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D2 - Plan the social media content of the digital marketing campaign to meet identified

business objectives

The objective of the school is to share and promote the success of achieving a rating of
‘outstanding’ from Ofsted. This means that the school will use social media channels to
exclaim this news and share it to the public and existing shareholders. This will also benefit
their aims of attracting more students and staff to join the school and get closer to the
objective of expanding their sixth form and gaining more students. Through social media
Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School will have broad access to many different
demographics and audiences. This will allow access to parents and young adults as most
people use social media in today's time. This will allow people to see the progression of the
school and attract more people to it as well.


←Follow button

Catchy name→

Main picture→

Caption and hashtags→ ←Likes and shares

Instagram allows the school to post content in the form of pictures and detailed descriptions,
meaning updates can be incredibly informative and exciting.

Instagram allows the school to post the school success of reaching an outstanding rating
from ofsted. This is by allowing Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School to post a picture of
their assessment and add a caption explaining their new achievement and how proud they
are of everyone within the school. Instagram also allows the use of hashtags to gain more
traction and viewers in certain sectors. This is by using hashtags correlating with what
content they are posting. For example using the hashtag #englandshools on instagram posts
the content straight to your account and onto the hashtag feed. Which pops up with the
schools post anytime someone searches up anything to do with England's schools. This
allows the school to share their success with their target audience and market the school to
reach their objectives. This is to attract more students and staff and expand their sixth form,
and by presenting such a huge achievement through instagram is a perfect way to reach
these people. After that, people are able to interact with the post through likes, shares and
comments.This means that the school will be able to see who liked the post and interacted
with it, but also see any comments made by others and interact with them for everyone to
see. Also, instagram allows users to share the post with their friends which can also spread
awareness for the school. Overall, the school can use this to analyse who the post has
reached and see whether it has turned out to be successful or not.


Amount of members→

Group name→

Members description→

←Group leaders

Facebook allows for the creation of groups. This means that the school can make a group
with specific people to share posts and updates with regularly.

Facebook would allow Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School to create groups for people
associated with the school to join. This means that the school can post about their new
success with ofsted and share it with all the stakeholders and participating people. Also,
facebook groups will allow people to join them and get alerts whenever someone posts
anything. This opens up an opportunity for the school to utilise this and post about any
charity events or updates that are happening in school to inform people in real time. This
also allows the school to create groups with teachers so that they can also communicate
through the group to post anything important and interact with each other through the
facebook group. Furthermore, when parents join the facebook group this also allows for
direct interaction with the school, meaning a stronger connection between the school and
parents which boosts up the happiness of parents with the school. Facebook can help the
school reach their objectives as this platform will allow for promotion to anyone who is
interested in the activities of the school and promote their success and progress. This
therefore supports them reaching their goals as potential staff can view the posts by the
school and direct interaction that is allowed with the school, and persuade teachers to join
the school as their image is very positive. This also allows the school to reach their goal of
attracting more students and expanding the sixth form and young adults also use facebook
and might track the progression of the school and see the fun and great learning that is
provided and might be attracted to join the sixth form, also the main user base of facebook in
the United Kingdom is from 18 to 55 which means parents may view the school through
facebook and might be motivated to send their child to that school.


School’s account→


Likes & reposts→

Previous tweets→

←Hashtags &hyperlink
Twitter allows for quick and easy updates which can be utilised by the school at any time
when needing to make an announcement.

Twitter is an app that allows for public posts with a 280 character limit. This allows for short
and quick updates including any content that is linked for the viewers. Nicholas Breakspear
Catholic School can utilise this platform to make updates to teachers, parents and students
as they would be notified and presented with what the school has posted. The school can
use this to their advantage by posting about any reminders to any stakeholders and be in
direct communication with anyone in correlation with the school. The school can use this
platform to market the establishment and to reach their goals of increasing staff, attracting
more students and expanding their sixth form. This is because many young people and
adults use twitter every day worldwide. Meaning, the school can pst their new ofsted
outstanding rating and raise attention about the school in the surrounding area and around
the UK. This would definitely support the school in reaching their goals as they are able to
type and present anything they like in a twitter post and be able to keep it on there for
anyone looking through their page and view everything they have tweeted about.

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