IELTS-Focused Story

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Academic V ocabulary in Story


PRACTICE INCLUDED Author: Thien Trong Tran


Architectural Adventures: Uncovering Urban Treasures

In a vibrant city filled with dreams and innovation, two close pals, Sarah and Mike, embarked
on a thrilling journey to explore the fascinating world of architecture.

Their adventure kicked off with a visit to the city's renowned university campus. It was a vast,
green oasis in the heart of the bustling metropolis, showcasing a blend of classic and
contemporary architectural styles. They strolled through the serene pathways, admiring the
diverse buildings that housed knowledge and inspiration.
Sarah: Mike, this cathedral is like something out of a fairy tale! It's so grand; I feel like I
should be wearing a tiara.

Mike (laughing): Sarah, you'd make a great architectural princess! Let's snap a royal photo
for our album.

Their first stop was at an ancient cathedral, a towering masterpiece of impressive design. Its
magnificent spires and intricate stained glass windows transported them back in time. Sarah
couldn't resist capturing the grandeur with her camera.

Venturing indoors, they found themselves in a majestic aisle, adorned with soaring columns
and a high vaulted ceiling. The atmosphere inside exuded tranquility, a stark contrast to the
city's vibrant pulse.

Mike: Look at this modern building, Sarah. It's so frame-tastic!

Sarah: Frame-tastic, Mike? Did you just invent a word?

Mike: Well, when architecture is this cool, who needs regular words, right?

Their architectural exploration led them to a sleek, modern building with a unique frame-
like structure. Its large windows offered breathtaking views of the city's downtown skyline,
a harmonious blend of form and function.

Unexpectedly, they stumbled upon an abandoned building tucked away in a quiet corner.
The building's cellar, hidden and overgrown with vines, hinted at forgotten stories and
untold secrets. They wondered if there was a way to restore this piece of history.

Sarah: An abandoned building, Mike? Are we on an architectural treasure hunt now?

Mike: Absolutely, Sarah! Our mission, should we choose to accept it: find hidden history and
make it un-boring!

Their journey took them outdoors to an enchanting garden with a grand greenhouse, a true
landmark of the city. Inside, lush vegetation thrived, creating a unique fusion of architecture
and nature.
Mike: This greenhouse is like nature's ultimate spa, Sarah.

Sarah: Agreed, Mike. I can almost hear the plants whispering spa day secrets.

Mike: I hope they don't reveal my secret fear of garden gnomes!

Leaving the urban landscape behind, they ventured to a sprawling estate just beyond the
city limits, featuring charming cottages and expansive gardens. It was a rural paradise,
offering a serene escape from the urban hustle.

Sarah: These cottages are adorable, Mike. I wonder if we can rent one for a weekend.

Mike: Great idea, Sarah! But if they come with ghost stories, I call dibs on the ghostbuster

Back in the city, they marveled at the towering skyscrapers and modern architectural
wonders that defined the urban property landscape. It was a dynamic blend of tradition and
innovation, where the past and future coexisted.

Mike: Skyscrapers, Sarah. They're like vertical civilizations reaching for the sky!

Sarah: True, Mike. And you know what they say, "When in doubt, look up!"

Their architectural journey had been both educational and exhilarating. They discovered
that architecture wasn't just about buildings; it was a reflection of history, culture, and
human creativity. Each structure had a unique story to tell, contributing to the ever-evolving
tapestry of the city.

Find these words and underline them in the story

1. aisle 10. glass 19. restore

2. architecture 11. grandeur 20. skyscrapers

3. blend 12. greenhouse 21. spires

4. campus 13. indoors 22. stained

5. cathedral 14. innovation 23. structure

6. ceiling 15. majestic 24. styles

7. cellar 16. metropolis 25. tradition

8. civilizations 17. outdoors 26. window

9. contemporary 18. pathways

Write the correct word for the definition

A. An underground storage place. M. Advanced societies.

B. The area of a school or college. N. Openings with glass to see through.

C. Tall, pointed parts of buildings. O. New ideas or inventions.

D. How things are organized. P. Tall, pointed parts of buildings.

E. Marked with colors or spots. Q. See-through material.

F. Modern or current. R. Different ways of doing things.

G. Impressiveness or beauty. S. Customs passed down over time.

H. The top of a room. T. Very tall buildings.

I. Very beautiful and grand. U. Inside a building.

J. To make something like new again. V. Big, busy city.

K. The art of designing buildings. W. Walkways or routes.

L. A narrow path between seats or X. Outdoors in nature.



Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

cottages | tradition and innovation | cathedral | classic and contemporary |

restoration| cellar | architecture

In a bustling metropolis, two friends, Sarah and Mike, embarked on an architectural

adventure. Their journey began at a university campus, a mix of ________ styles. They explored
an ancient ________ with impressive spires and stained glass windows, followed by a serene
indoor aisle with grandeur.

Next, they discovered a sleek modern building with unique architecture. They stumbled
upon an abandoned building and its hidden ________, sparking thoughts of ________. Their
exploration continued in a grand greenhouse, merging ________ and nature.

Leaving the city, they visited a rural estate with expensive gardens and charming ________.
Upon returning, they marveled at skyscrapers blending ________. Throughout, they
encountered various architectural elements, contributing to the city's rich history and
culture. Their adventure was a reflection of tradition, civilizations, and the ever-evolving
architecture of the metropolis.

Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike's journey began in a city known for its architectural innovation and

2. The university campus they visited featured only classic architectural styles.

3. Sarah compared the cathedral they visited to something out of a fairy tale and mentioned
wearing a tiara.

4. Mike invented the word "frame-tastic" to describe the cathedral they explored.

5. The abandoned building that they discovered had a well-maintained cellar.

6. Sarah and Mike marveled at skyscrapers that represented a blend of tradition and


1.Họ đang đi dọc theo lối đi trong cửa hàng.

They are __________________________________________________________________________


2.Kiến trúc của các tòa nhà ở trường học này rất đa dạng và thú vị.

The _______________________________________________________________________________


3.Khuôn viên trường đại học rất rộng lớn và xanh mướt.

The _______________________________________________________________________________


4.Nhà thờ chính tòa này có các ngọn tháp cao và cửa sổ kính nhiều màu.

This _________________________________________________________________________

5.Họ đã kết hợp các loại thức uống khác nhau để tạo nên một loại đồ uống độc đáo.

They ________________________________________________________________________


6. Trần nhà được thiết kế rất cao và có các họa tiết tinh tế.

The _________________________________________________________________________


7.Họ rất thích đi ra ngoài trời để tận hưởng không gian tự nhiên và tĩnh lặng.

They ________________________________________________________________________


8.Họ đến thăm một thành phố lớn đang phát triển, nơi các tòa nhà trọc trời và kiến trúc
hiện đại định nghĩa cảnh quan đô thị."

They ________________________________________________________________________


A Journey Through Health and Wellness

On a beautiful summer weekend in a peaceful suburban community, two lifelong friends,

Sarah and Mike, found themselves at the local health fair, embarking on an extraordinary
journey into the world of medicine. The occasion promised a day filled with excitement and

Sarah: Mike, you won't believe the excitement here! It's like Disneyland for health

Mike: Haha, Sarah, do they have a roller coaster for checking cholesterol levels?

Their adventure began as they strolled through the bustling health fair, surrounded by stalls
and booths offering valuable insights into the world of medicine. It was an opportunity to
learn, explore, and appreciate the importance of healthcare.
Sarah decided it was the perfect time for her annual examination. She visited a makeshift
clinic booth, where a friendly attendant welcomed her and explained the operation of the
clinic. Eager to ensure her health was in top shape, Sarah readily agreed.

Attendant: Sarah, just relax, and we'll make sure you leave here healthier than a cucumber!

During her examination, the doctor requested a sample of her blood for a routine diagnosis.
It was a simple yet essential step in understanding her overall well-being. While Sarah
awaited the results, Mike wandered around the health fair, observing the bustling ward
where patients found comfort.
As they waited, a specialist in infectious diseases passed by, offering some insights into the
importance of immunization. Mike, always eager to learn, decided to get an immunization
to protect himself from common illnesses.

Mike: I can't risk catching the "office flu" again, Sarah. I'll take the immunity shot, please!

Their adventure continued as they visited a nearby hospital booth. Sarah needed a minor
procedure, and the admission process was swift and efficient. The physician and attending
specialist assured Sarah that she was in capable hands.

Sarah: Mike, they even have a red carpet for entering the operating room. I feel like a
Hollywood star about to get a medical makeover!

After the successful procedure, they learned about the significance of discharge instructions.
The nurse carefully explained the steps Sarah should follow to ensure a smooth recovery.
Sarah and Mike were amazed by the attention to detail in their care.
Nurse: Sarah, remember, no skydiving or rock climbing for at least a day or two. You're on
post-procedure chill mode.

On their way out, they noticed a sign promoting mental health awareness. It served as a
reminder that taking care of one's mental health was just as crucial as physical well-being.
They decided to attend a mental health support group meeting, where they discovered the
value of emotional well-being.

Sarah: Mike, this support group is like a cozy group therapy session, but with less staring at

Their adventure concluded at a plastic surgeon's booth. Sarah and Mike were intrigued by
the concept of a "nose job" but ultimately decided to reject the idea, as they were content
with their appearances.

Mike: Sarah, imagine us with different noses. We'd be unrecognizable to each other!

Throughout their medical journey at the health fair, Sarah and Mike gained a profound
appreciation for the field of medicine. They realized that healthcare professionals worked
tirelessly to treat and bandage the ailments of individuals while promoting overall well-
being. It was an adventure filled with knowledge, compassion, and a deeper understanding
of both mental and physical health.
Find these words and underline them in the story by scanning and skimming

1. Admission 10. Healthcare 18. Physician

2. Bandage 11. Immunization 19. Post-therapy

3. Capable hands 12. Inkblots 20. Procedure

4. Cholesterol 13. Infectious 21. Recovery

5. Clinic 22. Sample
14. Medicine
6. Diagnosis 23. Surgeon
15. Mental
7. Discharge 24. Therapy
16. Nose job
8. Examination 25. Well-being
17. Physical
9. Flu 26. In top shape

Write the correct word for the definition

A. The care you get from doctors and M. Finding out what's wrong with you.
N. Pictures used in mental tests.
B. A type of illness that makes you feel
O. Feeling healthy and happy.
really sick.
P. A place where you see a doctor.
C. Getting a shot to prevent sickness.
Q. Surgery to change your nose's shape.
D. When a doctor checks your health.
R. A doctor who does surgeries.
E. A strip of cloth to cover wounds.
S. Leaving the hospital after treatment.
F. Stuff that makes you better when you
are sick. T. After medical treatment.

G. Being very healthy and fit. U. Related to your mind or thoughts.

H. Illnesses that can spread to others. V. Getting better after being sick.

I. Going to the hospital or clinic. W. Related to your body or physical

J. A small piece used to check things.
X. When you're very healthy and fit.
K. Skilled and competent people.
Y. When a doctor checks your body.
L. Bad fat in your blood that can be
harmful. Z. A type of surgery to change your
nose's shape.

Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

sample | procedure | healthcare | appearances | discharge | well-being | immunity shot

| examination

In a tranquil suburban neighborhood, friends Sarah and Mike attended a local health fair
for an educational adventure. They explored stalls offering insights into __________ and
medicine, with Sarah undergoing an __________ and a blood __________ for diagnosis while
Mike learned about immunization and received an __________.

After Sarah had a minor __________ at a hospital booth, they learned about __________
instructions. Attending a mental health support group meeting, they realized the
importance of emotional __________. Their adventure ended at a plastic surgeon's booth,
where they briefly considered a "nose job" but chose to embrace their __________.

Through this journey, they gained a deeper appreciation for healthcare and well-being.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike attended the health fair on a beautiful summer weekend.

2. The health fair had rides and attractions similar to Disneyland.

3. Sarah underwent a major surgical procedure at the hospital booth.

4. The nurse provided Sarah with detailed post-procedure recovery instructions.

5. Sarah and Mike considered getting a "nose job" at the plastic surgeon's booth.

Translate these statements to English

1. Nhập viện vào phòng mạch yêu cầu điền một số giấy tờ.



2. Y tá đã băng bó để che phủ vết thương.


3. Ca phẫu thuật thành công nhờ đôi tay khéo léo của bác sĩ phẫu thuật.



4. Mức cholesterol cao có thể tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim.



5. Phòng mạch chăm sóc sức khỏe cung cấp các dịch vụ y tế đa dạng.



6. Kết quả chẩn đoán xác nhận đó là cảm cúm nhẹ.



7. Kết quả kiểm tra đã không phát hiện vấn đề sức khỏe nghiêm trọng.



The Willow Ville Crime Chronicles: Sarah and Mike's Quest for Justice

In the quiet neighborhood of Willow Ville, two lifelong friends, Sarah and Mike,
unexpectedly found themselves in the midst of a thrilling crime case that would test their
wits and courage.

Sarah: You know, Mike, our evening strolls have been a bit too peaceful lately. We need
some excitement!

Mike: (grinning) Be careful what you wish for, Sarah. I sense an adventure coming our way.

Their story began one ordinary evening as they were strolling through the vibrant downtown
area. Suddenly, they witnessed a daring robbery at a nearby jewelry store. The offender,
masked and armed, had just fled the scene, leaving chaos in his wake.

Sarah: (wide-eyed) Did you see that, Mike? It's like a scene from a Hollywood movie, except

Mike: (chuckles) Yeah, but I don't see any superheroes flying to the rescue. I guess it's up
to us.
Sarah and Mike, fueled by their curiosity, decided to investigate. They approached the
shaken victim, who was an employee of the store. She had been threatened by the attacker,
who had used violence to steal valuable jewels.

Sarah: (whispering) Mike, we're like Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, only without the fancy

The eyewitness account they gathered from the victim was their first clue. With this
information in hand, they hurriedly reported the burglary to the police, becoming amateur
detectives for a night.
As they waited for the authorities to arrive, Sarah and Mike noticed a group of people
gathering nearby, whispering about the incident. They realized that the shoplifting and
vandalism incidents they had heard about earlier might be related. It was turning into a
complex case.

Mike: (nudging Sarah) Looks like we've got ourselves a good old-fashioned mystery,
Scooby-Doo style.

Soon, the police arrived, led by a seasoned detective. He appreciated Sarah and Mike's
initiative and allowed them to assist in the investigation. Together, they delved into the
world of detective work, examining CCTV footage, the security camera video, and collecting
more evidence.
Detective: You two might just have a future in crime-solving. Keep this up, and you'll have
your detective badges.

Their investigation led them to a suspect, a known criminal with a history of robbery. The
detectives worked tirelessly to arrest him, and in a thrilling confrontation, they managed to
capture the offender.

Sarah: (whispering to Mike) I can't believe this is happening. We're like the heroes of our
own detective novel!

During the interrogation, the criminal initially denied any involvement but eventually
decided to confess to his crimes. It was a breakthrough moment for Sarah and Mike, who
had played a crucial role in bringing him to justice.

Mike: (grinning) You know, Sarah, we should consider opening a detective agency "Sarah
and Mike: Solvers of Mysteries."

As the case progressed, they discovered that the murderer they had been hearing about in
the news was also involved in these crimes, operating as a drug dealer on the side. The case
grew even more complicated and dangerous.

Sarah: (whispering) Mike, this has gone from a Nancy Drew novel to a full-blown action
movie. Are you ready for this?

Sarah and Mike's relentless pursuit of justice, their willingness to appeal to the public for
information, and their dedication to solving the crimes impressed everyone involved. They
became local heroes for their contributions to solving this complex criminal case.

In the end, they realized the importance of a fair investigation and the consequences of
violence in Willow Ville. The punishment of the criminals served as a reminder that justice
could prevail, even in the face of adversity.
Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Account 11. Detective 21. Pursuit

2. Adversity 12. Drug dealer 22. Robbery

3. Armed 13. Eyewitness 23. Shoplifting

4. Arrest 14. Initiative 24. Steal

5. Authorities 15. Interrogation 25. Suspect

6. Burglary 16. Investigate 26. Victim

7. Capture 17. Masked 27. Violence

8. CCTV footage 18. Murderer 28. Justice
9. Clue 19. Offender
10. Crime case 20. Punishment

Write the correct word for the definition

A. A specific illegal incident. O. Law enforcement or officials.

B. Stealing with force or threats. P. Stealing from stores.

C. Someone who commits a crime. Q. Taking independent action.

D. Wearing a disguise. R. Recordings from security cameras.

E. Carrying weapons. S. Someone possibly involved in a

F. To examine and gather
information. T. Taking a suspect into custody.

G. Someone harmed by a crime. U. Seizing a suspect.

H. Physical harm caused by force. V. Questioning for information.

I. Taking something unlawfully. W. Person who commits murder.

J. A person who saw an event. X. Sells illegal drugs.

K. A report or description. Y. Chasing or following.

L. Evidence to solve a mystery. Z. Fair treatment under the law.

M. Illegally entering to steal. AA. Penalty for a crime.

N. Investigators of crimes. BB. Facing challenges in life.


Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

authorities | punishment | robbery | interrogation | justice | investigation | CCTV

footage | burglary | crimes

They witness a _______ at a jewelry store and decide to investigate, turning into amateur
detectives for the night. With the victim's eyewitness account as their first clue, they report
the _______ to the police.

As they wait for the _______, they learn about related incidents, making the case more
complex. The seasoned detective allows them to assist in the _______, and they delve into
detective work, examining _______ and collecting evidence. They eventually help arrest the
offender after a thrilling confrontation and a confession during _______.

The case expands to involve a known murderer and drug dealer, becoming even more
complicated. Sarah and Mike's dedication to _______ and their contributions to solving the
_______ make them local heroes. The _______ serves as a reminder of the importance of fair
investigation and the consequences of violence in Willow Ville.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1.Sarah and Mike witnessed the robbery at the jewelry store during their morning jog.

2.The offender at the jewelry store was unmasked and unarmed.

3.The victim of the robbery was a customer in the jewelry store.

4.Sarah and Mike became amateur detectives after gathering information from the victim.
5.The seasoned detective appreciated Sarah and Mike's initiative and allowed them to assist
in the investigation.

6.The criminal refused to confess to his crimes during the interrogation.

Translate these statements to English

1. Các nhà chức trách đã tiến hành bắt giữ nghi phạm trong vụ án cướp gần đây.


2. Sự truy đuổi của cảnh sát đã dẫn đến bắt giữ kẻ gian sau một cuộc đấu súng nguy hiểm.



3. Nhân chứng mắt thấy đã cung cấp một đầu mối quan trọng cho vụ án mạng này.



4. Thẩm vấn nghi phạm trong quá trình điều tra có thể làm sáng tỏ nhiều điều.



5. Nạn nhân của vụ cướp đã nhanh chóng báo cáo sự cố cho cảnh sát



6. Kẻ sát nhân đã bị tóm gọn sau một cuộc rượt đuổi nguy hiểm với cảnh sát.



7. Đây là một vụ cướp có nghi phạm đã bị bắt giữ, nhưng vẫn cần điều tra thêm.



8. Sự truy tìm đối với tên buôn ma túy này đã kéo dài nhiều tháng.



Champions of Equality: Sarah and Mike's Societal Odyssey

In a lively city, two best buddies, Sarah and Mike, set out on a fascinating adventure to
uncover the colorful tapestry of their society.

Their journey kicked off when they signed up for a sociology class, ready to explore the
secrets of their community. The class introduced them to the idea of different classes and
the beauty of diversity among their fellow citizens.

As they dug into the subject, they realized that society was like a big puzzle with pieces from
various ethnic backgrounds. They learned about the upper class and the working class and
how these ranks could affect people's lives. The challenges faced by minority communities
also caught their attention.

During their quest for knowledge, they met a wise senior citizen who shared captivating
stories from a past generation. This encounter helped them understand how traditions and
customs were passed down through time.

Empowered by their newfound insights, Sarah and Mike became activists for equality. They
joined lively debates about racism, feminism, and human rights, determined to make their
society fair and just for every citizen.

While they championed for change, they bumped into a few folks with narrow-minded
beliefs, known as bigots. Sarah and Mike realized that challenging these biases was like
breaking down walls that kept people feeling inferior or superior.

Their adventure also involved engaging with the everyday aspects of their city life,
highlighting the importance of being responsible citizens and taking an active role in their
community. They looked up to idols who stood up for equality and were determined to
follow in their footsteps.

As they continued their exploration, they found out that their city's demographics were
changing, reflecting a society that was constantly evolving. Sarah and Mike were passionate
about fighting for the rights of the majority and minority, believing that every citizen should
have an equal shot at success.

Their journey was a colorful ride through the ups and downs of society. Sarah and Mike
believed that by embracing beliefs of fairness and justice, they could paint a brighter future
where every citizen could flourish.
Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Activists 11. Diversity 20. Minority

2. Beliefs 12. Equality 21. Ranks

3. Bigots 13. Ethnic 22. Racism

4. Biases Backgrounds 23. Senior Generation

5. Classes 14. Evolving 24. Sociology

6. Citizenship 15. Feminism 25. Superior

7. Community 16. Human Rights 26. Upper Class

8. Customs 17. Idols 27. Working Class
9. Debates 18. Inferior
10. Demographics 19. Majority

Write the correct word for the definition

A. The study of society's patterns and M. People advocating for change.

N. Equal rights and opportunities.
B. A group of people with shared
O. Discussions with opposing views.
interests and characteristics.
P. Discrimination based on race.
C. Social groups based on economic or
social status. Q. Advocacy for gender equality.
D. The presence of various cultural R. Fundamental freedoms.
groups in a society.
S. Personal convictions.
E. Members of a community with legal
T. Intolerant individuals.
U. Prejudices affecting judgment.
F. Ancestral and cultural heritage.
V. Lower in quality or status.
G. The wealthiest social group.
W. Higher in quality or status.
H. People in manual or industrial jobs.
X. Admired people or things.
I. Social positions in a hierarchy.
Y. Population statistics.
J. A smaller cultural group within a
larger population. Z. Changing over time.

K. Older members of a society. AA. Larger portion of a group.

L. Traditional practices within a culture.


Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

citizen | biases | ethnic backgrounds | activists | demographics | minorities | fairness

In a vibrant city, lifelong friends Sarah and Mike embarked on a journey to explore their
society's intricacies through a sociology class. They are introduced to the idea of diverse
classes and ___________, understanding challenges faced by ___________.

Their exploration led to encounters with a senior ___________, inspiring them to champion
traditions and customs passed down through generations. Empowered by their insights,
they became ___________, engaging in debates on racism, feminism, and human rights to
advocate for equality.

They also recognized the importance of challenging ___________and promoting inclusivity.

Witnessing their city's evolving ___________reinforced their commitment to fighting for the
rights of both the majority and minority.

Sarah and Mike's journey was an enlightening odyssey through society, driven by their
unwavering belief in ___________and justice.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike signed up for a sociology class to explore the secrets of their community.

2. They learned that society is like a big puzzle with pieces from various ethnic backgrounds.
3. The challenges faced by minority communities did not catch their attention during their


4. Sarah and Mike became activists for equality and engaged in debates about various
societal issues.

5. They encountered people with narrow-minded beliefs known as bigots and found it easy
to change their biases.
6. Sarah and Mike believed that by embracing beliefs of fairness and justice, they could
create a future where only the majority would flourish.

Translate these statements to English

1. Các nhà hoạt động xã hội luôn ủng hộ sự bình đẳng và quyền con người.


2. Niềm tin đa dạng giữa các tầng lớp xã hội.



3. Một số người có tư duy hẹp hòi và đả kích có thể gây ra sự phân biệt.



4. Điều đó thể hiện rằng có sự thiên vị trong xã hội.



5. Các tầng lớp xã hội có thể tạo nên sự đa dạng trong xã hội.



6. Quyền công dân là quyền của mỗi người trong cộng đồng.



7. Phong tục truyền thống thường phản ánh văn hóa của cộng đồng.



8. Cuộc tranh luận là một cách để thảo luận về các vấn đề quan trọng.



Harbor Heroes: Sarah and Mike's Surprising Showdown

On a bright and sunny morning, as they wandered along the charming harbor, Sarah and
Mike couldn't help but notice a gathering of folks in military gear near the navy base.

Sarah: (raising an eyebrow) Mike, do you see that? Looks like the harbor's hosting a uniform
fashion show!

Mike: (grinning) I knew I should've brought my camouflage shorts!

Turned out, their coastal town was grappling with an ongoing tango with a bunch of
terrorists who had taken a liking to an offshore base. These less-than-friendly neighbors had
made life a tad uncomfortable for the town and its residents.

Sarah: (whispering) Mike, it's like a real-life action movie, but without the popcorn!

Mike: (nodding) And definitely without the comfy theater seats!

As they delved deeper, they found out that the local military was working overtime to keep
the town safe and sound. These troops were a mix of battle-hardened soldiers and
enthusiastic volunteers who had signed up to protect their hometown.

Sarah: (impressed) Mike, check out these real-life superheroes! They're like the Avengers of
our harbor.

Mike: (grinning) Wonder if they have a superhero handshake!

Amongst the buzz, they couldn't help but spot an impressive arsenal of weapons aimed in
the direction of the enemy's base. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and they could
almost taste the seriousness of the situation.

Sarah: (wide-eyed) Mike, those aren't water guns, that's for sure!

Mike: (whispering) Nope, I don't think they're here for a friendly water fight.

Feeling a surge of responsibility, Sarah and Mike decided to lend a hand to the troops in
any way they could. They jumped into action, playing heroes in their own right by providing
first aid to the wounded and assisting in the evacuation of civilians to safety.

Sarah: (in superhero mode) To the rescue!

Mike: (with a cape made of determination) Up, up, and away!

One day, the terrorists decided to play with explosives, threatening to disrupt the town's
crucial supply routes. Things got serious in a hurry, and the local military had to make a
tough call.
Sarah: (grim-faced) Mike, we've entered the danger zone.

Mike: (nodding) Danger is our middle name!

The navy base commander found a secret way to infiltrate the enemy's stronghold and
eliminate the threat. Sarah and Mike, despite their civilian status, were accidentally called up
by the captain to the big leagues.

Captain: (addressing the team) Team, take these two with us. They've shown they've got
what it takes. Today, we take action and show those terrorists they can't mess with us. Stay
sharp, stay focused, and remember, we can't fail. Let's go!

Sarah: (steely-eyed) Mike, this is it. Our mission: totally possible!

Mike: (with an invisible laser gun) We're on it, Captain!

In a covert operation, they, along with a squad of top-notch troops, set sail towards the
enemy base. The stakes were high, the tension palpable.

Sarah: (nervously) Mike, it's like we're in a spy thriller!

Mike: (grinning) Sarah, you're the Bond girl, and I'm the tech genius!

Facing heavy gunfire from the terrorists, the conflict reached a fever pitch. With unwavering
determination, they managed to breach the enemy's defenses and seize control of the base.

Sarah: (panting) Mike, remind me to do more cardio after this!

Mike: (out of breath) Agreed! Maybe some yoga too.

In the end, the terrorists were brought to justice, and the town could breathe easy again.
Sarah and Mike had proven themselves as local legends, and the navy base became a
symbol of community strength.

Captain: (with pride) Team, Sarah and Mike, you've shown incredible courage and
resourcefulness today. Your contributions were pivotal to our success. Thank you, both!

(The soldiers applaud, acknowledging Sarah and Mike's bravery.)

Their adventure had put their bravery and resolve to the test, highlighting the importance
of unity and determination in times of crisis. Sarah and Mike's actions showcased the true
spirit of citizenship and the defense of their town's values.
Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Base 9. Determination 17.Spirit

2. Camouflage 10.Explosive 18.Terrorist

3. Captain 11.Infiltrate 19.Tension

4. Civilians 12.Justice 20.Unity

5. Commander 13.Legend 21.Volunteer

6. Contribution 14.Military 22.Weapon

7. Covert operation 15.Navy 23.Zone

8. Courage 16.Route

Write the correct word for the definition

A. Armed forces that protect a I. Specific area for a purpose.

J. Sea-based military.

B. Hiding by blending with

K. High-ranking military leader.

L. Ship or aircraft leader.
C. Use violence for political goals.
M. Secret mission.

D. Central military location.

N. Mental or emotional strain.

E. Willing unpaid helpers.

O. Paths or roads.

F. Tools for defense or offense.

P. Secretly enter.

G. Non-military people.
Q. Very famous and admired person
H. Substances causing sudden
R. Inner strength or courage.
energy release.

Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

weapons | military | explosives | defenses | unity and determination | base | values |

covert operation | wounded

Sarah and Mike soon learned that their peaceful town was facing a threat from terrorists
who had targeted the offshore ___________. With the tension rising, they witnessed the
dedication of the local ___________and volunteers working tirelessly to protect their

As exploring further, they encountered an arsenal of ___________, emphasizing the

seriousness of the situation. Feeling a sense of responsibility, they joined the efforts,
providing assistance to the ___________and aiding in evacuating civilians.

When the terrorists posed a danger to the town's supply routes with ___________, the navy
base commander initiated a ___________. Surprisingly, Sarah and Mike were called upon to
participate in the mission. With determination, they breached the enemy's ___________,
securing the base and bringing the terrorists to justice.

Their heroic actions earned them the respect of the community, highlighting the importance
of ___________in times of crisis. Sarah and Mike's adventure showcased the true spirit of
citizenship and community ___________, leaving a lasting impact on their harbor town.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given
1. Sarah and Mike noticed the military gathering near the navy base during the evening.

2. The terrorists had taken over the harbor's offshore base peacefully.

3. Sarah and Mike joined the military as full-time soldiers to protect their town.

4. The terrorists' use of explosives threatened the town's supply routes.

5. The covert operation to breach the enemy's defenses was led by Sarah and Mike.

6. Sarah and Mike's contributions to the mission were acknowledged by the navy base

Translate these statements to English

1. Cơ sở quân đội đang ở trong tình trạng bảo vệ nghiêm ngặt để đảm bảo an ninh.



2. Các binh sĩ đã sử dụng kỹ thuật ngụy trang chuyên nghiệp để ẩn mình trong rừng rậm.


3. Đại úy Smith nổi tiếng với khả năng lãnh đạo xuất sắc của ông trong hải quân.



4. Người dân thường dân đã được sơ tán khỏi khu vực chiến tranh để bảo toàn tính mạng.



5. Thượng úy đã đưa ra các quyết định quan trọng trong trận chiến căng thẳng.



6. Sự đóng góp của họ vào nhiệm vụ đã được công nhận và khen ngợi.



From Chips to Clicks: Sarah and Mike's Hi-Tech Adventure

One sunny morning, Sarah and Mike decided to explore the wonders of a massive digital

Sarah: (excited) Wow, Mike, this digital library is amazing! It's like a tech wonderland!

Mike: (enthusiastic) Totally, Sarah! Let's explore this digital realm!

They approached a huge terminal, eager to access its vast knowledge. With a swift motion,

they activated their username and logged in to the digital domain. Inside, they encountered
an experienced programmer named Max, who introduced them to the magic of coding.

Max: (friendly) Welcome, guys! Coding is like talking to computers in their secret language.

Sarah: (curious) Can we make them do funny dances?

Max: (chuckles) Not exactly, but we can make them do cool stuff!

Their journey took an artistic turn when they discovered a realm of breathtaking graphics,
where imagination knew no limits.

Mike: (a bit puzzled) All this hardware and software stuff feels like a tech puzzle, Sarah.

Sarah: (assuring) Don't worry, Mike. It's like building with digital LEGO blocks!

Mike, with his knack for problem-solving, decided to upgrade his knowledge by exploring

the inner workings of a computer system. Meanwhile, Sarah ventured into the realm of
artificial intelligence (AI).

Sarah: (amazed) Check out this AI lab, Mike! Machines that can think and learn—how cool
is that?

Mike: (impressed) Super cool, Sarah! And they never need coffee breaks!
Their quest also led them to a thrilling encounter with a group of antivirus heroes battling
digital demons.

Antivirus Hero: (focused) Newbies, these digital demons are tough cookies!

Sarah: (determined) We've got this! Let's zap those malware pests!

One day, they stumbled upon a mysterious artifact - an ancient digital archive filled with

forgotten knowledge.

Sarah: (excited) Hey, Mike, I found an ancient digital archive. It's like tech history!

As their journey reached its climax, they entered a realm of virtual reality where they could
step into the digital world they had come to love.

Virtual Reality Guide: (with a grin) Welcome to the ultimate digital playground, where you
can be a superhero!

Mike: (giddy) I've always wanted to fly like a superhero!

Sarah: (laughing) Today's your day, Mike!

With their newfound knowledge and skills, Sarah and Mike decided to create their very own

applications to share with the world. These digital wonders would become their legacy, a
way to give back to the world of computing that had brought them so much joy.

Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Antivirus 7. Computing 14.Log in

2. Applications 8. Cookies 15.Malware
3. Archive 9. Digital 16.Software

4. Artificial 10.Digital 17.System

Intelligence 11.Domain 18.Username

5. Artifact 12.Graphics 19.Virtual Reality

6. Coding 13.Hardware
Write the correct word for the definition

A. Computers that think. J. Computer programs.

B. Information on screens. K. Operating setup.

C. Website trackers. L. Virus protector.

D. Your online name. M. Harmful software.

E. You're connected. N. Historical object.

F. Web address. O. Online records.

G. Programming language. P. Computer-simulated world.

H. Visual elements. Q. Computer programs.

I. Computer parts. R. Computer work.


Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

graphics | artificial intelligence | programmer | digital | ancient | applications | virtual

reality | demons | coding

Sarah and Mike are excited to explore a massive ________ library, where they learn about
________ from Max, an experienced ________. They discover the artistic realm of ________ and

delve into the inner workings of hardware and software. Sarah explores ________, while Mike
learns about computer systems.

Along the way, they meet antivirus heroes fighting against digital ________ and uncover an

________ digital archive filled with forgotten knowledge. Their adventure culminates in a
________ experience where they can be superheroes. Inspired by their journey, Sarah and

Mike decide to create their own ________, leaving a digital legacy for the world of computing.

Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike explored the digital library on a rainy morning.

2. Max introduced Sarah and Mike to the wonders of coding.

3. Mike believed that coding was like talking to computers in their secret language.
4. Sarah and Mike encountered a group of artists during their digital adventure.

5. Sarah ventured into the realm of artificial intelligence.

6. The antivirus heroes they met were battling physical, not digital, demons.

7. They discovered a mysterious artifact in the ancient digital archive.

8. Sarah and Mike left the virtual reality realm to create their own applications.

Translate these statements to English

1.Phần mềm chống vi rút là một phần quan trọng để bảo vệ máy tính khỏi các mối đe dọa
trực tuyến.



2.Ứng dụng di động ngày càng trở nên phổ biến và hữu ích trong cuộc sống hàng ngày

của chúng ta.



3.Lưu trữ dữ liệu quan trọng trong các hệ thống lưu trữ điện tử giúp tiết kiệm không gian
vật lý.


4.Trí tuệ nhân tạo đang thay đổi cách chúng ta tương tác với máy tính và thiết bị điện tử.



5.Lỗi kỹ thuật có thể xảy ra trong quá trình phát triển phần mềm, phần cứng và hệ thống

kỹ thuật số.



6.Việc viết mã là một phần quan trọng của việc phát triển phần mềm và ứng dụng.



7.Tính toán máy tính đã đóng vai trò quan trọng trong các lĩnh vực khác nhau như khoa
học, kỹ thuật và kinh doanh.



8.Cookie là một phần của dữ liệu trình duyệt web và thường được sử dụng để theo dõi hoạt

động trực tuyến của người dùng.



Dr. Watson's Whimsical World of Biology

In a strange laboratory tucked away in a small town, Sarah and Mike met Dr. Watson, an
eccentric biologist with a passion for the bizarre side of biology. Little did they know, they

were about to embark on an unforgettable adventure that would reveal secrets of life.

Dr. Watson: (wearing a lab coat covered in colorful stains) Welcome to my wild world of
biology! Prepare for a journey you won't forget.

Dr. Watson, donning a lab coat covered in colorful stains, explained to them the never-
ending cycle of life.

Dr. Watson: Life is like a never-ending rollercoaster, my friends. Buckle up!

He described how every living thing, from the tiniest bacteria to the mightiest oak tree,
follows this grand circle of existence.

Sarah: (curious) So, even bacteria have their own little soap operas?

Dr. Watson: (with a twinkle in his eye) Oh, you have no idea!

Pointing at a poster of a DNA strand, Dr. Watson unveiled the code of life - DNA. He referred
to it as the "biological blueprint" for all organisms. Sarah and Mike imagined it as a magical

recipe book that determines the traits of every living being.

Mike: (grinning) So, it's like the cookbook for the world's weirdest dishes?

Dr. Watson: (nodding) Exactly!

As they ventured deeper into the laboratory, they stumbled upon a peculiar tank filled with
glowing fish. Dr. Watson shared his fascination with the process of evolution and explained

how these fish had evolved to be so vibrant.

Dr. Watson: (amused) It's like Mother Nature's avant-garde fashion show, isn't it?
Their attention shifted to an experiment where colorful germs and bacteria were dancing
under a microscope. Dr. Watson elaborated on how these microscopic beings played crucial
roles in various biological processes.

Sarah: (grinning) It's like a microscopic dance party in there!

Dr. Watson: (chuckles) You got it!

Next, they encountered a lively discussion about genes and genetics. Dr. Watson showed
them how genes were the building blocks of life, responsible for passing on traits from one
generation to the next.

In the corner of the lab, a strange-looking plant with oversized leaves caught their eye. Dr.
Watson grinned and revealed that it was a result of a mutation experiment, showcasing the

weird and wonderful side of biological research.

Mike: (playful) So, Mother Nature decided to have a little fun here, right?

Dr. Watson: (laughs) Mother Nature's sense of humor knows no bounds!

They then ventured outdoors to explore the garden, where Dr. Watson pointed out the
vibrant, organic fruits and vegetables. He explained how they grew naturally, without any

synthetic chemicals.

Back inside, they learned about the bustling world of metabolism, where cells worked hard
to produce energy. Sarah and Mike couldn't help but imagine tiny worker bees inside each

cell, buzzing with activity.

In the final segment of their adventure, they delved into the topic of reproduction. Dr.
Watson brought out a model of a cell family tree, illustrating how cells divided and

multiplied, creating new life.

Sarah: (giggling) It's like a biological family reunion!

Dr. Watson: (smiling) Indeed, with some very interesting relatives!

The journey took a humorous turn when they encountered a mischievous parasite, which
Dr. Watson referred to as "nature's freeloaders." It was a creature that thrived at the expense
of others.

Mike: (grinning) The ultimate couch surfers of the animal kingdom!

Dr. Watson: (nodding) Exactly!

The laboratory tour concluded with a peek into the fascinating world of tissues and
antibodies. Dr. Watson likened antibodies to the body's vigilant bouncers, always ready to
kick out unwelcome guests like viruses.

Dr. Watson: (energetic) They're the superheroes of the body's defense team!

As Sarah and Mike left the laboratory, they couldn't stop chuckling at Dr. Watson's quirky
explanations. This adventure had given them a humorous insight into the world of biology,

where the strange, the extraordinary, and the downright hilarious were all part of life's grand

Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Antibodies 10.Freeloaders 19.Parasite

2. Bacteria 11.Genes 20.Processes

3. Biology 12.Genetics 21.Reproduction

4. Blueprint 13.Germs 22.Research

5. Cells 14.Laboratory 23.Stains

6. Energy 15.Metabolism 24.Synthetic chemicals

7. Evolution 16.Microscope 25.Tissues

8. Evolved 17.Mutation 26.Traits

9. Experiment 18.Organisms 27.Viruses

Write the correct word for the definition

A. A place for scientific research and O. Characteristics or features of an

experiments. organism.

B. The study of living organisms and their P. A change in an organism's genetic

processes. material.
C. Substances used to color or mark tissues Q. Systematic investigation to discover new

and cells in laboratory work. knowledge.

D. Microscopic organisms that can be R. Man-made substances not found in

beneficial or harmful. nature.

E. A plan or design, often used in the S. The chemical processes in living

context of genetic information. organisms.

F. Living entities such as plants, animals, T. The basic structural and functional units
and microorganisms. of life.
G. The gradual change in organisms over U. The capacity to do work or provide
time. power.

H. Developed or changed through a V. The process of producing offspring.

gradual process. W. An organism that lives on or in another
I. A controlled test or investigation to gain and benefits at the host's expense.

scientific knowledge. X. Individuals who take advantage of

J. Microscopic pathogens, including others without giving anything in return.

bacteria and viruses. Y. Groups of cells that perform specific

K. An instrument for magnifying small functions.

objects. Z. Proteins produced by the immune

L. Series of actions or steps. system to fight infections.
M. Units of genetic information that AA. Microscopic infectious agents that
determine traits. require a host cell to replicate.

N. The study of genes and heredity.


Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

cells | traits | reproduction | synthetic | blueprint | freeloaders | antibodies | burglary

| viruses

Dr. Watson revealed DNA as the biological ________ for all living beings, akin to a magical
recipe book for traits.

The trio encountered glowing fish illustrating evolution's creative side, microscopic beings
dancing under a ________, and genes passing on ________ from one generation to the next.
They explored mutation experiments that showcased nature's sense of humor and learned
about organic growth without ________ chemicals.

In the world of metabolism, they envisioned ________ as busy worker bees producing energy.
The adventure continued with an exploration of ________, likened to a biological family
reunion. They met a mischievous parasite, the ultimate ________ of the animal kingdom, and
discovered the roles of tissues and ________ as the body's vigilant bouncers against ________.

Dr. Watson's quirky explanations filled their journey with humor, making biology a realm
where the strange and hilarious were essential elements of life's grand experiment.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Dr. Watson's lab was located in a bustling metropolis.

2. The glowing fish in the laboratory tank were a result of a mutation experiment.

3. Synthetic chemicals were used to grow the organic fruits and vegetables in the garden.

4. Dr. Watson's laboratory had a section dedicated to the study of virtual reality.

5. Dr. Watson compared cells working in metabolism to tiny worker bees.

6. Antibodies were described as the body's vigilantes against parasites.

Translate these statements to English

1. Vi khuẩn là những vi sinh vật nhỏ.



2. Sinh học là môn học nghiên cứu về sự sống.



3. Tế bào là đơn vị cơ bản của mọi sinh vật.



4. Sự tiến hóa là quá trình thay đổi của các loài theo thời gian.



5. Thí nghiệm là một phần quan trọng của nghiên cứu.



6. Các gen định đặc điểm của mỗi cá thể.



7. Môi trường sống có thể bị nhiễm khuẩn.



8. Sự tái sản xuất là quá trình tạo ra các sinh vật mới.



The Gizmo Dilemma: Sarah and Mike's Repair Quest

On a sunny morning, as they sipped their coffee, they noticed an unusual commotion near

their home. Their beloved hi-tech appliances had seemingly gone rogue! The toaster
activated on its own, the TV switched channels without prompting, and even the coffee

maker started brewing espresso instead of their usual brew.

Confused, they decided to investigate the source of this technological chaos. Armed with
curiosity and a toolbox, they examined the appliances' circuits and wiring. It became

apparent that a mysterious current surge had caused a mechanical malfunction in their

Sarah, the more technically inclined of the two, took charge of breaking down the complex
machinery. She discovered that the culprit was a battery in the central control mechanism
that had malfunctioned, sending electrical signals haywire.

Mike, on the other hand, played the role of a gadget guru, helping Sarah navigate through

the labyrinth of wires and sensors. They realized that an adapter had overheated, leading to
the breakdown of the appliances' circuits.

With their combined efforts, they carefully disconnected the faulty wires. However, they
knew their appliances needed a boost to restore them to their full capacity. This called for

some engineering finesse, and they decided to enlist the help of a local technician, Techy

Techy Ted arrived with an amplifier and a toolbox full of spare parts. He showed them how
to magnify the issue, identifying the damaged components with ease. Together, they
replaced the faulty parts and reactivated the appliances, which began functioning perfectly

once more.

With the town's machinery humming harmoniously, Sarah and Mike realized the importance
of understanding the mechanisms behind their gadgets. Their adventure in Tech Ville had
taught them that even in the world of electronics, a little know-how could go a long way in
solving hi-tech mysteries.

Find these words and underline them in the story

1. activated 10. current 19. mechanical

2. adapter 11. disconnected 20. mechanism
3. amplifier 12. electronics 21. sensors
4. appliances 13. gadgets 22. signals
5. battery 14. hi-tech 23. spare parts
6. breakdown 15. labyrinth 24. technician
7. capacity 16. machinery 25. technically
8. circuits 17. magnify 26. wires
9. components 18. malfunctioned
Write the correct word for the definition

A. Advanced and sophisticated technology. L. Electric or electronic messages or

B. Electrical devices used for household impulses.

tasks. M. A complex network of pathways or

C. To turn on or start a device. circuits.

D. The path through which electricity flows N. Conductive metal strands used for

in a device. transmitting electricity.

E. The flow of electricity in a circuit. O. Devices that detect and respond to
F. Related to machines or moving parts. physical changes.

G. In a way that relates to the technical P. A device that allows different electrical
aspects of something. connections to be compatible.

H. Mechanical devices used for various Q. A failure or malfunction in a system.

purposes. R. Not connected or separated.

I. A device that stores and provides S. The maximum amount something can
electrical energy. hold or produce.

J. The working parts of a machine. T. A skilled worker who repairs or maintains

K. To fail or work improperly. technical equipment.

U. A device that increases the strength of X. Individual parts or elements of a system.
electrical signals. Y. Small electronic devices or tools.
V. Extra or replacement components for a Z. The branch of technology dealing with

device. electronic circuits and systems.

W. To enlarge or make something appear



Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

components | labyrinth | appliances | mechanisms | circuits and wiring | capacity

Sarah and Mike's peaceful morning takes a twist when their hi-tech ________ start acting

strangely. To solve the mystery, they dive into the world of ________, discovering a
malfunction caused by a battery and an overheated adapter. With Sarah's technical skills

and Mike's gadget expertise, they navigate a ________ of wires and sensors. Local technician
Techy Ted helps them identify and replace damaged ________, restoring the appliances to

full ________. This adventure in Tech Ville highlights the importance of understanding gadget
________ and shows that a little know-how can solve hi-tech mysteries.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike's appliances went rogue because of a sudden power outage.

2. Sarah and Mike used a toolbox to examine the circuits and wiring of their appliances.
3. The malfunction in their gadgets was caused by a faulty battery in the central control

4. Mike played a significant role in breaking down the complex machinery of the appliances.

5. Techy Ted arrived with an amplifier and spare parts to fix the appliances.

6. The appliances started functioning perfectly as soon as they were reactivated.

Translate these statements to English

1. Bộ phận cảm biến của thiết bị đã bị hỏng, khiến nó không kết nối được.



2. Chúng ta cần một kỹ thuật viên để sửa chữa máy móc điện tử này.



3. Kiểm tra xem có đủ phụ tùng để thay thế không.



4. Thạch anh là một trong những linh kiện quan trọng trong mạch điện của máy tính.



5. Thiết bị đã bị kích hoạt bất thường và gây ra sự cố nghiêm trọng.



6. Các mạch điện bên trong máy móc này phức tạp như một mê cung.



7. Máy bị hỏng và không thể hoạt động nữa.



8. Hãy sử dụng bộ khuếch đại âm thanh để nâng cao âm lượng của loa.



Unraveling the Unknown: A Tale of Nuclear Adventures

One sunny day, as they were walking by the beach, they stumbled upon a mysterious device
buried in the sand. The device had an odd shape, like a flexible rubber band, and it emitted
a strange radiation that made their hair stand on end.

Being curious souls, they decided to investigate further. Mike attempted to bend the device,
but it responded with a sudden charge of energy, shooting out a dazzling wave of colors. It
was as if they had activated something otherworldly.

Sarah, with her interest in physics, recognized that this device was powered by nuclear
technology. Its core contained tiny atoms that were about to undergo a unique process
known as fusion. The device was on the verge of releasing an incredible amount of energy.

As they tinkered with it, they noticed the mass of the device changing, and it started to
contract and expand like a living thing. The pressure within the device was building, and
they could feel a strange force at play.

Suddenly, the device emitted a powerful force that lifted it off the ground. It hovered in the
air, and the surrounding matter seemed to react to its presence. Sarah and Mike realized
that they had accidentally created a gravity-defying field around the device.

With excitement in their eyes, they decided to conduct a series of experiments. They used a
block of concrete to see how the device's radiation affected it. To their surprise, the concrete
began to crack and morph into intricate patterns, as if it were alive.

As the device continued to emit its strange radiation, they used it to power a small
generator, causing it to accelerate at an incredible speed. The generator's frequency of
operation became an attractive sight, and they felt like they were in the presence of a
powerful cosmic entity.

Throughout their experiments, Sarah and Mike found new ways to bond with the device.
They used it to circulate currents of energy, creating beautiful motion patterns in the sand.
The device's density changed as it absorbed and released energy, defying the laws of

Their quirky adventure in the realm of nuclear science continued, and they couldn't help but
marvel at the mysteries of the universe. The device, now their magnetic companion, had
introduced them to a world where the laws of physics could be bent and redefined.

With a sense of wonder and a newfound understanding of energy, Sarah and Mike's bond
grew stronger, and their adventures in the world of the unknown had only just begun.
Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Accelerate 12. Expand 23. Matter

2. Atoms 13. Field 24. Motion

3. Bend 14. Flexible 25. Morph

4. Bond 15. Force 26. Nuclear

5. Charge 16. Frequency 27. Physics

6. Circulate 17. Fusion 28. Pressure

7. Concrete 18. Generator 29. Radiation

8. Contract 19. Gravity 30. Releasing
9. Crack 20. Hovered 31. Wave
10. Density 21. Magnetic

11. Energy 22. Mass

Write the correct word for the definition

A. Can bend easily. P. Stayed in the air.

B. Energy waves or particles emitted. Q. Everything with mass.

C. To curve or flex. R. Attraction force.

D. Electric property. S. Area with a force effect.

E. Energy disturbance. T. Building material.

F. Study of matter and energy. U. Material fracture.

G. Related to atoms' core. V. Change form.

H. Basic matter units. W. Makes electricity.

I. Combining atoms for energy. X. Speed up.

J. Letting energy go. Y. Cycles in time.

K. Matter amount. Z. Connect atoms.

L. Get smaller. AA. Move in loops.

M. Grow in size. BB. Moving or changing.

N. Force per area. CC. Compactness of stuff.

O. Push or pull.

Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

mass | concrete | radiation | interrogation | physics | gravity | currents |

Sarah, with her physics knowledge, recognized the device's nuclear technology and the
unique __________ process set to release vast energy. They noticed the device's __________
changing, expanding and contracting under mounting pressure, driven by an enigmatic

Suddenly, the device defied __________, hovering and affecting the surrounding matter. Sarah
and Mike experimented, using __________, which responded by cracking and morphing into
complex patterns. They harnessed the device's __________ to power a generator, accelerating
it to mesmerizing frequencies.

Their bond with the device grew as they explored its capabilities, circulating energy
__________ and challenging __________ laws. This adventure into the unknown cosmos
redefined their understanding of energy, marking the beginning of their magnetic journey.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike found the mysterious device while they were at home.

2. Mike successfully bent the device, which caused it to release a dazzling wave of colors.
3. Sarah recognized that the device was powered by nuclear technology.

4. The device's core contained atoms undergoing fusion.

5. The concrete block they used in their experiments cracked and morphed in response to the

device's radiation.

6. The device defied the laws of physics by creating a gravity-defying field.

Translate these statements to English

1. Linh thích học môn vật lý vì nó giúp cô ấy hiểu về thế giới tự nhiên.



2. Quang đang đọc một cuốn sách về vật lý lượng tử (quantum), một chủ đề khá khó
nhưng thú vị.


3. Các thí nghiệm vật lý thường liên quan đến việc đo lường và phân tích dữ liệu.



4. Khi bạn thả một vật, nó rơi xuống do tác động của lực hấp dẫn, như được giải thích
trong vật lý.



5. Hiểu biết về những kiến thức cơ bản về vật lý là quan trọng cho nhiều lĩnh vực khoa học.



6. Tại phòng thí nghiệm, các nhà khoa học đã tiến hành các thử nghiệm về hợp nhất hạt
nhân để khai thác năng lượng được giải phóng từ các phản ứng nguyên tử.



7. Trong ngành vật lý, chúng ta nghiên cứu về quan hệ giữa khối lượng và mật độ của
vật chất.



8. Trong một bản đồ vật lý, chúng ta có thể thấy các trường từ, áp suất và mật độ của
khí quyển.



Journey Through the Sands of History

In a quaint town, Sarah and Mike embarked on an unusual adventure that would take them
on a journey through time, exploring the mysteries of history. Little did they know, their
expedition would reveal a world filled with ancient costumes, lost civilizations, and intriguing

One sunny afternoon, the pair stumbled upon a small, historical museum tucked away in a
forgotten corner of town. The museum, though modest, held a treasure trove of artifacts
and relics from various eras, making it a haven for history enthusiasts like Sarah and Mike.
As they stepped inside, they were greeted by a passionate explorer turned archeologist who
shared tales of the past with enthusiasm. The explorer, a true devotee of history, regaled
them with stories from different historical ages, describing the rise and fall of empires,
revolutions that had shaped nations, and the construction of monumental pyramids that
still stood as majestic ruins.

Sarah and Mike's curiosity led them to inquire about the origins of various ancient costumes
displayed in the museum. The archeologist explained that these costumes were not mere
clothing but symbols of ancestry and chronology, representing the lifestyles of civilizations
long gone.

Their exploration took them to the heart of an ancient fortress, which had once been a
strategic stronghold during wartime. They marveled at the historical chronology, uncovering
tales of fortresses built by successive empires, each seeking to strengthen their dominion.

In the dimly lit chambers of the fortress, Sarah and Mike discovered the secrets of former
rulers and the legacies they left behind. They found themselves transported back to the
Middle Ages, imagining what life must have been like in those times.

As they delved deeper into the mysteries of the past, Sarah and Mike realized that history
was not just a collection of facts and dates but a captivating journey through time, where
every costume, monument, and myth held a story waiting to be uncovered.

Their expedition turned into a fascinating adventure, where they discovered the richness of
their ancestry, the complexities of different civilizations, and the enduring allure of history.
Sarah and Mike left the museum with a newfound appreciation for the past, knowing that
they were part of an ageless continuum that connected them to the eras of old.
Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Ages 10.Eras 19.Monumental

2. Ancestry 11.Explorer 20.Myths

3. Ancient 12.Fortress 21.Origins

4. Archaeologist 13.Former 22.Pyramids

5. Artifacts 14.Historical 23.Relics

6. Chambers 15.History 24.Revolutions

7. Chronology 16.Legacies 25.Ruins

8. Civilizations 17.Middle Ages 26.Wartime

9. Costumes 18.Monument

Write the correct word for the definition

A. Very old or from a long time ago. J. Someone who studies and excavates
B. Clothing or outfits worn for special artifacts and ruins to learn about past
occasions or performances. cultures.
C. Traditional stories or legends often K. Long periods of time in history.
explaining natural phenomena or cultural L. Significant and often abrupt changes in
beliefs. politics, society, or culture.
D. Relating to events, people, or things from M. Large, impressive, or significant in scale.
the past. N. Ancient structures with triangular sides
E. Objects made by humans in the past, and a square base, often used as tombs.
often of historical or cultural significance. O. The remains of something, like buildings,
F. Objects or items from the past that are that have decayed over time.
considered valuable or important. P. The beginnings or starting points of
G. Periods of time characterized by distinct something.
features or events. Q. One's family or genetic background.
H. The study of past events and their R. The arrangement of events in the order in
significance. which they occurred.
I. A person who travels to unknown places S. Complex societies with advanced culture,
to discover and learn about them. technology, and organization.
T. A stronghold or heavily fortified place.
U. Periods during which wars are fought.
V. Rooms or spaces within a building. Y. A historical period roughly between the
W. Something that used to be but is no 5th and 15th centuries.
longer. Z. A structure or object created to
X. Things left behind or remembered from commemorate a person or event.
the past.


Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

legacies | monumental | artifacts | ancient | archaeologist | fortress | civilizations

Sarah and Mike embarked on an adventure through time, exploring history's mysteries. In a
quaint town, they discovered a historical museum filled with _________, relics, and ancient
costumes. They met an enthusiastic explorer turned _______who shared tales of past ages,

including revolutions and _______pyramids. They learned about the origins of

_______costumes, symbols of ancestry and chronology. They explored an ancient wartime
_______, delving into the secrets of former rulers and the _______they left behind.

The journey made them realize that history was more than facts; it was a captivating

exploration of their ancestry and the rich tapestry of _______through time.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given
1. Sarah and Mike discovered the historical museum on a sunny morning.

2. The historical museum they visited was known for its grand and luxurious displays.
3. The archeologist in the museum was reluctant to share stories about the past.

4. The ancient costumes on display were purely for aesthetic purposes and had no historical

5. The fortress they explored had been a crucial stronghold during peacetime.
6. Sarah and Mike left the museum with a deeper appreciation for history.

Translate these statements to English

1. Thời đại đã chứng kiến nhiều thay đổi quan trọng trong lịch sử nhân loại.


2. Nghiên cứu về cây phả hệ gia đình và nguồn gốc di truyền của một người được gọi là dòng




3. Những di vật này được cho là thuộc một nền văn minh cổ xưa.



4. Nhà khảo cổ học đã khai quật một cách cẩn thận khu vực lịch sử đó.



5. Những bộ trang phục mặc trong thời kỳ đó đã được bảo quản tốt đẹp.



6. Người thám hiểm đã mạo hiểm vào vùng đất chưa được khám phá.



7. Pháo đài là một công trình đáng kể trong thời kỳ chiến tranh.



8. Thời kỳ Trung cổ là một giai đoạn phát triển văn hóa lớn.



Professor Whimsy's Science Extravaganza: A Day to Remember

One sunny day, they received an invitation to Professor Whimsy's Annual Science
Extravaganza. The event promised wacky experiments and laughter, and they couldn't resist.

Upon arriving at the professor's lab, they were greeted with a peculiar sight. A large cauldron
sat in the center, filled with a curious mixture of elements: aluminium, calcium, carbon, and
not one, but two types of copper. Gleaming vials of gold, iron, and lead were displayed

Professor Whimsy, with a twinkle in his eye, explained that they were about to embark on
an adventure involving a wacky chemical reaction. He handed them a vial of a mysterious
acid and informed them that it would serve as the catalyst for the experiment.

With excitement, Sarah and Mike donned their lab coats and goggles. They poured the acid
into the mixture, and the concoction began to bubble and fizz. It was like a magical potion
brewing in a storybook.

The professor urged them to analyze the compound as it transformed before their eyes. The
elements seemed to bond in the most peculiar ways, creating a symphony of colors and

"This is unlike any chemistry class I've ever had," Mike chuckled.

The cauldron's contents started to hydrate and ripple like a mysterious brew. Professor
Whimsy explained that it had an uncanny ability to adsorb peculiar particles from the
atmosphere, making the atmosphere more enchanting by the second.

Sarah and Mike marveled at the unconventional behavior of the concoction. It was as if they
had entered a whimsical world of scientific wonders. The room filled with an array of colorful
lights, and they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

As the reaction continued, the walls seemed to come alive with strange equations and
formulas. It was like a surreal art gallery of science. The entire laboratory felt like it was part
of a chain reaction of marvelous events.

Just when they thought things couldn't get any stranger, the concoction began to dehydrate
at an astonishing rate. Sparkling particles filled the air like a cosmic display, leaving behind
a sense of wonder and enchantment.

With smiles on their faces, Sarah and Mike left Professor Whimsy's lab, knowing they had
experienced an adventure unlike any other. The day had been filled with laughter, surprises,
and an appreciation for the magic of chemistry.
Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Acid 12.Chemical Reaction 23.Hydrate

2. Adsorb 13.Compound 24.Iron
3. Aluminium 14.Concoction 25.Lead
4. Analyze 15.Copper 26.Mixture
5. Behavior 16.Dehydrate 27.Particles
6. Bond 17.Elements 28.Potion
7. Bubble 18.Equations 29.Reaction
8. Calcium 19.Experiments 30.Sparkling
9. Carbon 20.Fizz 31.Vials
10.Catalyst 21.Formulas
11.Chain Reaction 22.Gold
Write the correct word for the definition

A. Tests to learn new things. Q. Bubbles rising in a liquid.

B. A mix of different things. R. A magical or medicinal drink.

C. Basic building blocks of matter. S. To study closely and examine.
D. A lightweight metal. T. A substance made of different elements.

E. Good for bones and teeth. U. Connection between atoms.

F. Found in all living things. V. Add water to something.
G. A good conductor of electricity. W. Attract and hold molecules on a surface.
H. Small containers for liquids. X. Tiny pieces of matter.

I. A precious and valuable metal. Y. How things act or react.

J. Used in construction and industry. Z. Mathematical statements.

K. A heavy and toxic metal. AA. Mathematical expressions.

L. A change when substances mix. BB. A series of events caused by one initial

M. A sour and often corrosive substance. action.

N. Speeds up chemical reactions. CC. Remove water from something.

O. A mixture created for a purpose. DD. Giving off small, bright flashes of light.

P. A small sphere of gas in liquid.


Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

concoction | particles | unconventional | sparkling | equations and formulas | potion |

chain reaction

Donning lab coats and goggles, Sarah and Mike initiated a chemical reaction, causing the
_________ to bubble and fizz like a magical _________. As the elements bonded in peculiar
ways, a symphony of colors and lights filled the room.

The concoction hydrated and adsorbed atmospheric _________, creating an enchanting

atmosphere. Its _________ behavior left them in awe of scientific wonders, as colorful lights
danced around them.

Strange _________ appeared on the walls, turning the lab into a surreal art gallery of science.
The laboratory felt like part of a _________ of extraordinary events.
The concoction dehydrated rapidly, releasing _________ particles into the air, leaving them
filled with wonder and enchantment. Sarah and Mike departed with smiles, having
experienced a day of laughter, surprises, and a newfound appreciation for the magic of


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike received an invitation to Professor Whimsy's Annual Science Extravaganza.

2. There were three types of copper displayed near the cauldron.

3. The professor explained that gold was the catalyst for the experiment.

4. Sarah and Mike wore lab coats and goggles during the experiment.

5. The concoction continued to hydrate and adsorb particles throughout the experiment.

6. Strange equations and formulas appeared on the walls of the laboratory.

7. The concoction dehydrated rapidly, releasing sparkling particles into the air.

8. Sarah and Mike left Professor Whimsy's lab feeling disappointed.

Translate these statements to English

1. Axít có thể ăn mòn (adj. corrosive) nếu không được xử lý cẩn thận.



2. Hấp thụ có nghĩa là thu hút và giữ các phân tử (n. molecules) lên bề mặt.



3. Nhôm là một loại kim loại nhẹ thường được sử dụng trong xây dựng.



4. Phân tích dữ liệu một cách cẩn thận để đưa ra những kết luận có ý nghĩa.



5. Hành vi có thể thay đổi rất nhiều giữa các loài động vật khác nhau.



6. Một liên kết giữa hai nguyên tử (n. atoms) giữ chúng lại trong một phân tử.



7. Bọt trong đồ uống có gas nổi lên bề mặt.



8. Canxi quan trọng cho xương và răng chắc khỏe.



The Business Duo: Sarah and Mike's Journey to Financial Success

Once upon a time, in the world of entrepreneurship, Sarah and Mike decided to start a
business together, and their financial journey was sprinkled with moments of humor and

Sarah: (sipping coffee) Mike, are you ready to dive into the world of business?

Mike: (with a grin) Absolutely, Sarah! Let's make that money magic happen.

Their journey began with creating a budget, which basically meant they needed a solid plan
for their finances.

Sarah: (holding up a budget spreadsheet) Time to dive into our financial wizardry!

Mike: (playfully) Who needs Hogwarts when we've got spreadsheets?

To kick start their business, they combined their savings and opened a joint bank account.
The bank teller couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiasm.

Bank Teller: (smiling) You two bring a lot of energy to the banking world today!

Sarah was all about microeconomics, curious about the nitty-gritty of financial decision-

Sarah: (flipping through an economics book) Microeconomics – where every dollar has its
own story.

Mike, on the other hand, delved into macroeconomics, exploring how the whole economy

Mike: (pointing at economic graphs) Macroeconomics is like our economic GPS!

As their business expanded, they closely monitored their income and expenses using a
balance sheet, which they referred to as their "money map."

During an economic downturn with deflation, their savings became more valuable. But they
also faced challenges, like the fluctuating currency value. Despite the financial ups and
downs, they never forgot the golden rule of finance: don't spend more than you earn.

Sarah: (wagging her finger) The golden rule – we must abide by it!

They occasionally practiced deficit spending when necessary but kept an eye on the real
interest rate. Their journey was a rollercoaster of finances, but their combined knowledge of
microeconomics and macroeconomics, along with their skill in responsible budgeting,
helped them navigate the financial twists and turns.
Sarah: (high-fiving Mike) Teamwork, budgets, and economics – our financial trifecta!

Mike: (grinning) Here's to our business adventure, Sarah, where every dollar is an adventure
waiting to happen!

Starting and running a business, taking risks to make a profit.

Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Balance sheet 8. Entrepreneurship 15.Joint bank account

2. Budget 9. Expenses 16.Macro economics

3. Business 10.Financial 17.Micro economics

4. Currency 11.Finances 18.Savings

5. Deficit spending 12.Fluctuating 19.Spreadsheet

6. Deflation 13.Income 20.Trifecta

7. Economy 14.Interest rate 21.Value

Write the correct word for the definition

A. An organization that earns money by J. Money you earn, often from a job.
selling goods or services. K. Money you spend on things you need
B. Related to money and how it's or want.
managed. L. A financial statement showing what you
C. A plan that shows how much money you own and owe at a specific time.
expect to earn and spend. M. When prices generally go down, so
D. Managing your money, including money becomes more valuable.
saving, spending, and investing. N. Money you set aside for future needs or
E. A digital tool for organizing and emergencies.
calculating numbers. O. Going up and down, not staying the
F. A bank account shared by two or more same.
people. P. How much one country's money is
G. Studying individual or small-group worth compared to another's.
economic choices. Q. When a government spends more than
H. Studying economics on a large scale, it collects in revenue.
like a whole country. R. The extra money you pay to borrow
I. How goods and services are produced, money or earn on savings.
distributed, and used in a place. S. A perfect combination of three things.

Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

account | income and expenses | balance sheet | deflation | budget | teamwork | values
| financial

Sarah and Mike began by creating a ________, a solid plan for their finances. This included
combining their savings and opening a joint bank ________, much to the amusement of the
bank teller.

Sarah was all about microeconomics, curious about the nitty-gritty of financial decision-
making, while Mike delved into macroeconomics, exploring how the entire economy

As their business expanded, they closely monitored their ________using a ________, their
"money map." During an economic downturn with ________, their savings became more
valuable, but they faced challenges like fluctuating currency ________. Yet, they never forgot
the golden rule of finance: don't spend more than you earn.

Their journey was a ________rollercoaster, but their combined knowledge of microeconomics,

macroeconomics, and responsible budgeting helped them navigate it.

In the end, their ________, budgets, and economics knowledge became their financial trifecta,
making their business adventure a profitable and enlightening experience.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike's budget spreadsheet was primarily focused on their personal expenses.
2. Sarah's fascination with microeconomics led her to study the broader aspects of the


3. The bank teller was skeptical of Sarah and Mike's financial knowledge.
4. During a period of deflation, their savings lost value due to economic circumstances.

5. Sarah and Mike practiced deficit spending throughout their business journey.
6. Their financial knowledge in both microeconomics and macroeconomics helped them

smoothly navigate their business's financial ups and downs.

Translate these statements to English

1. Bảng cân đối kế toán cung cấp một cái nhìn tổng quan về tình hình tài chính của một
công ty.



2. Kế hoạch ngân sách giúp bạn lập kế hoạch cho các khoản chi tiêu và thu nhập của mình.



3. Ổn định của nền kinh tế là quan trọng cho sự phát triển.



4. Hoạt động doanh nghiệp có thể ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến nền kinh tế địa phương.



5. Loại tiền tệ ở một số quốc gia có thể biến động mạnh mẽ.



6. Chi tiêu thâm hụt có thể dẫn đến vấn đề tài chính nếu không quản lý cẩn thận.



7. Sự suy giảm trong giá cả có thể ảnh hưởng đến người tiêu dùng và doanh nghiệp.



8. Khởi nghiệp thường đòi hỏi những ý tưởng sáng tạo.



The Placebo Paradox: Sarah and Mike's Hilarious Dive into Psychology

Their journey began when they stumbled upon a peculiar notice outside an old, mysterious
clinic, which read: "Volunteers Wanted for Cognition Experiment!" Intrigued, they decided
to participate, thinking it would be an exciting experience.

As they entered the clinical setting, they were greeted by Dr. Smith, an unusual psychologist
who explained that they would be part of a developmental study on memory and behavior.
Sarah and Mike eagerly agreed and were led into a room filled with various objects.

Dr. Smith (excitedly): "Welcome, Sarah and Mike, to the quirkiest experiment in town!
You're about to dive into the fascinating world of human cognition and behavior!"

Sarah (whispering to Mike): "Did he just call this quirky?"

Mike (grinning): "Seems like it's going to be an interesting ride, my friend."

The psychologist handed them each a placebo pill, claiming it would enhance their cognitive
abilities. They swallowed the harmless pills and began the experiment. Mike, being the
extrovert, immediately started to interact with the objects, while Sarah, the introvert,
observed quietly.

Mike (enthusiastically): "Let's see what this magical placebo can do!"

Sarah (smirking): "Remember, it's just a sugar pill, Mike."

During the experiment, they noticed strange behaviorism in their reactions. Mike's stress
levels seemed to rise as he grappled with the objects, while Sarah's persona remained calm
and composed, suppressing her extroverted tendencies.

Mike (frustrated): "These objects are conspiring against me, I swear!"

Sarah (nonchalantly): "Mike, relax. It's just an experiment, not a battle with inanimate

As the study progressed, they experienced a strange memory generalization effect. They
found themselves recalling vivid images from their past, each associated with an object in
the room. It was as if their memories had been projected onto the objects themselves.

Mike (nostalgically): "Hey, Sarah, do you remember that time we went hiking? I feel like I
can smell the forest right now."

Sarah (surprised): "You too? It's like we're in a mental time machine!"
The psychologist, witnessing their unusual behavior, couldn't contain his excitement. He
explained that their experiment had unintentionally tapped into their deepest psychological
processes, revealing the power of the human mind.

Dr. Smith (enthusiastically): "You two are making scientific history here! Your minds are like
roller coasters of cognition!"

As they left the clinic, Sarah and Mike couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of
events. They realized that the mind was a complex and intriguing process that could lead to
surprising results. Their amusing adventure into the realm of psychology had left them with
a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of cognition and behavior.

Mike (chuckling): "Well, that was an experiment I won't forget. Even if it was a quirky one!"

Sarah (smiling): "True, Mike, true. And who knew our minds were so full of surprises?"

In the end, they had unknowingly become part of a clinical study that would be remembered
as one of the quirkiest experiments in the field of psychology, and their fascination with the
human mind only grew stronger.

Find these words and underline them in the story

1. behavior 11.mind
2. cognition 12.persona
3. complex 13.placebo

4. composed 14.projected

5. experiment 15.psychologist
6. extrovert 16.psychological processes

7. intriguing 17.stress levels

8. introvert 18.sugar pills

9. memory generalization 19.tendencies

Write the correct word for the definition

A. Someone who studies the mind J. The image you show to others.

and behavior. K. Calm and in control.

B. Thinking and understanding L. Habits or inclinations.

processes. M. Applying past experiences to new

C. Actions and reactions of a person. situations.

D. A fake treatment with no real N. Thinking others feel like you do.

effect. O. About the mind.

E. Pills with no active ingredients. P. What your mind does.
F. A test to learn something new. Q. Where thoughts happen.
G. Someone who loves being social. R. Complicated or detailed.

H. Someone who prefers alone time. S. Very interesting or exciting.

I. How anxious or worried you are.


Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

extroverted | placebo | behaviorism | abilities | cognition and behavior | complex |

persona | psychology

The psychologist handed Sarah and Mike each a _______ pill, claiming it would enhance their
cognitive _______. They swallowed the harmless pills and began the experiment. During the

experiment, they noticed strange _______ in their reactions. Mike's stress levels seemed to
rise as he grappled with the objects, while Sarah's _______ remained calm and composed,

suppressing her _______ tendencies.

They realized that the mind was a _______ and intriguing process that could lead to surprising
results. Their amusing adventure had left them with a newfound appreciation for the

intricacies of _______. In the end, they had unknowingly become part of a clinical study that
would be remembered as one of the quirkiest experiments in the field of _______, and their

fascination with the human mind only grew stronger.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Dr. Smith's experiment focused on the development of memory and behavior.

2. Sarah and Mike volunteered for the experiment because they believed the placebo pills

would genuinely enhance their cognitive abilities.

3. Mike's extroverted tendencies were amplified during the experiment.

4. Sarah's stress levels remained low throughout the experiment.

5. Both Sarah and Mike experienced memory generalization as the experiment progressed.

6. The psychologist was disappointed with the results of the experiment.

Translate these statements to English

1. Hành vi của động vật có thể thay đổi theo môi trường.



2. Tôi đã tham gia một cuộc thử nghiệm khoa học về tâm lý học.


3. Anh ta là người hướng ngoại, thích gặp gỡ và nói chuyện với nhiều người.



4. Cô ấy thường rất bình tĩnh trong các tình huống căng thẳng.


5. Tôi đã uống một viên thuốc giả nhưng không biết nó không có tác dụng thật sự.


6. Việc tổng hợp trí nhớ có thể giúp bạn nhớ các thông tin quan trọng hơn.



7. Tâm trí con người có thể điều khiển hành vi và tư duy của họ.



8. Tiến sĩ tâm lý học đang nghiên cứu về quá trình tâm lý học.




From Ideas to Innovation: Sarah and Mike's Digital Endeavor

Sarah and Mike were always on the lookout for the next big thing, whether it was the latest
gadget or the special invention. This time, they decided to dive into the world of product

development, and their adventure was nothing short of amusing.

Sarah, ever the practical consumer, had an idea that she believed would revolutionize the

digital market. She couldn't wait to see her concept turn into a real product. Mike, on the
other hand, was the dreamer, full of ideas but with no clue about how to make them a


They sat down one sunny afternoon, brainstorming their way through various concepts.
Sarah had a vision of an innovative gadget that would make life easier for the end user, and

Mike was all ears, eager to contribute his imaginative ideas.

Sarah: "Mike, imagine a product that combines digital innovation with online convenience.
It's going to be a game-changer!"

Mike: "Sounds cool, but how do we make it happen?"

Sarah: "We need to start with some market research, understand what the buyers are
looking for. Then, we can work on product development."

Mike: "Okay, let's do it! But what about the packaging? It needs to have an eye-catching


Sarah: "Absolutely! We'll design a label that stands out. And, once we're ready, we can
launch it."

As they delved into their project, they realized the importance of trademarks and the need
to get their product registered to protect their idea. Sarah even found a sponsor who

believed in their concept and was willing to support them financially.

With their trademark registered, the product development in full swing, and a sponsor on

board, Sarah and Mike were ready to enter the world of e-commerce. They set up an online

catalog, complete with price tags, and started promoting their invention through digital

Mike: "Sarah, we need to make sure our product placement is perfect. It should grab


Sarah: "Absolutely, Mike! Our reputation and credibility are on the line. Let's make it


As they worked tirelessly on their project, they discovered the cutthroat nature of the

market. They had to manage their portfolio, ensuring that their product stood out. With
advertising and promotions in full swing, they realized that their public image was becoming

as important as the product itself.

In the end, their amusing journey through the world of product development had its ups
and downs. They learned that it wasn't just about creating a great product but also about
navigating the intricacies of branding, marketing, and distribution. Sarah and Mike's foray
into the business world was a hilarious adventure that left them with a newfound
appreciation for the complexities of consumer products and digital marketing.

Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Advertising 12.Eye-Catching 23.Portfolio

2. Brainstorming 13.Game-Changer 24.Price Tags

3. Branding 14.Innovative 25.Product

4. Buyers 15.Invention 26.Product

5. Catalog 16.Label development

6. Consumer 17.Launch 27.Promotions

7. Convenience 18.Market 28.Public Image

8. Credibility 19.Market Research 29.Registered

9. Digital 20.Marketing 30.Reputation

10.Distribution 21.Packaging 31.Sponsor

11.E-commerce 22.Placement 32.Trademarks

Write the correct word for the definition

A. The creation of a new idea, device, F. An item that can be sold or offered
or process. to satisfy consumer needs or

B. The process of designing, creating, wants.

and improving products. G. The collaborative process of

C. An individual who purchases and generating creative ideas and

uses products or services. solutions.

D. Related to electronic technology, H. Characterized by new and original

often referring to computers and thinking, leading to novel

the internet. solutions.

E. A specific group of potential I. The quality of being easy to use or

buyers for a product or service. accessible.
J. Something that significantly alters U. A list of products, often with
or revolutionizes an industry or descriptions and prices.
market. V. Labels displaying the cost of a

K. The process of gathering product.

information about consumer W. Where a product is positioned in

preferences and market trends. the market or store.

L. People or entities who acquire X. The public opinion or perception

products or services. of a person, brand, or company.

M. The materials used to wrap, Y. The trustworthiness and reliability

protect, and present a product. of a person or entity.

N. Visually appealing and attention- Z. A collection of a person's work,

grabbing. typically in creative fields.
O. A tag or sticker providing AA. Promoting a product, service, or
information about a product. brand through various media.

P. The introduction of a new product BB. Marketing strategies to boost

or service to the market. sales, often involving discounts or
Q. Legally protected symbols or special offers.

names associated with a brand. CC. The way a person, organization,

R. Officially recorded and protected or brand is perceived by the public.

by law. DD. Establishing a distinctive

S. An individual or organization that identity for a product or company.

financially supports an event or EE. The activities involved in

initiative. promoting and selling products or
T. Buying and selling goods and services.

services online. FF. The process of getting products to

consumers effectively.

Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

eye-catching | branding | trademark | online catalog | e-commerce | public image |


Sarah and Mike, always in pursuit of innovation, ventured into product development. Sarah's
practical idea and Mike's dreamy creativity converged in their quest to create a
groundbreaking digital product. Together, they brainstormed and envisioned a gadget that
could revolutionize the digital ________.

Their sunny afternoon discussions led to a plan involving market research, understanding
buyer preferences, and product development. The importance of ________packaging and
________protection emerged. They even secured sponsorship for their endeavor.

With their trademark registered, product development underway, and ________set up, they
dived into __________and digital marketing. They realized that product placement and
________ were as crucial as the product itself.

Their journey unveiled the competitive nature of the market, teaching them the intricacies
of marketing, ________and distribution.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike had no prior experience in product development.

2. Mike was primarily focused on practical, consumer-oriented ideas.

3. Sarah's idea for a digital gadget was well-defined from the start.

4. They decided to create an eye-catching label for their product before conducting market

5. They registered their trademark without any financial support.

6. Sarah and Mike realized that their public image was irrelevant to their product's success.
7. They found the market to be competitive and learned about branding and marketing along

the way.
8. Their journey into product development made them appreciate the complexities of

consumer products and digital marketing.

Translate these statements to English
1. Quảng cáo đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc quảng bá sản phẩm và dịch vụ.



2. Trào lưu ý tưởng là một phần quan trọng trong quá trình sáng tạo sản phẩm.



3. Nhãn hiệu là cách mà một công ty phân biệt sản phẩm của mình so với đối thủ.



4. Người mua là các cá nhân hoặc tổ chức mua hàng hoặc dịch vụ.



5. Catalog là một cuốn sách hoặc danh sách số điện tử giới thiệu các sản phẩm có sẵn.



6. Sở thích của người tiêu dùng thúc đẩy nhu cầu thị trường về các sản phẩm khác nhau.


7. Tiện lợi là yếu tố quan trọng ảnh hưởng đến quyết định mua sắm của người tiêu dùng.



8. Uy tín là điểm quan trọng để có được sự tin tưởng trong thế giới kinh doanh.



Unlocking the World of Words: Sarah and Mike's Academic Adventure

Sarah and Mike, armed with their linguistic lexicons, stumbled upon the first village,
Accentalia. It was a place where every villager had a distinct accent, a unique identity

marker. Linguists roamed the streets, studying the nuances of each accent with great zeal.
Our intrepid duo decided to join in the linguistic fun and practiced imitating the peculiar


The path led them to Identityton, a bustling city where people were constantly

questioning their identities. Here, acquisition of various identities was a daily ritual. Sarah
and Mike marveled at the cultural melting pot and became avid identity collectors, trying

on new roles like linguistic chameleons.

Their journey took an interesting turn when they encountered the town of Syntaxia, home
to the most skilled linguists. Rapport-building was the key here, as locals were quick to

test their linguistic prowess. Our duo engaged in friendly battles of words and managed
to impress even the most critical grammar gurus.

Mother Tonguerville was next, where everyone spoke their mother tongue with pride.
Each pattern of speech was unique, reflecting the characteristics of its speakers. Sarah
and Mike couldn't help but admire the linguistic diversity. They spent days unraveling the

secrets hidden in the cadence and rhythm of various mother tongues.

Onward they went to Tendencia, a place where linguistic tendencies were taken to
extremes. Inhabitants here had a prevailing habit of elongating their vowels dramatically.

Sarah and Mike found themselves caught up in elongated conversations, struggling to

keep up with the peculiar linguistic trend.

As they ventured further, they reached Globalectica, a city where languages from around

the world converged. It was a truly global experience, and our adventurous pair marveled
at the diversity of tongues. They realized the power of being bilingual, navigating
effortlessly through the linguistic maze.

Their linguistic journey took a reflective turn in Dominantopolis, a city where one

language dominated all others. Sarah and Mike pondered the importance of preserving

indigenous languages, understanding that linguistic diversity was a treasure that needed

In Expressivo Village, Sarah and Mike discovered the charm of articulate expressions.

Locals spoke in a mesmerizing manner, choosing words carefully to create vivid imagery.
Our duo soon found themselves immersed in flowery conversations, their words turning

into linguistic bouquets.

Finally, they reached the city of Verbosity, where fluency in the most verbose language
was celebrated. Sarah and Mike were put to the test, engaging in lengthy, technical

discussions with eloquent verbosity. Their triumph in this city marked the culmination of
their linguistic adventure.

Find these words and underline them in the story

1. Acquisition 10.Fluency 19.Preserving

2. Accent 11.Identity 20.Rapport

3. Articulate 12.Imitating 21.Rhythm

4. Bilingual 13.Indigenous 22.Technical

5. Characteristics 14.Linguists 23.Tendencies

6. Conversations 15.Manner 24.Vowels

7. Diversity 16.Mother tongue 25.Lexicons

8. Expressions 17.Pattern 26.Lengthy

9. Flowery 18.Prevailing
Write the correct word for the definition

A. Collections of words in a language. O. Speech sounds made with an open

B. A unique way of pronouncing vocal tract.

words. P. Interactions where people talk to

C. Who a person is and how they see each other.

themselves. Q. Able to speak two languages

D. People who study and analyze fluently.

languages. R. Controlled or influenced by one

E. Copying or mimicking someone or thing.

something. S. Protecting and maintaining

F. The process of learning or getting something.

something. T. Native to a particular region or

G. A friendly and positive relationship. place.
H. The first language a person learns U. Able to express thoughts clearly
as a child. and effectively.

I. A repeated design or way of doing V. The way people communicate their

things. feelings or ideas.
J. The unique features or qualities of W. The way something is done or

something. carried out.

K. Having a variety of different things. X. Using elaborate and decorative

L. A regular and repeated pattern of language.

sounds. Y. The ability to speak or write a

M. Inclinations or behaviors that are language smoothly.

common. Z. Long or taking a lot of time.
N. Being widespread or dominant. AA. Relating to a specific field or

Read the story again and using given words below to fill in the gap in the summary.

characteristics | chameleons | accents | indigenous | articulate | articulate | tongues |


Sarah and Mike embark on an academic adventure through unique linguistic destinations.
They start in Accentalia, a village filled with diverse _______, sparking their fascination for

linguistic intricacies. In Identityton, the city of shifting identities, they collect roles like
linguistic _______.

Their journey takes them to Syntaxia, home to skilled _______, where they engage in friendly
word battles. Mother Tonguerville showcases the richness of mother _______, with unique
speech patterns reflecting each speaker's _______. Tendencia's trend of elongated vowels

challenges them.

Globalectica, a global language convergence, emphasizes the power of bilingualism.

Dominantopolis leads to reflections on preserving _______languages. Expressivo Village

celebrates _______expressions, transforming conversations into linguistic bouquets.

In Verbosity, _______in verbose language is the test, marking their linguistic journey's
culmination. Sarah and Mike's adventure unlocks the world of words and celebrates

linguistic diversity and academic terms.


Read the story again and decide these statements are True – False – Not given

1. Sarah and Mike initially discovered the village of Accentalia by chance.

2. In Identityton, people frequently changed their linguistic abilities.
3. The town of Syntaxia was home to grammar enthusiasts who held formal
4. Mother Tonguerville was a place where everyone spoke the same language.
5. Sarah and Mike struggled to adapt to the linguistic tendencies in Tendencia.
6. In Expressivo Village, locals used language in a concise and straightforward manner.

Translate these statements to English

1. Quá trình tiếp thu một ngôn ngữ mới có thể đòi hỏi nỗ lực lớn để thu thập từ vựng.



2. Nói tiếng Anh với một giọng địa phương có thể làm cho bạn trở nên đặc biệt trong
mắt người khác.



3. Cô ấy nói tiếng Pháp một cách lưu loát và diễn đạt rõ ràng ý kiến của mình.



4. Anh ta là một người hai ngôn ngữ và có thể giao tiếp bằng cả tiếng Anh và tiếng Tây
Ban Nha.



5. Các đặc điểm ngôn ngữ địa phương thường được thể hiện qua cách người dân nói



6. Họ có một cuộc trò chuyện sâu sắc về sự đa dạng của văn hóa trong cuộc họp.



7. Quyết định sử dụng những biểu cảm phong cách và hùng biện có thể khiến bài diễn
thuyết trở nên hấp dẫn.



8. Anh ta đã cải thiện sự lưu loát của mình trong việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh.



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