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NSW Education Standards Authority

NAPLAN 2024 parent and carer information

Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is
undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for
writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and

NAPLAN 2024 will take place from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March.
*Please see Santa Sophia Catholic College NAPLAN Online Schedule below

NAPLAN is just one part of our school learning assessment program. The tests assess
literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school.

In preparation for NAPLAN, our school will undertake activities to help students become
familiar with the format and functionality of the online tests. These activities are not an
assessment of student ability and will not be marked. Excessive preparation for NAPLAN
is not required nor recommended.

● The public demonstration site

( is
available to see the types of questions, tools and functions used in the NAPLAN

● Further information about NAPLAN is available on the NESA website


● We encourage all parents to remind their children to attend school each day with
a fully charged device and headphones so that they can complete the tests
without any technological issues.

Disability adjustments
Adjustments are available for students with disability. The adjustments should reflect
the normal support a student receives in classroom assessments. Please contact the
college to discuss possible adjustments and to sign a parent/carer consent form. For
parents with children that already receive adjustments you may be contacted by the
school to confirm if you would like these adjustments to be provided for NAPLAN.

Withdrawals and exemptions

You can withdraw your child from NAPLAN tests. Your child may be exempt from
NAPLAN tests if they have: significant disabilities that severely limit their capacity to
participate in the tests or a language background other than English and have recently
arrived in Australia (less than a year before the tests).
Please contact the College for further information about withdrawals and exemptions
and to sign a parent/carer consent form.

If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact your child’s teacher.

2024 Santa Sophia NAPLAN Online Schedule

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