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Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax

2. Schedular tax system- all income is classified;

each classification has its own set of graduated
Income- all the wealth which flows into the taxpayer
or flat income tax rates
other than as mere return of capital
3. Semi-global/Semi-schedular tax system- all
Severance test- For income to exist, there must be income not subject to final tax is governed by
severance or separation from capital or something of the global system. Meanwhile, other incomes
exchangeable value which are subject to final tax are subjected to
different sets of tax rates and are covered by
Indirect payments- payment of an obligation made by a different tax returns
third party constitutes taxable income

Discharge of indebtedness- gain exists once there is a Classification of income:

relief from such liability
 When the discharge/condonation was 1. Compensation income- earned through
gratuitous- subject to donor’s tax performance of services under an employment
Tax benefit principle- bad debts, taxes, and losses are 2. Professional or business income- Derived from
deductible to gross income, unless they are exercise of profession or business or from
subsequently recovered utilization of capital
3. Passive income- acquired without action or
1. Bad debt
effort on the part of the taxpayer
2. Taxes
4. Capital gains is derived from the sale or
3. Abandonment losses (Abandoned well re-
entered and production is resumed) disposition of capital assets

Claim of right doctrine- if a taxpayer receives money or

property and treats it as his own absolutely, to Situs of taxation: whether an object is taxable by
contingently, the amount thereof shall be included in Philippine taxing authority (jurisdiction)
the taxpayer’s income
Gross income from sources within the Philippines

Taxable income: 1. Compensation for labor or personal services

performed within the Philippines
A. Realization (receipt): Income is not taxable until 2. Interests derived from sources within the
it is realized Philippines
3. Dividends from a domestic corporation
4. Dividends from a foreign corporation
1. Actual  50% of its gross income before dividends of 3
2. Constructive- by all events test years were derived from sources within the
a. The right to the income or the liability to Philippines
pay is fixed 5. Rentals and royalties from property or interest
b. The amount is determined with reasonable located in the Philippines (situs: place derived)
certainty a. The use or the right or privilege to use
copyright, patent, design or model, plan,
secret, formula or process, goodwill,
B. Recognition- formal process of subjecting trademark, trade brand or other like
realized gains to taxation property or right
b. The use or right to use industrial
commercial, or scientific equipment
1. There is gain or profit c. The supply of scientific, technical, industrial
2. It must be realized or received or commercial knowledge or information
3. It must not be exempt from tax by law or d. The supply of any assistance that is ancillary
treaty and subsidiary to and furnished as a mean
of enabling the application or enjoyment of
any such property or right in pars (a), (b),
Income tax systems: and (c)
e. The supply of services by a non-resident
1. Global tax system- income is not classified; person or his equipment…or the installation
there is only one tax return or operation of any brand, machinery or
Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
other apparatus purchased from such non- to reside permanently in the Philippines shall
resident person likewise be treated as a non-resident for the
f. Technical advice, assistance or services taxable year which he arrive in the Philippines
rendered in connection with technical with respect to his income with respect to
management or administration of any sources derived abroad until the date of his
scientific, industrial or commercial arrival in the Philippines
undertaking, venture, project and scheme
g. The use or the right to use:
i. Motion picture films 3. Resident aliens
ii. Films or video tapes for use in - Taxable by income from sources within the
connection with television Philippines
iii. Tapes for use in connection with - Not mere transients or sojourners
radio broadcasting a. There is definite intention as to his stay
6. Gains from sale of real property b. The purpose for his stay is capable of being
7. Gains from the sale of shares of stock in a promptly accomplished
domestic corporation

4. Non-resident aliens engaged in trade or

Kinds of taxpayers business
 Taxed like resident aliens
 Resident citizens and domestic corporation are
a. Those actually conducting trade or business in
taxable on their worldwide income
the Philippines
 Other types are taxable only on income derived
b. Those deemed engaged in trade or business,
from sources within the Philippines
having stayed in the Philippines for an aggregate
 Instances where the kind of taxpayer is not
period of more than 180 days.
a. Sale of shares of stock:
- 15% final tax rate, regardless of seller
5. Non-resident aliens no engaged in trade or
- 0.006% stock transaction tax, if traded in
the stock exchange
- Taxed through income from sources in the
b. Sale of real property
- 6% final tax rate on gross selling price or
- Subject to 25% final withholding tax
current fair market value, whichever is
a. Salaries, wages, compensation, remuneration
and emoluments
b. Interests, premiums, annuities, rents
c. Cash, property, dividends
1. Resident citizens
d. Other fixed and determinable annual or periodic
- Semi-global/semi-schedular tax system
casual gains
2. Non-resident citizens
 Capital gains in Sales of shares of stock in a
 Taxed like resident citizens with respect to
domestic corporation and real property subject
income in the Philippines
to income tax
a. A citizen of the Philippines who establishes to
the satisfaction of the Commissioner the fact of Corporations:
his physical presence abroad with a definite
intention to reside therein  Includes one person corporations, partnerships,
b. A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the association or insurance companies
Philippines during the taxable year to reside  Exclusion from the term
abroad either as an immigrant or for a. General professional partnerships
employment on a permanent basis b. Joint venture or joint consortium
c. A citizen of the Philippines who works and formed for the purpose of undertaking
derives income from abroad and whose construction projects, engaging in
employment threat requires him to be petroleum and energy operations
physically present abroad most of the time 1. Domestic corporations
during the taxable year - Taxable for income from sources within and
d. A citizen who has been previously considered as without the Philippines
a non-resident citizens and who arrives in the
Philippines at any time during the taxable year
Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
2. Resident foreign corporations  Sec. 26 Tax Code: the net income of a general
- Taxable only for income from sources within professional partnership is computed in the
the Philippines same manner as a corporation
 Doing business (RA No. 7042, or the Foreign
Investments Act of 1991)
Joint Ventures:
Contemplates the performance of functions normally
incident to an in progressive prosecution of commercial 1. Those formed for the purpose of undertaking
gain construction projects
2. Those engaged in petroleum and energy
a. Soliciting orders and service contracts
b. Opening offices (liaison offices or branches)
c. Appointing representatives or distributors Characteristics:
domiciled in the Philippines
d. Staying in the country for 180 aggregate days or 1. Contribution by its partners or members
more whether capital or industrial
e. Participating in the management of any 2. Sharing of profits
domestic business 3. Joint proprietary interest
 Not included: 4. Singles business transaction
a. Mere investment as a shareholder in a domestic
corporation and the exercise of rights as such
investor or having a nominee director or officer Co-ownership
to represent his interest in a domestic  Not a taxable entity
corporation  Unregistered partnerships form when co-
b. Appointment of a representative or distributor owners allows profit in their property
domiciled in the Philippines which transact
business in his own account The ownership of an undivided thing or right belongs to
different persons.

3. Non-resident foreign corporations

- Taxed with 25% final tax through income Estates and Trusts:
from sources within the Philippines
 Estate- created by operation of law when a
- System followed: semi-global/semi-
individual dies and leaves properties to his heirs
 Trust- arises by virtue of a legal agreement
 15% Final tax rate of income due to sale, barter,
whereby trustor transfers ownership of property
exchange or other disposition of shares o stock
to a trustee, who is to hold and control the
 0.006% stock transaction tax
same according to the instructions for the
a. Interests, annuities, rents, and royalties
benefit of the beneficiary.
b. Dividends
c. Premiums except reinsurance premiums Sec. 26 Tax Code: person
d. Other fixed and determinable annual or periodic
a. Individual
casual gains
b. Trust
c. Estate
d. Corporation

 Taxed like corporation, regardless of creation or

 Partners taxed in their individual capacity

Exception: General professional partnership

Partnership formed for the sole purpose of exercising

ther common profession

Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
 Person or entity granting them may be subject
to donor’s tax, unless exempt by law
Gross income (Sec. 32, Tax Code)- income derived from
a. Those made in recognition of charitable,
whatever source, including (but not limited to):
religious, scientific, educational, artistic, literary,
1. Compensation for services in whatever form
or civic achievement, provided
a. Salaries
i. The recipient was selected without action on his
b. Wages
part to enter the contest or proceeding
c. Commissions
ii. The recipient was not required to render
d. Similar items
substantial future services as a condition for
2. Gross income derived from the conduct of trade
receiving the prize or reward
or business, or exercise of profession
b. Those granted to athletes in international sports
3. Gains derived from dealings in property
competitions, whether held in the Philippines or
4. Interests, rents, royalties, dividends, annuities,
abroad, and sanctioned by their national sports
prizes and winnings, and pensions
5. Partner’s distributive share from the net
income of the general professional partnership
5. Income exempt under treaty
 Failure to comply to administrative issuance will
Taxable income (Sec. 31)- all pertinent items of gross
cannot impair entitlement to tax relief; though
income specified in the tax code less authorized
susceptible to fine or penalty
6. Income derived by foreign government
 Including financing institutions established by a
Gross sales/receipts foreign government
- Exclusions
Gross income 7. Income derived by the government
- Deductions - From public utilities or political subdivisions
Taxable Income exercising essential governmental functions
x Applicable tax rate
Tax due 8. Compensation from injuries or sickness
- Tax credits, if any a. Accident or health insurance
Tax payable b. Workmen’s compensation
c. Damages acquired from either suitor agreement
Exclusions: items not considered in determining gross
income 9. Retirement benefits, pensions, and gratuities
Deductions: items subtracted from the gross income to a. Retirement benefits under a reasonable private
arrive at the taxable income benefit plan subject to the following conditions
Tax credits: amounts subtracted from the tax due to get i. The retiring employee has served the same
at the taxes payable employer for at least 10 years
ii. The retiring employee has reached the
Sec. 32(B): Exclusions are not included in gross income retirement age of not less than 50 years old
and exempt from income tax iii. The benefit of income tax exemption is availed
1. Life insurance only once
 If insurer holds such proceeds under an iv. At not time is any part of the corpus or income
agreement to pay interests thereon, the interest of the plan used or diverted to any purpose
payouts shall be included in the income tax other than the exclusive benefit of employees
2. Amount received as return of premium
3. Gifts, bequests, devises b. Statutory benefits under Republic Act No. 7641
 Donor’s tax applies in the absence of a retirement plan, provided
 Must be given with donative intent (animus i. The retiring employee has served in the
donandi), or out of disinterested or detached establishment for at least 5 years
generosity ii. The retiring employee has reached the age of 60
 Exemption does not include income from the years old or more, but not beyond the
properties compulsory retirement age of 65 years old

c. Involuntary separation benefits of such amounts

4. Prizes and awards received by an employee or his heirs from the

Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
employer as a consequence of separation from 1. [excluding charitable contributions] directly
service due to attributable or connected with the taxpayer’s
i. Death trade, business or profession
ii. Sickness 2. [excluding interests] must be paid, incurred,
iii. Physical disability sustained, or charged of in the same taxable
iv. Any cause beyond the control of the employee year in which they are claimed as deductions
3. All taxes on the itemized deduction claimed, if
d. Social security benefits, retirement gratuities, any, must have been deducted, withheld, or
pensions, and other similar benefits received paid as required
from resident citizens, non-resident citizens, and 4. All itemized deductions must properly be
resident aliens from foreign government substantiated
agencies and other institutions whether private
or public. 1. Expenses
 Directly attributable in the conduct of trade,
e. Benefits due under the laws of the United States business, or exercise of profession
administered by the United States Veterans a. Reasonable allowances for salaries, wages, and
Administration other forms of compensation for personal
services actually rendered
f. Benefits received from the Social Security  Fringe benefits: provided fringe benefit tax has
System, or the Government Service Insurance been paid
b. Reasonable allowances for travel (abroad
10. GSIS, SSS, Medicare, and Pag-Ibig included)
contributions, and union dues of individuals c. Reasonable allowances for rentals and
11. 13th month pay and other benefits payments for continued use or possession
 Officials and employees of public and private  Person has no equity in the property (i.e., owner
entities of the commercial lot; otherwise rent is not tax
 Up to P 90,000 deductible
12. Gains from sale of long-term bonds or either
certificate of indebtedness d. Reasonable allowances for entertainment,
 Maturity of more than 5 years amusement, and recreational expenses (EAR
13. Gains from redemption of shares in a mutual Expenses)
fund  Revenue Regulation No. 10-02: EAR expenses
14. Income derived from sale of gold pursuant to must not exceed ceilings prescribed by the
Republic Act No. 7076 (People’s Small-scale Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of
Mining Act of 1991) the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
a. Sale of gold to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas by i. 0.5% of net sales
registered small-scale miners and accredited ii. 1% of net revenues
b. Sale of gold by registered small-scale miners to e. ½ of the value of labor training expenses
accredited traders for eventual sale to the BSP incurred for skills development in public
educational and technical and vocational
Deductions: institutions, provided
 Exception: i. Covered by an apprenticeship agreement
a. compensation income under an employer- ii. Institution accredited by either DepEd, TESDA,
employee relationship or CHED
b. non-resident aliens iii. Deduction not exceeding 10% of the direct labor
c. non-resident foreign corporations (final wage
withholding tax)
Methods:  Research or development expenditures:
1. claim itemized deductions from gross income: requisites
Sec. 34 (A) to (J) i. Reasonable
2. avail of the 40% optional standard deduction: ii. Ordinary and necessary
Sec. 34 (L) iii. Directly attributable in the conduct of trade,
Common characteristics: business, or exercise of profession
iv. Incurred within the taxable year

Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
v. Substantiated ii. Submitted not less than 30 days nor
vi. Legitimately paid (bribes and kickbacks more than 90 days
excluded)  Rules promulgated by the Secretary of Finance
vii. Subject to fringe tax upon recommendation of the Commissioner of
viii. Subject to withholding tax; already remitted to Internal Revenue
a. Business loss- incurred in business, trade, or
2. Interests profession
Requisites: b. Causality loss- incurred from fire, storm,
a. It must be paid on an indebtedness (valid shipwreck, casualties, robbery, theft, or
existing debt embezzlement (directly attributable)
 If not, it becomes an investment
b. In connection with the trade, business, or
Net operating loss is the excess of allowable deductions
profession of taxpayer
over gross income in a taxable year.
 Not a persona loan
c. Not sustained in a related-party transaction Net operating loss of the preceding the current taxable
d. Stipulated in writing year may be carried over as deduction for the next 3
e. Not a capital expenditure consecutive taxable years, following the year of loss,
Anti-tax arbitrage: the deduction for interest expense
shall be reduced by 20% of the interest income a. The loss has not been offset as deduction from
subjected to final tax, if any. gross income
b. The taxpayer is not exempt from income tax
Non-deductible interests: during the year the loss occurred
a. Prepaid or advance interest- deductible in the c. There had been no substantial change in the
year the indebtedness is paid ownership of the taxpayer’s business
i. At least 75% of the nominal value of the
 Periodic amortizations: amount of principal or
outstanding issued shares are held by the same
amortized paid during the taxable year allowed
as deduction
ii. At least 75% of the paid up capital is held by or
b. Indebtedness to finance petroleum exploration
for the same persons
c. Indebtedness incurred by a taxpayer in a
related-party transaction  Change of corporate ownership exceeding 25%
is substantial
3. Taxes
a. Income tax Capital loss:
b. Estate and donor’s taxes  Deductible only to the extent of capital gains
c. Special assessments  Excluding domestic banks and trusts companies
d. Foreign income taxes (electing foreign tax engaged in the receipt of deposits or sales of
credits) bonds

4. Losses Carried over to the succeeding taxable year as either

Requisites: loss from sale or exchange of short-term capital asset,
a. Either a business loss or causality loss provided
connected with business, trade, or profession
a. The taxpayer is not a corporation
b. Sustained during the taxable year the deduction
b. The loss carried over does not exceed the net
is claimed
income for such succeeding year
c. Not compensated by insurance or other forms
of indemnity Loss from securities becoming worthless considered
d. Not sustained in a related-party transaction loss from sale or exchange of assets on the last day
e. Not claimed as deduction to estate tax purposes of the taxable year
f. [Causality loss] RR No. 12-77 submission of a
 Deduction from wash sales not allowed
declaration of loss:
(disposition of shares at a loss), unless made by
i. Filed within 45 days
a dealer in stock or securities in the ordinary
course of business
Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
Wagering loss: 7. Pension trusts

Deductible only to the extent of gains An amount deductible for employers in excess of normal
contributions; apportioned in equal parts for 10
consecutive years
5. Bad debts
Normal contributions: covering pension liability is
Uncollectible debt despite diligent efforts deductible as a necessary expense under No. 1

a. Sending statement of accounts and collection Past service contributions- incurred to cover pension of
letters employees employed for several years; also apportioned
b. Giving the account to a lawyer for collection in equal parts for 10 consecutive years
c. Demanding payment by judicial action
 Conclusive evidence not required if:
a. Amount is insignificant 8. Charitable and other contributions
b. Collection would be more costly 1. Contributions deductible in full (100%)
a. Donations to the Government covered by a
priority plan by the National Economic
a. Valid and legally demandable Development Authority
b. Connected with the profession, business, or  Education
trade  Youth and Sports development
c. Actually ascertained to be worthless  Science and Culture
d. Charged off within the taxable year  Health
e. Not sustained in a related-party transaction  Economic Development Human Settlements
b. Donations to foreign institutions or international
organizations in accordance/compliance with a
6. Depreciation treaty, international agreement, or special law
c. Donations to NGOs accredited by the Philippine
Reasonable allowance for wear and tear, exhaustion, Council for NGO Certification
obsolesce of property (directly attributable)

 Non-resident aliens engaged in trade or

business in the country- the property must be 2. Contributions subject to statutory limit not
so located exceeding
 Depreciation of vehicles, yachts, helicopters and a. 5% of the corporate taxable income
planes with a value exceeding P2,400,000 b. 10% of an individual taxable income
allowed, provided
i. Main line of business is transport
operations or lease of transport i. Donations to the Government for purposes not
equipment covered by contributions deductible in full
ii. Used in operations ii. Donations to accredited domestic corporations
or associations organized and operated
Methods of computing depreciation allowance:
exclusively for the following purposes
a. Straight-line method: difference between the  Religious
asset’s cost and its expected salvage value;  Charitable
divided by the number of years it is expected to  Scientific
be used  Educational
b. Declining-balance method: recording a larger  Cultural
amount during the earlier years of the asset’s  Rehabilitation of veterans
useful life and recording a smaller amount iii. Donations to social welfare institutions
during the later years iv. Donations to NGOs, no part of the net income
c. Sum-of-the-years digit method: of which inures to any private individual
Divide the number of years remaining in the
asset’s useful life by the sum of all of the years
of its useful life
d. Any other method prescribed by the Secretary
of Finance upon recommendation of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue

Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
Transfer pricing: Sec. 50 Tax Code excess over P800k
P2M-P8M P402,500+30% of the
Power of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to excess of P2M
apportion, allocate, or distribute gross income or Over P8M P2,202,500+ 35% of the
deductions on two or more corporations owned or excess over P8M
controlled directly by the same interests to:

a. Prevent tax evasion Exceptions:

b. Clearly reflect income
1. Fees paid to a director
Sec. 36(A) Items not deductible 2. Sec, 32(A) (2): gross income derived from trade,
1. Personal living or family expenses: since they business, or profession
are unrelated to trade, business, or profession 3. Minimum wage earners
2. Capital expenditures a. Taxable income
a. New buildings b. Holiday pay
b. Permanent improvements c. Overtime pay
c. Amounts expended in restoring property or d. Night shift differential pay
making good exhaustion thereof e. Hazard pay
3. Premiums paid on any life insurance policy 4. Convenience of the employer rule: value of
4. Related party transactions living quarters or meals provided for the benefit
a. Family members of the employer not included for determining
b. Individual owning 50% in value of the compensation income
outstanding stock of a corporation 5. De minimis benefits: facilities and privileges as
c. 2 corporations 50% in value of the means of promoting health, goodwill,
outstanding stock which is owned by the contentment, or efficiency of employees
same individual directly or indirectly a. Monetized unused vacation leave credits not
d. Grantor and fiduciary of a trust exceeding 10 days during the year for private
e. Fiduciary and beneficiary of a trust employees
f. Fiduciary of trusts with the same grantor b. Monetized value of vacation and sick leave
credits paid to government officials and
Optional Standard Deduction: Sec. 34(L) employees
c. Medical cash allowance to dependents or
40% deduction from
employees not exceeding P1500 per semester
a. Gross sales/receipts of individual taxpayers or P250 per month
b. Gross income of a corporation d. Rice subsidy of P2000 or one sack of 50kg per
e. Uniform and clothing allowance not exceeding
 Signified in the tax return, otherwise taxpayer is P6000 per annum
considered to have availed itemized deductions f. Actual yearly medical benefits not exceeding
 General professional partnership: P10,000 per annum
Either the partnership or its partners avail the g. Laundry allowance worth P300 per month
OSD; excluding the other of the benefit h. Employee achievement awards in the form of
tangible personal property other than cash or
Compensation Income Tax: gift certificates (e.g. wrist watch, gold ring, etc.)
Covers renumeration of services performed by an the value of which does not exceed P10,000 per
employee under an employer-employee relationship* annum, established under a written plan which
does not discriminate in favor of highly paid
 Outlives the employee by the moment of employees
payment i. Gifts during Christmas and major anniversary
 Tax schedule effective January 1, 2023 and celebration not exceeding P5,000 per annum
onwards j. Flowes, fruits, books, and similar items for
special events
Not over P250k 0%
k. Daily meal allowance for overtime work not
P250k-P400k 15% of the excess over
P250k exceeding 25% of the basic minimum wage
P400k-P800k P22,500+20% of the l. Benefits received by virtue of a collective
excess over P400k bargaining agreement and under productivity
P800k-P2M P102,500+ 25% of the incentive schemes not exceeding P10,000 in
monetary value for each taxable year
Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
Also: Sec. 32 (B)(7)(e)- benefits not exceeding P90,000

6. Fringe Benefits: good, service, or benefit Corporate income tax:

granted in cash or in kind by an employer,
Regular corporate income tax (RCIT):
excluding rank-and-file employees
 Subject to fringe benefit tax Domestic corporations: 25% rate on taxable income
35% of the grossed-up monetary value of the from sources within and without the Philippines
fringe benefit
Grossed-up monetary value= actually monetary  20% rate only, given the following conditions:
value of the fringe benefit divided by 65% 1. Net taxable income not exceeding P5 M
 Fringe benefits of rank-and-file employees for 2. Total assets not exceeding P100M, excluding
the employer’s benefit is not included in land on which its office, plant, and equipment
compensation income are situated

Resident Foreign Corporations: 25% rate on taxable

income from sources within the Philippines
Purely self-employed individuals and professionals:
Non-resident foreign corporations: 25% final tax on
General rule: subject to graduated income taxes under taxable income from sources within the Philippines
Sec. 24(A)(2)(a); and entitled to deductions under Sec.

Exception: those with gross sales and non-operating Branch profit remittance tax (BPRT):
income not exceeding P3 Million has 2 options: Additional 15% final tax on the total profits earmarked
1. Graduated income tax Sec. 24(A)(2)(a) for remittance by a branch of a resident foreign
2. 8% tax on gross sales or receipts and other non- corporation to its head office
operating income in excess of P250,000  Annual or periodic causal income not
considered branch profit, unless directly related
Income above Income below P3M VAT Threshold
P3M VAT to the conduct of trade and business in the
Threshold Philippines
Subject to Subject to Subject to Applicable whether remittance of branch profit is done
graduated graduated optional 8% tax
actually or constructively.
income tax rate income tax
Liable for VAT VAT Exempt VAT Exempt
Not subject to Subject to Not subject to
percentage tax percentage tax percentage tax Minimum corporate income tax (MCIT):

2% of gross income charged in lieu of the RCIT at the 4th

Mixed income earners: [income from both business- taxable year from the year the corporation commenced
profession] Graduated income tax rate for… business; when the amount of RCIT is less than the MCIT

Income above P3M VAT Income below P3M VAT Excess of the MCIT over the RCIT shall be credited
Threshold Threshold against the RCIT for the next 3 immediately succeeding
1. Compensation 1. Compensation taxable years (i.e., MCIT excess of the previous year
income income added to MCIT excess of the following year)
2. Business or 2. *Optional 8% with
practice of respect to income  Suspending importation by SOF, on CIR’s
profession from business or recommendation based on losses:
profession - Force majeure
- Legitimate business reverses
- Prolonged labor dispute
General professional partners:

General professional Taxable partnership

Net income computed similarly with corporations
Nonprofit hospital and proprietary educational
Not a taxable entity Taxed with regular
(flow-through entity) corporate tax
Partner’s distributive Partner’s distributive Preferential 10% rate on taxable income
shares taxed as business shares taxed as corporate
and professional income dividends (dividends tax)
Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
 Entire income incurs 25% regular corporate
income tax: when more than 50% of its income
b. International shipping: avail preferential rate or
comes from unrelated trade, business, or other
exemption on the basis of:
 Applicable tax treaty or international agreement
Regional and area headquarters: to which the Philippines is a signatory
 Reciprocity, such that international carrier
Not tax income
whose home country grants income tax
A branch established in the Philippines by a exemption shall likewise be exempt
multinational company

- Does not derive income in the Philippines

Income tax on certain non-resident foreign
- Act as supervisory, communications, and
coordinating center for their affiliates,
subsidiaries, or branches in the Asia-Pacific Cinematographic, film owner, lessor, or distributor
regional and other foreign markets
25% of gross income from sources within the Philippines
Regional operating headquarters:
Lessor or vessels chartered by Philippine nationals
A branch established in the Philippines by a
4 1/2 % on gross rentals, lease, or other charter fees
multinational company engaged in any of the following
from leases or charters to Filipino citizens or domestic
 General administration and planning
 7 ½% when derived from non-resident lessor of
 Business planning and coordination
aircraft, machineries, and other equipment
 Sourcing and procurement of raw materials and
components Exempt corporations: Sec. 30
 Corporate finance advisory services
These organizations are generally characterized by their
 Marketing control and sales promotion
being organized for non-profit purposes, and covers only
 Training and personnel management
income derived from such activities
 Logistic services
 Research and development services and Income still subject of income tax:
product development
 From properties, real or personal
 Technical support and maintenance
 activities conducted for profit
 Data processing and communications
 Business development Exception: Art. XIV Sec. 4(3) 1987 Constitution
Preferential rate of 10% on taxable income Assets and revenues of non-stock non-profit educational
institutions actually, directly, and exclusively used for
Banks under the expanded foreign currency deposit
educational purposes
a. Government Service Insurance System
Exempt from all tax except net income as specified by
b. Social Security System
the SF upon recommendation of the Monetary Board
c. Philippine Health Insurance System
Likewise, income of non-residents (individual or d. Home Development Mutual Find
corporation) from transactions with depositary banks e. Local Water Districts
are exempt from income tax
Final withholding tax on passive income:

Final tax withheld at the source (withholding agent)

International carriers:
Passive income includes rents, dividends, and prizes,
2 ½% tax on “Gross Philippine Billings” awards, and other winnings—it is ordinarily acquired
without action or effort from the tax payer.
a. International air carrier:
 Tickets indorsed to another international airline:  Subject to income tax if derived from the
only if the passenger boards a plane in a port or ordinary course of trade or business of the
point within the Philippines taxpayer
 Transshipment: only the leg flown from the
Philippines to the point of transshipment
a. Interests: 20% final tax rate
Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
Deposit substitutes: alternative form of obtaining funds
from the public (at least 20 individuals or corporate
d. Dividends
lenders) other than through deposits, such as issuance,
endorsement, or acceptance of debt instruments Any distribution made by a corporation to its
shareholders out of its earnings or profits, whether in
a. From foreign currency deposits: final income tax
money or property
rate of 10%
b. From long-term deposit or investment: exempt a. Cash and property dividends
from final tax Domestic corporation by citizens and non-
resident aliens: 10% final tax rate
Features of long-term deposits or investments:

1. Int must be issued by banks only, not non-bank Non-resident aliens engaged in trade or
financial intermediaries or finance companies business in the Philippines: 20%
2. It must be issued to individuals in Otherwise: 25% final withholding tax
denominations of P10,000 and other
denominations as may be prescribed by BSP b. Intercorporate dividends
3. It must be evidenced by certificates in such form Domestic corporation by domestic corporations
prescribed by BSP and resident foreign corporation: not subject to
4. It must have a maturity period of less than 5 tax
Dividends received by resident foreign corporations not
In case of pre-termination: final tax rates depending on taxable only when:
the remaining maturity
 The domestic corporation directly holds at least
 4 years to less than 5 years: 5% 20% of the outstanding shares of the foreign
 3 years to less than 4 years: 12% corporation for a minimum of 2 years at the
 Less than 3 years: 20% time of the dividend distribution
 The funds from such dividends actually received
or remitted into the Philippines are reinvested
b. Royalties: 20% rate into the Philippine operations of the domestic
corporation in the Philippines
Exception: 10% rate for royalties from books, other  The reinvestment is made within the next
literary works, and musical compositions taxable year from the time the foreign-sourced
dividends were received
 The reinvestment is limited to funding the
c. Prizes, awards, and other winnings: 20% final working capital requirements, capital
tax rate expenditures, infrastructure projects, dividend
Exceptions: payments, and investment in domestic
1. Winnings from the Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes and Lotto worth P10k or less Tax sparing rule: cash and property dividends received
2. Prizes worth P10k or less, exempt from from a domestic corporation by a non-resident foreign
graduated income tax rates corporation are subject to the preferential final
3. Prizes exempt from income tax according to Sec. withholding tax of 15% (instead of 25%), provided that
32(B) its domicile allows a credit against the tax due from said
a. Prizes primarily in recognition for charitable, corporation equivalent to 15%
educational, scientific, artistic, literary, b. Stock dividends
religious, or civic arrangement
b. The recipient was selected without any They represent mere transfer of surplus to capital
action account
c. The recipient is not required to render
 Cancelled or redeemed stocks become taxable
substantial future services as a condition to
income if the cancellation or redemption was
receive the prize
made in such time and such manner as to make
4. Prizes granted to athletes in local and
it essentially equivalent to the distribution of a
international sports competitions sanctioned by
taxable dividend.
the national sports association, whether in the
Philippines or abroad Factors:

Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
 The presence of a real business purpose 15% final tax for disposition of shares of stock
 The amount of corporate earnings and profits
Exception: if listed and traded in the stock exchange in
available for declaration of regular dividends
the following manner
 The corporation’s history of declaring regular
dividends  If the sale is made by a non-dealer in securities,
 The effect of the distributions, as compared it shall be exempt from income tax, but subject
with the declaration of regular dividends to the 0.0006% stock transaction tax
 The lapse of time between the issuance of the  If the sale is made by a dealer in securities, it
stock dividends and its redemption shall be subject to regular income tax since the
sale involves ordinary assets of taxpayer
Tax income from dealings in property:

1. Ordinary assets:
a. stocks in trade, or those properly included in the 3. Other capital assets
inventory if still on hand at the close of the Capital assets not located in the Philippines not
taxable year subject to final tax; added to ordinary fain
b. Properties primarily for sale in the ordinary
course of trade or business  Banks and trusts companies incorporated under
c. Properties used in trade or business and subject Philippines laws, capital losses from such sale
to allowance depreciation under Sec. 34(F) may be deducted only from their capital gains
d. Real property used in the trade or business of
Holding period rule: Gains and losses from the sale of
the taxpayer
other capital assets made by an individual taxpayer are
also subject to the holding period rule
2. Capital assets  100% of the fain or loss shall be recognized if
the property is a short-term capital asset. A
Property held by the taxpayer, whether or not
short-term capital asset is one in which has
connected with his trade or business, which do not
been held by the taxpayer for 12 months or less
constitute an ordinary asset
 50% of the gain or loss shall be recognized if the
1. Real property located in the Philippines: property is a long-term capital asset. A long-
proceeds from sale or disposition subject to 6% term capital asset is one in which has been held
final tax rate based on gross selling prince or fair by the taxpayer for more than 12 months
market value as determined by the CIR,
whichever is higher
 Even if sold at a loss Non-recognition transactions:
Exceptions: Recognition of income refers to the formal process of
subjecting the realized gains tot taxation
 Dispositions of property to the government or
government owned or controlled corporations: The rational behind the non-recognition of income of
taxpayer’s option to apply the graduated tax these transactions is the presence of the continuity of
income interests. The law treats these transactions as mere
 Sale of principal residence of a natural person, changes in the form of investment
Gains or loss shall be recognized upon the sale or
- The proceeds from the sale are fully utilized
exchange of property
in the construction or acquisition of a new
principal residence within 18 calendar Exception: non-recognition of gains or loss on
months; otherwise, subject to capital gains corporation or its stocks or securities, if
- CIR is duly notified of the taxpayer’s 1. Such corporation is a party to a reorganization
intention to avail the exemption within 30 2. It exchanges property solely for stock or
days from date of sale securities in another corporation that is also a
- The exemption is availed only once within party to the organization
10 years 3. The exchange is pursuant to a plan of

Reorganization: Sec. 40(C)(2)

2. Shares of stock in a domestic corporation
a. Merger or consolidation
Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax
b. The acquisition in exchange for stock of another Taxable income
corporation whereby immediately after the
Persons required to file
acquisition, the acquiring corporation has
control of the other corporation, whether or not 1. Every Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines
the former already had control prior to the 2. Every Filipino citizen residing outside the
acquisition Philippines, on his income or sources within the
c. The acquisition in exchange of stock of Philippines
substantially all the properties of another 3. Every alien residing in the Philippines on income
corporation. In determining whether the derived from sources within the Philippines
exchange is solely for stock, the assumption by 4. Every non-resident alien residing or engaged in
the acquiring corporation of a liability shall be trade or business or in the exercise of profession
disregarded in the Philippines
d. A recapitalization, whereby the stock and bonds
of a corporation are readjusted as to the Also: every corporation, except foreign corporations not
amount, income, or priority, or an agreement of engaged in trade or business in the Philippines
all stockholders and creditors to increase or
decrease the corporation’s capitalization, debts,
or both Persons not required to file: but required to file an
e. The reincorporation, which means the information return subject to the rules and regulations
formation of the same corporate business with prescribed by the SF on recommendation of CIR:
the same stockholders and assets, surviving 1. Individuals exempt from income tax
under the new charter. 2. Minimum wage earners
No gain or loss shall be recognized in the transfer of 3. Individuals whose taxable income does not
property by a person alone, or with others not exceed P250k, unless engaged in business or
exceeding 4 persons whereby practice of profession in the Philippines
 Mixed income earners required to file ITR
1. The property is exchanged for stock or unit of 4. Individuals whose sole income has been
participation in a corporation subjected to final withholding tax
2. As a result of the exchange, the transferor/s 5. Individuals earning purely compensation
collectively gains or maintains control of the income who is eligible for substituted filing

Income tax returns:

Substituted filing: regardless of gross income
A tax return is a formal report prepared by the taxpayer,
showing the enumeration of its taxable transactions, 1. When he is earning purely compensation
their amounts, and the taxes due and payable. income from only one employer during the
taxable year
Sec. 51(A)(5): the individual tax return shall consist of a 2. The income tax thereon has been correctly
maximum of 4 pages in paper, or electronic form and withheld
shall contain only the following 3. The employer properly files the Annual
1. Personal profile and information Information Tax Return on Income Taxes
2. Total gross sales and gross receipts, or income Withheld, which is considered s the substitute
from compensation, exercise of profession, or of the employee’s ITR
conduct of trade or business, except income Filing and payment:
subject to final tax
3. Allowable deductions under the tax code In the taxpayer’s legal residence or principal place of
4. Taxable income business on any of the following:
5. Income tax due and payable  Authorized agent bank
Sec. 52(A): corporate return-- contents  Revenue district officer
 Collection agent
1. Corporate profile and information  Duly authorized treasurer of the city or
2. Total gross sales and gross receipts, or income municipality
from compensation, exercise of profession, or
conduct of trade or business, except income
subject to final tax
If no legal residence or place of business: Office of the
3. Allowable deductions under the tax code
Basic Taxation Law: Income Tax


 When the tax due is more than P2k: payment in

2 equal instalments: one during the filing, the
other on or before October 15

Period to file: On or before April 15, covering income for

the preceding taxable year

 For mixed income earners and purely self-

employed individuals

1st quarter May 15

2nd quarter August 15
3rd quarter November 15
4th quarter April 15 of the next
taxable year

Fiscal year: the accounting period of 12 months ending

on the last day of any month other than December

The corporate quarterly declaration shall be filed within

60 days following the close of each of the first 3 quarters
of the taxable year, and the final adjusted return shall be
filed on or before April 15, or the 15th day of the 4th
month following the close of the fiscal year.

Final adjustment return:

Every corporation liable to tax shall file a final

adjustment return covering the total taxable income for
the preceding calendar or fiscal year

 If the sum of the quarterly tax payments made

during the said taxable year is not equal to the
total tax due to the same year:
a. Pay the balance in case of deficiency
b. Carry-over the excess credit and apply it against
the income tax due for the succeeding taxable
quarters of the next calendar year, or be
credited/refunded with the excess payment

Irrevocability rule: Sec. 76

Once the option to carry-over has been made, it shall be

irrevocable for that taxable period, and no application
for tax refund or tax credit shall be applied.


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