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EPP 4-December

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the basic unit of the society. It also considered as domestic church because it is with them we first learn our
faith and the basic values in life.
A. society B. family C. government
2. It includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and other relatives.
A. immediate family B. extended family C. no family
3. It consists of only few members—the parents and their child or children.
A. immediate family B. extended family C. no family
4. It develops values of being responsible, helpful, hardworking, and disciplined.
A. praying together B. working together C. eating together
5. It is the best time to talk about matters in the family like little accomplishments and trials you had during the
A. praying together B. working together C. eating together
6. It is the spiritual bonding. “The family that prays together stays together.”
A. praying together B. working together C. eating together
7. Spending quality time with the family is important in developing the confidence and well-being of each
family member.
A. true B. false C. maybe
8. Caring for and loving the elder members of the family should we give them the same or more amount of love
and care?
A. yes B. maybe C. no
9. All are roles of children EXCEPT one.
A. Respect and honour your parents at all times.
B. Love and be kind to them.
C. Give them advice and guidance
D. Obey their rules in making you a disciplined child.
E. Consult them when making decision.
F. Help them in taking care of your siblings and doing household chores at home.
G. Take care of them when they grow old.
10. It provides a warm and friendly environment. It is important in building relationships inside and outside the
A. comfort B. hospitality C. honesty

Put a ✓if the following is a characteristics of elderly  if it is a role of parents.

_____1. Keep the children in their company.
_____2. Provide them with all their needs especially good education.
_____3. Support and teach them by showing good example
______4. Their hair becomes gray and thinner.
______5. Give them advice and guidance
______6. Memory loss is a very common concern
______7. Teaching children honesty, integrity, self-discipline and self-reliance.
______8. They suffer from depression. They easily get irritated and become too sensitive.
______9. Providing children with all their needs especially good education.
______10. Elderly members of the family are more likely to acquire one (1) or more chronic diseases like
hypertension and heart disease. They also have weaker immune system.

Put a if it is a proper way to receive and entertain visitors at home or X if not.

______1. Inform all the family members that there will be visitors to come.
______2. Plan ahead on how you will receive and entertain your visitors at home.
______3. Remind the family members to always show courtesy and respect toward the visitors.
______4. Keep the house neat and tidy.
______5. If the visitors will stay for days make sure they don’t have the bedroom ready.
______6. If you have pets, especially dogs or cats, make sure to put them in the pet house to avoid scaring the
______7. Introduce all the family members to the visitors.
______8. Allow the visitors to say something about themselves too.
______9. Offer liquor and drugs.
______10. Don’t keep the visitors entertained.

Write UV if it should be done when we have unexpected visitor and CW if it shows cautious ways in accepting
______1. Welcome them and show them that you are happy to see them.
_______2. Some doors have peephole. Use it to identify who is knocking or ringing the doorbell. If your door
has no peephole, ask in a loud voice that can be heard outside the door. Make sure you recognize the voice of
the person behind the door.
_______3. Let them in and offer them to sit in the living room. Ask about their intention of visiting in a polite
_______4. If you are in doubt or the visitor is total stranger, call an adult to assist you. tell him or her politely to
______5. Offer them refreshments.
________6. Be keen. Notice if there are signs that the visitor may cause harm or danger to your family.
_______7. If the visitors are staying for a night, tidy up the room where they can stay.
_______8. Before opening the door completely or unlocking the door chain, verify the name of the visitor and
the intention of his or her visit.
_______9. Beforehand, make sure that the members of the family are well-oriented on what to do and how to
behave when there are expected or unexpected visitors.
_______10. Remember not to leave the visitor unattended.

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