Accuracy Time Cost and Terrain Independence Compar

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ISSN 2029-6991 / eISSN 2029-7009

2014 Volume 40(3): 133–141

UDK 528.422.1

Accuracy, Time Cost and Terrain Independence Comparisons

of Levelling Techniques

Department of Civil Engineering, Al-Matria Faculty of Engineering,
Helwan University Matria, 11718 Cairo, Egypt.
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture,
Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Received 18 June 2014; accepted 9 September 2014
Abstract. Levelling techniques is classified as geometric levelling, trigonometric levelling and GPS/Levelling
depending on used instruments or the methods applied. Accuracies of geometric levelling with using three
equipments (Leica NA-720 optical level, Topcon RL-VH4G2 laser level and Leica NA-3003 digital level),
the trigonometric levelling with using two equipments (Topcon GTS710 total station and Topcon Imaging
Station) and GPS/levelling with using Sokkia GSR2600 receiver were investigated to determine their perfor-
mances against precise levelling that yields the most precise results. For this purpose, measurements were
taken at hundred points on the ground of a well-protected site. The comparison of the results was performed
based on accuracy, time cost and terrain independence. The comparison shows that levelling using digital
level produces the closets results to precise levelling results, the time cost of GPS/levelling was 74% and 41%
less than geometric and trigonometric levelling respectively, and trigonometric and GPS/levelling are inde-
pendent of the terrain surveyed.
Keywords: levelling, digital level, laser level, GPS, accuracy.

Introduction There are a lot of surveying techniques for deter-

mining elevations or height differences. These tech-
Levelling is an operation that is used for determining
the elevations of points or the differences in height niques are classified as geometric levelling, trigono-
between points on the earth’s surface. This operation metric levelling, and GPS/Levelling according to used
is extremely vital for deriving necessary data required surveying instruments and applied measurement met-
for various engineering designs, mapping, and cons- hod (Ceylan et al. 2005).
truction. Data from a finished level survey are used to Geometric levelling is the determination of the
(1) design roads, highways, and airfields; (2) develop height differences by using level and hold vertical rods.
topographic maps, showing the general relief of the It may firstly appear a method as a very simple and yiel-
ground; (3) calculate volume of earthwork for various ding the best result method. However, the practical ap-
engineering projects that involve earth cut and fill ope- plications have shown that carrying out of this method
rations; (4) lay out construction projects; and (5) mo- is very difficult on the rough ground and sensitive to re-
nitor already constructed structures such as buildings, gular or irregular model errors. The preventative mea-
dams, bridges and airfields. sures must be taken to eliminate or reduce model errors
In levelling, a level reference surface, or datum, is stemmed from instrumental and outer surroundings.
established, and an elevation is assigned to it. This da- If it is not, these situations decrease the survey velocity,
tum may be assigned an assumed elevation, but true thus the cost of surveying rises (Ceylan et al. 2005).
elevation is required for the establishment of a ben- Broadly speaking, there are four classes of level
ch mark (BM). A series of properly established BMs is (Ghilani, Wolf 2012):
therefore the framework of any vertical control (Ghi- –– Optical level: this is used by builders and en-
lani, Wolf 2012). gineers. It uses graduated staffs in which the

Copyright © 2014 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press 133
134 K. L. A. El-Ashmawy. Accuracy, time cost and terrain independence comparisons of levelling techniques

smallest ­graduation is 1cm. Millimetres must be Trigonometric levelling often is necessary where
estimated, and the accuracy of a single reading accurate elevations are not available or when the eleva-
will be about 2–3 mm. tions of inaccessible points must be determined. In tri-
–– Precise level: this is a modification of the opti- gonometric levelling, height differences are computed
cal level in which a parallel plate micrometer is by using vertical angle and distance. With development
placed in front of the objective lens. This allows of the electronic total stations that are able to observe
the image of the staff graduation to be moved vertical angle and distance by high accuracy the trigo-
up or down by very small measurable amounts. nometric levelling has just updated again together.
For sight lengths of fewer than 50m, single re- There are two types of total station (Topcon 2013):
ading accuracies of 0.02 mm to 0.03 mm may –– Single point total station: the total stations take
be achieved. single-point measurements without targets
–– Laser level: it works by generating a laser beam (without reflector or reflectorless) or with targe-
inside a protective housing, up to a spinning flo- ts (mirror, prism or adhesive labels). The points
ating mirror which sends out the laser light over can be surveyed point by point and the posi-
a reasonable distance (100–300 m or so) as a tru- tions are automatically saved for later downloa-
ly horizontal beam. The laser level uses a special ding and processing.
detector which is attached to a standard gradua- –– Laser scanner: the Laser scanner belongs to the
ted staff. The detector is moved up and down the new devices on the market of surveying instru-
staff until the audible signal indicates it is at the ments. However, a laser scanning machine can
precise height of the laser beam. Most detectors be considered as a high automation reflectorless
emit a series of beeps that get faster and faster as total station; by means of a laser based measure-
the detector is approaches the height of the laser ment of distance and accurate angular movement,
beam. The sound changes to a continuous beep a target object is sampled in a regular mesh of 3D
when at the exact level to detect the laser. points. The time-saving benefit of this technique
–– Digital level: it is similar in appearance to au- is considerable. Points can be measured at a rate
tomatic levels, a compensator establishes a ho- of 20 points per second or more, and there is no
rizontal line and this is done by centralising a waiting for a rod person to arrive at the point.
circular bubble with the foot screws. The main GPS/Levelling is the most recent and advanced
difference between digital level and other levels method which is used in the determination of elevations
is that the staff readings are taken and recorded and height differences (Marin et al. 2008). In GPS, po-
automatically. This type of level uses a speci- sitions can be determined in the sense of point positi-
al bar-coded staff. The image of the staff passes oning and relative positioning. With point positioning
through the objective lens and then via a beam the coordinates of points are determined with respect to
splitter to a photo-detector array, where it is di- a well defined coordinate system usually by three coor-
gitised. The microprocessor compares this image dinate values. On the other hand, with relative positio-
to a copy of the bar code and calculates the staff ning the coordinates of points are determined with res-
reading, which is displayed and/or stored. It can pect to another point, taking one point as the origin of a
also display the horizontal distance to the staff. local coordinate system. As such, relative positioning is
The sensitivity of the device is such that single the most precise GPS positioning because this method
reading accuracies of 0.2mm to 0.3 mm can be removes most of the errors by utilizing the differences
achieved, and sight lengths can be extended up in either the code or carrier phase ranges. Relative po-
to 100m. The advantages of digital levels are that sitioning techniques currently being used in surveying
observations are taken without the need to read include static, rapid static, pseudo-kinematic, kinematic,
a staff or record anything by hand. Introducing and real-time kinematic methods. However, for more
this automation removes two of the most com- detailed information see (Berber et al. 2012).
mon errors when levelling, reading the staff in- Having outlined the main surveying techniqu-
correctly and writing down the wrong value in es for levelling, a keen surveyor or civil engineer will
the field book. The on-board computer also cal- want to know the suitable technique and its instru-
culates the heights required so that the possibility ments when the accuracy of derived elevations is con-
of making a mistake is removed. This makes the cerned. Also the surveyor wants to know the relative
digital level much faster to use. merits and demerits of each technique and its range of
Geodesy and Cartography, 2014, 40(3): 133–141 135

possible applications. For these reasons, levelling tech- levelling techniques especially with using modern ins-
niques have been studied extensively over the years truments. Hence, this study utilizes the geometric le-
and examples are outlined below. velling with using different three equipments (Leica NA
Ceylan et al. (2005) analysed the geometric level- 720 automatic level, Topcon RL-VH4G2 automatic la-
ling with using different three equipments (Wild N3 ser and Leica NA 3003 digital level), the trigonometric
precise level, invar rods, Sokkia B2 automatic level levelling with using different two equipments (Topcon
and wooden rods, Sokkia SDL 30M digital level and GTS710 total station and Topcon Imaging Station IS-
bar coded aluminium rods), trigonometric levelling 201) and GPS/levelling with using Sokkia GSR2600 re-
with using different two equipments (Wild T2 theo- ceiver. The results of each method are compared with
dolite for vertical angle measurements and Topcon the results of precise levelling using Leica NA2 automa-
GTS 701 electronic total station for distance measu- tic level with a Leica (10 mm) GPM3 parallel plate mi-
rements, only Topcon GTS 701 electronic total station crometer attachment and a GPLE3 geodetic invar staff
for vertical angle and distance measurements) and with 10 mm graduations. In addition, comparison of the
GPS/levelling with using Leica 9500 receiver. time cost and terrain independence between the level-
Investigation of the height accuracy of using ling methods is included in the current study.
different levels was carried out by Fahd et al. (2007)
and El Hassan (2011). Fahd et al. (2007) used three 1. Case study
levelling instruments of different designs, an NA2 op-
The case study for the present work was chosen in the
tical level from Leica, an LP3A laser level from Sokkia
campus area of Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi
and an SDL30 digital level from Sokkia, while El Has-
Arabia. The area is approximately 900 m by 800 m. The
san (2011) used three different levels: NA730-Leica
longer dimension runs roughly in the east direction. The
optical automatic level, SDL30-Sokkia digital level and
height differences in the area is about 14.00 m and mean
DNA03-Leica digital level.
terrain altitude is 285.00 m above the mean sea level.
A comparison between a survey carried out using
The area contains two control points. The control
a Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and
point numbers, ground coordinates and standard er-
a total station for elevation heights determination was
rors are available.
conducted by Marin et al. (2008). Furthermore, Ke-li-
ang et al. (2010) considered the trigonometric level-
2. Instruments used in the study
ling using Leica TCA2003 high-precision total station
for getting the heights of necessary points and the tri- Four different types of level were used in geometric le-
gonometric levelling accuracy. velling. Table 1 shows some of the characteristics of
Form above, it is clear that there is not a single publi- the used levels. First equipment has Leica NA2 auto-
cation comparing the accuracies of the above mentioned matic level with a Leica (10 mm) GPM3 parallel plate

Table 1. Some characteristics of the used levels

Leica NA2 Leica NA 720 Topcon RL-VH4G2 Leica NA 3003
(optical – precise) (optical) (laser) (digital)

Measuring range up to 150 m up to 150 m up to 300 m 1.3–100 m

Telescope magnification 32x 20x 24x

Display optical optical LCD LCD

10 mm GPM3 parallel
Micrometer attachment
GPLE3 geodetic invar Telescopic aluminium Telescopic aluminium
Leica bar coded staff
Staff staff with 10 mm level staff 5 meter in level staff 5 meter in
4 meter in length
graduations length length
Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic
Means of levelling
compensator compensator compensator compensator
Accuracy (standard
±0.3 mm/km ±2.5 mm/km ±2.0 mm/20 m ±0.4 mm/km
136 K. L. A. El-Ashmawy. Accuracy, time cost and terrain independence comparisons of levelling techniques

micrometer attachment and a GPLE3 geodetic invar staff Table 4. Specifications for Sokkia GSR2600 GPS receiver
with 10 mm graduations (Leica 2013). Second equi- D153×W160×
Dimension TYPE GPS RTK
pment has Topcon RL-VH4G2 automatic laser level used H70 mm
with a laser detector unit (LS-80G) and aluminium staff Weight 1.3 kg Model GSR2600
(Topcon 2013). Third equipment has one Leica NA 3003
1.0cm +1ppm Radial IS
digital level and two bar coded aluminium rod that is
(horizontal) (1σ) Antenna (Base)
four meter in length. Fourth equipment has one Leica Accuracy
2.0cm + 1ppm type SK-600
NA 720 automatic level with five meter in length alumi- (vertical) (1σ) (Rover)
nium staff. All rules that must be taken into considera- Initia­
< 1 minute Antenna Slant (Base)
tion were carried out carefully in the geometric levelling (confidence measurement Vertical
99.99%) method (Rover)
surveys (Moffitt, Bouchard 1992).
Two different equipments were used in the trigo-
nometric levelling. The first equipment is single point 3. Area surveys
total station and has one Topcon GTS710 total station, A series of one hundred independent points were se-
five prisms, and target table. Table 2 shows the specifi- lected at random positions over the area of the case
cations of the used total station in this research. study. The maximum and minimum distances between
points were 48.43 m and 17.36 m respectively. The ele-
Table 2. Topcon GTS710 total station specifications vations of these points were measured using the diffe-
Infrared distance rent levelling methods as outlined briefly below.
Angular measurements
measurement (IR)
Measuring 3.1. Levelling using precise level
Minimum Standard Standard
range with
reading deviation deviation The elevations of the points were measured applying pre-
circular prism
±(2 mm + cise levelling technique using a recently-adjusted Leica
1″ 1″ 2400 m
2 ppm) NA2 level in conjunction with a 10 mm Leica GPM3
parallel plate and GPLE3 invar levelling rod. In establis-
The second equipment is laser scanner total sta- hing the elevations of the points, some precaution mea-
tion and consists of Imaging Station (IS-201) by sures were taken during observations (Fahd et al. 2007).
Topcon Inc (Hamzah, Said 2011; Topcon 2013). Some For example, the observer placed the level midway (to
specifications of Imaging Station used in this research within ±0.1 m) between backsights and foresights in an
are shown in Table 3. attempt to reduce the effects of residual collimation er-
rors and the small errors contributed by curvature and
Table 3. Specifications of the Topcon image station IS-201 refraction. The line of sight was always kept at least 1
Standard m from the ground in order to avoid grazing rays. Also
deviation from experience of the author, all observations were con-
angle 1″/0.5″ ±1″
of angle ducted in early mornings or late afternoons in order to
make use of the less turbulent atmosphere at these times.
Automatic The process of precise levelling began at the control
15°/sec collimating ±5° point of known elevation. The level was set up midway
speed between the control point and a point whose elevation
Measuring Time of Scanner field was to be measured. The level rod was set vertically on
principle flight of view the control point, parallel plate of the micrometer at-
Scanning Scanning
Max 20 points/sec tachment was adjusted and the staff reading was read
150 m Typical and recorded as backsight. The rod was then moved to
range speed
10 points/sec
the second point, set vertically, adjust the parallel plate
Scanning Scanning
standard ±5 mm 3D point ±12 mm and the staff reading was read and recorded as foresight.
deviation accuracy The level was then moved ahead, and the process
was repeated, using the last point as a turning point so
Five Sokkia GPS receiver and set were used in it can be used as new benchmark. This process was re-
GPS/levelling surveys. Table 4 summarizes some spe- peated, in leapfrogging fashion, until the staff readings
cifications for the used GPS unit (Sokkia 2013). on all elevation points were read and recorded.
Geodesy and Cartography, 2014, 40(3): 133–141 137

The rise-and-fall method of reduction was used and the laser sensor was moved vertically along the
and the usual arithmetic checks were made (Ghilani, staff until it emitted a constant tone, the sensor was
Wolf 2012). The computed misclosure of this part of locked in place and the staff reading was read and re-
the test satisfied the requirements of first order class corded as backsight.
I levelling standards published by the Federal Geo- The staff readings on other elevations points were
detic Control Committee (FGCC) of the U.S.A. i.e. made by putting the rod on each point, loosening the
better than ±4√K mm where K is level circuit length sensor and moving it up or down until it had a con-
in km (Moffitt, Bouchard 1992). The misclosure was tinuous tone, reading the staff and recording it as in-
then distributed by a straight-line interpolation pro- termediate sight.
cess (Caltrans 2006) to give the “true” or “most proba- In case of moving the level, the set up was repeat-
ble” elevations of the points. The elevations of precise ed relative to a new benchmark. Before moving the
levelling were assumed as true values in computation level, a foresight to a stable turning point should be
of the accuracies of measurements that were made by done so it can be used as new benchmark.
each tested method of levelling. The rise-and-fall method of reduction was used
to calculate the elevation of each point and the usual
3.2. Levelling using optical level arithmetic checks were made.
For determining the elevations of the points using op-
tical level, the location to set up the tripod was chosen 3.4. Levelling using digital level
where the ground is solid and many planned survey Using the digital level for the determination of the
points can be observed. The tripod was set up and the elevations of points was started by selecting a suitable
automatic level was attached on the tripod and level- place for setting up the tripod. The tripod was set up
led. Once the level was set up, the staff was set up on with the top close to horizontal, and the digital level
the control point, the staff reading was read and recor- was mounted with the tripod screw.
ded as backsight. Because the used graduated staffs in The unit was powered on, self levelled, Menu
which the smallest graduation is 1cm the millimetres button was pressed and Line Levelling- BIF method
must be estimated to increase the accuracy of obser- (Backsight, Intermediate, Foresight) was selected. This
vations. option is used when there are lot of points to be ob-
The staff readings on other elevations points were served from the same level set up. Another method is
made by putting the rod on each point, reading the the BF, apparently for simple line levelling where the
staff and estimating the millimetres, and recording it instrument is moved between each staff location.
as intermediate sight. Once the level was set up and the observing met-
In case of moving the level, the set up was repe- hod was selected, the first staff reading was the backsi-
ated relative to a new benchmark. Before moving the ght to a control point. When completing the reading,
level, a foresight to a stable turning point should be the Menu button was pressed to accept the reading.
done so it can be used as new benchmark. The staff was set up on other elevations points
The rise-and-fall method of reduction was used and a sequence of intermediate points was collected.
to calculate the elevation of each point and the usual After finishing with intermediate sightings and sur-
arithmetic checks were made. veying a foresight to a turning point (to later backsi-
ght to) was required, the menu was used to turn In-
3.3. Levelling using laser level
termediate Sight Off and then shoot the foresight. The
For determining the elevations of the points using laser elevation of the turning point was kept on the instru-
level, the location to set up the tripod was chosen where ment memory to be used as a control point for the
the laser will reach as many planned survey points as next setting up of the level.
possible. The tripod was set up and the laser level was at- After finishing the field work, levelling software
tached on the tripod, turned on, self-levelled and started LEICA LevelPak was used for managing and downloa-
spinning. The laser sensor was attached to the rail brack- ding the level data and points numbers and elevations.
et and slided it down the rail on the stadia rod. The sen-
sor lock was secured at one position on the rail. 3.5. Levelling using total station
Once the level was set up, the staff was set up The collection of information on case study area was
on the control point, the sensor lock was loosened, performed in two steps. The first step was started by
138 K. L. A. El-Ashmawy. Accuracy, time cost and terrain independence comparisons of levelling techniques

accurate positioning of the instrument on the ground user to collect from the scanner wide angle camera
control points, accurate levelling the instrument using images within the user-defined scan area, the ima-
electronic level and measurement of the instrument ges were stitched together and the scanned data was
height to relate the location of the instrument to the shown over the images on the IS touch screen for
known ground coordinates. The backsight (BS) target checking before going back to the office.
was positioned over the second ground control point All data obtained from the field (point clouds,
and its height was measured to relate the target lo- elevation points and control points) was downloaded
cation to the ground coordinates. The backsight tar- into computer using the capabilities of Image Mas-
get was observed by the total station to orientate the ter software (Hamzah, Said 2011; Topcon 2013). The
survey. Scanning Application menu in Topcon Imaging Sta-
The second step consisted of observing the desi- tion was used for capture the elevations of the eleva-
red points, called sideshots, by moving the prism with tion points of the scanned area for post processing ap-
its pole on the elevation points. From these sideshots, plication.
three-dimensional coordinates can be computed. The
two steps were repeated until surveying and recording 3.7. Levelling using rapid static GPS
all elevation points for later processing. Out of the GPS relative positioning techniques cur-
All data obtained from the field was downloaded rently being used in surveying, rapid static technique
into computer using the capabilities of the available (Berber et al. 2012) was used in this research.
software with the total station. The coordinates of the In this procedure, five Sokkia receivers were em-
elevation points were exported to an ASCII file to be ployed. The process began with one receiver (called the
processed and analysed. base receiver) being located on an existing control sta-
tion, while the remaining receivers (called roving re-
3.6. Levelling using image station (IS) ceivers) occupied elevation points with unknown co-
ordinates. For the first observing session, simultaneous
Before the data acquisition using scanning total station
observations were made from all points to four or more
took place, site-visit was made to prepare the required
satellites for a time period of 20 minutes since the base-
information for observation and to test the suitability
line length was less than 1 km (Berber et al. 2012).
of the location of the control points. The procedure for
Except for one, all the receivers were moved upon
scanning the ground surface must be done on suitable
completion of the first session. This remaining recei-
control points to ensure an accurate scan of the study
ver was kept running to serve as the base station for
area will be picked up.
the next observation session. It can be selected from
The IS was positioned over the control point and
any of the receivers used in the first observation ses-
levelled. The second control point was the backsight
sion. Upon completion of the second session, the pro-
to be used to orientate the survey. This step is neces-
cess was repeated until all elevation points were occu-
sary to be sure that the collected data is in the same
pied to complete the survey.
coordinate system of the control points.
The next step consisted of exporting the collected
Once the position of the IS has been satisfied,
data of the elevation points to an ASCII file for post
the first step was to take a digital image of the viewed
processing application.
area. The next step was to adjust the exposure of the
digital photo so that the viewed elevation points can
4. Results and discussion
be easily identified.
Once the exposure was adjusted accordingly The levelling methods have their advantages and di-
the IS became ready to perform a laser scan. This sadvantages with regard to accuracy, cost efficien-
step involved the selection of the required grid size cy, and terrain independence. More precisely, these
with interval of 5×5 m to generate spatial data co- advantages and disadvantages are project specific.
Six separate scans from different locations were 4.1. Accuracy and precision
required to ensure full coverage of the case study. Each The elevations of precise levelling were assumed as
scan took approximately 5 minutes and after the scan true values in computation of the accuracies of measu-
was taken a check shot was taken to the back sight to rements that were made by each method of levelling.
make sure the IS has not moved or been dislodged The root mean square errors (RMSE) of elevations
while scanning. Finally, since IS scanner enables the were computed as follows:
Geodesy and Cartography, 2014, 40(3): 133–141 139

RMSE ∑ (Elevation from precise levelling − Elevation from the used instrument )i2 / n ,
i =1

where n is the number of points. distance or area levelled. This dilemma was overcome
The statistics of elevation differences are given in in this study by comparing the time used completing
Table 5. The third and forth columns include the ave- each elevation survey, since the elevation surveys cove-
rage differences for all points and their maximum va- red the same exact area.
lues respectively. The fifth column gives the RMSE for The total time comparisons between geometric
each method of elevation determination. levelling, trigonometric levelling and GPS levelling are
The obtained accuracy is the performance indica- presented in Table 7. This table reports that the GPS
tor key for the overall surveying operations. The accu-
racy is highly dependent on the surveying application,
Table 5. Comparison of the accuracy of levelling methods
technique and the expected resulted production. As it
is clear from Table 5 that geometric levelling gives the Levelling
Average Maximum
Instrument error absolute
most accurate height results better than trigonometric type (mm)
(mm) error (mm)
or GPS levelling.
Leica NA
The Leica NA 3003 digital level gave the best 720 (optical)
03.9 07.3 ±03.7
RMSE value (i.e. RMSE = ±1.2 mm), followed by
the Leica NA 720 optical level (RMSE = ±3.7 mm) Geometric RL-VH4G2 05.1 11.3 ±05.6
and then, expectedly, the Topcon RL-VH4G2 laser levelling (laser)
level (RMSE = ±5.6 mm). This suggests that digital Leica
levels can therefore be used at all times for carrying NA 3003 01.1 02.5 ±01.2
out precision geodetic surveys, for example, esta-
blishing primary control networks, crystal defor-
GTS710 12.9 27.3 ±14.7
mation studies, monitoring movement of structures Trigono­ total station
etc., and in this respect might completely replace metric
levelling Topcon
traditional optical and laser instruments in the near image 15.9 33.2 ±16.4
future. station
Using the total station gave an average operatio- Sokkia
nal obtained accuracy better than using scanning to- levelling GPS receiver
19.3 40.7 ±19.1
tal station; where RMSEs are ±14.7 and ±16.4 mm. and set
respectively. The worst average operational obtained
accuracy was achieved using GPS levelling; where the
RMSE is ±19.1 mm. Table 6. ASPRS topographic elevation accuracy requirement
for well-defined points
The values of the obtained RMSE in Table 5 were
compared with the permissible limits according to the ASPRS limiting root mean square error
Contour in meters spot or digital terrain model
specifications of ASPRS (American Society for Photo- interval in elevation points
grammetry and Remote Sensing) (ASPRS 1993) as ta- meters
Class I* Class II Class III
bulated in Table 6. Considering only the specifications
0.5 0.08 0.16 0.25
for the highest accuracy (Class I Maps), the obtained 1.0 0.17 0.33 0.5
results of any levelling method are suitable for genera- 2.0 0.33 0.67 1.0
ting contours map to any contour interval. 4.0 0.67 1.33 2.0
5.0 0.83 1.67 2.5

4.2. Cost efficiency * The maps are divided into three classes:
Class I – holds the highest accuracies. Site plans for cons-
This study compares the cost of completing an eleva- truction fit this category.
tion survey by geometric, trigonometric and GPS Le- Class II – has half the overall accuracy of Class I. Typical pro-
velling methods that generally use incomparable cost jects may include excavation, road grading, or disposal opera-
indexes. GPS surveys estimate costs by the number of
Class III – has one third the accuracy or three times the allowa-
points surveyed. Whereas, geometric and trigonome- ble error of Class I maps. Large area cadastral, city planning, or
tric levelling surveys estimate costs by the kilometre land classification maps are typically in this category.
140 K. L. A. El-Ashmawy. Accuracy, time cost and terrain independence comparisons of levelling techniques

Table 7. Time comparison between the different levelling methods

Geometric levelling Trigonometric levelling GPS/levelling

Levelling method Topcon Sokkia

Leica NA 720 Topcon RL- Leica NA 3003 Image
GTS710 total GSR2600
(optical) VH4G2 (laser) (digital) station
station receiver and set
Total time (hour)

53 45 32 24 10 10
Computations 8 7 4 1 8 3
Total 61 52 36 25 18 13
Average 50 22 13

Table 8. Terrain independence for each levelling method

Geometric levelling Trigonometric levelling GPS/levelling

Levelling method Topcon Topcon

Leica NA 720 Leica NA 3003 Image Sokkia GSR2600
(optical) (digital) station receiver and set
(laser) total station
Terrain independence No No No Yes Yes Yes

survey took 26% less time than the comparable geo- time to set-up and take measurement with a digital le-
metric levelling survey, or it took 59% less time than vel is short comparing with the other types of levels;
the comparable trigonometric levelling survey. It can consequently, the daily coverage primarily depends on
be rephrased to state that the total time cost to con- transport efficiency. The possibility of making a mista-
duct an elevation project by GPS was 74% and 41% ke is much reduced by the electronic reading and data
less than by conventional geometric and trigonome- recording. So, taking into account the many capabili-
tric levelling respectively. ties of this type of levels and its readiness for automa-
tion and direct integration with other equipment for
4.3. Terrain independence on-line data processing, it is likely that digital levels,
Trigonometric and GPS levelling have the additional will soon replace conventional levels in most precision
advantage over geometric levelling by being indepen- geodetic or engineering surveys.
dent of the terrain surveyed as shown in Table 8. This A major advantage of the total station and laser
terrain independence means that there is no difference scanner is their capability to cover large area per ob-
in trigonometric and GPS levelling whether the terrain servation. They can also measure along slopes. Much
like with conventional levelling, line-of-sight between
is flat or mountainous. Whereas, levelling costs increa-
the station and the retro-reflector is required. In ur-
se significantly in hilly or mountainous terrain relative
ban areas and many other terrain types, such as wo-
to flat terrain.
odland, and along winding roads this may limit the
coverage. The possibility of making a mistake is much
reduced by the electronic reading and data recording.
Not only horizontal positioning has to be determined In comparison with total station, the levelling using
but also heights of points have to be determined in ge- laser scanner is rapid and automatic and allows more
odetic studies. The situation of the present instrument various possibilities of data representation. Neverthe-
or equipment, cost, production velocity, topographical less, the analysis of point clouds is complex and time
structure of study area must be considered before sta- consuming and require very expert human operators.
ting survey procedures. GPS and trigonometric levelling have the addi-
The methodology and use of the geometric le- tional advantage over geometric levelling by being
velling is rather straightforward and well understo- independent of the terrain surveyed. This terrain in-
od. Coverage is highest in flat terrain but is adverse- dependence means that there is no difference in tri-
ly affected in sloping terrain. The best accuracies for gonometric and GPS levelling whether the terrain is
levelling can be obtained using the digital levels. The flat or mountainous. Whereas, levelling costs increase
Geodesy and Cartography, 2014, 40(3): 133–141 141

significantly in hilly or mountainous terrain relative to Pharaohs to Geoinformatics FIG Working Week 2005 and
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ded for the pre-specified surveying applications: surveying method and accuracy analysis on passenger ded-
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areas in which shadow area is not formed, the Challenges – Building the Capacity, 11–16 April 2010, Syd-
ney, Australia.
GPS/levelling method must be chosen.
Leica. 2013. [online}, [cited 19 December 2013]. Available from
–– For contouring applications, all levelling met- Internet:
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–– It is appropriate to choose the geometric level- Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and a Total
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observations on condition that they are not
far from the reference points. In addition, the
Khalid L. A. EL-ASHMAWY (Dr) is associate professor of
precise levelling method should be chosen, by Surveying & Digital Mapping at the Department of Civil Engi-
using optical level with micrometer attachment neering, Al-Matria Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University,
Egypt. Presently, at Department of Civil Engineering, College of
and invar staff with 10 mm graduations or using
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura Univer-
digital level with bar coded rods, in type of the- sity, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
se deformation surveys. His area of expertise includes Photogrammetry, Land Survey-
ing, Space photography, Digital Mapping, GIS and development
–– In construction projects as highway, railway,
of surveying softwares.
smoothing area, the trigonometric levelling Dr Khalid El-Ashmawy developed many surveying softwares
with total station, the geometric levelling with which were published in national and international journals
and conferences such as SoftPhotoMap, PHOTOMAP, MATHP,
digital level or laser level, and the GPS/levelling, ScanCal, LandSurMap, Calendar, RSA (Road Safety Assess-
may be chosen respectively. ment), and MathDTM softwares.

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