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Full name: Ngô Thị Thanh Tâm

Class: SPAC- K11


TEXTBOOK: English 10 - UNIT 1: Family Life

LESSON 6: Writing (page: 14, 15)


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Language competences
 Cognition: : Recall the concept of family routines
 Skills:
 Use lexical items related to the topic “ Family Life”
 Identify the content of email
 Write an email to friend about family routines
2. General Competences
 Self-control & independent learning: perform individual tasks
 Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups to perform tasks
3. Attributes
 Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks
 Diligence: complete tasks
 Classification: learn how to categorise family activities into proper timetables
 Grammar and Structure/Sentence pattern: use some connectors to link the ideas
1. Teacher
 Grade 10 textbook – Global Success, Unit 1, Writing
 Reference teaching materials: Textbooks, teacher’s book, activity book,...
 Teaching aids: board
 Assessment tools: Observaton
2. Students
 Textbooks, pencils.

Performance tasks Performance products Assessment tools

Writing about your family routines task Ss’ discussion Observation, questions and answers
Writing about your family routines task Ss’ answer Observation
Writing about your family routines task Ss’ answer Observation


Tim Stages/Activities Procedure Intera
5 Lead-in/Warm- * Aim: introducing the concept of family routines and activities that can become part of them
up * Content: Asking and answering questions
ICQ: * Products: Ss’ discussion
-How may group * Steps:
in this class? - T ask Ss some questions
-How many + Did you have dinner with your relatives last night? T <-
activities you can + Does that happen often?
wite your -T explains what family routines is
notebook? Family routines is a phrase used to talk about how families organize themselves to get things T <-
Who will you done, spend time together, and have fun. The activities can become a family routine if they
find? decide to do it together regularly. Routines help family members know who should do what, and
how often. They help strengthen family bonds.
-T organize play the game name is matching.
- T divides Ss into groups T <-
- T imparts the rules to the Ss: T <-
+First, open your books on page 14, choose 1 activities about the family routine you like, and T <-
write activitie on Ss notebook.
+Then the members ask yes/no questions about the activities Ss write in the notebook. If you get
an answer is no, skip it and ask someone else until they answer yes, then write down the name of
the person who has the routine
+Write and search for about 3 minutes. Those who finish the fastest will be the winner.
- T asks the winner how often his/her family does the activity and what they do during the time
his/her family does the activity. T <-

10 Pre- writing * Aim: Poviding an example email family routines, which Ss can use as a model for their
ICQ: writing.
-What will you * Content: Completing the table on task 2
read? * Products: Ss’ answer
-What is Joey’s * Steps:
email about? - T ask Ss look at page 14 and read the requirement. T <-->
-Which - T explains the tasks and asks if Ss understand the requirement. T <-->
information in - T asks Ss to read the table’s headings to find out what information they need to focus on. T <-->
Joey’s email do ( routines, when, things to do strenghthen family bonds) T <-->
you need to pay - T choose Ss read email aloud
attention to? To: dong@webmail.com
Subject: My family routines

Hi Dong,

How are you getting on? In your last email asked me about my family routines. Well, we have
quite a few routines to help us learn life skills and build family bonds, but I'll tell you about three
main ones. you

First, my family always have dinner together. Dinners are important for us since we share our
daily experiences and talk about the latest news. Second, we watch our favourite game show on
TV together every Friday evening. We discuss the questions and guess the answers. It's great fun
every time we get a correct answer. Third, every two weeks, on Saturday we clean the house
together. We make a list of all the chores. Each of us then chooses one or two household tasks
according to personal choice. We all feel happy and proud when we see our home spotlessly
clean at the end of the day.

Do you have similar family routines? I'd be interested to know about your family. Please write
back soon.
-T ask Ss read again and underline the relevant information. T <-
- Ss complete the table in 5minutes and write the anwer on the board Ss <-
Routines When/How often Things to do to
strengthen family
1. Have dinner
2. Every Friday evening
3. Make a list of chores
- Choose tasks

- T check Ss’s anwer

Key: T <-

Routines When/How often Things to do to

strengthen family
1. Have dinner Everyday -Share daily
together experiences
- Talk about the latest
2. Watch favorite Every Friday evening - Discuss the
game show on TV questions
together - Guess the answers
(to the quizzes in the
3. Clean the house Every two weeks, on -Make a list of chores
together Saturday - Choose tasks
20 While writing * Aim: Helping Ss practice writing part of an email about family routines using given ideas
* Content: Completing an email on task 3
* Products: Ss’s paragraph
* Steps:
ICQ: - Task T ask Ss look at page 15 and read the requirement
-How many - T explains Ss that they are going to write a paragraph about family routines. They don’t have T <-->
Dong’s family to write a whole email, and the opening and ending have been provided. T <-->
routines? To: joey@webmail.com
- What is Dong’s Subject: My family routines
family routines Hi Joey,
every Saturday How are you? We're all doing fine here. You asked me about my family routines. Well, we have
evening? a number of routines to help us learn life skills as well as build family bonds. Here are three
- Is having main ones.
breakfast ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
together done to ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
do some ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
housework for ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
grandparents ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

What do you think about my family routines? Please write back soon and let me know.
Best wishes,
-T gives Ss some basic information about the structure of a paragraph:
+ A paragraph is a group of sentences that develop ONE main idea. T <-->
+ A paragraph usually consists of three parts: a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a
concluding sentence.
+ Two important qualities of a good paragraph are unity (i.e. one main idea is developed)
and coherence (i.e. all the sentences and ideas flows smoothly to make clear and logical
points about the topic)
- T asks Ss read the information in the table and check comprehension. T <-->
Routines When/ How often Things to do strengthen
family bonds
1. Have Every day -Eat bread or noodles
breakfast - Share their plans for the
together day
2. Watch TV Every Saturday evening -Watch a film and share
together snacks
- Exchange opinions after
the film
3. Visit On the second Sunday -Do some housework for
grandparents of the month grandparents
- Have lunch with them

-T asks Ss to write the middle paragraph of the email individually, sets a limited time for this T<-->
task and walks round the class to give further support if needed.
- Before Ss write, T reminds them to use some connectors to link the ideas: T <-->
+ To list ideas: First, Second, In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore, Another
idea worth noting is that, Finally
+ To give an example: For example/ For instance, To illustrate.
+ To conclude: In conclusion, In brief, In short.

* Aim: giving students an opportunity to recorgnise the common mistakes so that they can avoid
in writing
* Content: correcting some common mistakes.
* Products: Ss’ writing after correction
* Steps:
9 Post- Writing - T <-->

T shows some common mistakes and gives examples for each type of mistake on the board

Full form Examples

spelling My mum dose laundry
N tense I took the rubbish everyday
Word order My brother is a boy resonsible T <-->
Missing world My mother i a teacher
Capital letter My friend and i watch TV T <-->
- T asks two Ss to sit next to each other and exchange their writing, then correct partner’s
mistakes like the ones in the table above. T <-->
- T writes the mistakes on the board, then checks the Ss if they make the same mistakes.
- T corrects the mistakes as a class.
Suggested answer:
First, my family always have breakfast together. Breakfast is a quick meal with just bread or
noodles because both my parents work and we, kids, have morning classes. But the most
important thing is that we can sit do wn together, eat healthy food, and share our plans for the
day. Second, we spend Saturday evenings as a family. We often watch a film, share snacks, and
then exchange our opinions after the film. I can even argue and defend my ideas about the film
with my parents or brother. Third, on the second Sunday of the month, we visit our grandparents.
We come to my grandparents’ home quite early in the morning to help them do some housework
such as cleaning the house or washing clothes. Then, we have a big lunch with them. My parents
are very happy when we come to see them. The visits make me feel closer to my grandparents

1 Homework * Aim: helping students memorize the content of the lesson

* Content: Doing the exercises in the workbook.
* Products: : Ss’ homework
* Steps: T <-
- T asks Ss to do the exercise in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson.

 T divied in groups
 T explain the rules
Each groups brainstrom ideas about improve the enviroment in your school
Set the time limit, invite randomly a group write the idea on the board
 T go around and check Ss write correct the topic
 T asked Ss read the title
 T asked Ss finish the paragraph with ideas your group already write or you can use the
idea in task 1
 T show some common mistake and give example on the board
Full form Examples
spelling My mum dose laundry
N tense I took the rubbish everyday
Word order My brother is a boy resonsible
Missing My mother i a teacher
Capital My friend and i watch TV

T asked Ss to return their partner’s writing and lets them correct themselves.
Sample answer: Another option would be to plant more trees. For example, we can plant
additional green trees surrounding the school and in the yard. Trees lower CO₂ emissions and
improve air quality. Finally, we can set up more garbage cans. For example, we can place one bin
in each classroom and a few more across the schoolyard. This makes rubbish collection easier.

-Do you work in groups or in pairs?
-What topic you write the ideas?

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