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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing on behalf of my students to inform you of the fundraising event my

school has planned, in the hope that you can inform all readers about this event via
your newspaper.
As you are doubtlessly aware, the ever-increasing number of needy people has
brought charity and fundraising to our concerns. Consequently, our students have
decided to organize a scheme in the form of a charity event, with the intention of
raising funds for a worthwhile cause.
Regarding the specific details of this event, we have plans to start it on March 23rd
from 8 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon. The event will be in the form of a charity
sale, and will take place at the front courtyard of our school, with stalls selling raffle
tickets or souvenirs at low prices. Additionally, a flea market will also open the
following day, placing purchase points around and inside our school. If time permits,
a tour of our school and a walkathon will also take placebe organised, increasing the
number of participants further.
As for the income of this event, 50 percent of the funds would be donated to the
local charity companies, where theyit will be evenly spread as benefits for the needy.
Another 40 percent will be donated to the county government, where it can be used as
pensions for the elderly, so as to maintain their health and condition. The rest will be
sent as a gift of gratitude to all supporters of this event, and also the companies that
invested in this charity sale.
It would be greatly appreciated if you will oblige to include this information in
recent news reports and bulletins, thereby ensuring that those who are interested in
donation can participate in this sale. Thank you in advance for considering this matter,
and please do not hesitate to contact me personally should you require any further

Yours Sincerely,

Wilbur Xiao

Wilbur Xiao



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