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Main Quest

•In the introduction, the Agent is summoned to a meeting in a dark chamber of the
Imperial Palace by Emperor Uriel Septim VII and his new Imperial Battlemage, Ocato
of Firsthold. The Emperor declares his trust for the Agent and gives them the
mission to sail by river to Daggerfal, where another fear friend and ally to him,
the former King of Daggerfall Lysandus, has recently died and now stalks the
streets of his city as a ghost. Uriel wants the Agent to uncover why is Lysandus
damned so and shut up the maws of Oblivion to sent him to rest if necessary, also
discreetly mentioning a letter he sent to the Queen of Daggerfall which he also
wants recovered by the Agent, claiming it's contents to be embarrassing.
-New Game Introduction Sequence

•After crashing due a great storm in the Bjoulsae River, the Agent manages to
escape their ruined ship and get into a cavern to escape death by drowning, finding
themselves trapped, the agent decides to explore and find a way out, as the cave
soon reveals itself to be Privateer's Hold, a dungeon in the region of Daggerfall
filled with wild animals, some skeleton warriors and occasional Imps. Eventually
the agents manages to get out and receives a letter from Lady Magnessen, an agent
of the Emperor in the court of Daggerfall whose actual name is Brisienna and whose
position in the region has been compromised, leading to her soon departure in fear
for her life after giving some instructions, in their meeting, Brisienna reveals
that King Lysandus's ghost and his Ghost Legions haunt the streets of Daggerfall
each night in rage, with the former King's sole discernible words being moans of
"Vengeance" repeated again and again. Before departing, Brisienna counsels
investigating the courts of the major powers of the bay: Daggerfall, Sentinel and
Wayrests, for clues as to what happened with the Emperor's letter, Lysandus' spirit
and how to laid his soul to rest. Rumors during this quest speak of prophets
claiming that that which was unclaimed will soon be claimed, that Lady Magnessen
was an Emissary of the Blades formerly serving Mynisera when she was queen and that
the storm that almost killed the agents is rumored to have been magically created.
-Privateer's Hold/Instructions From The Empire

The Daggerfall Plot

•Queen Aubk-i, mysteriously concerned about her Adoptive grandmother, has sent many
mercenaries to watch over King Lysandus's once brilliant mother, a mighty witch
names Nulfaga driven to the edge of madness by his death and now secluded in her
Castle of Shedungent at the Wrothgarian Mountains with undead guardians and
experimenting with no regards for her safety. Aubk-i sends the Agent to this
enterprise as well, notoriously finding a Lich Statue speaking a riddle to open a
magically locked door leading to Nulfaga's throne room should one command it to
"shut up". While alive, Dowager Queen Nulfaga speaks only of either her anger at
Lysandus' refusal of her council to not war with Sentinel and he dying by an arrow
to the throat, curses upon Heaven and Oblivion and promises of damnation to all the
land until Lysandus and her can reach peace, pleading a goddess for the answer as
to whom could launch the arrow to Lysandus's throat and claiming that she sought
his soul in the afterworld, underworld and the world-between but found not his
beloved's soul, and finally about how the event of Lysandus's death is occluded to
her and this drives her to rage and despair. In any event, she rambles constantly
about shutting up the door to her soul, to her heart and that of Lysandus's tomb
which are clues as to how to reach her through the Lich Statue. Despite all of
this, Aubk-i is still relieved somehow that the Dowager Queen is indeed alive.
-Concern for Nulfaga (optional)
•After the affair with Nulfaga, Queen Aubk-i meets with the Agent again, making
them swear secrecy on their Ancestor's honor before revealing that as mistress of
the household finances she discovered that Dowager Queen Mynisera maintains the
abandoned Castle Necromoghan and periodically goes there with lots of letters
before returning mysteriously without them. Aubk-i sends the Agent to find and
report the contents of these letters to her and of Mynisera's activities. The
damaged letters, sent there to be burned, speak of Lysandus' adultery with Court
Sorceress Medora Direnni and of their plan to feign his death at Cryngaine to flee
with her and live together away from royal affairs. Another speaks of Prince
Klaius, Mynisera's father, atrocities in sacking an Orc Stronghold killing all
healthy "Stallion Orcs" and "Mare Orcs" and then being begged by an orc who could
speak base Cyrodil to spare the children, but the Prince decried this to be unwise
as they were subhumans and would only grow to become vengeful and destructive,
commanding his knights to make sport off their destruction, the letter from one of
his men to Mynisera was one of repentance at participation in such a shameful
massacre. Bewildered but pitiful at Mynisera's burdens, Aubk-i acknowledges her
loyalty to Lysandus's as equals to Lysandus's own irrational fealty to the emperor
in hiding his betrayal to her and dismisses the Agent.
-Mynisera's Letters (optional)

•In the court of Daggerfall, Maid Cyndassa in service to Queen Aubk-i and formerly
to Dowager Queen Mynisera, to whom she remains loyal, sends the Agent to kill a
Werewolf in a dungeon in exchange for information on the Emperor's letter. The
werewolf returns to human form upon death and is revealed to be related to Cyndassa
in appearance, being her brother turned against his will into a monster that hated
itself and had to be put down to escape this suffering. Cyndassa reveals that the
letter arrived when King Gothryd and Queen Aubk-i were already in the throne, which
is why she got surprised by the arrival of a letter from the emperor since the King
wasn't at all fond him, Aubk-i received the letter as it was addressed to the Queen
of Daggerfall but soon saw it was meant for Mynisera and afterwards going awestruck
by what she read, affirming that she was going to give it to Mynisera afterwards.
-The Beast

•After the issue with Cyndassa, Dowager Queen Mynisera meets the Agent and reveals
that Aubk-i didn't give the letter to her and, suspecting betrayal, risks Aubk-i
and Gothryd's rage despite their familial ties by revealing her suspicions about
Aubk-i's loyalty to the Emperor as daughter to King Cameron who had ruled
Hammerfell from his citadel in Sentinel and died alongside Lysandus in Cryngaine,
though the latter's body wasn't recovered and instead a corpseless monument was
erected in his honor. Mynisera sends the Agent to talk with the Courier that
delivered the letter, a member of Daggerfall's Knights of the Dragon in hiding
whose location the knights' commander in a town of Daggerfall who remains loyal to
her might reveal, giving the agent a signet ring with Lysandus' personal crestas
proof of their allegiance. If questioned, Aubk-i reveals that the letter was stolen
from her and requests it be handed down to her should it be recovered. The knight
complies and the courier is revealed as having unknowingly failed due to the
instructions being making the delivery to the Queen of Daggerfall, the letter
having been written before the tragedy at Cryngaine and delivered afterwards when
Mynisera, to whom it was meant, was no longer Queen. As proof of loyalty, the
Courier surrenders his payment for the job. With the letter missing but the matter
cleared, Mynisera recommends meeting Princess Morgiah of Wayrest, whose royal house
seethes under the emperor's rule, to learn more about what happened with the
-The Emperor's Courier
•With the knowledge of the Emperor's letter's location, the Agent returns to
Dowager Queen Mynisera who sends them with a letter to King Gortwog seeking to
appeal to his quest to form an Orcish Kingdom out of his rising realm of Orsinium
as a means to establish peace after the long wars and cycles of hate between orcs
and the races considered human. Addressing Gortwog as Lord Gortwog, King of Orcs
and Warlord of the Subterranean Realms, it claims that Lysandus supported Gortwog's
bid for sovereignty and that she will do so as well before the emperor should she
acquire the letter. In Orsinium, Gortwog sees through this manipulation and claims
that the letter is of no use to him anymore, challenging the Agent to retrieve it
from the depths of his realm passing through his subjects should they want. The
letter, when recovered, tells of the Emperor warning Mynisera that the Totem of
Tiber Septim and thus the power behind his rise has been unearthed once more under
the possession of a minor noble of Wayrest named Woodborne who will certainly lose
it soon to greater powers in the bay and urges Mynisera to use her influence in
Wayrest despite that realm's ambivalence to her husband Lysandus to acquire the
totem and use it on behalf of the empire. With this knowledge, Mynisera argues that
Gortwog likely sold copies of the letter throughout all the bay already since he
had a lot to gain from widespread war among the other kingdoms over the Totem,
warning the Agent about the dangerous times that are upon them.
-Orcish Emancipation

•After recovering the Emperor's letter, the Allies of the Agent in the bay will
research and anonymously send letters to them speaking of ancient lore about the
artifact, should they have enough reputation with their factions, that is. The
Darle Brotherhood, Prince Lothun, the Vampire Clans and King Gortwog may send a
letter claiming that: There are legends that hearken back to the early Third Era of
Numidium, a giant do big he could knock out the moon's from the sky and and while
it is not remembered if he was good or bad, the stories and universally scary to
and used to terrorize the writer as a child; the legends are true as there was a
Numidum and he may rise again as the Totem of Tiber Septim is used to control him
but the legend also says that Numidium lost his "Mantellan Heart" in the final with
Tiber Septim's Battlemage and without it, he and the totem remain useless.

The Vampire Clans, Queen Aubk-i, the Thieves Guild and the Agents of the Underking
may send a letter claiming that: Numidium was a secret weapon used by Tiber Septim
to conquer Tamriel and lay the foundations of the Empire, a thousand foot tall
Automaton, Golem or Atronach powered by a gem known as the Mantella which held the
life force of River's Imperial Battlemage; with this Septim crushed all who opposed
his rule and then started to wipe away neutral and untrustworthy families to place
in their place those he knew to be loyal which enraged the Battlemage and ended on
a battle between the Created and the Creator for the Mantella which resulted in
both vanquished and their shared heart blown out of this reality into the
netherworld of Aetherius, Numidum was unmade and his pieces scattered across the
land, and the Battlemage without his life force went into a semi-slumber in a
subterranean vault; since then Tiber's elite soldiers collected the pieces of
Numidium across the generations and became known as the Blades while the Battlemage
became known as the Underking and gathered minions to recover his Mantella; The
totem is the mechanism to control Numidium and should it and the Mantella be
uncovered, it's holder will have dominion over Tamriel's fate.

Finally, the King of Worms, Princess Elysana, the Witch Covens or the Mages Guild
may send a last letter claiming that: The totem of Tiber Septim coveted by all was
crafted by the Imperial Battlemage of Tiber Septim for his liege as a means of
controlling the gargantuan creature known as Numidum, without the totem Numidium is
useless and the artifact itself was enchanted by the Battlemage with a seal making
those not of Tiber Septim's lineage or with an special supernatural affinity like
himself unable to wield without being instantly killed by its magic, the totem was
lost with the rest of Numidium when the Imperial Battlemage destroyed it's creation
in an epic battle later on.
-The Mantella Revealed

The Wayrest Plot

•Prince Helseth may enlists the aid of the Agent to send a letter to Lord
Castellian, long of Wayrest's Elder Council and impartial in the issue of
succession. The letter speaks of Helseth's discovery of Castellian's potentially
incestuous relationship with his sister, Lady Pasipha and implies blackmailing him
into supporting his bid for the throne with this. Is delivered without opening the
letter, Castellian accepts, if the letter is opened both Helseth and Castellian
will refuse to deal with the Agent further and if it is given to King Eadwyre
instead, he offers thanks and promises reprisals on Helseth. If Helseth has his
way, rumors will start to circulate of Castellian's support for him and talk in The
Elder Council or abolishing the Law of Succession and Helseth rewards the agent
with an enchanted item and the information that, when Lysandus and Cameron were
negotiating in the eve of the Battle of Cryngaine, Lysandus fighting with loyalty
to the imperial throne and Cameron for more autonomy, Wayrest Emissaries in the
form of advisors advocating for reconciliation were sent to help in the
negotiation, were somehow waylaid in the road by an Orc Party sent by King Gortwog,
but nonetheless managed to have a brief audience with Lysandus somehow.
-Blackmail (optional)

•If the Agent aids Helseth, Barenziah also enlists their services as mercenary
claiming that back in Mournhold a disgruntled and possibly deranged scribe produced
a biography of hers, The Real Barenziah, which was scandalously defamatory of her
and the Septim family which resulted in the scribe's execution and the biography's
suppression but it sometimes resurfaces to torment her, the latest of these
occasions being King Gortwog acquiring a chapter and seeking to publish it,
Barenziah promises gold for the recovery of such a manuscript from Gortwog's
Stronghold of Orsinium in the Orsinium Area. There, is the Agent is quick enough,
the book remains in the Stronghold and can be swiftly recovered. If not, a vision
of an Orc Shaman and the crowned Gortwog appear inviting the Agent to the Orsinium
Hall for a talk, biding tolerance and reason to not assume the orcs to be enemies
and instead know that the Necromancers have stolen the manuscript for their own
purposes, if the Agent accepts working together, Gortwog reveals that the King of
Worms has the book in Scourg Barrow in the Dragontail Mountains and bades the Agent
to recover it for him rather than for Barenziah. In any case, the book is recovered
from the barrow to the chagrin of Mannimarco and his Necromancers, if given to
Gortwog a magic item is the reward and Barenziah becomes infuriated with the
publication od the text and her subsequent defamation, of given to Barenziah she
thanks Boethiah for your aid and informs you that Gortwog is in possession of the
Emperor's letter and seeks to acquire something called the Totem of Tiber Septim
which a key to a great power with which he will surely throw all Illiac Bay into
chaos and also accuses him of being a cannibal. Curiously, if the King of Worms has
the book at the end, rumors will have him blackmailing Barenziah and having Wayrest
mercenaries sent against him.
-Barenziah's Book (optional)

•Princess Elysana may enlist the aid of the Agent to give Lord Castellian a cloak
she claims to be a gift for him. Rumors speak of Lord Castellian's desire to marry
her but also of his influence in the Elder Council to make Helseth Heir Apparent of
Wayrest and deny Elysana the throne. When wore, the enchanted cloak summons a
Daedra Seducer to kill it's wearer, possibly resulting in Castellian's death for
Elysana's joy and reward with an enchanted item and information: Her father is
seeking something called the Totem of Tiber Septim and when he finds it, he will
require a champion to recover it for him and she is going to recommend the Agent
for the job. If the quest fails due to the Agent wearing the cloak instead of
Castellian or for bypassing the time limit, Castellian will survive to Elysana's
-Elysana's Robe (optional)

•Morgiah has a reputation of a manipulative witch with an extensive information

network across Iliac Bay, which is perhaps the only reason why his brother is not
outright proclaimed Crown Prince to the throne of Wayrest. She contacts the agent
offering information of the Emperor's letter for one without fear for the fires of
Oblivion, revealing that she asks for a favor in exchange: Delivering a letter to
Mannimarco, King of Worms, in his lair of Scourg Barrow. The letter proclaims she
will give Mannimarco her first should he allow the King Karoodil of Firsthold to
speak with his dead father in exchange for marrying her a queen. Morgiah warns that
the Necromancers upon whom Mannimarco lords see death as a reward for the living
and won't hesitate in killing the Agent after the delivery, which Mannimarco later
confirms. Mannimarco accepts and Morgiah indeed is announced as betrothed to
Karoodil soon after. In exchange, she reveals that the letter was stolen by the
Thieves Guild and bought by King Gortwog of Orsinium as a tool of blackmail,
Morgiah also comments that she doesn't understand why the emperor sent it since
Aubk-i is very innocent and Gothryd is no loyal dog to him as Lysandus was, though
her own family isn't one to speak of loyalty to the emperor either, she recommends
talking with Dowager Queen Mynisera.
-Morgiah's Wedding

•After the affair with Morgiah, the King of Worms sends a Zombie carrying a letter
to the Agent inviting them to Scourg Barrow and to kill whatever undead servant
they find in the way since they can always be raised again. Mannimarco claims that
he seeks answer that do not exist among the Living but among the dead and that the
Agent is a servant not as loyal as the living dead but more versatile and fitting
for the quest, traveling to the dungeons od sentinel to kill Prince Karolis, the
great grandfather of the late King Camaron, a sorcerer turned Lich imprisoned under
the Sentinel Palace so that his Ghost might be trapped in an enchanted scarab given
to the agent and meant to be returned afterwards to the Worm King, in exchange for
knowledge that only the dead hold. The dungeon is filled with magical force fields
and platforms, but the Lich is found and it's soul captured. In exchange for the
Ghost of the price, Mannimarco reveals a secret known only to those of the Septim
line: that the founder of the Empire Tiber Septim had the Battlemage Zurin Arctus
at his side during the conquest of Tamriel but betrayed him towards the end of his
reign. The Battlemage's soul refused to leave his body after dying due to something
related to the mythic Numidium and since then Zurin subsisted as the Underking
whose agents have been a thorn on Mannimarco's side for centuries, proceeding to
warn against the possibility of Zurin's regaining of his body as a sign of chaos
and turmoil for all of Tamriel.
-Soul of a Lich

•After The Mantella Revealed the Agent will be threatened by a letter from a man in
gray cloak warning against further investigation of Lysandus' case and later
ambushed by assassins on his employ with letters with their orders by someone
styled as "W". Eventually, Elysana summons the Agent for a favor through Lord
Woodborne's advise, escorting her "cousin" to a wise man who may have some
knowledge of the Totem everyone's so interested in. They are ambushed un the way
and the cousin may flee, with the supposed sage revealing it was all a trap, with
the cousin being a random whore and he but a common man bribed to participate.
-Elysana's Betrayal (optional)

The Sentinel Plot

•In Sentinel, Price Lothun summons the Agent for a favor claiming that his father
and King Lysandus were "close" and he may shed some light on the matter of the
latter's haunting of Daggerfall in exchange for a favor. Lothun claims that he used
to have a brother ten or eleven years his senior who supposedly died of a fever or
was kidnapped by the Underking and nobody talks of him anymore, he wants the Agent
to investigate this and remains in a bad mood scaring her mother and brother for
the duration of the quest. Rumors simply speak of the Missing Prince as being more
of an scholar than a warrior which angered King Cameron, that he went sick and died
and that he never have a public funeral, eventually leading to a contact who has
useful information, an Agent of the Underking who claims that the Underking is
wrongfully accused of the abduction of the Prince and that the Agent will find the
truth in either Castle Faallem or the Fortress of Fhojum, rumored to be the crypt
of the Underking turned a Sentilan Prison, where the agent finds a "Death
Certificate" dated to the 23th day of Morning Star in the year 3E 400 seemingly
written by the prince in his last moments prior to dying by starvation, sickness or
the claws of the creatures in the site. The certificate claims that the Prince was
born sickly and weak with all the best doctors and healers being not able to
improve his health and only keep him alive in his state to the shame of the hearty
King and Queen who shunned him in favor of his younger Sister Aubk-i with all her
athletic, beautiful, and charming characteristics and he missed her even I'm the
dark caverns. Despite this, the Prince ambitioned to become the first Scholar King
of Sentinel mad had much love and affection from his medics and specially a priest
of Stendarr, for six years he and Aubk-i were the only children and then eight
years prior to the date of the letter's writing the third son, Greklith, was born
and his name meant Strong King in the ancient and near forgotten tongue of
Hammerfell and was followed just a year later by Lothun, second boy in that same
tongue. Not soon before Lothun's birth and through the years afterwards the Missing
Prince faced his worse disease yet and still managed to survive for his father's
disgust, fourteen nights before the writing of the letter, and then the Prince was
kidnapped before the placid eyes of his nursemaid three days prior and left to rot
in the dungeon with creatures preventing his escape all around. Finally, the Price
reflects on the stories of the mighty Underking who used magic to place his life
force of a powerful being to conquer Tamriel and wonders if the study of magic
would have allowed him to survive but nonetheless he had no hope and no fear,
leaving the document as a piece of history rather than revenge for that's the path
he choose, that of History and Science. Saddened by this discovery but true to his
word, Lothun gives a magic item to the Agent and reveals that is known that King
Lysandus had an affair with his Court Sorceress Medora and Queen Mynisera found out
During the War of Betony and banished the Sorceress, her location now being unknown
but probably being in her Castle in the Isle of Balfiera which is supposedly cursed
and full of undead nowadays.
-The Missing Prince

•After helping Lothun, Queen Akorithi summons the Agent for a favor of her own,
recovering a painting she describes as a heirloom of King Lysandus from the vaults
beneath Castle Wayrest for her. The painting, when recovered, shows the scenes of
many men on Wayrest Livery surrounding one in Daggerfall's, with a man of Wayrest
sliding a dagger between the man of Daggerfall's ribs and the painting fading in
darkness as the latter dies. The Queen is satisfied with the painting but chastises
the Agent should it be revealed that they saw what the painting represented.
-Painting The Truth
•After recovering the painting for Queen Akorithi, the Agents of the Underking
summon the Agent claiming that the Queen's talk of them as a Hero led to them
deciding that they are the one they need for a quest, apologizing should the hero
be of those who irrationally consider them the ultimate evil and will therefore not
help and meet with them. If the Agent answers the summons, the Agent explains that
the Necromancers have stolen a magical item from the Agents of the Underking,
cursed it, and given it to the Blades. The agent claims that they Blades were once
Tiber Septim's honor guard, loyal to the empire and Tiber's code, but not always to
the current emperor and that the Underking whishes to avoid harm upon them, which
is why the Agent must recover this item from Castle Llugwych and return it to the
Agent. When this is done, the agent removes the curse on the item as reward for the
Agent and reveals that not even death can hide a try descendant of Tiber Septim
like Lysandus was from the eyes of the Underking and that Lydandus was not killed
in the Battle of Cryngaine but by treachery before it and that's why he remains as
a ghost but the Agent doesn't know who is the betrayer and why Lydandus haunts
Daggerfall and not Cryngaine, further more the agent reveals that King Lysandus'
true corpse is not at his monument in Hammerfell but in a secret tomb at Menevia to
which he was secretly send to, tomb now revealed to the Agent. Bizarre rumors
during the quest will have the Underking and King of Worms be one and the same, the
Underking being dead and his agents still carrying out his will, expose the madness
of stealing from the Underking, that the Necromancers seel the stolen item after
it's recovery and, strangely, of strange portents in the night sky of the Quest's
completion about the angry passions of a demi-god.
-The Ancient Watcher


•Following Lothun's advice, the Agent explores the depths of the Direnni Tower
where Medora Direnni resides past it's undead, traps, enchanted items, elevators
and Teleportation Devices to meet with her. Medora claims that she wishes to help
the Agent in laying Lysandus to rest and claims that she needs a Great Unicorn's
Horn in possession of Nulfaga in Shedungent to do this, warning that she knows that
Nulfaga is rumored to have gone mad out of grief for her son's death but claims
that if she is still sane Nulfaga will certainly help them and otherwise the Horn
will be somewhere in Shedungent. The horn (of delicate, spiraled form with slight
curves before ending in a deadly, sharp point is rumored to be of pure alabaster
but seems more like silver) is indeed in Shedungent and the Agent recovers it
without Nulfaga's aid. With the horn, Medora releases her tower from the curse
placed on it by the Dowager Queen and is free to help the Agent to end Lysandus's
Haunting. Rumors in the quest will have Balfiera having been an exclusive resort
now accursed by undead by the coming of "The Queen of Oblivion" or an evil brought
upon Medora by a god's curse or her own spellcraft, though this will change
afterwards to tales of the release of the lady of Balfiera and the curse upon her
by a hero and the restoration of the land.
-Medora's Freedom

•Now freed, Medora appears to the Agent in a vision in which she bades them to make
way for Orsinium to acquire Dust of Restful Dead from King Gortwog, a powder which
may lay Lysandus to rest. Gortwog gives away the location of the powder on a
dungeon in Balfiera for respect to King Lysandus and in exchange for Medora's
support for his "claim to the heart" later on. The dust, guarded by a mummy, is
wrapped on what remains of a letter exposing that King Gortwog discovered that
Emissaries of Wayrest sent to King Lysandus were actually assassins and in turn
sent Orc Warriors to stop them before they reached Lysandus. The letter, addressed
to Medora, was meant to win her support in the endeavor and later to style Gortwog
as a hero for the empire and win his kingdom and people the same status as Khajiit
and Argonians. This letter which she didn't receive, moves Medora to reveal that
Gortwog has revealed to her his attempt at saving Lysandus from the assassins and
ponders why Eadwyre and the nobles of Wayrest would risk the move of assassinating
a king, high treason to the empire, at the time. She promises revenge for her
beloved and starts to prepare the powder for the exorcism, which will take a month.
-Dust Of Restful Dead

•After a month, the powder is ready and Medora gives it to the Agent for them to
carry to Lysandus' Tomb and pour it on his corpse to soothe his spirit enough for a
talk on what he requires to rest. Medora doesn't know where the tomb is and only
that the Monument to him in Cryngaine is empty. In the tomb, the Agent performs the
intended rites and Lysandus appears briefly to command the murder of he who
betrayed him: Lord Woodborne of Wayrest, so that he may be appeased.
-Lysandus's Revelation

•Pursuing Lord Woodborne to Woodborne Hall, the Agent confronts a kills the
treacherous Knight who confesses having killed Lysandus and his intentions to do so
with the agent as well before succumbing to them and with his last breath leaving
his plans up to Gothryd and wishing rotting in hell to his killer as he will most
certainly experience as well. Alternatively, the Agent may have acquired
Woodborne's diary detailing that he was friend to Gothryd from childhood and
enlisted his support for his plans, he declares his intent to become King of
Wayrest as betrothed to Elysana and due to King Eadwyre's old age but laments the
presence of Barenziah and her brats denying him the luxury of patience on the
matter as Barenziah seeks to place Helseth on the throne instead of Elysana and
keeps Morgiah around despite being betrothed to the heir of Firsthold so that she
can sow discord against Elysana and him, "Never Trust a Dark Elf, for you cannot
read the truth in their eyes'' as the old saying goes. Still, Woodborne is sure he
can deal with Barenziah as he did with Lysandus whom he killed for refusing to
support him and condemns the Orcs who tried to save him and promises to deal with
them when he becomes king. Should Helseth be made heir, he counts of Gothryd to
support a bid for the throne and is sure that his soy network equals that of
Gothryd, Akorithi, Eadwyre and the Emperor but perhaps not those of the Underking
and Necromancers rendering the raw physical power the problem for the continuation
of his plans due to his lack on an standing army, which is why he needs gold to
raise. The evidence of the diary will be dismissed as false by Akorithi,spark
violence from Aubk-i and Gothryd, be taken as tribute by the King of Worms but
spark action by Mynisera, Medora or Nulfaga to destroy Woodborne magically and move
Helseth, Barenziah or Eadwyre to condemn and execute Woodborne after despoiling him
of all riches and honors. In any case, Woodborne must die and this happens either
in personal duel with the Agent, beheaded or tried for treason, or torn to shreds
by Undead, Daedra or Demons according to the rumors for the quest to be completed.
With his death avenged, Lysandus and his army of the dead leave the streets of
Daggerfall to the living for the rest and peace of the Underworld.
-Lysandus's Revenge.

•After the affair of Woodborne is solved, Lady Brisienna summons the Agent one last
time and claims that the Blades sacked Woodborne Hall in search of the totem and
lost many good men in the attempt and triumphed but found nothing. They don't know
how Woodborne got it but suspect that King Gothryd has it now in the treasury
beneath Castle Daggerfall and sends the Agent to retrieve it with the orders from
the Emperor to reward them with the mythic Warlock's Ring should they manage such a
feat and return the totem to the Blades. The treasury is a floating platform of
many rooms holding treasures of all kinds protected by force fields, on one which
is a small toy-like effigy of a man resting on a pedestal: The totem. When
recovered, the Totem of Tiber Septim speaks on the Agent's mind claiming that they
are unworthy to hold it and they have one year and a day to give it to one of
Tiber's blood line and therefore worthy of the artifact. Akorithi will claim that
she is the only ruler loyal to the throne and thus only she can use the totem to
contain the rebellious Daggerfall and Wayrest for the good of all, offering a
King's ransom in gold in exchange. Eadwyre promises a payment for the artifact and
claims to have long searched for it but will take it and then send assassins after
the Agent. Gortwog will appeal to altruism claiming that the Orcs are considered
Barbarians at best and Rabid Animals at worst and both suffer and inflict violence
as a vicious cycle out of which he wants to rise them to make them equal to other
sapient races of Tamriel by using the totem to forge an Orcish Homeland and keep
away invaders, he claims it will be bloody but swears by his heirs and crown that
he will not conquer and instead only build and defend, giving the Chrysamere to the
Agent for the aid. Gothryd will send a bully to kill the Agent for the totem should
they don't hand it over and otherwise take it and command the Agent to go see
Nulfaga, should the artifact be presented to Gothryd however he will accept it and
reward the Agent for some sense of honor and dignity. The King of Worms claims that
all others are mortals and thus filled with vanity and shortsighted that will see
them destroy the very thing they covet and plunge the land into chaos while he who
transcends mortal pride and greed will use it to transform and leave behind his
earthly shell along with the totem into Aetherius, safeguarding the world from it's
misuse and offering a reward in fame around all of Tamriel in exchange. The
Underking claims that Tiber Septim forged his empire with great Numidium and the
key to its power was its heart, the heart of Tiber's Battlemage, the Underking's
heart, his Mantella and his totem; his and of no other, he claims to have won and
lost an empire and having no desire to tamper in mortal affairs and offers the
legendary Necromancer's Amulet for the totem to be given to an agent of his. Lady
Brisienna bades loyalty to the emperor and offers the Warlock's Ring as reward also
claiming that Nulfaga holds the key to the Mantella which must be freed to activate
Numidium and allow the emperor to wield it. Most letters will be delivered by
common couriers, Gortwog's by an orc, Mannimarco's by an skeleton and the
Underking's magically levitating into the Agent's possession. Whatever the case,
Nulfaga will speak in the Agent's mind bading them to visit her now that she senses
the totem in the hands of one of royal blood for one last quest.
-Totem, Totem, Who Gets the Totem?

•Nulfaga describes the potential wielders of the totem:

First is One Who Killed, But Did Not Kill Another

Second is One Who Is Two Devoured By Its Young
Third is One Who Made One Slave and Many Free
Fourth and Fifth are Two Who Compete for Mud
Sixth is One Who Brings a Home to the Homeless
Seventh is One Who Lords All, But Does Not Lord At All.

And will claim that she knows not who of the seven options is worthier of the Totem
of Tiber Septim but leaves that burden to the Agent and claims that sometimes one
person's actions can define the fate of realms as will occur now that she sends the
Agent to the Mantellan Crux, the safeguarded prison of the Mantella, to find it and
free it by touching it to return to the mundane world and have the great Numidium
do as it will. The realm is full of all sorts of creatures and especially Daedra
and Undead, taking place mostly in structures floating in outer space including a
series of floating islands,
a floating pyramid with a tomb where "The spirit of Benefactor lies, though his
body still guards the way" which is a clue to speak before a curious humanoid
entity on a room asking to be told it's name in exchange for letting passage
through the pyramid which is of course Benefactor.

A floating inverted temple with a Blue Obelisk transporting further into the level.

A curious room with walls of fire with giant floating skulls surrounding one bigger
skull known as the Blind God which is a puzzle solved by touching all the skulls
watching the Blind God and the only one who looks away who also claims that the
Blind God is a jealous god and to let his servants (the skulls watching him) lift
up their eyes unto Him to find the way out, Sheogorath who is present in the Blind
God's empty eye sockets claiming that the Blind God guards the place, is a pompous
upstart and no more god than he. In any event, a lesser skull within the Blind God
offers the riddle to enumerate the skulls: One speaks for it, two serve if, six
protect it and asks how many defy it, the answer being 1, the single one who
watches away from it and gives the hint as to how to solve the puzzle.

After that, the Agent gets into a level full of asteroids with Giant Weapons in the
form of a sword and crossbow and Sheogorath who claims these to be his favorite and
second favorite weapons respectively follows the Agent as they solve how to get
pass them and into the final set of rooms where a pedestal holding the big green
gem described by Nulfaga lays: The Mantella, finally theirs for the taking. With
the Mantella freed, the Agent and it return to Nulfaga's hall in Shedungent and she
bades them to look into the book of fate and read the events to come as they will
come to pass in a few days and be recorded in The Elder Scrolls.
-Journey to Aetherius

•The following outcomes are possible, depending on whom you gave the Totem:

Daggerfall: "Great Numidium comes to the call of the dragon of Daggerfall. The
armies of Sentinel and Wayrest fall like scattered leaves, letting Daggerfall
secure control of the Illiac Bay."

Orsinium: "Under the command of Gortwog, Numidium destroys the other powers of the
Illiac Bay; Daggerfall, Sentinel, and Wayrest. A new Orcish homeland is carved out
in Orsinium, and the Empire will never be able to dispute Gortwog's claim to Orcish

Sentinel: "The Mantella is released from Aetherius and at the command of Sentinel
draws forth great Numidium. The other powers of the Illiac Bay are swept aside like
children's toys, placing the right rule of Sentinel in ascendancy over the Illiac

Wayrest: "King Eadwyre of Wayrest, traitor to the Empire, commands great Numidium
to destroy his enemies. Daggerfall and Sentinel fall first, leaving Wayrest in
complete control of the Illiac Bay."

The King of Worms, who uses the Mantella to make himself into a god: "The Mantella
is hurled from Aetherius, and although drawn to the empty chest of great Numidium,
the will of the King of Worms commands it to his side. With this power, the King of
Worms leaves his mortal frame and joins the ranks of the gods of Oblivion."

The Underking, who reclaims his lost heart, thus giving him the death he wished
for: "Centuries of undead sleep are shaken off, rousing the Underking. No mortal
force can stop his fateful reunion with the ghost of his heart, and he joins with
it in an all-consuming fiery embrace, and for just one moment, he is flesh and
blood, a blessed death is granted to Tiber Septim's battlemage."

The Emperor, who uses Numidium to crush the armies of the rebelling kingdoms,
restoring order to the Empire of Tamriel once again: "Great Numidium, its raw power
tempered only by The Blades, crushes all the rebellious children of the Empire,
destroying their armies."

Finally, Nulfaga offers some parting words:

"Your work is done (player's name). The world is no longer as it once was. Such is
the way of things. Oh, and if you tell my lich statue to shut up, the door to my
chamber will open."
-Journey to Aetherius

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