Grade 5 Vocabulary Workbook

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actually, elderly, effortlessly, directly,
function, expectation, tradition, tension,
familiar, particular, peculiar, director,
professional, preserve, profit, resign

Grade 5

By K5 Learning

©K5 Learning 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the author. Permission is granted to
reproduce this material to be used with one (1) teacher's students by virtue of the
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Table of Contents

Introduction & Tips ……………………………………………………………………………………………………


Lesson 1: union, bonus, social, region, statement, event, fumes, bravery, revolt, govern… 1

Lesson 2: inner, instinct, intact, instant, influence, conflict, impeach, summarize, immigration, aid… 8

Lesson 3: aide, gait, failure, plain, cease, reveal, defeat, repeal, shield, shriek… 15

Lesson 4: relieve, frontier, beliefs, goal, coal, boast, cocoa, approach, fade, dose… 22

Lesson 5: prime, independence, issue, empire, inhale, expose, glare, misty, waxy, briskly… 29

Lesson 6: anxiety, hasty, lobby, policy, silvery, ivory, trout, pouch , announce, encounter… 36

Lesson 7: source, ownership, burrow, drowsy, towering, booming, nook, textbook, misunderstood… 43

Lesson 8: hoist, avoid, loyal, destroy, hesitate, role, rubble, jumble, dismantle, rumble… 50

Lesson 9: soufflé, miracle, illegible, navigable, local, royal, approval, continental, mural, survival… 57

Lesson 10: federal, dual, cultural, arch, barter, harsh, charter, parallel, ark, startle … 64

Lesson 11: remark, architect, artifacts, terms, perk, merchant, urge, circumstance, nor, forced… 71

Lesson 12: ordinary, historian, performance, unrest, uneasy, unexpected, unsuccessful … 78

Lesson 13: disability, disregard, discrimination, defend, demand, depend, democracy, poverty… 85

Lesson 14: focus, primary, religious, historic, pilgrim, suffrage, advantage, effect, affect, official… 92

Lesson 15: assembly, responsibilities, sane, pure, hesitate, persuade, prejudice, nausea, replica… 99

Lesson 16: utopia, ace, pace, cycle, central, magnificent, trace, scarce, intelligence, citizenship… 106

Lesson 17: ancient, bulge, margin, generally, voyage, encourage, range, rigid, legend, passage… 113

Lesson 18: generation, result, frequent, deserve, rebellion, revolution, uniform, equipped, rival… 120

Lesson 19: equality, dissolve, stunted, impress, obligated, independent, mutter, fungus, inspect… 127

Lesson 20: actually, elderly, skillfully, effortlessly, eventually, directly, society, liberty, community… 134

Lesson 21: university, dairy, glossy, recently, nearby, satisfy, identify, magnify, unify, amplify… 141

Lesson 22: function, infection, tradition, expectation, constitution, tension, dimension, expansion… 148

Lesson 23: vulture, posture, fracture, miniature, legislature, protective, primitive, competitive… 155

Lesson 24: molar, familiar, peculiar, particular, afar, director, vigor, conductor, superior, splendor… 161

Lesson 25: tremble, nestle, stable, responsible, lifestyle, political, journal, colonial, impractical… 168
Lesson 26: resign, motorized, professional, preserve, profit, laborer, glacier, recover. require… 175

Lesson 27: muster, express, frantic, splendid, immigrant, inform, confident, immense, interrupt… 182

Lesson 28: slain, despair, restraint, attain, layer, essay, decay, frayed, portray, features… 189

Lesson 29: repeat, treaty, headlines, wealth, areas, reappear, reaction, meander, pause… 196

Lesson 30: exhaust, authority, council, pounce, boundary, compound, outnumbered, appoint… 203

Lesson 31: convoy, royalty, groove, bamboo, woodland, statehood, livelihood, section, petition… 210

Lesson 32: exploration, communication, version, admission, collision, concussion , confession… 217

Lesson 33: coincidence, tolerance, endurance, arrogance, considerable, comparable, miserable… 224

Lesson 34: favorable, tolerable, honorable, reliable, enormous, numerous, miraculous… 231

Lesson 35: mysterious, various, glorious, contagious, reject, resolve, reform, researcher, opinion… 238

Lesson 36: request, humiliated, support, mangoes, promptly, rummage, suspect, emblem… 245

Lesson 37: neglect, combine, assume, migrate, emphasize, unite, quote, inquire, appetite … 252

Lesson 38: intrude, turnpike, despite, indicate, passive, excessive, impressive, constructive… 259

Lesson 39: recent, decent, cancel, innocent, evidence, precise, ceremony, emerge, fringe … 266

Lesson 40: imaginary, gender, tragic, fidget, origin, exchange, uncertain, unaware, unfortunately… 273

More from K5 Learning ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Welcome to our series of vocabulary workbooks for grades 1-5; this workbook covers
grade 5 vocabulary.

The purpose of these workbooks is to help students learn essential vocabulary skills.
Each workbook contains a number of lessons. Each lesson introduces a set of vocabulary
words presented in different exercises. A full answer key is provided at the end of each

Why study vocabulary?

Vocabulary development is fundamental to improving reading comprehension; kids cannot
comprehend the meaning of texts if they don't understand the underlying vocabulary.

A large vocabulary gives children access to a wider range of reading materials and improves
students' ability to communicate through speaking, listening and writing. The size of a person’s
vocabulary is strongly correlated to his/her success in school and beyond.

The rate at which elementary school kids learn vocabulary varies immensely, with some kids
averaging 2 words a day and some 8 words a day. What’s the biggest reason for this? It’s the
differences in day to day exposure to a rich world of words.

The larger a child's vocabulary becomes, the faster it grows. That’s because it’s easier to
connect a new word with words you already know.

We encourage all parents to focus on early vocabulary development for their kids.

How do you figure out what a word means?

Following some easy steps will help your child to work out what a word means:
 Say it: sound it out. It might sound like a word that he/she already knows.
 Use context: look at the other words in the sentence. Those words will provide clues as to
what that word means.
 Use word parts: look at the parts of the word. Does that word have parts your child already
 Look it up: use a dictionary to find out what the word means.

About K5 Learning
K5 Learning offers workbooks and worksheets for kindergarten to grade 5 at Our aim is to help parents help their kids develop their reading, math
and study skills.
Lesson 1: Word List
Study the words.

union bonus
an organization of workers formed to protect something good that is more than what was
the rights and interests of its members expected or required
My teacher has joined the teachers’ union. Delicious oranges have the added bonus of
an act of joining two or more things together being full of Vitamin c.
This food is the perfect union of sweet and an extra amount of money that is given to an
sour. employee
a group of states or nations that are ruled by My boss gave me a bonus at work.
one government or that agree to work together
My grandfather lived in the former Soviet

social statement
activities in which people spend time talking to something that you say or write in a formal or
each other or doing enjoyable things with each official way, something that is stated
other II made a statement to the police.
There are lots of social activities planned at an opinion, attitude that you express through
summer camp. the things you do, the way you dress
happy to be with people This sculpture makes a strong statement.
I am more social than my sister. a document which shows amounts of money
of or relating to people or society in general that you have received, spent
A proper education for every student is a The bank sent the financial statement in the
social issue. mail.
tending to form relationships and live together
in groups, not solitary
Most people are social beings.

region event
a part of a country, of the world that is different something that happens
or separate from other parts in some way The choir is performing at the summer event.
Canada is a cold region in the winter. a planned occasion or activity
a place on your body
I have a pain in my stomach region. I like the social events my family put on.
any one of the contests in a sports program
Tomorrow we compete in the track and field

Lesson 1: Word List
Study the words.

fumes bravery
plural of fume the quality that allows someone to do things
smoke or gas that smells unpleasant that are dangerous or frightening
The car exhaust fumes smells awful. The firefighters received medals for bravery.
to produce or give off smoke
The volcano fumes black smoke.
to show or feel anger
My sister fumes over losing the game.

revolt govern
to rise up and fight against the government or to rule or lead
other authority; rebel The king governs over his people.
The people revolted against the monarchy in to control or hold back
the French Revolution. He governs his temper very well.
to cause to feel disgust or shock
Horror movies revolt her.

Lesson 1: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. a payment added to a person's regular pay as a reward for hard work

gait prime bonus burrow

2. living in groups or communities instead of alone

liberty social equip margin

3. a large space or area

region uniform range trade

4. a special or important happening

range suffrage absence event

5. a vapour, smoke, or odour that is not pleasant or healthy

oxygen fumes atmosphere air

6. the condition of being brave or of not feeling fear

bravery hopelessness wonder interest

7. to rise up and fight against the government or other authority

comply attempt withstand revolt

8. to rule or lead

govern distil revolt depend

Lesson 1: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. together, join _______________

2. raise, add-on _____________

3. friendly, civil ______________

4. area, surrounding ______________

5. comment, report ______________

6. happening, occurrence _____________

7. courage, boldness ______________

8. uprising, rebellion ____________

9. rule, oversee ____________

Lesson 1: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

is our family’s Halloween

1. I received a bonus

2. In my region the entire nation.

3. My favourite event of
we do not have a mall.
the year

consists of three boys and

4. You have to be brave
three girls.

5. The fumes in the for giving him too much

garage homework.

6. The naughty boy

wanted to revolt against in order to play football.
his teacher

7. The president has to

for working extra hard.

8. My social circle made me cough.

Lesson 1: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. The (infestation/union/operation) of workers sought to create change in their


2. She is very (loud/strange/social) and loves to play with her friends.

3. His boss gave him a (bonus/refund/present) because he had worked

exceptionally hard for the last year.

4. In the (region/house/box) where I live, everyone has a farm and at least two

5. The teacher told me to make a (sculpture/worksheet/statement) that would be

beneficial to the class, but I couldn’t think of anything to say.

6. There is an arts and crafts (event/song/situation) today at the community


7. Kelly kept coughing after she escaped from the fire, because she had inhaled
too much of the (air/coal/fumes).

8. Denise showed (compassion/bravery/interest) when she stood up for her friend

who was being made fun of.

9. The workers decided to (run/hide/revolt) against the employers who were not
paying them for their work.

10. I had to (govern/impress/continue) a full class of boisterous seven year olds,

and I failed miserably.

Lesson 1

Page 3 – words and their meanings: Page 4 – word association:

Page 5 – match meanings: Page 6 – sentences:

Lesson 2: Word List
Study the words.

inner instinct
located toward the inside of something a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is
I need to mend the inner lining of my jacket. not learned
not known to or seen by most people My instinct was to run away from the bull.
Do you understand the inner meaning of this something you know without learning it or
poem? thinking about it
of or relating to a person's mind or spirit He learned to follow his instinct.
She is listening to her inner voice. a natural ability
The athlete has great instincts.

intact impeach
not broken or damaged, having every part to charge a public official with a crime done
Although the vase fell to the floor, it remained while in office
intact. Without sufficient evidence, you cannot
impeach a public official.

conflict influence
a struggle for power, property the power to change or affect someone or
The teacher resolved the playground conflict something
between the kids fighting over a soccer ball. The new employee is already having a great
strong disagreement between people, groups, influence on the company’s direction.
that results in often angry argument a person or thing that affects someone or
Diplomats often have to resolve conflicts something in an important way
among groups of people.
The sister has been a big influence on her
a situation in which you are unable to do brother.
something because there is something else
you have already agreed to do at that same
I can’t come tomorrow because I have a
conflicting appointment.

Lesson 2: Word List
Study the words.

summarize instant
to tell information again using fewer words a very short period of time
Can you summarize the content of this book? The roller coaster ride was over in an instant.
becoming something very quickly
The pop star was an instant success.
happening or done without delay
I received an instant response from the
company director.
food able to be made very quickly
I prefer instant coffee over an espresso.

immigration aid
to come to a country to live there to provide what is useful or necessary
My parents immigrated to Canada. I gave money in order to aid the cause.
the act of helping someone, help or
assistance given to someone
I managed to complete my homework with the
aid of my sister.
something (such as money, food, or
equipment) that is given by a government or
an organization to help the people in a country
or area that need help
Our government gave millions of dollars in aid
to Haiti after its earthquake damaged the
a device, object that makes something easier
to do
My grandfather uses a hearing aid.

Lesson 2: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. I felt an immediate ________________ twinge of regret.

2. Throughout the earthquake, our house stayed undamaged


3. I chopped the apple in half to see it’s central _____________ contents.

4. Teachers have strong authority ______________ over their students.

5. There was disagreement _______________ between the two boys given the
decision of where to eat.

6. We were forced to denounce ________________ the president for his poor

leadership skills.

7. Please shorten ________________the novel you just read for me.

8. Could you assist ________________. Sophie in erasing the board?

Lesson 2: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. power, authority

2. help, support

3. sense, feeling

4. denounce, accuse

5. settle, relocation

6. compile, shorten

7. immediate, urgent

8. disagreement, discord

9. close, central

10. undamaged, flawless

A. aid B. influence C. instant

D. impeach E. intact F. conflict
G. inner H. instinct I. immigration
J. summarize

Lesson 2: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. My instinct is to breathe without thinking about it; what does that mean?

my body automatically controls my

i can not control my breathing
i have to think about breathing to
i need someone else to help me breathe

2. My building block structure is still intact; what does that mean?

my structure is falling apart my structure is standing strong

my structure is broken my structure is not built yet

3. If you want something in an instant, how quickly do you want it?

far in the future in a few minutes

immediately the time doesn’t matter

4. Who is a good influence?

someone who commits terrible crimes a stranger

someone who you can look up to for

a bully at school

5. What does it mean to give aid to someone?

to hurt someone to make someone happy

to help someone to give someone a present

Lesson 2: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

I was watching the news, because we had to pick a news story and

__________ it for school. The story that was on was about the

president. Someone was upset with the president’s stance on

__________, and thought we should __________ him. The news

anchor seemed to disagree, so the person being interviewed and the

news anchor had a brief __________. The news anchor’s attitude

seemed to have an __________ on the person being interviewed,

because the interviewee got flustered. The next __________, though,

the argument stopped. My __________ was that someone off camera

told them to stop. I typed up my paper for school, and went to sleep.

The next morning, I was focused on my __________ thoughts and

wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings. I tripped and scraped my

knee. Luckily, my binder with my assignment for school stayed

__________! I finished my walk to school and got a bandage from the

first __________ kit.

Lesson 2

Page 10 – just the right word: Page 11 – synonyms:

Page 12 – applying meanings: Page 13 – paragraph:

Lesson 3: Word List
Study the words.

aide gait
a person whose job is to assist someone a particular way of walking
Our classroom has a teacher’s aide to help out My grandmother has an unsteady gait.
the kids who need extra help.

failure plain
the act or result of failing having no pattern or decoration
The student felt discouraged by his math I am wearing a plain, white shirt.
failure. not having any added or extra things
a situation or occurrence in which something She’s eating plain yogurt.
does not work as it should easy to see or understand
The storm caused a power failure. It’s plain to see you don’t like cats.
an occurrence in which someone does not do simple and honest
something that should be done The teacher uses plain language when
Her failure to follow proper directions led to her speaking to her students.
low score in the course. not unusual or special in any way, ordinary
We are just plain, hardworking people.

cease reveal
to stop happening, to end to make something known
The noise in the classroom ceased when the My friend revealed her secret to me.
teachers started talking.
to show or prove that someone or something is
to stop doing something
a particular type of person or thing
The store ceased operations and shut down.
The analysis reveals the substance to be gold.
to show something plainly or clearly : to make
something that was hidden able to be seen
The curtains were parted to reveal a sunny

Lesson 3: Word List
Study the words.

defeat repeal
to win a victory over someone or something in to officially make a law no longer valid
a war, contest, game The legislature repealed the tax law.
Our baseball team defeated the other team in
the final.
to cause someone or something to fail
I finally worked out the solution to the math
problem that had defeated me earlier.
to control or overcome something
The doctors worked hard to defeat the spread
of the virus in the town.
failure to succeed or to win
I wasn’t prepared for the defeat in today’s

shield shriek
a large piece of metal, wood carried by to make a loud, high-pitched cry
someone for protection I can hear a crow shriek.
The knight carried the shield on his left arm. a loud, high-pitched cry or sound
something that defends or protects someone The train brakes shrieked loudly as the train
or something pulled into the station.
Eating healthy food is a good shield against
to cover and protect
I shielded my eyes with my hand.
to prevent someone or something from being
The fence shields our house from view.

Lesson 3: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. any assistant or person who gives support

plenty wealth abundance aide

2. a way of walking or running

forget gait invent steal

3. the act of not succeeding or not doing

accept failure agree gloat

4. to stop or come to an end

cease a lot somewhat none

5. to win a victory over; beat in a game or battle

abandon maintain destroy defeat

6. to do away with or cancel officially

conclusion exit repeal absence

7. a piece of armour worn or carried on the arm to protect against blows from
shield addition decrease growth

8. a loud shrill cry of fear, joy, or surprise

attitude posture shriek reality

Lesson 3: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. stay still

2. validate, issue

3. whisper, murmur

4. hide, hold back

5. success, victory

6. continue

7. betterment, improvement

8. unobvious, complex

9. stress, burst out

10. leader, superior

A. repeal B. failure C. reveal D. defeat E. aide

F. plain G. shield H. cease I. gait J. shriek

Lesson 3: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. The teacher’s aide helped keep the class in order.

Definition of aide: ________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. I considered the paper airplane a failure when it didn’t fly.

Definition of failure: ________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. I thought that I could defeat her in “rock, paper, scissors”, but I ended up
Definition of defeat: ______________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. I decided to shield my friend from the snowball so that she wouldn’t get hit.

Definition of shield: ____________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 3: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. As an (owner/aide/interest) to the politician, she is always around to answer

phone calls or run errands.

2. With his elegant walking stick, the man had quite a respectable (lung/foot/gait).

3. His (attempt/auction/failure) to win did not stop him from trying again.

4. It was (plain/interesting/aware) to everyone that Jennifer was upset.

5. Because of the poor economy, the factory will immediately (break/cease/leave)


6. Tim was sad when Melanie (broke/hurt/defeated) him in tennis.

7. Taking over the school, the new principal’s first act was to (decline/ask/repeal)
many of the outdated school rules.

8. The mother was a (tree/shield/rock) between her child and the barking dog.

9. He let out a (tear/sigh/shriek) when I jumped out from behind the door.

10. The stage curtain lifted to (breathe/send/reveal) the actors scrambling

nervously behind it.

Lesson 3

Page 17 – words and their meanings: Page 18 – antonyms:

Page 19 – context clues: Page 20 – sentences:

Lesson 4: Word List
Study the words.

relieve frontier
to reduce or remove something a border between two countries
I need a pill to relieve my headache. The frontier between the US and Canada is
to make a problem less serious the longest in the world.
We need to relieve the traffic congestion. a distant area where few people live
to take the place of someone who has been The pioneers set out for the Western frontier.
working the limits of knowledge in a particular field
The night nurse came to relieve the nurses at We just made a discovery at the frontiers of
6 pm. our understanding.

coal goal
a hard black or dark brown substance that is something that you are trying to do or achieve
found in the earth and burned as fuel My goal is to finish high school this year.
In the past, trains used coal for fuel. an area or object into which a ball or puck
must be hit, kicked, to score points in various
I scored a goal in the soccer game.

belief boast
a feeling of being sure that someone or to express too much pride in yourself or in
something exists or that something is true something you have or have done
I have a strong belief in us winning this He boasted about his new expensive toy
tournament. plane.
a feeling that something is good, right, or to have something that is impressive
valuable The museums boasts the best dinosaur
The mother has a strong belief in her child. exhibit in the world.
something that a person accepts as true or a statement in which you express too much
right : a strongly held opinion about something pride in yourself or in something you have or
We challenged her political beliefs. have done
The boy boasted about his straight As.

Lesson 4: Word List
Study the words.

cocoa approach
a brown powder made from roasted cocoa to move or become near or nearer to
beans that is used to give a chocolate flavor to something or someone
foods The cat approached the dog cautiously.
We’ll need some cocoa powder to make a to move or become near or nearer in time to
chocolate cake. something
a hot drink of milk or water mixed with cocoa We are approaching the end of the year.
On a cold day I love to drink a cup of hot to get close to an amount or level
cocoa. The summer temperatures are expected to
soar above 100 degrees.
to start talking to someone for some purpose
The guest approached the hotel manager to
ask a question.

fade dose
to lose strength or freshness the amount of a medicine, drug, or vitamin that
My flowers are fading. is taken at one time
to become weaker Take one dose of this medicine to bring down
The light fades in the evening. your fever.
to disappear gradually an amount of a substance
The train faded away in the distance. These sweet have a large dose of sugar in
an amount of something that a person
She needs a good dose of reality.

Lesson 4: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The students set a target ______________ to read at least 100 books by the
end of the school year.

2. Alec could not cross to the Western boundary _______________.

3. Every person has the right to their own opinion _____________ .

4. Fans always talk to ______________ the star on the street and ask for his
autograph or a picture.

5. People tend to dislike those who brag _______________.

6. It seemed that nothing will soothe ______________ the irritating ant bite itch
on top of my hand.

7. I watched the fireworks dwindle __________________in the starry night sky.

8. I took one measure ________________ of medicine as the packaging


Lesson 4: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. reduce, remove ______________

2. value, right ______________

3. aim, desire ______________

4. border, boundary ______________

5. brag, show off ______________

6. chocolate, beans ______________

7. faint, grow dim ______________

8. come near ______________

9. amount, measure ______________

Lesson 4: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. I will feel relieved when every individual.

2. Beliefs are different for the test is over.

I did not understand the

3. You can burn coal

4. When she boasted

on the hazy rainbow.
about her grades,

of medicine, because my
5. I drink hot cocoa when
doctor told me to.

6. I decided to approach other people felt sad and

my teacher when uneasy.

7. I watched the colours

to make energy.

8. I had to take two doses it is very cold outside.

Lesson 4: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

Betsy was at her school’s STEM club. They were testing their

__________ about the best way to grow plants. Betsy thought that

giving plants more plant food would be the best. She tested it by giving

each plant a different __________ of food. Marta thought that mixing

different items with the soil would help, so she tried on plant of plain soil,

one mixed with __________, another mixed with flour, and the last one

mixed with __________. Luke’s __________ was to play different types

of music for the plants. They all carried out their tests over three weeks,

and each student’s __________ was to have the biggest plant at the

end. After the first week, Betsy noticed that the plant she gave the most

food to was starting to __________ - it was wilting. At first, Marta had

started to __________ that her plants were growing the best, but Luke

got to __________ her of first place when her plants, too, started to wilt.

Betsy’s other two plants were growing pretty well, but Luke was at the

__________ of plant knowledge with his growing plants.

Lesson 4

Page 24 – just the right word: Page 25 – word association:

Page 26 – match meanings: Page 27 – paragraph:

Lesson 5: Word List
Study the words.

prime independence
most important freedom from outside control or support
To keep healthy is of prime importance. She wanted financial independence so she got
of the highest quality or value a job.
I would like a cut of prime beef, please. the time when a country or region gains
used to say that someone or something is a political freedom from outside control
very good example of a particular kind of The US gained independence from Great
person or thing Britain in 1776.
The winning horse is a prime example of a
champion race horse.

issue empire
something that people are talking about or a group of countries or regions that are
thinking about: an important subject or topic controlled by one ruler or one government
A proper education for everyone is an The Roman Empire was vast as it stretched
important issue. across most of Europe and North Africa.
the version of a newspaper or magazine that is a very large business or group of businesses
published at a particular time under the control of one person or company
I would like an article from your June issue. He built his small business into a large empire.
the act of officially making something available
or giving something to people to be used
During the war the Government would issue
food stamps to the people.

inhale expose
to breathe in to leave something without covering or
I inhaled the fresh mountain air. protection
The color on the barn wall has faded as it’s
exposed to the sun.
to cause someone to experience something or
to be influenced or affected by something
My grandfather took me on trips to expose me
to different cultures.
to reveal something hidden, dishonest
The inquiry exposed the corrupt official.

Lesson 5: Word List
Study the words.

glare misty
to shine with a harsh, bright light full of mist
The sun glared down on the exposed beach. We looked down on the misty valley.
to look directly at someone in an angry way not clearly seen or remembered
The teacher glared at the naughty student. I have a misty memory of my early childhood.
I get misty-eyed when I hear this song.

waxy briskly
seeming to be made of or covered in wax in an active, quick, or energetic way
The polish left a waxy surface on the table. They walked briskly down the path.
in an impatient or brusque way
“I have to go,” she responded briskly.
in a cold but pleasantly invigorating way
The spring air blew briskly from the west.

Lesson 5: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. to breathe in; take in by breathing

plenty wealth inhale aide

2. to uncover or reveal

forget expose invent steal

3. a light so strong and bright that it hurts the eyes or makes it difficult to see

glare portrait aroma prey

4. made up of mist or looking like mist

feeble preserved ample misty

5. made of, covered with, or having an abundance of wax

proper flimsy waxy puny

6. actively and full of energy

burly briskly reluctantly grimly

7. first in importance

reverted prime final hostile

8. freedom from outside control

independence significance idleness compassion

Lesson 5: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. nimbly, rapidly

2. best, elite

3. liberty, freedom

4. filmy, obscure

5. problem, controversy

6. authority, rule

7. frown, gape

8. breathe in

9. reveal, bare

10. glistening, slippery

A. empire B. expose C. waxy

D. inhale E. issue F. misty
G. independence H. prime I. briskly
J. glare

Lesson 5: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. A prime example of something is?

a perfect example a bad example

a slightly off example a moderate example

2. I make my own breakfast in the morning because I am independent; what

does that mean?
I can complete tasks without the help of
I need to rely on others for help

I am good at making breakfast I wake up early

3. If you have an issue with your friend, how will you feel towards them?

happy sad or upset

caring indifferent

4. If you inhale the aroma of fresh baked cookies, what are you doing?

breathing in the smell baking cookies

eating cookies watching the cookies bake

5. If you glare at someone, what feelings are you implying?

kindness respect

helplessness irritation

Lesson 7: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. Sugar was the (impressive/interesting/prime) export of Hawaii for many years.

2. The American Revolution was fought for (difference/independence/show) from


3. The Roman (people/group/empire) included lands throughout the

Mediterranean world.

4. During the fire, she (saw/took/inhaled) so much smoke that it made her feel

5. Walking barefoot (hurts/exposes/shows) your feet to sharp objects.

6. My best friend's (glare/words/breath) told me that I was in big trouble.

7. The surface of the lake is (cracked/saturated/misty) in the morning.

8. The candle was very (sticky/soft/waxy), and when it melted it coated Ella’s

9. She was in a hurry and took a (brisk/slow/boring) walk to the corner store to
buy cookie dough.

10. The (line/issue/curiosity) with the fire alarm is that it goes off randomly, even
when there is no smoke.

Lesson 5

Page 31 – words and their meaning: Page 32 – synonyms:

Page 33 – applying meanings: Page 34 – sentences:

Lesson 6: Word List
Study the words.

anxiety hasty
fear or nervousness about what might happen done or made very quickly
He’s feeling some anxiety about the first day of Seeing the bear, we made a hasty retreat to
school. our camper.
a feeling of wanting to do something very done or made too quickly
much Don’t make any hasty decisions.
He always had an anxiety to succeed. acting too quickly
She regretted making such a hasty decision.

lobby policy
a large open area inside and near the en- an officially accepted set of rules or ideas
trance of a public building about what should be done
This hotel has a grand lobby. What is your return policy on your dresses?
an organized group of people who work an idea or belief that guides the way you live
together to influence government decisions or behave
that relate to a particular industry or issue I make it a policy to make sure I save enough
The environmental organization is lobbying
money for any emergencies.
government on its green policies.
a document that contains the agreement that
to try to get something you want by talking to an insurance company and a person have
the people who make decisions made
She’s lobbying for a space on the soccer team.
The damage to our house from the flood is
covered by the insurance policy.

silvery ivory
shiny and white or light gray in color like silver a hard white substance that forms the tusks of
This fish has a silvery sheen. elephants and other animals
high, clear, soft, and pleasant There are states that have banned the trade in
This singer has such a beautiful, silvery tone to ivory.
her voice. a slightly yellowish white color
The bride wore a beautiful ivory dress.

Lesson 6: Word List
Study the words.

trout pouch
a common fish that lives in rivers and lakes a small bag
and is often used as food I have a small pouch for my coins in my
Dad and I caught five trout during our fishing pocket.
trip. a bag often with a lock that is used to carry
letters or important papers
The manager is carrying the pouch of signed
a pocket of skin on the stomachs of some
female animals, such as kangaroos and
koalas that is used to carry young
Look at the baby kangaroo in her mother’s

announce encounter
to make something known in a public or formal to have or experience problems or difficulties
way: to officially tell people about something We encountered a few problems on our trip.
The principal announced the dates of the to meet someone without expecting or
Spring Festival during morning assembly. intending to
to say in a formal or official way that something I encountered an old friend in town today.
or someone has arrived or is present or ready a meeting that is not planned or expected
We’re waiting for our flight departure to be I had a chance encounter with the music producer.

Lesson 6: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. I get strong feelings of fear ________________ whenever I trip on the stairs.

2. My mom tells me to be speedy _______________ when we leave for school in

the morning.

3. We waited for service in the hotel entrance _____________ .

4. During a fire, you should refer to your school’s fire drill procedure

5. He stored his money in a small purse _______________ so that he wouldn’t

lose it.

6. She had youthful, pale ___________________ skin.

7. I had to yell to declare __________________that the party was wrapping up.

8. If you bump into ________________ someone sitting alone at lunch, ask

them to sit at your table.

Lesson 6: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. confidence, ease

2. careful, cautious

3. disorganization

4. black, dark

5. colorful, bright

6. conceal, hide

7. avoid, dodge

A. silvery B. anxiety C. ivory

D. hasty E. encounter F. announce
G. policy

Lesson 6: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. We walked into the hotel lobby where dad collected the room key.

Definition of lobby: ________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. Our teacher told us that we had to follow every class policy so that we could
have a safe learning environment.

Definition of policy: ________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. I caught a trout with dad on our fishing trip.

Definition of trout: ______________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. I put my money in a pouch so that I wouldn’t have to carry it in my hands.

Definition of pouch: ____________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 6: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

Franklin was in the __________ of a fancy hotel. There was a fountain

of water with a statue of an __________-colored fish, he thought it was

a __________, spraying water into the fountain. There were other

statues there, too. Some were made out of metal or stone, and one

small one on the front desk looked like it was made out of __________!

Being around all of these fancy objects gave Franklin some feelings of

__________. He didn’t want to touch anything and accidentally break it.

Instead of being __________, Franklin walked slowly and followed the

hotel’s __________ of look, don’t touch. He took out his notepad and

__________ full of colored pencils and started to draw one of the

statues when he heard the person at the front desk __________ that

they could go up to their room now. Franklin wondered what other fancy

objects he would __________ on their way to their room!

Lesson 6

Page 38 – just the right word: Page 39 – antonyms:

Page 40 – context clues: Page 41 – paragraph:

Lesson 7: Word List
Study the words.

source ownership
someone or something that provides what is the state or fact of owning something
wanted or needed Home ownership is on the rise in our country.
Our solar panels provide a power source for
our house.
the cause of something, such as a problem
The teenage’s behavior is a source or
a person, book that gives information
This encyclopedia is a great source of
information for my essay.
the beginning of a stream or river of water
Where is the source of the Nile?

burrow drowsy
a hole or tunnel in the ground that an animal tired and ready to fall asleep
makes to live in or for safety I feel drowsy and need to take a nap.
The rabbit disappeared into its burrow. causing you to feel relaxed and ready to sleep
to move or press under, through, or into We had a drowsy afternoon by the pool.
something that relate to a particular industry or
He burrowed under the blanket for comfort.

towering booming
very tall growing or expanding very quickly
Look at that towering skyscraper. Bicycle sales are booming across the country.
very powerful or intense loud and low : having a low rumbling sound
She flew into a towering rage. My uncle has a booming voice.
very great or impressive very forceful or powerful
The musical was a towering performance. The tennis star has a booming serve.

Lesson 7: Word List
Study the words.

nook textbook
a small space or corner that is inside a book about a particular subject that is used
something in the study of that subject especially in a
This old house is full of nooks and crannies. school
a part of a room, such as a corner, that is used Students, please open your history textbooks
for a specific purpose on page five.
I have a nook in my room where I like to read.

misunderstood cooperate
thought of incorrectly, not understood to work together, to work with another person
You misunderstood my intentions. or group to do something
Let’s cooperate on this project.
to be helpful by doing what someone asks or
tells you to do
The children cooperated when their mother
told them to brush their teeth.
to act in a way that makes something possible
or likely : to produce the right conditions for
something to happen
Let’s hope the weather cooperates when we
go to the beach.

Lesson 7: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. the start or cause of something

source sensation inhale aide

2. the state or fact of being an owner

compensation indignant investigation ownership

3. a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home

burrow jest snout contact

4. nearly asleep; very sleepy

loathing drowsy sparse somber

5. rising high above the ground

solitary stalling towering low

6. a corner of a room or a small area set off from a main room

taper lure manor nook

7. a book used for teaching a particular subject

decade mirth task textbook

8. to work with others

denounce cooperate terminate taunt

Lesson 7: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. beginning, origin ______________

2. dig, hollow out ______________

3. sleepy, lethargic ______________

4. tall, enormous ______________

5. roaring, loud ______________

6. corner, cubbyhole _______________

7. workbook, school ______________

8. misinterpreted, confused ______________

9. work together ______________

Lesson 7: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. The source of my
over my dad.
happiness is

2. I had to take
everyone wanted our
ownership of the pencil

with the teacher, because

3. The gopher decided to
she always knows what is
best for the class.

4. I felt very drowsy nobody wanted it.

5. My brother had grown

very tall, and he seemed is very big and heavy.
to tower

6. Sales were booming

after staying up too late.

the ice cream we just

7. My math textbook

8. I decided to cooperate a hole in the dirt.

Lesson 7: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. Not knowing Latin was the (part/source/section) of his trouble with scientific

2. Pet (cost/embellishment/ownership) can be a big responsibility.

3. The chipmunk heard a sharp noise and disappeared into its


4. After a long day and a good dinner, Jake felt (sad/cold/drowsy) and decided to
go to bed.

5. Mitchell (towers/leaps/suggests) over his father.

6. His (soft/booming/cold) voice shook the walls and echoed throughout the

7. She kept her toys in a (box/nook/carton) under the window.

8. The new astronomy (page/piano/textbook) includes a chapter on black holes.

9. When Vanessa paired up with Michelle instead of Katie, Katie thought that
Vanessa did not like her anymore. Fortunately, Katie had
(interested/appeared/misunderstood) her best friend.
10. The two writers (cooperated/dispelled/danced) on the history book.

Lesson 7

Page 45 – words and their meaning: Page 46 – word association:

Page 47 – match meanings: Page 48 – sentences:

Lesson 8: Word List
Study the words.

hoist avoid
to raise something especially by using ropes or to stay away from someone or something
machinery We took a detour to avoid the traffic jam.
He hoisted the American flag. to prevent the occurrence of something bad,
an apparatus for lifting or raising something unpleasant
The fire truck has a hoist. Let’s try to avoid any accidents.
to keep yourself from doing something or
participating in something
The parents avoided favoritism in the family.

loyal destroy
having or showing complete and constant to cause something to end or no longer exist,
support for someone or something to cause the destruction of something
The dog is loyal to his master. The construction crew destroyed the old
to damage something so badly that it cannot
be repaired
The house was completely destroyed in the

boycott role
to refuse to buy, use, or participate in the character played by an actor
something as a way of protesting He played the role of the hero.
We boycotted the transportation system. a part that someone or something has in a
to stop using the goods or services of a particular activity or situation
company or country until changes are made Every team member has her role to play in
We plan to boycott all the products sold by that winning this game.
company. the part that someone has in a family, society,
or other group
She took on the role of secretary for the choir.

Lesson 8: Word List
Study the words.

rubble jumble
broken pieces of stone, brick from walls or to cause things to be mixed together in a way
buildings that have fallen that is not neat or orderly
We need to clear the rubble that fell from the All the toys were jumbled in the box.
hill on the road.

dismantle rumble
to take something, such as a machine or to make a low, heavy, continuous sound or
structure apart so that it is in separate pieces series of sounds
Let’s dismantle the engine to see what is Thunder rumbles in the distance.
wrong with it. to move along with a low, heavy, continuous
to destroy something in an orderly way : to sound
gradually cause something to come to an end The train rumbled down the track.
They dismantled the old club house.

Lesson 8: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. I had to lift ________________ my brother up, so he could see over the


2. Do not dodge _______________ your homework!

3. If you are devoted _____________ to your friends, they will show devotion in

4. The dinosaur sought to demolish ________________ every tree, rock, or

being in his way.

5. I received bad food at the restaurant, so I decided to reject ______________

the establishment and never eat there again.

6. The hurricane turned several oceanfront homes into piles of debris


7. A clutter ______________ of papers fell out of my folder onto the floor and
are now completely out of order.

8. Do not take apart ________________ your computer, because you might not
be able to put it back together again!

Lesson 8: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. demolish, devastate

2. ban, exclude

3. remains, debris

4. tangle, clutter

5. growl, thunder

6. act, character

7. avert, bypass

8. lift, heave

9. faithful, dependable

10. take apart, disassemble

A. loyal B. destroy C. jumble D. role

E. rumble F. dismantle G. rubble H. avoid
I. boycott J. hoist

Lesson 8: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. If you hoist a little kid onto a swing, what are you doing?

throwing them lifting them up

pushing them helping them climb on

2. If you are avoiding someone, what emotions are you probably feeling towards

angry or upset excited or anticipating

welcoming indifferent

3. What characteristic is true to a loyal friend?

forgetting about you always being there for you

not helping you when you need them always sharing their food with you

4. If you destroy something, what should you do?

ignore it leave it for someone else to fix

get upset or cry fix it yourself

5. If you get the lead role in Snow White, who are you?

an apple snow white

the villain a dwarf

Lesson 8: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

The scenes of the earthquake on television were hard to watch. You

could hear a __________ as buildings started to __________ and fall

down. Jodie could not believe the earthquake could __________

buildings and turn them to __________! How could people __________

getting hurt in an earthquake? Jodie was nervous, and her thoughts

began to __________. She started to calm down as she continued to

watch though. So many people were taking on the __________ of

helper. They began to __________ up pieces of the buildings to help

people get through to safety. There were even __________ dogs who

stayed by their owners until help arrived! Jodie decided that she didn’t

have to __________ watching the news after all, she would keep

watching to see all the helpful people.

Lesson 8

Page 52 – just the right word: Page 53 – synonyms:

Page 54 – applying meanings: Page 55 – paragraph:

Lesson 9: Word List
Study the words.

souffle miracle
a food that is made with eggs, flour, and other an unusual or wonderful event that is believed
ingredients and that is baked until its top rises to be caused by a divine agency
and it becomes very light and fluffy She is a miracle worker.
My favorite dish is cheese souffle. a very amazing or unusual event, thing, or
It took a miracle for the team to win the game.

illegible navigable
not clear enough to read, not legible deep and wide enough for boats and ships to
Your handwriting is illegible. travel on or through
This river is navigable by small boats.

local royal
relating to or occurring in a particular area, of or relating to a king or queen
city, or town He comes from royal blood.
I am watching the local news on TV. used in names of organizations that are
located or living nearby supported by or that serve a king or queen
We really like this local restaurant. I study at the Royal College of Art.
of a bus or train, making all the stops on a suitable for a king or queen, elaborate or
route impressive
We took the local bus into town. We received a royal welcome as we stepped
involving or affecting only a small area of the onto the cruise ship.
The skin rash is a local infection.

Lesson 9: Word List
Study the words.

approval continental
the belief that something or someone is good of, relating to, or located on a continent
or acceptable We travelled across continental Europe.
I hope the dinner arrangements meet with your characteristic of Europe
approval. We think of continental furniture as luxury.
permission to do something, acceptance of an
idea, action, plan
The team was given approval from the CEO to
go ahead with the plans.

mural survival
a usually large painting that is done directly on the state or fact of continuing to live or exist
the surface of a wall especially in spite of difficult conditions
We’re drawing a mural on the school wall. Our family business is fighting for survival.
something from an earlier period that still
exists or is done
This custom is a survival from olden times.

Lesson 9: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. difficult or impossible to read

molten delicate illegible tolerant

2. having to do with a particular place such as a neighbourhood or town

deposit tropical local duration

3. of or having to do with a king or queen, or any members of their family

moral family royal dense

4. the belief that someone or something is good or acceptable

likeness course approval confidence

5. a large picture painted on or made a part of a wall or ceiling

dictation mural concept oasis

6. the act or fact of continuing to live or exist

survival drought option vow

7. a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific
distress employ miracle wither

8. able to be sailed on by ships or boats

consumable cumbersome navigable maximum

Lesson 9: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. normality, regularity

2. easy to read

3. impassable

4. foreign, abroad

5. common

6. disfavor, rejection

7. quit, give up

A. approval B. miracle C. survival D. illegible

E. local F. navigable G. royal

Lesson 9: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. The girl’s writing was illegible, and she had to redo it.

Definition of illegible: ________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. I like to buy local honey, because it is fresher than imported honey.

Definition of local: ________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. Liechtenstein is the only country in Europe which bears the name of its royal
Definition of royal: ______________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. I drink water and eat food every day, because it is essential to my survival.

Definition of survival: ____________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 9: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. Kai offered her a serving of chocolate (mark/soufflé/dirt).

2. Every week some new health product promises you a (miracle/event/beautiful)

cure, but very few of them actually do anything.

3. He wrote down some directions, but they were


4. The sailor was worried that the ship would get lost, but the captain reassured
him that the seas were (easy/happy/navigable).

5. They called the (new/local/boring) police for help.

6. The (simple/broken/royal) wedding was shown on TV.

7. After getting the teacher's (polish/approval/cookie), the student went ahead

with his project.

8. The railroad made (continental/waking/suppressed) travel far less difficult and


9. The artist painted a huge (statue/song/mural) of a garden on the wall of the


10. Our (survival/awakening/stillness) depends on taking care of the natural


Lesson 9

Page 59 – words and their meaning: Page 60 – antonyms:

Page 61 – context clues: Page 62 – sentences:

Lesson 10: Word List
Study the words.

federal dual
of or relating to a form of government in which having two different parts, uses
power is shared between a central government The poem has a dual meaning.
and individual states, provinces having two of something
We pay local, state and federal taxes. We are a dual income household.

cultural arch
of or relating to a particular group of people a usually curved part of a structure that is over
and their habits, beliefs, traditions an opening and that supports a wall or other
There are cultural differences between the US weight above the opening
and Canada. We walked under the arch and entered the
of or relating to the fine arts, such as music, castle.
theater, painting the raised area on the bottom of the foot that is
Our town has a lot of cultural events in the formed by a curved section of bones
summer. I need special soles to support my feet in my
something that has a curved shape
There is a slight arch to her eyebrows.
to bend into the shape of an arch
She arched her back as she stretched.

barter harsh
to exchange things for other things instead of unpleasant and difficult to accept or
for money experience
My friend bartered one toy for another. We’re having a harsh winter.
a system in which goods or services are having an unpleasant or harmful effect
exchanged for other goods or services instead because of great strength or force, too intense
of for money or powerful
The tribes use a system of barter. The sunshine is too harsh this morning.
severe or cruel, not kind
She’s a harsh disciplinarian.
very critical, strongly negative
Please don’t use such harsh language.

Lesson 10: Word List
Study the words.

charter parallel
a document issued by a government that gives used to describe lines, paths that are the same
rights to a person or group distance apart along their whole length and do
This charter allows for unrestricted trading not touch at any point
between our two countries. At the train station, the tracks run parallel to
a document which declares that a city, town, the platforms.
school, or corporation has been established very similar and often happening at the same
We now have a town charter as our town just time
incorporated. The two actors had parallel careers.
a document that describes the basic laws, a way in which things are similar, a shared
principles of a group quality or characteristic
The United Nations charter aims to protect the There are many parallels between these two
basic rights and freedoms of people around stories.
the world. each of the imaginary parallel circles of
constant latitude on the earth's surface
The border between the US and Canada sits
along the 49th parallel.

ark startle
the ship in which Noah and his family were to surprise or frighten someone suddenly and
saved from a great flood that God sent down usually not seriously
on the world in ancient times That sudden noise startled me.
The animals went two by two into Noah’s Ark. to move or jump suddenly because something
surprises you or frightens you
The dog startles easily from sounds or any

Lesson 10: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. We attended several artistic ______________ events over the weekend.

2. I had to haggle _______________ for a good bargain at the market this


3. I thought the criticism Katie gave John was a little unpleasant _____________
given the circumstances.

4. The Geneva Convention is a(n) agreement ______________ consisting of a

number of pacts that outline rules for prisoner treatment during wartimes.

5. Like Noah in his ship _____________, they had traveled across the vast oce-
anic flood to carry out their holy mission.

6. Jenny doesn’t like it when I surprise ___________________ her by hiding and

jumping out from behind the stairs.

7. The entrance to the museum had a(n) vault __________________, which

made for a very pleasant walkway.

8. I have double ________________ citizenship because I was born in Spain,

and I now live in Canada.

Lesson 10: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. trade, exchange ______________

2. nasty, bitter ______________

3. Aligned ______________

4. constitution, document ______________

5. Noah’s vessel _______________

6. surprise, scare ______________

7. two-fold ______________

8. artistic, academic ______________

9. national, governmental ______________

Lesson 10: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. Though we have many

hurt her feelings.
cultural differences,

2. Old churches have when i crept up on him

many and scared him.

we both love the same

3. We pay some of our
types of food, such as
taxes to the
pizza and pasta.

4. The harsh words that

when he overcharged me.
Stacy said to Katie

5. Noah sailed his ark arches.

6. Sam was startled across the sea.

7. My phone serves a
dual purpose since I use and to text people.
it to call people

8. I decided to barter with

federal government.
the cashier

Lesson 10: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

We walked into the __________ center through double doors under a

giant stone __________. The activity was that we were in a society

before there was a __________ currency, so instead of using money

from our country, we had to __________. One table had little statues of

an __________ with 2 of each animal on it. The statues were arranged

in neat, __________ rows. As I was looking at the statues, I didn’t notice

someone come to the other side of the table. When he spoke with a

__________, scratchy voice, I jumped. He said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean

to __________ you! My voice is rough because I have a cold. These

statues actually have a __________ purpose. They are also musical!”

He showed me how to wind it up to hear the music. As we began to

decide what we would trade, someone made an announcement that

there would be a meeting to create a __________ for this society, to

decide everyone’s rights. We finished up the trade, and I continued on

my way to see what other goods were available.

Lesson 10

Page 66 – just the right word: Page 67 – word association:

Page 68 – match meanings: Page 69 – paragraph:

Lesson 11: Word List
Study the words.

remark architect
something that someone says or writes to a person who designs buildings
express an opinion or idea My dad works as an architect.
My friend made a witty remark. a person who designs and guides a plan,
the act of noticing or making a comment about project
something She is the main architect of the peace
My friend made a witty remark. proposal.
a short speech or a part of a speech
The celebrity made the opening remark at the

artifacts terms
a simple object that was made by people in the a word or phrase for something that might be
past known only by people who have a particular
There are artifacts from the Bronze Age in this job, interest, or hobby
cave. "Man on" is a term used in soccer to warn that
a player is coming to take the ball away.
a set period of time during which something
Each board member servers for a period of
two years.
a part of the school year; semester
I am starting the fall term in September.
the parts of an agreement that must be
followed if the agreement is to be kept
The terms are that I pay rent and you give me
room and board.

perk merchant
to become more lively or cheerful someone who buys and sells goods especially
I perked up when grandma called me. in large amounts
to make something fresher or more appealing The cheese merchant supplies all the village
The new paint job perked up the room. stores with cheese.

Lesson 11: Word List
Study the words.

urge circumstance
to ask people to do or support something in a a condition or fact that affects a situation
way that shows that you believe it is very I can’t imaging a circumstance in which I would
important do that.
The rescuers urged everyone to stay calm. the way something happens, the specific
to try to persuade someone in a serious way to details of an event
do something The circumstances of broken window are
I urge you to reconsider your decision. suspicious.
a strong need or desire to have or do an event or situation that you cannot control
something The refugees are the victims of circumstance.
I have an urge something sweet.

nor forced
used after neither to show something is also caused by necessity
not true, possible, allowed A problem with the engine forced us to stop
It’s neither good nor bad. the car.
used after a negative statement to introduce a done with effort, not natural or sincere
related negative word or statement She forced a smile despite feeling anxious.
He is not the best worker nor the worst worker.

Lesson 11: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. to comment in a casual way

contact conquer assist remark

2. a person who designs buildings and directs the construction

architect optimist plumber spectator

3. an object made by a human being

exult bask tremor artifact

4. a word or phrase for something that might be known only by people who have
a particular job, interest, or hobby
term custom stake aroma

5. become or make more cheerful, lively, or interesting

fume perk gale reign

6. one who buys goods and sells them for a profit

occupation professor merchant processor

7. to push or drive forward or onward

urge resume hoist idle

8. a condition or fact that affects a situation

solo circumstance riot cask

Lesson 11: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. conditions, agreement

2. seller, dealer

3. heirloom, relic

4. situation, condition

5. artist, builder

6. compelled, mandatory

7. comment, say

8. advantage, benefit

9. not, neither

10. push for, encourage

A. architect B. terms C. nor

D. remark E. forced F. circumstance
G. perk H. urge I. merchant
J. artifacts

Lesson 11: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. If you come to terms with something, what are you doing?

you are disagreeing about it you are agreeing with it

you are accepting it you are helping the other person

2. If you urge someone to do something, what are you doing?

telling them not to do it forcing them

whispering to them strongly encouraging them

3. If you find an artifact in the ground, what did you find?

something that was lost an old playground toy

a special mineral a man made historical item

4. When is your cat most likely to perk up?

when you ignore it when you take it outside

when you give it a bath when you offer it treats

5. If you go to visit a merchant, what are you trying to do?

order food sign up for sports

buy something invest money

Lesson 11: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. He (wished/remarked/cried) that the changing leaves were so beautiful.

2. The (lawyer/architect/doctor) showed my parents the plans for our new house.

3. The museum had an exhibit of ancient Mexican (artifacts/bones/fossils).

4. "Man on" is a (ball/kick/term) used in soccer to warn that a player is coming to

take the ball away from a teammate.

5. Tilly has (perked/walked/stood) up noticeably since she made it into the swim

6. The jewelry (merchant/maker/player) on the corner is closing his shop.

7. We (urged/impressed/interested) the cows back into the barn.

8. I am slow to adapt myself to new (circumstances/sights/rain).

9. He is neither honest (and/nor/but) nice.

10. The (break/force/show) of the wind knocked down the trees.

Lesson 11

Page 73 – words and their meaning: Page 74 – synonyms:

Page 75 – applying meanings: Page 76 – sentences:

Lesson 12: Word List
Study the words.

ordinary historian
normal or usual, not unusual, different, or a person who studies or writes about history
special The historian has written several books about
Today was just an ordinary day. World War II.
neither very good nor very bad, not very
The quality of his work was pretty ordinary.

performance unrest
an activity that a person or group does to a situation in which many of the people in a
entertain an audience country are angry and hold protests or act
The choir performance starts at 7 pm. violently
the way an actor performs a part in a play, Our country is experiencing civil unrest.
The actor put on a brilliant performance in the
how well someone or something functions,
works, how well someone or something
We had to fire him because of his poor

uneasy unexpected
worried or unhappy about something not expected
Change makes me uneasy. We had some unexpected visitors today.
likely to change or end, not secure or settled
The brothers had an uneasy relationship.
awkward and uncomfortable, not relaxed
There’s an uneasy silence in the room.

Lesson 12: Word List
Study the words.

unsuccessful unfamiliar
not having or producing success, not not frequently seen, heard, or experienced
successful The bear was an unfamiliar sight.
The kids were unsuccessful in their attempt to not having any knowledge of something
bake a cake. I’m unfamiliar with French, so our trip to
France could be a challenge.

dissatisfied disadvantage
not happy or pleased something that causes difficulty, something
The store clerk had to deal with a dissatisfied that makes someone or something worse or
customer. less likely to succeed than others
The limited amount of information puts us at a
a bad or undesirable quality or feature
There are some real disadvantages to this

Lesson 12: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. Ella has blue skin on her pencils, but mine are just regular ______________
yellow-sleeved pencils.

2. The play ______________ was wonderful, and the audience gave a standing

3. Agitation ______________ spread across the field as Tim and Brad fought
over who should be named team captain.

4. I felt tense ______________ when the main character in my novel made a bad
decision and ended up in a terrible situation.

5. I found it quite surprising ________________ that I had won the gold medal,
but my friends and family seemed to know all along that I would win.

6. My plan to receive good grades in school started out useless

______________, but now I have the best marks in my class.

7. I found it peculiar ______________ that Martha wouldn’t give me a pencil, but

I soon realized that she only had one.

8. I was discontented ______________ with the flavour of my birthday cake, but

when my friends enjoyed it, my spirits were lifted.

Lesson 12: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. content, happy

2. effective, useful

3. usual, known

4. bold, brave

5. failure, disregard

6. ease, calm

7. abnormal, different

8. pupil, student

9. deliberate, intentional

A. unexpected B. unsuccessful C. unrest

D. dissatisfied E. unfamiliar F. ordinary
G. uneasy H. performance I. historian

Lesson 12: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. The judges loved my dance performance, especially the way I twirled and
moved across the floor.
Definition of performance: ___________________________________________

2. I was uneasy about trying out for the hockey team, but my fears went away
when I made it into the team.

Definition of uneasy: ________________________________________________

3. My chances of winning the contest were low, so it was unexpected when I

Definition of unexpected: ____________________________________________

4. Though I was unfamiliar with German food, I still gave it a try.

Definition of unfamiliar: ______________________________________________

Lesson 12: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

James had a hard time sleeping. He was __________ about the

__________ in front of his classmates tomorrow. What if his acting

wasn’t good and the play was __________? The audience would be

__________. He couldn’t stand the feeling of __________. Instead of

thinking about all the things that could go wrong, James pretended to be

a __________ of his past play experiences. The play was not

__________ - he knew exactly when it would happen and what he

would have to do and say. The audience was at a __________, since

they were __________with the play. They wouldn’t know if he got a line

wrong. James was always excited when it wasn’t just another

__________day, play days were exciting!

Lesson 12

Page 80 – just the right word: Page 81 – antonyms:

Page 82 – context clues: Page 83 – paragraph:

Lesson 13: Word List
Study the words.

disability disregard
a condition that damages or limits a person's to ignore something or treat something as
physical or mental abilities unimportant
Blindness and deafness are disabilities. The naughty student disregarded the
instructions from the teacher.

discrimination defend
the practice of unfairly treating a person or to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage,
group of people differently from other people or destroy someone or something
or groups of people The mother is prepared to defend her child
It is wrong to discriminate against women. from being hurt.
the ability to recognize the difference between to fight or work hard in order to keep a right,
things that are of good quality and those that interest, cause from being taken away
are not The charity defends the rights of the poor.
The boy is very good at discriminating to try to stop opponents from scoring
between different kinds of hamsters. The goalkeeper’s job is to defend the goal.

demand depend
a forceful statement in which you say that be controlled or determined by
something must be done or given to you The difference in wages depended on several
The striking workforce is demanding an factors.
increase in wages. rely on
a strong need for something Grandpa depends on grandma for help.
There is a demand for more housing for
lower-income families.
difficult things you have to do because
someone requires you to do them or because
they are part of a job, activity
He could not deal with the physical demands
of the job.

Lesson 13: Word List
Study the words.

democracy poverty
a form of government in which people choose the state of being poor
leaders by voting My grandparents grew up in poverty.
The country changed from a monarchy to a
democracy in the 1800s.
a country ruled by democracy
In a democracy all adults have the right to

crisis trader
a difficult or dangerous situation that needs a person who buys, sells, or exchanges goods
serious attention My uncle is a market trader, who sells fruit and
The country is going through a financial crisis. vegetables.

Lesson 13: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. a condition (such as an illness or an injury) that damages or limits a person's

physical or mental abilities
jest investigation colony disability

2. to pay no attention to; ignore

cluster inflict disregard slither

3. the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from
other people or groups of people
comply soar jostle discriminate

4. to protect from harm; guard

gist convince glare defend

5. to ask for forcefully; order

demand tolerate revolt evaluate

6. to trust or rely on

depend accomplish review expand

7. a form of government in which power rests with the people

tension passage argument democracy

8. the condition of being poor; a lack of money

culture summary poverty huddle

Lesson 13: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. controlled, determined by ______________

2. Ignoring, neglect ______________

3. equality, justice ______________

4. protect, contend _______________

5. question, request ______________

6. ailment, injury ______________

7. bigotry, intolerance ______________

8. poor, hardship _______________

9. catastrophe, change ______________

Lesson 13: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. I expected an ordinary because I love learning

restaurant, about past events.

2. One day I will be a one always turns to family

historian, for help.

if he disregards the
3. The idea of a haunted
things his parents tell him
house made me uneasy,
to do.

4. A mother rhinoceros but the food was quite

uses her horn fancy.

5. Lack of education is still

of poverty in the region.
the main cause

6. In times of crisis, to defend her young.

7. A young child will likely you do not believe every

get in big trouble individual has a voice.

8. If you are opposed to but it wasn’t as scary as I

democracy, expected.

Lesson 13: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. After he injured his back he had to quit his job and go on


2. He (listened/disregarded/watched) his mother's advice, and he ran outside in

the rain without his jacket on.

3. When studying at school, it is essential to (change/discriminate/unite) between

what information is important and what information is not.

4. He (hurt/marked/defended) his brother from the angry dog.

5. I (want/believe/demand) that you sit down and listen to me.

6. Whether I can go to the park (depends/sees/confirms) on how quickly I can

finish my work.

7. The dictator was forced out of power and (communism/democracy/life) was


8. Too many people in the Third World live in (riches/happiness/poverty).

9. Having to choose between staying in town or moving across the country was a
(crisis/rule/strike) for the whole family.

10. My uncle is a (scientist/teacher/trader) in crafted items.

Lesson 13

Page 87 – words and their meaning: Page 88 – word association:

Page 89 – match meanings: Page 90 – sentences:

Lesson 14: Word List
Study the words.

focus primary
a subject that is being discussed or studied, most important
the subject on which people's attention is Your safety is my primary concern.
focused most basic or essential
The focus of our class discussion is the safe Our primary needs are food and shelter.
use of the Internet. happening or coming first
a main purpose or interest I started my primary training today.
His focus on computing led to his successful
software engineering degree,
a state in which a camera, a telescope, or a
person's eyes produces a clear picture or
Before you take the photo, you’ll need to make
sure you focus the lens.

religious historic
of or relating to religion famous or important in history
Easter is a religious event for Christians. The French Revolution is a historic event.
believing in a god or a group of gods and having great and lasting importance
following the rules of a religion The astronauts returned successfully after
She is very religious. their historic landing on the moon.
happening or existing in the past
There are historic cave paintings in the area.

pilgrim suffrage
someone who travels to a holy place the right to vote in an election
Thousands of Muslim pilgrims traveled to Universal suffrage means everyone gets to
Mecca. vote.

Lesson 14: Word List
Study the words.

advantage effect
a good position or condition that helps to make an event, condition, or state of affairs that is
someone or something better or more likely to produced by a cause
succeed than others The camping experience has had a positive
The new computer system put the company at effect on her.
a clear advantage over its competitors. a particular feeling or mood created by
a good or desirable quality or feature something
The main advantage of owning your own The color red gives the effect of warmth.
business is you can set your own schedule. tan image or a sound that is created in
benefit or gain television, radio, or movies to imitate
There is a clear advantage in leaving for work something real
early. The visual effects in this computer game are
quite realistic.
the state of something that is actually working
or operating
The medicine should take effect very soon.

affect official
to produce an effect on someone or something of or relating to the job or work of someone in
The criticism affected her deeply. a position of authority
The business team is going on an official trip.
used to describe something that is done in a
public and often formal way
We attended the official ceremony.
having authority
He is the official spokesperson for our
permitted, accepted, or approved by the
government or by a person or organization that
has authority
English and French are the official languages
of Canada.

Lesson 14: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. I tried to concentrate ______________ my attention on reading the difficult

history textbook.

2. A main ______________ choice in the girl’s life was to get a college education
so she could make a better life for herself.

3. He was a traveler ______________, moving across the country from place to


4. My lack of studying concerned ______________ my school work and an F in

biology was a(n) consequence ______________.

5. Clerical ______________ leaders in the area hoped to bring believers of all

faiths together in a nondenominational service.

6. He had a(n) benefit ______________ in the race, because he had been train-
ing for longer than the rest of the contestants.

7. A(n) formal ______________ call from the school board made it definite that I
had a job as a teacher.

8. The astronaut returned safely from her momentous ______________ flight

into space.

Lesson 14: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. holy, sacred

2. basic, elementary

3. impact, impression

4. legal right

5. settler, traveler

6. spotlight, target

7. momentous. remarkable

8. benefit, asset

9. influence, change

10. administrator, agent

A. primary B. advantage C. pilgrim D. affect

E. effect F. historic G. focus H. religious
I. official J. suffrage

Lesson 14: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. What does it mean if you can’t focus on something?

you are completely absorbed in the

you can’t pay attention to it

you can see and understand just fine you can’t hear what others are saying

2. If you are in the primary stages of a project, that means:

you are in the worrying stages of the

in the earliest time of a project

having the hardest time with the project the stages interest you

3. If you have an advantage in a sport, you probably have:

never played spent a lot of time with friends

eaten too much food practiced a lot

4. If you want to have a positive effect on others, what should you do?

be nice to others when you feel like it show kindness to everyone

be rude to those you don’t like not talk to other people at all

5. If If you want to be a government official, what do you have to do?

spend a fair amount of time with friends play a lot of sports

study hard in school take a biology course

Lesson 14: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

A __________ is someone who travels for __________ reasons. A

__________ celebration that stemmed from a pilgrimage to the United

States of America is celebrated in November, with a holiday named

Thanksgiving. The __________ day of Thanksgiving is the fourth

Thursday of November. The __________ __________ of Thanksgiving

is to be thankful for what we have. You can be thankful for little things,

like your school supplies and toys, or big things, like the __________

movements that gave many groups the right to vote. Did you know that

being thankful has an __________ on your health? If you write in a

gratitude journal every day instead of just on a holiday, you will have an

__________ over many other people. You will __________ your

happiness and well-being in a great way!

Lesson 14

Page 94 – just the right word: Page 95 – synonyms:

Page 96 – applying meanings: Page 97 – paragraph:

Lesson 15: Word List
Study the words.

assembly responsibility
the act of connecting together the parts of the state of being the person who caused
something, such as a machine something to happen
The instructions for assembly is in the box. I took full responsibility for the broken window.
a group of people who have gathered together a duty or task that you are required or
We have school assembly every Monday expected to do
morning. I have lots of responsibilities at work.
something that you should do because it is
morally right, legally required
We all have a responsibility to protect nature.

sane pure
having a healthy mind not mixed with anything else
Walks in the forest keep me sane. My earrings are made of pure silver.
based on reason or good judgment, rational or clean and not harmful in any way
sensible We sell pure water in bottles.
Leaving before the argument got too heated having a smooth and clear sound that is not
was the sane option for her to do. mixed with any other sounds
Listen to the pure sound of her voice.

hesitate persuade
to stop briefly before you do something to cause someone to do something by asking
especially because you are nervous or unsure or giving reasons
about what to do Her persuaded his friends to join the soccer
He hesitated before responding to the tough team.
question. to cause someone to believe something,
He persuaded me that I was wrong.

Lesson 15: Word List
Study the words.

prejudice nausea
an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or A feeling of sickness, often making your
group because of race, sex, religion stomach unwell and a feeling of instability
Our organization fights against racial I experience nausea when I travel in the back
prejudice. seat of a car.
a feeling of like or dislike for someone or
something especially when it is not reasonable
or logical
She has a prejudice against junk food.

replica era
an exact or very close copy of something a period of time that is associated with a
We made a replica of the beautiful vase. particular quality, event, person
The Victorian era took place during the 1800s.

Lesson 15: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. a group of people gathered together, usually for a specific purpose

generation result assembly performance

2. the condition or fact of being responsible

margin pace responsibility pilgrim

3. having a healthy mind

stunted diverse historic sane

4. not mixed with anything else; made of only one substance

glossy pure dairy liberty

5. to stop or pause because of not feeling sure

disregard dissolve hesitate depend

6. to cause to do something by using reason or argument

ace impress persuade magnify

7. a feeling of like or dislike for someone or something especially when it is not
reasonable or logical
rebellion revolution prejudice unrest

8. a sick feeling in the stomach with the need to vomit

nausea democracy cycle result

Lesson 15: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. individual, one

2. distrust, immaturity

3. foolish, irrational

4. cloudy, obscure

5. continue, persist

6. discourage, dissuade

7. aid, assist

8. healthy

9. original

A. replica B. hesitate C. nausea

D. pure E. sane F. prejudice
G. persuade H. responsibility I. assembly

Lesson 15: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. The assembly of people filled the whole town hall.

Definition of assembly: ______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. The water from the river was pure, so we drank the water without boiling it first.

Definition of pure: __________________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. It took a very long time to persuade Jenna to go to the dentist, but she needed
to mend her tooth.
Definition of persuade: ______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. On our road trip, I had to ask my mom to pull over and let me have some fresh
air because I was feeling nauseous.
Definition of nausea: ________________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 15: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. An (imposter/assembly/elegance) of all the students meets in the auditorium

every Monday morning.

2. Take (ownership/interest/responsibility) for your actions.

3. Jared made a (bad/simple/sane) decision when he decided to leave the park to

get home to dinner on time.

4. She's wearing a jacket made of (dirty/shredded/pure) wool.

5. My dog (whistled/sang/hesitated) when I gave him a command he did not


6. She (asked/requested/persuaded) her mother that she was old enough to

watch the movie.

7. She has a (thought/prejudice/implication) about seafood; she's never tried it

but she thinks it will taste bad.

8. Riding a roller coaster causes (sadness/nausea/sedation) for some people.

9. A (replica/writing/page) of the famous airplane hangs in the museum.

10. My grandfather knows a lot about the industrial (machine/era/kite), when

machines and factories first came into wide use.

Lesson 15

Page 101 – words and their meaning: Page 102 – antonyms:

Page 103 – context clues: Page 104 – sentences:

Lesson 16: Word List
Study the words.

utopia ace
an imaginary place in which the government, a playing card with one large figure in its
laws, and social conditions are perfect center that can be the card with either the
In Sandy’s utopia, everyone would wait on her highest or lowest value
and call her Princess Sandy. Do you have the ace of spades?
a person who is very skilled at something
My brother is a computer ace.
a point scored on a serve that an opponent
fails to hit in tennis
She scored eight aces in the tennis game.

pace cycle
the speed at which someone or something a set of events or actions that happen again
moves and again in the same order
We walked at a leisurely pace in the forest. This plant has a one-year growth cycle.
the speed at which something happens a set of regular and repeated actions that are
The pace of this movie is so slow. done by a machine as part of a longer process
a single step or the length of a single step This dishwasher has a longer drying cycle.
The dog is walking a few paces ahead of us.

central magnificent
in the middle of something, located in the very beautiful or impressive, very great
center of a thing or place The Notre Dame is a magnificent cathedral.
Switzerland is in central Europe.
main or most important
The conductor plays a central role for the
controlling all other parts, having power over
the other parts
The central government has control over
education and healthcare in our country.

Lesson 16: Word List
Study the words.

trace scarce
a very small amount of something very small in amount or number, not plentiful
I can taste a trace of vanilla in this cake. Food is scarce during a drought.
something such as a mark or an object which
shows that someone or something was in a
particular place
The thieves left no trace of evidence.

intelligence citizenship
the ability to learn or understand things or to the fact or status of being a citizen of a
deal with new or difficult situations particular place
This student has an impressive intelligence. I have citizenship in two countries and,
secret information that a government collects therefore, two passports.
about an enemy or possible enemy the qualities that a person is expected to have
My grandfather was a code breaker during as a responsible member of a community
World War II to help gather intelligence for his We’re learning about good citizenship in class
country. today.

Lesson 16: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The sound of waves crashing on the shore, birds chirping, and children
laughing was enough for May to feel like she was in paradise ______________.

2. She was the champion ______________ of the basketball team, and every
player looked up to her for help and guidance.

3. When he gets nervous about his math tests he walks ______________ back
and forth.

4. The main ______________ idea of the game is to hide from the seeker and
not make a sound.

5. Thomas makes wonderful ______________ statues out of modeling clay in

art class.

6. There seemed to be no hint ______________ of the robber’s presence, until a

police officer found his fingerprints on the doorknob.

7. We have a sparse ______________ amount of cereal left in the box. Can we

go to the supermarket and buy more?

8. Ian’s brilliance ______________ is what helped us win the math contest this

Lesson 16: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. bliss, paradise ______________

2. winner, champion ______________

3. step, march ______________

4. era, phase ______________

5. main, principal ______________

6. brilliant, elegant ______________

7. seek, follow _______________

8. infrequent, limited ______________

9. nationality, origin ______________

Lesson 17: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. In a utopia, because he is very smart.

2. I knew that Carl would so Sara went to the store

ace the test to buy food.

because everyone
3. It is easy to learn new
wanted to buy fresh food
before it ran out.

4. Kailey decided to cycle as long as you go at your

home own pace.

5. The central market he taught her a new math

was packed concept.

6. Jenna thought that her

there is plenty of food and
new bike was
water for everyone.

7. The presence of food in because it could go very

the fridge was scarce, fast.

8. Kim thought that Jared because her dad couldn’t

was intelligent because drive her.

Lesson 16: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

I love my neighborhood. I took my bike out on a __________ summer

day to ride to the park in the __________ part of the neighborhood. I

began to __________ at a nice, slow __________ so that I wouldn’t get

too tired. It felt like __________ with the beautiful weather and smiling

people. There were kids playing with chalk. One began to __________

the other one. Clouds in the bright blue sky were __________. Even a

dog seemed to look at me with the __________ of knowing this was the

perfect day! The park was not too busy, because you had to be a

member of the neighborhood to play there. It was kind of like having a

neighborhood __________. Some kids were playing with cards. An

__________ of spades blew over my way, so I returned it to them.

Lesson 16

Page 108 – just the right word: Page 109 – word association:

Page 110 – match meanings: Page 111 – paragraph:

Lesson 17: Word List
Study the words.

ancient bulge
very old, having lived or existed for a very long a rounded lump on the surface of something
time I could see the bulge of the soccer ball in the
We loved through the forest of ancient oak bag.
trees. to stick out in a rounded lump
of, coming from, or belonging to a time that His eyes bulged when he saw the big lion.
was long ago in the past to be completely filled with something
I wonder what it was like to live in ancient The bag bulged with books.

margin generally
the part of a page that is above, below, or to in a way that is not detailed or specific
the side of the printed part It was a generally good trip.
Please write your name in the margin. in most cases
an extra amount of time or space that can be It generally takes me an hour to make dinner.
used if it is needed by or to most people
We left in plenty of time to give us a margin for Generally the students like attending our
error. school.

voyage encourage
a long journey to a distant or unknown place to make someone more determined, hopeful,
especially over water or through outer space or confident
I’d like to go on a voyage to the Arctic. Our teachers encouraged us to do our best
effort in the test.
to make something more appealing or more
likely to happen
Sunshine encourages plants to grow.
to make someone more likely to do something
The teacher encourages her students to read
more books.

Lesson 17: Word List
Study the words.

range rigid
a group or collection of different things or not able to be bent easily
people that are usually similar in some way This steel rod is rigid.
The dresses are available in a range of colors. not easily changed
a series of numbers that includes the highest We keep to rigid rules.
and lowest possible amounts not willing to change opinions or behavior
The students range in size from 1.10 meters to The teacher is a rigid disciplinarian.
1.50 meters tall.
a specified distance
This photograph was taken at close range.
a series of mountains or hills in a line
This mountain range is beautiful.

legend passage
a story from the past that is believed by many a long, narrow space that connects one place
people but cannot be proved to be true to another
Did you hear the legend about this forest? The bathroom is at the end of the passage.
a famous or important person who is known for a narrow space that people or things can move
doing something extremely well through
The baseball player is a legend. The rabbit squeezed through the narrow
an act of moving or passing from one place or
state to another
We were guaranteed safe passage across the

Lesson 17: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence

plenty nylon ancient ecstatic

2. a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within

bulge pitcher quartz termite

3. an edge or the area near it; border

digestive asteroid margin comet

4. for the most part

generally nocturnal somewhat none

5. a long journey by air, land, sea, or outer space

omnivore gecko aluminium voyage

6. to give hope or courage to; give confidence to

unify encourage expand qualify

7. a set of different things of the same general type

range break capitol beech

8. difficult or impossible to bend; stiff

unique rigid automotive universal

Lesson 17: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. mainly, commonly

2. strict, severe

3. old, antique

4. paragraph, section

5. edge, limit

6. fable, fiction

7. order, series

8. lump, nodule

9. journey, crossing

10. boost, inspire

A. encourage B. generally C. legend D. passage

E. bulge F. rigid G. voyage H. margin
I. range J. ancient

Lesson 17: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. If something is ancient what is it?

it is very old it is brand new

it is very important it lives on forever

2. May generally likes to play basketball. This means that she…

likes to play all the time never wants to play

doesn’t really like to play usually likes to play

3. Katie encouraged Justin to try out for the play. What does this mean?

Katie did not influence Justin’s decision Katie convinced Justin to try out

Katie decided that Justin would join the

Katie did not want Justin to try out
play for him
4. Max thinks the Brazilian soccer player, Pele, is a legend. What does this
Pele is an extremely famous person due
Pele plays very well
to his skills
Pele could have scored some more
Pele likes to play soccer
5. The knight ducked through the passage to get into the castle. What did he
duck through?

through an opening in the castle wall through an entrance hall

past a large body of water over a garden

Lesson 17: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. We compared (ancient/torn/broken) Greece to modern Greece in history class.

2. Her pockets were (running/cracking/bulging) with walnuts .

3. The teacher asked the student to not write in the (holes/baskets/margins) of

their paper as she will write her comments there.

4. The doctor said my grandmother was (slightly/generally/partially) healthy but

that she needs to keep up her weight.

5. The (destination/voyage/facts) to the moon and back took over a week.

6. Winning in the first round (encouraged/made/wondered) the team and gave

them confidence for their next game.

7. I'm sure we can find the right paint in the (likes/range/star) of colors that you

8. The muscles in her face were (strange/knocked/rigid) with anger.

9. The coyote is a central figure in Native American (factor/cause/legend).

10. In this book, the author wrote a moving (light/ice/passage) about his father's
work ethic.

Lesson 17

Page 115 – words and their meaning: Page 116 – synonyms:

Page 117 – applying meanings: Page 118 – sentences:

Lesson 18: Word List
Study the words.

generation result
a group of people born and living during the something that is caused by something else
same time that happened or was done before
We need to look after the environment for The song was the result of weeks of working
future generations. on the lyrics and the music score.
the average length of time between the birth of the final score or a description of who won and
parents and the birth of their children lost in a game, election
He’s a generation older than the rest of his The election results will be available in one
team. hour.
a group of things that are developed from an
earlier type
We are developing the next generation of
mobile phones.

frequent deserve
happening often do something or have/show qualities worthy of
The local train makes frequent stops. reward or punishment
acting or returning regularly or often The teacher deserves praise from the parents
She’s a frequent visitor to our store. for a great school year.

rebellion revolution
an effort by many people to change the the usually violent attempt by many people to
government or leader of a country by the use end the rule of one government and start a
of protest or violence new one
The French Revolution was a rebellion by the The group started a revolution.
people. a sudden, extreme, or complete change in the
refusal to obey rules or accept normal way people live, work
standards of behavior, dress Computers caused a revolution in the
Our young teenager is showing signs of workplace.
rebellion. a complete turn that is made by something
around its center point or line
The Earth makes one revolution around its
axis in 24 hours.

Lesson 18: Word List
Study the words.

uniform equipped
a special kind of clothing that is worn by all the to provide someone with necessary materials
members of a group or organization or supplies
Our soccer team wear blue and yellow We came equipped with our camping gear for
uniforms. our long hike.
staying the same at all times, in all places, or to provide something with a particular feature
for all parts or members or ability
We keep our restaurant at a uniform All the buses are equipped with air
temperature. conditioning.
to prepare someone for a particular activity or
I am well-equipped for any emergencies.

rival deceit
a person or thing that tries to defeat or be dishonest behavior, behavior that is meant to
more successful than another fool or trick someone
He is my rival in tennis. He got his way through lies and deceit.
something or someone that is as good or
almost as good as another person or thing
The company’s latest computer has no rivals.

Lesson 18: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The outcome ______________ of Betty and Lily’s argument was that the girls
would split the cookie in half.

2. The bus makes recurrent ______________ stops at my house during the

school year, helping me get to school faster.

3. There is a lot of disobedience ______________ in my house because I have

five siblings who are constantly fighting.

4. I wear a specific outfit ______________ to school because my principal

requires that we all look the same.

5. I always make sure that I am outfitted ______________ with a pencil, pen,

eraser, and folder for each class.

6. The competing ______________ team was rumoured to be better and stron-

ger than us, but our teamwork helped us win the game.

7. There is a copious amount of trickery ______________ in mystery novels in

order to throw the reader off track.

8. She warranted ______________ a higher mark, but she didn't get it because
she missed a week of classes due to illness.

Lesson 18: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. origin, source

2. inconstant, irregular

3. fail, lose

4. obedience, submission

5. peace, harmony

6. different, dissimilar

7. bare, unfurnished

8. companion, helper

9. fairness, honesty

A. uniform B. rebellion C. deceit D. equipped

E. frequent F. result G. revolution H. deserve
I. rival

Lesson 18: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. After working so hard today, I deserve a cookie.

Definition of deserve: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. Instead of regular clothes, I have to wear a uniform to school.

Definition of uniform: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. When my rival beat me in the math contest I was miserable.

Definition of rival: __________________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. When uncle John went to chop down trees, he was equipped with an axe.

Definition of equipped: ______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 18: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

The video game was about a war from a __________ ago. My character

was part of the __________ against the current government. The leader

of my troop started the __________. My __________ was blue, and the

__________ uniform was gray. Sometimes it was hard to tell the

difference! I was __________ with an old rifle. There were __________

sounds of war all around. In addition to following orders, I had to talk to

people to gather information. I had to decide if they were telling the

truth, but I got tricked by their __________ a few times. The

__________ of the war was that my troop won! It took a long time for

me to learn the game, so I think I __________ the victory!

Lesson 18

Page 122 – just the right word: Page 123 – antonyms:

Page 124 – context clues: Page 125 – paragraph:

Lesson 19: Word List
Study the words.

equality dissolve
the quality or state of being equal : the quality to mix with a liquid and become part of the
or state of having the same rights, social liquid
status Sugar dissolved in water.
Our grandmothers struggled for equality and to officially end something, such as a
the rights to vote. marriage, organization, or agreement
We have dissolved our business partnership
and gone our separate ways.

stunted impress
to stop someone or something from growing or to cause someone to feel admiration or
developing interest
The lack of water stunted the plant’s growth. I am really impressed by your driving.

obligated independent
to make a person or organization do not controlled or ruled by another country
something because the law requires it or In 1905, Finland became an independent
because it is the right thing to do country from Sweden.
When you take out a loan from the bank you not controlled by other people
are obligated to pay it back. At 18, children become independent of their
not requiring or relying on other people for help
or support
She makes an independent income.
not associated with or owned by a larger
We own an independent movie company.
acting or thinking freely instead of being
guided by other people
Our daughter is an independent person.

Lesson 19: Word List
Study the words.

mutter fungus
to speak quietly so that it is difficult for other any one of a group of living things such as
people to hear what you say molds, mushrooms, or yeasts
It was hard to hear her apology as she The old log has fungus growing on it.
muttered it.
to complain in a quiet or indirect way
He muttered about having to do the dishes.

inspect extend
to look at (something) carefully in order to to cause something, such as your arm or leg to
learn more about it, to find problems straighten out or to stretch out
At the border, the guards inspect our Please extend your arms in front of you.
passports. to become longer or to be able to become
This table extends to ten feet.
to continue in a specified direction or over a
specified distance, space, or time
The forest extends for miles.
to make something longer or greater
We have decided to extend our visit.

Lesson 19: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. the condition, fact, or quality of being equal

passage guide afterthought equality

2. to mix completely with liquid

force dissolve huff bellow

3. having been prevented from growing or developing properly

scurried cherished stunted wandered

4. any of a group of living things, such as mold, mushrooms and yeasts

weather fungus plantation territory

5. to speak in a low tone that is hard to understand; mumble

fumble adore mutter grasp

6. to look at very carefully to find any problems

snap soar obey inspect

7. to make longer in size; make last longer

extend snuffle sprinkle gush

8. to make someone do something because of a law or moral principle

lounge question plead obligate

Lesson 19: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. bound, compelled ______________

2. disperse, disintegrate ______________

3. liberated, free ______________

4. examine, check ______________

5. similarity, balance ______________

6. kept from growing ______________

7. grumble, mumble ______________

8. affect, awe ______________

9. boost, broaden ______________

Lesson 19: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. I watched the sugar every evening after

dissolve dinner.

2. Martin Luther King, Jr.

before I could go out and
spent his life working to
play with my friends.

3. She wanted to impress because i was falling

the music teacher behind.

4. I am obligated to do
in my hot cup of tea.
the dishes

5. She makes her own

that lives in my backyard.
lunch every day because

6. My mom had to
equality for all people in
inspect and make sure
my room was clean

7. There is a rare species

she is independent.
of fungus

8. I asked the teacher to

with her angelic voice.
extend the due date

Lesson 19: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. We asked for (equality/difference/impress) in our pay.

2. The musicians (dissolved/continued/suppressed) their rock band because they

could not agree on anything.

3. During the severe drought in California, many of the surviving plants were
(crept/continued/stunted) to be only a few inches tall.

4. He tried to (impress/depress/compress) the girl next door by doing tricks on his


5. His knowledge of right and wrong (confused/eager/obligated) him to return the

wallet he had found.

6. She makes enough money to be an (illiterate/sorry/independent) person.

7. Casey (muttered/prepared/fired) to herself when she failed to catch the ball.

8. Her biology experiment required her to sort through different

(fungi/flowers/animals) and classify them as mold, yeast or mushroom.

9. The meat that we eat has been (inspected/seen/listened) to make sure it is

safe to eat.

10. We (impaled/selected/extended) the ladder so that it would reach the top of

the tree.

Lesson 19

Page 129 – words and their meaning: Page 130 – word association:

Page 131 – match meanings: Page 132 – sentences:

Lesson 20: Word List
Study the words.

actually elderly
what is true or real old or rather old, past middle age
I can’t believe we actually finished the project. My grandparents are an elderly couple.
used to stress that a statement is true
especially when it differs in some way from
what might have been thought or expected
Actually, I have no intention of going to the

skillfully effortlessly
having the training, knowledge, and showing or needing little or no effort,
experience that is needed to do something appearing very easy
well The skater is gliding effortlessly across the ice.
She plays the piano skillfully.

eventually directly
at some later time, in the end in a direct way
I eventually finished my homework. She answered the question directly.
in a straight or direct line from a particular
We have parked our car directly in front of your
without delay
We started the lesson directly after the school
bell rang.

Lesson 20: Word List
Study the words.

society liberty
people in general thought of as living together the state or condition of people who are able to
in organized communities with shared laws, act and speak freely
traditions, and values We enjoy liberty and freedom in Europe.
The basic unit of society is the family. able to act or speak freely
the people of a particular country, area, time, You are at liberty to speak your mind.
etc., thought of especially as an organized
Egypt had one of the earliest societies.
a group of people who work together or regu-
larly meet because of common interests, be-
liefs, or activities
I belong to a musical society.

community diversity
a group of people who live in the same area the quality or state of having many different
The fair was a great way for the community to forms, types, ideas
get together. Our forest has a diversity of animals.
a group of people who have the same the state of having people who are different
interests, religion, race races or who have different cultures in a group
The researchers are part of the same scientific or organization
community. Our city is known for its cultural diversity.
a feeling of wanting to be with other people or
of caring about the other people in a group
The principal has instilled a great community
spirit at our school.

Lesson 20: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The beach is straight ______________ ahead of us. I can already see the
waves crashing on the shore.

2. I easily ______________ won the race, but only because the other contestant
was three years younger than me!

3. I competently ______________ threw the ball into the hoop. My teammates

and coach were very impressed.

4. Her old ______________ uncle still rides his bicycle to do his grocery
shopping even though he is over 90 years old.

5. A variety of different people ______________ is what makes our world so

colourful and unique.

6. I will indeed ______________ come to Melanie’s party this time, I’ve missed
the other ones because of my busy schedule!

7. Freedom ______________ is a major value that most people care about

immensely. Everybody wants to be able to make their own decisions.

8. In the course of time ______________, I will have a job. I hope that I enjoy it
and that I can share it’s benefits with my friends and family.

Lesson 20: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. finally, someday

2. precisely, straight

3. accurately, neatly

4. freedom

5. society, association

6. humankind, people

7. aged, old

8. variety, difference

9. smoothly, easily

10. real, existent

A. effortlessly B. eventually C. directly

D. diversity E. elderly F. liberty
G. actually H. society I. skillfully
J. community

Lesson 20: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.
1. The young boy helped the elderly woman cross the street. Why would he do
she looked frail and he wanted to make
he is younger than her
sure she got across safely
they live on the street and often see she looked sad and he wanted to cheer
each other her up

2. The experienced chef could effortlessly whip up a three-course gourmet meal

in several hours in a matter of minutes

in about a day in several weeks

3. If Will says that he will do his homework eventually, what is he saying?

he will do his homework right away he will never do his homework

he will wait a while before doing his

his homework is already done

4. Jenny says that she values liberty. What does she mean by that?

she wishes that she was more

she thinks that freedom is important
she thinks that having many different
she thinks that control is important
friends is important

5. Maya likes where she lives because of the diversity. What does this mean?

she likes how everyone is the same she likes how everyone is different

she likes how the people are very kind she likes how it is cold where she lives

Lesson 20: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

Jackson’s mom pulled up the drive and stopped. “I’m so proud of you,”

she said. Jackson was about to volunteer at a __________ for

__________ people. “Thanks,” Jackson said as he hugged her goodbye

and __________ climbed out of the tall truck. He was a little nervous,

but his friend Lex was going to be volunteering with him. Jackson

walked __________ to the front desk to check in. __________ Lex

walked in, too. One of the employees came over to give them a tour of

the different areas. “There’s a lot of __________ in the activities we offer

our residents,” she explained. “We want them to see that they’re still

contributing members of __________, and to feel like they have the

__________ to do activities that they’re __________ interested in.”

They stopped by a room where some residents were __________

crafting birdhouses. Jackson was excited to see the many options that

he’d be able to help the residents with!

Lesson 20

Page 136 – just the right word: Page 137 – synonyms:

Page 138 – applying meanings: Page 139 – paragraph:

Lesson 21: Word List
Study the words.

university dairy
a school that offers courses leading to a de- a farm that produces milk
gree and where research is done My uncle owns a dairy with lots of cows that he
Once I finish high school I plan to go to milks every day.
university. a place where milk is kept and butter or
cheese is made
Once produced, we put the cheese in the
a company that sells milk and foods made
from milk
The dairy sells both milk and cheese.
milk or food made from milk
Is this ice cream made from dairy or just sugar
and water?

glossy recently
having a shiny, smooth surface during the period of time that has just passed,
The photograph has a glossy surface. not long ago
I recently finished high school.

nearby satisfy
not far away, located at a short distance from to cause someone to be happy or pleased
someone or something My work satisfies me.
My school is nearby. to provide, do, or have what is required by
someone or something
He ate enough to satisfy his hunger.

Lesson 21: Word List
Study the words.

identity magnify
who someone is, the name of a person to make something greater
The passport revealed the person’s identity. Sound is magnified over open water.
the qualities, beliefs, that make a particular to make something seem greater or more
person or group different from others important than it is
As kids grow up they establish their own The problem seemed magnified by the
identities. constant failure to succeed.
to make something appear larger
This lens magnifies the text to make it more

unify amplify
to cause people or things to be joined or to increase the strength of an electric signal
brought together We need to amplify the weak radio signal.
The community was unified during their plight. to make something, such as a musical
instrument louder by increasing the strength of
electric signals
We amplify the sound for the electric guitar.

Lesson 21: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. containing or made from milk

tank crate vase dairy

2. having a smooth, shiny surface or appearance

glossy crabby gloomy fuzzy

3. having to do with or happening in the very near past

abruptly quickly smoothly recently

4. located close at hand; not far away

dreadful steaming nearby heavy

5. meet the expectations, needs, or desires of someone

entreat satisfy comply display

6. to know and say who someone is or what something is

identify excite jab smudge

7. to cause to appear larger

wander shuffle crumple magnify

8. to make into a single unit or thing; bring together

graze unify liquefy soak

Lesson 21: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. elementary school

2. dark, dull

3. before, later

4. far away

5. miss, overlook

6. disappoint, annoy

7. reduce, decline

8. divide, part

9. decrease, weaken

A. amplify B. glossy C. identify D. satisfy

E. nearby F. unify G. magnify H. university
I. recently

Lesson 21: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. I recently turned twelve, because it was my birthday yesterday.

Definition of recently: ________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. There is a playground nearby, so it’s easy for me to walk there.

Definition of nearby: ________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. I wanted to identify the person knocking on my door, so I looked through the

peak hole.
Definition of identify: ______________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. I wanted to amplify my music, so I turned on the speakers.

Definition of amplify: ____________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 21: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. You have to have good grades to get into that (university/ocean/country).

2. Milk, butter, cheese, and yogurt are (gluten/vegetable/dairy) products.

3. This magazine has beautiful (calling/glossy/super) photographs of animals and

scenes in nature.

4. I (recently/quickly/abruptly) made it into the school basketball team.

5. Tanya works at a (torn/worn/nearby) supermarket.

6. Sam's excuse for being late (simplified/contrasted/satisfied) his teacher.

7. The biologist (identified/contributed/understood) the bird as a rare kind of


8. A telescope (subtracts/dives into/magnifies) the stars.

9. Hard times (disinterested/unified/instilled) the family.

10. Did you know that earplugs (describe/add/amplify) internal sounds, like your
breathing or when you touch your head?

Lesson 21

Page 143 – words and their meaning: Page 144 – antonyms:

Page 145 – context clues: Page 146 – sentences:

Lesson 22: Word List
Study the words.

function infection
the special purpose or activity for which a thing the act or process of infecting someone or
exists or is used something, the state of being infected
Can you tell me how a car engine functions? Let’s clean your wound so it does not get
the job or duty of a person infected.
My function at work is to manage people. a disease caused by germs that enter the body
a large ceremony or social event I have a painful ear infection.
The wedding function was a lot of fun.

tradition expectation
a way of thinking, behaving, or doing a belief that something will happen or is likely
something that has been used by the people in to happen
a particular group, family, society for a long We have great expectations for our upcoming
time graduation party.
We follow our cultural traditions, just like our a feeling or belief about how successful, good
parents and grandparents before them. someone or something will be
the stories, beliefs that have been part of the I have great expectations of our team this
culture of a group of people for a long time year.
According to tradition, Stonehenge is a sacred

constitution tension
the system of beliefs and laws by which a a feeling of nervousness that makes you
country, state, or organization is governed unable to relax
The freedom of speech is guaranteed by the The new student was filled with tension on the
US Constitution. first day of school.
the physical health and condition of a person the degree to which something is stretched,
or animal the amount that something is stretched
The weak man has a terrible constitution. I like the tension on this tennis racket.
a state in which people, groups, countries
disagree with and feel anger toward each
The tension between the two countries is

Lesson 22: Word List
Study the words.

dimension expansion
the length, width, height, or depth of the act of becoming bigger or of making
something, a measurement in one direction something bigger
The bathroom’s dimensions are quite big. The company is going through an expansion
the amount or number of things that something and needs more workers.
affects or influences a more complete and detailed written work or
We overestimated the dimension of this set of comments based on something shorter
problem. I am working on the expansion of my short
a part of something story into a novel.
The new engine gave the boat a new

comprehension mission
ability to understand a task or job that someone is given to do
The student is showing great comprehension Can you go on a fact-finding mission?
of the reading passage. a flight by an aircraft or spacecraft to perform a
specific task
The astronauts are preparing for the next
shuttle mission.
a group of people who are sent to a foreign
country to do religious work
There is a Catholic mission in the African

Lesson 22: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. I had the anticipation ______________ that you would be at my birthday


2. There was a lot of anxiety ______________ in the center, as Jen’s family

watched her swim towards the finish line.

3. The world population is increasing ______________ at the rate of nearly 90

million people a year.

4. My understanding _____________ of the lesson is not so good. Could you

explain it to me again please?

5. I have a task _______________ that I must complete.

6. My family has a custom ______________ where we watch a movie every


7. My best friend has a(n) bug ______________, and I’m scared I will catch it

8. The task ______________ of the heart is to pump blood.

Lesson 22: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. perform, work ______________

2. bug, disease ______________

3. establishment, charter ______________

4. measure, height ______________

5. task, responsibility ______________

6. pressure, strain ______________

7. understanding, knowledge ______________

8. development, growth ______________

9. belief, intention _______________

Lesson 22: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. I didn’t go to the school

dimensions of my room.
function because

2. James developed an
to find the lost treasure.

3. It is tradition for my because I sat at the back

family of the classroom.

4. The expectation at my after he fell and did not

school is that clean the wound.

5. I sensed tension everyone listens to the

between my two friends teacher.

6. I asked the interior

I had soccer practice.
decorator for the

7. I couldn’t comprehend
what the teacher was because they had a fight.

to go to the movies every

8. We went on a mission

Lesson 22: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

It is hard to __________ when you’re sick with an __________. I had a lot of

__________ in my muscles since I was worried. I knew the __________ was

that I would go to the family reunion. It was a __________ every summer.

Even though I was extremely sick, I made it my __________ to go with, since

my family would expect to see me. It was also fun to visit with relatives I

hadn’t seen in a year! My family was packing up the car to go. They brought

a table and an __________ leaf for it to make it fit more people. My dad

asked me to get something, and when I returned he looked concerned. He

said, “Hailey, your __________ is really low right now, I asked for the chairs,

not hair ties. You really are sick, honey, I think it’s important that I stay home

with you so you can get better. You won’t even know what’s going on around

us, it seems like you’re in another __________!” I agreed, both relieved and

a little sad. I took a nap on the couch while my dad watched a documentary

on the way a __________ of laws was written in different places.

Lesson 22

Page 150 – just the right word: Page 151 – word association:

Page 152 – match meanings: Page 153 – paragraph:

Lesson 23: Word List
Study the words.

vulture posture
any one of several large birds that eat dead the way in which your body is positioned when
animals and have a small and featherless you are sitting or standing
head The soldier stood with a rigid posture.
The vultures are circling in the sky.

fracture miniature
the result of breaking something, a crack or very small
break The girl used her miniature tea set for teatime
We can see a fracture in the Earth’s crust. with her stuffed toys.
to cause a crack or break in something hard a very small sculpture, portrait, or painting
I fractured my wrist when I fell over. I collect porcelain miniatures.
to damage or destroy something or to be
damaged or destroyed in a sudden or violent
The continued problems fractured the working
relationship between the company partners.

legislature protective
a group of people with the power to make or used to protect someone or something, giving
change laws or meant to give protection
Every state has its own legislature that can I wear protective glasses when I do my
change the laws for that state. woodworking.
having or showing a strong desire to protect
someone or something from harm
The mother bear is protective of her young.

Lesson 23: Word List
Study the words.

primitive competitive
of, belonging to, or seeming to come from an of or relating to a situation in which people or
early time in the very ancient past groups are trying to win a contest or be more
In primitive times humans learned to make fire. successful than others
not having a written language, advanced The job market is very competitive.
technology having a strong desire to win or be the best at
In primitive times people lived in caves. something
very simple and basic, made or done in a way I am a competitive chess player.
that is not modern and that does not show as good as or better than others of the same
much skill kind : able to compete successfully with others
We only have primitive tools, so I don’t think Our store offer competitive prices.
we can mend the tire.

alternative collaborative
offering or expressing a choice involving or done by two or more people or
We made alternative plans as it’s raining groups working together to achieve or do
today. something
not usual or traditional The results were gained through collaborative
I listen to alternative rock music. research by the two teams.
something that can be chosen instead of
something else
The restaurant offers several vegetarian

Lesson 23: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. a large bird that usually has dark feathers and a bald head and neck

vulture crow parrot sloth

2. the general position of or manner of holding the body

endeavour settlement posture presentation

3. a break or crack

glisten case fracture photograph

4. a very small copy or model of something

mountain universe match miniature

5. people within a government that have the power to make or change laws

legislature agency president politician

6. protecting or made to protect

equal protective disconcerting important

7. very simple and basic, made or done in a way that is not modern and that does
not show much skill
primitive advanced disadvantaged reminiscent

8. having a strong desire to win or do better than others

bored competitive interested excelling

Lesson 23: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. gaurding, securing

2. different, other

3. tiny, scaled-down

4. combative, opposing

5. break, rupture

6. basic, undeveloped

7. cooperative, joint

8. stance, demeanor

9. govrenmental body, parliament

A. alternative B. competitive C. legislature

D. collaborative E. protective F. posture
G. miniature H. fracture I. primitive

Lesson 23: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. What kind of animal is a vulture?

a lion a bear

a bird a tiger

2. If you fracture your foot, what will you not be able to do?

walk write

type breathe

3. Kelly bought a miniature poodle yesterday. What is the difference between

that and a regular poodle?

it is much larger it is much fluffier

it is much smaller it is much more shy

4. Denny is very competitive. How do you think he felt when he lost the race?

upset and annoyed slightly disappointed

indifferent tired

5. Kit is very protective of her hamster. What does this mean?

she wants to make sure that her

she doesn’t care about her hamster
hamster doesn’t get hurt
she spends a lot of time with her she lets everyone hold and pet her
hamster hamster

Lesson 23: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. As an art major, Janet is always excited when she gets a chance to view
(developed/complicated/primitive) art from the prehistoric era.

2. As she gets car sick while reading, she listens to music on road trips as a(n)

3. He has a (fracture/ruler/strap) in one of his leg bones.

4. He bought a (miniature/mix/contrast) of his favorite car.

5. A (collaborative/disposed/unimpressive) effort involving both police and

community members led to a decrease in crime.

6. Visitors to the factory must wear (colorful/torn/protective) clothing.

7. A (vulture/snake/cod) is a large bird that usually has dark feathers and a bald
head and neck.

8. She is a very (pressing/subliminal/competitive) person who always tries her

hardest to succeed.

9. Her poor (angle/side/posture) makes her look like she is tired.

10. The (legislature/boy/salesman) is voting on the proposal to change the tax


Lesson 23

Page 157 – words and their meaning: Page 158 – synonyms:

Page 159 – applying meanings: Page 160 – sentences:

Lesson 24: Word List
Study the words.

molar familiar
a large tooth near the back of the jaw with a frequently seen, heard, or experienced
wide surface used especially for chewing food It’s great to be back home in familiar
Adults have twelve molars. surroundings.
used to say that something is easy for you to
recognize because you have seen, heard, or
experienced it many times in the past
I could see a familiar face in the crowd.
relaxed and informal
The good friends spoke in a familiar way with
each other.
too friendly
I felt the waiter was too familiar with us.

peculiar particular
not usual or normal used to indicate that one specific person or
He had a peculiar expression on his face. thing is being referred to and no others
of, relating to, or found in only one person, Is there a particular brand of toothpaste that
thing, or place you prefer?
This is a custom peculiar to Peru. special or more than usual
This textbook is of particular use to grade 1
having very definite opinions about what is
good or acceptable
Mom is very particular about the kind of food
she eats.

afar director
from a great distance a person who manages an organized group of
People come from afar to experience surfing in people or a part of an organization
Australia. My dad is the director of operations for the
a person who directs a play, movie
The first movie was a great success for the
young director.

Lesson 24: Word List
Study the words.

vigor conductor
strength, energy, or determination a person who stands in front of people while
She debated with great vigor. they sing or play musical instruments and
directs their performance
The conductor received a standing ovation
when the concert was over.
a person who collects money or tickets from
passengers on a train or bus
Tickets, please, ladies and gentlemen,
shouted the conductor.

superior splendor
of high quality : high or higher in quality great and impressive beauty
This sofa is of superior quality. Look at the splendor of this castle.
great or greater in amount, number, or degree
The professor has superior intelligence.
having or showing the attitude of people who
think that they are better or more important
than other people
Your superior attitude will get you in trouble
one day.

Lesson 24: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The sound of the violin is very well-known ______________ to me.

2. The way the little box was positioned in the middle of the road seemed quite
odd ______________.

3. She is very picky ______________ about what she eats for dinner.

4. After the performance, the leader ______________ of the orchestra received

a standing ovation from the audience.

5. I could see the farm house from a distance ______________.

6. The business supervisor ______________ had the department do a thorough

job in testing the new product.

7. This machine is exceptional ______________ in quality to that one.

8. She had enough strength ______________ in her to make it through the

extremely busy day.

Lesson 24: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. abnormal, uncommon

2. common, ordinary

3. ordinary, normal

4. close, near

5. employee, follower

6. apathy, inability

7. passenger

8. junior, inferior

9. dullness, simplicity

A. familiar B. vigor C. director D. peculiar

E. conductor F. splendor G. particular H. afar
I. superior

Lesson 24: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. My house is familiar to me because I have lived there for half my life.

Definition of familiar: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. I found the boy peculiar, because he never never went outside at recess.

Definition of peculiar: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. From afar he looked like my friend, but up close he did not.

Definition of afar: __________________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. The children paid particular attention when the teacher began explaining what
would be on the next big exam.
Definition of particular: ______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 24: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

I had a __________, or weird, feeling. This place felt __________. I

thought I remembered seeing that __________stage setup before. On

the stage sat a large band, but instead of being in a semicircle, they

were scattered all over, with statues of band players in some seats

instead of real players. Though it was an odd setup, the beautiful

statues gave it a feeling of __________. The __________, which is the

__________ of the band, moved his wand with __________. I could

see his movements from __________. The music was __________ to

any music I had heard before. All of a sudden, I woke up in the dentist’s

office, with gauze where my back __________ had been. “That was

easy, wasn’t it?” the dentist asked. “Yes, it didn’t hurt at all!” I said.

Lesson 24

Page 163 – just the right word: Page 164 – antonyms:

Page 165 – context clues: Page 166 – paragraph:

Lesson 25: Word List
Study the words.

tremble nestle
to shake slightly because you are afraid, to lie comfortably close to or against someone
nervous, excited or something
My arms trembled after I completed twenty The cat nestled up against my lap in the sofa.
push ups. to place something close to, next to, or within
to shake slightly because of some force something
She car trembled when the large truck drove The baby nestled her head against her
by. mother’s shoulder.
to be afraid or nervous
She was trembling with fear.

stable responsible
in a good state or condition that is not easily used to describe the person or thing that
changed or likely to change causes something to happen
My parents have a stable relationship. Those responsible for the rescue will be
not getting worse or likely to get worse rewarded.
The patient is in stable condition. having the job or duty of dealing with or taking
not easily moved care of something or someone
The ladder is stable and I can now climb it. Parents
calm and reasonable having very definite opinions about what is
My husband is a stable person. good or acceptable
a building in which horses are kept, fed, and Mom is very particular about the kind of food
cared for she eats.
We keep our horses in a stable.

lifestyle political
a particular way of living, the way a person of or relating to politics or government
lives or a group of people live Education is a major political issue.
Eating right and exercising is essential for a interested in or active in politics
healthy lifestyle. He is very political.
involving, concerned with, or accused of acts
against a government
He committed a political crime.

Lesson 25: Word List
Study the words.

journal colonial
a book in which you write down your personal of or relating to a colony
experiences and thoughts Calcutta used to be a colonial city.
I write in my journal every day. owning or made up of colonies
a magazine that reports on things of special The British Empire used to be a colonial
interest to a particular group of people power.
My dad reads a medical journal.

impractical historical
not easy to do or use, not suitable for the of or relating to history
situation As we are interested in history, we have joined
The one bedroom apartment is impractical for a historical society.
families. based on history
not sensible, not able to deal with practical The historical book is based on 19th century
matters effectively society.
He’s an irresponsible and impractical young

Lesson 25: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. to shake from fear, weakness, or cold

freeze tremble paralyse fall

2. to lie close or curled next to

escape inhale obligate nestle

3. fixed, firm, or steady in position; not shaky or easily moved

satisfied shaky stable particular

4. expected to take care of particular duties and jobs

martyr responsible privileged impressive

5. the general way of life of a person or group, including typical jobs and activities

wage career lifestyle activity

6. having to do with the study or practice of politics, politicians, or government

political national law charter

7. a record of a person's experiences, thoughts, or daily events; diary

novel story journal page

8. not useful or wise to do; not practical

impressive concentrated impractical useful

Lesson 25: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. shake, vibrate _____________

2. curl up, bundle ______________

3. accountable, answerable ______________

4. behaviour, way of life ______________

5. Governmental ______________

6. account, diary ______________

7. Balanced, calm ______________

8. unrealistic, unwise _____________

9. chronicled ancient ______________

Lesson 25: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. The horror movie made

can be very dangerous.

2. The little bird nestled

was impractical.

3. Chemical compounds
have a balanced lifestyle.
which are not stable

4. In order to receive
tremble with fear.

5. She likes to work and

shape modern life.
rest well, so she wants to

6. I wrote down all of the

its mother’s side.
activities I did today in my

7. I thought that the plan

she devised

8. Historical events are you must first be

what responsible.

Lesson 25: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. The little boy (trembled/sang/danced) when he heard the thunder.

2. The cat (hurt/prayed/nestled) its head against my foot.

3. Sister Margarite Bourgeois started a school in a (shed/field/stable) in New

France in the 1600s.

4. He is (responsible/simple/suspicious) for keeping track of our money.

5. She knew her carefree (work/control/lifestyle) would end when she had

6. He is not interested in (political/vegetable/wondered) issues and never votes.

7. While aboard ship, he kept a detailed (work/journal/surprise) of each day's


8. India and South Africa were once part of the British

(politicized/wooden/colonial) Empire.

9. I told her not to spend all her money on a swim suit that doesn't fit, but she is
so (intelligent/informed/impractical)!

10. We wrote a (historical/modern/simplistic) report on the Civil War.

Lesson 25

Page 170 – words and their meaning: Page 171 – word association:

Page 172 – match meanings: Page 173 – sentences:

Lesson 26: Word List
Study the words.

resign motorized
to give up a job or position in a formal or having a motor
official way I use a motorized bicycle on the hilly route.
I had to resign my job because we are moving
to a new town.
to make yourself accept something that is bad
or that cannot be changed
We resigned ourselves to the fact that we
would lose the game.

professional preserve
relating to a job that requires special educa- to keep something in its original state or in
tion, training, or skill good condition
Being a lawyer is a professional career. The artifact is well preserved.
done or given by a person who works in a par- to keep something safe from harm or loss
ticular profession We need to preserve the forests.
I need some professional advice from the to prevent food from decaying
banker. You can use salt to preserve fish.
paid to participate in a sport or activity
The NFL star is a professional athlete.
having or showing the skill, good judgment,
and polite behavior that is expected from a
person who is trained to do a job well
The store clerk deals with customers in a
professional way.

profit laborer
money that is made in a business, through a person who does hard physical work for
investing, etc., after all the costs and expenses money
are paid My uncle has been a laborer on a farm his
The company made a profit this year. entire life.

Lesson 26: Word List
Study the words.

glacier recover
a very large area of ice that moves slowly to become healthy after an illness or injury, to
down a slope or valley or over a wide area of return to normal health
land I have recovered from my cold.
The longest glacier in the world is in Tajikistan. to return to a normal state after a period of
Let’s hope the economy recovers soon.
to get something, such as an ability or feeling
I managed to recover my balance before I fell.
to get back something stolen or lost
The police managed to recover my stolen bike.

require basic
to need something forming or relating to the most important part
I am sick and require some help. of something
to make it necessary for someone to do Today we are going to learn about the basic
something principles of addition.
You require a driver’s license to drive a car. forming or relating to the first or easiest part of
We are learning basic French.
not including anything extra
My basic salary is $20,000 a year.

Lesson 26: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The man decided to quit ______________ because he found a better job.

2. At a job interview, you must speak and act in a skilled ______________


3. Jenny made the strawberries into jam so that she could save
______________ them.

4. Since he is a worker ______________, he receives his pay every Friday.

5. I decided to cook a simple ______________ meal that wouldn’t take much

time to prepare.

6. The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big gain

7. Since Jeffrey is sick, he must stay at home to heal ______________.

8. I must have ______________ three meals a day, or I get very hungry.

Lesson 26: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. elementary, fundamental

2. skilled, trained

3. abandon, quit

4. gain, benefit

5. worker

6. need, want

7. mountain of ice, snow

8. power-driven, mechanized

9. care for, conserve

10. find again, get back

A. require B. resign C. motorized

D. professional E. preserve F. profit
G. basic H. recover I. glacier
J. laborer

Lesson 26: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. A classroom is a professional environment. What is that?

an environment where everyone must an environment where students can do

be respectful what they want
an environment where everyone can
an environment for playing
talk when they want

2. In order to preserve a friendship, what do you have to do?

be kind and generous to your friend be selfish and rude

always tell your friend what to do never spend time with your friend

3. On vacation, we saw glaciers. Where were we?

Hawaii somewhere very cold

somewhere very warm Thailand

4. Our company made a profit today. What did our company make?

food computers

money games

5. After I got sick, I needed to recover. What does that mean?

I had to take a walk I had to go back to school

I became sick again I had to rest to get better

Lesson 26: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

Ryan was a __________ who worked on a farm. His job did not

__________ his full attention, so his mind began to wander as he

worked. Ryan dreamed of becoming a __________ racer. He would

love to race __________ bikes! He had the __________ skills of riding

a motorcycle, but he would have to practice riding a lot. It would take up

a lot of time, so he would have to __________ from working on the

farm. He could imagine making a large __________ as a racer, so that

he could buy even nicer motorcycles. As Ryan was daydreaming, he

realized he was moving as slow as a __________. He would have to

work extra quickly now to __________ the time he had lost. He had to

get the crops to the barn quickly to __________ them so that they would

last longer.

Lesson 26

Page 177 – just the right word: Page 178 – synonyms:

Page 179 – applying meanings: Page 180 – paragraph:

Lesson 27: Word List
Study the words.

muster express
to work hard to find or get courage, support to talk or write about something that you are
He mustered up the courage to ask his new thinking or feeling
friends to play in the park. She expressed an interest in the job.
to make your thoughts and feelings known by
doing something other than talking or writing
His love of nature is expressed through his
to show an amount, quantity by a sign or a
The result can be expressed as a percentage.

frantic splendid
feeling or showing a lot of fear and worry very impressive and beautiful
We could hear frantic cries for help out on the Look at the splendid view from the top of the
street. mountain.
having a lot of wild and hurried activity
They were making frantic preparations for the

immigrant inform
a person who comes to a country to live there to give information to someone
Vancouver has a large immigrant population. This TV show will both inform and entertain

Lesson 27: Word List
Study the words.

confident immense
having a feeling or belief that you can do very great in size or amount
something well or succeed at something That tower is immense in size.
I am confident I will do well in the math test.
showing that you have confidence
She had a confident smile as she stepped into
the classroom.
certain that something will happen or that
something is true
She was confident of success.

interrupt ethnic
to do or say something that causes someone of or relating to races or large groups of people
to stop speaking who have the same customs, religion, origin
It’s rude to interrupt when someone else is Our family is of Italian and Chinese ethnic
speaking. descent.
to cause something to stop happening for a associated with or belonging to a particular
time race or group of people who have a culture
Our lunch was interrupted by a phone call. that is different from the main culture of a
to change or stop the sameness or smooth- country
ness of something We live in an ethnically diverse neighborhood.
Our rainy fall was interrupted by a day of

Lesson 27: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. gather a group together; assemble

encourage strengthen muster grieve

2. make known a thought or feeling in words or by gestures

order express depress comply

3. very excited by worry or fear; frenzied

satisfied shaky stable frantic

4. beautiful or grand; making a strong impression

coated strange broken splendid

5. a person who moves permanently to another country from their native land

senior immigrant missionary petitioner

6. to give knowledge to; tell

obstruct inform confuse delete

7. having trust or faith; satisfied and sure

confident simple arrogant entitled

8. to cause to stop; break off

believe constrict propose interrupt

Lesson 27: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. disorganize, divide

2. deny, cover

3. balanced, calm

4. dull, common

5. local, native

6. hide, conceal

7. afraid, fearful

8. little, miniature

9. advance, allow

A. frantic B. immense C. immigrant D. confident

E. splendid F. interrupt G. muster H. inform
I. express

Lesson 27: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. My family is no longer living in Norway as we have immigrated to the US.

Definition of immigrated: _____________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. My friends encouraged me to be confident, and that’s when I finally decided to

try out for the play.

Definition of confident: ______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. Indonesia is made up of 17,000 islands, and the nation is made up of 300

ethnic groups.
Definition of ethnic: _________________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. The teacher informs the student about the upcoming school play.

Definition of superior: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 27: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. The mayor (mustered/printed/inked) two dozen people to pick up garbage

along the highway.

2. The President's speech (controlled/supplied/expressed) the idea that good

schools are needed to make the country stronger.

3. The child became (frantic/particular/popular) when he couldn't find his parents

in the crowded mall.

4. He wore a (boring/splendid/sad) velvet robe trimmed with sparkling diamonds.

5. They were (conduits/immigrants/uniforms) travelling to the United States from


6. I was just (informed/cored/believed) that today is your birthday. Happy


7. Lara is shy, but making new friends has made her more (shy/simple/confident).

8. An (immense/tiny/shaking) wave pulled the boat under water.

9. Loud banging on the door (interrupted/supplied/distressed) the conversation.

10. Our class celebrates many (ethnic/pressed/parting) holidays.

Lesson 27

Page 184 – words and their meanings: Page 185 – antonyms:

Page 186 – context clues: Page 187 – sentences:

Lesson 28: Word List
Study the words.

slain despair
kill a person or animal in a violent way the feeling of no longer having any hope
The dragon was slain by the knight. The mother cried out in despair at her child’s
messy room.
someone or something that causes extreme
sadness or worry
He is the despair of his parents.

restraint attain
a way of limiting, controlling, or stopping to succeed in getting or doing something
something She attained success in her career as a
The government puts restraints on what foods lawyer.
we are allowed to bring into the country. to grow or increase to a particular amount, size
a device that limits a person's movement These trees can attain a height of three feet.
The baby’s chair has restraints to stop her
from falling out of the chair.
control over your emotions or behavior
She showed great restraint in controlling her

layer essay
an amount of something that is spread over an a short piece of writing that tells a person's
area thoughts or opinions about a subject
The attic is covered in a layer of dust. For homework I have to write an essay about
a covering piece of material or a part that lies the importance of healthy eating.
over or under another
The tall cake has five layers.

Lesson 28: Word List
Study the words.

decay frayed
to be slowly destroyed by natural processes a fabric, rope, or cord that is unraveled or worn
The fallen leaves decay on the ground. at the edge
to slowly lose strength, health My skirt is frayed at the bottom.
My grandfather’s health is starting to decay.
to slowly enter a state of ruin
This neighborhood is slowly decaying.

portray features
to describe someone or something in a a distinctive attribute or aspect of something
particular way This car has great safety features, such as
She portrayed herself as a studious child. dual airbags.
to show someone or something in a painting,
The painting portrays a lovely landscape.
to play a character in a film, play, or television
He portrayed a troubled youth in the movie.

Lesson 28: Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The banana peel breaks down ______________ in the compost.

2. Diego was able to accomplish _____________ a bronze medal because of

his hard work and dedication.

3. The actress will characterize ______________ a talented jazz singer in the


4. You have to write many pieces _______________ in university.

5. Katelyn decided stack ______________ the cake with strawberry jam .

6. The little girl felt true anguish ______________ when her pet bird escaped the

7. The dragon was defeated ______________ by the brave knight.

8. The edges of her sleeves were worn ______________.

Lesson 28: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. kill, slaughter ______________

2. shred, come apart ______________

3. caution, control ______________

4. represent, imitate ______________

5. article, piece ______________

6. corrosion, collapse ______________

7. anguish, desperation ______________

8. achieve, accomplish _______________

9. appearance, face ______________

Lesson 28: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. The rope became after the dog chewed on

frayed it.

2. When he lost the

decay in the soil.

3. Marla had to restrain from eating all the

herself cookies.

4. She worked extra hard

her essay topic.
at school

5. Marc layered different but in reality she was

ingredients into the pan, quite kind hearted.

6. She decided to choose because he was making a

her favourite book for cake.

7. Jen saw a banana peel he felt great despair.

8. The author portrayed

so that she could attain
the villain as an evil
good marks.

Lesson 28: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

I was in a state of ______________ after finishing the book. How could

it be over already? How could the author thought to have __________

one of my favorite characters? One of my favorite ____________ of her

writing was how she could ______________ characters in a way that

really made them come to life. The characters didn’t have just one

___________, they were developed with many layers, the way real peo-

ple are. Someday I hope to ____________ that level of writing. Next I

had to write an ______________ about the book. Since I loved the book

so much, I had to show ______________ so that my paper wasn’t too

long! I also didn’t want to give away the ending. I mindlessly picked at

the ______________ edges of my blanket as I thought about what to

write. When I realized what I was doing, I stopped picking at it. I didn’t

want it to ___________ any further!

Lesson 28

Page 191 – just the right word: Page 192 – word association:

Page 193 – match meanings: Page 194 – paragraph:

Lesson 29: Word List
Study the words.

repeat treaty
to say something again an official agreement that is made between
Can you repeat the question, please? two or more countries or groups
to say something after someone else has said The G7 countries signed the treaty of Paris.
Repeat after me: “I love doing the dishes.”
to say something that you have memorized
The student repeated the story in French from
to tell something that you have heard to
someone else
Can you repeat what I just told you to your
to make, do, or achieve something again
I have to repeat the test as I failed it.

headlines wealth
the major news stories reported in a large amount of money and possessions
newspapers, magazines, or television news The company CEO has made a great wealth.
programs the value of all the property, possessions, and
The newspaper’s headlines grabbed the money that someone or something has
attention of its readers. His personal wealth is 10 million dollars.
a large amount or number
I have a wealth of reading choices at the

areas reappear
plural of area to appear again after not being seen, felt for a
a region or part of a town, a country, or the period of time
world. The bird reappeared after months of living in
The areas around town are all farms. the south.
the extent or measurement of a surface or
piece of land
Calculate the combined areas of the two

Lesson 29: Word List
Study the words.

reaction meander
the way someone acts or feels in response to to have a lot of curves instead of going in a
something that happens, is said straight or direct line, to follow a winding
The reaction to our happy news was positive. course
a control that you use when you want to stop a The path meandered through the forest.
recorded song, movie to walk slowly without a specific goal, purpose,
He showed great reactions when he saved the or direction
boy from falling. I love to meander through the forest.
a chemical change that occurs when two or
more substances combine to form a new
The reaction of hydrogen and oxygen is water.

pause audition
a temporary stop a short performance to show the talents of
There was a pause in the conversation. someone
a control that you use when you want to stop a The theater is holding auditions this afternoon.
recorded song, movie
Let’s put the movie on pause until we finish

Lesson 29: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. to say again

repeat entrust rely continue

2. a formal agreement between two or more countries

blessing stamina promise treaty

3. a heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine

summary introduction headline continuation

4. a large amount of money or property or the state of having such

interest land cash wealth

5. a place or region

area perimeter travel simplicity

6. the state of being rich

dimension wealth poverty substance

7. to come into view again; appear again

partake lose disappear reappear

8. a response to something that has happened

reaction passion input creation

Lesson 29: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. money, assets

2. come again

3. caption, title

4. wait, delay

5. duplicate, do again

6. response, answer

7. wander, drift

8. demo, tryout

9. agreement, contract

10. extent, field

A. pause B. reappear C. reaction D. audition

E. areas F. headlines G. wealth H. meander
I. repeat J. treaty

Lesson 29: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. When would I ask the teacher to repeat something that he said?

when I understand what he said when I like the subject

when I need to leave the classroom when I could not hear what he said

2. When someone meanders in a park, what is the person doing?

wandering at random marching in a straight line

running quickly hopping and skipping

3. We tend not to repeat our mistakes because

we keep making them we aren’t interested

we don’t understand we learn from them

4. Which of these actions may get a negative reaction from someone?

doing homework dropping a plate on the ground

helping to cook helping with chores

5. What is something I can audition for?

my family the school play

the tennis club regular math class

Lesson 29: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. The teacher (repeated/describes/sustained) the question for the students who

didn't hear it the first time.

2. The kings signed a (treaty/list/map) that ended the long war.

3. The (monster/surprise/headline) on the sports page was "Spain Wins World


4. As a woman of (poverty/wealth/wishes), she was able to buy a private jet.

5. They have never visited that (area/concert/contest) of the country.

6. The ship (cracked/reappeared/breathed) when the fog lifted.

7. My (knowledge/sentiment/reaction) to getting straight A's on my report card

was to jump up and down.

8. The lost puppy (galloped/meandered/sang) through the streets.

9. While sweeping the floor, the custodian (sat/paused/played) to let the children

10. The actor had an (audition/impression/continuation) for a part in the play.

Lesson 29

Page 198 – words and their meaning: Page 199 – synonyms:

Page 200 – applying meanings: Page 201 – sentences:

Lesson 30: Word List
Study the words.

exhaust authority
to tire out or wear out someone completely the power to give orders or make decisions
That long swim has exhausted me. This office has the authority to decide changes
to completely use up something in staff.
I have exhausted my savings. the confident quality of someone who knows a
lot about something or who is respected or
obeyed by other people
He speaks with authority about dinosaurs.

council pounce
a group of people who are chosen to make to suddenly jump toward and take hold of
rules, laws, or decisions about something someone or something
The town council is discussing how to improve The cat pounced on my brother’s big toe,
our parks in tonight’s meeting. which made us all laugh.
to act or move quickly and suddenly
She pounced on the phone at the sound of the
first ringing.

boundary compound
Something, such as a river or a fence, that something that is formed by combining two or
shows where an area ends and another area more parts
begins The metal reacts with the gas to form a
The boundary between our two yards is compound.
a point or limit that indicates where two things
become different
We need to understand the boundary between
fact and fiction.

Lesson 30: Word List
Study the words.

outnumbered appoint
to be more than someone or something in to choose someone to have a particular job
number The CEO appointed a new marketing director.
At 4 against 2, the girls outnumbered the boys
in the family.

viewpoint avoidance
a way of looking at or thinking about the action of keeping away from or not doing
something something
The novel is written from the viewpoint of a I am good at avoidance as I don’t like conflict.
young girl.

Lesson 30 : Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The leader had the power ______________ to change the rules.

2. The assembly ______________ discussed the issue for over five hours.

3. The tiger watched his prey eagerly, waiting patiently to attack ____________.

4. The barrier ______________ between Marissa and Dani’s house was not tall
enough to stop the girls from climbing over and playing.

5. My friend and I wanted to spend the prize money on ice cream, but we were
surpassed ______________ by others in the class.

6. Who do you think will be recruited ______________ for the marketing job?

7. Jess and I have a different outlook ____________ on what the best sport is.

8. The evasion ______________ that Thomas demonstrated towards his work

did not help him complete it.

Lesson 30: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. energize, strengthen

2. inferiority, powerless

3. individual, one

4. aid, ascend

5. interior, inside

6. division, separate

7. majority

8. retract, disallow

9. coming, arrival

A. boundary B. council C. authority

D. outnumbered E. avoidance F. pounce
G. appoint H. exhaust I. compound

Lesson 30: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. The kids were so hungry they pounced on the dinner as soon as their mom
put it on the table.
Definition of pounced: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. Those two trees mark the boundary of our property; beyond lies Mr. Robson’s

Definition of boundary: ______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. The runner collapsed with exhaustion after completing his first marathon.

Definition of exhaustion: _____________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. The number of people wanting pizza outnumbered those wanting pasta, so

we headed to a pizza parlor.
Definition of outnumbered: ___________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 30: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

This was unfamiliar territory in an alien land. One of the things we had

learned about other species was the __________ of eye contact. For

some alien species, if you look in their eyes they would __________!

We did not want to get hurt. Luckily, that was not the case with this

species. Their space __________, which was the group of people

standing in front of us, had __________. Our spaceship had crossed

the __________ line. They found us because the __________ from the

engine was broken and leaving a trail of smoke. As we sat in the the

room with them, we realized we were __________. We had to

__________ someone as the leader. We wanted them to see our

__________ - it was just an accident! We had gotten lost. After much

talking between them, they let us go. We rushed home, exhausted. The

effect of not enough sleep had begun to __________, leaving us more

tired than we’d ever felt.

Lesson 30

Page 205 – just the right word: Page 206 – antonyms:

Page 207 – context clues: Page 208 – paragraph:

Lesson 31: Word List
Study the words.

convoy royalty
a group of vehicles or ships that are traveling members of a royal family
together usually for protection We treated my daughter like royalty at her
There’s a convoy of trucks driving down the birthday party.
road. an amount of money that is paid to the original
creator of a product, book, or piece of music
I created a song and no I collect royalties on
the sale of that song.

groove bamboo
a long, narrow cut or low area in a surface a tall plant with hard hollow stems that are
I can see the light through the groove around used for building and to make furniture, tools
the door. In Japan, they have entire bamboo forests.

woodland statehood
land covered with trees and bushes the condition of being a state
Our house is surrounded by woodland. Hawaii achieved its statehood in 1959.

Lesson 31: Word List
Study the words.

livelihood section
a way of earning money in order to live one of the parts that form something
There are people whose livelihood depends on This section of the school is closed for
the forest. construction.
a particular area that is part of a larger place
Look for the ice cream in the frozen section of
the store.
a part of a newspaper, play, book
Can you hand me the sport section, please?
a part of a group of people
I sing in the alto section of our choir.
one of several parts made so that something
can be put together easily
The fence is built in 2 by 6 foot sections.
one of the parts of an orange, grapefruit that
can be easily separated from each other
Can I have a section of your orange, please?

petition destination
a written document that people sign to show a place to which a person is going or
that they want a person or organization to do something is being sent
or change something Your package has reached its destination.
Do you want to sign the petition to allow pets
in our park?
a formal written request to have a legal case
decided by a court
He filed a petition for divorce.

Lesson 31: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. a group of ships or vehicles traveling together

convoy layer construction wagon

2. a long narrow cut or dent in a surface

break scissors base groove

3. a tropical grass plant that has hard, woody, hollow stems

oak bamboo maple fern

4. land covered with trees

ocean desert biome woodland

5. the condition, position, or status of being a state

area country statehood city

6. any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is divided

bargain section assortment item

7. a formal, written request by many people that is made to a person in authority

petition request report reappear

8. the place to which a person is going or goods are sent

arrival destination transport distinction

Lesson 31: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. occupation, employment ______________

2. trench, channel ______________

3. forest, wood ______________

4. nobility, majesty ______________

5. division, portion ______________

6. appeal, plea ______________

7. goal, end ______________

8. protect, escort ______________

Lesson 31: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. On her birthday her serving food at a

family restaurant.

a large amount of
2. The door slides along a

3. In the tropical forest,

of the novel.
there is

4. He had a small cottage destination for the trip.

5. She earns her

treated her like royalty.
livelihood by

6. Chapter four was her

postpone bedtime.
favourite section

7. Matt started a petition

in the woodland.

8. For her birthday, Erin

groove in the doorframe.
was able to choose the

Lesson 31: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. We organized a (convoy/boat/truck) to escort the King to his palace.

2. In that country, the (women/slaves/royalty) live in palaces.

3. Their skates left (snow/ovens/grooves) in the ice.

4. Many Japanese grow (grapefruit/bamboo/turnips) in their gardens.

5. We travelled to the (Arctic/desert/woodlands) to visit our cabin.

6. During the colonial period and the early years of (interest/currency/statehood)

the legislature was composed of one house.

7. Farming is his (well being/fare/livelihood).

8. Put the book back in the top (section/elevation/equivalent) of the bookcase.

9. Many parents signed a (petition/book/ruler) asking the school board to improve

the math curriculum.

10. After a five-hour flight, the tourists reached their (car/destination/accusation).

Lesson 31

Page 212 – words and their meaning: Page 213 – word association:

Page 214 – match meanings: Page 215 – sentences:

Lesson 32: Word List
Study the words.

exploration communication
the action of traveling in or through an the act or process of using words, sounds,
unfamiliar area in order to learn about it signs, or behaviors to express or exchange
We are in the age of space exploration. information or to express your ideas, thoughts,
thorough analysis of a subject or theme feelings to someone else
This is a topic for scholarly exploration. I am in communication with our office in San

version admission
a story or description that is different in some the act of admitting or allowing something
way from another person's story or description He has given his admission of fault.
Can I tell you my version of what happened? the right or permission to enter a place
a form of something (such as a product) that is The couple have admission into the theater.
different in some way from other forms
A new version of the software has more
features than the current version.

collision concussion
a crash in which two or more things or people an injury to the brain that is caused by
hit each other something hitting the head very hard
The collision damaged the front bumper of our The hockey player has a concussion from
car. banging his head against the board.
a situation in which people or groups disagree,
a clash or conflict
The reporter is reporting on the latest collision
between the world leaders.

Lesson 32: Word List
Study the words.

confession advance
a written or spoken statement in which you say one of the parts that form something
that you have done something wrong or This section of the school is closed for
committed a crime construction.
The police gained the burglar’s confession to a particular area that is part of a larger place
breaking into the house. Look for the ice cream in the frozen section of
the act of telling people something that makes the store.
you embarrassed, ashamed a part of a newspaper, play, book
I have a confession to make. Can you hand me the sport section, please?
a part of a group of people
I sing in the alto section of our choir.
one of several parts made so that something
can be put together easily
The fence is built in 2 by 6 foot sections.
one of the parts of an orange, grapefruit that
can be easily separated from each other
Can I have a section of your orange, please?

finance residence
the way in which money is used and handled the state of living in a particular place
My bank handles my personal finances. Birds have taken up residence on our roof.
money available to a government, business, or the place where someone lives
person We live in a two-story residence.
The recreation center closed due to a lack of legal permission to live in a country
finances. I’ve been granted residence in Canada.

Lesson 32 : Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. My mom says that we have to purchase a new dwelling ______________,

because our current house is falling apart.

2. The scuba divers decided to partake in a(n) search ______________ of the

sea life in the pacific ocean.

3. Steve and Tracy fought because they had poor contact ______________ and
did not discuss what was bothering them.

4. I think I need a new kind _______________ of this computer. It is falling


5. My acceptance ______________ into the badminton team put me in a good

mood for the rest of the day.

6. The car crash ______________ happened suddenly, but thankfully no one

was hurt.

7. I suffered from a serious head injury ______________ when I tripped and fell
on the ice.

8. My statement ______________ of what I did wrong made the consequences

much less severe.

Lesson 32: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. accident, crash

2. progress, forward

3. head injury

4. owning up, admission

5. economic affairs

6. connection, contact

7. acceptance, access

8. analysis, examination

9. kind, form

10. place for living

A. residence B. confession C. exploration

D. version E. admission F. finance
G. communication H. concussion I. advance
J. collision

Lesson 32: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. When would a collision occur?

when two people go out for dinner when two people run into each other

when two people share a sandwich when two people start talking

2. How do you get a concussion?

from hurting your arm from hurting your leg

from hurting your head from hurting your knee

3. If you are a resident of a house, what does that mean?

you don’t like the house you are borrowing the house

the house is very nice you live in the house

4. What do you have to do if you are financing a project?

pay for it organize it

cook for it help with it

5. What is a form of communication?

running talking

hiding eating

Lesson 32: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

My dad’s favorite college basketball team was playing in town. A few

weeks in ______________ I had ______________ with the ticketing

department for the team through e-mail. I wrote a message to see if they

could help ______________ our tickets to the game, but my mom

helped me write a different ______________ of it to make our case

clearer. They were so nice! We paid ______________ to get into the

basketball game, but they gave us a ticket for my dad for free! We got to

the college early. Since we had some time before the game, we decided

to do some ______________ of the grounds. We explored the

______________ halls at the college. Then it was time for the game!

During the game, there was a ______________ between two of the

players. One of them had to go to the hospital with a ______________.

After seeing that injury, I made a ______________ to my parents that I

didn't think I wanted to play basketball anymore. They said that was

fine, but said not to make the decision today.

Lesson 32

Page 219 – just the right word: Page 220 – synonyms:

Page 221 – applying meanings: Page 222 – paragraph:

Lesson 33: Word List
Study the words.

coincidence tolerance
a situation in which events happen at the same willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs
time in a way that is not planned or expected that are different from your own
By coincidence the two new students are both Religious tolerance is required in a
called Andrew. multi-cultural society.
the ability to accept, experience, or survive
something harmful or unpleasant
Cacti have a high tolerance for heat.

endurance arrogance
the ability to do something difficult for a long an insulting way of thinking or behaving that
time comes from believing that you are better,
Marathon runners are known for their smarter, or more important than other people
endurance. Her arrogance at school has not earned her
many friends.

considerable comparable
large in size, amount, or quantity used to say that two or more things are very
We have wasted a considerable amount of similar and can be compared to each other
time trying to work out who is working on Let’s take a look at two comparable bikes
which part of this project. before we decide on which bike to buy.

Lesson 33: Word List
Study the words.

miserable remarkable
fair and sensible unusual or surprising, likely to be noticed
I feel miserable after my grandparents leave The young soccer player has a remarkable
from their visit. talent.
very sick or unwell
I feel miserable when I am sick.
very severe or unpleasant
I have a miserable cold and cough.
very poor in condition or quality
My car is in a miserable condition.
very bad
I did a miserable job on my math homework.

reasonable acceptable
fair and sensible capable or worthy of being accepted
Your request for ice cream after dinner sounds Sitting still and talking in low tones is socially
reasonable. acceptable behavior in a restaurant.
fairly or moderately good fairly good
I have a reasonable chance of passing the It was an acceptable performance, but not a
science test. great one.
not too expensive
The store has reasonable prices.

Lesson 33: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. a situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not
happening event coincidence forthcoming
2. willingness to accept people whose race, religion, opinions, or habits are
different from one's own
suggestion tolerance independence instance

3. the power of enduring an unpleasant situation without giving way

endurance contribution simplicity boundary

4. having too much pride or belief in one's superiority

understanding communication profession arrogance

5. large in size or amount

considerable decreasing subservient low

6. able to be compared due to having a certain amount of commonality

bearable similarity contrasting comparable

7. very unhappy; wretched

ecstatic miserable reasonable remorseful

8. unusual or exceptional

impossible unusual remarkable tricky

Lesson 33: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. disapproval, weakness

2. discord, division

3. insignificant, minor

4. unfair, invalid

5. idleness, laziness

6. humility, modesty

7. different, dissimilar

8. cheerful, happy

9. average, inferior

10. inadequate, insufficient

A. acceptable B. miserable C. reasonable

D. remarkable E. comparable F. endurance
G. arrogance H. tolerance I. coincidence
J. considerable

Lesson 33: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. My sister gave me a considerable amount of cake that lasted for a week.

Definition of considerable: ___________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. I was miserable when I found out we couldn’t go to the park because I had
been looking forward to it all day.

Definition of miserable: _____________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. Some of the players’ skills were acceptable, while others needed more
Definition of acceptable: ____________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. She can draw trees very accurately. Her art skills are remarkable!

Definition of remarkable: ____________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 33: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. What a (coincidence/feat/happening) that you came in just as I was thinking of


2. These plants have a low (prejudice/saturated/tolerance) for heat and they need
to grow in the shade.

3. Great (madness/endurance/confusion) is needed to run a marathon.

4. It was his (woe/arrogance/benightedness) that made him believe he could treat

his friend like a personal servant.

5. I walked a (potent/considerable/interesting) distance to get to my destination.

6. My sister's situation is (comparable/complacent/objective) with mine now that

we both have children.

7. He's (miserable/excited/happy) about losing his job.

8. That summer was (remarkable/acceptable/sustaining) for its lack of rain.

9. The judge made a (reasonable/outrageous/suspicious) decision after carefully

listening to the case.

10. My grades were (acceptable/hungry/pressing) to my parents.

Lesson 33

Page 226 – words and their meaning: Page 227 – antonyms:

Page 228 – context clues: Page 229 – sentences:

Lesson 34: Word List
Study the words.

favorable tolerable
showing approval unpleasant but able to be accepted or
The new movie received favorable reviews. tolerated
expressing approval, giving or providing what The bad smell was only tolerable for a short
is desired time.
We received a favorable response from our good enough to be accepted but not very good
parents. The student only put in a tolerable effort.
producing feelings of approval
She made a favorable impression on her
tending to help, tending to produce a desired
Trees and plants grow under favorable

honorable reliable
deserving honor and respect able to be trusted to do or provide what is
Teaching is an honorable profession. needed, able to be relied on
having or showing honesty and good moral My car is reliable as it hasn’t broken down yet.
character able to be believed : likely to be true or correct
My uncle, the firefighter, is an honorable man. We need reliable data for our report.
fair and proper, not deserving blame or
I assure you my intentions are honorable.

enormous numerous
very great in size or amount existing in large numbers
With 10 bedrooms, this house is enormous. The popular girl had numerous friends.

Lesson 34: Word List
Study the words.

miraculous monotonous
very wonderful or amazing like a miracle used to describe something that is boring
The boy made a miraculous recovery from the because it is always the same
bad illness. My mom thinks washing the dishes is a
monotonous task.

prosperous furious
having success usually by making a lot of very angry
money The child was furious when her friend took her
Our company had a prosperous year. favorite stuffed toy.
very powerful or violent
The storm last night was furious.
very active or fast
The student worked at a furious pace to get his
homework done.

Lesson 34 : Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The very fast ______________ pace of technological change can be very

overwhelming for people at times.

2. My first impression of the new teacher was agreeable ______________.

3. Her attendance in class was good enough ______________, but if she

started being late more often, there would be consequences.

4. Tom became very sick, but he healed so quickly that the doctors described it
as astonishing ______________.

5. As a student, you always want your classmates to see you as trustworthy


6. She lives in an immense ______________ house, with 8 bedrooms, 5

bathrooms and an indoor swimming pool.

7. I have been asked to make dinner for my family on many ______________


8. The respectable ______________ judge was known for his honest and fair
treatment of everyone who entered his courtroom.

Lesson 34: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. trustworthy, decent ______________

2. acceptable, good enough ______________

3. boring, dreary ______________

4. approving, friendly ______________

5. colossal, gigantic _______________

6. reputable, reliable ______________

7. abundant, diverse ______________

8. amazing, astonishing ______________

Lesson 34: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. For Emily, the letting the new kid sit in

favourable option his spot near the teacher.

2. Heather only found the new students in Jennifer’s

party tolerable, class.

3. Max thought that

and she couldn’t wait to
Joseph did the
go home.
honorable thing by

4. Jim asked Tom to bring

made Jacob feel bored
him the homework he
and sleepy.

5. At the zoo, Becky saw

one day you will prosper.

6. There were numerous enormous elephant.

7. Her monotonous because Tom is very

speech reliable.

8. If you work very hard in between ice cream and

school, cake was ice cream.

Lesson 34: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

Most weekdays were ______________, doing the same thing all the

time, but this Tuesday was different. We were going to go on a hot air

balloon ride if the weather cooperated. If the weather wasn’t nice, I

would be both disappointed and ______________ that we saved up

money for the ride but couldn’t go. Luckily, the weather was

______________ for our hot air balloon ride! Usually I was annoyed

with my sister when she got too excited, but because I was excited too,

she was ______________. When we arrived next to the balloon, it was

______________! The ______________ instruments on the hot air

balloon all looked ______________. The view was ______________! I

could see for miles, and it was just beautiful. I wished we could stay up

there longer, but the pilot had to go back for his next set of riders. His

business must have been ______________, since there were plenty of

riders waiting for him. He could have charged more money, but he

seemed to be an ______________ man.

Lesson 34

Page 233 – just the right word: Page 234 – word association:

Page 235 – match meanings: Page 236 – paragraph:

Lesson 35: Word List
Study the words.

mysterious various
strange, unknown, or difficult to understand used to refer to several different or many
I heard a mysterious noise outside my window, different things, people
to talk or behave in a way that makes other The bike is available in various colors.
people feel that you must have a secret different from each other
What are you being so mysterious about? I have lived in various places, including
London and San Francisco.

reject contagious
to refuse to believe, accept, or consider able to be passed from one person or animal
something to another by touching
I’m sorry, I reject your excuses. It’s best to stay home when you’re sick
to decide not to publish something or make because you are contagious.
something available to the public because it is having a sickness that can be passed to
not good enough someone else by touching
My article was rejected by the publisher. I don’t feel well, but my doctor says I am not
to refuse to allow someone to join a club, to contagious.
attend a school capable of being easily spread to others,
causing other people to feel or act a similar
The college rejected my application to attend
the science program.
The baby has a contagious smile.
to decide not to offer someone a job or
We are rejecting your application for the office
manager job.

glorious resolve
having or deserving glory, fame, or honor to find an answer or solution to something, to
This cathedral shows the city’s glorious past. settle or solve something
very beautiful or delightful The friends resolved their conflict.
The music at the concert was glorious. to make a definite and serious decision to do
She resolved she would stop eating sweets.
to make a formal decision about something
usually by a vote
The committee resolved to move forward with
the proposal.

Lesson 35: Word List
Study the words.

reform researcher
to improve someone or something by a person who carries out academic or scientific
removing or correcting faults, problems research
These laws need to be reformed. My dad is a researcher at the university.
a person whose job involves discovering or
verifying information for use in a book,
My job as a TV researcher is to verify all the
information we report is correct.

opinion refer
a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about to send someone or something to a particular
something, what someone thinks about a person or place for treatment, help, advice
particular thing Let me refer you to our web site for more
Can I ask your opinion about the dress I am information.
advice from someone with special knowledge,
advice from an expert
I went to a new doctor for a second opinion.

Lesson 35: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify

strange mysterious unknown confusing

2. of many different kinds, diverse

various multiple subsequent parallel

3. having, worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration

rapid unfazed miserable glorious

4. able to be spread from person to person

imprisoned substantial contagious impressive

5. to refuse to take, approve, or believe

reject accept observe connect

6. settle or find a solution to a problem, dispute, or contentious matter

refuse deploy resolve confirm

7. make changes in a social, political, or economic practice in order to improve it

satiate system reform dependence

8. a person who carries out academic or scientific discovery

author researcher doctor fireman

Lesson 35: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. agree, answer

2. assorted, different

3. infectious, spreading

4. amend, improve

5. secret, concealed

6. belief, assumption

7. mention, attribute

8. beautiful, dazzling

9. analyst, investigator

10. deny, dismiss

A. reject B. glorious C. researcher

D. resolve E. mysterious F. refer
G. various H. reform I. opinion
J. contagious

Lesson 35: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. If someone is mysterious…

you don’t know much about them you know everything about them

you have known them for a very long

you want to get to know them

2. Matt enjoys eating various fruits. What does this mean?

he likes apples the best he only likes one fruit

he likes oranges the best he likes to eat different fruits

3. If your sickness is contagious, what should you do?

spend time with family avoid people

go to school hang out with friends

4. How do you resolve a fight between two friends?

you tell them to keep fighting you help them find a solution

you get angry at them you let them fight it out

5. Which of these is an opinion?

the sun is a star apples are the best fruit

water is melted ice the sky is blue

Lesson 37: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. Astronomers are interested in the (mysterious/surplus/crazy) flashes of light in

the sky.

2. I have (various/complete/contrary) reasons for wanting to stop playing soccer.

3. At the top of our hike we were met with a (glorious/simple/ordinary) view.

4. Measles is a (tasteful/contagious/harmless) disease.

5. To be an original thinker, you must often (reject/compress/depress) old ideas.

6. He (resolved/believed/controlled) to run the marathon this year.

7. The corrupt city government is in need of (halt/press/reform).

8. Many medical (researchers/assistants/children) are trying to find cures for


9. In my (opinion/thoughts/facts), our math teacher is the best teacher in the


10. My friend (showed/referred/sublimed) me to a good doctor.

Lesson 35

Page 240 – words and their meaning: Page 241 – synonyms:

Page 242 – applying meanings: Page 243 – sentences:

Lesson 36: Word List
Study the words.

request humiliated
an act of politely or formally asking for to make someone feel very ashamed or foolish
something She felt humiliated by the lies he told about
You can only receive the catalog by request. her.
something such as a song that a person asks
The DJ called out for requests.

support mangoes
to agree with or approve of someone or plural of mango
something a juicy tropical fruit that has firm yellow and red
I support your decision to go to university. skin and a hard seed at its center
to give help or assistance to someone or We add mangoes to the salsa to make it
something sweeter.
Our charity supports people in need of food
and shelter.
to provide the money that is needed by or for
someone or something
My mom and dad both support our family.
to hold something or someone up, to stop
something or someone from falling down
The bridge is supported by thick cables.

promptly rummage
in a prompt manner, without delay to search for something especially by moving
The student responded promptly to the and looking through the contents of a place
teacher’s question. We rummaged through the attic in search of
exactly at a particular or the correct time my old toys.
You should arrive promptly at seven o’clock.

Lesson 36: Word List
Study the words.

suspect emblem
to think that someone is possibly guilty of a an object or picture used to suggest a thing
crime or of doing something wrong that cannot be shown
She suspected he had done something wrong This flag is the emblem of our country.
by the look on his face.
to think that something, especially something
bad, possibly exists, is true, will happen
I suspect it will snow this afternoon.

inflated represent
filled and made larger with air or gas to act or speak officially for someone or
We inflated the air mattress. something
too large or high The student president represents her class.
to be part of a sports event or other
He has an inflated opinion of himself.
competition for a particular country, city,
increased to a level that is not normal or school
proper I represent Austria at the Olympic Games.
The price of food has greatly inflated this year.

Lesson 36 : Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. The official informed him that his application ______________ for a parking
permit had been rejected.

2. Ian was ashamed ______________ when he dropped his books down the
stairs and his classmates laughed at his mistake.

3. You should always help ______________ your friends, so they feel confident
they can rely on you when they need a helping hand.

4. Jeremy should come here immediately ______________, because it’s time

for him to blow out the candles on his birthday cake!

5. The raccoon decided to forage ______________ through the trash, as he

looked for his next meal.

6. I guess ______________ that you don’t understand the question, so I will re-
peat it.

7. Before she could ride her bike to the beach, she had to blow up
______________ her flattened tire with air.

8. Ancient Greek symbols each show ______________ a specific number and

are similar to Roman Numerals.

Lesson 36: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. answer, reply

2. praised, pride

3. disapproval, opposition

4. slowly, late

5. arrange, order

6. abstain, disregard

7. shrunken, reduced

8. hide, conceal

A. inflated B. suspect C. humiliated

D. rummage E. request F. represent
G. support H. promptly

Lesson 36: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. The teachers request that parents send school supplies so that all students
will have the tools that they need to be successful.
Definition of request: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. I had to rummage through my messy room to find a pencil.

Definition of rummage: _____________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. I was humiliated when Chris told an embarrassing story about me at the lunch
Definition of humiliated: ____________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. I will represent my class at the tournament, because I am the best in my

Definition of represent: _____________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 36: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

I arrived at the gates ______________ at 5am. I was there to

______________ my whole family, to get us the food we needed. The

national ______________ was on the gate. A line formed behind me.

Someone approached me. “May I _____________ your spot in line?”

she asked. “No,” I tried to respond as kindly as I could. Her chest

______________, and her face began to get red. She responded in

anger, but I ______________ that she actually felt ______________

that I said no. A man came to the gate and began to ______________

in his pocket for a key. We entered the gate and walked to the boxes of

food. The first box had my favorite fruit, ______________. The next box

had green beans. I continued down the line, collecting food to

______________ my family.

Lesson 36

Page 247 – just the right word: Page 248 – antonyms:

Page 249 – context clues: Page 250 – paragraph:

Lesson 37: Word List
Study the words.

neglect combine
to fail to take care of or to give attention to to cause two or more things to be together or
someone or something to work together
This derelict house has been neglected. The students combined forces to complete the
to fail to do something project faster.
The guard neglected to do his duty and the to mix two or more things together to form a
prisoners escaped. single thing
Combine the flour with the eggs and milk.
to come together and form a single thing or
Atoms combine into molecules.

assume migrate
to think that something is true or probably true to move from one country or place to live or
without knowing that it is true work in another
I assume you are arriving tonight. We migrated from Europe to the USA.
to begin a role, duty as a job or responsibility of a bird or animal : to move from one area to
The Governor assumes office tomorrow. another at different times of the year
to take or begin to have power, control in a job Many birds migrate south during the winter.
or situation
He assumes control of the company.

emphasize unite
to give special attention to something to join together to do or achieve something
Let me emphasize the importance of being The workers united in a strike.
kind to others.

Lesson 37: Word List
Study the words.

quote inquire
to repeat something written or said by another to ask for information
person exactly How do I inquire about entrance requirements
She quoted part of the famous play. for this college?
to tell someone the price at which something
can be bought or done
The quote on the truck is too high.

appetite parasite
a physical desire for food an animal or plant that lives in or on another
The toddler has a great appetite. animal or plant and gets food or protection
a desire or liking for something from it
Many diseases are caused by parasites.
I have a big appetite for adventure.

Lesson 37: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. to pay too little or no attention to

dispose wonder retrieve neglect

2. unite, merge

combine diversify control dispel

3. to suppose something to be true without knowing the actual facts

educate assist assume believe

4. a bird or fish that moves from one region to another according to the seasons

fly sail migrate voyage

5. make something more clearly defined

emphasize improve lie destroy

6. come or bring together for a common purpose or action

sustain absorb impress unite

7. to repeat a passage or information from

quote dictionary sentence paragraph

8. Investigate, look into

create submit inquire succumb

Lesson 37: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. believe, take for granted ______________

2. stress, give priority to ______________

3. disregard, carelessness ______________

4. Move, travel ______________

5. blend, mix ______________

6. combine, join ______________

7. craving, hunger ______________

8. ask, look into ______________

Lesson 37: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

I'm sure we can beat

1. The boy had bad teeth
these guys.

2. The brother and sister emphasize specific words

combined their money and expressions

3. I always assume that from Canada to the USA.

for just about anything

4. My family migrated
edible right now.

5. Italics are sometimes and I decided to order

used to something else.

6. I’m so hungry, I have a because he neglected to

real appetite brush them.

7. If we all unite as a the teacher is always

team, right.

8. I inquired about the to buy flowers for their

special of the day, mom.

Lesson 37: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. Claude was so busy with work that he (neglected/impressed/portrayed) his


2. He (breathed/combined/showed) dirt and water to make mud.

3. We (sought/assumed/implied) school would be closed because of the blizzard,

so we made plans to go sledding.

4. Their grandparents (brought/sizzled/migrated) from Ohio to Florida.

5. Your essay (paints/emphasizes/brings) only the bad side of having a little

brother. You need to cover the good side too.

6. The prime minister (simplified/united/contrasted) the members of her party.

7. He (quoted/described/named) Shakespeare.

8. My cousin (inquired/scented/narrated) about the well-being of my parents.

9. I lose my (appetite/voice/toys) when I am sad.

10. The malaria (children/insects/parasites) has a complex life cycle and spends
part of it in red blood cells.

Lesson 37

Page 254 – words and their meaning: Page 255 – word association:

Page 256 – match meanings: Page 257 – sentences:

Lesson 38: Word List
Study the words.

intrude turnpike
to come or go into a place where you are not a major road that you must pay to use
wanted or welcome Let’s take the Massachusetts turnpike.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to intrude,” said the
principal as she stepped into the classroom.
to become involved with something private in
an annoying way
I don’t want to intrude on your private

despite indicate
without being prevented by something to show something
Despite the rain, we decided to go for our This map indicated where the treasure is
planned hike. buried.
. to show that something exists or is true
His flushed cheeks, glazed eyes and hot
forehead indicated a fever.

passive excessive
used to describe someone who allows things going beyond what is usual, normal, or proper
to happen or who accepts what other people She eats excessive amounts of potato chips.
do or decide without trying to change anything
She is far from passive and will pick a fight
with anyone on the school playground.

Lesson 38: Word List
Study the words.

impressive constructive
deserving attention, admiration, or respect, helping to develop or improve something,
making a good impression helpful to someone instead of upsetting and
Your manners are so impressive. negative
I tried to offer some constructive criticism.

executive civil
a person who manages or directs other people of or relating to the people who live in a
in a company or organization country
My dad works as a company executive. Our country has experienced a period of civil
of or relating to the regular business of the
people in a city, town, state
My parents got married in a civil ceremony.
only as polite as a person needs to be in order
to not be rude
She was only civil to me and not very friendly.

Lesson 38 : Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. I don’t mean to interfere ______________ on your conversation, but could

someone please help me carry the boxes into the house?

2. He was courteous ______________ and well mannered, but he was not

overly friendly.

3. Regardless of _____________ Maggie’s worries that there wouldn’t be

enough cake, everyone was able to get their fair share.

4. The children were amazed at the remarkable ______________ dog that

could do tricks like back-flips and dancing.

5. Her personality was quite indifferent ______________, and she never

contributed much to our conversations.

6. The birthday party was too much ______________, and it took us hours to
clean up the streamers.

7. Criticism is always okay as long as it is helpful ______________.

8. The ruling ______________ council at our school makes all the big

Lesson 38: Synonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. local, community

2. highway

3. regardless of, even though

4. trespass, interupt

5. quiet, static

6. helpful, effective

7. remarkable, splendid

8. too much, overdone

9. signify, display

10. administrative

A. despite B. intrude C. excessive

D. constructive E. turnpike F. executive
G. impressive H. indicate I. civil
J. passive

Lesson 38: Applying Meanings
Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. If someone eats an excessive amount of candy, he or she will…

be very healthy not feel very well

live for a very long time not be affected

2. If someone gives you constructive criticism, what are they trying to do?

help you upset you

make you self conscious about your

make you mad

3. What should you do if you intrude on a private conversation?

get upset at them for not including you ask for all of the details

apologize and go speak with other

stay and listen
4. How do you indicate that you are not happy with the way someone is treating
you tell them in a calm and reasonable
you ignore them

you don’t talk to them you fight with them

5. When is it a good idea to be passive?

when someone want to play with you when someone is being mean to you

when the teacher is giving you

when someone is being rude

Lesson 38: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

“Wow, look at that ______________ car! It’s really nice,” said my dad.

The car drove down the ______________, with the turn signal on to

______________ that it wanted to get into the right lane. ___________

the turn signal, the car continued to drive straight! It seemed like it did

not want to _____________ by getting in front of someone else. It was

the opposite of aggressive driving, it was almost too ______________.

You are supposed to wait before changing lanes to make sure you have

enough room, but this amount of time was ______________. “Here’s

some ______________ criticism of that driver: while he or she is being

safe, it confuses people to have a turn signal on for that long,” my dad

said. “I’m going to make the ______________ decision to go around

that car. I want to remain ______________, not get annoyed!”

Lesson 38

Page 261 – just the right word: Page 262 – synonyms:

Page 263 – applying meanings: Page 264 – paragraph:

Lesson 39: Word List
Study the words.

recent decent
happening or beginning not long ago polite, moral, and honest
I recently visited my aunt; we came home My uncle is a decent, hardworking man.
yesterday. showing kindness, seeming to care about the
feelings or problems of other people
Thank you, it’s decent of you to lend me the
good enough but not the best, adequate or
I am a decent singer, but I am no soloist.
appropriate or suitable
We need to go to bed at a decent hour tonight.

cancel innocent
to stop doing or planning to do something not guilty of a crime or other wrong act
We have to cancel our dinner reservation. I didn’t tell anyone your secret; I’m innocent.
to stop something from being effective or valid lacking experience with the world and the bad
I cancelled my magazine subscription. things that happen in life
We were just innocent bystanders when the
fight broke out.
not intended to cause harm or trouble
I apologize, it was just an innocent question.

evidence precise
something which shows that something else very accurate and exact
exists or is true This instrument is precise in its
There is evidence to support our theory. measurements.
material that is presented to a court of law to used to refer to an exact and particular time,
help find the truth about something location
There is no scrap of evidence that he stole We walked through the door and at that
anything. precise moment the phone rang.
very careful and exact about the details of
I am very precise in my work.

Lesson 39: Word List
Study the words.

ceremony emerge
a formal act or event that is a part of a social to become known or apparent
or religious occasion Several candidates have emerged in the
As I have finished high school, we have a running for President.
graduation ceremony coming up. to become known or regarded as something
very polite or formal behavior He emerged as the leader in the golf
With great ceremony, the principal presented tournament.
the students with their diplomas. to rise or appear from a hidden or unknown
place or condition, to come out into view
Several figures appeared from the fog.

fringe exaggerate
a border made of hanging threads used to to think of or describe something as larger or
decorate the edge of something greater than it really is
The lampshade has a beautiful fringe. There’s no need to exaggerate what
a narrow area along the edge of something happened.
to make something larger or greater than
There’s a fringe of moss around the tree.
He exaggerated the dance movements so the
students could see how they needed to move.

Lesson 39: Words and their Meanings
Circle the word that has the same meaning.

1. having to do with or happening in the very near past

conclusive distant recent frequent

2. of an acceptable standard; satisfactory

simple abnormal enough decent

3. decide or announce that a planned event will not take place

wish cancel control sync

4. not guilty of a crime or offense

innocent unsure unimpressed nifty

5. something that gives proof or a reason to believe

pride credit surplus evidence

6. exactness and accuracy of expression or detail

precise unclear improvement siren

7. a formal act done in a particular way to honour a special occasion

wedding birthday ceremony ritual

8. to rise up from or come into view

authorize distress emerge hide

Lesson 39: Antonyms

Write down the word that has the same meaning.

1. old, past

2. improper, incorrect

3. begin, create

4. guilty, bad

5. denial, hiding

6. indefinite, inexact

7. decrease, disappear

8. play down, be modest

A. cancel B. innocent C. recent

D. emerge E. exaggerate F. decent
G. precise H. evidence

Lesson 39: Context Clues
Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues. Explain what clues helped you work out the meaning of the word.

1. I had to cancel my plans to go play with my friends because I was busy

working on my homework.
Definition of cancel: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. The restaurant next to my house is decent, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Definition of recommend: ___________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. I exaggerated to my friends that I had a great weekend, but my weekend was,

in fact, quite boring.
Definition of exaggerated: ___________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. In a few moments, the opera singers will emerge from behind the curtain and
the music will start.
Definition of emerge: _______________________________________________

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Lesson 39: Sentences
Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes each

1. After the (summer/recent/continuous) storm, many people are still without


2. She is a (phenomenal/incredible/decent) cook but will never be a chef.

3. I (broke/cancelled/destroyed) my subscription to the magazine.

4. She got the blame, but everyone knew that the girl was

5. Scientists have not yet found (simplicity/evidence/strategy) of life on Mars.

6. Thanks to the (precise/vague/carded) directions, we were able to find our way


7. My mother cried during the graduation (ceremony/stage/scarf).

8. A shape (hired/emerged/scrunched) from the mist.

9. The cat batted her paw at the (fringe/screen/patch) around the pillow.

10. She (distilled/exaggerated/cooked) the size of the snake she found.

Lesson 39

Page 268 – words and their meaning: Page 269 – antonyms:

Page 270 – context clues: Page 271 – sentences:

Lesson 40: Word List
Study the words.

imaginary gender
not real, existing only in your mind or the state of being male or female
imagination In your passport you need to write down your
The young boy has an imaginary friend. gender.

tragic fidget
causing strong feelings of sadness usually to make a lot of small movements because
because someone has died in a way that you are nervous, bored, to move or act in a
seems very shocking, unfair nervous or restless way
Romeo and Juliet were caught in tragic family Please stop fidgeting at your desk and pay
circumstances. attention.
involving very sad or serious topics
The movie was so tragic.

origin exchange
the point or place where something begins or the act of giving or taking one thing in return
is created for another thing
What is the origin of this word? Can I exchange this pudding for a cookie,
the place, social situation, or type of family that please?
a person comes from an occurrence in which people direct
I am of French origin. something at each other
The friends exchanged glances.
a place where things or services are traded
We’re going to the student book exchange to
find something to read.

Lesson 40: Word List
Study the words.

uncertain unaware
not exactly known or decided, not definite or not having knowledge about something, not
fixed aware
Our time of departure is uncertain. We were unaware we were being watched.
not sure, having some doubt about something
I am still uncertain of what time it is.
not definitely known
The cause of the fire is uncertain.
likely to change, not constant or dependable
The weather in spring is uncertain.

unfortunately incomplete
used to say that something bad or unlucky has lacking some part, not finished, not complete
happened Your homework is incomplete.
Unfortunately, we caught no fish today.

Lesson 40 : Just the Right Word
Improve each sentence by crossing out the words in bold and replacing
them with a word from the word list. Write the word on the line.

1. Though the house in the picture was fictitious ______________, I still

dreamed that one day I could live in it.

2. Sara thought it was catastrophic ______________ that her best friend was
moving to another city.

3. My last name is Scottish in ancestry ______________ because both of my

parents are of Scottish descent.

4. Ray could only squirm ______________ in his seat when the teacher called
on him and he didn’t have an answer.

5. Tracy wanted to trade _____________, her red pencil for my blue one, but I
like blue better than red.

6. I am dubious ______________ that there will be enough marshmallows for

everyone at the campfire.

7. She was ignorant ______________ of the baseball flying towards her head.

8. Sadly ______________, Megan didn’t make it into the school play.

Lesson 40: Word Association
Write a word from the word list that goes with the other two words.

1. fictitious, invented ______________

2. catastrophic, very bad ______________

3. fret, squirm ______________

4. Beginning, birth ______________

5. trade, deal ______________

6. doubtful, changeable _______________

7. ignorant, negligent _______________

8. unluckily, sadly _______________

Lesson 40: Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make
complete sentences.

1. She had an imaginary

she’s nervous.

2. Eleanor thought that

is Denmark.
her house catching on fire

3. My homework is so that we would do extra

incomplete, well on the exam.

4. Kelly always fidgets

her words affected others.

if I want to play soccer or

5. The origin of my family
football in the new year.

6. We decided to
was tragic.
exchange test notes

so I am hoping for an
7. I am uncertain about

8. She was unaware of who went on walks with

how her.

Lesson 40: Paragraph
Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words from the Word List.

“Danny! You can’t stand there!” Sally yelled at me. “Why not?” I asked.

She began to ______________ with her hands. “Casper is there,” Sally

answered. “Who?” I asked. “Casper. He’s right there! You hurt him!

That’s…” she left her sentence ______________, searching for the right

word. “That’s ______________!” I finished for her. She had an

______________ friend, who I was ______________ of, and

_____________ I had stepped on it. I asked her what ______________

her friend is. Sally was _______________ what that meant, so I asked if

the friend is a boy or a girl. She said her friend is a boy. “What is his

______________, or where did he come from?” I asked Sally next. She

said he’d just appeared one day. If there was anyone else in the room, I

would ______________ a look with them about how silly it was. But a

lot of kids have friends like that, so I guess it’s not that silly after all!

Lesson 40

Page 275 – just the right word: Page 276 – word association:

Page 277 – match meanings: Page 278 – paragraph:

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