Glosario PNL

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Accessing Cues: How we use our physiology and neurology by breathing, posture,

gesture, and eye movements to access certain states and ways of thinking. These are
observable by others.

As-If Frame: To "pretend." To presuppose some situation is the case and then act
upon it as if it is true. This encourages creative problem-solving by mentally
going beyond apparent obstacles to desired solutions.

Analogue: An analogue submodality varies continuously from light to dark; while a

digital submodality operates as either off or on, i.e. we see a picture in either
an associated or dissociated way.

Analogue Marking: Using voice tone, facial expressions, gestures, or a touch to

emphasize certain words non-verbally as you are talking to someone. The marked out
words give an additional message.

Anchoring: The process by which any stimulus or representation (external or

internal) gets connected to and so triggers a response. Anchors occur naturally and
in all representational systems. They can be used intentionally, as in analogue
marking or with numerous change techniques, such as Collapse Anchors. The NLP
concept of anchoring derives from the Pavlovian stimulus-response reaction,
classical conditioning. In Pavlov's study the tuning fork became the stimulus
(anchor) that cued the dog to salivate.

Association: Association contrasts with dissociation. In dissociation, you see

yourself "over there." Generally, dissociation removes emotion from the experience.
When we are associated we experience all the information directly and therefore

Auditory: The sense of hearing, one of the basic representational systems.

Behavior: Any activity that we engage in, from gross motor activity to thinking.

Beliefs: The generalizations we have made about causality, meaning, self, others,
behaviors, identity, etc. Our beliefs are what we take as being "true" at any
moment. Beliefs guide us guide us in perceiving and interpreting reality. Beliefs
relate closely to values. NLP has several belief change patterns.

Calibration: Becoming tuned-in to another's state and internal sensory processing

operations by reading previously observed noticed nonverbal signals.

Chunking: Changing perception by going up or down levels and/or logical levels.

Chunking up refers to going up a level (inducing up, induction). It leads to higher
abstractions. Chunking down refers to going a level (deducing, deduction). It leads
to more specific examples or cases.

Complex Equivalence: A linguistic distortion pattern where you make meaning of

someone else's behavior from the observable clues, without having direct
corroborating evidence from the other person.

Congruence: A state wherein one's internal representation works in an aligned way.

What a person says corresponds with what they do. Both their non-verbal signals and
their verbal statements match. A state of unity, fitness, internal harmony, not

Conscious: Present moment awareness. Awareness of seven ( two chunks of

Content: The specifics and details of an event, answers what? And why? Contrasts
with process or structure.

Context: The setting, frame or process in which events occur and provide meaning
for content.

Cues: Information that provides clues to another's subjective structures, i.e. eye
accessing cues, predicates, breathing, body posture, gestures, voice tone and
tonality, etc.

Deletion: The missing portion of an experience either linguistically or


Digital: Varying between two states, a polarity. For example, a light switch is
either on or off. Auditory digital refers to thinking, processing, and
communicating using words, rather than in the five senses.

Dissociation: Not "in" an experience, but seeing or hearing it from outside as from
a spectator's point of view, in contrast to association.

Distortion: The modeling process by which we inaccurately represent something in

our neurology or linguistics, can occur to create limitations or resources. The
process by which we represent the external reality in terms of our neurology.
Distortion occurs when we use language to describe, generalize, and theorize about
our experience.

Downtime: Not in sensory awareness, but "down" inside one's own mind seeing,
hearing, and feeling thoughts, memories, awarenesses, a light trance state with
attention focused inward.

Ecology: Concern for the overall relationships within the self, and between the
self and the larger environment or system. Internal ecology: the overall
relationship between a person and their thoughts, strategies, behaviors,
capabilities, values and beliefs. The dynamic balance of elements in a system.

Elicitation: Evoking a state by word, behavior, gesture or any stimuli. Gathering

information by direct observation of non-verbal signals or by asking meta-model

Empowerment: Process of adding vitality, energy, and new powerful resources to a

person; vitality at the neurological level, change of habits.

Eye Accessing Cues: Movements of the eyes in certain directions indicating visual,
auditory or kinesthetic thinking (processing).

Epistemology: The theory of knowledge, how we know what we know.

First Position: Perceiving the world from your own point of view, associated, one
of the three perceptual positions.

Frame: Context, environment, meta-level, a way of perceiving something (as in

Outcome Frame, "As If" Frame, Backtrack Frame, etc).

Future Pace: Process of mentally practicing (rehearsing) an event before it

happens. One of the key processes for ensuring the permanency of an outcome, a
frequent and key ingredient in most NLP interventions.

Generalization: Process by which one specific experience comes to represent a whole

class of experiences, one of the three modeling processes in NLP.
Gestalt: A collection of memories connected neurologically based on similar

Hard Wired: Neurologically based factor, the neural connectors primarily formed
during gestation, similar to the hard wiring of a computer.

Incongruence: A state of being "at odds" with oneself, having "parts" in conflict
with each other. Evidenced by having reservations, being not totally committed to
an outcome, expressing incongruent messages where there is a lack of alignment or
matching between verbal and non-verbal parts of the communication.

Installation: Process for putting a new mental strategy (way of doing things)
inside mind-body so it operates automatically, often achieved through anchoring,
leverage, metaphors, parables, reframing, future pacing, etc.

Internal Representations: Meaningful patterns of information we create and store in

our minds, combinations of sights, sounds, sensations, smells and tastes.

In Time: Having a time line that passes through your body: where the past is behind
you and the future in front, and 'now' is inside your body.

Kinesthetic: Sensations, feelings, tactile sensations on surface of skin,

proprioceptive sensations inside the body, includes vestibular system or sense of

Leading: Changing your own behaviors after obtaining rapport so another follows.
Being able to lead is a test for having good rapport.

Logical Level: A higher level, a level about a lower level, a meta-level that
informs and modulates the lower level.

Loops: A circle, cycle, story, metaphor or representation that goes back to its own
beginning, so that it loops back (feeds back) onto itself. An open loop: a story
left unfinished. A closed loop: finishing a story. In strategies: loop refers to
getting hung up in a set of procedures that have no way out, the strategy fails to

Map of Reality: Model of the world, a unique representation of the world built in
each person's brain by abstracting from experiences, comprised of a neurological
and a linguistic map, one's internal representations (IR). (see Model of the World)

Matching: Adopting characteristics of another person's outputs (behavior, words,

etc.) to enhance rapport.

Meta: Above, beyond, about, at a higher level, a logical level higher.

Meta-levels: Refer to those abstract levels of consciousness we experience


Meta-Model: A model with a number of linguistic distinctions that identifies

language patterns that obscure meaning in a communication through distortion,
deletion and generalization. It includes specific challenges or questions by which
the "ill-formed" language is reconnected to sensory experience and the deep
structure. These meta-model challenges bring a person out of trance. Developed in
1975 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

Meta-Programs: The mental/perceptual programs for sorting and paying attention to

stimuli, perceptual filters that govern attention, sometimes "neuro-sorts," or

Meta-States: A state about a state, bringing a state of mind-body (fear, anger,

joy, learning) to bear upon another state from a higher logical level, generates a
gestalt state--a meta-state, developed by Michael Hall.

Mismatching: Offering different patterns of behavior to another, breaking rapport

for the purpose of redirecting, interrupting, or terminating a meeting or

Modal Operators: Linguistic distinctions in the Meta-Model that indicate the "mode"
by which a person "operates": the mode of necessity, possibility, desire,
obligation, etc. The predicates (can, can't, possible, impossible, have to, must,
etc) that we utilize for motivation.

Model: A description of how something works, a generalized, deleted or distorted

copy of the original; a paradigm.

Modeling: The process of observing and replicating the successful actions and
behaviors of others; the process of discerning the sequence of IR and behaviors
that enable someone to accomplish a task.

Model of the World: A map of reality, a unique representation of the world which we
generalize for our experiences. The total of one person's operating principles.

Multiple Description: The process of describing the same thing from different
perceptual positions.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The study of excellence. A model of how people

structure their experience; the structures of subjective experience; how the person
programs their thinking-emoting and behaving in their neurology, mediated by the
language and coding they use to process, store and retrieve information.

Neuro-Semantics: A model of meaning or evaluation utilizing the Meta-states model

for articulating and working with higher levels of states and the Neuro-Linguistic
Programming model for detailing human processing and experiencing, a model that
presents a fuller and richer model offering a way of thinking about and working
with the way our nervous system (neurology) and (linguistics) create meaning

Nominalization: A linguistic distinction in the Meta-Model, a hypnotic pattern of

trance language, a process or verb turned into an (abstract) noun, a process frozen
in time.

Outcome: A specific, sensory-based desired result. A well-formed outcome that meets

the well-formedness criteria.

Pacing: Gaining and maintaining rapport with another by joining their model of the
world by matching their language, beliefs, values, current experience, etc.,
crucial to rapport building.

Parts: As in "a part of your mind" that generates other frames of reference, these
include belief frames, value frames, understanding frames, etc. When we ask, "Does
any part of you object to this new way of thinking, feeling, or responding?" we are
searching for "internal conflicts" within the facets of our personality and do so
to create more alignment and personal congruence. In speaking about "parts," we
speak metaphorically and not literally. The term "parts" functions hypnotically as
a "selectional restriction violation" which in essence means we give life to an
object that doesn't have life, as in "the walls speak." With the term "parts" we
are referring to a certain neurology speaking as if it has a "mind" of its own
separate from the rest of the nervous system which it does not.

Parts: A metaphor for describing responsibility for our behavior to various aspects
of our psyche. These may be seen as sub-personalities that have functions that take
on a "life of their own"; when they have different intentions we may experience
intra-personal conflict and a sense of incongruity.

Perceptual Filters: Unique ideas, experiences, beliefs, values, meta-programs,

decisions, memories and language that shape and influence our model of the world.

Perceptual Position: Our point of view; one of three mental positions: first
position-associated in self; second position-from another person's perspective;
Third position-from a position outside the people involved.

Physiological: The physical part of the person.

Predicates: What we assert or predicate about a subject, sensory based words

indicating a particular RS (visual predicates, auditory, kinesthetic, unspecified).

Preferred System: The RS that an individual typically uses most in thinking and
organizing experience.

Presuppositions: Ideas or assumptions that we take for granted for a communication

to make sense.

Primary levels: Refer to our experience of the outside world primarily through our

Primary states: Describe those states of consciousness from our primary level
experiences of the outside world.

Rapport: A sense of connection with another, a feeling of mutuality, a sense of

trust, created by pacing, mirroring and matching, a state of empathy or second

Reframing: Changing the context or frame of reference of an experience so that it

has a different meaning.

Representation: An idea, thought, presentation of sensory-based or evaluative based


Representational System (RS): How we mentally code information using the sensory
systems: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, and Gustatory.

Requisite Variety: Flexibility in thinking, emoting, speaking, behaving; the person

with the most flexibility of behavior controls the action; the Law of Requisite

Resources: Any means we can bring to bear to achieve an outcome: physiology,

states, thoughts, strategies, experiences, people, events or possessions.

Resourceful State: The total neurological and physical experience when a person
feels resourceful.

Satir Categories: The five body postures and language styles indicating specific
ways of communicating: leveler, blamer, placater, computer and distracter,
described by Virginia Satir.

Second Position: Point of view; having an awareness of the other person's sense of

Sensory Acuity: Awareness of the outside world, of the senses, making finer
distinctions about the sensory information we get from the world.

Sensory-Based Description: Information directly observable and verifiable by the

senses, see-hear-feel language that we can test empirically, in contrast to
evaluative descriptions.

State: Holistic phenomenon of mind-body-emotions, mood, emotional condition; the

sum total of all neurological and physical processes within an individual at any
moment in time.

Strategy: A sequencing of thinking-behaving to obtain an outcome or create an

experience, the structure of subjectivity ordered in a linear model of the TOTE.

Submodality: The distinctions we make within each rep system, the qualities of our
internal representations.

Synesthesia: A "feeling together" of sensory experience in two or more modalities,

an automatic connection of one rep system with another. For example, a V-K
synesthesia may involve perceiving words or sounds as colored.

Third Position: Perceiving the world from viewpoint of an observer; you see both
yourself and other people.

Time-line: A metaphor for how we store our sights, sounds and sensations of
memories and imagination; a way of coding and processing the construct "time."

Through Time: Having a time line where both past, present and future are in front
of you. For example, time is represented spatially as with a year planner.

Unconscious: Everything that is not in conscious awareness in the present moment.

Universal Quantifiers: A generalization from a sample to the whole population -

"allness" (every, all, never, none, etc). A statement that allows for no

Unspecified Nouns: Nouns that do not specify to whom or to what they refer.

Unspecified Verbs: Verbs that do not describe the specifics of the action 颳 ow they
are being performed; the adverb has been deleted. Uptime: State where attention and
senses directed outward to immediate environment, all sensory channels open and

Value: What is important to you in a particular context. Your values (criteria) are
what motivate you in life. All motivation strategies have a kinesthetic component.
This kinesthetic is an unconscious value

Visual: Seeing, imagining, the rep system of sight.

Visualization: The process of seeing images in your mind.

Well-Formedness Condition: The criteria that enable us to specify an outcome in

ways that make it achievable and verifiable. A well-formed outcome is a powerful
tool for negotiating win/win solutions.

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