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God's Design for Your Family

Lesson 6


● To apprehend the bible's teaching about motherhood

● To begin implementing these teachings in our lives and families


● Complete the Wife/Mother Log List


● Peace, Martha. The Excellent Wife.

● Weber, Linda. Mom, You're Incredible.
● FamilyLife,

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I. What is your perspective of Motherhood?

A. Mom has a very _______________ _______________. The character of a

mom has a lasting influence on her children.

B. Mom is ________________ in the family. No one can replace her.

C. A woman’s __________________ has a tremendous affect on how she values


D. Motherhood is not impossible however the “________________” myth is


E. If we have had a negative or tainted upbringing we can learn by God’s grace

how to change the pattern by:

1. Seeking ______________________ from God’s word

2. Being _________________ with the Holy Spirit

3. Seeking ________________ ___________________ as role models

4. Reading helpful books

5. Godly counsel

F. Motherhood is a high and holy calling. Ps 127:3

G. Motherhood is often ______________ by the culture. We need to make and

teach our daughters to make ______________ choices Titus 2:5

H. Mom defers to dad.

1. She does not ___________________ dad in the home.

2. Mom shows respect to dad and does not seek to have ____________ over


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When dad abdicates his position of authority mom usually
assumes the role she was never intended to have. The combination
of a disinterested dad and an overbearing mom can drive children
to run away from home, enter early and unwise marriages (or
relationships) or suffer emotional difficulties.
However, a child who knows that dad is the head, mom
speaks for dad, and dad’s authority backs her up will be more apt
to obey and will have more respect for both parents.

II. Mom builds her home Prov 31:27 & Prov 14:1

A. Building the home is God’s _______________ purpose for a mom.

B. A mother’s home is her primary ___________ ____ ______________.

1. Make your home a ___________ place to be not just a stopover between

events. When your kids face the dark moments in life they’ll run to the

place the feel secure and accepted. Let’s make sure that place is home!

2. Mom primarily shapes the _____________, ___________, and children’s

_____________ in the home.

3. A mother’s home ____________ her values

4. A mother’s home should be the primary place of _______________

________________ and encouragement

C. Prov 24:3-4

1. If you are a mom and have children at home you should prayerfully

consider the following;

a) If working outside the home is an absolute necessity

b) Does the income provide for wants or needs?

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c) Are you able to meet the needs of your husband and children in a way

that honors your family and God?

d) Are you trying to find fulfillment or identity outside the home?

2. Is your home too busy or have too many activities to really know what is

going on in the lives of those that God has entrusted to you?

a) Many parents are so busy the children don’t know where they fit into

their parents hectic schedules.

3. Too much is at stake to take short cuts, hope for the best or assume

someone else will do just as good a job.

D. If we are not willing to _______________ ourselves to fill up our children

who will?

III. Mom loves Titus 2:4

A. Mom _________________ 1 Thess 2:7

B. Mom gives sacrificially in time and energy. Her children have a very valued

_________________ in her heart.

C. A mother’s love includes ________________, _______________, and

__________________. Prov 29:15b, 17

D. God will bless and honor a mother that is _______________ to her family and

God. Prov 31:28a & Psalm 112:2b

E. Mom loves dad. One of the best gifts you can give our children is to love dad.

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1. Make sure you save time and energy for _____________. You need to

fight the temptation to become so child focused that when the children are

gone you find you have no marriage left.

IV. Mom is a teacher Prov 31:26

A. Mom teaches by what she does, what her priorities are, and what she

_________________. Prov 22:6 & Prov 1:8

1. Your children are _________________ you and developing what they

believe based on what they see in you.

2. Too often children wander into sin and danger because their

_____________ outweighs the instruction they’ve received.

3. Consider these points:

a) What are you teaching your daughter about what it is to be a Godly

woman, wife and mother? Prov 31:30

b) What are you teaching your son about the kind of women he should

marry? Prov 31:1

B. Mom teaches and ______________ what it means to trust in and live for the

Lord Jesus Christ.

C. Mom needs to be ____________________ to God and his word not the world.

D. Mom needs to _______________ for her husband and children

E. Mom needs to be faithful, courageous, and strong in


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F. Even when it does not look as if our efforts are bearing fruit remember they

will one day pay off. Everything you do has an impact.

(excerpt from Mom, You’re Incredible pg 23-24)

What will your children remember about their mom?

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