Next line please read Student
 Gaddang weavers are
known for their bakwat –
it is a belt used by
mothers after giving
birth, usually made of
white witg veads as
accesnts and patterns of
rivers and mountains
with beadworks on the
 Very good! central portion of the
 So this will be the sample of
(teacher will show pictures)

 Let us now proceed in the

Region of Central Luzon
 This the map of Central Luzon
(Teacher will present a
 The next province is in
 The arts and crafts include
the sinkaban, pastillas
wrapper, and fire crackers
 Sinakaban please read
student B.
 It is a local term for
bamboo arches
 So this is the example of elaborately designed
sinakban with kayas or flowers.
 Now next is the pastillas
 Old bulacan women usually
cut intricately pastillas
wrappers with different inear,
curvilinear and geometric
designs that blend with
different colors.
 Next let us go now to
 Pampangga is known for its
giant and colorful lanterns or
parol. Big lanterns with
several colors, shapes and
lights are used to adorn
houses, buildings and streets
specially when Christmas
 This are the sample of parol
or lanterns in pampangga
(teacher will show pictures)
 Now the last province that
we will be travelling for this
afternoon is the ZAMBALES
 Please read Student Z.

 Known for indigenous

fruit like mangoes,
camachile and cashew.
Often people of zambales
are found in the public
market selling baskets,
 Very good! bilao and other woven
products made from
 So this will be the example of bamboo and rattan.
(teacher will present pictures)

 Class, I will be presenting the

process on how to weave a
 At the same time I have here
a video on how to create a
mat using cut papers

2. Abstraction
 What are the different
regions that we have
discussed this afternoon  Student raise the hand
about folk arts?
 Yes student B
 The following regions are
Ilocos Region, Cordillera
Administrative region
 Very good! Cagayan valley and
 What about the common Central Luzon
form of arts uses by the
 Yes student D

 Very good class!  These are weaving,
basket making, tattoos
4. Application and foods
 Get your art materials
 Don’t room around
 You need to create your own
mat by using the process
shown in the video
 Use your creativity (Students are preparing their
 You will be given 25 minutes art materials in a silent manner)
to work
 And your time starts now
 Please look at the board the
following criteria for your art
work for this afternoon.
 Do you have any question?
 Very good!  No sir!

In a ¼ piece of paper answers
Match the column A to Column B

1. Ilocos Region A. Ikat

2. Pangasinan B. Pastillas Wrappers
3. Mountain Province C. Vakul
4. Ifugao D. Inabel
6. Bulacan F. Bolinao
7. Zambales G. Weaving
8. Pampangga H. Bakwat
9. Batanes I. Tattoo Art
10. Interlacing J. Bilao

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