Presentation Ai

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Realized by : Jamal Zarqane / Sara Nabil / Othmane
Chlibakh / Anas Benyouness
• Definition
• Early History
• Current status of A.I
• Areas of using A.I
• Challenges for A.I
• Future of A.I
• Pros & Cons
• Conclusion
-Artificial intelligence is an increasingly important
technologie that enables computers to simulate human
intelligence-based tasks.With a robust foundation of software
and hardware,(A.I) can complish numerous human tasks with
much more efficiency.It works by building and training
algorithms using programming languages
-Artificial intelligence also is the science engeneering of
making machines , invented with a special art of man
Early History
▪ In 1950 English mathematician Alan Turing
wrote a landmark paper titled “Computing
Machinery and Intelligence” that asked the
question: “Can machines think?”

Further work came out of a 1956 workshop at

Dartmouth sponsored by John McCarthy. In
the proposal for that workshop, he coined the
phrase a “study of Artificial
-AI is growing year by year because it has a relation with world’s changing
and its necessary for developping it in every time , so as a result it will be
more used for a service.
-AI have taken many shapes and forms over recent years o
Mobile Phones ( Siri/ Cortana) o Video Games Characters o GPS/ Voice
Recognition o Robotics

-Google has been a major play on AI transcendence and Deep Learning.

o Deep learning is a machine learning based on algorithms.
-*Areas of using A.I :
*this invention made life changing with make the impossible possible , its used in
several fields where we cannot find something without artificial intelligence’s touch
*-exemple of some areas : *-Also for other domaine like :
*Manufacturing robots. Medecine//Agriculture//Industry
*Smart assistants. Transport…etc
*Self-driving cars.
*Healthcare managment.
*Automated financial investing.
*Marketing chatbots
• Computing Power

• Tolerance Power

• Intuitive Thinking

• Judging Power
• Beyond negotiation, Moore says CMU is betting several other AI areas are
going to be hugely important in the near future.
• Self Driving Cars.
• Improved Medical Care & Treatment.
• Open up doors to future explorations.
• Etc.
• Finally we can say that the Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the
intelligence of machines and the branch of Computer
Science that aims to create it.AI textbooks define the field
as “ The Study and Design of Intelligent Agents” where an
intelligent agent is a system that perceives it’s
environment and takes actions that maximize the chances
of it’s success. John McCarthy ,who coined the term in
1955, defines it as “The Science and Engineering of making
intelligent Machines”

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