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‫مطبوعات األستاذة‪/‬‬

‫نجالء فتح الرحمن‬

‫أحمد عبد الرحمن‬

‫مركرة في األدب اإلنجليزي‬

‫‪Our Mutual Friend‬‬

‫‪With The Model Answers‬‬

‫‪Charles Dickens‬‬
‫للصف الثالث الثانوي‬

‫للتواصل ‪:‬‬

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

Our Mutual Friend

/ Who is the hero of the story?
/ How many years Harmon away from his home?
/ What was the strange will?
/ Who was the sailor looked very much like John?
/ What was the plan that made by John and Radfoot?
/ Why did Harmon want to disguise( hide)?
/ Who was Mr. Lightwood?

/ On The River

/ Who was on the boat on the river Thames?

/ How old was Hexam's daughter?
/ There was some things Hexam held it and washed it and put
it in his pocket, what is it?
/ Who was on the other boat?

/ The Harmon Murder

/ What is the chamber?

/ What were Mr. Mortimer Lightwood and Mr. Eugene Wrayburn work?
/ "A client of mine died the other day" said Mortimer, who was the a client?
/ How did he become rich?
/ Who said: "Harmon has been found in the river drowned" to Mr. Mortimer?
/ How old was Charley?
/ Who sent him secretly to school?
/ Why has young Harmon left England?

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
/ Who paid the cab man?
/ When they entered Harmon's house what did Lizzie do?
/ What was notice on the wall said?
/ What was the same business Mr. Light Wood came for it?
/ "it is a terrible sight" said the youngman
a-what was the terrible sight?
b-What did the man say his name was?
-At the inquest the dead man was drowned or murder?
-Why Charley dislike Mr. Wrayburn?
-Why did Lizzie send Charley away?

/ The Golden Dustman

-Why was Bella sad and angry?

-Who was hire the room up stairs from Mr. Wilfer?
-Who was the witness between RokeSmith and Mr. Wilfer ?
-Why did old Harmon laugh when he see Bella at first time?
-How much John Harmon's father money?
-Why did Mr and Mrs. Boffin offer a reward of the man who find John
Harmon's murderer? How much the reward?
-Mr Boffin said : "that is a good idea" what was the good idea? Who has
suggest it ?
-What was "Our Mutual Friend meaning" ?
-Why did people call Mr Boffin the golden dust man?

/ Another Death

-Why did Rogue Riderhood visit Mr Lightwood ?

-Who did Rogue say had murdered John Harmon ?
-Where was Riderhood found the boat?
-How had Riderhood been cheated ?
-How did Hexam die?
‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- "You have no proof" Lightwood told Riderhood, But what did Riderhood
say his proof?
-Eugene Wrayburn looked through the window of Hexam's house, who did
he see inside?

/ The New Secretary

-There was one thing the secretary not do it, what is it?
/Who was tell Bella Mr and Mrs Boffin will be ready to take her to their
- "So rude, So careless, but so very beautiful" .
a-Who said these words ?
b-Who was thinking of ?
-What happened to Bella after she went to live with the Boffins ?

/Mr. Bradley Headstone – School Master

-Where did Lizzie go to live after the death of her father ?

-Why did Jenny can't get up ?
-Did Charley study hard?
- Bradley Headstone seemed to be a calm, was this true?
-When Charley and Bradley visited Lizzie there was something made
Bradley surprised what that thing?
-Why was Charley ashamed of his sister?
-Why did she live in this poor place?
-Did Miss Jenny like Charley and his friend?
-When they were walking who did pass them?
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-What was the kind of help that Mr Wrayburn want to offer it to Lizzie and
her friend?
-Did Lizzie accept Eugene's offer?

/ What are you doing

- Why had Charley and Mr. Bradley come to see Eugene

- What had charley asked Eugene when he visited him?
- " I think you have an interest in her too" .
a- who says these words?
b- who is he speaking to?
c- who is her?
- Mortimer Lightwood asked: then what is going to happen?
What are you doing? What was Eugene's answer to these

/ Bella's New Life

- Why did the society accept Boffins?

- Why did Bella not visit her family for long time?
- Bella felt unhappy and ashamed.
what had Rokesmith said to make her feel like that?
- How much banknote Mr. Boffin had given Bella when she
wanted to visit her parents?
- To whom Bella had hand the money?
- What was Bella's father do by the money?
- Why was Bella give the money to her father?

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- "Put love and happiness first" Mr. Wilfer advised Bella. What
was Bella's reply?
- After Bella returned to her home she cried that night. Why?
- Mrs. Boffin asked Rokesmith:
"Are you sure that you have never been made unhappy by love?
a- what did Rokesmith reply to this question?
b- why was Bella disappointed?

/ you are the Ruin of me

- Bradley Headstone's whole life had been changed.

What had caused this change?
- How had Bradley Headstone hoped to help Lizzie? Who is man
Lizzie love too much?
- Why did Charley Hexam plan to meet Lizzie before she reached
- "You are the ruin of me" what did he mean?
- "It is yes or no" said Bradley.
a/ Who was he speaking to?
b/ What does the question mean?
- - Who was his rival?
- "Then I hope that I never kill him". Said Headstones
Who does he hopes he will never kill?
- Why was Charley Hexam angry with his sister?
- Charley held his hand as though to hit Lizzie. Did he hit her?
-Lizzie warned Eugene to take care. What did she mean?

/ What Use Of My Life To Me

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- Where did Rogue Rider hood live?
- "I know that knife!" said Riderhood in surprise. Whose knife was it?
- What did the stranger want Riderhood to swear?
- Who was a. Julius Hanford b. John Rokesmith c. John Harmon ?
- Where had Radfoot taken Harmon when they left the ship?
- What had Radfoot tried to do to Harmon?
- What had happened to Radfoot?
- Who does sell sailors clothes?
- "John Harmon is dead. Should he come back to life?" what answer
did John Harmon decide to give to this question?
- Bella told Mr. Rokesmith :"this must be the end of this subject, now
and forever! What subject she was speaking about?
- The very next day the secretary went back to Riderhood's house.
- John Rokesmith sent Lizzie a paper in the post. Why didn't he send
a letter with this with this paper?

/ The Power Of Money

- Where did Bella met her father?

- Bella had three secrets to tell her father. What were these secrets?
- Bella said that she knew the power of money. How did she know
- Mr. Boffin said to the secretary "I think that two hundred pounds a
year is enough for you. But what do I buy for that price?"
What did Mr. Boffin buy by that price?
- Why Mr. Boffin very angry from Rokesmith?
- Mr. Boffin was not happy with the way the secretary was doing his
a- what did Mr. Boffin complains to Rokesmith about?
b- Why was Mr. Boffin going to put up a bell?
- What was happening to Mr. Boffin that made Bella feel very

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
/ Lizzie's Secret

- Why did Bella feel more sorry for the young secretary?
- Why were Bella and John Rokesmith walking by the river?
- Bella told John Rokesmith:"good fortune is spoiling Mr. Boffin."
What did John Rokesmith say in reply?
- Lizzie told Bella:"I have a different reason for living here alone."
a- what did Bella think was the reason?
b- what did Lizzie say was real reason?
- Bella said:"you are true and I am so hard and heartless"
Why Bella said that?
- Lizzie said to Bella:"although I love him, I hope for his sake that he
will never find me. Who was she talking about? - Why did Bella
shiver a little? What Rokesmith put round her?

/ The School Master and the Rogue

- Why did Charley Hexam and school master follow Eugene

- Eugene wandered(walk or move in an aimless) about London.
a- who was he looking for?
b- who was following him?
- That night Bradley could not sleep why?
- Why had Rogue Riderhood come to lawyer lightwood's house?
- "That man insult (disrespectful) me and laughs at me every day" said
Who was that man?
- "What is that for? What do you want me to do for it? Riderhood
asked Bradley.
a- what was Riderhood speaking about?
b- what was Headstone reply?

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- Riderhood was beginning to understand now. What was Riderhood
beginning to understand about Headstones?
- Headstones asked Riderhood: " Do you know where Lizzie
Hexam lives now?". What was Riderhood reply?

/ The Golden Dustman At His Worst

- How had Mr. Boffin learnt about the secretary's offer of marriage to
- The secretary told Mr. Boffin: "Believe me, Sir, I had no such plan"
What plan did Mr. Boffin say the secretary had made?
- What did Mr. Boffin say Bella would marry?
- Bella left Mr. Boffin's house.
a- where did she go?
b- who followed her there?
- What happened at Greenwich?
- Did Bella's father accept their love?
- Where was Mr. and Mrs. Rokesmith began their new life together?

15\ At The Lock
. Who was in the small, light boat that went through the lock?
. What was Headstone doing?
. After Headstone left, Riderhood had only one
thought in his mind. What was that thought?
. Riderhood found a bright red neckerchief and tied it round his neck.
. Riderhood slowly opened Headstone's coat while he was
sleeping .
a- What was he looking for?
What did he find?
.What was the plan that Riderhood made to find out that Headstones
was wearing clothes exactly like his?
‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
. The Attack

. What one thing did Eugene notice about the man who was
attacking him?
. Why did Lizzie thank God for the skills her father had taught her?
Did the doctors think that Eugene would live?
. The Schoolmaster cut his hand with a knife. Where did some drops
of blood fall?
. What did the Schoolmaster throw into the river
. Why did Riderhood go fishing in the river? Was he successful?
.How many hours School master had slept after he returned
to Riderhood?

' Let Him Go Unpunished '

. Eugene Wrayburn knew who had attacked him. But
he did not want Mortimer Lightwood to tell the police. Why not?
. `Oh, God bless you,' Wrayburn said to jenny. Why?
.Why did Mortimer bring Jenny Wren to Eugene?
."You have married a worthless fellow" Who said that?

' I'll Never Let You Go '

. Headstone was not accused of the attack on
Eugene. Why not?
. Headstone had lost his last friend.
(a) Who was this friend?
(h) Why had he lost him?

3.Why did Riderhood come to visit Headstone at his school?

. Riderhood wanted more than money from
Headstone. Why?
. The two drowned men were brought up out of
the river. What was the dead Schoolmaster still doing to Riderhood?
. Why did Bradly and Riderhood quarrel and fight?

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
. John Harmon Comes Home
. Mortimer Lightwood had been searching for Julius Handford for
months. (a) Why?
(b) Why did Mortimer want to talk to John Rokesmith?
. Why had the police inspector come to John Rokesmith's house?
. Mr. Boffin explained: `The three of us made a plan.'
(a) Who were the `three'?
(b) What was the plan?
. John Harmon told Bella:"But I still did not want to tell you the truth."
Why not?
. What did Society say about Eugene and his wife?
.Mrs Boffin said : "Old John Harmon money has turned bright again
last "Why did she say these words?
-What was a happy day in the new life of Mr and Mrs John Harmon?
-How was Eugene able to go?

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
TheThe Model
Model Answers

- John Harmon is the hero.

- Fourteen years.
- He will inherit his father money if he agreed to marry a girl called Bella
- He was George Radfood.
- The plan was that George Radfoot going to help John disguise himself.
- He want to hide for time and find out what kind of girl Bella Wilfer.
- He was old John Harmon lawyer.

/ On The River

- Jesse Hexam and his daughter.

- years old.
- money.
- He was Rogue Riderhood.

/ The Harmon Murder

- It is a room where lawyers hided near the law courts in London.
- They are lawyers.
- He is old Harmon.
- He became rich by selling dust.
‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- He is Charley Hexam.
- He was years old.
- His sister Lizzie Hexam.
- Because he quarreled with his father.
- Mr. Mortimer and Eugene.
- She was sewing.
- Description of the drowned man (body)found.
- The same business body found.
- (a)The sight of the drowned (killing) man.
(b) Mr. Juilus Handford.
-He was murder.
-The way he spoke to Charly and the way he look at Lizzie.
-To study.

/ The Golden
- Because she was not going to be rich after the murder of John
- Rockesmith young shy pale man about thirty.
- Bella was a witness.
- He laughed at her bad temper.
- A hundred thousand pounds.
- Because they gain by his death pounds and they felt sorry for the
boy who was sent to school and then wickedly murdered.

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- The good idea that ask Bella to live with them, Mrs. Boffin suggest the
- It means a friend for both families.
- Because of his kindness to the people.

/ Another
- Because he wanted to talk about a ten thousand pounds reward.
- Jesse Hexam did.
- He found his boat was caught between two lines of barges and he
thought the boat was empty.
- By his death.
- He strangled his neck caught in his own rope.
- He said Hexam told me he done it. (I done it for his money. Don't
betray me).
- He saw Lizzie was sitting by fire.

/ The New Secretary

- He always refuse to visit Mr. Boffin's lawyer Mr. Mortimer

- Rokesmith.
- a- Rokesmith.
b- Bella Wilfer.
- she become more proud, more spoilt and very interesting in money.

/Mr. Bradley Headstone – School Master

- She went to live with Miss Jenny Wren the Doll's dressmaker.(Her
true friend)
- Because her back and Legs are queer (ill).

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- Yes he did.
- No it wasn't (He was a deep feeling burned inside him).
- He surprised by her beauty and her soft voice.
- Because she lives in a poor place.
- Because she did that to be near from her father grave and to help poor
Jenny her true friend.
- No he didn't .
- Mr. Wrayburn passed them.
- By offering a kind woman to give her lessons and he will pay for
- Yes she did.

/ What are you doing

- To talk to him about his offering to Lizzie Hexam by paying for her
- Ask him to stay away from his sister.
- a- Mr. Wrayburn
b- Mr. Bradley Headstone
c- Lizzie
- He said I have no answer, there is not clear thought in my head.
/ Bella's New Life

- Because they were very rich.

- She was delight (pleased and cheerful) with her new life.
- He asked her if she has a massage for her family because he lives
with them and she didn't visit them for a long time.
- fifty pounds banknote.
- Bella handed the money to her father.
- He bought a new suit, a new hat and boots.
- To show Mr. Rokesmith she wasn't selfish.
- Money comes first.

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- She cried about old Harmon's will then she cried because his son had
not lived to marry her.
- a- He gave no answer.
b- Because she want John Harmon speak about his love.

/ you are the Ruin of me

- He loved Lizzie Hexam very much.

- To be her teacher. The man she loves was Eugene.
- Because he knew that Jenny did not like him and his friend.
- He can't think of nothing but Lizzie he love her very much.
- a- He was speaking to Lizzie.
b- She love him or no she didn't love him.
- Eugene Wrayburn his rival.
- Eugene Wrayburn.
- Because she refused to marry his friend ( school master Bradley).
- No, he didn’t.
- Because she afraid that Mr. Bradley is going to kill him but she
didn't tell him who is going to kill him. And asked him to stay away
from her for his sake.

/ What use is my life to me

- He lived near the river in a dark dirty house.

- It belonged to a sailor called George Radfoot.
- He want him swear that Hexam was not the murderer.
- Mr. Julius Handford was Mr. John Rokesmith and John Rokesmith
was John Harmon and John Harmon was the man he disguised as Julius
and Rokesmith he was John Harmon.All of them are John Harmon.
- He took him to Rogue Riderhood.
- He tried to kill him.
‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- Radfoot had been murdered.( He drowned himself).
- Riderhood sells sailors clothes.
- if the answer is yes. He can inherit his father's money and with it buy
the girl he love. If the answer is no then John Harmon stays dead and the
Boffins keep his father mony.
- She was speaking about John Rokesmise's love for her.
- He made him sign a paper to say that Jesse Hexam had taken no part
in the Harmon murder.
- If he did, he might be accused of his own murder.

/ The Power Of Money

- She met her father when he had finished work.

- Number one: Mr. Rokesmith made her an offer of marriage, She
Number two: Mrs. Boffin has told her how much they both (Mr. and
Mrs. Boffin) wish to see her married.
Number three: Mr. Boffin's money is changing him. He is becoming
hard and cruel.
- Because money is always in her thought and everything come back to
money and what it can do.
- He bought a secretary. He bought all his time.
- Because he has been going out too much.
- a- he has been going out too much.
b- Because when he want Rokesmith, that bell will ring and Mr
Rokesmith went he wanted
- Mr Boffin became very hard.

/ Lizzie's Secret

- Because Mr. Boffin unkind to John Rokesmith.

- Because Mrs. Boffin asked them to visit Lizzie.
‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
- He replied "I am greatest happiness that good fortune not spoiling
- a- Bella thought that Lizzie is living in secret alone because of what
people say about her father.
b- The real reason. "There is a certain man who says he loves her.
He is a man of strong and terrible feelings and she was afraid that in his
anger he would hurt someone also who was loved by her.
- Because she loves Rokesmith very much but she said nothing to him.
- She was talking about Eugene Wrayburn.
- Because she was cold, he put his cloak round her.

/ The School Master and the Rogue

- Because they thought that he knows where Lizzie was.

- a- he was looking for Lizzie Hexam
b- he followed by Charley and the Head master.
- Because he thought that Eugene knows Bella's place and one night he
would visit her.
- He wants a paper from Lightwood to make him chief lock. Keeper.
- He was Eugene.
- a- He were speaking about the money. (five shillings).
b- He said: "he didn't know yet. But he hates him (hates Eugene).
- He was beginning to understand Headstones is jealous of Eugene.
- The Rogue did not know, but agreed to lookout for her if he was
given more money.

/ The Golden Dustman At His Worst

- Bella remembered that she had told her maid about it. (the secretary
offer of marriage).
- The plan that the secretary marry Bella Wilfer because of her money
and he is just servant.
- She will marry a man with money.
- a- She went to her father's office.
‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
b- Followed by Mr. Rokesmith.
/ John Rokesmith was waiting Bella and Reginald Wilfer (They
- Yes he accepted their love and congratulated them.
- They began their new life together in a pretty cottage. Not far from
the river.

. At The Lock
. Eugene Wrayburn
. He was following Eugene Wrayburn
.That thought why was Headstone wearing clothes exactly like his.
. If Headstone would wear one to he knew Headstone was trying to
imitate him.
. (a) Money.
(b ) A red neckerchief.
. He tied red neckerchief .If he sees the schoolmaster wearing one
too , it will be no accident.

. The Attack
. A red neckerchief
. Because she could save the man out of the water, The doctors
think he is dying.
. On the clothes of Riderhood.
. The clothes like Riderhoods ones.
. He was succesfull and was going to fish for the clothes because he
thought he could find Headstone again.
. Twelve hour.

. Let Him Go Unpunished

. Because Lizzie should suffer.

. because she guessed what he wanted to say.(He wantwd to marry

‫للتىاصل واالستفسار أستاذة نجالء‬ ‫طباعت األستاذة نهى يىسف‬
. Because he wanted that Eugene always unconscious repeated the
name'Lizzie…. Lizzie….Lizzie".
.Eugene said that.

. I'll Never Let You Go'

. Brady had not accused of the attack on Eugene for Lizzie sake.
. (a) Charley Hexam.
(b) Because Headstone killed Wrayburn and with this he also drag
down Charley.
. To talk with the boatman who had thrown his clothes into the water.
He want to talk with this man at the lock.(He means by these words
Bradley Headstone)
. Because he nearly killed Wrayburn and did like he was Riderhood.
. He was holding him in a iron grip.( Strongly)
.Because Riderhood asked Bradly large a mount of money as he
tried to disguised as Riderhood or he will tell the police.
. He asked him to come to visit him in his lock or he will tell his pupil
about him.

. John Harmon Comes Home

. (a) Julius Handford was suspected fo a terrible crime

(b)He was talking about the murder about John Harmon.
. To arrest him of having something to do with the Harmon murder.
. (a) Mr Boffin, Mrs Boffin and John Harmon.
(b) Noddy became the cruelest man and hardest master ever.
. They were happy together.
. That Eugene wrayburn is a true gentleman and had feelings of
respect and love and Lizzie Hexam is a true lady.
. Because the family became happy and Bella and John got a child.
. When Mr and Mrs Eugene to stay with them.
.He was able to walk with the help of his wife's arm.

Good Luck

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