The Metamorphosis Word Study

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Name: Regina Cobar Date: 6/05/2024

The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka

distress aversion listlessly amelioration asphyxiation travail

A. DIRECTIONS: In each of the following items, think about the meaning of the
italicized word or phrase, and then answer the question.
1. David lost his favorite guitar, which caused him much distress. How would
you describe David’s mood? Explain.
David’s mood would likely be described as troubled or upset because
distress suggests a state of extreme sorrow, pain, or worry. Losing his
favorite guitar would have caused him significant emotional anguish.
2. If you love broccoli, do you have an aversion to it? Explain.
No, if you love broccoli, you don't have an aversion to it. An aversion is a
strong dislike or repugnance towards something. So, if you love broccoli, you
would have a positive attitude towards it, not a negative one.
3. Geena, barely having the energy to get out of bed, wandered listlessly around
her house. Is Geena walking around excitedly? How do you know?
No, Geena is not walking around excitedly. The word "listlessly" suggests
that she is moving around without energy or enthusiasm. Her wandering
indicates aimlessness or lack of purpose, which contrasts with the idea of
4. True or false: People working for the amelioration of the condition of their
town after a storm would be seen picking up debris, fixing broken windows,
and helping storefronts repair damage. Explain.
True. People working for the amelioration of their town after a storm would
indeed engage in activities like picking up debris, fixing broken windows, and
helping storefronts repair damage. Amelioration refers to the improvement or
enhancement of a situation, so these actions would contribute to making the
town's condition better after the storm.
5. Has someone experiencing asphyxiation lost the ability to swallow? Explain.
Yes, someone experiencing asphyxiation has likely lost the ability to
swallow. Asphyxiation refers to the condition of being deprived of oxygen,
often due to suffocation or choking. When someone is unable to breathe
properly, their ability to swallow may also be impaired due to the
compromised state of their respiratory system.

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6. For Craig, the travail of carrying his friend three miles through the forest was
forgotten when they reached the camp. Would you say that carrying his friend
was easy for Craig? Explain.
No, carrying his friend was likely not easy for Craig. The word "travail"
suggests that it was a difficult or arduous task. Even though Craig may have
forgotten about the difficulty momentarily upon reaching the camp, the use of
"travail" implies that the act of carrying his friend was challenging or

B. WORD STUDY: A word’s denotation is its dictionary definition. The associations or

feelings that a word suggests are its connotations. Words with close meanings can
express different degrees of an idea. For example, mad refers to anger; furious and
irate describe the same idea with more intensity. Below, provide three synonyms
for each of the following words, varying in intensity, from weakest to strongest.
1. brave 1. courageous 2. bold 3. valiant
2. scared 1. fearful 2. Anxious 3. terrified

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